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Approved: 8/11/2005
Issued: 8/11/2005
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about:blank 1/1
Manual No. PN551229
Revised 9/1/00
Chapter-3— System Design
Page. 31
REM .1
Pyro-Chem Industrial Open Face Paint Spray Booth Fire
Suppression System has been designed and tested for use
in open face paint spray booth applications. The guidelines
fisted in this chapter deal with the limitations and parameters
of various system configurations. It is the responsibility of
the Certified installer to ensure that the proper system
design is being utilized, and that the system meets the limi-
tations and parameters listed in this chapter. Before attempt-
ing to design any system, it is necessary to attend a Factory
Certification Training Class and become Certified to install
Pyro-Chem Industrial Open Face Paint Spray Booth Fire
Suppression Systems. Because it is impossible to complete-
ly understand every aspect of a pre-engineered system sim-
ply by reading the Technical Manual, Pyro-Chem will not be
responsible for system design, installation, or maintenance
performed by any non-Certified person(s).
Choosing the Proper Agent
It is necessary for the system designer to consider the com-
bustible material found in the hazard area to ensure proper
protection. The agent used in the system must be approved
for the hazard class of the combustible material. The follow-
ing are the hazard classes:
Class - Ordinary solid carbonaceous combustibles.
These include wood, paper, cloth, fiberglass, and plastics
Class- Flammable liquids and gases. These include
paints, solvents, gasoline. Oils, and hydraulic fluids.
Class - Electrical appliances. ThOse include comput-
ers, power generators, and power transformers.
Choosing the Proper Type of System
It is necessary for the system designer to consider the
physicaL characteristics and iayoutof the hazard. area to
ensure proper protection The hazard area must meet the
criteria for a particular system for that system to be effective
The hazard area must be protected in accordance with
NFPA17 for proper protection. The following guidelines are
used to determine the proper system for a hazard:
Local Application - Overhead . ThisSystem is used for
applying agent toan area from above the area. The maxi-
mum nozzle height foroverhead protection is10.5 feet for
ABC coverage. ,.
Total Flooding - ThiS system is used to fill a..-volume:with
agent to protect any hazad within that volume. Total flood-
ing systems require that an enclosure be present around the
hazard area to allow the system to build up the proper con-
centration of agent within the hazard area.
The Pyro-Chem Model N-SCR screening nozzle has been
tested and approved by Underwriters Laboratories for
unclosable openings. The nozzle will protect an area eight
(8) feet wide at a height of twelve (12) feet
The ventilatiOn system must be shut down before or simulta-
neously with the discharge of the system.
Total Floodlrg . .. .
a. Cylinders:
The Models PCl-15ABC, PCi 25sABC PCI 35ABC,
PCI-50sABC, and PCl-70ABC cylinders can be used for
open face paint spray booth applications. . . .. . ..
"D"C$ass- Combustible metals..suchas...Sodium, potassturn,........b..Nozzle..
...•.. Magnesium, titanium, and zirconium. The Pyro-Chem Indus- . .
trial Open Face Paint Booth Fire Suppression System IS not fi . Four nozzles -are available for use in protecting open face
intended to protect Class 0 hazards paint spray. booths
The following guidelines should be Used fordetermlningthe Nozzle : Application
proper agent N-SCR Screening the opening
N OTF Work Area (Overhead Position)
ABC (monoammonlum phosphate-based)- for use with all N-PU) . .. Plenum .Area (Overhead Position)
"A", "B", and"C" Class hazards. : :. .. N-OCT Duct
As per NEPA 17, pre engineered dry chemical systems are c Temperature Range
not approved..for deep-seated or burrowing. fires (such as i The operating temperature range for open face booth appli- ordinary combustibles where the agent cannot reach the cations is 32 °F. to 120°F. (0 "C. to 48 "C.). point. ofcombustlon), oron chemicals...thatcontain their own.................... ........ ................ ... . ...........
oxygen supply (such as cellulose nitrate). nOt mix differ- . . ..
ent types of agents, or agentsrfrom. different'-manufacturers. . .. . ... . .
Chemical reactions may occur when incompatible chemicals
are mixed. Keep In mind that the agent must be accept-
able to the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
ULEX.3437 CE032
September 4,2000
Chapters—System Design
Page 3-2
REV. 1
Piping Requirements:
Piping diagrams include limitations on pipe length and. fit-
tings. See the following pages for specific piping design and
limitations for each size cylinder.
Nozzle Placement: .. ... . . . . .. ... .•
The nozzle is to be mounted in the center (See Note) of the
protected area with the discharge holes 16 the nozzle no
greater than six (6) inches from the ceiling For duct protec
tion the nozzle Is to be mounted In the center. See Figure
.HugM . .1
S1d.1 . 81ds2
w ..
Figure 3-1. Nozzle Location ............................
Note See Design Chart for allowable offset of nozzles from sw center of each hazard area
Nozzle Coverages: .
. S.
Zone/Nozzle Specifications Nozzle Location within Nozzle Nozzle
Protection Nozzle L W Ht Maximum Protection Zone Offset** Orientation
Screening N-SCR - 8' 12' Side 8' .. Length - Center 0"— 6" Vertical
Width" Center............ .. . :.
Work Area N OTF 8 8 12 Area 64 sq ft Length - Center 0" —6" Vertical
Side 8 ft Width,- Center
Plenum N-PLU 4' 8' 12' Area 32 Sq:ft Length - Center '.. 0" 6" Vertical
Side 8 ft . Width. - Center
Exhaust N-DCT 12' Perimeter r . Length— eñtér Cr - 6" Vertical
Duct* . . or 3'.iO"Dia. .. Width —Center . (up)
24' Length
Single nozzle application on a PCI-15ABC or two nozzle applicatlon.on aPCI-25sABC only. . .:•. ...... ...
** Nozzle offset Is the maximum distance from the tip of the nozzle and the closest edge of the protection zone. . .
ULEX 3437 CEx732
CU%ntamistar 1. Prinn
Maximum Nozzle Height
Cylinder Size Nozzle Nozzle Piping Section Size Length Elbows From Base of Tank
Quantity Type Maximum Maximum (N OCT Nozzle Only)
PCl-35ABC 4 One N-SCR Cylinder to T1. 1.....18' ... 3... ... 16'1"
One NPLU . ... .
One N-OTF .. . .• ... .:
T1toT2 1" 10'
to N-SCR, 3/4". 8' 2
. . . . . . to N-OCT 340 3 1
These limitations apply toPCl-35ABCusing.four nozzles (1 N-SCR, 1 NPLU, I N-OTF, and 1 N-DCT).
System piping must be balanced Balancedpiping is that In which the difference between the Shortest actual pipe length
from last tee to nozzle and the longest actual pipe length from last tee to nozzle does not exceed 10% of the longest
actual pipe, leflgthfrom last tee to nozzle The number and type of fittings for all last tee to nozzle sections must be
equal. •. . .. . . .
A Main/ReserveTe8 Check,ModelTC-i, may be located between the cylinder and Ti, and counts as two elbows in that
section. . . . . . .
ULEX3437 . CEx73
September. 1. 2000
Q 001
W7 41432ff2
_____ ,- I tl (.-• '- 7I&73234
Bullebn Number. 2128
- Date: October 28, 2003
A,e you reqilud to add a third orfoteth mioewidt to a syotem but you orgy need the OxIfQflS, not the
swthIes? Vie have the edution! Pyro.Chem now dlel5 a MSwilth Exterelon KIt (PIN 552173)
conaisilig cilia Mowing coniponente ng wlh iirudions b istaItetlon:
2- On= spaos
2- Pan head sawn
This kit may be pZftmd at a Nat Fice ct$IZOO
coutmi Head IJl Eniieared S!st.in.
Al pie.engneercd qAww nqWm the use at a 16 .am ct1e (PEN 551O). The old style 12-gram
cartrklge was only ecplable for systems installed pnor to 1998.
1r- ;-i1
In applications that do not recke at few ncales an a MONARCH PCI 35 Dry Chencal Cylinder, you can
now pipe it with three listead. LL dam few .iuulee then the niun cacity tested as long as
maxinium nozzle quantities and ma*num piping lengths are not exceeded.
For ezemple, gone 1IVCP2 and two NV.PI nozzles are req*ked man application, you can utilize thani
with a PCI 35 44nder ushv a ttwee.nozzie piping configuration instead of the prevkx.isly ufibad r-r"
,sysiam. 'Ii 'e-RPM içle, when desiing an Open FeSpi*rr BOoth System that mom two Nam?
'NwIas. Iwo N-OTF vA'andiWoN-PLU Noss you can now utiliZe them with a PCI .70 cylinder using T'
a s&noz'zli pipuig con '1
The N-SCR Nozzle is used for saeenkig undasatile openings in opeMace spray bocihe. There le no
lkiioib as to the pwmftge of mclosable aper*ig. The N.&R Nozzle has been tod and appreved to
pO an Lmcloeattle openrig will an ea eiitfoet (2.4 m) wide at a heit of twelve feet (37 m).
KITCHEN lOfiGlif. I bffndo=d VM Ctien1I SyVmma
NFPA 17A requires that FusIble LM snail be replaced at least annually. Pym.Chem now iecorrrnends that
lusitle IFft utibed In restaurant range Iioeds shoutd be iet serrimualIy.
The abeve inhinaftn ispmvkled as a resR ofy rquoi phone cats to ourTectinical
Servicesdtwd ing Paining progiwna you have attended. Vbtr feedback is inporlantas ftheliia
ShGid you have any qiestions regadk_this bulethi, please asnisot yott Pym-Chem Tarriby Sales
Manager at 1-800PYRO'CHEM or1di Services at 1400426-1079/1-715-132-3465.
Chapter 3— System Design
Page 3-6
REV. 1
PCi-70ABC with 6 nozzles '
System must be piped with six nozzles'
These limitations apply to PCI-70ABC using six nozzles
(2-N-SCR, 4 N-OTF, or 6 N-OTF).
System piping must be balanced. Balanced piping is
that in which the difference between the shortest actual
pipe length from last tee to nozzle and the longest actu-
al pipe length from last tee to nozzle does not exceed
10% of the longest actual pipe length from last tee to
nozzle. The number and type of fittings for all last tee to
nozzle sections must be equal.
A Main/Reserve Tee Check, Model TC-1, may be locat-
ed between the cylinder and Ti, and counts as two
elbows in that section.
When using the 2-N-SCR, 4-N-OTF nozzle combina-
tion, the 2-N-SCRs must be located on the two nozzle
:LE side of the piping layout. 13
Cylinder Size Nozzle
Nozzle Type Piping Section Size Length
PCl-70ABC 6 N-SCR, N-OTF Cylinder to Ti 1" 18' 3
Ti to T2 (4 Nozzle Side) 1" 14' 1
T2toT3 3/4" 4' 0
T3 to Nozzle 3/4" 6' 2
Ti to T2 (2 Nozzle Side) 1" 14' 2
T2 to Nozzle 3/4" 6' 2
PCl-70ABC with 8 nozzles
System must be piped with eight nozzles
These limitations apply to PCl-70ABC using
eight nozzles (2 N-SCR, 2 N-PLU, and 4 N-
System piping must be balanced. Balanced pip-
ing is that in which the difference between the
shortest actual pipe length from last tee to noz-
zle and the longest actual pipe length from last
tee to nozzle does not exceed 10% of the
longest actual pipe length from last tee to noz-
zle. The number and type of fittings for all last
tee to nozzle sections must be equal.
A Main/Reserve Tee Check, Model TC-1, may NOZZLE be located between the cylinder and Ti, and
003019pc counts as two elbows in that section.
Cylinder Size Nozzle
Nozzle Type Piping Section Size Length
PCI-70ABC 8 Two N-SCR, Two N-PLU,
and Four N-OTF
Cylinder to Ti i" 18' 3
T1toT2 in io' 1
T2 to T3 3/4" 4' 0
T3 to Nozzle 3/4" 6' 2
ULEX 3437 CEx732
September 1, 2000
Chapter 3— System Design
Page 3-11
REV. 1
Detector Placement
Thermal detectors are required in all hazard areas protected
by the Pyro-Chem Open Face Paint Spray Booth Industrial
Fire Suppression System if automatic system operation is
required. Either mechanical or electrical thermal detectors
can be used for automatic system operation. Mechanical
detectors (fusible links) are used in conjunction with the
Pyro-Chem Models MCH3 and NMCH3 control devices.
Electrical detectors are used in conjunction with the Pyro-
Chem Models ECH3-24 and ECH3-120 Control Heads.
A temperature survey must be performed to determine the
maximum ambient temperature of the hazard survey. The
detectors used to protect a hazard area must be at least
70°F above the maximum ambient temperature.
The minimum number of thermal detectors (either mechani-
cal or electrical) required for each hazard area is one detec-
tor for each twenty-five (25) pounds of agent required in that
hazard area. To determine the number of detectors required
in a particular hazard area, divide the total amount of agent
required for that hazard area by 25 and round up. Keep in
mind that at least one detector is required in every protected
hazard area.
Additional detectors may be used to achieve faster system
response; however, do not exceed the detector limitations
outlined in this manual.
For detector location, evenly divide the protected hazard
area into protected zones, with the number of protected
zones equal to the number of detectors. Located a detector
at the top center of each protected zone.
ULEX 3437 CEx732
September 1, 2000
Chapter 4 - System Installation
Page 4-4
REV. 1
Fusible links are always used in conjunction with the Model
.MCH3/NMCH3 Mechanical Control Head. After mounting
the cylinder and control head, the fusible link line can be
installed. The first step to installing the fusible link line is to
install the detector bracket(s). These brackets must be
installed in the plenum area, hazard area, and in each duct.
See Chapter III for detector placement guidelines.
Note: Only ML-style Fusible Links can be used.
Connect the fusible link brackets together using 1/2" conduit
and the conduit connectors supplied in the detector kit
(Model FLK-1/1A). A Pyro-Chem corner pulley must be used
whenever a change in conduit direction is necessary. The
conduit is connected to the control head through a knockout
in the upper left-side corner.
In general, fusible links centered in the detector brackets are
connected in series using 1/16" diameter stainless steel
cable. The spring plate in the control head maintains ten-
sion on this series of fusible links. if the tension is released
for any reason (i.e., a fusible link separates), the control
head will operate and actuate the system. Maximum limita-
tions for the fusible link detection line are as follows:
Fusible links can be installed with or without fusible link
hangers (see Chapter Il for description).
Fusible Link Line Limitations When Used With
Model MCH3 and NMCH3 Control Heads and Part No.
415670 and 423250 Pulley Elbows
Maximum # of Detectors: 20
Maximum length of cable: 150 feet
Maximum # of pulleys: 40
NOTE: Control Head Models MCH2, NMCH2, MCH, ECH,
EN-MCU, and NMCH can use the MCP-1, CP-1., WCP-1,
TP-1, SBP-1, and CBP-1 pulleys with the below limitations.
If the MCH3 and NMCH3 use any of the CP-1, WCP-1, TP-1,
and MCP-1 pulleys within the system, then the below limita-
tions must be used.
Fusible Link Limitations
Maximum # of Detectors: 15
Maximum length of cable: 100 feet
Maximum # of pulleys: 20
1. Fusible Link Installation Without Hangers.
Begin installing links at the terminal bracket. The link is con-
nected to the far side of the terminal bracket using an S" hook.
The "S" hook must be crimped closed after the link is installed.
A tight loop is then made in the cable and secured by the crimp
provided. This loop is connected to the other side of the termi-
nal link (see Figure 4-6) and the cable fed through the conduit
to the next bracket. The cable proceeding from the terminal link
will be used to connect the series links (see Figure 4-7). Series
links must be centered in their detector brackets.
Figure 4-6. Terminal Link installation.
11r EMT
Figure 4-7. Series Link Installation.
ULEX 3437 •CEx732
September 1, 2000
Chapter 4 —'System Installation
Page 4-2
REV. 2
2. Multiple Cylinder Installations.
A. Multiple Cylinder Actuation Using MCH3/ECH3/NMCH3
Control Head.
The Model MCH3/ECH3/NMCH3 Control Head can be used
to pneumatically actuate a maximum of three (3) agent cylin-
ders. When a control head is used for multiple cylinder
actuation, it cannot be mounted directly onto a cylinder
valve. The control head must be installed remotely using a
Model MB-P2 Control Head Mounting Bracket. The bracket
must be anchored to the wall using bolts or lag screws.
In order to actuate the agent cylinder(s) from a control head,
a 1/4" NPT x 450 1/4" flare type fitting (conforming to SAE
J513c) must be screwed into the base of the control head
actuator. Also, a Model PDA-132 Pneumatic Discharge
Adaptor must be installed on the valve of each agent cylin-
der. Pneumatic tubing is then used to connect the control
head to the PDA-D2 of each agent cylinder valve. See
Figure 4-3.
Pneumatic tubing used for remote cylinder actuation
shall have an outside diameter of 1/4" with a minimum
wall thickness of 1/32". This is commonly known as
refrigeration-type copper tubing. All tubing fittings shall
be of the 1/4", 450 flare type conforming to SAE J513c.
Compression type fittings are not acceptable.
b. A single Model MCH3/ECH3/NMCH3 Control Head can
One (1) or two (2) agent cylinders with a maximum of
eight (8) feet of pneumatic tubing.
Three (3) agent cylinders with a maximum of six (6) feet
of pneumatic tubing.
B. Multiple Cylinder Actuation Using Model PAC-10 or
PAC-200 Pneumatic Actuation Cylinder.
The Model PAC-10 or PAC-200 Pneumatic Actuation
Cylinder must be used if more than three (3) agent cylinders
require simultaneous actuation. The Model PAC-10/200 must
be used in conjunction with a Model MCH3/ECH3/NMCH3
Control Head. The control head is mounted on the Model
PAC-10/200 valve assembly.
The Model PAC-10/200 is shipped complete with a mounting
bracket. The cylinder must be mounted vertically with the
nameplate facing out. The bracket must be securely
anchored to the wall using bolts or lag screws. The wall to
which the bracket is attached must be sufficiently strong to
support the pneumatic cylinder. The bracket should never be
fastened to dry wall or similar material. If this type of wall is
encountered, studs must be located and the bracket fas-
tened to them. See Figure 4-4.
1/4" NPT X 450 1/4"
(SAE J513c)
450 1/4" FLARED
- PDA-D2
Figure 4-3. Multiple Cylinder Actuation Using Model MCH3/ECH3/NMCH3 Control Head
ULEX 3437 CEx732
September 1, 2000