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3132 TIGER RUN CT; ; AS070142; Permit
6/20/24, 9:46 AM AS070142 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS070142 Job Address: 3132 TIGER RUN CT Status: ISSUED Permit Type: SPRINK Applied 5/25/2007 Parcel No: 2210140400 Approved: 6/4/2007 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 6/4/2007 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: PALOMAR FORUM, BLDG G MONITORING SYSTEM PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION Applicant: Owner: JMG SECURITY PALOMAR MELROSE L L C 17150 NEWHOPE C/O ARNEL DEVELOPMENT SUITE 109 949 S COAST DR #600 COSTA MESA CA 800-900-4564 EXT.316 Fees ($) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 117 0 117 0 about:blank 1/1 FILE COPY HIGHL!GHTED. SET UL & FM Certificates of Compliance Cut Sheets and CSFM listings 'PALOMAR FORUM BUILDING G 3132 TIGER RUN COURT CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Installation Company: II!1II 1•U 17150 Newhope Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 545-8882 APPROVED )PBIMITTED CARLSBAD - ::. I • : • ::- - ' UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® Applicant ID No: 257057-001 Service Center No 1 Norlhbrook, IL Santa Clara, CA Expires: 31-MAR-2008 NY Research Triangle Park. NC Melville, OR Camas. WA A not-for-profit organization dedicated to public safety and committed to quality service : A. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 1 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the Alarm Service Company indicated below is included by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) in its Product Directories as eligible to use the UL Listing Mark in connection with Certificated Alarm Systems. The only evidence of compliance with UL's requirements is the issuance of a UL Certificate for the Alarm System and the Certificate is current under UL's Certificate Verification Service. - Listed Service From: ALISO VIEJO, CA Alarm Service Company: (257057-001) ADVANCED PROTECTION INDUSTRIES INC, DBA NATIONAL MONITORING CENTER SUITE 250 26800 ALISO VIEJO PKY ALISO VIEJO CA 92656 Service Center: (257057-001) ADVANCED PROTECTION INDUSTRIES INC, DBA NATIONAL MONITORING CENTER SUITE 250 26800 ALISO VIEJO PKY ALISO VIEJO CA 92656 The Alarm Service Company is Listed in the following Certificate Service Categories: File - Vol No. CCN Listing Category S8126 -11 UUFX [Signal and Fire Alarm Equipment and Services] (Protective Signaling Services) Central Station ***THIS CERTIFICATE EXPIRES ON 31-MAR-2008 "LOOK FOR THE UL ALARM SYSTEM CERTIFICATE" 101998 UL Form CS CC Engineering Manager - -• -•• •• ........................ . () Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® Northbrook, IL Santa Clara, CA Melville, NY Research Triangle Park, NC Camas, WA A not-for-profit organization dedicated to public safety and committed to quality service Applicant ID No: 698840-001 Service Center No 0 Expires: 31-MAR-2008 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the Alarm Service Company indicated below is included by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) in its Product Directories as eligible to use the UL Listing Mark in connection with Certificated Alarm Systems. The only evidence of compliance with UL's requirements is the issuance of a UL Certificate for the Alarm System and the Certificate is current under UL's Certificate Verification Service. Listed Service From: FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA Alarm Service Company: (698840-001) Service Center: (698840-001) JMG SECURITY SYSTEMS INC JMG SECURITY SYSTEMS INC SUITE 109 SUITE 109 17150 NEWHOPE ST 17150 NEWHOPE ST FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA 92708 FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA 92708 The Alarm Service Company is Listed in the following Certificate Service Categories: File - Vol No. CCN Listing Category S7927-1 UUFX [Signal and Fire Alarm EquipmentandSeMces] (Protective S4892-1 UUJS Signaling Services) Central StatIon (Signal and Fire Alarm Equipment and Services) (Protective Signaling Services) Local, Auxiliary, Remote Station and Proprietary ***THIS CERTIFICATE EXPIRES ON 31-MAR-2008 *** "LOOK FOR THE UL ALARM SYSTEM CERTIFICATE" Zvi 4nringMage 0 1998 UL Form CS-CC 09-MAR-2007 FM APPROVED Cenif.icate.-of Compliance Project I D# 3025.967 issued May 31, 2006 This is to certify that the central station service company indicated below is Iisted.in the Approval Guide, a publication of FM Approvals, as eligible to use the <FM> Approval mark in conjunction with protected property installations it has Placarded as being in compliance with the equipment and service requirements of FM Approval Standard 3011 CENTRAL STATION SERVICE FOR FIRE ALARMS AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SUPERVISION. CENTRAL STAT!ON.SERVlCE -The insaiiation, testing and maintenance of signaling systems wherein fire alarm and related supervisoiy trouble and test signals are initiated at a subscribing property and monitored at a constantly attended central 5tation where propérl trained:.personnel take prescribed action on those signals including retransmission of the signals, dispatch of runners to the protected property and appropriate record keeping. FM Approved central station service is required to be provided.under a single contract. This central station servioe:pdmpanywAs4xamIn&d1 and Approved in accordance with FM Approval Standard 3011 (Effective Date April, 1999) for the following category: . ( )CENTRAL STATION COMPANY (COMPLETE:SERVICE) -Capable of providing all aspects of central. station service as dCscribid abOvë . ( ) CENTRAL STATION COMPANY(MONITORING. ONLY) -Capable of providing only monitoring, retransmission, dispatch and record keeping aspects as described..above. All other aspects of central station service must be subcontracted to an:FM ApprovedCENTRAL STATION COMPANY (COMPLETE SERVICE) or an FM Approved FIRE ALARM SERVICE - LOCAL COMPANY. (X) FIRE ALARM SERVICE - LOCAL COMPANY - Capable of providing only installation, testing, maintenance and runner service äspectsas described above. All otheraspects of central station service must be subcontracted to an FM Approved CENTRAL STATION COMPANY (COMPLETE SERVICE) or an FM Approved CENTRAL STATION COMPANY (MONITORING ONLY). Company: Service Center(s) JMG Security Systems Same. 17150 NewhopeStreet, Suite 109 FOuntaIn Valley GA 92708 THIS. CERTIFICATE EXPIRES. ON 1213112009 Continued Approval requires a satisfactoiy re-examination prior to the date shown above. FM Aurovals $' A! nl;er a! the li4 Global For more than 160 years FM Approvals has partnered with business and industry to reducà property losses. FM Approvals CSCefl. 1103 R. W. .Elliott,TechnicalTeam:Manager < FM APPROVED This fire protection signaling system installation, all equipment and wiring plus the maintenance, testing and supervision thereof are in accordance with the central station approval require- ments of Factory Mutual Research Corp. Standard No. 3011.. JMG SECURITY SYSTEMS Fountain Valley, California ALARM tiC. AC03759 • CONT. LIC. 575070 )(I5FC Af.ID 3CI5SL CgE(CIAL MODEL XR5FC/XR5SL COMMAND PROCESSOR INSTALLATION GUIDE FCC NOTICE This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used properly in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference with radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specification in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. If this equipment does. cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the installer is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient the receiving antenna Relocate the computer with respect to the receiver Move the computer away from the receiver Plug the computer into a different outlet so that computer and receiver are on different branch circuits If necessary, the installer should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. The installer may find the following booklet, prepared by the Federal Communications Commission, helpful: "How to identify and Resolve Radio-1V Interference Problems." This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 20402 Stock No. 004-000-00345-4 Copyright © 1995 - 2004 Digital Monitoring Products, Inc. Information furnished by DMP is believed to be accurate and reliable. This information is subject to change without notice. Revisions to This Document Panel Specifications 1.1 Power Supply.........................................................................1 1.2 Communication.......................................................................1 1.3 Panel Zones...........................................................................1 1.4 Remote Annunciators (Alphanumeric or LED Keypads) ..............1 1.5 Auxiliary Outputs....................................................................1 1.6 Push-Button Reset..................................................................1 1.7 Enclosure Specifications .......................................................... 1 Introduction 2.1 Description ............................................................................2 2.2 Before you Begin ..................................................................... 2 2.3 About this Guide .....................................................................2 2.4 How to Use this Guide ............................................................2 System Components 3.1 Description ............................................................................3 3.2 XR5FC Wiring Diagram............................................................3 3.3 XRSSL Wiring Diagram............................................................4 3.4 Lightning Protection ...............................................................4 3.5 Security Command® Keypads.................................................4 Installation 4.1 Mounting the Enclosure ..........................................................5 4.2 Model 377 Trouble Annunciator Module....................................5 4.3 Mounting Keypads..................................................................6 4.4 Wiring Specifications...............................................................6 4.5 Terminal Wiring Connections...................................................6 Primary Power Supply 5.1 Installing the Transformer.......................................................7 5.2 Terminals 1 and 2...................................................................7 Secondary Power Supply 6.1 Battery Terminals 3 and 4.......................................................8 6.2 Earth Ground .........................................................................8 6.3 Replacement Period................................................................8 6.4 Discharge/Recharge ...............................................................8 6.5 Battery Supervision ................................................................8 6.6 XR5FC and XRSSL Power Requirements ...................................9 XR5FC and XR5SL Standby Battery Calculations...................................9 Bell Output 7.1 Terminal 5 (XR5FC Only)........................................................10 4-Wire Smoke Detector Power 8.1 Terminal 6 (XR5FC Only)........................................................10 Keypad Bus 9.1 Description ...........................................................................10 9.2 Terminal 7 - RED...................................................................10 9.3 Terminal 8- YELLOW.............................................................10 9.4 Terminal 9 - GREEN ... ............................................................10 9.5 Terminal 10 - BLACK ............................................................... XR5 Installation Guide Digital Monitoring Products IF 115 Class A (Style D) Fire Zone 10.1 Description ...........................................................................10 Class B (Style A) Fire Zones 11.1 Description ...........................................................................11 11.2 Operational Parameters .........................................................11 11.3 Zone Response Time .............................................................11 11.4 Compatible 2-Wire Smoke Detectors.......................................11 Form C Relay Outputs 12.1 Description ...........................................................................12 Annunciator Outputs 13.1 Description ...... 12 13.2 Harness Wiring. 12 Telephone RI Connector 14.1 Description ...........................................................................12 14.2 FCC Registration....................................................................12 14.3 Notification ...........................................................................13 Reset Jumper 39 15.1 Description ...........................................................................13 Silence/Reset Button 16.1 Silence/Reset Button .............................................................13 16.2 Bell Circuit Monitor................................................................13 Dual Phone Line Connectors 17.1 Description ...........................................................................13 Universal UL and NFPA Fire Alarm Specifications 18.1 Introduction..........................................................................14 18.2 Wiring ..................................................................................14 18.3 Police Station Phone Number .................................................14 18.4 System maintenance .............................................................14 18.5 Audible alarm (XR5FC only)....................................................14 18.6 UL Listed Receivers ...............................................................14 UL 864 and NFPA 72 Specifications 19.1 Power Fail delay.....................................................................14 19.2 Central Station Signaling Systems...........................................14 19.3 Local Protective Signaling Systems .........................................14 19.4 Remote Station Protective Signaling Systems...........................14 California State Fire Marshal Specifications 20.1 Bell Output Definition ............................................................14 Wiring Diagrams 21.1 Multiple 866 Notification Circuit Modules .................................15 21.2 Multiple 865 Notification Circuit Modules .................................16 21.3 Multiple 866 Notification Circuit Modules for Zoned Annunciation ............................................................... 17 21.4 Remote Station Reversing Relay Connection ....... . ..................... 18 21.5 Supervised Remote Relay.......................................................19 21.6 XR5SL Connection to FACP ..................................................... 20 21.7 XR5FC/XR5SL Installation for Derived Channel.........................21 Digital Monitoring Products XR5 Installation Guide 1 - This page has been intentionally left blank. XR5 Installation Guide Digital Monitoring Products Ui Revisions to This Document This section explains the changes that were made to this document during this revision. This section lists the date the change was made, the section number and section heading, and a quick summary of the change. Date Section Number and Heading Quick Explanation of Changes 4/04 Sections 3.2, 3.3, and 6.1 Added battery model 369. Sections 3.5 and 6.6 Added keypad models 690F and 790F. Battery Calculations Chart updated to reflect current products, added/revised current draw information. 4.5 Terminal Wiring Connections Section added explaining how to run multiple wires under one terminal. 5.1 Installing the Transformer Section added explaining proper transformer installation. Note: Subsequent numbers in the section were affected. 5.2 Terminals 1 and 2 Note added explaining Bell Trouble on 866 Modules after power is applied to the panel. 3/02 4.4 Wiring Keypads Added Wiring Specifications. 6.6 XR5FC and XR5SL Power Requirements Updated current draw chart. Digital Monitoring Products XR5 Installation Guide iv Panel Specifications 1.1 Power Supply Primary Power Input: 16.5 VAC 40 VA (Model 320 wire-in) or 12/24 VDC from Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) Standby Batteries: One or two 12 VDC 7.0Ah Auxiliary Output: 500mA at 12 VDC Bell Output: 1.5 Amps at 12 VDC (XR5FC only) Smoke Detector Output: 100mA at 12 VDC (XR5FC only) All circuits inherent power limited except the red battery wire. 1.2 Communication Built-in SDLC Digital Dialer communication to DMP Model SCS-1 and SCS-1 R Receivers. Built-in 4-2 communication to non-DMP receivers. Built-in CID communication to non-DMP (Contact ID) receivers. Can operate as a local system (XR5FC only). 1.3 Panel Zones One Class A (Style D) zone (terminals 11 to 14). Four 3.3K Ohm EOL Class B (Style A) powered fire zones with reset capability (terminals 15 to 22). 1.4 Remote Annunciators (Alphanumeric or LED Keypads) You can connect alpha Security Command keypads and LED keypads to the XR5FC and XR5SL keypad bus. The panels do not support zone expansion on the keypad bus. 1.5 Auxiliary Outputs Two Form C (SPDT) outputs (Outputs 1 and 2). relay is rated for 1 Amp at 30 VDC. Each output requires one Model 305 plug-in relay. Each Four open collector annunciator outputs (Outputs I to 4). No relay is required. Each output is rated for 50mA at 30 VDC resistive. 1.6 Push-Button Reset The XR5FC and XR5SL panels each provide a push button mounted on the printed circuit board that allows authorized users to reset latch detectors and silence active alarm bell outputs. See section 16.1. 1.7 Enclosure Specifications The XR5 panels are shipped in an enclosure with End-of-Line resistors, battery Leads, User's Guide (LT- 0296), and Programming Sheet (LT-0297). Size: 12.5" W x 9.5" H x 3.75" D Weight: 4 Lbs Color: . Red Construction: 20-gauge coLd-rolled steel XR5 Installation Guide Digital Monitoring Products Introduction 2.1 Description The DMP XR5FC and XR5SL Commercial Fire Panels are powerful 12 VDC fire alarm communicators with battery backup that can also be powered from the 12 or 24 VDC auxiliary output of a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). Each panel provides one Class A (Style D) fire zone and four Class B (Style A) powered fire zones with reset capability for 2-wire smoke detectors, relays, or other Latching devices. The XR5 panels can communicate to one or two DMP SCS-1 /SCS-1 R Receivers using SDLC digital dialer, up to two non-DMP receivers using the 4-2 reporting format, or up to two non-DMP (Contact ID) receivers using the CID reporting format. 2.2 Before you Begin Before installing the XR5, we recommend you read through the entire contents of this guide. Familiarize yourself with the features of the panel and the key points to remember during the installation. Be sure to read and understand all of the caution statements printed in bold italics. In addition to this installation guide, you should also read through and familiarize yourself with these other product documents: XR5 Programming Guide (LT0312) XR5 User's Guide (LT0296) XR5 Program Information Sheet (LT.0297) 2.3 About this Guide The information contained in this guide is organized into five sections: Table of Contents, Introduction, and Installation, Compliance, and Wiring Diagrams. The Table of Contents at the front of this guide lists all of the headings and subheadings used throughout each section. To the right of each heading is the section number where the information can be found. The Introduction section gives you an overview of the various components that go into an XR5 system and diagrams some typical system configurations. This section gives descriptions of the panel, keypads, and accessory modules and provides details on how each of them operate together in the system. The Installation section begins with mounting instructions for the enclosure and takes you through the proper way to power up the panel prior to programming. The Compliance section describes the various regulations the XR5FC/XR5SL complies with, such as UL. The Wiring Diagram section provides schematics of typical system installations. Caution Notes Throughout this guide you will see caution notes containing information you need to know when installing the XR5 panels. These cautions are noted with a yield sign as shown below. V Always ground the panel before applying power to any devices: The XR5 panels must be property grounded before connecting any devices or applying power to the panel. Proper grounding protects against Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) that can damage system components. Whenever you see a caution note, make sure you completely read and understand its information. Failing to follow the caution note can cause damage to the equipment or improper operation of one or more components in the system. 2.4 How to Use this Guide To Locate information about installing the XR5 panels, first go to the Table of Contents at the front of this guide. Find the subject heading that closely describes the information you need and turn to the section number shown to the right of the heading. The text that follows the heading has been written to provide as much information about the subject as possible. If you cannot find the information you need under that heading, try scanning through a few of the headings before the text under those that sound similar. Digital Monitoring Products XR5 Installation Guide 2 - ----- System Components 3.1 Description A basic XR5 system is made up of the alarm panel with built-in communicator, an enclosure, a 16.5 VAC wire-in transformer, and a 12 VDC 7.0Ah battery. You can add up to two alphanumeric Security Command keypads and one or more LED Security Command keypads to the panel and also connect control and annunciating devices to the panel's Form C and annunciator outputs. Refer to section 6.6 in this guide when calculating power requirements. 3.2 XR5FC Wiring Diagram The XR5FC system below shows some of the accessory devices you can connect for use in various applications. Model 377 Trouble MAIN BACKUP MODEL XRS swicewosor Annunciator PUSH F60 ONE SECOND rT1E r-, r=t Module 2i ti LJL_._____I Sllanodllre.t SlImnuelRasut PUf101 Reset I Telephone Connedloas Header BoSon I Jlo Trouble Annunciator, Header Q ] Relay Sockets for Optional Dire dConnect to Form C Outputs on Jil l.a,switthed 120 VAC ED Hz J14 BOIl MOnitOr Requires Model 305 Relays AC AC B. B BELL SHII RED nOL 60NBLiCZ1A*ZIA.ZIBOZIB. 22- m. non. Zut SO- 55. 55. • Model 320 11 12 13 141 E1J 1J 7J 8•-)) i I 2t iIsii 1! ill ¶i J I I winsin transformer, 16,5 VAC 411VA W Output Header J12 S S a3W Fm CdlederOu RB. tsr 50mAet30VDCrmto0 secondary Poves, Supply : ) Model 309 USes Model 3151 Ham Model 367er3S9Baltosy12VOC—.. B W 1.2 Ann eras. charging current Zone I Output Zef101 5 S OutputHeaderJll Bell CIrcuIt Cold Water PIPe, Two Form C (SPOT) Outputs. 1.5 Amps al12VDC Earth Ground fn He ResistorI 33kW Model (Model 308 Keypad bus Resist. no 4 ' (3.3k IN Resistor Red Model 866 O.olnd 51 Back UptoltOmAof current is available tor polver Style W Notificabon oronninea 4-wire smoke detectors from terminal 6. Superas.os Cmii Module B pr Relay 45 nsA at 12 VOC B (fe reryires) oulyrnsl. 0 B.OTroubl. Keypad Keypad Model 692F Model 770 30mAat6to16VDC. 100itiAa18lo16VDC. =9° Up to SX)mA Salary current at 12 VDC fro" iii iL!.__ re nail. CJ CJ CJ 16-Character Keypads 10 Zone LED Keypads 32-Character Keypads Figure 1: XR5FC Wiring Diagram XR5 Installation Guide Digital Monitoring Products 3 Relay Sockets for Optional Form C Outputs on 311 A] outputs must be [j][j) 312 2lI located within the some I I 11 III Direct connetit to onswitdtod 120 VAC 60 Hz AC +B -B BELL SMK RED YEL GRN Bit ZiA+ZIA-ZSB+ZIB- Z2+ Z2- 23+ 13- Z4+ Z4- Model 320 L who-in transformer 16.5 VAC 40 IA -U I lUb- - _et.....:i:::::rc.:..': • 3.3 XR5SL Wiring Diagram The XR5SL system below shows some of the accessory devices you can connect for use in various applications. I Model 377 Trouble Annunciator MAIN BACKUP 313 Men RS Panel Push tor 1 5od Reset Module 34[:] [III] Silence/Reset [] - o Telephone Header Silence/Reset Button O Connections 314 Bell . r.iortttot 310 Trouble Annundator Header I A A I M" T Output HeaderJ12 S S . H 3.3k Ohm Foot Open Coloctor Outputs , to , Resistor SOnA us 30 VOC resutse ascondary Pew., Supply _______________ to • Model 309 Uses Model 300 Harness Model 3670,369 Battery 12 VDC___ w tripoli Output 2 12 AmpsMan. chargug Output Header Jil Zone 1 M Two Foes C (SPDT) Outputs. Cold Water Pipe For tptlt4der Earth Ground F nupnwisfun. Keypad Normally Open Heal dotocttos, pot stations. or any other contact dunces Model 770 devices must ho Zone 2 toted Ito Fire Protective Signaling can be connected to zones 100mAatBto16VDC. used. 3.3505w 3.31tiOhm 3.35On. Zones 2 t05 compatibility identifier. A Madmum operating range: 8.8 to 14.2 VDC. = = = =. - - Up to 500otA ussliury crmwtt at 12 VOC trots terminal - - - - ®= Supervised Circuit 17-71 17-11 Keypad Model 692F 16-Character Keypads 30mA at 8 to 16 VDC. Keypad Model 690 M CDCDCJ - - CDCDCDCD CD CD CDCD Upto500wAusotiary cc - CDCDCDCD current ot12 VDC how - (----)CDC:) Tenol net 7. 32-Character Keypads 10 Zone LED Keypads Figure 2: XR5SL Wiring Diagram 3.4 Lightning Protection Metal Oxide Varistors and Transient Voltage Suppressors on the panel help protect against voltage surges on input and output circuits of the XR5 panels. Additional surge protectiàn is available by installing the DMP 370 or 370RJ Lightning Suppressors. 3.5 Security Command® Keypads You can connect the Models 690, 690F, 692F, 770, 771, 790, 790F, 791, or 793 Security Command keypads to the 4-wire keypad bus provided by the panel on terminals 7, 8, 9, and 10. Do not use shielded wire for the keypad bus. Digital Monitoring Products XR5 Installation Guide 4 -- Installation 4.1 Mounting the Enclosure The metal enclosure for the XR5FC and XR5SL panels must be mounted in a secure, dry place to protect the panels from damage due to tampering or the elements. It is not necessary to remove the XR5FC or XR5SL PC board when installing the enclosure. 3J4 x 1/3 Knockout 3 - 8 rn ° Ul''- UI I Transformer Knockout EnSa Deep 3 3/4 Cabinet Figure 3: Mounting the Enclosure - 4.2 MOdel 377 Trouble Annunciator Module The 377 Module is installed on the enclosure door and connects to the panel through a 4-wire harness supplied with the module. See Figure 4. 377 Module Operation The 377 Trouble Annunciator Module provides visual and audible annunciation of System Okay, communication trouble, and panel processor failure. The module contains a Green LED for System Okay, a Yellow LED for Trouble, an electronic sounder, and a Silence switch. System Okay When both phone lines are normal and the panel processor is operating, only the Green LED on the 377 Module is on. This LED goes off during a Sensor Reset. Communication Trouble If either phone line connected to the panel is in a bad condition, or if the panel has made TEN failed attempts to send a report to the central station receiver, the 377 ModuLe emits a steady audible alert and turns on the Yellow LED. The Silence switch can be used to turn off the sounder only. 377 Trouble Annunciator Module (Mounted on the Enclosure 000r) Green SYSTEM OKAY LED _.+O SILENCE switch F_~0 Yellow TROUBLE LED RESET sunde. 39 CommandProcessor Reset 310 Trouble j.. 021 Annunciator Header M I .e 0 Relay Sockets for Optional Z Form C Outputs on3ll ( r1r7H1 Ik4I(5 LJ ;' )11jt*IOc1Y( Figure 4: 377 Module Wiring Panel Processor Failure During a processor failure on the panel, or a remote programming session, the 377 Module emits a steady audible alert and turns on the Yellow LED. The Silence switch will not turn off the sounder or Yellow LED during these conditions. XR5 Installation Guide Digital Monitoring Products 5 CM LE ... 4.3 Mounting Keypads Security Command keypads have removable covers that allow you to easily mount the base to a wall or other flat surface. After installing the keypad mounting anchors and bringing the keypad wiring from the panel through the watt, mount the base and connect the keypad wire harness leads to the keypad wiring. Next, attach the keypad wire harness connector to the pin connector on the keypad circuit board and install the cover. For mounting keypads on masonry walls, or for applications where conduit is required, use an appropriate DMP keypad conduit backbox. 4.4 Wiring Specifications You can install individual keypads on wire runs of up to 500 feet using 22 gauge wire or up to 1,000 feet using 18 gauge wire. To increase the wire Length or add additional devices, a power supply is required. Maximum distance for any one keypad bus circuit (Length of wire) is 2,500 feet regardless of the gauge of wire. This distance can be in the form of one Long wire run or multiple branches with all wiring totaling no more than 2,500 feet. Maximum number of devices per 2,500 feet circuit is 40. (Refer to the section 9.1 for the specific number of supervised keypads that are allowed.) Maximum voltage drop between the panel (or auxiliary power supply) and any device is 2.0 VDC. If the voltage at any device is less than the required Level, an auxiliary power supply should be added at the end of the circuit. Refer to the wiring diagram in section 3.2 in this guide for additional wiring information. For more information, refer to the 710 Module Installation Sheet (.LT-0310). Also see the Trouble-Free LX-Bus/Keypad Bus Wiring Application Note (LT-2031). Note: Do not use shielded wire for the keypad bus. 4.5 Terminal Wiring Connections In all applications where more than one wire is under a terminal, the wire must be cut and not looped around the screw terminal. See Figure 5. Figure 5: Wiring Connections Digital Monitoring Products XR5 Installation Guide 6 Primary Power Supply 5.1 Installing the Transformer V ALL electrical wiring must be completed by a trained electrician! The transformer requires an unswitched 120 VAC 60 Hz electrical outlet with at Least 350mA of available current. Never share the transformer output with any other equipment. The 120 VAC circuit is not power limited. To mount the Model 320 Transformer to a single-gang box adjacent to the XR5 enclosure, follow the steps below. Remove the lower knockout from the XR5 enclosure. Attach a singLe-gang box adjacent to the XR5 enclosure as shown in Figure 6. After the single-gang box is secured, attach the transformer to the junction box, using the bottom box's bottom knockout. The screw on the transformer should extend into the single-gang box. Refer to Figure 6. Tighten the screw to secure the transformer to the junction box. An electrician must then connect the bLack and white Leads on the transformer to an unswitched 120 VAC 60 Hz electrical outlet with at Least 350mA of available current. Wiring on terminals 7 through 22 must exit to the right and maintain a 1/4° separation from the AC and battery positive wiring. Figure 6: Transformer Installation, 6. Connect the wires from the bottom (the side opposite the attaching screw) two terminals on the transformer to terminals 1 and 2 on the panel. Use no more than 70 ft. of 16-gauge wire or 40 ft. of 18-gauge wire between the transformer and the XR5FC or XR5SL panel. Refer to Figure 6. 5.2 Terminals1.and 2 AC Transformer Input The transformer provides up to 500mA of auxiliary current for the XR5FC and XR5SL panels. The totaL current available is limited by the total battery standby requirements of the installation. See section 6.6 for standby battery calculations. Note: After power is applied to the XR5 panel, any 866 Notification Modules connected to the panel will show Bell Trouble for 20 seconds. DC Power Input to AC Input When powering the XR5FC/SL panel from the 12 VDC output of an FACP, connect the positive wire to the positive battery terminal of the XR5 and the negative wire to the negative battery terminal of the XR5. When powering the panel from the DC output of a 24 VoLt Fire ALarm Control Panel (FACP), connect the positive wire from the FACP to terminal 1 and the negative wire to terminal 2. Do not use battery backup with 12 or 24 VDC input: Do not connect any batteries to the XR5FC or XR5SL V panels when using the 12 or 24 VDC output from a FACP. The XR5FC and XR5SL panels use the backup battery capability of the FACP for their standby requirements. Features disabled when using 24 VDC power input: When powering the XR5FC. or XR5SL panel from the 24 VDC output of a FACP, the following operational features are disabled: Bell Output on the XR5FC AC test (XR5FC and XR5SL) Battery test (XR5FC and XR5SL) V. / Always ground the panel before applying power to any devices: The XR5FC and XR5SL panels must be properly grounded before connecting any devices or applying power to the panels. Proper grounding protects against Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) that can damage system components. See Earth ground, section 6.2. XR5 Installation Guide Digital Monitoring Products 7 Secondary Power Supply 6.1 Battery Terminals 3 and 4 Connect the black battery Lead to terminal 4 on the panel and then to the negative terminal of the battery. The negative terminal connects to the enclosure ground internally through the XR5FC and XR5SL panel circuit board. Connect the red battery lead to terminal 3 on the panel and then to the positive terminal of the battery. Observe polarity when connecting the battery. The XR5FC and XR5SL panels are capable of recharging two 7.0 Ah batteries (14 Amp/hours) within 24 hours. Do not use battery backup with 24 VDC input: Do not connect batteries to the XR5FC and XR5SL panels when powering the panels with 20 to 28.2 VDC voltage from a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). The XR5FC and XR5SL panels use the backup battery capability of the FACP for their standby requirements. Use sealed lead-acid batteries only: Use the DMP Model 367, 12 VDC 7.7 Ah or Model 369 7.0 Ah sealed lead-acid rechargeable battery. Batteries supplied by DMP or manufactured by Eagle Picher or Yuasa have / e been tested to ensure proper charging with DMP products. DO NOT USE GEL CELL BATTERIES WITH THE XR5FC AND XR5SL. 6.2 Earth Ground Terminal 4 of the XR5FC and XR5SL panels must be connected to earth ground using 14 gauge or Larger wire to provide proper transient suppression. DMP recommends connecting to a metal cold water pipe or ground rod only. Do not connect to electrical conduit or a telephone company ground. 6.3 Replacement Period DMP recommends replacing the battery every 3 to 5 years under normal use. 6.4 Discharge! Recharge The battery charging circuit on the XR5FC and XR5SL panels float charge at 13.9 VDC at a maximum current of 1.2 Amps using the Model 320 Transformer. The total current available is reduced by the combined auxiliary current draw from terminals 6, 7, 15, 17, 19, and 21. The various battery voltage levels are listed below: Battery Trouble: Below 11.9 VDC Battery Restored: Above 12.6 VDC 6.5 Battery Supervision The XR5FC and XR5SL panels load test the battery once every three minutes when AC power is present on terminal 1 and 2. The test lasts for five seconds. If, during the test, the battery voltage falls below 11.9 VDC a (ow battery is indicated. The test is then repeated every two minutes until the battery charges above 12.6 VDC, the battery restored voltage. If the low battery does not recharge and is replaced with a fully charged battery, the charged battery will not be detected until the next two minute test is done. If AC power fails during normal system operation, a low battery is indicated any time the battery voltage falls below 11.9 VDC. Digital Monitoring Products XR5 Installation Guide 8 1L- 1L- AnCir a Co Pon 6.6 XR5FC and XR5SL Power Requirements During AC power failure, the XR5FC and XR5SL panels, and all auxiliary devices connected to the panels, draw their power from the battery. ALL devices must be taken into consideration when calculating the battery standby capacity. Below is a List of the power requirements of the XR5FC and XR5SL panels. Add the additional current draw of Security Command keypads, smoke detectors, and any other auxiliary devices used in the system for the total current required. XRSFC and XR5SL Standby Battery Calculations Standby Battery Power Calculations Standby Current Alarm Current XR5FC/XR5SL Panel 50mA mA 50mA mA RelayOutputs 1-2 (ON) Qty ______x 30mA ______ Qty ______x 30mA Active Zone 1 3.3mA 3.3mA Active Zones 2-5 Qty ______x 4mA Qty ______x 4mA - 521B/BXT Smoke Detectors Qty ______x 0.070mA Qty ______x 0.070mA SLR-835B Smoke Detectors Qty ______x 0.070mA ______ Qty x 0.070mA Other 2-Wire Smoke Detectors Qty _____x .1mA _____ Qty _____x .1mA Bell Output (1500rnA Max.) mA 690/690F Security Command Keypad Qty x 77mA Qty x 84mA Annunciator (ON) . . . . .:. ..... .. 20mA 692F Fire Security Command Keypad Qty ______x 30mA Qty ______x 70mA 790/790F Secunty. Command Keypad Qty x 77mA ______ Qty.. 84mA Active Zones (EOL Installed) 1 6mA Qty x *2mA Annunciator (ON) 20mA 791 Easy Entry Keypad Qty ______x 100mA Qty ______x 100mA Active Zones (EOL Installed) 1.6mA Qty ______x *2mA Annunciator (ON) . . . . 20mA 793 Easy Entry Keypad Qty x 920A Qty ______x 120mA Active Zones (EOL Installed) 1.6mA Qty x Annunciator (ON) 20mA 770, 771 Security Command Keypads Qty ______x 100mA Qty ______x lOOmA Active Zones (EOL Installed) 1.6mA Qty ______x *2mA Annunciator (ON) .. . 20mA 377 Trouble Annunciator Module 17mA 17mA Aux. Powered Devices on Terminals 7 and 6 mA mA Otherthan_Keypads Total Standby mA Total Alarm mA Total Standby -----TA x number of Standby Hours needed = mA-hours Total Alarm _____mA mA-hours + ______mA-hours *Based on 10% of active zones in alarm Total X.0001 = _______Amp-hrs Required XR5 Installation Guide Digital Monitoring Products 9 I t.11 I_I_-I-I - Bell Output 7.1 Terminal 5 (XRSFC Only) Terminal 5 supplies 12 VDC Bell Output to power alarm bells or horns. The output is rated for a maximum of 1.5 Amps. This output can be steady or pulsed depending upon the Bell Action specified in Output Options programming. Terminal 10 is the ground reference for terminal 5. 4-Wire Smoke Detector Power 8.1 Terminal 6 (XRSFC Only) Terminal 6 provides up to lOOmA at 12 VDC to power 4-wire smoke detectors or other auxiliary powered devices. This output can be turned off by the user for 5 seconds using the Sensor Reset User Menu option. Terminal 10 is the ground reference for terminal 6. Keypad Bus 9.1 Description Terminals 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the XR5FC and XR5SL panels provide the keypad bus to which you can connect an unlimited number of 692F LED keypads, two alphanumeric Security Command keypads, and other auxiliary devices. 9.2 Terminal 7- RED Terminal 7 provides 12 VDC keypad power for Security Command keypads. You can also connect 12 VDC auxiliary devices to terminal 7. The ground reference for terminal 7 is terminal 10. The maximum output is rated at 500mA on the XR5FC and XR5SL panels. All auxiliary devices totalled together must not exceed the panel's maximum current rating. 9.3 Terminal 8- YELLOW Data receive from devices. 9.4 Terminal 9- GREEN Data transmit to devices. 9.5 Terminal 10- BLACK Terminal 10 is the ground reference for keypads and any auxiliary devices powered by terminal 7. Note: Do not use shielded wire when wiring keypads or other devices. Class A (Style D) Fire Zone 10.1 Description Terminals 11 to 14 are the panel's Class A (Style D) fire zone. This zone is suitable for connecting waterfiow devices, heat detectors, and other non-powered fire devices. For programming purposes, this is zone number 1. The zone is rated for 1 .66mA at 5.0 VDC. The zone configuration on terminals 11 to 14 are described below. Terminal Function Terminal Function 11 Zone I voltage sensing 12 Negative for terminal 11 13 Zone 1 voltage sensing 14 Negative for terminal 13 The voltage sensing terminal measures the voltage flowing through the circuit to the zone's negative terminal. Dry contact sensing devices can be used only in parallel (normally-open) with zone 1. There are no End-of-Line resistors on a Class A (Style D) zone. Digital Monitoring Products XR5 Installation Guide 10 I_ I_1- I -- IAL Class B (Style A) Fire Zones 11.1 Description Terminals 15 to 22 are the Class B (Style A) fire zones on the XR5FC and XR5SL panels. These zones are suitable for connecting powered or non-powered fire devices. For programming purposes, these zones are designated 2 to 5. The zone configurations on terminals 15 to 22 are described below: Terminal Fuhctlon Terminal Function 15 Zone 2 voltage sensing 16 Zone 2 negative 17 Zone 3 voltage sensing 18 Zone 3 negative 19 Zone 4 voltage sensing 20 Zone 4 negative 21 Zone 5 voltage sensing 22 Zone 5 negative 11.2 Operational Parameters The Class B (Style A) zones on the XR5FC and XR5SL panels can detect three conditions: open, normal, and short. Each zone terminates with a Model 309, 3.3k Ohm EOL resistor (provided with the panel) and is rated for 53mA at 12 VDC. The UL compatibility identifier for use with 2-wire smoke detectors is: A. 11.3 Zone Response lime A condition must be present on the zone for at Least 500 milliseconds before it is detected by XR5FC and XR5SL panels. Only use detection devices that are rated for use with this delay. 11.4 Compatible 2-Wire Smoke Detectors The table below lists detectors meeting the compatibility requirements for use with the Class B (Style A) zones on the XR5FC and XR5SL fire panels. Do not mix detectors from different manufacturers on the same zone. Manufacturer Model Detector ID Base Base ID # of Detectors Detection D5250 Systems B MB2W A 10 Detection DS250Th, DS250HD Systems B MB2W, MB2WL A 10 Detection DS282, DS282TH Systems B 10 Hochiki SLK-12 HD-4 HSB-12-1, HSB-12-1N HB-80 20 DMP/Hochiki SLK-835, SLK-835H HD-5 HSB-200, HSB- 200N HB-55 7 DMP/Hochiki SLR-835 HD-3 N56-100 HB-55 7 DMP/Hochiki SLR-835B HD-6 7 Sentrol/ESL 429AT, 521B, 521BXT S09A 12 System Sensor 1100, 1400 STD 10 System Sensor 1151 STD B110LP 10 System Sensor.. 1451,2451Th STD B401,B401B 10 System Sensor 1451DH STb .DH400 :40 System Sensor 2100,2100T STD 10 System Sensor 2400, 2400AT, STD 2400A1T,_2400TH 10 System Sensor 2451 STD B401, B401B, DH400 10 XR5 Installation Guide Digital Monitoring Products - 11 .--I-t Form C Relay Outputs 12.1 Description The XR5FC and XR5SL panels can provide two auxiliary Form C (SPDT) relays when equipped with DMP Model 305 Plug-in Relays in sockets OUTPUT 1 and OUTPUT 2. Each relay is rated for 1 Amp at 30 VDC. Each output provides one Common, one Normally Open, and one Normally Closed terminal. Field wiring for the Form C relays connects to the 6-position terminal strip on the lower right corner of the XR5FC and XR5SL boards. The Form C relays can be operated by any of the functions listed below: Activation by a zone condition 3) Fire alarm or Fire trouble Communication Failure Annunciator Outputs 13.1 Description The XR5FC and XR5SL panels provide four open collector annunciator outputs that can be programmed to indicate the activity of the panel's zones or conditions occurring on the system. Open collector outputs do not provide a voltage but instead switch to ground voltage from another source. Each annunciator output is rated for 50mA at 30 VDC resistive. Form C and Annunciator outputs operate together: The Form C outputs 1 and 2 are internally connected to the Annunciator outputs 1 and 2. Any options assigned to Output 1 or 2 in the panel's Output Options programming applies to both outputs. While the Form C outputs each require a Model 305 Plug-in Relay, the annunciator outputs will work without the relays. The Annunciator outputs can respond to any of the conditions listed below: Activation by zone condition Communication failure Fire Alarm or Fire Trouble 13.2 Harness Wiring The Annunciator outputs are accessible by installing the DMP 300 Harness on the 4-pin header labeled J12. The output locations are shown below: Output Color Wire 1 Red 1 2 Yellow 2 3 Green 3 4 Black 4 Devices connected to the outputs must be located within the same room as the XR5FC and XR5SL panels. Telephone R.J Connector 14.1 Description Connect the panel to the public telephone network by installing DMP 356 RJ Cables between the panet'sJ4 (MAIN) and J5 (BACKUP) connectors, and the RJ31X or RJ38X phone jacks on the 356 cable. 14.2 FCC Registration The XR5FC and XR5SL panels comply with FCC part 68 and are registered with the FCC. Registration number: CCX USA - 18660 - AL - R Ringer Equivalence: 1.1 B Digital Monitoring Products XR5 Installation Guide 12 r FIR 14.3 Notification Registered terminal equipment must not be repaired by the user. In case of trouble, the device must be immediately unplugged from the telephone jack. The factory warranty provides for repairs. Registered terminal equipment may not be used on party Lines or in connection with coin telephones. Notification must be given to the telephone company of: The particular Line(s) the service is connected to The FCC registration number The ringer equivalence The make, model, and serial number of the device Reset lumper 19 15.1 Description There is a reset jumper Located at the top right of the panel's circuit board labeled RESET. Momentarily shorting the metal wires of the jumper with a screwdriver allows you to reset the microprocessor. of the XR5FC and XR5SL panels, allowing you to enter the internal Programmer. You can reset the panel while the system is operational (for example, during a service .call) without powering down the system. After resetting the panel for programming, you must begin within 30 minutes. If you wait longer than 30 minutes, you will have to reset the panel again. Silence! Reset Button 16.1 Silence/Reset Button The XR5FC and XR5SL panels each contain a mechanical push button located on the top center of the printed circuit board that allows authorized users to silence alarm bells or sirens and reset latched detection devices. After pressing the button, the panel silences the Bell output (XR5FC terminal 5) and momentarily drops power to the auxiliary output (XR5FC terminal 6), the 377 Trouble Annunciator Module, and zones 2 to 5 (both panels). Additionally, any Fire or Supervisory event displays at the keypads are also cleared. A 2-pin reset header (J13) is also provided for use with keyswitches. 16.2 Bell Circuit Monitor The XR5FC panel contains a bell monitor input (J14) that can be connected to the trouble contacts of the Model 865 or 866 Notification Circuit Module. When the 2-pin header is shorted via the notification module, the Bell Circuit Monitor is in a restored condition. When the trouble contacts open, a bell circuit trouble is indicated. The XR5FC is shipped from the factory with a shorting clip on the 2-pin header to indicate a restored condition. The DMP Model 306 harness is used to connect the J14 Bell Circuit Monitor to the trouble contacts of the 865 or 866 Notification Circuit Module. Dual Phone Line Connectors 17.1 Description The XR5FC and XR5SL panels contain built-in dual phone line capability that allows the panel to monitor two phone lines, indicate a phone line failure, and switch to the alternate phone line to communicate alarm and system reports to a central station. Before sending a report, the panel verifies whether the main phone line is working. If not, the panel sends the report over the backup phone line. An integrated phone line monitor circuit continually tests the phone lines and indicates a trouble condition on the Line after 90 seconds. If the phone line restores and is good for 90 seconds, the panel ends the phone line trouble indication. XR5 Installation Guide Digital Monitoring Products 13 Universal UL and NFPA Fire Alarm Specifications 18.1 Introduction The programming and installation specifications contained in this section must be completed when installing the XR5FC and XR5SL panels in accordance with any of the UL or NFPA fire standards. Additional specifications may be required by a particular standard. 18.2 Wiring All wiring must be in accordance with NEC, ANSI/NFPA 70. 18.3 Police Station Phone Number The digital dialer telephone number programmed for communication must not be a police station phone number, unless that phone number is specifically provided for that purpose. 184 System maintenance Proper installation and regular maintenance by the installing alarm company and frequent testing. by the end user is essential to ensure continuous satisfactory operation of any, alarm system Offering a maintenance program and acquainting the user with the correct procedure for use and testing of the system is also the responsibility of the installing alarm company. 18.5 Audible alarm ()(R5FC only) Fire Type zones should be programmed to activate an audible alarm. The Bell Action for Fire Type zones should not be programmed as "N". See section 6.3A in the XR5FC and XR5SL Programming Guide (LT-0312). 18.6 UL Listed Receivers UL has verified operation with the Sur-Gard SG-HLR2-DG, FBII CP220PB, Osborne-Hoffman Quick-Alert, and Radionics D6500 receivers. UL 864 and NFPA 72 Specifications Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems 19.1 Power Fail delay The Power Fail Delay option must be set to 6 hours. See section 5.4 of the Programming Guide (LT-0312). 19.2 Central Station Signaling Systems Two phone lines must be used. The two phone lines cannot be ground start or party lines. See section 3.3 of the XR5FC and XR5SL Programming Guide (LT-0312). Two different phone numbers must be programmed for digital communication. See sections 3.12 and 3.20 of the XR5FC and XR5SL Programming Guide (LT-0312). 19.3 Local Protective Signaling Systems The DMP Model 865 or 866 Notification Circuit Module must be used on the bell circuit for detection of shorts and grounds. See sections 21.1 to 21.3 of this guide. 19.4 Remote Station Protective Signaling Systems You must provide 60 hours of standby battery. Up to two 12 VDC, 7.0Ah battenes may be used. See section 6.6 for standby battery calculations. Two Radionics Model D127 Reversing Relay Modules may be used to provide two reversing polarity telephone connections instead of dual phone lines. See section 21.4 and the D127 Installation Instruction sheet for wiring details. California State Fire Marshal Specifications 20.1 Bell Output Definition The bell output of the Model XR5FC must be programmed to operate temporal on fire alarms. See section 6.3A of the XR5FC and XR5SL Programming Guide (LT-0312). Digital Monitoring Products XR5 Installation Guide 14 U' To additional 866 Notification Circuit Modules. Up to a maximum of thirteen 866 Modules on the XR5 panels. All modules must be installed in a 340FC, 349, or 350 Enclosure Notification Circuit Module connected by no more than 20 feet of conduit. DMP Model 866 45rnA@12VDC I I I 866 Module 1 AUX PWR 2 GND 3 Alarm In 4 Bell PWR In 5 Bell Out + 6 Bell Out - 7 Bell Trouble 8 Bell Trouble MAIN BACKUP 213 silence/Reset Panel Push for 1 Second Reset {Ifl siieI..' 5 eset Header silence/Reset Tel Button Connections - irii LJJJ . Monitor XR5 Commercial Fire Command Processor Panel 10K EOL DMP Model 308 Cr! k UL Listed, Polarized Notification Appliances 210 Trouble Annunciator Header Relay 5odcets for Optional Form C Outputs on 311 UI 312 I II Ibu 1I 0 I II" 24 VDC 5 I Auxiliary I ? Maximum' Power Supply Power Supply Trouble Contacts N/C Notification Circuit Module DMP Model 866 45mA @12 VDC 866 Module 1 AUX PWR 2 GND 3 Alarm In 4 Bell PWR In 5 Bell Out + 6 Bell Out - 7 Bell Trouble 8 Bell Trouble Each 866 Notification Appliance Circuit Module in alarm draws up to 59mA through its Terminal 3 Alarm Input. ()= Supervised Circuit 10K EOL DMP Model 308 rTL-1 UL Listed, Polarized Notification + Appliances Zone 1 3.3K EOL Zone 2 Note: If an auxiliary power supply is not used, terminals 3 Auxiliary J and 4 on the 866 Module can be jumpered together to receive Power Bell Power from the XRSF panel. A maximum of 1.5 Amps as Supply 12 VDC is available from terminal 5 of the XRSF panel. \J\ Power Supply Auxiliary Power Supply must be regulated, UL Listed for Fire 24 VDC 5 Trouble Protective Signaling Service. Power Supplies must have Amp Contacts N/C Maximum battery backup. C a MAIN BACKUP 313 Silence/Reset Panel Push for 1 seCond 34LII[:]is I..' ____ Reset sie7eset El = Header Silence/Reset Telephone Button Connections rrs, 314 XR5 Commercial Fire Command ProcessorTM Panel Zone 1 3.31C EOL Zone 2 ()= Supervised Circuit S.. 310 Trouble Annunciator Header Relay Sockets for Optional Form C Outputs on 111 I :I :I 312 °L,zs-__jjb__J° iS FJ I i II IeI,ii 40 pa, C Pp ID 0 Oa UI 2 Pp 0 (I, C Pp FL C CD Notification Circuit Module To additional 865 Notification Circuit Modules. Up to a DMP Model 865 maximum of thirteen 865 Modules on the XRS panels. All 25mA @12 VDC modules must be installed in a 340FC, 349, or 350 Enclosure Normal/Silence Switch 865 I connected by no more than 20 feet of conduit. Module B 10K EOL DMP Model 308 1 AUX PWR 2 GND 4 Bell PWR In+T ____________ 3 Alarm In _____________ - Style Y [ 5 Bell PWR In - 6 Bell Out A+ Bell Out A - 7 8 Bell Out B + UL Listed, Polarized 9 Bell Out B - 10 Bell Trouble Notification Appliances 11 Bell Trouble 1•- I 24 VDC 5 I Auxiliary L Amp I Maximum Power L Supply Power Supply Trouble Contacts N/C - at L~Q UL Listed, e Z Polarized Notification Appliances Each 865 Notification Appliance Circuit Module in alarm draws up to 59mA through its Terminal 3 Alarm Input. Note: If an auxiliary power supply is not used, terminals 3 and 4 on the 865 Module can be jumpered together to receive I.-- Bell Power from the X115F panel. A maximum of 1.5 Amps as DJ Auxiliary 12 VDC is available from terminal S of the XR5F panel. Power Supply Power Supply Auxiliary Power Supply must be regulated, UL Listed for Fire 24 VDC 5 Trouble Protective Signaling Service. Power Supplies must have Contacts N/C Amp battery backup. Maximum 865 L Module B 1 AUX PWR 2 GND 3 Alarm In 4 Bell PWR In +Kim- 5 Bell PWR In - 6 Bell Out A + 7 Bell Out A- 8 Bell Out B + 9 Bell Out B - 10 Bell Trouble 11 Bell Trouble Notification Circuit Module DMP Model 865 25mA @12 VDC MEMO 21.3 Multiple 866 Notification Circuit Modules for Zoned Annunciation MAIN BACKUP 3411 D5 Telephone connections Silence/Reset Panel 313 Push for 1 Second Reset .. = Silence/Reset Header Silence/Reset Button To additional 866 Notification Circuit Modules. Up to a maximum of thirteen 866 Modules on the XR5 panels. All modules must be installed in a 340FC, 349, or 350 Enclosure connected by no more than 20 feet of conduit. XR5 Commercial Fire Command Processorm Panel m. 310 Trouble Annunciator Header Relay Sockets for Optional Form c Outputs on 311 nri 312 jul I- 25+ ZS- 21s1 III I II2I II3ii IJ Zone 1 Zone 2 Output Output Zone 1 Notification Circuit Module DMP Model 866 Zone 1 3.3K EOL Zone 2 Note: In order to activte the proper relay, the zone alarm action programming must be selected to activate relay ouputs 1 or 2. 866 Module 1 AUX PWR 2 GND 3 Alarm In 4 Bell PWR In 5 Bell Out + 6 Bell Out - 7 Bell Trouble 8 Bell Trouble 10K EOL I I ®= Supervised Circuit output Normally Open 24 VDC 5 I Auxiliary Maxin?um Power Supply Power Supply Trou Contacts N/CS 24 VDC 5 I Auxiliary Amp I Power Maximum Supply Output 2 24 Normally Open M A jAmp 10K EOL Model 308 flDMP 866 Module 1 AUX PWR 2 GND 3 Alarm In 4 Bell PWR In 5 Bell Out + 6 Bell Out - 7 Bell Trouble 8 Bell Trouble A maximum of 1.5 Amps is available from terminal 5 of the XRSFC. Each 866 Notification Appliance Circuit Module in alarm draws up to 59mA through its Terminal 3 Alarm Input. jJ j Note: If an auxiliary power supply is not used, terminals 3 and 4 on the 866 Module can be jumpered together to receive Bell Power from the XR5F panel. A maximum of To additional Zone 2 1.5 Amps as 12 VDC is available from terminal 5 of the XRSF panel. Notification Circuit Modules Auxiliary Power Supply must be regulated, UL Usted for Fire Protective Signaling Service. Power Supplies must have battery backup. 866 Module 1 AUX PWR 2GND 3 Alarm In 4 Bell PWR In 5 Bell Out + 6 Bell Out - 7 Bell Trduble 8 Bell Trouble Zone 2 Notification Circuit Module DMP Model 866 45mA @12 VDC Notification Circuit Module DMP Model 866 45mA @12 VDC 10K EOL DMP Model 308 XR5 Installation Guide Digital Monitoring Products 17 WI I - I -- 21.4 Remote Station Reversing Relay Connection MAIN BACKUP 313 SilencReset Panel Reset LI] DSk Reset5 [] Header 5i1eaor/Reset Telephone Button Connections Jj4S Bet S Monitor S... 310 Trouble Annundator Header XR5 Commercial Fire Relay Sockets fbr Optional Command Processor Panel Form Outputs 0nill 312 B -B BELL SIlK RED YEt GRN Rl_K ZIA+ZSA-ZIB+21B- 22+ 22- 23+ 23- Z4+ Z4- 25+ 25- 12 0 Ieil2bi : () I I I () ®= Supervised Circuit Note: Output 1 must be programmed as a Fire Alarm Output and Output 2 must be programmed as a Fire Trouble Output. Reversing Relay Module Radionics Model D127 5mA Standby, 55mA Alarm @12VDC Alternate Alarm Combo Alarm Auxiliary Power In + Signal Voltage In + To Remote Receiver - To Remote Receiver - Signal Voltage In EARTH GROUND GROUND GROUND Intended for connection to a polarity reversal circuit of a remote station receiving unit having compatible ratings. Alternate Alarm Combo Alarm Auxiliary Power In + Signal Voltage In + To Remote Receiver - To Remote Receiver - Signal Voltage In EARTH GROUND GROUND GROUND Reversing Relay Module Radionics Model D127 5mA Standby, 55mA Alarm @12VDC - Up to 60 hours of battery standby time can be supplied using two 7.0 Ah, sealed, Lead-Acid batteries. All modules must be installed in a Model 340FC, 3405L, 349, or 350 Enclosure connected by no more than 20 feet of conduit. This configuration transmits alarm and trouble signals only and does not transmit Supervisory signals. For complete system reports, use the 2-line dialer capability of the panel. Fire Alarm Output 1 Line Fire Trouble Output 2 To Teleohone Line Digital Monitoring Products XR5 Installation Guide 18 21.5 Supervised Remote Relay 7 MAIN BA(UP 313 .. )4[j 1_15 Silence/Reset Header Telephone Connections 314I1 Bell Monitor XRS Commercial Fire Command Processor Panel Silence/Reset Panel - Push for 1 Second Reset [] = Silence/Reset Sutton 310 Trouble Annunciator Header. Relay sockets for Optional Form C Outputs on 311 12 ' 0 0 is Z3+ Z3- Z4+ Z4- Z5+ 25-21.1 I l0II0I0I3ii 1I DPDT Relay Use Model ASRB-1 from Advanced Signaling. 30mA coil operating current at 12 VDC. Normally Closed Normally Ope contacts will contacts will Open on alarm, close on alarm. I I Remote DPDT I I Zone 1 3.3K EOL Zone 2 = Supervised Circuit DMP Part *DI-001 Rectifier (1N4001 diode) in series with input from Model 866 Module terminal 6. The zone connected to the Bell Trouble contacts on the 866 Notification Circuit Module must be programmed as a Supervisory Type zone. + 10K EOL Resistor DMP Model 308 Wiring between the 866 Module and the DPDT Relay is supervised against open, shorts, and grounds. Any of these trouble conditions will cause the 866 Module's Bell Trouble contacts to open. '< Notification Circuit Module DMP Model 866 45mA @12 VDC 866 Module 1 AUX PWR 2 GND 3 Alarm In 4 Bell PWR In 5 Bell Out + 6 Bell Out - EOL 7 Bell Trouble 8 Bell Trouble The 866 Module must be installed in the panel enclosure or in a 340FC, 349, or 350 Enclosure connected by no more than 20 feet of conduit. XR5 Installation Guide Digital Monitoring Products 19 WII - - - -' - - 21.6 XR5SL Connection to FACP MAIN BACKUP 313 , 5ilencReset Panel Pus Reset [] [] 34[II] [1111:15 re-01 Silenceliteset Header Silence/Ronet Telephone Button Connections LJJ.J Bell Mo 314 nitor Relay sockets for Optional Form C Outputs on 311 312 oL_1L.jjo 23. Z3+ 23- Z4+ Z4- ZS+ 25- _____________ I•I sl.l 56 AC Mode Wiring When the XR5SL is used in the AC Mode, the DMP Model 320 Transformer must be connected to the same branch circuit as the FACP. An AC power fail can then be delayed 6 to 12 hours by the XR5SL programming. See section 5.4 in the XRS Programming Guide (LT-0312). The FACP must not indicate AC Fail to the XR5SL 120 VAC 60Hz 350mA S... 310 Trouble Annunciator Header XR5SL Commercial Fire Command Processorm Panel II Zone LDMP jformer DC Mode Wiring When the XR5SL is used in the DC Mode, the operating range of the FACP must be between 18 and 30 VDC. del 320 TranMThe FACP must indicate AC power fail on an independent relay output. This output must delay the AC power fail 6 AC Mode I I to 12 hours. —------ Optional DC Mode I I I I Main Fire Alarm I Control Panel (FACP) I Positive 12/24 VDC Auxiliary Output / Negative 12/24 VDC Auxiliary Output M - Form C alarm contacts activate on General Alarm. '-< r Normally OrnF1 Form C trouble contacts activate on General Trouble. General Trouble must not be used to indicate AS power fail unless it can be delayed 6 to 12 hours. Form C or A contacts activate on Supervisory condition. Form C contacts activate on AC power fail. Use on XR5SL in DC Mode only. Must delay AC power fail 6 to 12 hours. Common Normally Closed Normally Open Common Normally Closed Normally Open Common ally Closed 3.3k Ohm Zone 2 3.3k Ohm 3.3k Ohm 3.3k Ohm Zone 5 Digital Monitoring Products XR5 Installation Guide 20 __ _____________ AM 21.7 XRSFC/XR5SL Installation for Derived Channel MAIN BACKUP 313 Sience/Reset Pushl tori Second Q E35 Silence/Reset Header Silence/Reset Telephone Button Connections r,1, 314 ' Lii Monitor XR5 Commercial Fire Command ProcessorTM Panel Panel Reset = 310 Trouble Annunciator Header Relay Sockets for Optional Fcnn C Outputs on 311 EE"o t 312 Z4- Z5i- Z5- III I l®Il*I0I3ii3 2 41 © = Supervised Circui DCX Systems STU-2Z R331X Telco Jack 123456 Ubk.Termination Assembly P/N 21024-0003 (590 Ohm 1/2W Resistor) Supervisory Zone Input - Panel Common - Panel Auxiliary Power - Note 1: Use EOL Termination Assembly P/N 21024-0001 Note 1 (2.2k Ohm 1/2W Resistor). Note 1 XR5 Installation Guide Digital Monitoring Products 21 LT-0299 (4/04) 0 2004 Digital Monitoring Products, Inc. - Sua-erior Notification DMP Notification Modules provide quality supervision for faults, such as grounds, shorts, and opens. 12 or 24 VDC, UL Listed devices Devices alert on-site personnel of fire and burglary alarms Silence switch can disable module bell output during service and maintenance Select the module that is best for your application. 865,866,867 MOIDULES NOTIFICATION MODULE FEATURES 867 FEATURES Powered from panel or auxiliary power supply Provides Steady, Pulse, Temporal Code 3, and California .• Suitable for use with 12 VDC or 24 VDC devices Schools Code bell outputs SuDervised Silence Switch disables the bell output Provides supervision for opens, shorts, and ground fault durirg service or rr.af nte-iance conditions on the bell circuit Provide supervised Style W 2-wire circuit for notification • On board status LED indicates panel communication is appliances good 865 FEATk#RV1r,• On board Power Supply Monitor LED indicates loss of Provides one 4 wire circLit or two 2 wire circuits power from an auxiLiary power supply Provides Style Y, Z, W, or notification circuit for the Easy rotary addressing; no difficult binary switches coinection of appLfances . Ideal for mounting near notification devices . •. Provides one Trouble and one Ground Fault LED Connects to the 4 wire LX-Bus op XR500 Series,. X11200, or XR200 485 panels Suoervises UL Listed, poiarized notification devices . . . Allows installation of mu tiple Style W notification devices . ......'... . . SU.DerVlSes auxiliary pcw-r. suppLy r-' 5 INSTALLING THE NOTIFICATION MODULES You can install the Notification Modules in any of the panel enclosure three-hole mounting locations using the plastic standoffs provided. * .* -. . 865 DESCRIPTION 867 DESCRIPTION The 865 is suitable for use with 2- or The 867 connects to the panel LX-Bus 4-wire Style Y, Z, W, or X circuits. It and provides one supervised Style provides one Trouble and one Ground W circuit, and four LEDs to indicate Fault LED and a set of trouble contacts circuit Trouble and Ground Fault to indicate off normal conditions. conditions. NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES The 865, 866, and 867 Modules easily connect notification appliances, such as horns and strobes. By connecting the appliances in parallel, it is possible to connect several appliances to one module. Refer to the module installation sheet for more information. AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLY You can connect a maximum 5 Amp, 12 or 24 VDC UL listed auxiliary power supply to the Notification Modules to support alarm power requirements beyond the panel alarm output capacity. SILENCE SWITCH OPERATION The Silence switch on the Notification Modules allows technicians to test or perform maintenance on the DMP fire system without sounding the building's fire alarm notification devices. POWER SUPPLY SUPERVISION The panel can supervise the auxiliary power supply through the normally closed trouble contacts on the power supply that also connect to terminals 7 and 8 on the 866 and 867 Modules. When the bell circuit is in a bad condition, the modules indicate the bad condition to the panel. 865 SELECTABLE CIRCUIT STYLES By setting a jumper on the 865 Module, you may use Style W (2-wire) or Style X (4-wire) notification circuits to connect appliances. You may also use Style Y (2-wire) or Style Z (4-wire) circuits. This flexibility allows the use of one module in a variety of applications. 866 DESCRIPTION The 866 Notification Module provides one 5 Amp Style W notification circuit for supervising UL listed, polarized notification devices such as bells, strobes, and horns. The 866 is compatible with DMP Command Processorlm panels. MULTIPLE 866 MODULES You may install up to 25 Model 866 Style W Notification Modules on each XR500 Series XR200, XR200-485 panel by using the relay outputs available on the panel. 861 ADDRESSING The 867 has two pairs of rotary switches. One pair sets the module Bell Relay Address. The second pair sets the Supervisory zone address. Having a separate Bell Relay Address allows multiple modules to be activated in groups and yet monitored by individual Supervisory zones. 867 BELL RING STYLE You can specify the bell output cadence on the 867 module by setting the Bell Ring Style jumper for Steady, Pulsed, Temporal Code 3, or California Schools. The 867 can then be activated by the Fire Bell output or by a panel Zone Alarm Output. POWER SUPPLIES 502-12 Provides 2 Amps ® 12 VDC 505-12/LX Provides 5 Amps® 12 VDC 508 8 Amps ®12or24VDC PANEL COMPATIBILITY 866 and 865 Modules - all DMP Command Processor panels. 867 Module - XRSOO Series, XR200, and XR200-485, Command Processor Panels. MODULE SPECIFICATIONS ..865 Operating Voltage 9.6 to 14.2 VDC from panel Current Draw Standby: 26mA, Maximum: 85mA Maximum Alarm 5 Amps ® up to 30 VDC Circuit Styles One 2-wire Style W or Y or One 4-wire Style X or Z 88 MODULE SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage 12 VDC Current Draw (from panel) Standby: 45mA, Maximum 75mA rnntrt R,tina'z . ALarm 5 Amps at 24 VDC resistive Trouble 2 Amps at 30 VDC resistive moo— DiDital Monitaring Product. 867 MODULE SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage LX-Bus: 8.0 to 15.0 VDC Bell Power: 10.2 to 28 VDC Operating Current LX-Bus: 30mA maximum Bell Power: 30mA standby, 80mA maximum Alarm-Switching Current 5 Amps at 12 or 24 VDC Module Dimensions 3" x 5" LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Listed UL 864 Fire Protective Signaling UL 985 Household Fire Warning UL 1023 Household Burglary FCC Part 15 2500 North Partnership Boulevard Springfield, Missouri 65803-8877 LISTED DMP Fire Command Keypads provide a variety of fire annunciation solutions for residential and commercial fire applications. Using the 692F Fire Command Keypad, alarm and trouble conditions on XR5FC and XR55L Commercial Fire Pane's displayon the highly visible LED annunciator. Simple one-button operation to silence alarms, reset sensors, test the system, and perform a fire drill make the 630F easy to operate. The 630F, 690F, and 790F Fire Command keypads from DMP 32-character full text LCD readout displays system events and menu prompts that make the keypads efficient and easy-to-use. 41 . T.P...tl HRE COMMAND CENTER FEATURES 630F FEATURES Simple harness connection to 4-wire keypad bus . 32-character LCD display At-a-glance system status Flush or Surface mount Powered from panel or auxiliaiypovr supply, . Keyswitch enables single button operation. Optional backboxes for conduit or wall mount applications Full operation with authonzed code Attractive non obtrusive designs Built in diagnostics 2 button Panic keys AC Power, Trouble, Alarm LEE) 892F FEATURES CompatiblewithXR2400F,XR200,orXR200 485 Three status LEDs Silenced, Trouble, and Power System events in plain English 10 zone LEDs: 5Trouble LEDs and 5 Alarm LEDS 690F1790F FEATURES No addressing required use as many as you need 32 character LCD display Zone, monitoring feature for all zones Compatible with alt DMP panels .Four short tones indicate an unsuccessful keypad operation 790F keypads provide four Class B zones Audible.tone on each key press .. . Displays system events/user, activity Quick key on keypad for changing user code • AC power LED Zone LEDs: Normal, Trouble, Bypassed, and Alarm conditions . _______ *• - .- '•* - Jff RETROFIT EXISTING DMP SYSTEMS Designed to allow easy retrofitting, the Fire Command keypads are compatible with all existing DMP panels. DMP recommends using the 692F with the XR5 panel. Adding a keypad does not require new wiring, special modules, or panel upgrades. You can provide a new took and greater functionality to an existing system at just a fraction of the cost for all new equipment. 2-BUTTON PANIC KEYS The Fire Command Keypads allow the top row of keys to be used as 2-button Panic keys. This feature Lets the user press and hold two of the keys simultaneously to send a Panic, non-medical Emergency (options not available on 692F), or Fire Alarm report to the central station. An adhesive Label is provided with the keypads to identify the Panic keys to the user. KEYBOARD BACKLIGHTING The Fire Command keypads also illuminate the keyboard in green whenever a key is pressed or the internal buzzer sounds. This allows users to enter their code or perform a command function in very low Light conditions. This option is not available on the 630F Keypad. RED ALARM BACKLIGHTING The keypads offer one of the most unique features found on any keypad. During an alarm condition on the system, the keyboard backlighting turns a bright red. This change in color from the normal green backlighting helps people on-site to instantly recognize an alarm condition. This option is not available on the 630F Keypad. BUILT-IN DIAGNOSTICS An internal diagnostics program lets installers and service technicians test the operation of the keypad at any time without disabling the system. The diagnostics program tests the keypad's prewarn tone, LCD segments and backlighting, each of the keyboard's 16 keys, and the 790F keypad's four protection zones. This option is not available on the 692F Keypad. SUPERVISED AND UNSUPERVISED OPERATION You can program the keypads for supervised or unsupervised operation on the keypad data bus. When supervised, the keypad occupies its own address. Unsupervised operation allows you to install multiple keypads on the bus with the same address. This feature greatly increases the overall number of keypads you can install to provide maximum flexibility in operating the system. The 692F is always unsupervised. 692F FIRE COMMAND KEYPAD The 692F Fire Command Keypad offers highly visible LED annunciation of alarm and trouble conditions on DMP XR5FC and XR5SL Commercial Fire Panels. The 692F provides individual zone alarm and trouble LEDs, status LEDs, an internal buzzer, 2-button functions. The 692F also includes an easy-to-read backlit keyboard with large alphanumeric characters. The 692F is cased in a stylishly designed, durable red plastic housing with removable base for easy installation. STATUS LEDS The green Power LED lights when primaryAC or DC power to the pane[ is at an acceptable Level and flashes when its battery is low or missing. Ayellow Trouble LED turns on when either the panel has failed to communicate with the central station receiver or when phone line 1 or 2 is in a bad condition. The 692F also uses a yellow Silenced LED to indicate when the pariets Bell Output has been silenced. ZONE LEDS Ten zone LEDs indicate the status of the zones. Each zone has a trouble and alarm LED to indicate at-a-glance zone status. KEYPAD FUNCTION KEYS There are four clearly labeled function keys on the 692F keypad. The SILENCE, RESET, TEST, and CODE function keys allow the user to press one key to initiate operations. As an added security measure, the user must enter a valid security code after pressing one of the function keys. 630F REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR The 630F Fire Command Center from DMP offers high quality, cost effective fire system control with an easy-to-use keyboard interface. The 32-character full text LCD readout displays system events and menu prompts making the 630F keyboard efficient and easy-to-use. SINGLE-BUTTON OPERATION The 630F Fire Command Center Keyboard has a factory installed keyswitch that enables the four function buttons—Alarm Silence, System Reset, System Test, and Fire Drill. The user can also access these functions through the User Menu by entering a valid user code at the Keyboard. USER MENU Users can access all of the functions necessary to operate and maintain their system right from the keyboard UserMenu. These function include Alarm Silence, Reset Sensors, and Display Events. 690F/790F FIRE COMMAND KEYPADS Both 690F and 790F Fire Command keypads provide a 32-character LCD display, a large backlit alphanumeric keyboard, and an internal multi-tone speaker. Users can perform all system functions from the keypads including arming, disarming, bypassing zones, and silencing alarms as well as choosing any of the User Menu options. The 790F Security Command Keypad also provides four Class B protection zones for use in a variety of fire applications. FOUR PROTECTION ZONES To save the expense and potential service problems inherent in "home-running" your security devices to the panel, the 790F Fire Command Keypad provides four fully programmable Class B protection zones you can use for a variety of burglary and fire applications. Multiple Fire Command keypads can also be installed on the same wire run to increase the cost savings of each installation. USER SELECTABLE OPTIONS Each keypad provides a simple User Options menu through which users can change the display and speaker characteristics of the keypad. Simply holding the COMMAND and Back Arrow keys down for two seconds causes the keypad to display SET BRIGHTNESS. Once in the menu, the user can adjust the several options to customize the keypad for personal preferences. DISTINCT SOUND PATTERNS The 690F and 790F Fire Command Keypads also provide distinct sound patterns or burglary alerts, fire alerts, door monitors, and prewam that can help users identify an event occurring on their system. USER MENU Users can access all of the functions necessary to operate and maintain their system right from the keyboard User Menu. These function include Alarm Silence, Reset Sensors, and Display Events. The User Menu is restricted so that a valid user code is required before access is granted to any of the functions. This protection allows you to install the keyboard in even high traffic public areas without danger of unauthorized access. MOUNTING The 630F comes with its own backbox and trim frame, providing an attractive installation. The keypad can either be flush- mounted or surface-mounted. KEYPAD REFERENCE CHART Keypad Zones Display Panic Compatible Keyboard User Operating Operating Type Keys Panels Red in Alarm Brightness Voltage Current 630F Fire Command None LCD Yes XR200, XR2400F, and_XR200-485 No Yes 12 VDC lOOmA; lOOmA 690F Fire Command None LCD Yes All Yes Yes 12 VDC lOOmA; lOOmA 692F Fire Command None LED Yes XR5FC/SL No Yes 12 VDC 30mA; 7OmA 100mA+1.6mA 790F Fire Command Four LCD Yes All Yes Yes 12 VDC per active zone, lOOmA + 2mA per zone in alarm 691F SPECIFICATIONS I Operating Voltage, 83 to 15 VDC Current Draw 30mAstandb70rnAmaidmum Dimensions 68"Wx5.0"H.x1.1"D Panel Companbibty XR5FC and XR5SL 630F SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage 8.5 to 15 VDC Current Draw lOOmA :T1im Frame Dimensions 10.4" W x 7.0".H x 1.7" D Backbox Dimensions 8.75" W x 6.375" H x 2.5" D Panel Compatibility XR200, XR2400F, and XR200-485 690F179OF SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage .8.0to16VDC. 690F Current Draw lOOmA standby and alarm 790F Current Draw Standby: lOOmA +1 6mAperzone arm:100rnA ~2mA per active zone Dimensions 6.8"Wx5.0"I1x1.1"D .PanelCompatibility AilDMP Command Processor. Panels KEYPAD ACCESSORIES 695 1.5" Keypad Conduit Backbox 696 1I2 Keypad Backbox 699 Keypad Deskstand WR-0004 4-wire Replacement Harness WR-0012 12-wire Replacement Harness WR-0512 5-foot 12-wire Replacement Harness LCD Keypad Housing LED Keypad Housing Note: Backboxes not compatible with 630F. APPROVALS UL 864 Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling UL 985 Household Fire UL294Access Control UL 985 Household Fire Warning UL 1076 Proprietary Burglar UL 1023 Household Burglar UL 1610 Central Station CSFM 2500 North Partnership Boulevard Springfield, Missouri 65803-8877 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-1157:104 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Control Unit (Non High-Rise) LISTEE: Digital Monitoring Products, *2500 N. Partnership Blvd., Springfield, MO Contact: Terry Shelton (417) 831-9362 FAX (417) 831-1325 DESIGN: Model XR5FC and XR5SL fire alarm control units. Automatic, manual, noncoded, local, remote station, central station, waterfiow and sprinkler supervisory service. Model XR5SL does not employ a bell output circuit or 4-wire detector power, it is used for slave applications deriving its power from the host (master) control unit. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: XRSFC, XR5SL Control Panels 670, 690, 692F Keypad 865,866 Bell Module 320 Power Transformer 377 Trouble Indicator Module INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm control units for use with separately listed electrically and functionally compatible initiating and indicating devices. The control units can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 1999 Edition. Refer to listee's Installation Instructions Manual for details. NOTE: For Alarm Verification Feature, the maximum Retard/Reset/Restart (including smoke detector reset time) shall not exceed 30 seconds. *Rev. 03-04-2004 rc) This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or. recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 20, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K, AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager SPECIFICATIONS HE-6V7.IFR I NominalVoltage........................................................................6V Nominal Capacity at 77°F (25°C) Voltage readings are per cell 20 Hour Rate (0385 amps to 1.75 volts).. 7.70 ampere hours 8 Hour Rate (0.870 amps to 1.75 volts).... 6.90 ampere hours 5 Hour Rate (1.35 amps to 1.75 volts) 6.80 ampere hours 1 Hour Rate (4.9 amps to 1.75 volts)........4.90 ampere hours 1/2 Hour Rate (7.8 amps to 1.75 volts) .... 3.90 ampere hours Max. Physical Size Length ........................................................5.95 inches (151mm) Width............................................................1.35 inches (34mm) Height (excluding terminals) ........................3.70 inches (94mm) Height (including terminals)..........................3.81 inches (97mm) Weight ................................................................3.20 lbs (1.5kg) Energy Density (20 Hour Rate) ..........................................1.56 watt hrs/cu in (20 Hour Rate) ..........................................14.40 watt hrs/lbs Operating Temperature Range Discharge ........................ -60°F to +140°F (-51°C to +60°C) Charge ................................ 0°F to +120°F (-18°C to +49°C) Recharging Methods: Float Charging Constant Potential Source of 6.8 to 6.9 volts continuously. Routine Charging: Constant Potential Source of 7.3 to 7.5 volts with a charging current of 2.5 ampere maximum. Terminal: Standard is tin plated brass, positive terminal is 0.030 stock by 0.250 wide, negative terminal is 0.030 stock by 0.250 wide, mates with Amp Faston series or equal. Case Material: flame Retardant ABS SPECIFICATIONS HE-12V7.7FR PRODUCT SCHEMATICS Nominal Voltage......................................................................12V Nominal Capacity at 77°F (25°C) Voltage readings are per cell 20 Hour Rate (0.385 amps to 1.75 volts).. 7.70 ampere hours 8 Hour Rate (0.870 amps to 1.75 volts).... 6.90 ampere hours 5 Hour Rate (1.35 amps to 1.75 volts) 6.80 ampere hours 1 Hour Rate (4.9 amps to 1.75 volts)........4.90 ampere hours 1/2 Hour Rate (7.8 amps to 1.75 volts) .... 3.90 ampere hours Max. Physical Size Length ........................................................5.95 inches (151mm) Width............................................................2.56 inches (65mm) Height (excluding terminals) ........................3.74 inches (95mm) Height (including terminals)........................3.98 inches (101mm) Weight ................................................................6.40 lbs (2.9kg) Energy Density (20 Hour Rate) ..........................................1.64 watt hrs/cu in (20 Hour Rate) ..........................................14.40 watt hrs/lbs Operating Temperature Range Discharge ........................ -60°F to +140°F (-51°C to +60°C) Charge ................................ 0°F to +120°F (-18°C to +49°C) Recharging Methods: Float Charging: Constant Potential Source of 13.6 to 13.8 volts continuously. Routine Charging: Constant Potential Source of 14.6 to 15.0 volts with a charging current of 2.5 ampere maximum. Terminal: Standard is tin plated brass, positive terminal is 0.030 stock by 0.250 wide, negative terminal is 0.030 stock by 0.250 wide, mates with Amp Faston series or equal. Case Material: flame Retardant ABS Above data are average values wtdth can be obtained within 3 chaip/discharp cycleThese are eat minimum values. I ]i1II1.35 HE-6V7.7FR HGH-14 RECHARGE ABLE BATTER I ES Fire Alarm Systems I D285 Series Photoelectric Smoke Detector Heads (12/24 VDC) D285 Series Photoelectric Smoke Detector Heads (12/24 VDC) 'Fire Systems .1.•-• VV*•V ' ', ".•. •. : . '• - .-•• Vi"' '. 'T VV V •V - ' • V • • ' ••V f - - :-- V - -: - .- • .. - 'V - t•_ V.- -•, z - - Commercial or residential applications Two-wire or four-wire application, depending on base Chamber Check® rapid-flash LED sends contaminated chamber reports Flashing LED power indicator Steady-on LED alarm indicator V Modular design The D285 and D285TH detector heads detect the large smoke particles which typically result from wood, papel, and fabric. combustion. The D285TH smoke detector also has a +135'F (+57°C) fixed temperature heat sensor. Use in areas where the ambient temperature does not exceed + 100°F (+380C). These detectors are compatible with two- wire or four- wire, 12 VDC or 24 VDC circuits. Also available are addressable bases for use on the POPEX bus. These detectors have two components: the detector base and the detector head. The base is permanently attached and wired to a back box. The interchangeable heads quickly detach for replacement and cleaning without affecting circuit wiring. The D285 and D285TH detector heads attach to the following detector bases: D278S 12 V Four- wire Addressable (POPIT) Detector Base (6 in. [15.2 cm] diameter) D287 Two- wire Detector Base (5.5 in. [14 cm] diameter) D288 Two- wire Detector Base ([6 in. [15.2 cm] diameter) D292 Four- wire Detector Base (6 in. [15.2 cm] diameter) D293A Four- wire Detector Base (6 in. [15.2 cm] diameter) with Form C Relay D293E Power Supervision Detector Base (6 in; [15.2 cm] diameter) with Auxiliary Form A Relay V D293S Four- wire Detector Base (6 in. [15.2 cm] diameter) with Sounder D298M 24 V Four- wire Addressable (POPIT) Master Detector Bas (6 in. [15.2 cm] diameter) D298S 24 V Four- wire Addressable (POPIT) Slave Detector Base (6 in. [15.2 cm] diameter) Functions Detection chamber operation The D285 and D285TH smoke detectors use an infrared (IR) LED light source and a silicon photodiode to measure light in a chamber. In normal conditions the light is absorbed in the chamber. The presence of a significant number of particulates allows the light to reflect to the photodiode. After three consecutive measurements exceeding the threshold level, the unit signals an alarm condition. The detector can be reset from the control panel, after an alarm condition is cleared, by interrupting power. The detection chamber, designed for reliable smoke entry characteristics, is protected by a micro- fine insect screen to reduce dust accumulation and insect penetration and minimize nuisance alarms. BOSCH 2 1 D285 Series Photoelectric Smoke Detector Heads (12/24 VDC) Chamber Check Feature To further reduce nuisance alarms, the D285 and D285TH heads check their calibration. This Chamber Check feature is automatic. If the head is out of calibration for a period exceeding 24 hours, the Trouble- Alarm LED flashes once per second, three times the normal rate. Testing Internal diagnostic test These heads have moisture- proof reed switches that react to an external magnet for testing. The magnet test simulates a4% to 6% smoke obscuration that places the detector in an alarm condition. This test results in specific LED and alarm circuit responses to indicate: Detector within calibration standards Detector settings outside sensitivity standards Detector not operational This test is especially useful in environmentally unstable or unclean areas. Sensitivity voltage test Mounting The D285 smoke detector head and D285TH smoke and heat detector head are parts of a compound device. The detector base installs over a back box and contains all the wiring. The detector head attaches to the base by aligning the head with the base and turning it clockwise. No tools are required for installation other than the hex key used to tighten the optional tamper screw. Wiring The terminal block accepts up to 12 AWG (2.3 mm) wire. L... . - Relative Humidity: Up to 93%, non-condensing Temperature (operating): +32°F to +100°F (0°C to +38°C) Radio Frequency Interference No alarm or setup on critical (RFl) Immunity: frequencies in the range from 26 MHz to 950 MHz at 50 V/rn These detector heads have a socket that accepts the D1005 Test : Cable. The D1005 connects to the detector head and allows a Color: Bone white voltmeter to read the sensitivity of the device. LEDs The D285 and D285TH have a built- in LED that flashes to indicate the device is powered. The LED latches on steady in an alarm condition. Certifications and Approvals Listings and UL UROX: Smoke - Automatic Fire Detectors Approvals: (0L268) UL UROX7: Smoke - Automatic Fire Detectors certified for Canada (ULC529) c-UL-us CSFM: 7272-1615:134 NYC/MEA (274-93-E, Vol. VII) Complies with: Hong Kong Fire Services Department (HKFSD) Installation/Configuration Notes Note: Smoke detectors are intended for detection circuits that protect people. Heat detectors are appropriate for circuits that protect property. Dimensions (diameter x D): 4 in. x 1.25 in. (10.2 cm x 3.2 cm) Current (alarm): Two-wire: depends on control panel that must - limit the alarm current to 100 mA maximum Four-wire: depends on detector base; refer to pertinent base specifications Current (standby): Two-wire: 80 IA at 12 VDC; 90 IA at 24 VDC Four-wire (D293E): 4 mA at 12 VDC or 24 VDC RMS Ripple 25% of DC input (maximum): Voltage (input): Two-wire: 8.5 VDC to 33 VDC Four-wire: 10 VDC to 30 VDC IOrdering rIIrn77FH. 0285 Photoelectric Smoke Head D285 D285TH Photoelectric Smoke Head with Fixed- D285TH Temperature 1135°F (57°C)l Heat Sensor Americas: Bosch Security Systems 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone:-i-1 585 223 4060 +1 800 289 0096 securlty.sales@us.bosch.com http://www.boschsecurity.us Europe, Middle East, Africa: Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Box 80002 5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone:-i-31 (0) 40 27 83955 Fax:+31 (0) 40 27 86668 emeasecurityaystems@bosch.com http://www.boschsecurity.com Asia-Pacific: Bosch Security Systems Pie Ltd BOSCH 38C Jalan Pemimpin Singapore 577180 Phone:-i-65 6319 3450 Fax-+65 6319 3499 apr.secuntysystems@bosch.com http-J/www.boschsecurity.com Data subject to change without notice I Punted in USA I 33434en-01 123. Jun 2005 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7272-1615:134 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Photoelectric Smoke Detector LISTEE: Bosch Security Systems, 130 Perinton Pkwy, Fairport, NY 14450 Contact: Frank Mioduszewski (585) 223-4060 FAX (585) 421-4263 DESIGN: Models D285, 0285DH, D285TH, D263, D2631H, D273, D273TH, D273THS, D263THC, D263THS, D273THR, D273THC, D27315, D273THCS, D273THSR, D273THE, D273ES and D273THES smoke detectors. Model D285TH, D263TH and D273THxx employ an integral 1350 fixed temperature heat detector. This heat sensor is intended for use only as a supplemental device to assist the smoke detector. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 8.5 - 33.0 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric smoke detectors for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control unit. Models D285 and D285TH are intended for use with separately listed bases. Model D285DH is intended for use with separately listed Duct Smoke Detector Housing Model D341 or D342 (CSFM Listing No. 3240-1615:181) or Model D340 (CSFM Listing No. 3240-1615:184). Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Formerly 7272-0801:162 01-06-2005 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: APRIL 3, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager Fire Alarm Systems I D2871D288 Two-wire Detector Bases D2187/D288 Two-wire Detector Bases Fire Systems - - -- -.' :- Variety of interchangeable smoke and heat detector heads Detector's head removes easily by twisting Two-piece detector head and base design allows pre-wiring the system Use the D287 and D288 Two- wire Detector Bases with smoke and heat detector heads to provide early fire warning for life safety and property protection systems. These bases are compatible with a number of control panels and with the following Bosch Security Systems' detector heads: D285 Photoelectric Smoke Detector Head D285TH Photoelectric Smoke Detector with Heat Sensor Head D286 Ionization Smoke Detector Head D603 Fixed- temperature (135°F 157°C]) and Rate- of- Rise Heat Detector D604 Fixed- temperature (135°F 157°C]) Heat Detector D605 Fixed- temperature (190°F [88°C]) Heat Detector Parts Included . Quant. Component 1 0287 or D288 Two-wire Detector Base 1 Adaptor plate (P/N: 18851) 1 Hardware pack 1 Literature pack Certifications and Approvals Listings and UL UROX: Smoke - Automatic Fire Detectors Approvals: (UL268) UL UROX7: Smoke - Automatic Fire Detectors Certified for Canada (ULC529) c-UL-us CSFM 7300-1615:133 NYC/MEA (274-93-E, Vol. VII) BOSCH 2 1 02871D288 Two-wire Detector Bases Installation/Configuration Notes Compatible Products The following products are compatible with the D287 and D288 Two- wire Detector Bases: Category Product ID Product Description Control Panels Refer to Technical Service Note (PIN: 31866) for compatible control panel listings. Detector Heads D285 Photoelectric smoke detector head D285TH Photoelectric smoke detector head with heat sensor D286 Ionization smoke detector head D603 Fixed-temperature (135°F [57°C]) and Rate-of-Rise heat detector head 0604 Fixed-temperature (135°F [57°C]) heat detector head D605 Fixed-temperature (190°F [88°C]) heat detector head Remote SMK-RA5 Remote annunciator Annunciators Mounting Considerations Depending on local regulations, the bases can be surface mounted using anchors, mollies, or wing nuts. The bases can be directly mounted on single-gang switch boxes or mounted on four- inch octagonal electrical boxes using the supplied adaptor plate. Note: Ensure the volume of any electrical box used accommodates the number and size of conductors as specified by the National Electrical Code (NEC) or any local regulations having jurisdiction. EOL Resistors Use the EOL resistor(s) specified by the control panel manufacturer. .TIT1! Dimensions (diameter): D287: 5.5 in. (14 cm) 0288: 6.375 in. (16.2 cm) Current (alarm): Depends on control panel that must limit the alarm current to 100 mA maximum Current (standby): 120 iiA maximum Voltage (standby): 8.5 VDC to 33.0 VDC D287 Two-wire Detector Base 0287 (5.5 in. [14 cm] diameter) D288 Two-wire Detector Base 0288 (6.375 in. [16.2 cm] diameter) Americas: Europe, Middle East Africa: Asia-Pacific Bosch Security Systems Bosch Security Systems B.V. Bosch Security Systems Pte Ltd BOSCH 130 Perinton Parkway P.O. Box 80002 38C Jalan Pemimpin Fairport, New York, 14450, USA 5600 iS Eindhoven, The Netherlands Singapore 577180 Phone:+1 585 223 4060 Phone:+31 (0) 40 27 83955 Phone:+65 6319 3450 +1800 289 0096 Fax:+31 (0) 40 27 86668 Fax:+65 63193499 security.sales@us.bosch.com emea.securitysystems@bosch.com apr.securitysystems@bosch.com hltprl/www.boschsecurity.us http://www.boschsecuriiy.com http://www.boschsecurity.com Data subject to change without notice j Printed in USA I FOlUO01913an-01 1 23. Jun 2005 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1615:133 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Misc. Devices/Control Unit Accessories LISTEE: Bosch Security Systems, 130 Perinton Pkwy, Fairport, NY 14450 Contact: Frank Mioduszewski (585) 223-4060 Fax (585) 421-4263 DESIGN: Model 0287, D288 (2-wire); D292, D293A, 0293E and 0293S (4-wire) detector bases. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed smoke detector bases for use with listee's separately listed compatible Model D285 Series (CSFM Listing No. 7272-1615:134) and D286 (CSFM Listing No. 7271-1615:136) smoke detectors. NOTE: Formerly 7300-0801:161 01-06-2005 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or ..... recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: APRIL 3, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager D285/D286/D263/D603/D340 Two-Wire Smoke Detectors Technical Service Note February 19,2002 Affects: Two-Wire Smoke Detector Control Panel Compatibility Disclaimer Bosch makes no claims either written, oral, or implied that two-wire detectors work with any two-wire control panels except those listed in the base compatibility chart (Table 1). The base compatibility chart lists two-wire control panels that are compatible with the D285, D286, and D263 Series Smoke Detectors; D603, D604, and D605 Series Heat Detectors; and D340 Duct Smoke Detector Housing. Table 1: Base Compatibility Chart Manufacturer Model Zone Module Maximum Detectors per Zone Control Panel Manufacturer's Compatibility Identifier Bosch Security Systems D2112 N/A 12 B Bosch Security Systems D2212 N/A 12 B Bosch Security Systems 04112 N/A 10 B Bosch Security Systems 06112 N/A 10 B Bosch Security Systems D7024 N/A 20 B Bosch Security Systems 07024 07034 20 B Bosch Security Systems 07112 N/A 10 A Bosch Security Systems 07212, D7412 0125B 10 D125B Bosch Security Systems D8112 D125 10 A Bosch Security Systems D9112,139412 0125B 10 D125B Radionics D2112 N/A 12 B Radionics D2212 N/A 12 B Radionics D4112 N/A 10 B Radionics D6112 N/A 10 B Radionics D7024 N/A 20 B Radionics D7024 07034 20 B Radionics D7112 N/A 10 A Radionics D7212, 07412 D125B 10 D125B Radionics D8112 0125 10 A Radionics D9112,D9412 0125B 10 D125B Detection Systems D57400/7400X/7400Xi N/A 20 B Detection Systems DS7400/7400X/7400Xi DS7433 20 B Detection Systems DS7100 N/A 20 oB Detection Systems DS7100 DS71I0 20 Bi Detection Systems DS7090/DS7090TM N/A 20 B Detection Systems DS7090i/DS7090TMi N/A 20 B Detection',,Systems DS7080i N/A 20 B Detection Systems DS9400 N/A 20 B Detection Systems D59400 0S9434 20 B Fire Systems BOS"'M Two-Wire Smoke Detectors Technical Service Note Table 1: Continued Manufacturer Model Zone Module Maximum Detectors per Zone Control Panel Manufacturer's Compatibility Identifier Ademco 4140XMP N/A 15 A Ademco 414OXMPT N/A 15 A Ademco 5140XM N/A 15 A Ademco Vista 50P N/A 20 B Ademco Vista-1 00 N/A 20. B Ademco Vista 15P Zone 1 16 B Ademco Vista 20P Zone 1 16 B Advantor ULF 3000-24 N/A 10 ULF1 CaddX NX8 Smoke 20 3800-0001 CaddX 8600E Smoke 20 38000001 Digital Monitoring Products 1812 Series 705 10 Cl-i Digital Monitoring Products 1912 705 10 Cl-i Digital Monitoring Products 1512 705 10 Cl-i Digital Monitoring Products 191 2XR N/A 10 A Digital Monitoring Products 1512, 1912, i912XR 715 10 A Digital Monitoring Products XR1 0 10 10 A Digital Monitoring Products XR20 715, Zone 10 10 A Digital Monitoring Products XR200 715, Zone 9 or 10 10 A Digital Monitoring Products XR5FC 2 to 5 10 A Digital Security Controls P1 61 28CF PC4701 or P4701 30 FM 2 Digital Security Controls PCi 555 N/A 10 pci 5-1 Digital Security Controls PC1565 N/A 10 PCi 5 1 Digital Security Controls PC401 OCF PC4701 or P4701 30 FM -2'. bigital Security Controls PC5008 N/A 10 PC15-1 Digital Security Controls P6B N/A 10 PC! 571 Digital Security Controls PC501 0 N/A 30 PC5 1 Digital Security Controls P832 N/A 30 PC5-1 Digital Security Controls P864CF PC4701 or P4701 30 FM Faraday 19000A/EVAC . 401126,401127 .20 B Faraday MPC2000 401310,401311, 401312 30 D Faraday 151 OBB/BL N/A 15 A/FOS2 Faraday 1511 2B/BL N/A 15 A/FOS2 Faraday 1511 6B/BL N/A 15 A/FOS2 Faraday • 15220 N/A 30 C Faraday . 15240 N/A 30 C Faraday 852 N/A 30 FOS1 Faraday 854 N/A 30 FOS1 FCI FC 72 ZDM 25 'ZQM 1 31866J Page 2 0 2004 Bosch Edwards® 270 Series Fire Alarm Station Features Simple field test Break glass type • Single action Description The 270 Series fire alarm pull station is available in both open and closed circuit designs. The station's die cast body is painted red, with painted sil- ver stripes. For replacement glass rods, order Catalog No. 270-GLR (pkg. of 20). Agency Approvals UL Listed 270-SPO CSFM Listed 215/32" Specifications See chart Installation The 270 Series mounts on a 4" (1 02mm) square box with single gang plaster cover. It may be surface mounted using the P-027193 cast back box or the P-039250 steel back box. For weatherproof mounting, order the Catalog No. 2400-ST131 50. DANGER: These devices will not op- erate without electrical power, and fires often cause loss of power. These devices do not contain a bat- tery backup power supply. If the electrical circuit feeding the device is not supplying the device for any rea- son, the device will not initiate any warning of a fire or emergency; nor will it provide any warning that it is not functioning. Applications For fire alarm installations in schools, hospitals, factories, and industrial locations. - _ 1 15/32" (37mm) PULL 4 9/16' MA - IN CME (116mm) OF - FIRE -F== MV 1W 11 11 Wi- k- 3 1/8" (79mm) Contact Rating Cat No. Description Amps Volts Total Depth 270-SPO Single Pole 3.0 30V AC 215/32" Normally Open 60V DC (63mm) 270-SPC Single Pole 3.0 30V AC 2 15/32" Normally closed 60V AC (63mm) 270-DPO Double Pole 30V AC 2 15132" Normally open L3.0 60V AC (63mm) © 2000 EDWARDS CHESHIRE, CT 06410 www.edwards-signals.com EDWARDS SIGNALING 12-39 Fax-on-Demand # 1253 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7150-1657:111 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Boxes/Pull Stations LISTEE: GE Security, Inc., 8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, FL 34202 Contact: Jewell Micochero (941) 739-4358 FAX (941)308-8123 DESIGN: Models 270,270P, 270-SPO, 270A-SPO, 270-DPO, 270A-DPO, 270-DOC, 276B, 277B, 278B, 279B, 279TC, 279P, 279T, 279L, 276A-REL, 278A-REL, 5966B, 5966BR, 5966BV, 5966BRV, 629613-270, 6296B-K279, 6296B-T279, 8557-13301, 8557-13311, 8558-13301, 8558-13311 and 8558-13312 manual pull stations. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: NOTE: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. Listed as non-coded fire alarm pull stations for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Models provided with two-wire lead and normally closed switch contacts are not approved for fire alarm signaling use. Formerly 7150-1591:111, 7150-1388:121 and 7150-0073:117 08-15-05 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or :...4 recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 26, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager COO ER Wheelock Series AS Audible Strobe Appliances and Series AH Auddibles SERIES AH -41f_ SERIES AS Description The Wheelock patented 2-wire Series AS Audible Strobe Appliances and Series AH Audibles oflër more features with low current draw. Strobe options for wall mount models include 1575cd or the Wheelock patented MCW multi-candela wall strobes with field selectable candela settings of 15/30175/110cd, or the high intensity MCWH strobe with field selectable 135/185cd. Ceiling mount models incorporate Wheelock's patented MCC multi-candela ceiling strobe with field selectable intensities of 15/30/75/95cd or the high intensity MCCH strobe with field selectable 115/177cd. The audible provides a selectable choice of either a continuous horn or temporal pattern (Code 3) when constant voltage from a Fire Alarm Panel (FACP) is applied. Each tone has 3 dBA settings to choose from. When used with the Wheelock Series SM or DSM Sync Module or Wheelock PS-24-8MC Power Supplies with Patented Sync Protocol, synchronization of the continuous horn tone provides the temporal (code 3) tone (mandated by NFPA 72) simultaneously for all audible appliances. This ensures a distinct temporal (code 3) pattern when 2 or more audibles are within hearing distance. If not synchronized the temporal sound could overlap and not be distinctive. At the same time the strobes will be synchronized. This provides the ability to comply withADAguidelines concerning photosensitive epilepsy and the NFPA standards when installing 2 or more visual appliances within the field of view all of this plus the ability to silence the audible is achieved by using only 2 wire. Features Approvals include: UL Standard 1971, UL Standard 464 New York City AEA), California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), Factory Mutual (FM), and Chicago (BFP). See approvals by model in Specifications and Ordering Information ADNNFPAIUFCIANSI Compliant Wall mount models are available with Field Selectable Candela Settings of 15/30/751110cd or 1351185cd (Multi-. Candela models) or 1575cd (single candela model) Ceiling mount models are available with field selectable candela settings of 15I30/75I95cd or 115/177cd (multi-candela ceiling models) Selectable Continuous Horn or Temporal (Code 3). 3 Selectable dBAsettings (99, 95 and 90 dBA) in both tones Patented 2-Wire Audible Strobe Appliance. Patented Universal Mounting Plate Weatherproof models are available for outdoor use Strobes produce I flash per second over the regulated voltage range 12 and 24 VDC models with wide UL "Regulated Voltage Range" using filtered DC or unfiltered FWR input voltage The strobes can be synchronized using Wheelock's sync modules or power supplies with built in sync protocol Fast installation with IN/OUT screw terminals using #12 to #18 AWG wires For Weatherproof Series AS See Detashefi S9004 <@> MEA k APFROVBJ 946. 151-92-E 7125-0785:131 391 AH42 AS-121575W High (99) 12 vdc 0.163 ________ 0.260 UL max* 0.192 0.320 dBA Med (95) 12 vdc 0.076 0.195 UL max* 0.108 0.275 dBA Low (90) 12 vdc 0.039 0.175 UL max* 1 0.058 0.265 dBA Table 4:_Average Current* (AMPS) For Series ASWP' Voltage High dBA Setting (99)dBA Medium dBA Setting (95)dBA Low dBA Setting (90)dBA 24.0 VDC 0.128 0.105 0.098 ULMax* 0.168 0.155 0.150 * RMS current ratings are per UL average RMS method. UL max current rating is the maximum RMS current within the listed voltage range (16-33v for24v units). For strobes the UL max current is usually at the minimum listed voltage (16v for 24v units). For audibles the max current is usually at the maximum listed voltage (33v for 24v units). For unfiltered FWR ratings, see installation instructions. NOTE: All CAUTIONS and WARNINGS are identified by the symbol A. All warnings are printed in bold capital letters. A WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSOCIATED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING, SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. VISIT WWW.COOPERWHEELOCK.COM OR CONTACT COOPER WHEELOCK FOR THE CURRENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS OR WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION, INSTALLATiON AND/Olt OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU ANDIOR OTHERS. General Notes: Strobes are designed to flash at I flash per second minimum over their "Regulated Voltage Range. Note that NFPA.72 specifies a flash rate of 1 to 2 flashes per second and ADA Guidelines specify a flash rate of 1 t 3 flashes per second. All candela ratings represent minimum effective Strobe intensity based on UL Standard 1971. Series NS Strobe products are listed under UL Standard 1971 for indoor use with a temperature range of 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) and maximum humidity of 93% (± 2%). Series NH horns are listed under UL Standard 464 for audible signal appliances (Indoor use only). "Regulated Voltage Range" is the newest terminology used by UL to Identify the voltage range. Prior to this change UL used the terminology "Listed Voltage Range". Table 1: Ratings Per UL 1971 Model Number Input Voltage VDC Regulated Voltage Range VDC!FWR Strobe Candela (Cd) AS-24MCW 24 16.0 -33.0 15/30/751110 AS-24MCCH 24 16.0-33.0 115/177 AS-241575W 24 16.0-33.0 15 (75 on Axis) AS-121575W 12 8.0-17.5 15 (75 on Axis) AS-24MCC 24 16.0-33.0 15/30/75/95 AS-24MCWH 24 16.0-33.0 135/185 ASWP-2475W 24 16.0 -33.0 75 © -31°F Table 2: dBA Ratings for 12 VDC and 24 VDC Series ASIAH 12 and 24 VDC Audible Reverberant Anechoic Description Volume dBA dBA Per UL 464 @10 ft. loft. High 91 99 Continuous Medium 88 95 Horn Low 83 90 High 87 99 Medium 84 95 Code 3 Horn Low 79 90 Table 3: Average RMS Current 24 VDC Models Audible AH-24 AS-241575W 1575cd High (99) dBA 24 vdc 0.062 0.100 UL max- 1 0.080 0.121 Med (95) dBA 24 vdc 0.033 0.080 UL max* 0.043 0.107 Low (90) dBA 24 vdc 0.017 0.072 UL max* 0.021 0.100 12 VDC Models Audible Wall Mount Audible Strobe Wall Mount Audible Strobe Models Calling Mount Audible Strobe Models AS-24MCW AS-24MCWH AS-24MCC AS-24MCCH 15cd 30cd 75cd 110cd 135cd 185cd 15cd 30cd 75cd 95cd 115cd 177cd 0.080 0.102 0.150 0.194 0.250 0.320 0.088 0.114 0.165 0.205 0.250 0.320 0.088 0.125 0.200 0.267 0.355 0.480 0.095 0.138 0.221 0.285 0.355 0.480 0.060 0.084 0.132 0.173 0.230 0.305 0.066 0.092 0.145 0.186 0.230 0.305 0.074 0.110 0.190 0.253 0.340 0.465 0.080 0.122 0.201 0.269 0.340 0.465 0.052 0.076 0.121 0.158 1 0.220 1 0.295 1.0.056 0.082 0.132 0.173 0.220 0.295 0.068 0.105 0.182 0.245 1 0.335 1 0.460 10.074 1 0.113 1 0.1981 0.263 1 0.335 1 0.460 SERIES AS APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH SM MODULE SIN- GLE CLASS "B" NAC CIRCUIT WITH AUDIBLESILENCE FEATURE SM F .SMCBE - STROBE A Sfrthe I-t MAC Circuit .Audi D I ER Audible MAC Cu-cult SERIES AS APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH MULTIPLE DSM MODULES DSM #1 Wiring Diagrams" SERIES AS APPLIANCES NON-SYNCHRONIZED FROM TO-NEXT APPLIANCE - O OR FACP R EOLR PRECEDING + APPLIANCE SERIES AS & RSS APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH PS42l248CP and P942124-81VIP OUTRJTS EOLR F 1-4 4-aj,SS OR AS FSS 2-CLASS AS WS PS-1 2/24-8CP orPS-12124-SMP SERIES AS APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH DSM MODULE CLASS"A" NAC CIRCUIT WITH NO AUDIBLE SILENCE FEATURE DSM Interconnecting wiring shown. Maximum of twenty (20) Fordetail using SM orDSM Sync Module referto Date Sheet S3000 or Installation Instructions P83123 for SM and P83177 for DSM. For wiring informationon the power supplies refer to Installation Instructions P84662 for PS-24-8MC. Specifications and Ordering Information Model.Number Order r Code Strobe Candela N° "c Sync w/SM, . DSM VDC PS-24-SMC 24 12 VDC Wall Mount Mount Ceiling AgencyApprovals Mounting 0 I - UL - MEA CSFM - FM - UP AS-24MCW-FR 9024 151301751110 X X X - X - A,B,D,E,IG,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X S-24MCW-FW 9025 15130115/110 X X X - X - A,B,D,E,IG,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X AS-24MCVVI-I-FR 3468 135/185 X X X - X - IB,D,E,FG,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X * AS-24MCWH-FW 3469 1351185 X X X - X - AJB,D,E,IG,H,J,N,O,R,X x x x x * AS-241575W-FR 7405 15(75onAxis) X X X X - A,B,D,E,F,G,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X AS-121575WFR 7410 15 (75 on is) .X X - X X - A,B,D,E,FG,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X AS-24MCC-FR 3161 15/30115/95 X X X - - X A,B,D,E,FG,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X * S-24MCC-FW 3162 15/30115/95 X X X - - X A, B,D,E,FG,H,J,N,O,R,X X I X X X * AS-24MCCH-FW 34671 115/177 X X X - - X A,B,D,E,FQH,J,N,O,R,X X X X X * I SWP2475WFR** 9012 75@ -31-F X X X - X - I (see Data Sheet S9004) X X X X X iH-24--R 7892 - X X X - X X A,B, DE, FG,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X M-24-W 7893 - X X X - X X A,B,D,EG,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X AH-12-R 7891 - X X - X X X A,B,D,E,F,G,H,J,N,O,R,X X I X X X X AH-12-W 7894 - X X - X X . X IA,13,D,E,F,G,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X I X X AH24WPR** 7416 - X X X - X X K X X X AH12WPR** 174151 - X X - X X X K X X X ~+x X "For Weatherproof Senes AS/AH specifications see data sheet S9004. TENDING ***Refer to Data Sheet S7000 for Mounting Options. Note: Models are available in either Red or White. Contact Customer Service for Order Code and Delivery. NOTE: Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice In accordance with Wheelock Inc. standard terms and conditions. Amhltects and Engineers Specifications The notification appliances shall be Wheelock Series AS Audible Strobe appliances and Series AH Audible appliances or approved equals. The Series AS Audible be listed for UL Standard 1971 (Emergency Devices for the Hearing- Impaired) for Indoor Fire Protection Service. The Series Pd-I Audible shall be UL Listed under Standard 464 (Fire Protective Signaling). Both shall meet the requirements of FCC Part 15 Class B. All inputs shall te compatible with standard reverse polarity supervision of circuit wiring by a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). The audible portion of the appliance shall have a minimum of three (3) field selectable settings for dBA levels and shall have a choice of continuous or temporal (Code 3) audible outputs. The strobe portion of the appliance shall produce a flash rate of one (1) flash per second over the Regulated Voltage Range and shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube enclosed in a rugged Lexan® lens. The Series AS shall be of low current design. Mere Multi- Candela appliances are specified, the strobe intensity shall have field selectable settings and shall be rated per UL Standard 1971 at 15/30/75/110 or 1351185 candela for wall mount and 15130/75/95 or 115/177 candela for ceiling mount. The selector switch for selecting the candela shall be tamper resistant. The 1575 candela strobe shall be specified when 15 candela UL Standard 1971 Listing with 75 candela on-axis is required (e.g. ADA compliance). When synchronization is required, the appliance shall be compatible with Wieelock's SM, DSM Sync Modules or Wheelock PS-24-8MC Power Supplies with built-in Patented Sync Protocol. The strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time daring operation. If the sync module or Power Supply fails to operate, (i.e., contacts remain closed), the strobe shall revert to a non-synchronized flash- rate. The appliance shall also be designed so that the audible signal may be silenced while maintaining strobe activation when used with Wheelock synchronization. The Series AS Audible Strobe and SeriesAH Audible shall incorporate a Patented Universal Mounting Plate that shall allow mounting to a single-gang, double-gang, 4-inch square, 100mm European type backboxes, or the SHBB Surface Backbox. If required, an NATP (Notification Appliance Trimplate) shall be provided. All notification appliances shall be backward compatible. 273 Branchport Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740 Phone: (800) 631-2148 Fax: (732) 222-2588 www.cooperwheelock.com IMember WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION 3 YEAR WARRANTY Made in USA S8100 ASIAH 06/06 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7125-0785:131 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: Fire Alarm Devices for the Hearing-Impaired LISTEE: Wheelock Inc., 273 Branchport Ave., Long Branch NJ 07740 Contact: *Brian Lampe (800) 631-2148 ext. 6389 Fax (732) 222-5607 DESIGN: Models AS-1215, -2415, -1230, -2430, -121575, -241575, -2475 and -24110 audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by any three alpha/numeric characters indicating lens orientation, lettering and color. Models AS-1215W, -2415W, -1230W, -2430W, -121575W, -241575W, -2475W and -24110W audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by any three alpha/numeric characters indicating lens orientation, lettering and color. These units with suffix -W are for wall mount only. Models AS-2415C, -2430C, -2475C and -24100C audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by two alpha/numeric characters indicating lens lettering, orientation and color. These units are intended for ceiling mount only. Model AH-12, -24, AH-I2WP, -24WP audible appliances (no strobe), followed by an alpha or numeric character indicating product color. Model AS-24MCW and AS-24MCC audible/strobe, followed by any two alpha or numeric character indicating lettering and product color. Model ASWP-2475W audible/strobe with integral private mode fire/emergency visual signaling for non-hearing impaired applications. Model ASWP-2475W is also suitable for outdoor use when mounted to Model WPBB back box. Models AS-24MCWH and AS-24MCCH audible/strobes for the hearing impaired followed by two alpha/numeric characters indicating lens lettering and product color. Units with suffix C are for ceiling mount only. Units with suffix W are for wall mount only. Refer to the listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations RATING: Electrical: 8-17.5/16-33 VDCNFR Candela: 15:15cd, 1575:15/75cd, 30:30cd, 75:75cd, 95:95cd, 100:100cd, 110:110cd MCW: Selectable lscd, 30cd, 75cd, 110cd MCC: Selectable 15cd, 30cd, 75cd, 95cd MCWH: Selectable 135cd, 185cd MCCH: Selectable 115cd, 177cd INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Models ASWP-2475W and AS- 24MCW are for wall mount only. Models with suffix -W are for wall mount only. Models with suffix -C are for ceiling mount only. *Rev. 06-13.06 Listing No. 7125-0785:131 Page 2 of 2 MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical/candela rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible and audible/visual signaling devices suitable for the hearing impaired when used. in conjunction with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. For indoor use only except Models AH-12WP and AH-24WP audible appliances are suitable for indoor/outdoor. For synchronization, Models AS Series must be used with Model SM-12/24, SMX-12/24, DSM- 12/24 or DSMX-12/24 sync control module (CSFM Listing No. 7300-0785:132). Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. These appliances can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 1999 Edition. NOTE: Models ASWP-2475W, AH-12, AH-24, -12WP and -24WP audible devices are not suitable for the hearing impaired applications. *Rev. 06-13-06 C1 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 13, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager . .e' V1k"" RS VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD : U.S. Pat: No; 3921989 Canadian Pat. No. 1009680 Other Patents Pending Potter Electric, Rd., 1990 GENERAL INFORMATION The Model VSR-F is a vane type waterfiow switch for use on wet sprinkler systems. It is UL Listed and FM Approved for use on steel pipe; schedules 10 through 40, sizes 2" thru 8". LPC approved sizes are 2" thru 8" (50mm thru 200mm). The unit may also be used as a sectional waterfiow detector on large systems. The unit contains two single pole, double throw, snap action switches and an adjustable, instantly recycling pneumatic retard. The switches are actuated when a flow of 10 gallons per minute or. more occurs downstream of the device. The flow condition must exist for a period of time necessary to overcome the selected retard period. ENCLOSURE: The unit is enclosed in a general purpose, die-cast housing. The cover is held in place with two tamper resistant screws which require a special key for removal. A - field installable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to indicate unauthorized removal of the cover. See bulletin no. 5400775 for installation instructions of this switch. UL, ULC and CSFM Listed, FM and LPC Approved, NYMEA Accepted, CE Marked Service Pressure: Upto450 PSI Minimum Flow Rate for Alarm: 10 GPM Maximum Surge: 18 FPS Contact Ratings: Two sets of SPOT (Form C) 15.0 Amps at 1251250VAC 2.0 Amps at 30VDC Resistive Conduit Entrances: Two knockouts provided for 1/2" conduit Environmental Specifications: Suitable for indoor or outdoor use with factory installed gasket and die-cast housing. NEMA 411P54 Rated Enclosure - use with appropriate conduit fitting. Temperature Range: 40°FI120F, 4.5C149"C Non-corrosive sleeve factory installed in saddle. Caution: This device is not intended for applications in explosive environments. Sizes Available: Steel Pipe schedules 10 thru 40, sizes 2" thru 8" BS 1387 pipe 50mm thru 200mm Note: For copper or plastic pipe use Model VSR-CF. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler . NFPA-13 One or two family dwelling NFPA-1 3D Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-1 3R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 Optional: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stock No. 0090018 INSTALLATION: See Fig.2 These devices may be mounted on horizontal or vertical pipe. On horizontal pipe they should be installed on the top side of the pipe where they will be accessible. The units should not be installed within 6" of a fitting which changes the direction of the waterfiow or within 24" of a valve or drain. Drain the system and drill a hole in the pipe using a circular saw in a slow speed drill. The 2" (50mm) and 2 1/2" (65mm) devices require a hole with a diameter of 1 1/4" + 1/8" - 1/16" (33mm ±2mm). All other sizes require a hole with a diameter of 2" ±1/8" (50mm ±2mm). Clean the inside pipe of all growth or other material for a distance equal to the pipe diameter on either side of the hole. Roll the vane so that it may be inserted into the hole; do not bend or crease it. Insert the vane so that the arrow on the saddle points in the direction of the waterfiow. Install the saddle strap and tighten nuts alternately to an eventual 50 ft- lbs. of torque (see Fig. 2). The vane must not rub the inside of the pipe or bind in any way. Specifications subject to change without notice. Potter Electric Signal Company 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO, 63146-4161 • Phone: 800-325-3936/Canada 888-882-1833 www.pottersignal.com .... PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8800001 -REVS . PAGE 1 0F2 MFG.#5400761 -7/00 VANE TYPE WATERFLOW SWITCH WITH RETARD FIG. I SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL de OM CAUTION: An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the termi- nal and serve as two sepa- rate connections. The wire must be severed, thereby providing supervision of the connection in the event that the wire becomes dislodged from under the terminal. RETARD ADJUSTMENT: TO CHANGE TIME TURN KNOB (EITHER DIRECTION) FOR DESIRED TIME DELAY. USE THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF RETARD NECESSARY TO PREVENT FALSE ALARMS, A 'B' SETTING IS USUALLY ADEQUATE FOR THIS. FACTORY IS SET TO V. TO INSTALL, DRILL A HOLE AS INDICATED: PIPE SIZE HOLE SIZE 2't02112' 1114'+118"-1116" (50mmt065mm) (33mm±2mm) 3"1o8" 2'±118" (80mmt0200mm) (50mm±2mm) DIRECTION WATERTLOW QWG. 761-30 DO NOT LEAVE COVER OFF FOR EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME TIGHTEN NUTS ALTERNATELY TO N EVENTUAL SOFT.-LOS OF TORQUE MOUNT ON PIPE SO. ARROW ON SADDLE POINTS IN DIRECTION OF WA1ERFLOW ROLL PADDLE IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF WATERFLDW APPROX. RETARD SETTINGS (IN SECS.) O O A 1 D-25122 401 35-45150-70 B C 0 E 50-90 FIG. 3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS WATEI ON 2 SOS OF NORMALLY OPEN CONThC1S CLOSE ON ALARM THE NC AND NO MNRKIN ON 11€ SWSEH ARE FOR AN ALARM CONDITION. THE CONThCJS ARE REVERSED WHEN THE DEMCE IS t4 THE NORWI. CONO(1IOM NOTES: The Model VSR-F has two switches, one can be used to operate a central station, pro- prietary or remote signaling unit, while the other contact is used to operate a local audible or visual annunciator. A condition of LPC Approval of this product is that the electri- cal entry must be sealed to exclude moisture. For supervised circuits see "Switch Terminal Connec- tions" drawing and caution note (Fig. 1). FIG. 4 To remove knockouts: Place screwdriver at edge of knock- outs, not in the center. - S S sim L)' . .. POE OR NEC APPLICATION WARNING! Due to the possibility of unintended discharges caused by pressure surges, trapped air, or short retard times, waterfiow switches that are monitoring wet pipe sprinkler systems should not be used as the sole initiating device to discharge AFFF, deluge, or chemical suppression systems. TESTING The frequency of inspection and testing for the model VSR-F and its associated protective monitoring system should be in accordance with applicable NFPA Codes and Standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). If provided, the inspector's test valve, that is usually located at the end of the most remote branch line, should always be used for test purposes. If there are no provisions for testing the operation of the flow detection device on the system, application of the VSR-F is not recommended or advisable. A minimum flow of 10 gpm is required to activate this device. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please advise the person responsible for testing of the fire protection system that this system must be tested in accordance with the testing instructions. PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8800001 -REVS PAGE 2 OF 2 MFG.#5400761 -7/00 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7770-0328:001 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Valves/Switches LISTEE: Potter Electric Signal Co., 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO 63146 Contact: Brad Serangeli (800) 325-3936 Fax (314) 878-7264 DESIGN: Vane and pressure type water flow alarm switches listed below; Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. Vane Types: VSR-CF VSR-D VSR-F VSR-SF VSR-FE-2 VS-SP VS-F VSR-SFG VSR-SFT VSG *VSR Pressure Type: WFS-B WFSR-C WFSPD-B PS-10A PS-100A WFSR-F INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number and UL or FM label. . APPROVAL:-. Listed as waterflow alarm. switches for use with fire sprinkler systems. Vane models may be used in wet pipe systems; pressure models may be used in wet or dry systems. Model VSR-CF is for use on K, L or M copper pipe (2", 2-1/2", 3", 4") and listed CPVC pipe (2", 2-1/2", 3"). Model VSR-SF for use on 1", 1-1/4" and 1-1/2" steel, copper or listed plastic pipe. Model VSG is for low flow rate. Model VSR-SFG and VSR-SFT are for use on 1", 1-1/4" and 1-1/2" plastic pipe. Models VS-F, VSR-F, VSR-FE and VSR-FE-2 is for use on 2", 2-1/2", 3", 3-1/2", 4", 5", 6", 8" and 10" pipe. *Model VSR is for use on steel pipe sizes from 2" through 8". Vane type switches may be used outdoors when the outdoor temperature never falls below 40°F. *Rev. 06-05-2000 'l1 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 12, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager PCVS-1, -2 P TT ER, CONTROLVALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH .. :. .. y.' . UL and CSFM Listed, FM Approved, NYMEA Accepted, CE Marked PCVS-1 Stock No. 1010107 PCVS-2 Stock No. 1010207 The Model PCVS is a weather proof and tamper resistant switch for monitoring the open position of fire sprinkler control valves of the post indicator, butterfly and other types. Depending on the model, one or two SPDT (Form C) contacts are provided which will operate when the valve position is altered from an open state. The unit mounts in a 1/2" NPT tapped hole in the post indicator or butterfly valve housing. The device is engaged by the indicating assembly of the post indicator or the operating mechanism of the butterfly valve, actuating switch(es) when the valve is fully open. The unit should be installed where it is accessible for service. The cover is held in place by two tamper resistant screws that require Dimensions: 4.75"L x 2.25W x 7.2"H (stem extended) 12.1cm L x 5.7cm W x 18.3cm H Weight: 1.35 lb. (.61 kg.) Enclosure: Cover - Die-cast Finish - Red Spatter Enamel Base - Die Cast Zinc All parts have corrosion resistant finishes. CoverTamper: Tamper Resistant Screws, Optional cover tamper kit available Mounting: 1/2" NPT Contact Rating: PCVS-1: One set of SPDT (Form C) PCVS-2: Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 15.00 Amps at 125/250VAC 2.50 Amps at 36VDC resistive Environmental Limitations: -40°F to +140°F (-40°C to 60°C) NEMA 4 and NEMA 6P Enclosure (lP67) when used with appropriate watertight conduit fittings. Indoor or Outdoor Use (Not for use in hazardous locations. See bulletin no. 5400694 PlVS-U-EX for hazardous locations.) Conduit Entrances: Two knockouts for 1/2" conduit provided. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-1 3 One or two family dwelling • NFPA-13D Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-1 3R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 a special tool to remove. The tool is furnished with each device and should be left with the building owner or responsible party. Replace- ment or additional cover screws and hex keys are available. See ordering information. OPTIONAL COVER TAMPER SWITCH: A field installable c-ver tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to indicate removal of the cover. See ordering information. TESTING: The PCVS and its associated protective monitoring system should be tested in accordance with applicable NFPA codes and standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL DESCRIPTION. STOCK NO. PCVS1 Potter Control Valve Switch (single switch) 1010107 PCVS-2 Potter Control Valve Switch (double switch) 1010207 -- Cover Screw 5490344 -- Hex Key for Cover Screws and Installation Adjustments 5250062 PBK-S Pratt Butterfly Valve Kit (Up to 12") 0090133 PBK-L Pratt Butterfly Valve Kit (14" and Up) 0090132 PVK Pratt Valve Kit 1000060 -- Optional Cover Tamper Switch Kit 0090131 For pressure reducer type valve installation kits (if required) contact valve manufacturer. PotterElectnc Signal Company 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO, 63146-4161 • Phone: 800-325-3936/Canada 888-882-1833www.pottersignal.com ------.-.,,.-.- PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8820001 - REV 0 PAGE 1 OF 4 9/99 GROUND SCREW 1RIP ROD LOCKING SCREW SOQCEI HEAD SCREW 0 DWG. #eD-2 (BPOTTER. PCVS-1, -2 CONTROL VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG. I DIMENSIONS FIG. 2 PARTS 4.75 3.62 30D £2D I F--i 0.211 .75 - jo js 0 KNOCKOUTS FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ROD RETRATU) Ija AND OREMAWAY SEC11CN REMOVED .L..... 1.12 11 TJ ii II 'I Si 3.12 II II Ii ROD EX1NDED Li '0B0 -1 U TYPICAL INSTALLATIONS ON POST INDICATOR VALVE HOUSINGS (SEE FIGS. 3 THRU 6) Refer to Fig. 2 for the location of parts described in the following instructions, open end of the nipple to the target assembly. Subtract 1/2" from this NOTE: If the sprinkler system is in service the owner or authorized measurement. representative should be notified, before any work is done on the system, that NOTE: In some cases, it maybe necessary to attach an angle bracket the valve controlling the water supply to the system may be closed for periods to the target assembly to engage the PCVS trip rod. of time during the installation and testing of this device, resulting in all or 10. Using the special tool provided, loosen the two cover screws and remove portions of the system being inoperative during these periods, the cover from the PCVS. If the system is not in service and valve is closed, be sure that opening the 11. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in place and adjust the valve will not allow any unwanted water flow due to openings in the system, rod length, from the end of the collar to the end of the rod, using the such as heads off, broken or incomplete piping, etc. dimension determined in Step 9. Tighten the locking screw to hold the rod 1. Position the valve to fully open (OPEN" should appear in the window of in place. the housing). Partially close the valve while observing the direction that NOTE: If trip rod length is excessive, loosen the locking screw and the target assembly moves. Reopen the valve, remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Using pliers, break off the one (1) If the valve housing is predrilled with a 1/2" NPT for installation of a inch long notched section (see Fig. 7). Reinstall trip rod and repeat Step monitoring switch, remove the 1/2" plug and fully open the valve. Make sure 11 procedure. that'OPEN" appears in the window of the housing. GO TO STEP NO. 6. 12. Partially close the valve (3 to 4 revolutions of the handle/hand wheel). 2. Remove the head and target assembly (consultation with valve manufac- 13. Slide the PCVS unit as far as possible onto the nipple, observing which turer is recommended). direction the rod will move when the valve is closed. Orient the device 3. If the target assembly moved up as the valve was closed, measure the to actuate the switches when the valve is open. Tighten the socket head distance from the bottom of the head to the lower part of the target screw in the collar. assembly that will contact the trip rod of the PCVS (see Fig. 3). This is 14. Carefully open the valve to the fully open position. As the target moves usually a plate or bar on the target assembly, on a side adjacent to the to the open position it should engage the trip rod and actuate the "OPEN/SHUT" plates. Subtract 1/8" from the measurement. switch(es). There should be a minimum overtravel of 1/2 revolution of the If the target moved down as the valve was closed, measure the distance handle/hand wheel after the switch(es) actuate (a continuity meter from the bottom of the head to the upper portion of the target assembly connected to each set of contacts is one method that could be used to that will contact the trip rod of the PCVS (see Fig. 4). Add 1/8" to this determine this). measurement. 15. Slowly close the valve. The switch must operate during the first two Mark the housing atthe proper location. Using a 23/32",drill bit, drill and revolutions of the handle/hand wheel orduring 1/5 of the travel distance then tap a 1/2" NPT in the housing on the side that coincides with the of the valve control apparatus from its normal condition. portion of the target assembly that will engage the trip rod of the PCVS. NOTE: Small adjustments of the target position may be necessary Replace the head and target assembly. (Consultation with valve manufacturer is recommended). Loosen the socket head screw that holds the nipple in the PCVS and 16. Complete the required electrical wiring, connections and tests. Thevalve remove the nipple. should be operated through the entire cycle offully closed and fully open Screw the locknut that is provided onto the nipple. to determine the integrity of the PCVS installation and the signaling Screw the nipple into the 1/2" NPT hole in the valve housing - hand system. Check that all electrical and mechanical connections are secure. tighten. Tighten the locknut against the valve housing to secure the nipple 17. When the installation and testing are complete, return valve to its proper firmly in place. position. 9. Insert a scale or probe thru the nipple to measure the distance from the 18. Alternative installation for other post indicator valve housing shown in Fig. Sand 6. PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8820001 - REV 0 PAGE 2 OF 4 9/99 PCVS-1, 2 c POTTER CONTROLVALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG.6 FIG 4 FIG. .II1 MnAL II1 PLATE REPLACES SINITCH GLASS LDCKNIJr TARGEr 4DZOINN STEEL MOVES TlPPING UP AS TAMP - VM.VE a" BLOCK PEN. 15 SHUt fj O NA MAR6 TAMPER UT. "ARGET OVES ci SMTCH AS SHUT TARGET E MARKER ASSEMBLY Is SHUT FLOOBLE DUIT D MOVES TARGET S VALVE MOVES HUT UP AS VALVE IS SHUT DWG. 0960-30 Notes: Subject to the approval of the "authority having jurisdiction" the alternate method of installation shown in Fig. 5 maybe used. In this method, one of the glass windows of the housing is replaced with a 1/4" thick metal plate that is cut to fit in place of the glass and drilled and tapped to receive the 1/2" NPT pipe nipple. In some cases it may be necessary to attach an angle bracket to the target assembly to engage the PCVS trip rod. If the target is stationary and a hood arrangement is used, such as is shown in Fig. 6, the hood must be drilled with a 23/32" drill and tapped with a 1/2" NPT. The center line of this hole should be 1/8" below the portion of target assembly that strikes the PCVS trip rod. The 113/8" dimension shown is for a Claw Valve. Flexible conduit must be used for this type of installation. TYPICAL INSTALLATION ON A BUTTERFLY VALVE (SEE FIGS. 9 AND 10) Refer to Fig. 2 for location of parts described in the following instructions: Bi. Remove the 1/2" NPT plug from the gear operator case. B2. Loosen the setscrewthat holdsthe nipple in the PCVS and remove the nipple. Screw the locknut that is provided onto the nipple. Screw the nipple into the 1/2" NPT hole in the gear operator- hand tighten. Tighten the locknut against the case, to secure the nipple firmly in place. Partially close the valve (304 revolutions of the hand wheel or crank). Using the special tool provided, loosen the two cover screws and remove the cover from the PCVS. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in place. Estimate trip rod length required and extend slightly past that point. Slide the PCVS unit NOTE: In some cases it maybe necessary to remove the gearbox cover to ensure correct operation (consultation with the valve manufacturer is recommended). B9. Carefully open the valve to its full open position, as the boss on the gear hub moves to the open position it must engage the PCVS trip rod and actuate the switch(es). There should be a minimum overtravel or revolution of the crank or hand wheel after the switch(es) actuate (a continuity meter connected to each set of contacts is one method that could be used to determine this). NOTE: Slight adjustment of gear stops may be necessary to prevent overtravel of the trip rod (consultation with valve manufacture is recom- mended). as ar as possible onto me nipple, observing which direction the rod Will BID. Carefully close the valve. The switch(es) must operate during the first two move when the valve is closed. Orient the device to actuate switches revolutionsof the crank or hand wheel orduring 1/5 of thetravel distance when valve is open. of the valve control apparatus from its normal condition. NOTE: If trip rod length is excessive, loosen the locking screw and 1311. Complete the required electrical wiring, connections and tests. The valve remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Using pliers, break off the one (1) should be operated through the entire cycle of fully closed and fully open inch long notched section (see Fig. 7). Reinstall trip rod and repeat Step to determine the integrity of the PCVS installation and signaling system. 87 procedure. Check that all electrical and mechanical connections are secure. B8. Remove device from nippleand withdraw trip rod 1/32" (this dimension B12. When the installation and testing are complete, return valve to its proper is important). Tighten the locking screw to hold the rod in place. Re-install position. the device on the nipple. Tighten the screw in the collar against the nipple. FIG. 7 BREAKING EXCESSIVE ROD LENGTH SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL FIG. 8 a, VAS on" CAUTION: An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the terminal and serve as two separate connections. The wire must be severed. Thd5 §90H3 thereby providing supervision of the connection in the event that the wire becomes dislodged from underthe terminal. PRINTED IN USA . MKT. #8820001 - REV 0 PAGE 3 OF 4 9,99 &OTTU ITT GRINNELL/KENNEDY INDICATING DRESSER INDICATING BUTTERFLY BUTTERFLY VALVE VALVE FIG. 8 FIG. 10 DIT ND LDaCNUrS PUED SYTH POC MOUNINC icur 0 PBK - PRATT IBV BUTTERFLY VALVE KIT MODEL PBK-L Stock No. 0090132 (MDT-4S Actuator) MODEL PBK-M Stock No. 0090146 (MDT-3S Actuator) MODEL PBK-S Stock No. 0090133 (MDT-2S Actuator) Pratt Butterfly Valve Kit as used to mount a PCVS on a Pratt Model IBV Valve. Kits contain: Bracket, nuts and instructions Note: This application is subject to the approval of the authority having jurisdiction. PRINTED IN USA PVK - PRATT PIVA POST INDICATOR VALVE KIT (STOCK NO. 1000060) FIG. 13 WOIINE 5CREW 0W0 l9I Pratt Valve Kit as used to mount a PCVS on a Pratt Model PIVA Valve. Kit contains: Instructions, template, screw and nut. Note: This application is subjectto the approval of the authority having jurisdiction. MKT. #8820001 - REV 0 9/99 PCVS1, .2 CONTROL VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH TYPICAL PRESSURE REDUCER TYPE VALVE INSTALLATION FIG. 11 COLLAR LOCKNUT NIPPLE PCVS -7- LEVC CAP This figure shows the Model PCVS mounted on the valve yoke, with a bracket supplied by the valve manufacturer, to supervise a pressure reducer typevalve. Note: This application is subject to the approval of the authority having jurisdiction. TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Please Note: This device should be wired in accordance with the applicable parts of the National Electrical Code, all state and local codes, applicable NFPA Standards and the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. FIG. 14 Lam ammir 10P0%IFOR cON iaitis WACE I I- 10 SIPCASar eacuir Nb. OF NfI. FANEL END CF CON.rc UPE I o_. UID-12 Contacts shown in normal (valve open) condition. TYPICAL SWITCH ACTION OPOI VALVE FOSITION CLOSED VALVE P05fllON SW 0 A Sw 0 ;~CNO: I 00M. I NO. fif2 -. D8D-11 Switches Shown in Valve Open Position PAGE 4 OF 4 FR ' OSYSU1,"2 r OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH UL and CSFM Listed, FM Approved, NYMEA Accepted, CE Marked OSYSU-1 Stock No. 1010106 OSYSU-2 Stock No. 1010206 GENERAL INFORMATION The OSYSU is used to monitor the open position of an OS & Y (outside screw and yoke) type gate valve. This device is available in two models; the OSYSU-1, containing one set of SPDT (Form C) contacts and the OSYSU-2, containing two sets of SPDT (Form C) contacts. These switches mount conveniently to most OS & Y valves ranging in size from 2" to 12". They will mount on some valves as small as 1/2". The cover is held in place by two tamper resistant screws that require a special tool to remove. The tool is furnished with each device and should be left with the building owner or responsible party. Replacement or additional Dimensions: 6.19"L X 2.25"W X 5.88"H 15.7cm L X 5.7cm W X 14.6cm H Weight: 2 lbs. (.9 kg.) Enclosure: Cover - Die-Cast Finish- Red Spatter Enamel Base - Die Cast Zinc. All parts have corrosion resistant finishes. Cover Tamper: Tamper resistant screws, Optional cover tamper kit available. Contact Ratings: OSYSU-1: One set of SPDT (Form C) OSYSU-2: Two sets of SPOT (Form C) 15.00 Amps at 125/250VAC 2.50 Amps at 30VDC resistive Environmental Limitations: NEMA 4 and NEMA 613 Enclosure (lP67) when used with appropriate watertight conduit fittings. Indoor or Outdoor use (Not for use in hazardous locations. See bulletin no. 5400705 OSYS-U-EX for hazardous locations.) Temperature Range: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C) Conduit Entrances: 2 knockouts for 1/2" conduit provided Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-13 One or two family dwelling NFPA-13D Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-13R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 cover screws and hex keys are available. See ordering information on page 4. OPTIONAL COVER TAMPER SWITCH A field installable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to indicate removal of the cover. See ordering information on page 4. TESTING The OSYSU and its associated protective monitoring system should be inspected and tested in accordance with applicable NFPA codes and standards and/or the. authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). PotterElectjic Signal Company "2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO, 63146-4161 • Phone: 800-325-3936/Canada888-882-1833-www.pottersignal.com PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8820004 - REV N PAGE 1 OF 4 9/99 OSYSU-1, -2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG. I SMALL VALVE INSTALLATION -1/2" THRU 21/2" SIZES THESE SWITCHES MOUNT CONVENIENTLY TO MOST 2" TO 12" OS & Y VALVES. THEY WILL MOUNT ON SOME VALVES AS SMALL AS 1/2". J-HOOKS MAY BE REQUIRED ONVALVES WITH LIMITED CLEARANCE. CLAMP BAR CARRIAGE BC SLOTTED MOUNTING HOLES MAY BE USED FOR FINE ADJUSTMENT OF SWITCH ON BRCKEr BRACKET DWG. #97-3 SMALL VALVE INSTALLATION Remove and discard "C" washer and roller from the trip rod. With the valve in the FULL OPEN position, locate the OSYSU across the valve yoke as far as possible from the valve gland, so that the trip rod lays against the non- threaded portion of the valve stem. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in place and adjust the rod length (see Fig. 4). When adjusted properly, the rod should extend past the valve screw, but not so far that it contacts the clamp bar. Tighten the locking screw to hold the trip rod in place. NOTE: If trip rod length is excessive, loosen the locking screw and remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Using pliers, break off the one (1) inch long notched section (see Fig. 5). Reinstall trip rod and repeat Step 3 procedure. Mount the OSYSU loosely with the carriage bolts and clamp bar supplied. On valves with limited clearance use J-hooks supplied instead of the carriage bolts and clamp bar to mount the OSYSU. Mark the valve stem at the center of the trip rod. Remove the OSYSU. File a 1/8" deep groove centered on the mark on the valve stem utilizing a 3/16" round, non- tapered file. Round and smooth the edges of the groove to prevent damage to the valve packing and to allow the trip rod to move easily in and out of the groove as the valve is operated. Mount the OSYSU with the trip rod centered in groove. Final adjustment is made by loosening 2 screws (see Fig. 1) and sliding the OSYSU on the bracket. Adjustment is correct when switches are not activated with the trip rod seated in the valve stem groove and that the switches activate when the trip rod moves out of the groove. Tighten the adjustment screws and all mounting hardware. Check to insure that the rod moves out of the groove easily and that the switches activate within one turn when the valve is operated from the FULL OPEN towards the CLOSED position. NOTE: CLOSE THE VALVE FULLY TO DETERMINE THAT THE STEM THREADS DO NOT ACTIVATE THE SWITCH. THE SWITCH BEING ACTIVATED BY THE STEM THREADS COULD RESULT IN A FALSE VALVE OPEN INDICATION. PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8820004 . REV N PAGE 2 OF 4 9/99 HOLES. MAY BE USED FOR FINE ADJUSTMENT OF SWITCH ON BRACKET. \ ___ I ROLLER GROOVE VALVE STEM r I V$Z1L1 2 r#'tr'rr OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE '1, SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG. 2 LARGE VALVE INSTALLATION - 3" THRU 12" SIZES 3" THRU 12" VALVES USE-.CARRIAGE i- BRACKET BOLTS. CARRIAGE BOLTS MOUNT / ON INSIDE OF YOKE, IF THERE / CLAMP BAR IS SUFFICIENT CLEARANCE. TRIP ROD DWG. #979-4 ,v N GLAND LARGE VALVE INSTALLATION With the valve in the FULL OPEN position, locate the OSYSU across the valve yoke as far as possible from the valve gland, so that the trip rod lays against the non- threaded portion of the valve stem. Mount the OSYSU loosely with the carriage bolts and clamp bar supplied. Loosen the locking screw that holds the trip rod in place and adjust the rod length (see Fig. 4). When adjusted properly, the rod should extend past the valve screw, but not so far that it contacts the clamp bar. Tighten the locking screw to hold the trip rod in place. NOTE: If trip rod length is excessive, loosen the locking screw and remove the trip rod from the trip lever. Using pliers, break off the one (1) inch long notched section (see Fig. 5). Reinstall trip rod and repeat Step 3 procedure. Mark the valve stem at the center of the trip rod. Remove the OSYSU. File a 1/8" deep groove centered on the mark of the valve stem utilizing a 3/8" round, non- tapered file. Round and smooth the edges of the groove to prevent damage to the valve packing and to allow the trip rod to move easily in and out of the groove as the valve is operated. Mount the OSYSU loosely with the trip rod centered in groove. Final adjustment is made by loosening 2 screws (see Fig. 2) and sliding the OSYSU on the bracket. Adjustment is correct when switches are not activated with the trip rod seated in the valve stem groove.and that the switches activate within one turn when the valve is operated from the FULL OPEN towards the CLOSED position. Tighten the adjustment screws and mounting hardware. Check to insure that the rod moves out of the groove easily and that the switches activate within one turn when the valve is operated from the FULL OPEN towards the CLOSED position. NOTE: CLOSE THE VALVE FULLY TO DETERMINE THAT THE STEM THREADS DO NOT ACTIVATE THE SWITCH. THE SWITCH BEING ACTIVATED BY THE STEM THREADS COULD RESULT IN A FALSE VALVE OPEN INDICATION. PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8820004 - REV N PAGE 3 OF 4 9199 BREAKING EXCESSIVE ROD LENGTH• FIG. 5 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS LOC&L airT ID PER FOR NflND aIC ONCE PBCE ID SIP1 DRCLtT OF CCNIL NEL JJ.WIL1 00 OF UNE Cat. N.D. <. . Contacts shown in normal (valve open) condition. TYPICAL SWITCH ACTION OPEN VALVE PO$fl1ON COM. 4, SW ji COM. SW #2 CLOSED VALVE POSfl1ON C;CSW #2 DWG. #979-2 OSYSU-1, 2 Po U.- OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH FIG. 3 DIMENSIONS FIG.4 PARTS RLW WN ROD SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL CAUTION: An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the terminaland serve as two separate connections. The wire must be severed, thereby providing supervi- sion of the connection in the event that the wire becomes dislodged from under the terminal. ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL DESCRIPTION STOCK NO. OSYSU-1 Outside Screw & Yoke-Supervisory Switch (Single switch) 1010106 OSYSU-2 Outside Screw & Yoke-Supervisory Switch (Double switch) 1010206 -- Cover Screw 5490344 -- Hex Key for Cover Screws and Installation Adjustments 5250062 -- Optional Cover Tamper Switch Kit 0090131 For pressure reducer type valve installation kits (if required) contact valve manufacturer. PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8820004 - REV N PAGE 4 OF 4 9/99 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7770-0328:010 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Valves/Switches LISTEE: Potter Electric Signal Co., 2081 Craig Rd., St. Louis MO 63146 Contact: Brad Serangeli (800)3245-3936 Fax (314) 878-7264 DESIGN: Supervisory switches listed below to monitor pressure, OS&Y, gate, globe/gate, Ply, tank temperature or water level valves. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. HLS-B WLS-W WLS-S PS-40A PS-120A OSYSU-2 OSYS-B PMS PTS-B OSYSU-1 GVS PCVS-1 PIVS-B US-S US-W PCVS-2 WLS *PTSC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model designation and FM or UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as sprinkler system supervisory switches. NOTE: Formerly 7738-0328:010 *Rev. 05-31-2000 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation ov criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 12, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager Product Specification Issued: 2005 FIRE ALARM UNSHIELDED, RISER RATED PART NUMBER: FPL1120 DESCRIPTION: 2/18 Solid FPLR Cable CONSTRUCTION: This cable consists of two bare copper insulated conductors and an overall jacket APPROVALS: UL Standard 1424 and 444, NEC Articles 760 and 800. APPLICATION: Power Limited Fire Alarm Circuit Cable and Communication Cable for Riser Applications. Construction Parameters: Conductor 18 AWG bare copper Stranding Solid Insulation Material PVC Nom. Insulation Thickness 0.010" Insulated Conductor DIameter 0.060" Number of Conductors 2 Nom. Lay Length 4.5" Jacket Material PVC Jacket Thickness 0.020" Nom. Overall Cable Diameter 0.170" Approximate Cable Weight (IbsJKft.) 20 Flame Rating UL 1666 riser flame test. Electrical Properties: Nom. DC Resistance per Conductor @ 201C 6.43 Ohms/Kft. nom. Capacitance Between Conductors @ I KHz 35 pF/ft. nom. Operating Voltage 300 V RMS max. Temperature Rating -20 'C to 60 'C Insulation Colors Red and Black Jacket Color Red (Other colors are available) Legend (Surface Ink Print) ***FT E164182 (UL) 18AWG TYPE FPLR DEVICE A B C 0 E F ZONE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cable has a rip cord for easy jacket removal. The jacket is sequentially loot marked. The information presented here is, to the best of our knowledge, is true and accurate. However, since conditions of use are beyond our control, all recommendations or suggestions are presented without guarantee or responsibility on our part. We disclaim all liability in connection with the use of information contained herein or otherwise. This specification is proprietary intellectual property of Jinan Pac Wire & Cable. Any information contained herein shall not be disclosed to any party without written consent of Jinan Pac Wire & Cable. Customer Name Date Signed Customer Approval Specification Issue Date: Nov 19, 2005 Oaeng In d ustry District, Jinan. China,250104 41 ?E ABLE ITel: 86-531-8257468 Fax 86-531-8257466l '%~:AV R E ff Product Specification Issued: 2005 FIRE ALARM LOW CAP UNSHIELDED, RISER RATED PART NUMBER: FPL1121 DESCRIPTION: . 4/18 Solid FPL Low-Capacitance FPLR Cable CONSTRUCTION: This cable consists of four bare copper insulated conductors and an overall jacket APPROVALS: UL Standard 1424 and NEC Article 760. APPLICATION: Fire Alarm Power Limited Circuit Cable for Addressable Fire Alarm Systems. Construction Parameters: . Conductor 18 AWG bare copper Stranding Solid Insulation Material PVC Nom. Insulation Thickness 0.015" Insulated Conductor Diameter 0.070" Number of Conductors 4 Nom. Lay Length 5.0" Jacket Material PVC Jacket Thickness 0.020" Nom. Overall Cable Diameter 0.230" Approximate Cable Weight (lbsJKft.) 40 Flame Rating UL 1666 riser flame test Electrical Properties: Nom. DC Resistance per Conductor @ 201C 6.43 Ohms/Kft. nom. Capacitance Between Conductors @1 KHz 27 pF/ft. nom. Operating Voltage 300 V RMS max. Temperature Rating -20 "C to 60 'C Insulation Colors Black, Red, Yellow and Blue Jacket Color . . Red (Other colors are available) Legend (Surface Ink Print) """FT E164182 (UL) 18AWG TYPE FPLR DEVICE A B C D E F ZONE 0 12 3456789 Cable has a rip cord for easy jacket removal. The jacket is sequentially foot marked. The information presented here is, to the best of our knowledge, is true and accurate. However, since conditions of use are beyond our control, all recommendations or suggestions are presented without guarantee or responsibility on our part. We disclaim all liability in connection with the use of information contained herein or otherwise. This specification is proprietary intellectual property of Jinan Pac Wire & Cable. Any information contained herein shall not be disclosed to any party without written consent of Jinan Pac Wire & Cable. Customer Name Date Signed Customer Approval Specification Issue Date: Nov 19, 2005 ,-1, #"7d•' f,qa .....................................Dasheng Industry District, Jinan. China, 250104 .-ivir ARLE [Tel: 86-531-8257468 Fac86-531-8257466i AIIRE & AELE Product Specification Issued: 2005 FIRE ALARM JACKETED UNSHIELDED, RISER RATED -b-- - PART NUMBER: FPL1140 DESCRIPTION: 2/14 Solid FPLR Cable CONSTRUCTION: This.cable consists of two bare copper insulated conductors and an overall jacket APPROVALS: UL Standard 1424 and NEC Article 760. APPLICATION: Power Limited Fire Alarm Circuit Cable for Riser Applications. Construction Parameters: Conductor 14 AWG bare copper Stranding Solid Insulation Material PVC Nom. Insulation Thickness 0.015" Insulated Conductor Diameter 0.094" Number of Conductors 2 Nom. Lay Length 5.5" Jacket Material PVC Jacket Thickness 0.025" Nom. Overall Cable Diameter 0.240' Approximate Cable Weight (IbsJKft.) 40 Flame Rating UL 1666 riser flame test. Electrical Properties: Nom. DC Resistance per Conductor @ 201C 2.52 Ohms/Kft. nom. Capacitance Between Conductors @1 KHz 40 pF/ft. nom. Operating Voltage . 300 V RMS max. Temperature Rating -20 'C to 60 'C Insulation Colors Black and Red - Jacket Color Red (Other colors are available) Legend (Surface Ink Print) . "FT E164182 (UL) 14AWG TYPE FPLR DEVICE A B C D E F ZONE 0 1 2 3456 7 8 9. Cable has a rip cord for easy jacket removal. The jacket is sequentially foot marked. The information presented here is, to the best of our knowledge, is true and accurate. However, since conditions of use are beyond our control, all recommendations or suggestions are presented without guarantee or responsibility on our part. We disclaim all liability in connection with the use of information contained herein or otherwise. This specification is proprietary intellectual property of Jinan Pac Wire & Cable. Any information contained herein shall not be disclosed to any party without written consent of Jinan Pac Wire & Cable. Customer Name Date Signed Customer Approval Specification Issue Date: Nov 19, 2005 Dazheng Industry District, Jinan, China, 250104 AVlt & I1ABLE Tel: 86-531-8257468 Fax 86-531-82574661 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7161-1505:100 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Cable-Fire Protective Signaling LISTEE: Jinan Pac Cable & Wire Co., 6611 Preston Ave, Suite A, Livermore, CA 94550 Contact: Derek McMullen (925) 454-3434 FAX (925) 454-3444 DESIGN: Power Limited Fire-Protective Signaling Cable, Type FPL, FPLP and *FPLR Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. Insulation: PVC, SRPVC with minimum average thickness of 6 mils, minimum at any point at 5 mils; PVC compound Apex 910 with minimum average thickness of 6 mils, minimum at any point at 5 mils, maximum average thickness at 14 mils. *PVC compound Teknor Apex 96-A025A1 15 with mm. average thickness 6 mils, mm. at any point 5 mils. Shield (Optional): Aluminum/polyester tape. Core Wrap (Optional): Polyester tape, 2 mils thick max. Jacket: PVC compound Teknor Apex 4128, PVC Compound Apex 910, and *PVC Compound 90-A033A-10 INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NEC Article 760, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Type FPL, FPLP or *FPLR and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as a power-limited fire protective signaling cable. *Rev. 11-14-2005 jew This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims: This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: MARCH 29, 2006 Listing Expires June 30, 2007 Authorized By: DIANE IC AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager PAGE Series 104.& 765 Building Wire - - .- --- -- - - Building Wire 600 Volt 90 C - -- -- O Underwriters UI Laboratories Inc. ® ® Type THHN/THWN or Type TFN-TFFN I Solid or stranded soft annealed bare copper heat and moisture resistant PVC insulation heat and light stabilized nylon armor jacket. 104-14-1 I 14 - - SOLID _ I NOTE (1) I .11 I +20 I +25 10412i 12 SOLID .13 +25 +30 Based on not more than 3 conductors in raceway or cable 104-10-1 10 SOLID 16 +o +40 or direct burial (30C. @ 86 F Ambient) per N.E.C., 75 C 104-14-19 14 27 - .11 +20 +25 Conductor Temperature Rating 104-12-19 12 19/27. .13 +25 +30 NOTE(+) The overcurrenr protection of 104-10-19 10 19 / .0234 .16 +35 +35 conductor types marked with (+) 104-8-19 1/ / .1 55 shall not exceed 15 Amps for 14 AWC; and 20 Amps for 12 AWG 104-6-19 6 19 / .0372 .27 65 75 per the N.E.C.-84 Table 310-16 104-4-19 4 19 / 0469 - . 34 85 95 N.E.C.-84 (Table 310) Consult National Electrical Code for other 104-2-19 2 19 .0591 .40 115 130 conditions. 1044.19 1 19/ .066'4 .46 150 150 A. When Used as THWN 8. When Used as THHN r- ii a• ___ 765-18-1 18 Solid . .084 765-18-16 18 16 / 30 .088 765-16-1 16 . So]id .094 765-16-26 16 - 26J 30 .101 Black, White. Red, -500 Ft. Green, Yellow, Brown, Spools - Blue, Orange, Gray, Purple, Pink, Tan II F-- iuiJ WIRE & CABLE CORP 133 South Van Norman Rd. • Montebello, CA 90640 • (800) 423-4659 •(800) 352-4335 (CA) • Fax (562) 692-9203 - PRODUCT SCHEMATICS SPECIFICATIONS HE-12V7.7FR SPECIFICATIONS HE-6V7.IFR I NominalVoltage........................................................................6V Nominal Capacity at 77°F (25°C) Voltage readings are per cell 20 Hour Rate (0.385 amps to 1.75 volts).. 7.70 ampere hours 8 Hour Rate (0.870 amps to 1.75 volts).... 6.90 ampere hours 5 Hour Rate (1.35 amps to 1.75 volts)......6.80 ampere hours 1 Hour Rate (4.9 amps to 1.75 volts) 4.90 ampere hours 1/2 Hour Rate (7.8 amps to 1.75 volts) .... 3.90 ampere hours Max. Physical Size Length........................................................5.95 inches (151mm) Width............................................................1.35 inches (34mm) Height (excluding terminals) ........................3.70 inches (94mm) Height (including terminals)..........................3.81 inches (97mm) Weight................................................................3.20 lbs (1.5kg) Energy Density (20 Hour Rate) ..........................................1.56 watt hrs/cu in (20 Hour Rate) ..........................................14.40 watt hrs/lbs Operating Temperature Range Discharge ........................ -60°F to +140°F (-51°C to +60°C) Charge .... . ........................... 0°F to +120°F (-18°C to +49°C) Recharging Methods: Float Charging Constant Potential Source of 6.8 to 6.9 volts continuously. Routine Charging Constant Potential Source of 7.3 to 7.5 volts With a charging current of 2.5 ampere maximum. Terminal: Standard is tin plated brass, positive terminal is 0.030 stock by 0.250 wide, negative terminal is 0.030 stock by 0.250 wide, mates with Amp Faston series or equal. Case Material: Flame Retardant ABS Nominal Voltage......................................................................12V Nominal Capacity at 77°F (25°C) Voltage readings are per cell 20 Hour Rate (0.385 amps to 1.75 volts).. 7.70 ampere hours 8 Hour Rate (0.870 amps to 1.75 volts).... 6.90 ampere hours 5 Hour Rate (1.35 amps to 1.75 volts)......6.80 ampere hours 1 Hour Rate (4.9 amps to 1.75 volts)........4.90 ampere hours 1/2 Hour Rate (7.8 amps to 1.75 volts).... 3.90 ampere hours Max. Physical Size Length........................................................5.95 inches (151mm) Width............................................................2.56 inches (65mm) Height (excluding terminals) ........................3.74 inches (95mm) Height (including terminals)........................3.98 inches (101mm) Weight ................................................................6.40 lbs (2.9kg) Energy Density (20 Hour Rate) ..........................................1.64 watt hrs/cu in (20 Hour Rate) ..........................................14.40 watt hrs/lbs Operating Temperature Range Discharge ........................ -60°F to +140°F (-51°C to +60°C) Charge ................................ 0°F to +120°F (-18°C to +49°C) Recharging Methods: Float Charging: Constant Potential Source of 13.6 to 13.8 volts continuously. Routine Charging Constant Potential Source of 14.6 to 15.0 volts with a charging current of 2.5 ampere maximum. Terminal: Standard is tin plated brass, positive terminal is 0.030 stock by 0.250 wide, negative terminal is 0.030 stock by 0.250 wide, mates with Amp Fasten series or equal. Case Material: flame Retardant ABS Above data are aweap values which can be obtained within 3 charge/dischaqla cydos.These are not minimum values. HIGHEFFLCENCY REC [It ARGEAB..E BAT TER IES