HomeMy WebLinkAbout3152 LIONSHEAD AVE; ; AS060184; Permit3/7/24, 11:25 AM AS060184 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Job Address: 3152 LIONSHEADAV Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2218801200 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: AS060184 Status: ISSUED Applied 7/27/2006 Approved: 7/28/2006 Issued: 7/28/2006 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: OPUS POINT THREE FIRE SPRINKLER INSPECTIONS @ $60/EA Applicant: ADVANCE FIRE PROTECTION 1451 W. LAMBERT RD LA HABRA, CA 714-526-2231 Owner: OPUS WEST CORP 4350 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR #110 SAN DIEGO CA Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 180 0 180 0 about:blank 1/1 JUL F7 2006 9:49AM CARLSDAD FIRE PREVENTION 7606028561 P.2 CARLSBAD FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Permit Application Form Check or fill in pettinent information for type of permit you are submitting. AS - Automatic Sprinklers (Check off type ofplans being subrnitted New System - How many riscrs/Levei? - Tenant Improvement Residential- How many systems and/or buIld lnp? Underground for approval 00 Underground included for reference only Total eea FA- Fire Alarm 25 Devices or less ,:.7. 0vct26devices -- #of devices - Monitoring System Total Fees FS - Fixed Systenu (Ciede One) Hood & Duct, Special Chemical Agent Suppression System, $tandplpc, Spray Booth Total Fees -- Repeated Inspection fee Is $70.00 Name of Project: 1(3t794 31 3/6C,3/ i fJJJ Sute____ Address ofjob site: 5t, -5174" 3/7d; Ai/g.A £s--. Building Permit N CB 432Ø5, Contractor information Name___________ Address c5 I11j.LE City, State, Zip Lb. C I 'kb3 Phone 4'c1,-1.L?L FAX_______ Kind of Lkense and Number 1 't I_Exp. Date 10— Do you currently have a business license on file with the City of Cerlibad? or No ki. 1Cj signstur Date 1(11 ( Picaic estimate at Icut 10 business days for plan review comments and/or approval. We will contact you by telephone when the plans arc apprOved/disapproved. Thank you! Permit Application Form .doc O$t2Y2OO 20 wv 660 9e-az--rnr A I O APPROVED PPROVED AS NOTED o NOT APPROVED, RESUBMIT CHECKING IS ONLY FOR COFORMAN TH Hi. ESG1 COICE1`1 THE PtO.t P OPL'ANC VITH THE GVLN iN THE CONTRACT D3CW1hLTS CONTRAcTOR IS RESPONSIBLE 10 BE CONFIRMED A) fjR1ELA1ED AT THE JOB Sill ANt) FOR COORDINATION OF THE , OIK OF ALL TRADES. APPROVED AS SUBMITTED Protection by Computer Design Advance Fire Protection Co. 1451 W. Lambert Road La Habra, CA 90631 562-691-0918 Job Name : OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 5 Building : #5 Location • : 3168 LIONS HEAD AVE. CARLSBAD, CA. System : ROOF Contract 06-0117 Data File : Building 5.WXF Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Advance Fire Protection Co. Page - OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 5 Date• 6-27-06 Hydraulic Design Information Sheet Name - OPUS POINT-LOT 23 & 24 Date - 6-27-06 Location - 3168 LIONS HEAD AVE. CARLSBAD, CA. Building - #5 System No. - ROOF Contractor - ADVANCE FIRE PROTECTION CO INC. Contract No. - 06-0117 Calculated By - MATT Drawing No. - FP5.1 Construction: (X) Combustible C ) Non-Combustible Ceiling Height - 161 -0" Occupancy - CORE & SHELL -CALCULATED FOR FUTURE T.I. S (X) NFPA 13 (X) Lt. Haz. Ord.Haz.Gp. C ) 1 ( ) 2 C ) 3 C ) Ex.Haz. Y ( ) NFPA 231 C ) NFPA 231C C ) Figure Curve S Other T Specific Ruling Made By Date E M Area of Sprinkler Operation - 1500 System Type Sprinkler/Nozzle Density - .10 (X) Wet Make RELIABLE D Area Per Sprinkler - 140 C ) Dry Model F1FR E Elevation at Highest Outlet - 101 -0" C ) Deluge Size " S Hose Allowance - Inside - 100 C ) Preaction. K-Factor 5.6 I Rack Sprinkler Allowance - N/A ( ) Other Temp.Rat.1550 G Hose Allowance - Outside - N/A N Note DOUBLE ARMOVERS CALC'D WITH 2 HEADS OFF EACH OUTLET Calculation Flow Required - 643.16 Press Required - 108.877 @ BOR5 Summary C-Factor Used: 120 Overhead 150 Underground W Water Flow Test: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: A Date of Test - 1-18-06 Cap. - T Time of Test - AM Rated Cap.- Elev.- E Static Press - 135 8 Press - R Residual Press - 126 Elev. - 0 Well Flow - 2632 Proof Flow S Elevation - 0 U P Location - EXISTING CITY WATER MAIN IN LIONSHEAD AVE. P L Source of Information - CITY OF CARLSBAD Y C Commodity Class Location O Storage Ht. Area Aisle W. M Storage Method: Solid Piled % Palletized % Rack N C ) Single Row ( ) Conven. Pallet C ) Auto. Storage ( ) Encap. S R ( ) Double Row ( ) Slave Pallet C ) Solid Shelf ( ) Non T A ( ) Mult. Row C ) Open Shelf O C R K Flue Spacing Clearance:Storage to Ceiling A Longitudinal Transverse. G E Horizontal Barriers Provided: Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 ANCE FIRE PROTECTION CO.m INC 1451 WEST LAMBERT ROAD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631-6599 (562) 691-0918 (714) 526-2231 FAXI (562) 691-5482 January 23, 2006 STATE LICENSE 259936 City Of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Mark Soderberg Re: Fire hydrant flow test results performed at 3190 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA Dear Mark, The results of the Fire Flow test performed at the above address are as follow s : Static Water Pressure: 150 psi Residual Water Pressure: 140 psi Observed Water Flow: 2632 gpm Pitot Reading: 75 psi Outlet Size: 2hz inch x 2 outlets flowing simultaneously Flow At 20 psi: 10529 gpm (Calculated) Date: 1-18-06 Time: 9:18 am As you may know, daily usage can fluctuate and may change results. Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns regarding this test. Sincerely, Advance FireaProtectliCo., Inc. Brian Callahan VP of Engineering Water Supply Curve (C) Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 2 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 5 Date 6-27-06 City Water Supply: Demand: CI - Static Pressure : 135 Dl - Elevation : 6.713 C2 - Residual Pressure: 126 02 - System Flow : 643.164 C2 -Residual Flow : 2632 D2 - System Pressure : 125.890 Hose (Adj City) - Hose ( Demand) : 100 D3 - System Demand : 743.164 Safety Margin : 8.242 150 140 :ei 130 p120 03 R11° E10° S90 S80 u 70 R6° E5° 40 30 20 10 - Dl . 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 FLOW (N A 1.85) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 & Fittings Used Summary Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 3 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 5 Date 6-27-06 Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name l4 % I 1% 1% 2 2% 3 31/2 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 B Generic Butterfly Valve 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 10 0 12 9 10 12 19 21 0 0 0 0 0 E 9O Standard Elbow 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 F 45Elbow 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 7 9 11 13 17 19 21 24 28 G Generic Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 L Long Turn Elbow I 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 8 9 13 16 18 24 27 30 34 40 S Generic Swing Check Vlv 4 5 5 7 9 11 14 16 19 22 27 32 45 55 65 76 87 98 109 130 I 90 Flowlhru Tee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 Z Generic Flow Switch 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Pressure / Flow Summary - STANDARD Advance Fire Protection Co. OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 5 Page Date 4. 6-27-06 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Req. A 10.0 5.6 7.0 na 14.82 0.1 140 7.0 B 10.0 5.6 7.0 na 14.82 0.1 140 7.0 C 15.5 5.93 na 1 15.5 K= K@ DBLE 9.87 na 31.6 2 15.5 K = K © DBLE 11.13 na 33.55 3 15.5 K= K@ DBLE 8.85 na 29.92 4 15.5 11.8 na 5 15.5 K=K@DBLE 14.53 na 38.33 6 15.5 K = K © DBLE 12.71 na 35.86 7 15.5 17.79 na 8 15.5 K= K@ DBLE 11.9 na 34.69 9 15.5 K = K © DBLE 15.55 na 39.66 10 15.5 K = K © DBLE 19.48 na 44.39 12 15.5 K= K@ DBLE 18.73 na 43.53 13 15.5 K = K @ DBLE 24.29 na 49.57 14 15.5 K = K @ DBLE 30.25 na 55.32 15 15.5 KK@DBLE 16.75 na 41.16 16 15.5 K = K @ DBLE 21.76 na 46.91 17 15.5 KK@DBLE 27.14 na 52.4 19 15.5 K= K@ DBLE 43.42 na 66.27 11 15.5 42.57 na 18 15.5 42.99 na 20 15.5 46.28 na TOR 12.58 83.52 na BOR5 10 108.88 na 100.0 UG 0.0 113.16 na CTY1 0.0 125.89 na 100 0.0 125.46 na 200 0.0 125.11 na 300 0.0 125.06 na 400 0.0 125.41 na CTY2 0.0 125.85 na The maximum velocity is 31.84 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes 14 and 18 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 ' Final Calculations - Hazen-WiIIiam . Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 5 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 5 Date 6-27-06 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn A 14.82 1.049 2E 4.0 10.500 7.000 K Factor 5.60 to 120 0.0 4.000 -2.382 C 14.82 0.0901 0.0 14.500 1.307 Vel= 5.50 0.0 14.82 5.925 K Factor= 6.09 B 14.82 1.049 IE 2.0 10.500 7.000 K Factor 5.60 to 120 IT 5.0 7.000 -2.382 C 14.82 0.0747 0.0 17.500 1.307 Vet = 5.50 C 15.10 1.049 21 10.0 0.670 5.925 to 120 0.0 10.000 0.0 DBLE 29.92 0.2742 0.0 10.670 2.926 Vet= 11.11 0.0 29.92 8.851 KFactor 10.06 1 31.60 1.049 0.0 4.130 9.873 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 31.6 0.3034 0.0 4.130 1.253 Vel= 11.73 2 33.55 1.38 0.0 2.210 11.126 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 65.15 0.3041 0.0 2.210 0.672 Vet = 13.97 0.0 65.15 11.798 K Factor= 18.97 3 29.92 1.049 IT 5.0 5.750 8.851 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 5.000 0.0 4 29.92 0.2741 0.0 10.750 2.947 VeI= 11.11 4 65.15 1.38 0.0 4.460 11.798 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 95.07 0.6121 0.0 4.460 2.730 Vet = 20.39 5 38.33 1.61 1 E 4.0 2.040 14.528 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 4.000 0.0 7 133.4 0.5407 0.0 6.040 3.266 Vet = 21.02 0.0 133.40 17.794 KFactor= 31.62 6 35.86 1.049 IT 5.0 8.250 12.715 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 5.000 0.0 7 35.86 0.3833 0.0 13.250 5.079 Vet = 13.31 7 133.41 1.61 1 4.0 17.500 17.794 to 120 iT 8.0 12.000 0.0 11 169.27 0.8400 0.0 29.500 24.779 Vel = 26.68 0.0 169.27 42.573 K Factor= 25.94 8 34.69 1.049 0.0 10.130 11.898 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 9 34.69 0.3604 0.0 10.130 3.651 Vel = 12.88 9 39.66 1.38 0.0 10.130 15.549 K Factor © node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 74.35 0.3885 0.0 10.130 3.935 Vet = 15.95 10 44.39 1.38 2E 6.0 13.000 19.484 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 IT 6.0 12.000 0.0 11 118.74 0.9236 0.0 25.000 23.089 Vet= 25.47 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 6 ' OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 5 Date 6-27-06 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "CU or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 0.0 118.74 42.573 KFactor= 18.20 12 43.53 1.049 0.0 10.130 18.733 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 13 43.53 0.5486 0.0 10.130 5.557 Vel= 16.16 13 49.57 1.38 0.0 10.130 24.290 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 14 93.1 0.5888 0.0 10.130 5.965 Vel= 19.97 14 55.32 1.38 IT 6.0 3.130 30.255 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 6.000 0.0 18 148.42 1.3954 0.0 9.130 12.740 Vel = 31.84 0.0 148.42 42.995 KFactor= 22.64 15 41.16 1.049 0.0 10.130 16.748 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 16 41.16 0.4946 0.0 10.130 5.010 Vel= 15.28 16 46.91 1.38 0.0 10.130 21.758 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 17 88.07 0.5314 0.0 10.130 5.383 Vel = 18.89 17 52.40 1.38 IT 6.0 6.580 27.141 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 6.000 0.0 18 140.47 1.2603 0.0 12.580 15.854 Vel = 30.13 0.0 140.47 42.995 KFactor= 21.42 19 66.27 1.38 IT 6.0 3.130 43.417 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 6.000 0.0 20 66.27 0.3139 0.0 9.130 2.866 Vel = 14.22 0.0- 66.27 46.283 K Factor= 9.74 II 288.01 3.26 0.0 5.830 42.573 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 18 288.01 0.0724 0.0 5.830 0.422 Vel = 11.07 18 288.89 3.26 0.0 12.580 42.995 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 20 576.9 0.2614 0.0 12.580 3.288 Vel = 22.17 20 66.26 3.26 2L 13.44 99.080 46.283 to 120 0.0 13.440 1.265 TOR 643.16 0.3196 0.0 112.520 35.967 Vel = 24.72 TOR 0.0 3.26 IZ 9.408 12.580 83.515 to 120 IS 21.503 51.071 5.015 BOR5 643.16 0.3197 1 13.44 63.651 20.347 Vel = 24.72 1L 6.72 BORS 100.00 3.26 1L 6.72 2.500 108.877 Qa = 100 to 120 0.0 6.720 0.433 UG 743.16 0.4176 0.0 9.220 3.850 Vet = 28.57 UG 0.0 6.134 6L 86.219 159.000 113.160 to 150 2T 95.799 186.809 7.500 * Fixed loss 7.5 300 743.16 0.0127 1G 4.79 345.809 4.400 Vel = 8.07 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 7 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 5 Date 6-27-06 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 0.0 743.16 125.060 KFactor= 66.45 CTYI -406.17 8.044 IL 20.411 296.000 125.890 to 150 IF 14.13 95.773 0.0 100 -406.17 -0.0011 1G 6.28 391.773 -0.435 Vel = 2.56 IT 54.952 100 0.0 8.044 2G 12.56 295.000 125.455 to 150 0.0 12.561 0.0 200 -406.17 -0.0011 0.0 • 307.561 -0.342 Vel = 2.56 200 0.0 8.044 0.0 48.000 125.113 to 150 0.0 0.0 0.0 300 -406.17 -0.0011 0.0 48.000 -0.053 Vel= 2.56 300 743.16 8.044 IL 20.411 390.000 125.060 to 150 2F 28.261 54.952 0.0 400 336.99 0.0008 1G 6.28 444.952 0.350 Vel = 2.13 400 0.0 8.044 3F 42.391 452.000 • 125.410 to 150 2G 12.56 109.904 0.0 CTY2 336.99 0.0008 IT 54.952 561.904 0.442 Vel = 2.13 CTY2 0.0 12.0 2G 18.596 324.000 125.852 to 150 0.0 18.596 0.0 CTYI 336.99 0.0001 0.0 342.596 0.038 Vel = 0.96 0.0 336.99 • 125.890 K Factor = 30.03 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 BEEMEMEMEM I SNOMENNEEMEN r 0 - 1 50 100 150.200 250 300 350.400.-'450 50(Y,5 ' 5 .600 FLOW - G.P.M. Series 7O9DCDA Sizes 6,"8"10". 20 .......- ci 18 rA -16 CL 14 0 0 10 ttfU'OI. De1 0; itile Check Detec"torA mWlieduced actor Assembly 'UWWARIN Cio Series 709DCDAI909RPDA Pre No. 7090CDAOSYRW-CFM Series 709000A and 909RPDA are designed to prevent the reverse flow of fire protection system substances, i.e., glycerin wetting agents, stagnant water and water of non-potable quality from eingpumped orsyphoned into the safe drinking watersystem. Deteôts leaks.. . with emphasis on the cost of unaccountable water; incorporates a meter .which allows the water utility to: Detect leaks underground that historically create great annual cost due to waste. It Provides a detection point for unauthorized use. It can help locate illegal taps.. Modular check design concept facilitates maintenance and assembly access..AII 709DCDA sizes are standardly equipped with AWWA epoxy coated ULIFM listed OS&Y gate valves, CFM (cubic feet per minute) x 3/4" meter and balltype1est cocks. • eries 909RPDA RedUced Pressure Detector Assembly: When applications call for maximum protection, use 909RPDA with relief vent to atmosphere. FEAT-tiRES 'No special tools required toriervicing Resilient wedge :shut-offs Compact for economy Body construction epoxycombined with performance coated cast iron: Replaceable bronzeseats. e Design simplicity for easy maintenance Stainless steel Interna! parts • Furnished with Recordall 3/4" bronze —.4v1ax-flowat-low pressure drop meter,,-25;-seeoptionr DIMENSIONS-WEIGHTS (are approximate) OPEN - OPEN 000 #1 Check list) *1 ate B 1 #2 Check (2nd) l4 B A -J--I+4H+.1 DIMENSIONS(Inches) WEIGHT(Lbs.) q. ABc 3" 24 26 12 7½ 7 1 140 42114 18'!, 3 14 190 250 4" 34 37 17 9 10 _D _E 9 _F 52 _F 551/s _C 23% _H 6 15 _.IOS&Y 403 _OS&Y 490 6" 41½ 44 21 11 15 10½62½ 651/2 32 8 16 727 820 8" 52 55 26 13 19 11½ 15 753/4 39'h 9 11 1327 1656 10": 64 67 32 16 22 13 90 935/8 48 10'/4 18 2093 2250 UL FM approved backf low preventerm must include FM approved OS&Y gate valves. New99ORPDA Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly 4'. 8" Send for ES-990RPDA. Model Fl FR Sprinkler Types Standard Upright•: Standard Pendent Conventional Vertical Sidewall Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Model Fl FR Recessed Sprinkler Types Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Listings & Approvals Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) Certified by FM Approvals Loss Prevention Council (LPC, UK) NYC BS&A No. 587-75-SA. V Meets MIL-S-901C.and MIL-STD 167-1 .Verband der Schadehversicherér (VdS, Germany) NYC MEA 258-93-E V V UL Listing Category Sprinklers, Automatic & Open Quick Response Sprinkler UL Guide Number VN IV Patents: US Patent No. 6,374,920 Applies to Model Fl FR Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers.. Product Description Reliable Models Fl FR and Fl FR Recessed Sprinklers are quick response sprinklers which combine the durability of a standard sprinkler with the attractive law profile of a decorative sprinkler. V The Models Fl FR and Fl FR Recessed automatic sprinklers utilize a 3.0 mm frangible glass bulb. These sprinklers have demonstrated response limes in laboratory tests which are five to ten times faster than standard response sprinklers. This quick response enables the Model Fl FR and Fl FR Recessed sprinklers to apply water to a fire much faster than, standard sprinklers of the same temperature raling. The glass bulb consists of an accurately controlled amount of special fluid hermetically sealed inside a precisely manu- factured glass capsule. This glass bulb is specially con- structed to provide fast thermal response. The balance of parts are made of brass, copper and beryllium nickel. At normal temperatures, the glass bulb contains the fluid in both the liquid and vapor phases. The vapor phase can be seen as a small bubble. As heat is applied, the liquid ex- Bulletin 136 Rev M Môdel'FIFR .. . V Model Fl FR Recessed Quick Response Sprinklers . .' . V . . . Upright Pendent Vertical Sidewall Conventional Horizontal Sidewall HSW 1 Deflector (Model FP Shown) pands,fdrcing the bubbloi smaller and smaller as the liquid pressure increases. Continued heating forces the liquid to push out against the bulb, causing the glass to shatter, opening the waterway and allowing the deflector to distrib- ute the discharging water. Application Quick response sprinklers are used in fixed fire protec- tion systems: Wet, Dry, Deluge or Preaction. Care must be exercised that the orifice size, temperature rating, deflector style and sprinkler type are in accordance with the latest published standards of the National Are Protection Asso- ciation or the approving Authority Having Jurisdiction. Quick response sprinklers are intended for installation as specified in NFPA 13. Quick response sprinklers and stan- dard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc.. 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York 10552 Model Fl FR Quick Response Upright, Pendent & Conventional Sprinklers Installation Wrench: Model 'D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data Sprinkler type Standard-Upright (SSU) and Pendent (SSP) Deflectors Marked to Indicate Position K Factor Sprinkler Height APPIOVa I Organization Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) . US Metric Y,11 (15mm) Standard Orifice with )" NPT(R,))Thread 5.6 . 80 .2.2" (56mm) • 1234,5,6,7.. R3625.. R3615 11 "f20mm) Large Orifice with 3"NPT (R34)Thread 8.0 115 .2.3" (58mm) 1,2,3,4,7,8 R3622 R3812 4"(17mm)SmalI Orifice with)"NPT(RX)Thread 4.2 60 2.2"(56mm) 1,2,8 R3623 R3613 3" (10mm) Small Orifice with )" NPT(R,')Thread . 2.8 40 221(56mm) 1,2,8. R3621 R3611 10mm Orifice XLH with "Thread - 4.2 60 56mm 46,7 . R3624 03614 conventional-Install in Upright or Pendent Position 4.2 5.6 8.0 60 80 115 56mm..... 56mm 58mm ... . 4,6,7 47 R3674 . R3675 R3672 10mm Orifice XLHwithIThread . 1 5m Stdard Orifice with)" NPT(R/)Thread 20mm Large Orifice with 3/4"NPT (R3)Thread . Upright Pendent . Conventional Model Fl FR Quick Response Recessed Pendent Sprinkler . I Installation Wrench: Model GFR1 Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data: Nominal Orifice Thread Size K Factor Sprinkler Height Approval(1) Organizations Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) US Metric )" (15mm) %"NpT(R) 5.6 80 22"(56mm) 1,3,4,5,7,8 R3615 %"(20mm) ?NPT(R31) . 8,0 i 115 2.3"(58mm) 1,2,3,8 ... R3612 ' (11mm) X"NPT(R½) 42 60 2.2"(56mfli1I 1,2,8 . • R3613 %" (10mm) )"NJPT(R½) 2.8 40 2.2"(56mm) 1,2,8 .R361.1 1mm R3 . 4.2: 60 56rnrn 4,7 . . R3614 (1) Refer tO escutcheon data table for approvals and dimensions. 2 1/4' HOLE 0L4. I [49;; G ] 1' X 1/2 REDUCER IL/RN COLLAR UNTIL TIGHT AG4NST SPRULRLER WRENCH BOSS AACE aF MAC TO 2 27/32' aLt ________ -. (722,"nJ - 136P001_E (I) REFER TO Ft 6 P2 ESCUTCHEON DATA TABLE FOR APPROVALS AND 0/MO toltS 2. 2 3/8' OH. (66.7mm) - HOLE IN CEILING 2 3/16' GM. (58.7mm] CUP L-------------I'X 1/1 REDUCER OL INC ul) VC FACE OF PITYING TO PACE OF CEILING DIMENSION . ADJUSTMENT f 136/05_A (1) REFER 10 FP ESCUTCHEON DATA TABLE FOR APPROVALS AND DIMENSIONS Model Fl FR Quick Response Vertical Sidewall Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Position: Upright or Pendent Approval Type: Light Hazard Occupancy InstaIltion nata: : Nominal Thread .. K Facto! Sprinkler : .. Approval . Sprinkler identification US Metric Orifice Size . Height . Organizations Number (SIN) ½" ½" NOT (R½) 5.6 80 22' (56mm) 1,2, 6,8 R3685 15mm '/2"NPT(R½) 5.6 80 2.2" (56mm) 4(1) (1) LPC Approval is for Pendent position only. Orientation Deflector toeelllng Dimension (Mm. - Max.) Upright . 411- 12" (102mm - 305mm) Pendent , . 6"- 12" (152mm - 305mm) .1 US Patent No. 6,374,920 .. . . Model Fl FR Quick Response Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Deflector: HSW 1 Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data: Approval Organizations K Factor and Type of Approval Sprinkler Nominal Orifice Thread Size Sprinkler Length Identification Number (SIN) . . US . . . . . Metric. Light . . Ordinary . . HizàPd Hazard . )" (15mm) %" NPt(A½) 5.6 80 2.63" (67mm) 1,2,3,5,8 i,2,5,8 R3635 136FG04 ' (l,LcE OF FITTING TO - 54L. DIMENSION 1 714'MIN. 2 7/4" HOLE 014. 8" [57.2mm] . . (707.6mm-' 1f2.4mm1 CEILING TO 1" X 1/2" REDUCER DEFLECTOR r r-kT :1t- 7 15, 16 014./ (49.21rmJ T1 1IIIT FTf 2 27/32' O [72.2mm) TURN cOLL4R UNTIL / - 7GHT AGAINST SPRINKLER I IVRFNCtl (lOSS. j) —1 AWUSIMENI (1) REFER TO ESCUTH,EO.V ,)A'X TABLE FOP APPR0V41.S AND DIMEv.5iCNS. 3. 'NOTE: UL, ULC and MEA Listing permits use with Fl or F2 recessed escutcheon. Installation Quick response sprinklers are intended for installation as specified in NFPA 13. Quick response sprinklers and stan- dard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. The Model Fl FR Recessed Quick Response Sprinklers are to be installed as shown. The Model. Fl or F2 Escutcheons illus- trated are the only recessed escutcheons to be used with the Model Fl FR Sprinklers. The use of an/ other recessed esaitch- eon Will void all approvals and negate all warranties.' When installing Model Fl FR Sprinklers, use the Model D Sprin- kler Wrench. When installing Model Fl FR Recessed Pendent or Sidewall Sprinklers, use the Model GFIR1 Sprinkler Wrench. Any other type of wrench may damage these sprinklers. Glass bulb sprinklers have orange bulb protectors to minimize bulb damage during shipping, handling and installation. RE- MOVE THIS PROTECTION AT THE TIME THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS PLACED IN SERVICE FOR FIRE PROTEC11ON. Re- moval of the protectors before this time may leave the bulb vul- nerable to damage. RASCO wrenches are designed to install sprinklers when covers are in place. REMOVE PROTECTORS BY UNDOING THE CLASP BY HAND. DO NOT USE TOOLS TO REMOVE THE PROTECTORS. Temperature Ratings Classification Sprinkler Temperature Max. Ambient Temp. cl0F Bulb Color Ordinary 1 135 100°F(38°C) Orange Ordinary 68 I 155 100'F(38°c) Red Intermediate 79 I 175 150°F(66"C) Yellow Intermediate 93 I 200 150°F(66°C) Green High (1) 141j 286 225°F(107'C) Blue (1) Not available for recessed sprinklers. Escutcheon Data Escutcheon 1 AP FaceFilfing of ellingor Model lusimentDimension to Wall Dimension 1/2" Fl 1,2,4,8 Max Recess (38.1mm) Min Recess 9<" (5mm-24mm) (19.1mm) 1/2 F2 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 Max Recess (38.1mm) Min Recess 19< (5mm - 17mm) (24mm) FP 1,2 Max Recessed ______ . (11mm) 172"(38.lmm) Push-on! 11 19<6 Thread-off 1,2 Mm Recessed (24mm) 1(25.4mm) No Dimensional Figure for FP Maintenance The Models F1FR and F1FR Recessed Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using a soft brush or gen- tle vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler which has been painted (other. than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprin- klers. Prior to installation, sprinklers should be maintained inthe original cartons and packaing until Used to mjni- mize the potential for damage to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non-operation. Sprinkler Types Standard Upright Standard Pendent Conventiohal Sidewall (Vertical, Horizontal HSW1) Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall HSWl Finishes CI) (2) Standard Finishes . . Sprinkler . Escutcheon Bronze Brass Chrome Plated chrome Plated White Polyester Coated white Painted (3) Special ApplicatiOn Flnish"i. Sprinkler EsCutcheon Bright Brass Bright Brass Black Plated Black Plated Black Paint . Black Paint Off White Off White Satin Chrome Satin Chrome Other finishes and colors are available on special order. Consult the factory for details. FM Approvals is limited to bronze and brass, chrome or black plated finishes only. FP Push-on/Thread-off escutcheon Ordering Information Specify: . Sprinkler Model Sprinkler Type Orifice Size Deflector Type Temperature Rating Sprinkler Finish Escutcheon Type Escutcheon Finish (where applicable) Note: When Model F1FR Recessed sprinklers are ordered, the sprinklers and esOutcheOns are packaged separately;. . ... The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest pertinent Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable. Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and reputa-ble sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries. Manufactured by Relmiabld The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. (800)431-1588 Sales Offices (800)848-6051 Sales Fax (914)668-3470 Corporate Offices wv.reliablesprinkler.com Internet Address e Recycled Paper Revision lines indicate updated or new data EG. Printed in U.S.A. 7106 P1N9999970027 AL F.W. il. ~vl I - - - Fire Protection by Computer Design Advance Fire Protection Co. 1451 W. Lambert Road La Habra, CA 90631 562-691-0918 Job Name OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 2 .#2 Locàtioñ-- : 3156 LIONS HEAD AVE. CARLSBAD, CA. System : ROOF Contract : 06-0117 Data File Building 2.wxf Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 0 3 0 8 7 Advance Fire Protection Co. Page OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 2 Date 6-27-06 Hydraulic Design Information Sheet Name - OPUS POINT-LOT 23 & 24 1. Date - 6-27-06 Location - 3156 LIONS HEAD AVE. CARLSBAD, CA. Building - #2 System No. - ROOF Contractor - ADVANCE FIRE PROTECTION CO INC. Contract No. - 06-0117 Calculated By - MATT Drawing No. - FP2.1 Construction: (X) Combustible C ) Non-Combustible Ceiling Height - 161 -0" Occupancy - CORE & SHELL -CALCULATED FOR FUTURE T.I. S (X) NFPA 13 (X) Lt. Haz. Ord.Haz.Gp. ( ) 1 C ) 2 C ) 3 C ) Ex.Haz. Y ( ) NFPA 231 C ) NFPA 231C C ) Figure Curve S Other T Specific Ruling Made By Date E M Area of Sprinkler Operation - 1500 System Type Sprinkler/Nozzle Density - .10 (X) Wet Make RELIABLE D Area Per Sprinkler - 140 ( ).Dry Model F1FR E Elevation at Highest Outlet - 101 -0" C ) Deluge Size " S Hose Allowance - Inside - 100 C ) Preaction K-Factor 5.6 I Rack Sprinkler Allowance - N/A C ) Other Temp.Rat.155° G Hose Allowance - Outside - N/A N Note DOUBLE ARMOVERS CALC'D WITH 2 HEADS OFF EACH OUTLET Calculation Flow Required - 584.61 Press Required - 106.473 @ BOR2 Summary C-Factor Used: 120 Overhead 150 Underground W Water Flow Test: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: A Date of Test - 1-18-06 Cap. - T Time of Test - AM Rated Cap.- Elev.- E Static Press - 135 @ Press - R Residual Press - 126 Elev. - 0 Well Flow - 2632 Proof Flow S Elevation - 0 U P Location - EXISTING CITY WATER MAIN IN LIONSHEAD AVE. P L Source of Information -'CITY OF CARLSBAD Y C Commodity Class Location O Storage Ht. Area Aisle W. M Storage Method: Solid Piled Palletized % Rack M Single Row C ) Conven. Pallet C ) Auto. Storage C ) Encap. S R C ) Double Row ( ) Slave Pallet C ) Solid Shelf C ) Non T A C ) Mult. Row C ) Open Shelf 0 R K Flue Spacing Clearance:Storage to Ceiling A Longitudinal Transverse G E Horizontal Barriers Provided: Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 FIRE PROTECTION CO, INC 1451 WEST LAMBERT ROAD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631-6599 (562) 691-0918 (714) 526-2231 FAX (562) 691-5482 January 23, 2006 City Of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Mark Soderberg Re: Fire hydrant flow test results performed at 3190 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA STATE LICENSE 259936 Dear Mark, The results of the Fire Flow test performed at the above address are as follows: Static Water Pressure: 150 psi Residual Water Pressure: 140 psi Observed Water Flow: 2632 gpm Pitot Reading: 75 psi Outlet Size: 2Y2 inch x 2 outlets flowing simultaneously Flow At 20 psi: 10529 gpm (Calculated) Date: •' 1-18-06 Time: 9:18 am As you may know, daily usage can fluctuate and may change results . Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns regarding this te s t . Sincerely, Advance Fire Protectip Co., Inc. Brian Callahan VP of Engineering Water Supply Curve (C) Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 2 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 2 Date 6-27-06 City Water Supply: Demand: Cl -Static Pressure : 135 Dl - Elevation : 6.713 C2 - Residual Pressure: 126 02 - System Flow : 584.614 C2 - Residual Flow : 2632 D2 - System Pressure : 122.726 Hose (Adj City) Hose ( Demand) : 100 D3 - System Demand : 684.614 Safety Margin : 11.528 150 140 130 D2 D2 -- _________ P 120 R 110 - -) E 100 90 s 80 U70 R6° E5° 40 30 20 10 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 FLOW ( N" 1.85) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 0.- 0) (•) 0 C') (N- 0 U) (N - C') .- .-• U) U).- 00(0.- U) 0 (N. C') 0)0) - bO) NN-0 L0E- 0 C').- N- (N N- N- C') .-N-C') wool, NN-0-00N 0)(N.- C0U)0 .- (N.- U).- IOU) (N(0 C') Lc) U)0) .- .- 0) • .- - C').- ov (N0 IT - .- N- 1') 0) C') C').- (N N.IO(N 0).- U) (N (0 (N (N.- (NO (NO0 -It (N CO (N (N"- 00) Cl) .- U) .-'- 0) 0 C0 U) N- N- CO C').- .-.- CO O U) (N.- C') .-.- U) 0 (N 0 (N 0)0) 0 C').- 0 (N N- CO C') 0 (N.- 0 C1 U) U) (N 0 (N.- 0.- U) • (N O(N.-OC')CN CO OCN E c:(9 E •° CN co Cl) (N LL ca LJ <0 - - 0)WLi..O..JCI)I-N - Pressure I Flow Summary - STANDARD Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 4 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 2 Date 6-27-06 Node Elevation K-Fact . Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Req. A 10.0 5.6 7.0 na 14.82 0.1 140 7.0 B 10.0 5.6 7.0 na 14.82 0.1 140 7.0 C 15.5 5.93 na 1 15.5 K = K @ DBLE 8.85 na 29.92 2 15.5 KK@DBLE 11.17 ha 33.61 3 15.5 K=K@DBLE 13.63 na 37.13 4 15.5 K = K @ DBLE 19.38 na 44.28 5 15.5 K=K@DBLE 24.72 na 50.0 6 15.5 K = K @ DBLE 33.94 na 58.6 7A 15.5 4939 na 8 15.5 KK@DBLE 8.99 na 30.16 9 15.5 K= K@ DBLE 11.35 na 33.88 10 15.5 K= K@ DBLE 13.84 na 37.41 11 15.5 K= K© DBLE 19.68 na 44.61 12 15.5 K=K@DBLE 25.09 na 50.37 13 15.5 K = K © DBLE 34.45 na 59.03 14A 15.5 50.11 na 15 15.5 K = K© DBLE 56.53 na 75.62 16A 15.5 58.18 na 7 14.67 55.44 na 14 14.67 56.24 na 16 14.67 59.14 na TOR 14.67 82.94 na BOR2 1.0 106.47 na 100.0 UG 0.0 110.21 na CTY1 0.0 122.73 na 100 0.0 122.19 na 200 0.0 122.3 na 300 0.0 122.32 na 400 0.0 122.49 na CTY2 0.0 122.71 na The maximum velocity is 40.26 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes 13 an d 1 4 A Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc.Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 5 t flPIIS I(T9/94RI rY2 Date 6-27-06 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn A 14.82 1.049 2E 4.0 10.500 7.000 K Factor =5.60 to 120 0.0 4.000 -2.382 C 14.82 0.0901 0.0 14.500 1.307 Vet = 5.50 0.0 14.82 5.925 K Factor 6.09 B 14.82 1.049 1 2.0 10.500 7.000 K Factor =5.60 to 120 IT 5.0 7.000 -2.382 C 14.82 0.0747 0.0 17.500 1.307 Vel = 5.50 C 15.10 1.049 2T 10.0 0.670 5.925 to 120 0.0 10.000 0.0 DBLE 29.92 0.2742 0.0 10.670 2.926 Vel = 11.11 0.0 29.92 8.851 K Factor = 10.06 1 29.92 1.049 0.0 8.460 8.851 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 29.92 0.2741 0.0 8.460 2.319 Vet = 1.1.11 2 33.61 1.38 0.0 8.460 11.170 K Factor© node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 63.53 0.2904 0.0 8.460 2.457 Vet = 13.63 3 37.13 1.38 0.0 8.460 13.627 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 100.66 0.6804 0.0 8.460 5.756 Vet = 21.59 4 44.28 1.61 0.0 8.460 19.383 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 -0.0 0.0 5 144.94 0.6304 0.0 8.460 5.333 Vet = 22.84 5 50.00 1.61 0.0 8.460 24.716 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 6 194.94 1.0908 0.0 8.460 9.228 Vet = 30.72 6 58.60 1.61 iT 8.0 0.710 33.944 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 7A 253.54 1.7737 0.0 8.710 15.449 Vel = 39.96 7A 0.01 2.067 IT 10.0 0.830 49.393 to 120 0.0 10.000 0.359 7 253.54 0.5253 0.0 10.830 5.689 Vel = 24.24 0.0 253.54 55.441 KFactor= 34.05 8 30.16 1.049 0.0 8.460 8.992 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 9 30.16 0.2781 0.0 8.460 2.353 Vel = 11.20 9 33.87 1.38 0.0 8.460 11.345 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 64.03 0.2947 0.0 8.460 2.493 Vet = 13.73 10 37.42 1.38 0.0 8.460 13.838 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 11 101.45 0.6902 0.0 8.460 5.839 Vel = 21.76 II 44.61 1.61 0.0 8.460 19.677 K Factor© node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 12 146.06 0.6394 0.0 8.460 5.409 Vet = 23.02 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard - Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 6 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 2 Date 6-27-06 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 12 50.37 1.61 0.0 8.460 25.086 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 13 196.43 1.1064 0.0 8.460 9.360 Vel = 30.96 13 - 59.03 1.61 IT 8.0 0.710 34.446 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 14A 255.46 1.7986 0.0 8.710 15.666 Vel = 40.26 14A 0.0 2.067 IT 10.0 0.830 50.112 to 120 0.0 10.000 0.359 14 255.46 0.5328 0.0 10.830 5.770 Vel = 24.42 0.0 - 255.46 - 56.241 K Factor = 34.06 15 75.62 1.61 IT 8.0 0.710 56.530 K Factor © node DBLE to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 16A 75.62 0.1892 0.0 8.710 1.648 VeI= 11.92 16A 0.0 2.067 IT 10.0 0.830 58.178 to 120 0.0 10.000 0.359 16 75.62 0.0560 0.0 10.830 0.607 Vel = 7.23 0.0 75.62 59.144 K Factor = 9.83 7 253.54 3.26 0.0 14.000 55.441 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 14 253.54 0.0571 0.0 14.000 0.800 Vel = 9.75 14 255.46 3.26 0.0 14.000 56.241 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 16 509.0 0.2074 0.0 14.000 2.903 Vel = 19.56 16 75.61 3.26 2L 13.44 75.380 59.144 to 120 0.0 13.440 0.0 TOR 584.61 0.2679 0.0 88.820 23.796 Vel = 22.47 TOR 0.0 3.26 1Z 9.408 14.670 82.940 to 120 IS 21.503 51.071 5.920 BOR2 584.61 0.2679 1 13.44 65.741 17.613 Vel = 22.47 IL 6.72 BOR2 100.00 3.26 IL 6.72 2.500 106.473 Qa = 100 to 120 0.0 6.720 0.433 UG 684.61 0.3588 0.0 9.220 3.308 Vel = 26.31 UG 0.0 6.134 5L 71.849 184.000 110.214 to 150 3T 143.698 225.127 7.500 * Fixed loss = 7.5 100 684.61 0.0109 2G 9.58 409.127 4.472 Vel = 7.43 0.0 684.61 122.186 KFactor= 61.93 CTY1 -456.35 8.044 IL 20.411 296.000 122.726 to 150 IF 14.13 95.773 0.0 100 -456.35 -0.0014 1 6.28 391.773 -0.540 Vel = 2.88 11 54.952 100 684.62 8.044 2G 12.56 295.000 122.186 to 150 0.0 12.561 0.0 200 228.27 0.0004 0.0 307.561 0.118 - Vel = 1.44 200 0.0 8.044 0.0 48.000 122.304 to 150 0.0 0.0 0.0 300 228.27 0.0004 0.0 48.000 0.018 Vel = 1.44 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 - Final Calculations - Standard Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 7 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 2 Date 6-27-06 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 300 0.0 8.044 IL 20.411 390.000 122.322 to 150 2F 28.261 54.952 0.0 400 228.27 0.0004 IG 6.28 444.9.52 0.171 Vel = 1.44 400 0.0 8.044 3F 42.391 452.000 122.493 to 150 2G 12.56 109.904 0.0 CTY2 228.27 0.0004 IT 54.952 561.904 0.215 Vel = 1.44 CTY2 0.0 12.0 2G 18.596 324.000 122.708 to 150 0.0 18.596 0.0 CTYI 228.27 0.0001 0.0 342.596 0.018 Vel = 0.65 0.0 228.27 122.726 KFactor= 20.61 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 C510-89 (C511-89) for .909RPDA), UL - I 10 in" oil CC a .'.rA w6 cc D U) U) w cc CL 501.00. '150 200 250 300350.400.,A5 590 $50 .600 FLOW—G.P.M. Series 709DCDA Sizes 6," 8". 10" 20 • • .....--' ......... 18 NOMMMOMMM j i16 0. 14 WORINNIUMMUR 0 0 a 1 - DOuble Check:D(illz eIor$ssembly/ :Detector Assembly Series 7090CDA190ORPOA No 7090CDAOSYRW-CFM Series 709DCDA and 909RPDA are designed to prevent the reverse flow of fire protection system substances, i.e., glycerin wetting agents, stagnant water and water of non-potable quality from being pumped orsyphoned into the safe drinking water system. - Detects leaks.. with emphasis on the cost of unaccountable water; incorporates a meter which allows the water utility to: -. Detect leaks underground that historically create great annual cost due to waste. It provides a detection point for unauthorized use. It can help locate illegal taps. ModUlâr.checkdesign concept -facilitates maintenance and assembly cóssAll 7O9DCDA sizes are standardly equipped with AWWA epoxy coátedUUFM listed OS&Y.gate valves, CFM (cubic feet per minute) . x 3 " meter and ball type test backs. eries 909RPDA Reduced Pressure* [)elector Assembly: When applications call for maximum -protection, use 909RPDA with relief vent to atmosphere. FEATURES...........• No special tools required for servicing . Resilient wedge shut-offs Compact for economy Body construction epoxy combined with performance coated cast iron• .. - Replaceable bronze seats • Dslgn simplicity for easy Stalnlesssteel internal parts maintenance Furnished with Recordall 3/4" bronze -Max: how at low pressure drop - metermodel-25seeoptlons DIMENSIONS-WEIGHTS (are approximate) - OPEN I D OPEN Check (ist) #2 Check (2nd) 14 11 0 Gate B lI-( B 3" 24 26 12 7 8 421/4 18'A 3 14 190 250 4" 34 37 17 9 10 9 52 551/8 23~ 6 15 403 490 6" 41½ 1 64 44 1 67 21 1 71hj 11 15 1 1 0½62½ 1 40 651I2 32c 8 16 727 12093 820 8" 52 55 26 13 19 11½ 75 783/4 39'h 9 17 1327 1656 10" 32 16 22 13 90 935/8 48 .. 101/4 18. 2250 * UL, FM approved backf low preventers must include FM approved OS&Y gate valves. New 99ORPDA Reduced Pressure DetectorAâembIy4'. 8" Send for ES-99ORPDA. .• Upright Pendent Horizontal Sidewall Recessed Pendent Vertical • Conventional Model F1 FR SprinklerTypes Standard Upright Standard Pendent •.: Conventional Vertical Sidewall .,.. Horizontal Sidewall•• . - HSW 1 Deflebtor. Model Fl FR Recessed Sprinkler Types Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall — HSWlDeflector Listings & Approvals Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) Certified by FM Approvals Loss Prevention Council (LPC, UK) 5. NYC BS&A No. 587-75-SA Meets MIL-S-901C and MIL-STD 167-1 Verband der Schadenversicherer (VdS, Germany) NYC MEA 258-93-E UL Listing category Sprinklers, Automatic & Open Quick Response Sprinkler UL Guide Number VNIV Patents US Patent No 6,374,920 Applies to Model Fl FR Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers DrrwI, irf flcrirfirn RehableModeis'FlFR and Fl FR Recessed Sprinklers are HSW 1 Deflector (Model FP Shown) quick response sprinklers which combine the durability of a standard sprinkler with the attractive low profile of a decorative . . sprinkler. . . . . The Models F1 FR and Fl FR Recessed automatic sprinklers pands forcing the bubble smaller and smaller as the liquid presèure inrease. Cbptinued heating forces the liquid to utilize a 30 mm frangible glass bulb. These sprinklers have push out against the bulb causing the glass to shatter demonstr ted response limes in laboratory test which e five to ten times faster than standard response sprinklers. This opening the waterway and allowing the deflector to distrib- quick response enables the Model Fl FR and Fl. FIR Recessed ute the discharging water. sprinklers to apply water to a fire much faster than standard Application . sprinklers of the same temperature rating Quick response sprinklers are used in fixed fire protec- The glass bulb consists of an accurately controlled amount . tonysterns: Wet, Dry, Deluge or Preáction. Care must be of special fluid hermetically sealed inside a precisely manu- . exercised that the orifice size, temperature rating, deflector• factured glass capsule. This glass bulb is specially con- style and sprinkler type are in accordance With the latest structed to provide fast thermal response. The balance of published standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- parts are made of brass, copper and beryllium nickel. ciation or the approving Authority Having Jurisdiction. At normal temperatures, the glass bulb contains the fluid Quick respohse sprinklers are intended for installation as in both the liquid and vapor phases. The vapor phase can specified in NFPA 13. Quick response sprinklers and stan- be seen as a small bubble. As heat is applied, the liquid ex- dard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York 10552 1 Model Fl FR Quick Response Upright, Pendent & Conventional Sprinklers Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data: Spnnkler Type Standatd-Upright (SSU) and Pendént (SSP). Deflectors Marked to indicate PosWon K Factor S nnkier g Approval g n SOU Sprink . US MetliC y,"(15mm) Standard Orificewith NPT 56 80 22 (56mm) 1234567 R3625 R3615 8.0. 115 a3"(58rm) 1,2,3,47,8 R362 - R3612 %(17mm) Small Orifice ithX"NPT(R,)Thread 4.2 60 2.2'156mm) 1;2,8 R3623 R3613 a (lomm)Small Onfice with ) NPT(R))Thread 28 40 22 (56mm) 12,8 R3621 R3611 10mm Orifice XLH with R% Thread 42 60 56mm 467 R3624 R3614 Conventional-Install in Upright or Pendent Position 42 5.6 80 60 80 115 56mm 56mm 58mm - 467 47 R3674 R3675 R3672 10mm Orifice XLH with R% Thread 5mm Standard Orifice withy' NPT (R)) Thread '0mm Large Orifice with ~ I'PT (R~)Thread Upright Pendent Conventional Model Fl FR Quick Response Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model GFR1 Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data: Nominal Orifice Thread Size K Factor Sprinkler Height ApprOvalt1 Organizations Sprinkler identification Number (SIN) US Metric ,,v," (15mm) ) NPT(R½) 56 80 22 (56mm) 1234578 R3615 %"(20mm) %"NPT.(R34) 8.0. 115 2.3"(58rri 1,2,3,8 .. R3612 (11 mm) )' NFr(R½) 42 60 22 (56mm) 128 R3613 %" (10mm) y2"NPT(R½) 2.8 .. 40 2.2"(56mrn) 1,2,8 R3611 10mm R% 42 60 56mm 47 R3614 ier Identification ithbr (SIN) SSP (1) Refer to escutcheon data table for approvals and dimensions. - 2 1/4 HOLE DR. - 1 15/76 LM • 1' X 1/2" REDUCER ?URN COLLAR UNSIL TIG.IIT AONNST SPRINKLER WRENCH 8OSS-\ FACE LVLTVING TOri; i CEILING Dli ENSIGN 03M _ j 2 27/32 014. 172.2.m1 lJ6)VOLE (1) REFER TO TI & PS ESCUTCHEON DATA TABLE FOR APPROVALS AND OI&4EiiSIONS. 2. - - 2 5/8" CM. (66.7.,r,iJ - .HOLE IN CEIIJIIO 'I 2 5/16" L4. (587mm1 -, . .. clip • r--' 1'• X 1/2' REDUCER CEILING -. 00 Yd PACE OF FITTING TO FACE OF CEIUNGG DIMENSION ADJUSTMENT (I) REFER TO FP ESCUTCHEON DATA TABLE FOR APPROVALS AND CFMENSION Horizontal Sidewall Model Fl FR Quick Response Vertical Sidewall Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Positioh: Upright or Pendent Approval Type: Light Hazard Occupancy InsthlIitinn Data- Nominal Orifice Thread Size K Factor Sprinkler Height Approval Organizations Identification Number (SIN) US Metric ½" W'1'IPT(R½) 5.6 80 2.21'(56mm) 1,23,6,8 15mm ½" NPT(R½) 5.6 80 2.2" (56mm). 4(1) R3685 (1) LPC Approval is for Pendent position only. only- • Deflector to Ceiling Orientation ation Dimension (Mm. - Max.) Upright 4"- 12" (102inrn - 305mm). Pendent 6"- 12"(152mm-305mm) I US Patent No. 6,374,920 Model Fl FR Quick Response Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Deflector: HSW 1 Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data: . . Approval Organizations K Factor . . and Type OfApproval Sprinkler Thread Identification Number (SIN) : OrdIna Hazard • m) 263 (67m Hazar 1 2358 1 25 8 R3635 Orifice Metric Nominal ___________ slid . US . S prinkler Len§th ) (15mm) % NPT(R½) 5 6 80 I tA IflTF LII I II ('. r7r1 F.A I itinri lierm'lfs t,p with Fl or F9 receispri ertthhpnn 736PG04 1 .1.. / FACE OF P/Tfl'VO TO . .. WALL D!MENFON • .... ,. .; 1 1,4 11/N. 2 1/4'HOL(OM. . ., . [57.2mm] • [701 6mm-1.4mmj 7 x l/.( REDUCER DEFt FC7R * 1 75/10 P1.4 / (.f 9. 2mm] 7111 :1L1{ 2 27/32 0/4 I [72.2mm] ------- ---- .-.- ...- WRN COLLAR IJNTIL 77011T .4GAINST SPRI!IKLER WRENCH ROSS. I (7) RETR TO ESCUTH.fO.V D4 7.46L17 FOP OPPROV4LS AND DIMENSIONS. 3. Installation Quick response sprinklers are intended for installation as specified in NFPA 13. Quick response sprinklers and stan- dard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. The Model Fl FR Recessed Quick Response Sprinklers are to be installed as shown. The Model Fl or F2 Escutcheons illus- irated are the only recessed escutcheons to be used with the Model Fl FR Sprinklers. The use of any other recessed escutch- eon will void all apprOls and negate.all Warranties. When installing Model Fl FR Sprinklers, use the Model DSpn- kler Wrench. When installing Model F1FR Recessed Pendent or Sidewall Sprinklers, use the Model GFR1 Sprinkler Wrench. Any other type of wrench may damage these sprinklers. Glass bulb sprinklers have orange bulb protectors to minimize bulb damage during shipping, handling and installation. RE- MOVE THIS PROTECTION AT THE TIME THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS PLACED IN SERVICE FOR FIRE PROTEC11ON. Re- moval of the protectors before this time may leave the bulb vul- nerable to damage. RASCO wrenches are designed to install sprinklers when covers are in place. REMOVE PROTECTORS BY UNDOING THE CLASP BY HAND. DO NOT USE TOOLS TO REMOVE THE PROTECTORS. Temperature Ratings Classification Sprinkler Temperature Max. Ambient Temp Bulb Color Ordinary 57 1 135 100°F(38°c) Orange Ordinary 68 I 155 100°F(38"c) Red Intermediate 79 175 150"F(66"C) Yellow Intermediate 93 I 200 150°F(66°C) Green High (1) 141 286 225°F(107"C) Blue (1) Not available for recessed sprinklers. Escutcheon Data Pace of Fitting Mow Approvals Adlustment Mnension to Calling or Wall Dimension 1/2 " Fl 1,2,4,8 Max Recess (38.1mm) 16 'IS Min Recess X" (5mm-24rrm (19.1mm) 1/2" F2 1,2,3,4151718 Max Recess (38.1mm) 3. "_II 6 5 Mm Recess " l/ (5mm- 17mm) (24mm) FP 1,2 Max Recessed Y1511 1,)ç(38.1mm)(11mm) ialaJ X6 Thread-off 1,2 Min Recessed 1" (25.4mm) (2 mm) No Dimensional Figure for FP Maintenance The Models F1FR and F1FR Recessed Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by Using a soft brush or gen- tle vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler which has been. painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any Way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprin- klers Prior, to installation sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging until used to mini- mize the potential for damage to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non-operation Sprinkler Types Standard Upright Standard Pendent COnvention I SideWall (Verticel, HorizOntal HSW1) Recessed Pndent Recessed Hotzohtal Sidewall HW1 Fin! Shea C' l Stalhdaid Finishes •. Spunkier : EScutcheon Bronze CraCs chrome Plated chrome Plated White Polyester Coated White Painted (3 Special Application Finishes Sprinkler Escutcheon Bright Brass ' Bright Brass Black Plated Black Plated Black Paint Black Paint Off White Off White Satin Chrome 1 Satin chrome ()) Other finishes and colors are available on special order. Consult the factory for details. FM Approvals is limited to bronzö and brass, chrome or black plated finishab only. FPush-ortJThread-off escutcheon Ordering Information Specify:• . Sprinkler MOdel . Sprinkler Type Orifice Size Deflector Type Temperature Rating . sprinkler Finish Escutcheon Type EscutcheOn Finish (where applicable). Note: When Model F1FR Recesed sprinklers are ordered, the sprinklers and escutcheons are packaged separately. . I The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest pertinent Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable. Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and reputa-ble sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countrie s . Manufactured by Reliabld The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. (800)431-1588 Sales Offices (800)848-6051 Sales Fax (914)668-3470 Corporate Offices w.rellablesprinkler.com Interhet Address ®Pacycled Paper Revision lines indicate updated or new data EG. Printed in U.S.A 7/05 P1N9999910027 --- Fire Protection by Computer Design Advance Fire Protection Co. 1451 W. Lambert Road' La Habra, CA 90631 562-691-0918 Job Name : OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 7 LoóatioriT3172-LIONS HEAD AVE. CARLSBAD, CA. System : ROOF Contract. .06-0117 Data File Building 7.WXF Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Advance Fire Protection Co. Page OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 7 Date 6-27-06 Hydraulic Design Information Sheet Name - OPUS POINT-LOT 23 & 24 Date - 6-27-06 Location - .3172 LIONS HEAD AVE. CARLSBAD, CA. Building - System No. - ROOF Contractor - ADVANCE FIRE PROTECTION CO INC. Contract No. - 06-0117 Calculated By - MATT Drawing No. - FP7.2 Construction: (X) Combustible C ) Non-Combustible Ceiling Height - 311 -0" Occupancy - CORE & SHELL -CALCULATED FOR FUTURE T.I. S (X) NFPA 13 (X) Lt. Haz. Ord.Haz.Gp. ( ) 1 C ) 2 C ) 3 ( ) Ex.Haz. Y ( ) NFPA 231 C ) NFPA 231C C ) Figure I Curve S Other T Specific Ruling Made By Date E M Area of Sprinkler Operation - 1500 System Type Sprinkler/Nozzle Density - .10 (X) Wet Make RELIABLE D Area Per Sprinkler - 140 ( ) Dry Model F1FR E Elevation at Highest Outlet - 25' ( ) Deluge Size " S Hose Allowance - Inside - 100 ( ) Preaction K-Factor 5.6 I Rack Sprinkler Allowance - N/A ( ) Other Temp.Rat.1550 G Hose Allowance - Outside - N/A N Note DOUBLE ARMOVERS CALC'D WITH 2 HEADS OFF. EACH OUTLET Calculation Flow Required - 616.26 Press Required - 90.467 8 BOR7 Summary C-Factor Used: 120 Overhead 150 Underground W Water Flow Test: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: A Date of-Test - 1-18-06 Cap. - T Time of Test - M Rated Cap.- Elev.- E Static Press - 135 8 Press - R Residual Press - 126 Elev. - 0 Well Flow - 2632 Proof Flow S Elevation - 0 U P Location - EXISTING CITY WATER MAIN IN LIONSHEAD AVE. P L Source of Information - CITY OF CARLSBAD Y C Commodity Class Location O Storage Ht. Area Aisle. W. M Storage Method: Solid Piled Palletized Rack M Single Row ( ) Conven. Pallet C ) Auto. Storage C ) Encap. S R C ) Double Row ( ) Slave Pallet C ) Solid Shelf ( ) Non T A ( ) Mult. Row C ) Open Shelf 0 R K Flue Spacing Clearance:Storage to Ceiling A Longitudinal Transverse G E Horizontal Barriers Provided: Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 FIRE PROTECTION D.1 INL 1451 WEST LAMBERT ROAD LA HABRA, CALIFORNIA 90631-6599 (562) 691-0918 (14) 526-2231 FAX, (562) 691-5482 January 23, 2006 City Of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue CrIsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Mark Soderberg Re: Fire hydrant flow test results performed at 3190 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, CA Dear Mark, STATE LICENSE 259936 The results of the Fire Flow test performed at the above address are as follows: Static Water Pressure: 150 psi Residual Water Pressure 140 psi Observed Water Flow: 2632 gpm Pitot Reading: 75 psi Outlet Size: 2Y2 inch x 2 outlets flowing simultaneously Flow At 20 psi: 10529 gpm (Calculated) Date: 1-18-06 Time: 9:18 am As you may know, daily usage can fluctuate and may change results. Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns regarding this test. Sincerely, Advance FirejProtectri,Co., Inc. Brian Callahan VP of Engineering Water Supply Curve (C) Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 2 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 7 Date 6-27-06 City Water Supply: Cl - Static Pressure : 135 C2 - Residual Pressure: 126 C2 - Residual Flow : 2632 Demand: Dl - Elevation : 12.560 D2-System Flow : 616.257 D2 - System Pressure : 104.603 Hose(Adj City) Hose ( Demand) : 100 03 - System Demand : 716.257 Safety Margin : 29.587 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 FLOW (N't 1.85) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 150 140 130 P 120 R 110 E 100 S 90 S 80 U 70 R 60 E 50 40 30 20 10 Fittings Used Summary Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 3 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 7 Date 6-27-06 Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name % % 1 1% 1% 2 2% 3 3% 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 1820 24 B Generic Butterfly Valve 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 10 0 12 9 10 12 19 21 0 0 0 0 0 E 90 Standard Elbow 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 F 45 Elbow 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 7 9 11 13 17 19 21 24 28 G Generic Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 L Long Turn Elbow 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 8 9 13 16 18 24 27 30 34 40 S Generic Swing Check Vlv 4 5 5 7 9 11 14 16 19 22 27 32 45 55 65 76 87 98 109 130 I 90' Flow lhru Tee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 Z Generic Flow Switch 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Pressure / Flow Summary - STANDARD Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 4 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 7 Date 6-27-06 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Ran A 25.0 5.6 7.0 na 14.82 B 25.0 5.6 7.0 na 14.82 C 29.0 6.57 na 1 29.0 K = K@ DBLE 9.5 na 29.89 2 29.0 K = K @ DBLE 11.84 na 33.38 3 29.0 K = K @ DBLE 14.32 na 36.7 4 29.0 K = K @ DBLE 20.08 na 43.47 5 29.0 K = K @ DBLE 25.39 na 48.88 6 29.0 K = K @ DBLE 34.79 na 57.22 8 29.0 K = K @ DBLE 34.43 na 56.92 10 29.0 35.4 na 12 29.0 KK@DBLE 9.74 na 30.27 13 29.0 K=K@DBLE 12.14 na 33.8 14 29.0 K=K@DBLE 14.67 na 37.15 15 29.0 K = K @ DBLE 20.57 na 43.99 16 29.0 1< = K @ DBLE 25.99 na 49.46 18 29.0 K= K@ DBLE 34.73 na 57.16 19 29.0 K = K @ DBLE 35.69 na 57.96 7 29.0 36.21 na 11 29.0 36.82 na 17 29.0 37.06 na 20 29.0 39.88 na 21 29.0 57.95 na 22 12.12 67.03 na 23 12.12 75.04 na TOR 12.12 79.39 na BOR7 1.0 90.47 na 100.0 UG 1.0 91.57 na CTY1 0.0 104.6 na 100 0.0 104.36 na 200 0.0 104.18 na 300 0.0 104.15 na 400 0.0 103.87 na CTV2 0.0 104.54 na 0.1 140 7.0 0.1 140 7.0 The maximum velocity is 30.68 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes 16 and 17 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 5 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 7 Date 6-27-06 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total P1 Pn A 14.82 1.049 2E 4.0 10.500 7.000 K Factor = 5.60 to 120 0.0 4.000 -1.732 - C 14.82 0.0901 0.0 14.500 1.307 VeI= 5.50 0.0 14.82 6.575 K Factor = 5.78 B 14.82 1.049 1E 2.0 10.500 7.000 K Factor =5.60 to 120 IT 5.0 7.000 -1.732 C 14.82 0.0747 0.0 17.500 1.307 Vel = 5.50 C 15.07 1.049 2T 10.0 0.670 6.575 to 120 0.0 10.000 0.0 DBLE 29.89 0.2737 0.0 10.670 2.920 Vel = 11.10 0.0 29.89 9.495 K Factor= 9.70 1 29.89 1.049 0.0 8.580 9.495 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 29.89 0.2737 0.0 8.580 2.348 Vel = 11.10 2 33.39 1.38 0.0 8.580 11.843 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 63.28 0.2882 0.0 8.580 2.473 Vel = 13.57 3 36.70 1.38 0.0 8.580 14.316 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 99.98 0.6719 0.0 8.580 5.765 Vel = 21.45 4 43.47 1.61 0.0 8.580 20.081 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 143.45 0.6184 0.0 8.580 5.306 Vel = 22.61 5 48.88 1.61 IT 8.0 2.170 25.387 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 7 192.33 1.0638 0.0 10.170 10.819 Vel = 30.31 0.0 - 192.33 36.206 KFactor= 31.96 6 57.22 1.61 IT 8.0 4.500 34.794 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 7 57.22 0.1130 0.0 12.500 1.412 Vel= 9.02 0.0 57.22 36.206 K Factor= 9.51 8 56.92 1.61 IT 8.0 0.670 34.425 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 10 56.92 0.1119 0.0 8.670 0.970 Ver= 8.97 10 0.0 1.61 1 8.0 4.710 . 35.395 to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 II 56.92 0.1118 0.0 12.710 1.421 Vel = 8.97 0.0 56.92 36.816 KFactor= 9.38 12 30.27 1.049 0.0 8.580 9.736 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 13 30.27 0.2801 0.0 8.580 2.403 VeI= 11.24 13 33.80 1.38 0.0 8.580 12.139 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 14 64.07 0.2950 0.0 8.580 2.531 Vel = 13.74 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 6 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 7 Date 6-27-06 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 14 37.15 1.38 0.0 8.580 14.670 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 15 101.22 0.6873 0.0 8.580 5.897 Vel = 21.71 15 43.99 1.61 0.0 8.580 20.567 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 16 145.21 0.6326 0.0 8.580 5.428 Vel = 22.88 16 49.46 1.61 IT 8.0 2.170 25.995 K Factor@ node DBLE to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 17 194.67 1.0880 0.0 10.170 11.065 VeI= 30.68 0.0 194.67 37.060 K Factor= 31.98 18 57.16 1.61 0.0 8.580 34.726 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 19 57.16 0.1128 0.0 8.580 0.968 VeI= 9.01 19 57.96 1.61 iT 8.0 2.170 35.694 K Factor @ node DBLE to 120 0.0 8.000 0.0 20 115.12 0.4116 0.0 10.170 4.186 VeI= 18.14 0.0 115.12 39.880 KFactor= 18.23 7 249.55 3.26 0.0 11.000 36.206 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 II 249.55 0.0555 0.0 11.000 0.610 Vel= 9.59 11 56.91 3.26 0.0 3.000 36.816 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 17 306.46 0.0813 0.0 3.000 0.244 Vel = 11.78 17 194.68 3.26 0.0 14.000 37.060 to 120 0.0 0.0 0.0 20 501.14 0.2014 0.0 14.000 2.820 Vel = 19.26 20 115.12 3.26 2L 13.44 47.750 39.880 to 120 0.0 13.440 0.0 21 616.26 0.2954 0.0 61.190 18.073 Vel = 23.69 21 0.0 4.26 IL 7.9 14.130 57.953 to 120 0.0 7.900 7.311 22 616.26 0.0803 0.0 22.030 1.768 Vel = 13.87 22 0.0 4.26 1L 7.9 65.500 67.032 to 120 IT 26.334 34.234 0.0 23 616.26 0.0803 0.0 99.734 8.004 Vel = 13.87 23 0.0 4.26 2L 15.8 38.500 75.036 to 120 0.0 15.800 0.0 TOR 616.26 0.0803 0.0 54.300 4.358 Vel = 13.87 TOR 0.0 4.26 1Z 13.167 12.120 79.394 to 120 18 28.968 65.835 4.816 BOR7 616.26 0.0803 1 15.8 77.955 6.257 Vel = 13.87 IL 7.9 BOR7 100.00 4.26 IL 7.9 2.500 90.467 Qa = 100 to 120 0.0 7.900 0.0 UG 716.26 0.1060 0.0 10.400 1.102 Vel= 16.12 UG 0.0 6.134 4L 57.479 205.000 91.569 to 150 2T 95.799 162.857 7.933 * Fixed loss = 7.5 400 716.26 0.0119 2G 9.58 367.857 4.372 Vel = 7.78 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Standard Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 7 OPUS LOT 23/24 BLDG 7 Date 6-27-06 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt. Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 0.0 716.26 103.874 K Factor= 70.28 CTYI -294.08 8.044 IL 20.411 296.000 104.603 to 150 IF 14.13 95.773 0.0 100 -294.08 -0.0006 IG 6.28 391.773 -0.240 Vel = 1.86 IT 54.952 100 0.0 8.044 2G 12.56 295.000 104.363 to 150 0.0 12.561 0.0 200 -294.08 -0.0006 0.0 307.561 -0.188 Vel = 1.86 200 0.0 8.044 0.0 48.000 104.175 to 150 0.0 0.0 0.0 300 -294.08 -0.0006 0.0 48.000 -0.029 Vel = 1.86 300 0.0 8.044 IL 20.411 390.000 104.146 to 150 2F 28.261 54.952 0.0 400 -294.08 -0.0006 1G 6.28 444.952 -0.272 Vel = 1.86 400 716.26 8.044 3F 42.391 452.000 103.874 to 150 2G 12.56 109.904 0.0 CTY2 422.18 0.0012 IT 54.952 561.904 0.670 Vel = 2.67 CTY2 0.0 12.0 2G 18.596 324.000 104.544 to 150 0.0 18.596 0.0 CTYI 422.18 0.0002 0.0 342.596 0.059 Vel = 1.20 0.0 422.18 104.603 K Factor= 41.28 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Cl) wcr 12 a-.. 0 50 100 150 200.250 300.350.400 450 500 550600 - ...............FLOW - G:P.M. -- ' - Series 7.O9DCPA.izes 6," 811.10". -20 o .18 16 CL- 14 12 a. 0 11 10 W-8 ___ I.. US IML 40 ft I L6 1 .... __ ;hJ•'. Js . EJ qT5oÔi11 boo1 500 00ô2ôd'30ó0 -'v a5O4OOO 450&5000 -- Double Check Detector Assembly/Reduced J . . Detector Assembly A.d. Series 709DCDAI909RPDA - No. 7090CDAOSYRW-CFM Series 709DCDA and 909RPDA are designed to prevent the reverse flow of fire protection system substances, i.e., glycerin wetting agents, stagnant water and water of non-potable quality from being pumped or syphoned into the safe drinking watersystem. Detects leaks.. . with emphasis on the cost of unaccountable water; incorporates a meter which allows the water utility to: Detect leaks underground that historically create great annual cost due to waste. It provides a detection point for unauthorized use. It can help locate illegal taps. Modular check design concept facilitates maintenance and assembly access. All 709DCDA sizes are standardly equipped with AWWA epoxy coated ULIFM listed OS&Y gate valves, CFM (cubic feet per minute) O x 3/4" meter and ball type test cocks. 'eries 909RPDA Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly: When applications call for maximum protection, use 909RPDA with relief vent to atmosphere. FEATURES • No special tools required Resilient wedge shutoffs for servicing Body construction epoxy Compact for economy coated cast iron combined with performance Replaceable bronze seats • Design simplicity for easy Stainless steel internal parts maintenance Furnished with Recordall 3/4" bronze .—o-Max;-flow-at low pressure drop meter, model 25,-seeoptions— DIMENSIONS-WEIGHTS (are approximate) OPEN OPEN oJ 'U Check (lst)#2 Check (2;d)ll Gate B B EA Ga JH DIMENSIONS (Inches) WEIGHT (Lbs.) Iii 3" 24 26 12 7'/2 7 8 40 421/4 18'/ 3 14 190 250 4" 34 37 17 9 10 9 52 55'/8 23% 6 15 403 490 6" 411/2 44 1 1 1 21 11 15 1O'/262½ 651/2 323c 8 16 127 820 8" 52 55 26 13 19 11½ 75 183/4 39'h 9 17 1321 1656 10" 64 67 32 16 22 13 90 935/8 48 101/4 18 2093 2250 * UI.., FM approved backf low preventers must include FM approved OS&Y gate valves. New 99ORPDA Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly 4"- 8" Send for ES-990RPDA. Pressure Pendent Conventional Bulletin 136 RevM .Model FiER cb CD Model Fl FR Recessed ct Quick Response . Sprinklers Model F1.FR Sprinkler Types Standard Upright Standard Pendent Conventional Vertical Sidewall HorizOntal Sidewall - HSW I Deflector Model Fl FR Recessed Sprinkler Types Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall - HSW 1 Deflector Listings & Approvals Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) certified by FM Approvals Loss Prevention council (LPC, UK) NYC BS&A No. 587-75-SA Meets MIL-S-901C and MIL-STD, 167-1 Verband der Schadenversicherer (VdS, Germany) NYC MEA258-93-E UL Listing Category Sprinklers, Automatic & Open Quick Response Sprinkler UL Guide Number VNIV Patents: US Patent No. 6,374920 Applies to Model Fl FR Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers. Product Description Reliable Models Fl FR and Fl FR Recessed Sprinklers are quick response sprinklers which combine the durability of a standard sprinkler with the attractive low profile of a decorative sprinkler. The Models Fl FR and Fl FR Recessed automatic sprinklers utilize a 3.0 mm frangible glass bulb. These sprinklers have demonstrated response times in laboratory tests which are live to ten limes faster than standard response sprinklers. This quick response enables the Model Fl FR and Fl FR Recessed sprinklers to apply water to a fire much faster than standard sprinklers of the same temperature rating. The glass bulb consists of an accurately controlled amount of special fluid hermetically sealed inside a precisely manu- factured glass capsule. This glass bulb is specially cOn- structed to provide fast thermal response. The balance of parts are made of brass, copper and beryllium nickel. At normal temperatures, the glass bulb contains the fluid in both the liquid and vapor phases. The vapor phase can be seen as a small bubble. As heat is applied, the liquid ex- Horizontal Sidewall • riecesseu renoent HSW.1 Deflector • (Model FP Shown) pands, forcing the bubble smaller* and smaller as the liquid pressure increases. Continued heating forces the liquid to push oUt against the bulb, baüsing the glass to shatter, opening the waterway and allowing the deflêctôr to distrib- ute the discharging water. Application Quick response sprinklers are used infixed fire protec- tion systems: Wet, Dry, Deluge or Preaction. Care must be exercised that the orifice size, temperature rating, deflector style and sprinkler type are in accordance with the latest published standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation or the approving Authority Having Jurisdiction. Quick response sprinklers are intended for installation as specified in NFPA 13. Quick response sprinklers and stan- dard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York 10552 (1) Refer to escutcheon data table for approvals and dimensions. 2 7/4" HOLE O7 (57.2."J I 1 15/16" SM (4g2.',) Ir iili 7 K 7/2" REVUCER TURN COLLAR UNILL lIGHT .4cAlllsr SPRINKLER WRENCH AO/USTMENT CCUAIC I 7//I//I Di I - -1 -~ _j 2 27/32" GM 172.2,,rn1 136F001_E (I) REFER 10 TI & ES ESCUTCHEON VITA TABLE FOR APPROVALS PRO DIMENSIONS. Model Fl FR Quick Response Upright, Pendent & Conventional Sprinklers Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data: Sprinkler Type Standard-Upright (SSU) and Pendent (SSP) Deflectors Marked to Indicate Position K Factor Srink;r Metric Organization Approval Sprinkler Identification Number(SIN) US " (15mm) Standard Orifice with )'," NPT (RX) Thread 5.6 80 2.2" (56mm) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 R3626 R3615 (20mm) Large Orifice with " NPT(R34)Thread 8.0 115 2.3".(58mrn) 123,4,7,8 R3622 R3612 " (17mm) Small Orifice with " NPT (R)) Thread 4.2 60 2.2" (56mm) 1,2,8 R3623 R3613 " (10mm) Small Orifice with )"NFr(R))Thread 2.8 40 2.2"(56mm) 1,2,8 R3621. R3611 lommOriticeXLH with PX'Thread 4.2 60 56mm 4,6,7 R3624 R3614 Conventional-Install in Upright or Pendant Position : 4.2 5.6 8.0 60 80 115 66mrh 56mm .58mm 4,6,7 4,7 R3674 R3675 R3672 lommOriticeXLH with R%Thread 15mm Standard Orifice with )" NPT (RX) Thread 20mm Large Orifice with 34 NPT (R3'4)Thread uprignt Pendent Conventional Model Fl FR Quick Response Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model GFR1 Sprinkler Wrench Installation Data: Nominal Orifice Thread Size K Factor Sprinkler Height Approval111 Organizations Sprinkler identification Number (SIN) US Metric )" (15mm) )"NPT(R½) 5.6 80 2.2" (56mm) 1,2,3,4,5,7,8 R3615 %"(20mm) %1'NPT(R34) 8.0 115 2.3"(58mr,) 1,2,3,8 R3612 " (11mm) )"NPT(RV2 4.2 - 60 22'(56mrn) 1,2,8 . .. R3613 " (10mm) )" NPT (R½) 2.8 1 40 2.2(56mrn) 1,2,8 R3611 10mm RY. 4.2 60 56h-irri 4,7 R3614 - 2 5/8" QLA. [66.7rn,n] —. HOLE IN CEILING 2 5/76" ON. [58.7mm] - CUP I I K 712" REDUCER VH FACE OF FIMVG TO JWE OF COLNG Vj AojusrurNr (1) REF 00 ER RE/ZR To PP ESCUTCHEON OVA TABLE FOR APPROVALS AND DIA/ENSIORE (1) LPC Approval is for Pendent position only. • Orientation Deflector to telling Dimension (Miii. - Max.) Upright 4".- 12" (102mm - 305mm) Pendent 6"- 12" (152mm - 305mm) HorizOntal Sidewall b Model F1 FR Quick Response Vertical Sidewall Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Position: Upright or Pendent Approval Type: Light Hazard Occupancy Installation Data -- Nominal Orifice Thread Size K Factor Sprinkler Height Approval Organizations Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) US Metric 1/2 1/2 NPT (R½) 5 6 80 2 2 (56 mm) 1,2,3,6.8. R3685 15mm W'NPT(R1/,) 5.6 80 2.2"(56mrn) 4 .. Vertical Sidewall US Patent No. 6,374,920 Model Fl FR Quick Response Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Deflector: HSW 1 Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench IrisIdliallun udw: .. ominal N Orifice Thread Size K Factor . . Snke Approval Oroanizations and Type at Approval Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) US . Metric . . . Hazard.: Ordinarenothy .. . ,1 (15mm) 1 ) NPT(R½) 5.6 80 2 63 (67mm) 2358 -1.2;6.8 R3635 NOTE UL ULC and MEA Listing permits use with Fl or F2 recessed escutcheon . / . . FACE OF FTT;NC TO . WALL DIMENSION I I/eM/N. 31r, mi -2 7/4" HOLE Ol..t (57.2mm] r S.2mmJ (707 &,m-I"4mm) CEP-#VG TO I . I/i REDUCER DEFt ECflR _77L._ -t I fUI+- ra2rnrnJ 227/52 OI/L [72.2mm] L VPN COLLAR UNTIL TIGHT AGAINST SPRINKLER WRENCH BOSS. - ALULSIARNF (I) (i) REFER TO E5CL,TH.E0/II ' TABLE FOP APFRG1V4LS AND DIMENSiONS. 3. I Installation Quick response sprinklers are intended for installation as specified in NFPA 13. Quick.response sprinklers and stan- dard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. The Model Fl FR Recessed Quick Response Sprinklers are to be installed as shown. The Model Fl or F2 Escutcheons illus- trated are the Only recessed escutcheons to be used with the Model F1 FR Sprinklers. The use Of ariyothèr recessed escutch- eon will void all approvals and negate all warranties. When installing Model Fl FR Sprinklers, use the Model D Sprin- kler Wrench. When installing Model Fl FR Recessed Pendent or Sidewall Sprinklers, use the Model GFR1 Sprinkler Wrench. Any other type of wench may damage these sprinklers. Glass bulb sprinklers have orange bulb protectors to minimize bulb damage during shipping, handling and installation.. RE- MOVE THIS PROTECTION AT THE TIME THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS PLACED IN SERVICE FOR FIRE PROTECTION. ks- - moval of the protectors before this time may leave the bulb vu-, nerable to damage. RASCO wrenches are designed to install sprinklers when covers are in place. REMOVE PROTECTORS BY UNDOING THE CLASP BY HAND. DO NOT USE TOOLS TO REMOVE THE PROTECTORS Temperature Ratings Classification Sprinkler Temperature M. Ambient Temp. l ____ Bulb Color °C °F Ordinary 57 1 135 100°1(38°c) Orange Ordinary 68 I155 100°F(38°C) Red Intermediate 79 I 175 150°F (66°C) Yellow Intermediate 93 I 200 150°F(66°C) Green High (1)141 L!.... 225°F(107°C) Blue U) Not available for recessed sprinklers. Escutcheon Data w FaceofFitting Es mom on pp A CeIllingor Adjus Dinvinsion to Wall DiffmInsion 1/2 " Fl 1,2,4.8 Max Recess (38.1mm) '5,e Min Recess " (5mm - 24mm) (19.1mm) F2 1,2,3,415,718 Max Recess (38.1mm) Min Recess %" (5mm-17mm) (24mm) FP 1,2 Max Recessed 11 (16 1)ç'(38.1mm) PUsh-art! 1 Thread-off 1,2 Min Recessed (24mm) 1(25.4mm) No Dimensional Figure for FP Maintenance The Models F1FR and F1FR Recessed Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. 'Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using a soft brush or gen- tle vacuuming. Remove any sprinklei which has been painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare Cprinklërs shoUld be malintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprin- klers Prior to installation; Sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging until used to mini- mize the liötentiàl for damage, to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non-operation. Sprinkler Types Standard Upright Standard Pendent COnvéñtional . . Sidewall (Vertical Horizontal HSW1) Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall HSW1 Finishes Standard. Finishes Sprinkler .Escutcheon Bronze Brass Chrome Plated Chrome Plated (3) White Polyester Coated White Painted Special APplication.Flnishes .. . . .. Sprinkler. . Escutcheon Bright Brass e Bright Brass Black Plated Black Plated Black Paint Black Paint Off White Off White Satin Chrome Satin chrome Other finishes and colors are available on special order. Consult the factory for details. FM Approvals is limited to bronze and brass, chrome or black plated finishes only. FP Push-on/Thread-off escutcheon Ordering Information Specify: . . 1. Sprinkler Model 2 Sprinkler Type 3 Orifice Size Deflector Type Temperature Rating 6.. Sprinkler Finish Escutcheon Type EscUtcheon Finish (where applicable) Note: When Model F1FR Recessed sprinklers are ordered, the sprinklers and escutcheons are packaged separately. The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest pertinent Standards of the National Fire Protection Association. Factory Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable. Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are installed and serviced bythe most highly qualified and reputa- ble sprinkler contractors located throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries. Manufactured by Rellwabld The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. (800)431-1588 Sales Offices (800)848-6051 Sales Fax (914)668-3470 Corporate Offices www.reliablesprinkler.com Internet Address @ Recycled Paper Revision lines indicate updated or new data ES. Printed In U.S.A. 7/05 P/N9999970027