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5964 LA PLACE CT; ; FS010016; Permit
3/12/24, 4:50 PM FSOI 0016 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fixed Systems Permit Job Address: 5964 LA PLACE CT Permit Type: FIXSYS Parcel No: 2120620600 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: PC #: Project Title: 24 HOUR FITNESS Permit No: FSOI 0016 Status: ISSUED Applied 8/7/2001 Approved: 8/13/2001 Issued: 8/13/2001 Inspector: Applicant: Owner: PRENTISS PROPERTIES ACQUISITION PARTNERS LP C/O LYNN MINNICI 3890 W NORTHWEST HWY #400 DALLAS TX Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 160 0 160 0 about:blank 1/1 FS C) I CV Equipment Submittal For 460-01 2ffOi7iFzTjvE4c 5964 La Place Court Carlsbad, California 92009 to '0 ~44' FM-200 Fire S 147 Ohl ;11~ 1716 / /Qq / / By: Eva good Protection1-18teak 19-4- 1241 North Barsten Way Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 632-0929 Fax(714) 632-0930 dpsi@earthlink.net 23380 Connecticut Street Hayward, CA 94545 • (510) 782-6061 Fax(510) 782-6101 dpsnc@earthlinknet iJililE OFCOiVFEiTS EQUIPMENT DA TA SHEETS FLOW CALCULATIONS BA TTERY & VOL TA GE DROP CAL CULA TIONS EQ ffPMEW DA TA SHEETS ELECTRICAL DEVICES PEGASYS CONTROL PANEL FM-200 RELEASE MODULE RELAYMODULE ADDRESSABLE CONTACTINPUTDEVICE 121' 12ABBATTERY PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTOR IONIZATION SMOKE DETECTOR DETECTOR BASE 6SB ALARM HORN! STROBE, DISCHARGE STROBE 10.ALARM BELL AP-R ADAPTER PLATE FM-200 RELEASE STATION ABORT STATION MAINTENANCE KEYDE VICE PEGAsys Intelligent Suppression Control System Features UL Listed/FM Approved CSFM listed MEA Approved Peer-to-Peer networking (to 32 nodes) Remote LCD display and display/control modules Password Protected Panel Access Distributed intelligence architecture Full analog reporting from SmartoneT?i smoke/thermal detectors Description The Kidde PEGAsysTm is a microprocessor based networkable fire protection control system designed for use with the exclusive series of Intelligent SmartOneTm detectors and loop devices. The system operates within a unique Dis- tributed Intelligence" architecture which distributes the pro- cessing power throughout all system components. This "Smart' architecture, which has a microprocessor, memory, and software in each system component, provides major ad- vances; in system precision and reliability. The Kidde PEGAsys utilizes BIP (Broadcast Index Polling protocol) for loop device communications. Broadcast Index Polling reduces high speed data communication "traffic' thereby reducing the risk of interference. SIP communica- tions feature high immunity to EMI and RFI. As a result, up to 255 Intelligent loop devices can be connected to the single, Style 4(2-wire) or Style 6(4 wire) communication circuit The field wiring can be "T tapped or branched in Style 4(2-wire) configuration. BIP protocol is so robust that in retrofit installa- tions existing detection loop wiring can be reused. All of the 255 addressable input/output devices can be in alarm and operated at the same time. With this critical feature, even a major fire event involving a large number of detectors can be reported and logged by the system. The Kidde PEGAsys Signaling Une Circuit (SLC) provides for unique FallSoffm operation, a redundant feature which allows field devices to report alarm even in the unlikely event of a failure in the system's loop controller communications microprocessors. Underan alarm condition, the devices would sense the loss of communications with the loop controller and automatically revert to the FailSoft mode of operation. Redundant circuitry in the panel, independent of micropro- cessor operation would then report a zone alarm. Thus alarm reporting capability is maintained without costly requirements for processor redundancy. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2000 76-000 Total and easy field programming using Windows" based configuration software Interface to AlarmLine'" Linear Heat Detection systems using Addressable AlarmUne Module (AAM) FailSofi" default operation 80 character alphanumeric display 1024 event history log Up to 255 loop detectionlmonitor/control devices Kidde PEGAsys is completely field configurable. The PEGA- sys Configuration Software (PCS) is a WindowsTM based pro- gram which allows the installer to Upload/Download system configuration information, interface to system menus, and test the system from a laptop PC or equivalent. Kkide's PCS Software coupled with the optional output mod- ules for Signaling, Agent Release, Control Relays and Mu- nicipal Tie allow the installer to tailor the system for new or retrofit applications. All input/output assignments are field programmed using the system's unique Event Output Control (EOC) Logic - a pro- gramming languag& that is simple to learn and use. With this remarkable language, Any single or combination of input events can be related to one or several outputs. Real Time Controls (RTC) are available for a variety of timaf date sensitive operations: Control Relays, Detection Sensi- tivities, Time of Day, Day of Week, Weekend, Month and Holiday functions. A 1024 event history buffer provides a record of events by time and date in nonvolatile memory. This event record is retained, even it AC and battery power are lost. From the system menus, the operatorcan request a display or printout of the most recent events in order to reconstruct the events leading to a fire or an unwanted alarm. From 1 t 1024 of the most recent events may be requested from the history file. The operator does not have to view or print the entire file in order to examine relevant information. The SrnartOneTM smoke and thermal detectors employ DRIFT COMPENSATION. Intelligent SmartOne microprocessor- based detectors continuously analyze and adjust their sensi- tivity to compensate for contaminants that may build up in the sensing chamber overtime. They have the ability to dis- tinguish between a build up of contamination and a real fire condition. Therefore, THE SENSITIVITY LEVEL OF THE SmartOne SMOKE DETECTOR REMAINS CONSTANT OVER TIME Once the detector contamination has reached the level at which it can no longer compensate, the system alerts that detector service is required. Detectors are ser- viced based on actual requirements, not on a service sched- ule. Component Description The Kidde PEGAsys is comprised of several major subas- semblies: the Receiver/Transmitter Module, Networkable Central Control Module, Control and Display Assembly, Power Supply and Enclosure. Optional I/O modules can be added to the base system to increase system functionality. (See individual data sheets for complete descriptions.) The Receiver/Transmitter Module (RX/TX) (P/N 76-100005- 001) functions as the data interlace between the field do- vices and the Central Control Module. The AXITX receives status changes from field devices, then reports and displays these changes. The RX/TX is capable of communication with up to 255 addressable input and/or 255 addressable output devices with Style 4 or Style 6 supervision. Style 7.0 supervision is possible with the use of Loop Isolator devices. There are three versions of loop isolators available allowing the installer flexibility in different applications. These are: single gang mount, 6SB detector base mount and RX/ TX module. Style 4 initiation circuitry permits 1-tapping or branching cir- cuitry. The amount of Ttapping should be a function of sound wiring practice. The maximum distance of the Receiver/Trans- mitter Modules PC line to field devices can be up to 10,000 feet. The Central Control Module (CCM) (P/N 76-100008-501) is the heart of the system and contains the Main Processing Unit, Programmable Memory, Real Time Clock, Watch Dog Timer, RS-232C Ports and Control and Display Assembly. Additionally, the CCM provides network and remote display interfaces. The Central Control Module receives data from the RX/TX, processes the data based on pre-programmed instructions, and transmits commands to the field devices and the display panel. The 80-character alphanumeric display reveals system and field device status. Control switches are provided for acknowl- edging and silencing alarms and resetting the system. In ad- dition, the scroll switch allows the operator to examine mul- tiple alarms and troubles in the system. The Drill switch al- lows the user to sound all programmed alarm outputs. Two RS-232C channels are available to remotely monitor and display information and provide the programming inter- face. Keyboard commands from a personal computer using the PCS Program may be used to access and control the system. A multilevel password protection feature protects the system from unauthorized access. Output Modules are designed to control auxiliary devices from the Central Control Panel. The output modules plug into the I/O motherboard assembly or mount within the Central Control Panel enclosure. Up to sixteen hO modules can be installed on the system. No more than 8 of any one type and only 1 City Tie Module. Signal Audible Output Module (P/N 76-100003-001) - provides four (4) Style DY" or two (2) Style IZU reverse polarity signal outputs. These circuits are supervised for open and short circuit conditions. Each output is electri- cally power limited negating the need for fuses. Each signal circuit may be programmed to operate in one of the following modes: Continuous 60 Beats Per Minute 120 Beats Per Minute Temporal Pattern Agent Release Module (PIN 76-100001-001) - is de- signed for actuating various types of fire suppression systems, including: FM-100, FE-13, Halon, and Carbon Dioxide and is also UL UstedlFM Approved for activat- ing most popular deluge and pro-action systems. The module provides one independently programmable su- pervised releasing circuit for operating separate suppres- sion systems and three style independent programmable Signal Output Circuits. Each signal circuit is capable of providing 2 Amps of 24 VDC. Relay Output Module (PIN 76-100004-001) - is de- signed to provide the system with four individually pro- grammable DPDT Form "Co relays. Relay contact rat- ings are 2 Amps 0 24 VDC or 1 Amp 0 120 VAC. The relay can be used to control building functions such as HVAC and/or Power shutdown during fire conditions. City Notification Module (P/N 76-100002-001) - is de- signed to provide the system with a means of transmit- ting alarm and trouble conditions to a central station re- ceiver. The Kidde PEGAsys City lie Module supports reverse polarity, shunt and local energy output styles. erated and modified using the PCS program and uploaded to the Kidde PEGAsys Control Panel. Programming is pass- word protected. The software is accessed via an easy-to- follow software menu tree which leads the programmer or operator from the general to the specific item requested. The Main Menu of the Kidde PEGAsys Menu Tree consists of four categories: 1:ISOLATE 21lST 3:SET 4:TEST To access a category, the operator simply selects 1,2,3, or 4 and presses RETURN, using the system's integral keypad. Each category is than further defined, leading the operator through the software, from general to specific functions. The password protection feature limits access to authorized per- sonnel only. The ISOLATE Menu category permits the operator to isolate field devices and output modules. Isolating any device Im- mediately causes the system to display a trouble condition, initiates an audible trouble signal, enters an event in the his- tory buffer and a printout with the time, date and device iso- lated. This feature is typically used to temporarily isolate aux- iliary devices during a system test. The UST Menu category permits the operator to list various system parameters. All lists are real time system conditions _which displayand may be printed with the time and date. Typical lists are: Detector Smoke Level Active Alarms Active Trouble Conditions Event Output Control (EOC) Program Line Voltage (checks field wiring integrity) Real Time Control (RTC) Programming The SET Menu category permits the operator to program various system parameters. A few examples are: SET Time and Date ENABLE/DISABLE RTC Program SET Alarm Threshold Level SET Pre-alarm Threshold Level ENABLE/DISABLE RS-232 Ports SET Alarm Verification The Event Output Control (EOC) Programming is a simple language which relates addressable input devices to addres- sable output devices or output modules. Standard Logic op- erators make the language versatile and easy-to-use. In ad- dition, timers are available to delay output operation up to 60 seconds. Cross-zoning and grouping of inputs can be pro- grammed into the system. The Real Tune Control (RTC) program language permits con- trol of events via a Real Time Clock. Events may be pro- grammed to occur on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly time control basis. Alarm and pre-alarm threshold levels of all or specific devices may be increased or decreased in sensi- tivity within the UL limits under RTC control. In addition, ad- dressable relay devices may be controlled via this program. The optional Alarm Verification feature can be used when detectors are in environments with transient smoke condi- tions. A 10-to 60-second delay may be programmed into the system that permits additional verification before initiating the alarm sequence. Power Supply Module (P/N 76-100009-010) - is designed to provide expandable 24 VDC power to the Kidde PEGAsys system. The system power supply/charger assembly provides 4 Amps of 24 VDC power which can be expanded to 8 Amps of 24 VDC power with the use of an auxiliary power supply unit, P/N 76-100009-002. The Kidde PEGAsys system can support up to 8 power supply/charger assemblies with auxil- iary power supply units for a maximum of 64 Amps of 24 VDC power. The power supply communicates status to the CCM over the I/O bus. AC input power is monitored by a threshold circuit which, when necessary, transfers to standby battery to maintain system operation when input power is lost. The 24, 60 or 90 hour standby poser is provided by set(s) of sealed lead acid batter- ies which can be housed in the main enclosure or an optional battery enclosure, the power supply module's charger circuit maintains these batteries in the fully charged state. The mod- ule supervises system batteries for connection and upon dis- connection the system will signal a trouble condition. The power supply provides two auxiliary 24 VDC power out- puts with a maximum of 1.5 Amps each. These auxiliary out- puts can be programmed for resettable or non-resettable op- eration. A power supply trouble relay contact (Form C) is pro- - ---vided-to-allow-remote-indlcation.of power supply trouble con- ditions. Enclosure The Central Control Panel enclosure is NEMA 1 and is de- signed to be surface or optionally semi-flush mounted. The enclosure accommodates all system components and (2) 24- hour standby batteries up to 33 AH in size. In larger applica- tions where system functionality needs to be expanded, the systems allows expansion of both the I/O module capacity and the power supplies. The expansion enclosures allow both I/O motherboards and auxiliary supplies to be added boosting the I/O module capacity to 16 modules and 24 VDC Power capacity to 64 Amps. However, only one city tie per system may be used. Distributed Intelligent Devices Kldcle PEGAsys is a distributed intelligent fire protection con- trol unit whose computing power, is spread across the sys- tem. Each field device has the ability to make decisions and store information. Status, internal supervision, alarm verifica- tion and alarm tests are made within the device. Field devices can transmit various analog data in a digital format, such as percent smoke obscuration level, voltage level of the devices, internal power supply, and voltage level of the communication channel. Nine types of distributed intelligent field devices are available - Photoelectric, Ionization and Thermal Detectors, Addressable Contact Inputs and Outputs, Addressable Signal Output and Addressable AlarmLine modules. (See individual data sheets for complete description.) Programming Language The Kidde PEGAsys Fire Protection System incorporates a programming language that is unique and easy to use. The programming language, Event Output Control (EOC) and Real Time Control (RTC) are very versatile and can easily accom- modate any fire alarm logic application. Programs can be gen- The TEST Menu category allows the operator to test various system components. The test options are: Alarm Test of Detectors Battery Test Walk Test Alarm Simulation Test These unique functions allow the operator to test several as- pects of system operation. The Alarm Test feature will upon command, cause a detector to be tested, and results will be displayed at the Central Control Panel. This unique test fea- tureactualy simulates the presence of smoke in the detector's sensing chamber and verifies that a response is received from the device. The battery test function places the batteries of the specified power supply to be tested under an actual load and display's the voltage measurements taken during the loading to verify battery capacity. The walk test function allows one service person to select desired detection devices to be tested and then walk the in- stallation activating each of the specified detectors and re- ceiving a pulse from corresponding signal outputs as verifi- cation of test receipt. This feature helps to reduce system service costs by allowing one service person to test the en- tire system. The Alarm simulation test allows the operator to simulate the activation of an input and verify the programmed output has occurred. This function is specifically designed for use dur- ing system commissioning, allowing a single person to per- form the test. ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description 76-100000-501 Control Unit Assembly 76-100001-001 Release Module 76-100002-001 City lie Module 76-100003-001 Signal Audible Module 76-100004-001 Relay Module 76-100036-500 Network Interface Card Kit 76-100005-001 RX/D( Multi-Loop Module Technical Information (Base System) Input Voltage: 120/220; 50/60 Hz Input Current: 2 Amps (MAX.) Output Rating: 24 VOC; 4 Amps; Expandable to a Maximum of 64 Amps. Maximum 110 Modules: 16 (Maximum of 8 of any type) except there is only one City Tie Module per system Maximum Intelligent Devices: 255 SPECIFICATIONS See Fenwal Specification 76-013 for complete specifications on the KIDDE PEGAsys fire alarm control system. I l WE I This literature Is provided for Informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL INC. I I assumes no responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular application. The i Fire Systems I product must be properly applied to perform as described herein. I KIODE-FENWAL, INC. I t you need more information on this product, or If you have a question, contact KIDDE- J 400 MAIN STREET, ASHLAND, MA 01721 FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. (508) 881 2000. I TEL: (508) 881-2000 FAX: (508) 881-8920 76000 0150 52000 Kldde.Fenwsl, Inc. Printed In U.S A. Power Supply Module Features 24 VDC System Power Supply 4 AMP Output Rating Flexible Expandable Design Battery Charging and Supervision EFFECTIVE MAY 1995 76-002 True Battery Load Test with report Ground Fault Detection Auxiliary Power Outputs Power Supply Trouble Contact Description The KIDDE PEGAsys Power Supply Module is a micropro- cessor based assembly which provides the system with 24 VDC power derived from 120 or 220 AC input power. The 24 VDC power operates the entire system including the main enclosure hardware and Intelligent loop devices such as SmartOneTh smoke & heat detection devices, addressable input and output devices and audible I visual indicating appliances. The Power Supply Module communicates with the Central Control Module over the RS 485 I/O buss. In the event of any trouble condition involving the Power Supply Module, the CCM will display a specific trouble message informing the operator of the trouble for the particular power supply by module address. Conditions which are monitored by the Power Supply Module are AC Input Failure, Battery Failure & Capacity; Ground Fault Detection (+1-), Power Supply Fail- ure, Microprocessor Failure and Communications Failure. The CCM is capable of displaying a trouble for each of the previously listed trouble conditions. In applications which require increased 24 VDC power, the Power Supply Module can be expanded to provide a full eight (8) amps of 24 VDC power. The module assembly provides connections for and supervision of an additional power sup- ply unit, which supplies an additional 4 Amps of 24 VDC power. The power supply charges and supervises sealed gel-type lead acid batteries which provide standby power necessary during AC input power failure conditions. In the event of AC power (120 1 220) failure, the power supply will automati- cally transfer to standby battery operation and initiate a sys- tem trouble. The unique battery test feature when initiated, performs an actual battery capacity test by placing the batteries under an actual load condition. The power supply reports the results to the CCM for display purposes. If during the test condition the battery voltage should dip below a factory set threshold value, a test failure would be generated by the system. Ground fault detection circuitry insures system integrity by annunciating inadvertent short conditions of system 24 VDC conductors to earth ground. Both positive and negative sides of the 24 VDC are monitored. The corresponding trouble message would indicate polarity of conductor affected by the short to assist in locating and correcting the problem. Two power limited 24 VDC auxiliary outputs are provided for operation of auxiliary field devices. Auxiliary outputs are pro- grammable for resettableor non-resettable operation. These outputs are typically used to power four wire devices such as UV / IR flame detectors, beam smoke detector and the like. A SPDT Form C" dry contact is provided for remote annun- ciation of power supply trouble conditions. These contacts transfer on any power supply trouble condition. Technical Data Installation Input Voltage: 120/220 VDC 50/60 W The power supply mounts on studs provided on the back panel of the KIDDE PEGAsys system cabinet and also in Input Current: 2.5 AC Amps, Maximum the system expansion enclosure. Output Rating: 24 VDC, 4 Amps Battery Charger Output: 3 Amps @ 26.4 VDC Ordering Infonnation Auxiliary Output Rating: 24 VDC -lAmp Each. Operating Temperature: 32 -120°F _ Battery Type (2 Required) Sealed LeadAcid, Gel Type, 4911M, Trouble Relay Contact Rating: 2 Amps at 30 VDC Wiring Diagram SCOUT it I XI4I IED0E4E,MAI.JNC. N'L 11 • N IlIJ __ 51* Iti* 532 all 510 lelSM ______ 9 No cLJ eas NCI e p9 fl owl1PT a F07 S3 e s)II? - _RS486 62 ]IOD III e 131 Al 24V SET IHI A 0 2W (1) REF CON2 AA TB2 IN A - Power Limited A- Regulated Output IclDDE® This literature is provided for Informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL. INC. Fire Systems assumes ivresponsibility for the product's suitability fora pailicular application. The product must be property applied to perform as described herein. KIDDE.FENWAL, INC. 400 MAIN STREET If you need more Information an this product, or if you have a question, contact KIDDE- ASHLAND, MA 01721 FENW/4 INC.. Ashland, MA 01721. (508) 881-2000. (508)881.2000 FAX; (SOB) 8811419M) 76-002 10195 01995 Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. Printed In U.S.A. Part Number Description Weight 76-100009-001 Power Supply Assembly 5.0 lbs 76-100009-002 Auxiliary Power Supply (AC/DC unit only) 4.0 lbs Release Module EFFECTIVE MAY 1996 76-006 Features One Programmable Releasing Output • Sprinkler Release Compatible Three Independently Programmable • Compatible with Solenoid Type Releasing Style or Signal Circuits Devices FM200, FE-13, CO2. HALON, Dry & Wet Chemical Compatible Description The unique Agent Release Module provides the KIDDE PEGAsys system with one programmable release cir- cuit and three Style "V" signal circuits. The release circuit is compatible with all solenoid based KIDDE sup- pression systems. The release circuit is also compat- ible with most popular sprinkler solenoids for sprinkler release applications. Each circuit can be programmed for single or cross-zoned operation from any defined group of initiating devices. With optional programmable time delay and abort sequences, the system can be tailored to application specific requirements. The release circuit output "on" interval is programmable for operation of many styles of solenoid type devices. 90 second, On until reset and Ten or fifteen minute soak options are programmable for NFPA-16 applications, only. The release circuit is capable of activating two solenoid devices for multiple container applications. The release output and the 3 signal output circuits are protected with self-restoring fuses, which provide pro- tection from short circuit conditions. Each signal circuit is supervised for open and short circuit conditions. The release circuit is supervised for open circuit conditions. Upon occurrence of an open circuit condition in the re- lease circuit wiring, the system will display an Agent Release Open" trouble message. In the case of a Sig- nal circuit open condition the system will display a "Re- lease Signal open trouble message. The release modules connection to the system is su- pervised by the CCM, in the event of module removal the system would display a module communication trouble condition. TECHNICAL INFORMATION Release Output Rating: 2 Amps @ 24VDC Supervisory Current: 25 mA, each module Alarm Current: 140 mA, for the program- mable output interval Signal Output Rating: 2 Amps © 24VDC Release Output Type: Solenoid - Constant, 10 mm. or 15 mm. soak, 90 Seconds Operating Temperature: 32- 120°F Installation The Release Module is housed and secured in the I/O Motherboard Assembly. A maximum of 8 release modules may be installed in the system. Ordering Information Part Number I Description I Weight 1 76-100001-0011 Release Module I 1 lb. 1 + 2 30 + 4 Wiring Diagrams Release Solenoids Power Release Circuits One Solenoid Signal Circuits Solenoid One Solenoid Two Signal Circuits EOR To Be 10K CKT#1 EOR 8 + 9CKT#2 EOR 10+ CKT#3 *EOR This literature Is provided for Informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL. INC. assumes no responsibility for the products suitability for a particular application. The product must be properly applied to perform as described herein. If you need more Information on this product, or If you have a question, contact KIDDE- FENWAL, INC.. Ashland, MA 01721. (508) 881-2000. 76-006 5f96 01995 Kldde-Fenwal, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. laDDE® Fire Systems KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. 400 MAIN STREET ASHLAND, MA 01721 (508) 881-2000 FAX: (508) 881.8920 Relay Module Features Four individually Progremmable Relays DPDT Volt-Free Contact Closures Supervised Module Use for HVAC Shutdown Use for Power Shutdown Description The KIDDE PEGAsys Relay Module provides four in- dependently programmable relays for control of auxil- iary functions such as fan shutdown or power shut- down. Each relay has SPDT contacts, which means a single relay module can control up to two separate func- tions. Each relay on the module is identified in software by a 4-character address and a 40-character programmable owner's identification message. The relay module connects into the I/O motherboard of the KIDDE PEGAsys and is supervised by the Cen- tral Control Module. Removal of the module will result in a trouble condition. TECHNICAL INFORMA710N Contact Rating: 2Arnps at 30 VDC or lAmp at 120 VAC Operating Temperature: 32- 120°F INSTALLATION The Relay Module is housed and secured in the Motherboard assembly. A maximum of 8 modules may be installed in the system. ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description Shipping Weight 76-100004-001 Relay Module 1 lb. This literature Is provided for Informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL INC. assumes no msponslbtltylbr the products suitability fore particular application. The product must be properly applied to perform as described herelrL If you need more Information on this product. or If you have a question, contest KIDDE- FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. (508) 881-2000. 76.005 6/96 01995 Kidde-Fenwal, I= Printed In USA EFFECTIVE MAY 1996 76-005 Wiling Diagram KI K2 K3 NOTES: All relay outputs are shown in nom7eJ standby condition. Allcontacts are d,ycontact4pe. 0u4,utsofallrelays are not supeMsed. Ratin's are 24 Ma,dmum@24VDC, IA @ 120 VAC. The maximum number of relaymodules per system is eight (8). The maximum Is one#I2AWG vAre per tennlriaL P KIDDE-FENW INC.,M H=* 400 MAIN STREET ASHLAND,MAOIT2I Rre Systems (NO) 881-2000 FAX: (508) 881.8920 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY& FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING-BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-1076:146 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Control Unit (Non High Rise) LISTEE: Kidde-Fenwal, Inc., 400 Main Street, Ashland, MA 01721 Contact: Terrill Garland (508) 881-2000 DESIGN: Model PEGASYS and PEGASYS ML fire alarm control panels. Power limited. Automatic, manual, coded, noncoded, local, auxiliary, remote station, *central station, water-flow and sprinkler supervisory service. Also suitable for releasing device. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed system description and operational considerations. System components: 76-100008-501 Central Control Module 76-100007-001 I/O Motherboard 76-100005-001 RX/TX Module 76-100004-001 Relay Module 76-100003-001 Signal Audible Module 76-100002-001 City Tie Module 76-100009-001 Power Supply Controller 76-100001-001 Release Module 76-100017-001 Multi-loop Motherboard 76-100009-010 Power Supply Module 76100008600* ML Central Control Module 76100036.500* Network Interface Card RATING: Primary: 1201240 VAC, Standby: 24 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Usted as fire alarm control unit for use with listee's separately listed electrically and functionally compatible initiating and indicating devices. This control unit does not generate a temporal pattern signal. If the distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) In accordance with NFPA 72, 1996 Edition is required, the control unit must be used with appliances that can generate the temporal pattern signal. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. NOTE: For Fire Alarm Verification Feature (delay of fire alarm), the maximum RetarWResetlRestait period must be adjusted to 30 seconds or less. Corrected 08-02-2000 This listing Is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results • and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the Item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation • criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: AUGUST 2, 2000 Authorized By: Effective Issue date to expiration date Aaw~_ I Listing Expires June 30, 2001 BEN HO, Supervising Deputy I • Program Manager (D MH14328 (S) SEALED RECHARGEABLE BATTERY Model PS-625 B Volt 9.5 AN Power-Sonic Corporation 4A The PS-695 Batter, May 14. 1998 E-200 NOTIFIER PS Series Batteries A Pittway Company Section: Power Supplies GENERAL Power-Sonic PS Series batteries provide secondary power for the whole series of NOTIFIER fire alarm control panels. FEATURES Provide secondary power for control panels. Gelled electrolyte. Sealed and maintenance-free. Overcharge protected. Extended shelf life. Easy handling with leakproof construction. Ruggedly constructed, high-impact ABS plastic case. Long service life. Compact design. CAPACITY Battery capacity, expressed in ampere-hours (AH), is the product of a discharge current and the length of time that the current is dis- charged. Batteries are rated according to their performance during 20 hours of discharge at a constant current. The rated capacity of a battery is determined by subjecting it to a constant discharge current for 20 hours at 68°F (20°C). After 20 hours the voltage across the terminals is measured. The discharge current which causes a reading of 1.72 volts per cell (5.16 Von a 6 V battery and 10.32 V on a 12 V battery) is called the rated current. This current multiplied by 20 is the rated capacity of the battery. APPLICATIONS Use the PS Series batteries to provide backup power for..control panels. Select batteries based on current requirements for your system and the capacity of its charger. These batteries can be used over a temperature range of -76°F to +140°F (-60°C to +600C). CONSTRUCTION The sealed construction of the Power-Sonic battery allows trouble- free, safe operation in any position. There is no need to add elec- trolytè, as gases generated during overcharge are recombined in a unique "Oxygen Cycle." The battery is sealed, leakproof, and main- tenance-free. The case is made of ABS, a high-impact plastic resin (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymer) with high resistance to chemicals and flammability. INSTALLATION All panels have space reserved for batteries. See the appropriate panel installation manual for battery size restrictions. Typical inter- connection diagrams are shown in the literature accompanying each control panel. The PS-1242 Battery This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specinc applications or I ISO-9001 anticipate all requirements. AS specifications are subject to change without notice. For Engineering and Manufacturing more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX(203)464-7118 Quality System Certified to N 0-11171 Fl ER' 12 Clintonville Road. Northford. Connecticut 06472 International Standard ISO-9001 Ow .fl1LIIEMMA III1ilhI1II!IiII UIlI1IIItUIIBII uIIJIIRu 6.5 .13 2 6.0 12 cm 5.5 11 > 5.0 10 45.9 4.0 8 100% g 80% TOP VIEW HEIGHT 1 BELOW 3.70 ± 0.08 inches (94±2 mm) HEIGHT 2 BELOW 3.86:t 0.08 inches (96 ± 2mm) I-' 171 - I t 1 BB-17: Optional Batter,' Backbox A 14-117 W x 8-114 H x 4-3/4 D SIDE 2 (mm: 368.3 W x 209.55 H x 120.65 D) For remote mounting of two 12-volt VIEW PS-12180 batteries. 5.94 ± 0.04 inches (151 ±1 mm) 2.56 ± 0.04 inches I (65±1 mm) I BB-55: Optional Batter,' Backbox See CHG-120 catalog sheet for details. k ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS The fire control panel shall be equipped with secondary power provided by gelied-electrolyte batteries. The batteries shall be maintenance-free and shall be capable of powering the system in a manner and for a length of time determined by the governing regulations and the authority having jurisdiction. MODEL Nominal Voltage V Nominal Capacity © 20 hr. rate A.H. Discharge Current @ 20 hr. rate mA . DIMENSIONS Width Depth Height Height over terminal Weight in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. in. mm. lbs. kg. PS-695 6 9.5 475 4.26 108 2.75 70 5.54 141 5.54 141 4.9 2.2 PS-1242 12 4.0 200 3.54 1 90 2.16 70 3.98 101 4.13 105 3.8 1.7 PS-1270 12 7.0 325 5.94 151 2.56 65 3.70 94 3.86 98 5.7 2.6 PS-12120 12 12 600 5.94 151 3.86 98 3.70 94 3.86 98 8.8 4.7 PS-12180 12 18 875 7.13 181 1 2.99 76 6.57 167 6.57 1 167 12.8 5.8 PS-12250 12 25 1300 6.89 175 6.54 166 4.92 125 4.92 1 .12.5 18.7 8.5 PS-12600 12 60 . 3000 10.25 260 6.60 168 8.20 208 9.45 240 39.7J 18.0 PS-121000 12 100 5000 12.00 305 6.60 168 t8,20 208 9.45 240 65.7 J 29.8 Characteristic Discharge Curves 120% Effect of Temperature on Capacity 20% - 1 2 3 5 10 2030 60 2 3 5 10 20 30 0% minutes -hours -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Discharge Time @ 20C (68,F) Temperature (Degrees C.) Page 2of3 - ON-1 109 I I 025 C: Effective: August 1999 Distributed Intelligence Photoelectric & Ionization Smoke and Thermal Detectors The Intelligent Smoke Detectors 74-210 - 'a 78--1 1 iIi FEATURES True Distributed Intelligence Field Programmable Alarm and Pm-Alarm Set Points Internal Supervision Fail Soft Operation Alarm Verification Calibrated Alarm Test by Command to Sensor Level Drift Compensation Non-Polarized Low Profile Style Eurostyle Base Full Analog Display of Detector Values Electronic Addressing UL Listed FM Approved DESCRIPTION These unique Smart detectors provide true distributed intel- ligence by storing and analyzing calibration data and pre- alarm and alarm values. Each detector head continuously makes on-location decisions and reports its status, as re- quired, to the Central Control Panel. This distributed intelligence architecture, featuring an intrin- sic microprocessor with 4K of nonvolatile memory in each individual detector, analyzes data and makes decisions within the monitored area. This unique utilization of processing makes possible a system with greater capacity and flexibil- ity than a conventional centralized system. As an example, up to 255 detectors can be connected on a single pair of wires connected to one RX/TX module. All devices can be full analog, all devices can be in simulta- neous alarm. TWO PROGRAMMABLE ALARM SET POINTS The detector alarm and pre-alarm set point levels are fac- tory-set in units of percent obscuration/foot or degrees (F) and may be changed by the operator. Both set points, how- ever, can be set within the UL allowable limits which are stored in the control panel's nonvolatile memory. The pre- alarm set point typically is used as an early warning signal. On receipt of a pre-alarm signal, a trouble condition is gen- erated at the panel. The operator may, in addition to sending someone to investigate, request actual percent obscuration levels from that, or any other, detector. The alarm and pre-alarm setting of each detector may be changed either electronically or from the Central Control Panel RTC program or even off site via modem. For ex- ample, a detector located in a cafeteria can be programmed to desensitize automatically every lunch hour except week- ends and holidays. DRIFT COMPENSATION Each smoke detector is self-monitoring for drift from alarm set point caused by long-term environmental conditions, contamination or electronic component aging. Using a care- fully designed algorithm, the detector measures and aver- ages 32 days of normal" smoke level. This data then is used in the drift compensation algorithm to maintain the proper set point as programmed for the unit If the detector cannot compensate, a trouble signal is sent to the Central Control Panel identifying the affected detector and the state: "Drift Error." INTERNAL SUPERVISION The weakest link in a conventional or standard addressable system is the inability to monitor the operating condition of the smoke detector. The SmarlOneTm constantly monitors its own status by supervising and reporting a trouble condition when a fault occurs in one of the following items: Internal Power Supply Voltage Improper Line Voltage from the Control Panel Faulty Writings of Data into Memorj Uncompensatible Drift FAIL SOFT OPERATION Should there be a failure in the communications link between the Central Control Panel interface and a detector, the de- tector will operate as a standard unit. That is, it will cause a general alarm by channel when smoke density or tempera- ture reaches the alarm point. It will not, however, report its status. Upon reestablishment of communications with central con- trol, the detector will return to its prior program without fur- ther action. STATUS LED A LED is provided on the SmartOnelm to indicate status of the smoke detector. A high flash rate indicates alarm; a slow rate normal; when a trouble exists, the LED is off. PROGRAMMING INFORMATION Each detector is field programmed with its owner location message (location of the detector in the building or on the site), its system address (a four digit code), pre-alarm set point and alarm set point (if different from factory settings). In addition, the detector type, either photoelectric, ionization or thermal and proper calibration are stored into the memory at the factory. This permits the Central Control Panel to verify that the proper type detector and correct address is installed in the system. BASE WIRING INFORMATION CD (1) CD CD CD IL CDri CD CD £RXIIX ] WARNING TO PREVENT DETECTION CONTAMINATION AND SUBSEQUENT WARRANTY CANCELLATION, SMOKE DETECTORS MUST REMAIN COVERED UNTIL AREA IS CLEAN AND DUST FREE. GENERAL NOTES No E.O.L. device is needed for SmartOneN detectors. 'T' tapping wiring method is acceptable for Class "B" wiring. Number of taps only function of good practice. To ensure proper installation of the detector head to the base, be sure wires are properly dressed at installation. Position all wires flat against the base. Take up all slack in outlet box. Route wires away from the connector terminals NOTE: Nominal factory settings of detectors are as follows Photoelectric detectors Alarm 2.0%/ft., Pre-alarm 1.5%/ft. Ionization detectors Alarm 1.0%/ft., Pre-alarm 0.8%/ft. Thermal Alarm 140°F (60°C) Pre-alarm 120°F (49°C) Programming is done via a PC or hand held programmer at the job site or may be accomplished remotely via a modem. To avoid tampering, three levels of security are provided to program or alter the program. The system will reject attempts to program alarm and pre- alarm set point levels exceeding the Underwriters Laborato- ries designated window. ALARM TEST BY COMMAND Any or all detectors can be tested by command from the Central Control Panel. This test procedure precisely dupli- cates in-place testing of each detector by imposing a signal on the detector sensing chamber that will cause an alarm output. Results of the test will be indicated at the Central Control Panel or virtually any remote location for monitoring or troubleshooting purposes. COMMUNICATION VERIFICATION When a detector reaches its pre-alarm or alarm set point, it conducts a verification procedure with the Central Control Panel which repeats the communication cycle four separate times before the system accepts its change of status. The maximum time for this verification procedure is a rapid 2.5 seconds. DETECTOR IDENTIFICATION Part Number Description 70-400001-100 Common 6" Base Model 6SB 70-400001-101 Common 4" Base Model 4SB 70-400001-200 Mechanical Adapter Model MA -002 70-402001-100 Ionization Detector Model CPD 7052 71-402001-100 Photoelectric Detector Model PSD 7152 70-404001-100 Thermistor Heat Detector Model THD 7252 2 SPECIFICATIONS Input Voltage 16.5 - 27.5 VDC Standby Current 350pA, typical Alarm Current 425pA typical Max. Detectors per Channel 255 (all can be in alarm simultaneously) LED PULSE MODES Normal 9 second interval Trouble LED is off. Alarm 2.0 second interval Operating Temperature 32- 100°F EMI Immunity Meets UL 268 SENSITIVITY Open Area High Velocity Ionization 0.5- 1.5 %IFt 0.5- 1.0 %/Ft Photoelectric 0.5- 3.5 %IFt 0.5 - 2.0%/Ft SPACING 50 Ft 70 Ft Thermal 135°- 145°F 135°- 155°F Thermal detectors are limited to 20 Ft spacing when used on Factory Mutual (FM) approved applications. NOTE: These detectors are compatible only with fire alarm systems, utilizing a Receiver/Transmitter Module. INSTALLATION Detector bases are mounted directly to a 4" octagonal box. Please refer to NFPA 72-1996 and Fenwal's uApplications Engineering Manual" (MC-402) for spacing, location of de- tectors and other guildelines. Also, refer to Fenwal Publica- tion 74-212 for detailed installation instructions. The detector base is equipped with an integrally molded lock- ing tab to prevent unauthorized removal. Once locked into place, the detector can be removed only by inserting a screw- driver blade into the slot while simultaneously turning the detector head counterclockwise. If the detector is to be mounted to a ceiling high enough to cause access difficulty, it is recommended that the locking tab be removed prior to installation. To remove locking tab, bend outward until it breaks off. MAINTENANCE The minimal requirement for detector maintenance consists of an annual cleaning of dust from the detector head by us- ing the suction of a vacuum cleaner. Cleaning programs should be geared to the individual environment RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Less than 1.0 microcuries Americium 241 in ionization de- tector. Shielded by stainless steel housing. CAUTION Do not attempt disassembly of the factory sealed sensing chamber. This assembly is sealed for your protection and is not intended to be opened for servicing. APPLICATION DATA The smart detectors are compatible with control equipment which utilizes the Receiver Transmitter Module (RX/TX). Each RX/TX can communicate to 255 smart or addressable devices. The circuitry may be either Class "A" or Class "B". Class "A" requires a series loop circuitry with the loop re turning to the RX/TX, Class "B" does not require this return to the RXJT)( and permits unlimited T Tapping. All SmartOneN detectors utilize the same base and may be interchanged. (Changing detector types, however, requires a change in system programming.) Installation is both simple and fast because of screw type connections and the non- polarized detector feature. The detector is fitted to the base by a twist-to-lock action. A removable locking tab secures the head to the base to provide a degree of vandal resis- tance. SMARTONETm IONIZATION SMOKE DETECTOR Models CPD 7052 are dual chamber ionization type detec- tors which sense both visible and invisible smoke. A unique sensing chamber design permits 3600 smoke entry and re- sponse. SMARTONErm PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTOR Models PSD 7152 are smart photoelectric smoke detectors. These detectors will respond to a broad range of flaming and smoldering fire conditions. SMARTONETHERMISTOR HEAT DETECTOR Model THD 7252 are thermistor based analog devices that can be programmed to respond to fixed temperature and/or rate compensated heat rise without problems associated with thermal lags. SMARTONETm DETECTOR MOUNTING BASES All models of SmartOne detection devices use a universal mounting base arrangement. The mounting base is avail- able in two models, Model 6SB and Model 4SB. Base model 6SB provides a trim ring which masks any inconsistencies This literature Is provided for Inlonnatlonal purposes only. KIDDE-FENWALINC. assumes no responsibility for the products suitability for a particular application. The product must be prop. &V applied to rk cavectly. It you need more Information on this product, or If you have a particular problem or question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000 KIDDE-FENWAL INC. 74.210 08/99 °Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA 400 MAIN STREET, ASHLAND, MA 01721 TEL (508) 881-2000 FAX: (508) 881-8920 LISTING No. CATEGORY: USTEE: DESIGN: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7272-1076:142 Photoelectric Smoke Detectors Kidde-Fenwal, Inc., 400 Main Street, Ashland, MA 01721 Contact: Terrill Garland (508) 881-2000 Page 1 of 1 Model PSD-71 52 photoelectric type smoke detector. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed system description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical: 16.5 - 27.5 VOC INSTALLATION: In accordance with 1istees printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Suitable for air velocity between 0-300 ft/min for open area protection. May be suitable for use inside duct where air velocity is between 300-4000 ft/mm. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as smoke detector for use with Listees separately listed model Fenwalnet 1000 (CSFM Listing No. 7165-1076:114). 2000 (CSFM Listing No. 7165- 1076:141). 4000 (CSFM Listing No. 7165-0074:111) or Pegasys (CSFM Listing No. 7165-1076:1461 fire alarm control units. 0906-96 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and(oc other data but does not make an independent verification of any daims. This listing is not an endorsement or - recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to liste&s data sheet. installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 23, 2000 Authorized By.- Effective issue date to expiration date - I - .____ - I. -- - ii - LISTING No. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY& FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7271-1076:145 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: Ionization Smoke Detectors Kidde-Fenwal, Inc., 400 Main Street, Ashland, MA 01721 Contact: Terrill Garland (508) 881-2000 Model CPD-7052 ionization type smoke detector. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed system description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical: 16.5 - 275 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having Jurisdiction. Suitable for air velocity between 0-300 ftlmin for open area protection. May be suitable for use inside duct where air velocity is between 300-2000 ft/min. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as ionization smoke detector for use with separately listed model Fenwalnet 1000 (CSFM Listing No. 7165-1076:114), 2000 (CSFM Listing No. 71654 076:141), 4000 (CSFM Listing No. 7165-0074:111) or Pegasys (CSFM Listing No. 7165-1076:146) fire alarm control units. This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 23, 2000 Authorized By: Effective issue date to expiration date Listing Expires June 30, 2001 BEN HO, Supervising Deputy Ij Program Manager LISTING No: CATEGORY: LISTEEd DESIGN: RATING: INSTALLATION: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY& FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7300-1076:116 Page 1 of I Misc. Device/Control Unit Accessories Kidde-Fenwal Inc.,, 400 Main St., Ashland MA 01721 Contact: Terrill Garland (508) 881-2000 Models 2-WIRE, 2WRLT, 2WRB4WRB 4SB, 6SB* smoke detector bases and Models MA-001 and MA002* smoke detector adapters. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. 10.2 - 36.8 I/DC In accordance with Iistee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Ustee's name, model number, rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Models 2-WIRE, 2WRLT, 2WRB, 4WRB are listed as a smoke detector base and Model MA-001 is listed as a smoke detector adapter for use with Models CPD- 7051 (CSFM Listing No. 7271-1076:115), PSD-7155 or PSD-7156 (CSFM Listing No. 7272-1076:117) and separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Models 2WRLT, 2WRB, 4WR13, 4SB and 6SB are also suitable for duct applications when used with Model RCM500 remote testILED. Models 2WRB and 4WRB are suitable for releasing device service. Models 4S13, 6SB are listed as smoke detector base and Model MA-002 is listed as a smoke detector adapter for use with Iistee's separately listed Model Fenwalnet 1000 (CSFM Listing No. 7165-1076:114), Fenwalnet 2000 (CSFM Listing No. 7165-1076:141), Fenwalnet 4000 (CSFM Listing No. 7165- 1076:111) or Pegasys (CSFM Listing No. 7165-1076:146) fire alarm control units. Conected 06.0547 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to Iistee's data sheet, installation instructions andlor other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 22, 2000 Authorized By: Effective issue date to expiration date :•••••. Listing Expires June 30, 2001 J BEN NO, Supervising Deputy Program Manager Effective August 1997 Addressable Relay Output Device 74-215 FEATURES FORM C DRY CONTACT OUTPUT FIELD PROGRAMMABLE TIME CLOCK CONTROL OPTION INTERNAL SUPERVISION STATUS INDICATOR UL LISTED FM APPROVED DESCRIPTION The SmartOne'Addressable Relay Output Device (AO) provides an interface for control of auxiliary equip- ment by Control Panels designed for SmartOneTM devices. The AO connects directly to the Control Panel's RX/TX PC Line and contains a SPDT relay to control auxiliary equipment. All of the electronics are con- tained in a small high impact polymer case. This cre- ating a very small and durable device for installation. These features also allow theAO to be easily installed in virtually all applications. The AO is field programmable with a unique 4-digit address and a 40-character owner location message. On command from the Control Panel the AO relay may be set or reset. In addition to combinational logic programming which utilizes system inputs to activate this device, the unit may be programmed with the Real Time. Clock pro- gramming. The Real Time Clock programming per- mits the AO to be time controlled by the time-of-day, date, and day of week. INTERNAL SUPERVISION The AO is continuously monitored for Internal power supply voltages Faulty entering of data into AO's memory Relay state equals command state An internal set of relay contacts provides feedback of the Form C output relay position. If the relay contact fails to operate at the appropriate time, the device trasmits a Trouble status. STATUS LED A status LED is mounted on the unit and indicates the relay set or reset status by a 2 or 9 second flash interval. ATrouble condition inhibits the status LED completely. INSTALLATION The AO can be mounted in a North American 1-1/2"(64 mm) deep I-gang box, or standard 4" square box 1-1/2" (38 mm) deep with a cover. The terminal block will ac- cept #14,16 and 18 AWG wire (1.5 mm?, 1.0 mm?, 0.75 mm2). Sizes #16 and #18 are preferred. 0M 1-C 0 L 141,00t 7-} Field N/C Connections See Note 3 See Noe 3 (i.) PC Line I (+) PC Line ____________ In I Iii Out NOTES I. Max. #14AWG (1.5 mm2) wire: Mm. #18 AWG (0.75 me) wire 2. Refer to Control Panel Manual for wiring specification. 10150-100 Llalgl ~911 p .. log El itdk II If IIH h SPECIFICATIONS ORDERING INFORMATION InpufltbItage: 16.5-27.5VDC Part Number Description 70-408004-001 Addressable Relay Output Standby Current: 400 j.tA,Typlcal Alarm Current: 400 A Typical Contact Ratings: ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS Resistive Contact Rating: 2 A @30 VDC, 0.6 PF For specifications request a copy of the ArchitecturaV Form C(SPD1) .6A@ 120 VAC, 0.35 PF Engineering Specification Disk: Available from Kidde- Inductive Rating: 1.0A @30 VDC, 0.6 PF Fenwal Marketing Dept., on IBM formated diskette. This (Motor Control) disk includes files in ASCII Text, Word for Windows 6.0 and Pilot Duty: 0.6A @30 VDC, 0.35 PF WordPerfect 5.X formats. Max. No. Of Devices per Channel: 255 (all can be activated) Max. No. Of Devices per System: 2040 (all can be activated) Operating Temperature: -31 - 151°F (-35- 66°C) EMI Immunity. Meets UL 864 Dimensions: 2.3"x 1.8" x 0.8" nominal Shipping Weight: 5.1 oz (145g) LED Pulse Modes: Normal: 9 second interval Trouble: LED is off Alarm: 2 second Interval I This literature Is prodded for Informational pwposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes I'TI it I SJi t1 responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular application. This product must be I properly applied to perform as described herein. I if you need more Information on this product, or If you have a question, contact KIDDE- KIDDE.FENWAL.. INC. I FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. (508) 881-2000 ____________________________________________________________ 400 MAIN STREFI ASHLAND, MA 01721 TEL: (508) 881-2000 FAX: (508) 881-8920 74-215 8197 5M 01997 Kldde-Fenwal, Inc. Printed In U.S.A. CP Addressable Contact Effective: July 1996 Input Device P/N 70.407002-001 N.O. PIN 70-407002-002 N.C. 76-017 FEATURES Interfaces and supervises wiring of standard fire alarm devices Supervision Remote LED Field Programmable Alarm Test Nonpolarized I.I.L. listed (File No. S2422) FM Approved (Project ID No. 009AI.AY) DESCRIPTION The Addressable Contact Input Device (Al) is an intelli- gent device which contains its own microprocessor, 4K of memory, and all necessary electronics to interface to stan- dard contact type fire alarm devices to the PEGAsys con- trol panel's power/communication line. Two styles ofAl are available: An Al/NO for interfacing to normally open con- tact devices and an Al/NC for interfacing to normally closed contact devices. The Al may be located up to 150 ft away from the contact device which it is supervising. Supervi- sion of the interface wiring is done by way of a EOL resis- tor which is provided with the device. Programming Device address is field programmable using the PEGAsys control panel keypad. The owner location message and reporting type can be customized by use of the PCS pro- gramming utility. The device address is a 4 digit number which relates the device to the system by loop number and three digit de- vice address. The owner location message is a 40 charac- ter, alpha-numeric message which typically describes the location of the device for easy location of event. The re- porting type is assigned to the Al depending on the func- tion and priority of the device being monitored. Failsoft Operation Should there be a failure in the communication link be- tween the Al and the Receiver/Transmitter Module (RX/ TX) or should the Central Control Module Assembly fail, the Al will still report a Zone Alarm for the zone and initiate a General Alarm signal. Status LED A remote Status LED P/N 70-4100001-000 may be con- nected to the Al. A9 second flash rate indicates a Normal condition, 2 second rate indicates Alarm, and no flash in- dicates Trouble condition. Alarm Test Any or all Al's as well as detectors can be tested by com- mand from the Central Control Module. Results of the test will be printed out on the system LCD, entered into the event buffer and printed out on the system printer if at- tached. Supervision The Al continuously monitors the integrity of the following: Installation The Al mounts in a standard 4 Continuity of contact interface wiring; Power/Communica- " electrical box. Due to lack tions voltage; Internal power supply; Memory status. of space, the box should not be used as a junction box for other devices. Red and black wires are nonpolarized Remote LED wiring must be enclosed in conduit and have a maximum length of 50 feet. Supervised initiating wiring must be enclosed in conduit and have a maximum length of 150 feet and in the same room. Twisted shield wire is required to remote LED and remote contact device. Specifications Input Voltage: 16.5- 27.5 VDC Standby Current: 310iiA. Typical Alarm Current 380iA, Typical Max. Number of Devices per Channel: 255 (all can be in alarm) LED Pulse Modes Normal: 9 second interval Trouble: LED is off Alarm: 2.0 second interval Operating Temperature: 32-1000 Ordering Information Part Number Description 70-407002-001 Addressable Contact Input Device N.O. 70-407002-002 Addressable Contact Input Device N.O. 70-411001-001 Package of 10 End-of-Line Resistors WARNING: Operation outside specifications could result in failure of the Kidde product and other equipment isth injury to people and property. Specifications subject to change without notice. Contact K?dde before relying on above specifications. This literature Is protided for Informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL. INC. assumes no responsibility for the produds suitability for a particular application. This product must be properly applied to perform as described herein. If you need more information on this product, or If you have a question, contact KiDOE-FENWAL., INC.. Ashland, MA 01721. (508)881-2000. 76-017 $198 5M 01995 Kldde-Fenwal, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. CP 1-211; N 3 1 M 0 Fire Systems KIDDE-FENWAL INC. 400 MAIN STREET ASHLAND, MA 01721 (508) 881-2000 FAX: (508) 881-8920 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY& FIRE PROTECTION A: OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING -BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1076:144 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Misc. Device/Control Unit Accessories LISTEE: Kidde-Fenwal, Inc., 400 Main Street, Ashland, MA 01721 Contact: Terrill Garland (508) 881-2000 DESIGN: Models 70-407002-001, 70-407003-001, 70-407004-001, 70-407008-001 and 70-407008-003 normally-open contact Input devices: Models 70-407002-002 and 70-407008-002 normally-closed contact input devices; Models 70-408002- 000, 70-408003-000 and 70-408004-001 addressable relay output devices; Model 30-472001-000 remote trouble indicating panel; Model 30-220070-035 end-of-line resistor, Models 74-200012-001, 74-200012-002 and 74-200012- 004 loop Isolators; Models 89-100081-001 AIM (AnaLASER Interface Module) and 89-100083-001 IIM2000 (Stand Alone); *Models 70-200200-001 ASM (Addressable Signal Sounder Module), 73-100001-001 AAM (Addressable AlamiLlne Module), 73-100003-001 AAM NEMA 4 Enclosure, 74-300000-502 and 76-300000-502 RDCM's (Remote Display Control Modules), 74.300000-501 and 76-300000-501 RDM's (Remote Display Modules), and *Models 06-129827- 001 and 06-129828-001 RDMIRDCM Enclosures. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed system description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical: 24 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having Jurisdiction. All modules except Models 70-407003-001, 70-407004-001, 89-I 00081-001 and 89-100083-001 are intended to be mounted in a standard 4" square Junction box. Model 70-407003-001 is intended to be mounted in a 4"— 4"x2-I!2" deep utility box. Model 70-407004-001 is Intended to be mounted In Pyrotronic's Model MS-5 utility box. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with Listee's separately listed model Fenwalnet 2000 and Fenwalnet 2000ML (CSFM Listing No. 7165- 1076: 1411, 4000 (CSFM Listing No. 7165-0074:111) or Pegasys and Pegasys ML (CSFM Listing No. 7165.1076:146) fire alarm control units. Model 89-100083-001 lIM-2000 (Stand Alone) Is intended for use with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. Rev. 07-21-2000 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or .-.• recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions andlor other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JULY 21, 2000 Authorized By: : • Effective issue date to expiration date Listing Expires June 30, 2001 BEN HO, Supervising Deputy I Program Manager EFFECTIVE Januaty 1997 Manual Stations Series 1310 & 1311 84.05 FEATURES Exclusive KIDDV Design Unique Field Labeling for either Fire Alarm or Suppression Applications Dual Action Operation Single Pole or Double Pole Keylock for Reset and Test UL Listed and FM Approved cUL Listed for Canada ADA Compliant CSFM Listing (pending) MEA Approval (pending) Optional Weatherprof Box DESCRIPTION The Kidde BIO and Bli Manual Pull Stations are high quality, reliable non-coded alarm initiating devices based upon a proven design. They are con- structed of heavy die-cast aluminum for long life and reliability. These manual stations have the exclusive Kidde look, with gloss red paint with raised white let- tering, and black sides with a white trim border. The 1310 station has a standard single pole single throw switch, while the Bli has a double pole single throw switch for local annunciation or remote signal- ing. Switches are gold plated for reliability when used in low current initiating circuits. These manual stations are designed for quick, effi- cient response by personnel in an emergency, while the standard double action PUSH/PULL levers pre- vent accidental operation. The keylock allows the unit to be easily reset and tested, and the stations are keyed to match the Kidde Scorpio, PEGAsysN, and OrionTm control panels. Optional surface backboxes are available, which are painted red and sized to match the manual stations. The SGB-32S is UL Listed for indoor use, and the SGB-32C cast aluminum weatherproof box is UL Listed for outdoor use. The weatherproof box comes With a gasket kit which allows either the BIO or Bli to be mounted outdoors. 810 or BI shown with Fire Alarm Label Installed FIRE ALARM OR SUPPRESSION RELEASE LABELING The Kidde BIO and Bil Manual Pull Stations have a unique labeling method which provides the installer the greatest amount of flexibility. Six labels are shipped with each station: FIRE ALARM FIRE SYSTEM RELEASE FM-200 RELEASE FE-13 RELEASE CO2 RELEASE HALON 1301 RELEASE These permanent, heavy-duty Lexae self-adhesive labels are die-cut with raised lettering. During instal- lation, the installer simply chooses the appropriate label, removes the protective backing, and places the label into the space on the top of the station. This flexibility allows installations to be customized for each customer, without the expense of having to carry extra inventory. OPERATION The dual action BIO and Bil manual stations are operated by simply pushing the PUSH bar inwards, allowing the PULL handle to be grasped in a One- handed motion. The handle is then pulled down as far as it will go. If the optional breakrod is installed, it would break at this point The handle is now locked in place, and is easily visible from up to 50 feet away. The handle is reset by opening the sta- tion with the key, placing the handle in the normal upright position, and re-locking the station. SPECIFICATIONS BIO & Bil Manual Pull Stations Style: Double Action, non-coded. Dimensions: 4.75"H x 3.25'W x 1"D Contact: BIO: Single Pole, Single Throw Bil: Double Pole, Single Throw Contact rating: I amp @ I25VAC or 30VDC Gold plated contacts. Wiring: Terminal block connections with clamping plate for in & out wiring. Suitable for up to I2AWG wiring. Mounting: Mounts to a standard single gang box, or the SGB-32S Or SGB-32C surface boxes. Two 6/32 screws ship with each unit. Keylock: Keyed to match Kidde Scorpiotm, PEGAsystm, and Oriontm control panels. One key ships with each unit Breakrod: Optional, order separately. Constructed of clear acrylic tubing. Visible from front of unit if broken. Temperature: -12F to 1327 -25C to 56C) SGB-32S Interior Surface Backbox Dimensions: 4.75"H x 3.25'W x 2.25"D Construction: Steel sheet metal. Conduit Two knockouts for 1/2" conduit connectors, one on top and bottom. Mounting: BIO or Bil mounts to the box with (4) 8/32 screws, which ship with each box. This literature Is provided for Informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL INC. assumes no responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular application. The product must be property applied to perform as described herein. If you need more information on this product, or If you have a question, contact Kidde- FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. (508) 881-2000. 84.05 2197 tiM /91997 KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. Printed In USA CP Range of labels supplied with BIO and Bli SGB-32C Weatherproof Surface Backbox Dimensions: 4.75"H x 3.25"W x 2.25"D Construction: Cast aluminum. Conduit One threaded opening for 1/2" conduit connector. Mounting: BIO or 311 mounts to the box with (4) 8/32 screws and a foam gasket, which ship with each box. ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description Shipping Weight 84-100007-001 BIO Pull Station SPST Includes six labels. 1.2 lb 84-100007-002 BII Pull Station DPST Includes six labels. 1.3 lb 84-100009-001 SGB-32S Indoor Box .8 lb 84-100009-002 SGB-32C Outdoor Box 84-100008-002 Pkg. of (12) Breakrods Must order separately. >.25 lb 06-118013-001 Spare Key for BIO/Bli >.251b DIMENSIONS (shown with Fire System Release Label installed) [ ME ME ream as= 90 4.75 J20 =DD F1 H FIlowr ViEW SIDE VIEW a Rio -mS KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. 400 MAIN STREET ASHLAND, MA 01721 (508) 8814000 FAX: (508) 881-8920 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. Page ipft CATEGORY Boxes/Pull Stations USTEE Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. 400 Man Street, Ashland, MA 01721 - Contact. Terrill Garland (508) 8814000 DESIGN: Models B1 and B1 1, 30195000-002* and 30195000004* key loäk, push bar, ñohcoded manual pull stations; Models 30195000001* and 30195000003* key loèk, no push bar, noncoded manual pull stations. Suitable for outdoor use when installed with Model SGB- 32C back box. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product descritioh and operational considerations. RATING: 3ô VDC INSTALLATION In accordance with Iistée's priAted installation, applicable codes & ordinances and ma manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL listed as manual pull stations fOr use with separately listed and compatible fire alarm control units. XLF: 7150-1408:107 v. 02-26-99 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Dote Issued: MAY 2, 2001 Listing Expires June 30, 2002 A uthorized By: BENNQ Supervising Deputy Program Manager Suppression SystemAbort EFFECTIVE FEBRUAF FEATURES . -. . UL Listed, File #S3743 • Flush Or Suifàce Mount Sized for Double Gang Box Large YellOw Push Button Switch 'One Normally Open Contact DEscRIPTION 1• The KIDDE Abort Station features a large, easy-to-opèrate abort push 49The momentary type switch is . '. .:.' . very easy to see due' to its highly visible . yellow color. The abàrf statiOn stainless. steel faceplate is clearly labelled with operation procedures - eliminating . indecision and hesitation. •••• The Backbox paned *ith red •- . . . enamel and comes equipped with four .- Diagrams with Dimensions - 1/2knOckouts-The predrilléd ánd' tapped mounting tabs allow for easy •• attachment of the àbo station. . .- •.-.•. . - . TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Rating's & Specifications - 11 amps © 120 VDC * Ambient Temperature: 70°C (158°F) to -20°C (-4°F) ___ • . . Terminals: - -• .. . - . :. •-'•' - - - •--- . 1 Captive screws and saddle clamps • accept 14 awg to 20 awg wire . PUSH/HOLD lncIudes . . . . 0 FOur 6-32 x 1/2" mounting screws I SUPP53ON 5557511 ASORT if ®XIODE.e LU- —LI ORDERING INFORMATION P/N Description . Approx. Shipping Wt. 878752-01 Abort Station without Backbox 2 lbs. 878752-02 Abort Station with Backbox 3 lbs. 296105 Backbox ... . - • . . .' " '.::• 1 lb. ' • This literature is provided for informational purposes only. WOE-FENWAI.. INQ assumes n o responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular apptablUi. This product must be -. property applied to perform as described herein. • • If you need more information on this product, or if you have a question. contact KIDDE • Fire Systems FENWAL, INC.. Ashland, MA 01721. (508) 881.2000. • . KIDDE-FENWAL INC. . . . • . • • . • I 152 V96 2.5M 61996 Kldde.Fenwal Inc. Printed at U.S.A. OP - - 400MAIN STREET ASHLANIX MA 01721. TEL (508) 881-20W FAX. (508) 881-8920 —a .s. - GEMCOM, INC. - - - -8828 S.-ARCHER AVENUE -- - - ALUOWOPRINGS 60480 - - 7084839-6840 ---- - - - - 211, Rl ME gig THIS MAINTENANCE PANEL IS AKEYSWITCH WHICH DISCONNECTS ATUATJ( CIRCUITS IN THE SYSTEM TO PREVENT ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE DURING MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS AJ : KEY IS INSERTED AND TURNED, THE "SYSTEM INACTIVE" INDICATOR FLASHESiNTERJrrrENTLEy. THE. KEY CAN ONLY E REMOVED IN THE 74 - THE MAINTENANCE PANEL MOUNTS 10A4"JUNC11ON BOX AND OPERATES : • : I. - PLATE. IT IS DESIGNED FOR MOUNTING ON THE WALL TO A BELL BOX - MAINTENANCE SWITCH ........ .................................................................................. SYSTEM SYSTEM V ARMED • INACTIVE -- ---=- z - -i - V • .............. 2GNGMNTLDWG . . . REVISED 1/5/98 .. • ---;"- • ;:,.: wheelock, . . Il.illlllfl INC. - - FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS \Q1 - ----- -- :1 ___ SERIES MB MOTOR BELl Ra -- - - Wheelock s Senes MB motor bells provide a better engineered motor bell for fire and life safety alarm systems. The Wheelock Series MB bells include higher dBA, low current drew, built-in trimplate for semi-flush -: mounting, low frequency aluminum shells, and low RFI noise. The motor :.. - ._... for Series MB bells is a durable, high torque, permanent magnet motor . ........... selected for its high performance and long life. - - - -- - - '_These DC vibrating Series MB motor bells are offered in 6" and 10" - - shell sizes in both 12 and 24 VDC models - --..-,-.,- .- •- - Series RSSP Non-Sync/Sync retrofit plates are used in conjunction with the Series MB Motor Bell when combination appliances are required. These 15 15/75 30 75 and 110 candela strobe plates are designed for - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applications while meeting. or exceeding the latest requirements of NFPA 72 (National Fire Alarm Code) ANSI 117.1 (Amencan National Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities), and UL Standard 1971 (Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired). These strobe products, when properly specified and installed in accordance with NFPA/ANSI Standards, can - -- - —provide the Equivalent Facilitation allowed under ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG General Section 2.2) by meeting or exceeding the illumination which results from ADA's strobe intensity guidelines of 75 candela at 50 feet. This is an illumination of 0.030 lumens per square fool - -- -- - - -- - By specifying and illing SerieC RSSP Non-Sync/Sync strobe plates, along with the Series SM or DSM Sync Modules, synchronized strobe .....flash IS achieved. Synchronized strobes can eliminate possible . .. - restrictions on the number of strobes in the field of viCWheelock's synchronized strobes offer an easy way to comply with ADA recommendations concerning photosensitive epilepsy. Features - . Aprovai indude: Underwriters Laboratories UL 464, Factory .......Mutual (FM), Calitoia State Fire Marshal (CSFM), New Yo (MEA) •. .. and ChiCago (BFP) on all models. - - Meets OSHA 29 Part .1910.165. High sound output with low current draw. - Low frequency aluminum shells for better audibility through walls, , doors, and other structures. 8" and 10" shell sizes in 12 0r24 VDC models. Integral RFI suppression to minimize induced noise on the NAC circuit. Mounting options for surface semi-flush, outdoor, and concealed conduit installation. Architects and Engineers Specifications The alarm appliances shall be Wheelock Series MB vibrating Motor Bells or approved equal. They shall be Ut. 4 6 4 L i s t e d f o r F i r e P r o t e c t i v e S e r v i c e Shells shall be aluminum in 6 or 10' diameter. Sound output at 10 feet shall be 92 dBA. The bells shall incorporate a permanent magnet moto; and suppression circuitry to minimize RFI. They shall include a built-in frimplate for semi-flush mounting to a standard 4 s q u a r e b a c k b o x , o r s u r f a c e mounting to Wheelock's indoor BB backbox or outdoor WBB backbox. For bell strobe applications, retrofit plates Series RSSP 15 cd, 15/75 cd, 30 cd, 75cd or 110 cd intensity st r o b e s s h a l l b e u s e d . A l l b e l l m o d e l s . shall be polarized for line supervision and shall have screw terminals for in-out field wiring of #12 to 18AWG wire. Operati n g v o l t a g e s h a l l b e n o m i n a 24 VDC or 12 VDC. Finish on all models shall be red enamel. •. ...... ... . • .. .. - . Ordering Information • . .- •.• Model Order Shell input Voltage Input . . dBA Mounting Number Code Size (1/0C) current 10 FIL Options DC VIBRATING MOTOR BELLS . - . ... ....Note SERIES NB yt. 2. Bell Plate SBL 2 RSSP Remote Plate Built-in trimplate makes semi-flush mounting simpler and It expensive. . . - Screw terminals permit fast in-but field wiring of #12 to 18 AWG wi Polarized for DC supervision of NAC circuits. Operate on filtered or unfiltered DC. For combined audible (bell) and visual signaling convenient retrofit p1; assemblies are available with 15, 15/75, 30, 75 and 110 candi strobes (Refer to Fire Alarm Products Catalog for strobe specificatic -. and technical information). MB.66-12.11 . 1 3942 r 12 0.050 0.060 24 -- - - . . - MB-G6-24-R . . 3941 . 24 MB-G10-12-R 3944 10' 12 MB-G10-24-R [ 3943 . 10' . . 1; Typical d8A at 10 ft. is measured it; a; an echoic chamber. Z. For bells all lzvDC models are Ul rated for 9.0 to 15.5 vid all 24. : .VDC models for ia.oto3l.OVDC. Copyright 1997 Wheelock. All rights reserved. -.-: ::-;--:• • _z. - -. --s•--:.--. -.,. - .:. . . . - STROBE RETROFIT PLATES TO BE USED WITH MOTOR BELLS FOR COMBINATION SIGNAUNG - - - -- - - Model Number - - ...Order Code'"(VDC) Nominal Voltage .Sobe Caialela Average Cuirent • - (Amps) @24 VDC Wall Only Mounting Options— n-7792' 7792 24 - 15 .050 .- . E.Z RSSP-241575W-FR 7793 - --24 5/75 ---.065 --• El RSSP-2430W-FR .: 7794 1.24 3O . 081 E.Z RSSP-2475W-FR '-7795 - .u75 .133 . El RSSP-24110W-FR - .'7796 -"-24 ikA70 ' -161 ________ RSSP 1215WFR -' 7797 12 15 \126 -- El RSSP-121575W.FR :- 7798 12 15fl5 ......-.161 W .: El SYNC MODULE ..... SM.12r24-R --' 1A 6369 -12 -. . -. [ .014 EN: -4----.•------ - "24 - - -. EN OSM-12/24-R. -6374 .12 - --.:D25 .44J • 24 . __4-.wfl38 , 4W - AVERAGE CURRENT SERIES RSSP WALL MOUNT APPLIANCES Voltage RSSP-2415W RSSP-241575W RSSO-2430W I RSSP-2475W I RSSP-2411QW 20V0C 0.060 0.076 J. 0.095 f . 0.157 -1 0.199 24 VDC --- . 0.050 -0.161 - 31 VDC - 70.043" 0.065 0.061.....O133 0.052 -r-0.066 - 0.108 . O.131 - ..AVERAGE CURRENT RSSP WALL. MOUNT APPUANCES (12V) Voltage - -(RSSP.1215W [sP.i21s75w 0.148_-J, 0.189 10.5 VDC --_L 12V0C 0.126 J 0.161 15.6 VDC ___1 0.102 1 0.130 . :.. _-.-.--....-; SPEClALNOTE -'-- .-. .............c''. - .- . - 12 volt Wall Models (RSSP-1215W and RSSP-121575W) will be available January, 1998. - - For applications requiring these appliances prior to this date refer to Data Sheet #50400 - or call QistomerSennee for - .- - - - _____u•__' ,- .S - - -- . Also available in white as a rder special o pleacall cusiomer service for order code and delivery information. Model code suffix W - wall. F. lire or call Customer Service if other - - lenering is required (as Feugo) R • red. W -;-white (when 1st slilllx) While will be considered a special order on this product. - - Example. RSSP-2415W-FR '4 Red - - - .- - - .r WaII.- - - - I - - ---:-.Average current per actual Wheeloclt Pfodua Testing @ 10.5. ia 15.6 20. 24.& 31 VDC Nominal Voltage. For rated average across the Ustedvoltage range tWiiattiftered DC and full- ci wave rectified (FWR) see the installation Instructions (P83500) Series RSSP 12 or 24 VDC models in all candelas are for wall mated only. Refer to Data Sheet p000 for mounting options. ............... - .•. ............- - . .. . SPECIAL NOTES - - - 1eries RSSPreqwre th-euseofaSMorDSMSync Module to attainsynthitsazation of the strobe(s)_(For more detail refer to data sheet S3000 or installation instructions (P83123 for SM - 2. SM Sync. Module is rated for 3.0 amperes at 12 or 24 VDC OSM Sync Module is rated for 3.0 amperes per circuit. The maximum number of interconnected DSM modules is twenty. (Refer to Data sheet S3000 or Installation instructions (P83123 for SM and P83177 fCc DSMD. - - ---=- - -------=- :_.._ '-=-___ _:_-.___-_ - --- - ________ -=.- -- •-__-L-- -- -.---------- T. inng - Fig 1 Bell Models .. - . - Fig 2 Retrofit Strobe Plate Models (RSSP) - AIJD!BLE - . VISIBLE + PRECEDING + J _1_. .. TONEJIT OR FACP PRECEDING APPLIANCE _________________ T OR EDLR ONEFIAPPUANCE MU. BELL OR RED_But ORFACP - . - Eout .- PRECEDING APPLIANCE -__- 1DNCCTAPPUANCE ORFACP . . OREOLR A. WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING, SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. FAILURE TO COMPLY - WITH ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION. INTALLATI0N AND/OR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN - -. EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN !ROPY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. - Wheelock produ'cts must be used within their published specifications and must be PROPERLY specified, applied, installed, operated, maintained and operationally tested in accordance with their installation instructions at the time of installation and at least twice a year or more often and in accordance with local, state and federal codes. - regulations and laws. Specification, application, installation, operation, maintenance and testing must be performed by qualified personnel for proper operation in accordance with all of the latest National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Underwriters' Laboratories (UL), National Electrical Code (NEC). Occupational Safety and Health -- Administration (OSHA), local, state, county, pràvince. distrIct, federal and other applicable building and fire standards, guidelines, regulations, laws and codeS includIng, but not limited to, all appendices and amendments and the requirements of the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are suIject to change without notice in accordance with Wheelock. Inc. standard terms and conditions. NATIONAL SALES OFFICE* - 1-800.631-2148 Canada 800-397-5777 -- E-mail: Info@wheelockiflc,,com - .- http-Jlwww.wheelockinc,com 3 YEAR WARRANTY - • • -- MEMBER Distributed By: - WHEELOCK INC • 273 BRANCHPORT AVENUE • LONG BRANCH N.J. 07740 .732-222-6880 • FAX 732-222-8707 S1500 Rev. 8197 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7135-0785:113 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: USTEE DESIGN; INSTALLAlION: Audible Devices. Wheelock Inc., 273 Branchport Ave., Long Branch NJ 07740 Contact Luy Nguyen (732) 222-6880 Model MB series, bells and Model MBS series bell/strobes. Models MB are suitable for outdoor use when used with Model WEB backbox. Refer to Iistee's data shOet for detailed product description and operational consideations. In accordance with Iistees printed installation Instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible devices for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control - ........ . .. .-- ------------.-.---.---------..- If this appliance is required to produce a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 1993 Edition, the appliance must be used with a fire alarm control unit that can generate the temporal pattern signal. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Mahuaf for details. 'Rev. 12.08-97 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endasemmt or ' recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operationa' requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: MAY 24, 2001 Listing Expires June 30, 2002 Authorized By: MVM Supervising Deputy Program Manager Models Available Horn/Strobes P1215 P121575 P2415 P241575 P2430 P2475 P24110 Strobes S1215 S121575 S2415 S241575 S2430 S2475 S24110 Horns H12/24 * Refer to Ordering Information for other configurations Product Overview Meet UL and ADA signaling requirements Low current draw More devices per loop Lower installed cost Universal mounting plate included Accessory mounting plates available Field-selectable horn tones Electromechanical! 3kHz Temporal 3! Non-temporal 3 High / Low dBA output Available in 15, 15/75, 30, 75, and 110 candela System Sensor's SpectrAlert wal-mount series includes a complete line of electronic horns, strobes, and horn/strobes. Intended for primary signaling use, SpectrAlert products most UL1971, U1.464, and Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. Performance. With its extremely efficient reflector design and Xenon flash tube. SpectrAlert offers current draw reductions as high as 40% over previous gener- ation designs. By consuming less current, the flexibility to connect more devices per loop is possible, for a lower installed cost. Installation. SpectrAlert products offer installation ease which also lowers the installed cost. By taking up no room in the back box. SpectrAlert strobes and horn/strobes make wiring connections simpler and faster. Each SpectrAlert includes a universal mounting plate for 4 "square and single gang back box mounting. Accessory mounting plates are also available for small footprint or surface mount applications. Synchronizable horns and strobes with Flexibility. SpectrAlert offers the flexibility to meet a broad range of Sync'Circuit'M module requirements. The SpectrAlert horns and horn/strobes feature a number of field-selectable/reversible horn tones. For visible requirements, SpectrAlert Aesthetic design strobes and horn/strobes are available in a wide variety of configurations to address non-sleeping area, sleeping area, and corridor requirements. Offerings include 24-volt models at 15, 15/75, 30, 75, and 110 candela. and 12-volt devices at 15 and 15/75 candela. Aesthetics. To meet building owner aesthetic requirements, SpectrAlert (j) tj <> JE incorporates a stylish, low profile design. And this aesthetic is consistent across LISTED approved all SpectrAlert wall-mount products. Weight, horn only 7.2 ox. -- Weight, strobe and horn/strobe 8.8 01. Mounting 4' x 4' x 13'2' or 2' x 4' x 17/B' standard boxes Indoor Operating Temperature 327 to 120'F (0"C to 49C) Maximum humidity 95% as tested per U1464 Specifications Walk Test SpectrAlert horn/strobe and horn only work on walk tests" with time durations of 4 seconds or greater Input Terminals 12 to 18 AWG Dimensions Strobe and horrV strobe with universal plate 5' x 53's' x 213'i6" Strobe and horn/strobe with small footprint plate 33/a' x 55/i x 25/e Horn with universal mounting plate 5' x 55/a' x 15/ie Horn without mounting plate 215/16' x 55/ae'x 15/16' Weatherproof (horn and horn/strobes) Operating Temperature 32"F to 1507 (O'C to 66"C) (outdoor strobe only) -40'F to 158'F (-40'C to 70'C) ULC Canadian Models -40"C to 66'C Voltages 12 or 24VDC and FWR unfiltered Operating voltage range* 12V: 10.5-17V; 24V: 20-30V Operating voltage range* (with Sync-Circuit module, MDL) 12V, 11-17V; 24V, 20-30V * These products should be operated within their rated voltage range; UL does, however, test functional integrity to -20% and 41.0% of manufacturer's stated ranges. U.S. Patent Numbers 5,593,569 5,914,665 6,049,446 Engineering Specifications General SpectrAlert horns, strobes and horn/strobes shall be capable of mounting to a standard 4" x 4 "x 11/2" back box or a single gang 2" x 4,' x 1/8" back box using the universal mounting plate included with each SpectrAlert product. Also, SpectrAlert products, when used in conjuction with the accessory Sync-Circuit Module, shall be powered from a non-coded power supply and shall operate on 12 or 24 volts. 12 volt rated devices shall have an operating voltage range of 10.7-17 volts. 24-volt rated devices shall have an operating voltage range or 20-30 volts. SpectrAlert products shall have an operating temperature of 32° to 120°F and operate from a regulated DC or full wave rectified, unfiltered power supply. Horn Horn shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model capable of operating at 12 and 24 volts. Horn shall be listed to UL 464 for fire protective signaling systems. The horn shall have two tone options, two audibility options (at 24 volts) and the option to switch between a temporal 3 pattern and a non-temporal continuous pattern. All horn models shall operate on a coded power supply. Strobe Strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model listed to UL 1971 and be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appli- ances, flashing at 1Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Horn/Strobe Combination Horn/Strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model ______ listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. Horn/strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have two tone options, two audibility options (at 24 volts) and the option to switch between a temporal 3 pattern and a non-temporal continuous pattern. Strobes shall be powered independently of the sounder with the removal of factory Installed jumper wires. The horn on horn/strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply (the strobe must be powered continuously). Synchronization Module Module shall be a System Sensor Sync-Circuit listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert strobes at 1Hz and horns at temporal 3. Also, the module shall silence the horns on horn/strobe models, while operating the strobes, over a single pair of wires. The module shall be capable of mounting to a 411/is" x 411/js"x 21/8" back box and shall control two Style Y (class B) or one Style Z (class A) circuit. Module shall be capable of multiple zone synchronization by daisy chaining multiple modules together and re-synchronizing each other along the chain. The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. Horn/Strobe 30 ad Average Current (mA) 24V Models Hlgt'Low Tempt Tone Volume Non L20V I 24V 30V DC FWR I DC JFWR DC FWR Electro- High Temp mech. Non 97 105 92 100 87 98 95 11.3 90 116 88 114 Low Temp Non 89 96 80 95 75 87 90 98 81 101 75 98 3000 Hz High Temp Interrupt. Non Low Temp Non 102 108 95 105 95 105 97 116 94 1211 93 1 117 921 96 184 1 97 1 79 1ir -91-F.1-0-01 83 1.1031 80 1 97 Horn/Strobe 75 cd Average Current (mA) I 24V Models HlgLow Tempt Tone Volume Non 20V 24V I 30V DC FWR DC FWRI DC FWR Electro- High Temp mech. Non Low Temp Non 164 191 1.48 1671131 167 163-188 146 169] 132 169 1.56 182 136 1621119 156 157 182 137 162 119 157 3000 Hz High Temp Interrupt. Non Low Temp Non 169 196 1.51 172J 139 174 164 192 150 175] 137 177 1591 184 140 164 123 160 158 188 139 16311241162- Horn/Strobe 110 Cd Average Current (mA) 24V Models High/Low Tempt I 20V I 24V 30V Tone Volume Non DC I FWR j DC I FWR Electro- High Temp 188 241 165 209 11441 200 mech. Non 1.86 1 238 1163 121111451202 Non 181 1232 1154 1204 11321190 3000 Hz High Temp Interrupt. Non Low Temp Non 193 246 168 214 152 207 188 242 167 217 150 210 183 234 157 206 136 193 182 232 11561205 137 195 SpectrAlert Current Draw Table Strobe Only Average Current (mA) 1.2V Models 24V Models 10.5V I 12V I 17V I 20V I 24V I 30V Peak Current (mA) 12V Models 24V Models 10.5V 12V I 17V 20V I 24V I 30V In Rush Current (mA) 12V Models 24V Models 10.5V I 12V I 17V 20V I 24V I 30V _- Candela DC PWI DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC !FWR DCjWI DC FWI DC FWR DCjFWR DC FWR DC WR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR 15 133 259 114 157 81 228 50 61 43 60 38[60 460j460 450 460 --r----T—r----_-- 420 480 235j204 135208 135185 80 208 92 224240 190 97 2.29218152247 298 15/75 168 182 242 171 99 150 56 65 49 64 44j 62 4901520 490 520 460 480 isoJ 150 207 150 298 76 204 89 226 160 185 97 225 116 284 247 21.1 30 NA NA NA NA NA NA 78 84 61 82 Jj NA NA NA NA 223j 223 229 255 228 NA NA NA NA NA NA 97 129 2.16 152 247 198 75 NA NA NA NA NA NA 245 170 223 159 102J241 NA jNA NA NA NA NA 1350 440 340 460 330 480 NA NA NA NA NA NA 190 240 230 280 290 380 110 NA NA I NA I NA NA ICO 220 240 117A NA M NA NA 4601560 450 570 420620 NA NA NA NA I NA NA 190 230 220 290 290 370 Horn Only Average Current (mA) High/ Low Tempt Tone Volume Non 12V Models 10.5V I 12V 17V 24V Models 20V 24V I 30V DC JFWRJ DC FWR DC FWR DC JFWR DC FWR DC JFWR Electro- High Temp mech. Non Low Temp Non 10 11 10 10 14 14 19 21 25 18 29 26 10 16 10 19 14 25 17 29 23 34 30 42 NA NA NA NA NA NA 11 12 13 13 17 15 NA NA NA NA NA NA 12 16 14 19 17 24 3000 Hz High Temp Interrupt. Non 11 13 11 11 16 16 24 26 28 23 37 33 11 17 11 1 21 14 28 19 34 27 39 35 i 45 Low Temp Non I -WA-J—NA—j NA I NA NA NA 14 14 1 17 1 15 1 21 119 NA I NA I NA I NA NA NA 13 18 1 16 121 122 125 Horn/Strobe 15 Cd Average Currant (mA) High/Low Temp/ Tone Volume Non IN Models 10.5V 12V I 17V 24V Models 20V I 24V 30V DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC Electro- High Temp mech. Non Low Temp 243 170 124 167 95 142 69 82 68 78 67 143 270 124 167 95 142 67 90 66 94 68 F76 NA NA NA NA NA 55 Non NA 61. 73 56 73 NA NA NA 55 3000 NA NA NA 62 77 57 79 Hz High Temp Interrupt. Non Low Temp NA Non NA 144 172 125 168 97 144 74 87 71 83 75 173 125 168 95 146 69 95 70 99 73 106 *NA NA NA NA NA 84 75 60 75 59 80 NA NA NA NA 1 63 79 59 181 1 60 186 Horn/Strobe 1575 ad Average Current (mA) HlgLow Tempt Tone Volume Non 22V Models 10.5V I 12V I 17V 24V Models 20V I 24V 30V DC FWRJ DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC I FWR DC JFWR Electro- High Temp mech. Non 178 193 1 152 181 113 164 75 86 74 82 73 188 178 193 152 181 113 164 73 94 72 98 74 1104 Low Temp Non NA NA NA NA NA NA 67 77. 62 77 61 77 NA NA NA NA NA NA 68 81 63 83 61 86 3000 Hz High Temp Interrupt. Non Low Temp Non 179 195 152 183 115 166 80 91 77 87 81 95 179 196 152 183 113 168 75 99 1 76 103 79 207 NA NA NA NA NA NA 70 79 66 79- 65 81 NA I NAINA NA NA NA 69 83 65 85 66187 Sound Output Guide (dBA) DL Reverberant Room dBA @ volts DC I 10.5 112 1 .17 120 24 130 Temporal Low Tone Electromechanical 3000 HZ Interrupted [NA _ NA NA 75 75 79 F NA NA NA 75 79 79 High Tone Electromechanical 3000 HZ Interrupted 75 75 79 82 82 82 [W 75 79 82 85 85 Non-Temporal Low Tone Electromechanical 3000 HZ Interrupted NA I NA I NA 179 182 1 85 (A I NA I NA 182 182 185 High Tone Electromechanical 3000 HZ Interrupted [79 1 79 185 185 188 188 79 82 185 188 188 188 Anechoic Room Peak dRA e loft./volts DC 10.5 22 1 17 20 124 30 NA NA NA 94 96 98 NA NA NA 94 96 •98 94 95 198 100 101 102 94 95 198 100 101 102 NA NA NA 94 j96 98 NA NA 94 196 98 94 ENA 98 100 1101 102 93 95 98 i5JiOi 102 SpectrAlert Ordering Information Avg. mA* Avg. mA5 Red White Voltage Candela @14cm. VDC @Nom.FWR Horn/Strobes P1215 P1215W 12 15 124 167 P121575 P121575W 12 15/75 152 181 P2415 P2415W 24 15 68 78 P241575 P241575W 24 15/75 74 82 P2430 P2480W 24 30 92 100 P2475 P2475W 24 75 148 167 P24110 P24110W 24 110 165 209 P121575K (weatherproof) 12 15/75 124 167 P241575K (weatherproof) - 24 15/75 74 82 P2475K (weatherproof) - 24 75 148 .167 P24110K (weatherproof) - 24 110 165 209 P241575P (no lettering) P241575PW 24 15/75 74 82 P241575A6 (AGENT) - 24 15/75 74 82 P241575EV (EVAC) - 24 15/75 74 82 Canada P2415A P2415WA 24 15 68 78 P241575A P241575WA 24 15/75 74 82 P2475A P2475WA 24 75 148 167 P24110A P24110WA 24 110 165 209 P241575KA (weatherproof) - 24 15/75 74 82 P2475KA (weatherproof) - 24 75 148 167 P24I10KA (weatherproof) - 24 110 165 209 Latin America P241575F (FUEGO) 24 15/75 74 82 Strobes S1215 Si215W 12 15 114 157 S121575 S121575W 12 15/75 142 171 S2415 S2415W 24 15 43 60 S241575 S241575W 24 15/75 49 64 S2430 S2430W 24 30 67 82 S2475 S2475W 24 75 123 159 S24110 S24110W 24 110 140 191 S121575K (weatherproof) - 12 15/75 142 171 S241575K (weatherproof) - 24 15/75 49 64 S2475K (weatherproof) - 24 75 123 159 S24110K (weatherproof) - 24 110 140 191 S241575P (no lettering) S241575PW 24 15/75 49 64 S241575AG (AGENT) - 24 15/75 49 64 5241575EV (EVAC) - 24 15/75 49 64 Canada 52415A S2415WA 24 15 43 60 S241575A S241575WA 24 15/75 49 64 S2475A S2475WA 24 75 123 149 S24110A S24il0WA 24 110 140 191 S241575KA (weatherproof) - 24 15/75 49 64 S2475KA (weatherproof) - 24 75 123 149 S24I10KA (weatherproof) - 24 110 140 191 Latin America S241575F (FUEGO) - 24 15/75 49 64 Horns H12/24 H12/24W 12/24 NA 10/25 10/18 H12/24K (weatherproof) - 12/24 NA 10/25 10/18 Canada HC12/24A HC12/24WA 12/24 NA 10/25 10/18 HC12/24KA - 12/24 NA 10/25 10/18 Sync-Circuit MDL MDLW 12/24 NA 10/11 12/15 Module Canada MDLA MDLWA 12/24 NA 10/11 12/15 Small Footprint Mounting Plate for Single Gang Only S-MP S-MPW NA NA NA NA Surface Mount Back Box Skirt BBS BBSW NA NA NA NA Universal Mounting Plate (replacement) D-MP D.MPW NA NA NA NA Weatherproof Back Box WBB - NA NA NA NA Notes: Agency Listings- Indoor models: UL tALC, FM, CSFM, MEA. Weatherproof models: UL, CSFM (strobe only), MEA, tALC. All of these SpectrAlert products are designed for wall mount only. All weatherproof models rniJst use weatherproof back box model WBB. Installation of less than 75 can- dela strobes may be permissible under the equivalent facilitation clause of the ADAAG (Sec. 2.2). However, It Is the responsibility of the person or entity deslgilng the fire alarm system to determine the acceptability of less than 75 candela strobes. All 15/75 candela strobes or horn/strobes are recommended for 20' x 20 rooms or less. *Horn and horn/strobe current draws assume horn is set at temp 3, electromechanical tone and high audibility. ** FWR Full Wave Rectified System Sensor Sales and Service System Sensor Headquarters System Sensor in Canada 3825 Ohio Avenue Ph: 905.812.0767 St. Charles, IL 60174 Fx: 905.812.0771 Ph: 800-SENSOR2 Fx: 630/377-6495 System Sensor in Europe Documents On Demand: + 44.1403.276500 1.800-736-7672 x3 Fx: + 44.1403.276501 Web: www.systeinsensor.com System Sensor In China System Sensor In the Far East System Sensor In India Ph: + 86.29.524.6253 Ph: + 852.21919003 Ph: + 91.11,558.2119 Fx: + 86.29.524.6259 Fx: + 852.27366580 Fx: + 91.11.567.6815 System Season In Singapore System Sensor In Australia Ph: + 65.273.2230 Ph: + 613.54.281.142 Fx: + 65.273.2610 Fx: + 613.54.281.172 0 1999 System Sensor. The company reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. A05-936.409.6/00(10K).#572 Models Available Strobe Models White Rld 5C2415W SC2415 SC241575W SC241575 SC2430W SC2430 SC2475W SC2475 SC2495W SC2495 SC24115W SC24115 SC24177W SC24177 Horn/Strobe Models White am PC2415W PC2415 PC2415 75W PC241575 PC2430W PC2430 PC2475W PC2475 PC2495W PC2495 PC24115W PC24115 PC24177W PC24177 Accessory Mounting Plates White Red BBSCW BBSC Product Overview Lower current draw Available In 2.5,15/75, 30, 75, 95, 115, and 177 candela Horn/strobe models include a three position switch for fleldselectlng horn tones - Electromechanlcal/31(Hz - Temporal 3/Non4emporal 3 -HlglvLowdaAoutput celllflg4pecific shape, profile, and aesthetics System Sensor's SpectrAlert ceiling mount series strobes and horn/strobes offer a fresh approach to addressing the unique needs for ceiling mount applications. Technology. Like the original SpectrAlert, the SpectrAlert ceiling mount series offer significant current draw reductions over other ceiling mount strobes and horn/strobes. Flexibility. SpectrAlert ceiling mount strobes and horn/strobes are available in seven different candelas, including 177 candela for sleeping areas. The horn/strobe's tones are field-selectable through the use of a three position switch located on the back of the unit. Selections include electromechanical and 3 KHz tones, temporal 3 and non-temporal 3 patterns, and high and low volume. Synchronlzable with MDL Synod-Circuit Aesthetics. SpectrAlert ceiling strobes and horn/strobes offer a design that is module sensitive to the aesthetic demands of ceiling mount applications. The round shape maintains a low profile appearance, similar to that of a smoke detector. Mounts to 4"x4"x1'" back box Its stylish curves and design further refine the aesthetics over other generic wall/ceiling mount designs. Yet SpectrAlert's round shape provides dearly Round shape offers greater placement flexibility visible "FIRE" identification from all angles. Installation. SpectrAlert's compact design also offers installation savings. The () strobe and horn/strobe models mount to a 4"x4"x1W' back box, and take up little room in the back box, making connections easier. And with SpectrAlert's LISTED approved _i round shape, It is not necessary to align the back box with the room's walls. SpectrAlert always lines up. General Specifications Dimensions Indoor Operating Temperature Weight 6.8' diameter 32 to 120 F (0 to 49C) 5.3 oz. (150 grams) Mounting Max. humidity 4"x4"xl'Ia" back box 95% as tested per UL464 SpectrAlert Dimensions ni? rmin r T71 T1'fl SpectrAlert Mounting Diagrams , 11 SIC4 Strobe or HoriVStrobe with Mounting Plate Strobe or Horn/Strobe with Accessory Back Box Skirt Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage 24 VDC and FWR unfiltered Input Terminals 12 to 18 AWG Sound Output Guide (dBA) Operating Voltage Range 24V, 16-33 V Note: 177cd models tested at 20-33 V FWR and 16-33 VDC Operating Voltage Range w/Sync-Circuit Module 24V, 17-33 V Note: 177cd models tested at 21-33 V FWR and 17-33 VDC U.S. Patent Numbers 6,049,446 6,057,778 0424,465 UL Reverberant Room dBA 0 volts DC 16 24 33 Temporal Low Volume High Volume Electromechanical 75 75 79 3000 Hz Interrupted 75 75 79 Electromechanical 79 82 82 3000 Hz Interrupted 79 82 82 Non- Temporal I Low Volume High Volume Electromechanical 75 82 82 3000 Hz Interrupted 79 82 85 Electromechanical 82 85 85 3000 Hz Interrupted 82 85 85 AVERAGE CURRENT HigLow Temp I 16V 24V1 Volume Non DC FWR DC FWR (mA) 33V I DC I FWR High Temp. 1941 168 150 174 1130 1 169 Non. 1941168 150 174 130 1 169 Low Temp, 187 157 141 159 1191 152 Non. 187 157 141. 159 119 152 High Tern 197 171 154 179 136 174 Non. 197 171 154 179 136 Low 188 158 143 162 123 E158 Non. 188 158 i 143 162 123 156 Tone Electro- mech. 3000 Hz interrupt. Current Draw Table Strobe Only AVERAGE CURRENT (mA) 16V 1 24V1 33V PEAK CURRENT (mA) 16V 124V1 33V IN RUSH CURRENT (mA) ISV f 24V 33V Candela DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC I FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC I FWR 15 63 56 48 55 41 51 164 232 170 242 1701 224 91 118 133 177 188 252 15/75 75 64 56 82 47 62 174 238 1.72 258 168 228 91 115 134 179 182 237 30 95 81 68 79 56 73 238 288 226 318 218 298 94 116 137 179 184 244 75 179 144 127 140 101 126 1 418 436 398 462 384 486 1 99 118 133 177 186 238 95 223 198 153 173 122 163 1640 562 534 560 518 552 1 92 115 132 176 187 244 115 F9_01 232 1 191 230 1561 212 16441 668 1612 712 576 728 1-811 108 118 175 174 249 177 14531 N/A 1291 300 2081 241 19521 N/A 1912 1104 872 1184 1 791 N/A 126 I 170 171 234 Horn/Strobe 15 ad AVERAGE CURRENT Higl1.ow Temp I 1L. .....?'_. Volume Non IDC I FWR DC FWR (mA) DC FWR High Temp. 78 80 71 89 70 94 Non. 78 80 71 89 70 94 Low IinP Zi 69 .2 .24.. .2 .27_ Non. 71 69 62 74 59 77 High Temp.81 83 75 94 ZI 99 Non. 81 83 75 94 76 1 99 Low -Temp, 1721 70 64 1 77 63 1 81 Non. 1721 70 1 64 1 77 1 63 1 81 Horn/Strobe 15/75 ad AVERAGE CURRENT High/Low Temp 16 24V Volume Non DC FWR DC FWR (mA) I 33V DC FWR High Temp. 901 88 79 96 76 105 Non. 90 88 79 96 76 105 Low jp 83 77 70 81 65 88 Non. 83 77 70 81 65 88 High Temp,93 ..L fl 101 .2 110 Non. 93 91 83 1 1011 82 1 110 Low ] 84 78 72 84 69 92 Non. 84 78 72 84 69 92 Horn/Strobe 30 ad AVERAGE CURRENT High/Low Temp _16L.... _?4'L... Volume Non DC FWR DC FWR (mA) _33y___ DC FWR High Temp. 1101 105 91 113 85 116 Non. 1101 105 91 113 85 116 Low Temp. 103 94 82 98 74 99 Non. 103 94 82 98 74 99 High fp 113 108 95 118 91 121 Non. 113 108 95 118 91 121 Low Temp. 104 95 84 loll 78 1 103 Non. 104 95 1 84 1 1011 78 1 103 Horn/Strobe 95 ad AVERAGE CURRENT (mA) Hign/ Low Temp I JL ....3! I.__ Volume Non DC FWR DC I FWR DC FWR High Temp. 238 222 176 207 151 206 Non. 238 222 176 207 151 206 Low Temp. M 211 167 192 140 189 Non. 231 211 167 192 140 189 High Temp. 241 225 180 212 1157 211 Non. 241 225 1 180 212 211 Low [ 2321 212 11691 195 11571 144 193 Non. 2321 212 11691 195 144 193 Horn/Strobe 115 ad AVERAGE CURRENT High/ Low Temp I I6 24V Volume Non DC FWR DC I FWR (mA) I 33V_ DC I FWR High Temp. 305 256 214 264 1851 255 Non. 305 256 214 264 1851 255 Low Temp. 298 245 205 249 .174 238 Non. 298 245 205 249 174 238 High i!!!!P:308 259 218 269 191 260 Non. 13081 259 218 269 191 260 Low Temp. 12991 246 207 252 178 242 Non. 12991 252 1178 242 Horn/Strobe 177 ad AVERAGE CURRENT (mA) High/ Low Temp ! ....?L. L_ Volume Non DC FWR DC I FWR DC FWR High Temp. 468 367 3141 334 237 284 Non. 468 367 3141 334 237 284 Low Temp. 461 354 305 319 226 27 Non. 461 354 305 319 226 267 High Ip Non. 4711 371 318 339 243 289 Low Temp. 14621 356 307 322 230 271 Non. 14621 356 307 322 230 271 Tone Electro- mech. 3000 HE Interrupt Tone Electro- mech. 3000 Hz Interrupt. Tone Electra- mech. 3000 Hz Interrupt. Tone Electro- mech. 3000 Hz Interrupt Tone Electro- mech. 3000 Hz Interrupt. Tone Electro- mech. 3000 Hz Interrupt. Horn/Strobe 75 ad Engineering Specifications Strobe Strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model - listed to UL 1971 and be approved for fire protective service where ceiling mount strobes are permitted. The strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling notification appliance and shall flash at 1Hz over the strobe's entire operating range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/ reflector system. Horn/Strobe Combination Horn/strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model - listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and be approved for fire protective service where ceiling mount horn/strobes are permitted. The horn/strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling notification appliance and shall flash at 1Hz over its entire operating range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/ reflector system. The horn shall have two tone options, two audibility options, and the option to switch between a temporal 3 pattern and a non-temporal continuous pattern. These options shall be selected by a multi- position switch. Strobes shall be. powered independently of the sounder with the removal of factory installed Jumper wires. The horn on horn/Strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. Note: The strobes must be powered continuously for the horn to operate. Ordering information Avg. Current (mA) Modal No. @ 24 V White Red Voltage Candela DC FWR SC2415W SC2415 24 15 48 55 SC241575W SC241575 24 15/75 56 62 Ceiling SC241575PW (plain) SC241575P (plain) 24 15/75 56 62 Mount SC2430W SC2430 24 30 68 79 Strobes SC2475W SC2475 24 75 127 140 SC2495W 5C2495 24 95 153 173 SC24115W SC24115 24 115 191 230 SC24177W SC24177 24 177 291 300 PC2415W PC2415 24 15 71 89 PC241575W PC241575 24 15/75 79 96 Ceiling PC241575PW (plain) PC241575P (plain) 24 15/75 79 96 Mount PC2430W PC2430 24 30 91 113 Horns/Strobes* PC2475W PC2475 24 75 150 174 PC2495W PC2495 24 95 176 207 PC24115W PC24115 24 115 214 264 PC24177W PC24177 24 177 314 334 Sync-Circuit Module MDLW MDL - - 11 15 Surface-mount back box skirt BBSCW BBSC - - - *Horn/strobe current draws assume horn is set at temporal 3, electromechanical tone, and high audibility. System Sensor Sales and Service System Sensor Headquarters 3825 Ohio Avenue St. Charles, IL 60174 Ph: 800-SENSOR2 Fx: 630/377-6495 Documents On Demand: 1-800-736-7672 x3 Web: www.systemsensor.com System Sensor In Canada Ph: 905.812.0767 Fx: 905.812.0771 System Sensor In Europe Ph: + 44.1403.276500 Fx: + 44.1403.276501 System Sensor In China System Sensor In the For East System Sensor In India Ph: + 86.29.524.6253 Ph: + 852.21919003 Ph: + 91.11.558.2119 Fx; + 86.29.524.6259 Fx: + 852.27366580 Fx: + 91.11.567.6815 System Sensor In Singapore System Sensor In Australia Ph: + 65.273.2230 Ph: + 613.54.281.142 Fx: + 65.273.2610 Fx: + 613.54.281.172 0 2000 System Sensor. The company reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. A0025448100(5k)#673 C.. .FORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIR.. .'ROTECTlON M OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL ENGiNEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM FIRE LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7135-1209:173 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Audible Devices LISTEE: System Sensor, 3825 Ohio Ave, St Charles IL 60174 - Contact: Andrei Nikolic (630) 377-6674 DESIGN: Models P1215, P121575, P2415, P241575, P2430, P2460, P2475, P2495 and P24110 horn/strobes with or without suffix -w (white color) and suffix F for FUEGO design, suffix AG for AGENT and suffix EV fOr EVAC; Suffix -F, -EV and -AG are available for all models. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: - Electrical: -12: 10.6 - 17 VDC -24: 20-30VDC Candela: -15: 1 5c -1575: 15cd, 75cd on axis -•• -30:-.•30cd--------- . -- -60: 60cd -95: 95cd -75: 75cd -110: 1 10c INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. These sounder/strobe combinatiOn units are not intended for field assembly. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as horn strobes for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Suitable for the hearing impaired application. For wall mount and indoor use only. Units can generate the distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 1993 Edition. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. NOTE: Models P1215 and P121575 are NOT intended for Public Mode Fire Alarm Service when used on 12 V control panel at low volume. Rev. 03-26-99 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test re s u l t s and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endors e m e n t o r ."..../ recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or i n s t a l l a t i o n criteria.--Refer-to-listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 51 2000 Effective issue date to expiration date Listing Expires June 30, 2001 Authorized By: 6aW1011- ~_- - BEN HO, Supervising Deputy (1 cLlFORNlA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION A OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL - FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM F LISTING SERVICE STATL ,74A LISTING No. 7125-1209:174 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Fite Alarm Devices for Hearing Impaired LISTEE: - System Sensor, 3825 Ohio Avenue, St Charles IL 60174 Contact: Andrei Nikolic (630) 377-6674 DESIGN: Models S1215, $2415, $2475, S2430, S2460, S2495, $24110, S121575-- and S241575 strobe lights. Model number may be followed by suffix -W indicating color white, and/or suffix -F', -AG or -EV'. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations, RATING: Electncal: -12: 10.5 - 17 VDC ...............- -24: 20-30\DC Candela: -15: 15cd -1575: 15cd, 75cd on axis -30: 30cd -60: 60cd -75: 75cd _______ _-95: 95cd -110: llOcd INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical and candela rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as strobe lights suitable for the hearing impaired for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control unit. For wall mount and indoor use onl y . Rev. 03-26-99 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff h a s r e v i e w e d t h e t e s t r e s u l t s and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listin g i s n o t a n e n d o r s e m e n t o r recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational r e q u i r e m e n t s o r i n s t a l l a t i o n V riteiia:Referto listee's data sheetlnstallatiorrinstructions and/or othersuitableinforma t i o n s o u r c e s . Date Issued: JUNE 5, 2000 Authorized By.- Effective issue date to expiration date Listing Expires June 30, 2001 BEN HO, Supers'isinq DeouLv NOZZLES FM-200 Component Description Effedive: April 1999 K-9O-2040 Cylinder and Valve Assembly 200 LB (90.7 KG) Capacity Features d' For use with UL Listed, ULC Listed & FMRC Approved Systems •see KIDDE Manual 90-FM290i'k021 for USCG Approval VALVE OUTLET PLAN VIEW VALVE NOTES: THE SAFETY CAP MUST BE INSTALLED ON THE VALVE OUTLET AT ALL TIMES EXCEPT WHEN THE.EVEL INDICATOR CYLINDERS ARE CONNECTED TO THE SYSTEM TING LUGS PIPING OR BEING FILLED. THE SAFETY CAP MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM ITS CHAIN. SEE 1(90-2070 OR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. N'UNDER JNDER 4EPLATE ORDERING INFORMATION MATERIALS VALVE BODY: BRASS CYLINDER: STEEL, PAINTED RED Na literature Is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes no responsibility for the product's aultablrxty for a particular application. The product must be properly applied to perform as descnbed herein. If you need more information on this product, or If you have a question, contact KIDDE- FENWAL. INC., Ashland, MA 01721. (508) 881-2000. K-90-2040 4/99 01999 Kldde-Fenwal, Inc. Printed In U.S.A. P/N DESCRIPTION 90-100200-101 STD 90-100201-101 WIUJ N H31me Fire Systems KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. 400 MAIN STREEt ASHI.AND, MA 01721 TEL(608)881-20M FA)e (508) 8814920 FM-200 Component Description Effective: April 1999 Valve Outlet Adapters 1(40-2100 Features For use with UL listed, WC fisted & FMRC approved systems • See IODDE Manual 90-FM200M-921 for USCG approval B (VALVE OUTLET CONNECTION) A (SYSTEM PIPE CONNECTION). ORDERING INFORMAllON PART NO. SIZE A B 283904 1-1/2 1-1/2 11-1/2NPT 1.874 12UF4J 2.69 2.50 HEX 283905 2 2 11-1/2NPT 2.500 12UNJ 3.12 3.00 HEX 283906 2-1/2 2-1/2 8NPT 3.00 I2UNIJ 3.00 3.75 HEX * DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES MATERIAL: BRASS NOTE: FOR DIRECT CONNECTION OF CYLINDER VALVE TO DISTRIBUTION PIPING. P/N: 28390X This literature is provided for Informational purposes only. KIDD-FEP4WAL INC. assumes no responsib Way for the products suitability for a particular application. The product must be property applied to perform as described herein. If you need more information on this product, or if you have a question, contact KIDDE. FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721. (508) 881-2000. K490-2100 4/99 01999 Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. KIDDE° Fire Systems ICIDDE-FENWAL, INC. 400 MAIN STREET. ASHLAND, MA 01721 TEL: (508)881.2000 FAX:(508)881.8920 Effective: April 1999 FA -200 Component Description Electric Control Head, Stackable Explosion Proof K908017 Features For use with UL listed, UL fisted & FMRC approved systems ELECTRIC CONTROL HEAD, PART NO. 486500-01 IS RATED FOR USE IN HAZARDOUS (CLASSIFIED) LOCATIONS CLASS 1, DIV. I, GROUPS C. D AND CLASS II, DIV. II. GROUPS E,F,GBETWEEN -40F AND 140F. USE CONDUIT SEAL WITHIN 18 IN. (45cm) OF THIS DEVICE. NOTE: THIS CONTROL HEAD IS POLARIZED. IMPROPER WIRING WILL RESULT IN FAILURE OF THIS DEVICE TO OPERATE EF-2A ON - 1/2"-14 NPT CONDUIT CONNECTION fG-LEADS A WARNING ELECTRIC CONTROL HEAD, PIN: 486500-01, IS DE- SIGNED FOR INSTALLATION DIRECTLY ON 487 AND KNC SERIES HALON AND ECS SERIES FM-200 VALVES ONLY. THIS CONTROL HEAD MUST NOT BE INSTALLED ON ANY OTHER TYPE OF HALON OR FM-200 CYUN. DER VALVE, NITROGEN VALVE, CARBON DIOXIDE CYL- INDER VALVE, FE-13 CYLINDER VALVE OR STOP (DI- RECTIONAL) VALVE. INSTALLATION OF THIS CONTROL HEAD TO ANY OTHER DEVICE (E.G., PRESSURE OP- ERATED CONTROL HEAD) WILL RESULT IN FAILURE OF DEVICE TO OPERATE. This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes no responsibility for the products suitability for a particular application. The product must be property applied to perform as described herein. If you need more information on this product, or If you have a question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL. INC., Ashland, MA 01721. (508) 881-2000. K-90-8017 4199 01999 Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. vvIvl_ IUI 1.25-18 UNEF-213 CONNECTION VOLTAGE: 24VDC CURRENT 0.2A CONTINUOUS DRAW P/N: 486500-01 KIDDE' Fire Systems KIDDE-FENWAI.. INC. 400 MAIN STREET, ASHLAND, MA01721 TEL: (508) 881-2000 FAX (508) 881-8920 id BART . ilk . . .• 283945 . . . . ., ...; 1020 . .... 7O7-. 648 962 f!86210O .:"4 2.78- 437 283934 900 '- -8 16 11 69 10 69 1 00 -3 50 - 437 235317 125200 - 1275 12.93 .1618 j 1456 175 559 -625 292971 200 prs5/98 1360 1309 1706 15 1 75 606 625 31866 .350 16.00 15:50 19.50 17.88 1.75 . 7.25 .625 294651 600 J 2200 21 56 2575 1 24.12" 1 75 1025 625 DIMENSIONS ARE nM INCHES 0 -. . . . . Effective: April 1999 ent Description -•. K-904130 - .-.t" ...............-.•-:.- -.--- -•. . • MATERIAL: STEEL, PAINTED BLACK SAE 1020 . L - r - — - - - - - This literature is provided for uifoinatronal purposes nhj. lDOE.FENWALIMC. -. asstmes no re5pons1bi8y for the procuct's 5uitabiliy for. pazdilar appr=an. The : • - product must be prpery 5p3110d to perform as derf bad herein. . . -: ---• -. .. .• ....... If you need more Irfonrator on this product. orif you have a question ct 1(100! . Fire Systems - FENWAL, INC., Asiland MA 021 4506)8131--WC. c-- - -I K,90-8130 4/09 C1909 1(itid.-Fenw.1, Iiic. Prlg*,d In U.SJ.. . : .. . . -----. - ----. . 400 MAIN . ASHLAND, MAO1fl1 -------- - - TB. (508) 55 FAX OW 8814920 FM-200 Component Description Effective: April 1999 360 Degree Pendant Nozzle K-90.2140 Features For use with UL listed, ULC listed & FMRC approved systems • See KIODE Manual 90-FM200M..021 for USCG approval IN .093 .031 HIGH CHARACTERS ON ANY FLAT 360 DEGREE NOZZ.E PipeSiza A B C 0 1/2' (12.20mm) 1.250' (31J5nvn) 1.468' (37.28mm) 1.937- (49.19mm) 1.250' (31.75mm) 3/4' (19.05mm) 1.500' (36.10mm) 1.578' (40.08mm) 2.125' (53.91mm) 1.500' (38.10mm) (25.40mm) 1.750' (44.45mm) 1.718' (43.63mm) 2.375' (60.32mm) 1.750' (44.45mm) 11/4' (31.75mm) 2.250' (57.15mm) 1.950' (49.53mm) 2.750' (69.85mm) 2250' (51.15mm) 1.1/2' (38.10mm) 2.250' (63.50mm) 2.000 ISMS "mm 2.937' (74.59mm) 2.500' (63.50mm) (50.80mm) 3.000' (7620mm) 2.062' (52.37mm) 3.125' (79.37mm) 3.000' (7620mm) A SELECTION OF ORIFICES ARE AVAILABLE FOR EACH NOZZLE SIZE. CONSULT YOUR KIDDE DE- SIGN AND INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR DETAILS P/N: 90-19402X-XXX I This literature Is provided for Informational purposes only. KIDDE-FElMAL. INC. I I(IDDE° I assumes no responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular application. The I product must be properly applied to perform as described herein. I I t you need more Information on this product, or If you have a quasilon, contact KIDDE- Fire Systems FENWAL, INC.. Ashland, MA 01721. (508) 881-2000. I KIDD.PENWJ.. INC. 400 MAIN STREET, ASHLAND. MA01721 K-90- 4189 01999 Ktdde-Fenwal, Inc. Printed In U.S.A. TEL (608)881.2000 FAX(W8)881-WW '.: - ( FM-200Component Description Effecve: April 1999 - - Cylinder Data K-90-2070 - .--;- -. ••.• .:?.. _.•......................(sheet 2012) L ENGINEERED SYSTEMS CYLINDER DATA - ................ ' ...... .-7-,: PN4T - - ' WEIGHT GROSS WEIGHT ______ JU - - IEI . MAXFILL...! DIAMETER VOLLIVIE MINFIu:. 4.L3 :KG' 3 03 -I•B KG IN . -. hi3 . 90-t00010-001 5-10 3-5 25 11 30 14 35 16 NO 1730 44 707 18 0.167 00047 90-100020-001 9-20 4-9 31 14 40 18 51 23 NO 2497 64 707 18 0.286 0.0081 90-100040-001 17-40 8-18 38 17 55 25 78 35 NO 2676 68 900 23 0.572 00162 90-100070-001 30-70 14-32 52 24 82 38 123 56 NO 3883 99 900 23 1.000. 00283 54-125 25-57 96 45 152 69 223 101 YES 35.93 92 12.75 33 I.788 00506 90-100121-001 90-160125-001 54-125 25-57 98 45 152 69 223 101 NO 3593 W. 12.75 33 1788 0.0506 90-00200- 86-200 39-91 139 63 235 102 341 154 NO 5035 128 13.60 35 209 0.0810 90-100201-001 .86-200 -39-01 141 64 227 103 343 155 YES 50.35 128 13.60 35 2.859 0.0810 90-100200.101 86-200 39-91 133 60 219 100 333 151 NO 52.75 134 12.75 33 2.859 0.0610 90-100201-101 86-200 39-91 133 60 219 100 333 151 YES 52.75 134 12.75 33 2.859 0.0810 190-100350-001 150-350 68-159 201 91 351 159 555 250 NO 58.36 149 16.00 41 5.000 0.1416 90-100351-001 150-350 68-159 203 92 341 160 557 251 YES 58.36 149 16.00 41 5.00 0.1416 90-100600-001 258-600 114-272 335 152 593 270 935 425 NO 5672 145 22.00 56 8.572 0.2427 90-100601-001 258-600 114-272 337 163 595 270 937 426 YES 56.72 145 22.00 56 8.572 02427 NOTE: ENGINEERED SYSTEMS HAVE A FILL DENSITY RANGE OF 30 LB/CU FT TO 70 LB/CU FT - This literalura Is provided for Informational purposes only. KIDOE-FENWAL INC. assumes no responsibility for the pmdu suitability for a particular application. The man product must be properly applied to perform as described herein. . - If you need mare information on this prodisit. ant you have a question. osrtt ICIOOE. Fire Systems ...... FENWAL, INC.. Ashland. MA 01121. (508) 881-200). .........• .. -. .. .. . .. Fire -Systems - - ....- . . . 400 MAIN SVZEr. ASHLAND, MA 01721 - ..A:. -.K-90-2070 •4992 I6dde-Fe Inc. Printedbi U.S.A. . . ro (5c6)881-O • .'tsca) 8814920 . .- -' FLOW CALCUL4TIONS Copyright (C) Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. Kidde ECS Series - Version 2.20 UL EX 4674, FMRC File J.I. ODOA1.AF (P/N 90-190001-220) Project: COMPUTER ROOM File Name: C:\MYDOCtJ-1\24HOUR.FLC Calculation Date/Time: Jul 27, 2001, 11:42:17 AM Project Report Distributor Name: Diversified Protection Systems, Inc. Address: 1150 W Briardale Avenue Orange, CA 92865 Phone: 714-637-8867 Customer Name: 24 HOUR FITNESS Address: 2964 LA PLACE COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Phone: Contact: Title: Project Project: COMPUTER ROOM Designer: RICHARD ABIANG Number: Account: Location: COMPUTER ROOM Desc.: Page: 1 Copyright (C) Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. Kidde ECS Series - Version 2.20 UL EX 46741 FMRC File J.I. 0D0A1.AF (P/N 90-190001-220) Project: COMPUTER ROOM File Name: C:\MYDOCU-1\24HOtJR.FLC Calculation Date/Time: Jul 27, 2001, 11:42:17 AM Enclosure Report Elevation: 0 ft (relative to sea level) Atmospheric Correction Factor: 1 Enclosure Number: 1 Name: COMPUTER ROOM Enclosure Temperature... Minimum: 70 F Maximum: 70 F Maximum Concentration: 7.019 % Design Concentration... Adjusted: 7.014 % Minimum: 7.000 % Minimum Agent Required: 119.7 lbs Width: 25.8 ft Length: 15.1 ft Height: 9.0 ft ------------------------------------- Volume: 3506.2 cubic ft Non-permeable: 0.0 cubic ft ------------------------------------- Total Volume: 3506.2 cubic ft Adjusted Agent Required: 120.0 lbs Number of Nozzles: 2 Page: 2 Copyright (C) Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. Kidde ECS Series - Version 2.20 UL EX 4674, FMRC File J.I. ODOA1.AF (P/N 90-190001-220) Project: COMPUTER ROOM File Name: C: \MYDOCU-l\24HOUR. FLC Calculation Date/Time: Jul 27, 2001, 11:42:17 AM Agent Source Report Agent: (FM-200 is a Trademark of Adjusted Agent Required: Container Name: Container Part Number: Number of Main Containers: Number of Reserve Containers: Manifold: Pipe Take Off Direction: Agent Per Container: Fill Density: Container Empty Weight: Weight, All Containers + Agent: Floor Area Per Container: Floor Loading Per Container: FM-200 / Propellant N2 the Great Lakes Chemical Corp.) 120.0 lbs 200 lb. Cylinder w/LLI 90-100201-001 1 0 No Manifold Horizontal 120.0 lbs 42.0 lbs / cubic ft 141 lbs 261 lbs 1.01 square ft 259 lbs / square ft Page: 3 Copyright (C) Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. Kidde ECS Series- Version 2.20 UL EX 4674, FNRC File J.I. 0D0A1.AF (P/N 90-190001-220) Project: COMPUTER ROOM File Name: C:\MYDOCU-1\24HOUR.FLC Calculation Date/Time: Jul 27, 2001, 11:42:17 PM Pipe Network Report PART 1 - PIPE --- Node -- -------------------- Pipe ----------------- Description Start End Type Diameter Length Elevation Main Cyl. X 1 0 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 in 3.63 ft 3.63 ft Pipe 1 2 40T 1-1/2 in 0.50 ft - Pipe 2 3 40T 1-1/2 in 7.58 ft 7.58 ft Pipe 3 4 40T 1-1/2 in 0.75 ft - Pipe 4 5 40T 1-1/2 in 12.50 ft - Pipe 5 6 40T 1-1/2 in 0.75 ft - Pipe 6 7 40T 1 in 6.50 ft - Pipe/El-Ni 7 8 40T 1 in 1.25 ft -1.25 ft Pipe 6 9 40T 1 in 6.50 ft - Pipe/E1-N2 9 10 40T 1 in 1.25 ft -1.25 ft PART 2 - EQUIVALENT LENGTH -Node ---------Pipe Parts ------------ Equivalent Length Str End 90 45 Thru Side Union Other Added Total 0 1 - - - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------- - 59.0 ft 1 2 - - - - lAdapter - 1.4 ft 2 3 1 - - - - - 11.9 ft 3 4 1 - - - - - 5.1 ft 4 5 1 -, - -. - - 16.8 ft 5 6 1 - - - - - 5.1 ft 6 7 - - - 1 - - 12.2 ft 7 8 1 - - - - - 4.1 ft 6 9 - - - 1 - - 12.2 ft 9 10 1 - - - - - 4.1 ft PART 3 - NOZZLE -Node Nozzle --------------------------- Str End Flow Name Diameter Type Nozzle Area 0 1 120.0 lbs -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 120.0 lbs 2 3 120.0 lbs 3 4 120.0 lbs 4 5 .120.0 lbs 5 6 120.0 lbs 6 7 60.0 lbs 7 8 60.0 lbs El-Ni 1 in 180 Degree 0.2744 square in 6 9 60.0 lbs Page: 4 10 60.0 lbs E1-N2 1 in 180 Degree 0.2744 square in Page: Copyright (c) Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. Kidde ECS Series - Version 2.20 UL EX 4674, FC File J.I. 0D0A1.AF (P/N 90-190001-220) Project: COMPUTER ROOM File Name: C:\MYDOCU-1\24HOUR.FLC Calculation Date/Time: Jul 27, 2001, 11:42:17 AM Part List Report Total Agent Required: 120.0 lbs Container Name: 200 lb. Cylinder w/LLI Number Of Containers: 1 Name Nozzle Area Part Number ---------------------------------------------- El-Ni 0.2744 square in 90-194015-206 El-N2 0.2744 square in 90-194015-206 Pipe: Type Diameter Length ---------------------------------------------- 40T 1 in 15.50 ft 40T 1-1/2 in 22.08 ft 'Other' Items: 1 (2 in) - Valve Outlet Adapter List of 90 degree elbows: 2 - 1 in 4 - 1-1/2 in List of unions: 1 - 1-1/2 in List of Tees: 1 - 1-1/2 in Page: 6 Copyright (c) Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. Kidde ECS Series - Version 2.20 UL EX 4674, FMRC File J.I. 0D0A1.AF (P/N 90-190001-220) Project: COMPUTER ROOM File Name: C:\MYDOCU-1\24HOUR.FLC Calculation Date/Time: Jul 27, 2001, 11:42:17 AM System Acceptance Report System Discharge Time: 9.0 seconds Percent agent in pipe: 35.75% Percent agent before 1st Tee: 28.96% Enclosure Number: 1 Enclosure Name: COMPUTER ROOM Minimum Design Concentration: 7.000% Adjusted Design Concentration: 7.014% Predicted Concentration: 7.019% Maximum Expected Agent Concentration: 7.019% (At 70 F) Minimum Adjusted Predicted Nozzle Agent Agent Agent Pressure Nozzle Required Required Delivered (Average) El-Ni 59.8 lbs 60.0 lbs 60.0 lbs 168 psig El-N2 59.8 lbs 60.0 lbs 60.0 lbs 168 psig End of Report Page: 7 w4rJM FWR49P C"ct/"lr,-Jffo-/Vs Central Con RXTX Modi Power Sup Auxiliary Ou Auxiliary Ou Mother Boai Signal Audit Relay Outpi City Tie Out Agent ReleE Intelligent In FIELD DEVI Ionization D Photoelectri Heat Detect FM200 Sole Preaction S( Addressable Addressable Loop Isolato 1st Alarm H 2nd Alarm B Discharge S TABLE A4 Module/Device _______________________________ Standby Current (Amps) _______________ Module! Systems Maximum Standby Current (Amps) Central Contol Module 0.0700 x 1_ = 0.0700 RXTX Module 0.0350 x I - 0.0350 Power Supply Monitor 0.0600 x _1 - = 0.0600 Auxiliary Output I (Notes 3 & 4) x = AuxilIary Output 2 (Notes 3 & 4) x Mother Board 0.0350 x I = 0.0350 Signal Audible Output Module 0.0250 x 0 0.0000 Relay Output Module 0.0100 x I = 0.0100 City Tie Output Module 0.0300 x 0 0.0000 Agent Release Output Module 0.0650 x I = 0.0650 Intelligent Interface Module 0.0500 x 0 = 0.0000 FIELD DEVICES x = Ionization Detector 0.0004 x I 0.0004 Photoelectric Detector 0.0004 x _1 - = 0.0004 Heat Detector 0.0004 x 0 = 0.0000 Addressable Contact. Input 0.0003 x 3 = 0.0009 Addressable Contact Output 0.0003 x TABLE A-3 Current Required Sum Column for Standby Load = 0.277 Battery requirements Amp-hour Total Standby Load - Required Standby Time (From table A-3) x (4, 24, 60 or 90) Hours = 6.648 (.277) (24) Total Alarm - Required Alarm Time Load (From table A-4) 5 mm. enter 0.084) (2.335) X (10 Mm. enter 0.167) - - 0 . 196 (.084) Total Amp Hours Required = 6.844 7.621 X 1.1(10%) 7.528 Total Amp Hours Adjusted = 12 - • ' FoRrjIuLATF6L D °"4L Wig K = CONS1ATk I J (a ps) DU 0 S 'TYPEs 44 QtW4 fx WV Nr CI!JRRE x è Uneaift PRONO P W. A G1 .f I v J_.4•:. DROB VOI17AGEDROR HORN STROBE - x O 1484 WXIV 20 i2 rt - 411O GO15124O8r 0.063 STROBE I xpt O O43;.-, ~5 x 20 tx 1 MW E7410 0439416t. 0.018 BELL 24 I 'fO 03h 4 xZ 20 x4 24t 4/,i 4119 O 003065693 0.013 SOLENOID-FM200 I 2 . 4x 25 ' *10-1100 11O O2554Y445 0.106 SOLENOID-PREACTION 0 1fx tO 37 50 i21 - ' 414OØ 0.000 DETECTOR .4? 2 QQOO4 50 10 eIRM,J - 0.001