HomeMy WebLinkAbout5964 LA PLACE CT; ; AS1000084; Permit3/21/24, 8:52 AM AS 1000084 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Job Address: 5964 LA PLACE CT Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2120620600 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: PC #: Project Title: OSMETECH Permit No: AS1000084 Status: ISSUED Applied 6/29/2010 Approved: 6/29/2010 Issued: 6/29/2010 Inspector: Applicant: RAND ENGINEERING P.O. BOX 1830 ALPINE, CA 619-454-2548 Owner: CAMPUS CARLSBAD L L C CIO NEWPORT NATIONAL CORP 1525 FARADAY AVE #100 CARLSBAD CA Fees ($) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 195 0 195 0 about:blank 1/1 N.RREDEPIS S . CARLSBAD FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Permit Application Form Check or fill in pertinent information for type of permit you are submitting. AS -Automatic Sprinklers (Check off type ofplans being submitted) New System - How many risers/levels? Tenant Improvement Residential - How many systems and/or buildings? t..," Underground for approval Underground included for reference only Total Fees FA - Fire Alarm 25 Devices or less Over 26 devices # of devices Monitoring System Total Fees FS - Fixed Systems (Circle One) Hood & Duct, Special Chemical Agent Suppression System, Standpipe, Spray Booth or Appliance. Total Fees Failed Inspection fee on new construction is $75.00: Name of Project: Address ofjob site: 'i L PL-#C..E cr Suite # Building Permit # CB Contractor Information Name 1ft4iO 606(Neettl)6r Address P_OA / K. _ City At t/J 6 State C'4 Zip 7/'O.3 113 Phone (o C?_ (0 _Z (g 7Fax 10 Kind of Lpense aMd Number CLA-5 Sfri 75 Exp. Date 3/3 Do you on file with the City of Carlsbad? No Signature Date Please estimatt ateast 10 business days for plan review comments and/or approval. We will contact you by telphone when the plans are approved/disapproved. Thank you! in 00D Job Number: 10-667 Rnnrt flpscrintjnn Wrhniircce MU bNoorbon 10-667 Design Engineer Reno Construction Job Homer Osmotech - StateCoEcalioruttceosaNumbeo Address 5964 La Place Court AHJ Carlsbad Fire Address 2 Job sltalaulldlng Remote Area #1 - Warehouse Address 3 DrowbsgNaroo calc model Most Demanding Sprinkler Dale 8 K-Factor 28.16 at 12.390 Occupan, Spec. Warehouáe Job guilty HOOe riliowolEe At Source 500.00 Density 0.33gpmlft2 Area olAppratlon 3000.00ft2 (Actual 3033.48ft2) Additional Hose Supplies - Node Flow(pomj 1 t Number Ot Sprinklers Calculated 39 Coverage Per Sprinkler 93.33ft2 max. AuloPoeb Rooutto. Pressure For Remote Area(S) Adjacent To Mont Remote Area F rotectior 'Design & Consulting. .r• Exceptions LI with,comrnents - ate - Total Has Sea 500.00 sm Stat rn Flow Demand I TstW 1774.54 (tngHceeAIlovernce Manimsnr Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maderunr VetydlyAbone Ground 28.69 between nodes 11 and 12 Maximum VolocittrUnderGround 8.45 between nodes 3 and 4 .. VolunrocapsdtyslWotPipes 1183.32ga1 VoluacapaollyotDryPlpoe j Static . Residual Flow _(gpm) T Available Total Demand Required Safety Margin (psi) _(gpm) (psi) Node Hose Flow 1 _(gpm) _500.00 _(psi) _98.000 _(psi) _94.000 _I_1300.00 90.867 I 1774.54 75.144 _(psi) _15.742 FILE Copy Contoactorstumber ContaciNama Contact Title Name olceotraotov P0001 Eatoson Aridness I FAX Address 2 E-mset City Stale olpCodo Web-SR. &@M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK®VR8v8.0.36 06/23/2010 10:28:39AM Page 1 Job Number: 10-667 00 —f fl,',inIi,n Qn. SUpply at Node I 100 —Static Pressure 98.000 90 -77 1300.00 94.000 Static Pressure 88.200 (90%) — 30a0O84600(90%) I D- 1274.54 75.144 1774.54 with hose streams 70— 60——_______ Vj CL System demand curve 30 / 20—/ 10H LIIJII 1LLI.i.I.I.Li I III II 11111 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I oo 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 ioo 2000 Water flow, gpm draucGmph Supply at Node I Static: 98.000 PreuWe 94.000 @ 1300.00 AIIbIe Pre ,e .t TI,,, of Toot - 90.887 @ 1774.54 System Demand 75.144 @ 1274.54 System Demand (IndadIng Hose Allowance etSoiuca) 75.144 @ 1774.54 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutóSPRINK®VR8v8.0.36 06/23/2010 10:30:10AM Page 1 Job Nu'mber: 10-667 Report Description: Spec. Warehouse Device Actual Flow (gpm) Minimum Flow (gpm) K-Factor (K) Pressure (psi) Sprinkler 500 36.86 21.12 8 21.233 Sprinkler 501 37.59 21.12 8 22.081 Sprinkler 502 33.45 26.40 8 17.478 Sprinkler 503 34.12 26.40 8 18.187 Sprinkler 504 35.25 26.40 8 19.416 Sprinkler 505 35.96 26.40 8 20.207 Sprinkler 506 34.94 31.08 8 19.070 Sprinkler 507 34.38 31.08 8 18.463 Sprinkler 508 33.48 31.08 8 17.516 Sprinkler 509 33.05 31.08 8 17.067 Sprinkler 510 32.70 29.04 8 16.707 Sprinkler 511 33.36 29.04 8 17.386 Sprinkler 512 34.47 2904 8 18.565 Sprinkler 513 35.17 29.04 8 19.324 Sprinkler 514 35.04 31.08 8 19.180 Sprinkler 515 33.84 31.08 8 17.895 Sprinkler 516 33.12 31.08 8 17.143 Sprinkler 517 32.07 29.04 8 16.072 Sprinkler 518 32.72 29.04 8 16.728 Sprinkler 519 33.81 29.04 8 17.865 Sprinkler 520 34.50 29.04 8 18.598 Sprinkler 521 34.30 31.08 8 18.379 Sprinkler 522 33.14 31.08 8 17.157 Sprinkler 523 32.45 31.08 8 16.456 Sprinkler 524 31.53 28.16 8 15.533 Sprinkler 525 32.17 28.16 8 16.168 Sprinkler 526 33.25 28.16 8 17.270 Sprinkler 527 33.92 28.16 8 17.980 Sprinkler 528 34.07 27.21 8 18.140 Sprinkler 529 32.91 27.21 8 16.920 Sprinkler 530 32.221 27.21 8 16.217 a> Sprinkler 531 2816 28.16 8 12.390 Sprinkler 532 2874 28.16 8 12.906 Sprinkler 533 29:72 28.16 8 13.800 Sprinkler 534 30.33 28.16 8 14.377 Sprinkler 535 29.10 24.13 8 13.231 Sprinkler 536 27.15 24.13 1 8 11.517 Sprinkler 537 25.85 24.13 8 10.438 Sprinkler 538 25.68 24.13 8 10.300 1 r-> Most Demanding Sprinkler Data ,0 M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK®VR8v8.0.36 06(23/2010 10:25:40AM rage z is _______ jjjJ I ~~ Job Number 10-667 Report Description: Spec. Warehouse Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Total Length Pressure Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream eb ..... Route I • • BL 1.38 28.16 6.04 120 0.064456 8'-( Pf 0.516 531 532 19'-5Y2 19'-5Y2 28.16 8 12.390 12.906 Sprinkler 8'-1 Pe Pv BL 1.61 56.90 8.97 120 0.111781 8'-I Pt 0.894 532 533 19-5Y2 19'-51A 28.74 8 12.906 13.800 Sprinkler 8'-( Pc Pv BL 2.07 86.62 8.28 120 0.072033 8'-C Pt 0.576 533 534 195h/2 191-5Y2 29.72 8 13.800 14.377 Sprinkler 8'-C Pe Pv BL 2.07 116.95 11.18 120 0.125534 V-7 Pt 1.955 534 112 191-5'h 191-5Y2 30.33 8 14.377 16.331 Sprinkler, 2E(5'-O) 10'-0 16- Pe Pv RN 2.07 116.95 11.18 120 0.125534 . 0-I Pt 0.094 112 111 19'-5% 18'-8'h . 1.6.331 16.751 . 0,-' Pe 0.325 Pv RN 2.07 224.72 21.49 120 0.420232 2--lq Pf 5.398 111 110 18'-8Y2 15-10 107.77 16.751 23.383 Flow (q) from Route 2 PO(10'-O) 10'-q 12'-1I Pe 1.234 Pv CM 4.26 224.72 5.06 120 0.012416 81- N 0.101 110 108 15'-10 15'-101A 23.383 23.476 8,-j Pc -0.009 Pv CM 4.26 323.92 7.29 120 0.024419 5'-I Pt 0.122 108 106 151-10V2 1510h/2 99.20 23.476 23.592 Flow (q) from Route 19 5•- Pc -0.005 Pv CM 4.26 454.78 10.24 120 0.045747 3'-1 N 0.175 106 104 16-10A 151-10Y2 130.87 23.592 23.763 Flow (q) from Route 12 3'-1 Pc -0.004 Pv CM 4.26 554.67 12.49 120 0.066053 6'4 N 0.412 104 102 15'-10% 15-11 99.89 .. . 23.763 24.169 Flow (q) from Route 4 6'- Pc -0.007 Pv CM 4.26 687.78 .. 15.48 120 0.098334 3'4 Pt 0.369 102 100 15-11 15-11 133.11 . . . 24.169 24.530 Flow (q) from Route 11 3'4 Pe -0.008 Pv CM 4.26 789.78'. :. 17.78 120 0.127003 4'4 Pt 0.594 100 98 15'-11 15'-ll 102.00.: . . 24.530 25.123 Flow (q) from Route 4'- Pe -0.001 Pv CM 4.26 925.47 20.83 120 0.170294 V-5 N 0.241 98 97 15'-I1 I5'-lI 135.69 . . . 25.123 25.362 Flow (q) from Route 15 V-5 Pc -0.001 Pv CM 4.26 512.54 11.54 120 0.057072 4'-7 N 0.261 97 95 I5'-I1 15-11 25.362 25.623 . . 4'-7 Pc -0.000 Pv CM 4.26 648.38 14.59 120 0.088189 6'-6 Pt 0.574 95 93 15'-11 15'-11 135.84 25.623 26.196 Flow (q) from Route 5 V-6 Pc -0.000 Pv CM 4.26 787.16 17.72 120 0.126224 5'-0 N 0.693 93 90 15-11 15-1I 138.78 26.196 26.889 Flow (q) from Route 22 . . 5' -(' Pc -0.000 Pv CM 4.26 881.61 19.39 120 0.149195 175'-6 Pt 30.115 90 12 15'-11 15'-1I 74.46 26.889 57.008 Flow (q) from Route 23 T(26'-4) 26'-4 201'-1I Pc 0.003 Pv DV 4.26 1274.54 28.69 120 0.307847 0,-0 N 0.000 12 11 I5'-1I 151-6 412.93 . . ..57.008 57.188 Flow (q) from Route 24 0,-0 Pc 0.181 Pv CM 6.36 1274.54 .12.88... 120 0.043825 27 1 -71/2 Pt 2.203 11 10 15-6 14'-I1'h . 57.188 59.628 . . 2LtE(I1'-4) 22'-7 1 50'-: Pc 0.237 Pv FR 6.36 1274.54 12.88 120 0.043825 14'-51/2; Pt 0.633 10 6 1411h/2 0'-6 . . . . 59.628 66.521 . . 14'-5Y Pc 6.260 Pv UG 8.51 1274.54 7.19 . 120 0.010588 3'- Pt 0.225 6 5 0-6 -3'-O 66.521 88.269 LtE(17'-9) I7'- 21-3 Pc 1.522 Pv UG 8.51 1274.54 7.19 140 0.007961 16'-2 Pt 0.317 5 4 -3'-O -3'-O 68.269 68.586 LtE(23'-7Y) 23'-7 39'-l' Pc Pv UG 7.85 1274.54 8.45 140 0.011795 74'-7 Pt 1.257 4 3 49 4-0 .. ... . . 68.586 69.843 2LtE(15'-I1½) 31-11 106'-6 Pc Pv UG 8.51 1274.54 . . 7.19 140 0.007961 10' Pt 4.644 3 2 4.0 4.0 . . . 69.843 74.487 . 3LtE(23'-7Y2), BFP(-4.000) 70'-lI 80'-ll Pc 0.000 Pv (Ai 6b M P P ('.Afl Inn !1AiitnSPRINK%VRavR.0.36 . 06/23/2010 4:26:54PM Paae I Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Spec. Warehouse Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream UG Elevation 7.85 Discharge 1274.54 K-Factor . 8.45 Pt Pn 140 Fittings . 0.011795 Eq. Length Total Length 55'-9 56- Pf Pe Pv Summary 0.658 2 -3'-0 74.487 Supply, 1 4-0 . 75.144 . 500.00 Hose Allowance At Source 1 1774.54 Route 2..... SP 1.05 25.68 9.53 120 0.206578 0'-1O Pf 1.209 538 117 191-6Y2 181-8Y2 25.68 8 10.300 11.878 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5'-1 5'-lI Pe Pv 0.369 BL 1.38 25.68 5.51 120 0.054331 3'- 3- Pf Pe Pv 0.181 117 18'-8'h 11.878 115 181-8% 12.059 BL 1.38 51.52 11.05 120 0.197070 6'-0 6'-C Pf Pe Pv 1.182 115 181-8Y2 25.85 12.059 Flow (q) from Route 3 114 18'-8Y2 13.242 BL 1.61 78.67 12.40 120 0203547 9'-4 Pt 1.900 114 113 18'-8Y2 181-81A 27.15 . 13.242 15.142 Flow (q) from Route 8 . . 9-4 Pe PV BL 2.07 107.77 10.30 120 0.107911 4'-l11Pf 1.609 113 111 181-8Y2 18'-8Y2 29.10 15.142 16.751 Flow (q) from Route 18 T(10'-O) 10'-0 14 11 Pe -0.000 ..... Route 3..... SP 1.05 25.85 9.59 120 0.209124 0'-ll Pf 0.593 537 116 19'-6Y2 18'-8Y2 25.85 8 10.438 11.392 Sprinkler, E(2'-O) 2'-1 2'-ll Pe Pv 0.361 BL 1.38 25.85 5.54 120 0.055001 6'-q Pf 0.660 116 115 181-8Y2 181-81h 11.392 12.059 T(6'-0) 6'-1 12'-I Pa Pv 0.008 "•" Route 4 ..... SP 1.05 32.45 12.05 120 0.318635 0'-6, Pt 1.760 523 123 18'-11 184h/2 32.45 8 . 16.456 18.443 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5'-C 5'-6Y Pe Pv 0.227 BL 1.38 32.45 6.96 120 0.083803 9'-4 Pt 0.782- 123 122 18'-4 18'-4%. . 18.443 19.225 9'-4 Pe Pv BL 1.61 . 65.59. 10.34 120 0.145398 9-4 Pt 1.357 122 121 184h/2 184h/2 33.14 19.225 20.582 Flow (q) from Route 7 9'-4 Pe Pv BL 2.07 99.89 9.55 120 0.093763 4'-l1 Pt 0.929 121 105 18'-4/2 18'-4% 34.30 20.582 21.511 Flow (q) from Route 13 E(5'-O) 5'-C 9-11 Pe Pv 0.000 RN 2.07 99.89 9.55 120 0.093763 2'-r Pt 1.171 105 104 18'-4Y2 15'-10Y2 21.511 23.763 PO(10'-O) 10'- 12-I Pe Pv 1.081 do ..... Route 5 .... SP 1.05 33.05 12.27 120 0.329570 0'-9Y Pt 1.909 509 130 18-4 1761/2 33.05 8 17.067 19.319 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5-I 5'-9'/ Pe Pv 0.343 BL 1.38 33.05 7.09 120 0.086679 5'-BY Pt 0.495 130 129 176h/2 17'-61A 19.319 19.814 5'-8Y Pe Pv BL 1.61 66.53 10.48 120 0.149284 T-C Pt 1.045 129 128 17'-6Y2 176h/2 33.48 . 19.814 20.859 Flow (q) from Route 9 . T-C Pe Pv BL 2.07 100.91 9.65 120 0095543 T-C 7-' Pt Pe Pv 0.669 128 17'-61A 34.38 20.859 Flow (q) from Route 14 127 176u/2 21.528 BL 2.07 135.84 . 12.99 120 0.165599 3-bY Pt 1.469 127 96 17-6Y2 17'-61h 34.94 21.528 22.997 Flow (q) from Route 16 E(5'LO) 5'- 8'-b0 Pe Pv 0.000 RN 2.07 135.84 12.99 120 0.165599 V-71 Pt 1.924 96 95 17'-6A 15'-l1 22.997 25.623 PO(10'-0) 101- 11'-7Y Pe Pv 0.702 QP . • . • • Route 6 ..... SP 1.05 33.12 1230 120 0.330920 o'4Pt 1.826 516 126 18'-71h 181h/2 33.12 8 17.143 19.194 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5'-q 5'-Pv Pe 0.225 BL 1.38 33.12 - 7.11 120 0.087034 9'-1 Pt 0.812 126 125 18'-1 18'-VA .........19.194 20.006 9'-.4jPv IPe 1.,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. Aut6SPRlNK0VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 4:26:54PM Pane 2 ________________________________ _ OWN 1 Job Number: 10-667 Report Descnption: Spec. Warehouse Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Total Length Pressure Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream BL 1.61 66.97 10.55 120 0.151091 9'4 9'-4 Pt Pe Pv 1.410 125 18-1Y2 33.84 20.006 Flow (q) from Route 10 124 18'-1 '/z 21.418 BL 2.07 102.00 9.75 120 0.097470 4'-li 5'-1 9'-l1 Pf 0.966 Pe -0.000 Pv 124 18'-1A 35.04 21.416 Flow (q) from Route 17 101 181-1%22.382 E(5'-O) RN 2.07 102.00 9.75 120 0.097470 2.214 io'-c 12.2h/ Pt 1.190 Pe 0.958 Pv 101 18'-11h 22.382 100 15'-11 24.530 P0(10-0) Route 7 • • SR 1.05 33.14 12.30 120 0.331172 U-64 Pf 1.834 522 122 18-11 184/2 33.14 8 17.157 19.225 Sprinkler, T(5-0) 5'-Q 5'-611APv Pe 0.234 - Route 8..... SP 1.05 27.15 10.08 120 0.229049 0'-10'4 Pt 1.346 536 114 19'-7 18-8Y2 27•15 : 8 11.517 13.242 Spnnklèr, T(5'-O) 5'-Q 5'-10'4Pv Pe 0.379 Route 9..... SR 1.05 33.48 12.43 120 0.337572 09h/ Pt 1.955 508 129 18'-4 1T-6% 33.48 8 17.516 19.814 Sprinkler, T(5-0) 5-q 5'-9Pv 4 Pe 0.343 Route 10 ..... SR 1.05 33.84 12.56 120 0.344333 0'- Pt 1.894 515 125 18'-7'/2 18-1% 33.84 8 17.895 20.006 Sprinkler, 1(5-0) 5'- 5'- Pc Pv 0.217 Route 11 ..... BL 1.38 32.07 6.88 120 0.081993 8-C Pt 0.656 517 518 18'-9Y2 18'-9Y2 32.07 8 16.072 16.728 Sprinkler 8'-C Pe Pv BL 1.61 64.79 10.21 120 0.142144 8'-C Pt 1.137 518 519 181-9Y2 18'-9'A 32.72 . 8 16.728 17.865 Sprinkler 8'-C, Pc Pv BL 2.07 98.61 9.43 120 0.091552 8'-0 Pt 0.732 519 520 181-9Y2 181-9Y2 33.81 8 17.865 18.598 Sprinkler 8'-C Pc Pv BL 2.07 133.11 12.73 120 0.159482 4'-2 Pt 2.260 520 103 189h/2 181-9Y2 34.50 8. 18.598 20.858 Sprinkler, 2E(5-0) 10 14'-2 Pc Pv -0.000 RN 2.07 133.11 12.73 120 0.159482 2'-lOV Pt 2.056 103 102 18'-91A 15-11 20.858 24.169 PO(10'-0) 10'- 1 1210h/ Pc Pv 1.255 _Route 12 ..... BL 1.38 31.53 6.76 120 0.079445 8-C Pt 0.636 524 525 191-1 191-1 31.53 8 15.533 16.168 Sprinkler 8-( Pc Pv BL 1.61 63.70 10.04 120 0.137732 8'-( Pt 1.102 525 526 19-1 191-1 32.17 8 16.168 17.270 Sprinkler 8'-( Pc Pv BL 2.07 96.94 9.27 120 0.088716 8-0 Pf 0.710 526 527 191-1 191-I 33.25 8 17.270 17.980 Sprinkler 8'-C Pc Pv BL 2.07 130.87 12.51 120 0;154551 4-1 10'-( 14'-1 Pt 2.179 Pc -0.000 Pv 527 19-1 33.92 8 17.980 Sprinkler, 107 19-1 . . . 20.159 2E(5'-0) RN 2.07 130.87 12.51 120 0.154551 3'-2V 10,-I l3'-2 Pt Pc Pv 2.042 1.392 107 191-1 20.159 106 151-10h 23.592 PO(I0'-O) Go ..... Route 13 ..... SR 1.05 34.30 12.73 120 0.352937 0'-6Y Pf 6- Pc 5'-6YPv 1.961 0.242 521 18'-ll 34.30 8 18.379 Sprinkler, 121 184h/2 20.582 T(5 -0) Go ..... Route 14 ..... SP 1.05 34.38 12.76 120 0.354428 0-9Y Pt 2.053 507 128 18'-4 17'-6Y2 34.38 8 18.463 20.859 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5'-( 5-9YPv Pc 0.343 Go ..... Route 15.. • BL 1.38 32.70 7.01 120 0.084982 8'-C Pt 0.680 510 511 18-6'h 186h/2 32.70 8 16.707 17.386 Sprinkler 8'-C Pc Pv BL 1.61 66.06 10.41 ..120 0.147318 8 Pt 1.179 511 512 18-6Y2 18-611c ........... 33.36 8 17.386 18.565 Sprinkler 8'- Pc Pv ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK®VR8v8.0.36 06/23/2010 4:26:54PM Page 3 I . Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Spec. Warehouse Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary BL 2.07 100.53 9.61 120 0.094877 8-0 Pf 0.759 512 513 1861/ 18-6'/2 34.47 8 18.565 19.324 Sprinkler 8-0 Pe Pv BL 2.07 135.69 12.97 120 0.165264 5- Pf 2.575 513 99 18'-6Y2 18'-6Y2 35.17 8 19.324 21.899 Sprinkler, 2E(5'-O) 10'-( 15'- Pa -0.000 Pv RN 2.07 135.69 12.97 120 0.165264 2'-71, Pf 2.086 99 98 18'-6Y2 15-11 . 21.899 25.123 P0(10-0) 1 o,-q 1274 Pe 1.138 Pv ..... Route 16 ..... SP 1.05 34.94 12.97 120 0.385184 O'-9Y4 Pf 2.115 506 127 184 17-6% 34.94 8 19.070 21.528 Sprinkler, T(5-0) 5'-01 5'-9Y4Pv Pe 0.343 ••••• Route 17..... SP 1.05 35.04 13.01 120 0.367140 O'-61 Pf 2.019 514 124 18-7% 181h/2 35.04 8 19.180 21.416 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5'-c4 5- Pe 0.217 Pv "••• Route 18 - SP 1.05 29.10 10.80 120 0.260408 01-10'/ Pf 1.531 535 113 19'-7 18'-BY. 29.10 8 13.231 15.142 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5'-q 5101/Pv Pe 0.380 Route 19..... SP 1.05 32.22 11.96 120 0.314349 0-5 Pf 1.717 530 120 18-11% 18-6 32.22 8 16.217 18.133 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5'-( 5-5Y Pe 0.200 Pv BL 1.38 32.22 6.91 120 0.082676 9'4 Pf 0.772 120 119 18-6 181-6 18.133 18.905 9'4 Pe Pv BL 1.61 65.12 10.26 120 0.143490 9-4 Pt 1.339 119 118 181-6 18-6 32.91.. ' 18.905 20.244 Flow (q) from Route 20 9'4 Pe Pv BL 2.07 99.20 9.48 120 0.092568 4'-l1 Pt 0.917 118 109 181-6 18'-6 34.07 . 20.244 21.162 Flow (q) from Route 21 E(5'-O) 5'-0 9'-1 11 Pe -0.000 Pv RN 2.07 99.20 9.48 120 0.092568 2'-7"! Pt 1.170 109 108 18'-6 15'-10% . . . . •- 21.162 23.476 P0(10-0) 10'-q IT-714 Pe 1.144 Pv = ..... Route 20 ..... SP 1.05 32.91 12.22 120 0.326932 0'-54 Pt 1.785 529 119 18'-11% 18'-6 32.91 8 16.920 18.905 Sprinkler, T(5-0) 5'-q 5'-5'4 Pe 0.200 Pv Gb •.••• Route 21 ..... SP 1.05 34.07 12.65 120 0.348688 0'-SYj Pt 1.904 528 118 18-11% 18-6 34.07 8 18.140 20.244 Sprinkler, T(5-0) 5'-c Pe 0.200 5'-5'4 Pv Go ...'. Route 22•• BL 1.38 33.45 7.17 120 0.088607 8'-C 8-I Pt 0.709 Pe Pv 502 18'-IIYz 33.45 8 17.478 Sprinkler 503 18111A 18.187 BL 1.61 67.56 10.65 120 0.153592 8'-C 8'-I Pt 1.229 Pe Pv 503 18-11% 34.12 8 18.187 Sprinkler 504 181-11Y2 19.416 BL 2.07 102.81 9.83 120 0.098910 8'-I Pt 0.791 504 505 18'-11V2 18'-11Y2 35.25 a ., 19.416 20.207 Sprinkler . 8'- Pe Pv BL 2.07 138.78 13.27 120 0.172276 4'-1 Pt 2.427- 505 94 18-11% 18-11% 35.96 . 8 . 20.207 22.635 Sprinkler, 2E(5'-O) . 10'-I 14'-1 Pe Pv RN 2.07 138.78 13.27 120 0.172276 3'-OY Pt 2.246 94 93 18-11% 16-11 22.635 28.198 PO(10'-O) 10'- 13'-0Y Pe 1.316 Pv Go ..... Route 23 ..... BL 1.38 36.86 7.91 120 0.106082 8' Pt 0.849 500 501 19-0 19-0 36.86 8 21.233 22.081 Sprinkler 8'-C Pe Pv BL 1.61 74.46 11.73 120 0.183834 8' Pt 1.471 501 131 19-0 19-0 37.59 - 8. 22.081 23.552 Sprinkler 8'-' Pe Pv BL 2.07 74.46 712 120 0.054445 13'- Pt 1.285 131 92 19-0 19-0 .; 8 23.552 24.837 2E(5'-O) 10'-' 23'- Pe -0.000 Pv ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. FAutàspRlNK®vR8v8.o.36 06/23/2010 4:26:54PM Facie 4 b Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Spec. Warehouse Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Total Length Pressure Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream RN 2.07 74.46 7.12 120 0.054445 1-2 V-2 Pt 0.064 Pe 0.512 Pv 92 19-0 24.837 91 17-10 25.413 RN 2.07 74.46 7.12 120 0.054445 1-11 10,-0 11-11 Pt 0.648 Pe 0.828 Pv 91 17-10 25.413 90 15-11 26.889 P0(10-0) Gb •••.• Route 24•••• CM 3.26 412.93 15.87 120 0.140818 32-1 Pf 10.198 97 86 15-11 15-11 25.362 35.563 T(20'-2) T(20-2) 40'-4 72'-5 Pe 0.002 Pv CM 3.26 177.85 6.84 120 0.029641 23'-3 40- 63'-7, Pt 1.884 Pe -0.018 Pv 86 15-11 35.563 T(20-2) 85 15-11Y2 37.429 T(20-2) CM 3.26 82.97 3.19 120 0.007233 6-8 6-8'/ 13- Pt 0.097 Pe -2.909 Pv 85 15-11%37.429 84 22-8 34.617 LtE(6'-8%) CM 2.63 82.97 4.88 100 0.028574 143'-OY Pt 4.647 84 69 22-8 2Y-1 34.617 39.084 T(11'-9), 2LtE(3-11) 19-7 162-7Y Pe -0.181 Pv CM 2.63 82.97 4.88 120 0.020393 147-91/ Pt 3.126 69 16 23-1 23'-1 39.084 42.209 LtE(5'-6) 5'-61 153'-N Pe Pv CM 2.63 177.85 10.46 120 0.083573 20-0Y Pt 2.135 16 15 23-1 23-1 94.88 f 42.209 44.344 Flow (q) from Route 26 LtE(5'-6) 6-6 25'-6i Pe Pv CM 3.26 177.85 6.84 120 0.029641 10-9i Pf 0.519 15 14 2Y-1 15-11 . - 44344 47.971 LtE(6-B%) 6-8, 17-6Y Pc 3.108 Pv CM 3.26 412.93 15.87 120 0.140818 32-1 Pt 7.359 14 13 15-11 15'-11 235.08 47.971 55.330 Flow (q) from Route 25 T(20-2) 20-: 52-: Pc Pv CM 4.26 412.93 9.30 120 0.038265 17-C Pt 1.677 13 12 15-11 15-11 55.330 57.008 T(26-4) 26 -1 43'-Iq Pc 0.000 Pv .....Route25 ..... CM 3.26 235.08 9.04 120 0.049663 216-31 33-1 249'-1Pv Pt 12.408 Pc -0.000 86 15-11 35.563 14 15-11 47.971 2LtE(6-8%), 1(20-2) Route 26.•.•• CM 3.26 94.88 3.65 120 0.009270 2T2h/ Pt 0.501 85 40 151-11% 8-2% 37.429 41.283 LtE(6-8%), T(20-2) 26-IOY 54-1 Pc 3.353 Pv BL 2.63 94.88 5.58 120 0.026135 243-q Pt 7.368 40 16 8-2% 23-1 41.283 42.209 21(16-5'A), LtE(5-6) 38-5Y 281-Ill Pc -6.442 Pv Fittun Cj20niyi? _j MAII I Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 I.. Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter j = Factor WPM Value Of C 100 Multiplying Factor 0.713 130 140 150 1.16 1.33 1.51 © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. tj AutoSPRINK® VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 4:26:54PM Page 5 ~Wm 10 ANN 4 MY— Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Spec. Warehouse Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Total Length I LegM f Le AO Arm-Over Diameter Inch ALV Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main Flow gpm b Bushing DN Drain Discharge gpm BalV Ball Valve DR Drop Velocity fps BFP Backfiow Preventer DY Dynamic Pressure psi BV Butterfly Valve FM Feed Main Length Foot C Cross Flow Turn 900 FR Feed Riser Friction Loss psi/Foot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous HWC Hazen-Williams Constant Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe CV Check Valve RN Riser Nipple Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe DelV Deluge Valve SP Sprig Pr Pressure loss due to friction between points DPV Dry Pipe Valve ST Stand Pipe Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated points E 900 Elbow UG Underground Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe EE 45* Elbow Eel 11 %* Elbow Ee2 22W Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 900 FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 450 FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node IT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose • Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LIE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve Pry Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF \Mrsbo WMV Water Meter Valve • Z Cac &0 M.E.P.CAD, Inc. Iffl AutoSPRINK® VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 4:26:54PM Page 6 Job Number: 10-657 Report Description: Light Hazard .lobNumbor I DgeEUoe. 10-667 Reno Construction Job Name: -. State C fceOoniljcenoe Number Osmotech Addre.sl AHJ 5964 La Place Court Carlsbad Fire Address Jobolt&Nuiiding Remote Area #2 - Upper MEZ Address S Dream Name caic model Most Demanding Sydobler Data - Occupancy K-Factor 14.93 at 7.111 Job S.M.5.6 Light Hazard Hate Allowance At Source Density Area of Application 100.00 0.1ogpm/ft2 1500.00ft2 (Actual 1519.28ft2) Additional Hoae Supplies Number Of Sprinklers Calculated Coverage Per Spnlnider Node Flow(apm) 13 149.33ft2 AutoPeek ReecitE Pressure For Remote Areels) Adjacent To Most Remote Area Total Hose Streams 100.00 System Flow Demand Tetel Wale, Required (lncluanno Hoe. imiewence) 249.66 349.66 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 MaxImum Velocity Ateeveoround 14.69 between nodes 70 and 71 Maximum Velocity Under Gerund 1.65 between nodes 3 and 4 Volume capexity of Wit Pipes Volume cepodtyefDny Pipes 1183.329a1 Hose Flow T Static Residual Flow Available @ Total Demand Required Safety Margin Node 100.00 98.000 94.000 I 13000 97.648 I 3466 54.645 4002 MITI- coninautorNumber CoetactNeme Contactlite oamoolConoactoc Phone Extension Address 1 - . .. . FAX dddmse2 E-nnal City State Zip Coda Web-Ste ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M.Auto9PRINKQDVR8v8.0.36 06/23/2010 10:37:46AM Page 1 Job Number: 10-667 Rnnrt flesnonfinn I inht W,rA Supply at Node I 100: atic Pressure 98.000 a- -7 I - 3o0.J94.000 go— Pressu e8890 80- 60- 249.66 @ 54.645 CL T 349.66 with hose streams 50 40- System demand curve 20- 10- - — - 1111111 LLW.W I? I_I_I I'll liii I II I I I I I I I I I I I — 1500 50 300 1200 1350 450 600 750 1050 Water flow, gpm HydriijticGph Supply at Node 1 Staft Preulu,c 98.000 Residual: Prnu,e 94.000 @ 1300.00 Aitibte Pranws at Time of Tell 97.648 @ 349.66 s- 54.645 @ 249.66 Syltem Demand IIrrciudiirg Hoes Allowanca at Source) 54.645 @ 349.66 ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 91 AutoSPRINK® VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 10:37:50AM Page 7 j119WOMM IMMOR ., I -1 Job Number: 10-667 Report Description Light Hazard Device Actual Flow (gpm) Minimum Flow (gpm) K-Factor (K) Pressure (psi) Sprinkler 400 24.94 14.82 5.6 19.830 Sprinkler 401 16.12 14.82 5.6 8.284 Sprinkler 402 17.27 14.82 5.6 9.506 Sprinkler 403 20.96 14.82 5.6 14.010 Sprinkler 404 22.95 14.82 5.6 16.802 Sprinkler 405 15.77 14.93 5.6 7.931 Sprinkler 406 16.90 14.93 5.6 9.105 Sprinkler 407 20.52 14.93 5.6 13.433 Sprinkler 408 22.48 14.93 5.6 16.116 c> Sprinkler 409 14.93 14.93 5.6 7.111 Sprinkler 410 16.01 14.93 5.6 8.172 Sprinkler 411 19.47 14.93 5.6 12.086 Sprinkler 412 21.34 14.93 5.6 14.516 , 0 M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK® VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 10:37:47AM Page 2 Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Light Hazard Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Total Length Pressure Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream BL 1.05 14.93 5.54 120 0.075800 14'-' Pt 1.061 409 410 24-6Y2 24'-6% 14.93 5.6 7.111 8.172 Sprinkler 14'- Pe Pv BL 1.05 30.94 11.49 120 0.291740 13'- Pt 3.914 410 411 24-6/2 246h/2 16.01 5.6 8.172 12.086 Sprinkler 13'- Pe Pv BL 1.38 50.41 10.81 120 0.189284 12'-1 Pt 2.429 411 412 24'-6% 24'-6% 19.47 5.6 12.086 14.516 Sprinkler 12'-1t Pe Pv BL 1.61 71.75 11.31 120 0.171650 12'-l( Pt 2.203 412 324 24'-6Y2 24'-6Y2 21.34 5.6 14.516 16.718 Sprinkler 12'-l( Pe Pv BL 1.61 71.75 11.31 100 0.240508 141-81 8'-6 23'-3Y Pt 5.599 Pe Pv 324 24'-6Y2 5.6 16.718 78 24'-6% 22.317 3E(2-10) RN 1.61 71.75 11.31 100 0.240508 1'-lO', 5'-8'i 7- Pt 1.823 Pe 0.813 Pv 78 24-6Y2 22.317 77 22-8 24.953 PO(5-81/2) CM 2.63 71.75 4.22 100 0.021836 0'-11)' Pt 0.021 77 75 22-8 22'-8 24.953 24.974 0'-11Y Pe -0.000 Pv CM 2.63 147.42 8.67 100 0.082752 9'- Pt 0.771 75 73 22-8 22'-8 75.68 24.974 25.744 Flow (q) from Route 2 9'- Pe -0.000 Pv CM 2.63 224.72 13.22 100 0.180500 101-0 Pt 1.809 73 71 22-8 22'-8 77.30 25.744 27.554 Flow (q) from Route 3 10'-0 Pe 0.000 Pv CM 2.63 249.66 14.69 100 0.219293 6'-1 Pt 3.909 71 70 22'-8 22-8 24.94 27.554 31.463 Flow (q) from Route 4 T(11'-9) 11 17-11 Pe -0.000 Pv CM 2.63 171.64 10.10 100 0.109646 40-lI Pt 4.907 70 84 22'-8 22'-8 31.463 36.370 LtE(3'-ll) 3-11 44'-! Pe Pv CM 3.26 171.64 8.60 120 0.027755 6'-8 20'-: 26'-10 Pt 0.746 Pe 2.909 Pv 84 22'-8 36.370 85 15'-11Y2 . 40.024 T(20'-2) CM 3.26 157.39 6.05 120 0.023643 23'- Pt 0.550 85 86 15'-11Y2 15'-11 . . 40.024 40.592 23'- Pe 0.018 Pv CM 3.26 118.54 4.56 120 0.013994 32'-1 Pt 0.731 86 97 15'-11 15'-11 . 40.592 41.321 T(20'-2) 20'-2 52'-3 Pe -0.002 Pv CM 4.26 118.54 2.67 120 0.003803 4'-7 Pt 0.017 97 95 15'-11 15'-11 41.321 41.338 4'-7 Pe -0.000 Pv CM 4.26 118.54 2.67 120 0.003803 6'-f 6'-(' Pt 0.025 Pe -0.000 Pv 95 15'-11 41.338 93 15'-ll 41.363 CM 4.26 118.54 2.67 120 0.003803 51- Pt 0.021 93 90 15'-11 15-11 41.363 41.383 5'- Pe -0.000 Pv CM 4.26 118.54 2.67 120 0.003803 175'- 26'- 201'-ll Pt 0.768 Pe 0.003 Pv 90 15-11 41.383 . 12 15-11 42.154 T(26'-4) DV 4.26 249.66 5.62. 120 0.015084 01- 0'4 Pt 0.000 Pe 0.181 Pv 12 15'-11 131.12 42.154 Flow (q) from Route 5 11 15'-6 42.335 CM 6.36 249.66 2.52 120 0.002147 27'-71, 22'-7 50'- Pt 0.108 Pe 0.237 Pv 11 151-6 42.335 10 14'-IIYz 42.680 2LtE(11'-4) FR 6.36 . 249.66 2.52 120 0.002147 14'-5Y 14'-5 Pt 0.031 Pe 6.260 Pv 10 14'-11 ?.4 42.680 6 0'-6 . 48.971 UG 8.51 24966 .1.41 . . .120 0.000519 3'- Pt 0.011 6 5 0'-6 4-0 . 48.971 50.504 LtE(17'-9) 17'- 21'-3V Pe 1.522 Pv UG 8.51 249.66 1.41. . . 140 0.000390 16'-2 Pt 0.016 5 4 -3-0 -3'-0 . 50.504 50.520 LtE(23'-7V2) 23'-7V 39'-l( Pe Pv UG 7.85 249.66 1.65 140 0.000578 74-7Y Pt 0.062 4 3 -3-0 -3'-O 50.520 50.582 2LtE(15-11%) 31'-ll 106'-6 Pe Pv dl P r'r Inr 111111 A fn.cPRiMIvPR uR fl iA 0612312010 4:28:17PM Pace 1 Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Light Hazard Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Total Length Pressure Summary __ Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream UG 8.51 249.66 1.41 140 0.000390 10'-( 70'-11 80'-11 Pt 4.032 Pe 0.000 Pv 3 -3.-0 50.582 2 -3-0 54.613 3LtE(23'-7%), BFP(-4.000) UG 7.85 249.66 1.65 140 0.000578 55'-1 55'-G Pt 0.032 Pe Pv 2 4-0 54.613 Supply, -3'-0 54.645 100.00 Hose Allowance At Source 1 349.66 ....• Route 2..... BL 1.05 15.77 5.85 120 0.083854 14'-( 14- Pt 1.174 Pe Pv 405 24-6Y2 15.77 5.6 7.931 Sprinkler 406 24-61A 9.105 BL 1.05 32.67 12.13 120 0.322577 134 13- Pt 4.328 Pe Pv 406 24-6% 16.90 5.6 9.105 Sprinkler 407 24-6Y2 13.433 BL 1.38 53.19 11.41 120 0.209069 12-1l 12'-1l Pt 2.683 Pe Pv 407 246h/2 20.52 5.6 13.433 Sprinkler 408 24-6Y2 16.116 BL 1.61 75.68 11.93 120 0.189442 12'-1 12'-ll Pt 2.431 Pe Pv 408 24'-6Y2 22.48 5.6 16.116 Sprinkler 325 241-614 18.548 BL 1.61 75.68 11.93 100 0.265438 7'-10 5-8 13'- Pt 3.602 Pe 0.000 Pv 325 24!-6%5.6 18.548 76 24'-6Y 22.149 T(5'-81/2) RN 1.61 75.68 . 11.93 100 0.265438 1'-10 5'-8Y 7- Pt 2.012 Pe 0.813 Pv 76 24-61A 22.149 75 22-8 . -. 24.974 PO(5'-8%) •• • . Route 3 ..... BL 1.05 16.12 5.98 120 0.087294 14'. Pt 1.222 401 402 24-21h 24-2'/2 16.12. 5.6 8.284 9.506 Sprinkler 14'-' Pe Pv BL 1.05 33.38 12.39 120 0.335741 13'- Pt 4.505 402 403 242h/2 24-2Y2 . 17.27 5.6 9.506 14.010 Sprinkler 13- Pe Pv BL 1.38 54.34 11.66 120 0.217509 12'-1 Pt 2.791 403 404 24'-2% 24'-2Yz 20.96 5.6 14.010 16.802 Sprinkler . 12'1 C Pe Pv BL 1.61 . 77.30 12.18 120 0.197028 . 12-1 12'-1( Pt 2.529 Pe Pv 404 24'-2% 22.95 5.6 16.802 Sprinkler 326 24-2Y2 19.330 BL 1.61 77.30 12.18 100 0.276067 710hI Pt 3.746 326 74 24'-2V2 24'-2Y2 5.6 19.330 23.076 T(6-81/2) 58h, 13'- Pe Pv RN 1.61 77.30 12.18 100 0.276067 16h1 Pt 2.000 74 73 22-8 24-2%23.076 25.744 PO(5'-8Y2) 5'-BY 7-Pv Pe 0.668 Go ..... Route 4 • BL 1.05 24.94 9.26 . 120 0.195723 27'- Pt 5.366 400 80 24'-2Y2 24-21A 24.94 5.6 .19.830 25.196 Sprinkler . 27- Pe -0.000 Pv BL 1.38 24.94 5;35 120 0.051476 12-Il Pt 0.661 80 79 24-2Y2 . 24-2Y2 5.6 ... 25.196 25.856 12'-lI Pe Pv BL 1.61 24.94 3.93 120 0.024298 11'-11Y 11-11YPv Pt 0.290 Pe 79 24-2Y2 5.6 25.856 . 330 242h/2 26.147 BL 1.61 24.94 3.93 100 0.034046 8'- 5-81y, 14'-5V Pt 0.492 Pe Pv 330 24-21h 5.6 26.147 72 24'-2Y2 26.639 T(5'-81A) RN 1.61 24.94 3.93 100 0.034046 1'-6 5'-8 7- Pt 0.247 Pe 0.668 Pv 72 24'-2Y2 26.639 71 22-8 27.554 PO(5'-8Y2) CM 3.26 38.85 1.49 120 0.001777 216- 53'- 270'-( Pt 0.480 Pe -0.000 Pv 86 16-11 . 40.592 T(20'-2) 14 15'-11 41.072 2LtE(6'-81A), T(20-2) CM 3.26 131.12 5.04 120 0.016863 32'-1 0.881 14 15-11 15-11 78.02 . . . 41.072 41.953 2013 Flow (q) from Route 6 T(20'-2) 52'- Pf CM 4.26 131.12 2.95 120 0.004582 17-C Pt 0.201 13 12 15'-11 15-11 . . 41.953 42.154 T(26'-4) 26- 43'-ll Pe 0.000 Pv 0 M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 11 AutoSPRINK® VR8 v8.0.36 08/23/2010 4:28:17PM Page 2 Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Light Hazard Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Total Length Pressure Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream ..... Route 6 ..... CM 3.26 14.25 0.55 120 0.000278 27-2/ 470h/ 74-: Pf 0.021 Pe 3.353 Pv 85 15-1W2 40.024 T(20-2) 40 8-2Y2 43.398 LtE(6-8%), T(20-2) BL 2.63 14.25 0.84 120 0.000783 243-0 38.511 281'-111 Pf 0.221 Pe -6.442 Pv 40 8'-2Y2 43.398 16 23'-1 37.176 2T(16-5Ya), LtE(5-6) CM 2.63 92.26 5.43 120 0.024818 20--014 5-1 25-6Y Pf 0.634 Pe Pv 16 23-1 78.02 37.176 Flow (q) from Route 7 15 23-1 37.810 LtE(5'-6) CM 3.26 92.26 3.55 120 0.008802 10-GY 6-8V 17'-6 N 0.154 Pe 3.108 Pv 15 23-1 37.810 14 15-11 41.072 LtE(6-8Ya) Go ..... Route 7 ..... CM 2.63 78.02 4.59 120 0.018196 1479h/ 5- 153-Pv Pf 2.789 Pe 69 23-1 78.02 34.387 Flow (q) from Route 8 16 23-1 37.176 LtE(5'-6) ..... Route 8 ..... CM 2.63 78.02 4.59 100 0.025496 10221/ Pt 3.105 19-71Pe -0.181 121-9VPv 70 22-8 31.463 T(11'-9) 69 23-1 34.387 2LtE(3-11) Jeit eL I Actual Inside Diameter Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter 87 ) = Factor Value Of C 100 Multiplying Factor 0.713 130 140 150 1.16 1.33 1.51 ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. all AutoSPRlNK®VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 4:28:17PM Page 3 Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Light Hazard AO Arm-Over Diameter BL Branch Line Elevation CM Cross Main Flow DN Drain Discharge DR Drop Velocity DY Dynamic Pressure FM Feed Main Length FR Feed Riser Friction Loss MS Miscellaneous HWC OR Outrigger Pt RN Riser Nipple Pn SP Sprig pf ST Stand Pipe Pe UG Underground PV Inch Foot gpm gpm fps psi Foot psi/Foot Hazen-Williams Constant Total pressure at a point in a pipe Normal pressure at a point in a pipe Pressure loss due to friction between points Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated points Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe Pt Eq. ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BaW Ball Valve BFP Backflow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90° cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DeW Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90° Elbow EE 45° Elbow Eel 11W Elbow Ee2 221W Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90° FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45° FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LIE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve Pry Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF N1rsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. jjjAutoSPRINK@ VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 4:28:17PM Page 4 Job Number: 10-667 b••%#S•4 fl..........u;...... fl_.JZ____ 10-667 Reno Construction Job Name: Osmotech Stole CerfiffoationAkeme Number Address I AHJ 5964 La Place Court Carlsbad Fire Address 2 Job SltelOciIdjn5 Remote Area #3- Lower Mez West Address 3 Drowng Name calc model M manding Sprinkler Data Occupancy Job Suffix N K-Factor 18.38 at 10.774 Ordinary Group I Hose Allowotice Al Source Density Area of Application 250.00 0.15gpm/ft2 1500.00ft2 (Actual 1540.62ft2) Add:trenel Hose Supplies Number Of Sprinklers Calculated Coverage Per Spdnlder Node FIow(pom 15 122.54ft2 AutePeek Results: pr000rce For Rental. Area(s) Adjacent To Most Remote Area Left: 46.385 Total Hose StreemO 250.00 System Flora Demand Totol Water Required (Including Hose Allosrance) 351.89 601.89 Maairnum Pressure Unbalance In loops 0.000 MaximumVelocity Abene Ground 20.70 between nodes 40 and 41 M.eanoso Vntocity Under Ground 2.33 between nodes 3 and 4 Volume capacity.) Wet Pipes Volume capacity of Dry Pipes 1183.329a1 Hose Flow Static Residual @ Flow Available © Total Demand Required Safety Margin Node (gpm) (psi) (psi) (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (psi) (psi) 1 250.00 98.000 94.000 1 1300.00 97.038 I 601.89 57.733 39.305 Conteut Name Home otConSector Phone Extension Address FAX Address2 E-o,ai City State Zip Code Web-Sits 1,© M.E.P.CADr Inc. 11 AutoSPRlNK®VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 10:47:32AM Page 1 iyPip i Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Ordinary Group Supply at Node I 100 - Static Pressure 98.000 - 300.00@ 94.000 90 Static essure 88.200(90%) — 430000 0 60— - - 351.89@57.733 with hose streams 50 - I 7-----01.89 System demand curve 20— 10H 1111111 1111111 I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 Water flow, gpm Hydrauc Graph Supply at Node I Slebu: Pressure 98.000 Residual: Pressure 94.000 @ 1300.00 Available Pressure at Time Sliest - 97.038 @ 601.89 Sysrem Danrand 57.733 @ 351.89 System Demand lirictudirra Hose Allowance atsourcel 57.733 @ 601.89 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. IM AutoSPRINK®VR8v8.0.36 06/23/2010 10:53:15AM Page 1 his - 'e-WIM00,01, agycm Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Ordinary Group I Device Actual Flow (gpm) Minimum Flow (gpm) K-Factor (K) Pressure (psi) Sprinkler 300 25.41 18.38 5.6 20.585 Sprinkler 301 25.35 18.38 5.6 20.496 Sprinkler 302 18.42 18.38 5.6 10.823 c> Sprinkler 303 18.38 18.38 5.6 10.774 Sprinkler 304 19.19 18.38 5.6 11.747 Sprinkler 305 23.90 18.38 5.6 18.208 Sprinkler 306 27.74 18.38 5.6 24.538 Sprinkler 307 22.16 18.38 5.6 15.657 Sprinkler 308 22.24 18.38 5.6 15.776 Sprinkler 309 24.91 18.38 5.6 19.794_ Sprinkler 310 27.61 18.38 5.6 24.311 Sprinkler 311 22.08 18.38 5.6 15.539 Sprinkler 312 22.16 18.38 5.6 15.657 Sprinkler 313 24.83 18.38 1 5.6 Sprinkler 314 27.51 18.38 1 5.6 24.138 ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK8VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 10:47:33AM Page 2 Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Ordinary Grout) I Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Total Length Pressure Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream ••••• Route 1 ..... AO 1.05 18.38 6.82 120 0.111319 0,- Pt 0.594 303 58 9-8 9-8 18.38 5.6 10.774 11.368 Sprinkler, T(5.0) 5'-1 5- Pe Pv BL 1.38 36.80 7.89 120 0.105766 9'- Pt 1.022 58 57 9'-8 9-8 18.42 11.368 12.390 Flow (q) from Route 2 Pe Pv BL 1.38 56.00 12.01 120 0.229906 14'-q Pt 6.783 57 56 91-8 9'-8 19.19 12.390 19.173 Flow (q) from Route 3 5E(3-0) 15'-q 29'- Pe Pv BL 1.38 79.89 17.14 120 0.443695 12.0 Pf 7.987 56 44 9'-8 9-8 23.90 19.173 27.159 Flow (q) from Route 8 T(6'.0) 6'- 18- Pe Pv BL 1.81 107.63 16.96 120 0.363505 1'-5Y Pt 3.438 44 43 9-8 8'-2'A 27.74 27.159 31.230 Flow (q) from Route 15 PO(8'-O) 8'-' 91-5'A Pe 0.632 Pv CM 2.63 301.13 17.72 120 0.221388 10,-' Pt 2.218 43 41 8-2Y2 8'-21/2 193.50 31.230 33.446 Flow (q) from Route 4 Pe Pv CM 2.63 351.89 20.70 120 0.295333 W-7, Pt 6.805 41 40 8'-2Y2 8'-2% 50.76 33.446 40.251 Flow (q) from Route 11 T(16'-5Ya) 16'-5Y 23-DY Pe Pv CM 3.26 276.35 10.62 120 0.066986 27-2' Pt 3.622 40 85 8'-2Ya 15'-111/2 . 40.251 40.521 LtE(6'-81..4), T(20'-2) 26'-10' 54-1 Pe -3.353 Pv CM 3.26 242.89 9.34 120 0.052760 23'-3 23'-3 Pt 1.227 Pe 0.018 Pv - 85 15'-11 'A 40.521 86 15'-11 41.765 CM 3.26 175.22 6.73 120 0.028834 32'-1 Pt 1.507 86 97 15-11 15-11 41.765 43.270 T(20-2) 20'-2 52-3 Pe -0.002 Pv CM 4.26 175.22 3.94 120 0.007835 4'-7 Pt 0.036 97 95 15'-11 15'-11 43.270 43.305 4'-7 Pe -0.000 Pv CM 4.26 175.22 3.94 120 0.007835 6'-f Pt 0.051 95 93 15-11 15-11 43.305 43.356 6'- Pe -0.000 Pv CM 4.26 175.22 3.94 120 0.007835 51-6 Pt 0.043 93 90 15-11 15.-11 43.356 43.399 5'-6 Pe -0.000 Pv CM 4.26 175.22 3.94 120 0.007835 175'-q Pt 1.582 90 12 15-11 15-11 43.399 44.984 T(26-4) 26'-4 201-10IPv Pe 0.003 DY 4.26 351.89 7.92 120 0.028464 0- Pt 0.000 12 11 15-11 15'-6 176.67 44.984 45.164 Flow (q) from Route 16 . 0'- Pe 0.181 Pv CM 6.36 351.89 3.56 . 120 0.004052 27'-71/ Pt 0.204 11 10 15-6 W-1 11/2 45.164 45.605 . 2LtE(11'-4) 22-7'! 50'- Pe 0.237 Pv FR 6.36 351.89 3.56 120 0.004052 14-5Y Pt 0.059 10 6 14'-ll'A 0-6 45.605 51.924 14'-5 Pe 6.260 Pv UG 8.51 351.89 1.98 . 120 0.000979 3- 0.021 6 5 0'-6 -3-0 51.924 53.467 LtE(17-9) i7'- 21'-3Y e 1.522 Pf v UG 8.51 351.89 1.98 140 0.000736 16'-2Y Pt 0.029 5 4 -3'-O -3-0 53.467 53.496 LtE(23-7'/2) 23'-7Y 39'-l( Pe Pv UG 7.85 351.89 2.33 140 0.001091 74'-7i Pt 0.116 4 3 -3'-0 -3'-O . . . 53.496 53.613 2LtE(15'-111/2) 31'-ll 106-6Y Pe Pv UG 8.51 .351.89. 1.98 140 0.000736 10'-( Pt 4.060 3 2 4-0 4-0 :. . 53.613 57.672 3LtE(23'-7Y2), BFP(-4.000) 70'-ll 80-11 Pe 0.000 Pv UG 7.85 351.89 2.33 140 0.001091 55-1 Pt 0.061 2 I 4-0 4-0 . 57.672 57.733 Supply, 56-9, Pe Pv .400.00 -. Hose Allowance At Source 601.89 __Route 2 ..... (11 A IA 9= 0 ('An In,. ltJ1 AiittPPIMW5/PA uR fl R ()tI2/2010 4:28:5113M Paae I Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Ordinary Group Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Total Length Pressure Summary __________ Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream . AO 1.05 18.42 8.84 120 0.111784 0'-4 2'-0 2-4 Pf Pe Pv 0.261 302 9-8 18.42 5.6 10.823 Sprinkler, 59 9-8 11.083 E(2-0) BL 1.38 18.42 3.95 120 0.029400 9'-8 9'-8 Pt Pa Pv 0.284 59 91-8 11.083 58 9'-8 11.368 - Route 3••••• - AO 1.05 19.19 7.13 120 0.120588 0'-4TPf 5'- 5-1Pv Pe 0.643 304 9-8 19.19 5.6 11.747 Sprinkler, . 57 9'-8 12.390 T(5'-O) =. ..... Route 4..... AO 1.05 22.08 8.19 120 0.156204 0'- 2-I 2'- Pt Pe Pv 0.364 311 9-8 22.08 5.6 15.539 Sprinkler, . 52 9-8 15.904 E(2-0) BL 1.38 22.08 4.74 120 0.041083 14'-51 14- Pt Pe Pv 0.592 52 9'-8 15.904 . 51 9'-8 16.498 BL 1.38 44.23 9.49 120 0.148622 16'-2Y 12-0 28'-2Y Pt Pe Pv 4.193 51 9-8 22.16 16.496 Flow (q) from Route 5 50 9-8 . 20.689 4E(3'-O) BL 1.38 69.06 14.81 120 0.338849 11'-1l V-0 17'-11 Pf Pe Pv 6.071 50 9-8 2483 - 20.689 Flow (q) from Route 9 49 9-8 . . 26.760 T(6'-O) BL 1.61 96.57: 15.22 120 0.297435 V-514 W-Q 951/ Pt 2.813 Pe 0.632 Pv 49 91-8 27.5.1: . 26.760 Flow (q) from Route 13 48 8'-2% 30.205 PO(8'-0) CM 2.63 96.57.. 5.68 120 0.027004 7'-9 T-9 Pt Pe Pv 0.209 48 82h/2 . 30.205 47 8-2Y2 . 30.414 CM 2.63 193.50 11.38 120 0.097681 8'-4 8'4 Pt Pe Pv 0.816 47 8'-2Y2 96.93 30.414 Flow (q) from Route 6 43 8'-2Y2 31.230 - ....Route 5 ..... AO 1.05 22.16 8.23 120 0.157299 0'4fPf 0.839 312 51 9-8 9'-8 22.16 5.6 15.657 16.496 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 6-0 Pa 6-4 Pv Route 6•••.• AO 1.05 22.16 8.23 120 0.157302 0'- 2'- 2- Pt Pc Pv 0.367 307 9-8 22.16 5.6 15.657 Sprinkler, 55 9'-8 16.024 E(2'-O) BL 1.38 22.16 4.75 120 0.041371 14'-b Pt 0.596 55 54 9-8 9-8 16.024 16.621 . 14'-U Pa Pv BL 1.38 44.40 9.52 120 0,149666 16'-2 Pt 4.216 54 53 9-8 9-8 22.24 . . . .....20.837 16.621 . Flow (q) from Route 7 4E(370) 12'-1 28'-2 Pe Pv BL 1.38 69.32 .1.4.87... 120 0.341182 11'-ll Pt 6.113 53 46 9-8 9-8 24.91 . 20.837 26.949 Flow (q) from Route 10 T(6.-0) 6'-1 17'-11 Pe Pv BL 1.61 96.93 15.28 120 0.299459 1'-51 Pt 2.832 46 47 9'-8 8'-2Y2 27.61 26.949 30.414 Flow (q) from Route 14 P0(8-0) 8'-1 9-5 Pe 0.632 Pv io ..... Route 7 •• AO 1.05 22.24 8.26 120 0.158404 0'-41 Pf 0.845 308 54 9-8 9'-8 22.24 5.6 15.776 16.621 Sprinkler, 1(5-0) 5-q 5'lPv Pe -. ..... Route 8 ..... AO 1.05 23.90 8.87 120 0.180873 0-4] 5'- 5'4IPv Pt Pe 0.965 305 9-8 23.90 5.6 18.208 Sprinkler, 56 9'-8 ....... . . 19.173 T(5-0) Route 9••• AO 1.05 24.83 9.22 120 0.194113 0'-4] Pt 1.035 313 50 9'-8 91-8 24.83- 5.5 . 19.653 20.689 Sprinkler, T(5-0) 5'-q 5- Pe =. ..... Route 10 ..... AO 1.05 24.91 - 9.25 120 0.195401 0'4] Pt 1.042 309 53 91-8 9'-8 24.91 5.6 19.794 20.837 Sprinkler, 1(5-0) 6- 5'4] Pe Pv Route 11 ..... AO 1.05 25.35 9.41 120 0.201802 0-4] Pt 1.076 301 60 9-8 9-8 25.35 5.6 20.498 21 .573 Sprinkler, 1(5-0) s-q 5-4Pv Pe ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 041 AutoSPRlNK®VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 4:28:51PM Page 2 HHTh6 11 i Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Ordinary Group Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Total Length Pressure Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream BL 1.38 50.76 10.89 120 0.191717 36-2 18-C 54*-;A Pf 10.385 Pe Pv 60 9-8 25.41 21.573 Flow (q) from Route 12 42 9'-8 31.958 4E(3-o), T(6-0) BL 1.61 50.76 8.00 120 0.090496 1-5Y 8-( 9-5Y ipv Pt 0.856 Pe 0.632 42 9-8 31.958 41 8-2% 33.446 P0(8-0) Go ..... Route 12 ..... AO 1.05 25.41 9.43 120 0.202607 o-4pt 2- 2-4Pv 0.473 Pe 300 9-8 25.41 5.6 20.585 Sprinkler, 61 9-8 21 .058 E(2-0) BL 1.38 25.41 5.45 120 0.053287 9- I 9-8IPv Pt 0.515 Pe 61 9'-8 21.058 60 9-8 21.573 ap ••••• Route 13•••• AO 1.05 27.51 10.21 120 0.234761 1-21 10-0I 11-a Pt 2.621 Pe Pv 314 91-8 27.51 5.6 24.138 Sprinkler, 49 9'-8 26.760 21(5-0) ep ..... Route 14 ..... AO 1.05 27.61 10.25 120 0.236312 1'- Pt 2.639 310 46 9-8 9-8 27.61 . 5.6 . 24.311 26.949 Sprinkler, 2T(5-0) 10'-O 11-2 Pe Pv ...•Route 15..... AO 1.05 27.74 10.30 120 0.238352 1 '-q 10'-q ~-01 Pt 2.622 Pe 306 9-8 27.74 5.6- 24.538 Sprinkler, 44 9'-8 ................ 27.159 2T(5.0) Route l6•"•• CM 3.26 67.67 2.60 120 0.004961 216'-3 Pt 1.339 86 14 15-11 15-11 41.765 43.105 T(20-2) 2LtE(6-8%), T(20-2) 53•4 270-u Pe -0.000 Pv CM 3.26 176.67 6.79 120 0.029279 32'-11 Pf 1.530 14 13 15-11 15-11 75.54 43.105 44.635 Flow (q) from Route 17 T(20'-2) 20'-21 52'-31Pv Pe CM 4.26 176.67 3.98 120 0.007956 17' Pf 0.349 13 12 15-11 15-11 44.635 44.984 T(26-4) 26- 43'-1 Pe 0.000 Pv =...... Route 17..... CM 3.26 33.46 1.29 120 0.001348 6-8'/ Pt 0.045 85 84 15-11% 22-8 40.521 37.657 T(20'-2) LtE(6'-8%) 2610h/ 33-71 Pe -2.909 Pv CM 2.63 33.46 1.97 100 0.005324 . 1430h/ Pt 0.866 84 69 22-8 23-1 37.657 38.342 . . T(11-9), 2LtE(3-11) 19-7 162-7%Pv Pe -0.181 CM 2.63 33.46 1.97 120 0.003800 147-91/ Pt 0.582 69 16 23-1 23-1 . 38.342 38.924 LtE(5-6) 5- 153'- Pe Pv CM 2.63 109.00 6.41 120 0.033782 2001., Pt 0.863 16 15 231 23'-1 38.924 39.787 . LtE(56) . V-61 25-61; Pe Pv CM 3.26 109.00 4.19 120 0.011982 10-91 Pt 0.210 15 14 23-1 15-11 . 39.787 43.105 . LtE(6-8%) 6-8Y 17-6' Pe 3.108 Pv . . . Route 18 ..... BL 2.63 75.54 4.44 120 0.017144 243'-61 Pf 5.116 40 16 8'-2% 23'-1 40.251 38.924 T(16-5Y2) 2T(16-5Y2), Lt (6-6) 54-11 298'-5 Pe -6.442 Pv ly) -. I Actual Inside Diameter \487 Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter 1 = Factor CValu4ultipli I. Value Of C 100 Multiplying Factor 0.713 130 140 150 1.16 1.33 1.51 ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK®VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 4:28:51 PM Page 3 AO Arm-Over Diameter Inch BL Branch Line Elevation Foot CM Cross Main Flow gpm DN Drain Discharge gpm DR Drop Velocity fps DY Dynamic Pressure psi FM Feed Main Length Foot FR Feed Riser Friction Loss psi/Foot MS Miscellaneous HWC Hazen-Williams Constant OR Outrigger Pt Total pressure at a point In a pipe RN Riser Nipple Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe SP Sprig P1 Pressure loss due to friction between points ST Stand Pipe Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated points UG Underground Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe Job Number: 10-667 Description: Ordinary Group I Eq. Length Summary Total Length ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BalV Ball Valve BFP Backflow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90° cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DeW Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90° Elbow EE 45° Elbow Eel 11W Elbow Ee2 22W Elbow I Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90° FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45° FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve Pry Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WurF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRlNK6VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 4:28:51 PM Page 4 Job Number: 10-667 Renart Descrintinn Ordinry (rntjn I Jób Job Number 10-667 Design ENinear Reno Construction Job Name: Osmotech SteCoo.bonhloeneeNan,bov Address 5964 La Place Court . AHJ Carlsbad Fire Address .tobSiteleufldwp Remote Area #4- Lower Mez East Address llieveng Nenro call; model Meet Demanding Spdrdftr Data 5.6 K-Factor 19.50 at 12.125 Ocoupency Ordinary Group I Job Sofnn Hose Momenta At Source 250.00 Density 0.15gpmlft2 Are. of Application 1500.001t2 (Actual 1515.47ft2) Aridrtovel Hose Supplies Node Flo(pomt Number OfSpdnblersCalculated 15 Coverage Per Spfl005r 130.00ft2 AutoPeek Results: Pressure For Remote Arse(s) Adjacent To Most Remote Area 1183.32ga1 Total Hose Snesmo - 250.00 System Flow Demand 361.23 Total Wets, Requrted (Inducing Hose Allowance) 611.23 Mevbncrm Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Meelmum Velocity Above Ground 24.01 between nodes 21 and 28 Maximum Velocity UndeyGmond 2.39 between nodes 3 and 4 Volume capacity of W.t Pipes volume capacity otory Pipes Node Hose Flow Static Residual Flow Available @ Total Demand Required Safety Margin 1 250.00 98.000 94.000 1300.00 1 97.010 1 611.23 68.226 28.783 CootceotorNuneber CentsctNsn,. contact Tide Name of CooDiclor P .. Extension Address I FAX Addt0502 S-mat City State Zip Code Web-Site &0 M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK® VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 11:00:01AM Page 1 §JIM , ~j Report Description: Ordinary Group Supply at Node I 100 - Static Pressure 98.000 7 300.00 94.000 90— Static Pressure 88.200 AIROM (90%) 84.600 (90%) ------------- 80— 70 60 23 with hose streams (_. -611.23 (n - 50— stem demand curve 30- 20- 10 hulL 1.I_I_l.ii_L' Eli liii Ill I Ii I I I II I 300 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 1 500 Water flow, gpm Hydraulic Greplt Supply at Node I Stetic: Pm- 98.000 Retidsel: Pressee 94.000 @ 1300.00 Available Pressure at nm. of Test 97.010@ 611.23 System Demand 68.226 @ 361.23 System Demand ilndsding Hoes Moresece etSosruel 68.226 @611.23 ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 1fl AutoSPRINK®VR8v8.0.36 06/23/2010 11:00:05AM Page 7 _____ Job Number: 10-667 Report Descnption Ordinary Group I Device Actual Flow (gpm) Minimum Flow (gpm) K-Factor (K) Pressure (psi) Sprinkler 200 23.50 19.50 5.6 17.607 Sprinkler 201 23.45 19.50 5.6 17.530 Sprinkler 202 24.45 19.50 5.6 19.059 Sprinkler 203 19.54 19.50 5.6 12.180 c Sprinkler 204 19.50 19.50 5.6 12.125 Sprinkler 205 20.35 19.50 5.6 13.211 Sprinkler 206 24.81 19.50 5.6 19.625 Sprinkler 207 27.74 19.50 5.6 24.543 Sprinkler 208 23.95 19.50 5.6 18.287 Sprinkler 209 24.04 19.50 5.6 18.424 Sprinkler 210 26.81 19.50 5.6 22.928 Sprinkler 211 30.12 19.50 5.6 28.924 Sprinkler 212 23.36 19.50 5.6 17.397 Sprinkler 213 23.45 19.50 5.6 17.528 Sprinkler 214 26.16 19.50 1 5.6 21.829 c> Most Demanding Sprinkler Data ,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRlNK®VR8v8.0.36 06/23/2010 11:00:02AM Page 2 Job Number: 10-667 Report Description: Ordinary Group I Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length [Pressure Eq. Length Total Length Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream eb "•" Route 1 ..... AO 1.05 19.50 7.24 120 0.124177 o-J 5- 5•-4Pv 0.662 Pe 204 9-3Y2 19.50 5.6 12.125 Sprinkler, 34 9-3Y2 12.788 T(5'-0) BL 1.38 39.04 8.37 120 0.117980 9-1 9-1 Pt 1.140 Pe Pv 34 9-3'A 19.54 12.788 Flow (q) from Route 2 33 931/ 13.928 BL 1.38 59.40 12.74 120 0.256401 14- 12-I 26-: Pf 6.731 Pe Pv 33 9-3'A 20.35 13.928 Flow (q) from Route 3 32 9-3Y2 20.659 4E(3-O) BL 1.38 84.21 18.06 120 0489024 101-61, 10-6Y Pt 5.155 Pe Pv 32 9-31A 24.81 20.659 Flow (q) from Route 11 28 9'-3Y2 25.814 BL 1.38 111.95 24.01 120 0.828192 1-5 6'- 7-5 Pt 6.175 Re Pv 28 9-3% 27.74 25.814 Flow (q) from Route 14 21 9-3% 31 .989 T(6-0) BL 1.61 111.95 17.64 120 0.390931 1.-1 8- 9-1 Pf 3.551 Pe 0.470 Pv 21 931/2 31.989 20 8-2Y2 36.010 PO(8-0) BL 2.63 289.83 17.05 120 0.206264 9-7 9•4 Pt 1.985 Pe Pv 20 8'-2Y2 177.88 36.010 Flow (q) from Route 4 18 8'-2% 37.995 BL 2.63 361.23 21.25 120 0.309985 5-1' 16'-5 22- Pt 6.918 Re Pv 18 8-2Ya 71.39 37.995 Flow (q) from Route 6 17 8-2% 44.913 T(1 6-5Y2) BL 2.63 121.03 7.12 120 0.041001 209- 32'-11 242-6 Pt 9.944 Pe Pv 17 8-2% 44.913 T(16'-5%) 40 8'-21A 54.856 T(16'-5%) CM 3.26 121.03 4.65 120 0.014542 27'-2% 26-10 54'-1 Pt 0.786 Re -3.353 Pv 40 8-2% 54.856 85 15-11% 52.290 LtE(6'-81A), T(20-2) CM 3.26 163.96 6.30 120 0.025500 23- 23'-j Pt 0.593 Pe 0.018 Pv 85 15-11% 42.93 52.290 Flow (q) from Route 17 86 15-11 52.901 CM 3.26 154.46 5.94 120 0.022835 32'-11 20'- 52-: Pt 1.193 Pe -0.002 Pv 86 15-11 52.901 97 15-11 54.092 T(20-2) CM 4.26 154.46 3.48 120 0.006205 4'-7 4'-7 Pt 0.028 Pe -0.000 Pv 97 15-11 54.092 95 15-11 54.120 CM 4.26 154.46 3.48 120 0.006205 6-6 6*-rA Pt 0.040 Re -0.000 Pv 95 15-11 . 54.120 . 93 15-11 54.160 CM 4.26 154.46 3.48 120 0.006205 j 5 . -6 5-6 Pt 0.034 Pe -0.000 Pv 93 15-11 54.160 90 15-11 54.194 . CM 4.26 154.46 3.48 120 0.006205 1754 26- 201-1 Pt 1.252 Pe 0.003 Pv 90 15-11 54.194 12 15-11 55.450 T(26-4) DY 4.26 361.23 8.13 120 0.029876 0- 0'-( Pt 0.000 Re 0.181 Pv 12 15-11 42.93 55.450 Flow (q) from Route 16 11 15-6 55.630 CM 6.36 361.23 3.65 120 0.004253 27'-71/2 22-7Y( W-0 Pf 0.214 Pe 0.237 Pv 11 15-8 55.630 10 14-11Y2 56.082 2LtE(I1'-4) FR 6.36 361.23 . 3.65 120 0.004253 14-5Y 14-51/ Pt 0.061 Pe 6.260 Pv 10 14-111h - . 56.082 6 0-6 62.403 UG 8.51 361.23.... 2.04, . 120 0.001028 3-C 17-I 21'-3Y Pt 0.022 Pe 1.522 Pv 6 0-6 . .' ' 62.403 5 -3'-O 63.947 LtE(17-9) UG 8.51 361.23 . 2.04 140 0.000773 i62hI 23-7Y 39-1l Pt 0.031 Re Pv 5 -3-0 63.947 4 -3-0 63.978 LtE(23-71%) UG 7.85 361.23 2.39 140 0.001145 74-71/2 31-11 106-61% Pt 0.122 Pe Pv 4 -3'-0 63.978 3 4-0 64.100 2.tE(15-11%) UG 8.51 361.23 2.04 140 0.000773 1 0'-C 70-11 80-11 Pt 4.063 Re 0.000 Pv 3 -3-0 64.100 2 -3-0 68.162 3LtE(23'-7%), BFP(-4.000) UG 7.85 361.23 2.39 140 0.001145 55'-d 55-Pv Pt 0.064 Pe 2 -3'-0 68.162 Supply, 68.226 0 ('AF In,. 111111 A. fnSPPINI(f5VRR R fl R . 06I2I2010 4:29:26PM Paae 1 __ Report Job Number: 10-667 Description: Ordinary Group I Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Total Length Pressure Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream . . 250.00 . Hose Allowance At Source 611.23 ..... Route 2..... . . AO 1.05 19.54 7.26 120 0.124691 0'-411 2'-& 2'-4Pv Pf Pe 0.291 203 9'-3% 19.54 5.6 12.180 Sprinkler, 35 931/ . . 12.471 E(2'-O) BL 1.38 19.54 4.19 120 0.032795 9'-81Pf I 9'4Pv Pe 0.317 35 9-3% 12.471 . 34 9'-3Y2 . 12.788 AO 1.05 20.35 7.56 120 0.134429 O'-4fPf 5'- 5'-41Pv Pe 0.717 205 9'-3½ 20.35 5.6 13.211 Sprinkler, 33 9-3Y. . 13.928 T(5'-O) =. ..... Route 4 ..... AO 1.05 23.36......... 8.67 120 0.173407 Q'4 2'-( 2-4 Pf Pe Pv 0.405 212 9'-10 .23.36 5.6 17.397 Sprinkler, 188 9'-10 17.802 E(2'-O) BL 1.38 23.36• 5.01 120 0.045607 14-f Pt Pe Pv 0.658 188 9-10 17.802 27 9-10 • . . 18.459 BL 1.38 46.80 10.04 120 0.164985 12-C 27-4 Pt Pe Pv 4.510 27 9-10 23.45 18.459 Flow (q) from Route 5 26 9'-10 22.969 4E(3'-O) BL 1.38 72.97 15.65 120 0.375164 17'- 9-C 26'-? Pt Pe Pv 9.816 26 9'-10 26.16 22.969 Flow (q) from Route 12 25 9'-10 32.785 3E(3'-O) BL 1.61 72.97 11.50 120 0.177088 V-714 8'-q 9'-74 Pt 1.704 Pe 0.704 Pv 25 9-10 32.785 24 8-2% 35.194 PO(8'-O) BL 2.63 72.97 4.29 120 0.016078 2'- 2'-1 Pf Pe Pv 0.039 24 8'-2Ya 35.194 22 8-2% 35.233 BL 2.63 177.88 10.47 120 0.083599 9'-3Y 931/ Pt Pe Pv 0.777 22 8-2% 104.92 35.233 Flow (q) from Route 8 20 8-2% 36.010 - Route 5 ..... AO 1.05 23.45 8.70. 120 0.174613 ] 0-41 5'- 5'-.lJ Pt Pe Pv 0.931 213 9-10 23.45 . 5.6 17.528 Sprinkler, 27 9-10 • 18.459 T(5'-O) J =. ..... Route 6 . AO 1.05 23.45 8.70 120 0.174636 0'- Pt 0.931 201 37 9-3% 9L3l4 23.45. 5.6. 17.530 . 18.462 . Sprinkler, T(5'-O) . . 5' S-4 Pe Pv BL 1.38 46.94 . 10.07 120 0.165912 9'- Pt 1.604 37 36 9-3%23.50 9314 . . 18.462 20.066 Flow (q) from Route 7 . 9'-1 Pe Pv BL 1.38 71.39 15.31 120 0.360331 26'-, Pt 15.915 36 19 93h/2 931,4 24.45 20.066 35.980 Flow (q) from Route 10 4E(3'-O), T(6'-O) 18'- 44-2 Pe Pv BL 1.61 71.39 11.25 120 0.170087 1'-I Pt 1.545 19 18 931/ 82h, • . • 35.980 37995 PO(8'-O) 8-( 9'-1 Pe Pv 0.470 AO 1.05 23.50 8.72 120 0.175340 0'- Pt 0.409 200 38 9'-3% 931/2 • 23:50 • 5.6 • 17:607 18.016 Sprinkler, E(2'-O) 2-I 2'- Pe Pv BL 1.38 . 23.50 5.04 . 120 0.046116 9-1 Pf 0.446 38 9-3% ,• .. • 18.016 18.462 9 Pe Pv .................................. AO 1.05 23:95 8.89 120 0.181596 0'-4 Pt 0.424 208 31 9-10 9-10 23.95 . • 5.6 • 18.287 18.711 Sprinkler, E(2'-O) 2'-0 2'-4 Pe Pv BL 1.38 23.95 5.14 120 0.047761 14'-5 Pf 0.689 31 30 9-10 9-10 18.711 19.399 • W-5 Pe Pv BL 1.38 47.98 10.29 120 0.172774 15'- P1 4.723 30 29 9-10 9-10 24.04 19.399 24.122 Flow (q) from Route 9 4E(3'-O) 12'- 27'- Pe -0.000 Pv BL 1.38 74.80 16.04 120 0.392783 12'-' Pt 7.069 29 23 9-10 9'-10 26.81 24.122 31.191 Flow (q) from Route 13 T(6-0) 6'-' 18'- Pe Pv ,0 M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK®VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 4:29:26PM Page 2 r,©M.E.P.CAD, Inc. iJAutoSPRINK®VR8v8.O.36 06/23/2010 4:29:26PM Page 3 Report Description: Ordinary Group I Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Unstrsam Total Lenath AO Arm-Over Diameter Inch . ALV Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main Flow gpm . b Bushing DN Drain Discharge gpm BalV Ball Valve DR Drop Velocity fps BFP Backflow Preventer DY Dynamic Pressure psi BV Butterfly Valve FM Feed Main Length Foot C Cross Flow Turn 900 FR Feed Riser Friction Loss psi/Foot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous HWC Hazen-Williams Constant Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger Pt . Total pressure at a point in a pipe CV Check Valve RN Riser Nipple Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe DelV Deluge Valve SP Spng Pf Pressure loss due to friction between points DPV Dry Pipe Valve ST Stand Pipe Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated points E 900 Elbow UG Underground Pv Veloôity pressure at a point in a pipe EE 45* Elbow Eel 11 %* Elbow Ee2 221h° Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 900 FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 450 FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LIE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve • .,.. P0 Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve PrV Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter • S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer I Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap M.E.P.CAD, Inc. Emfl AutoSPRlNK®VR8 v8.0.36 06/23/2010 4:29:26PM Page 4