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5964 LA PLACE CT; ; FA130084; Permit
3/12/24,4:55 PM FAI 30084 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fire Alarm Permit Permit No: FA130084 Job Address: 5964 LA PLACE CT Status: ISSUED Permit Type: FALARM Applied 11/5/2013 Parcel No: 2120620600 Approved: 11/8/2013 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 11/8/2013 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: GENMARK INSTALLATION OF A FIRE SPRINKLER MONITORING SYSTEM TO BE MONITORED BY A 24 HR. U.L. APPROVED CENTRAL STATION FOR CENTRAL STATION SERVICE. TO INCLUDE: -THE SPRINKLER SYSSTEM WATERFLOW ALARM 7 VALVE SUPERVISION. -SMOKE DETECTOR ABOVE FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL -FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM PANEL MONITORING -DUCT TYPE SMOKE DETECTORS MONITORING -HVAC UNITS FANS SHUTDOWN -FIRE ALARM H RN/STROBE, ANNUNCIATOR/KEYPAD AND MANUAL FIRE ALARM PULL STATION BY RECEPTION AREA. Applicant: Owner: CAMPUS CARLSBAD L L C C/O NEWPORT NATIONAL CORP 1525 FARADAY AVE #100 CARLSBAD CA Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 548 0 548 0 about:blank 1/1 tL,cici 3830 Cafle Fortunada San, Diego, CA 92123 (858) 654-3133 UL Certificate of Compliance Cut Sheets and CSFM listings for: GENMARK THE CAMPUS 5964 LA PLACE COURT CARSLBAD, CA 92008 REVISION #5- TENANT IMPROVEMENTS FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVED Subject to field inspection and required tests, notatiorc hereon, conditions in correspondence and conformance with applicable regulations. The stamping of th s -nlansAhall not be held to permit or ap (1ie violation of any law. Date/42I Moal -Th FA130r84. 'Document 52646 2/12/2010 Rev: It is imperative that the installer understand the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) and be familiar with the standards set forth by the following regulatory agencies: Underwriters Laboratories Standards NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code CANIULC - S527-99 Standard for Control Units for Fire Alarm Systems Before proceeding, the installer should be familiar with the following documents. NFPA Standards L*J NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 70 National Electrical Code Pk Underwriters Laboratories Documents: • UL 38 Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes • UL 217 Smoke Detectors, Single and Multiple Station UL 228 Door Closers—Holders for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 268 Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 268A Smoke Detectors for Duct Applications UL 346 Waterfiow Indicators for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 464 Audible Signaling Appliances UL 521 Heat Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems • ANSI/UL 864, Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems • • UL 1481 Power Supplies for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 1610 Central Station Burglar Alarm Units • UL 1638 Visual Signaling Appliances UL 1971 Signaling Devices for Hearing Impaired UL 2017 General-Purpose Signaling Devices and System CAN/ULC - S524-01 Standard for Installation of Fire Alarm Systems ULC CAN/ULC - S527-99 Standard for Control Units for Fire Alarm Systems CAN\ULC - S559-04 Equipment for Fire Signal Receiving Centers and Systems CANULC - S561-03 Installation and Services for Fire Signal Receiving Centers and Systems Note MS-960OLSLMS-960OUDLSE is not ULC listed for Canadian applications This Class (A) digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numdrique de la classe (A) est confonne ala norme NMB-003 du Canada. FM FM Approved to ANSI/UL 864 Other: APPRM EIA-232E Serial Interface Standard EIA-485 Serial Interface Standard NEC Article 250 Grounding NEC Article 300 Wiring Methods NEC Article 760 Fire Protective Signaling Systems Applicable Local and State Building Codes Requirements of the Local Authority Having jurisdiction (LAID) Fire-Lite Documents: Fire-Lite Device Compatibility Document #15384 SLC Wiring Manual Document #51309 ACS Series Annunciators Document #51480 41 IUD Communicator/Transmitter Document #50759 411UDAC Communicator/Transmitter Document #51073 CHG-120F Battery Charger Document #50888 CHG-75 Battery Charger Document #51315 LDM Series Lamp Driver Modules Document #50055 LCD-80F Remote Fire Annunciator Document #51338 ACM4RF Relay Control Module Document #50362 DACT-1JD2 Manual Document #53 037 IDACT Communicator/Transmitter Document #53109 ANN-80 Installation Document Document #52749 ANN-(R)LED Installation Document Document #53032 ANN-I/O Installation Document Document #15 1416 ANN-ELY Installation Document Document #53033 ANN-S/PG Installation Document Document #151417 ACC-25/50(ZSI1) Manual Document #51889 This product has been certified to comply with the requirements in the ANSI/UL 864, Standard for Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems, 9th Edition. Operation of this product with products not tested for ANSIJUL 864,9th Edition has not been evaluated. Such operation requires the approval of the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (Au). MS-9600IS Series Man ual - P/N 52646:B2 2112/2010 Notification Appliance Circuits Special Application Power Power-limiteri supervised circuits 0 Basic System Connections I 8.#2 SoezaasaA iU amps max per circuit EIA.232 to printer or JPO configured for Class A using NACKEY card personal computer Power-limited Soeclai Ap equipment M591 seems?. olication Power (See Style Y illuetrated I Fixed Trouble Relay or personal computer with Power-united, nonsupervised circuits Supervise with a nower supervision (nonsupervised) FACP UloaWDowilad Contact Ratings: Utility. 50 foot maximum DC Power øutputS (24 VDC) near right edge of board) 2 Programmable Relays & for EDP-listed SLC Loop filtered. power-limited, (1.5 arrs 1-1 Contacts show in normal con maximum) Supervision required. ton (AC power with no alarm, Suitable for powering annunciators. trouble. or supervisory activity). Refer to the SLC Vying relayEOLR-1 2.0ampsl30VDCtresistive) wthinsameroom. Nonresettable Power#1 - 24 VDC L tail-safe trouble relay switches OR('I (Supervised Power-lirreted) Manual fur detailed Nonresettable Power #2-24 VDC 0.5 amp 30 VAC (resietive) ___________ Suitable for powering annunciators. * under loss all pr.Tr. W to LC8bF £ _______ information on wiring -71 filtered, power-limited. (1.5 amps (4 t th NO position dunng DBSF I I TERM • addressable devices Tor trouble conditions and '"° AUit/PIIN-BUS RidI I i I (EIA.485 maxirrum) Supervision required. Style 4. 6. and? Oman __ Resettable Power -24 VDC filtered power-limited. (1.5 amps rrexirmim){r to smoke detectors. Supervision required. Ib4 1 JTI - - I TWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TB? (It actorydetaul reiayproarmnng as shown on circuit boar JPB- Install NACKEY board in moper orientation to configure NA Cs 4 StyleY or 2 Style Z circuits ips 0 0 4XTW OFT ) J10 --Jil Cut this jumpertoenable Connectors for4XTMF Option Modu 11~4)ClTF is metalled. Supervisory relay when RerruveJP3jumoerto disable the FACP Cut this jurroerto supervise battery charger en using external charger. . wh the 4XMTl en metalled 0 Important: Removing Ground To disable ground fault detection, (se J1C &J11) . remove jurrqerlstlunt from JP2. I Fault Disable jumper JP2 voids ULINFPA Style/Class Identification for circuits. JP2 Connector for Optional Onboard DACT Remove jumper JP2 only with LDISASI.E OCAl. DIBBLE ________ Connector for Optional 2nd AHJ(Authorityl- laving GNDFLT 1111111 Signaling Line circuit Auxiliary Jurisdiction) approval OPTDACT JP3Tmuble lnuts circuit mr 0 I J17l1 ieLJ 0 Flash Memory Load Enable Switch 13 is JB OWl UP is normal position for switch ol - IIlIIIIIIU1II DO'1 posit on allows loading of LCD DISPLAY XrfMDW factory software upgrades 0 o on • JI 0 ____________ BArrER 0 __________________________ Battery (supervised, nonpower-limited) . 96caud1es1ayoutwrr1 24 VDC, 26 Amp Flour maximum Aiau,r Trouble 5IIsrn5nry RONCC NONCC NONCC Notification Applucance Circuits Power-limited, supervised circuits NAC#1, #2. Q. , Style Y (CI ass B) 3.0 amps rrox per circuit JP8 configured for Ciass B using NACKEY card (factory default configuration) NPC#t NCitQ NC3NAC#4 ri r—-i r-i r, E.Rs 4.7K, 1/2W Peripheral Devices and Their Documents: :> Audio Control for ACC-25150(ZS/T) Audio-Command-Center Doc. #51889 IND _ ANN(R)LED _ ANN-SO LED Dr r LED Display ANN-SIPG Text Annunciator ANN-RLY Doc#151416 Doc.#53032 Printer Driver Doc.#52749 Form-C Relay Card S Doc. #151417 Doc.#53033 1Jul11 => IPDACT ANN (EIA-485).TB6 I Internet Communicator !I. III Doc. #53109 L DACT-IJD2 L Communicator J2 Connector Doc. #53037 - MOO- 4XTMF I Reverse Polarity module J1O, JII Connectors Vj.&o SLC Loop F4I( Doc. #51309 4EBattery Connector TB2 Addressable Devices and SLC Wiring CHG-120F Charger Doc. #50888 CHG-75 Charger Doc.# 51315 MS-96OOLSeries Manual —P/N 52646:B2 2/12/2010 • 11 Section 1: Product Description The MS-9600LS and MS-9600UDLS are compact, cost effective, intelligent addressable FACPs (Fire Alarm Control Panels) with an extensive list of powerful features. The combination of Fire-Lite's newer series devices and legacy 300 Series devices, along with the MS-9600LS or MS- 9600UDLS FACP, offer the latest in fire protection technology. The FLPS-7 power supply is a sep- arate board while all other electronics are contained on a single main circuit hoard; Both boards are mounted to a chassis and housed in a metal cabinet, providing a complete fire control system for most applications; Optional modules, which plug into the main circuit board, are available for spe- cial functions Available accessories include LED, graphic and LCD annunciators, reverse polar- ity/city box transmitter, digitalalarm communicator/transmitter SLC expansion module, local-and remote upload/download software and remote power expansion. The MS-9600UDLS includes a factory installed DACT-UD2 Digital Alarm Communicator Trans- mitter. Refer to "DACT-UD2 Installation" on page 52 and to the DACT-IJD2 Manual Document #53037, which is supplied with the FACP, for DACT wiring and programming information. The DACT transmits system status (alarm, troubles, AC loss, etc.) to a Central Station via the public switched telephone network It also allows remote programming or interrogation of the control panel using the PS-Tools Upload/Download utility via the public switched telephone network. Local programming and interrogation is also possible for the MS-9600UDLS using the PS-Tools and the USB port J4 on the DACT-UD2. The MS-9600LS can be programmed and interrogated locally using the serial port at TB7. Any personal computer with Windows® XP or greater and compatible modem with a speed of 2400 baud or faster and PS-Tools software may serve as a Ser- vice Temiinal. This allows download of the entire program or upload of the entire program, history file, walktest data, current status and system voltages. The MS-9600LSC is a ULC approved Canadian version of the FACP which offers the same fea- tures as the MS-9600LS, but is supplied standard with a DP-9692 dress panel. Refer to "Canadian Option" on page 113 for a full description. The MS-9600LSE and MS-9600UDLSE offer the same features as the MS-9600LS and MS- 9600UDLS but allow connection to 220/240 VAC input. 07 NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, the terms FACP, MS-9600LS and MS-9600UDLS are used in this manual to refer to all versions of the FACPs. 1.1 Inventory When the FACP shipment is received, check to make certain that all parts have been included in the shipment The FACP shipment should consist of one of each of the following: main circuit board with display FLPS-7 Power Supply chassis (with main circuit board and power supply mounted) backbox with door and dress panel plastic bag containing screws, cables, key, etc. manual 1.2 Features and Options New LiteSpeed1M polling protocol for faster SLC response time SLC operates up to 10,000 ft. (3,000 m) in LiteSpeed mode with twisted, unshielded wire or 3,000 ft (900 m) with untwisted, unshielded wire Single standard addressable SLC loop which meets NFPA Style 4,6 and 7 requirements 13 MS-96001S Series Manual— P/N 52646:B2 2112t2010 Product Description Features and Options • Optional module for adding a second SLC loop which meets NFPA Style 4, 6 and 7 requirements • 318 addressable device capacity for each SLC loop (159 detectors and 159 control/monitor modules) • 99 software zones • Up to four onboard NACs (Notification Appliance Circuits): four Style Y (Class B) or two Style Z (Class A)• • Additional NAC capability using control modules . . . . • 7.0 amps total power for NACs and 24 VDC auxiliary power outputs in alarm • Two programmable relay outputs and one fixed trouble relay • EIA-232 Printer PC interface (variable baud rate) . . . . . • 80-character LCD display (bacldit). .. . : . . . .. • Real-time clock/calendar with daylight savings time control • History file with 1,000 event capacity • Advanced fire technology features: Automatic drift compensation . . . . Maintenance alert . . . . . Detector sensitivity test capability (NFPA 72 compliant) . . Automatic device type-code verification Point trouble identification • Waterfiow selection per module point • Alarm verification selection per detector point • . Walktest, silent or audible • PAS (Positive Alarm Sequence) and Pre-signal per point (NFPA 72 compliant) • New ANN-BUS Annunciators/Modules (ACS annunciators cannot be used when ANN-BUS annunciators/modules are connected) ANN-80 Remote Liquid Crystal Display point annunciator ANN-I/O LED Driver Module ANN-LED Alarm, Trouble, Supervisory Annunciator (minimum of one required for Canadian applications) ANN-RLED Alarm Annunciator ANN-S/PG Serial/Parallel Printer Module ANN-RLY Form-C Relay Module Automated activation of the ACC-25/50(ZSIF) Audio-Command-Center • Legacy ACS/Term Annunciators: (ANN-BUS.annunciator/modules cannot be used when ACS/Term annunciators are connected) ACM Series-LED Zone Annunciators LDM Graphic Annunciator Series LCD-80F Liquid Crystal Display point annunciator (LCD-80FC for Canadian applications) ACM-8RFRelayModule • Silence inhibit timer option per NAC • Autosilence timer option per NAC • Continuous, March Time, Temporal or California code for main circuit board NACs with two- stage capability • Selectable strobe synchronization per NAC. • Remote Acknowledge, Alarm Silence, Reset and Drill via addressable modules, legacy ACS annimciators or ANN-80 Remote annunciator . . . 14 MS-9600LS Series Manual— P/N 52646:B2 2/1212010 Spécflcations Product Description Auto-program (learn mode) reduces installation time. Reports two devices set to the same address Password and key-protected nonvolatile memory User programmable password Fully programmable from local keypad or keyboard or local PC Compatible with Fire-Lite's newer series addressable devices (LiteSpeed and CLIP Mode) - Refer to SLC Wiring Manual for listing of all compatible addressable devices Compatible with legacy Fire-Lite's. 300 Series devices (CLIP Mode only) - Refer to SLC Wiring Manual for listing of all compatible addressable devices . Optional 4XTMF module (conventional reverse polarity/city box transmitter) . . . Optional DACT-UD2 Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter, reports up to 99 zones or 636 points (all devices) to a UL listed Central Station. The DACT-UD2 is supplied standard with the MS-9600UDLS/E Optional PK-CD (contains PS-Tools utility) for local or remote Upload/Download of program and data. Optional DP-9692 dress panel (required for Canadian applications) 1.3 Specifications AC Power - TBI of Power Supply Board MS-9600L5(C) .& MS-9600UDLS: 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3.0 amps (L1=Hot, L2=Neutial) MS-9600LSE & MS-9600UDLSE: 240 VAC, 50 H7,1.5 amps (L1=Hot Leg 1, L2=Hot Leg 2) Wire size: minimum 14 AWG (2.00 mm2) with 600 V insulation Battery (Sealed Lead Acid Only) - TB2 Maximum Charging Circuit: Normal Flat Charge - 27.6 VDC @ 1.00 amp Maximum Battery Size: 26 Amp Hour Minimum Battery Size: 12 Amp Hour (FACP cabinet holds maximum of two 18p Hour batteries. For greater than 18 Amp Hour up to 26 Amp Hour batteries, use BB26 Battery Box) For greater than 26 Amp Hour up to 75 Amp Hour batteries, use the CHG-75 Battery Charger and BB26 or BB-55F Battery Box. For greater than 75 Amp Hour up to 120 Amp Hour batteries, use the CHG-120F Battery Charger and BB-55F Battery Box. Jumper JP3, on the FACP main circuit board, must be removed to disable the FACP battery charger when using the CHG-75 or CHG-120E Communication Loop - (Standard ) TB8 and (Optional SLC Expander Module) J3 24 VDC nominal, 27.6 VDC maximum Maximum. length - refer to "Wire Requirements" on page 196 Maximum loop current is 400 mA (short circuit) or 100 mA (normal) Maximum loop resistance is 40 ohms Supervised and power-limited Refer to SLC Wiring Manual for wiring information ES NOTE: When installing SLC wiring in conduit, each loop must be installed in separate conduit. Notification Appliance Circuits - TB4 Special Application power Power-limited circuitry, supervised NAC wiring requirements, refer to "NAC Wiring" on page 197 Nominal operating voltage: 24 VDC • Current-limit: fuseless, electronic, power-limited circuitry MS-96001S Series Manual - P/N 52646:82 2/12/2010 15 Product Description Specifications Maximum signaling current per circuit: 3.00 amps (see Figure 1.1 on page 17) End-of-line Resistor 4.7 kg), Y2 watt (P/N 71252 UL listed) for NACs Refer to Device Compatibility Document for listed compatible devices Two Programmable and One Fixed Output Relay - TBI & TB5 Contact rating: 2.0 amps @30 VDC (resistive), 0.5 amps @30 VAC (resistive) Fonn-C relays Refer to Figure 2.5 on page 47 for information on power-limited wiring for relay circuits Four-Wire Resettable Special Application Smoke Detector Power (24 VDC nominal) T83, Terminals I (+)& 20 S Maximum ripple voltage: 10 mVRms Up to 1.5 amps is available for powering 4-wire smoke detectors (see Figure 11) Power-limited circuit, nonsupervised Refer.to Device Compatibility Document for listed compatible devices Nonresettable Special Application Power #1 (24 VDC Nominal) - TB3, Terminals 3 (+) & 4 (-) Maximum ripple voltage: 10mVn5 : Total DC current available from each output is up to 1.5 amps (see Figure 1.1) Power-limited circuit, nonsupervised Nonresettable Special Application Power #2 (24 VDC Nominal) -. TB3, Terminals 5 (+) & 6 (-) Maximum ripple voltage: lOmVam Total DC current available from each output is up to 1.5 amps (see Figure 1.1) Power-limited circuit, nonsupervised EIA-485 (ACS/ANN-BUS) - TB6 ACS/ANN annunciator connector, Terminal 1 (+) and Terminal 2 (-) EIA-485 (TERM) - TB7 Terminal Mode annunciator connector, Terminal 5 (In +), 6 (In -), 7 (Out +), 8 (Out-) Supervised, power-limited. EIA-232 Serial - T137 Local serial PC/Printer Connector, Terminal 1 (Transmit), 2 (Receive), 3 (DTR), 4 (Ground) Non-supervised, power-limited. 16 MS-9600LS Series Manual— P/N 52646:B2 2112/2010 Accessories Product Description 18.6 New ANN-BUS Annunciators/Devices 113 NOTE: Refer to "Canadian Application" on page 200 for specific Canadian requirements. WARNING: RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK AND EQUIPMENT DAMAGE + DISCONNECT ALL SOURCES OF POWER (AC AND DC) BEFORE INSTALLING OR REMOViNG ANY MODULES OR WIRING. The legacy ACS annunciators may not be used if new ANN-BUS annunciators are being used due to:incompatible serial communication protocols. A variety Of optional devices can be connected to the FACP EIA-485 ANN-BUS communication circuit. Compatible devices include: ANN-80 LCD Annunciator ANN-S/PG Serial/Parallel Printer Interface Module ANN-I/O LED Driver Module ANN-LED Annunciator Module (alarm, trouble, supervisory LEDs) ANN-RLED Annunciator. Module (red alarm LEDs only) ANN-RLY Relay Module ANN-BUS Wiring This section contains information on calculating ANN-BUS wire distances and the types of wiring configurations (Class B). Calculating Wiring Distance for ANN-BUS Modules The following instructions will guide the installer in determining the type of wire and the maximum wiring distance that can be used with FACP ANN-BUS accessory modules. To calculate the wire gauge that must be used to connect ANN-BUS modules to the FACP, it is nec- essary to calculate the total worst case current draw for all modules on a single 4-conductor bus. The total worst case current draw is calculated by adding the individual worst case currents for each module. The individual worst case values are shown in the following table: Model Number Worst Case Current Drawl ANN-80 LCD Annundator 0.040 amps ANN-S/PG Serial/Parallel Printer Interface Module 0.040 amps ANN-I/O LED Driver Module 0.200 amps ANN-(R)LED Annunciator Module 0.068 amps ANN-RLY Relay Module 0.075 amps I Total worst case current draw on a single ANN-BUS cannot exceed 0.5 amp. if current draw exceeds 0.5 amps, refer to "Powering ANN-BUS Devices from Auxiliary Power Supply on page 26. After calculating the total worst case current draw, Table 1.1 specifies the maximum distance the modules can be located from the FACP on a single wire run. The table ensures 6.0 volts of line drop maximum. In general, the wire length is limited by resistance, but for heavier wire gauges, MS-9600L8 Series Manual— P/N 52646:B2 2/12/2010 . • 23 Product Description Accessories capacitance is the limiting factor. These cases are marked in the chart with an asterisk(*). Maxi- mum length can never be more than 6,000 feet (1,800 m), regardless of gauge used. The formula used to generate this chart is shown in the note below. Wiring Distance: ANN-BUS Modules to FACP Total Worst Case Current Draw (amps) 22 Gauge 18 Gauge 16 Gauge 14 Gauge 0.100 1,852 ft. 4,688 ft. * 6,000 ft. *6,000 ft. 0.200 926 ft.' 2,344 ft. 3,7311t. 5,906 ft. 0.300 617 ft. 1,563 ft. 2,488 ft 3,937 ft 0.400 4.63 ft. 1,172 ft. 1,866 ft 2,953ft 0.500 370 ft. 938 ft. 1,493 ft 2,362 ft Table 1.1 Wiring Distances The following formulas were used to generate the wire distance chart: 6.0 volts Maximum Resistance (Ohms) = Total Worst Case Current Draw (amps) Maximum Wire Length (feet) Maximum Resistance (Ohms) (6,000 feet maximum) = '500 where: Rpu = Ohms per 1,000 feet for various Wire Gauges (see table below) Wire Gauge Ohms per 1,000 feet (Rpu) 22 162 18 6.4 16 4.02 14 2.54 Exception: When using the ANN-RLY module, the installer must ensure that the maximum 24VDC power line drop does not exceed 0.3 volts. This results in the following wiring limitations: Wire Gauge Maximum Wire Length 18 312 feet 16 497 feet 14 787 feet 12 1,2501èet Wiring Distance Calculation Example: Suppose a system is configured with the following ANN-BUS modules: 3 ANN-80 Remote Fire Annunciators 1 ANN-S/PG Serial/Parallel Printer Interface Module 1 ANN-I/O LED Driver Module 24 MS-9600L8 Series Manual— P/N 52646:B2 211212010 Accessories Product Description - The total worst case current is calculated as follows: ANN-80 Current Draw = 3 X 0.040 amps = 0.120 amps ANN-S/PG Current Draw =1 X.0.040 amps = 0.040 amps ANN-I/O Current Draw =1 X.0200 amps = 0.200 amps Total Worst Case Current Draw = 0.360 amp Using this value and referring to the Wiring DistanceTable 1.1 on page 24, it can be found that the available options are: : 463 feet maximum using 22 Gauge wire l,172 fed maximum using l8 Gauge wire 1,866 feet maximum using 16 Gauge wire 2,953 feet maximum using 14 Gauge wire Wiring Configuration Figure 1.3 illustrates the wiring between the FACP and ANN-BUS devices. ANN-BUS and power wiring are . supervised and power-limited = ml 1 40 'p FACP 5 Figure 1.3 FACP wiring to ANN-BUS Device MS-9600LSSeri6 Manual - P/N 52646:82 2/12/2010 . 25 01 0 'UI W., '5. S 1 wn. S siT'. Sr. I 4 3 W. I..' FCPS-24FS6!8 C _ ANN-BUS 0 +24 VOC ANN-BUS! nonresettable ACS BUS Product Description Accessories * 1 Powering ANN-BUS Devices from Auxiliary Power Supply Figure 1.4 illustrates the powering of ANN-BUS devices from an auxiliary power supply such as the FCPS-24FS6/8, when the total ANN-BUS power requirement exceeds the capability of the FACP's DC Power Output circuit. 0 Cut (pound Fault Detection jumper JPI (FACP monitors for ground faults) six it. iOltcOffi 0 .. 2 ~41)/ ANN-BUS and power Wiring are 3 2 1 I supervised and power-limited FACP C' Figure 1.4 Powering ANN-BUS Devices from FCPS-24FS618 ANN-BUS Device Addressing Each ANN-BUS device requires a unique address (ID Number) in order to communicate with the FACP. A 5-position DIP switch on each device is used to set this address. The address set for these devices must also be programmed at the FACP for the specific device (refer to the prograniniing section titled "ANN-BUS Options" on page 121). A maximum of 8 devices can be connected to the FACP ANN-BUS communication circuit. Device addresses do not need to be sequential and can be set to any number between 01 and 08. Note that 00 is not a valid address. The following table shows the DIP switch setting for each address. [ NOTE: Address (ID Number) DIP switches on some devices may have more than 5 switch - positions. Unless otherwise specified in the documentation supplied with each device, switch positions 6 and above must be set to OFF. 26 - MS-9600LS Series Manual1.. P/N 52646:B2 211212010 Calculating the System Current Draw Power Supply Calculations 'Secondary refers to the control panel's backup batteries All currents are given in amperes (A). Table 5.2 shows how to convert milliamperes and microamperes to full amperes. To convert... Multiply Example Milliamperes (mA) to mA x 0.001 3 mA x 0.001 = 0.003A amperes (A) Microamperes (pA) to pA x0.000001 300 pA x 0.000001 = 0.0003 A' amperes (A) Table 5.2 Cohverting to Full Amperes •• 5.3.2 How to Use Table 53 on page 176 to Calculate System Current Draw ' Use Table 5.3 on page 176 to calculate current draws as follows: Enter the quantity of devices in all three columns. Enter the current draw where required. Refer to the Device Compatibility Document for compatible devices and their current draw. Calculate the current draws for each in all columns. Sum the total current for each column. Copy the totals fmm Column 2 and Column 3 to Table 5.4 on page 177. Following are the types of current that can be entered into Table 53 on page 176: / Calculation Column 1-The primary supply current load that the control panel must support during a non-fire alarm condition, with AC power applied. / Calculation Column 2-The primary supply current load that the control panel must support during a fire alarm condition, with AC power applied. / Calculation Column 3- The standby current drawn from the batteries in a non-fire alarm condition during a loss of AC power. MS-9600L5 Series Manual—P/N 52646:B2' 2/12/2010 1 175 Power Supply Calculations Calculating the system Current Draw Table 5.3 contains columns for calculating current draws. For each column, calculate the current and enter the total (in amperes) in the bottom row. When finished, copy the totals from Calculation Column 2 and Calculation Column 3 to Table 5.4 on page 177. Calculation Column I n 2 Calculation Column 3 _____ Primary, Non-Fire Alarm Current (amps Current (amps) Secondary, Non-Fire Alarm Current (amps) Device Type Qty I X[current draw]= I Total ent draw] = I Total Qty I X[cunent draw] I Total Main (lrcu6Board 1 X(0.1601 0.160 O.253? 0253 "]X[0.0751 1 NO.103? 0.103 ANN-80 I I )qo.037? O.0401= 1 1 XIO.015? ANN-(R)LED ( J XIO.028]= O.0681= J X[0.028]= ANN-RLY I I NO.0151= -- [O.075' j X10.01 5]= ANN-I/O ( 1 XIO.0351= I I N0.2001= 1 1 NO.0351= ANN-S/PG [ I XIO.045= I I NO.0451= C. I XO.0451 ACM-8RF C J XI0.E301= I I )qo.158J1= I I XIO.030J= ACM-I6ATF. [ I XIO.0401 I I XI0.056f= C I xlo.040J= ACM-32AF AEM-I6ATF ( I XI0.0021 ( J XI0.018J - .1 .1 Xf0.0021= AEM-32AF AFM-IBATF . 1 1. XCO.0401 C I. X{0.05611= [ J NO.0401= AFM-32AF - AFM-IEAF J. - XID.0251 I I X0.065I2= I ] NO.0251= DACT-1.1132 I. J NO.0201 1 1 No.0291= 1 1 NO.0171= LDM-32F [ J. N0.0401 I ] XCO.056f= I I XIO.0401= LDM-E32F ( J XIO.002J I I XIO.0181= I I NO.0021= LCD-80F & LCD-8OFC I I XIO.0641 I I XIO.0641= 1 I NO.0251= 4XTMF - - No.0051= 1 1 N0.011I'= 1 - NO.0051= 4w1re Detector Heads - N 1 I XI 1= - - XI 1=- Power Supervision Rebys [1 XIO.0251= I NO.025? XI0.0251 SLC-2LS Expander II XIO.025001= XIO.026001= i- N0.019001= tP350 C cP355 - I - xLo.00o3o= maxnumatwmdraw lbr all devices: with one (1) SLC Loop 0.400 with two (2) SLC Loops 0O . - )40.000301 SD350 & 5D355 I - X0.00030J= -I IXIO.000301 SD350T&SD355T -I XL0.000301= I-I NO.000301= AD350 a A0355 X[0.00030]= I - NO.000301= 1+350 & H355 - No.000301= -I INO.000301= H350R&H355R - - ] XIO.000301 -I X(0.000301= H355HT - C - I NO.000301= I I NO.000301= D350P & D35OPL ( 1 NO.000301= I -I NO.00030? 0350RP & D35ORPL [I XI0.000301= - NO.000301= BSO1BH&BSO1BHT' ________ : : NO.0011= B224RB Relay Base I XIO.000501= I NO.000501= B224B1 Isolator Base 1 I NO.000451= ( 1 N0.000451= MMF300 1 I N0.000401= ( 1 NO.000401= MMF-300-10 - II X0.00350]= ( 1 NO.00350? P!)F-300 f NO.00075I= 1 NO.00075? MMF-301 II NO.0003751= 1 1 X(Q.00037= MMF-302 11 No.000271= L I X1000271= MMF-302-6 11 NO.002001= C 1 NO.002001= BG-I2LX I -I X(0.000301= C 1 NO.000301= C-300 C 1 N0.000391= C 1 NO.000391= cMp-300-6 I XIO.002251= 1 1 NO.002251= CRF-300 I 1 NO.000271= 1 1 NO.000271= CRF-3004 - II NO.001451= 1 1 N0.00145? 300 - L 1 NO.000401= I 1 1 N0.00040? NAC#1= I I XI 1= NA#2 I I N 1= N#3 I I P NA #4 C I N 1= 1 1= 1 1 1 1= I 1 1 1 1 Current Draw from TB3 (nonalann9) Sum each column " for Primary Non-Alarm = ISecondary Non-Alarmtotals Primary Alarm = = Table 53 System Current Draw Calculations I All eight ACM-aRE relays activated on a single module. 2 All annunciator LEDs on 3 LDM-32Fwith LEDs on 4 If using the Reverse Polarity Alarm output, add 0.005 amps; if using the Reverse Polarity Trouble output, add another 0.005 amps. 5 Refer to the Device Compatibility Document for standby current. 6 Must use compatible listed Power Supervision Relay. 7 Maximum alarm current for each sounder base is 0.015 amps which must be supplied by aux. 24VDC source. 8 Current limitation of Terminal T134 circuits is 3.00 amps per NAC. 9 The total standby current must include both the resettable (T133 Terminals I & 2) and nonresettable (T133 Terminals 3 & 4,5 & 6) power. Caution must be taken to ensure that current drawn from these outputs during alarm does not exceed maximum ratings specified. Current limitations of T133 circuits iS 3.0 amps per output 10 Total current draw listed above cannot exceed 7.0 amps in alarm. 176 MS-96001.S Series Manual- P/N 52646:B2 2112/2010 Calculating the Battery Size Power Supply Calculations 5.4 Calculating the Battery Size Use Table 5.4 to calculate the total Standby and Alarm load in ampere hours (AH). This total load determines the battery size (in All), required to support the control panel under the loss of AC power. Complete Table 5.4 as follows: 1. Enter the totals from Table 5.3 on page 176, Calculation Columns 2 and 3 where shown. 2. Enter the NFPA Standby and Alarm times (refer to 'NFPA Requirements' below). 3. Calculate the ampere hours for Standby and Alarm, then stun the Standby and Alarm ampere - . hours. . 4 Multiply the sum by the dersting fhctor of 1.2 to calculate the proper battery size (in All) - . •. . . 5. Write the ampere hour requirements on the Protected Premises label located inside the cabinet door. Secondary Standby Load Required Standby Time (total from Table 5.3 Calculation (24 hours) Column 3) C I X[ I = AH. Primary Alarm Load Required Alarm Time . . (total from Table 5.3 Calculation . (hr 5 mm., enter 0.084, . . . Column 2) •. . for 10 mm., enter 0.168) C I X[ I = All Sum of Standby and Alarm Ampere Hours = AH Multiply by the Derating Factor X 12 Battery Size, Total Ampere Hours Required = AH Table 5.4 Total Secondary Power Requirements at 24 VDC 5.4.1 NFPA Battery Requirements NFPA 72 Local, Proprietary, Central, Auxiliary and Remote Station Fire Alarm Systems require 24 hours of standby power followed by 5 minutes in alarm NFPA requires 24 hours of standby plus 15 minutes activation for audio systems. The total ampere hours required cannot exceed 26 All with an internal charger 5.4.2 Selecting and Locating Batteries Select sealed lead acid batteries that meet or exceed the total ampere hours calculated in Table 5.4. The control panel can charge batteries in the 12 All to 26 All range. The control panel cabinet is capable of housing batteries up to 18 All. Batteries larger than 18 All require the BB-26, BB-55F, or other UL-listed external battery cabinet MS-96001S Series Manual—PIN 52646:B2 2/1212010 • 177 Appendix A: Software Zones A.1 Correlations Setup and configuration of an addressable system is different than a conventional system. in a conventional system, assignment of input devices (smoke detectors, pull stations, heat detectors, etc.) to zones is accomplished through wiring. The wiring is direct from clearly marked panel terminals to any device assigned to a particular zone. Connection of output devices (horns, bells, strobes, etc.) in a conventional system is accomplished by direct wiring of the output devices to Notification Appliance Circuit terminals In an addressable system, a minimum of a single pair of wires (SLC communication loop) is used. to connect all addressable input and output devices. Communications between the FACP (Fire Alarm Control Panel) and all addressable devices takes place over the wire pair which originates from the FACP. Software programming is used to configure the system as opposed to direct wiring. Zone assignments are created via software means, hence the term software zones. Setup of an FACP software zone is accomplished by panel programming. Each addressable device can.be assigned to a maximum of five software zones. Each software zone, however, may have from 1 to 991 addressable input devices assigned to it and from ito 99' addressable output devices assigned to it. Monitor and control modules comprise one group of 991 addresses, with each module having a unique address from 1 to 991• Detectors comprise a separate group of 991 addresses, each defector having a unique address from ito 99' in its group. Be careful not to duplicate addresses within any one group (modules and detectors). Refer to the following page for an example of zoning. In the example on the following page: Zone 01 has the following addressable devices assigned to it: SD350 smoke detectors with addresses 01 and 02 MW-300 monitor module with address 01 MMF-302 monitor module with address 02 and 03 CMF-300 control modules with addresses 05, 06,07, 09, and 13 Zone 02 has the following addressable devices assigned to it: MMF-302 monitor module with addresses 02 and 03 CP350 smoke detectors with addresses 03 and 04 CMF-300 control modules with addresses 08, 09, and 10 Zone 03 has the following addressable devices assigned to it: SD350 smoke detectors with addresses 05, 06, and 07 M1vIF-302 control module with address 04 CMF-300 control modules with addresses 09, 11, and 12 The example points out some of the key assignment features of the FACP. Addresses of detectors are not duplicated. Addresses of monitor and control modules are not duplicated. The control module with address 09 is assigned to three software zones (providing floor above and floor below). Be careful to properly plan the installation prior to installing any devices. I. CLIP or Classic Loop Interface Protocol devices (modules and detectors) can only have unique addresses of ito 99. Newer LiteSpeed devices (modules and detectors) can have unique addresses of ito 159 which means each zone can have up to 159 input and output devices assigned to it. 178 MS-9600LS Series Manual— P/N 52646:B2 2112/2010 Appendix C: NFPA Standard-Specific Requirements The FACP has been designed for use in commercial, industrial and institutional applications and meets the requirements for service under the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards outlined in this Appendix. The minimum system components required for compliance with the appropriate NFPA standard are listed below: Fire Alarm Control Panel Contains the main control board, cabinet (tackbox and door), main power supply transformer and power supply. Batteries Refer to "Power Supply Calculations" on page 174, for Standby Power Requirements. Ihitiating Devices Connected to one of the control panel's Initiating Device Circuits. Notification Appliances Connected to the control panel's Notification Appliance Circuits via a control module. The following additional equipment is needed for compliance with the NFPA 72 standards listed -. below: NFPA 72 NATIONAL FIRE ALARM STANDARDS FOR: NFPA 72 Central Station Service (Protected Premises Unit) or Remote Station Service 411IJDAC for connection to a compatible listed Central Station DACR or Protected Premises Receiving Unit. This unit must be installed as outlined in Figure C.1, "Central Station Service• Using 411UDAC," on page 188. OR 41 IUD may be installed as illustrated in Figure C.2, "FACP Connection to 4I1UD," on page 189. OR 4XTMF Transmitter Module for connection to the RS82 Remote Station Receiver. See Figure C.4, "Remote Station Connection Using 4XTMF Module," on page 191, for installation instructions for this unit. NFPA 72 Auxiliary Fire Alarm System 4XTMF Transmitter Module for connection to a compatible listed Local Energy Municipal Box. This unit must be installed as illustrated in the section titled "4XTMF Transmitter Module Installation" on page 55 and as outlined in Figure C3, "Municipal Box Connected to 4XTMF Transmitter Module," on page 190. NFPA 72 Proprietary Fire Alarm System FACP Alarm, Trouble and Supervisory contacts connected to Transmitter(s). See Figure C.5, "Proprietary Protective Signaling System," on page 192, for installation instructions for this unit. MS-9600L5 Series Manual—P/N 52646:B2 2112/2010 187 Correlations Software Zones - MONITORICONTROL, MODULE ZO 4ASSIGNMENT — I-- ___________I I. I_ - I _[ I - I I • I I I -- I - I I I I I - I • I I I I I- I • I I I I I I I I I I I I Table A.6 Blank Module Programming Sheet -2 of 2 MS-9600LSSeriesManual - P/N 5264:B2 2112/2010 185 Appendix E: Wire Requirements T-tapping of the SLC loop wiring is allowed for 2-wire (Style 4) configurations. The total resistance of any branch cannot exceed 40 ohms. The total wire length of all branches cannot exceed 10,000 feet (3,000 m). Connecting external system accessories to the FACP main circuits must be carefully considered to ensure proper operation. It is important to use the correct type of wire, wire gauge and wire run length for each FACP circuit. Reference the chart below to specify wire requirements and limitations for each FACP circuit. Note 1 If the SLC loop is to be run m conduit with Notification Appliance Circuits, the risk of encountering problems can be greatly induced by exclusively employing electronic sounders instead of more electronically noisy notification appliances such as electromechanical bells or horns. 2. If two SLC loops are to be installed in conduit, each loop must be installed in separate conduit. 3. The SLC can be programmed to operate in LiteSpeed mode (factory default setting) for a quicker device response time. While shielded wire is not required in LiteSpeed mode, it is recommended.that all SLC wiring be twisted-pair to minimize the effects of electrical interference. Use the following table to determine the specific wiring requirements for the SLC when unshielded wire is used: CIRCUIT CONNECTIONS WIRE REQUIREMENTS Recommended Max. Circuit Type Circuit Function Wire Type and Limitations Distance Wire Gauge and Compatible Brands Feet (meters) Connects to Twisted, shielded pair 10,000(3,000 m) 12 AWG (3.25 mm2): Genesis 4410, Addressable Devices 40 ohms maximum per length Signal 98230, Belden 9583, WPW999 of Style 6 and 7 loops. 40 ohms 8.000 (2,400 m) 14 AWG (2.00 mm2):Genesis 4408 & 4608 per branch maximum for Style 4 Signal 98430, Belden 9581, WPW995 CLIP MODE loops 4,875 (1,450 m) 16 AWG (1.30 mm2): Genesis 4406 & 4606 Signal 98630, Belden 9575, WPW991 flErArt Rtjml CblA isotec NP7I3I10VNQ-S 3,225(980 m) 18 AWG (0.75 mm2): Genesis 4402 & 4602 Signal 98300, Belden 9574, WPW975 SLC loop fllmct Riwisl QahIA isotec NP7I4II0VNO-S (power-limited) Twisted, unshielded pair 10,000 (3,000 m) 12 AWG (3.25 mm2): Belden 5020UL & 40 ohms maximum per length 1 6020 UL, Genesis WG-4315 & WG-4515 of Style 6 and 7 loops. 40 ohms 8,000 (2,400 m) 14 AWG (2.00 mm2):Beiden 5120UL & per branch maximum for Style 4 6120UL, Genesis WG-4313 & WG-4513 LITESPEED MODE loops 4,875 (1,450 m) 16 AWG (1.30 mm2): Belden 5220UL & 6220UL, Genesis WG-4311 & WG-4511 3,225(980 m) 18 AWG (0.75 mm2): Belden 5320UL & 6320UL, Genesis WG-4306 & WG4506 Untwisted, unshielded pair' 3,000(900 m) 12-18 AWG (3.25-0.75 mm2) using listed wire ACS-BUS Connects to Twisted pair with characteristic 6,000 (1,800 m) 12 AWG (3.25 mm2) (ELA-485) annunciator modules impedance of 120 ohms (power-limited) ANN-BUS Connects to Twisted pair 6,000 (1,800 m) Refer to ANN-BUS Wlring on page 23 for wire (ELA-485) annunciator modules requirements. (Power-limited) EIA-232 connects to remote Twisted, shielded pair 50 (15 m) 18 AWG (0.75 mm2) minimum (power-limited) PC computer MMF-300 and initiating Device Maximum loop wire resistance 2,500(760 m) 12-18 AWG (3.25-0.75 mm2) MMF-301 Circuit 1s40 ohms for the MMF-300 (power-limited) and 20 ohms for the MMF-301 MMF-302 initiating Device No more than a2.4 volt drop 2,500(760 m) 12-18 AWG (3.25-0.75 mm2) (power-limited) Circuit allowed at end of circuit. Maximum loop wire resistance is 25 ohms CMF-300 NotificationAppliance in alarm, no more than a 1.2 Distance limitation set 12-18 AWG (3.25-0.75 mm2) (power-limited) Circuit volt drop allowed at end of by 1.2 volt maximum circuit line drop Table E.1 FACP Wire Specifications 1 When using untwisted, unshielded wire, full conduit is recommended for optimum EMI/RFi protection. 196 MS-9600LS Series Manual— P/N 52646:B2 2/12/2010 0 NFPA Standard-Specific Requirements AMT-1 Municpal Box Trip - Silenceable C.2 MBT-1 Municipal Box Trip - Silenceable The following figure illustrates the connection of the MBT-1 (Municipal Box Trip) between the FACP and a Local Energy Municipal Box. The use of an addressable control module programmed for General Alarm and Silenceable allows silencing of the Municipal Box without resetting the panel or box. Connect wires to'two .. red terminals on box. Note: 100 maximum loop resistance due to wiring from power supply to Municipal Box. Gamewell Model M34-56 Local Energy Municipal Box (All contacts shown in energized white wire MBT-1 The CMF-300 must be - To next device programmed as Silenceable r- + on SLC Loop brown and Genera! Alarm. - Braid ed-shield/Drain Supervision Relay Alarm polarity shown! EOLR-1 Power red 151A L - - _ J I + ; _ I t e — CMF-300 _ + - 24 VDC, Nonresettable SLC Loop B -B Shield FACP 194 MS-9600L5 Series Manual— P/N 52646:B2 2112/2010 - NAC-Wiring Wire Requirements E.1 NAC Wiring The following table lists NAC wiring requirements for the FACP. NAC Load (Amps) Max. allowable total loop resistance (ohmè) CLASS-B Max. allowable wire pair length - (feet) CLASS-A Max. allowable wire pair length (feet) AWG 12 solid AWG 14 . solid AWG 16 solid AWG 18 solid AWG 12 solid AWG 14 solid AWG 16 solid AWG 18 solid 0.25 12.72 . 3295. 2072. 1301 819 1648. 1036 650 409 0.5. 6.36 1648 1036 650 409 824 .518 325 205 0.75 424 1098 691. 434 273 549 345 217 136 I 3.18 824 518 325 205 412 259 163 102 1.25 2.54 659 414 260 . 164 330 207 130 82 1.5 2.12 549 345 217 136 275 173 108 68 1.75 1.82 471 •, 296 186 117 235 148 93 58 •2 . 1.59 412 259. 163 102 •. 206 129 . 81. • 511 2.25 1.41 366 230 145 • 91 183 115 72 45 2.5 1.27 330 207 130 82 165 104 65 41 Table E.2 NAC Wiring Requirements for FACP Notes: 1. Calculations are based on Direct-Current Resistance data for uncoated copper wire, per National Electrical Code (2005 Edition) Table 8, Conductor Properties. ri MS-9600LSSeriesManuaI - P/N 52646:B2 211212010 . 197 Appendix. F:, HVAC Control The FACP can be programmed to shut down a building's HVAC fans in the event of a fire. The fans cannot be restarted until the fire alarm condition has been cleared and the FACP has been reset to a normal (non-alarm) condition. IMPORTANT! This HVAC feature is not to be used for smoke control. It is only designed to shut down fans during a fire alarm condition. F.1 Control Module Operation F.1.1 HVAC SHUTDN The HVAC SIIUTDN type code can be assigned to any addressable control relay module for the purpose of shutting down HVAC fans during a fire alarm condition. Devices connected to a module with this type code are unsupervised. To program this feature in the FACP: Program the HVAC SHUTDN type code to the control module which will be used to shut down the fans (refer to 1J'pe under the section titled "Edit Module Screen for Control Modules" on page 88). .. . . . Program the control module to-a software zone and program alarm input devices which, when activated are to cause fan shutdown, to'the same software zone (refer to Zone Assignment under the section titled "Edit Module Screen for Control Modules" on page 88). Monitor the control module using an addressable monitor module programmed for Rouble Monitor. The monitor module label should be programmed to indicate HVAC SHUTDOWN. When the control module is active (HVAC SHUTDN), the monitor module will indicate a trouble condition at the FACP and the display should indicate the HVAC is shut down. Once activated, the HVAC SHUTDN control module remains activated, even if the FACP is silenced or reset. After the alarm condition on the FACP has been cleared and the panel reset, the HVAC SHUTDN control module remains activated and the fans remain off. The monitor module programmed for livuble Monitor which is being used to supervise the control module, will indicate a trouble condition at the control panel and the LCD should display that the HVAC is shut down. The fans can only be restarted when the HVAC SHUTDN control module is deactivated by the HVAC RESTART module. F.2 Monitor Module Operation F.2.1 HVAC RESTART The HVAC RESTART type code can be assigned to any addressable monitor module for the purpose of resetting (deactivating) the HVAC SHUTDN control module and turning the fans back on. The HVAC RESTART monitor module acts globally throughout the FACP system and therefore is not programmed to a particular software zone. To program this feature in the FACP: Program the HVAC RESTART type code to the monitor module which will be used to - deactivate the HVAC SHUTDN control module and restart the fans (refer to Type Monitor. under the section titled "Edit Module Screen for Monitor Module" on page 79). The HVAC RESTART monitor module does not latch when activated. Pressing a switch connected to the monitor module will deactivate the HVAC SHUTDN control relay module only if there are no alarm conditions. The HVAC SHUTDN control relay module can be deactivated if trouble • conditions exist on the FACP. • - - 198 - - • MS-9600L8 Series Manual— P/N 52646:B2 211212010 Monitor Module Operation HVAC Control F.2.2 HVAC OVRRIDE. The HVAC OVRRIDE type code can be assigned to any addressable monitor module for the purpose of overriding or preventing the HVAC SHUTDN control modules from activating. The HVAC OVRRIDE monitor module acts globally throughout the FACP system and therefore is not programmed to a particular software zone. To program this feature in the FACP: Program the HVAC OVRRIDE type code to the monitor module which will be used to• override the HVAC SHUTDN control module and prevent the fans from turning off (refer to Type Monitor under the section titled "Edit Module Screen for Monitor Module" on page 79). The HVAC OVRRIDE monitor module does not latch when activated. Activating a switch connected to the monitor module will override all HVAC SHUTDN control relay modules in the systn, preventing the HVAC SHUTDN modules from activating and causing the FACP LCD to display an active HVAC OVRRIDE module and turn on the Supervisory LED. Releasing the switch will allow the HVAC SHUTDN control relay modules to activate with subsequent alarms, turning off the fans. As an example, pressing the HVAC OVRRIDE switch with no alarms in the system will prevent the fans from being turned off when an alarm does occur. As long as the switch is activated, the fans will not shutdown for any alarms. If the system is still in alarm when the switch is released, the fans will not shutdown unless another alarm occurs after the switch is released. Important! If an alarm exists in-the system and HVAC Shutdown has already occurred, HVAC OVRRIDE will have no effect on the HVAC SHUTDN control relay modules. HVAC OVRRIDE will prevent HVAC Shutdown from occurring =IX if it is initiated prior to an alarm condition. NOTE: Activation of the HVAC OVRRIDE module causes a supervisory event that will be communicated to the Central Station if enabled. MS-9600ISSeriesManual - P/N 52646:B2 2/12/2010 199 ()Flre6LITeALarMS by Honeywell World Headquarters I Firelite Place Northford, CT 06472-1653 USA 203-484-7161 fax 203-484-7118 www.firelite.com !SO 9001 • CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-0075:0217 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7165— FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT (COMMERCIAL) LISTEE: FIRE-LITE ALARMS INC.One Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06410-1653 Contact Brian Reynolds (203) 484-7161, Fax (203) 484-7309 Email Bnan Reynolds2Honeywell com DESIGN: Models MS-9600LS and MS-9600UDLS addressable fire alarm control units. Suitable for • local protective, remote, auxilIary, and central station signaling when used with appropriate optional modules and additional separate listed equipment. The panels provide one signaling line circuit for connection of up to 318 total addressable devices (159 detectors and 159 modules); two Class A or four Class B notification appliance circuits; three form C relays are provided that are default programmed for alarm, trouble, and supervisory relay outputs. The MS-9600UDLS come with the DACT-UD2 factory installed. Refer to listee's data sheet for. detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: MS.9600L5, MS-9600UDLS Control Unit . ... . . . . SLC-2LS Loop Card DACT-UD2 Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter Modules 4XTMF Transmitter Module LDM-32F Lamp driver Module ACM-8RF Control Relay Module ANN-RLY Remote Relay ANN-80 , ANN-LED, LCD-80F Remote Annunciator ACM-I6ATF, ACM-32AF Remote Annunciator AEM-I6ATF, AEM-32AF Remote Annunciator ACC-25/50ZSTAudio Command Center (Listing No. 6911-0075:207) RATING: 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3.0 amps INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: • Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and FM label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm control unit for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. *Also suitable for high-rise applications for use with Model ACC-25/50ZST Audio Command Center (Listing No. 6911-0075:207). Refer to manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. This control unit can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. These control units can generate the distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal as required per NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. This control unit meets the requirements of UL-864, 9th Edition Standard Rev. 06-24-2009 fm This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: • July 01, 2013 Listing Expires June 30, 2014 Authorized By: JAMES PARSEGIAN, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7165-0075:0217 Page 2 of 2. NOTE: 1. For Fire Alarm Verification Feature (Delay of fire alarm), the maximum Retard/Reset/Restart period must be adjusted to 30 seconds or less. 2. Combined with 7170-0075:220 *Rev. 06-24-2009 thi This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any daims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct • operational requirements or installation criteiia. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: • July 01, 2013 Listing Expires June 30, 2014 Authorized By: JAMES PARSEGIAN, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division df-52121:b • E-325 MMF-300(A) Series, MDF-300(A) Addressable Monitor Modules General Four different monitor modules are available .for Fire•Lité's intelligent control panels to suit a variety of applications. Moni- tor modules are used to supervise a circuit of dry-contact input devices, .such as conventional heat detectors and pull stations, or monitor and power a• circuit of two-wire Smoke detectors (MMF-302). MMF-300 is a standard-sized module (typically mounts to a 4' [10.16 cm] square box) that supervises either a Class A (Style D) or Class B (Style B) circuit of dry-áontactinput devices. MMF-301 is a miniature monitor module (a mere 1.3' (3.302 cm) H x 2.75' (6.985 cm) W x 0.5' (1.270 cm) D) used to supervise a Class B (Style B) circuit of dry-contact input devices. Its compact design allows the MMF-301 to often be mounted in a single-gang box behind the device it monitors. MMF-302 is a standard-sized module used to monitor and supervise compatible two-wire, 24 volt, smoke detectors on a Class A (Style D) or Class B (Style B) circuit. MDF400 is a standard-sized dual monitor module used to monitor and supervise two independent two-wire Style B (Class B) dry-contact initiating device circuits (IDCs) at two separate, consecutive addresses in intelligent, two-wire systems. LiteSpeedTm is a communication protocol developed by Fire-Lite Engineering that greatly enhances the speed of com- munication between analog intelligent devices. Intelligent devices communicate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices within the group has new information, the panel CPU stops the group poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect is response speed greater than five times that of other designs. MMF-300 Monitor Module Built-in type identification automatically identifies this device as a monitor module to the control panel. Powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. No additional power required. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on MS-9600 series panels, 01 —99 on other compatible systems. LED flashes during normal operation and latches on steady to indicate alarm. The MMF-300 Monitor Module is intended for use in intelligent, two-wire systems, where the individual address of each mod- ule is selected using the built-in rotary switches. It provides either a two-wire or four-wire fault-tolerant Initiating Device Cir- cuit (IDC) for normally-open-contact fire alarm and supervisory devices. The module has a panel-controlled LED indicator. The MMF-300 can be used to replace M300 modules in existing systems. MMF-300 APPLICATIONS Use to monitor a zone of four-wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterflow devices, or other normally- open dry-contact alarm activation devices. May also be used to monitor normally-open supervisory devices with special supervisory indication at the control panel. Monitored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class Fire u-reALarmS by Honeywell I MMF400 (Type H) A) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the Style B circuit. No resistor is required for supervision of the Style D circuit. MMF-300 OPERA liON Each MMF-300 uses one of the available module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/normaVshort) of its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). A flashing LED indicates that the module is in communication with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limita- tions on the loop). MMF-300 SPECIFICATIONS Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDd. Maximum current draw: 5.0 mA (LED on). Maximum operating current: 375 VA (LED flashing). Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 1,500 ohms. EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). Humidity range: 10% to 930/6 noncondensing. Dimensions: 4.5" (11.43 cm) high x 4" (10.16 cm) wide x 1.25" (3.175 cm) deep. Mounts to a 4" (10.16 cm) square x 2.125" (5.398 cm) deep box. MMF.301 Mini Monitor Module Built-in type identification automatically identifies this device as a monitor module to the panel. Powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. No additional power required. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. Tinned, stripped leads for ease of wiring. Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on MS-9600 series panels, 01 —99 on other compatible systems. df-52121:b.11/13/08—Page 1 of 4 1415 0 1 ADDRESS " %.. " .0. "5' 12 3 ( _LOOP TENS ONES i- 0. IlLu Q 0 —I 11—J Lu. J 0. : co The MMF-301 Mini Monitor Module can be installed in a sin- gle-gang junction directly behind the monitored unit. Its small size and light weight allow it to be installed without rigid mount- ing. The MMF-301 is intended for use in intelligent, two-wire systems where the individual address of each module is selected using rotary switches. It provides a two-wire initiating device circuit for normally-open-contact fire alarm devices. The MMF-301 can be.used to replace M301 modules in exist- ing systems. MMF-301 APPLICATIONS Use to monitor a single device or a zone of four-wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, watert low devices, or other normally-open dry-contact devices. May also be used to monitor normally-open supervisory devices with special super- visory indication at the control panel. Monitored circuit/device is wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-Une Resistor (provided) terminates the cir- cuit. MMF-301 OPERATION Each MMF-301 uses one of the available module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). MMF-301 SPECIFICATIONS Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum operating current: 375 lIA. Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 1,500 ohms. EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 1.3" (3.302 cm) high x 2.75" (6.985 cm) wide x 0.65" (1.651 cm) deep. Wire length: 6" (15.24 cm) minimum. MMF-302 Interface Module Supports compatible two-wire smoke detectors. Supervises IDC wiring and connection of external power source. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on MS-9600 series panels, 01 99 on other compatible systems. LED flashes during normal operation. LED latches steady to indicate alarm on command from control panel. The MMF-302 Interface Module is intended for use in intelli- gent, addressable systems, where the individual address of each module is selected using built-in rotary switches. This module allows intelligent panels to interface and monitor two- wire conventional smoke detectors. it transmits the status (nor- mal, open, or alarm) of one full zone of conventional detectors back to the control panel. All two-wire detectors being moni- tored must be UL compatible with the module. The MMF-302 can be used to replace M302 modules in existing systems. MMF-302 APPLICATIONS Use the MMF-302 to monitor a zone of two-wire smoke deteo - tors. The monitored circuit maybe wired as an NFPA Style .B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) Initiating Device Circuit A 3.9 K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the end of the Style B or D (class B or, A) circuit (maximum IDC. loop resis- tance is 25 ohms). Install ELR across terminals 8 and 9 for Style D application. MMF-302 OPERATION Each MMF-302 uses one of the available module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from.the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short) of its initiating Device Circuit (IDC), 'A flashing LED indicates that the module is in communication with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limita- tions on the loop). MMF-302 SPECIFICATIONS Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 25 ohms. Maximum operating current: 270 lIA (LED flashing). EOL resistance: 3.91K ohms. External supply voltage (between Terminals T3 and T4): DC voltage: 24 volts power limited. Ripple voltage: 0.1 Vrms maximum. Current: 90 mA per module maximum. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). Humidity range: 10% to 930/6 noncondensing. Dimensions: 4.5" (11.43 cm) high x 4" (10.16 cm) wide x 1.25° (3.175 cm) deep. Mounts to a 4 (10.16 cm) square x 2.125" (5.398 cm) deep box. MDF.300 Dual Monitor Module The MDF-300 Dual Monitor Module is intended for use in intel- ligent, two-wire systems. It provides two independent two-wire initiating device circuits (IDCs) at two separate, consecutive addresses. it is capable of monitoring normally open contact fire alarm and supervisory devices. The module has a single panel-controlled LED. NOTE: The MDF-300 provides two Class B (Style B) IDC circuits ONLY Class A (Style D) IDC circuits are NOT supported in any application. MDF-300 SPECIFICATIONS Normal operating voltage range: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 6.4 mA (LED on). Maximum operating current: 750 ILA (LED flashing). Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 1,500 ohms. EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 320 to 120°F (0° to 49°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% (non-condensing). Page 2of4—df-52121:b. 11/13/08 df-60379:AI • E-400 CRF"300(A) Flre•LiTeALarms Relay Module by Honeywell Addressable Devices tht-t1 The CRF-300A) Addressable Relay Module provides the sys- tem with a dry-contact output for activating a variety of auxil- iary devices, such as fans, door holders, dampers, control equipment, etc. Addressability allows the dry contact to be activated through panel programming, on a select basis. LiteSpeedTh is a communication protocol developed by Fire•Lite Engineering that greatly enhances the speed of com- munication between analog intelligent devices. Intelligent devices communicate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices within the groUp has new information, the panel CPU stops the group poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect is response speed greater than five times that of other designs. Features Built-in type identification automatically identifies these devicesto the control panel. Internal circuitry and relay powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. Integral LED "blinks" green each time a communication is received from the control panel and turns on in steady red when activated. High noise immunity (EMF/RFI). Wide viewing angle of LED. SEMS screws with clamping plates for wiring ease. Direct-dial entry of address: 01— 159 for MS-9600(A) series panels, 01 —99 on MS-9200UDLS(A) and MS-9050UD(A). Applications The CRF-300(A) may be programmed to operate dry contacts for door holders, Air Handling Unit shutdown, etc., and to reset four-wire smoke detector power. Construction The face plate is made of off-white heat-resistant plastic. Controls include two rotary switches for direct-dial entry of address setting. The CRF-300(A) is configured for a single Class B (Style Y) or Class A (Style Z) NOtification Appliance Circuit. The CRF-300(A) provides two Form-C dry contacts that switch together. Operation Each CRF-300(A) uses one of the addresses on a SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and status, including the open/normal/short status of its Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC). The LED blinks with each poll received. On command, it activates its internal relay. NOTE: Open/short supervision is suspended with the CRF-300. Rotary switches set a unique address for each module. The address may be set before or after mounting. The built-in TYPE CODE (not satiable) will identify the module to the con- trol panel, so as to differentiate between a control module and a relay module. CRF-300(A) Specifications Normal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum SLC current draw: 6.5 mA (LED on). Average operating current: 230 pA direct poll (CLIP mode), 255 pA group poll (UteSpeed mode) with LED flashing. EOL resistance: not used. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). Humidity range: 10% to 930/6 non-condensing. Dimensions: 4.5 (11.43 cm) high x 4° (10.16 cm) wide x 1.25° (3.175 cm) deep. Mounts to a 4° (10.16 cm) square x 2.125° (5.398 mm) deep box. Relay Contact Ratings Load Description Application Maximum Current Voltage Rating Resistive Non-Coded 30 VDC 3.0 A Resistive Coded 30 VDC 2.0 A Resistive Non-Coded 11O VDC 0.9 A Resistive Non-Coded 125 VAC 0.9 A Inductive (LIR=5ms) Coded 30 VDC 0.5 A Inductive (L/R=2ms) Coded 30 VDC 1.0 A Inductive (PF=0.35) Non-Coded 125 VAC 0.5 A df-60379:A1 • 08/04/09 - Page 1 of 2 Agency Listings and Approvals In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult fac- tory for latest listing status. UL: S2424 ULC: S2424 FM approved CSFM: 7300-0075:185 MEA: 72-01-E Product Line Iflformation CRF-300(A): Intelligent addressable relay module. Intelligent addressable relay module, ULC listed model. SMB500: Optional surface-mount backbox. NOTE: For installation instructions, see document 156-1190-005 and refer to the SLC Wiring Manual, document 51309. q LlteSpeedTu is a trademark and Fire-Lite® Alarms is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc.. 02009 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document Is strictly prohibited. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. I SO 9001 We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. - : . =l We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. INIIM &LWlffAflUMU All specifications are subject to change without notice. QUALITY SYSTEMS Made ln the U.S.A. For more information, contact FireLite Alarms. Phone: (800) 627-3473, FAX: (877) 699-4105. www.firelite.com Page 2 of 2— df-60379:A1 • 08/04/09 a CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-0075:0185 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 - FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNITACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: FIRE-LITE ALARMS INC.One Fire-Lite Place, Northfórd, CT 06410-1653 Contact: Brian Reynolds (203) 484-7161 Fax (203) 484-7309 • Email: Briah.ReynoIds2HoneyweII.com : DESIGN: Models MDF-300, MMF-301, MMF-300, MMF-302, MCF-300 monitor modules; Models • CRF-300 andCMF-300 control modules; and MMF-302-6 six zone interface signaling device module. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 15-32VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model designation, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with listee's separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. NOTE: 4 Rev. 05-06-05 JW This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installatiàn instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2013 •• Listing Expires June 30, 2014 Authorized By: JAMES PARSEGIAN, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division . SYSTEM. SENSOR 4-Wire Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector The lnnovairFlex'° Series are the only duct smoke detectors flexible enough to fit configurations from square to rectangular and everything in. between. Features .. . Photoelectric, integrated low-flow technology Air velocity rating from 100 ft/min to 4,000 ft/mm (0.5 m/s to 2032 m/sec) Versatile mounting options: square or rectangular configuration Plug-in sensor offers superb false alarm immunity and the latest sensor technology Broad ranges for operating temperature (-4°.F to 158°F) and humidity (0% to 95% non-condensing) Patented sampling tube installs from front or back of the detector with no tools required Increased wiring space with a newly added 3A-inch conduit knockout One easy-access Test/Reset button and improved LED status Patented interconnect feature for multi-fan shutdown New high contrast terminal designations Built-in short circuit protection from operator wiring errors Field selectable settings for configuring the detector Two DPDT Form-C relay contacts .24 VAC/DC or 120 VAC Backward compatibility with existing Innovair products, including remote accessories Agency Listings Innova The InnovairFIex D4120 4-wire photoelectric duct smoke detector features a pivoting housing that fits both square and rectangular footprints and mounts to round or rectangular ductwork. This unit senses smoke in the most challenging conditions, operating in airflow speeds of 100 to 4,000 feet per minute, temperatures of —4°F to 158°F, and a humidity range ofOto 95 percent (non- condensing). A plug-in sensor head offers improved false alarm immunity and simple installation, testing, and maintenance. An improved cover design isolates the sensor head from the low-flow feature for simple maintenance. The InnovairFIex housing provides ample wiring space, a ~-inch conduit knockout, and built-in short circuit protection to prevent damage to sensitive components during installation. High contrast terminal designations make wiring easy. With its 2:1 sensor-to-power capability, the power board of the D4120 may be used to monitor a second sensor, D4S, simultaneously (i.e., supply and return side). As many as 50 InnovairFIex detectors can be interconnected. When one unit senses smoke, all interconnected detectors will switch their relays; only the detector sensing smoke will go into alarm, thus pinpointing the fire source. An easy-access Test/Reset button makes it possible to test the unit with the cover on.Three DIP switches can be used to configure field selectable settings: cover tamper delay, number of sensors to be controlled, and shut down on trouble option. Each power board has two LEDs that can be used to indicate the status of connected sensors, and a quick reference imprinted on the cover explains the LED status indications (Standby, Maintenance, Trouble, and Alarm). The InnovairFiex duct smoke detector can be customized to meet local codes and specifications without additional wiring.The new InnovairFIex product line is compatible with all previous Innovair models, including remote test accessories. WARNING: Duct smoke detectors are NOT a substitute for open area smoke detectors; NOT a substitute for early warning detection; LISTED : . NOT a replacement for a building's regular fire detection system. Refer to NFPA 72 and 90A for additional information. lnnovairFlex' Duct Smoke Detector Specifications The air duct smoke detector shall be a System Sensor InnovairFIex" D4120 Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector.The detector housing shall be UL listed per UL 268A specifically for use in air handling systems.The flexible housing of the duct smoke detector fits multiple footprints from square to rectangular.The detector shall operate at air velocities of 100 feet per minute to 4000 feet per minute (05 to 2032 meters/second).The unit shall be capable of controlling up to 50 air handling systems when interconnected with other detectors.The detector shall be capable of providing a trouble signal in the event that the front cover is removed. It shall be capable of local testing via magnetic switch, test button on the cover, or remote testing using the SSK451 Multi-Signaling Accessory or the RT5451 KEY Remote Test Station.Terminal connections shall be of the strip and clamp method suitable for 12-18 AWG wiring. Physical Specifications Size: (Rectangular Dimensions) 1438 in (37 cm) Length; Sin (12.74 cm) Width; 25 in (636 cm) Depth (Square Dimensions) 7.75 in (19.7 cm) Length; 9 in (22.9 cm) Width; 25 in (635 cm) Depth . Weight . 251b5(1.l4kg) Operating Temperature Range: D4120 & D4S: -4° to 158°F (-20° to 70°C); 04P120: -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C) Storage Temperature Range: D4120 & D4S: -22° to 158°F (-30° to 70°C); D413120: -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C) . . . Operating Humidity Range:. 0% to 95% relative humidity non-condensing . . . . . . . . . . Air Duct Velocity: . . 100 to 4000 ft/mm (05 to 2032 nVsec) . . . Electrical Ratings Power supply voltage: 20-29V0C 24 VAC 50-60 Hz 120 VAC 50-60 Hz Input capacitance: 270pF max. 270pF max. WA Reset voltage: 3.OVDC mm. 2.OVAC mm. 10 VAC mm. . Reset time: (with RTS4S1) .03 to 03 sec. .03 to 03 sec. .03 to 03 sec. Reset time: (by power down) . 0.6 sec. max. 0.6 sec max. 0.6 sec. max. Power up time: 35 sec. max. 35 sec. max. 35 sec. max. Alarm response time: 15 sec. 15 sec. 15 sec. Sensitivity Test: See detector label See detector label See detector label Current Requirements: (Using No Accessories) Max. standby current . 21 mA @ 24VDC 65 mA RMS @ 24VAC 60Hz 20 mA RMS @12OVAC 60Hz Max. alarm current: 65 mA @ 24VDC 135 mA RMS @ 24VAC 60Hz 35 mA RMS @12OVAC 60Hz Alarm initiation contacts: (SPST) 2.OA @30 VDC (resistive) Alarm auxiliary contacts: (DPDT) 10A @30 VDC (resistive); 10A @250 VAC (resistive); ½ HP @240 VAC; V4 HP @12OVAC Note: Alarm auxiliary contacts shall not be connected to initiating circuits of control panels. Use the alarm initiation contact for this purpose Supervisory contacts: (SPDT) 2.OA @30 VDC (resistive); 2.OA @125 VAC (resistive) Current Loads at 24 -Acressory VDC Device Standby Trouble Alarm APA151/APA451 125 mA n/a 30mAMax. MHR/MHW OmA n/a 29mAMax. RA100Z OmA n/a 12mAMax. RTS151/RTS151KEY 0mA/12mA n/a 12mAMax . RTS'RTS2-AOS 3.0mA max 16 mA Max. with strobe: 55 mA max without strobe 30 mA max Note: Any combination of accessories may be used such that the given accessory loads are: 110 mA or less at the Aux output, and 50 mA or less at the Alarm output Installing the InnovairFIex Sampling Tube The InnovairFiex sampling tube may be installed from the front or back of the detector.The tube locks securely into place and can be removed by releasing the front or rear locking tab (front locking tab shown below right). AOO1 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL LISTING SERVICE FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM Im LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: iA DESIGN: 3242-1653:0207 Page 1 of I 3242 -. DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR, PHOTO. (WI OR W/O BASE) System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Trish Linhart (630) 377-6580 Fax (630) 377-7245 Email: trish.linhart@systemsensor.com Models D4120, D4240, RD4120, P270-3000PL, TD41203, TD41204, LD4S, 1-134I20X, LD4I20H, D4S, 04P120, CD413I20 LD4PI20X, LD4PI20H, TD4C, PD4120, Y04120, YD4PI20, and AD4PI20 four-wire conventional photoelectric duct smoke detectors and subassemblies. Unit consists of a duct detector housing, powerboard with electrical components and relays, exhaust tubes, and listed 2D51 detector head (CSFM Listing No: 7272-1653:203). Model AD4S sensor component Models *TD4C, LD4I2OX, LD4I20H, LD4PI20X and LD4PI20H do not contain a 120 VAC transformer. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. 20-29 VDC, *24 VAC, 120 VAC (except Models *TD4C, L04120X, LD4I20H, LD4PI20X anc LD4PI20H d0 not have 120 VAC rating). In accordance with listee's printed installation instruction, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, model number, rating, air velocity and UL label. Listed as conventional photoelectric duct smoke detector for use with separately listed fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. RATING: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: rl *Rev. 03-27-13 gt . This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct V operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2013 Listing Expires June 30, 2014 Authorized By: JAMES PARSEGIAN, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division r\ SYSTEM $ SENSOR 09 Duct Smoke. a Detector Accessories &pand the versatility of the lnnovairFlef line of duct smoke detectors with System Sensor notification and test accessories. Available Accessories Duct smoke detector accessories add functionality to the duct APA1 51 Piezo Annunciator smoke detection system by alcwing cuick, convenient inspections at eye level and effective audiole ard visible notification options. All MHR Mini-Horn, Red System Sensor duct smoke detectors and accessories are UL listed. MHW Mini-Horn, White The APA1 51 piezo annurciator whic i replaces the APA451 with RA1 OOZ/RA100ZA Remote Annunciator a new, improved look, provides an aLCible alarm signal, a red LED RTS151 Remote Test Station to indicate alarm status, and agreen LED to indicate power status. RTS1 51 KEY Remote Test Station with Key It is intended for use with 5ysten Sensor 4-wire conventional duct smoke detector applications without a system control panel, to RTS2 Multi-Signaling Accessory comply with NFPA 90A. AOS Add-On Strobe The MHR and MHW SpectrAlert Ac'.ance mini-horns feature RTS2-AOS Multi-Signaling Accessory temporal or continuous tcnes at high and low volume settings. Their small footprint allows mounting to single-gang back boxes for applications where a small device is desired. The RA100Z and RA100ZA remote annunciators are designed for both conventional and intelligent applications. Their red LED provides visual indication of an alarm condition. The RTS151 and RTS151 KEY rerioe test stations are automatic fire detector accessories desicned to test duct smoke detectors from a convenient location. For 4-wire detectors, the RTS151 KEY test station features a multi-colored ...ED that alternates between steady green and red. For 2-wire detE-ctors tfe LED illuminates red for alarm. The RTS2 and RTS2-AOS mjlti-si-r aling accessories are designed to work with InnovairFiex 4-wre conventional duct smoke detectors These accessories include a key switch that can be used to select one of two connected sersor;to be tested, reset or both by.a push button switch. They also enable sensitivity measurements using Agency Listings the SENS-RDR sensitivity reader (sold separately. The ADS (Add-On Strobe) is an optional accessory inc ucec wth the RTS2-AOS model. LISTED '°- RTS2-AOS UL S2522 Specifications, Duct Smoke Detector Accessories Itll.1J.i Remote Test Station Voltage Regulated 24VDC Power Requirements Alarm LED: 2.8 to 32 VDC, 12 mA max. Operating Voltage 16t0 33 VDC Total Current: 105 mA max. Maximum Alarm Current 30 mA Test Switch 1 OVA @ 32VDC Temperature Range 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 12(°F) Reset Switch 1 OVA @ 32VDC Relative Humidity 10 to 93% non-condensing Alarm Responselime 40 seconds max Wire Gauge 12 to 18 AWG Temperature Range . -10°C to 60°C (14°F to 140°F) Dimensions 4.6-H x 2.9W .45D Relative Humidity 95% non-condensing WireGauge . 14to.18AWG Voltage Regulated 12 DC or FWR (Full Wave Rectified) Dimensions . 4.&H x,2.90W x 4D or Regulated 24 VDC or FWR RTS1 51 KEY Remote Test Station with Key Operating Voltage 8 to j3 VDC . Power Requirements . Power LED (Green): 14 to 35 VDC, 12 mA max. ... (9 to 33 VDC with Sync.Circuit'° Module). . . . . Alarm LED (Re: 2.8 to 32VDC, 12 mA max. .Sounder Current Draw 22 mA RMS max. at 8 to 17.5 Volts DC . . Total Current: 105 mA max. 17 mA RMS max at 8t0 175 Volts FWR Alarm Response Time 40 seconds max. 29 mA RMS max. at 16 to 33 Volts DC Temperature Range -10°C to 60°C (14°F to 140°F) • 25 mA RMS max. at 16 to 33 Volts FWR Relative Humidity 95% non-condensing Temperature Range 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 120°F) Wire Gauge 14to18AWG Humidity Range 10 to 93% non-condensing . Dimensions 4.6H x 2.75W xl .&D -Nominal _Sounder Frequency 3 kHz . . ______ and ___________ Multi _______________________ -signaling Accessory Wire Gauge 12to18AWG Voltage: 20to29VDC Dimensions 4ff H x 2.9W x 0.450 Power Requirements Standby: 3.0 mA max RA10OZIRAI OOZA Remote Annunciator . . Trouble: 16.0 mA max. Voltage Range Conventional System: 3.1 to 32 VDC . Alarm without strobe: 30 mA max. Intelligent System: 18 to 32 VDC Alarm with strobe: 55 mA max. Maximum Alarm Current 12 mA Sounder 85 dBA at ten feet Dimensions 4.6"H x 2.8W xl 3D Temperature Range -10°C to 60°C (14°F to 14(°F) Relative Humidity 95% non-condensing Wire Gauge 14 to 22 AWG Dimensions 4.8Wx 53H xl ffD For the very latest product specifications and listing information, please visit the System Sensor Web site at www.systemsensor.com. RA100ZULS2522 MHWULS4O1I MHRULS4OI1 3825 Ohio Avenue. St. Charles, IL 60174 • . • 's$ SENSOR Phone: 800-SENSOR2. Fax: 630-377-6495 A05.0423.000.5/3941840 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION • OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL 9 FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1653:0212 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 - FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORI ES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL • 60174 Contact: Irish Linhart (630) 377-6580 Fax (630) 377-7245 Email: trish.Iinhart©systemsensor.com DESIGN Models RTSI 51 RTSI 51 KEY and RAIOOZ Duct Smoke Detector accessories Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Refer to the installation manuals. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. t 04-03-09 bh S This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed 6 the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Pate Issued: July 01, 2013 • • Listing Expires June 30, 2014 Authorized By: JAMES PARSEGIAN, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Save up to 48% in current draw* f- Up to 9 models now in 1 appliance - Save up to 14% cost of installation** r .0 jo Sleek Modern Aesthetics Finger Slide Switches Mon c Voltage Test Points AIM-7 A IM Multiple Voltages 3 Audible Settings 90, 95, 99 dB " 8 Candela Settings Q Wall - 15/1575/30/75/95/110/135/185 Ceiling - 15130160175195111511501177 ) Universal Mounting Base " Ceiling and Wall Mounts to 5 Backbox Ipes Environmentally Friendly Low Current Draw Q E Strobe,.Horn Strobe, and Horn Notification Appliances F E ilin 91 D Description: The Wheelock® Exceder Series of notification appliances feature a sleek modem design that will please building owners with reduced total cost of ownership. Installers will benefit from its comprehensive feature list, including the most candela options in one appliance, low current draw, no tools needed for setting changes, voltage test points, 12/24 VDC operation, universal mounting base and multiple mounting options for both new and retrofit construction. The Wheelock® Exceder Series incorporates high reliability and high efficiency optics to minimize current draw allowing for a greater number of appliances on the notification appliance circuit. All strobe models feature an industry first of 8 candela settings on a single appliance. Models with an audible feature 3 sound settings (90, 95, 99 dB). All switches to change settings, can be set without the use of a tool and are located behind the appliance to prevent tampering. Wall models feature voltage test points to take readings with a voltage meter for troubleshooting and AHJ inspection. The Wheelock® Excedeff Series of wall and ceiling notification appliances feature a Universal Mounting Base (UMB) designed to simplify the installation and testing of horns, strobes, and combination horn strobes. The separate universal mounting base can be pre-wired to allow full testing of circuit wiring before the appliance is installed and the surface is finished. It comes complete with a Contact Cover for protection against dirt, dust, paint and damage to the contacts. The Contact Cover also acts as a shunting device to allow pre-wire testing for common wiring issues. The Contact Cover is polarized to prevent it from being installed incorrectly and prevents the appliance from being installed while it is on the UMB. When the Contact Cover is removed the circuit will show an open until the appliance is installed. The UMB allows for consistent installation and easy replacement of appliances if required. Wall models provide an optional locking screw for extra 0 secure installation, while the ceiling models provide a captivated screw to prevent the screw from falling during installation. Ii --------- I Compatibility and Requirements Synchronize using the Wheelock Sync Modules or panels with built-in Wheelock Patented Sync Protocol Compatible with UL Regulated Voltage using filtered VDC or unfiltered VRMS Input voltage L Strobes produce 1 flash per second over the Regulated Voltage range - - * compared to competitive models Patented Compared to previous models NOTE All CAUTIONS and WARNINGS are Identified by the sylmbolal All warnings are printed In bold capital letters.- - A WARNING PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSOCIATED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING SPECIFYING OR APPLYING,THIS PRODUCT. VISIT WWW.COOPERNOTIFICATION.COM OR CONTACT COOPER NOTIFICATION FOR THE CURRENT.INSTALLA11ON INSTRUCTIONS FAILURETO COMPLY WITH ANY OF,THESE INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS OR WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IM011OPERAPPLICA11ON, INSTALLATION AND/OltOPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. General Notes: General Notes: Strobesare designed to Sash at 1 flash per second minimum over their "Regulated Voltage Range. All candela ratings represent minimum effective strobe intensity based on UL Standard 1971 Senes Exceder Strobe products are LIsted under UL Standards 1971 and 464 for indoor use with a temperature range of 32 *17 to 120 *F (O *C to 49'C) and maximum humidity of 93% (± 2%)UL 464(85% UL 1971). Series Exceder horns are under UL Standard 464 for audible signal appliances (Indoor use only) Horn Strobe Ratings per UL 1971 & Anechoic at 24 VDC UL Max CL]rrent~' at Anechoic 99 dBA 24VDC 12VDC Model Regulated Voltage 15 115/75 I 30 60 0 135 150 177 185 15115/75 Range VDC I I 1151 HS 8.0-33.0 0.082 I 0.095 0.102 10.141 75L 17 0.1 97 0.197 0.242 I 0.242 0.282 0.282 I 0.125 0.159 HSC 8.0-33.0 0.082 0.102 I 0.1 0.125 I 24VDC I 12VDC Model Regulated Voltage 15 15/75 30 60 75 95 110 I 115 135 150 177 185 15 15/75 Range VDC I HS 8.0-33.0 0.073 0.083i0.087 0.139 0.163 0.186 0.230 Iljo - 0.272 0.122 0.1531 HSC 8.0-33.0 0.073 0.087 0.128 p 0.139 0.163 0.186 0.230 0.272 -- 0.122 UL Max j1ies.i • i1t?1S1iK1L 24VDC I 12VDC 777/ 1.. s 157513O 60 75 95 110 115 135 150 177 185 15 15/75 L 10.267 HS 8.0-33.0 0065 0075 0.084 0.136 0.157 0.184 0.226 0.120 0.148 HSC 8.0-33.0 0.065 _____ 0.084 0.120 0.136 0.157 0.184 0.226 0.267 _____ 0.120 Horn Ratings per UL Anechoic - - - Model Regulated Voltage Range VDC 99 dB 95 dB 90 dB HN 16-33.0 0.064 0.044 0.022 HNC 16-33.0 0.084 0.044 0.022 HN 8.0-17.5 0.047 0.026 0.017 HNC 8.0-17.5 j 0.047 j 0.026 0.017 * UL max current rating is the maximum RMS curre within the listed voltage range (16-33 VDC for 24 VDC units). For Strobes the UL max current is usually atthe minimum listed vo ge (16 VDC for 24 VDC units). For audibles the max current is usuallyat the maximum listed voltage (33 VDC for 24 VDC units) For unfiltered ratings, see installation instruction . SpecicaUon & Ordering Information Sync w/ Model Strobe DSM OF 12124 VDC* Mounting Candela Wheelock Power Options . S.. Supplies HSR 1511575130/75195111011351185 X X • UMB HSW 1511575130175195111011351185 X X UMB HSRC 15130160175195111511501177 X X • X UMB UMB HSWC 15I30/60175195111511501177 5 X • 5• 4 S STIR . 1511575/3OJ75I95I11OI135I185 X X • UMB. SuN 1511575/30175/95I11OI135Ii85 X X UMB STRC 15130160175/95111511501177 .X. X • X UMB UMB S1WC • 15/30I60I75I95I115I150I177 X HNR X X (JMB HNW x x • UMB HNRC • X X •' UMB HNWC X x UMB '.:' NOTE:Due tocontInuous'deveiopmentof ourproductsspecifIcations and offerings are subject tO,Change without notice Inaccordance with Cooper Wheelock Inc., dba Cooper Notification standard terms and conditions. : Notification Wheelock 1C1 : .:. Architects and Engineers Specifications The notification appliances shall be Wheelock" Exceder' Series HS Audible Strobe appliances, Series ST Visual Strobe appliances and Series HN Audible appliances or approved equals. The Series HS and ST Strobes shall be listed for UL Standard 1971 (Emergency Devices for the Hearing-Impaired) for Indoor Fire Protection Service. The Series HS and HN Audibles shall be UL Listed under Standard 464 (Fire Protective Signaling). All Series shall meet the requirements of FCC Part 15 Class B. All inputs shall be compatible with standard reverse polarity supervision of circuit wiring by a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) with the ability to operate from 8 to 33 VDC. Indoor wall models shall incorporate voltage test points for easy voltage inspection. The Series HS Audible Strobe and ST Strobe appliances shall produce a flash rate of one (1) flash per second over the Regulated Voltage Range and shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube enclosed in a rugged Lexan® lens. The Series shall be of low current design. Where Multi-Candela appliances are specified, the strobe intensity shall have 8 field selectable settings at 15, 15/75, 30, 75, 95, 110, 135, 185 candela for wall mount and 15, 30, 60, 75, 95, 115, 150, 177 candela for ceiling mount. The selector switch for selecting the candela shall be tamper resistant The 15/75 candela strobe shall be specified when 15 candela UL Standard 1971 Listing with 75 candela on-axis is required (e.g. ADA compliance) Appliances with candela settings shall show the candela selection in a visible location at all times when installed The audible shall have a minimum of three (3) field seleôtable settings for dBA levels and shall have a choice of continuous or temporal (Code 3) audible outputs. . . . . . . . . . . - . . .. The Series HS Audible Strobe, ST Strobe and Series HN Audible shall incorporate a patented Universal Mounting Base that shall allow mounting to a single-gang, double-gang, 4-inch square, 3.5-inch octal, 4-inch octal or 100mm European type back boxes. Two wire appliance wiring shall be capable. of directly connecting to the mounting base. Continuity checking of the entire NAC circuit prior to attaching any notification appliances shall be allowed. Product shall come with Contact Cover to protect contact springs. Removal of an appliance shall result in a supervision fault condition by the Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). The mounting base shall be the same base among all horn, strobe, horn strobe, wall and ceiling models. All notification appliances shall be backwards compatible. The Series HS andST wall models shall have a low profile measuring 5.24' H x 4.58"W x 2.19" D. Series HN wall Shall measure 5.24" H. x 4.58' W x 1.6' D. The Series HSC and STC shall been round and have a low profile with 'a diameter of 6.68"x 2.63" D. Series HNC ceiling shall have a diameter of 6.68' x 1:50' D. . When synchronization is required, the appliance shall be compatible with Wheelock's DSM Sync Modules, Wheelock Power Supplies or other manufacturer's panels with built-in Wheelock Patented Sync Protocol. The strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time during operation. If the sync protocol fails to operate, the strobe shall revert to a non-synchronized flash-rate and still maintain (1) flash per second over its Regulated Voltage Range. The appliance shall also be designed so that the audible signal may be silenced while maintaining strobe activation when used with Wheelock* synchronization protocol. Wall Appliances - UL Standard 1971, UL Standard 464, California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), ULC, FM Ceiling Appliances - UL Standard 1971, UL Standard 464, California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), ULC, FM WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION 3 YEAR WARRANTY . Exceder - Spec Sheet 6111 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION domrmakh OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL - FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7125-0785:0168 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7125 - FIRE ALARM DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED LISTEE: Cooper Wheelock Inc.7246 16th St. E., Ste. 105, Sarasota, FL 34243 Contact: Tom Conover (941) 487-2336 . . . . . . . . Email: thomas.conover©cooperindustries.com . . . . . DESIGN: . Exceder Series: Models ST strobe, HS horn strobe and HN horn. Model ST is a synchronous and non-synchronous strobe light Model HS a visuàl/audibleäppliance and Model HNis an . audible signal appliance. All units followed by R (red) or W (white);.Additionally, a 'C' may be added for ceiling models and/or a '-NR' may be added for non-resettable models. For non -NR models and optional S' for silver fascia may be added*. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical: 12 VDC/24VDC/FWR . Candela (wall)*: 15,15/75, 30, 75, 95, 110,135 & 185 Candela (ceiling)*: 15, 30, 60, 75, 95, 115, 150, & 177 . . . INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. All models are for indoor use and for wall mount only or ceiling mount only* MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical/candela rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as horn for fire alarm signaling and strobe, horn/strobe for the hearing impaired when used with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instructions Manual for details. C *Rev. 9-24-09 fm This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: . July 01, 2013 • • • • Listing Expires June 30, 2014 Authorized By: JAMES PARSEGIAN, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division tqcD Integrated Security Fire Record of Completion Dat :))J' o# //5' Customer #: 'IV / Job #:".5 Customer ame,.: (' L , A, / C ,L /"[ I c tz o S e FA 1~oog+- i III NO IlOUHI llIII M IIII 1111 II 8806UE00 Primary System #: 0 .2. .3 7'O 5secondary System #: Address (City/State5641 PL.ifC- C- 7 ; 'S o , te / C Representative of Protected Property (Name/Phone): Authority Having Jurisdiction: 4'J9 f,,2 ,o,',c 7". Telephone #: Location of As-Built Drawings: . / A 4/ t' Location of Operation and Maintenance Manuals: (.. , ç 7 a Location of Inspection & Testing Reports: Is / Q Location of Control Panel: / 9 7 I - A u L it go 0'^1 Primary Telephone #: Secondary Telephone #: Does Tyco have a contract for testing and inspection in accordance with NFPA standard(s)? 0 Yes 0 No If no. who?: Inspection Start Date: Inspection Frequency: 0 Annually 0 Semiannually 0 Quarterly 0 Bimonthly 0 Monthly []Weekly System Software - (a) Operating system (executive) software revision level(s):_____________ (b) Site-specific software revision date: (c) Revision completed by: (Name) . (Company) . (Date) T9pe(s) of System or Service E1'FPA 72, Chapter 8 —Tyco Central Monitoring Center Means of transmitting signals from the premises to the central station: (Check all that apply) E(igitaI Alarm Communicator - 0 McCulloh 0 Multiplex 0 One-way Radio 0 Two-way Radio 0 Other: Means of transmission of alarms to the public fire service communications center: C /'e . System locations: - 0 NFPA 72, Chapter 6- Local If alarm is transmitted to location(s) off premises, list where received: / 8 0 0 - . d ' -. 94FPA 72, Chapter 8- Remote Station Telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarms: 0 NFPA 72, Chapter 8- Proprietary Telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarm: o NFPA 72, Chapter 9-Auxiliary Check type of connection: 0 Local Energy 0 Shunt 0 Parallel Telephone Telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarm: /— 0 0 c, S, 19 .2 6 542 If alarms are retransmitted to a public fire service communications center or other, indicate name and telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarm: Tv?ô / Indicate how alarm is retransmitted: Record of System Installation (Complete this section after installation is complete and wiring checked for opens, shorts, ground faults, and improper branching, but prior to conducting operational acceptance tests.) This system has been installed in accordance with the NFPA standards as shown below, was inspected by 's.D,i' /7 1'1r.- on 0 r, includes the devices shown in sections 4 & 5, and has been in service since This system has been installed in accordance-with the standards as shown below: - 3-'-NFPA 72, Chapters LJ"i 92 9"4 94 94 37 8"8 119 9''0 0 11 (Check all that apply) 0-PA 70, National Electrical Code. Article 760 0 Manufacturer's Instructions ,57 Q/AHJ or Othe Source: 2 / ç . -j e , Signed: -_ .-'' )(Date: K Organization: 7gf ñ- ,r/5r Reprinted with permission from NFPA 72 i2002, National Fire Alarm Code®, Copyright © 2002, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02169. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety. 02012 Tyco Integrated Security. All rights reserved. (06/12) d9 (p. 1 of 3) CereI TIiel Security L II lIMI0 1101 101 III ll0 II II Fire Alarm Record of Completion,--cont. .. - 8806UE00 3. Record of System Operation Documentation in accordance with Inspection Testing Form, Figure, is attached All operational features and functions of this system were tested by7) , A,. J7 c ,j date 0 6 /'/c$ //;5Z And found to be operating properly in accordance with the requirements of: INFPA 72, Chapters Erl EJ'2 013 4 '5 I 16 I217 I'8 lEI'l a110' 0 11 (Check all that apply). E(NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 760 1llanufacturer's Instructions AHJ or Other Source: 110 $..Signed: X Date: L (Organization: 4. Signaling Line Circuits Quantity and class of signaling line circuits connected to system (see NFPA 72, Table 6.6.1): - Quantity 13 Style Y Class B 5. Alarm-Initiating Devices and Circuits Quantity and class of signaling line circuits'connected to system (see NFPA 72, Table 6.6.1): Quantity -" Style S L ( Class_______________________________ Manual - Manual stations Non-coded . Coded Transmitters Addressable Combination manual fire, alarm and guard's tour coded stations- _________; _'..- Automatic Coverage: (Check all that apply), 0 Complete 0 -Partial 0 Selective ' 0 Noh-required Enter quantities and check if the devices are addressable., Smoke detectors - ilon Duct detectors ')(_I-4 Ion, (C) Heat detectors FT Sprinkler waterfiow indicators: Non-coded — The alarm verification feature is 0 Disabled Other (list): Photo' 0 Addressable Photo 0 Addressable RR FT/RR RC Coded - Transmitters 0 Enabled ,changed from seconds to O Addressable El Addressable seconds. 6. Supervisory Signal-Initiating Devices and Circuits GuardsTour: (a) Coded stations 0 (b) Non-coded stations (c) Compulsory guard's tour system comprised of transmitter stations and intermediate stations. Note: Combination devices are recorded under 5(b), Manual, and 6(a), Guard's Tour. (Check if provided.) Sprinkler System: (a) Valve supervisory switches (b) Building temperature points, El (c) Site water temperature points (d) Site water supply level points Other supervisory function(s) (specify): Electric fire pump: (e) Fire pump power (f) Fire pump running (g) Phase reversal Electric-driven _fire _pump: (h) Selector in auto position (I) Engine or control panel trouble Fire pump running. Electric-driven aenerator: (k) Selector in auto position (I) Control panel trouble (m) Transfer switches (n) Engine running Reprinted with permission from NFPA 72®2002, National Fire Alarm Code®, Copyright © 2002, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02169. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard-in its entirety. - '02012 Tyco Integrated Security. All rights reserved. (06/12) s (p. 2 of 3) EJenirel_ra*el tqco Integrated Security Fire Alarm Record of Completion, cont. .' 7. Annunciator(s) Quantity: Type: Ill II IH 1101 101 miii HO Offi II 8806UE00 Location(s): 8. Alarm Notification Appliances and Circuits NFPA 72, Chapter 6— Emergency Voice/Alarm Service Quantity of voice alarm/alarm channels:: Single: Multiple: Quantity of speakers: Quantity of speakers zones: Quantity of telephones or telephone jacks attached to the system: Types and quantities of notification appliances installed: Bells With Visible: (d) Chimes With Visible: Speakers With Visible: (e) Other: With Visible: - Horns (x +j With Visible: (f) Visible appliances without audible: 9. System Power Supplies Fire Alarm Control Panel: '. Nominal voltage:. / .2 Current rating ' sf) Over-current protection: Type: z3, ' . J( €' &_ Current rating -. Location: Ren u' r i Secondary (standby): Storage battery: )I . Amp-hour rating: / (q/.. Calculated capacity to drive system, in hours: (24) (60) Engine-driven generator dedicated to fire alarm system:-- Location of fuel storage: Emergency system used as backup to primary power-supply: Emergency system described in NFPA 70, Article 700 10. Comments Frequency of routine tests and inspections, if other than in accordance with the referenced NFPA standard(s): System deviations from the referenced NFPA standard(s) are: Customer Comments: Customer Name: - Signature: Print Name Date Tyco Representative Name:\7)~i 4, A /9 Cd, Print Name Date Upon completion of the system(s) satisfactory test(s) witnessed (if required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction): - 'XAHJ Representative: L )Signature: / Print Name ( ( Date Title:LPLcT'9 7L jt&-'u i Telephone #: 7 Reprinted with with permission from NFPA 72@2002, National Fire Alarm Code®, Copyright © 2002, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02169. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standérd in its entirety. 02012 Tyco Integrated Security. All rights reserved. (06/12) '1'y / (p. 3 of 3) CeMrol ranel tqca integrated Security Fire m Ftecrd of CompI /57 ate:O s/. 9 I, ustomer #: '91 0 9/ Job #: (93TJ Primary System #: Customer Name: C L f ,.', c 01 friI c A o -S e 0/t r / iiii im 111111111 miii 1111 II ii 8806UE00 dai.Svstem #:- Address (City/State/ZIP): S 9 161+ LA PLACf! J4r ,Suv!e loo, liLr L1'-i3.6 o9 ' Representative of Protected Property (Name/Phone): J0 e- A L LA k. Authority Having Jurisdiction: n. I. , c 'T '.2)e P,0,7 Telephone #: E7 G o)G o 9, - 'f G 6 o Location of As-Built Drawings: Is e . U C fl.. RCA o ArL Location of Operation and Maintenance Manuals: S e Ru &.R o 0i Location of Inspection & Testing Reports: -S U e h o o it Location of Control Panel: .,.S C P. U L Ic 00 Primary Telephone#:(76 o)144?8 -9 ... _'3 Secondary Telephone #:(7 L... Does Tyco have a contract for testing and inspection in accordance with NFPA standard(s)? 0 Yes 0 No If no. who?: Inspection Start Date: Inspection Frequency: 0 Annually 0 Semiannually 0 Quarterly 0 Bimonthly 0 Monthly []Weekly System Software Operating system (executive) software revision level(s): Site-specific software revision date: Revision completed by: (Name) (Company) (Date) Type(s) of System or Service ,SNFPA 72. Chapter 8 - Tyco Central Monitoring Center Means of transmitting signals from the premises to the central station: (Check all that apply) )( Digital Alarm Communicator 0 McCulloh 0 Multiplex 0 One-way Radio 0 Two-way Radio 0 Other: Means of transmission of alarms to the public fire service communications center: C _e _.0 _00'_C __fr C _- System locations: 0 NFPA 72, Chapter 6- Local If alarm is transmitted to location(s) off premises, list where received: /&00_-&' $..NFPA 72. Chapter 8- Remote Station Telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarms: -46 V-2 _ 0 NFPA 72, Chapter 8- Proprietary Telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarm: 0 NFPA 72, Chapter 9-Auxiliary Check type of connection: 0 Local Energy 0 Shunt 0 Parallel Telephone Telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarm: / 8 0 If alarms are retransmitted to a public fire service communications center or other, indicate name and telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarm: Indicate how alarm is retransmitted: c. 1 Record of System Installation (Complete this section after installation is complete and wiring checked for opens, shorts, ground faults, and improper branching, but prior to conducting operational acceptance tests.) This system has been installed in accordance with the NFPA standards as shown below, was inspected by.244A.' A"!'/'e.troI', on 0 81*7/J.. ,includes the devices shown in sections 4&5, and has.beenin service since This system has been installed in accordance with the standards as shown below: NFPA 72, Chapters I1 . 2 .. 3 [R 4 a 5 J_ 6 , 7 g 8 @ 9 ... 10 0 11 (Check all that apply) INFPA 70, Nationa/ Electrical Code. Article 760 EL Manufacturer's Instructions AHJ oMAer ce: /4A 7 ' c Signed:— )(pate: 0,Z7 j.-,'5 Reprinted with permission from NFPA 72 ® 2002, National Fire Alarm Code®, Copyright© 2002, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02169. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety. 02012 Tyco Integrated Security. All rights reserved. (06/12) - (P. 1 of 3) Electric-driven aénerator: o (k) Selector in auto position o (I) Control panel trouble o Transfer switches o Engine running ti Integrated an Security III IH IIHI 1111 HThI 1111 II ll Fire AlarrpRecord of Completion, cont. 8806UE00 3. Record of System Operation u-u Documentatión in accordance with Inspection Testing.Form, Figure,.is attached .--T- - -= , ( (:7 /I'4T All operational features and functions of this system were tested bys.,.7).,iv /1 '- cit '-, date OR/4 t'j_a -o4,4 And found to be operating 'properly in accordance with the requirements of: - NFPA 72, Chapters I I 2 L-3 l4 I. 5 Z 6 ,. 7 a 8 . 9 10 0 11 (Check all that apply) ,.NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 760 ER. Manufacturer's Instructions l AHJ or Other Source: CA t Lr 4's '3 J _. e Signed: (organization(3 7T /)ettiE,*Tt 4. Signaling Line Circuits Quantity and class of signaling line circuits connected to system (see NFPA 72, Table 6.6.1): 4j2 o.J Quantity .5 Style Class 5. Alarm-Initiating Devices and Circuits *Quantity abd clasè of signaling line circuits connected to system (see NFPA 72, Table 6.6.1): Quantity & Style 8 Class Manual Manual stations Non-coded Coded . Transmitters . Addressable Combination manual fire alarm'and guard's tour coded stations . Automatic . Coverage: (Check all that apply) 0 Complete D. Partial 0 Selective 0 Non-required Enter quantities and check if the devices'are addressable. Smoke detectors Ion Photo 0 Addressable i Duct detectors ____ Ion Photo 0 Addressable cliciov- Heat detectors . FT RR FT/RR RC 0 Addressable Sprinkler waterfiow indicators: Non-coded Coded Transmitters 0 Addressable The alarm verification feature is 0 Disabled 0 Enabled ,changed from seconds to seconds.- Other (list): 6. Supervisory Signal-Initiating Dfvices and Circuits Guards Tour: ' (a) Coded stations ( 0 (b) Non-coded stations (c) Compulsory guard's tour system comprised of transmitter stations and intermediate stations. Note: Combination devices are recorded under 5(b), Manual, and 6(a), Guard's Tour. (Cheàk if provided.) Sprinkler System: (a) Valve supervisory switches (b) Building temperature points. (c) Site water temperature points El (d) Site water supply level points Other supervisory function(s) (specify): , Electric-driven fire oumo: (h) Selector in auto position (i) Engine or control panel trouble Fire pump running Electric fire pump: (e) Fire pump power• (f) Fire pump running (g)Phase reversal Reprinted with permission from NFPA 72 ® 2002, National Fire Alarm Code®, Copyright© 2002, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02169. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety. V 02012 Tyco Integrated Security. All rights reserved. (06/12) V (p. 2 of 3) A/I 'tico Integrated Security Fire Alarm Record of Completion,. cont. .7. Annunciator(s) - - II III DIII 1111 IIIiI 1111 IIII 8806UE00 Quantity: Type: Location(s): - c7eN/A1,17k 3,K ca 8. Alarm Notification Appliances and Circuits NFPA 72, Chapter 6— Emergency Voice/Alarm Service Quantity of voice alarm/alarm channels:: Quantity of speakers: Single: Multiple: / Quantity of speakers zones: Quantity of telephones or telephone jacks attached to the system: Types and quantities of notification appliances installed: Bells With Visible: Speakers ' With Visible: Horns With Visible: Chimes With Visible: (e) Other: . . With Visible: (f) Visible appliances without audible: 9. System Power Supplies Fire Alarm Control Panel: Nominal voltage: 0 Li'C. . Current rating () Over-current protection: Type: /3 ,.#',/(r .. Current rating 3 ' M Q Location: ..e n M r j..12__43 Secondary (standby): - - - L. Storage battery: Amp-hour rating: Calculated capacity to drive system, in hours: (24) (60) Engine-driven generator dedicated to fire alarm system: Location of fuel storage: Emergency system used as backup to primary power supply: - Emergency system described in NFPA 70, Article 700 10. Comments .. I Frequency of routine tests and inspections, if other than in accordance with the referenced NFPA standard(s): System deviations from the referenced NFPA standard(s) are: Customer Comments: Customer Name: Signature: Print Name Date Two Representative NamçA,iM_P/left SO4'Signature: nt Name Date Upon completion of the system(s) satisfactory test(s) witnessed (if required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction): KAHJ Representative: Dateignature: LZ~4 ----A n m_ ......— XTit1e: _AVI5Ah 7~7zc Telephone # 7&ô. (d3i.c,'5 Reprinted with permission from NFPA 72 52002, National Fire Alarm Code®, Copyright © 2002, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02169. This reprinted material is not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety. 02012 Tyco Integrated Security. All rights reserved. (06/12) _(p..3 of 3)