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1 LEGO DR; ; FA980008; Permit
3/7/24, 5:10 PM FA980008 Permit Data City of Carlsbad FIRE ALARM PERMIT Permit No: FA980008 Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Status: ISSUED Permit Type: FALARM Applied 4/29/1998 Parcel No: 2110221600 Approved: 5/5/1998 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 5/5/1998 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD ADM IN CLUSTER FIRE ALARM Applicant: Owner: PYRO-COMM SYSTEMS INC CARLSBAD ESTATE HOLDING INC 16602 BURKE LN HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 714 841-5422 Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 191 0 191 0 about:blank 1/1 FIRE DEPARMENT PERMIT Permit No: FA980008 04/29/98 13:12 Project No: A9603436 Page 1 of 1 Bldg Permit#: PCR98062 Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: Permit Type: FIRE ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 211-022-16-00 Construction Type: NEW Occupancy Group: Description: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD ADMIN CLUSTER FIRE ALARM Resp Party: PYRO-COMM SYSTEMS INC 16602 BURKE LN HUNTINGTON BEACH CA-9 Status: PENDING Applied: 04/29/98 Apr/Issue: Entered By: CB 714 841-5422 Fire Dept. Refere.ft1c-'e# Fees Required C ~ e ~-6 -'s)) C~' 0 %, Fees: Adjustments: 7 c\ .00 Totai / \ \ C Total Fees: j00 b//i/ 76ta1 Pavmefl Ba1ane-Wu Fee descripti ---------------- Full Alrm,Enter ci evs, PC /--',--• V 51 Permit, * TOTAL ed & Credits --------------------- .00 .00 191.00 Ext fee Data --------------- 91 .00 100.00 191.00 \\ LI WCORPORATED POR ' 1952 19052 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 2560 ORION WAY, CARLSBAD, CA 92008-7280 (619) 931-2121 No. 00813 TRANSMITTAL Bernards Bros. Construction EB 5342 Armada Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: 760-930-0099 Fax: 760-930-9162 PROJECT: LEGOLAND Carlsbad DATE: 4/23/98 TO: City of Carlsbad REF: Fire Department 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92008-7280 ATTN: Michael E. Smith WE ARE SENDING, SIJBMITTEWEOR! ACTION TAKEN: E] sky wings - (1 Approval 0 Approved as Submitted Letter 0 Your Use 0 Approved as Noted - C] Prints U As Requested [3 Returned After Loan Change Order 0 Review and Comment 0 Resubmit Plans 19 Submit Samples SENT VIA: ID Returned F] Specifications 0 Attached U Returned for Corrections Other: 0 Separate Cover Via: In Bids Due: ITEM NO. COPIES DATE ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION STATUS 1 6 4/23/98 Shop Drawings for Fire Alarm NEW 1 6 4/23/98 Fire Alarm Submittal for Administration/Service NEW Cluster Remarks: y (Ilpf CC: Signed: Alex Young - CITY OF FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVED Subject to field inspection and required tests, notations hereon, conditions In correspondence and conformance with applicable regulations. The stamping of these plans shall not be held to permit or appr v he violation of any law By Dat'_' SCHEDULE FIRE DEPT. INSPECTIONS AND TESTS 24 HOURS IN AO'!ANCE. PHONE (619) 931-2121 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA: SUBMITTAL General Contractor: Bernards Bros. Oonsftucflo Date: 4/23198 Name of Reviewer: 4A Name of Subcontractor: Morrow Meadows Specification Section: 16721 Fire Alarm Submittal Number: 16721.001 Component: A200 -Comm Systems, Inc. NESO Affiliate SALES • ENGINEERING • INSTALLATION • SERVICE Authorized Distributor for: NOTIFIER a division of Pittway Corporation Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. 16602 BURKE LANE • HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 (714) 8415422 • FAX: (714) 848-1180 • C-10 #612153 LEGOLAND CARLSBAD 5342 Armada Drive Carlsbad, California Fire Alarm System Submittal FIRE ALARM SYSTEM MEG. MODEL# DESCRIPTION CSFM# PAGE. NOTIFIER AFP200 Fire Alarm Control Panel 7165-0028:164 A-102 NOTIFIER FCPS-24 Auxiliary Power Supply 7315-0028:178 E-.130 NOTIFIER LCD-80 Alarm /Trouble 7120-0028:156 D-I20 NOTIFIER MivIX-1 Monitor Module 7165-0028:164 H-140 NOTIFIER CMX-2 Control Module 7300-0028:166 H- 146 NOTIFIER BGX-101L Address. Man. Pull Sta. 7150-0028:003 H-130 NOTIFIER SDX-75 1 Address. Photo-Smoke Det. 7272-0028:172 H-105 NOTIFIER DHX-502 Address. Duct Det. 3240-0028:158 H-121 NOTIFIER SDX-551 Address. Photo-Smoke Det. 7272-0028:148 . H-lOS WHEELOCK MT-12/24 Fire Alarm Horn 7125-0785:118 . J-121 WHEELOCK RSS SERIES Fire Alarm Strobe 7125-0785:141 J-120 NOTIFIER FM 998 Door Holder 3550-0028:177 K-225 WEST PENN 60991B Type FPLP 2c #16 Plenum Cbl N/A N/A WEST PENN AQ226 #14 AWG 2c Direct Burial N/A . N/A ., S p I I , ,• IS• S 4 4 1 I /CbI__._sAA _,IL#ii 4 5 Dzc O1 _4(IIIAt7A!rrII 6e, kMo ckv3 L A 4b I I~a _.., >A--, '001V I . " I . 5 6vAibl P441i ( pa-OQIS~- k2 cAe1edi,QS /fc I; I I . ,•• • • S • •• jV!ay405-98 12:32P p.yro comm 1 760 930 6015 P.01 PyromComm Systems, Inc. 5845 Avenida Encinas, Suite 1 36,Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760)930-6014 - Fax (760)960-6015- C-I 0 #612153 PIESCO affi3te for ()NOTIFIER FAX COVER SHEET OWNS To: C -)6 b A t\ tp# Date: j~ =6q Attn: From71/l&c-k -- NCI-L&. Project: Ia..cL Number of Pages (including this sheet) Subject: it you do not receive all pages, please_ contact our office _at (760)930-6014 V NESCO affiliate for NOTIFIER a division of Pittway Corporation lfl#1')1 at-r4P -)21 III 4QA7.1 May-05-98 12:32P pyro_conn 1 760 930 6015 P.02 -- F1RLI1E ALAS. IM 001 AFP-200, SFP-400, SFP-400B,RP1001, & RP100 Maximum Signal Circuit Current Changed/Reduced Duo to new UL Power Limiting Requirements Changes to the SFP400, SFP-40089 RPIOOI, and RP1002 Due to new UL 864 Power Limiting Requirements, effective May 1, 1995, the maximum output current, per Notification Appliance (signal) Circuit, has been do-rated to tO AmRp. on the above Fire Alami Control Panels. Formerly, the maximum signaling current, per cfrcult,was rated at 2.25 Amps. Thde-rating was neceeearjt000mplywith the new, more stringent, power limiting requirements dictated by UL in Standard 864. Please keep In mind that the TQTAL output current for the SFP-400, SFP-4008, R121001, and RPI002 has not changed and remains at 2.25 Amps maximum. However, caution should be taken when designing Fire Alarm Systems, Incorporating the above panels, to ensure proper Ioadwrg of Individual Notification circuits. Changes to the AFP200: The overall capacity of 5 amps has not been changed on the AFP-200. But on a per circuit basis, the folowing have changed: !mnunr çkcuft TBI Terms 1&2' Non-Reset 24 vdc 2.25 amps UA standby/1 .5A alarm 181 Terms 3&4 Non-Reset 24 We .5 amps .5 amps (no change) 181 Terms 5W Reset 24 vdc .5 amps .5 amps (no change) * Total ouqU from 101 should not exceed 1.0 snips aten±y and 1.5 snp In alenn. T132 Terms 1&2 NAC Circuit 1 2.25 amps 2.5 amps TB2 Terms 3M NAC Circuit 2 2.2S amps 2.5 amps 182 Terms MO NAC Circuit 3 2.25 amps 2.5 amps )Max 2.5 amp 182 Terms 7&8 MAC Circuit 4 2.25 amps 2.5 amps) on 3 circuits Total output from the AFP-200 cannot exceed 5.0 amps. AFP-200 with AVPS-24 New TermlviaEniqnther circuit 101 is the owns as listed above. 014 RatIng Rating 182 Terms 152 MAC CircuIt 1 2.25 amps 2.5 amps 182 Terms 354 NAC Circuit 2 2.25 amp. 25 amps 182 Terms 556 NAG Circuit 3 2.25 amps 2.5 amps Max3.Oarnps 182 Terms 7&8 NAC CircuIt 4 2.25 amps 2.5 amps! on 2 circuits Total output from the Al.200 camot exceed 5.0 amps and 3.0 amps on the AVPS.24. £ NOTIFIER A Pittway Company GENERAL The AFP-200 is a compact, cost-effective, intelligent fire alarm control with a capacity of 301 individually identified and controlled points and an extensive list of powerful features. The AFP-200 provides capabilities that exceed most large intelligent systems, at a cost comparable to conventional control panels. FEATURES 198 intelligent device capacity (99 analog detectors and 99 monitor/control modules). Style 4, 6, or 7. Overall 301 point capability (198 intelligent points, 4 programmable NAC circuits, 99 programmable relays). Network ready (reference NOTI • FIRE. NET'TM and NAM- 232 catalog sheets for more information). Intelligent features: V Manual sensitivity adjustment. V Day/Night automatic sensitivity adjustment. ' Drift compensation (U.S. Patent Pending) meets UL requirements as a calibrated test instrument. ' Auto detector test (meets NFPA 72). Maintenance alert (two separate algorithms). V Pre-alarm (AWACSTM U. S. Patent Pending). Activate local sounder base on pre-alarm. ' LED blink control for sleeping areas. ' Automatic device type check. Releasing features: V Four independent hazards. v' Sophisticated cross-zone (three options) V Delay timer and Discharge timers (adjustable). V Abort (four options). Optional DACT, with AC fail delay. LCD-80 remote display/control. ACS annunciators (EIA-485), including LDM custom. Printer interface (80 column and 40 column printers). 5.0 A usable regulated output power, plus 3.0 A expander. 80 character LCD display, backlit. Real time clock, with European format option. History file with 650 event capacity in nonvolatile memory. Includes non-erasable shadow history. Waterfiow or supervisory selection per point. Alarm Verification selection per point, with tally. Walk Test reports 2 devices set to same address. Positive Alarm Sequence (PAS) Presignal per NFPA 72. Silence inhibit and Auto Silence timer options. March time/temporal/California code for bell circuits. Field-programmable on panel or on PC, with user-defined passwords, plus Autoprogram feature. UL-listed modem interface allows remote/off-site system integration. NOTI-FIRE-METym is a trademark of NOTIFIER, 1994. L.: A~3 . August 13, A.102 200 Softwa-re Release 2 Section: Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panels ®MEA FM 104-93-E (not MEA approved 0V4A5.AY S635 CSI 18 for security) California U.S. Coast Guard State Fire Marshal 161.002/23/1 7165-0028:164 94/00004 The AFP-200 16.125Hx 14.5 W 5.5D MMX-2 two-wire detector interface provides compatibility with many non-NOTIFIER detectors for retrofit applica- tions (consult factory for latest compatibility listings). Dual rate charger for up to 90 hours of standby power. Two-Stage option for bell circuits (Canada). Tornado Warning activates different Notification Circuit code. Non-alarm points for lower priority functions. Remote ACK/Silence/ResetiDrill via MMX modules. Automatic time control functions, with holiday exceptions. Rapid poll algorithm for manual stations. Responds in <2 seconds. Operates with untwisted, unshielded wire (up to 1000 feet) for retrofit applications (U. S. Patent 5, 210, 523). UL listed for Fire Signaling per Standard 864 & NFPA 72. UL listed for Burglary applications per Standard 1076. UL listed for Releasing per NFPA 12,12A, 12B, 13,15, 16. UL listed for Critical Process Monitoring. FM approved for Agent Release and Preaction/Deluge. Approved for marine applications by U.S. Coast Guard and Lloyd's Register of shipping. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or ISO-9001 anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For Engineering and Manufacturing more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 Quality System Certified to go NOTI Fl E R 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 International Standard ISO-9001 Made In the U.S.A. DN-3783 - Page 1 of 4 AFP-200 ;• M LJ ti LJ ] 1 I I -ru - riii--Jr1-tjrJ M M -ru MM 4 Notification or Release Circuits SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM I ( Infallimant I rnn NOTI • FIRE• NET Optional Network Interface via the NAM-232 SDX-551 CPX-551 FDX-551 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BGX.1011. CMX-2 IAC i I 00 cr1ThA,r 7fflC LDM-32 Custom Graphics PRN-4 Printer ElA-232 Interface for CRT,, ElA-485 loop for printer, or PC computer. LCD or LED Four standard annunciators. Notification or circuits. I Full Alpha keyboard for menu-driven programming. ' p-------- Option. Page 2 of 4 - DN-3783 5 ampen regulated power si 12 AH Latteries. Up to 90 hours standby power. 80 character backlit LCD display. C loop. to 198 devices a single pair wires. Slot for optional module. AWACS TM Advance Warning Addressable Combustion Sensing (U.S. Patent Pending) TIME c ALERT and ACTION levels are completely adjustable in the field to suit the cleanliness and stability of the environment. ALARM levels are field adjustable to one of 3 levels within the UL permitted range. ACTION levels latch and may be used to perform control functions. ALERT levels self-restore and may be used to activate a local sounder base before general ALARM evacuation. FIELD PROGRAMMING - 3 WAYS AUTO-PROGRAM The AFP-200 identifies all devices that are connected, determines the type of device, and loads default values (general alarm) into non-volatile memory. This is com- pleted in less than 30 seconds. ON-LINE EDIT While still providing fire protection, the AFP-200 program may be completely edited from the front keypad. Menu trees permit easy change of any parameter without refer- ral to the programming manual. Recall, increment and edit function speeds entry of alphanumeric labels. New pro- gram check routine catches common errors. AUTOPROGRAM PLEASE WAIT F AUTO 2=POlNT 4 MESSAGE 6=SPL ZONES =CHECK 3. OFF-LINE PC The complete AFP-200 program may be created in an off-line PC compatible computer, then loaded into the AFP-200 ElA-232 port. The program may also be off-loaded to a PC at any time. High speed data transfer completes upload or download in less than 1 minute. The PC program may also be used to access remote AFP-200 systems over dial-up phone lines, providing detail status information and history file search/sort. DN-3783 - Page 3of4 AGENCY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS See page 1 for listing agencies and file numbers. These listings and approvals apply to the basic AFP-200 control panel. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status. SPECIFICATIONS Primary input power, 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3.0 Amps. Total Internal 24 VDC Power -5.0 A (total shared power). V High Ripple Regulated Power - 1.5 A (suitable for EIA-485 devices, except ACM-8R) - 1.0 A max. standby. V Non-resettable Power - 500 mA. V 4-wire Smoke Detector Power - 500 mA. V Four built-in Notification Circuits NAC Circuit 1 -2.25 A NAC Circuits 2-4 - 2.25 A (shared total) Note: with optionalAVPS Power Supply NAC circuits 3 & 4 are expanded to 3.0 A (8.0 A total power). Battery charger range: 7 AH - 17 AH. Charge high rate: 29.1 V. Float Rate: 27.0 V. Relay contact rating: 2.0 A © 30 VDC. SYSTEM CAPACITY Total programmable input/output points: 301 Intelligent Detectors: 99 Addressable monitor/control modules: 99 Programmable NAC (bell) circuits in panel: 4 Programmable software zones: 99 Programmable remote relay/annunciator points: 99 .LCD-80 annunciators per system: 4 ACS annunciators per system: 10 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS 6 LED indicators: AC Power; Fire Alarm; Pre-Alarm; Su- pervisory/Security; Alarm Silenced; System Trouble. 21 Membrane Switch Controls: Acknowledge/Step; Si- lence; Evacuate; System Reset; 12 key Alpha pad; 4 cursor keys; Enter. LCD Display: 80 characters (4 X 20) with long-life LED backlight. COMPATIBLE INTELLIGENT DEVICES Model Description CPX-551 Ionization Smoke Detector. CPX-751 Low Profile Ionization Detector. SDX-551 Photoelectric Smoke Detector. SDX-751 Low Profile Photoelectric detector. SDX-5511H Photoelectric with thermal element. FDX-551 Fixed Thermal (Heat) Sensor. FDX-551 R Fixed and Rate-of-Rise thermal sensor. BX401 Detector Base, high profile. B7IOLP Detector Base, low profile. B50IBH Sounder Base. DHX401 Duct Housing with Alarm relay. DHX-502 Duct Housing without Alarm relay. MMX-1 Monitor Module. MMX-2 Two wire detector monitor module. MMX-101 Miniature Monitor Module. CMX-2 Control Module BGX-101L Manual Fire Alarm Station, Addressable. ISO-X Isolator Module. WordPerfect® is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corporation. Page 4of4 - DN-3783 COMPATIBLE DEVICES, EIA-232 Port Model Description PRN-4 80 column printer. VS4095/S2 Printer, 40 column, 24 V. Mounted in exter- nal backbox (Order from Keltron, Inc.). CRT-2 Video display terminal. NAM-232 Network Interface Module to NOTI • FIRE. NET wire or fiber models. COMPATIBLE DEVICES, RS-485 Port Model Description (see catalog sheets) ACS Series Remote Serial Annunciator/Control systems. LCD-80 Remote LCD display. LDM Series Remote custom graphic driver modules. ACM-BR Remote relay module. 8 Form-C relays. NIB-96 Network Interface Board. RPT-485 Series Repeater, isolator and/or fiber optic modem. UDACT Universal Digital Communicator. PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Model Description BEAFP-200G - Basic AFP-200 equipment kit. Includes main board with display and keypad, door, hardware and manual. Backbox (SBB-4X or SBB-4XR) ordered separately. BEAFP-200R - Same as BEAFP-200G, but includes a red door. BEAFP-200GE - Same as BEAFP-200G but 230 VAC. BEAFP-200RE - Same as BEAFP-200R but 230 VAC. SBB-4X - AFP-200 Backbox (no door), gray. SBB-4XR - AFP-200 Backbox (no door), red. CAB-AM - Heavy duty outer enclosure. Required for ma- rine agency approved applications. 4XTM - Plug-in Transmitter Module. Provides municipal box & remote station connection. RTM-8 - Plug-in Relay Transmitter Module. Provides 8 Form-C relays, plus transmitter. 4XMM - AmmeterNoltmeter. TR-4XG - Gray Trim Ring for semi-flush mounting (TR- 4XR for red). DP-AFP200 - Full length dead front panel (required for Canadian Applications). PS-1270 - Battery, 12 volt, 7.0 AH, (two required). PS-12120 - Battery, 12 volt, 12.0 AH, (two required). PS-12170 - Battery, 12 volt, 17.0 AH (two required). "PS-24 - 3.0 A Expansion supply (requires BB-17). BB-17 - Battery box, required for PS-12170, or if AVPS-24 is used. 9IIAC - Digital Alarm Communicator/Transmitter. PK-200 - Programming kit for PC. Includes diskette, cable, and instructions. ROM-AFP200SP - Spanish language kit. Includes soft- ware IC, manual and labels. ARCHITECTURAL/ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS Complete specifications are available on 3.5" (1.44 mbyte) IBM compatible diskette, in WordPerfect & ASCII formats. I California Department of Fo.et,y & Fire Protection 1 S Office of the Sat! Firs Maishal Listing Expires () PreFire Engineering Jun. 30, 1998 LISTING SERVICE USTING No. 7165-0028:164 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Control Units (Non High-Rise) LISTEE: Notifier, 12 Clintonville Road, Northford CT 06472-1001 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-7161 DESIGN: Model AFP-200 fire alarm control unit. Local, auxiliary, remote stat i o n ( P P U ) , proprietary (PPU) and central station (PPU). Also suitable for r e l e a s i n g d e v i c e service. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product d e s c r i p t i o n and operational considerations. 'System components: 4XTM Transmitter Module .• RTM-8 Relay Module DP-AFP200 Dress Panel TR-4XG Trim Ring I MMX-1, -101 Monitor Module ISO-X Loop Isolator Module j N-ELR EOL Resistors CRT-2 Terminal with Keyboard VS4095/5 Printer CMX-1 Control Module BB-17 Battery Box •-J-. • AVPS-24 Power Supply f j NAM-232 Network Adapter Module 4XMM Meter Module INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions; applic a b l e c o d e s & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having juri s d i c t i o n . kV_ARKiNd-v'-' Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. 0. APPROVAL: - Listed as fire alarm control unit for use with separately fi s t e d c o m p a t i b l e initiating and indicating devices. Suitable for central station (PPU) se r v i c e w h e n Used with separately jjd compatible DACT. 'Rev. 02.13-96 This listing Is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CS F M s t a f f h a s , e v i e w e d t h e t e s t r e s u l t s a n d / o r o t h e r d a t a but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This li s t i n g i s n o t a n e n d o r s e m e n t o r a ' e c o m m e n d a t i o n o f t h e I t e m listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational re q u i r e m e n t s o r i n s t a l l a t i o n c r i t e r i a . R e f e r t o l l s t e e ' s d a t a )sheet. Installation instructions and/or other suitable informati o n s o u r c e s . ISSUED: JIlL? 1, 1997 AUTHORIZED BY: 51Ie60v, h.uo datd tc expiration dat. Deputy BEN 0. NO Program Coordinator - E-130 (O NOTIFIEW FCPS-24/FCPS-24E A Pittway Company Catalog Section: Power Supplies November 1, 1995 GENERAL The NOTIFIER FCPS-24 and FCPS-24E are compact, cost-effective, remote power supplies with battery charg- ers. The FCPS-24E consists of a regulated and filtered 24 VDC output that may be configured to drive four notifica- tion appliance circuits (four Style V or two Style Z, and two Style Y). All outputs can be alternately used as any combi- nation of resettable/non-resettable power outputs. The FCPS-24E also contains a battery charger capable of charg- ing up to 7.0 amp hour batteries. California State Fire 1*1 Marshal 7315-0028:178 (FCPS-24 only) MEA 387-94-E S635 (FCPS-24 only) (0 CS100 (FCPS-24 only) FEATURES Self-contained in lockable cabinet (15"H x 14.5W x 2.75"D). 24 VDC remote power supply. Power-limited individually protected outputs. Two input control circuits (from FACP notification appli- ance circuits) are electrically isolated from outputs. Input 1 controls Output 1 and Output 2. Input 2 controls Output 3 and Output 4. Two Style Y/Style Z notification appliance circuits (out- puts 1 &3). Two Style V circuits (outputs 2 & 4) which could be configured permanently ON (non-resettable). 4.0 amp continuous output. 6.0 amp full load output. Suitable for powering 4-wire smoke detectors. Integral battery charger. Up to 7.0 AH batteries in FCPS-24 cabinet. Fully supervised power supply, battery, and notification appliance circuits. Earth fault detection (selectable). A.C. fail trouble contact reporting immediate, delayed 8 or 16 hours (selectable). Fixed terminal blocks forfield wiring capable of accepting up to 12 AWG wire. Normally closed output trouble contacts. CA Suitable for 60-hour standby when outputs are used as notification circuits. 000 00 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000 0000 00 0000 0000 0000 0000000000000000000000000000000 00000000 000 0000 000 0 000 000000000000000000 00000000 000 0000 000 0 000 0000 0 000 00000000000000 0000 0000000 000 0 0000 000 00000000000000 0000 0000 000 0000 000 0000 0 000 0 000 0000 0000 000000 0000 FCPS.24 0 000 00 000000000000000 0000 00 00 0000 0000 0000 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000000000 000 0000 0 000 00000000 00000000 0000 000000000000 0000 0 000 0000 000000000000 0000 0000000000000000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 SPECIFICATIONS AC Power FCPS-24: 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz. FCPS-24E: 220/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz. Wire Size: Minimum #14 AWG with 600V insulation. Battery (lead acid only) Normal Charge Voltage: 27.6V. Maximum Charge Current: 25 maximum. Maximum Battery Capacit 7.0 AH. ,) 4Z~5— This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or ISO9001 anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more Engineering and Manufacturing information, contact NOTiFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 Quality System Certified to ISM NOTIFIEW 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 International Standard ISO-90011 Made in the U.S.A. TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS To Transformer #2 To Transformer #1 Notes: Cut JP1 to use a UL listed external battery charger. Cut R134 to delay AC loss reporting for 8 hours (24-hour standby), or cut Ri 34 and R76 to delay AC loss reporting 16 hours (60-hour standby). Cut R1 75 to make Output #2 non-resettable in stand- alone mode. Cut Ri 76 to make Output #4 non-resettable in stand- alone mode. Cli I ci c.a r,1 LM we z wOO TBI -.TW Ict cI3cI1ia Von e8 >1311 Battery fuse iOA 3A0 slow blow R27 1B2 0000000 0 W CL 2 0 000 45675910.lt.la. >>w 5Z o>->- 00130 3) +.+.+• + • .-.jCl + • 00 00 — — R175 — R76 D31 JP2 C1 .1 ____ R63 In In- (Control Input #1 from FACP) 2 Out */Trouble Contact Out- R176 Trouble Contact (Control Input #2 from FACP) Auxiliary Output (+24 VDC, 45 mA max.) Auxiliary Output Return 153 ORDERING INFORMATION FCPS-24 Remote Charger Power Supply. Includes main printed circuit board, transformers, surface mount backbox, and installation instructions. (120 VAC) FCPS-24E Remote Charger Power Supply. Includes main printed circuit board, transformers, surface mount backbox, and installation instructions. (220/240 VAC) PS-1270 Battery, 12 volt, 7.0 AH (two required). A77-716B 12/24 VDC end-of-line relay for remote power monitoring. Cli It) z 0 Page 2 of 3 APPLICATION EXAMPLES Example 1.0: Expand notification appliance power an additional 6.0 amps. Use up to 4 Class B (Style Y) outputs or 2 Class A (Style Z) and 2 Class B (Style Y) outputs. Silenceable Horns Non-Silenceable Strobes HOST FACP FCPS-24 In this example, the FACP notification appliance circuits will activate the FCPS-24 when reverse polarity activation occurs. Trouble conditions on the FCPS-24 are sensed by the FACP through Notification Appliance Circuit #1. Example 2.0: Use the FCPS-24 to expand auxiliary regulated 24 volt system power up to 4 amps. Both non-resettable and resettable power options are available. SLC Loop 10.000 Feat Mazimum MMX-1/MMX-1 01 + 24V Resettable Power HOST FACP Addressable All Outputs Regulated +24 VDC Output I - Resettable Power Output 2-- Non-Resettable Power Output 3— Resettable Power Output 4-- Non-Resettable Power Resettable outputs are created by connecting the resettable output from the FACP to one or both of the FCPS-24 inputs. Non-resettable outputs are created simply by cutting on board resistors. For addressable panel applications, use a monitor module to sense the trouble status of the FCPS-24 via the trouble relay contacts. Example 3.0: Use addressable control modules to activate the FCPS-24 versus the FACP Notification Appliance Circuits. This typically allows for mounting the FCPS-24 at greater distances* away from the FACP while expanding system architecture in various applications. MMX-1IMMX-101 SLC HOST FACP Addressable 10.000 Feet Ma:. In this example, an addressable control module is used to activate the FCPS-24 and an addressable monitor module is used to sense FCPS-24 trouble conditions. Local auxiliary power output from the FCPS-24 provides power to the addressable control module. *NOTIFIER Intelligent Addressable FACP's have the capability of locating control and monitor modules up to 10,000 feet away. Page 3 of 3 11 California D.partm.nt of F9r.1yl4Protsotion Offic• of the Sta Fire M.rshal Llsflng Explr.s C 4 () PmFlr. Engineering Jun. 30 1998 LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7315-0028:178 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Power Units LISTEE: Notifier, 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Lawrence Flood (203) 484-7161 DESIGN: Model FCPS-24 remote power supply/battery charger. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: Inaccidance with listee's riñtidihiIIàtion inst tiónaid apiicabIe codes and ordinances. MARKING: Ustee's name, product designation, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: . Listed as remote power supply/battery charger: for use with separately listed e lactricall ' ye compatible fire alarm control units c Ne S Corrected 05-11.95 P'w" based upon technical data subsñlttedby the applicant. ) Aut dôeñ(jt make anindopeAdent verification of any claims. 7 j .1 ESt71* hit!,19 shoidd not be used to verify convcr eperatioa Instauctionsand/or other suitable Info nation 8- W staff has ,vIewed the tist results and/or other data Is not an endorsement os recommendation of the Item frements or Installation cdteda. Refer to Estee's data I. I cf-- 19 9 7 .AUTH av: Depti B4 0. HO Program Coordinator LCD-80 D-120 qu NOTIFIER Liquid Crystal Display A Division of Pittway Corporation Catalog Section: Annunciator Control Systems June 16, 1995 - GENERAL The LCD-80 is an 80 character, back-lit LCD display annuncia- MEA tor for the Notifier AM2020, AFP1010, AFP200, System 5000, 290-91-E L and System 500 Fire Control Panels. Up to 32 LCD-80s may be 289-91-E connected onto the two-wire EIA-485 port. The LCD-80 has two S635 basic modes of operation, "Terminal" and 'ACS" mode. COMMON FEATURES 80-character Liquid Crystal Display (20 characters x 4 lines), back-lighted. Control switches for System Acknowledge, Signal Silence and System Reset. Time and date display field. Enable Key switch & phone jack options. Can be remotely located up to 6,000 feet from the control panel. Local piezo sounder with alarm/trouble resound. Flush/Surface/Panel mount option. ACS MODE When operated in "ACS" mode, the LCD-80 provides a remote or local digital display and printer interface for the System 5000 and System 500. For the AM2020, AFP1 010 and AFP-200 the LCD-SO provides a vectored annunciation capability. Individual devices/zones can be installer defined to only display and print at specific locations. (Example: A maintenance office receives only non-alarm point activations. These inputs could be sump pump on, high water, back-up AHU on, low temp in freezer, etc.). Alarm/trouble count. Custom "normal" message. European option: first alarm/last alarm/alarm count. Field-programmable messages from CRT or PC compatible computer (PK-LCD-80 Programming Kit required). EIA-485 interface: up to 32 per system. Printer output port : RS-232, compatible with PAN series printers. Field programmable messages in non-volatile memory in two options: 128 points, 40 character labels, or 256 points, 20 character labels. Internal non-volatile clock for time and date. AM2020 and AFP1 010 "vectored" printer capability. Can be mounted in a System 5000 cabinet module position. TERMINAL MODE (AM2020, AFP1010 AND AFP- 200 only) In Terminal Mode, the LCD-80 mimics the AM2020, AFP1010, and AFP200 displays. Up to 32 LCD-80s can annunciate and provide remote reset, acknowledge, and silence of the control panel from remote locations. The DIA-1 010 and DIA-2020 (Dis- play Interface) include a terminal mode driver port for LCD-80's California State Fire Marshal 117120-0028:156 CS100 w,tIV, QV7AO.AY LCD-80 (Shown with ABF-1 flush back-box) in terminal mode. The Terminal mode port is standard on the AFP200 main PC board. Displays device type identifiers. Device & zone custom alpha labels. Time/date and Device address. May operate in addition to CAT. No programming necessary, LCD-SO displays time, date, and custom messages received from AM2020, AFP1 010 or AFP- 200. We try to keep our product Information up to date and accurate. we cannot cover all specific ISO-9001 applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without Engineering and Manufacturing notice. For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 Quality System Certified to NOTI Fl ER 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 International Standard ISO-9001 Made in the U.S.A. Page 1 of 2 system buuu, system auu, AM2020, or AFP1010 The LCD-80 in ACS Mode 6,000 feet maximum total wire length. LCD-80 is 8-1/4" high, 4-3/8" wide, and 1-3/4" deep. EIA-485 (2-wires) EIA-485 (2-wires) EIA-485 (2-wires) • Up to 32 LCD-80s may be used on one 4 VDC VDC ElA-485 circuit. Note: Must have sufficient regulated 24 I I volt power. Certain Notifier Systems I_I I j__I may have limits to the amount of LCD- HE IR f1IEJLEJ 80s with ACK/STEP, Signal Silence, IEJ LEI To IEI and Reset switches. To ,-. ,_,_, To ,-, PAN PAN I'i PAN II • LCD-80 mounts with any CHS-4 Printer Printer Printer chassis slot. The LCD-80 may display all System 5000 circuits. Alternately, it may display up to 192 AIM-200 points and two rows of modules. 50 feet maximum. PAN Printer System 5000 with Panel Mounted LCD-80 The LCD-80 in Terminal Mode 6,000 feet maximum wire length between rmlnal Mode each LCD-80. EIA-485 (2-wires) 24 VDC IiLJiI IiE:II IIc::J ABF-1 D The ABF-1 D is a semi- flush mount backbox for the NOTIFIER LCD-80 Series Annun- ciator. The ABF-1 D mounts one LCD-80. It includes an attractive smoked glass door with NOTIFIER Keylock. Dimensions: Box only: Height =9- 15/16', Width = 45/8" Depth = 2-12". Door: Height = 10.713", Width = 6", Depth = 0.75". Up to 32 LCD-80s may be used in a continuous (1 0 , AFP1010, 4-wire loop. (verify sufficient 24VDC available) c, a. (.1 w ru J AM2020 or AFP200 'Each may have ACK/STEP, SIGNAL SILENCE, a. and SYSTEM RESET switches. 'Displays all Analog, addressable points. 'No programming required for LCD-80s. PAN Printer RELATED OPTIONS PK-LCD-80 Off Line Programming Kit for LCD-80. Allows PC programming messages when the LCD-80 is used in the ACS mode. CCM-1 Converter Module. Required for terminal mode operation on older AM2020s or AFP1 01 Os that do not include the DIA-2020 or DIA-1 010 Display Interfaces. Also required for AM2020 or AFP1010 systems which require a CAT with keyboard. Uses one lCA-4 chassis slot or two CHS-4 chassis slots. ABF-1D Semiflush box with alternative smoke glass door any keylock. ADP-4 Annunciator Dress Plate. Allows panel mounting of up to four LCD-80 modules in a CAB-X3 series cabinet. ABF-1 Annunciator Flush Box, 9-15/16" high, 4-5/8" wide, and 2-1/2" deep. Order AKS-1 key-switch and APJ-1 phone jack if desired. Can also be mounted in ABF-2 on ABF-4 Annunciator back-boxes. ABS-1T Deep Surface back-box (mounts one LCD-80). AKS-1 Keyswitch to enable/disable controls when mounted in ABF or ABS-1T. APJ-1 Annunciator Phone Jack. Mounts to ABF Flush Box or ABS-1T. PRN-4 80 Column Serial Printer. Page 2 of 2 i California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection g 4 . Office of the State Fire Marshal Ekolros ProFit. Engineering June 30 : LISTING SERVICE 1998 - LISTING No. 7120-0028:156 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Annunciators USTEE: DESIGN: Notifier, 12 Clintonville Rd.., Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-7161 Model ACS annunciator control system. Refer to listee's data sheet fo r . additional detailed product description and operational considerations. Unit consists of the following modules: ACM-16AT AEM-16A1 AEM-32A, ACM-32A AFM-16AT, AFM-32A, AFM-16A ABM-1 6AT, ABM-32A ABS-1, ABS-2 ABF-1, -10, -2, -2D', -4 ADP-4 AKS-1 LCD-80, -80TM' LDM-32 LDM-E32 LDM-R32 ACM-8R Control Module Expander Module Control Module Fixed Module Blank Module Enclosures (Surface) Enclosures (Flush) Dress Panel Key Switch Control Panel Lamp Driver Module Lamp Driver Expander Lamp Driver Expander (Relay) Mappable Relay Control Module INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING:Listee's name, product number, electrical rating and UL label. , APPROVAL Lid as an annunciator system when used in conjunction with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Rev. 02-13-96 This listing Is based upon technical data subrnittedby the applicant. CSFM staff has r e v i e w e d t h e t e s t r e s u l t s e n d / o r o t h e r d a t a but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing Is not an e n d o r s e m e n t o r r e c o m m e n d a t i o n o f t h e i t e m listed. This listing should not bo used to verify con-ect operational requireme n t s . o r I n s t a l l a t i o n c r i t e r i a . R e f e r t o i i s t e e ' s d a t a P sheet, installation Instructions and/or other suitable Information sources. ISSUED: JULY 1, .1 0 AUTHORIZED BY &PAb Effective I,uued.t. to efrstiâ(etc DepBENQ.HO Program Coordinator - WO Maeshal California State Fire 7165-028:141 (AM2020) 0V2A3.AY 7165-028:144 (System 5000) S635 7170-028:153 (AM2020 High Rise) 7170-028:154 (System 5000 High Rise) 7165-028:159(AFP.1010) 7170.028:160 (AFP.1010 High Rise) I; BSA - OQ1 A8.AY * ML160 578-81-SA - ? M. -IM r 4 j cA wo u4ior The Face Plate 001 1Q) Q -0- LOOPADDRESS D 1=1=10 SIGNAL I CAUTION: DAftAY UNIT PROS TO SERVIONO - . NOTITI.ER A Division of Pittway Corporation MMX-1 Monitor Module Catalog Section: Intelligent I Addressable Devices H-140 April 11, 1995 GENERAL The NOTIFIER MMX-1 Monitor Module is used with the AM2020, AFP1 010, or System 5000 (equipped with an AIM- 200 module) to monitor a single Initiating Device Circuit (lDC) of normally-open contact devices. FEATURES Built-in type identification automatically identities this de- vice as an MMX-1 to the control panel. 'Powered directly by 2-wire AM2020, AFP1 010, or AIM- 200 SLC loop. No additional power required. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. Direct dial entry of DECADE address (01-99). Built-in magnetic alarm test sitch. LED flashes during normal operation (this is optional on the AM2020 and AFP1010). LED latches steady to indicate alarm on command from control panel. APPLICATIONS Use to monitor a zone of 4-wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterf low devices, or other normally -open dry-contact alarm activation devices. May also be used to monitor normally open supervisory devices with special supervisory indication at the control panel. Moni- tored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class D) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47 K End- of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the Style B circuit. No resistor is required for supervision of the Style D cir- cuit. Maximum IDC loop length is 2,500 feet (20 maxi- mum). CONSTRUCTION Controls include two rotary switches for direct dial entry of DECADE address (01-99). A label is provided to mark the loop number, address, and device type: 0 R OPERATION ' . Each MMX-1 used one of 99 available module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the con- trol panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/ short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (IC). A flashing LED indicates that the module is in communication with the con- trol pane!. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limitations on the loop). We cry to keep our product information LIP to date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications arc subject to change without notice. For more infonnation, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 454-7161 FAX: (203) 484.7115 NOTIFIER 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 45 45 _0_ The MMX-1 ISO-9001 Engineering and Manufacturing Quality System Certified to International Standard ISO-9001 Made in the U.S.A. Page lot 2 INSTALLATION The MMX-1 mounts to a standard 4-inch square, 2-1/8" deep, junction box. In addition, the MMX-1 may be mounted to the SMB-500 surface mount box. Mounting hardware and instal- lation instructions are provided with each module. J Q) 7L "~ Q) M 66m" M 0 ( 0 ©NOTIFIER Style o(-) MMX-1 Monitor Module SLC Loop () Style D (+) SLC Loop (+) Style B (+) Style B (-) 'uJ Mounting the MMX-1 to a 4-inch square, 2-1/8" deep, junction box. Field Wiring Connections SPECIFICATIONS: Operating voltage: 15-28 VDC (peak) Standby current: 200 pA maximum plus supervisory current. Temerature range: 0° C. to +49°C. +32°F. to +120°F. Humidity range: 10% to 95%, relative. Weight: 150 grams (5 ounces) PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Model Description MMX-1 Monitor Module ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION S• Contact NOTIFIER. Page 2 of 2 The CMX-2 The Face Plate ISO-9001 V Engineering and Manufacturing Quality System Certified to Intematiànal Standard ISO-9001 Made in the U.S.A. V V V V Page lot2 H-146 V CMX-2 NOTIFFE R, Control Module A Division of Pittway Corporation F Catalog Section: Intelligent / Addressable Devices June 16, 1995 V - California 'State Fire V Marshal 7300-0028:166 ML16O A 771 (CS669) IVl I't I - 42791E V V V V V OXOA3.AY LI 0 z CLI T GENERAL The NOTIFIER CMX-2 Control Module is used with the ® L AM2020, AFP1 010, AFP200, and Systen'i 5000 (equipped with an AIM-200 Module) to provide a single Notification S635 Appliance Circuit (NAC) or Form-C relay. -. FEATURES F Built-in type identification automatically identifies this de- vice as a CMX-2 to the control panel. Internal circuitry and relay powered directly by2-wireSLC loop. NAC configuration uses second loop for Notification appliance power. Integral LED "blinks" each time a communication is re- ceived from the control panel. (This optional feature is available on the AFP1 01 0/AM2020/AFP200 equipped with Revision 5 or higher software.) LED blink may be deselected globally (affects all devices) on the AFP1 010 and AM2020 equipped with Revision 5 or higher software. High noise immunity (EMF/RFI). May be used to switch 24 volt NAC power, Audio (up to 70.7 VRMS) or telephone Wide viewing angle of LED. * SEMS screws with clamping plates for wiring ease. Direct dial entry of decade address (01-99). . Built-in magnetic test switch. Speaker, audible/visual, and telephone applications may use wire Style V or Z. APPLICATIONS . V Used to switch 24 VDC audible/visual power, high level audio (speakers), or telephone devices. May be programmed to operate dry contacts for door hold- ers, Air Handling Unit shutdown, etc., and to reset 4-wire smoke detector power. , V CONSTRUCTION V V Face Plate made of Lexan® with off-white color. Controls include two rotary switches for Direct Dial entry of V DECADE Address (01-99). V V As shipped, configured fór.a single Stle V (Class B) or V Style Z (Class A) Notification Appliance Circuit. May be modified in the fieldto provide a single Form-C (SPDT) dry contact. V V V We try to keep our product information up to date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 t) NOTIFIER .12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 H OPERATION Each CMX-2 uses one of 99 possible module addresses on a SLC loop, It responds to regular polls from the ad- dresses on a control panel and reports its type and status including the open/normal/short status of its Notification Appliance Circuit (NAG). The LED blinks with each poll received. On command, the CMX-2 activates its internal relay. The CMX-2 supervises Style "Y" (Class B), or Style "Z" (Class A), Notification or control circuits. Upon codecommand from the panel, the CMX-2 will dis- connect the supervision and connect the external power supply in the proper polarity across the load device. The disconnection of the supervision provides a positive indi- cation to the panel that the control relay actually turned ON. The external power supply is always relay isolated from the communication loop so that a trouble condition on the external power supply will never interfere with the rest of the system. Relay control with Form C contacts is obtained by break- ing off J1/J2 tab. Rotary switches set a unique address for each module. The address may be set before or after mounting. The built-in TYPE CODE (not settable) will identify the module to the control panel, so as to differentiate between a mod- ule and a sensor address. A built-in magnetic test switch is provided to simulate a short circuit on the NAG to test the CMX-2. Page 2 of 2 SPECIFICATIONS: Operating Voltage: 15-28 VDC (Peak). Current Range: 5 mA for LED latched in Alarm. Standby Current: 300 pA Maximum plus Supervision. Pulsing Current: 30 mA for 15 mS. Supervision Current: 0 pA OPEN. 100 pA NORMAL. 200 pA SHORT. Contact Rating: 2.0 Amp @ 30 VDC (resistive). 1.0 Amp & 30 VDC (inductive, 0.6 PF). 0.3 Amp @ 110 VAC. 0.6 Amp @ 30 VDC (pilot duty, 0.35 PF). Temperature Range: 00 C to +490 C. (+32° F. to +120° F.). Humidity Range: 10% to 95% Relative. Weight: 150 grams (5 oz.). Break-off Tabs J & J2 to convert from a supervised indicating circuit to a Form-C dry contact option. RELAY CONTACT RATINGS: Resistive: 2 Amp © 30 VDC. Inductive: 1 Amp @ 30 VDC (0.6 P.F.) Pilot duty: 0.6 Amp © 30 VDC (0.35 PF) 0.3 Amp @ 110 VDC (0.35 P.F.) 0.3 Amp © 120 VAC (0.35 P.F.) PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION CMX-2 Analog, Intelligent Control Module. A2143-20 Capacitor. Required for Style Z operation of speakers (check with factory for listing status). SMB500 Optional Surface Mount Backbox. CB 500 Control Module Barrier- required by UL for separating power limited and non-power lim- ited wiring in the same junction box as CMX-2. .,.•-•. .. . •• . •.:-' California Dspm,! of Y& Fire Protection 1-711 LISTING SERVICE , LISTING No. 7300-0028:166 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: NOTE: Misc. Devices/Control Unit Acces s o r i e s ) Notifier, 12 Clintonville Road. No r t h f o r d C T 0 6 4 7 2 - 1 6 5 3 Contact;, Larry Flood (203) 484-7161 - Model CMX-2 addressable c o n t r o l m o d u l e . R e f e r t o l i s t e e ' s data sheet for detailed product description and o p e r a t i o n a l c o n s i d e r a t i o n s . In accordance with listee's print e d i n s t a I l t i o n Instruction;* and aPplicabEeáodes and ordinances Listee's name, model designation, e l e c t r i c a l r a t i n g a n d U L l a b e l . Listed as an accessory for use w i t h s e p a r a t e l y l i s t e d c o m p a t i b l e c o n t r o l units. XLF: 7300-1209:104 7:b1s.du,4,n technical data suh n , l t t e d b y the applicant. CSFM staff has revlew.dthe test results and/or other data bw fOetnot nick. .nlnd,pend.nt vwlflcatlo à of any claims. This Isth,t Is not an endorsement or recommendation of the hem Jisted. !WS,tII should not ha .4,d to v e d f y correct operational reQuirements or lMteleflosl ciftarla. Refer to Estee 's dale eet. £istallatioà Iast,ucUàns andW other suiteWe Information sw.s. . iSUED:JULY 1, 1997 AUTHQffiZED BY: Eflitivi blu. dii. to .apir.don dii. ..... .. a. No I NOTIFIER® A Pittway Company GENERAL The BGX-1 OIL is an addressable manual pull station with a key-lock reset feature. It provides the AM2020, AFPI 010, AFP-400, AFP-200, and System 5000 (equipped with an AIM-200 module) with one addressable alarm initiating in- put. FEATURES Within ADA 5 lb. pull force when used without break-tube (models manufactured after 10-1-96, identified by an ® under station spring). Highly visible. Easily operated (dual-action). Attractive shape and textured finish. Semi-flush, mounts to a standard single-gang (2.125" mini- mum depth), double-gang, or 4" square electrical box. Operates with or without a crush tube. Handle latches in down position to clearly indicate the station has been operated. Key reset. Screw terminals for easy connection to SLC Loop Channel. Optional trim ring. Meets UL 38, Standard for Manually. Actuated Signaling Boxes. CONSTRUCTION Shell, door, and handle are molded of durable LEXAN® (or polycarbonate equivalent) with a textured finish. 16 gauge steel back plate. OPERATION Pulling the handle down causes it to latch in the down posi- tion. The handle is restored manually by using a mechani- cal key which allows the top of the case to pivot forward and the spring-loaded handle to return to its normal position. The case can then be pivoted back to its normal position and secured with the key. Each manual station, on command from the control panel, sends data to the panel representing the. state of the manual switch. Two rotary decimal switches allow two-digit address setting. LEXAN® is a registered trademark of GE Plastics, a subsidiary of General Electric Company. November 14, 1996 H-130 BGX-1 01 Addressable Manual Pull Station Section: Intelligent/Addressable Devices it 0V4A5.AY S692 (AFP-200) 0W6A2.AY (AM-2020/AFP1010) ADA The BGX-101L Addressable Manual Pull Station PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Model Description BGX-1 OIL Standard unit. Dual action. Works with, or without, a fiber crush-tube. Includes key locking feature. BG-TR Optional trim ring. 6-1/2" High, 5-1/8" Wide, 5/32 Deep. SB-10 Surface backbox. California State Fire Marshal 7150-0028:003 ML'I'Ifi This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications 1S09001 or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Engineering and Manufacturing For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 Quality System Certified to N OTI Fl E R 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 International Standard ISO-9001 Made in the U.S.A. DN-3189 - Page lof 2 INSTALLATION The BOX-101L will mount semi-flush into a single-gang, double-gang, or standard 4" square electrical outlet box, or will surface mount into the Model SBA 0 surface backbox. If the BOX-101L is being semi-flush mounted, then the optional trim ring (BG-TR) may be used. The BG-TR is usually needed for semi-flush mounting with 4" or double- gang boxes (not with single-gang boxes). ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS• Normal operating voltage: 24 VDC. Maximum SLC loop voltage: 28.0 VDC. Maximum SLC loop current: 230 pA. ARCHITECTURAL/ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS Manual Fire Alarm Stations shall be addressable, fiber break-tube (or non-fiber break-tube) type, equipment with a key operated test-reset lock in order that they may be tested, and so designed that after emergency operation, they cannot be restored to normal except by using a key. An operated station shall automatically condition itself so as to be visually detected, as operated, at a minimum distance of one hundred feet, front or side. Manual stations shall connect with two wires to one of the control panel SLC loops. The manual station shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the panel representing the state of the manual switch. Manual sta- tions shall provide two-digit address setting by use of ro- tary decimal switches. Manual stations shall be constructed of LEXAN® (or poly- carbonate equivalent) with clearly visible operating instruc- tions provided on the cover. The word FIRE shall appear on the front of the stations in raised letters, 1.75 inches or larger. Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting on matching backbox, or semi-flush mounting on a standard single-gang, double-gang box, or 4 inch square box, and shall be installed within the limits defined by the Ameri- cans with Disabilities Act (ADA) dependent on manual station accessibility or per local requirements. Manual stations shall be Underwriters Laboratories Inc. listed. e9 0 e9 09 o © Rotary • Decimal 0 Switches (-) (+) The SLC Loop Channel 1 The BGX-101L (back view) ------------ I View from 4-1/8" TOP 4- 1-318" Oponal surface backbox I View from SIDE Page 2of2 - DN-3189 2-314" ITA I LISTING No. - California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection Offtc&of the State Fir. Marshal PrOFlr. En9ln.erlflg LISTING SERVICE 7150-0028:003 7. June 30, 1998 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Boxes/Pull Stations USTEE: Notifier, 12 Clintonvilie Rd., Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Lawrence Flood (203) 484-7161 DESIGN: Models BG, BG-1-2W, BGX-101L, BNG, BNG1-SP, BRG, MG an d M S s e r i e s . Models BG-1-2W and BG-1-241TS are suitable for outdoo r u s e . R e f e r t o listee's data sheet for detailed product description and o p e r a t i o n a l considerations. . INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructiâns and applica b ! e c t h l e s and ordinances. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as manual pull stations for use with separately listed compat i b l e c o n t r o l units. Rev. 11.30-93 This li5t1n.ls based upon technical data submitted by the app'icant. C S F M s t a f f h a s r e v i e w . d t b e t e s t r e s u l t s a n d / o r o t h e i d a t a but does not make an Independent verification of any claims. This f i s t i n g i s n o t a n e n d o r s e m e n t o r r e c o m m e n d a t i o n o f t h e i t e m fisted This listing should not be used to verify correct operational r e q u i r e m e n t s o r i n s t a l l a t i o n c r i t e r i a R e f e r t o E s t e e ' s d a t a P sheet, installation instnictions and/or other suitable Information s o u r c e s ISSUED: JULY 1 1997 AUTHORIZED BY Fff3ct.vs sius ts te'ipfr.tn d.t. nrs Deputy W%- -:8M Q. HO N OTI Fl ER® CPX-751 and SDX-751 H-113 I Low-Profile Intelligent A Pittway Company I - Plug-in Smoke Detectors Section: Intelligent/Addressable Devices August 21, 1997 GENERAL The NOTIFIER SDX-751 (photo) and CPX-751 (ion) are analog, addressable, low-profile (height measures only 1.66") smoke detectors desigrigo.,for the AM2020, AFPIOIO, AFP400, AFP-300 P-200 nd System 5000 (when equipped with an AIM-2 o ule). Because the SDX-751 and CPX-751 are addressable, the control panel can provide fire fighters with a pinpoint de- scription of where the fire is located. The SDX-751 and CPX-751 are also analog devices. The control panel is capable of not only knowing the detector's location but ex- actly how much smoke is in the chamber of the detector. The detector may be set for different sensitivity settings appropriate to the environment of its location. Analog devices continually send obscuration values to the control panel. These values may be gathered so as to allow the control panel to determine if a detector has accu- mulated an excessive amount of dirt or dust. A "mainte- nance" required indication allows the installer to clean the smoke detector before an unwanted false alarm occurs. The CPX-751 Intelligent Ionization Sensor incorporates a unique single-source chamber design to respond quickly and dependably to a broad range of fires. The SDX-751 Intelligent Photoelectric Sensor's unique op- tical sensing chamber is designed with superior signal to noise ratio. The optical chamber is engineered to sense the presence of smoke produced by a wide range of com- bustion sources. FEATURES Sleek, low-profile design (height only 1.66 inches). Common base for both photo and ion detectors. Compatible with current SDX-551 and CPX-551. Addressable-analog communication. Stable communication technique with noise immunity. Low standby current. Rotary decade 01 to 99 address switches. Optional remote, single-gang LED accessory (RA400Z). Dual LED design provides 360° viewing angle. Visible LEDs blink every time the detector is addressed, and illuminate steady on alarm (LED blink is optional on the AM2020, AFPIOIO, AFP-400, AFP-300 and AFP- 200). Built-in functional test switch activated by external mag- net. Optional relay, isolator, or sounder bases. Listed to UL 268. 1& 1@. (4 S1115 . CS308 (SDX-751A,CPX-751A) 328-94-E (CPX-551, IVI EA SDX-551, & B7IOLP) 427-91-E (8501, B50IBH) BASES separately listed. Contact factory. Optional SMOKE GUARDJis UL listed with the SDX-751 SDX-751 with B7IOLP base SDX-751 with B501 base SPECIFICATIONS Size: 1.66"(42.164 mm) high x4.1"(104.140 mm)dia. Shipping weight: 3.6 oz. (104 g). Opratlng temperature: 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 1200F). UL listed velocity range: ION: 0- 1500 fpm. PHOTO: 0 - 4000 fpm. Relative humidity: 10% - 93% non-condensing.: ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Voltage range: 15 -32 volts DC peak. Stadby current- ION: 200 pA @24 VDC (without com- munication); 300 pA @ 24 VDC (one communication ev- ery 5 seconds with LED enabled). California State Fire Marshal 7272-0028:171 (CPX-751) 7272-0028:172 (SDX-751) <i > 0X5A5.AY This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or ISO-9001 go anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For Engineering and Manufacturing more Information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484.7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 Quality System Certified to () NOTIFIER 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 International Standard ISO-9001 Made In the U.S.A. DN-4762 - Page 1 of 2 Standby current - PHOTO: 230 pA @ 24 VDC (without communication); 330 pA @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 seconds with LED enabled). LED current (max.): 6.5 mA @ 24 VDC ("ON"). BASES AVAILABLE: B7IOLP: 6.2" (157.48 mm) diameter. B501: 4.0" (101.6 mm) diameter. ORDERING INFORMATION Model Description CPX.751* Low-profile intelligent ionization sensor. Must be mounted to one of the bases listed below. SDX751* Low-profile intelligent photoelectronic sensor. Must be mounted to one of the bases listed be- low. B50IBH: Sounder base assembly. Includes B501 base. BASES: B224RB Relay Base: Screw terminals: up to 14 AWG. B7IOLP Standard. U.S. Low-Profile base. Relay type: Form-C. Rating: 2.0 A © 30 VDC resistive; B501 Standard European flangeless base. 0.3 A © 110 VDC inductive; 1.0 A © 30 VDC inductive. B50IBH Sounder base, includes B501 base above. Dimensions: 6.2" (157.48 mm) x 1.2" (30.48 mm). B524B1 Isolator Base: Dimensions: 6.2" (157.48 mm) x B224RB Intelligent relay base. 1.2" (30.48 mm). Maximum: 25 devices between isolator B224B1 Intelligent isolator base. Isolates SLC from loop bases. shorts. INSTALLATION The CPX-751 and SDX-751 plug-in detectors use a sepa- rate base to simplify installation, service, and maintenance. A special tool allows maintenance personnel to plug in and remove detectors without using a ladder. Mount base on a box which is at least 1.5" deep. Suitable mounting base boxes include: 4-inch square box. 3-1/2" or 4" octagonal box. Single-gang box (except relay or isolator base). SMOKE GUARD Cover: 16 gauge perforated steel (3/16" (4.7625 mm) dia. perforations on 1/4" (6.35 mm) staggered centers). 51% open. SDG-773 is 3" (76.2 mm) deep by 7" (177.8) wide. Frame: 3/4" x 3/4" angle, 14 gauge solid steel. All guards are supplied with the following: Guards fasten to mounting frame with No. 10/24 x 3/8" long Allen-head screws (10/24 spanner-head screws and tool option at extra cost). Standard finish: "Cool Tan" baked enamel. ACCESSORIES: SDG-773 Smoke Detector Guard. For use with SDX- 751 only. FIIO Retrofit replacement flange for B501 B base. RA400Z** Remote LED annunciator. 3 - 32 VDC. Fits U.S. single-gang electrical box. MOD400R Detector sensitivity test tool. Use with most analog or digital multimeters. Satisfies require- ment of NFPA 72 for sensitivity testing. SMK400 Surface mounting kit provides for entry of sur- face wiring conduit. For use with B501 base Only. M02-04-01 Test magnet. XR-2 Detector removal tool. Allows installation and/ or removal of 700 Series detector heads from base in high ceiling installations. XP-4 Extension pole for XR-2. Comes in three five- foot sections. *Order suffix "A" for Canadian (ULC) approved devices. **Supported by B7IOLP and B501 bases only. REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR ill IllIllIlIl II I' 1HI11I liii II. 7" 314• - i -fl 1_1 Ceiling 3• MODEL NO. or Wall SDG-773 I WIRING DIAGRAM (slandard base) 4 MOUNTING DIAGRAM ' (SDG-773) Page 2 of 2 - DN-4762 — California Department of !Fire Protection nizz Office of the State,IJri Mashal () PreFire Ergneij TAt LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. '7272-0028:172 June 30, 1998 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: Photoelectric Smoke Detector (System) Notifier, 1 2Clintonville Road, Northford, C1 06472 Contact: Lawrence Rood (203) 484-7161 - Model SDX-751 photoelectric smoke detector. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions and applicable codes - and ordinances. . Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. Usted as photoelectric smoke detectors when used in conjunction with separately listed compatible bases and control units. IL •3•:•• . . .. . .: .. . . .. .•. - 4 - 07-27-94 This listing Is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing Is not an endorsement or recommendation of the Item . listed. This lusting should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or Installation criteria. Refer to listen's data ) sheet, Installation Instructions and/or other suitable Information sources. ISSUED: JULY 1, 1997 • AUTHORIZED BY: El ccts%el.uedet.teexpw.tlond.te Députy,BEN WHO . Prãgri'm Coordinator The DHX-502 Intelligent Detector Duct Housing NOTIFIER® A Pittway Company June 11, 1997 H-121 DHX-502 Intelligent Duct Detector Housing Section: Intelligent/Addressable Devices GENERAL. The DHX-502 Series Duct Housing is designed to sample air currents passing through a duct and allows the early detection of developing fire. The DHX-502 Duct Housing will accommodate either the CPX-551 Intelligent Ionization Sensor or the SDX-551 Intelligent Photoelectric Sensor, either of which provides continuous analog monitoring of the unit's sensitivity. When sufficient smoke is sensed, an alarm signal is'initiated at the AM2020 control panel, AFPI 010 control panel, AFP-200 control panel or Al M-200 module (supports the SDX-551 detector head only) moni- toring the detector, and appropriate action can be taken to shut off fans and blowers, change over air handling sys- tems, etc. This can prevent the rapid distribution or isola- tion of toxic smoke and fire gases throughout the areas served by the duct system. The DHX-502 duct detector system features the superior capabilities of an intelligent sensor in a unit that is easy to install and maintain, making this duct detector the new in- dustry standard. FEATURES Accommodates intelligent ionization or photoelectric heads. Continuous sensitivity monitoring and alarm verification from the panel. Simple change-out of detector heads: twist-in, twist-out. Easy and quick mounting to round or rectangular ducts. Outputs for remote test station (separate 24 VDC is re- quired). Air velocity rating from 500 to 4,000 feet per minute. UL 268A listed. Clear polycarbonate cover for convenient visual inspec- tion of sampling tube filters. Rugged Noryl® housing (mounting portion). Three-year limited warranty. Optional remote LED (RA400Z). CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION The twist-in, twist-out detector and base allow the removal of detectors easily and quickly for cleaning and mainte- nance. In addition, detector heads can be changed to fit the application without removing the duct housing. The DHX-502 comes with a built-in exhaust tube. Sampling tubes are available to fit ducts from Ito 10 feet wide. ®MEA4 427-91 S1115 C5308 0T3A9.AY State Fire (DHX502A) Marshal ML154 California ,. 3240-0028:158 SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: 14-1/2" (36.8 cm) wide, 5" (12.7 cm) high, 3-1/2" (8.9 cm) deep. Weight: 2 lbs., 8 oz. (1.1 kg). Operating temperature range: 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 120°F). Operating humidity range: 10% - 93% relative humidity. Air duct velocity: 500 to 4,000 feet per minute. UL listed to 268A. ELECTRICAL RATINGS Voltage range: 14.5 to 28.0 VDC peak Standby current (nominal): 150 pA at 24 VDC. Power-up surge at max. rated voltage: 1.5 mA-sec. LED current (nominal): 6 mA at 24 VDC. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or 1509001 anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For Engineering and Manufacturing more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 Quality System Certified to N OTI Fl E R 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 International Standard ISO-9001 Made In the U.S.A. DN-3530 - Page 1 of 2 INLET TUBE SELECTION Outside Duct Width Inlet Tube Required* Up to 2 feet ST-1.5 2to4feet ST-3 4t08feet ST-5 8to10feet ST-ID *NOTE: Inlet tube is required and must be purchased sepa- rately. Order one inlet tube for each duct detector housing you order. 0 I'IIIIIIIlIIIIIlIIIDIIIIII'I'III'I rRM1 IIIiIIiIlIilIItiIIiiIHIiiIIIiiIIIIIiilitII 0 • I RA400Z Remote Annunciator LED PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Model Description DHX.502** Intelligent Duct Housing. NOTE: Intelligent Duct Housing is priced without Inlet Tube or Sensor Head. Order one Inlet Tube and one Sensor Head for use with each Intelligent Duct Housing. CPX.551** Intelligent Ionization Sensor Head. NOTE: The CPX-551 is for use with the AM2020, AFP1010, and AFP200 only. This sensor head, when installed in a DHX-501, is not sup- ported by the AIM-200. SDX.551** Intelligent Photoelectronic Sensor Head. ST-1.5 Metal Sampling Tube, duct widths V - 2'. ST-3 Metal Sampling Tube, duct widths 2'- 4'. ST-5 Metal Sampling Tube, duct widths 4'- 8'. ST-10 Metal Sampling Tube, duct widths 8' - 10'. RA400Z Remote LED. F36-05-00 Replacement Filters. M02-04 Test Magnet. P48-21-00 End Cap for Sampling Tube. A2650-00 Installation Kit (parts bag). RS24 Photoelectronic Replacement Screen. RSI4 Ionization Replacement Screen. MOD400R Sensitivity Test Kit. CRT400 Ionization Cover Removal Tool. 156-473-00 Applications Manual, Duct Detectors. RTS45I Remote Test Station. **Order "A" suffix for Canadian (UL C) listed versions. I Page 20f2 - DN-3530 hA IMAn34AL ) LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: INSTALLATION: California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection Offlâë ød$fFI'iMarshaI ; PreFie En'ino.rIng LISTING SERVICE 3240-0029:158 Listing Expires June 30, 1998 Page lofi Duct Smoke Dectector Housing/Base Notifier, 12 Clintonville Rd., Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-7161 Models DHX-501 and DHX-502. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. In accordance with listee's printed instruction and applicable codes and ordinances. MARKING: Listee's name, model designation, air velocity rating and UL label. APPROVAL Listed as a duct detector base for use in HVAC systems having air velocities between 300 to 4000 Wthi The bases ma use only detector Models CPX- 551 (CSFM Listing No. 0028:149) or SDX-551 (CSFM Listing No. 0028:148). NOTE: XLF: 3240-1209:137 -'-S 12.29-92 This listing is based upon technical data suomitfedby the applicant. CSFM staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing Is not an endorsement orrecommendetion of the Item Wed. rhfs listing should not be used to verify correct opiratlonal requirements or Installation criteria. Refer to listee's data J sheet, installation Instructions and/or other suitable infqrmàtlon sources. ISSUED JULY 1, 1997 AUTHORIZED BY: Effs-tive Issue ä.t toertioEtd : • .: .DepuyBENQ.HO ám Coärnator Detector 'I NOTIFIER A Pittway Company GENERAL The SDX-551 and SDX-551TH Analog Photoelectric Detectam AF e used with the NOTIFIER AM2020, AFP1010, AFP-400 P- 200 and System 5000 (when equipped with AIM-200 module) Advanced Multiplex Systems to measure the analog level of smoke and report this analog level to the control panel. The use of analog data provides significant benefits to the end user, installer and serviceman in ways not possible with a conventional type system. Since this detector is also addressable, it will help fire- fighters to more quickly locate a fire during its early stages. The SDX-551TH offers the same features as the SDX-551 with the addition of a 135°F internal thermal element. FEATURES Unique optical sensing chamber. Optional integral 135°F (58°C) fixed-temperature element. Superior signal-to-noise ratio (2.0). Stable photoelectric operation. 1.6% nominal sensitivity for panel alarm threshold level. Fully coated circuit boards and superior RF/transient protection. Addressable by device. Direct DECADE 01-99 entry of address. 2-wire loop connection. Visible LEDs "blink" every time the unit is addressed, and illumi- nate steadily on alarm (this feature may be deselected on the AM2020, AFP-400, AFP-200, and AFP1010). 3600 field viewing angle of visual alarm indicators (2 LEDs). Integral communications, built-in device type identification. Compact, stylish design. Remote test feature from the panel. Built-in functional test switch activated by external magnet. Low standby current. Listed to UL-268. Built-in tamper-resistant feature. Designed for direct surface or electrical box mounting. Sealed against back pressure. Optional sounder, relay or isolator bases. Withstands maximum air velocities up to 3000 FPM without trig- gering a false alarm. Plugs into separate base for ease of installation and maintenance. Separate base allows interchange of photoelectric, ionization and thermal elements. 94-VO plastic flammability rating. Removable cover and insect screen for field cleaning. Remote LED output connection. H-105 SDX-551 and SDX-551TH Intelligent Photoelectric Detectors Catalog Section: Intelligent / Addressable Devices February 8, 1996 _ BSA 578-81 -SA S1115 C5308 93/00141 (SDX-551) CS1 18/CS733 (SDX-551) (SDX-551 A) State Fire M EA California TL T"I Marshal 460-92-E 7272-0028148 004AO.AY 290-91-E BASES LISTED US Coast Guard SEPARATELY. 161-002/27/0, 161-002/23/0 CONTACT FACTORY. (SDX-551) 'I This document is not intended to be used for Installation purposes. We try to keep our product II __________ 11 Information up to date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all II ISO-9001 requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, Engineering and Manufacturing contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 Quality System Certified to N OTI Fl ER 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 International Standard ISO-9001 Made in the U.S.A. I Page 1 of 2 APPLICATIONS Photoelectric detectors are often faster than ionization detec- tors in sensing smoke from slow smoldering fires. Ionization detectors are often better than photoelectric detectors at sens- ing fast, flaming fires. CONSTRUCTION These detectors are constructed of LEXAN® in an off-white color. The SDX-551 plug-in series of smoke detectors is de- signed to commercial standards and offers an attractive ap- pearance. INSTALLATION The SDX Series Plug-In Detectors use a separate base to simplify installation, service and maintenance. A specially designed tool allows maintenance personnel to plug-in and remove the sensors without using a ladder. Mount base (all base types) on a box which is at least 1.5 inches deep. Suitable boxes include: 4" square box with, or without, plaster ring. 3-1/2" or 4" octagonal box. Single-gang box. Use a 3-1/2" or 4" octagonal or 4" square box for the B524RB or B524B1 base. Use a 4" square box (1.5" deep) when using the SDX with the B501 BH sounder base. NOTE: Because of the inherent supervision provided by the SLC loop, end-of-line resistors are not required. Wiring 'T-taps° or branches are permitted for Style 4 (Class "B') circuits. OPERATION Each SDX-551/SDX-551TH uses one of 99 possible address- es on a SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and status, including the analog level of its smoke sensing chamber. If it receives a TEST command from the panel (or a local magnet test), it stimulates its chamber electronics and reports an alarm analog level. It blinks its LEDs when polled, and turns the LEDs on when commanded by the panel. The SDX detector uses the light scattering principle. It repre- sents the latest in smoke sensing technology. ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS For specifications request a copy of the Architect/Engineer Specification Disk, available from NOTIFIER Literature Ser- vices, on IBM format 3.5" 1.44 Mbyte magnetic disk. This disk includes files in both ASCII and WordPerfect® 5.1 formats. WordPerfect® is a registered trademark of the WordPerfect Corporation. LEXAN® is a registered trademark of General Electric. COMMON SPECIFICATIONS Operating Voltage! Current Range: 15 - 28 V (peak DC), 5 mA current for visible LEDs latched on. Detector Standby Current: 150 pA maximum. Standby Current (B524RB or B524Bl): <700 uA @ 24 VDC (includes detector). Sensitivity: 1.6% nominal. Sensor: Photoelectric (light scattering principle). Ambient Temp.: 00- 49°C (320- 1200F). Relative Humidity: 10% to 93%. Weight: 6 oz. (170 gm.). BX-501 Base Dia.: 6.2 inches (15.8 cm.). B524RB Relay Base: Screw terminals: Up to 14 AWG. Relay type: Form-C. Rating: 2.0 A @ 30 VDC resistive. 0.3 A @ 110 VDC inductive. 1.0 A @ 30 VDC inductive. Dimensions: 6.2 in. (157 mm) x 1.4 in. (36 mm). B524B1: Dimensions: 6.2 in. (157 mm) x 1.4 in. (36 mm). Maximum: 25 devices between isolator bases. SDX-551TH SPECIFICATIONS Includes 135°F (58°C) fixed-temperature thermal element. PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Model Description SDX551* Intelligent Photoelectric Sensor (base ordered separately). SDX551TH* Intelligent Photoelectric Sensor with built- in 135°F (58°C) fixed-temperature thermal element (base ordered separately). Order suffix A for Canadian (ULC) approved devices. Bases... BX-501 Standard U.S. 6.2" dia. mounting base. B501 European style 4" dia. mounting base (without flange). B501 BH Sounder base assembly (includes B501 base). B524RB Intelligent relay base. B524B1 Intelligent isolator base. Optional Accessories... RA400Z** Remote LED. Mounts to a single-gang box. XR-4 Removal Tool. XP-4 Extension Pole for Removal Tool. " Supported by BX-501 and B501 bases only. III Page 2 of 2 California Department of Forestry & Fire ProtectionMW - ffiflh Stt Fire Marshal listing EXpires II ' ng1fleena .. June 30, 1998 F LISTING SERViCE J.. .1 LISTING No. 7272-0028:148 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Photoelectric Smoke Detector (System) LISTEE: Notifier, 12 Clintonville Rd., Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Lrry Flood (203) 484-7161 DESIGN: Models SDX-551 and SDX-551T. Refer to listee's data sheet for detail e d . . product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions and applicable cod e s and ordinances. -. .. :..... . MARKING: Listee's name, product number, electrical rating and UL .label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric smoke detectors when used in conjunction with M o d e l BX-501 base (CSFM. Listing No. 0028:147) and separately listed compatible càntrol units. NOTE: . Formerly 7257-0028:148 ... ............. - / Rev. 11-30-93 This listing Is based upon technical data subrn!ttedby the applicant. CSFM staff has loviewedthe test results ano'or other data . but does not make an indapàdent verification of any claims. This listing Is not an endorsement orecommendatlon of thç Item )1to This fist/nI shäuld not be used to verify con'ect operational requlmments o r i n s t a l l a t i o n c r i t e r i a . R a t e r t o f i s t e e ' s d a t a sheet, Installation hiiihiw6iis and/or other suitable lnfoAiation sources. . ... .. . ISSUED. JULY -11 997 a. AUTHORIZED BY (?,1iLb1r' EfI.&thi . . .. Series MT J-121 A Pittway Company (O NOTIFIER Series MT Multitone Electronic Appliances Section: AudioNisual Appliances August 26, 1997 GENERAL Wheelock's MT and MT Strobe Series Multitone electronic signals offer a choice of eight (8) nationally and interna- tionally recognized alerting sounds: Horn, Bell, March Time Horn, Code-3 Tone, Code-3 Horn, Slow Whoop, Siren or Hi/Lo Tone. Our Code-3 horn and tone patterns are engi- neered to comply with NFPAJANSI Temporal Pattern speci- fications without requiring additional coding means. With MT and MT Strobe Signals, one alarm appliance meets most of your signaling needs. Synchronized strobe ver- sions are available. The MT Strobes are designed for ADA applications with maximum performance, reliability and cost-effectiveness while meeting or exceeding the latest requirements of NFPA 72 (the National Fire Alarm Code), ANSI 117.1 (the Ameri- can National Standard of Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities) and UL Standard 1971 (Standard for Sig- naling Devices for the Hearing Impaired). MT strobes, when properly specified and installed in accordance with NFPN ANSI Standards, can provide the Equivalent Facilitation allowed under ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG Gen- eral Section 2.2) by meeting or exceeding the illumination which results from the ADA specified strobe intensity of 75 candela at 50 feet. This is an illumination of 0.030 lumens per square foot (footcandles). Each MT and MT Strobe appliance has two user-selective sound output levels: STANDARD dBA and HIGH dBA. Non-strobe versions provide selectable voltage capability in one unit, 12 VDC or 24 VDC, filtered or FWR. Strobe versions are specific for either 12 VDC or 24 VDC and may be used with filtered or unfiltered (full-wave-rectified) input voltages. Separate input terminals are available; shunt wires are provided to enable both tone and strobe to oper- ate simultaneously from a single input. The Multitone Strobe Signals are UL listed for indoor use, ceiling and wall mount, under Standard 1971 for Emergency Devices for the Hearing Impaired and Standard 464 for Au- dible Signal Appliances, and use a Xenon flashtube with solid state circuitry enclosed in a rugged LE)(AN® lens to provide maximum reliability for effective visible signaling. Options include LS, MS and IS Series, which are listed at 15, 30 and 75 candela intensity to cover 20'x 20', 30'x 30', and 40'x 40' rooms, respectively. The LSM Series 15/75 candela wall-mounted strobes were tested at UL for 75 cd on axis, and are listed at 15 candela under UL 1971 and meet 75 candela intensity on axis for ADA guidelines with low current draw. LEXAN® is registered trademark of GE Plastics, a subsidiary of General Electric Company. E5946 (ALL) 1638 (R (9 (MT-24-WM-VFR) California City of Chicago (ALL) State Fire Marshal 7125-0785:122 MT/MT4 WI strobe) MT4-12/24) (MTIMT4, 7135-0785:118 (MT-12124 & CS243 (MT-12/24, MT4-12/24) CS356 (LS version only) 0Y8AI.AY (MT/MT4, MTIMT4 WI strobe) OXIAO.AY (MT-12124, MT4-12/24) FEATURES One alarm appliance with eight (8) selective signals, two field-selectable sound output levels. Audible and strobe can operate from a single signaling circuit with any of the eight (8) audible signals. Code-3 Horn and Tone meet ANSI/NFPNISO temporal pattern for standard emergency evacuation signaling. Designed to meet or exceed NFPA/ANSI Standards and ADA Accessibility Guidelines. MT & MT-WM strobe model available for outdoor in- stallation requiring weatherproof devices. In private mode location where UL 1971 strobes are not required, the MT-WM strobe is UL 1638 listed at 117 cd and is designed for mounting indoors or outdoors. Low current draw with low temperature compensation to reduce power consumption and wiring costs. MT Strobe models available with 15, 15/75, 30 and 75 candela ratings for independent or single-input activa- tions and synchronized strobe design. Series MT Strobe multitone electronic appliances equipped with SL/SLM synchronized strobes, when used in conjunction with Wheelock SM/DSM sync modules, produce a synchronized strobe flash for compliance with ADA guidelines concerning photosensitive epilepsy. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or ISO-9001 anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For Engineering and Manufacturing more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 Quality System Certified to I NOTIFIER 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 International Standard ISO-9001 Made in the U.S.A. DN-4855 - Page 1 of 4 12V0C and 24 VDC models with wide listed voltage range, filtered (DC) and FWR. Selectable input voltage on non-strobe versions. Strobe versions factory set. Polarized inputs for compatibility with standard reverse polarity type supervision ofcircuitwiring by an alarm panel. Low cost installation via standard electrical boxes. At- tractive flush or surface mounting options. Mounts to ei- ther 4" square or double-gang switch boxes. MT Series Signals have IN and OUT wiring terminations that accept two #12418 American Wire Gauge (AWG) wires at each terminal. No additional trimplate required for flush mounting. Fast installation with In/Out screw terminals using #12418 AWG. Compliance with RFI limits in FCC Part 15, Class B for compatibility with sensitive detection and communication circuits. Listed under UL Standard 1971 for Emergency Devices for the Hearing Impaired and UL 464 for Audible Appli- ances. LWAiGI PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING, SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION, IN- STALLATION AND/OR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. GENERAL NOTES ON STROBES Strobes are designed to flash at I flash per second mini- mum from 20-31 VDC (for 24 VDC models) or 12- 15.6 VDC (for 12 VDC models). Note that ADA guidelines presently specify a flash rate of 1 t 3 flashes per second and NFPA-72 (1996) specify a flash rate of 1 t 2 flashes per second. All candela ratings represent minimum effective Multitone Strobe intensity based on UL 1971. MT Strobe models are UL 1971 listed for indoor use with a temperature range of 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) and maximum humidity of 85% RH. All MT and MT4 with WM or WH strobe models for outdoor use are listed for -31°F to 150°F (-35°C to 66°C) and maximum humidity of 95% RH. ALARM TONES TONE PATTERN DESCRIPTION HORN BROADBAND HORN (Conttnuous) BELL 1560 Hz MODUI.A1ED (0.07 sec. ON/Repeat) MARCH TIME HORN HORN (0.25 sec. ON/0.25 sec. OFF/Repeat) CODE-3 HORN HORN (ANSI S3.41 Temporal Pattern) CODE-3 TONE 500 Hz (ANSI S3.41 Temporal Pattern) SLOW WHOOP 500.1200 Hz SWEEP (4.0 sec. ONI0.5 sec. OFF/Repeat) SIREN 600.1200 Hz SWEEP (1.0 sec. ON/Repeat) HVLO 1000/800 Hz (0.25 sec. ON/Alternate) SPECIFICATIONS V dBAand Current Ratings for Multitone Signals WITHOUT STROBES TONE Input Current AMPS © 24 VOC Input Current AMPS © 12 VDC Typical Mechoic' CIBA at 10 Feet Rated Reverberant at 10 Feet dBA2 per UL 464 At Nominal Input Voltage At Minimum Input Voltage At Nominal Input Voltage HI STD HI STD HI STD HI STD HI STD Horn 0.040 0.023 0.100 0.020 101 95 88 82 91 85 Bell 0.014 0.012 0.031 0.010 94 89 82 75 1 85 79 March Time Horn 0.040 0.023 0.100 0.020 101 95 85 79 88 82 Code-3 Horn 0.040 0.023 0.100 0.020 101 95 85 75 85 79 Code-3 Tone 0.028 0.017 0.060 0.015 97 92 79 75 82 75 Slow Whoop 0.048 0.026 0.100 0.025 101 96 88 82 88 82 Siren 0.036 0.023 0.082 0.020 100 95 85 82 88 82 Hi/Lo 0.020 0.014 0.044 0.012 95 90 82 79 85 79 TONE Input Current AMPS © 24 VOC Input Current AMPS © 12 VDC Typical Anechoic' dBA at 10 Feet Rated Reverberant at 10 Feet CIBA2 per UL 464 At Nominal Input Voltage At Minimum Input Voltage At Nominal Input Voltage HI STD HI STD HI STD HI STD HI STD Horn 0.040 0.023 0.100 0.020 99 93 85 79 88 82 Bell 0.014 0.012 0.031 0.010 92 87 79 75 82 75 March Time Horn 0.040 0.023 0.100 0.020 99 93 82 75 85 79 Code-3 Horn 0.040 0.023 0.100 0.020 99 93 79 75 82 75 Code-3 Tone 0.028 0.017 0.060 0.015 95 90 75 70* 79 73 Slow Whoop 0.048 0.026 0.100 0.025 99 94 82 75 85 79 Siren 0.036 0.023 0.082 0.020 98 93 82 75 85 79 Hi/Lo 0.020 0.014 0.044 0.012 93 88 79 75 82 75 dBA and Current Ratings for AUDIBLE PORTION of Multitone Signals WITH STROBES NOTES on dBA/CURRENT RATINGS TABLES ABOVE: 1) Anechoic dBA is measured on axis in a non-reflective (free field) test room using fast meter response. For peak dBA (measured with peak meter response), add 5 dBA to typical anechoic values shown in tables above. 2) Reverberant dBA is a minimum UL rating based on sound power measurements in a reverberant test room. •/jcAuTIoN,v This setting is acceptable only for general signaling (non-fire alarm) use. Use the 'high" dBA setting with this tone or use a different tone for public mode fire alarm service. Page 2 of 4 - DN-4855 FROM + + TO NEXT PRECEDING SIGNAL SIGNAL - - OR EOLR OR FACP + - MT Signal SIGNAL Audible signal and strobe operate independently. FROM + PRECEDING AUDIBLE - OR FACP FROM + PRECEDING STROBE - OR FACP + TO NEXT AUDIBLE - OR EOLR + TO NEXT STROBE - OR EOLR STROBE AUDIBLE WIRING DIAGRAMS (for all models) Audible signal and strobe operate in unison. Red and black shunt-wires are supplied. FROM PRECEDII SIGNAL OR FACP LI TO NEXT SIGNAL DR EOLR STROBE AUDIBLE ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL NUMBER U BER INPUT VOLTAGE RATED CANDELA AVG.* STROBE CURRENT (AMPS) MOUNTING OPTIONS MT-12124-R 12/24 - - E. F. L, M, 0, T, U MT4-12/24-R 12/24 - - K,N,O, T U MT4415-R 115 VAC - - K, N, 0, T, U MT-24-LS-VFR 24 15 0.074 E,FL, M, 0 MT-24-SL-VFR 24 15 0.096 E,F,L, M, 0 MT-24-LSM-VFR 24 15f75 0.100 E. F. L, M. 0 MT-24-SLM-VFR 24 15f75 0.138 E, F, L. M. 0 MT-24-MS-VFR 24 30 0.124 E. F, L, M. 0 MT-24-6-VFR 24 75 0.200 E, F, L, M. 0 M14-115-WH-VFR""" 115 VAC 15 0.060 K. N, 0 MT.24WM.VFR* 24 117 0.088 E, F, K. L, M. 0 MT-12-LS-VFR 12 15 0.155 E. F, L. M, 0 MT-12-MS-VFR 12 30 0.227 E. F, L, M. 0 MT-12-LSM-VFR 12 15f75 0.210 E, F. L, M, 0 SM SYNC MODULE' SM-12/24-R I 12 or24 - I 0.014/0.025 JE,N DSM SYNC MODULE"— DSM-1 Z24-11 I 12 0r24 - I 0.020/0.038 W NOTES FOR ORDERING INFORMATION TABLE: 1) If the strobe and audible operate on the same circuit, add the strobe current from above to the proper current from table pg. 2 "cIBA and Current Ratings for Audible Portion of Multitone Signals WITH STROBES." 2) The letters SL and SLM denote synchronized models. 3) MT & MT4 models can be used with Wheelock's model RSP-241 1 0-HFR strobelplate assembly for 110 candela strobe appliances - refer to Wheelock data sheet #S5000 for more information on the MT4. 4) SUFFIXES USED ABOVE: V = Vertical lens; H = Horizontal lens; F = Fire lettering; R = Red plate. * Average current per actual Wheelock Production testing at 12 & 24 VDC nominal voltage. For rated average, peak and inrush currents across the listed voltage ranges for both filtered DC and full-wave-rectified (FWR), see the installation instructions for this product series or Wheelock's current catalog. ** For descriptions of MOUNTING OPTIONS, refer to Wheelock data sheet #S7000. *** Listed for UL 1638 only. **** SM Sync Modules are rated for 3.0 amperes at 12/24 VDC; DSM Dual Circuit Modules are rated for 3.0 amperes per circuit. The maximum number of interconnected DSM modules is twenty (20). Refer to Wheelock data sheet #S3000 for more information on the SM/DSM modules. DN-4855 - Page 3 of 4 45WAThNGI CONTACT WHEELOCK FOR "INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS" AND "GENERAL INFORMATION" SHEET ON THESE PRODUCTS. THESE MATERIALS UNDERGO PERIODIC CHANGES. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU HAVE CURRENT INFORMATION ON THESE PRODUCTS. THESE MATERIALS CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT SHOULD BE READ PRIOR TO SPECIFYING OR INSTALLING THESE PRODUCTS, INCLUDING: TOTAL CURRENT REQUIRED BY ALL DEVICES CONNECTED TO SYSTEM PRIMARY AND SECONDARY POWER SOURCES. FUSE RATINGS ON SIGNALING CIRCUITS TO HANDLE MAXIMUM INRUSH OR PEAKCURRENTS FROM ALL DEVICES ON THOSE CIRCUITS. Note: THE TIME DURATION OF THE MAXIMUM STROBE INRUSH OR PEAK CURRENT IS MILLISECONDS FOR LSILSMIMS MODELS AND 4 MILLISECONDS FOR IS MODELS. COMPOSITE FLASH RATE FROM MULTIPLE STROBES WITHIN A PERSON'S FIELD OF VIEW. VOLTAGE APPLIED: THE VOLTAGE APPLIED TO THESE PRODUCTS MUST BE WITHIN THEIR RATED INPUT VOLT- AGE RANGE. INSTALLATION OF 110 CANDELA STROBE PRODUCTS IN SLEEPING AREAS. INSTALLATION IN OFFICE AREAS AND OTHER SPECIFICATION AND INSTALLATION ISSUES. Note: USE STROBES ONLY ON CIRCUITS WITH CONTINUOUSLY APPLIED OPERATING VOLTAGE. DO NOT USE STROBE ON CODED OR INTERRUPTED CIRCUITS IN WHICH THE APPLIED VOLTAGE IS CYCLED ON AND OFF AS THE STROBE MAY NOT FLASH. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS OR GENERAL INFORMATION SHEETS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER INSTALLATION, APPLICATION, ANDIOR OPERATION OFTHESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. Wheelock products must be used within their published specifications and must be PROPERLY specified, applied, installed, operated, maintained and operationally tested in accordance with their installation instructions at the time of installation and at least twice a year or more often and in accordance with local, state and federal codes, regulations and laws. Specification, application, installation, operation, maintenance and testing must be performed by qualified personnel for proper operation in accordance with all of the latest National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Underwriters' Laboratories (UL), National Electrical Code (NEC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), local, state, county, province, district, federal and other applicable building and fire standards, guidelines, regulations, laws and codes including, but not limited to, all appendices and amendments and the requirements of the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). ARCHITECTS' & ENGINEERS' SPECIFICATIONS The notification appliance shall be a Wheelock MT Series audible/visual device or equivalent. Notification appliance shall be electronic and use solid state components. Electromechanical alternatives are not approved. Each electronic signal shall provide eight (8) field-selectable alarm tones. The tones shall consist of: TONE, HORN, MARCH TIME HORN, CODE-3 HORN, CODE-3 TONE, SLOW WHOOP, SIREN and HI/LO. Tone selection shall be by durable dip switch assembly and not clips or jumpers. The audible and the strobe shall be able to operate from a single signaling circuit while producing any of these tones. The device shall provide two output sound levels: STANDARD and HIGH dBA. The HIGH dBA setting shall provide a minimum 5 dBA increase in sound output at nominal voltage. The HIGH anechoic dBA measurement at 10 feet at the alarm HORN SETTING shall be 101 dBA minimum for MT and 99 dBA minimum for MT Strobes, at nominal voltage. Operating voltages shall be either 12 VDC or 24 VDC using filtered power or unfiltered power supply (full-wave-rectified). All models shall have provi- sions for standard reverse polarity type supervision and IN/OUT field wiring using terminals that accept #12 to #18 AWG wiring. Combination audible/visual signals shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube enclosed in a rugged LEXAN® lens or equivalent with solid state circuitry. Strobe shall meet UL 1971 and produce a flash rate of one (1) flash per second minimum over the listed input voltage (20 VDC -31 VDC) range. The strobe intensity shall be rated per UL 1971 for 15, 30, 75 or 110 candela. The LSM 15/75 candela strobe shall be specified when 15 candela UL 1971 listing with 75 candela intensity near-axis is required (e.g., ADA compliance). Series SL/SLM models shall incorporate circuitry for synchronized strobe flash and shall be designed for compatibility with Wheelock SM and DSM Sync Modules. The strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time during operation. lithe module fails to operate (i.e., contacts remain closed), the strobes shall revert to a non-synchronized default flash rate. The Sync Module shall be designed and available in two versions: the SM 12/24 for control of a Class B circuit; and a dual output version, the DSM-1 2/24 for control of either Class A or multiple Class A or B circuits. The DSM dual circuit version shall provide the additional capability of daisy-chaining, i.e., the ability to interconnect multiple DSM's for synchronous horn and strobe operation on multiple circuits. Interconnection capability shall be for a maximum of 40 circuits. Rated average current require- ment for the SM 12/24 shall be 0.014/0.025 amperes; the DSM 12/24 shall be 0.020/0.038 amperes. A single circuit SM Sync Module shall be capable of handling a 3 ampere load @ 12 or 24 VDC; dual circuit DSM Sync Modules shall be capable of handling a load of 3 amperes per circuit © 12 or 24 VDC. All UL 1971 listed strobe appliances shall be verified to meet FCC Part 15, Class B and incorporate low temperature compen- sation to ensure the lowest possible current consumption. Strobe activation shall be via independent input or from the same input circuit as the audible. The combination audible/visual appliances maybe installed indoors and surface or flush mounted. They shall mount to standard electrical hardware requiring no additional trimplate or adapter. The aesthetic appearance shall not have any mounting holes or screw heads visible when the installation is completed. The appliance shall be finished in a textured red color. The audible device may be installed indoors or outdoors with the proper backbox. Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice in accordance with Wheelock, Inc. standard terms and conditions. Page 4 of 4 - DN-4855 California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection Fsting Expires ii I l Li I Office of the State Fire Marshal 6 PreFIre Engineering LISTING SERVICE June 30, 1998 II 4 LISTING No. 7135-0785:118 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Audible Devices LISTEE: Wheelock Inc., 273 Branchport Ave., Long Branch NJ 07740 Contact: Luy Nguyen (908) 222-6880 fax (908) 222-8707 DESIGN: Model MT-12124, MT-1 15 and MT4-12124, and MT4-1 15 multi-tone audible devices followed by R, W, S. or X to indicate package color. Models MT-12, MT4-12, MT-24, MT424 multi-tone audible/strobe signals followed by A. B. G, A or W to indicate tens color, followed by S 11.5 cd), H 05 cd) or M 017 cd) to indicate strobe intensity, and other suffixes to designate orientation, lens lettering and plate color. ,Models MT-1 15-WH and MT4-1 15-WH multi-tone audible/visual devices (Rated 15 cd). Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Suffix -12: 9-15.6 VDC -24: 18-31 VDC -115: 120 VAC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions and applicable codes and ordinances. Models MT series are surface mount and suitable for outdoor with Model lOB back box. Models MT4 series are flush mount and suitable for outdoor with modes WBB back box. MARKING: listee's name, model number, electrical/candela rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible and audible/visual signaling devices for use with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. Not suitable for the hearing impaired application. Rev. 07-11 -9S This listing Is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an Independent verification of any claims. This listing Is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to Estee's data sheet, Installation instructions end/or other suitable Information sources. ISSUED: JULY 1, 1997 AUTHORIZED By: Effective issue dote to expiration dote *4& Deputy BEN Q. HO Program Coordinator California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection res Fire Engineering Division June 30, 1998 Office of the State Fire Marshal [ LISTING SERVICE -"---3 LISTING No. 71250785:141 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Fire Alarm Devices for the Hearing impaired LISTEE: Wheelock Inc., 273 Branchport Avenue, Long Branch, NJ 07740 Contact: Luy Nguyen (732) 222-6880 Fax (732) 222-8707 DESIGN: Models RS-2415W, RS-241575W, RSP-2415W, RSP-241575W Strobe Light; Models RSS-2415W, RSS-2475W, RSS-241575W, RSS-2430W, RSS- 24110W. RSSP-2415W, RSSP-2475W, RSSP-241575W, RSSF-2430W. RSSP-24110W, RSS-1215W, RSSP-1215W', RSS-121575W, RSSP- 121575W', RSS2415C*, RSSP-2415C, RSS-2430C', RSSP-2430C', RSS-2475C. RSSP-2475C'. RSS-24100C', and RSSP-241 00C synchronized or non-synchronized Strobe Lights. Model number may be followed by any two alpha/numeric characters indicating lens orientation, lettering and color. Refer 10 listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical 20-31 VDC/FWR Candela 15=15cd, 1575=15175cd on axis, 30=30cd. 75=75cd, 110=110cd (Wall) Flash rate 60 Flashes/minute INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Models with MW are intended for wall mount only. Models with C are, intended for ceiling mount only. MARKING: Listees name, model number, electrical/candela rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as strobe light suitable for the hearing impaired when used in conjunction with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. For indoor use only. For synchronization strobes, Models SM-12/24, SMX-1 2124, DSM-1 2/24 or DSMX-1 2/24 Sync Control Module (CSFM Listing No. 7300-0785:132) must be used. Rev. 11.20-97 This laUng is based upon technical data submitted by the epplicant. CSFM staff has reviewed the test results and/or other dale but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing Is not an endorsement or recommendation of the Item listed. This Mating should not be used to v'.th'y correct operatlonel,equfremenls or installation criteria. Refer to liatoes data sheet, installation Inst uctions and/or other suitable information sources. - - - ISSUED: NOVEMBER 20, 1997 AUTHORIZED BY: BENQ.H y Elfeetive ,sue dale to expiration date Program Coordinator Wall Strobe wheebck 11111 1 NA FW1 11f\ INC. FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Description Wheelock's patented Series RS Strobes and Series RSS Non- Sync/Sync Strobes have Lower Current Draw and the Series RSS has ZERO Inrush while maintaining their outstanding performance, reliability and cost-effectiveness in meeting or exceeding the latest requirements of NFPA 72 (National Fire Alarm Code-1996). ANSI 117.1 (American National Standard for Accessible and Usable Building and Facilities), and UL Standard 1971 (Signaling devices for the Hearing Impaired). RS/RSS Strobe Appliances, when properly specified and installed in accordance with NFPA/ANSI Standards, can provide the Equivalent Facilitation allowed under ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG General Section 2.2) by meeting or exceeding the illumination which results from ADA's strobe intensity guidelines of 75 candela at 50 feet. This is an illumination of 0.030 lumens per square foot. Whaelock's Series RS Strobes are available with 15 and 15/75 candela intensities for Wii mount only and non-sync applications. The Series RSS Strobes include Non-Sync and Sync in ONE appliance. The SM or DSM Sync Module must be used to achieve Sychronization of the strobe. Synchronized strobes can eliminate possible restrictions on the number of strobes in the field of view. Wheelock's synchronized strobes offer an easy way to comply with ADA recommendations concerning photosensitive epilepsy. The strobe options for the Series RSS are 15,15f75, 30, 75 and 110 candela intensities for Wall mount and 15, 30. 75 and 100 candela intensities for Ceiling mount applications. All strobes use a Xenon flashtube enclosed in a rugged Lexan® lens to provide maximum reliability for effective visual signaling. 'Mieelock's Series RS/RSS Strobes employ an integral Strobe Mounting Plate (patent pending) that makes it easy to mount to a variety of backboxes. The strobes can be mounted to single- gang, double-gang. 4" square. 100 mm European backboxes or the SHBB surface backbox. If the flush backbox has side or top space between it and the finished wall, the NEW NATP (Notification Appliance mm Plate) may be used. It provides an additional .65" of trim for the appliance. An attractive cover plate is provided for a clean, finished appearance on all models. WM3T Since the inception of UL 1971 strobes cannot be Listed for outdoor use, Wheelock offers WM3T strobes for outdoor installations requiring weatherproof appliances and private mode operation where L.IL 1971 strobes are not required. They are UL 1638 Listed at 117cd•and are designed for surface mounting indoors or outdoors. 'NOT TO BE USED AS AN INDOOR VISUAL EVACUATION SIGNAL OR FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED." ONLY 88 MILLIAMPS 20-31 VDC WM3T - UL 1638 LISTED Copyright 1998 Wieelock. Inc. All rights reserved. SERIES RS STROBES AND SERIES RSS NON-SYNC/SYNC STROBES Series RS'RSS Series RSfRSS Strobe Mourting Plate Wall Cover Plate NATP Features Series RS/RSS Strobes: Approvals Include: Underwriters Laboratories UL 1971. FCC Part 15, European Community (CE), New York City (MEA), California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), and Factory Mutual (FM). Pending: Chicago (BFP). ADNNFPAIANSI compliant. Meets OSHA 29, Part 1910.165. LOW CURRENT. Strobe Mounting Plate (patent pending) for single gang, double gang, 4' square, or 100 mm European backboxes. Wheelock's SHBB shallow backbox is used for surface mounting. Low current draw with temperature compensation to reduce power consumption and wiring costs. Polarized 12 and 24 VDC models with wide listed voltage ranges using filtered DC or unfiltered VRMS input voltage. Fast installation with IN/OUT screw terminals using #12 to #ISAWG wires. Series RS: 24 Volt only. Wall mount only. Available only in 15 and 15/75 candela intensity. Non-Sync application only. Series RSS Strobes: Both Non-Sync and Synchronized in ONE appliance. To achieve Synchronization a SM or DSM Sync Module must be used. ZERO INRUSH. 12 or 24 volt models. Wall mount (RSS) available in 15, 15/75, 30, 75 and 110 candela intensity. 15/75 candela low current draw wall mounted strobes are listed at 15 candela under UL 1971 and meet 75 candela intensity on axis for ADA guidelines. Ceiling mount (RSS) available in 15, 30,75 and 100 candela intensity. Refer to Spec Sheet #S1100 for Series RSSP retrofit plates. NOTE: Au CAUTIONS and WARNINGS are identified by the symbol A. All warnings are printed in bold capital letters. WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSOCIATED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING, SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION, INSTALLATION AND/OR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION. WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. General Notes: Strobes are designed to flash at 1 flash per second minimum from 20-31 VDC (for 24 VDC models) or 10.5-15.6 VDC (for 12 VDC models). Note that NFPA-72 (1996) specifies a flash rate of 1 t 2 flashes per second and ADA Guidelines specify a flash rate of 1 to 3 flashes per second. All candela ratings represent minimum effective Strobe intensity based on UL 1971. Series RS/RSS Strobe products are Listed under UL 1971 for indoor use with a temperature range of 32° F to 1200 F (0° C to 49° C) and maximum humidity of 85%. The WM3T strobe is Listed under UL 1638 for outdoor use with a temperature range of -31°F to 150°F (-35°C to 66°C) maximum humidity of 95%. Specifications and Ordering Information Model Number Order Code Irç)LL Voltage! Strobe (VDC) ICandeta Average" Current (AMPS) C 24 VDC Mounting Options WALL MOUNT STROBES - SERIES RS/RSS RS-24151AI-FR 17465 1 24 15 1 .050 B.D.E.F.G.HJ.N.O.R.X RS-241575W-FR 174661 24 15175 1 .065 B.D.E.F.G.HJ.N.O.kX RSS-2415W-FR 7470 24 15 i .050 GD. .F.G.HJ.N.O.RX RSS2415751'LI-FR 7471 24 .15175 .065 GD. .F.G.HJ.N.O.R.X RSS-2430W-FR 17472 1 24 1 30 .081 IB.D..F.G.HJ.N.O.R.X RSS-2475W-FR 17473 24 75 I .133 }BD.E.F.G.H.J.N.O.R.X RSS-24110W-FR 17474 24 110 j .161 !B.D.E.F.G.H.J.N.ORX RSS-2415%1-FW 17787 24 15 .050 IB.D.E.F.G.HJ.N.ORX RSS-241575W-FW1 7788 24 15/75 .065 IB.D.E.F.G.HJ.N.O.R) RSS-2430W-FW j7789 24 30 .081 IB.D.E.F.G.H.J.N.O.R.X RSS-2475W-FW 77901 24 75 1 .133 B.D.E.F.G.HJ.N.O.R.X RSS-24110W-FW 177911 24 110 1 .161 IB.D.E.F.G.HJ.N.O.R.X RSS-1215W-FR 7475 12 15 1 .126 8.D.E.F.G.HJ.W.O.RX RSS-121575W-FR 17476 12 15/75 1 .161 IB.D.E.F.G.HJ.N.O.R.X RSS-1215W-FW 17467 12 i 15 .126 iB.D.E.F.G.HJ.N.O.R.X RSS-121575W-FW i 7468 12 15/75 .161 B.D.E.F.G.HJ.N.O.R.X CEILING MOUNT STROBES - SERIES RSS RSS.2415C-FW 17482 24 1 15 1 .061 IB.D.EJ.G.H.J.N.X RSS-2430C-FW 1 7483 24 30 .102 1B.D.E.F.G.H.J.N.X RSS-2475C-FW 7484 24 75 .204 B.D.EJ.G.HJ.N.X RSS-24100C-FW 7485 24 100 .238 IB.D.E.F.G.HJ.N.X M $yic Mule .s ra,aa for 3.0 arrceres a zr 24 Iv: CC. DSINII Syriz Moøua is rates For 3.0 anp.res 0e circuit. ......rn ne of ceanc:ec SM dleS is C20. (Refer to Data Sneet S 30 Lor Installacer. ns aorta [P.? 1. SM a r id P3171 f:: DSM]) Use 5.r,es R.S ssp1an.as o s.nrcnzacon. * Series P.S-Wai. RS.Aaii an S.C.elino are avalaoie in eatar Pod or iNlte, Pi.w contact Custorre, Servae or creer ccoes Cr not states acofle) ano delivery crna:ca.. Model Number Order Code Input Voltage (VDC) Strobe Candela Average" Current (AMPS) @24 VDC Mounting Option?" SYNC MODULE SM-12124-R 6369 12 - .014 IE.N 24 - .025 EN DSM.12/24-R 6374 12 - .020 1W 24 - .038 1W '"AVERAGE CURPJT SERIES RSS WALL MOUNT APPLIANCES (24V Voltage IRSS.2415WRSS.241575W1 RSS.2430W RSS2475WlS.2411(W 2OVDC 1 0.060 0.076 1 0.095 1 0.157 0.199 24VDC 1 0.050 0.065 0.081 0.133 0.161 31VOC 1 0.043 0.052 0.066 0.108 0.131 '"AVERAGE CURRENT IS WALL MOUNT APPLIANCES (12V) Voltage I RSS-1215W RSS-121575W 10.5VDCI 0.148 0.189 12VDC 1 0.126 0.161 15.6VDC1 0.102 0.130 "AVERAGE CURRENT RSS CEILING MOUNT (24V) Voltage RSS.2415C1 F5S-2430C IRSS.2475C FSS.24100C1 21NDC 0.078 1 0.120 0.247 i 0.285 24V0C 0.067 0.102 0.204 0.238 31VDC 0.055 0.085 0.157 0.190 SPECIAL NOTE: 12 VOLT WALL MODELS (RSS-1 21511-1 AND RSS-1215 75VO WILL BF AVAILABLE JANUARY. 1998. FOR APPLICATIONS REOUI RING THESE APPLIANCES PRIOR TO THIS DATE. REFER TO DATA SHEET #S0400 OR CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE FOR ASSISTANCE. Model code a.jfftc: W reil or, C :el-,s: F = fire letcerna or call Cusasner Service if other lettering Is required (E..: Fuos). R at ev - red Date. %Nat a - te plate, :Xan-ple:RS 4' '1 r .2410 R bC FW- , Wail ture Wall Vre Average orre1t per actual Wneeioca PrccJCt,cn Testing C 10.5. 12. 15.6 21124 and 31 VDC. For raced average and peat current across the UL Liscee voltage range for both filtered DC and Full-vave recalled IPWP3. see tee installation instructions, (P63500 for =atl mount and P63501 ,or ceiling mount). Refer to Data Si...t S?CVY) for mounting OotiIsta. 117 cd STROBE INDOOR OR OUTDOOR (must use WBB box for outdoor) Input Average Order Voltage Strobe Current Model Number Code (VDC) Candela (AMPS) Mounting Options WM3T-24-VFR . 4911 24 ( 117 .088 JA Note: WM3T-24-VFR- UL1638only Refer to installation ieuucuot-e (P62037). SERIES RS and SERIES RSS QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Model Number Wail Mount ceiling Mount Non- Sync Sync's wl SM or DSM Strobe Candela 24 VDC 12 VDC Model# Color RED 'tModel# Color WHITE RS-2415W-FR X X 15 X X RS-241575W-FR X X 15/75 X X RSS-2415W-FR X X X 15 X X RSS-241575W-FR X X X 15/75 X X RSS-2430W-FR X X X 30 X X RSS-2475W-FR X X X 75 X X RSS-24110W-FR X X X 110 X X RSS-1215W-FR X X X 15 X X RSS-121575W-FR X X X 15/75 X X RSS-2415C.FW X X X 15 X X RSS-2430C-FW X X X 30 X X RSS-2475C-FW X X X 75 X X RSS-24100-FW I X X X 100 X X I&,delAF Color is Fed, can be ordered in'/Wire. see Spe:itucaucns & Qdering Infcrrrecicq. for v,trite order code. Model Cc.r is Wpate. can be Ordered in Red, cat Cistorrer Service for order code & Delivery. A WARNING: CONTACT WHEELOCK FOR THE CURRENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS' (P83500 FOR WALL MOUNT AND P83501 FOR CEILING MOUNT) AND "GENERAL INFORMATION" SHEET (P82380) ON THESE PRODUCTS. THESE DOCUMENTS DO UNDERGO PERIODIC CHANGES. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU HAVE CURRENT INFORMATION ON THESE PRODUCTS. THESE MATERIALS CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT SHOULD BE READ PRIOR TO SPECIFYING OR INSTALLING THESE PRODUCTS. INCLUDING: TOTAL CURRENT REOUI RED BY ALL APPLIANCES CONNECTED TO SYSTEM SECONDARY POWER SOURCES. FUSE RATINGS ON NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUITS TO HANDLE PEAK CURRENTS FROM ALL APPLIANCES ON THOSE CIRCUITS. COMPOSITE FLASH RATE FROM MULTIPLE STROBES WITHIN A PERSON'S FIELD OF VIEW. THE VOLTAGE APPLIED TO THESE PRODUCTS MUST BE WITHIN THEIR RATED INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE. INSTALLATION OF 110 CANDELA STROBE PRODUCTS IN SLEEPING AREAS. INSTALLATION IN OFFICE AREAS AND OTHER SPECIFICATION AND INSTALLATION ISSUES. USE STROBES ONLY ON CIRCUITS WITH CONTINUOUSLY APPLIED OPERATING VOLTAGE. DO NOT USE STROBE ON CODED OR INTERRUPTED CIRCUITS IN WHICH THE APPLIED VOLTAGE IS CYCLED ON AND OFF AS THE STROBE MAY NOT FLASH. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS OR GENERAL INFORMATION SHEETS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER INSTALLATION, APPLICATION. AND/OR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION. WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. CONDUCTOR SIZE (AWG). LENGTH AND CAPACITY SHOULD BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION PRIOR TO DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF THESE PRODUCTS, PARTICULARLY IN RETROFIT INSTALLATIONS. Wiring Diagrams (For All Models) RSS APPLIANCE NON-SYNCHRONIZED 1 TO NEXT SPPLIANCE OMPRECEDING - 11 OREID.OF.LINE &TPLIAtCE OP.RCP j )' RSI5TOR AOLl I.'. RSS APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH DSM MODULE DUAL CLASS 'A' NAC CIRCUIT WITH NO AUDIBLE SILENCE FEATURE OSM U svuc&1 L-1 J -mMUM ae Truce ass ass 1131 MISUSe F .etuoes I I A r I I "S I C I I OUT 1133 I AuDISLEelAC __ I L............, -.- I occunarciuRa 1. .JL......JI........... RSS APPLIANCE SYNCHRONIZED WITH SM MODULE SINGLE CLASS "B" NAC CIRCUIT WITH AUDIBLE SILENCE FEATURE RSS APPLIANCE SYNCHRONIZED z —;— WITH MULTIPLE DSM MODULE TI. NSXIILMCfTAVPY(2O) For detail using SM or DSM Sync Module refer to Data Sheet S3000 or installation instructions (P83123 For SM and P83177 for DSM). * Value determined by FACP NAC Circui.(s. Wheelock products must be used within their published specifications and must be PROPERLY specified, applied, installed, operated. maintained and operationally tested in accordance with their installation instructions at the time of installation and at least twice a year or more often and in accordance with local, state and federal codes, regulations and laws. Specification, application, installation, operation. maintenance and testing must be performed by qualified personnel for proper operation in accordaice with all of the latest National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Underwriters' Loraories (UI). National Electrical Code (NEC). Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OIA), local, gate, cou.rscy. province, cist.ict, federal atud other applile building and Fire standards. guidelines, regulations, laws and codes including, but not limited to. all appendices and amendments and the requirements of the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Architects and Engineers Specifications The visual notification appliances shall be Wheelock Series RS or RSS Strobe Appliances, or approved equals. Series RS'RSS shall meet and be Listed under UL Standard 1971 (Emergency Devices for the Hearing Impaired for indoor fire protection service). The strobes shall be listed for indoor use only. All strobes shall be certified to meet FCC Part 15 Class B. The strobe appliances shall produce a flash rate of one-(1) flash per second minimum over the Listed Voltage range of 20 to 31 VDC for 24 volt models and 10.5 to 15.6 VDC for 12 volt models. All inputs shall be polarized for compatibility with standard reverse polarity supervision of circuit wiring by a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). All visual appliances shall incorporate a Xenon flashtube enclosed in a rugged Lexan lens. The Series RS and RSS Strobes shall be the Low Current Design and the RSS shall have Zero Inrush. The strobe intensity shall be rated per UL 1971 for 15, 15175, 30, 75, and 110 candela for wall mount and 15, 30, 75 and 100 candela for ceiling mount applications for the Series RSS and 15 and 15175 candela wall mount for Series RS public mode installations. The 15175 candela strobe shall be specified when 15 candela UL 1971 listing with 75 candela intensity on-axis is required (e.g., ADA compliance). Series RSS appliances shall incorporate circuitry for synchronized strobe flash and shall be designed for compatibility with Wheelock Series SM and DSM Sync Modules. The strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time during operation. If the sync module fails to operate (i.e., contacts remain closed), the strobes shall revert to a non-synchronized flash rate. The visual appliances shall be designed for indoor surface or flush mounting. Series RS and RSS models shall employ a patent pending Strobe Mounting Plate that shall allow mounting to singlegang, double-gang, 4 inch square, 100mm European type backboxes, or the SHBB Surface Backbox. If required an NATP (Notification Appliance Trim Plate) shall be provided. An attaching cover plate shall be provided to give the appliance an attractive appearance. The aesthetic appearance shall not have any mounting holes or screw heads visible when the installation is completed. For outdoor installations, the strobe appliance shall be the WheelockWTv13T. The \MiA3T shalt meet and be Listed under UL1638 (Private Mode Emergency and Utility Signaling). "NOT TO BE USED AS AN INDOOR VISUAL EVACUATION SIGNAL OR FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED." The 'Mv13T shall be mounted to a waather resistant backbox: either the Wheelock WBB box or approved equal when mounted outdoors. The WM3T strobes shalt produce a flash rate of one (1) flash per second minimum over the Listed Voltage range of 20-31 VDC for 24 volt models. The strobe intensity shall be rated at 117 candela. Due to continuous deveIopmlt or our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice in accordance with Wheelock. Inc. standard terms and COfltiOT5. 3 YEAR WARRANTY Distributeci By: NATIONAL SALES OFFICE 1-800-631-2148 Canada 800-397-5777 E-maiu: I nfo@wtieelockinc.com http://vvww.vvheeiockinc.com WHEELOCK, INC. • 273 BRANCHPORT AVENUE. LONG BRANCH, N.J. 07740.732-222-6880. FAX: 732-222-8707 S0410 REV. 3198 f December 9, 1997 K-225 (O NOTIFIER" FM Series A Pittway Company Electromagnetic Door Holders Section: Miscellaneous GENERAL NOTIFIER FM Series electromagnets are designed for virtually any remote door release application. They are primarily used to hold fire and smoke barrier doors open until released by a remote smoke detector or other switch- ing device. The complete assembly consists of: an ar- mature contact plate with adjustable pivot mounting for installation in the door; and a heavy-duty electromagnet, in a durable plastic enclosure, mounted on the wall or floor behind the door. FEATURES 120 VAC and 24 VAC/DC models. 35 to 40 pounds (16 kg) holding power. Magnet protected against transients and surges up to 600 volts (AC models). Magnetic field intensity of 5.6 oersteds @ 1 meter. Fail-safe operation; power failure releases door to close. Positive release button initiates closing motion. Two-year warranty. Floor- and wall-mount models. Sturdy plastic design. INSTALLATION Used in hospitals, schools, offices, nursing homes, and public buildings. Install where required by code, where doors may be used to confine smoke or fire, or wherever remote con- trol or automatic closing doors are required. Ensure that door hardware and trim projections are com- patible with total projection of door release. Anchor the electromagnet firmly, as the wall portion will function as a doorstop. Locate magnet approximately six inches in from the lock stile at the door. Wall magnets should be mounted approximately two to four feet above the floor for opti- mum performance. Door-mounted contact plate includes hardware for thrubolting or concealed mounting. Spotting template included with unit assures correct alignment. California State Fire Marshal 3550-0028:177. R11746 ML245 BSA (FM980 & FM998 Series) ORDERING INFORMATION FM980-24 24-Volt AC/DC Single Door Floor-Mount FM980-120 120-Volt AC Single Door Floor-Mount FM996-24 24-Volt AC/DC Surface Wall-Mount FM996-120 120-Volt AC Surface Wall-Mount FM998-24 24-Volt AC/DC Flush Wall-Mount FM998-120 120-Volt AC Flush Wall-Mount This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications 1S09001 or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Engineering and Manufacturing For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 Quality System Certified to N OTI Fl ER 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 International Standard ISO-9001 Made in the U.S.A. DN-5286 - Page 1 of 2 AqIA" 1-5/8" (41)1 1-3/4" (44) 2-17,32 f Concealed wiring. Total projection: 6" MODEL 980 Mounting requirements: Conduit connects Floor Mount directly to floor plate. Single Door Voltage/current: MODEL 996 Wall Mount Surface Wiring I I I (70) 1 (25) 4-18" f6oiñ (117) Page 2 of 2 - DN-5286 MODEL 998 Wall Mount Standard Doors Concealed Wiring Total projection: 3-5/8" Mounting requirements: 2" x 4" x 1-3/4" outlet box. Voltage/current: 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 0.017 amp 24 VAC, 60 Hz, 0.080 amp 24 VDC, 0.068 amp Shipping weight: 2 lbs. (0.9 kg). 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 0.017 amp 24 VAC, 60 Hz, 0.080 amp 24 VDC, 0.068 amp Shipping weight: 4 lbs. (1.8 kg). (41) I 1-3/4" r—'-i (44) 4 2-17/32' (Q4) Total projection: 4-1/8" Mounting requirements: 1" x 1-1/2" deep adapter housing. Voltage/current: 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 0.017 amp 24 VAC, 60 Hz, 0.080 amp 24 VDC, 0.068 amp Shipping weight: 3 lbs. (1.4 kg). 2-5/8" (67) 1-3/4" (44) CalIfornIa Department of Fore,itnj. & Fli. Protection I 1 Office of thy. State Fr Marshal — JuMi 30, 1608 9) LISTING SERVICE •. _______ ___ LISTING No. 3550-0028:177 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Door Closers/Holders LISTEE: Notifier, 12 \Clintonville. Road, Northford, CT. 06472 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-7161 DESIGN: Models FM980-24, FM980-120, FM996-24, FM996-120, FM998-24 and FM998-1 20. Electromagnetic. Refer to listee's data sheets for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with Iistèe's printed iistaIIation instructions and aplicablecodes and ordinances. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as an electromagnetic door holder for use on fire-rated doors when installed in conjunction with separately listed smoke detection devices approved for releasing device service. NOTE: XLF: 3550-0047:001 01.04-95 This listing Is based upon technical data submh'fad by the applicant. CSFM staff has raviewediha test results and/or other data but does not make an Independent verification of any claims. This listing Is not an endorsement or.'ecoramendation of the Item listed. This listing should not be used to verify coffect operational requirements or Installation crne,le. Refer to listee's data / sheet, installation Instructions and/or other suitable Information sources. ISSUED: JULY 1, 19,97 AUTHORIZED BY: Effective mue d.t to .xpfratmc date . . .:. DeityBENO HO ójTh Câordinator LULL Ltth1L I Plenecon if Extra Flexible RATING UL listed NEC type FPLP Constructed in accordance jI with UL Standard 1424 Complies with UL 910 lest modified ASTM Steiner Tunnel Test o Temperature range: .-10 (to 75° (dry locations Meets 300 volt requirement as specified in Section 760-51 (c) of the NEC DESCRIPTION ASTM bore copper Polymer alloy insulation Twisted pair or cabled construction Polyester binders as required • Flexible plenum jacket inch mm inch mm inch mmpf/frpf/m 60980B 1 18 Solid .010 .25 .015 .38 .1423.611 29 95 Pairs 6.5n/M 60991B 1 16 olid .010 .25 .015 .38 .161 •4.09 32 105 Pair: 4.0/M j 60993BI 1 . 14 Solid :.0 12 .30 1.015 .38 .191 14.861 35 115 I Pair. 2.6Q/M : APPLICATIONS Indoor (non—conduit per NEC) within ducts, plenums, and other spaces used for environmental air for: Audio circuits Control circuits Initiating circuits Notification circuits Standard spool size 1000 feet Capacitance between conductors. SPECIAL NOTES: Capacitance of unshielded cable may vary depending on the installation environment. FOR INSTALLATION PRECAUTIONS for plenum cables refer to page 172, Technical Reference Section COLOR CODE: 1. Black, 2. Red, 3. Brown, 4. Blue JACKET: Red 0WEST PENN WIREJCDT inch I mm I inch I mm I inch I mm A02951 1 114(19x27) Pair I 2.7 92/M' I 18 Strd. T.C. Drain AQ296 1 112(19x25) Pair I I 185trd.T.C.Drain Standard spool size 1000 feet .015 PVC 1 .38 1.040 1.02 .350 8.89 46 1 151 1 83 1 272 .005 Nylon .13 .015 PVC .38 .040 1.02 .375 9.53 54 177 1 97 318 05 Nylon .13 Multinim rnnthirtnt' Ch,nldnd nnd !Tn..hild..d N DESCRIPTION lyp • ASIM bare copper • PVC insulation wit with nylon • Twisted pair construction Te~• Waterblocked construction • Overall 105° (sunlight and 44 moisture resistant PVC jacket • Shielded and unshielded constructions A® Direct Burial ,4quaseal Unshielded catalog No. of Stranding Thickness AWG Size :_11 nal Nam. r ___ Nominal inch mm inch mm inch mm pf/ft* pf/m* A0226 1 ?14L.9 x 27)' .015 PVC .38 .040 1.02 .310 7.87 32 105 Pair 2.7 c/M' .005 Nylon .13 A0227 1 12 (19 x 25) .015 PVC .38 .040 1.02 .340 8.64 36 118 ______ Pair 1.7 c/M' .005 Nylon .13 - - - - - - Standard spool size 1000 feet RATING: UL listed NEC type FPL or PIT( UL listed for direct burial Constructed in accordance with UL Standards 13 and 1424 Complies with Iii 1581 Vertical Tray Flame Test Temperature range: —25° (to 105° C dry locations, 75° C wet locations Meets 300 volt requirement as specified in Section 725-51 (e) and 760-51 (c) of the NEC [qI bI DO 1.641 COLOR CODE: 1. Black, 2. Red JACKET: Black APPLICATIONS: Multiple NEC markings and materials suitable for outdoor use, indoor trays, and non-conduit per NEC allows a variety of uses for: Low voltage Industrial Process Control Circuits Power—Limited Circuits Power— Limited Fire Alarm Circuits Power -Limited Tray Cable PLTC SPECIAL NOTES: Upon request other cable constructions are available with this new rating. Consult the West Penn Wire/CDT Engineering Department for complete details. Orange ripcord under jacket ® Registered Trademark of WEST PENN WIRE/CDT - -WIMP WEST PENN WIREICDTR