HomeMy WebLinkAbout5964 LA PLACE CT; ; FS100014; Permit3/11/24,4:23 PM FS1000I4 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fixed Systems Permit Job Address: 5964 LA PLACE CT Permit Type: FIXSYS Parcel No: 2120620600 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: FSI000I4 Status: ISSUED Applied 7/16/2010 Approved: 7/16/2010 Issued: 7/16/2010 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: OSMETECH 5964 LA PLACE CT 100 Applicant: SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION CO INC 4760 MURPHY CANYON RD SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 858-279-6122 CAMPUS CARLSBAD L L C C/O NEWPORT NATIONAL CORP 1525 FARADAY AVE #100 CARLSBAD CA Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 130 0 130 0 about:blank 1/1 1 A SOOO4- tSchmidt Fire Protection Co., Inc. 11 4760 MURPHY CANYON RD • SAN DIEGO, CA 92123' (858) 279-6122 • FAx (858) 279-3583 OSMETECH 5964 LA PLACE CT., STE. 100 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 SUBMITTAL PACKAGE (1) DRY CHEMICAL FIRE SUPPRESSION 'SAFETY STORAGE SHED FILE COPY en . • of cii df coIEnzo p Kidde XVTM Control System fKiddeFire Systems Effective: March 2005 87-120099-001 87-027 FEATURES Esthetically Pleasing Chrome Plating Rugged, Die-Cast Aluminum Body Cylinder or Wall Mount Two Discreet Detection Lines Up to 400 Feet Mechanical Detection Cable Actuates Up to 20 Cylinders Up to Four Micros witches 24V Electrical Actuation Assembly Tamper or Lock Port Between Cover and Backbox Low Maintenance DESCRIPTION The Kidde XVTM Control System is designed to enhance the quality and performance of Kidde pre-engineered sys- tems for commercial kitchen and industrial applications. De- veloped with the installer in mind, the XV offers several options, allowing field decisions to reduce the "installed cosr' of a system. As a component of Kidde's industrial dry chemi- cal and commercial kitchen systems offering, the XV pro- vides exceptional value, extreme versatility and excellent visibility. The XVships ready to install. Included are three EMT con- nectors, a system valve actuator, two microswitches and two cartridges. It is ready to go with a basic installation pack- age. The Kidde XI/Control System is UL Listed with WHDR Sys- tem for commercial kitchen applications and UL Listed, FM approved for industrial applications. APPLICATIONS Applications for the XV Control Head System are multiple and varied, but typical functions would include: Commercial kitchens Automotive paint booths Industrial open-face spray booths Hazardous material storage facilities Liquid flammable storage areas Marine galleys Processes involving flammable liquids, such as dip tanks, containment areas, etc. TECHNICAL DATA Table 1. Mechanical Cable Parameters Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Cable Line Cable Corner Detectors Tee Length Pulleys Pulleys Detection and 200 ft. Manual Release- (61 m) 50 40 - to-hip Line I Detection and 200 ft. Manual Release- (61 m) 50 40 - to-trip Line 2 Pull-to-trip Remote 100 ft. 30 Manual Release (30 ni) Mechanical Gas 100 ft. 30 - 1° Valve Release (30 m) * Tee pulley counts as two corner pulleys. Madmum is from Control System, through tee pulley, to each device. WHDR SYSTEM PRESSURE ACTUATION Table 2. WHDR System Pressure Actuation Max. Total Max. U of min. Max. U of Length of 114" Pressure Operating Extinguishing o.d. x .031" Switches (PIN Minimum Temperature System Wall High 486536) In Tubing Cylinders Pressure Actuation ILne Tubing, 0°F 12 106 ft. 2 (-17.8°C) (32 m) (1.5 m) 0°F 20 91 ft. 2 5ft. (-17.8°C) (28 m) 0.5 m) ND SYSTEM PRESSURE ACTUATION Table 3. IND System Pressure Actuation Max. Total Max. U of Mm. Max. U of Length of 114° Pressure Operating Extinguishing o.d. x .031° Switches (PIN Minimum Temperature System waii High 486536) in Tubing Cylinders Pressure Actuation ILne Tubing, -40°F 14 186 ft. 2 5 ft. (-40°C) (51 m) (1.5m) -40°F 20 121 ft. 2 5 ft. (.40°C) (37 m) (1.5m) VEHICLE SPRAY BOOTH ACTUATION Table 4. Vehicle Spray Booth System Pressure Actuation Max. Total Max. # of Min. Max. U of Length of 1/4° Pressure Operating Extinguishing o.d. x .031° Switches (PIN Minimum Temperature System Wall High 486536) in Tubing Cylinders Pressure Actuation lLne Tubing, 0°F 20 140 ft. 2 (-17.8°C) (43 m) (1.5 m) 0°F 15 160 it. 2 5ft. (-17.8°C) (49 m) (1.5 m) 0°F 8 200 fl. 2 5th. (-17.8°C) (61 m) (1.5 m) ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description Weight 87-120099-001 XV Control System includes: 16 lb. 1 ea. 87-120042-001 System Valve Actuator 1 ea. 87-120043-001 System Cartridge 1 ea. 87-120044-001 Test Cartridge 1 ea. 87-120058-001 EMT Connector Kit 2 ea. 87-120039-001 MicroswitCh Kit 87-120042-001 System Valve Actuator 2 lb. 87-120043-001 System Cartridge 1 lb. 87-120045-001 High Pressure Hose for Cylinder Mount 1 lb. 87-120044-001 Test Cartridge 1 lb. 87-120058-001 EMT Connector Kit 1 lb. 87-120039-001 Microswitch Kit (SPDT) 1 lb. 83-100034-001 Electric Actuator Kit 2 lb. 87-120046-001 Valve Rebuild Kit 1 lb. 87-120047-001 Microswitch kit, SPDT 0.1 lb. 83-100035-001 Actuation Delay 4 lb. WHDR Systems designed and installed according to manual PIN 87-122000-001. IND Systems designed and installed according to manual P/N 220423. Vehicle Spray Booth Systems designed and installed ac- cording to manual PIN 83-100036-001. Kidde XV is a trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. rhis literature is provided for informational purposes only. KiDDE-FENWAL.INC. assumes no 'esponsiblilty for the products suitability for a particular application. The product must be prop- My applied to work correctly. If you need more Information on this product, or If you have a particular problem or question. contact KIDDE-FENWAL INC.. Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000 87-027 03/05 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA fKidde Fire 400 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 USA Tel: (508) 881-2000 Fax: (508) 881-8920 http://www.kiddefiresystems.com Systems V kidde XV Control System Actuation Delay PIN 83-100035-001 fKdde Fire Systems Effective: August 2003 83-037 FEATURES Secures to Bottom of XV Control System Provides UL 1254 Actuation Delay for Enclosed Paint Booths Easy to Service Works Independent of Cylinders Flexible Tubing Parameters ACTUATION DELAYASSEMBLY Enclosed paint booths require 10 to 20 seconds of actua- tion delay between detection/actuation and release of the agent cylinders. The Kidde XV Control System Actua- tion Delay (P/N 83-100035-001) provides an easy and el- egant solution for this requirement. UL Listed, the Actuation Delay attaches directly to the bot- tom of the XV Control System. It fits within the profile of the XV Control System, protecting it from being damaged by tools and other equipment in the area of protection. The Actuation Delay is made of rugged nickel plated forged brass with a stainless steel actuation stem. This trouble- free design has only one moving part, ensuring reliable, long- term service. The Actuation Delay is easy to install. No intermediary hardware is needed. The System Nitrogen Cartridge (PIN 87-120043-001) of the XV Control System feeds di- rectly into the Actuation Delay. After the proper time, the outlet of the Actuation Delay then feeds directly into the System Valve Actuators (SVAs, PIN 87-120042-001) on the agent cylinders. The Actuation Delay is designed to complement the XV Control System and agent cylinders, creating a clean, elegant and easy-to-install system. Up to 20 Dry Chemical Cylinders Up to 200 ft. 1/4" Copper Tubing Rugged Nickel Plated Brass Body Dependable Stainless Steel Stem UL Listed for use with all Dry Chemical Cylinders ACCUMULATOR CAP MOUNTING HOLES DO M 5116-IS UNC THREAD 118 NPT OUTLET FRONT OF TIME DELAY MUST FACE OUT NITROGEN MUST FLOW IN DIRECTION OF ARROW TECHNICAL DATA S W Table 1. Dimensions Dimension Description Dimesions Designation W Total width of XV Control System with 9 in. Actuation Delay and Actuation Hose (23 cm) H Total width of XV Control System with 12'A in. Actuation Delay and Actuation Hose (32 cm) Table 2. Actuation Length Limitations Max. Max. Mm. Number of Max. Tubing Pressure Total Extinguishing Switches Actuation System Cylinders Tubing 20 140 2 5 15 160 2 5 8 200 2 5 Kidde is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL,tNC. assumes no responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular application. The product must be prop- erly applied to work correctly. If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000 83-037 08/03 Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. Printed in USA ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Description 83-100035-001 XV Actuation Delay 87-120045-001 XV Actuation Hose (required, included with Actuation Delay) 486573 IND-21 Cylinder and Valve Assembly 486574 lf1D-45 Cylinder and Valve Assembly 83-100018-001 [ND-70 Cylinder and Valve Assembly 486487 Heavy Duty Shelf Bracket, lND-21 486488 Heavy Duty Shelf Bracket, ND-45 87-100009-001 Heavy Duty Shelf Bracket, lND-70 83-100005-001 Total Flood Nozzle, Work Area 83-100037-001 3-Way Nozzle, Pitlrunnel Interface 83-100006-001 D/P Nozzle for Ducts and Plenums 87-120099-001 XV Control System 83-100037-001 XV Actuation Delay 87-120096-XXX Rapid Response Thermo-Bulb Links fKidde Fire Systems 400 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 USA Tel: (508) 881-2000 Fax: (508) 881-8920 http://www.kiddefiresystems.com Installation 4-41 XV Control System Installation Remove the XV Control System from its shipping carton. Use care when removing the knockouts as you can damage the XV Control System enclosure. A CAUTION Ensure that the knockout pieces of the mounting holes do not remain inside the XV Control System (P/N 87-120099-001) enclosure. Failure to remove these could cause malfunction of the mechanism. Identify the knockouts that will be used for cable connections to the XV Control System enclosure. It is easiest if these knockouts are removed before mounting the XV Control System enclosure. Refer to Figure 4-6 for knockout designations. Note: If using more than the three EMT connectors supplied with the XV Control System, you must .use EMT Connector and 0-Ring Kit, P/N 87-120058-001. KNOCKOUT 4 (DETECTION LINE 2) (OPTION 1) SEE NOTE KNOCKOUT 3 (DETECTION LINE 1) LED KNOCKOUTS (REMOTE MANUAL RELEASE) LI KNOCKOUTS I r (DETECTION LINE 2) (OPTION 2) - SEE NOTE II / KNOCKOUT2 • i -- (SWITCH LEAD .: Ii FOR DEEP MOUNT 7 ICROSWITCHES 1 .._ LOCAL MANUAL M ' . ' .11 OR SOLENOID) RELEASE / I L..H _J - YLII 111 , - C. (NOT USED) j. .. \ KNOCKOUT 8 KNOCKOUT I ¶ 7 \_. (MECHANICAL (SWITCH LEAD I I GAS VALVE) FOR HIGH MOUNT KNOCKOUTS \ MICROSWITCHES FOR MOUNTING \_ ACTUATION OR SOLENOID) "TO SVA (OUTPUT) PORT Figure-4-6. Pipe Connection Knockout Designations Note: If using Detection Line 2, select Detection Line 2 (Option 1) OR Detection Line 2 (Option 2). You cannot use both Detection Line 2 knockouts. Note: The knockouts are an integral part of the housing. Ensure that only required knockouts are broken out. Planning ahead and opening only the knockouts necessary for the system will help in keeping the box sealed from dirt, grease, water and other contaminants. If wall mounting, Paragraph 4-4.1.1, Wall Mount. If cylinder mounting, Paragraph 4-4.1.2, Installing XV Control System (Cylinder Mount). P/N 220423 4-9 June 2005 MOUNTING HOLE MOUNTING HOLE 3/ (19 ING DLE 1-5/16 in. (34 mm) MOUNTING HOLE SVA PISTOL SET POSITION In-stalliation 4-4.1.1 WALL MOUNT 1. With the XV Control System cover removed, lay the box on its back. Locate the four mounting holes in the housing. Position the box so that the mounting holes are not flat on the work surface and break out the knockouts. See Figure 4-7 for location of mounting holes. Figure 4-7. Location of Mounting Holes (Housing) Locate the System Valve Actuators (SVA). Ensure the Spring Loaded Plunger of the SVA is in the 'Set' position. See Figure 4-8. Figure 4-8. SVA in 'Set' Position June 2005 4-10 P/N 220423 Installation Remove the Valve Protection Plate from the top of the cylinder valve. Install the SVAs onto each cylinder valve (the spring loaded plunger facing cylinder valve). Do not tighten them as they will be removed at a later time. Install 1/8-inch NPT pipe plug (P/N 877810) on last SVA (end of line). Using 1/4-20 x 3-inch long toggle bolts or equivalent hangers, mount the box to the wall making sure it is level. Attach the conduit fittings and other fittings to the box. Run cables and wiring as normal, within the parameters of the XV Control System. See Paragraph 4- for cable parameters. Install 1/8 NPT (M) x 1/4 copper tubing adapters. Compression type adapters are permissible. Measure and install the 1/4 O.D. x 0.031 wall thickness copper tubing. A 2-1/2 inches (64 mm) loop between each cylinder and on the inlet tubing is recommended, but not required. See Figure 4-9. Ensure that each connection is secure. 1/8 in PLL OPTI VENT Figure 4-9. Example of Copper Tubing Loop Method 10. Remove the SVAs from the cylinder valves and re-install the Valve Protection Plates. P/N 220423 4-11 June 2005 Zrsta[aton 4-4.1.2 INSTALLING XV CONTROL SYSTEM (CYLINDER MOUNT) Place the XV Control System on its top. Identify the knockouts to be used for cable connections and remove them. Locate the System Valve Actuators (SVA). Ensure the piston of the SVA is in the 'Set' position. SVA PISTON IN SET POSITION Figure 4-10. SVA in 'Set' Position Remove the Valve Protection Plate from the top of the cylinder valve. Install the SVAs onto each cylinder valve (the spring loaded plunger facing cylinder valve). The ports on the SVA should be positioned towards the discharge adapter. Do not tighten the SVA(s) as it will be removed at a later time. VA] Figure 4-11. XV Control System (Cylinder Mount) 6. Install XV Control System onto the SVA using bolts from the Valve Protection Plate. June 2005 4-12 P/N 220423 instaatort 7. Install SVA bolts through the bottom of the XV Control System into the SVA. S'd Figure 4-12. Mounting the XV Control System to the SVA Install the 1/8 NPT (M) x 3/8-24 JIC flare adapter (included with the High Pressure Nitrogen Tubing P/N 87-120045-001) onto the outlet port of the XV Control System. For multiple cylinder installations, install 1/8 NPT (M) x 1/4 copper tubing adapters. Compression type adapters are permissible. For-multiple cylinder installations, measure and install the 1/4 O.D. x 0.031 wall thickness copper tubing. A 2-1/2-inch (64 mm) loop between each cylinder and on the inlet tubing is recommended, but not required. See Figure 4-13. Ensure that each connection is secure. P/N 220423 4-13 June 2005 En'stallatlan Figure 4-13. Example of Copper Tubing Loop Method 11. Secure the 3/16-inch braided High Pressure Nitrogen Tubing (P/N 87-120045-001) onto the SVA. Ensure the connection is tight. The High Pressure Nitrogen Tubing is required between the "Control System CAUTION' and the primary SVA on all cylinder mounted installations. Note: Do not attach the swivel end of the hose onto the outlet of the XV Control System. SVA 'CONTROL SYSTEM HIGH PRESSURE NITROGEN TUBING 118 NPT FITTING Figure 4-14. Installing High Pressure Nitrogen Tubing 12. Remove the SVAs from the cylinder valves and re-install the valve protection plates. June 2005 4-14 P/N 220423 !nstalaton 4-4.1.3 ACTUATION The next step in the installation process is deciding what type of actuation to use. The XV Control System offers the use of mechanical, electrical or a combination of mechanical and electrical actuation. Mechanical actuation utilizes detectors (fusible, KGR and/or KGS) to detect heat, whereas electrical actuation utilizes heat detectors for detection. Mechanical and electrical actuation can be combined together when configured using a UL Listed fire control panel, such as the Kidde ScorpioTM. Figure 4-15 illustrates the steps to follow when deciding what type of actuation to use. Mechanical Mechanical, electrical Electrical or both? "Mechanical Detec- tion Installation" on page 4-16. "Mounting Solenoid, P/N 83- Both 100034-001" on page 4-31. Includes Lockout of both De- >H tection Lines Installing both Detec- tion Lines? No Line 1 or 2 Line 1 I Line 2 Yes See "Cabling Detec- See "Cabling Detec- tion Line 1 Only - In- tion Line 2 Only (Op- I cludes Lockout of tion 1)— Includes Detection Line 2" on Lockout of Detection See "Cabling Mechan- page 4-21. Line 1" on page 4-23. ical Detection - Both Lines" on page 4-19. ---------------------------- Figure 4-15. Decision Flow Chart for Actuation P/N 220423 4-15 June 2005 Installation 4-4.1.4 MECHANICAL DETECTION INSTALLATION Detectors are to be located in an anticipated path of convective heat flow from a fire, and spaced at a maximum on-center distance of 20 ft. (6.1 m) for Thermo- Bulb series detectors and 10 ft. (3.1 m) for standard response detectors, for ceiling heights up to 10 ft. (3.1 m) (refer to Chapter 3). The 1/16-inch cable is to be protected by 1/2-inch conduit or electrical metal tubing (EMT). 4- Installing Detection Components Install the detector brackets as follows: Install conduit from the XV Control System detector conduit knockout(s) (top or right side of the XV Control System) to the detector brackets using Corner Pulleys (P/N 844648) at all changes in direction. Remove screws and covers from the Corner Pulleys and set aside for reuse later. Note: No bends or offsets are permitted in conduit lines. Be sure the system is adequately supported. Figure 4-16. Unacceptable Cable Configuration Drill holes as necessary for installation of the Quick Seal Adapters (P/N 2649930X) or Compression Seal Adapters (P/N 2650460X). Mount the detector brackets as required. Be sure mounting penetrations are liquid tight. Run the 1/16-inch Control Cable from the various system devices, through 1/2-inch EMT conduit, to the XV Control System. June 2005 4-16 P/N 220423 Installation Install detectors of proper rating as described in Paragraph 3-2.4. To install detectors, follow the steps below. Always start detector installation at the last detector (see Figures 4-17 and 4-18). To install detectors, create a cable loop using a Crimp Sleeve (P/N 214951), and Crimp Tool (P/N 253538). EXAMPLE OF IN-LINE DETECTOR HOUSING KIT 1/2 in. EMT CONNECTOR AND LOCKNUT "S" HOOKS LOCKNUT 1/2 in. EMT PIPE (NOT \\ SUPPLIED) \ 1/16 In. CABLE \_ TO XV CONTROL SYSTEM (NOT SUPPLIED) EXAMPLE OF END-OF-LINE DETECTOR HOUSING KIT DETECTOR 1/16 in. CABLE (NOT SUPPLIED) VTO XV CONTROL SYSTEM CRIMP NOT SUPPLIED) SLEEVE DETECTOR (NOT SUPPLIED) Figure 4-17. Detector Housing Kit, P/N 804548 A WARNING Use of a crimp tool besides P/N 253538 can cause malfunction and/or unwanted discharge of the system. Note: In order to ensure the crimp sleeve is secure, the cable must always be looped so that there are two lengths of cable inside the Crimp Sleeve before crimping. Cable must not be spliced anywhere along its length. S. Place the Crimp Tool on the end of the sleeve. Ensure the flat of the sleeve rests in the saddle of the Crimp Tool jaw. Secure the sleeve in the tool carefully to ensure the sleeve does not shift in the saddle before pressing. Squeeze the handles of the Crimp Tool until the tool releases itself. The tooth of the jaw is pressing on the wall of the sleeve without cracking the malleable copper. The first crimp is complete. Remove the crimp from the tool. Put the Crimp Tool onto the other end of the sleeve. The sleeve shall be 1800 turned in the tool from the first crimp. Note: This is pressing the loop end of the sleeve (opposite that of the first press). Squeeze the handles of the Crimp Tool until the tool releases itself. The tooth of the jaw is pressing on the wall of the sleeve without cracking the malleable copper. The second crimp is complete. Remove the crimp from the tool. P/N 220423 4-17 June 2005 ZrtstaEatort A To ensure proper system operatort, each detector mist be [rtstaCed so that at least 1-1/2 inches of cable movement toward the XV Control System is CAUTION mai ntained. Attach an "S" hook (P/N 87-9189413-000) to the end of the last detector mounting bracket. Attach proper detector onto the "S" hook. Attach 1/16-inch cable to the hook at the other end of the detector, forming a cable loop held in place by a Crimp Sleeve. Note: If only one detector is used, thread the cable back through the EMT conduit to the )(V Control System. If additional detectors are used, attach the cable to each successive detector "S" hook, as described above. After attaching cable to last detector "S" hook, thread cable back through the EMT conduit to the XV Control System. 1/16 in. CABLE TO CONTROL SYSTEM (NOT SUPPLIED) AS" HOOKS CRIMP SLEEVE THERMO-BULB LINK OR FUSIBLE-LINK (NOT SUPPLIED) EXAMPLE OF END-OF-LINE UNIVERSAL HOUSING KIT '" HOOK 00) CRIMP LCONNECTOR SLEEVE 1/2 in. EMT (NOT SUPPLIED) LOCKNUT (NOT SUPPLIED) THERMO-BULB LINK OR FUSIBLE-LINK (NOT SUPPLIED) EXAMPLE OF IN-LINE UNIVERSAL HOUSING KIT Figure 4-18. Detector Placement in Bracket June 2005 4-18 P/N 220423 Installation 4- Cabling Mechanical Detection - Both Lines If cabling Line 1 (knockout 3), turn ratchet wheel (counterclockwise) of detection beam until the cable through-hole is vertical. If cabling Line 2 (knockout 4/6), turn ratchet wheel of detection beam until the cable through-hole is horizontal. Note: When cabling detection line 2, use either Knockout 4 or Knockout 6. See Figure 4-19. Feed the end of the cable through the hole into the center of the ratchet wheel and pull the cable toward you. Leave approximately 6 inches (152 mm) of cable. Slip .a Crimp Sleeve (P/N 214951) over the end of the cable. Making a loop, slip the end back through the Crimp Sleeve. Using Crimping Tool (P/N 253538) crimp the sleeve to the cable (see Figure 4-19). THROUGH HOLE IN RATCHET SPOOL, DETECTION LINE 2 THROUGH HOLE IN RATCHET SPOOL, DETECTION LINE I DETECTION BEAMS IN RELEASED POSITION ACTUATION LATCH IN HORIZONTAL (SET) POSITION DETECTION BEAMS IN SET POSITION Figure 4-19. Cabling Mechanical Detection P/N 220423 4-19 June 2005 Inst aton Cut the loop off of the crimped cable assembly. Cut any loose ends off as close to the Crimp Sleeve as possible. Pull the ends of the crimped cable back through until the end of the cable seats inside the central chamber of the ratchet wheel. By hand, turn the wheel until the cable wraps around the spool of the ratchet. The cable line is now ready to be set. If the line is fully cabled, the detection line may be set. Note: If using Detection Line 2, Knockout 4, the cable must go around the pulley wheel before going into the cable port of the ratchet wheel. When tightening the cable around the spool, it is important that the cable be seated in the bottom of the groove on the pulley wheel. The cable may tend to wrap itself around other components in the XV Control System. Use caution in tightening the cable to ensure the proper path or a cable jam could occur resulting in the malfunction of the system. Use care when tightening the cable. Tighten cable until the detection arm CAUTION makes contact with the beam stop. Do not overtighten. June 2005 4-20 P/N 220423 Installation 4- Cabling Detection Line 1 Only - Includes Lockout of Detection Line 2 I 3 3A B 5 4 7 2 Figure 4-20. XV with Detection Line 2 Locked Out Table 4-2. Cabling Detection Line 1 Only Item Description 1 Lockout screw pad (shown with one red lockout screw removed) 2 Actuation Latch 3 Spring and beam for Detection Line 2 (locked out) 3A Spring Post for Detection Line 2 (spring removed) 4 Spring and beam for Detection Line 1 (set with cable) 4A Spring Post for Detection Line 1 5 Beam Stop for Detection Line 1 6 Beam Stop for Detection Line 2 7 Lockout pad for Detection Line 1 (not used, line set) 8 Lockout pad for Detection Line 2 (red lockout screw inserted) Ensure that nothing is armed or set in the XV. With the XV completely disarmed, remove the spring from its respective post (item 3A, Detection Line 2). It is permissible to remove the spring from the detection beam. Push the detection beam (item 3) against its respective beam stop (item 6). P/N 220423 4-21 June 2005 ntaflato•t - 4. Using a 9/64-inch alien key (hex) remove one of the red lockout screws from storage pad (item 1) and carefully thread into lockout pad (item 8). A Never sock out a detection line that is being used in a fire protection systems Refer to the appropriate DbMs for instructions on disabling the system for CAUTION service, repair, and maintenance. June 2005 4-22 P/N 220423 Installation 4- Cabling Detection Line 2 Only (Option 1)— Includes Lockout of Detection Line 1 I 3 3A 8 5 4 7 2 Figure 4-21. XV with Detection Line 1 Locked Out Table 4-3. Cabling Detection Line 2 Only - Option 1 Item Description 1 Lockout screw pad (shown with one red lockout screw removed) 2 Actuation Latch 3 Spring and beam for Detection Line 2 (set with cable) 3A Spring Post for Detection Line 2 4 Spring and beam for Detection Line 1 (locked out) 4A Spring Post for Detection Line 1 (spring removed) 5 Beam Stop for Detection Line 1 6 Beam Stop for Detection Line 2 7 Lockout pad for Detection Line 1 (red lockout screw inserted) 8 Lockout pad for Detection Line 2 (not used, line set) Ensure that nothing is armed or set in the XV. With the XV completely disarmed, remove the spring from its respective post (item 4A, Detection Line 1). It is permissible to remove the spring from the detection beam. Push the detection beam (item 4) against its respective beam stop (item 5). P/N 220423 4-23 June 2005 Installation 4. Using a 9/64-inch allen key (hex) remove one of the red lockout screws from storage pad (item 1) and carefully thread into lockout pad (item 7). A .Never lock out a detector line that is being used in a fire protection system. Refer to the appropriate DXOMs for instructions on disabling the system for CAUTION service, repair, and maintenance. June 2005 4-24 P/N 220423 Erstalator 4- Cabling Detection Line 2 Only (Option 2)— Includes Lockout of Detection Line 1 I 3 3A 8 5 4 7 Figure 4-22. XV with Detection Line 1 Locked Out Table 4-4. Cabling Detection Line 2 Only - Option 2 Item Description 1 Lockout screw pad (shown with one red lockout screw removed) 2 Actuation Latch 3 Spring and beam for Detection Line 2 (set with cable) 3A Spring Post for Detection Line 2 4 Spring and beam for Detection Line 1 (locked out) 4A Spring Post for Detection Line 1 (spring removed) 5 Beam Stop for Detection Line 1 6 Beam Stop for Detection Line 2 7 Lockout pad for Detection Line 1 (red lockout screw inserted) 8 Lockout pad for Detection Line 2 (not used, line set) Ensure that nothing is armed or set in the XV. With the XV completely disarmed, remove the spring from its respective post (item 4A, Detection Line 1). It is permissible to remove the spring from the detection beam. Push the detection beam (item 4) against its respective beam stop (item 5). P/N 220423 4-25 June 2005 Installation 4. Using a 9/64-inch alien key (hex) remove one of the red lockout screws from storage pad (item 1) and carefully thread into lockout pad (item 7). Never pock out a detection Eke that is being used in a fire protector system. Refer to the appropriate DXO4s for instructions on disabling the system for CAUTION service, repair, and maintenance, June 2005 4-26 P/N 220423 H MICROSWITCH H MICROSWITCH Installation 4-4.1.5 ATTACHING MICROSWITCH ES, P/N 87-120039-001 When setting the Cam/Flag, make sure the trigger pin turns under the A microswitch paddle(s) and pushes up to set the microswitch. If the trigger pin is "above" or between the paddle and the mcroswitch, the microswitch will not CAUTION change position upon actuation of the XV Control System which could result in system malfunction. 4- High Mounted Microswitch The High Mounted Microswitch mounts with the paddle(s) facing up into the Cam/Flag. When in the 'Set' position, the Cam/Flag pushes down on the paddle(s) of the microswitch. When the Cam/Flag is released, the microswitch(es) release and change position (see Figure 4-26 for wiring diagram, and Figure 4-23 for mounting). The microswitches are best mounted when the system is in the 'Released' position. Two pairs of #4 screws are included with each microswitch kit: 5/8-inch long and 1-inch long x 3/32-inch Allen Key. If mounting a single switch, use the 5/8-inch screws. If mounting two switches, use the 1-inch long screws. After mounting the microswitch, turn the Cam/Flag to the 'Set' position to ensure the paddles move far enough down to change the phase of the microswitch. Use the included pigtail assembly to connect the microswitch to the circuit being monitored. Note: It is recommended that the pigtails be threaded into the port before attempting to plug it onto the microswitch contacts. All splices and connections should be made in a separate approved electrical box connected by EMT or other approved conduit. See NFPA 70 and 72 for proper wiring guidelines. RELEASED POSITION SET POSITION Figure 4-23. High Mount Microswitch, 'Released' and 'Set' Positions P/N 220423 4-27 June 2005 DEEP MOUNT MICROSWITCH DEEP MOUN1 MICROSWITCH Xrtsta[tion 4- Deep Mounted Microswitch The Deep Mounted Microswitch mounts with the paddle(s) facing down, away from the Cam/Flag and trigger. When in the 'Set' position, the trigger pin pushes up on the paddle(s) of the microswitch. When the Cam/Flag is released, the microswitch(es) release and change position. See Figure 4-26 for wiring diagram. See Figure 4-24 for mounting information. The microswitches should be mounted when the system is in the 'Released' position. Two pairs of #4 screws are included with each microswitch kit: 5/8-inch long and 1-inch long x 3/32-inch Allen Key. If mounting a single microswitch, use the 5/8-inch screws. If mounting two microswitches, use the 1-inch long screws. After mounting the microswitch, turn the Cam/Flag to the 'Set' position to ensure the paddles move far enough down to change the position of the microswitch. Use the included pigtail assembly to connect the Microswitch to the circuit being monitored. See Figure 4-27 to see the terminal type microswitch positions when the XV Control System is in the Set and Released states. Note: It is recommended that the pigtails be threaded into the port before attempting to plug it onto the microswitch contacts. All splices and connections should be made'in a separate electrical junction box connected by EMT or other approved conduit. See NFPA 70 and 72 for proper wiring guidelines. Mounting the microswitch with the pigtails attached and inserted into the outlet is recommended. RELEASED POSITION SET POSITION Figure 4-24. Deep Mount Microswitch, 'Released' and 'Set' Positions June 2005 4-28 P/N 220423 Installation, 4-4.1.6 WIRING MICROSWITCHES ELECTRICAL MICROS ED BLACK Figure 4-25. Microswitch Kit, P/N 87-120039-001 Table 4-5. Electrical Ratings for Microswitch Kit, P/N 87-120039-001 125/250 Vac 20-1/2 Amps 250 Vac 125 Vac . __j 1-1/2 HP 1/2 HP _____________ RED I OPEN BLACK CLOSED COMMON SWITCH POSITION WHEN XVCAMIFLAG IS IN 'SET (ARMED) POSITION RED CLOSED BLACK OPEN COMMON SWITCH POSITION WHEN XVCAM/F'LAG IS IN 'RELBASED POSITION Figure 4-26. Wiring of XV Control System Microswitch Kit, P/N 87-120039-001 P/N 220423 4-29 June 2005 12 T4 Installati on 12 T4 XV IN RELEASED POSITION XV IN SET POSITION Figure 4-27. Microswitch (P/N 87-120047-001) Position when XV in Set and Released States June 2005 4-30 P/N 220423 stallaton 4-4.1.7 MOUNTING SOLENOID, P/N 83-100034-001 The Solenoid can be used in conjunction with mechanical detection or if mechanical detection or a Remote Manual Release is not needed. Red lockout screws are mounted in the control system. The Solenoid includes an attached mounting bracket. Included in the hardware kit are two Allen screws. The Solenoid operates on 24 Vdc only. Connection to a higher voltage can result CAUTION in non-operation, or burning out of the coil. Work on the Solenoid should never take place while the system is in the Set' and ready position. The Solenoid operates directly on the latch. Ensure that the CAUTION System Nitrogen Cartridge is removed and the Cam/Flag assembly is released or locked out with the Keeper Pin (P/N 60-9197108-000). Using a 9/64-inch Allen key, position the Solenoid behind the High- Pressure Nitrogen Tubing, aligning the mounting bracket with the mounting screw holes on the actuator mounting pad (see Figure 4-28). Secure the Solenoid and bracket assembly to the XV Control System enclosure with the enclosed 9/64-inch Allen screws. Dress the wires from the Solenoid down along in front of the high mount microswitch mounting pad and out through Knockout 1 or Knockout 2 through an approved conduit and into an approved electrical box. Note: Wiring of the Solenoid must be done according to NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code and NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. Wiring the Solenoid through a Microswitch is required. The releasing loop should be wired through the common and N.C. (normally closed) contacts. Releasing the XV Control System opens the contact and stops the releasing current. P/N 220423 4-31 June 2005 nstai1atcr Figure 4-28. Electric Solenoid Mounted and Wired in the XV Control System Note: Dress the wires from the Electric Solenoid down along in front of the high mount microswitch mounting pad and out through Knockout 1 or Knockout 2. June 2005 4-32 P/N 220423 Zrstaatcn 4- Locking Out Detection Lines 1 and 2 3 2 SOLENOID Figure 4-29. Locking Out Detection Lines 1 and 2 with Electric Solenoid Mounted in XV Table 4-6. Locking Out Detection Lines 1 and 2 Item Description 1 Lockout screw pad (shown with red lockout screws removed) 2 Actuation Latch 3 Spring and beam for Detection Line 2 (locked out) 3A Spring Post for Detection Line 2 (spring removed) 4 Spring and beam for Detection Line 1 (locked out) 4A Spring Post for Detection Line 1 (spring removed) 5 Beam Stop for Detection Line 1 6 Beam Stop for Detection Line 2 7 Lockout pad for Detection Line 1 (red lockout screw inserted) 8 Lockout pad for Detection Line 2 (red lockout screw inserted) P/N 220423 4-33 June 2005 statoi Ensure that nothing is armed or set in the XV. With the XV completely disarmed, remove the spring from its respective posts (item 3A, Detection Line 2, and item 4A, Detection Line 1). It is permissible to remove the spring from the detection beam. Push the detection beam (item 4) against its respective beam stop (item 5). Push the detection beam (item 3) against fts respective beam stop (item 6). Using a 9/64-inch alien key (hex) remove red lockout screws from storage pad (item 1) and carefully thread into lockout pads (items 7 and 8). Never lock out a detection pine that is being used in a fire protection system. Refer to the appropriate DIOMs for instructions on disabling the system for CAUTION service, repair, and maintenance. iune 2005 4-34 P/N 220423 4 This literature Is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL.INC. assumes no responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular application. The product must be prop- erty applied to work correctly. If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question. contact KIDDE-FENWAL INC.. Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000 K-83-001 04/02 02002 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Kidde Fire Systems 400 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 USA Tel: (508) 881-2000 Fax: (508) 881-8920 http://www.kiddefiresystems.com Industrial Dry Chemical Cylinder and Valve Assembly K idde F i re Systems Effective: April 2002 K-83-OO1 DESCRIPTION The cylinder and valve assembly is equipped with a plated forged brass valve, pressure gauge, fusible plug relief de- vice, and a steel alloy cylinder shell. The cylinder conforms to DOT Specification 4BW-360. The assembly is pressur- ized with Nitrogen to 360 PSIG (24.8 bar gauge) at 70°F (21.1°C). The cylinder valve mates with a discharge adapter designed for use with Kidde® Pre-Engineered Fire Suppres- sion Systems. The cylinder valve is also designed to ac- cept any of the Pre-Engineered System control heads. CylinderNalve Model Part Number Type of Powder Charge or Fill Weight of Powder (lb.) Nominal Diameter Overall Assembly Height Wall Mounting Bracket Part Number A B In. in. IND-21 486573 ABC 21 9 17.6 486487 IND-25 486570 BC 25 9 17.6 486487 ND-45 486574 ABC 45 9 30.8 486488 ND-50 486571 BC 50 9 30.8 486488 IND-70 83-100018-001 ABC 68 12.3 30.2 87-100009-001 ND-75 83-100019-001 BC 75 12.3 30.2 87-100009.001 .406 DIA. TRU (3) WTC HOLES FLEXIE (TYP) "\STRAF "A" S 3/8" FASTENING HARDWARE (TO WALL) "B" K-83-002 04/02 02002 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE.FENWAL,INC. assumes no responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular application. The product must be prop erly applied to work correctly. If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508)881-2000 Kidde Fire Systems 400 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 USA Tel: (508) 881-2000 Fax: (508) 881-8920 http://www.kiddefiresystems.com Industrial Dry Chemical Mounting Bracket Kits fKicide Fire Systems Effective: April 2002 K-83-002 DESCRIPTION A mounting bracket kit is used for mounting all cylinder and valve assemblies. The kit consists of a steel bracket with a shelf to hold the cylinder bottom. A cylinder strap is used to secure the cylinder to the bracket. Prior to installation, en- sure that the wall or other mounting surface will support the recommended load specified in the table. Mount the bracket to the surface using three (3) 3/8-in, bolts or screws. Mounting Bracket Part Number CylinderNalve Model Dimension A Dimension B Dimension C Dimension 0 Recommended Wall-Support Load in. in. in. in. lb. 486487 IND-21 13.12 11.50 9.75 8.12 65 IND-25 486488 IND-45 19.62 18.00 9.75 8.12 130 IND-50 87-100009.001 lND-70 21.00 18.80 13.25 12.50 225 IND-75 3/411 NPT PLATE s-ADAPTER This literature is provided for Informational purposes only. KlDDE-FENWAL,INC. assumes no responsibility for the products suitability fore particular application. The product must be prop- erly applied to work correctly. If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (506) 881-2000 K-83-003 04/02 02002 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Kidde Fire Systems 400 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 USA Tel: (508) 881-2000 Fax: (508) 881-8920 http://www.kiddefiresystems.com Industrial Dry Chemica l Discharge Adapter Kit P/N: 844908 DESCRIPTION The discharge adapter provides a means to connect 3/4" discharge pipe (or 1" pipe with a concentric reducer or re- ducing bushing) to any Industrial Dry Chemical cylinder and valve assmebly. The discharge-adapter kit consists of a male, 3/4" NPT, brass, discharge-valve-outlet adapter and a steel flange plate for securing the discharge adapter to the valve outlet. Kidde Fire Systems Effective: April 2002 K-83-003 Industrial Dry Chemical fKiddeFire Systems Total-Flooding Nozzle Effective: April 2002 K-83-012 P/N: 83-100005-001 DESCRIPTION The Total-Flooding (IF) Nozzle is designed to uniformly dis- charge dry chemical throughout an enclosed volume. This nozzle is to be mounted at ceiling level (unless otherwise listed) with the orifice tip pointed vertically down. The TF Nozzle is also used to protect the work area volume for open face spray booth applications and in automotive ve- hicle spray booth applications. Each TF Nozzle is factory-equipped with a blow-off cap to protect the nozzle orifices and prevent moisture buildup in the discharge piping. 2.72 REF. %' NPT MALE NOZZLE BODY ORFICE TIP NOZZLE BLOW-OFF CAP 06-250099-067 This literature Is provided for Informational purposes only. KIDDE.FENWAL.INC. assumes not Kidda Fire Systems i responsibility for the product's suitability for a particular application. The product must be prop- I 400 Main Street Ieriy applied to work correctly. I Ashland, MA 01721 USA I if you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000 I Tel: (508) 881-2000 Fax: (508) 881-8920 K-83-012 04/02 02002 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA http://www.kiddefiresystems.com K-83-014 04/02 02002 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA This literature Is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWALINC. assumes no responsibility for the product's suitability fore particular application. The product must be prop- erly applied to work correctly. If you need more Information on this product, or if you have e particular problem or question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 8812000 Kidde Fire Systems 400 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 USA Tel: (508) 881-2000 Fax: (508) 881-8920 http://www.kiddefiresystems.com Industrial Dry Chemical Fusible Link Housing Kit with Fusible Link fKidde Fire Systems Effective: April 2002 K-83-014 PIN: 804548 DESCRIPTION UL Listed and FM Approved Fusible Links are used in con- junction with the Fusible Link Housing Kit. The Fusible Links are held together with a low melting alloy, which melts at a predetermined temperature, allowing the two halves of the link to separate. Fusible Links are available in various temperature ratings as shown in table. There are two temperature designations which apply to both fusible links and quartizoid bulb links. One temperature is called the rating temperature, and the other is called the maximum exposure temperature. 1/2" EMT CONNECTOR (Not Supplied) /,1, u CABLE TO ACTUATING DEVICE r LOCKNUT MIN.— CRIMP TYPE - CABLE CONNECTOR us" ML LINK' LOCKNUT -\ CONNECTOR (Not Supplied) 1/16° CABLE T 'N CRIMP TYPE OR REMOTE MANUAL ANOTHER DETECTOR CABLE CONNECTOR CONTROL =I. Fusible Link Rating Maximum Exposure Temperature Part Number Load Rating (lb.) OF OC OF OC Min. Max. 165 74 100 38 282661 10 40 212 100 150 65 282662 10 40 360 182 300 149 282664 10 40 500 260 440 226 282666 10 40 Comp onents 2- Universal-Link Housing Kit, P/N 87-120064-001 The Universal-Link Housing Kit, shown in Figure 2-21, and consists of the following: Table 2-7. Detector Housing Kit, P/N 87-120064-001 Item Quantity 11-1/2 in. (292 mm) Detector Housing 1 Crimp Sleeves 2 S" Hooks 2 The items above are used to attach the Fusible-Link or Thermo-Bulb Links to the 1/16-inch cable leading to the XV Control System. The Universal- Link Housing can be configured as an End-of-Line or In-Line bracket. 1/16 in. CABLE TO CONTROL SYSTEM (NOT SUPPLIED) 1 "5" HOOKS CRIMP 02 THERMO BULB LINK I AAA' ...- OR FUSIBLE LINK (NOT SUPPLIED) N J -\—CRIMP L EXAMPLE OF END-OF-LINE \ SLEEVE 1/2 in. EMT CONNECTOR UNIVERSAL HOUSING KIT HK (NOT SUPPLIED) LOCKNUT (NOT SUPPLIED) THERMO-BULB LINK OR FUSIBLE-LINK (NOT SUPPLIED) EXAMPLE OF IN-LINE UNIVERSAL HOUSING KIT Figure 2-21. Universal-Link Housing Kit, P/N 87-120064-001 June 2005 2-20 P/N 220423 Components 2- Thermo-Bulb Links, P/N 87-12009X-XXX UL Listed and FM Approved Thermo-Bulb Links, shown in Figure 2-22, are used in conjunction with Universal-Link Housing Kits (P/N 87-120064-001) and/or Detector Housing Kits (P/N 804548). The links are held together with a liquid-filled glass tube (Thermo-Bulb), which bursts at a predetermined temperature, allowing the two halves of the link to separate. The types of Thermo-Bulb links are: Rapid Response Standard Response These Thermo-Bulb links are available in various temperature ratings with a minimum/maximum load rating of 0 lb./50 lb. (0 kg/23kg). THERMO-BULB HERMO-BULB Figure 2-22. Thermo-Bulb Link, P/N 87-12009X-XXX P/N 220423 2-21 June 2005 Industrial Dry Chemical Mechanical, Remote Manual Release Jfw'KiddeFire Systems Effective: April 2002 K-83-021 PIN: 875572 DESCRIPTIONS The Mechanical, Remote Manual Release is provided as a means of manually actuating the system from a remote location. The Mechanical, Remote Manual Release is attached to the primary control head with 1/16 cable. To actuate the system through the Mechanical, Remote Manual Release, pull out the ring pin and pull hard on the handle. Each manual release is supplied with a separate name- plate. This nameplate must be attached to the mounting surface 1" above or below the pull station. An additional Mechanical, Remote Manual Release may be installed with a Kidde® Tee Pulley (P/N 843791). This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL,INC. assumes no responsibility for the products suitability for a particular application. The product must be prop- erly applied to work correctly. If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000 K-83-021 04/02 02002 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Kidde Fire Systems 400 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 USA Tel: (508) 881-2000 Fax: (508) 881-8920 http://www.kiddefiresystems.com Industrial Dry Chemical Corner Pulley fKidde F i re Systems Effective: April 2002 K-83-025 P/N: 844648 DESCRIPTIONS The Corner Pulley is used to change the direction of the system cable runs. The cable's protective conduit (1/2" EMT) is attached to the corner pulley with the provided coupling nuts. The Corner Pulley is equipped with a ball-bearing pul- ley for minimum resistance to the cable travel. COVER SCREW —'——.<- lI1 — COUPLING NUTS 0.6? (16mm) 2- + E.M.T. CONNECTIONS COMPRESSION TYPE 2.75 (70mm) APPROX. This literature is provided for Informational purposes only. KIDDE.FENWAL,iNC. assumes no responsibility for the products suitability for a particular application. The product must be prop- erly applied to work correctly. If you need more information on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL INC., Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (508) 881-2000 K-83-025 04/02 02002 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. Printed in USA Kidde Fire Systems 400 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721 USA Tel: (508) 881-2000 Fax: (508) 881-8920 http://www.kiddeflresystems.com Hel pi ng Peopl e Take Action8M 6-INCH and 10-INCH BELLS [!It.11R1Ui SERIES 43T AC BELLS Description Wheelock's Series 43T bells provide the durable operation and dependable performance required for life safety alarm systems. A complete range of vibrating models is offered in 6" and 10" sizes for 115 or 24-volt AC operation in indoor or outdoor installations. All models provide high sound output with low power consumption. All models are provided with screw terminal inputs for secure in-out field wiring. Features Approvals include: UL Standard 464, Factory Mutual (FM), California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), New York (MEA) and Chicago (BFP) Complies with OSHA 29,Part 1910.165 High sound output with low current draw o 6" and 10" shell sizes in 115 or 24 AC models Integral RFI suppression minimizes induced noise on alarm lines Semi-flush mounting to standard 4" square backboxes or surface mounting to Wheelocks surface backboxes Polarized for supervision of alarm lines with screw terminal inputs for fast and secure in-out field wiring of #12 to #18AWG wire Attractive textured finish to enhance appearance and durability For combined audible (bell) and visual signaling, convenient retrofit assemblies (Series RSSP) are available with Multi-Candela or single candela strobes (See Data Sheet S0410 or Wheelock Fire Products Catalog) Specifications and Ordering Information Model Number Order Code Shell Size Input Voltage Input Current dBA @ 10 Ft. Mounting Options * 43T-G6-24-R 1627 6" 24 VAC 0.410 86 D,E,J,K,N,O,P,R,S 431-G6-24-S 1626 6" 24 VAC 0.410 86 43T-G6-115-R 1631 6" 115 VAC 0.085 86 43T-G6-115-S 1630 6" 115 VAC 0.085 86 43T-G10-24-R 1647 10" 24 VAC 0.410 88 43T-G1 0-24-S 3800 10" 24 VAC 0.410 88 43T-G10-115-R 1651 10" 115 VAC 0.085 88 43T-G10-115-S 3693 10" 115 VAC 1 0.085 88 * Refer to Data Sheet #S7000 for mounting options. Typical dBAat 10 feet is measured in an anechoic chamber. All models are provided with in-out screw terminals. Each bell mechanism is adjusted to operate only with the shell provided. Do not mix shells and mechanisms during installation. Copyright 2005 Wheelock, Inc. All rights reserved. Architects and Engineers Specifications The alarm signals shall be Wheelock Series 43T Bells or approved equal. They shall be UL Listed for Fire Protective Service with models for vibrating operation and optional steel shells from 6" to 10" diameter. Sound output at 10 feet shall range up to 88 dBA. The bells shall semi-flush mount to standard 4" square backboxes or surface mount to Wheelock's indoor BB backbox or outdoor WBB backbox. All bell models shall be polarized for line supervision and shall have screwterminals for in-out field wiring. The finish on all models shall be textured enamel. Wiring (All Bell Models) FROM PRECEDING APPLIANCE OR FACP TO NEXT APPLIANCE OR EOLR Wheelock products must be used within their published specifications and must be PROPERLY specified, applied, installed, operated, maintained and operationally tested in accordance with their installation instructions at the time of installation and at least twice a year or more often and in accordance with local, state and federal codes, regulations and laws. Specification, application, installation, operation, maintenance and testing must be performed by qualified personnel for proper operation in accordance with all of the latest National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Underwriters' Laboratories (UL), National Electrical Code (NEC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), local, state, county, province, district, federal and other applicable building and fire standards, guidelines, regulations, laws and codes including, but not limited to, all appendices and amendments and the requirements of the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSOCIATED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS OR WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION, INSTALLATION AND/OR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMER- GENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS. NOTE: Due to continuous development of our products, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice in accordance with Wheelock Inc. standard terms and conditions. WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION ASSEMBLED IN THE USA 3 YEAR WARRANTY Distributed By: NATIONAL SALES OFFICE 800-631-2148 Canada 800-397-5777 E-Mail: lnfo@wheelockinc.com - http://www.wheelockinc.com 273 BRANCHPORT AVENUE • LONG BRANCH, NJ 07740 • TEL: 732-222-6880 • FAX: 732-222-2588 S060002/06 General Information CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1 INTRODUCTION The Kidde® IND TM Dry Chemical System provides fire protection for a variety of special hazard applications. The IND system holds UL listings and FM Approvals as a pre-engineered system. Systems shall be designed and implemented according to the following: NFPA Standard 17, "Standard for Dry Chemical Systems", NFPA Standard 33, "Standard for Spray Applications Using Flammable or Combustible Material", Other applicable NFPA standards as required for a particular application and design, including, but not limited to, NFPA 70 (NEC) and NFPA 72, Fire Alarm Standard. This Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual. Any other standards enforced by a local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Configurations in Chapter 3, System Design, are tested and listed to Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Standard 1254, and FM Approved. Open-Face Spray Booth configurations (Section 3-2.3) are tested and listed to UL Standard 1254. 1-2 CLASSIFICATION OF FIRE The classification of fire is defined as the following: Class A: Surface Type Fires; wood or other cellulose-type material (ordinary combustibles) Class B: Flammable liquids Class C: Energized electrical equipment Class D: Combustible metals (such as magnesium, sodium, zirconium, potassium, and titanium) Class K: Combustible cooking media (vegetable or animal oils and fats) Note: Kidde IND Dry Chemical is not suited for Class D and Class K type of fires. 1-3 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE KIDDE IND SYSTEM The Kidde IND System is a dry chemical fire suppression system with two types of agent. The system is capable of encompassing a wide variety of application requirements. The system utilizes stored pressure agent cylinders. Stored pressure cylinders: Remain free of contamination Reduce the packing of the agent Provide a smooth flow throughout the discharge The cylinders are powder-coated, welded mild-steel shell conforming to DOT 4BW or 4BA construction. The valve is forged brass with chrome-nickel plating. The plating and cylinder coating help to make the assemblies corrosion resistant. P/N 220423 1-1 January 2007 'General Information The system can be activated mechanically from manual release, thermo-bulb links, and fusible links. The system can be activated electrically, using a tested and listed 24 Vdc control panel. Both automatic detection devices and manual release can be used on control panels. Cylinders are actuated from stored high-pressure nitrogen. Automatic and manual actuation are available for the Kidde IND System. Other actuations are available, such as: Mechanical gas valve closure Dry contacts for annunciation and electrical shutdown 1-4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The Kidde IND Dry Chemical System is a fixed dry chemical system consisting of a supply of dry chemical stored in one or more Cylinder and Valve Assembly. Each cylinder is pressure activated by a System Valve Actuator. The system can be actuated either automatically and/or manually, using mechanical, electrical, or pressure actuation devices. Upon actuation, the dry chemical is discharged through agent distribution piping and specially designed nozzles positioned throughout the protected area. January 2007 1-2 P/N 220423 TOTAL-FLOOD NOZZLES General Information DETECTOR TOTAL-FLOOD /_ Figure 1-1. Typical Kidde® INDTM Dry Chemical System. P/N 220423 1-3 January 2007 'General Information 1-5 OPERATIONAL SEQUENCE FIRE OR EXTREME TEMPERATURE RISE OCCURS AUTOMATIC MANUAL I I I I ELECTRICAL AUTOMATIC I MECHANICAL I ACTIVATION I ACTIVATION ACTIVATION I MECHANICAL I I f CONTR UNIVERS OLHEAD AL REMOTE I ELECTRIC I HEAT DETECTOR REACHES LINK SYSTEM MANUAL 'I I PULL STATION I PREDETERMINED SEPARATES I MANUAL RELEASE II I I ACTIVATION I TEMPERATURE I I ACTIVATION I ACTIVATION I UL LISTED FIRE CONTROL PANEL SENDS ACTUATION SIGNAL TO ELECTRIC SOLENOID IN UNIVERSAL CONTROL SYSTEM UNIVERSAL CONTROL SYSTEM TRIPS RELEASING NITROGEN FROM THE SYSTEM CARTRIDGE MICROS WITCH(ES) TRIP FUNCTIONS TO SYSTEM VALVE ACTUATORS (SVAs). OPENING CYLINDER VALVES DRY CHEMICAL FLOWS THROUGH AGENT DISTRIBUTION PIPING AND NOZZLES, SUPPRESSING FIRE Figure 1-2. Operational Sequence Flow Chart January 2007 1-4 P/N 220423 General Information 1-6 APPLICATIONS There are two general types of applications for dry chemical systems: Total-Flood and Local- Application. In addition, the Kidde IND System is UL Listed for protection of Industrial 'Open-Front Spray Paint Booths. 1-6.1 Total-Flooding Total-Flood refers to a volumetric area that is completely enclosed. The Kidde IND System is UL Listed and FM approved with uncloseable opening(s) up to 5% of the total area of the walls, floor, and ceiling. In total-flooding, a predetermined amount of dry chemical is discharged through fixed piping and nozzles into an enclosed space or enclosure around the hazard. Total-flooding is applicable only when the hazard is totally enclosed or when all openings surrounding a hazard can be closed automatically when the system is discharged. Total-flooding can be used only where no re-ignition is anticipated. System is listed up to 5% of the hazard having uncloseable openings. See Chapter 3 for total-flood design parameters. Note: Dry Chemical Systems do not inert the atmosphere of a total-flood application. They are affective during discharge. 1-6.2 Local-Application Local-Application refers to areas that are not enclosed. In a local-application system, the nozzles are arranged to discharge directly into the fire. Local- application is practical in those situations where the hazard can be isolated from other hazards so that fire will not spread beyond the area protected, and where the entire hazard can be protected. The principal use of local-application systems is to protect open tanks of flammable liquids. Local-application is ineffective unless extinguishment can be immediate and there are no re-ignition sources. See Chapter 3 for local-application design parameters. 1-6.3 Industrial Open-Front Spray Paint Booth UL considers the Industrial Open-Front Spray Paint Booth a total-flood type of application, but enforces a specific test standard for that application. The design parameters included in "Industrial Open-Front Spray Paint Booth" on page 5 were arrived at by testing to this standard. An Open-Front Spray Paint Booth has no doors on the front of the booth. During painting operations, the front remains open. A properly designed ventilation system will prevent overspray from escaping out of the booth. The UL 1254 standard requires that the open-front be "screened" while the work area is being flooded. In addition, all parts of the ventilation system (plenum and duct) are also protected. Both ABC and BC dry chemicals are permitted in the work area and plenum of an Open-Front Spray Paint Booth. Only BC dry chemical is used in the duct. See Chapter 3 for open-front spray paint booth parameters. P/N 220423 1-5 January 2007 Geneal Information 1-7 APPLICATIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF DRY CHEMICAL SYSTEMS "Multipurpose" (ABC) agent is used for areas where some sort of "ordinary combustibles," such as wood and paper are present. One example is a furniture factory in which the wood furniture is being used. Since wood is a class "A" combustible, the Open-Front Spray Booth in which the furniture is being finished would have ABC dry chemical protection for the work area and plenum. "Regular Dry Chemical" (BC) agent is used for areas where there are no "ordinary combustibles." One example is a dip tank in which metal parts are being coated. While in process, the coating is combustible or flammable. The most affective agent is BC, for fast flame knockdown. Other applications include, but not limited to: Open-Front Paint Spray Booths Spill Areas Hazardous Storage Buildings Dip Tanks Electrical Motors Pumps Switchgear Rooms Flammable Liquid Storage Facilities The dry chemicals used in the Kidde IND Dry Chemical System are stable at both low and high temperatures. Various additives are mixed with the base materials to improve their storage, flow, and water-repellency characteristics. The upper storage temperature limit for the system is 120°F (490C). The lower temperature limit is -40°F (-400C). Upon system alarm notification, all personnel must evacuate the protected space. Failure to do so may result in temporary respiratory difficulties, WARNING disorientation, and/or personal injury. 1-7.1 Extinguishing Properties When introduced into the combustion zone, dry chemical causes almost immediate flame suppression. Smothering, cooling and radiation shielding contribute to the extinguishing efficiency of dry chemical, but the principal mechanism for the flame extinguishment is the chemical chain-breaking properties of the dry chemicals. When ABC dry chemical is discharged, the decomposed monoammonium phosphate leaves a sticky residue. This residue seals oxygen from the burning material, thus providing fire suppression and inhibiting re-ignition. January 2007 1-6 P/N 220423 General Information 1-7.2 Limitations of Dry Chemicals Dry chemicals do not inert or secure after discharge is complete. If securement is required, either an extended discharge is required, or a different choice of agents, or both, is necessary. Dry Chemical system protection is not recommended, however, for delicate electrical equipment, such as: Telephone switchboards Electronic computers Such equipment is subject to damage by dry chemical deposit and, because of the insulating properties of the dry chemical, may require excessive cleaning to restore operation. 1-8 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION SYSTEM (HMISSM) The HMIS rating for regular (BC, sodium bicarbonate base), and multi-purpose (ABC, monoammonium phosphate base) dry chemical is as follows: Health (H) = 1 Flammability (F) = 0 Reactivity (R) = 0 Dry chemical fire extinguishing agents are considered nontoxic, but are classified as a nuisance dust irritant, and may cause temporary irritation to the CAUTION eyes, skin, or respiratory system. Avoid unnecessary exposure. Refer to http://www.kiddefiresystems.com web site for latest MSDS information. 1-9 CLEAN-UP After discharge, the dry chemical should be removed from any valuable equipment to prevent a possible reaction between materials in the presence of moisture. Personnel in contact with the agent should remove the dry chemical from their skin with tap water. P/N 220423 1-7 January 2007 General Information THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. January 2007 1-8 P/N 220423 Components CHAPTER 2 COMPONENTS 2-1 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM COMPONENTS The Kidde® IND T" Dry Chemical Fire Suppression System consists of the following major components: Suppression (Agent storage cylinders distribution piping, nozzles, and detection devices (mechanical and electrical) Controls Auxiliary Components Cylinder and Valve Assembly The IND Dry Chemical Fire Suppression System utilizes six sizes of cylinders. The cylinders consist of a factory-filled dry chemical agent and valve assembly. The cylinders conform to DOT specification 4BW-4BA and NFPA standards. Distribution Piping The distribution piping (not supplied by Kidde) is designed to distribute the dry chemical agent to the hazard areas. In the Kidde IND pre-engineered system, pipe sizes, minimum and maximum pipe lengths and number of pipe fittings are predetermined. See Chapter 3 for more details. Nozzles There are five types of nozzles for the IND Dry Chemical Fire Suppression System. Each type of nozzle has been designed and tested for specific applications and areas of coverage. The nozzles are: Local-Application (low overhead, high overhead, and tankside) Total-Flooding Duct/Plenum Detection Devices There are two methods of detection that can be employed in the system: mechanical or electrical. Mechanical detection uses fusible-link or thermo-bulb link detectors to provide reliable performance. The detectors are designed to separate at a specific temperature and release tension on the detection cable which causes the release mechanism to activate. Fusible- link detectors are available in four temperature ratings, and the thermo-bulb detectors are available in six temperature ratings. Electrical detection uses heat detectors that are equipped with self-restoring, normally- open contacts which close when a predetermined temperature is reached. Heat detectors are available in six set points. P/N 220423 2-1 January 2007 'Components XV Control System The XV Control System is used for actuating the Kidde IND Cylinder and Valve Assembly. The XVControl System can be mounted directly on the cylinder or to a wall. The XVControl System can be operated with: Automatic mechanical detection (fusible-links and thermo-bulb links), Automatic electrical operation, and Remote and local manual operation. 2-2 SUPPRESSION COMPONENTS 2-2.1 Cylinder and Valve Assembly Kidde offers six different models of IND Dry Chemical Systems. Cylinders are filled with either regular (BC, sodium bicarbonate base), or multi-purpose (ABC, monoammonium phosphate base) dry chemical. Table 2-1 outlines the fill weights of agent, dimensions and agent type for each Cylinder and Valve Assembly model. The Cylinder and Valve Assembly: Conforms to DOT Specification 4BW4BA Cylinder and Valve Assemblies are pressurized with nitrogen to 360 PSIG (24.8 bar) at 70°F (210C). Protective eye wear must always be worn when working with pressurized cylinders. Never service the Cylinder and Valve Assembly unless the Anti-Recoil A Plate (P/N 255681) and Valve Protection Plate (P/N 255096) are installed. WARNING Death, serious injury and/or property damage could occur as the cylinder may be violently propelled. Refer to the Safety Summary for more information regarding pressurized cylinders. January 2007 2-2 P/N 220423 Components B CENTER OF DISCHARGE PORT Figure 2-1. Dimensions of Cylinder and Valve Assembly Table 2-1. Cylinder and Valve Assembly Specifications Cylinder and Agency Agent Fill Dimensions Valve Assembly Model Application Approval Type Weight Part Number of Agent A B C 486573 IND-21 Total-Flood UL/ULC, FM ABC 21 lb. 17-1/2 in. 16-1/8 in. 9 in. (447 mm) (409 mm) (229 mm) 486574 IND-45 Total-Flood UL/ULC, FM ABC 45 lb. 30-3/4 in. 29-1/4 in. 9 in. (782 mm) (744 mm) (229 mm) 83-100018-001 IND-70 Open-Front UL/ULC ABC 68 lb. 30-1/4 in. 28-1/2 in. 12-1/4 in. Spray Booth (768 mm) (724 mm) (312.4 mm) 486570 IND-25 Total-Flood UL/ULC, FM BC 25 lb. 17-1/2 in. 16-1/8 in. 9 in. Open-Front (447 mm) (409 mm) (229 mm) Spray Booth 486571 IND-50 Total-Flood UL/ULC, FM BC 50 lb. 30-3/4 in. 29-1/4 in. 9 in. (782 mm) (744 mm) (229 mm) Open-Front UL/ULC Spray Booth Local- UL/ULC Application 83-100019-001 IND-75 Open-Front UL/ULC BC 75 lb. 30-1/4 in. 28-1/2 in. 12-1/4 in. Spray Booth (768 mm) (724 mm) (312.4 mm) P/N 220423 2-3 January 2007 Components 2-2.1.1 WALL MOUNTING BRACKET, PINS 486487, 486488, OR 87-100009-001 Mounting brackets are used for mounting all Cylinder and Valve Assembly. A cylinder strap is used to secure the cylinder to the bracket. The bracket is mounted to the wall using three (3) 3/8-inch diameter bolts or screws of suitable length and type. See Figure 2-2 and Table 2-2 for dimensions and load information. CYLINDER STRAI I Figure 2-2. Wall Mounting Bracket Table 2-2. Wall Mounting Bracket Specifications Wall Mounting Model ___________ Dimensions Recommended Wall A B c Bracket P/N Support Load 486487 IND-21 13-1/8 in. 9-3/4 in. 6-3/4 in. 65 lb. IND-25 (333 mm) (248 mm) (171 mm) (30 kg) 486488 IND-45 19-5/8 in. 9-3/4 in. 6-3/4 in. 130 lb. IND-50 (498 mm) (248 mm) (171 mm) (59 kg) 871000090011 IND-70 21 in. 13-1/4 in. 10-1/4 in. 225 lb. IND-75 (533 mm) (337 mm) (257 mm) (102 kg) 871000100011,2 IND-70 - - - - IND-75 1 UL Listed Only 2 Bracket P/N 87-100010-001 is a floor mounting kit for the Model IND-70 or IND-75, and requires P/N 87-100009-001. See Paragraph 2- January 2007 2-4 P/N 220423 Components 2- Floor Mount Bracket Kit, P/N 87-100010-001 A Floor Mount Bracket Kit is used for mounting the IND-70 or IND-75 cylinder to the floor. The Floor Mount Bracket Kit requires Wall Mounting Bracket P/N 87-100009-001. Use 3/8-inch diameter bolts (with nuts) of suitable length and type to attach to the Wall Mounting Bracket. See Figure 2-3. 3/8 in. DIAMETER BOLTS TO ATTACH TO WALL MOUNTING BRACKET I in. DIAMETER )LTS TO ATTACH WALL MOUNTING ACKET Figure 2-3. Floor Mount Bracket Kit Table 2-3. Floor Mounting Kit Specifications Dimension A Dimension B Dimension C 3 in. (76 mm) 9-5/8 in. (245 mm) 6-9/16 in. (168 mm) P/N 220423 2-5 January 2007 Components 2-2.1.2 DISCHARGE ADAPTER KIT, P/N 844908 The Discharge Adapter provides a means to connect discharge pipe to any Kidde IND Dry Chemical Cylinder and Valve Assembly. The Discharge Adapter Kit consists of a 3/4-inch NPT adapter and a steel flange plate (see Figure 2-4). Note: The nuts and bolts used to secure the Anti-Recoil Plate to the discharge valve should be retained and used for mounting the Discharge Adapter to the valve outlet. The Discharge Adapter can also be used as a recharge adapter to pressurize the cylinder with nitrogen after filling with dry chemical. 3/4 in. NPT LMi ADAPTER Figure 2-4. Discharge Adapter Kit, P/N 844908 January 2007 2-6 P/N 220423 Components 2-2.2 Discharge Nozzles 2-2.2.1 LOCAL-APPLICATION NOZZLES There are two types of nozzles used for local-application systems; overhead and tankside. Overhead nozzles are designed to discharge a solid cone of dry chemical down onto a protected area from a fixed location above the protected area. There are two different overhead nozzles; low-overhead and high-overhead. The low-overhead nozzle, shown in Figure 2-5, uses a screen at the nozzle outlet to reduce the velocity of the Dry Chemical discharge. This allows the nozzle to be positioned within six to eight feet from the surface of a flammable liquid. 112 in. (13 mm) NPT Figure 2-5. Low-Overhead Nozzle, P/N 844258 The high-overhead nozzle, shown in Figure 2-6, can be used at greater heights above the surface of the flammable liquid. 1/2 in. (13 mm) NPT Figure 2-6. High-Overhead (or Screening) Nozzle, P/N 259270 P/N 220423 2-7 January 2007 Comonents 2-2.2.2 TANKSIDE NOZZLE, P/N 259072 The tankside nozzle, shown in Figure 2-7, is designed to discharge a flat, semicircular blanket of Dry Chemical over the surface of a flammable liquid. 2 in. 4 (51 mm) ' 3/4 in. -14(19 mm) NPT BLOW-OFF CAP (PIN 06-235348-001) Figure 2-7. Tankside Nozzle, P/N 259072 January 2007 2-8 P/N 220423 Components 2-2.2.3 TOTAL-FLOODING NOZZLE, P/N 83-100005-001 The Total-Flooding (TF) Nozzle, shown in Figure 2-8, is designed to discharge dry chemical throughout an enclosed area. The TF Nozzle is used for non-spray type applications as well as enclosed and open-face applications. Each TF Nozzle is factory-equipped with a blow-off cap (P/N 06-250099-067) to protect the nozzle orifices from clogging and physical damage. 3!4in.-14 (19 mm) NI — BLOW-OFF CAP / (PIN 06-250099-067) Figure 2-8. Total-Flooding Nozzle, P/N 83-100005-001 P/N 220423 2-9 January 2007 Components 2-2.2.4 DUCT/PLENUM (DP) NOZZLE, P/N 83-100006-001 The Duct/Plenum (DP) Nozzle, shown in Figure 2-9, is designed to discharge dry chemical throughout an exhaust duct or plenum. Each DP Nozzle is factory-equipped with a blow-off cap (P/N 264742) to protect the nozzle orifices from clogging and physical damage. 2-7/8 In. 1/2 in. -14 (13 mm) NF (P/N 264742) Figure 2-9. Duct/Plenum (DP) Nozzle, P/N 83-100006-001 January 2007 2-10 P/N 220423 Components 2-2.2.5 MAIN/RESERVE SYSTEM COMPONENT 2- Two-Way Check Tee, P/N 896516 The two-way check tee, shown in Figure 2-10, is used for main and reserve cylinders that share a common piping system.. The check tee prevents loss of dry chemical upon discharge when one of the cylinders is removed for refilling, maintenance, or repair. r. (25 mm) NPT (PICAL) Figure 2-10. Two-Way Check Tee, P/N 896516 P/N 220423 2-11 January 2007 1+- 3-3/4 in. (95 mm) 9-7/16 in. (240 mm) 4 8-3/16 in. (208 mm) Components 2-3 CONTROLS -3.1 XV1M Control System, P/N 87-120099-001 The XV Control System, P/N 87-120099-001, is used for actuating the Kidde IND Cylinder and Valve Assembly. The XV Control System can be attached to the System Valve Actuator, P/N 87-120042-001 for direct cylinder mounting, or to a wall for remote mounting. Knockouts are provided to accommodate either type of mounting. The controller can be operated with: Automatic mechanical detection (fusible-links and thermo-bulb links), Automatic electrical operation, and Remote and local manual operation. Figure 2-11. XV Control System January 2007 2-12 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.1.1 SYSTEM NITROGEN CARTRIDGE, P/N 87-120043-001 The XV Control System uses a nitrogen cartridge for actuating the IND dry chemical cylinders and is charged with dry nitrogen (see Figure 2-12). The System Nitrogen Cartridge is mounted inside the XV Control System to protect it from tampering and provides the date of manufacturing and space (gray band) for recording of the installation date. 1-9/16 in. (40 mm) (130 mm) 5-1/8 in. .1•• -. . .- . -...........- . GRAY BAND Figure 2-12. System Nitrogen Cartridge, P/N 87-120043-001 2-3.1.2 TEST CARTRIDGE, P/N 87-120044-001 The Test Cartridge is used for testing of the Kidde IND Dry Chemical System. The Test Cartridge has a red band around it with a label "TEST CARTRIDGE" as shown in Figure 2-13. Note: The System Nitrogen Cartridge P/N 87-120043-001 is required for actuation and full discharge or "puff" tests. The Test Cartridge (P/N 87-120044-001) must be removed and the System Nitrogen Cartridge (P/N 87-120043-001) must be installed at the completion of CAUTION any work done on the system. Failure to do so will result in malfunction of the system. 4 (102 mm) I in. TEST (Pth (25 mm Figure 2-13. Test Cartridge, P/N 87-120044-001 P/N 220423 2-13 . January 2007 IRl .1]fl [.Jfl Components 2-3.1.3 SYSTEM VALVE ACTUATOR (SVA), P/N 87-120042-001 A System Valve Actuator (SVA) is mounted to every dry chemical cylinder valve assembly located on the system (see Figure 2-14). The SVA has ports for low profile tubing runs, and is also equipped with a spring loaded plunger that locks the piston in the discharged position, ensuring complete discharge of.the cylinder(s) contents. 5I16-18 UNC LE(TYP) 1/8 In. -- NPT PORT p 118 in. NPT PLUG ! -- - (IF APPLICABLE) - SPRING LOADED PISTON IN ACTUATED I PLUNGER POSITION (TOWARDS ._.J CYLINDER VALVE) Figure 2-14. System Valve Actuator (SVA), P/N 87-120042-001 January 2007 2-14 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.1.4 HIGH-PRESSURE NITROGEN TUBING, P/N 87-120045-001 The braided High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing, is required on all installations in A which the XV Control System is mounted to a dry chemical cylinder. Use of WARNING another hose in such an installation could result in serious personal injury and/or malfunction of the system. The High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing is used to connect the XV Control System to the SVA (see Figure 2-15). A 1/8-inch NPT (male) x 3/8-24 JIC Adapter is included with the High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing. 1/8 in. NPT \çREAD 1/2 in. HEX, 1/4 in. 37 DEGREE FLARE, SWIVEL 4 A 00. (END TO SEAT) 1/8 in. NPT (MALE) x 3/8-24 - JIC ADAPTER Figure 2-15. External Tubing for XV Control System P/N 220423 2-15 January 2007 * Components 2-3.1.5 SOLENOID, P/N 83-100034-001 Note: Where electric detection and/or actuation is provided, supervision shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 72. Alarms and indicators, along with a supervised power source, shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code. Electrical wiring and equipment shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electric Code. All installations are subject to the approval of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). An optional Solenoid can be installed into the XV Control System, just under the actuation latch. The Solenoid operates directly on the actuation latch to activate the system. This installation allows simultaneous usage of mechanical detection lines, or the lines can be locked Out. The Solenoid includes two mounting bolts, the bracket and a push plate which mounts onto the Solenoid body (see Figure 2-16). The Solenoid coil is 24 Vdc while the current drain is 1.5 Amp at 24 Vdc and at 70°F (210C). Note: When actuating the XV Control System with an optional Solenoid, a UL Tested and Listed fire control panel with a proper back-up power supply is required. For example: - Scorpio - Aries PUSH PLATE (DO NOT REMOVE) SOLENOID BODY ALLEN SCREWS (2) TING BRACKET T REMOVE) RICAL LEADS 610 mm) Figure 2-16. Solenoid, P/N 83-100034-001 January 2007 2-16 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.1.6 MICROSWITCH KIT, P/N 87-120039-001 The Microswitch Kit is a single pole, double-throw switch (see Figure 2-17 and Table 2-4). Included in the kit is the microswitch, pigtail assembly and four mounting screws (two short and two long). The wire leads are 24-inches (610 mm) in length. Four Microswitch Kits can be mounted in the XV Control System. There are two mounting locations to accommodate the four Microswitch kits (two stacked at each mounting location), with EMT ports for each mounting location. This allows for the use of two electrical junction boxes for separation of signal lines and AC lines. See Figure 2-18 for the microswitch wiring diagram. ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR / MICROSWITCH - - Figure 2-17. Microswitch Kit, P/N 87-120039-001 Table 2-4. Electrical Ratings 125/250 Vac 20-1/2 Amps 250 Vac 1-1/2 HP 125 Vac 1/2 HP RED I OPEN BLACK CLOSED LWHITE COMMON SWITCH POSITION WHEN UCH CAMIFLAG ASSEMBLY IS IN SEV (ARMED) POSITION RED CLOSED SLACK OPEN LWHITE COMMON SWITCH POSITION WHEN UCH CAMIFLAG IS IN RELEASED POSITION Figure 2-18. Microswitch Wiring Diagram for the XV Control System P/N 220423 2-17 January 2007 Components 2-3.1.7 TERMINAL TYPE MICROSWITCH KIT, P/N 87-120047-001 The Microswitch Kit is a single pole, double-throw switch (see Figure 2-19). Note: Use the Terminal Type Microswitch when using the XV Control System for alarm and release functions. Four Microswitch Kits can be mounted in the XV Control System. There are two mounting locations to accommodate the four Microswitch kits (two stacked at each mounting location), with EMT ports for each mounting location. This allows for the use of two electrical junction boxes for separation of signal lines and AC lines. FLAG ENGAGED BY XV MICROSWITCH SHIELD T2 -' r 4 \- T1 Figure 2-19. Terminal Type Microswitch, P/N 87-120047-001 Table 2-5. Electrical Ratings 250 Vac 15 Amps 250 Vac 1/2 HP 125 Vac 1/2 HP January 2007 2-18 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.1.8 AUTOMATIC DETECTORS AND ACCESSORIES 2- Detector Housing Kit, P/N 804548 The Detector Housing Kit, shown in Figure 2-20 and Table 2-6, consist of the following: Table 2-6. Detector Housing Kit, P/N 804548 Item Quantity 7-9/16 in. (192 mm) Detector Housing 1 1/2-inch EMT 2 Crimp Sleeves 4 "S" Hooks 1 These items are used to attach the detectors to the 1/16-inch cable leading to the XV Control System. The Detector Housing can be configured as an End-of-Line or In-Line bracket. EXAMPLE OF IN-LINE DETECTOR HOUSING KIT 112 in EMT CONNECTOR AND LOCKNUT 1/2 In. EMT "S" HOOKS PIPE (NOT SUPPLIED) "5" HOOKS LOCKNUT 1/16 in. CABLE TO XV CONTROL SYSTEM (NOT SUPPLIED) \1/16 In. CABLE TO XV CONTROL CRIMP (NOT SUPPLIED) SYSTEM EXAMPLE OF END-OF-LINE I SLEEVE DETECTOR HOUSING KIT DETECTOR (NOT SUPPLIED) DETECTOR (NOT SUPPLIED) Figure 2-20. Detector Housing Kit, P/N 804548 P/N 220423 2-19 January 2007 Components 2- Universal-Link Housing Kit, P/N 87-120064-001 The Universal-Link Housing Kit, shown in Figure 2-21, and consists of the following: Table 2-7. Detector Housing Kit, P/N 87-120064-001 Item Quantity 11-1/2 in. (292 mm) Detector Housing 1 Crimp Sleeves 2 "S" Hooks 2 The items above are used to attach the Fusible-Link or Thermo-Bulb Links to the 1/16-inch cable leading to the XV Control System. The Universal-Link Housing can be configured as an End-of-Line or In-Line bracket. 1/16 in. CABLE TO CONTROL SYSTEM (NOT SUPPLIED) "S" HOOKS CRIMP SLEEVE THERMO-BULB LINK I LOCKNUT OR FUSIBLE-LINK - .,. (NOT SUPPLIED) (NOT SUPPLIED) \j - \ THERMO-BULB LINK . \ OR FUSIBLE-LINK CRIMP \ (NOT SUPPLIED) SLEEVE 1/2 in EMT EXAMPLE OF END-OF-LINE CONNECTOR \ EXAMPLE OF IN-LINE UNIVERSAL HOUSING KIT "S' HOOK (NOT SUPPLIED) UNIVERSAL HOUSING KIT Figure 2-21. Universal-Link Housing Kit, P/N 87-120064-001 January 2007 2-20 P/N 220423 Components 2- Thermo-Bulb Links, P/N 87-12009X-XXX UL Listed and FM Approved Thermo-Bulb Links, shown in Figure 2-22, are used in conjunction with Universal-Link Housing Kits (P/N 87-120064-001) and/or Detector Housing Kits (P/N 804548). The links are held together with a liquid-filled glass tube (Thermo-Bulb), which bursts at a predetermined temperature, allowing the two halves of the link to separate. The types of Thermo-Bulb links are: Rapid Response Standard Response These Thermo-Bulb links are available in various temperature ratings with a minimum/maximum load rating of 0 lb./50 lb. (0 kg/23kg). THERMO-BU RMO-BULB CI: Figure 2-22. Thermo-Bulb Link, P/N 87-12009X-XXX P/N 220423 2-21 January 2007 Components 2- Fusible-Links (Model KML), P/Ns 282661, 282662, 282664 and 282666 UL Listed and FM Approved Fusible-Links, shown in Figure 2-23, are used in conjunction with the Fusible-Link Housing Kit, The Fusible-Links are held together with a low melting alloy that melts at a predetermined temperature, allowing the two halves of the link to separate. Figure 2-23. Fusible-Link, P/N 28266X Fusible-Links are available in various temperature ratings with a minimum/maximum load rating of 10 lb./40 lb. (5 kg/18 kg) (see Table 2-8). Table 2-8. Fusible-Link Temperature Ratings Fusible-Link Rating Maximum Exposure Temperature Part Number 165°F (74°C) 100°F (38°C) 282661 212°F (100°C) 150°F (65°C) 282662 360°F (182°C) 300°F (149°C) 282664 500°F (260°C) 440°F (226°C) 282666 There are two temperature designations which apply to Fusible-Links (refer to Table 2-8). One temperature is called the rating temperature, and the other is called the maximum exposure temperature. The rating temperature, which is stamped on the Fusible-Link, is the temperature at which the link will separate when new. However, continual exposure to cycling ambient temperatures may cause a degradation of the link over time. 2- Fusible-Link (Model KFA), P/N 87-120060-001 Fusible-Links are available with a minimum/maximum load rating of 5 lb. - 45 lb. (2.3 Kg - 20.4 Kg). See Table 2-9. Table 2-9. Fusible-Link (Model KFA) Temperature Ratings Fusible-Link Rating Maximum Exposure Temperature Part Number 360°F (182°C) 440°F (227°C) 87-120060-001 Figure 2-24. Fusible-Link, P/N 87-120060-001 January 2007 2-22 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.1.9 REMOTE MANUAL RELEASE,.P/N 875572 The Remote Manual Release, shown in Figure 2-25, is provided as a means of manually actuating the system from a remote location. The Remote Manual Release is attached to the XV Control System with 1/16-inch control cable. To actuate the system at the Remote Manual Release, pull out the safety pin and pull hard on the handle. Each Remote Manual Release is supplied with a separate nameplate. This nameplate must be attached to the mounting surface 1-inch above or below the Remote Manual Release. 71, 3-5/8 in. (92.2 mm) z1.. - / 1.1/2 in. (38 mm) Figure 2-25. Remote Manual Release, P/N 875572 P/N 220423 2-23 January 2007 Components 2-3.1.10 REMOTE MANUAL RELEASE PULL STATION, P/N 87-120110-001 The Remote Manual Release Pull Station, shown in Figure 2-26, is provided as a means of manually actuating the system from a remote location. The Remote Manual Release is attached to the XV Control System or the KRS-50 Control Box, with 1/16-inch control cable. The Remote Manual Release Pull Station is available for use in both the "un-tensioned" Pull-to-Trip and "tensioned" Release-to-Trip lines. To actuate the system at the Remote Manual Release Pull Station, pull out the safety pin and pull hard on the handle. In the Pull-to-Trip mode (XVONLY), tension will be applied to the cable, allowing the XV Control System to activate the Cylinder and Valve Assembly. In the Release-to-Trip mode, removing the safety pin will release tension from the cable, allowing the XV Control System or KRS-50 Control Box to activate the Cylinder and Valve Assembly. The Remote Manual Release Pull Station may be mounted in a recess or surface mount configuration. The assembly is packaged with all necessary components needed to install in either configuration. Mounting hardware is not included. Each Remote Manual Release Pull Station is supplied with a choice of labels. The proper label must be attached to the faceplate so as to be easily read after installation. Applying the label after installation allows for vertical or horizontal mounting of the Remote Manual Release Pull Station. I 4-7(8 in. (125 mm) 1 3-9/16 in. (91 mm) 2-1/16 in. (52 mm) Figure 2-26. Remote Manual Release Pull Station, P/N 87-120110-001 January 2007 2-24 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.1.11 CORNER PULLEY, P/N 844648 The Corner Pulley is used to change the direction of the control cable runs. The cable's protective conduit (1/2-inch EMT) is attached to the Corner Pulleys with the coupling nuts provided. The Corner Pulley is equipped with a ball-bearing pulley for minimum resistance to the cable travel. 3m. (76.2 mm) (76.2 mm) Figure 2-27. Corner Pulley, P/N 844648 P/N 220423 2-25 January 2007 Components 2-3.1.12 TEE PULLEY, P/N 843791 The Tee Pulley is required when more than one Remote Manual Release (P/N 875572) or 2 Gas Valves are used in the same system. TO REMOTE MANUAL RELEASEN. 4-5/16 in. (110.2 mm) TO REMOTE MANUAL RELEASE T 4-1/2 in. (114 mm) SINGLE OUTLET END Figure 2-28. Tee Pulley, P/N 843791 January 2007 2-26 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.2 Auxiliary Items 2-3.2.1 DETECTAFIRE®, MODEL 27121-0 DETECT-A-FIRE Heat Detectors are equipped with self-restoring, normally-open contacts which close when a predetermined temperature is reached. DETECT-A-FIRE Heat Detectors are designed with rate compensation. DETECT-A-FIRE Heat Detectors are available with different set points (see Table 2-10). Note: The last digit of the part number identifies the temperature setting. ELECTRICAL LEADS SHELL Figure 2-29. DETECT-A-FIRE Heat Detector, Model 27121-0 Table 2-10. DETECT-A-FIRE (Model 27121-0) Heat Detector Set Points Part Number Set Point Tolerance Maximum Exposure Temperature 12-E27121-000-02 140°F (60°C) +70F/-80F 80°F (27°C) 12-E27121-000-03 160°F (60°C) +70F/-80F 100° F (38°C) 12-E27121-000-04 190°F (88°C) +70F/-80F 100°F (38°C) 12-E27121-000-05 225°F (107°C) +70F/-80F 125°F (52°C) 12-F27121-000-06 325°F (163°C) ±10°F 225°F (107°C) 12-G27121-000-07 450°F (232°C) ±15°F 350°F (177°C) 12-H27121-000-08 600°F (316°C) ±20°F 500°F (260°C) 12-F27121-000-10 270°F (316°C) ±10°F 175°F (79°C) 12-F27121-000-07 360°F (3 16°C) ±100F 260°F (127°C) 12-H27121-000-07 725°F (316°C) ±25°F 625°F (329°C) 12-G27121-000-08 500°F (316°C) ±15°F 400°F (204°C) 12-E27121-000-06 210°F (316°C) +70F/-80F 110°F (43°C) P/N 220423 2-27 January 2007 Components 2-3.2.2 PRESSURE OPERATED SWITCH, P/N 486536 Pressure Operated Switches can connected to the nitrogen actuation lines of the XV Control System (maximum of two) and/or to the agent distribution piping. The Pressure Operated Switches can be operated manually be pulling up on the stem. Pressure Operated Switches are used to: enunciate alarms, shut down ventilation and/or other electrical equipment. Each Pressure Operated Switch, (three pole, single-throw switch), must be manually reset, by pushing down on the stem to return the switch to the set position. Table 2-11. Pressure Operated Switch Electrical Ratings 125 Vac 15 Amp 250 Vac 10 Amp 125-480 Vac 3/4 HP 1-2-3 Phase (4)1/4 in. (6 mm) (OPERATED \MOUNTING HOLES 0. .-__\o 1 °01 WIRING SCREW 41n. TERMINALS 0 I oji 4In. _..._._ (102 mm) FRONT VIEW COVER REMOVED SWITCI COVER STEM SHOWN IN SET POSITION- PULL UP ON STEM TO MANUALLY OPERATE SWITCH _i - 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) OPERAtED SWtTC 8) COVER SCREWS .O T. PUSH STEM TO SET POSITION L J ISAMP125VAC 5J IO AMP 25OVAC 3/4 HP 1-2-3 PH 125-480 VAC 1/2 In. (13 mm) FRONT VIEW SUPPLY PIPE WITH UNION BOX (3) 1/2 In. (13 mm) CONDUIT KNOCKOUTS EACH SIDE 113 mm) NPT FEMALE- CONNECT TO SYSTEM PIPING SIDE SECTION Figure 2-30. Pressure Operated Switch, P/N 486536 January 2007 2-28 P/N 220423 1 Components 2-3.2.3 PRESSURE OPERATED RELEASE, P/N 874290 The Pressure Operated Release, shown in Figure 2-31, can be used to isolate the protected spaces upon system discharge. Pressure Operated Release can be used to release dry chemical gas valves, operate self-closing units for doors, windows, dampers, etc. When a system discharges, pressure on the piston within the Pressure Operated Release causes the piston to move, thereby retracting a normally protruding pin. Table 2-12. Pressure Operated Release Load Rating Maximum Load Minimum Pressure 100 lb. (45 Kg) 75 PSIG (5.17 bar) BRACKET WITH 3/8 In. (10 mm) DIA. MOUNTING HOLE GUARD STEM RING BODY 1-5/8 In. (41 mm) Figure 2-31. Pressure Operated Release, P/N 874290 P/N 220423 2-29 January 2007 Components 2-3.2.4 MECHANICAL GAS VALVE, P/N 87-100001-XXX A Mechanical Gas Valve is required on systems used to protect gas-fueled appliances. Upon system actuation, the control stem closes, stopping the gas flow to the appliance(s). Note: Only Mechanical Gas Valves that are specifically UL listed and identified by part number in this manual may be used with the KIDDE system. INLET OL STEM OUTLET Figure 2-32. Mechanical Gas Valve Table 2-13. Mechanical Gas Valve Sizes Pipe Size Part Number 3/4 in. (19 mm) 87-100001-001 1 in. (25.4 mm) 87-100001-002 1-1/4 in. (32 mm) 87-100001-003 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) 87-100001-004 2 in. (51 mm) 87-100001-005 2-1/2 in. (64 mm) 87-100001-006 3 in. (76 mm) 87-100001-007 January 2007 2-30 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.2.5 ELECTRIC GAS VALVE Electric Gas Valve (Figure 2-33) operates on (120V, 60 Hz) which powers an electric solenoid holding the valve open. This valve is controlled bya pressure switch or microswitch and the Manual Reset Relay Box (P/N 60-9101735-000). Upon system actuation, the valve is closed, stopping the gas flow to the appliance(s). A loss of electrical power will also cause the Electric Gas Valve to close. See Table 2-14 for a list of the electric gas valve sizes. All Electric Gas Valves must be installed horizontally with the solenoid up. Note: The electric gas valve and the Manual Reset Relay must be specifically UL listed for use with the KIDDE system. SOLENOID Figure 2-33. Electric Gas Valve Table 2-14. Electric Gas Valve Sizes Size Part Number 1/2 in. (13 mm) 60-9197017-000 3/4 in. (19 mm) 60-9197018-000 1 in. (25 mm) 60-9197019-000 1-1/4 in. (32 mm) 60-9197020-000 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) 60-9197021-000 2 in. (51 mm) 60-9197022-000 2-1/2 in. (64 mm) 60-9197444-000 3 in. (76 mm) 60-9197445-000 P/N 220423 2-31 January 2007 Components 2-3.2.6 MANUAL RESET RELAY FOR ELECTRIC GAS VALVE, P/N 60-9101735-000 The manual reset relay box (Figure 2-34) provides DPDT contacts rated for 6 amps at 115 Vac and prevents immediate reopening of the Electric Gas Valve to eliminate accidental escape of gas through open hand-.operated gas valves and unlit pilots after a power failure. Note: The Electric Gas Valve and the Manual Reset Relay must be specifically UL listed for use with the KIDDE system. RESET BUTTON ON TOP OF BOX CAUTION GAS BURNERS MUST BE IN OFF POSITION BEFORE RESETTING RELAY TURN OFF POWER SOURCE BEFORE REMOVING THIS COVER MANUAL RESET RELAY TYPE RB-2 0 I 6 AMP, 1I5VAC -PILOT DUTY 125VA I I 0 Figure 2-34. Manual Reset Relay Box P/N 60-9101735-000 January 2007 2-32 P/N 220423 Components 2-3.2.7 MAIN-TO-RESERVE TRANSFER SWITCH, P/N 802398 The main-to-reserve transfer switch is installed on electrically activated systems using connected reserve cylinders. The switch is normally placed in the "main" position, but, in the event of a main extinguishing system discharge, the switch is placed in the "reserve" position to provide uninterrupted fire protection while the main system is being recharged. Never place the main-to-reserve transfer switch in the "RESERVE" position A following a main-extinguishing-system actuation unless the actuating detector or manual station has reset or been reset and the system control unit (if used) CAUTION has been cleared of all alarm conditions. This will avoid inadvertent discharge of agent. 3/4 In. NPT FEMALE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTION NAMEPLATE WITH LOGO CONDULET BOX-[ .. . MAIN..,: TOGGLE .. * GUARD COVER . SCREWS . . . i.RES \j .• L 2-3/4 in. (64 mm) Figure 2-35. Main-to-Reserve Transfer Switch, P/N 802398 P/N 220423 2-33 January 2007 Components 2-3.2.8 EMT AND 0-RING CONNECTOR KIT, P/N 87-120058-001 If using more than the three EMT connectors supplied with the XV Control System, you must use EMT Connector and 0-Ring Connector Kit. Figure 2-36. EMT and 0-Ring Connector Kit 2-3.2.9 1/16-inch CONTROL CABLE, P/N 219649 The Control Cable used in the system is stainless-steel, 1/16-inch O.D., 7x7 stranded cable. The control cable runs from the various system devices, through 1/2-inch EMT conduit, to the XV Control System. Table 2-15. 1/16-inch Control Cable Part Number Description 219649 1/16, 7x7 Cable, Stainless Steel, Reel of 500 ft. (152 m) 2-3.2.10 CRIMP SLEEVE, P/N 214951 In order to ensure that a crimp sleeve is secure, the cable must always be looped so that there are two lengths of cable inside the Crimp Sleeve before crimping. Cable must not be spliced anywhere along its length. 0~ Figure 2-37. Crimp Sleeve Table 2-16. Crimp Sleeve Part Number Description 214951 Cable Crimp Sleeve (order in package of 50 only) 60-9197288-000 Cable Crimp Sleeve (package of 50 of 214951) January 2007 2-34 P/N 220423 In Components 2-3.2.11 "S'1 HOOKS, P/N 60-9189413-000 "S" hook (P/N 60-9187287-000) is used to attach the Fusible-Link to the 1/16-in, cable leading to the XV Control System. Figure 2-38. "5" Hook Table 2-17. "S" Hook Part Number Description 60-9189413-000 "S" Hook (order in package of 50 only) 60-9187287-000 "S" Hook (package of 50 of 60-9189413-000) 2-3.2.12 CRIMPING TOOL, P/N 253538 The Crimping Tool (P/N 253538), shown in Figure 2-39, is used in conjunction with Crimp Sleeves. Wherever the system 1/16-inch Control Cable must be looped or terminated, the Crimp Sleeves and Crimping Tool must be used. Note: Splicing of the 1/16-inch Control Cable is not permitted. Other Crimping Tools are not authorized. Figure 2-39. Crimping Tool, P/N 253538 2-3.2.13 SYSTEM RECHARGE For recharge purposes, select the Dry Chemical powder (see Table 2-18) that fits your application. These powders are available in 50-pound pails. - Table 2-18. Dry Chemical Powder Part Number Dry Chemical 804904 Regular BC Dry Chemical powder (sodium bicarbonate base) 806411 Multi-purpose ABC Dry Chemical powder (monoammonium phosphate base) P/N 220423 2-35 January 2007 Components THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. January 2007 2-36 P/N 220423 System Design CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DESIGN 3-1 INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces the designer and installer to the design process. It outlines the process, introduces the parameters imposed on design by system hardware, as well as those mandated by performance considerations. As the designer becomes familiar with this material, they should remember that analysis and design is a careful, step-by-step process. All steps must be followed, none can be omitted, and all unique aspects of a given application must be taken into account if the resulting fire- suppression system is to deliver the desired results. Systems shall be designed and implemented according to the following: NFPA Standard 17, "Standard for Dry Chemical Systems", NFPA Standard 33, "Standard for Spray Applications Using Flammable or Combustible Material", Other applicable NFPA standards as required for a particular application and design, including, but not limited to; NFPA 70 (NEC) and NFPA 72, Fire Alarm Standard. This Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual. Any other standards enforced by a local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Configurations in this chapter are tested and listed to Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Standard 1254, and FM Approved. Open-Face Spray Booth configurations (Section 3-4.2) are tested and listed to UL Standard 1254. 3-2 APPLICATION TYPES There are relatively few generic types of Dry Chemical fire suppression system applications. They vary from each other in terms of the nature, NFPA Class designation, and physical layout of the hazard, the flammable materials involved, whether or not the area to be protected is enclosed, whether there are associated ducts, plenums, and/or forced ventilation systems, whether there is auxiliary equipment which must be controlled as part of any fire-suppression action, and in other ways. The main application types are: Total-Flooding Systems Open-Face Spray-Booth Systems Local-Application Systems Combination Systems P/N 220423 3-1 January 2007 System Design 3-2.1 Total-Flooding Systems Total-Flood refers to a volumetric area that is completely enclosed. In total-flooding, a predetermined amount of dry chemical is discharged through fixed piping and nozzles into an enclosed space or enclosure around the hazard. Total-flooding is applicable only when the hazard is totally enclosed or when all openings surrounding a hazard can be closed automatically when the system is discharged. Total-flooding can be used only where no re-ignition is anticipated. System is listed up to 5% of the hazard having uncloseable openings. See Section 3-4.1 for total-flood design parameters. Note: Dry Chemical Systems do not inert the atmosphere of a total-flood application. They are affective during discharge. 3-2.2 Local-Application Systems (For Indoor Use Only) Local-Application refers to areas that are not enclosed. In a local-application system, the nozzles are arranged to discharge directly into the fire. Local- application is practical in those situations where the hazard can be isolated from other hazards so that fire will not spread beyond the area protected, and where the entire hazard can be protected. The principal use of local-application systems is to protect open tanks of flammable liquids. Local-application is ineffective unless extinguishment can be immediate and there are no re-ignition sources. See Section 3-4.3 for local-application design parameters. 1-2.3 Open-Face Spray Booth Systems UL considers the Industrial Open-Front Spray Paint Booth a total-flood type of application, but enforces a specific test standard for that application. The design parameters included in "Open- Face Spray Booths (Only UL Listed)" on page 11 were arrived at by testing to this standard. An Open-Front Spray Paint Booth has no doors on the front of the booth. During painting operations, the front remains open. A properly designed ventilation system will prevent overspray from escaping out of the booth. The UL 1254 standard requires that the open-front be "screened" while the work area is being flooded. In addition, all parts of the ventilation system (plenum and duct) are also protected. Both ABC and BC dry chemicals are permitted in the work area and plenum of an Open-Front Spray Paint Booth. Only BC dry chemical is used in the duct. See Paragraph 3-4 and Paragraph 3-5 for complete design parameters. Note: Dry chemical systems for vehicle spray booths are covered in a separate manual, P/N 83-100036-001. January 2007 3-2 P/N 220423 System Design 3-2.4 Combination Systems Some applications combine features of total-flooding and local-application. For example, an oil- quenching system with an associated conveyor belt might require both forms of coverage in order to control combustion at the surface of the quenching bath (local- application), and along the length of the conveyor system (total-flooding). In the case of spray booths which vary widely in design, attention must be paid both to the requirements of the booth itself, as well as to associated ductwork or plenums. Sometimes the requirements of the booth may differ from the needs of the associated Duct/Plenum(s), and the analysis-design process must take this into account. Each segment of the combination system uses separate system cylinders, nozzles and distribution piping. 3-3 DESIGN PROCEDURE 3-3.1 General Design Procedure Analysis and design should be approached as a methodical process, and performed step by step. Only when all the steps are followed is the resulting system likely to perform as desired. If any step is omitted, it is probable that the system will not function as well as it should. The steps in the analysis and design process are: Hazard analysis Suppression-system selection Nozzle selection, number and location Tankage, (Number, size, and location of cylinders) Detector selection Piping layout Auxiliary requirements 3-3.1.1 HAZARD ANALYSIS Determine the NFPA Class and severity of the hazard. Analysis also includes: Determining the physical layout of the hazard, Manner and speed with which the fire might propagate, and the Likelihood of its spreading into adjacent areas. The classification of flammable liquids can be found in NFPA 30: "Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code." Flammable liquid characteristics can be obtained from sources of reference such as safety data sheets and NFPA 325M: "Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases, and Volatile Solids." The severity of the fire hazard generally relates to the possibility of explosive conditions created by the flammable materials within the confines of the protected area. This danger can usually be mitigated by safeguards such as: Adequate ventilation, Explosion-proof wiring and fixtures, and Product containerization. With dry chemicals, it is important to remember that there is no inerting of the CAUTION protected space following fire extinguishment. P/N 220423 3-3 January 2007 System Design 3-3.1.2 SUPPRESSION-SYSTEM SELECTION Determine whether total-flooding or local-application, or both are required. Total-flooding systems are used if there is an enclosure around the hazard. Local-application techniques are used in situations where the hazard is unenclosed, but isolated from other hazards and can be protected by a Dry Chemical discharge directed at it. 3-3.1.3 NOZZLE SELECTION AND LOCATION Select the number and type(s) of nozzle(s) needed and locate them so that the entire hazard is covered. Use the coverage/distribution specifications for each nozzle type to determine the number of discharge nozzles required to deliver the necessary quantity of dry chemical given nozzle placement appropriate to the hazard. The nozzle types are: Total- flooding nozzles High or low overhead nozzles for local-application Tankside nozzles for local-application Duct/Plenum (DIP) nozzles for use in the exhaust ducts and plenums 3-3.1.4 TANKAGE DETERMINATION (NUMBER, SIZE, AND LOCATION OF CYLINDER(S)) Determine the number of nozzles required, whether additional agent or nozzles may be needed, and select the tankage which will supply the needed amounts dry chemical. After determining the quantity and types of dry chemical needed to control the hazard itself, determine whether any special conditions necessitate additional dry chemical quantities and/or nozzles. For example, it may be necessary to adjust the agent discharge rate in order to offset the effects of ventilation, or it may be necessary to screen openings in an enclosure to prevent dry chemical leakage through those openings. Also, depending upon the criticality of the application and/or the potential for re-ignition, it may be necessary to provide a connected reserve supply of dry chemical. 3-3.1.5 DETECTOR SELECTION Detector selection will depend on the response speed required, the probable heat level and rate of spread of the fire. The detectors sense the heat energy released by the combustion of fuel and oxygen. Upon detection of a fire, the detection system sends a signal to the system control head(s) which initiates the dry chemical discharge. The most commonly used detectors are the: Fixed-temperature thermo-bulb or fusible link Fixed-temperature rate-compensated thermostat 3-3.1.6 PIPING LAYOUT - BALANCED PIPING Dry Chemical piping is balanced within ± 10% with the exception of open-front spray booths. Careful piping layout assures that the agent reaches the distribution nozzles appropriately, and that piping parameters are not exceeded. These parameters involve pipe lengths, the number of elbows, and other factors such as the allowable distances (equivalent/feet) from Cylinder and Valve Assembly. These parameters are discussed in detail in the design examples contained in the sections on application types. January 2007 3-4 P/N 220423 System Design 3- Equivalent Length (Only UL Listed) For the purposes of pressure drop calculations, it is convenient to replace a fitting with a section of straight pipeline. The length of the substituted piece of pipe is chosen so that the pressure drop across it equals the pressure loss through the fitting it replaced. In this sense, each type of fitting is equivalent to a certain length of straight pipeline, and each fitting is assigned an "equivalent length." Substitutions of this type allow each point in the distribution system to be described by two numbers - one number being the actual linear length of pipe to that point, and the second number being the total equivalent length of pipe to that point, taking fittings into account. The main supply line, the sub-supply lines. (four-nozzle cylinders), and the nozzle branch lines are each rated for a maximum pipe length and a maximum equivalent pipe length. Table 3-1. Equivalent Length of Pipe Fittings Fitting Type Pipe Size 3/4 inch 1 inch 900. Elbow 2.0 2.0 I Tee 4.0 I 5.0 3- Flow Division When the flow of a two-phase fluid changes in direction, such as at an elbow, the flow change can cause a separation of the nitrogen gas and the Dry Chemical powder. In order to ensure the proper flow division of dry chemical at each tee, certain minimum pipe lengths must be observed when approaching a tee following a change in flow direction. These minimum pipe lengths are shown in Figure 3-1. Note: These minimum pipe lengths also apply to local-application systems. 20 PIPE DIAMETERS MINIMUM LENGTH REQUIRED 20 PIPE DIAMETERS MINIMUM LENGTH REQUIRED MINIMUM LENGTHS 20 PIPE DIAMETERS fIPE$jE MIN-LGTH-ZOD lln. 20 in. 314 in. 151n. Figure 3-1. Distribution Systems Requiring Minimum Pipe Lengths P/N 220423 3-5 January 2007 System Design Figure 3-2. Distribution Systems Requiring No Minimum Pipe Length 3- 3-3.1.7 Material for Pipe and Fittings All piping must be Schedule 40, hot-dipped-galvanized steel pipe, and all fittings must be, at a minimum, standard weight (150-lb. class). Examples of acceptable fitting materials include hot-dipped-galvanized malleable iron, ductile iron, or steel. Couplings and unions may be used where necessary, and reducing bushings or reducing tees can be used for changes in pipe diameter. Note: Black steel pipe and fittings can be used in relatively noncorrosive atmospheres. AUXILIARY REQUIREMENTS Controls are required to turn off forced-draft ventilation systems, fuel (or combustible-liquid) pumps, conveyers, and so on. January 2007 3-6 P/N 220423 System Design 3-4 SYSTEM DESIGN: SUPPRESSION 3-4.1 Total-Flooding Systems Total-flooding systems are used when there is an enclosure around the protected equipment or material. Total-flooding systems are designed to fill the enclosure with a concentration of Dry Chemical sufficient to extinguish a fire in the combustibles involved. All ventilation must be shut-down at the time of agent discharge and, if possible, all openings must be closed. Discharge of the Dry Chemical is through fixed, mounted nozzles connected to one or more cylinders. Regular, BC (sodium-bicarbonate base) Dry Chemical is used to protect flammable or combustible liquid total-flooding hazards. Multi-purpose, ABC (monoammoni um- phosphate base) dry chemical is used for total-flooding applications involving ordinary combustibles (Class A) and flammable or combustible liquids. 3-4.1.1 COVERAGE The protected space is divided into modules. For applications with ceiling heights up to and including 12 feet, the maximum surface area coverage for each nozzle is 112.5 square feet subject to a longest side for rectangular areas not to exceed 15 feet. The maximum distance from the ceiling to the nozzle tip is 4.5 inches. The maximum area and volume coverages are shown in Figure 3-3 and in Table 3-2. Each nozzle should be centered in its protected volume segment. For applications with ceiling heights from 12 feet up to 20 feet, the maximum volume is 1350 cubic feet subject to a longest side for rectangular areas not to exceed 15 feet. Table 3-2. Total-Flooding Nozzle Coverage Maximum Coverage per Nozzle Hazard Height. (Feet) Longest Side (Feet) Area (Square Feet) Volume (Cubic Feet) 5 15 112.5 562.5 6 15 112.5 675 15 112.5 787.5 8 15 112.5 900 9 15 112.5 1012.5 10 15 112.5 1125 11 15 112.5 1237.5 -11 ki i5 i 9101". D. Ott 13 15 103.85 1350 14 15 96.4 1350 15 . 15 90 1350 16 15 84.4 1350 17 15 79.4 1350 18 15 75 1350 19 15 71 1350 20 15 67.5 1350 P/N 220423 3-7 January 2007 -414-112 ft. (1.4m) 20 ft. I (6m) 7- 16 ft. (4.9m) 5.5/8 ft. (1.7 m) System Design NOZZLE NOZZLE ( 7-1/2 12 ft. (3.7 (2.3 M) I7 - NOZZLE (1.5 m) b. 7-1/2 ft. nw- [./• (2.3m) 1— V 7-1/2 ft. Figure 3-3. Single Nozzle Total-Flooding Module 3- Uncloseable Openings Hazards with an uncloseable-opening area equal to 5% or less of the total enclosure surface area do not require any additional dry chemical. The Kidde dry chemical extinguishing system units have not been evaluated by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. with respect to the total-flood protection of hazards incorporating uncloseable openings exceeding 5% of the total hazard surface area. January 2007 3-8 P/N 220423 System Design '4 in. CYLINDER Figure 3-4. Piping Parameters, Total-Flooding Coverage, IND-25/IND-21 Table 3-3. Total-Flooding Piping Parameters (IND-25/IND-21) Item Maximum Limits Cylinder to Ti Ti to Nozzle Pipe Size Quantity Equiv. Length Pipe Size Quantity Equiv. Length Pipe 3/4 in. 75 ft. 75 ft. 3/4 in. 7 ft. 7 ft. 90 Ell 3/4 in. 7 14 ft. 3/4 in. 2 4 ft. Tee 3/4 in. 1 4 ft. 3/4 in. 0 - Total Maximum 93 ft. Total Maximum 11 ft. P/N 220423 3-9 January 2007 20 4 in. System Design CYLINDER Figure 3-5. Piping Parameters, Total-Flooding Coverage, IND-50/IND-45 Table 3-4. Total-Flooding Piping Parameters (IND-50/IND-45) Maximum Limits Cylinder to Ti Tito T2 to Item T2 Nozzle Pipe Qty Equiv. Pipe Qty Equiv. Pipe Qty Equiv. Size Length Size Length Size Length Pipe 1 in. 60 ft. 60 ft. 3/4 in. 15 ft. 15 ft. 3/4 in. 7 ft. 7 ft. 900 Ell 1 in. 7 14 ft. 3/4 in. 1 2 ft. 3/4 in. 2 ft. 4 ft. Tee 1 in. 1 5 ft. 3/4 in. 1 4 ft. 3/4 in. 0 - Total Maximum 79 ft. Total Maximum 21 ft. Total Maximum 11 ft. January 2007 3-10 P/N 220423 WORK Al PLENUM System Design 3-4.2 Open-Face Spray Booths (Only UL Listed) Open-face spray booths are a unique hazard type for pre-engineered dry chemical systems. In response to the need for fire protection for this hazard Underwriters Laboratories (UL) has developed a specific test protocol within the UL 1254 (Pre-engineered Dry Chemical Extinguishing System Units) Standard. The system hardware and design included in this section meets the UL requirements for protection of open-face spray-booth applications. This design also meets the requirements of NFPA 17. 3-4.2.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION An open-face spray booth is an enclosure with one wall open (typically the front face) in which parts and equipment are sprayed with possible flammable or combustible material (i.e. paints, finishes, lacquers, etc.). When in operation, the booth is continually ventilated to remove the flammable vapors that are generated during spraying operations. A typical open-face spray booth is usually divided into two sections by a large bank of filters that extends from the floor to the ceiling. The filters collect the over-spray of paint or other materials, and remove suspended droplets from the mixture of air and flammable vapors being exhausted. The two sections of the spray booth are called the work area and the plenum. The work area is typically the larger of the two sections, and is the place where the parts and equipment are sprayed. The plenum is the space into which the exhaust gases flow after passage through the filter bank. The vapors are exhausted from the spray booth by a forced ventilation system connected to the plenum by ductwork. The exhaust gases eventually discharge to atmosphere. The spray booth, shown in Figure 3-8 has an open-front face. Figure 3-6. Open-Face Spray Booth P/N 220423 3-11 January 2007 System Design NFPA 33, standard for spray application using flammable and combustible materials, classifies the interior sections of paint spray booths, and certain areas adjacent to booth openings, as Class-1 or Class-11, Division-2 locations. Dry chemical system electrical components, such as thermostats, located within these CAUTION areas shall be rated for use in classified areas, and all wiring to these components shall conform to the provisions of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, for Class-1 or Class-11, Division-2 locations. Any industrial system control head with a microswitch is not suitable for use in a classified area. 3-4.2.2 SPRAY BOOTH PROTECTION Open-face spray booths are specifically protected using the following design criteria. This design is UL Listed for protection of open-face spray booths. The work area, plenum, and exhaust duct are separately analyzed to determine the total extinguishing system requirements. The IND-70 or IND-75 must be used to protect the front, work area, and plenum of the open-face spray booth. Maximum coverage and nozzle placement requirements for an open-face spray booth using one IND-75 are shown in Figure 3-7. For ABC applications, separate cylinders (IND-25 or IND-50) are required for protection of the exhaust duct. 3- Work Area Protection for the work area is provided by total-flooding nozzles, P/N 83-100005-001. For open-face spray booths, high overhead nozzles (P/N 259270) provide a "wall" of dry chemical across the open face. These nozzles are to be located as indicated in Figure 3-7 and Figure 3-8 and mounted at ceiling level, with the orifice tip pointed vertically down. The maximum distance from the ceiling of the work area to the screening nozzle is 4 inches. The maximum distance from the ceiling of the work area to the total-flooding nozzle is 3.75 inches. One IND-70 or one IND-75 cylinder must use two high-overhead nozzles and two total-flooding nozzles. These four nozzles will provide coverage for the work area of an open-face spray booth with maximum dimensions of 10 feet wide by 10 feet deep by 10 feet high. For applications wider than 10 feet, multiple IND-70/75 cylinders are required (i.e. two IND-70 or IND-75 cylinders will protect an open-face spray booth up to 20 feet wide. The maximum uncloseable work area opening using two high-overhead nozzles from one IND- 70/75 cylinder is 100 square feet with 10 feet on the longest side. Note: Care of Installation - As overspray of paint or other materials will, in time, accumulate on the detectors and discharge nozzles, making them inoperative or ineffective. It is required that the nozzle orifices be protected with "blow-off" caps on total-flood nozzles. January 2007 3-12 P/N 220423 System Design 3- Plenum Protection for the plenum is provided by the Duct/Plenum (DIP) nozzle, P/N 83-100006-001. This nozzle is to be centered in the plenum area and mounted at ceiling level, with the orifice tip pointed vertically down. The maximum distance from the plenum ceiling to the Duct/Plenum nozzle is 3.25 inches. One IND-70 or one IND-75 cylinder must use two Duct/Plenum nozzles. This nozzle will provide coverage for the plenum area of an open-face spray booth with maximum area of coverage of 31.5 square feet with the longest side of 10 feet. The maximum height is 10 feet. For plenum areas greater than 31.5 square feet or with a longest side greater than 10 feet an additional Duct/Plenum nozzle is required. See Figures 3-7, 3-8, and 3-10. It is permissible to split the discharge from an IND-75 cylinder using Duct/Plenum nozzles in the plenum and exhaust duct. See Figures 3-7, and Figure 3-8. MAX (4572 mm) MAX (3048 mm) D/P NOZZLE D/P NOZZLE (TYP 1) LOCATED (TYP 2) 7 AT DUCT/PLENUM INTERFACE —.5W— / D(P) 4 I TF NOZZLE (TYP 2) DUCT/PLENUM (DIP) NOZZLE HIGH-OVERHEAD (S) NOZZLE C.!) TOTAL-FLOOD (TF) NOZZLE )\3 ft. .2in. ______[___ _______ ________________ (965 mm) , ®f_- S NOZZLE (TYP 2) /"048 lo ft. mm) 31ni 4-25W .25W-' 4 W LEGEND MAXIMUM COVERAGE FOR I DC-75 (BC) = (FOR OPEN-FACE SPRAY BOOTHS) WIDTH 0 = DEPTH (WORK AREA) NOZZLE Figure 3-7. Spray Booth Parameters (1) D/P NOZZLE (TYP 2) ç.25D(P) DUCT/PLENUM (D/P) NOZZLE D/P NOZZLE I HIGH-OVERHEAD (5) NOZZLE TF NOZZLE 0(P) 0 C.!) TOTAL-FLOOD (TF) NOZZLE S NOZZLE j- .25D(P) ii 10 ft. I (3048mm) - TF NOZZLE (TYP 2) 4 - 6 ft. -4in. .j I .55D I J./>e'(1930 mm) I_I_[ ®- S NOZZLE (TYP 2) 10 ft. ___ (3048 mm) . .25W-' I- 4- 25W W 1 LEGEND MAXIMUM COVERAGE FOR I DC-75 (BC) W = WIDTH OR DC-70 (ABC) SYSTEM D = DEPTH (WORK AREA) WITH INDEPENDENT, DEDICATED @= NOZZLE DUCT PROTECTION (FOR OPEN-FACE SPRAY BOOTHS) Figure 3-8. Spray Booth Parameters (2) P/N 220423 3-13 January 2007 System Design 3- Exhaust Ducts (BC Only) 5 ft.__+ MAX 1MA L /"NOZZLE LOCATION 15ft.MAX PLENUM POSITION FIRST NOZZLE 3m. -6 in. INTO THE DUCT ENTRANCE Figure 3-9. Exhaust-Duct Parameters (1) Protection for the exhaust duct is provided by the Duct/Plenum (DIP) nozzle(s) utilizing regular BC agent only. When the work area and plenum are protected using multipurpose ABC agent, then IND-25 or -50 cylinders are required to supply the BC agent for the duct. Refer to Figures 3-12, and Figure 3-13 for piping parameters. See Table 3-5, for nozzle requirements for exhaust duct protection. See Table 3-6 for rectangular duct dimensions. Table 3-5. Duct/Plenum (D/P) Parameters I Maximum Length of Protection per Nozzle 15 ft. (4.6 m) Duct Maximum Diameter 48 in. (1219 mm) First Nozzle Positioned just inside the duct entrance from 3 in. to 6 in. Additional Nozzles Within 15 ft. (4.6 m) of each other Nozzle Direction Centered in the duct and aimed to discharge directly downstream (in the direction of air flow) The Exhaust Duct is a fan-powered air channel that draws air through the work area, the plenum and out through the duct. The D/P Nozzle will protect either round or rectangular ducts up to 15 ft. (4.6 m) in length. Any change in duct direction or additional length requires an additional D/P Nozzle. The duct nozzle must be centered at the duct entrance, and pointed in the direction of the air flow. The tip of the duct nozzle must be within 6 in. (152 mm) of the duct entrance. The maximum diameter of a round duct is 48-inches (1219 mm); the maximum perimeter for a rectangular duct is 150-3/4 inches (3830 mm) and the maximum diagonal is 48-inches (1219 mm). See Table 3-6 for rectangular duct dimensions. January 2007 3-14 P/N 220423 System Design Table 3-6. Rectangular Duct Dimensions Side 1 Side 2 (Max.) 12.0 in. (305 mm) 46.4 in. (1179 mm) 14.0 in. (356 mm) 45.9 in. (1166 mm) 16.0 in. (406 mm) 45.2 in. (1148 mm) 18.0 in. (457 mm) 44.5 in. (1130 mm) 20.0 in. (508 mm) 43.6 in. (1107 mm) 22.0 in. (559 mm) 42.6 in. (1082 mm) 24.0 in. (610 mm) 41.5 in. (1054 mm) 26.0 in. (660 mm) 40.3 in. (1024 mm) 28.0 in. (711 mm) 38.9 in. (988 mm) 30.0 in. (762 mm) 37.4 in. (950 mm) 32.0 in. (813 mm) 35.7 in. (907 mm) 34.0 in. (864 mm) 33.8 in. (859 mm) 36.0 in. (914 mm) 31.7 in. (805 mm) 38.0 in. (965 mm) 29.3 in. (744 mm) 40.0 in. (1016 mm) 26.5 in. (673 mm) 42.0 in. (1067 mm) 23.2 in. (589 mm) 44.0 in. (1118 mm) 19.1 in. (485 mm) 46.0 in. (1168 mm) 13.7 in. (348 mm) When exhaust-duct protection is provided using one Duct/Plenum nozzle off an IND-75 (BC) cylinder, the nozzle coverage provided is for the first 15 feet (4572 mm) of straight unobstructed duct. Supplemental coverage of the exhaust duct must be provided for exhaust ducts greater than 15 feet (4572 mm) in length or those with obstructions or changes in direction. The IND-25 (BC) or IND-50 (BC) shall be used for supplemental exhaust duct coverage. Refer to Figure 3-9 for nozzle placement in ducts with changes of direction. A1 Never place tin toil or plastic over nozzles. CAUTION Apply a thin coat of silicone grease on the outside surfaces of the thermostats. Fusible links must be changed at a minimum of every six months (more frequently if the link acquires a coating of paint or other materials). Clean the nozzles and detectors periodically to ensure there is no over-spray buildup on these parts; then re-grease or replace if necessary. P/N 220423 3-15 January 2007 System Design 3-4.2.3 VENTILATION-SYSTEM SHUTDOWN It is not required that the exhaust fan be stopped upon Dry Chemical discharge. Exhaust-duct protection has been tested both with and without airflow. It is recommended that the exhaust fan stay running in the event of Dry Chemical discharge. This will help to remove smoke and other airborne materials and gases from the hazard area in the event of a fire. Check with the Authority Having Jurisdiction for local requirements. Forced (motorized fan) intake or make-up air shall be shutdown upon dry chemical discharge. 3-4.2.4 PIPING FOR OPEN-FACE SPRAY BOOTHS Piping diagrams include parameters on pipe length and fittings. System piping must be balanced. Balanced piping is the difference between the shortest actual pipe length from any 3/4-inch tee to nozzle, and the longest actual pipe length from any 3/4-inch tee to nozzle does not exceed 10% of the longest actual pipe length from any 3/4-inch tee to nozzle. Piping runs from the 1-inch tee to each of the 3/4-inch tees, and must be equal in length. The number and type of fittings for all tees to nozzles must be equal. All piping must be Schedule 40, hot-dipped-galvanized steel pipe, and all fittings must be, at a minimum, standard weight (150-lb. class). Examples of acceptable fitting materials include hot-dipped galvanized malleable iron, ductile iron, or steel. Couplings and unions may be used where necessary, and reducing bushings or reducing tees can be used for changes in pipe diameter. Note: Black steel pipe and fittings can be used in relatively noncorrosive atmospheres. January 2007 3-16 P/N 220423 System Design 112 in. S -1/2 In. _.- 3/4 in. P DIP IND-75 - COMBINATION WORK- D/P AREA/PLENUM/DUCT APPLICATION 112 T5 S 112 in. 314 . in. T4 TF 11, A 4in. DC-I0IDC-75 - COMBINATION WORK- AREA/PLENUM APPLICATION DIP L 314 in. Figure 3-10. Open-Face Spray-Booth Piping Table 3-7. Maximum Piping Parameters, IND-70/IND-75, Open-Face Spray-Booth Applications Cylinder toll - See Note Ti to T2 to T3 - See Note 12 to Duct/Plenum T4 to Total-Flood TS to High-Overhead 6 1 Nozzle - See Notes 2 Nozzle - See Notes 4 Nozzle - See Notes 3 and and and Pipe Max Equiv. Pipe X Maxquiv. Pipe Max Equiv. Pipe Max. Equiv. Pipe Max. Equiv. Item Size Qty Length Size Qty Length Size Qty Length Size Qty Length Size Length (in.) (eq. ft.) (in.) (eq. ft.) (in.) (eq. ft.) (in.) (eq. ft.) (in.) Qty (eq. ft.) Max. Pipe 1 41.9 ft. 41.9 3/4 10.5 ft. 10.5 3/4 2.6 ft. 2.6 3/4 5.5 ft. 5.5 1/2 5.5 ft. 5.5 Maximum 1 8 16.0 3/4 3 6.0 3/4 2 4.0 3/4 1 2.0 1/2 1 2.0 900 Ells Max.Tees 1 1 1 5.0 3/4 1 4.0 3/4 1 1 4.0 3/4 1 1 4.0 1/2 1 4.0 Max. Equivalent Length 62.9 20.5 10.6 11.5 11.5 Max. Linear Length 41.9 10.5 2.6 5.5 5.5 Additional Guidelines for Piping: Branch from Tee 1 to Tee 2 and Branch from Tee 1 to Tee 3 must be balanced. The branches from Tee 2 to the Duct/Plenum (DIP) nozzles must be balanced. The pipe must be balanced from Tee 5 to the two (2) High-Overhead (S) nozzles. The pipe must be balanced from Tee 4 to the two (2) Total-Flooding (TF) nozzles. The distance from Tee 3 to Tee 4 must be 1.2 times the distance of Tee 3 to Tee 5, not to exceed the maximums indicated in the above table. Maximum elevation of supply piping above cylinder outlet must not exceed 8 feet. Maximum elevation of Duct/Plenum (D/P) nozzle above Tee 2 must not exceed 2.6 feet. P/N 220423 3-17 January 2007 DUCT/PLENUM (DIP) NOZZLE HIGH-OVERHEAD (S) NOZZLE C!) TOTAL-FLOOD (TF) NOZZLE S T4 3,4 System Design DIP NOZZLE DUCT/PLENUM (DIP) NOZZLE HIGH-OVERHEAD (S) NOZZLE C!) TOTAL-FLOOD (TF) NOZZLE 3/4 in,____ .__.___.____._____..__._,. CYLINDER Figure 311. Maximum Piping Parameters (for Dedicated Duct Protection of Open-Face Spray Booths), IND-25, Single D/P Nozzle Table 3-8. Maximum Piping Parameters IND-25, Single D/P Nozzle Parameters Cylinder to DP Nozzle Required Pipe Size 3/4 in. Maximum Linear Pipe 52 ft. 6 in. (16 m) Maximum 900 Elbows 0-7 Delta H 38 ft. 6 in. (12 m) Maximum Equivalent Length 66 ft. 6 in. (20 m) January 2007 3-18 P/N 220423 System Design 01P2 NOZZLE IZS DUCT/PLENUM (DIP) NOZZLE I HIGH-OVERHEAD (S) NOZZLE () TOTAL-FLOOD (TF) NOZZLE 3/4th. TI 0/Fl NOZZLE CYLINDER Figure 3-12. Maximum Piping Parameters (for Dedicated Duct Protection of Open-Face Spray Booths), IND-25, Two D/P Nozzles Table 3-9. Maximum Piping Parameters, IND-25, Two D/P Nozzles Parameters Cylinder to Ti Ti to DPi Ti to DP2 Required Pipe Size 3/4 in. 3/4 in. 3/4 in. Maximum Linear Pipe 51 ft. 5 in. (16 m) 8 ft. 3 in. (3 m) 8 ft. 3 in. (3 m) Maximum 900 Elbows 6 4 4 Maximum Tees 1 0 0 Delta H 31 ft. 6 in. (9 m) -7 ft. 6 in. (-2 m) 7 ft. 6 in. (2 m) Maximum Equivalent Length 67 ft. 5 in. (21 m) 16 ft. 3 in. (5 m) 16 ft. 3 in. (5 m) P/N 220423 3-19 January 2007 Systeki Design i \314 n. DlP4 NOZZLE 314 in. C:~~fD/P3 NOZZLE 1 in. — __1T1 D/P2 NOZZLE DIPI NOZZLE T2 I DUCTIPLENUM (DIP) NOZZLE HIGH-OVERHEAD (S) NOZZLE C!) TOTAL-FLOOD (TF) NOZZLE DC-SO Figure 3-13. Maximum Piping Parameters (for Dedicated Duct Protection of Open-Face Spray Booths), IND-50, Four D/P Nozzles Table 3-10. Maximum Pinina Parameters. IND-fl. Fniir fl/P Nn771Pc Cylinder toTi Ti to T2 T1toT3 T2toD/P1 T2toD/P2 T3toD/P3 T3toD/P4 Required Pipe 1 in. 3/4 in. 3/4 in. 3/4 in. 3/4 in. 3/4 in. 3/4 in. Maximum Linear Pipe 52 ft. 9 in. 20 ft. 10 in. 19 ft. 11 in. 8 ft. 6 in. 8 ft. 6 in. 8 ft. 6 in. 8 ft. 6 in. (16 m) (m) (6 m) (2.6 m) (2.6 m) (2.6 m) Maximum 900 Elbows 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 Maximum Tees 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Delta H 15 ft. 7 in. -11 ft. 3 in. 11 ft. 3 in. -7 ft. 6 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 0 0 (5 m) (-3.5 m) (3.5 m) (-2 m) (2 m) Maximum Equivalent 73 ft. 9 in. 32 ft. 10 in. 31 ft. 11 in. 16 ft. 6 in. 16 ft. 6 in. 16 ft. 6 in. 16 ft. 6in. Length (22.5 m) (10 m) (10 m) (5 m) (5 m) (5 m) ( m) January 2007 3-20 P/N 220423 System Design 3-4.3 Local-Application Systems Local-application systems are used when there is no enclosure around the equipment or process being protected. In a local-application system, the dry chemical is discharged directly on an unenclosed hazard through fixed nozzles connected to one or more cylinders. Local- application protection is designed to cover a fixed piece of equipment such as a dip tank or a process in an indoor location. The dry chemical can be locally applied either overhead with nozzles located over the hazard area, or in a tankside manner with nozzles located along the sides of a flammable or combustible liquid tank. The dry chemical is applied directly at and parallel to the surface of the flammable liquid, thus the dry chemical discharge is not affected by thermal updrafts. Regular, BC (sodium bicarbonate base) dry chemical is used on all local-application hazards involving flammable or combustible liquids in depth. Shut down process and ventilation in the event of a dry chemical system discharge. Note: For use only with IND-50 cylinder/valve assembly, P/N 486571. For indoor use only. P/N 220423 3-21 January 2007 System Design 3-4.3.1 OVERHEAD NOZZLE COVERAGE, P/N 844258 AND 259270 The protected area is divided into area segments for coverage purposes. Each nozzle should be centered above its protected-area segment. The constraint that for rectangular areas the longest side shall not exceed 5 feet. Table 3-11. Overhead Nozzle Coverage Area Low Overhead Nozzle P/N 844258 High Overhead Nozzle P/N 259270 Maximum Surface Coverage 18.75 square feet 18.75 square feet Location 6 to 8 feet (1.8 m to 2.4 m) 8 to 11 feet (2.4 m to 3.4 m) Flammable or Combustible Liquid Freeboard 6 inches (152.4 mm) 6 inches (154.2 mm) One IND-50 cylinder must use four overhead nozzles (low or high, but not mixed on the same piping from one cylinder), providing a total area coverage of 75 square feet. The coverage obtainable with one IND-50 cylinder is shown in Figures 3-14 and 3-15. DRY CHEMICAL CYLINDER 1ST NOZZLE BRANCH TEE NOZZLE DISTRIBUTION BRANCH CENTER S ft. -SIn. HAZARD (2642 mm( MAX. Figure 3-14. Overhead Local-Application Coverage (IND-50), Square Hazard Area DRY CHEMICAL CYLINDER NOLE NOZZLE NOZZLE SIDTRtBATIOR HAZARD BRAIIESTEE •\ J BRANCH CENTER 1524 nnq MAX it. (4572 nsn) Figure 3-15. Overhead Local-Application Coverage (IND-50), Rectangular Hazard Area January 2007 3-22 P/N 220423 System Design 3-4.3.2 TANKSIDE NOZZLE COVERAGE Note: For use only with IND-50 cylinder/valve assembly, P/N 486571 Overhead discharge is hampered by the convection currents created by the fire. The protected area is divided into area segments for coverage purposes. The maximum surface-area coverage for each tankside nozzle, P/N 259072, is 25 square feet, subject to the constraint that, for rectangular areas; the longest side shall not exceed 10 feet. Each nozzle should be centered on one side of its protected-area segment. One IND-50 cylinder must use four tankside nozzles providing a maximum total area coverage of 100 square feet. The tankside nozzle must be installed so that its discharge slit (or pattern) is horizontal to the flammable- or combustible-liquid surface and is directed to the opposite side of the tank. In addition, the nozzle must be located at least 4 inches above the highest liquid level in the tank. This allows the nozzle to be located at any desired distance below the lip of the tank, provided that the nozzle is positioned at least 4 inches above the highest liquid level. The coverages obtainable with one IND-50 cylinder are shown in Figures 3-16, 3-17, and 3-18. 1ST DISTRIBUTION BRANCH TEE CYLINDER DRY CHEMICAL - 10 ft. (3048 mm) MAX NOZZLE j ? 10 ft. (3048 mm) - MAX NOZZLE DISTRIBUTION BRANCH TEE Figure 3-16. Tankside Nozzle (IND-50), Two-Sided Coverage, Square Hazard Area F loft. (3084 mm) MAX I— NOZZLE NOZZLE DISTRIBUTION BRANCH TEE 1ST DISTRIBUTION BRANCE ]DIn DRY CHEMICAL CYLINDER 1 lO ft. (3048min) -. MAX Figure 3-17. Tankside Nozzle (IND-50), Single-Sided Coverage, Square Hazard Area P/N 220423 3-23 January 2007 System Design NOZZLE DISTRIBUTION BRANCH TEE 1ST DISTRIBUTION BRANCH TEE 20 ft MAX (6096 mm) --- DR?CHEMICAL CYLINDER NOZZLE 45ft(1524 mm)14_. Figure 3-18. Tankside Nozzle (IND-50), Single-Sided Coverage, Rectangular Hazard Area 3- Overhead-System Piping Parameters All IND-50 cylinders shall use four discharge nozzles for overhead local-application systems, subject to the parameters shown in Figure 3-19 and Table 3-12 for square hazards, and subject to the parameters in Figure 3-20 and Table 3-13 for rectangular hazards. All piping shall be balanced, with an identical routing of pipe from the cylinder to each discharge nozzle. Actual pipe lengths and numbers of fittings shall be equal for each nozzle. When installing nozzles, a tolerance of + 2-1/2% of the final nozzle location dimension is permitted. 1ST DISTRIBUTION NOZZLE DISTRIBUTION BRANCH TEE BRANCH TEE ,, NOZZLE HAZARD \ PIPING SUPPORT FRAME EM 314 in. PIPE I in. PIPE DRY CHEMICAL CYLINDER Figure 3-19. Overhead Local-Application System (IND-50), Square Hazard Area January 2007 3-24 P/N 220423 NOZZLE DISTRIBUTION BRANCH TEE System Design Table 3-12. IND-50 Piping Parameters, Overhead Local-Application System, Square Hazard Area Low-Overhead Nozzle: High-Overhead Nozzle: 6to8Feet 8tollfeet Pipe Size Max. Mm. Max. Mm. Item (Inches) From To 1 Dry chemical Cylinder First Distribution 63 ft. 0 in. 22 ft. 2 in. 83 ft. 0 in. 24 ft. 2 in. Branch Tee (19 m) (7 m) (25 m) (7 m) Pipe 3/4 First Distribution Nozzles 15 ft. 6 in. 5 ft. 0 in. 15 ft. 6 in. 5 ft. 0 in. Branch Tee (5 m) (2 m) (5 m) (2 m) 1 Dry Chemical Cylinder First Distribution 7 7 7 7 Branch Tee Ell 3"4 First Distribution Nozzles 4 4 4 4 Branch Tee 3/4 x 3/4 x 1 1-inch Pipe 3/4-inch Pipe 1 1 1 1 Tee 3/4 3/4-inch Pipe 3/4-inch Pipe 2 2 2 2 PIPING SUPPORT FRAME 3/4 In. PIPE J i in. PIPE DRY CHEMICAL CYLINDER Figure 3-20. Overhead Local-Application System (IND-50), Rectangular Hazard Area Table 3-13. IND-50 Piping Parameters, Overhead Local-Application System, Rectangular Hazard Area Low-Overhead Nozzle: High-Overhead Nozzle: 6 to $ Feet 8 to 11 feet Pipe Size Max. Mm. Max. Mm. Item (Inches) From To Pipe 1 Dry Chemical Cylinder First Distribution 62 ft. 0 in. 22 ft. 2 in. 83 ft. 0 in. 24 ft. 2 in. Branch Tee (19 m) (7 m) (25 m) (7 m) 3/4 First Distribution Nozzles 15 ft. 6 in. 5 ft. 0 in. 15 ft. 6 in. 5 ft. 0 in. Branch Tee (5 m) (2 m) (5 m) (2 m) Ell 1 Dry Chemical Cylinder First Distribution 7 7 7 7 Branch Tee 3/4 First Distribution Nozzles 6 6 6 6 Branch Tee Tee 3/4 x 3/4 x 1 1-inch Pipe 3/4-inch Pipe 1 1 1 1 3/4 3/4-inch Pipe 3/4-inch Pipe 2 2 2 2 P/N 220423 3-25 January 2007 System Design 3- Tankside-System Piping Parameters All IND-50 cylinders shall use four discharge nozzles for tankside local-application systems, subject to the parameters shown in Figure 3-21 and Table 3-14 for two-sided coverage of square hazards. Parameters for single-sided coverage of square hazards are shown in Figure 3-22 and Table 3-15, and the corresponding parameters are shown in Figure 3-23 and Table 3-16 for rectangular hazards. All piping shall be balanced, with an identical routing of pipe from the cylinder to each discharge nozzle. Actual pipe lengths and numbers of fittings shall be equal for each nozzle. When installing nozzles, a tolerance of ± 2-1/2% of the final nozzle location dimension is permitted. DRY CHEMICAL CYLINDER - 1st DISTRIBUTION BRANCH TEE HAZARD NOZZLE DISTRIBUTION ØJ 3/4 in. PIPE NOZZLE BRANCH TEE Figure 3-21. Tankside Local-Application System, Two-Sided Coverage, Square Hazard Area Table 3-14. IND-50 Piping Parameters (Reference Figure 3-21) Item Pipe Size From To Max. Mm. Pipe 3/4 in. Dry Chemical Cylinder Nozzles 103 ft. 10 in. (32 m) 27 ft. 9 in. (8.5 m) Ells 3/4 in. Dry Chemical Cylinder Nozzles 16 10 Tees 3/4 in. Dry Chemical Cylinder Nozzles 3 3 January 2007 3-26 P/N 220423 System Design Figure 3-22. Tankside Local-Application System, Single-Sided Coverage, Square Hazard Area Table 3-15. IND-50 Piping Parameters, Tankside Local-Application System, Two-Sided Coverage, Square Hazard Area, Four-Nozzle System (Figure 3-22) Item Pipe Size From To Max. Mm. Pipe 3/4 in. Dry Chemical Cylinder Nozzles 85 ft. 2 in. (26 m) 26 ft. 0 in. (2 m) Ells 3/4 in. Dry Chemical Cylinder Nozzles 14 8 Tees 3/4 in. Dry Chemical Cylinder Nozzles 3 3 Figure 3-23. Tankside Local-Application System, Single-Sided Coverage, Rectangular Hazard Area Table 3-16. Piping Parameters, Tankside Local-Application System, Single-Sided Coverage, Rectangular Hazard Area, Four Nozzle System (Figure 3-23) Item Pipe Size From To Max. Mm. Pipe 3/4 in. Dry Chemical Cylinder Nozzles 85 ft. 2 in. (26 m) 6 ft. 0 in. (2 m) Ells 3/4 in. Dry Chemical Cylinder Nozzles 14 8 Tees 3/4 in. Dry Chemical Cylinder Nozzles 3 3 P/N 220423 3-27 January 2007 System Design 3-5 CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN 3-5.1 XV Control System Considerations This section describes the parameters and parameters for designing a system based on the XV Control System, including maximum and minimum lengths for tubing, maximum lengths and parameters for the cable runs and connection of the Electrical Solenoid and Actuation Ports. 3-5.1.1 DESCRIPTION OF KNOCKOUTS AND ACTUATION PORT OF THE XV CONTROL SYSTEM Knockouts are provided for installation of all external devices (or operations). KNOCKOUT 4 (DETECTION LINE 2) (OPTION 1) - SEE NOTE KNOCKOUT 3 (DETECTION LINE 1) ••'-._ KNOCKOUT 2 (SWITCH LEAD FOR DEEP MOUNT MICROS WITCHES OR SOLENOID) KNOCKOUTS (REMOTE MANUAL RELEASE) KNOCKOUTS (DETECTION LINE 2) (OPTION 2) - SEE NOTE LOCAL MANUAL RELEASE KNOCKOUT 7 (NOT USED) KNOCKOUTS (MECHANICAL GAS VALVE) FOR HIGH MOUNT MICROS WITCHES OR SOLENOID) XV TO SVA ACTUATION (OUTPUT) PORT Figure 3-24. Pipe Connection Knockout Designations Note: If using Detection Line 2, select Detection Line 2 (Option 1) OR Detection Line 2 (Option 2). You cannot use both Detection Line 2 knockouts. January 2007 3-28 P/N 220423 System Design 3-5.1.2 OVERALL XV CONTROL SYSTEM CAPABILITY See Figure 3-25 and Table 3-17. 0 7 P/N 220423 --- F. ------------ CYLINDER MOUNT OPTION I ( WALL MOUNT OPTION Figure 3-25. Overall XV Control System Capability 3-29 January 2007 'Systehi Design Table 3-17. Overall XV Control System Capability Number Letter Description P/N 1 Wall Mount Option 3 A Control System (wall mounted) B 1/4 in. tubing to one or more cylinders C System Valve Actuator (SVA) 87-120042-00 1 2 Cylinder Mount Option A Control System (cylinder mounted) B 1/4 in. tubing to other cylinders, if applicable C System Valve Actuator (SVA) D Required high-pressure hose (for cylinder mount) 3 Detection Line 1 A J Detection Terminus 4 Detection Line 2 A "Detection Line 2, option "A" connection B "Detection Line 2, option "B" connection 5 Mechanical Gas Valve Release A Dual gas valve trip from Control System B Tee Pulley for dual gas valve trip 843791 6 Pull-to-Trip Remote Manual Release A Pull-to-trip Remote Manual Release 875572 B Tee Pulley for dual Remote Manual Release 843791 C Pull-to-trip Remote Manual Release 2 875572 January 2007 3-30 P/N 220423 System Design 3-5.1.3 CONTROL CABLE PARAMETERS OF THE XV CONTROL SYSTEM Table 3-18. Control Cable Parameters Control Cable Line Max. Cable Length Max. Corner Pulleys Max. Detectors Max. Tee Pulleys (P/N 843791) Detection Line 1 200 ft. (61 m) 50 40 - Detection Line 2 200 ft. (61 m) 50 40 - Remote Manual Release 100 ft. (31 m) 30 - 1* Mechanical Gas Valve Release 100 ft. (31 m) 30 - 1* *Note: Tee pulley (P/N 843791) counts as two corner pulleys. Maximum is from XV Control System, through tee pulley, to each device. All changes in direction of control cable runs must be made using Kidde Corner A Pulleys (P/N 844648) or Tee Pulleys (P/N 843791). No conduit pipe bends are allowed in any configuration. Failure to follow these instructions will prevent WARNING the system from operating as intended, and could result in death or serious personal injury and/or property damage. Figure 3-26. Unacceptable Cable Configuration P/N 220423 3-31 January 2007 System Design 3-5.1.4 PRESSURE ACTUATION PARAMETERS Table 3-19. Actuation Length Parameters Number of Extinguishing Maximum Total Length of 1/4 in. o.d. x Maximum Number of Pressure Switches (P/N 486536) in System Cylinders .031 in. Wall High Pressure Tubing Actuation Line 1-14 5 ft. - 166 ft. (51 m) 2 15-20 5 ft. - 121 ft. (37 m) 2 Note: The following are additional notes and requirements regarding the copper tubing and High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing: A Failure to adhere to these instructions may result in system malfunction, and WARNING thereby cause death or serious personal injury and/or property damage. High-Pressure Nitrogen Tubing (P/N 87-120045-001) is required to connect the outlet of the XV Control System to the inlet of the SVA when cylinder mounted. Copper Tubing shall be 1/4 in. O.D. .031 wall thickness copper tubing. In every system, a 1/8 in. NPT plug or vent check (P/N 877810) shall be used in the outlet port of the last System Valve Actuator (SVA) in the actuation line. The minimum length of copper tubing in the actuation line is 5 ft. (1.5 m). Pressure switches (P/N 486536) may be placed anywhere in the copper tubing actuation line. See Figures 3-27 and 3-28 and Tables 3-20 and 3-21. January 2007 3-32 P/N 220423 System Design 3- Pressure Actuation Application 3B- Figure 3-27. Pressure Actuation Application Table 3-20. End Entrance to Actuation References Number Letter Description 1 System Valve Actuator(s) 2 Cylinder and Valve Assemblies 3 -- Tubing Connections 3A 1/8 in. NPT x 1/4 in. flare or high pressure compression fitting and 1/4 in. tubing if additional cylinders 3B 1/8 in. NPT plug or Vent Plug (P/N 877810) if end-of-line 4 Tubing Loop, approximately 2-1/2 in. (63 mm) diameter (not required) 5 Tubing and Connections 1/8 in. NPT x 1/4 in. flare or high pressure compression fittings and tubing connecting to XV Control System P/N 220423 3-33 January 2007 Systeth Design 3- Pressure Actuation Tee In-line Entrance for Tubing Figure 3-28. Tee In-Line Entrance to Actuation Manifold Table 3-21. Description of Tee In-Line Entrance to Actuation Number Letter Description 1 System Valve Actuator(s) 2 Cylinder and Valve Assemblies 3 -- Tubing Connections 3A 1/8 in. NPT x 1/4 in. flare or high pressure compression fittings and 1/4 in. tubing if additional cylinders 3B 1/8 in. NPT plug or Vent Plug (P/N 877810) if end of line 4 Tubing Loop, approximately 2-1/2 in. (63 mm) diameter (not required) 5 -- Tubing and Connections 5A 1/8 in. NPT Plug or Vent Plug (P/N 877810) if end-of-line 5B 1/8 in. NPT x 1/4 in. flare or high pressure compression fittings and 1/4 in. tubing if additional Cylinders 6 -- Tubing and Connections 6A 1/8 in. NPT x 1/4 in. flare or high pressure compression fittings compression and Tubing Connecting to XV Control System 6B 1/8 in. NPT x 1/4 in. flare or high pressure compression fittings compression and Tee with Tubing Connecting to Cylinders January 2007 3-34 P/N 220423 System Design 3-5.2 Mechanical Detection Selection of detection is based on detector spacing and temperature survey. 3-5.2.1 DETECTOR SELECTION BASED ON TEMPERATURE For automatic actuation to occur during a fire, the detectors must be heated sufficiently to melt and cause actuation. Experience has shown that it may take several minutes for detectors to actuate, and actuation is dependent upon: Fire intensity Temperature rating Spacing and location(s) In order to minimize delays in detector response time, it is necessary to conduct a temperature survey at all locations where detectors will be installed. The survey must be conducted under maximum operating conditions (i.e., at the highest operating temperatures and airflows) to determine the optimum exhaust airflow locations and record the peak temperatures that are expected to occur. Once the survey is completed, select the lowest temperature-rated detector that can be used. Refer to Table 3-22. Note: Make sure that the detectors are located in the exhaust airflow, not in dead air spaces. This will provide the fastest response. Table 3-22. Detector Temperature Ratings Detector Rating Maximum Exposure Temperature Part Number 165°F (74°C) 100°F (38°C) 282661 212°F (100°C) 150°F (65°C) 282662 360°F(1820C) 300°F(149°C) 282664 500°F(260°C) 440°F(2261-C) 282666 A To avoid accidental system discharge, detectors must have an exposure temperature rating greater than the maximum peak survey temperatures CAUTION recorded. See Table 3-22 for detector maximum exposure temperatures. 3-5.2.2 DETECTOR SELECTION BASED DETECTOR SELECTION Where multiple detectors are used, they are connected to each other in series using 1/16-inch stainless steel cable to form a continuous chain as shown in Figure 3-29. Kidde Rapid-Response Thermo-Bulb detectors (KGR) can be spaced every 20 feet for smooth ceilings up to 10 feet high. Consult NFPA 72 for reductions in spacing for ceiling heights in excess of 10 feet, and for spacing guidelines when different ceiling arrangements are encountered. Note: For standard response mechanical detectors, Kidde requires reduction in spacing by 50%, or spacing every 10 ft. (3.1 m). Potential fire hazards and/or fire development scenarios may require closer detector spacings. Consult the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) in these situations. P/N 220423 3-35 January 2007 System Design EXAMPLE OF IN-LINE DETECTOR HOUSING KIT 1/2 In. EMT "S" HOOKS LOCKNUT "S" HOOKS DETECTOR PIPE (NOT 1116 in. CABLE (NOT SUPPLIED) I I \ \_TOXVCONTROL / SYSTEM RIMP (NOT SUPPLIED) EXAMPLE OF END-OF-LINE ...../ DETECTOR HOUSING KIT L DETECTOR (NOT SUPPLIED) Figure 3-29. Typical Detector Configuration 112 in. EMT CONNECTOR AND LOCKNUT 1/16 in. CABLE TO )O/ CONTROL SYSTEM (NOT SUPPLIED) All detectors must be connected in series in order for the system to properly WARNING operate. Only one (1) terminating detector per line is permitted. 3-5.3 Electrical Heat 'Detection Systems All fire suppression systems using electrical heat detection and actuation shall be installed according to NFPA 72, and the DIOM for the tested and listed Control Panel being used. It is likely that industrial applications involving flammable or combustible liquids will be enclosed within or surrounded by areas that will be classified as Class I or Class II, Division 1 or Division 2 locations. Dry Chemical system electrical components, such as thermostats, located within these areas shall be CAUTION rated for use in classified areas, and all wiring to these components shall conform to the provisions of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, for Class I or Class II, Division 1, or Division 2 locations. Any industrial system control head with a microswitch is not suitable for use in a classified area. 3-5.3.1 THERMOSTAT SELECTION The thermostat must be heated to its setpoint temperature for automatic actuation to occur during a fire. Automatic actuation is dependent upon: Fire intensity Thermostat setpoint Thermostat spacing and location In order to minimize delays in thermostat response, it is imperative that a temperature survey be conducted at all locations where thermostats will be installed. The survey must be conducted under maximum operating conditions (i.e., at the highest operating temperatures and airflows) to determine the optimum exhaust airflow locations and record the peak temperatures that are expected to occur. Once the survey is completed: Select the thermostat with the lowest usable setpoint. Make sure that there is approximately a 60°F to 1000 F buffer between the thermostat setpoint and the maximum temperature obtained from the survey. January 2007 3-36 P/N 220423 System Design c. Make sure that the thermostats are located in the exhaust airflow, not in dead-air spaces. This will provide the fastest detector response. 3-5.3.2 THERMOSTAT SPACING The number of thermostats required for a particular industrial application is a function of the size of the area being protected. Since the thermostat is an unpowered electrical component, there is no upper limit established for the maximum number of detectors that can be used for a given system. In practice, issues such as voltage drops caused by wiring resistance, impose certain, parameters on the lengths of wiring that can be used. For applications that require control units, consult the appropriate control-unit installation manual for wiring parameters. When multiple thermostats are used, they are electrically connected in parallel. Thermostats are spaced every 20 feet for smooth ceilings up to 10-feet high. Consult NFPA 72 for reductions in spacing for ceiling heights in excess of 10 feet, and for spacing guidelines when different ceiling arrangements are encountered. 3-5.4 Other Detection Systems Although it is most common to use heat detectors for industrial fire protection systems, there may be some applications where another mode of detection, such as smoke, flame or radiation detection, is more appropriate. Any UL listed and/or FM approved detector may be used to actuate the extinguishing system, provided that the detector is appropriate to the type of combustibles involved, and is connected to a listed and compatible control unit. The control unit shall be tested, listed, and approved by UL and/or FM for releasing the Kidde IND Dry Chemical System. P/N 220423 3-37 January 2007 System Design THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. January 2007 3-38 P/N 220423 WW'Schmidt Fire Protection-. Co., Inc. 141 4760 MURPHY CANYON RD. SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 • (858) 279-6122 • FAX (858) 279-3583 INSPETKLRKFORT Job Name: Contract #: Job Address: Contractor/Owner Name: Contractor/Owner Address: Insurance Rating Agency: Fire Department: o Pre-Action Systein No. of Systems: Sq. Ft. Smoke Detectors: ______________________________ Heat Detectors: Accepted By: . Date: 0 Alarm Rough-In Smoke Detectors: Heat Detectors: Pull Stations: Horn/Strobes: Other: Accepted By: Date: a FM-200 System No. of Systems:. Functional Test of Devices: Door Fan Test: Accepted By: Date: a Other System Type of System: Functional Test of Devices: Door Fan Test: Discharcc Test Accepted By: Date: C&IW65 of 91-le 4wzkk? c,zo