HomeMy WebLinkAbout2030 CORTE DEL NOGAL; ; AS050001; Permit4/4/24,12:03 PM AS050001 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit 2030 CORTE DEL Job Address: NOGAL Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2130613200 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: AS05000I Status: ISSUED Applied 1/18/2005 Approved: 2/22/2005 Issued: 2/22/2005 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: ACP, INC. FIRE SPRINKLER T. I. PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS Applicant: ALL PRO FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 30060 SILVER SADDLE CT. 909-244-9836 Owner: CARLSBAD CORPORATE CENTER L P C/O RICHARD BOURSTON 5500 TRABUCO RD #100 IRVINE CA Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 115 0 115 0 about:blank 1/1 tqCO /Fire & Building I Products i)Irec1 Sales j Centra') Tel ($00) 523-6512 / Fac (215)3624385 DiStributiOnales (GenUStar)Tal (800) 555.5236/ fex (800) 8774295 Teohideal vices: 1bl (800) 351 -9312! (800) 791-5500 series TV-FKH - 2.8,5.6, and 8.0 K-factor Upright, Pendant, and Recessed Pendant Sprinklers Quiak nse,S ad Coverage General Description The Series TY.FI3$. as. &6 and 6.0 K-fador, UprIght anti Pendant Spun-icars. described hi this data sheet em quick response - mendani cceemge. deoomtive3mni glaSs bulb t,pesp,ay sprinklers designed for useIn light or ordinary hazard. commarCielcccupan. des such as banks. hotels. shopping mans. etc. The recessed version of the Series 1tPR8 Pendant SprinKler, where ap- plicable, is Intended for use In areas with a Ilnished calling. It uses either a two-piece Style 10 (112 Inch NPT) or Style 40 (314 Well NPT) Recessed Es-cutcheon wIth 12 inch (1*7 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 814 inch (19.1 mm) of totel adjustment from the finch pendant position, or a two-piece Style 20(1/2 inch PIP() orStyleSO (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon With 1/4 inth (6.4 mm) of recessed adjust-merit or up to 1/2 inch (122 mm) of I" adjustment from the flush pan-dent positlon.The adjustmentprcwided by the ReceSsed Escutcheon reduces Ow accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the Sprinklers must be cut. Coriosion resistant coatings. where applicabhk are utilized to estend th litb at copper alloy eprkilders beyond that which would otherwise be ob tamed When exposed to conceive at-mospheres. Although corrosion resis-tant coatedepvinkters have passed the Standard oofflisiofl teata of the eppli-cable approval agencies. thetestingts not representative of all pus&bleOP roslve atmospherft conaequefft ft is recommended that the end user be Consulted with rcspectto ft stiitchilhty Of these coadngs for y given corra-sly. envitonment The allectsaf ant temperature. concentration of chemioa and geskhemioal velosity, should be sidrel, as e rnlnhnuni. along with the conta1ve nature of the Chemical so which the sprinktets will be An intermediate Ivel verelon of the Setles TY-FRB Pendant Sprinkler cart be oHIE'ra= ies TWFRB inationWIlii el d. WARNWGS The Series TV-FRB Sprinklers do. 909W henehr must be installed and niatnlains'd an compflance sfflp this docwnent, aS welles with the appfka-b?estandar,jsdf tire IVeI1onaIFL'e Pm. laotian Association, is adbmbn to Me slendardsoiar otheraufhozftleshev-ing juasdTction. Fasvra to do so mop impair the mlbprt(y of these devices. The owneris responsible Sbrmaintain-htg UWr Ii(a profaotion sysrem end do-vices is proper operating Conditioet The Insla1lkg conawcfor or sprinkler rnanulaciurer should be cantoctid relative to sop questions. Model/Sprinkler Identification Data Z- d 0-UI. FM, LPCB. and NYC Appreved. (Re .r to Table AlnrComplete approval information including corrosion resh.,tant status.) Maximum Working Pressure 175 p8 (12.1 bar) Frame ............ Btmw Sutton ........Bmas/Capper Conipresslon Screw ..... Deflector Copper ........... Bushing (l2.8) .......Bronze Numbers Diectmussaoduckat K • Z8 GPMlpei'12 (40.3 LPMJbaI4') KU 5.6 øPMjpsilla 80,6 LPM1bar1i5) ryusi- Upright 2.SK,112"NPT 1Y1231 - Penitent ZJK, V2!HPT TYS1SI - Upright SA1C 1IZifPT Temperature Ratings TY31 - Pendant 5.6K, i/2"NPT Reim to Thbfe A TY4131 - Upright aOit,sI4NPT 1Y4231 - PefldPllt $0K. 3/4WNPT Finbrift Spanlder: Eleferto 1ble A Recessed Escutthec White Coated, Technical Chrome Plated, or Brass Pleted Page 1 of 8 SEPTEMaBsi, 2002 TFPIVI Pge2of8 IF 74 TE$EJmNG ** SURFACE 112 NP? - 2-tm- (5Z2mm) T 1-818' (39,7 mm) LL DEFLECTOR PmBff UPRIGHT J t-Alm $-$9e#9 4-9M 6-Dfl 2- nu2m AonmDly B• Ccrnptctoion 18iNii odIce seas on 22rn "Pipe dwaW4ofluecIioi1s pOt ISO 7/1 can be piwidec an - ftmxsL FiGURE 1 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TV-PER £IPRiGifr(7Yfla1) mo P E N U E N T I T V I 2 3 I ) S P R I N K L E R S 2.8 K.P4CTOR, 1#2 INCH NPT 7/WTh1mM) $tYLEIOcr2D .. NCILOPZAL REESSEC NFyr EScUTbN on dO ot or aqwwd to offmawanImm 'Plpn tomad cQnnaciOns per ISO 711 can be pmvlded on - raquat PENDNT 1-Mmo a-$sclktg 2-80" G-OaMdar FLXM 2-718' (73.0 mmj 01*. - RCES$ED PENOENT 118'P4PT" I UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION FRSURE2 OUICK RESPONSE SERiES 7Y4R5 UPRIGHT (FYSI3 1) AND PENDENT(TVSZSI) SPRiNKLERS 54 K-FACTDA Ii INCH WT TFPITI Page 3 of 8 ESCUTcHEON 112(12,7mm) SDeL.E300t4o PLATE SEATING NOMINAl, RECUBM SURCE aw . MAKE.tN ESCUTCHEON 86(1* NFr T _ _ ____ _ - ur 5 aanr VHN1 (12.7mm) (587mm) £ (II Ill 2.41W 2 (57.9 MM) SSP bEFLErT PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION From 3 SaI*tp 4- SIJID DeflecI • Temperature rating is dJcatud on deflacuror alJaceinto &nrcn M8embl3r S-COtnmedon 7- ertie seas on iteme. - - 'Plpe thread coimcctloris per ISQ lit can be previded cii speoisl request FIGURE 3 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY..FRS UPRIGHT 9V4SSI) AND PNDENT(TY4231) 49PR1NKLERS 9.0 1C.FAC7OR, 8/4 INCH DIP? Operation The glass Bulb contains a fluid which expands when eq,csed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands euffleferdly to shatter the glass Bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate anti water to how. Design criteria The Series 1PR8 Pendant and up- right Sprinklers are intended for fire proteebOn systems designed in so- 81 with the standard Installation rules recognized by the applicable listing or Approval agency (e.g., UL listing Is based on the requirements of NFR 13, and FM Appmval Is based on the raquhemenb of FM Lees Pta' vention Date Sheets ). Only the Style 10,20,30. or 40 Recessed Escutch- eon, as applicable. Is to be used for racassed - Inatailaon Page 4 of S YFPI7I L5RFINlS1i(9eeNU7) K TYPE 1ItP. StILE LJOLIID NATURAL BRASS Ct4ROME I WHlTE PLATED IPOLVESIEt LEAD COATED 2.8 112* NFr PENDENT (TY1l) and UPRIGHT 135-FM Orat,e I WA SVFMB-0 Red I751F7! vefiow 30/53wc Gloen 25rF'l4vC SlUG Vs1 PENDENT and 1359F15?C 155,168-c Qrene Red . , , slue 1, 2 3,5 175'F/WC venow 200F/83"C Green 288-Ffl41C - i.E. 4 S N/A RESES PBIDSIT 1y3z31)' Flgwe4 Red flrc 176F ' p -c raen - 138-F/57C 1, Orange 1, 2,4,5 &am N/A (Tvs231r RgmeS 155F166C Red 175'F#SC 2,2,4,5 200f'C 8.0 - 135,1670 Orange - - 1. 2. 3.4.5,6 1.2.5 3141 PENDENT (rY423I) and UPRIGHT (TY4I3I) 17rF/79c Yeltow 20C Green ae"Pfl4rC Blue NPT. 13Vfi5?C cmen N/A (TY42317' FfgasG j55l5Oc ___ IWF/7r0 p, -'c valiow - 1251P7O Orange 12.E.4.5 - WA RECESSED Pe4oENT ciyatr Ftgure 7 ISIMAWC Rod _____ 175J78-Q y 200F/98-C Greon -- NOTES: I. LiSted by Underwritere Leboratones. Inc. (UL) as Quick Response Sprinkbm 2. Listed by Undotwrlrers I ratorles. MC (W use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprtnldess. 2. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation FM) as Quick Response SpMdars. 4. Approved by the Lose Prevention Certification Board (1)05) as tEetc Respanoc spdnk%wv. towwar. the LPC does not ?ate the ifisrinal sensitivity of recessed spdnlders. S. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 3$4.01-E. Vd$ Approved (Far detwis contact Tyc Fire & Sullaing Products, Enchede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-68-428.44441Pax 31..6$.426-3377). Where Petyester Coated end Load Coated SptinMsta era noted to be UI. anti GUI Listed. the sprinklers we ULand C-UI. Listed as Corrosion Resistant Spdnklats. Where Lead Coated Sprinklers are noteo be FM Appeved. the sprinklers am PM Approved as a Corrosion Resistant Spnntdes 'Installed with Style 10 (1/2 NPT) or 8t34e 40(3W NP1) 3/4 Total Adjuabuent Recessed Escutchem aa aplcakle. "Inslafled with Style 20 (1I NFl) or Style 30 (W4' NPT) 112 Total Adjuatrilant Recessed Escutcheon. asapplieable. Frame and Deflector cnIy Lidrgs end epprovals apply teaS colors (Special Ordor). N/k Not Available TABLE A LABORATORY LiSflNr3S AND APPROVALS TEPIYI 2-7W DIA. 4.4 -- (73.0mm) 314 (13.1 mm) 2-111 DIA. 114tm (6,4 mm) FACECW M2 M" MOW= RMNG MOUPNG , SURFACE CLOSURE TY-FRO aw (19.1 M" RGURE4 SERIES TY-FRBRECESSEt) PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY qg TWO-PI.ECE $'d INCH TOTAL ADJUSThIENF STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCU7VHEON £6 K.PACTCR. 10 UWHNPT S of B (73.0mm) (12.73.2 nur 114ØA, .114 (3,4WWfl) M?E ØF MOUN1ING SPR1NKLB I \ I — F?.ATE RiliNG AL -4 MOUNTM SURFACE 1 CLOSU SERIES 1-1/4(31.8n 1Y4R8 FIGURES SERIES 1Y-R9 RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WiTh TWO-PIECE W2NOV IDTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLESO RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5IC-MO1OR Vi21NHNPT 14 (*0 mm) - 914' (*1 nn) (1540*344mm) 2-114" cm 114(6.4mm) 1cILM0PG K?R FITT1NI )- 1__.._ /Va- (3.2mm) 01.OSURE SERIES 1-SiW TY.FRB 1arfr26.6mm FiGUREs SERIES Y-PRB RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO.PIECE 214 ThCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENt STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON LO K-FAOTOP, 214 INCH UP? (73.0mm) 11Z7am) (1Z.2 mn _ - 2-1/4" 013. 114" 16.4 NuTO MOOF I (5731110) MOUNTWO lAr MOUNINS SURMOS CLCWRE' TYF 1-1/1V (27.01110) FIGURE? SERIES fl'.FRB Rammom FEN.OENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH 11VO4VECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSIWENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON &oK-P4CTOR 34 INCH APT