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5923 FARNSWORTH CT; ; AS020073; Permit
6/6/24,4:31 PM AS020073 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS020073 5923 FARNSWORTH Job Address: Status: ISSUED CT Permit Type: SPRINK Applied 5/30/2002 Parcel No: 2120700800 Approved: 6/11/2002 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 6/11/2002 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: CARLSBAD TECHNOLOGIES Applicant: Owner: OLSON MAUREEN C P0 BOX 339 VISTA CA Fees ($) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 705.5 0 705.5 0 about:blank Ill THERE ARE NO PLANS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PERMIT A 809-0073 Flow Test Record Test Hydrant Location IJMA"V~kl 46L,~~ Hydrant ID No. Size Main /& I, Static................ Residual........./ O Pressure Drop.. '7 (PDI 1).....K factor for PDI 1 c 9' Flow Hydrant(s) Hydrant I location ,s 90 J'{4A.io-JL Hydrant 2 location Hydrant 3 location Hydrant 1 Pitot Hydrant 2 Pitot Hydrant 3 Pitot ho Psi PSI PSI GPM:o; GPM:_______ GPM:_______ Total: (Qi) Size of Orifice_________ Size of Orifice_________ Size of Orifice Calculated test and flow data - 0_xPD2k =Q2 PDI*k Static: .................... ,IO Desired Residual ....... 20 Pressure Drop (PD 2).- 90 _________________________________K factor PD 2: I,iOa? x /,- 361 divided by 4.9& equals _C2% GPM at 20 psi residual Q PD2k PD1k Q2 Comments: Test conducted for: Conducted by: -4 Date:___________ "rime: /0:00