HomeMy WebLinkAbout5964 LA PLACE CT; ; AS100163; Permit3/11/24, 4:16 PM AS100163 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Job Address: 5964 LA PLACE CT Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2120620600 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: PC #: Project Title: OSMOTECH Permit No: A5100163 Status: ISSUED Applied 12/14/2010 Approved: 12/14/2010 Issued: 12/14/2010 Inspector: Applicant: COSCO FIRE PROTECTION 10695 TREENA ST SAN DIEGO, CA 858-444-2000 Owner: CAMPUS CARLSBAD L L C C/O NEWPORT NATIONAL CORP 1525 FARADAY AVE #100 CARLSBAD CA Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 496 0 496 0 about:blank 1/1 0LV: /2010 3:11' M 1NOU5 KIA1 -1K SK1NILK J.U. 11% I. £.OrV lL.VPM ?n rift rK1NLtK WA NC 1Iow Teat Recori lW 5IJ0 r. NO. 7314 P. 3/5 As (O( lkt- OoTexi Locaton_ ci 64 44 P CA Ct (T (S Hydrdut TD No. hc? ResMuaL. Pmm DM- ____ ___ 2. ( hydrant 1 location Ct Hythant2location_ H*sst3 bcati -. Eydrait I pitot LaO PSI Gm- 13>00 SzeofOce_ Z Rydrnt2 ?itot PSI GPM:___— Size of Orifice ydmt3 Not _. GP2 ofOri±ee Tot:D (QI) Caotdated test and flow data - x1])2 k = QZ PXI*lc Stic..... ........... Des!redResith*L.,... O Pressure Drop (PD 2).. _.................................1factor PD:__________ (' 00 10 dMdd by I I4 equals_446 at 20 psi residual PD2k PD 1k Cornmeuts;_ - -. ---. Test conducted r: It 14 At's 46 44 0 LiJ4T&2 1c7 LEz& Deer Conducted by:. JA7i Date! I rçme 2 ' 07 Pf'7 ......-.-..,.,.--. 7___.-..w.—...... -- - ---..... _-_-N.J_ ....-p---_--I• _-. ' #•V2W...- t____ .-_---- 1$_JkJt-__ 10. Flow Test Data OEM! I Witness MaTh Ira I -g C. I. 2010ci 3:l9 !NDUSiRtA1 LRE SR1NKLbR CO. INC NO. 9796 P. 4/5 - - •.v 9pM .1 jvvvv tit jn6, r c or a in KLtK W IC NO. 7374 P. 4/5 FLOW TEST INFORMATION SHEET 1 Reason for Test Bid Information 0 Design Sas( I FiRc Other . Location of Property 5?69 w.- (A . . pate & 'lime of Test at", .WT iime:i2!9_- (at?,) (7 Test Conducted by: _4'_- W1111 To NÜJUQp 6. Test Witnessed by: -zr/_!_ne_LK_ Source of Water Supply: Grav minip 0 Other_____________________ Name of Wafer Distict .. , _I9re District________________ iS water supply provided with PRV SThs Yoe 0 (If so wtat is PRY out1etstting? --_PS1G 9. Area Map; (Draw $ketth showing property IocsUon; b0un1i1n9 atmMs ad ram* noith arrow, hydrant I=Uomp and identiitoatk,n iU1bez, dIatnce$ from hydran to pmperty e!avetions of hydiants and propørty t1nrs or grade, an water mains and stzçs and lntecconnoc(on vslvaa, etc.) H As tw43 It'WA- no - . . Fire Protection by Computer Design Cosco Fire Protection Inc. 10695 Treena St., Ste. 105 San Diego, CA 92131 (858) 444-2000 Job Name : 5962 LA PLACE COURT Building Location System Contract Data File : CAMPUS - BACKFLOW.WXF Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Water Supply Curve (C) Cosco Fire Protection Inc. Page 1 5962 LA PLACE COURT Date 12-9-10 City Water Suppjy: Cl - Static Pressure : 98 C2 - Residual Pressure: 94 C2 - Residual Flow : 1300 Demand: Dl - Elevation : -0.650 D2 - System Flow : 344 02 - System Pressure : 96.285 Hose ( Demand) _______ 03- System Demand : 344 Safety Margin : 1.373 150 140 130 p120 R11° E 100 Cl 02 _____ : 90 S 80 u70 R6° E5° 40 30 20 10 20400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 FLOW (NA 1.85) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Fittings Used Summary Cosco Fire Protection Inc. 5962 LA PLACE COURT Page 2 Date 12-9-10 Fitting Legend 'j6~ Abbrev. Name 1/2 ~ 1 1% 11/2 2 2% 3 37.6 4 5 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 G Generic Gate Valve L Long Turn Elbow T 90' Flow thru Tee Zii Wilkins 475 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 8 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 13 16 18 24 27 30 34 40 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 Units Summary Diameter Units Inches Length Units Feet Flow Units US Gallons per Minute Pressure Units Pounds per Square Inch Note: Fitting Legend provides equivalent pipe lengths for fittings types of various diameters. Equivalent lengths shown are standard for actual diameters of Sched 40 pipe and CFactors of 120 except as noted with * The fittings marked with a * show equivalent lengths values supplied by manufacturers based on specific pipe diameters and CFactors and they require no adjustment. All values for fittings not marked with a * will be adjusted in the calculation for CFactors of other than 120 and diameters other than Sched 40 per NFPA. Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Pressure / Flow Summary - STANDARD Cosco Fire Protection Inc. Page 3 5962 LA PLACE COURT Date 12-9-10 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Req. EBOR 0.5 87.71 na 344.02 EUGI -3.0 89.29 na NBF1 1.0 87.87 na NBF2 1.0 95.8 na EUG2 -3.0 97.95 na ESRC 2.0 96.29 na The maximum velocity is 3.79 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes EUG1 and NBFI Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Fk,l Calculations - Hazen-Williams Cosco Fire Protection Inc. Page 4 5962 LA PLACE COURT Date 12-9-10 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn EBOR 344.00 6.16 to 150.0 EUG1 344.0 0.0030 EUG1 0.0 6.09 to 150.0 NBF1 344.0 0.0032 NBFI 0.0 6.16 to 140.0 NBF2 344.0 0.0030 NBF2 0.0 6.09 to 150.0 EUG2 344.0 0.0032 IL 14.669 8.000 87.710 0.0 14.669 1.516 0.0 22.669 0.068 3L 41.624 52.000 89.294 1G 4.625 46.250 -1.732 0.0 98.250 0.311 lZii 0.0 3.000 87.873 0.0 0.0 7.916 0.0 3.000 0.009 2T 92.499 25.000 95.798 IL 13.875 106.374 1.732 0.0 131.374 0.417 Qa= 344.02 VeI= 3.70 VeI= 3.79 * Fixed loss = 7.916 Vel= 3.70 VeI= 3.79 Vel = 2.21 KFactor= 35.06 EUG2 0.0 7.98 IT 52.855 540.000 97.947 to 150.0 0.0 52.855 -2.166 ESRC 344.0 0.0009 0.0 592.855 0.504 0.0 344.00 96.285 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 NORYLTM, NSF Listed Fasteners Stainless Steel, 300 Series Elastomers EPDM (FDA approved) Buna Nitrile (FDA approved) Polymers NORYL TM, NSF Listed Springs Stainless steel, 300 series 475 (with BGVIC valves) NF!AI1SI SIC. FEATURES Sizes: U 4" U 6" U 8" U 10" Maximum working water pressure 175 PSI Maximum working water temperature 140°F Hydrostatic test pressure 350 PSI End connections (Grooved for steel pipe) AWWA C606-87 (Flanged) ANSI 1316.1 Class 125 OPTIONS (Suffixes can be combined) U - with NRS shut-off valves (standard) U FSC - with epoxy coated wye type strainer (flanged only) U G - with groove end gate valves U FG - with flanged inlet gate connection and grooved outlet gate connection U L - less shut-off valves (grooved body connections) U MS - with Integral Relief Valve Monitor Switch U OSY - with OS & Y gate valves U V - vertical flow up configuration UBGVIC - with grooved end butterfly valves U P1 - with Post Indicator Gate Valve (3"-1 0") ACCESSORIES U Air gap (see spec sheet BF-AG) U Repair kit (rubber only) U Thermal expansion tank (Model XT) U Valve setter (Model FLS or MJS or MJFS) U Gate valve tamper switch (OSY-40) U Electronic Solenoid Timer (Model EST) U QT-SET Quick Test Fitting Set ;C D I U Test Cock Lock (Model TCL24) Relief Valve discharge port: 21/2"-6" - 2.75sq.in. 8" - 10" -3.69 sq. in. DIMENSIONS & WEIGHTS (do not include APPLICATION Designed for installation on potable water lines to protect against both backsiphonage and backpressure of contami- nated water into the potable water supply. Assembly shall provide protection where a potential health hazard exists. The Model 475 is for applications requiring vertical flow up and vertical flow down. The Model 475V is for applications requiring vertical flow up. Ideal for use where lead-free valves are required. STANDARDS COMPLIANCE ASSE®Listed 1013 AWWA Compliant C511 (with gates only) CSA® Certified (4" thru 8") IAPMO® Listed UL® Classified C-UL® Classified FM® Approved NYC MEA 468-99-M VOL 4 Approved by the Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California (4"-1 0" gates, 4"-8" with butterfly) NSF® Listed-Standard 61, Annex G* *(025% MAX. WEIGHTED AVERAGE LEAD CONTENT) MATERIALS Main valve body Ductile Iron ASTM A536 Grade 4 Access covers Ductile Iron ASTM A 536 Grade 4 Coatings FDA Approved fusion epoxy finish Internals Stainless steel, 300 Series I DIMENSION (approximate) I WEIGHT I 475& 475V SIZE A in. mm ' I B I WITH GATE I VALVES in. mm I B I B I WITH I LESS GATE I BUTTERFLY I VALVES I VALVES I in. mm in. mm i I C I I c I OS&Y I CLOSED INRS GATES' I OPEN I I in. mm in. mm in. mm i ' I c wm I BUTTERFLY I I VALVES in. u D I E in.mm in. mm I E WITH I J1tERflYI I VALVES I INRS GATE' VALVES GATE I VALVES in. mmIIbs.IkpIIbs.IkoIIbs.IkpI OS&Y BflRFLY VALVES I 4475 185/161465 30 762 21 533122 3/4 578 181/4 464 143141375 91/8 232 5 127 23114 591 231/41591 277 11261 287 113011291 59 I MDL I 475V 1815/161481 361/2 907 313/4 18 1/2 181/4 464 143/41375 91/8 232 5 127 21 533 185/8 4731 27711261287 113011291591 16475 1811/161475 351/2 902 32 25 635 1 233/4 603 19 483 101/8 257 6 152 26 660 26 6601 455 12071 471 214 223 101 I 475V 21 1533 42 1607 35 21 533:1 233/4 603 19 483 10 1/8 257 6 152 22 559 181/2 [m 4701 455 12041 471 214 223 101 18475 29 1737 46 11681427/16 6 27 5/8 14711 4701 W116235 8751 29 1/4 743 22 1/2 572 1115/16 303 10 254 33 1/4 845 331/4 8451 857 13891 881 400513I233 I 475V 305/16770 531/2 1359 465/16 0 5/16 770 1 291/4 743 22 1/2 572 111S'16 303 857 1359881 •400i 5131233 110475 10 254 377/8 962 343/8 8731 29 1737 471/2 1207 447/16 47/16 875 1 2 353/8 899 261/2 673 135/16 338 845110511477,1097149815951270I 10 254 33 1/4 845 331/4 475V 305/161770 561/2 1435 505/16 05/16 7701 2 353/8 899 261/2 673 135/16 338 10 254 393/8 1000 343/8 873l1051I477I1097l498I595I270I of 2 YAII[•IL _ WILKINS a Zum company, 1747 Commerce Way, Paso Robles, CA 93446 Phone:805/238-7100 Fax:805/238-5766 In Canada: ZURN INDUSTRIES LIMITED, 3544 Nashua Dr., Mississauga, Ontario L4V I L2 Phone:905/405-8272 Fax:905/405-1292 Product Support Help Line: 1-877-BACKFLOW (1-877-222-5356) • Website: http://www.zurn.com Capacity thru Schedule 40 Pipe (GPM) Pipe size 5 ft/sec 7.5 ft/sec 10 ft/sec 15 ft/sec 2 1/2" 75 112 149 224 115 173 230 346 198 298 397 595 6" 450 675 900 1 1351 8" 780 1 1169 1559 1 2339 10" 1 1229 1 1843 2458 1 3687 12" 1 1763 1 2644 3525 1 5288 MODEL SIZE DIMENSIONS (approx.) Al SETTER END TO END FLS Al SETTER END TO END MJS in. mm in. mm in. mm 4 100 31 5/16 795 29.313 745 6 150,34 3/4 884 32.75 832 8 200 47 11 . 94 44.625 1135 10 2501 51 1295 47 1194 OUTDOOR INSTALLATION OUTDOOR INSTALLATION VERTICAL INSTALLATION 475 (with BGVIC valves) WLIO DIRECTION OF FLOW c) DIRECTION OF FLOW ,:) FLOW CHARACTERISTICS MODEL 475 & 475V 4" & 6" (STANDARD & METRIC) FLOW RATES (Us) 0.0 25.2 50.5 75.7 20 100.9 138 0. —I 103 co J U) —I 0 —1 69 —J Lu —1 —1 34 co —I Lu jo a. 1600 252.4 o 400 800 1200 FLOW RATES (GPM) MODEL 475 & 475V 8' & 10" (STANDARD & METRIC) FLOW RATES (us) 0.0 63.1 126.2 189.3 U)2 0 15 0 10 138 a 103 0 69 1000 2000 FLOW RATES (GPM) 0 Rated Flow (Established by approval agencies) 4000 TYPICAL INSTALLATION Local codes shall govern in- stallation requirements. To be installed in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and the lat- est edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code. Unless otherwise specified, the as- sembly shall be mounted at a minimum of 12" (305mm) and a maximum of 30" (762mm) above adequate drains with sufficient side clearance for testing and maintenance. The installa- tion shall be made so that no part of the unit can be submerged. SPECIFICATIONS The Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventer shall be ASSES Listed 1013, and supplied with full port gate valves. The main body and access covers shall be epoxy coated ductile iron (ASTM A 536 Grade 4), the seat ring and check valve shall be NORYL TM, the stem shall be stainless steel (ASTM A 276) and the seat disc elastomers shall be EPDM. Center stem guided design shall incorporate two torsion springs to bias the check in the closed position. The first and second checks shall be accessible for maintenance without removing the relief valve or the entire device from the line. If installed indoors, the installation shall be supplied with an air gap adapter. The Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventer shall be a WILKINS Model 475 or 475V. WILKINS a Zurn company, 1747 Commerce Way, Paso Robles, CA 93446 Phone:8051238-7100 Fax:8051238-5766 IN CANADA: ZURN INDUSTRIES LIMITED, 3544 Nashua Dr., Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1L2 Phone:9051405-8272 Fax:9051405-1292 Product Support Help Line: 1-877-BACKFLOW (1-877-222-5356) • Website: http:IIwww.zurn.com Page 2 of 2