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985 TAMARACK AVE; ; FA060070; Permit
6/20/24, 9:47 AM FA060070 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fire Alarm Permit Permit No: FA060070 Job Address: 985 TAMARACK AV Permit Type: FALARM Parcel No: 2060501600 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Status: ISSUED Applied 10/13/2006 Approved: 10/16/2006 Issued: 10/16/2006 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: VONS FIRE ALARM PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS Applicant: Owner: HUNTINGTON SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. SUITE 533 1070-F BATAVIA STREET ORANGE, CA 800-559-1929 Fees ($) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) L 117 0. 117 0 about:blank 1/1 Carlsbad Fire Department FIL E COPY Plan Review Requirements Category. FALARM, FALARM Date of Report: 10-16-2006 Reviewed b Name: HUNTINGTON SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. Address: SUITE 533 1070-F BATAVIA STREET ORANGE, CA 92866 Permit #: FA060070 Job Name: VONS Job Address: 985 TAMARACK AV CBAD have submitted for review is incomplete. At this ti adequately conduct a review to determine -MI carefully all comments 1. Lise resubmit the necessary plans bor review and approval. Conditions: Please review Cond: C0N0001673 [MET] Approved: This project has been reviewed and approved for the purposes of issuance of a building permit. This approval is subject to field inspections, any required tests, fire department notations, conditions in correspondence and compliance with all applicable codes and regulations. This approval and stamping of these plans shall not be held to permit or approve the violation of any law. Entry: 10/16/2006 By: MS Action: AP FILE WY FAN,oc)46 UL Certificate Cut sheets and California Fire Marshal listings for: STORE #2343 985 TAMARACK AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Installation Company: iI Huntington SewfiW Systems, Inc. 1070-F North Batavia #533 Orange, CA. 92687-5504 (800) 559-1929 L:iJfldertefs Uboratorliss Inc. o. - IL 2sM4 C013k, C Ik!MIL& )4'I Ii U1Ii P*. p Civti WA Ap1capt to 1o: 19Oo7i-00 Servics Center Vq U Epir; M,R-OO? ;CE.,Tt F1CATE OF OPILAN cE HIS iS TO CERTIFY tht the Aini $er CoiParyI ciiJ bkid ndbyderreTs t iraiortM Int (UL Ii, tr cdti If ect or a Rcjbte 0 us Lte Ut.. llsllrzg lt'ak t crect,or wi' 0m#kmaipilfAfarfri Sy'Ttfi The only iico ul corrw nn with UL s ti)o i0sualple ol UL. Coittieitê tv 4hri AMrrn Srn and t1he cMnircBe is ctrort ijrdr U t1Dcate V.1cn SMc. Listed SkRtrn: ANAHEIM, CA Wd OonPJ71.o~i) IoCntrjt90flU " S3S IN 15.- OBA CSSS INC, OBA eENPkAL STATION fcURITY SYSTM, CENTRAL STAIlON SlCUPITY SYSTEMS 40Pf LPt4COL1 AV 401 W LINCOLN AVE 92805 ANAhEIM CA • 2E5 Tho Alarm 5tr1e ompny It UaTed in the Trowm Cer1lhtaI s6e'vlab CegbHes Vol No CC4 j.btng Caiip S2691 UtJFX [Sfn& and Fire Al. quipmnI IIrId Servlc (ProtectIve Signaling 5r )CerimJ Sthtloh THIS CERTIFICATE EXPIRES ON 31-MM-2007 LOOK FOR THE UL ALARM SYSTEM CERTIFIcATE' Model 5207 Fire Control Panel with Digital Communicator and Accu.Zone® Your All-In-One Answer For Fire Protection. The Model 5207 is an all-in-one fuseless local evacuation control panel and digital communicator designed for applications requiring manual fire alarm, automatic fire alarm and water flow for sprinkler supervision. The basic unit offers fire alarm for one to eight zones, expandable to 16 with the optional 5210 expansion module. It is compatible with both two- and four-wire smoke detectors. Compact, easy to install and service, it delivers the features you'd expect to find in fire systems costing much more. Features 4 form C Relays: 24 Volts @ 2.5 amps resistive Eight zones, 6 Class B (Style A) and 2 Class A (Style D). 8 expander zones and Class B (Style A). Zones are interchangeable using the Model 7181 Zone Converter. UL, FM, MEA (BSA), CSFM listed and Approved. Event Memory. Fuseless design reduces service time. 24 VDC power supply. Compatible with 2- and 4-wire smoke detectors as well as water flow and sounding devices. ANSI cadence pattern output. Four programmable (Style Y) supervised signal circuits, including steady, pulse and temporal. Programmable smoke verification, pre-alarm delay, and cross-zoning can minimize false alarms. Four general purpose relays (Form C 24 V at 2.5 A resistive). Built-in approved digital communicator with UL required priority reporting. Flexible programming capabilities including up/downloading and use of remote annunciator. AccuZone® diagnostics facilitate local and remote troubleshooting. Walk Test ,JIy1 Spoclikaffone Operating Voltage: 24 VDC Primary AC: 120 VRMS @ 60 Hz 2A Total DC Load: 5A @24 VDC Current: Standby 120 mA Alarm 700 mA (max) Dimensions: 16" W x 26.4" H x 4 D (40.6 cm W x 67 cm H x 10.2 cm D) Operating Temperature: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Indicator Lights: AC/DC (Green) ONrSystem running on AC Flashing=On DC Power Alarm (Red) ON=Supervisory Alarm Flashing=Fire Alarm Trouble (Yellow) ON=Trouble Condition OFF=No Troubles Silence (Yellow) ON=lf trouble or alarm has been silenced Memory (Yellow) ONif an Alarm is reset Set Mode Report (Yellow) ON=lf panel is in test or program mode Flashing=Panel reporting Model 5207 Fire Control Panel with Digital Communicator and Accu.Zone® Optional Accessories Model 5230 Remote Annunciator This 4-wire, 16-zone remote annunciator English-language is easy to operate. Its fourteen function keys can perform the same operations as the main system annunciator, including silencing, resetting, and the displaying of alarms, troubles and alarm memory. The Model 5230 can be used to program all programmable options and with the use of access codes prevent unwanted tampering. Zone Expansion The 5210 adds eight additional Class B (Style A) zones to the 5207, enabling use of both 2- and 4-wire smoke detectors. Model 4180 Status Display Module The 4180 provides 16 outputs to give alarm and trouble conditions by zone. Two units can be connected to annunciate all 16 zones on a 5207 control. The 16 outputs can be used to drive LEDs or a graphic annunciator. (Non-supervised) Model 7181 Fire Zone Converter Converts Class B zones to Class A and vice versa. Model 5220 Direct Connect Module Used for city box and polarity reversing direct wire applications. Model 5530 Downloading Modem SIA format modem for remote programming the 5207. 5541 Downloading Software For remote programming the 5207 with an IBM or compatible personal computer. Requires a 5530 modem. The modem and software can be purchased as a package, order P/N 5561. 5260 Printer Interface Allows connection of a standard computer printer to provide a printed record of the 5207 system activity. (Printer not supplied.) Engineering Spedftaillons The contractor shall provide a complete electrically supervised fire alarm and communications system. The system shall contain a fire alarm control/communicator and panel to supervise and operate heat and product of combustion detection devices, alarm signal devices, visual annunciator and an integral digital communicator to transmit fire alarm and supervisory signals to a central station. The control/communicator shall be UL listed or FM approved for under NFPA 72 for Central Station, Local Protection, Remote Signaling, and Auxiliary Signaling standards. It shall provide power and control for eight supervised detection zones, four supervised alarm signal circuits and a dual phone line digital communicator. The control/communicator shall be expandable to sixteen supervised detection zones and shall be able to communicate to a central station in SIA, SK ESK1. SK 4/2 or Radionics BFSK formats. The control/communicator shall be model 5207. There shall be two Class A and six Class B detection zones. They shall accommodate heat detectors, products of combustion detectors, manual pull stations. sprinkler flow switches and gate valve supervisory switches intermixed as permitted by NFPA 72. Products of combustion may either be 2-or 4-wire and shall be cross listed by UL for use on the system. The detection zones shall be programmed to (1) be cross zoned so that two individual zones must sense products of combustion, (2) automatically reset a detector to verify that products of combustion exist, (3) see a single detector in alarm before the alarm is sounded and a signal is transmitted to the central station. There shall be four 1 amp supervised (Style Y) alarm signal circuits. They shall cause the notification appliances to ring steady/pulsing/temporal throughout the premises until reset or silenced. The control shall be equipped with four auxiliary relays that shall be programmed to operate on (1) pre-alarm. (2) tamper alarm, (3) special alarm. (4) fire alarm. (5) trouble, (6) no-silence. (7) alarm by specific zone (1-16). The relays shall remain energized until the panel is silenced, reset or the trouble condition is cleared, unless no-si1ance is selected. The control/communicator shall have an integral annunciator to indicate sequentially zones in trouble and system functions. LEDs shall augment the display to make dear to an operator the system status. Am integral touchpad shall be provided to operate and interrogate the system. Vital operations such as alarm silencing or reset shall be simple and obvious to an operator. Authorization pass codes may or may not be used. The control/communicator shall have the capability to supervise two telephone lines, seize the phone line, and send the alarm signal on one or both lines without the addition of any more equipment. It shall sound a local trouble signal if the telephone service is interrupted for longer that 45 seconds and it shall transmit a signal indicating the loss of phone line service to the central station over the remaining phone line. A signal shall also be transmitted indicating the restoral of phone service. The control/communicator shall be able to report the loss of either phone line without regard to which line failed initially. It both lines fail, a local signal shall sound. The control/communicator shall have the ability to send a test signal to the central station every 24 hours, the test signal shall be able to be transmitted at a specific time of day or night by setting a program feature within the panel. The alarm signals transmitted to the central station shall indicate which of the eight zones is in alarm and which zones are in trouble, depending on which format is used. Restoral from alarm or trouble signals shall also be transmitted by zone. The control/communicator shall be capable of communicating to Silent Knight, Radionics or Ademco central station receivers. 7550 Meridian Circle, Maple Grove, MN 55369-4927 800-446-6444 or in Minnesota 612-493-6435 FAX: 612-493-6475 World Wide Web: http://www.silentknight.com MADE IN AMERICA FORM# 350376, Rev. 12/98 Copyright© 1998 Silent Knight Contents Section 1 Introduction.......................................................................1-1 1.1 About This Manual....................................................................1-1 1.2 Optional Accessories ...................................................................1-2 Section 2 Agency Listings and Requirements ...................................................2-1 2.1 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ...............................................2-I 2.2 Underwriters Laboratories (UL)..........................................................2-2 2.2.1 Requirements for All Installations ...................................................2-2 2.2.2 Requirements for Central Station Fire Alarm Systems ...................................2-2 2.2.3 Requirements for Auxiliary Protected Fire Alarm Systems for Fire Alarm Service .............2-3 2.2.4 Requirements for Remote Station Protected Fire Alarm Systems, for Digital Communication or Polarity Reversal ........................................2-3 2.3 California Fire Marshal (CFM) ........................................................... 2-3 2.4 Factory Mutual (FM) ..................................................................2-3 2.5 Materials and Equipment Board of Acceptance Division (MEA) ................................ 2-3 Section 3 Control Panel Installation ...........................................................3-1 3.1 Electrical Specifications ................................................................3-I 3.2 Environmental Specifications ............................................................. 3-1 3.3 Wiring Specifications ..................................................................3-2 3.4 Model 5207 Wiring Diagram ............................................................3 -3 3.5 Current Draw Worksheet ...............................................................34 3.5.1 Worksheet Example ..............................................................35 3.5.2 Worksheet Requirements ......................... . ................................ 3-6 3.6 Power Supply Wiring ... . ................................ . ........ . ...... . ............. 3-8 3.6.1 Connecting the 5198 to AC Power ............... .. ................................. 3-9 3.6.2 Connecting the 5198 to Batteries .............. . ..................................... 3-9 3.7 Mounting the 5207 ............... . .................................................... 3-9 3.8 Terminal Strip Description .............................................................3 -10 3.9 Telephone Line Connection ........... .. ............................ . ............ . ..... 3-12 3.10 Cable Connectors ......................................... . ........ . ................. 3-13 Section 4 Compatible Product Installation ......................................................4-1 4.1 Class A (Style D) Zones .................................................................4-1 4.2 Class B (Style A) Zones ................................................................ 4-2 4.3 Four-Wire Smoke Detector Connection ....................................................4-3 4.4 Two-Wire Smoke Detector Connection .....................................................4-4 4.5 Model 4180 Status Display Module .......................................................4-4 4.6 Model 5210 Zone Expander Wiring.......................................................4-6 4.7 Model 5220 Direct Connect Module ......................................................4-7 4.7.1 City Box Connection ..............................................................4-7 4.7.2 NFPA 72 Polarity Reversal ........................................................4-8 4.8 Keltron 95M3158 Tones Transmitter Module ...............................................4-9 4.9 Model 5230 Remote Annunciator........................................................4-10 4.9.1 Setting ID Codes ...............................................................4-10 Model 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual 4.9.2 5230 Permanent Connection ......................................................4-11 4.9.3 Mounting the 5230 Remote Annunciator ............................................4-12 4.9.4 Temporary Annunciator Connection ................................................4-12 4.10 Model 5395 Signal Power Expander ....................................................4-13 4.11 Model 7181 Zone Converter...........................................................4-14 4.12 Supervised Notification Appliance Outputs ...............................................4-15 4.13 Auxiliary Relays....................................................................4-16 Section 5 Operation..........................................................................5-1 5.1 Built-in Touchpad and Model 5230 Operation ............................................... 5-2 5. 1.1 Built-in Touchpad Display Codes ....................................................5-4 5.1.2 LED Indicators ..................................................................5-5 5.2 System Testing .......................................................................5-5 5.2.1 Fire Drills ......................................................................5-5 5.2.2 Walk Test (Mode 22) .............................................................5-6 5.2.3 Automatic Self Test ..............................................................5-6 5.3 Watchdog Circuit .....................................................................5-6 Section 6 Programming: Quick Reference ......................................................6-1 Section 7 Programming: Step-by-Step Complete Reference .......................................7-1 7.1 Using Step Programming ...............................................................7-1 7.1 Programming Examples ............................................................7-3 7.2 Step Programming Options..............................................................7-4 Step 1. Power Up Clear ...........................................................7-4 Step 2. Device Enables .............................................................74 Step 3. More System Options .......................................................7-5 Step 4. Display Rate ..................................................... ......... 7-5 Step 5. Miscellaneous Options ......................................................7-6 Step 6. Internal Zone Options .......................................................7-6 Step 7. External Zone Options ......................................................7-9 Step 8. Number of Zones .........................................................7-10 Step 9. Dialer Options ...........................................................7-10 Step 10. Total Number of Attempts .................................................7-11 Step 11. Number of Events Before Dialer Failed .......................................7-Il Step 12. Low AC Hours ..........................................................7-11 Step 13. Number of Rings ........................................................7-11 Step 14. Report to Telephone Numbers ...............................................7-12 Step 15. Computer Phone Number ..................................................7-13 Step 16. Central Station Phone Numbers .............................................7-13 Step 17. Central Station Account Numbers ...........................................7-13 Step 18. Dialer Format and Number of Attempts .......................................7-14 Step 19. Telephone Line to Use for Accounts .........................................7-14 Step 20. Duration of Delays ........................................ . .............. 7-15 Step 21. Test Time ..............................................................7-16 Step 22. Secret Codes ............................................................7-16 Step 23. Group Relays and Bells ...................................................7-17 Step 24. Alarm Relays and Bells (by Zone) ...........................................7-19 Step 25. Zone Types .............................................................7-20 Step 26. Zone Location Descriptions ................................................7-21 Steps 27 and 28. Temporal Patterns .................................................7-22 ii 150865 Section 8 - Reporting .8-1 8.1 Notes for All Formats ................................................................... 8-1 8.2 SIA Format Printed Messages ...........................................................8-2 8.3 FSK & SK 4+2 Format.................................................................8-4 8.4 16-Zone 4+2 Format .................................................................... 8-5 8.5 Radionics BFSK Format................................................................8-6 Section 9 Troubleshooting ...................................................................9-1 9.1 Problems With the Model 5198 Power Supply ..............................................9-1 9. 1.1 Isolating the Problem .............................................................9-1 9.1.2 Measuring Battery Charging Voltage ................................................9-i 9.2 P3 and P4 Earth Ground Faults............................................................ 9-2 9.3 Accu-Zone® Troubleshooting (Mode 25) ..................................................9-2 9.3.1 Mode 25 Display ................................................................9-2 9.4 Troubleshooting and System Messages ....................................................9-4 Appendix A Compatible Devices ........................................................................A-i A.i Smoke Detectors ...................................................................A-i Two-Wire Smoke Detectors ...... .................................................. A-i Four Wire Smoke Detectors ........................................................A-3 A.2 Notification Appliances .............................................................A-3 150865 iii Model 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual I I iv 150865 Section 1 Introduction The Model 5207 is an 8-zone fire alarm control panel (expandable up to 16 zones) with a dig- ital communicator that meets NFPA 72 requirements. The 5207 cabinet can be surface mounted or semi-flush mounted. 1.1 About This Manual The Model 5207-Fire Control/Communicator Installation Manual (P/N 150865) is intended for those persons involved with the installation and maintenance of the 5207 panel. It is a comprehensive guide, providing detailed instructions, and should be kept for reference. As much as possible, we have tried to organize the manual chronologically by the tasks that need to be performed. This manual is intended to be used with printed circuit board (PCB), Revision M. If you are using a different board, contact Silent Knight Security Systems for the appropriate instruc- tions. IMPORTANT: Previous versions of the 5207 were selectable between 12V and 24V. This release is 24V only. *All information regarding 12V have been removed from this manual. Some versions of the 5207 product documentation were made up of two manuals, one for hardware installation and one for programming. We have combined both manuals into one. With the exception of information about the obsolete 5521 programmer*, this manual con- tains all information previously contained in the two manuals. *Contact Silent Knight jfyou need this information. KEY A clear rectangle represents a key that you press on a touchpad. LCD DISPLAY The font shown to the left represents messages that you MESSAGE see on a liquid crystal display (LCD) or the seven-seg- ment (built-in touchpad) display. 1-1, 2-3, etc. This manual is organized into sections. Section numbers are part of the page numbers. For example, 1-1 means Page 1 of Section 1. 150865 1-1 Mode! 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual 1.2 Optional Accessories Table 1-1: Compatible Modules Manufactured by Silent Knight Model What It Does 4180 Status Display/Relay For remote annunciation of alarm and trouble Module status information for each zone. 5210 Zone Expander Adds 8 zones to the 5207 for a total expansion of the system to 16 zones. 5220 Direct Connect Module For direct alarming and trouble transmission from the 5207 to a supervising station. 5230 Remote Annunciator For remote annunciation, operation, and on-site programming. Quick connect program cable, For temporarily connecting the 5230 to the 5207 part number 130294 for programming. 5395 Signal Power Expander Notification circuit power for additional notification appliances. Provides additional 6A of 24 VDC, supervised. 5541 Downloading Software For remote programming of the 5207 using a personal computer. 5530 Modem Modem for downloading; required if the 5541 software is used. 7181 Zone Converter Converts a zone from class B to class A or from class A to class B. One 7181 per zone to be converted. 1-2 150865 Section 2 Agency Listings and Requirements 2.1 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 1. If requested by the telephone company, the following information must be provided before the 5207 can be connected to the phone lines: Manufacturer: Model Number: FCC registration number: Ringer equivalence: Type ofjack (to be installed by the telephone company): Silent Knight Security Systems 5207 AC6USA-65475-AL-E 0.913 RJ31X This device may not be directly connected to coin telephone or party line services. This device cannot be adjusted or repaired in the field. In case of trouble with the device, notify the installing company or return to: Silent Knight Security Systems 7550 Meridian Circle Maple Grove, MN 55369-4927 612-493-6455 800-328-0103 If the 5207 causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify the user in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. When advance notice is not practical, the telephone company will notify the user as soon as possible. Users have the right to file complaints, if necessary, with the Federal Communications Commission. The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens, the telephone compny will pro- vide advance notice to allow you to make the necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service. Warning This device has been verified to comply with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is subject to the two following conditions: (1) This device may not cause radio interference; and (2) This device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation. 150865 2-1 Mode! 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual 2.2 Underwriters Laboratories (UL) The 5207 is UL Listed as a control unit for use in Central Station Fire-Protective Signaling systems. If the 5207 and its accessories are to be used as part of a UL installation, carefully read the UL requirements in this section. The following applicable NFPA 72 standards can be found in more detail in the NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code, 1993 Edition: Chapter 3 Local Protected Fire Alarm Systems, Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Central Station Fire Alarm Systems Auxiliary Protected Fire Alarm Systems for Fire Alarm Service (City Box) Remote Station Protected Fire Alarm Systems (Polarity Reversal) Proprietary Fire Alarm Systems 2.21 Requirements for All Installations General requirements are described below. The sections that follow describe additional requirements for the type of installation (for example, Central Station Fire Alarm systems, Local Protected Fire Alarm systems, and so on). All field wiring must be 18-gauge or larger (for example, 16, 14, and soon). Use UL listed smoke detectors compatible with the 5207. Refer to Appendix A. Use UL listed compatible notification devices. Refer to Appendix A. All notification devices must be UL listed. 2.2.2 Requirements for Central Station Fire Alarm Systems The Ground Fault Detection option must be selected (programming Step 5). The Phone Line #2 Enable option must be selected (programming Step 9). The Phone Line Monitor Enable option must be selected (programming Step 9). Set the Total Attempts option for between 5-10 attempts (programming Step 10). Do not select the Ground Start Option (programming Step 9). Enable the automatic daily test by selecting a phone number for the Report Test to Phone #1-4 option (programming Step 14.4). On class A (style D) zones, the number of waterfiow devices is limited to five. Auxiliary relays may not be programmed to activate for Pre-Alarm. See Section 4.13. 2-2 150865 Agency Listings and Requirements 2.2.3 Requirements for Auxiliary Protected Fire Alarm Systems for Fire Alarm Service Follow the current load restrictions shown in Section 3.5. The Model 5220 Direct Connect module must be installed (see Section 4.7 for wiring). 2.2.4 Requirements for Remote Station Protected Fire Alarm Systems, for Digital Communication or Polarity Reversal 1. Follow the current load restrictions shown in Section 3.5. Use the 5207's built-in dialer or install the Model 5220 Direct Connect Module (see Section 4.7). 2.3 California Fire Marshal (CFM) The CFM approval number for the 5207 is 7165-0559:111. 24 Factory Mutual (FM) The Model 5207 is FM approved under project # OQ1A3.AY when used with the Silent• Knight Model 9000 Receiver. 2.5 Materials and Equipment Board of Acceptance Division (MEA) The 5207, is approved under MEA. Approval was previously given from the City of New York Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA), the 5207 is still approved under BSA Calendar Number 703-88-SA. 150865 2-3 Mode! 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual 2-4 150865 Section 3 Control Panel Installation 3.1 Electrical Specifications Table 3-1 Electrical Specifications Primary AC 120 Vrms at 60 Hz, 2A Total DC Load 5A Accessory Power 18.4 V to 27.6 V max., IA Smoke Power 18.4 V to 27.6 Vmax., IA Battery Charging Voltage 27.3 Battery Charging Current 2.62 A max. Class B (style A) Circuit Current 60 mA max. Telephone Minimum Input Sensitivity 45 dB Good Phone Line Voltage 3 V Maximum Low Battery Detect 20.4 Minimum Low AC Detect 98 Maximum Watchdog Response Time 4 sec. Notification Power IA max. per output (4A total) 3.2 Environmental Specifications It is important to protect the 5207 control panel from water. To prevent water damage, the following conditions should be AVOIDED when mounting the units: Do not mount directly on exterior walls, especially masonry walls (condensation). Do not mount directly on exterior walls below grade (condensation). Protect from plumbing leaks. Protect from splash caused by sprinkler system inspection ports. Do not mount in areas with humidity-generating equipment (such as dryers, production machinery). When selecting a location to mount the 5207 control panel, the unit should be mounted where it will NOT be exposed to temperatures outside the range of 0°C-49°C (32°F-120°F) or humidity outside the range of 10%-85% at 30°C (86°F) noncondensing. See also the mounting recommendations in 3.7 for additional environmental specifications. 150865 3-1 Mode! 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual 3.3 Wiring Specifications To avoid induced noise (transfer of electrical energy from one wire to another), keep input wiring isolated from high current output and power wiring. Induced noise can interfere with telephone communication or even cause false alarms. Avoid pulling one multiconductor cable for the entire panel. Instead, separate the wiring as follows: 1/4" spacing must be maintained between each of these circuit types; as well as between power limited and non-power limited circuits. Input/Output Type Wiring High current: AC power, speaker, and notification devices Low current: Annunciator and zone loop wiring Audio: Telephone wiring DO NOT pull wires from different groups through the same conduit. If you must run them together, do so for as short a distance as possible or use shielded cable. Connect the shield to earth ground at the panel only. For the same reasons, wiring within the cabinet should be routed around the perimeter of the cabinet. It should not cross the printed circuit board where it could induce noise into the sen- sitive microelectronics or pick up unwanted RF noise from the high speed Circuits. High frequency noise, such as that produced by the inductive reactance of a speaker or bell, can also be reduced by running the wire through ferrite shield beads or by wrapping it around a ferrite toroid. Figure 3-1 provides an example. To Tel. Line Knockout hole ueed far tdophow wiring muSt not be seed for any other purpose You must observe the following ' restrlvtlons when using terminals 35-46 as noel-power limlung circulLs: Due to wire spacing requirements for power llmIted clrculLe do NOT use termInal 35. To . Pun all wiling soparataly In Its own conduit- ToZ Figure 3-1 Wire Routing Example 3-2 150865 Control Panel Installation 3.4 Model 5207 Wiring Diagram I Figure 3-2 is a wiring diagram for wiring the Model 5207 panel. - rr lix L4.4— itic Pud t Tril P4 I r'xLtI u•xj1 cc Fi •_½ij . 1 _.2 TBI TBS rmm 41 V x, ti xx4 i - 2LY4I urx -Lvcc (x 11, RI.. 1C Cix L..J 6 L€th7 It Al O ZtiC L9 DIAMI t'11) 11 35 12*. 13 \ 33 14 $rnk 32 31 18 T134 30' . / 17 / rJ 29 l8* 28 f. .5QQupk 7; L_,LJIIPW..J 2Q Mudef 5198 1B2 r uJ --- TB3 XEUS ------- 2. ------ fl PI RMM - / ---ç --i-. '----.-- 4 All KWINllkAr, 0KYQM i, kI.xul 14 ppçixtahq HNPJ. Figure 3-2 Model 5207 Wiring Reference 150865 3-3 1UQ1D .01 e3 MUx Mode! 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manua! 3.5 Current Draw Worksheet Table 3-2 Current Draw Worksheet Device Number of . Devices . Current per Device Standby Current Alarm Current For each device, use this formula: This column X This column = Current per number of devices. 5207 Control Panel 1 Standby: 120 mA 120 mA Alarm: 700 mA (worst case) 700 mA 5210 Zone Expander 1 Standby: 40 mA mA Alarm: 40 mA mA 5220 Direct Connect I Standby: 50 mA mA Alarm: 50 mA mA 5230 Annunciator (7 max.) Standby: 60 mA mA Alarm: 120 mA mA 4180 Status Display (2 max.) Standby: 20 mA mA Alarm: 140 mA mA Current Subtotals: mA mA Smoke Detectors Refer to device manual for current ratings. See Appendix A for compatible devices. Standby: mA mA Alarm: mA mA Standby: mA mA Alarm: mA mA Standby. mA Alarm: mA mA Current Subtotal: mA mA NotificatIon Appliances Refer to device manual for current ratings See Appendix A for compatible devices mA mA mA mA Current Subtotal: mA Additional Devices Standby: mA mA Alarm: mA mA Standby: mA mA Alarm: mA mA Standby: mA mA Alarm: mA mA Current Subtotal: mA mA Total current ratings of all devices in system (add A-D): mA mA Total current ratings converted to amperes (x .001): A A Note: Use this information in conjunction with Table 3-3 and Table 3-4 to complete battery calculations. 34 150865 Device Number of Device Current per I Device Standby Current Alarm I Current For each devicc are thirfonnula: This column X This column Current per manber ofdevices 5207 Control Panel 1 Standby: 120 mA 120 mA Alarm: 700 mA (worst case) 700 mA 5210 Zone Expander I Standby: 40 mA 4.0 mA Alarm: 40 mA 40 mA - _ 5230 Remote Annunciator (7 max.) Standby: 60 mA 180 mA Alarm: 120 mA mA 1100 mA Current Subtotals: Smoke Detectors Refer to devse manualfor current ratings See Tables 62 and 6-3forn,ax #per. loop Model XYZ 16 Standby: 1.50 mA 24 ...A Alarm: 62.5 mA 1000 mA Standby: mA mA Alarm: mA mA Standby: mA mA Alarm: mA mA Current Subtotals: 24 mAj 1000 ,.A Notification Devices Refer to device manualfor current ratings. Model ABC ::.':ut 16 Alarm: 179.7 mAl : I 2875 mA J Pa not write in shaded areas Cross out entire row. of any devices not used. Write in smoke detectors, notification appliances. M. B Control Panel Installation 3.5.1 Worksheet Example The Current Draw worksheet is included to help you calculate the amount of current the sys- tem draws on standby and in an alarm condition. Refer to Table 3-4 for available battery sizes and the maximum standby current load each can support. Figure 3-3 is an example of a completed worksheet. List the number of devices being used. For devices with different standby and alarm currents, The maximum number is shown In parentheses. he sure to do the calculation for each rating. The number 1' printed in this column indicates Fill Fr missing current ratings for the devices used. that only one device can be Used. Note that some devices have different ratings for standby and alarm conditions -..-- -'--- — '--- - - — a current ratin of all devices ins stem (add AD)*: 359 mA 4871i mA E I Total current ratings converted to amperes (x .001): 0.389 mA 4 A7ri mA For row E. add the subtotals from rows A-P and multiply by .001. Figure 3-3 Current Draw Worksheet Example 150865 3-5 Model 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual 3.5.2 Worksheet Requirements The following steps must be taken when determining Model 5207 current ratings: Measure the alarm current. If only one current rating is listed, the draw for that device is the same whether the system is in alarm or standby condition. The exception is for notifi- cation devices, which are rated at alarm current only. Standby current for notification devices is 0 mA. To detect the actual maximum alarm current, measure the current draw (with no devices connected to the panel) by connecting a DC amp meter in series with one of the batteries. Disconnect the AC power source. Put the panel in alarm. The meter will indicate the alarm current, which will be in the range of 120-700 mA. Fill in the system alarm current in the Current per Device column of the Current Draw worksheet. You can estimate with- out measuring the alarm current by filling in the maximum total alarm current of 700 mA. For smoke detectors, notification devices, and devices not mentioned in the manual, refer to the device manual for the current ratings. The worksheet example shown on the previ- ous page provides rough estimates for a "worst case" installation. Use Table 3-3 to calculate the correct battery AH rating needed for your installation. See also the example (Figure 3-4) on the next page. Note that the calculated rating in Row H cannot exceed the ratings shown in Table 3-4. Table 3-3 Battery Calculations Total Standby Current Total Alarm Current A Total supervisory current from the Current Draw Worksheet (row E). A B Number of standby hours (24 and 60 for NFPA 72, Chapter 1, 1-5.2.5). H C Multiply Lines A and B. AH D Total alarm current from the Current Draw worksheet (row E). A E Alarm sounding period in hours. (For example, 5 minutes =.084 hours.) H F Multiply lines D and E. Al-i G Add lines C and F. AH H Multiply line G by 1.2. (Total ampere/hours required*) AM *Use next size battery with capacity greater than required.. 3-6 150865 Control Panel Installation This calculation is based on the Current Draw worksheet example data. From this table, the installer would use a 17 All battery Total Standby Current Total Alarm Current A Total supervisory current from the 0.389 - Current Draw worksheet (row E). A B Number of standby hours (24 and 60 for 24 NFPA 72, Chapter 1, 1-5.2.5.). H C Multiply lines A and B. 9•34 AH - D Total alarm current from the Current A '1• Draw worksheet (row E). I s.) A E - Alarm sounding period in hours. (For example, 5 minutes =.084 hours.) .084 H F Multiply lines D and E. .41 MI G Add lines C and F. 9.75 AM H Multiply line G by 1.2. (Total ampere/hours required*) 11.7 - AM Figure 3-4 Battery Calculation Example 5. Refer to to verify the battery size you need to provide at least the total standby current you have calculated. If the installation must meet requirements for NFPA 72 (Auxiliary Pro- tected Fire Alarm Systems for Fire Alarm Service or Remote Station Protected Fire Alarm Systems, Digital Communication or Polarity Reversal), the total standby current cannot exceed the amount shown in the last column of the following table: Table 3-4 Maximum Battery Standby Load Rechargeable Max. Load for 24 hrs. Load for 60 hrs. Battery Size Standby, 5 mins. Alarm Standby, 5 mins. Alarm 17 A}1 435 mA 175 mA 34 AN (if'i,ired in parallel) 873 mA 350 mA -(Largest size battery that can be used.) * Requiredfor NFPA 72 Auxiliary Protected Fire Alarm Systems for Fire Service (City Box) and Remote Station Protected Fire Alarm Systems (Polarity Reversal). 6. Ensure that the total current of all items attached to the 5207, including the 5207 itself, does not exceed 5 A when the panel is in alarm (see Section 3.1). 150865 3-7 Model 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual 3.6 Power Supply Wiring The Model 5198 power supply delivers 24 VDC at 5A for loop power, smoke detector power, notification device power, and accessory power. The Model 6914 is a 12-Volt, 17-AH bat- tery. Figure 3-5 shows the power supply wiring. Model 5207 131 Jumper Cable (PIN 130410) 000 CAUTION 60; High Voltage ___ Disconnect AC/batten) before servicing 120 VAC 6D Hz power source 0 / 200 watts 'j1 Model EDED 5198 Black / Red - / Input Voltage: 120 VAC 60 Hz 200 Watts Output Voltage: 5 A © 24 VDC, 500 mA ( Battery 1 1 Batteryl Figure 3-5 Power Supply Wiring Warning To reduce the risk of electrical shock, make sure that all power has been turned off or disconnected before attempting to connect the Model 5198 power supply. Do NOT apply power to this panel until all accessories are properly connected. Note: All conduit and wiring connected to the 5207 must meet the applicable National Electric Code, NFPA Stan- dards, stale, and local building code requirements. In. all cases, the authority havingjurisdiction takes pre- cedence. 3-8 150865 Control Panel Installation 3.6.1 Connecting the 5198 to AC Power The Model 5198 is mounted behind the power shield. Connect the black wire from the 120 VAC 60 Hz source to terminal Ion the 5198. Connect the white (neutral) wire from the 120 VAC 60 Hz AC source to terminal 3 on the 5198. Connect the ground wire from the 120 VAC 60 Hz source to terminal 2 on the 5198. 3.6.2 Connecting the 5198 to Batteries The tables in Section 4 will help you determine correct battery size. Caution Apply AC power bd= connecting the batteries to the power supply to prevent arcing on battery terminals. When using two batteries, it is recommended that they be of the same ampere hour (AH) rat- ing. The Model 5198 provides two sets of battery leads to connect two 12 VDC batteries in series. Connect the first red battery lead to the positive side of battery #1. Connect the first black battery lead to the negative side of battery #1. Connect the second red battery lead to the positive side of battery #2. Connect the second black battery lead to the negative side of battery #2. Note: The total current draw on loop power, accessory power, and notification device outputs must not exceed 6A. 3.7 Mounting the 5207 Read the environmental specifications in 3.2 before mounting the 5207 panel. The 5207 cabinet dimensions are: 16"x 26.4" x 4" (HxWxD). The 5207 panel should be located within a secured area, where it is accessible to main drop wiring runs and where it can be easily tested and serviced. End-users responsible for main- taining the panel should be able to hear alarms and troubles. When selecting a location, keep in mind that the panel itself is the main source of alarm and trouble annunciation. When mounting on interior walls, use appropriate screw anchors in plaster. When mounting on concrete, especially when moisture is expected, attach a piece of 3/4 inch plywood to the concrete surface and then attach the 5207 to the plywood. Also mount any other desired com- ponents to the plywood. DO NOT flush-mount the 5207 cabinet in a wall designated as a fire break. 150865 3-9 Model 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual 3.8 Terminal Strip Description The terminal strips on the PC board are nonremovable. Table 3-5 on the next page lists the function and electrical rating of each terminal. See Section 3.4 for the wiring diagram. Table 3-5 Terminal Strip Description Terminal # Terminal Description Electrical Ratings TBI 1 Circuit Ground 2 Zone I input (class A, style D) Loop A Out 3 Zone I input (class Aj style D) Loop B Out 4 Zone 1 input (class A, style D) Loop B In 5 Zone 1 input (class A, style D) Loop A In 6 Zone 2 input (class A, style D) Loop A Out 7 Zone 2 input (class A, style D) Loop B Out 8 Zone 2 input (class A, style D) Loop B In 9 Zone 2 input (class A, style D) Loop A In 10 Circuit Ground TB2 - - 11 Zone 3 Input (class B, style A) 12 Loop Power Output 24 VDC 13 Zone 4 Input (class B, style A) 14 Zone 5 Input (class B, style A) 15 Loop Power Output 24 VDC 16 Zone 6 Input (class B, style A) 17 Zone 7 Input (class B, style A) 18 Loop Power Output 24 VDC 19 Zone 8 Input (class B, style A) - 20 Circuit Ground TB3 21 Remote Silence 22 Annunciator Output 23 Annunciator Input 24 Annunciator Power Output +12 VDC nominal 25 Annunciator Ground - 26 Accessory Power +24 VDC TB4 Note::,-,utputs can also be used for polarity revising outputs (polarity shown active). 27 Notification device output #4 Negative lamp max. 28 Notification device output #4 Positive 29 Notification device output #3 Negative l 30 amp max. Notification device output #3 Positive 3-10 150865 Control Panel Installation Table 3-5 Terminal Strip Description Terminal # Terminal Description Electrical Ratings 31 Notification device output #2 Negative 32 lamp max. Notification device output #2 Positive 33 Notification device output #1 Negative . lamp max. 34 . Notification device output #1 Positive 35 Auxiliary Relay #4 Normally Open Contact 2.5 amp max. 36 Auxiliary Relay #4 Common TB5 . . . . . . . 37 Auxiliary Relay #4 Normally Closed Contact 2.5 amp max. 38 Auxiliary Relay #3 Normally Open Contact 2.5 amp max. 39 Auxiliary Relay #3 Common . . 40 Auxiliary Relay #3 Normally Closed Contact 2.5 amp max. 41 Auxiliary Relay #2 Normally Open Contact 2.5 amp max. 42 Auxiliary Relay #2 Common . ....... 43 Auxiliary Relay #2 Normally Closed Contact 2.5 amp max. 44 Auxiliary Relay #1 Normally Open Contact 2.5 amp max. 45 Auxiliary Relay #1 Common . 46 Auxiliary Relay #1 Normally Closed Contact 2.5 amp max. TB6 47 Dialer Failed Output (Active Low) 100 mA, 12 VDC max. 48 House Phone 2 Tip - 49 House Phone 2 Ring 50 Telco Tip 51 Telco 2Ring 52 Earth Ground 53 House Phone 1 Tip . 54 House Phone I Ring 55. Telco 1 Tip 56 Telco 1 Ring 150865 3-11 Model 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual 3.9 Telephone Line Connection The 5207 connects to two separate telephone lines to report data to the central station. An RD lx jack should be installed by the telephone company for each line. Figure 3-6 shows how to wire the telephone line interconnect cords (not provided) to the 5207. Note: To reduce the possibility offalse alarms and transient damage, DO NOT bundle telephone wires together with notification device wires. TELCO 1 RING RED 56 GREEN 55 HOUSE 1 RING 54 INI GRAY / Model 7660 Cord HOUSE 1 RING BROWN 53 52 1(DI Earth Ground , TELCO 2 RING RED 51 50 GREEN (J) HOUSE 2 RING GRAY Model 7660 Cord I I HOUSE 2 RING BROWN 47 () Dialer Failed Output (Active Low) +12\JDC 100 mAmax. Figure 3-6 Telephone Line Connection The 5207 has built-in dual phone line monitors. These circuits will detect any fault in the phone lines by monitoring the DC voltage present on the lines. If phone line voltage drops below 3 VDC and is not corrected within approximately 40 seconds, an audible trouble signal will sound and the panel will report a. line fault trouble over the remaining phone line. A situation could occur where both phone lines appear to be good, but the dialer cannot get through to the central station on the first line. In this case, the 5207 will switch phone lines and attempt the call again using the second line. Make sure the phone lines are programmed properly (see Section 7). Notice: To comply with industry standards, this product is equipped with line seizure. Any time the system's dialer needs to communicate with the central station, it will not be possible to use any telephones that are on the same line(s) as the system. Normally, this condition will last approximately one minute, but under adverse telephone circuit conditions, could last for as long as 15 minutes. 3-12 . 150865 Control Panel Installation 3.10 Cable Connectors Power Supply Connector (P1) Connects the 5207 control panel to the 5198 power supply. Model 5210 (P2) Connects the 5210 zone expander to the 5207. Quick Connect (P3) For temporarily connecting a 5230 for programming or troubleshooting. Requires cable assembly 130294 (not included). Status (P4) Connects the 4180 display module to the 5207. XIBUS Connector (PS) A 12-pin connector used to connect the 5221 Desktop Programmer (no longer manufactured). 150865 3-13 Model 5207 Fire ControUCommunicator Installation and Operation Manual 3-14 150865 Section 4 Compatible Product Installation This manual refers to fire zone types using the latest NFPA standard designations. Refer to the NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code, 1993 Edition for additional information. Note: For purposes of this manual, a normally open device's contacts conduct when in an alarm state and do not conduct in a non-alarm state. 4.1 Class A (Style D) Zones Zones I and 2 are class A (style D) zones. They are intended for use with non-powered devices such as waterfiow switches. Do NOT use smoke or duct detectors on Class A zones. Each class A zone is a four-wire circuit that allows an alarm to be detected even after a single open or ground fault occurs. When a single open or ground fault occurs, the audible trouble signal will sound and the 5207 will report the trouble to the central station (if programmed to report troubles). Figure 4-1 shows how to wire a class A (style D) loop. No end-of-line (EOL) resistors are needed for these zones. These zones must be wiredusing normally open contacts. Zone I Class A zones are power limited, rated at 3 mA, 2 VDC. Zone 2 Do NOT use smoke or duct detectors on class A zones. NFPA limits the number of waterflow devices to 5 per zone on class A zones. UL requires all field wiring to be 18 gauge or larger. Figure 4-1 Class A (style D) Supervised Fire Loop (Normally Open Sensors Only) I 150865 4-1 Mode! 5207 Installation and Operation Manual 4.2 Class B (Style A) Zones Zones 3 through 8 are class B (style A) fire zones. Each class B zone consists of a two-wire circuit that will detect the occurrence of an open in the loop, but may not be able to detect an alarm after such an occurrence. The detection of an open will cause the audible trouble signal to sound and the 5207 will report the trouble to the central station (if programmed to do so). Figure 4-2 shows how to wire a class B (style A) loop. One side of each class B loop connects to a zone input terminal and the other side of each loop connects to loop power. For each loop, use a 4.7K-ohm EOL resistor wired in parallel with the normally open contact farthest from the panel. Zone 3 Input Loop Power Zone 4 Input Zone 5 Input Loop Power Zone 6 Input Zone 7 Input Loop Power Zone 8 Input Circuit Ground Figure 4-2 Model 5207 Class B (style A) Loops Maximum Loop Resistance - 30 ohms Maximum Total alarm current for all class B (style A) zones - 1 A Maximum Standby Current per Zone: 24V system - 2.0 mA Note: UL requires all wiring to be at least 18 gauge. 4-2 150865 Compatible Product Installation 4.3 Four-Wire Smoke Detector Connection Figure 4-3 illustrates how UL listed four-wire smoke detectors must be connected to class B (style A) zones. When wiring a four-wire smoke detector to the class B (style A) zones, you must use a Power Supervision Unit, such as Silent Knight's 160150. \ /4 3 2 1 ESL ) Standby Current: 28 Mt: (24 V) '< 449C1 Loop Power 4.7K EOL Model 7628 Com IN.C. (+)I SK Model 160150 GND for 12 VbC/24 Power SuoervisiVDCon Unit Operation Class B Zone 1 Input I L You must normalize all unused zones For unused class A zones, strop out zones 1-2 with ajumper. For class B zones, use EOL resistors on unused zones. - V10 11 T 12 Place at end of Initiation zone circuit. Do not use "1' tap wiring. 14 TB2 16 No 17 ng diagram is an Mod This Wid 18 5207 be made to ANY Input, example only. Connections can 19 loop power, or circuit ground 20 on the 8207 panel. ]13 I] - 01 -1 Circuit U - \\ Ground Figure 4-3 Four-Wire Smoke Detector Wiring See Appendix A for a list of four-wire smoke detectors that may be used with the 5207. 150865 4-3 Model 5207 Installation and Operation Manual 4.4 Two-Wire Smoke Detector Connection Figure 4-4 shows how to connect two-wire smoke detectors to class B (style A) zones. 4.7K EOL Model 7628 24 VDC Standby Current: .1 mA Alarm Current is limited by panel to 60 mA. ESL 429CT 21 Class B L Zone Input Loop Power Note This wiring diagram is an example only. Connections can be made to ANY zone input, loop power, or circuit ground on the 5207 panel. 11 12 13 TB2 14 15 16 17 18 Model 19 5207 20 Figure 4-4 Two-Wire Smoke Detector Wiring See Appendix A for a list of two-wire smoke detectors that may be used with the 5207. 4.5 Model 4180 Status Display Module The Model 4180 Status Display module provides remote annunciation of alarm and trouble status information for each zone. The 4180 has 2 connectors, each of which has 8 outputs available for annunciation. These outputs are active high at +12 VDC. Each output can provide up to 100 mA of current, with a total limitation of 700 mA. The module has 4 normally open non-dedicated relays that can be wired to be active with any of the outputs. The 4180 is not supervised. 4-4 150865 Compatible Product Installation Wire the 4180 as shown in Figure 4-5. Make sure power is OFF at the panel before plugging in the 4180. Maintain a physical separation of one-half inch or more between field wires and connection points to prevent damage frOm transients. Note: SILENCE does not affect 4180 outputs. To reset a 4180 output, the alarm or trouble condition must be restored and event memoiy cleared The 4180 can be used to interface to long-range RF systems. Fcu UL the iJO ni( be çIf.nri 30 r.i cu the 524D7 wiI hr !ocated in the sane moi as The 5207 lfr.i 2-gi vir w kirg'. IMPORTANT Power must be OF at the panel when rn*ing COflfltiGfl P 4?60 ,jiru fjV thIstl,nd tog$h?r to ew status of wes 16. Figure 4-5 Model 4180 Connection 150865 4-5 Mode! 5207 Installation and Operation Manua! 4.6 Model 5210 Zone Expander Wiring The Model 5210 provides the 5207 with eight additional class B (style A) zones. Figure 4-6 shows how to wire the 5210. Use a 4.7k end of line resistor for each class B loop. The EOL must be wired in parallel with the normally open contact farthest from the panel. See Appen- dix A for a list of the smoke detectors that can be used with the 5210. Maximum Loop Resistance -30 ohms Maximum Total Alarm current (powered from loop power) for all class B (style A) zones - 1 A Maximum Standby Current Per Zone -1 mA Voltage ranges: When used with the 5207-24 VDC (Model 5210 Identifier 24A): 17.8 VDC -27.4 VDC IMPORTANT Power must be OFF at the panel when making connections. P2 Model 5207 7=:11:11110 programmed to "16" for the expansion zones to be recognized. - i:.'4- 130408 cable supplied with 5210. Model 5210 1 - Circuit ground I 2 - Zone 9Input J 3 - Loop power - 4 - Zone 10 input 4.7kEOL 5 - Zone 11 input 'k EOL 47k EOL 6 - Loop power - - 7 - Zone 12 input 8 - Zone 13 Input - 9 - Loop power 10-Zone 14 input 11 - Zone 15 input 12- Loop power 13-Zone 16 input • • • 14- Circuit ground 3 4--:':;5. 6 7 8 9 10 11 -.12"13-'.: Figure 4-6 Model 5210 Style A Loops Installation Instructions The 5210 is equipped with a metal bracket. To install, fit the bracket over the 5198 power supply unit in the 5207 cabinet. With panel power OFF, use the cable provided to connect the 5210 to its connector (P2) on the 5207. Insert screws provided. Place the four plastic stand- offs into the bracket and snap onto the PC board. Then plug the 8-pin cable from the PC board into the P2 connector on the 5207. 4-6 150865 Compatible Product Installation 4.7 Model 5220 Direct Connect Module The 5220 Direct Connect module can be used with the 5207 to meet NFPA 72 standards. The• 5220 requires four connections to the 5207 and provides outputs for city box and polarity reversal applications. The 5220 cannot be used for sprinkler supervisory. The 5220 provides a current that reverses polarity during alarm or removes current during a trouble condition. 4.7.1 City Box Connection This section describes how to connect the 5207 to a municipal fire alarm box or "city box" as required by NFPA 72 Auxiliary Protected Fire Alarm systems for fire alarm service. The city (master) box is an enclosure that contains a manually operated transmitter used to send an alarm to the municipal communication center which houses the central operating part of the fire alarm system. The maximum coil and wire resistance (combined) must not exceed 30 ohms. To install the 5220 for city box connection: Locate the knockout on the right side of the 5207 cabinet to connect the 5220 using a short piece of conduit (must not exceed 20 feet in length). Wire the 5220 to the 5207 as shown in Figure 4-7. This drawing also shows how to con- nect the city box coil to terminals 3 and 4 on the 5220. Select notification circuit #4 to be supervised (Step 5), but do not install an EOL resistor in the notification circuit terminals. Do not select pulsing fire bells. It is not possible to reset the remote indication until you clear the condition and reset the 5207. City Box Model 5207 Figure 4-7 City Box Connection 150865 4-7 Mode! 5207 Installation and Operation Manual 4.7.2 NFPA 72 Polarity Reversal When the 5220 is wired and programmed for polarity reversal, it reports alarm and trouble events to a remote site. Alarms will override trouble conditions and it will not be possible to reset the remote indicator until the condition is cleared and the 5207 panel is reset. If an alarm condition occurs, the alarm relay will close, overriding the trouble condition. To install the 5220 for polarity reversal, follow the steps below: Locate the knockout on the right side of the 5207 cabinet to connect the 5220 using a short piece of conduit (must not exceed 20 feet in length). Wire the 5220 to the 5207 using the four-wire pigtail provided as shown in Figure 4-8 (next page). This diagram also shows how to connect the 5220 to the remote indicator. Program relays as shown in the chart below: Option Select 23.4 Fire Alarm Relay 2 23.5 Trouble Relay 3 23.6 No Silence Relay 3 and Bell 4 Program notification circuit 4 to be non-supervised (Step 5) and non-silencing (Step 23.6, Bell #4). Do not select pulsing bells. If necessary, adjust loop current using potentiometer RI on the 5220 board. Normal loop current is 4-to-8 mA with a 1k ohm remote station receiving unit. Maximum loop resis- tance is 3k ohm. elr Relay #2 N.c J System Relay #2 Common Alarm Relay #2 N.O. I Relay Relay #3 N.C. Relay#3common Zone Troubl Relay #3 N.O. Relay Model 5207 1 Remote I Indicator (Normally energized) 4-8 150865 Compatible Product Installation 4.8 Keltron 95M3158 Tones Transmitter Module This section of the manual shows the specific connections you will make when wiring the 5207 to the Keltron 95M3158 Tones Transmitter Module (3158). Refer to the installation sheet shipped with the 95M3158 for complete information. (Note: The 3158 is not available from Silent Knight.) Note: The 3158 Keltron Module must be mounted within 3feel of the control panel and all wiring must be run in conduit. The Keltron Module shall be enclosed in the TBXI enclosure. Wire the 3158 to the 5207 as shown in the figure below. Program Relay 3 to activate for all trouble conditkns and no silence. Relay 2 should be programmed to activate for Alarms. Program notification circuit 3 and 4 to be non-supervised and non-silencing. Program Bell 3 as "Special". The chart below shows which selections to make in step programming. Step Option Select De-select 5 Misc Opts Bell 3 and Bell 4 23.3 Special Bell 3 23.4 Fire Alarm Relay 2 Bell 3 23.5 Trouble Relay 3 23.6 No Silence Relay 3, Bell 3 and Bell 4 Note: DO NOT select pulsing bells. tot*oj,.-in this P.1camptc 1mw, 1-2 ID 4JJD II fl It$ffl I . k.Iir.n it h he.., 'h T,In I4 '.um I !ZT Tuu.. D II1 +.1fl V M 1007mrr. 1?.0 nn ID lz 52V, 1mw 30 30. Figure 4-9 Wiring the Keltron 3158 to the 5207 150865 4-9 Model 5207 Installation and Operation Manual 4.9 Model 5230 Remote Annunciator The 5230 performs all system operation. It also provides trouble and alarm information and can be used for programming. 4.9.1 Setting ID Codes Before permanently installing the Model 5230 Remote Annunciator, you must first set its identification codes. Each annunciator to be supervised must be given its own identification codes. The ID numbers must start at 1 and progress sequentially to 7 (7 annunciators max.). Upon initial power up, the address of each annunciator is displayed. (Annunciators with address 0 will not be supervised.) On the back of each annunciator is a small 4-position dip switch used to set the ID code. Use the chart below to determine the dip switch positions for each possible ID code. Table 1-1: Model 5230 Dip Switch Settings ID Number Switches 1 2 3 4 0* Up . Up Up Up I Down Up Up Up 2 Up Down Up Up 3 Down Down Up Up 4 Up Up Down Up 5 Down Up Down Up 6 Up Down Down Up 7 Down Down Down Up NOI supervisea up = on Down = On 4-10 150865 Compatible Product Installation 4.9.2 5230 Permanent Connection Wire permanent 5230s as shown in Figure 4-10. When the annunciator powers up, it will dis- play its ID code and current status of the panel. A temporary 5230 can be connected for programming and troubleshooting. See Section 4.9.4 for temporary annunciator connection. Note: Wiring runs should be made using 18-gauge ieee and not exceed 1000 feet (for each 5230 wired). 22 = Annunciator Output 23 = Annunciator Input 24= Annunciator Power 25= Annunciator Ground Model 5207 27 21 22 23 24 25 26 I®! øI®I®J 0101 Terminal 24 is rated at 800 mA, 12VDC r1 I Terminal Block Model 5230 (Back View) Figure 4-10 Model 5230 Connection 150865 4-11 Mode! 5207 Installation and Operation Manual 4.9.3 Mounting the 5230 Remote Annunciator For UL installations, the 5230 Remote Annunciators must be mounted on a dual gang electri- cal box and all wiring runs must be made using 18-gauge wire or larger. To mount the annunciator: Remove the rear mounting plate by inserting a #4 flat blade screwdriver into the slots on the bottom edge of the annunciator. Gently turn the screwdriver until the mounting plate pulls away from the frame. Secure it to the wall using #6 or #8 screws. The mounting plate should be oriented so that the word TOP is toward the top of the plate and facing you. A square hole is provided in the mounting plate to run the wiring to the annunciator. When all of the wires have been connected to the annunciator, set the top of the annuncia- tor over the tabs on the top of the mounting plate. Make sure the wires do not get pinched between the frame and the mounting plate. Press each corner of the bottom side onto the annunciator mounting plate until you hear it click. You may have to gently squeeze the annunciator (top to bottom) to align it while snapping the bottom edge into place. 4.9.4 Temporary Annunciator Connection If you are using an annunciator for programming or troubleshooting only, you can use cable. P/N 130294 (ordered separately) to temporarily attach the 5230 at connector P3. Figure 4-11 shows the connections. A temporary annunciator must have an ID number (1 or higher) but does not need to be enabled through programming. Model Figure 4-11 Temporary Annunciator Connection 4-12 150865 Compatible Product Installation 4.10 Model 5395 Signal Power Expander The Model 5395 is a notification and auxiliary power expander that provides up to 6.0 amps of regulated, 24-volt power for powering notification appliances and auxiliary devices. Figure 4-12 shows you how to connect the Model 5395 to the Model 5207 panel. See the 5395 installation manual (PIN 150933) for complete information. Model 5395 TroUC t2 r put h \'gliol 111121131 141 151161171181191 32 3' 0 Model 76282 —1/ 30 4.7k EOL 29® Model 2119 5207 27 ( Figure 4-12 5395 Connection to 5207 150865 4-13 Mode! 5207 Installation and Operation Manual 4.11 Model 7181 Zone Converter The Model 7181 Zone Converter lets you interchange zone types on the 5207. Figure 4-13 and Figure 4-14 show how to make conversions. Refer to the Model 7181 Installation Manual (P/N 150632) for complete information. Jumper Blocks Model 7181 ____ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 1112 7628 EOI. I I I CIrcuit I To Panel Class B To 5207 Jond I Loop Power I Zone Input (Tes.12.15.orIS) I L J Sensors connected to Class A zone Figure 4-13 Connecting Class A (Style D) Sensor to Class B (Style A) Panel JumperB!ocP.s Model 7181 JB2 rjol'la jj$i JBI 12 345678 9101112 - 1 3 ClassA 4° 1.5 . +..9rOUfld } Sensors connected '] 6 to Class Bzone i] 7 - 8 TB1 Initiating circuit I1 9 voltage range: 10 15.2-26.9 VDC 4.7 K Ohms - Model To any 5207 II] ii 5207. Loop Power 12 (Terminals 12,15.orl8) TB2 Figure 4-14 Connecting Class B (Style A) Sensor to Class A (Style D) Panel 4-14 150865 Compatible Product Installation 4.12 Supervised Notification Appliance Outputs Note: To reduce the possibility offalse alarms and transient damage, DO NOT bundle telephone wires together with notification circuit wires. The 5207 provjdcs.four supervised notification circuit outputs to annunciate alarm conditions. For proper operation, you must use polarized sounding devices with a 4.7k ohm end-of-line resistor on each loop. Figure 4-15 shows how to connect the notification circuits to the 5207. Notification Device I < Notification Device 2 Notification Device 3 Notification Device 4 4.7k EOL 4.7k EOL 4.7k EOL 4.7k EOL 1A max. for each notification output Figure 4-15 Supervised Notification Appliance Wiring See Appendix A for a list the UL sounding appliances that can be used with the 5207. Contact Silent Knight if you have any questions about compatible notification circuits. 150865 4-15 Model 5207 Installation and Operation Manual 4.13 Auxiliary Relays The 5207 provides four programmable auxiliary relay outputs. Relays can be programmed to activate for the following conditions, either for all zones or by individual zone: pre-alarm (entry delay) (not acceptable for NFPA 72 Central Station), fire alarm, auxiliary alarm, alarm by zone, and system or loop troubles (loss of AC, low battery, failed to communicate, phone line troubles, and notification circuit troubles). Refer to the 5207 programming manual for more information. Figure 4-16 shows the relay contact connections using a doorstrike application as an example. ----------------- AUX Power rEIJi Magnetic (Normally Door Holde,rceuiergized)iz) eIays can Ie connected in normally open (N.O.), normally closed (N.C.) configurations. or 'oth. Relay contacts are rated at 2.5 A. 24 VPCI24 VAC. 46 Relay #1 N.C. 45 Relay #1 Common 44 Relay #1 N.O. 43 Relay #2N.C. 42 Relay #2 Common 41 Relay #2N.O. 40 Relay #3 N.C. 39 Relay #3 Common 38 Relay #3 N.O. 37 Relay #4 N.C. 36 Relay #4 Common 35 Relay #4N.O. Nor- -Noise suppression devices, such as metal oxide varistore (MOVe). should be used with auxiliary relay outputs. Connect; the noise suppression devices close to the auxiliary device. Figure 4-16 Auxiliary Relays 4-16 150865 Section 5 Operation To operate the 5207 you can use either the built-in touchpad or the Model 5230 Remote Annunciator. 7-segment. display codes In normal Operatic the display is blar except for 2 LEDs t alternately flash MM C M900 IM rD ( 1s Key function are basically the same as for the 5230. [] FDISA13L]E Figure 5-1 Built-in Touchpad (Seven-Segment Display) !YORI7BL .. Q POWER TUE Bfl 70:18 •. FIRE ALARM ANNUNCIATOR MODEL 5230 NOM SEENT KNIGHT FIRE SYSTEMS Figure 5-2 Model 5230 Remote Annunciator 150865 5-1 Model 5207 Fire control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual 5.1 Built-in Touchpad and Model 5230 Operation Basic operation of both the 5230 and the built-in touchpad is described in Table 5-1. Note that if no keys are pressed for 15 minutes while in program mode, the system will time out and resume normal operation. Notes: A valid operating code is requiredfor mostfunctions when using the 5230. In Table 5-1, code = any valid operating code, code 0 = installer's code, and code I = main user's code. If the NEED CODE ATPANEL option is selected in programming (Step 3), the following operations will require a valid code when using the built-in touchpad: Silence, Reset alarms, Clear alarm memory, Test. Table 5-1 5207 Operation To Additional Information 5230 Annunciator Built-in Touchpad Test the system M IENTERI + code M IENTERI The system will perform a display lamp test, a bell test, and a communicator test. (Note: Bells or relays programmed to activate on "Pre-Alarm"or "Trouble" do not activate during a test.) Reset alarms (or [j] IENTERI + code [B IENTERI If there is no alarm, this smoke detectors) procedure resets the smoke detectors. When a trouble condition occurs and you reset the alarm, the trouble condition is stored in memory until you clear the alarm memory. If the alarm memory is not cleared, the trouble condition is displayed the next time a trouble condition occurs, implying incorrectly that more than one trouble condition exists. Clear alarm memory (] IENTERI + code [ IENTERI Clears alarm memory and resets the 4180. (This function removes all memory of alarmi.) Reset the dialer [B LENTERI + code 0 or 1 [B IENTERI + code 0 or i Resets the dialer (aborts a call). Initiate download [B IENTERI + code 0 or 1 - [B IENTERI + code 0 or 1 Starts the downloading process. Exit downloading mode by pressing I CLEARI ICLEARI. Display alarm [B IENTERI [B IENTERI Displays current alarm memory. memory (It is recommended that you clear alarm memory after displaying it.) Display troubles [B IENTERI [B IENTERI Displays trouble conditions. Silence troubles or ISILENCE I + code IsILENcE I If silencing audible signals, you alarms OR OR may need to enter a code. [B IENTERI + code [B IENTERI 5-2 150865 Operation Table 5-1 5207 Operation To Additional Information 5230 Annunciator Built-in Touchpad Set date IENTERI + code 0 or 1 E IENTERI See explanation below. The SET MODE LED will turn on and the built-in touchpad display will flash "-8" indicating that you are in SET DATE mode. Enter six digits for the date. For example, to set the date for 08/15/97, enter the following digits: I1E1ti1 EJ I1 121 Once you press the last digit of the date, the SET TIME LED will turn off and the date will be changed. To exit Set Date mode, press ICLEARI ICLEAlt Set time E1 IENTERI + code 0 or 1 L1 IENTERI See explanation below. The SET MODE LED will turn on and the built-in touchpad display will flash "9" indicating that you are in Set Time mode. Enter six digits for the time. The first digit indicates day of the week ([p] = Sunday, [] = Monday, etc.). The second digit indicates time of day (@] = AM, El = PM). The last four digits are the actual time. For example, to set the time for Wednesday, 4:30 p.m., you would enter: El El 121[J ElEl. Once you press the last digit of the time, the SET TIME LED will turn off and the time will be changed. To exit Set Time mode in the middle of the sequence, press ICLEARI ICLEARI. Note: If you are powering up the 5207, you will be in Set Time mode with "-9" showing on the display. In thise case, you don't need to press El. Just enter the six digits for the time. Disable/Enable zones Zone # + IDISABLEI + code Zone # + IDISABLEl + code Disables or enables a zone. When a zone is disabled, there will be an alert tone that cannot be silenced until the zone is enabled. Fire drill Begin: Begin: Complete instructions appear in 121 El IENTERI + code 0 or 1 [2] [2] IENTERI + code 0 or 1 Section 5.2.1. End: ISILENCEl + code End: ISILENCEl Walk test Enter: Enter: Complete instructions appear in [21 121 IENTERI + code 0 or I [2] [2] IENTERI + code 0 or I Section 5.2.2. Exit: ISILENCEl ISILENCEI Exit: ISILENCEl ISILENCEl ICLEARI ICLEARI ICLEARI ICLEARI Zone trouble- Enter: Enter: Complete instructions appear in shooting mode El 12] IENTERI + code 0 or I + code 0 or I Section 9.3 Exit: ICLEARI ICLEARI Exit: EARI ICLEARI ICL Step programming Enter:[2] [2] IENTERI + code 0 Not applicable. Step programming is explained mode in detail in Section 7. Exit: 1ij 1iI ICLEARI ICLEARI 150865 5-3 Mode! 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual 5.1.1 Built-in Touchpad Display Codes The following table briefly describes the codes that are displayed on the built-in touchpad. For complete information and for 5230 display messages, see Section 9. Table 5-2 Built-in Touchpad Display Codes Display Meaning 0 Fire drill (with Alarm, Alarm Memory, or Trouble LED). 1 -16 Zone numbers (with Alarm, Alarm Memory, or Trouble LED). Al -A4 Trouble with specified bell output. AC Low AC condition. dC Low battery condition. dF Dialer failed after programmed number of attempts have been made. dL Data lost during attempt to transmit to the central station. This condition occurs after total attempts to communicate have been made. EO Trouble with the dialer. El Trouble with EEPROM. FO 5230 annunciator power trouble. Fl -F7 Trouble with specified annunciator (1-7). LI -L2 Phone line fault on specified phone line. P0 Printer is out of paper. P1 Trouble with smoke detector power. P2 Accessory power (terminal 26) trouble. P3 Earth ground fault to circuit ground. See Section 9.2 for more information. P4 Earth ground fault to power. See Section 9.2 for more information. -0 Fire drill -2 Walk test 4 Downloading -5 Zone troubleshooting mode -6 Hex programming mode -1 Step programming mode -8 Set Time mode -9 Set Date mode 2-, 3-, etc. Prompts indicating that the user needs to enter a code. 54 150865 Operation 5.1.2 LED Indicators Six light emitting diodes (LEDs) appear in the 5207 cabinet window. The chart below explains the meaning of these LEDs. LED Status Condition ALARM (red) Off Normal condition On Supervisory and Tamper condition Flashing Alarm SILENCED (yellow) Off Normal condition. On Alarm or trouble condition has been silenced but condition still exists. AC I DC (green) On Panel is running on AC (normal condition); standby battery fully charged. Off Panel has lost all power. Flashing Panel is running on battery power only or AC power only. MEMORY (yellow) Off Normal condition On An alarm condition has been reset. Alarm memory contains data. TROUBLE (yellow) Off Normal condition On Trouble condition exists SET MODE (yellow) REPORT Off Normal condition On System is in a Set (Test or Program) mode. Flashing System is reporting. 5.2 System Testing This section describes operation of fire drills, zone testing, and the 24-hour automatic test 5.2.1 Fire Drills Fire drills can be run from either the built-in touchpad or the Model 5230 Remote Annuncia- tor. To initiate a fire drill, press [] (] IENTERI + Code 0 or 1. The system will sound an alarm and report a fire test. To end the fire drill, press ISILENCEl + code. 150865 5-5 Model 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual 5.2.2 Walk Test (Mode 22) The walk test is designed to be used for onsite testing only. To enter walk test mode, press [] 0 IENTERI + code 0 or 1. The LCD will indicate that you are in walk test mode. When a zone is tripped, the 5207 will activate the bell outputs for approxi- mately one second and will cycle smoke power off and on for the programmed time interval. (Pre-alarm zones will not be delayed, but smoke verification zones will go through the verifi- cation delay.) When smoke power is restored, there is a two-second power up delay before the zone will respond to additional test inputs. The system will time out and resume normal operation in 15 minutes if no keys are pressed or no zones are tripped during the walk test. To exit walk test mode, press ISILENCEl ISILENCEl ICLEARI ICLEARI. Note: The ESL-429 series smoke detectors are NOTcomp atible when operating the 5207pánel in walk test mode. In walk test mode, the built-in self test on the ESL 429 series smoke detectors may be unreliable. If the built-in self test is required, it should be done in the normal operating mode with the zone speed set 103 seconds or higher. Note that these smoke detectors are incompatible only for walk tests, not for any other normal 5207 sys- tem operation. 5.2.3 Automatic Self Test The Model 5207 lets you select the time of day that the 24-hour automatic test signal will be sent to the central station. The Auto Test dialer test sent automatically at specified times. Immediately following the test, the 5207 also sends all unrestored events as required by UL. The events will have no indica- tion when they occurred, so central station personnel should maintain records of unrestored events, or, if that is not possible, treat all alarms, troubles, and supervisories that come in dur- ing an auto test as if they were new events. 5.3 Watchdog Circuit During normal operation, the control microprocessor of the 5207 is constantly running pro- grams to check inputs and carry out other routine functions. If the program should ever stop running, the watchdog circuit will automatically detect this and attempt to resume normal operation by resetting the microprocessors. Each time the watchdog circuit initiates a reset signal, it will also sound the audible trouble signal for approximately four seconds. 5-6 150865 Section 7 Programming: Step-by-Step Complete Reference The Model 5230 Remote Annunciator is for programming the 5207 panel. You must be in Step Programming Mode (also known as mode 27) to program the panel. See the following sections for details. 7.1 Using Step Programming Enter Step Press III I!1IENTEI, followed by the code that has been programmed as code 0 (the Programming mode factory programmed value for code 0 is 123456). If you have entered mode 27 correctly, the display will show 1 PWR UP CLR (Step I, Power-up Clear). Press IENTERI to make selections for this step. Press IENTERI again to move to the next step. Note: lfyou receive a trouble beep and the message TRY AGAIN appears, either you are not using the correct code 0, or the EEPROM could be malfunctioning. If the pmblem is the EEPROM, you must obtain a new default EEPROMfrom Silent Knight. Exit Step Programming Press [ TEE1[]ICLEARIICLEARI. You will return to normal operation. Moving through the To move sequentially through the options: Steps and Sub-Steps Press IENTERI until you reach the step (option) you want to program To go directly to step: If you know the step you want to go to, you can save time by moving directly to the step. Press Ii] Enter the desired step number, then press IENTERI. The new step will be displayed. To go to directly a sub-step: Some steps contain sub-steps (see the diagram on the next page for an example). To go to a particular sub-step, first go to the step. Then, press ts-TEP1 followed by the substep number and press IENTERI. For example, to go to step 14.2, you would press the following sequence of keys: chart continued on next page 150865 7-1 Model 5207 Fire Con frol/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual Selecting Options Scrolling For most options, you enter numbers in the same way as if you were using a calculator. The digits appear on the right side of the display and scroll to the left as you continue to enter data. Current selections for this option. A digit Indicates the option has been selected; blank Indicates an option is not selected. Toggling In some steps, pressing a key will cause the corresponding digit to appear and disappear on the display. When a digit appears, it indicates that the option is selected. A dash indicates that the option is not selected. In the following example, options 1, 5, and 7 are selected: 9: DIAL OPTS -1---5-7 Entering numbers greater than 9 Use the II key as shown below to enter. numbers 10-15. Hexadecimal digits (in parentheses) appear on the screen to represent these numbers. 7-2 150865 Section 6 Programming: Quick Reference This section of the manual briefly describes all available programming options and lists the factory programmed default values. Section 7 of this manual is a complete, step-by-step guide that provides details, including LCD diagrams, of each programming step. Please read Section 7 thoroughly, especially if you have never programmed the 5207 before. The quick reference chart can be used for keeping track of how options have been pro- grammed for an installation. The drawing below explains how to use the quick reference chart. Step # Option Default Your Selection 1 Isidigit: 2nd digit: 00 Bel'1CSL at Power up Mode Restore: Report: 0Notest O =No report S Test IReponsest L I I I \• Page of manual This column provides a 5207 factory- Use this space where this step brief description of the programmed default. to record how you have Is described in greater option, Including, meaning programmed detail. of each digit. options for the installation. Figure 6-1 How to Use the Programming Quick Reference Chart Step # Option Default Your Selection 1st digit: 2nd digit: 00 Bell Test at Restore: Power up Mode Report: Pg. 7-4 0=Notest ONoreport 8= Test 1 = Report sent 2 Enable Devices: 0------7 Pg. 7-4 0 = Dialer 2-6 Unused = Printer 7= 24V system (Do not change factory programming.) 3. Options: 6- Pg. 7-5 0 = Cadenced pulsing of 4 = Sound smoke delay bells 5 = Report fast restores = Code required at panel 6= Do not dc-select. 2= Trouble alert tone for 7 = Time displays in pre-alarm sound military format 3 = Pulsing fire bells 150865 6-1 Model 5207 Fire ControUCommunicator Installation and Operation Manual Step # Option Default Your Selection 4 1st digit: 2nd digit: 20 (Display Rate) 0-7 = Max. number of Pg. 7-5 0 =.5 sec supervised touchpads = I Sec. (0 means none.) 2= 1.5 sec. 3 = 3 Sec. 5 Misc. Options: -1234567 Pg. 7-6 0 = Report walk tests 3 = Sequential bell test = Do NOT de-select 4-7= Supervise bells 1-4 2= Detect ground fault 6 Internal Zone Options (zones 1-8) 6.1 24-hour alarm (do not change default) 12345678 6.2 Select zones to be supervised for trouble 12345678 6.3 Unused (do not change default) 6.4 Zones will be Normally Open (do not change default) 12345678 6.5 Zone response speed 2 or 4 12345678 6.6 Zone response speed 3 or 4 6.7 Unused 6.8 Pre-alarm delay 6.9 Smoke verification delay 6.10 Number of zones that can be disabled 12345678 Begins on Pg. 7-6 7 External Zone Options (zones 9-16) 7.1 24-hour alarm (do not change default) 90123456 7.2 Select zones to be supervised for trouble 90123456 7.3 Unused (do not change default) 7.4 Zones will be Normally Open (do not change default) 90123456 7.5 Zone response speed 2 or 4 90123456 7.6 Zone response speed 3 or 4 7.7 Unused 7.8 Pre-alarm delay 7.9 Smoke verification delay 90123456 .7.10 Number of zones that can be disabled Begins on Pg. 7-9 8 Total number of zones in system 8 Pg. 7-10 9 Dialer Options: -1 --- 5-7 Pg. 7-10 0 = Retry if fail 4 = Enable phone line = Enable phone line 2 monitor 2= Unused (do not select) 5 = Answer ring detect 3 = Ground start (do not use 6= Unused (do not select) in UL installations) 7 = Up/downloading 6-2 150865 Programming: Quick Reference Step # Option Default Your Selection 10 Total number of dialing attempts. 0 Pg. 7-11 11 Number of dialing attempts before dialer fail. 0 Pg. 7-11 12 Low AC hours (UL requires range of 6-12 hours.) 6 Pg. 7-11 13 Number of rings to activate downloading. 10 Pg. 7-11 14 Telephone # for reporting: 14.1 Report alarms to: Report troubles to: 1 --- 5 --- I =Ph.#] 5= Ph. #1 2=Ph.#2 6= Ph. #2 3= Ph. #3 7= Ph. #3 Begins on 4 = Ph. #4 8 = Ph. #4 Pg. 7-12 14.2 Report disabled zones to: Report restores to: 1 - - - 5 --- I =Ph. #1 5=Ph.#1 2= Ph. #2 6= Ph. #2 3=Ph.#3 7=Ph.#3 4= Ph. #4 8= Ph. #4 14.3 Report open resets to: 1 =Ph.#1 5-8= Not used. 2= Ph. #2 3=Ph.#3 4 = Ph. #4 14.4 1-4 = Not used. Report tests to: - - - -5 --- 5 =Ph. #1 6= Ph. #2 7 = Ph. #3 8= Ph. #4 14.5 Must Report: Select Options: = Ph. #1 5 = Line 1 is Touch-Tone 2 = Ph. #2 6 = Line I is Touch-Tone 3 = Ph. #3 7= Use Touch-Tone only 4 = Ph. #4 8 = Enable 16-zone reporting 15 Computer phone number for up/downloading. [blank] Pg. 7-13 150865 6-3 Model 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual Step # Option Default Your Selection 16 Central station phone numbers: 555 16.1 Phone number I 1234567890 16.2 Phone number 2 16.3 Phone number 16.4 Phone number 4 Begins on Pg. 7-13 17 Central station account numbers: 005207 17.1 Account number] 17.2 Account number 2 17.3 Account number 3 17.4 Account number 4 18.1- 1st digit: 2nd digit: 10 Account] 18.4 Number of attempts before Dialer format for Accts. 14: Account 2 switching to next account 0 = SIA8 4 BFSK23 Account 3 Pg. 7-14 for Accounts 1-4. 1 = FSKI 5 = SLk20 Account 4 2= Not used 6=SK4+2 3=BFSK14 19.1 - Telephone options for accounts 1-4: Account I 19.4 Account 2 0 = Unused 3 = 9000 Direct (do not select) Account 3 Pg. 7-14 1 =Use line 1 only 4-9 = Unused (do not select) Account 4 2 = Use line 2 only 20 Duration of delays: 20.1 Bell shutdown time delay 90 20.2 Unused (do not change default) 30 20.3 Pre-alarm delay 30 20.4 Smoke verification delay 30 20.5 Smoke reset time 2 20.6 Unused (do not change default) 24 Pg. 7-15 21 Test Time 000000 Pg. 7-16 22.0 Installer's code (access to all. functions) 123456 Pg. 7-16 22.1 Main user's code (access to all functions except 1111 programming) Pg. 7-16 22.2- Other users (basic operating functions - can reset alarms and [blank] 22.9 disable zones). . Pg. 7-16 6-4 150865 Programming: Quick Reference Step # Option Default Your Selection 23 Select relays (digits 1-4) and bells (digits 5-8) to activate for: 23.1 Pre-alarm conditions 23.2 Tamper alarms 23.3 Special (auxiliary) alarms - - - - 5678 23.4 Fire alarms 23.5 Trouble conditions I ------- 23.6 No silence conditions Pg. 7-17 24.0 - Select alarm relay (digits 1-4) and bells (digits 5-8) to 24.16 activate by zone. 24.0 selects bells and relays to activate during a fire drill. Pg. 7-19 Steps 24.1-24.16 select bells and relays to activate for alarms in zones 1-16. 25.0 - 1st digit: Audible signal 2nd digit: Zone type 81 Use space on next page to record 25.16 options. 0 = Bells can shut down 0 = Fire drill 2= Cross alarm delay I =Fire 4 = No manual bell sound 3= Panic 8= No auto bell shutdown 5= Tamper A = Cross alarm and no shut 6= Sprinkler Pg. 7-20 down 7 = Undefined auxiliary 8 = Water 9 = Heat A = Cold B = Local C = Unused (do not select) 26.1- Zone location descriptions. See Table 6-1 for list. WORDS Use space on next page to record 26.16 options. Pg. 7-21 27 Length of temporal (pulsing) pattern 32 Use space on next page to record options. Pg. 7-22 28 Cadence pattern (used with step 27) Use space on next page to record options. 28.1 First group of 8 bits 12345678 28.2 Second group of 8 bits (Each substep controls up to 12345678 28.3 Third group of 8 bits four seconds.) 12345678 28.4 Fourth group of 8 bits Pg. 7-22 150865 - 6-5 Model 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual Zone Zone Type Audio Type Bells/Relays to Activate in Alarm Location Descriptions ] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 6-6 150865 Appendix A Compatible Devices This section of the manual lists devices (smoke detectors and notification appliances) that are compatible with the 5207. Contact Silent Knight if you have a question about whether a device not listed here is compatible. A.1 Smoke Detectors This section of the manual contains information about smoke detectors that are compatible withthe 5207. 5207 5210 Identifier 24D 24A Voltage Range 19.4-28 VDC 17.8-27.4 VDC Notes: The maximum number ofsmoke detectors per zone is determined by both the current draw and the impedance of the smoke detector if too many smoke detctors are used on any zone, false alarms could occur. Do not mix different models of detectors on any zone; false alarms could occur Control unit Smoke Reset Time must be programmedfor a number greater than or equal to the maximum reset time of the smoke detector Two-Wire Smoke Detectors The table below lists two-wire smoke detectors that are compatible with the 5207. The table is organized by manufacturer. Information for both 12V and 24V mode and for the 5210 Zone Expander Module is included. The columns show the number of detectors per loop that can be used. Manufacturer Model Name or Number (Base model name or number in parentheses) 5207 5210 Apollo 55000-250 (45681-200) 24/loop 8/loop Apollo 55000-350(45681-200) 24/loop 8 / loop Detection Systems DS200 (MB200-2W) 24/loop 12 loop Detection Systems DS200HD (MB200-2W) 24/loop 12 loop Detection Systems DS250 (MB2W or MB2WL) 18 / loop 8 / loop Detection Systems DS250HD (MB2W or MB2WL) 18 I loop 8 / loop Detection Systems DS250TH (MB2W or MB2WL) 18 / loop 8 / loop ESL 425 40/loop 20/loop ESL 425C 401loop 20/loop ESL 425CR 40/loop 20/loop ESL 425CR1 40/loop 20/loop ESL 425C1 40/loop 20/loop ESL 429C(S10A) 30/loop 14/loop ESL 429CR1(S11A) 30/loop 14/loop 150865 A-I Model 5207 Fire Control/Communicator Installation and Operation Manual Manufacturer Model Name or Number (Base model name or number in parentheses.) 5207 5210 ESL 429CST(SIIA) 30/loop l'l/loop ESL 429CT (SIOA) 30 / loop 14/loop ESL 609U01-11 40/loop 24/loop ESL 609UO2-11 40/loop 24/loop ESL 611U(601Uor602U) 40/loop 24/loop ESL 61 IUD (601U or 602U) 40/loop 24/loop ESL 6IIUT(601Uor602U) 40/loop 24/loop ESL 612U (601U or 602U) 40/loop 24/loop ESL 612UD(601Uor602U) 40/loop 241loop ESL 711U(701Eor7011J) 25/loop 15/loop ESL 712U (701E or 701U) 25/loop 15/loop ESL 713-5U (702E or 701U) 25 / loop 15 /160P ESL 713-6U (702E or 701U) 25 / loop 15 /loop ESL 721-U(S1OA) 30/loop 15/loop ESL 721-UT (SIOA) 30 /.loop 15/loop Falcon 525 17/loop 8iloop Falcon 5251 17/loop 8/loop Faraday 9374 20/loop 10/loop Faraday 9375 20/loop 10/loop Faraday 9376 20/loop 10/loop Hochiki SIH-24F (HS-224D or HSB-224) 25 / loop 10 / loop Hochiki SLK-12 25/loop 10/loop Hochiki SLK-24F (HS-224D) 25 / loop 10/100P Hochiki SLK-24FH (HS-224D) 25/loop 10/loop Hochiki (HS224L) Heat Detector base 30 / loop 30/loop System Sensor 1100 20 / loop 8 / loop System Sensor 11001 20 / loop 8 / loop System Sensor I 100Th 20/loop 8/loop System Sensor 1151 (IIOLP) 20/loop 8/loop System Sensor 1400 20 / loop 8/loop System Sensor 1451 (B4OIB) 20 / loop 8/loop System Sensor 1800 20 / loop 8/loop System Sensor 1851B (1310IB) 20 / loop 8 / loop System Sensor 1851DH (DHI851DC) 20 / loop 8/loop System Sensor 2100 20/loop 8/loop System Sensor 21001 20/loop 8:/ loop System Sensor 2I0OTB 20 / loop 8 / loop System Sensor 2151 (BIIOLP or B1IOLRP) 20 / loop 8 / loop System Sensor 23001 20/loop 8/loop System Sensor 2400 20/loop 8/loop System Sensor 2400 (DH400) 20/loop 8/loop System Sensor 2400A11 20/loop 8/loop System Sensor 2400A1 20/loop 8/loop System Sensor 2400TH 20/loop 8/loop A-2 150865 Manufacturer Model Name or Number (Base model name or number in parentheses.) 5207 5210 System Sensor 2451 (B40lB) 20/loop 8 / loop System Sensor 245 1 D (DH 400) 20 / loop 8 / loop System Sensor 2451TH (B401 B) 20 / loop 8 / loop System Sensor. 2800 20/loop 8/loop System Sensor 2800111 20/loop 8 / loop System Sensor 2851B(BIOIB) 20/loop 8/loop System Sensor 2851BTH (BIOIB) 20 / loop 8 I loop System Sensor 2851DH 20 / loop 8/loop System Sensor 2851TH (BIOIB) 20 / loop 8 / loop Four Wire Smoke Detectors Manufacturer Model Silent Knight SD-P24F with SD-B4@ base Detection Systems DS200/DS200HD MB200 ESL 445 Series 449 Series System Sensor 1851B 2851/285 1BTH DH200ADCD A.2 Nótificatioñ Appliances The chart below lists notification appliances compatible with the 5207. Manufacturer Model Type Faraday 446X 12/24VDC Vibrating Bell Faraday 476X 12/24VDC Vibrating Bell Faraday 477X 12/24VDC Single Stroke Bell Faraday 5303B-0-14-( )-DC Chime (flush) Faraday 5304B-0-14-( )-DC Chime (surface) Faraday 5305B-0-4-( )-DC Chime (ceiling) Faraday 5306B-0-14-( )-24-DC Chime/Strobe (flush) Faraday 5307B-0-14-( )-24-DC Chime/Strobe (surface) Faraday 5308B-0-4-( )-24-DC Chime/Strobe (ceiling) Faraday 5333B-0-14-24-DC Multi-Tone Horn (flush) Faraday 5334B-0-14-24-DC Multi-Tone Horn (surface) Faraday 5336B-( )-14-24-DC Multi-Tone Horn/Strobe (flush) Faraday 5337B-()-14-24-DC Multi-Tone Horn/Strobe (surface) Faraday 5338B-( )-4-24-DC Multi-Tone Horn/Strobe (ceiling) Faraday 5343B-0-14-24-DC Single Tone Horn/Strobe (flush) Faraday 5344B-0-14-24-DC Single Tone Horn/Strobe (surface) Faraday 5345B-0-4-24-DC Single Tone Horn/Strobe (ceiling) Faraday 5348B-( )-4-24-DC Single Tone Horn/Strobe (ceiling) 150865 A-3 5230 Remote Annunciator Program and Operate the 5104, 5204, or 5207 FACP from a Distance with the 5230 Remote Annunciator. The 5230 remote annunciator provides remote annunciation for the 5104, 5204, and 5207 Fire Alarm Control Panel. The 5230 performs all system operations. It also provides trouble and alarm information and can be used for programming. Operation When the system is normal and receiving AC power, the power LED - is on. Users identify themselves to the -. j7 I control panel by entering a code on --- FIRE ALARM the annunciator. When a user . c.wi At'INUNCiATOR presses a button, the annunciator piezo beeps and the LCD prompts the user to enter a code or other relevant information. . .. 0 Faftm . ' 2-hnel6-character LCD display Indicates Trouble, Alarm, ri Supervisory, and System Status 52 Remote Annunciator conditions with LEDs and LCD display Dimensions: 1 ..iiLI wmpuiuiiie QmW Each 5230 is individually super- Width: 6-7/8" 5104 3 per system vised by the FACP. (14.46 cm) Can be wired up to 1000 ft from Height 4-1/4" 5204 3 per system FACP Depth 0.79 5207 7 per system Specifications (2.54 cm) Operating Voltage: 12 VDC Operating Temp: 32" to 120" F Current Draw: (0° to 49" C) Standby: 60 mA Maximum Wring Alarm: 120 mA Distance: 1000 ft. SILENT KNIGHT Note: Warng runs should be made using 18-gauge wire and not exceed 1000 feet (for each 5230 wired). - - - - -'i-- '-- 5230 Remote Annunciator Engineering Speciftaitlons The contractor shall furnish and install where indicated on the plans, the Model 5230 Remote Annunciator. Module shall be of a LCD type with a 2X16 display. Module shall be capable of remote programming as well as providing alarm, trouble information along with resetting of alarms and silencing of trouble and alarm conditions. Module ID shall be programmed with a 4 position DIP. The control shall be capable of supporting a minimum of 3 supervised 5230. Module shall be designed to mount on a single or dual gang electrical box with 18 gauge to 14 gauge wire. Model 5230 (Back View) DSILENT KNIGHT € MADE IN AMERICA 7550 Meridian Circle, Maple Grove, MN 55369-4927 FORM# 350382, Rev. 8100 800-446-6444 or in Minnesota 763-493-6435 FAX: 763-493-6475 Copyright© 2000 Silent Knight World Wide Web: http://www.silentknight.com CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-0559:111 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Control Unit (Non High-Rise) LISTEE: Silent Knight Security, 7550 Meridian Circle, Maple Grove MN 55369-4927 Contact: Michael Mc Isaac (763) 493-6400 *FA)( (763) 391-5464 DESIGN: Model 5207. Local or central station service; power-limited. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. Basic local system: 5207 Control Unit 5197 Power Supply 7628 EOL Resistor 204A/204C Power Supervision Unit (or Pyrotector 2040-xx) OPTIONS: Refer to listee's data sheet for required/optional accessories. When required, accessories shall be CSFM listed. Accessories included with this listing: 4180 Status Display Module 5210 Zone Expander Module 7171 Loop Module 5230 Remote Keystation INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listée's name, model number and CSFM label. APPROVAL: Listed as a control unit for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. This control unit does not generate a temporal pattern signal. If the distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 1999 Edition is required, the control unit must be used with appliances that can generate the temporal pattern signal. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. *Rev. 06-12-2006 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verificationj of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation. criteria. Refer to Iistee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 12, 2006 Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager ESL 429/449 & 428/448 SERIES Self-Diagnostic Photoelectric Smoke Detectors Installation Instructions Part Number 14153 11 California State Fire Marshal Approved MEA (New York City) Approved usrea 429/449 19428/448 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ESL 429/449 and 428/448 Series low-profile, self-diagnostic, two- and four-wire smoke detectors work on the light scattering principle. A pulsed infrared light-emitting diode serves as the light source, and a high-speed photo-diode as the sensing element. This design has superior protection against false alarms caused by dust, insects, RF and ambient-light. These Series of smoke detectors are especially suited for residential occupancies, including hotels, motels and dormitories, as well as other commercial and industrial fire-system applications. This Series is designed for 2-wire and 4-wire connection, respectively, to 6-24 V DC fire alarm control panels, UL Listed for commercial or household fire protection. 429 & 428 Series Wiring Diagram Diagram 2 r odeIs 429AT,429C, 429~" I model 429CRT -not used power first 429CST, 42BCSST auxIliary Two Wire CompatIbilIty power contacts The ESL 429 Senes two-wIre smoke detectors + + ,last offer the widest range of two-wire compatibility I . detector Index for compatible control panel listings. I in the industry. Refer to ESL's Compatibility detector COMPATIBLE LISTED CONTROL UNIV fire . alarm J 4- initiating circuit - L1 END OF LINE DEVICE 449 & 448 Series Wiring Diagram Diagram 3 mod Is 449 & 446 CRT CSRT, CLT CSLT / CSRH last AT, C, CT, CST, CSST audliary macel USCSW / local ten- detector / contacts / latching heat sensor alarm low temp OUtpUI alarm heal sensor I taflOkB steno contacts power cLT. scl.i eanracta power that ct contacts tewer / contacts power detector ____________ - I LISTED CONTROL UNIT red ____ POWER DC .S _______________________ ___________ I powers( ___________ - I VISION black SUPER I circuit S UNIT I lire • inown s I tore IInitialing \ circuit S '448CSH and 448CSRH are smoke alarms. Optional Features This Series includes a.wide range of options, as shown in the Product Selection Guide (Diagram 9) on back page. These options include a built in sounder, an auxiliary relay, an integral heat detector, and an isolated heat detector, to meet almost any application. Self-Diagnostics Includes Automatic Sensitivity Testing Each detector in the Series continually monitors its own sensitivity and operational status. Once a day it performs a full diagnostic test that includes dynamically testing the sensing chamber and internal elec- tronics. If a detector drifts out of its UL Listed sensitivity range or fails internal diagnostics, the alarm LED will flash once every second to indicate trouble. This meets NFPA 72 field sensitivity testing require- ments without the need for external meters. NOTE: Connect to a power supply that will not automatically reset. Since the self-diagnostics only indicate trouble after 27 hours, if the power supply automatically resets every 24 hours the self-diagnostic indication will never be signaled. (The smoke detector will still signal alarm correctly.) INSTALLATION This Series of detectors mount to standard single-gang electrical boxes, four-inch octagonal or four-inch square electrical boxes, or on WIREMOLD No. 5739 fixture boxes. These detectors may also be mounted directly to walls or ceilings where local codesljunsdictions permit. First, pull wire through the electrical box and connect to the plug-in terminal block supplied, one wire per terminal (see Diagrams 1,2 and 3). Second, dress wiring neatly and snap the terminal block into the back of the detector. Note: The detector cover must be dosed com- pletely, to support the circuit board, while installing the terminal block. Now, open the cover and mount the detector, using the mounting holes provided (see Diagram 5). All ESL smoke detectors are shipped with a plastic dust cover for use in areas where construction is on-going. Smoke detectors will not work with the dust cover in place. Remove the dust cover when installation is completed, prior to testing. Diagram 5 For instructions on removal of terminal block and circuit board call technical services at 800-648-7424. (1510fl) uare or test switch 9mounting 0 mounting (No. 5739) all boxes - single gang 4' octagon mounting 0 cover release 'E: Positive air pressure from wire openings, conduit, mounting boxes, ular mounting surfaces, or plenums causing air movement through away from the detector may prevent proper operation. Seal all ings causing unwanted air flow using UL Listed expanding foam or Smoke Detector Placement and Spacing In general ceiling mounted smoke detectors should be located near the center of the room or hall whenever possible, or more than 4 inches (100 mm) from any wall. When the detector is wall mounted, the top of the Diagram 4 .— 4in (100mm) maog acmptatoehme /X.(< eOb smoe,he,e + 12k,. (300mm) top of detector - ,naoirmlm acceptable bore side an NOTE measuremenfs theta,, are to theclosest edge of the detector Note: Measurements shown are to the closest edge of the detector. detector should be 4 to 12 inches (100-300 mm) from the ceiling (see Diagram 4). Refer to NFPA 72 for further mounting instructions. When more than onedetectoris required, spacing 0f30 feet (9.1 meters) may be used as a guide on smooth ceilings (as defined in NFPA 72).. Other spacing may be used depending on ceiling height, high air movement, and other conditions or response requirements. Low Temperature Output Models (CLT, CSLT Models) These models have a separate relay output that will be energized when the ambient temperature around the detectors falls to approximately 43°F. Note: this detector-continues to have the same ooeratina temoera- ture ranae as standard models -32°F (0°C) to 120°F (50°C). Run 6 conductor fire wire from a combination burglar/fire alarm panel to smoke detector. Connect low temperature relay contact to a separate non-fire zone on a combination burglar/fire alarm control panel. Warning: Do not connect low temperature output relay to fire alarm zone. Where NOT To Place Detectors One of the major causes of nuisance alarms is improper placement of detectors. Avoid locating detectors too dose to kitchens orwood stoves, where smoke can be generated. Garages and furnace rooms are also poor locations, due to exhaust fumes. Placing detectors too dose to bathrooms can cause problems from steamy baths or showers. Also do not install detectors where normal ambient temperature can be over 100°F (37.80C), such as attics. Refer to NFPA 72 for more information. Supervision of System Wiring Power wiring in four-wire systems is required by NFPA 72 to be supervised. This is accomplished by installing a powersupervision relay at the end of the detector power circuit. The contacts of the supervision relay are wired in series with the system's alarm initiating circuit, and are closed when energized (see Diagram 3). A break in the detector power circuit or a loss of power de-energizes the power supervision relay, opening the contacts and causing a trouble annunciation at the fire alarm control unit. ESL Models 204-6 V and 204-12/24 V are relays UL Listed for 4-wire power supervision. ESL Model 204-12/24 V CAN is relay ULC Listed for 4-wire power supervision. Models 449/448CTE, 449CSTE, and 449CSSTE are smoke detectors with a built-in end-of-line power supervision relay, and can be used to supervise a circuit in place of a power supervision relay. The 449CTE, 449CSTE, and 449CSSTE will also automatically send a trouble signal to the control panel whenever the detector needs maintenance. Proceed with sensitivity testing on all detectors as outlined on next page. Diag' Testing the Installation After all connections are complete and the wiring is checked for errors,. apply power to the system. There should be no alarm. If an alarm is reported, determine ifadetector is latched in alarm or if there is a problem with the wiring. All smoke detectors shall be tested at least annually in accordance with NFPA 72. The preferred method for functional testing is with Smoke! in a cane, available from ESL. Follow the instructions on the can carefully to ensure proper testing. Other brands of canned smoke are not recommended due to potential for contamination. Other acceptable testing methods are; a smoldering punk stick or a cotton wick. The detector samples for smoke about every 9 seconds, while flashing its LED. If smoke is detected, the sampling increases to every 4.5 seconds. Excessive smoke must be detected in three consecutive samples for the alarm to activate. Therefore, when testing the detector with smoldering punks or cotton wicks, hold the smoke source near the smoke entry and gently direct smoke into the detector for 20 seconds or until alarm is indicated. BE SURE TO PROPERLY EXTINGUISH THE SMOKE SOURCE AFTER TESTING! This is a go/no-go test and is not a reliable indication of detector sensitivity. If it is successful, the LED will remain lit. To reset the detector, operate the system reset switch to remove power from the detectors. Control unit alarm and all auxiliary functions should be verified for a complete test of each detector. Models with heat sensors sample for heat every 3 seconds. Test heat sensors by using a hot air gun. Aim at heat sensor from 6-10 away. Detector should go into alarm in less than 30 seconds. Be careful not to melt plastics. MAINTENANCE, CLEANING and SENSITIVITY TESTING This series of self-diagnostic smoke detectors is designed for easy field service and maintenance. If a detector drifts beyond its approved sensitivity range for more than 24 hours, or fails internal diagnostic tests, the unit automatically indicates trouble by flashing its LED every second. This meets NFPA 72 field sensitivity testing requirements without the need for external meters. In accordance with NFPA 72, smoke detector sensitivity should be checked within one year after installation and every alternate year thereafter, in commercial installa- tions, or every three years in residential sites. The replaceable sensing chamber of the 400 series photoelectric detector unsnaps for easy field cleaning and service. Whenever the status LED indicates cleaning is necessary, open the detector cover, unsnap and throw away optical block chamber. Then thoroughly blow off the optical base and snap a new optical block chamber (part #211) back in place. NOTE: Be sure new optical block chamber is seated all the way down. Close detector cover and verify sensitivity with the sensitivity level test (below). Sensitivity Level Test Mode Each detector includes a sensitivity test mode that is activated by holding a magnet near the integral reed switch for more than one second (see Diagram 7). This initiates the self-diagnostic routine and provides visual indication if service is required. The alarm LED provides the indication listed in Diagram 8. After the sequence of blinks, if the sensitivity is found to be within limits and if all other tests pass, the detector will go into alarm until reset by the panel. If the sensitivity is not within limits, or an unserviceable hardware fault has been detected, the alarm LED will continue to flash To activate sensitivity level test mode, hold magnet on hinge side of detector for more than 1 second. results slightly once per second until the detector is reset by the panel. If sensitivity test indicates an unacceptable level, take action recommended above. If action does not result in acceptable sensitivity, replace unit. Approvals The smoke detector is for use in commercial fire protective signaling systems and in household fire warning systems. (NFPA 72). 4291449 Series Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.; California State Fire Marshal approved (Listing #7272-0447-128); MEA approved [New York City (Listing #MEA 64-94-E) Factory Mutual approved. 449CLT!449CSLT Series Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. 428/448 Series Listed by Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (Listing # CS205). Diagram 8 Approximate obscuration Blinks (%!ft.) Indication Action 4291449 4281448 I Unserviceable hardware fault is detected Reset unit and re-run sensitivity test, if indication remains the same, replace unit 2.69 3.05 2 The detector is not sensitive enough Clean per instructions. Reset unit and re-run sensitivity test, if indication remains the same, replace unit 2.46 2.75 3 2 23 2 50 4 Detector is within sensitivity limits 5 None • -200 215 :1.77 1.85 6 1.54 1.50 7 Detector is too sensitive Check to be sure optical block cover is snapped down completely. Clean per instructions. 1.31 1.25 8 1.08 0.90 9 Diagram 9 Model Designator Series Designator "Features 449CSRT /\ Wire Type Power Designator Model Designator Designator Listing 449 UL 448 ULC Wire Type Number Description 2 Two-wire only 4 Four-wire only Model Designator Designator Power A 6I12VDC C 12124VDC Features Designator Feature Description E End-of-Line Power Built-in end-of-line relay that also acts as a sensitivity status output For four wire only. Fail-safe relay trips upon loss of power or if Supervisory and Sensitivity smoke detector is outside the approved sensitivity range for more than one day. End of line resistor is easily connected to terminal Status Relay with no extra wiring, or relay contacts can be connected to a separate trouble loop. H Isolated Fixed Temp. and Isolated fixed 13511' (57'C) and rate of rise heat detector, independently trips the LED and alarm relay output Smoke detector Rate of Rise Heat Detector activates internal sounder (local alarm) and auxiliary relay, but does not latch. Approved as both single station smoke alarm and system heat detector. Ideal for hotel, motel and dormitory rooms where smoking is allowed. R Auxiliary Relay Used to activate other devices such as elevator recall, door hangers. etc. UL Listed for releasing services. S Built-in Sounder 85db built-in sounder alarms when smoke is detected or when power wiring polarity is reversed. SS Built-in Sounder with 85db built-in sounder alarms when smoke is detected or when power wimp polarity is reversed. Also, chirps when unit goes outside Sensitivity Status Output the approved sensitivity range for more than one day. Resetting detector will silence chirp for one day, until unity is restored to proper sensitivity. T Integrated Fixed Temp. and Integrated fixed 135'F (57CC) temperature and rate of rise head detector offers double protection. Either heat detector or smoke Rate of Rise Heat Detector detector can trip and latch LED and alarm relay outputs. i Low-Temperature Output Non latching, low temperature output for temperatures below 431F ± 5F (*C). Electrical Specifications Model 2-Wire 4-Wire Min.Volt. Max. Volt. Max. Ripple (PK To PK) (V) Typ. Ave. Stby. Cur. (12-24V) (uA) Typ. Alarm Cur. (12.24V) (mA) Typ. Ave. Pol. Rev. Cur. (mA) Alarm Relay Contacts (A) Other Relay Contacts (A) 429AT, 428AT - 6.5 20 10% 70 *see S09A - - - 429G. 428C • 8.5 33 10% .. 70 see S10A 429C7, 428CT 8.5 33 10% k 70 / 'See SlOA - - - 429CRT - 8.5 33 10% 70 'see S11A - - 2 429cST.428cST.429cSST 8.5 33 10% 70 'see S11A 10 - - 449C, 448C • 8.5 33 10% 70 15 - 0.5 - 449CT, 448CT - 8.5 33 10% 70 15 - 0.5 - 449CRT 8.5 33 10% 70 31 - 0.5 2 449CLT, 448CLT - 8.5 33 10% 70 15 05 449AT, 448AT - 5.1 27 10% 70 15 - 0.5 - 449CS1.448C5T • 8.5 33 10% 70 40 10 0.5 - 449CSRT • 8.5 33 10% 70 51 10 0.5 2 449CSLT. 448CSLT - . 8.5 33 10% 70 40 10 0.5 - 449CSRH - • 8.5 33 10% 70 51 10 0.5 2 449CS8T - 8.5 33 10% 70 40 10 0.5 - 449CSTE. 449CSSTE • 8.5 33 10% 23mA 51 33 0.5 2 449CTE, 448CTE - 8.5 33 10% 23mA 31 23 0.5 2 448CSH • 8.5 33 10% 70 51 10 1 0.5 - 448C5RW - 8.5 33 10% 70 51 10 0.5 2 Power SupervisionUnits 204-6V (UL Listed) 5.1 15 - 33mA@6VDC - - 0.5 - 204-12124V (UL Listed) 8.5 33 - 14 mA @ 12V DC 28mA @ 24V DC - - 0.5 - 204-12sI24V CAN (ULC Listed) - - -__8.5 33 - 14 mA @ 12V DC 28mA @ 24V DC - - 0.5 - 429 models draw up to a maximum of 60mA alarm current if not limited by panel. Product Data Sensitivity 428/448 - minimum ...............2.0 + 0.50%/Ft. - maximum ..............2.0 - 0.500/o/Ft. 429/449 - minimum ...............2.0 + 0.37%/Ft. - maximum ..............2.0 - 0.390/o/Ft. Operating temp .... 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 50°C) Operating humidity range.............0 to 95% RH Sounder specifications ..............85 dB at 10 Ft. Color.............................white cover/white base Field wiring size......................14-24 AWG Heat detector specifications ... fixed temperature - 135°F, 50 ft. spacing rate of rise - 15017/mm. &> 105°F (8.3°C/mm. &>40.6°C) Low temp specifications .........43°F (°C) ± 5°F (°C) Auxiliary relay contacts ..........2A @ 28 V DC or 120 V AC (resistive) Alarm contacts .......................500 mA © 36 V DC (resistive) Detector size ..........................6.1 in. (115.5 cm) x D 1.85 in. (4.69 cm) x 8.8 oz. (0.25 kg) W Packaging ..............................10 detectors are packed in a carton Self-diagnostic indication .......typically 27 hours after reset (do not connect to power supply that resets every 24 hours) 01999 Sentrol. Certain items in the Installation Instructions are protected under one or more of the following patents: 5,546,074; 5,708,414; 5,798,701; 5,821,866; 5,936,533. ESL N a product of eentrol SENTROL 12345 SW Leveton Dr., Tualatin, OR 97062 Tel.: 503.692.4052 Fax: 503.691.7566 http:llwww.sentroLcom U.S. & Canada: 800.547.2556 Technical Service: 800.648.7424 FaxBack: 1.800.483.2495 Sentrol reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 01999 Sentrol E-3914-0999 14153 Rev. B CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7272-0447:128 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Photoelectric Smoke Detector USTEE: ESL/Sentrol Inc., 12345 SW Leveton Dr., Tualatin, OR 97062 Contact: Gene Hukkanen (503) 691-7369 FAX (503) 691-7575 DESIGN: Model 429 AT, -C, -CAD, -CT, -CTAD, -CRT, -CST or -CSST; and Model 449-AT, -C, - CT, -CRT, -CSRH, -CSRT, -CS(S)T, -CSSTE, -CSTE, -GTE, -CLT or -CSLT photoelectric type smoke detectors. Units may employ an integral heat sensor (1350 F fixed temperature and 150 F per minimum rate of rise) and sounding device. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical/temperature rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed asphotoelectric smoke detectors.for use with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units except *Models 429CA0 and 429CTAD are intended for use only with ADT Model Focus 200 (CSFM Listing No. 7165-0085:171). NOTE: Integral heat sensor and sounder are supplemental to smoke detector. Rev. 07-17-96 4.. This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or .'.... recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 12, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager June 30, 2000 DF-52004 F-050 FlreuTe5 Alarms www.firelite.com GENERAL The Fire•Lite BG-12 Series is a cost-effective, feature- packed, non-coded series of manual fire alarm pull sta- tions. It was designed to meet multiple applications with the installer and end-user in mind. The BG-12 Series fea- tures a variety of models including single- and dual-action versions. The BG-12 Series provides Fire-Lite Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACP5), as well as other manufacturers' controls, with a manual alarm initiating input signal. Its innovative design, durable construction, and multiple mounting op- tions make the BG-12 Series simple to install, maintain, and operate. FEATURES Aesthetically pleasing, highly visible design/color. Attractive contoured shape with light textured finish. Meets ADA 5 lb. maximum pull-force. Meets UL 38, Standard for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes. Easily operated (single- or dual-action), yet designed to prevent false alarms when bumped, shaken, or jarred. PUSH IN/PULL DOWN handle latches in the down posi- tion to clearly indicate the station has been operated. The word "ACTIVATED" appears on the top of the handle in bright yellow, further indicating operation of the sta- tion. Operation handle features white arrows showing basic operation direction, for non-English-speaking persons. Braille text included in finger-hold area of operation handle and across top of handle. Multiple hex- and key-lock models available. U.S. patent-pending hex-lock needs only a quarter-turn to lock/unlock. Station can be opened for inspection and maintenance without initiating an alarm. Product ID label viewable by simply opening the cover; label is made of a durable long-life material. The words "NORMAL" and "ACTIVATED" are molded into the plastic adjacent to the alarm switch (located inside). Four-position terminal strip molded into backplate. Terminal strip includes Phillips combination-head cap- tive 8/32 screws for easy connection to Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). Terminal screws backed-out at factory and shipped ready to accept field wiring (up to 12 AWG/3.25 mm2). Terminal numbers are molded into the backplate, elimi- nating the need for labels. BG-1 2 Series Manual Fire Alarm Pull Stations Section: Conventional Initiating Devices c®uS LISTED S711 <E > APPROVED Switch contacts are normally open. Can be surface (with SB-b) or semi-flush mounted. Semi-flush mount to a standard single-gang, double- gang, or 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box. Backplate is large enough to overlap a single-gang backbox cutout by up to 1/2" (12.7 mm). Optional trim ring (BG-TR). Spanish version (FUEGO) available (BG-12LSP). Designed to replace the popular BG-10 Series. Models packaged in attractive, clear plastic (PVC), clamshell-style, Point-of-Purchase packages. Packag- ing includes a cutaway dust/paint cover in shape of pull station. California State Fire Marshal 7150-0075:184 (except BG-12LOB) [noice. document Is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our IS09001 uct Information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applica. or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without For more information, contact Fire-Lite Alarms, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford, necticut 06472. Phone: (800) 627-3473, Toll Free FAX: (877) 699-4105, FAX ItIThIN &MANUMC11RIN :(888) 388-3299. Made in the U.S.A. DF-52004 - Page 1 of 2 CONSTRUCTION PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Cover, backplate and operation handle are all molded Model of durable polycarbonate material. BG-12S Cover features white lettering and trim. Red color matches System Sensor's popular BG-12 SpectrAlertTM horn/strobe series. OPERATION /BG-12L Description Single-action pull station with pigtail connec- tions, hex lock. Dual-action pull station with SPST N/O switch, screw terminal connections, hex lock. Same as BG-12 with key lock. The BG-i 2 manual pull stations provide a textured finger- hold area that includes Braille text. In addition to PUSH IN and PULL DOWN text, there are arrows indicating how to operate the station, provided for non-English-speaking per- sons. Pushing in and then pulling down on the handle activates the normally-open alarm switch. Once latched in the down position, the word ACTIVATED" appears at the top in bright yellow, with a portion of the handle protruding at the bot- tom as a visible flag. Resetting the station is simple: in- sert the key or hex (model dependent), twist one quarter- turn, then open the station's front cover, causing the spring- loaded operation handle to return to its original position. The alarm switch can then be reset to its normal (non-alarm) position manually (by hand) or by closing the station's front cover, which automatically resets the switch. SPECIFICATIONS Physical Specifications: 520041b11.eps BG-12 SB-la Height. 5.500 inches 5.500 inches (13.97 cm) (13.97 cm) Width 4.121 inches 4.125 inches (10.4673 cm) (10.4775 cm) Depth. 1.390 inches 1.375 inches (3.5306 cm) (3.4925 cm) Electrical Specifications: Switch contact ratings: gold-plated; rating 0.25 A @ 30 VAC or VDC. ENGINEERS' & ARCHITECTS' SPECIFICATIONS Manual Fire Alarm Stations shall be non-code, with a key- or hex-operated reset lock in order that they may be tested, and so designed that after actual Emergency Operation, they cannot be restored to normal except by use of a key or hex. An operated station shall automatically condition itself so as to be visually detected as activated. Manual stations shall be constructed of red colored LEXAN® (or polycarbonate equivalent) with clearly visible operating in- structions provided on the cover. The word FIRE shall appear on the front of the stations in white letters, 1.00 inches (25.4 mm) or larger.* Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting on matching backbox SB-i 0; or semi- flush mounting on a standard single-gang, double-gang, or 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box, and shall be installed within the limits defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or per national/local requirements. Manual Sta- tions shall be Underwriters Laboratories listed. *NOTE: The words "FIRE/FUEGO" on the BG-12LSP shall appear on the front of the station in white letters, approximately 3/4" high. Page 2 of 2 - DF-52004 BG-12LSP Same as BG-i 2L with English/Spanish (FIRE! FUEGO) labeling. BG-1 2LOB Same as BG-1 2L with "outdoor use" listing. Includes WBB outdoor backbox, and sealing gasket. (FM Pending) 1.390" (35.306) 4 E a E CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7150-0075:184 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Boxes/Pull Stations USTEE: Fire-Lite Alarm Inc., One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Brian Reynolds *(203) 484-7161 FAX (203)484-7309 DESIGN: Models BG-12, BG-125, BG-12NC, BG-12W, BG-12LW, BG-I2WP, BG-12LWP, BG-12L, BG-I2LX, BG-12LA, BG-I2PS, BG-I2LSP, BG-I2SP, BG-I2LR, BG-I2LRA, BG-I2LAO, BG-I2LAOB, BG-12-LO, BG-12LOB, BG-12LPS, BG-12LPSP, BG-I2SL, *uT...psl and UT- PS2 fire alarm pull boxes. The BG-1 2 series is a dual action pull station that has normally open switch contacts. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm pull boxes for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Models BG-12WP, BG-12W, BG-I2LW and BOA 2LWP are intended for outdoor use when installed with Model WP-10 back box. Models BG-LAOB and BG-1 2LOB are intended for outdoor use when installed with Model WBB or WP-10 back box. XLF: 7150-0028:199 Rev. 05-06-05 JEW Ci This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 9, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager Series NH 00 COOPER Wheelock Series NS Horn Strobes and Series NH Horns - \\ Series NS Description: The Series NS Horn Strobe Appliances are designed for indoor, wall and ceiling mount applications. The Series NH Horn and the horn portion of the Series NS include a selectable continuous horn tone or temporal pattern (Code 3) with selectable dBA settings of 90 or 95 dBA. Strobe options include 1575cd or the Wheelock patented Multi-Candela strobe with field selectable candela settings of 15/30/75/110cd for wall mount and 15/30/75/95cd and 115/177cd for ceiling mount. These versatile Horn Strobe Appliances can be synchronized using the Wheelock SM, DSM Sync Modules or the PS-24-8MC Power Supply with the Wheelock patented Sync Protocol. Additionally, the audible may be silenced while maintaining strobe activation. All models of the Series NS and NH are designed for maximum performance, reliability and cost-effectiveness while meeting or exceeding the latest requirements of NFPA 72/ANSI 117.1/UFC and UL Standards 1971 and 464 as well as meeting ADA requirements concerning photosensitive epilepsy. The Wheelock patented 2-Wire Series NS Horn Strobes and Series NH Horns offer more features with lower current draw than competitors. NS and NH Ceiling Mount Appliances will be available July 2006. ME2L •J APPROVED E5946 151-92-E 7125-0785:142 S5391 Features: Approvals include: UL Standard 1971, UL Standard 464, New York City (MEA), California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), Factory Mutual (FM) and Chicago (BFP). See approvals by model number in Specifications and Ordering Information ADNNFPNUFC/ANSI compliant Complies with OSHA 29, Part 1910.165 Wall mount model Field Selectable Candela Setting 15/30/75/110cd (24 VDC Multi-Candela models) or 1575cd in 12 or 24 VDC Ceiling mount model Field Selectable Candela Setting 15/30/75195cd and 1151177cd (24 VDC Multi-Candela models) Selectable Continuous Horn or Temporal (Code 3) 2 Selectable dBA settings of 90 and 95 dBA in both tones Patented Universal Mounting Plate 12 and 24 VDC models with UL "Regulated Voltage" using filtered DC or unfiltered VRMS input voltage Wall and Ceiling Mount Ceiling models with same look as Wheelock round ceiling strobes and speakers NH horn is selectable 12 or 24 VDC in 1 appliance The strobes can be synchronized using the Wheelock sync modules or power supplies with built in Sync Protocol Fast installation with IN/OUT screw terminals using #12 to #18 AWG wires NOTE: All CAUTIONS and WARNINGS are identified by the symbol A. All warnings are printed in bold capital letters. — A WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSOCIATED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING, SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. VISIT WWW.COOPERWHEELOCK.COM OR CONTACT COOPER WHEELOCK FOR THE CURRENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS OR WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION, INSTALLATION ANDIOR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. General Notes: Strobes are designed to flash at I flash per second minimum over their "Regulated Voltage Range". Note that NFPA-72 specifies a flash rate of 1 t 2 flashes per second and ADA Guidelines specify a flash rate of Ito 3 flashes per second. All candela ratings represent minimum effective Strobe intensity based on UL Standard 1971. Series NS Strobe products are listed under UL Standard 1971 for indoor use with a temperature range of 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) and maximum humidity of 93% (± 2%). Series NH horns are listed under UL Standard 464 for audible signal appliances (Indoor use only). "Regulated Voltage Range" is the newest terminology used by UL to identify the voltage range. Prior to this change UL used the terminology "Listed Voltage Range". Table 1: Ratings Per UL Standard 1971 Model Input Voltage VDC Regulated Voltage Range VDCIFWR Strobe Candela (CD) NS-24MCW 24 16.0-33.0 15/30/75/110 NS-241575W 24 16.0-33.0 15 (75 on Axis) NS-121575W 12 8.0-17.5 15 (75 on Axis) NS-24MCC 24 16.0-33.0 15/30/75/95 NS-24MCCH 24 16.0-33.0 115/177 Table 2: dBA Ratings for Series NSINH Horn Reverberant dBA Anechoic dBA @1 Oft per UL464 @lOft Description Volume 12 24 12 24 VDC VDC VDC VDC Continuous High 83 87 89 95 Horn Low 76 81 84 90 Code 3 - High 79 82 89 95 Horn Low 72 76 84 go — Table 3: UL Max Current* Series NSINH 24 VDC Audible Wall Mount Strobe Models Ceiling Mount Strobe Models NH42124 NS-241575W NS-24MCW NS-24MCC NS-24MCCH @24VDC 15175cd 15cd 30cd 75cd llOcd 15cd 30cd 75cd 95cd 115cd 177cd High (95) dBA 24VDC -. 0.044 0.104 0.074 0.107 0.184 0.244 0.082 0.124 0.209 0.275 0.350 0.477 Low (90) dBA 24VDC 0.018 0.096 0.066 0.101 0.177 0.232 0.071 0.114 0.201 0.261 0.306 0.429 Series NSINH I2VDC Audible Wall Mount * RMS current ratings are per UL average RMS method. UL max current rating is the maximum RMS Current within the listed voltage range (1 6-33v for 24v units). For strobes the UL max current is usually at the minimum listed voltage (16v for 24v units). For audibles the max current is usually at the maximum listed voltage (33v for 24v units). For unfiltered FWR ratings, see installation instructions. NH-12124 Aud/Strobe @12V NS4 21575W High (89) dBA 12 VDC 0.021 0.220 Low (84) dBA I2VDC 0.012 0.210 Wiring Diagram9 NSINH APPLIANCE NS AND NH APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH SM MODULE SINGLE CLASS "B" NAC CIRCUIT WITH AUDIBLE SILENCE FROM TO NEXT FEATURE - SM ___ _______ PRECEDING -_.__,LL -APPLIANCE F + STROBE APPLIANCE, SM/DSM, I I OR EOLR STROBE PS-12/24-8MP, A Strobe NAC 0- PS-12/24-8CP OR Circuit NS NH C FACP +Audible EOLR Audible - Audible SIGNAL NAC Circuit NOTE: NSINH must be set on Code 3 horn tone to achieve synchronized temporal (Code 3) tone. Refer to Installation instruction (P83983, P83600 respectively). For detail using SM or DSM Sync Module refer to Data Sheet S3000 or Installation Instructions P83123 for SM and P83177 for DSM. For wiring information on the power supplies refer to Installation Instructions P84515 for PS-12124-8CP and P84333 for PS-12124-8MP. NS AND NH APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH DSM MODULE DUAL CLASS 'A" NAC CIRCUIT WITH NO AUDIBLE SILENCE FEATURE DUAL SYNC C MODULE ØSVNC DUll —1 -INl I g MINU6I F AUDIBLE A LNAL - AUDIBLE C ewTO P .OUTZ IN2 APPLIANCE APPLIANCE MINUS2 SIGNAL CIRCUIT RETURN SPECIFICATION & ORDERING INFORMATION Model Number Order Code Strobe Candela Sync WI SM,24 DSM or PS-24-8MC VDC 12 VDC Mounting Options# Agency Approvals - UL - MEA CSFM - FM - BFP NS-24MCW.FR 9404 151301751110 X X - B,D,E,F,GH,J,N,O,R.X X X X X X NS-24MCW-FW 9405 151301751110 X X - B,D,E.F,G,H,J,N,O,R.X X X X X X NS-241575W-FR 7806 15 (75 on Axis) X X - B.D.E,F,G,H,J.N,O,R,X X X X X X NS-241575W-FW 7811 15(75 on Axis) X X - B,D,E,F,G,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X NS-121575W-FR 7816 115(75onAxis) X - X B,D,E.F,G,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X NS-121575W-FW 7818 15(75onAxis) X . X B,D.E,F,G,H,J,N.O,R,X X X X X X NH-12/24-R 7449 - X X X B,D,E,F.G,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X NH-12/24-W 7500 . X X X B,D.E.F,G,H.J,N,O,R,X X X X X X NS-24MCC-FR 3754 15/30/75/95 X X - E X * x * NS-24MCC-FW 3753 15/30/75/95 X X - E X * * X * NS-24MCCH-FR 3756 115/177 X X - E X * X NS-24MCCH-FW 3755 115/177 X X - E X * * . x * NH-12124R-R 3752 - X - X B,D,E.F,G,H,J,N,O,R,X X • X * NI-I-12124R-W 3751 - X - X B,D,E.F,G,H,J,N,O,R,X X * X * NS and NH Ceiling MountAppliances will be available July 2006. Pending Note: Models are available in Red or White. Contact Customer Service for Order Code and Delivery. #Refer to Data Sheet S7000 for Mounting Options NOTE: Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice in accordance with Wheelock Inc. standard terms and conditions. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS SPECIFICATIONS The audible/visual notification appliances shall be Wheelock Series NS Horn Strobe appliances and Series NH Horn appliances or approved equals. The Series NS appliances shall meet and be listed for UL Standard 1971 (Emergency Devices for the Hearing- Impaired for Indoor Fire Protection Service). The Series NH Horn shall be UL Listed under Standard 464 (Fire Protective Signaling). The horn strobe shall be listed for indoor use and shall meet the requirements of FCC Part 15 Class B. All inputs shall be compatible with standard reverse polarity supervision of circuit wiring by the Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). The audible portion of the appliance shall have a minimum of two (2) field selectable settings for dBA levels (90 and 95 dBA) and shall have a choice of continuous or temporal (Code 3) audible outputs. The strobe portion of the appliance shall produce a flash rate of one (1) flash per second over the Regulated Voltage Range and shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube enclosed in a rugged Lexan lens. The Series NS shall be of low current design. Where wall mount, Multi-Candela appliances are specified, the strobe intensity shall have field selectable settings and shall be rated per UL Standard 1971 for 15/30/75/110 candela. Where ceiling mount, Multi-Candela appliances are specified, the strobe intensity shall have field selectable settings and shall be rated per UL Standard 1971 for 15/30/75/95 candela or 115/177 candela. The selector switch for selecting the candela setting shall be tamper resistant. The 1575 candela strobe shall be specified when 15 candela UL Standard 1971 Listing with 75 candela on-axis is required (e.g. ADA compliance). When synchronization is required, the appliance shall be compatible with the Wheelock SM, DSM Sync Modules or the Wheelock PS-24-- 8MC Power Supplies with built-in Patented Sync Protocol. The strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time during operation. If the sync module or Power Supply fails to operate, (i.e., contacts remain closed), the strobes shall revert to a non-synchronized flash- rate. The appliance shall also be designed so that the audible signal may be silenced while maintaining strobe activation. The Series NS Horn Strobes and NH horn shall incorporate a Patented Universal Mounting Plate that shall allow mounting to a single- gang, double-gang, 4-inch square, 100mm European type backboxes, or the SHBB Surface Backbox. If required,. an NATP (Notification Appliance Tnmplate) shall be provided. All notification appliances shall be backward compatible. 273 Branchport Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740 Phone: (800) 631-2148 Fax: (732) 222-2588 www.cooperwheelock.com Member WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION 3 YEAR WARRANTY Made in USA S2100 NSINH 09106 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7125-0785:142 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Fire Alarm Devices for the Hearing Impaired. LISTEE: Wheelock Inc., 273 Branchport Ave., Long Branch NJ 07740 Contact: *Brian Lampe (800) 631-2148 ext. 6389 Fax (732) 222-5607 DESIGN: Model NH-12/24 horn and Models NS-1215W, NS-121575W, NS-2415W, NS-241575W, NS-2430W, NS-2475W and NS-241 lOW; NS4-1215W, NS4-121575W, NS4-2415W, NS4-241575W, NS4-2430W, NS4-2475W and NS4-2411OW, NS-24MCW and NS4- 24MCW horn strobes. Model number may be followed by any two-alpha/numeric characters indicating lens, lettering and color. Units are synchronized or non-synchronized strobes. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical-Strobe Horn: 8-17.6 VDC/FWR* and 16-33 VDC/FWR Horn: 10.5-15.6 VDC/FWR* Candela: 15=15cd, 1575=15/75cd on axis, 30=30cd, 75=75cd, 110=110cd (Wall) NS-24MCW, NS4-24MCW: Selectable 15cd, 30cd, 75cd, 110cd Flash rate: 60 Flashes/minute INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. *All units are for wall mount only. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical/candela rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible and audible/visual signaling devices for use with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. Models with strobe lights are suitable for the hearing impaired. *For indoor use only except for model NH-12/24 horn. All synchronization strobes shall be used with Models SM-12/24, SMX-12/24, DSM-12/24 or DSMX-1 2/24 Sync Control Module (CSFM Listing No. 7300-0785:132). NOTE: These appliances can produce a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 1999 Edition. *Rev. 06-13-06 c 21 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other. data :but does, not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or' other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 13, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager U.S. Pat. No. 3921989 Canadian Pat. No. 1009680 Other Patents Pending Potter Electric, Rd., 1990 GENERAL INFORMATION The Model VSR-F is a vane type waterfiow switch for use on wet sprinkler systems. It is UL Listed and FM Approved for use on steel pipe; schecules 10 through 40, sizes 2" thru W. LPC approved sizes are 2" thru 8" (50mm thru 200mm): The unit may also be used as a sectional waterfiow detector on large systems. The unit contains two siigle pole, double throw, snap action switches and an adjustable, instantly recycling pneumatic retard. The switches are actuated when a flow of 10 gallons per minute or more occurs downstream of the device. The flow condition must exis for a period of time necessary to overcome the selected retard period. ENCLOSURE: The uni: is enclosed in a general purpose, die-cast housing. The cover is held in place with two tamper resistant screws which require a special key for removal. A field installable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to ir.dicate unauthorized removal of the cover. See bulletin no. 5400775 for installation instructions of this switch. VSR-F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD UL, ULC and CSFM Listed, FM and LPC Approved, NYMEA Accepted, CE Marked Service Pressure Up to 450 PSI Minimum Flow Rate for Alarm: 10 GPM Maximum Surge: 18 FPS Contact Ratings: Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 15.0 Amps at 125/250VAC 2.0 Amps at 30VDC Resistive Conduit Entrances: Two knockouts provided for 1/2" conduit Environmental Specifications: Suitable for indoor or outdoor use with factory installed gasket and die-cast housing. NEMA 411 P54 Rated Enclosure - use with appropriate conduit fitting. Temperature Range: 400F/120°F, 4.5C/49C Non-corrosive sleeve factory installed in saddle. Caution: This device is not intended for applications in explosive environments. Sizes Available: Steel Pipe schedules 10 thru 40, sizes 2" thru 8" BS 1387 pipe 50mm thru 200mm Note: For copper or plastic pipe use Model VSR-CF. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-13 One or two family dwelling NFPA-13D Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-13R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 Optional: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stock No. 0090018 INSTALLATION: See Fig.2 These devices may be mounted on horizontal or vertical pipe. On horizontal pipe they should be installed on the top side of the pipe where they will be accessible. The units should not be installed within 6" of a fitting which changes the direction of the waterfiow or within 24" of a valve or drain. Drain the system and drill a hole in the pipe using a circular saw in a slow speed drill. The 2" (50mm) and 2 1/2" (65mm) devices require a hole with a diameter of 1 1/4" + 1/8" - 1/16" (33mm ±2mm). All other sizes require a hole with a diameter of 2" ±1/8" (50mm ±2mm). Clean the inside pipe of all growth or other material for a distance equal to the pipe diameter on either side of the hole. Roll the vane so that it may be inserted into the hole; do not bend or crease it Insert the vane so that the arrow on the saddle points in the direction of the waterfiow. Install the saddle strap and tighten nuts altemately to an eventual 50 ft- lbs. of torque (see Fig. 2). The vane must not rub the inside of the pipe or bind in any way. Specifications subject to change without notice. Potter Electric Signal Comp5ny • 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO, 63146-4161 • Phone: 800-325-3936/Canada 888-882-1833 • www.pottersignal.com PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8800001 -REVS PAGE 1 OF 2 MFG.#5400761 -7/00 RETARD ADJUSTMENT: TO CHANGE liME TURN KNOB (EITHER DIRECTION) FOR DESIRED TIME DELAY. USE THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF RETARD NECESSARY TO PREVENT FALSE ALARMS, A B SETTING IS USUALLY ADEQUATE FOR THIS. FACTORY IS SE TO 'B' TO INSTALL DRILL A HOLE AS INDICATED: PIPESIZE HOLESIZE 2't02112" 1114'+118"-1/16' (50mmt065mm) (33mm±2mm) 3't08' 2'1I8" (80mmt0200mm) I (50mm±2mm) DIRECTION OF WATERFLOW I DWG. f761-30 TIGHTEN NUTS ALTERNATELY TO AN EVENTUAL SOFT.-LBS OF TORQUE MOUNT ON PPE SD ARROW ON SADDLE POINTS IN DIRECTION OF WATERFLOW ROLL PADDLE IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF WATERFLOW APPROX. RETARD SETI1NGS (IN SECS.) O o T~A,] B 20-40 C 35-55 D 50-70 60-90 FIG. 3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS z SET3 OF NORMALLY OPEN CONThC1S CLaSE ON MJ iN! NC AND NO MdDON ON ThE SWITCH ARE FOR NI ALARM iN! cotnscis ARE REVEARED WHEN iN! DEVICE IS IN THE NORMAL C0IO7It WERR.I ZONE ON ARE PNID POS OR NEC OR HE! (B POTTER VSR-F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW SWITCH WITH RETARD FIG. I I FIG. 2 DO NOT LEAVE COVER OFF FOR SWITCH TERMINAL EXTENDED. PERIOD OF TIME CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL G CAUTION: An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the termi- nal and serve as two sepa- rate connections. The wire must be severed, thereby providing supervision of the connection in the event that the wire becomes dislodged from under the terminal. NOTES: The Model VSR-F has two switches, one can be used to operate a central station, pro- prietary or remote signaling unit while the other contact is used to operate a local audible or visual annunciator. A condition of LPC Approval of this product is that the electri- cal entry must be sealed to exclude moisture. For supervised circuits see 'Switch Terminal Connec- tions' drawing and caution note (Fig. 1). FIG. 4 To remove knockouts: Place screwdriver at edge of knock- outs, not in the center. APPLICATION WARNING! Due to the possibility of unintended discharges caused by pressure surges, trapped air, or short retard times, waterfiow switches that are monitoring wet pipe sprinkler systems should not be used as the sole initiating device to discharge AFFF, deluge, or chemical suppression systems. TESTING The frequency of inspection and testing for the model VSR-F and its associated protective monitoring system should be in accordance with applicable NFPA Codes and Standards and/or the authority having Jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). If provided, the inspectors test valve, that is usually located at the end of the most remote branch line, should always be used for test purposes. If there are no provisions for testing the operation of the flow detection device on the system, application of the VSR-F is not recommended or advisable. A minimum flow of 10 gpm is required to activate this device. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please advise the person responsible for testing of the fire protection system that this system must be tested in accordance with the testing instructions. PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8800001- REVS PAGE 2 OF 2 MFG.#5400761-7100 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING . BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. . 7770-0328:001 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Valves/Switches USTEE: Potter Electric Signal Co., 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO 63146 Contact: Brad Serangeli (800) 325-3936 Fax (314) 878-7264 DESIGN: Vane and pressure type water flow alarm switches listed below. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. Vane Types: VSR-CF VSR-D VSR-F VSR-SF VSR-FE-2 VS-SP VS-F VSR-SFG VSR-SFT VSG *VSR Pressure Type: WFS-13 WFSR-C WFSPD-B PS-10A PS-100A WFSR-F INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number and UL or FM label. APPROVAL: Listed as waterfiow alarm switches for use with fire sprinkler systems. Vane models maybe used in wet pipe systems; pressure models may be used in wet or dry systems. Model VSR-CF is for use on K, L or M copper pipe (2", 2-1/2", 3", 4") and listed CPVC pipe (2", 2-1/2", 3"). Model VSR-SF for use on 1", 1-1/4" and 1-1/2" steel, copper or listed plastic pipe. Model VSG is for low flow rate. Model VSR-SFG and VSR-SFT are for use on 1", 1-1/4" and 1-1/2" plastic pipe. Models VS-F, VSR-F, VSR-FE and VSR-FE-2 is for use on 2", 2-1/2, 3", 3-1/2", 4", 5", 6", 8" and 10" pipe. *Model VSR is for use on steel pipe sizes from 2" through 8". Vane type switches may be used outdoors when the outdoor temperature never falls below 40°F. Rev. 06-05-2000 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 12, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager (P)POTTER ,z PCVS-1 Stock No. 1010107 PCVS-2 Stock No. 1010207 The Model PCVS is a weather proof and tamper resistant switch for monitoring the open position of fire sprinkler control valves of the post indicator, butterfly and other types. Depending on the model, one or two SPDT (Form C) contacts are provided which will operate when the valve position is altered from an open state. The unit mounts in a 1/2" NPT tapped hole in the post indicator or butterfly valve housing. The device is engaged by the indicating assembly of the post indicator or the operating mechanism of the butterfly valve, actuating switch(es) when the valve is fully open. The unit should be installed where it is accessible for service. The cover is held in place by two tamper resistant screws that require PCVS-1, -2 CONTROL VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH UL and CSFM Listed, FM Approved, NYMEA Accepted, CE Marked Dimensions: 4.75"L x 2.26W x 7.2°H (stem extended) 12.1cm Lx 5.7cm W 18.3cm H Weight: 1.35 lb. (.61 kg.) Enclosure: Cover - Die-cast Finish - Red Spatter Enamel Base - Die Cast Zinc All parts have corrosion resistant finishes. CoverTamper: Tamper Resistant Screws, Optional cover tamper kit available Mounting: 1/2' NPT Contact Rating: PCVS-1: One set of SPOT (Form C) PCVS-2: Two sets of SPOT (Form C) 15.00 Amps at 125/250VAC 2.50 Amps at 30VDC resistive Environmental Limitations: -40°F to +140°F (-40°C to 60°C) NEMA 4 and NEMA 6P Enclosure (1P67) when used with appropriate watertight conduit fittings. Indoor or Outdoor Use (Not for use in hazardous locations. See bulletin no. 5400694 PIVS-U-EX for hazardous locations.) Conduit Entrances: Two knockouts for 1/2" conduit provided. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-13 One or two family dwelling NFPA-13D Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-1 3R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 a special tool to remove. The tool is furnished with each device and should be left with the building owner or responsible party. Replace- ment or additional cover screws and hex keys are, available. See ordering information. OPTiONAL COVER TAMPER SWITCH: A field installable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to indicate removal of the cover. See ordering information. TESTING: The PCVS and its associated protective monitoring system should be tested in accordance with applicable NFPA codes and standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL DESCRIPTION STOCK NO. PCVS-1 Potter Control Valve Switch (single switch) 1010107 PCVS-2 Potter Control Valve Switch (double switch) 1010207 -- S Cover Screw 5490344 -- Hex Key for Cover Screws and Installation Adjustments 5250062 PBK-S Pratt Butterfly Valve Kit (Up to 12") 0090133 PBK-L Pratt Butterfly Valve Kit (14" and Up) 0090132 PVK Pratt Valve Kit 1000060 -- Optional Cover Tamper Switch Kit 0090131 For pressure reducer type valve installation kits (if required) contact valve manufacturer. Potter Electric Signal Company 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO, 63146-4161 • Phone: 800-325-3936/Canada888-882-1833-www.pottersignal.com PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8820001 - REV Q PAGE 1 OF 4 9199 ® POHER PCVS-1, -2 - CONTROL VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG. I DIMENSIONS FIG. 2 PARTS 4.75 3.62 &2D I B2O .15 Fo1 03T I RUD RVIUMM 12a AND BREAI(MW 1.12 5ECT1I REND%4110 II '1 'I 3.12 II I II ROD EXmJDED i, u GROUND SC1W NIP ROD LO1NO SCREW accr HEAD SCREIN NIPPLE LDCIGIUT TRIP ROD TYPICAL INSTALLATIONS ON POST INDICATOR VALVE HOUSINGS (SEE FIGS. 3 THRU 6) Referto Fig. 2forthe location of parts described in the following instructions, open end of the nipple to the target assembly. Subtract 1/2" from this NOTE: If the sprinkler system is in service the owner or authorized measurement. representative should be notified, before any work is done on the system, that the valve controlling the water supply to the system maybe closed for periods of time during the installation and testing of this device, resulting in all or portions of the system being inoperative during these periods. If the system is not in service and valve is closed, be sure that opening the valve will not allow any unwanted water flow due to openings in the system, such as heads off, broken or incomplete piping, etc. Position the valve to fully open (OPEN should appear in the window of the housing). Partially close the valve while observing the direction that the target assembly moves. Reopen the valve. If the valve housing is predrilled with a 1/2" NPT for installation of a monitoring switch, remove the 1/2" plug and fully open the valve. Make sure that OPENappears in the window of the housing. GOTO STEP NO.6. Remove the head and target assembly (consultation with valve manufac- turer is recommended). If the target assembly moved up as the valve was closed, measure the distance from the bottom of the head to the lower part of the target assembly that will contact the trip rod of the PCVS (see Fig. 3). This is usually a plate or bar on the target assembly, on a side adjacent to the OPEN/SHUT plates. Subtract 1/8" from the measurement. If the target moved down as the valve was closed, measure the distance from the bottom of the head to the upper portion of the target assembly that will contact the trip rod of the PCVS (see Fig. 4). Add 1/8" to this measurement. Mark the housing at the proper location. Using a 23/32"drill bit, drill and then tap a 1/2" NPT in the housing on the side that coincides with the portion of the target assembly thatwill engage the triprod of the PCVS. Replace the head and target assembly. Loosen the socket head screw that holds the nipple in the PCVS and remove the nipple. Screw the locknut that is provided onto the nipple. Screw the nipple into the 1/2" NPT hole in the valve housing - hand tighten. Tighten the locknut against the valve housing to secure the nipple firmly in place. Insert a scale or probe thru the nipple to measure the distance from the NOTE: In some cases, it may be necessary to attach an angle bracket to the target assembly to engage the PCVS trip rod. Using the special tool provided, loosen the two coverscrews and remove the cover from the PCVS. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in place and adjust the rod length, from the end of the collar to the end of the rod, using the dimension determined in Step 9. Tighten the locking screwto hold the rod in place. NOTE: If trip rod length is excessive, loosen the locking screw and remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Using pliers, break off the one (1) inch long notched section (see Fig. 7). Reinstall trip rod and repeat Step 11 procedure. Partially close the valve (3 to 4 revolutions of the handle/hand wheel). Slide the PCVS unit as far as possible onto the nipple, observing which direction the rod will move when the valve is closed. Orient the device to actuate the switches when the valve is open. Tighten the socket head screw in the collar. Carefully open the valve to the fully open position. As the target moves to the open position it should engage the trip rod and actuate the switch(es). There should be a minimum overtravel of 1/2 revolution of the handle/hand wheel after the switch(es) actuate (a continuity meter connected to each set of contacts is one method that could be used to determine this). Slowly close the valve. The switch must operate during the first two revolutions of the handle/hand wheel orduring 1/5 of the travel distance of the valve control apparatus from its normal condition. NOTE: Small adjustments of the target position may be necessary (consultation with valve manufacturer is recommended). Complete the required electrical wiring, connections and tests. The valve should be operated through the entire cycle offully closed and fully open to determine the integrity of the PCVS installation and the signaling system. Check that all electrical and mechanical connections are secure. When the installation and testing are complete, return valve to its proper position. Alternative installation forother post indicatorvalve housing shown in Fig. 5 and 6. PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8820001 - REV 0 PAGE 2 OF 4 9/99 PCVS-1, -2 (B,,POTTER CONTROL VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG. 3 FIG. 4. FIG. 5 FIG. 6 PLZE METAL REPLACES GLASS UP AS UDW . STEEL vM.v *TCH •.CCK - IS SHUT REPLACES PEN EN OPEN MAIM o _______ UT D 'ThP.ET SNTCH DOWN AS SHUT 7156HIF TM MOVES ThRGE VALVE MARKER ASSEMBLY "WV IS LIT MOVES TMGEI VALVE MOVES UP AS VALVE D. #980-30 15 SHIL11' Notes: Subject to the approval of the "authority having jurisdiction" the alternate method of installation shown in Fig. 5 maybe used. In this method, one of the glass windows of the housing is replaced with a 1/4" thick metal plate that is cut to fit in place of the glass and drilled and tapped to receive the 1/2" NPT pipe nipple. In some cases it may be necessary to attach an angle bracket to the target assembly to engage the PCVS trip rod. If the target is stationary and a hood arrangement is used, such as is shown in Fig. 6, Die hood must be drilled with a 23/32" drill and tapped with a 1/2" NPT. The center line of this hole should be 1/8" below the portion of target assembly that strikes the PCVS trip rod. The 113/8" dimension shown is for a Clow Valve. Flexible conduit must be used for this type of installation. TYPICAL INSTALLATION ON A BUTTERFLY VALVE (SEE FIGS. 9 AND 10) Refer to Fig. 2 for location of parts described in the following instructions: Bi. Remove the 1/2" NPT plug from the gear operator case. BZ LoosenthesetscrewthatholdsthenippleinthePCVSandremovethenipple. B3. Screw the locknut that is provided onto the nipple. 89. 134. Screwthe nipple intothe 1/2" NPT hole in the gearoperator- hand tighten. Tighten the locknut againstthecase, to secure the nipple firmly in place. E15. Partially close the valve (30r4 revolutions of the hand wheel or crank). B6. Using the special tool provided, loosen the two coverscrews and remove the cover from the PCVS. 137. Loosen the locking screwthat holds the trip rod in place. Estimate trip rod length required and extend slightly pastthat point. Slidethe PCVS unit asfaras possible onto the nipple, observing which direction the rod will move when the valve is closed. Orient the device to actuate switches when valve is open. NOTE: If trip rod length is excessive, loosen the locking screw and remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Using pliers, break off the one (1) inch long notched section (see Fig. 7). Reinstall trip rod and repeat Step B7 procedure. Ba. Remove device from nipple and withdrawtrip rod 1/32" (this dimension is important). Tighten the locking screwto hold the rod in place. Re-install the device on the nipple. Tighten the screw in the collar against the nipple. NOTE: In some cases it maybe necessary to remove the gearbox cover to ensure correct operation (consultation with the valve manufacturer is recommended). Carefully open the valve to its full open position, as the boss on the gear hub moves to the open position it must engage the PCVS trip rod and actuate the switch(es). There should be a minimum overtravel or revolution of the crank or hand wheel after the switch(es) actuate (a continuity meter connected to each set of contacts is one method that could be used to determine this). NOTE: Slight adjustment of gear stops may be necessary to prevent overtravel of the trip rod (consultation with valve manufacture is recom- mended). 1310. Carefully close the valve. The switch(es) must operate during the first two revolutions of the crank or hand wheel or during 1/5 of the travel distance of the valve control apparatus from its normal condition. Bli. Complete the required electrical wiring, connections and tests. The valve should be operated through the entire cycle of fully closed and fully open to determine the integrity of the PCVS installation and signaling system. Check that all electrical and mechanical connections are secure. B12. When the installation and testing are complete, return valve to its proper position. FIG. 7 BREAKING EXCESSIVE ROD LENGTH SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL FIG. B I-P 040 CAUTION: An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the terminal and serve as two separate connections. The wire must be severed, VA 99" thereby providing supervision of the connection in the event that the wire becomes dislodged from under the terminal. PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8820001 - REV 0 PAGE 3 OF 4 9,99 (b,-POTTER , PCVS-1, -2 CONTROL VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH Ill GRINNEWKENNEDY INDICATING BUTTERFLY VALVE FIG. 8 PBK - PRATT IBV BUTTERFLY VALVE KIT FIG. 12 MODEL PBK-L Stock No. 0090132 (MDT.4SActuator) MODEL PBK-M Stock No. 0090146 (M DT-3S Actuator) MODEL PBK-S Stock No. 0090133 (MDT-2SActuator) Pratt Butterfly Valve Kit as used to mount a PCVS on a Pratt Model IBV Valve. Kits contain: Bracket, nuts and instructions Note: This application is subjectto the approval of the authority having jurisdiction. PRINTED IN USA DRESSER INDICATING BUTTERFLY VALVE FIG. 10 PVK - PRATT PIVA POST INDICATOR VALVE KIT (STOCK NO. 1000060) FIG. 13 OWL gi Pratt Valve Kit as used to mount a PCVS on a Pratt Model PIVA Valve. Kit contains: Instructions, template, screw and nut. Note: This application is subject to the approval of the authority having jurisdiction. MKT. #8820001 - REV Q 9,99 TYPICAL PRESSURE REDUCER TYPE VALVE INSTALLATION FIG. 11 COLLAR LOWLIT IWO. jl;B0-IO This figure shows the Model PCVS mounted on the valve yoke, with a bracket supplied by the valve manufacturer, to supervise a pressure reducer typevalve. Note: This application is subject to the approval of the authority having jurisdiction. TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Please Note: This device should be wired in accordance with the applicable parts of the National Electrical Code, all state and local codes, applicable NFPA Standards and the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. FIG. 14 LCL 1 Y.N ThPCERFCR IN.I4N. - I L_ 10 aiperw aricuir ps. N.O. J, __ IF NTL CL OF 'I SOIL r UIE IOIL 4110.13 Contacts shown in normal (valve open) condition. TYPICAL SWITCH ACTION QPOI VM31E FOUM 91.DSED %NE PO5fllQN IL CC) 3W fITI-ICK—A 3W ill OOL 0 12 W 12 DOL IDSO-11 Switches Shown in Valve Open Position PAGE 4 OF 4 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7770-0328:010 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Valves/Switches LISTEE: Potter Electric Signal Co., 2081 Craig Rd., St. Louis MO 63146 Contact: Brad Serangeli (800) 3245-3936 Fax (314) 878-7264 DESIGN: Supervisory switches listed below to monitor pressure, OS&Y, gate, globe/gate, Ply, tank temperature or water level valves. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. HLS-B WLS-W WLS-S PS-40A PS-120A OSYSU-2 OSYS-B PMS PTS-B OSYSU-1 GVS PCVS-i PIVS-B TI-S-S TrS-W PCVS-2 WLS *PTS INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model designation and FM or UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as sprinkler system supervisory switches. NOTE: Formerly 7738-0328:010 *Rev. 05-31-2000 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 12, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager Detailed Specifications & Technical Data 5320UL Non-Paired - New Generation® For more information please call 1-800-Beldeni See Put-ups and Colors Color Code Chart: New Generation -Fire Alarm Cables.pdf Description: Bare copper conductors, PVC insulation, conductors cabled together, PVC jacket with ripcord. Sequential footage marking every two feet. SUITABLE APPLICATIONS: Suitable Applications Fire Protections,.Alann, Signal, Monitor/Detection, Audio Circuits, Control Circuits, Initiating Circuits, Notification Circuits PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: CONDUCTOR: Number of Conductors 2 Total Number of Conductors 2 AWG 18 Stranding Solid Conductor Material BC - Bare Copper INSULATION: Insulation Material PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride Nom. Insulation Wall Thickness .010 in. OVERALL CABLING: Overall Cabling Lay Length 2.75 in. Overall Cabling Twists/ft. 4.4 OUTER SHIELD: Outer Shield Material OUTER JACKET: Outer Jacket Material Outer Jacket Nominal Wall Thickness Outer Jacket Ripcord Unshielded PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride .015 in. Yes Page 1 of 3 Detailed Specifications & Technical Data C 5320UL Non-Paired - New Generation® OVERALL NOMINAL DIAMETER: Overall Nominal Diameter .151 in. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Operating Temperature Range -20°C To +75°C UL Temperature Rating 75°C Bulk Cable Weight 15.9 lbs/lOUD ft. Max. Recommended Pulling Tension 39.2 lbs. Mm. Bend Radius (Install) 1.5 in. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS AND AGENCY COMPLIANCE: APPLICABLE STANDARDS: FPLR CMG California State Fire Marshall NEC/(UL) Specification CEC/C(UL) Specification Other Specification FLAME TEST: UL Flame Test CSA Flame Test PLENUM/NON-PLENUM: Plenum (YIN) Plenum Number ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: UL 1666 Vertical Shaft FT4 N 6320UL Nom. Inductance 1 .16 pH/ft Nom. Capacitance Conductor to Conductor @ I KHz 29 pF/ft Nom. Conductor DC Resistance @20 Deg. C 6.4 Ohmsll000 ft Max. Operating Voltage - UL 300 V RMS Max. Recommended Current 5 Amps per conductor @25°C pirr..irp A11fl mi Item Description Put-Up (ft.) Ship Weight (lbs.) Jacket Color Notes 5320UL 001U1000 2#I8PVCFRPVC U1000 17 BROWN 5320UL 0021000 2#18 PVC FRPVC 1000 17 RED C 5320UL 002500 2 #18 PVC FRPVC 500 9 RED 5320UL 002C500 2 #18 PVC FRPVC CSOO 8 RED 5320UL 002U1000 2#I8PVCFRPVC UI000 17 RED 5320UL 002U500 2 #18 PVC FR.PVC U500 9 RED Page 2 of 3 Detailed Specifications & Technical Data 5320UL Non-Paired - New Generation® 5320UL 0091000 2#J8 PVC FRPVC 1000 17 WHITE 5320UL 009C500 2#18 PVC FRPVC C500 8 WHITE 5320UL 0100500 2 #18 PVC FRPVC C500 8 BLACK 5320UL 010U1000 2#I8 PVC FRPVC UI000 17 BLACK 5320ULD151000 2#I8 PVC FRPVC 1000 17 BLUE C 5320UL D15C500 2 #18 PVC FRPVC C500 8 BLUE r532015TD15UIOOO 2#I8PVCFRPVC UI000 17 BLUE C = CRATE REEL PUT-UP. Revision Number: 1 Revision Date: 01-15-2004 © 2004 Belden Wire & Cable Company All Rights Reserved; Although Belden Division ('Belden") makes every reasonable effort to ensure their accuracy at the time of this publication, information and specifications described herein are subject to error or omission and to change without notice, and the listing of such information and specifications does not ensure product availability. Belden provides the information and specifications herein on an "AS IS" basis, with no representations or warranties, whether express, statutory or implied. In no event will Belden be liable for any damages (including consequential, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or exemplary damages) whatsoever, even if Belden has been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether in an action under contract, negligence or any other theory, arising Out of or in connection with the use, or inability to use, the information or specifications described herein. All sales of Belden products are subject to Belden's standard terms and conditions of sale. Page 3 of 3 Detailed Specifications ,& Technical Data 5322UL Non-Paired - New Generation® For more information please call 1-800-Belden] See Put-ups and Colors Color Code Chart: New Generation - Fire Alarm Cables.pdf Description: Bare copper conductors, PVC insulation, conductors cabled together, PVC jacket with ripcord. Sequential footage marking every two feet. SUITABLE APPLICATIONS: Suitable Applications Fire Protections, Alarm, Signal, Monitor/Detection, Audio Circuits, Control Circuits, Initiating Circuits, Notification Circuits PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: CONDUCTOR: Number of Conductors 4 Total Number of Conductors 4 AWG 18 Stranding Solid Conductor Material BC - Bare Copper INSULATION: Insulation Material PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride Nom. Insulation Wall Thickness .010 in. OVERALL CABLING: Overall Cabling Lay Length 3.75 in. Overall Cabling Twists/fl. 3.2 Ch,,r,,11 ',1s1rn, ('nln, Cn,t, Number Color Number Color Black 3 Brown 2 Red 4 Blue OUTER SHIELD: Outer Shield Material OUTER JACKET: Outer Jacket Material Outer Jacket Nominal Wall Thickness Unshielded PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride .015 in. Page 1 of 3 Detailed Specifications & Technical Data 5322UL Non-Paired - New Generation® Outer Jacket Ripcord Yes OVERALL NOMINAL DIAMETER: Overall Nominal Diameter .176 in. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS: * Operating Temperature Range -20°C To +75°C UL Temperature Rating 75°C Bulk Cable Weight 28.2 lbs/i 000 ft. Max. Recommended Pulling Tension 78.4 lbs. Mm. Bend Radius (Install) 1.75 in. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS AND AGENCY COMPLIANCE: APPLICABLE STANDARDS: NECI(UL) Specification FPLR CEC/C(UL) Specification CMG Other Specification California State Fire Marshall FLAME TEST: UL Flame Test UL1666 Vertical Shaft CSA Flame Test FF4 PLENUM/NON-PLENUM: Plenum (YIN) N Plenum Number 6322UL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Nom. Capacitance Conductor to Conductor® I KHz 29 pF/ft Nom. Conductor DC Resistance @20 Deg. C 6.4 Ohms/1000 ft Max. Operating Voltage - UL 300 V RMS Max. Recommended Current 4 Amps per conductor ® 25°C PITT..lTpg ANfl ('Al .flflQ. Item Description Put-Up (ft.) Ship Weight (lbs.) Jacket Color Notes 5322UL 0021000 4#I8PVCFRPVC 1000 30 RED C 5322UL 002500 4 #18 PVC FRPVC 500 15 RED 5322UL 002C250 4 #18 PVC FRPVC C250 7 RED 5322UL 002C500 4 #18 PVC FRPVC C500 14 RED 5322UL 002U1000 4#18 PVC FRPVC UI000 30 RED 5322UL 002U500 4 #18 PVC FRPVC U500 15.5 RED Page 2of3 Detailed Specifications & Technical Data 532 2UL Non-Paired - New Generation® C = CRATE REEL PUT-UP. Revision Number: I Revision Date: 01-15-2004 © 2004 Belden Wire & Cable Company All Rights Reserved. Although Belden Division ("Belden") makes every reasonable effort to ensure their accuracy at the time of this publication, information and specifications described herein are subject to error or omission and to change without notice, and the listing of such information and specifications does not ensure product availability. Belden provides the information and specifications herein on an "AS IS" basis, with no representations or warranties, whether express, statutory or implied. In no event will Belden be liable for any damages (including consequential, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or exemplary damages) whatsoever, even if Belden has been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether in an action under contract, negligence or any other theory, arising out of or in connection with the use, or inability to use, the information or specifications described herein. All sales of Belden products are subject to Belden's standard terms and conditions of sale. Page 3 of 3 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7161-0060:103 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Cables-Fire Protective Signaling LISTEE: Belden Wire & Cable Co., P.O. Box 1980, Richmond IN 47375-1980 Contact: Gerald Lee Dorna (765) 983-5200 Fax *(775) 805-2991 DESIGN: Type FPLR power-limited fire protective signaling cable. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. Insulation: Semi-rigid PVC compound No. 70 through X79, X960 through X979, X2000 through X2049 or X-20 through X-39, X2400 through X2419, X-6501 through X-6539, or Geon 8891. Shields: (Optional) metal or polyethylene terephthalate/metal tape shield. Core Wrap: (Optional) Glass Reinforced TFE (Teflon) impregnated tape or polyethylene terephthalate. Filler: (Optional) PVC or polypropylene.. Jacket: PVC Compound No. X-99000 through X-99199 or X-199000 through X-1 99199. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NEC Article 760, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, type, classification and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as power-limited fire protective signaling cable. *Rev. 03-20-06 This listing, is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or . recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not, be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: MARCH 20, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager PAGE Series 104 & 765 Building Wire Underwriters U1 Laboratories Inc.® ® Type THHN/THWN or Type TFN-TFFN Li Solid or stranded soft annealed bare copper heat and moisture resistant PVC insulation heat and light stabilized nylon armor jacket. 104-14-1 14 SOLID .11 +20 -1-25 NOTES NOTE (1) • 104-124 12 .. - SOLID .13 +25 +30 Based on not more than 3 conductors in raceway or cable 104-10-1 • .• . SOLID .16 +30 or direct burial (30C, 0 86 F 104-14-19 14 19 / 27 .11 +20 +25 Conductor Temperature Rating 104-12119 12 . 19./:271 .13 +25 +30 NOTE(+) The overcurrent protection of 104-10-19 10 19/.0234 .16 +35 +35 conductor types marked with (+) i nA a in Jr0L7 o 0 in 1vnc .V.7.) .LJ/ i .'.L cn )V c shall not exceed 15 Amps for 14 -'-' AWG and 20 Amps for 12 AWG 104-6-19 - 6- 19 / .0372 .27 65 75 per the N.E.C.-84 Table 310-16 104-4-1° 4 1° / 046° 4 8 ' N.E.C.-84 (Table 310) Consult '' National Electrical Code for other 104-2-19 2 19 / .0591 .40 115 130 conditions. 104-1-19 • I 19 / .0664 .46 150 150 When Used as ThWN When Used as THHN IL tii'I pj A'1l 'is 133 South Van Norman Rd. • Montebello, CA 90640 • (800) 423-4659 • (800) 352-4335 (CA) • Fax (562) 692-9203