HomeMy WebLinkAbout6115 CORTE DEL CEDRO; ; AS150168; Permit4/4/24,11:48 AM AS150168 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS150168 6115 CORTE DEL Job Address: CEDRO Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2130700400 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Status: PENDING Applied 6/16/2015 Approved: Issued: PC #: Inspector: Project Title: INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DUST COLL. T.I. (20) HEADS Applicant: SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION CO INC 4760 MURPHY CANYON RD SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 858-279-6122 Owner: CRILLY MCGUIRE&HACKETT L L C 2045 ESPLENDIDO AVE VISTA CA Fees ($) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 280 0 280 0 about:blank 1/1 INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DUST COLLECTION WET FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM SUBMITTAL PACKAGE AS150168 TABLE OF CONTENTS HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FIRE SPRINKLERS PIPE AND FITTINGS HANGERS AND SWAYBRACING VALVES MISCELLANEOUS HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Prevention Division 1635 Faraday Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008 760.602.4665 WATER AVAILABILITY FORM SECTION A: TO BE COMPLETED BY CUSTOMER PROJECT NAME: 6115 Corte del Cedro SR#: (Assigned upon plan submittal) PROJECT ADDRESS: 6115 Corte del Cedro CITY: Carlsbad PHONE: (858) 279-6122 (Schmidt Fire Protection) FAX NUMBER: Largest Building (ft. Sprinkled? Construction SECTION B: TO BE COMPLETED BY LOCAL WATER COMPANY. CUSTOMER TO PROVIDE RESULTS TO CFD. Water Purveyor: City of Carlsbad Location of test (reference map required): North end of Corte del Cedro cul-de-sac (H40488) TEST INFORMATION IS VALID FOR 6 MONTHS FROM DATE PERFORMED Flow Test Results Static pressure: 119 PSI Hydrant Number (if applicable):______________ Elevation of test: 260 Feet Date/Time of Test 1: Pitot Tube Reading: PSI Corresponding Flow: GPM Total Flow: 6,800 GPM Residual Pressure87.4 PSI At peak demand, this water system is capable of providing a fire flow discharge @ 20 psi of no-less more than 12,000 gpm, but exceeds 15 fps. Maximum fire flow available at 15 fps is no more than 6,800 gpm. 1Test to be performed as close as possible to the time the most conservative flows and pressures are expected. Note: If the water availability information was obtained in a manner other than a flow test (i.e. computer modeling), fill out the information above as applicable and check here: x Raced fluctuations known to the the Flow Test, the on water system exist at site of firc automatic sprinkler system be designed based on high static of (PSI), should an anticipated pressure a low static prcccurc (PSI), and a low residual (PSI) with a rcsidual of prcssurc of flow of _GPM. I have witnccccd and/or reviewed thic watcr flow information and by personal knowlcdgc and/or en -rite observation certify that thc abovc information is correa Name: Jennifer R. Mael, P.E. Eng. Lic. No. (if applicable):C69606 Signature:______________________________________ Title/Org:PIoiet Manager Date: 05/23/2015 - - - Fire Protection by Computer Design SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION 4760 MURPHY CANYON ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA. 92123 858-279-6122 Job Name : INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DUST COLLECTION Building Location : 6155 CORTE DEL CEDRO System : 100 Contract : M-8477 Data File : 100.WXF Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION Page 1 INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DUST COLLECTION Date 6/1/15 Hydraulic Design Information Sheet Name - INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DUST COLLECTION Date - 6/1/15 Location - 6155 CORTE DEL CEDRO Building - System No. - 100 Contractor - SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION Contract No. - M-8477 Calculated By - COSTAS RAFAILAKIS Drawing No. - FP-3 Construction: C ) Combustible (X) Non-Combustible Ceiling Height - VARIES Occupancy - F-i MANUFACTURING S (X) NFPA 13 ( ) Lt. Haz. Ord.Haz.Gp. ( ) 1 C ) 2 C ) 3 (X) Ex.Haz. Y ( ) NFPA 231 C ) NFPA 231C C ) Figure Curve S Other T Specific Ruling Made By Date E M Area of Sprinkler Operation - 294.25 System Type Sprinkler/Nozzle Density - .3 (X) Wet Make TYCO D Area Per Sprinkler - VARIES C ) Dry Model TY-B E Elevation at Highest Outlet - 17.58 C ) Deluge Size 1/2" S Hose Allowance - Inside - ( ) Preaction K-Factor 5.6 I Rack Sprinkler Allowance - C ) Other Temp.Rat.200 G Hose Allowance - Outside - 500 GPM N Note Calculation Flow Required - 345.5 Press Required - 29 BOR Summary C-Factor Used: 120 Overhead 150 Underground W Water Flow Test: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: A Date of Test - 5/23/15 Cap. - T Time of Test - Rated Cap.- Elev.- E Static Press - 119 8 Press - R Residual Press - 87.4 Elev. - Well Flow - 6800 Proof Flow S Elevation - -3 U P Location - HYDRANT AT CUL-DE-SAC NEAR 6115 CORTE DEL CEDRO P L Source of Information - CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT VIA MISSION CONSULTING Y C Commodity Class Location O Storage Ht. Area Aisle W. M Storage Method: Solid Piled Palletized Rack M Single Row C ) Conven. Pallet C ) Auto. Storage ( ) Encap. S R ( ) Double Row ( ) Slave Pallet ( ) Solid Shelf C ) Non T A ( ) Mult. Row C ) Open Shelf 0 R K Flue Spacing Clearance:Storage to Ceiling A Longitudinal Transverse G E Horizontal Barriers Provided: Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Water ply Curve C SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION Page 2 INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DUST COLLECTION Date 6/1/15 City Water Supply: Demand: Cl - Static F5ressure : 119 Dl - Elevation : 8.047 C2 - Residual Pressure: 87.4 D2 - System Flow :345.344 C2 - Residual Flow : 6800 D2 - System Pressure : 32.147 Hose ( Demand) : 500 D3 - System Demand : 845.344 Safety Margin :86.185 150 140 130 Cl p120 R 110 E 100 S90 - ___ _____ ______ ________ _________ __________ _____________ S,80 u 70 R6° E5° 40 - 30 20 EDI 10 ---.-,.. -....... ______ 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 4500 5250 6000 6750 FLOW (NA 1.85) Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Fillings Used Summary SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION Page 3 INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DUST COLLECTION Date 6/1/15 Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name % % 1 1% 1% 2 2% 3 3% 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 E NFPA 13 90 Standard Elbow 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 Fsp Flow Switch Potter VSR Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow G NFPA 13 Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 S NFPA 13 Swing Check 0 0 5 7 9 11 14 16 19 22 27 32 45 55 65 T NFPA I39O' Flow thruTee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 V 90' Ell Firelock #001 0 0 0 0 0 3.5 4.3 5 0 6.8 8.5 10 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Units Summary Diameter Units Inches Length Units Feet Flow Units US Gallons per Minute Pressure Units Pounds per Square Inch Note: Fitting Legend provides equivalent pipe lengths for fittings types of various diameters. Equivalent lengths shown are standard for actual diameters of Sched 40 pipe and CFactors of 120 except as noted with *• The fittings marked with a * show equivalent lengths values supplied by manufacturers based on specific pipe diameters and CFactors and they require no adjustment. All values for fittings not marked with a * will be adjusted in the calculation for CFactors of other than 120 and diameters other than Sched 40 per NFPA. Computer Programs by Hydratec Ir )ute 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Pressure I Flow Summary - STANDARD SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION Page 4 INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DUST COLLECTION Date 6/1/15 ode Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press o. Actual Actual Req. SIO1 15.58 5.6 11.03 na 18.6 0.3 15 7.0 S102 15.58 5.6 12.13 na 19.5 0.3 15 7.0 S103 15.58 5.6 8.85 na 16.66 0.3 10 7.0 S104 15.58 5.6 9.09 na 16.88 0.3 10 7.0 S105 15.58 5.6 9.42 na 17.18 0.3 10 7.0 S106 17.58 5.6 9.2 na 16.99 0.3 10.8 . 7.0 S107 15.58 5.6 9.53 na 17.29 0.3 15 7.0 S108 15.58 5.6 10.31 na 17.98 0.3 15 7.0 S109 15.58 5.6 9.83 na 17.55 0.3 15 7.0 SIlO 17.58 5.6 9.98 na 17.69 0.3 10 7.0 Sill 15.58 5.6 10.51 na 18.16 0.3 15 7.0 S112 17.58 5.6 10.04 na 17.75 0.3 10.08 7.0 S113 15.58 5.6 10.41 na 18.07 0.3 8.3 7.0 S114 15.58 5.6 10.53 na 18.17 0.3 15 7.0 S115 15.58 5.6 10.7 na 18.32 0.3 8.3 7.0 S116 15.58 5.6 7.08 na 14.9 0.3 15 7.0 S117 15.58 5.6 7.0 na 14.82 0.3 15 7.0 S118 15.58 5.6 7.19 na 15.02 0.3 15 7.0 S119 11.67 5.6 8.94 na 16.75 0.3 50 7.0 S120 11.67 5.6 9.3 na 17.08 0.3 17.5 7.0 101 22.17 11.37 na 102 22.17 12.51 na 103 22.17 8.99 na 104 22.17 9.02 na 105 22.17 9.44 na 106 22.17 9.79 na 121 22.17 10.65 na 107 22.17 9.52 na 108 22.17 10.51 na 109 22.17 9.89 na 122 22.17 10.56 na 110 22.17 10.77 na 111 22.17 10.93 na 112 22.17 11.12 na 123 22.17 11.68 na 113 22.17 11.1 na 114 22.17 11.16 na 115 22.17 11.48 na 124 22.17 11.81 na 116 21.42 6.52 na 117 21.42 6.54 na 118 21.42 6.65 na 119 21.42 7.15 na 120 21.42 7.61 na 102T 21.42 13.71 na Al 21.42 13.71 na A2 21.42 13.72 na A3 21.42 13.78 na 120T 21.42 13.85 na A4 21.42 13.97 na TOR 21.42 16.48 na BOR 0.5 29.11 na UGI 0.5 29.23 na UG2 3.0 28.56 na SRC -3.0 32.15 na 500.0 The maximum velocity is 12.38 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes 120 and 120T Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 .Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION Page 5 INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DUST COLLECTION Date 6/1/15 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn SIOI 18.60 1.049 2E 4.0 3.080 11.032 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 21.0 25.000 -2.854 101 18.6 0.1137 0.0 28.080 3.194 VeI= 6.90 0.0 18.60 11.372 KFactor = 5.52 S102 19.50 1.049 E 2.0 "S 3.080 12.126 K Factor = 5.60 to 120.0 EqI 21.0 23.000 -2.854 102 19.5 0.1242 0.0 26.080 3.238 Vel = 7.24 0.0 19.50 16.v 12.510 K Factor = 5.51 S103 16.66 1.049 E 2.0 '' .370 8.846 K Factor= 5.60 to 120.0 EqI 23.0 25.000 -2.854 103 16.66 0.0928 0.0 32.370 3.003 Vel = 6.18 0.0 16.66 8.995 K Factor= 5.55 S104 16.88 1.049 E 2.0 6. 4.290 9.089 K Factor= 5.60 to 120.0 EqI 23.0 25.000 -2.854 104 16.88 0.0951 0.0 29.290 2.786 Vel = 6.27 0.0 16.88 9.021 K Factor = 5.62 S105 17.18 1.049 E 2.0 4.290 9.417 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 23.0 25.000 -2.854 105 17.18 0.0983 0.0 ' 29.290 2.878 Vel = 6.38 0.0 17.18 9.441 K Factor = 5.59 S106 16.99 1.049 E 2.0 1.790 9.202 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 23.0 25.000 -1.988 106 16.99 0.0962 0.0 26.790 2.578 Vel = 6.31 0.0 16.99 9.792 K Factor = 5.43 S107 17.29 1.049 E 2.0 3.580 9.530 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 23.0 25.000 -2.854 107 17.29 0.0994 0.0 28.580 2.840 Vel = 6.42 0.0 17.29 9.516 K Factor = 5.60 S108 17.98 1.049 E 2.0 3.580 10.309 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 23.0 25.000 -2.854 108 17.98 0.1069 0.0 28.580 3.054 Vel = 6.67 0.0 17.98 10.509 KFactor= 5.55 S109 17.55 1.049 E 2.0 3.580 9.826 K Factor = 5.60 to 120.0 EqI 23.0 25.000 -2.854 109 17.55 0.1022 0.0 28.580 2.922 VeI= 6.52 0.0 17.55 9.894 K Factor = 5.58 SilO 17.69 1.049 E 2.0 1.790 9.981 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 23.0 25.000 -1.988 110 17.69 0.1037 0.0 26.790 2.779 Vel = 6.57 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION Page 6 INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DUST COLLECTION Date 6/1/15 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 0.0 17.69 10.772 K Factor = 5.39 Sill 18.16 1.049 E 2.0 5.040 10.513 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 23.0 25.000 -2.854 111 18.16 0.1088 0.0 30.040 3.269 Vel = 6.74 0.0 18.16 10.928 KFactor= 5.49 S112 17.75 1.049 E 2.0 4.375 10.045 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 23.0 25.000 -1.988 112 17.75 0.1043 0.0 29.375 3.065 VeI= 6.59 0.0 17.75 11.122 K Factor = 5.32 S113 18.07 1.049 3E 6.0 3.870 10.408 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 23.0 29.000 -2.854 113 18.07 0.1078 0.0 32.870 3.544 Vel= 6.71 0.0 18.07 11.098 - K Factor= 5.42 S114 18.17 1.049 E 2.0 7.040 10.528 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 23.0 25.000 -2.854 114 18.17 0.1090 0.0 32.040 3.491 Vel= 6.75 0.0 18.17 11.165 K Factor = 5.44 S115 18.32 1.049 3E 6.0 3.870 10.699 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 23.0 29.000 -2.854 115 18.32 0.1106 0.0 32.870 3.635 Vel = 6.80 0.0 18.32 11.480 KFactor= 5.41 S116 14.90 1.049 1 5.0 0.0 7.082 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 21.0 26.000 -2.529 116 14.9 0.0755 0.0 26.000 1.963 VeI= 5.53 0.0 14.90 6.516 K Factor = 5.84 S117 14.82 1.049 1 5.0 1.750 7.000 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 21.0 26.000 -2.529 117 14.82 0.0747 0.0 27.750 2.073 Vel = 5.50 0.0 14.82 6.544 K Factor = 5.79 S118 15.02 1.049 T 5.0 0.0 7.191 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 21.0 26.000 -2.529 118 15.02 0.0766 0.0 26.000 1.991 Vel = 5.58 0.0 15.02 6.653 K Factor = 5.82 S119 16.75 1.049 T 5.0 0.0 8.941 K Factor =5.60 to 120.0 EqI 21.0 26.000 -4.223 119 16.75 0.0937 0.0 26.000 2.436 Vel = 6.22 0.0 16.75 7.154 KFactor= 6.26 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION Page 7 INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DUST COLLECTION Date 6/1/15 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn S120 17.08 1.049 T 5.0 0.0 9.302 K Factor 5.60 to 120.0 EqI 21.0 26.000 -4.223 120 17.08 0.0972 0.0 26.000 2.527 Vel = 6.34 0.0 17.08 7.606 K Factor = 6.19 101 18.60 1.049 0.0 10.000 11.372 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 102 18.6 0.1138 0.0 10.000 1.138 Vel = 6.90 102 19.50 1.38 E 3.0 2.290 12.510 to 120.0 EqI 2.5 5.500 0.325 102T 38.1 0.1127 0.0 7.790 0.878 Vel = 8.17 0.0 38.10 13.713 KFactor= 10.29 103 16.66 1.61 0.0 2.290 8.995 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 104 16.66 0.0114 0.0 2.290 0.026 Vel = 2.63 104 16.88 1.61 0.0 10.000 9.021 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 105 33.54 0.0420 0.0 10.000 0.420 Vel = 5.29 105 17.18 1.61 0.0 3.875 9.441 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 106 50.72 0.0906 0.0 3.875 0.351 Vel = 7.99 106 16.99 1.61 0.0 5.580 9.792 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 121 67.71 0.1541 0.0 5.580 0.860 Vel = 10.67 121 0.0 1.61 2T 16.0 1.750 10.652 to 120.0 0.0 16.000 0.325 Al 67.71 0.1542 0.0 17.750 2.737 Vel = 10.67 0.0 67.71 13.714 KFactor= 18.28 107 17.29 1.049 0.0 . 10.000 9.516 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 108 17.29 0.0993 0.0 10.000 0.993 Vel = 6.42 108 17.98 1.38 0.0 0.540 10.509 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 122 35.27 0.0981 0.0 0.540 0.053 Vel = 7.57 0.0 35.27 10.562 K Factor= 10.85 109 17.55 1.049 0.0 6.540 9.894 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 122 17.55 0.1021 0.0 6.540 0.668 VeI= 6.52 122 35.27 1.38 2T 12.0 1.750 10.562 to 120.0 0.0 12.000 0.325 A2 52.82 0.2063 0.0 13.750 2.837 Vel = 11.33 0.0 52.82 13.724 KFactor= 14.26 110 17.69 1.61 0.0 12.080 10.772 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 111 17.69 0.0129 0.0 12.080 0.156 Vet = 2.79 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION Page 8 INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DUST COLLECTION Date 6/1/15 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 111 18.16 1.61 0.0 4.080 10.928 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 112 35.85 0.0475 0.0 4.080 0.194 Vel = 5.65 112 17.75 1.61 0.0 5.580 11.122 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 123 53.6 0.1000 0.0 5.580 0.558 Vel = 8.45 123 0.0 1.61 2T 16.0 1.750 11.680 to 120.0 0.0 16.000 0.325 A3 53.6 0.1001 0.0 17.750 1.776 VeI= 8.45 0.0 53.60 13.781 KFactor= 14.44 113 18.07 1.61 0.0 5.000 11.098 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 114 18.07 0.0134 0.0 5.000 0.067 Vel = 2.85 114 18.17 1.61 0.0 6.500 11.165 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 115 36.24 0.0485 0.0 6.500 0.315 Vel = 5.71 115 18.31 1.61 0.0 3.170 11.480 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 124 54.55 0.1035 0.0 3.170 0.328 Vel = 8.60 124 0.0 1.61 2T 16.0 1.750 11.808 to 120.0 0.0 16.000 0.325 A4 54.55 0.1034 0.0 17.750 1.835 Vel = 8.60 0.0 54.55 13.968 KFactor 14.60 116 14.90 1.61 0.0 3.000 6.516 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 117 14.9 0.0093 0.0 3.000 0.028 Vel = 2.35 117 14.82 1.61 0.0 3.250 6.544 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 118 29.72 0.0335 0.0 3.250 0.109 Vel = 4.68 118 15.02 1.61 0.0 7.000 6.653 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 119 44.74 0.0716 0.0 7.000 0.501 Vel = 7.05 119 16.74 1.61 0.0 3.500 7.154 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 120 61.48 0.1291 0.0 3.500 0.452 Vel = 9.69 120 17.08 1.61 E 4.0 18.750 7.606 to 120.0 T 8.0 12.000 0.0 120T 78.56 0.2030 0.0 30.750 6.243 Vel = 12.38 0.0 78.56 13.849 KFactor= 21.11 102T 38.10 4.26 0.0 2.210 13.713 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Al 38.1 0.0005 0.0 2.210 0.001 Vel = 0.86 Al 67.71 4.26 0.0 3.290 13.714 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 A2 105.81 0.0030 0.0 3.290 0.010 Vel = 2.38 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams SCHMIDT FIRE PROTECTION Page 9 INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH DUST COLLECTION Date 6/1/15 Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. "C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes Point Qt Pf/Ft Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn A2 52.82 4.26 0.0 8.710 13.724 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 A3 158.63 0.0065 0.0 8.710 0.057 Vel = 3.57 A3 53.60 4.26 0.0 6.040 13.781 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 120T 212.23 0.0113 0.0 6.040 0.068 VeI= 4.78 120T 78.56 4.26 0.0 5.960 13.849 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 A4 290.79 0.0200 0.0 5.960 0.119 Vel = 6.55 A4 54.55 4.26 4V 35.814 55.500 13.968 to 120.0 0.0 35.814 0.0 TOR 345.34 0.0275 0.0 91.314 2.510 Vel = 7.77 TOR 0.0 4.26 Fsp 0.0 20.920 16.478 to 120.0 0.0 0.0 12.060 * * Fixed Loss = 3 BOR 345.34 0.0275 0.0 20.920 0.576 Vel = 7.77 BOR 0.0 6.16 E 15.101 10.500 29.114 to 120.0 0.0 15.101 0.0 UGI 345.34 0.0046 0.0 25.601 0.117 Vel = 3.72 UGI 0.0 6.09 2E 43.166 86.000 29.231 to 150.0 0.0 43.166 -1.083 UG2 345.34 0.0032 0.0 129.166 0.412 Vel = 3.80 UG2 0.0 6.09 3E 64.749 191.000 28.560 to 150.0 G 4.625 118.706 2.599 SRC 345.34 0.0032 S 49.333 309.706 0.988 Vel = 3.80 500.00 Qa = 500.00 845.34 32.147 K Factor = 149.09 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 FIRE SPRINKLERS tqca Fire Protection Products Worldwide www.tyco-fire.com Contacts Series TY-B - 28, 56, and 80 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Standard Response, Standard Coverage General Description TYCO Series TV-B, 2.8, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright and Pendent Sprin- klers described in this technical data sheet are standard response, standard coverage decorative 5 mm glass bulb type spray sprinklers designed for use in light, ordinary, or extra hazard, commer- cial occupancies such as banks, hotels, shopping malls, factories, refineries, and chemical plants. The recessed version of the Series TV-B Pendent Sprinkler, where applicable, is intended for use in areas with a finished ceiling. It uses a two-piece Style 10(1/2 inch NPT) or Style 40 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon. The Recessed Escutcheon provides 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 3/4 inch (19,1 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pendent position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. Corrosion resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be obtained when exposed to corrosive atmo- spheres. Although corrosion resistant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the appli- cable approval agencies, the testing is not representative of all possible corrosive atmospheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suit- ability of these coatings for any given corrosive environment. The effects of IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP 700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cau- tions with respect to handling and installation of sprinkler systems and components. Improper handling and installation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. Page 1 of 8 ambient temperature, concentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. An intermediate level version of the Series TV-B Pendent Sprinkler can be obtained by utilizing the Series TV-B Pendent Sprinkler in combination with the Model S2 Shield. NOTICE The Series TV-B Sprinklers described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the perfor- mance of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintaining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. Contract the installing contractor or product manufacturer with any questions. Sprinkler Identification Numbers (SINs) TY1151 - Upright 2.8K, 1/2-NPT TY1251 - Pendent 2.8K, 1/2" NPT TYJi51—.Upright 5.61K, 1/2"NPT PV32 Pendent 5.61K, 1/2" NPT 4151 - Upright 8.01K, 3/4- NPT TY4251 - Pendent 8.01K, 3/4" NPT 1Y4851 - Upright 8.01K, 1/2" NPT TY4951 - Pendent 8.01K, 1/2" NPT NOVEMBER 2014 TFPI5I TFPI5I Page 2 of 8 CEILING PLATE 1 - Frame 5 - Compression SEATING SURFACE 2 - Button Screw 3 - Sealing 6 - Deflector* Assembly 7 - Bushing 1 4 -Bulb 2-1/4° (57,2 mm) / * Temperature rating is indicated on Deflector. 1-9/16' (39,7 mm) I _______ 5 ** Pipe thread connections Ayw_ per ISO 7-1 can be 6* provided on special request. PENDENT CROSS SECTION I 7/16' 1 (11,1 mm) I NOMINAL I MAKE-IN I 2-3/16' (55,6 mm) 1/2° NPT** t WREN( FLATS UPRIGHT FIGURE 1 SERIES 7Y-B UPRIGHT (TYII5I) AND PENDENT (TY1251) SPRINKLERS 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT, STANDARD RESPONSE * Temperature rating ** Pipe thread connections per 1 - Frame is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on ESCUTCHEON 2 - Button Deflector, special request. PLATE SEATING SURFACE _________________ ___________________________ I 7/16° (11,1 mm) NOMINAL L1/2 6" MAKE-IN 2-3 mm) 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression Assembly Screw 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* 1/2' NPT** T WRENCH STYLE 10 I-.---- 2-7/8° (73,0 mm) DIA. -u-I FLATS RECESSED UPRIGHT PENDENT ESCUTCHEON RECESSED PENDENT CROSS SECTION FIGURE 2 SERIES TY.B UPRIGHT (TY3151) AND PENDENT (TY3251) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT, STANDARD RESPONSE TFPI5I Page 3 of 8 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression ESCUTCHEON 2 - Button Assembly Screw PLATE SEATING 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* SURFACE (12,7 mm) NOMINAL ____ LLJ MAKE-IN 5 7 mm 2-1/4" \''i i'JI 1J (39,7 mm) j 3/4 NPT" f WRENCH STYLE 40 ft— 2-7/8 (73,0 mm) DIA. -..- FLATS RECESSED UPRIGHT PENDENT ESCUTCHEON RECESSED PENDENT FIGURE 3 SERIES TV-B UPRIGHT (r/'4151) AND PENDENT (TV4251) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT STANDARD RESPONSE CEILING PLATE 1 - Frame 5 - Compression SEATING SURFACE 2 - Button Screw 7/16 17m 3 - Sealing 6 - Deflector* Assembly ______ 4 - Bulb (11,1 mm)4______ NOMINAL mm) : indicated on Deflector. Temperature rating is ________ MAKE-IN ________ 2 3/16 ___ ___ (55,6mm)4—,5 ** Pipe thread connections 6* per ISO 7-1 can be provided on special 1/2 NPT** t WRENCH request. FLATS UPRIGHT PENDENT CROSS SECTION FIGURE 4111 SERIES TV-B UPRIGHT (TV4851) AND PENDENT (TV4951) SPRINKLERS ao K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT, STANDARD RESPONSE * Temperature rating ** Pipe thread connections per is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on Deflector. special request. CROSS SECTION TFPI5I Page 4 of 8 K SPRINKLER TYPE TEMPERATURE RATING BULB LIQUID COLOR SPRINKLER FINISH (8) ___________________________ _______________________________ NATURAL BRASS ICHROME PLATED POLYESTER*** LEAD COATED WAX I COATED I WAX-OVER-LEAD f COATED 135°F (57°C) Orange 155°F (68°C) Red UPRIGHT 28 1/2 NPT (TY1151) and PENDENT (TY1251) 1, 2, 3 N/A 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Figure 1 Blue 360°F (182°C) Mauve 1,2 135°F (57°C) Orange 155°F (68°C) Red UPRIGHT (TY3151) and PENDENT (TY3251) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1,2,3,5 1,2,3,5 1,2,3,5 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 1°°, 2°°, 3** 1°°, 2°°, 3**, 5** 5.6 Figure 2 360°F (182°C) Mauve N/A 1/2 NPT 135°F (57°C) Orange 155°F (68°C) Red RECESSED PENDENT (TY3251)° 1,2,3,4,5 N/A 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Figure 5 286°F (141°C) Blue 1,2 135°F (57°C) Orange 155°F (68°C) Red UPRIGHT (TY4151) and PENDENT (TY4251) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 1,2,5 1,2,3,5 1,2,5 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 1°, 2°°, 3°, 5• 1°°, 2, 5° 8.0 Figure 3 360°F(1820C) Mauve N/A 3/4 NPT 135°F (57°C) Orange 155°F (68°C) Red RECESSED PENDENT (TY4251)* 1, 2, 3, 4,5 N/A 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Figure 6 286°F(141°C) Blue 1,2 135°F (57°C) Orange 155°F (68°C) Red UPRIGHT 80 1/2 NPT (TY4851) and PENDENT (TY4951) 1,2,3,4,5,6 N/A 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue Figure 4 360°F (182°C) Mauve Notes: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL) Approved by FM Global QM Approvals) Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 007k103) Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E VdS Approved (For details contact Tyco Fire Suppression & Building Products, Enschede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-53-428-4444/ Fax 31-53-428-3377) Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 094a/05) Where Polyester Coated, Lead Coated, Was Coated, and Wax-over-Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Uated, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion- Resistant Sprinklers. Where Lead Coated, Wax Coated, and Wax-over-Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be FM Approved, the sprinklers are FM Approved as Corrosion-Resistant Sprinklers. Installed with Style 10(1/7 NP1) or Style 40 (3/4 NPT) W47 Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable 150F (661C) maximum ceiling temperature Frame and deflector only N/A - Not Applicable TABLE A SERIES TYB UPRIGHT AND PENDENT SPRINKLERS LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS TFPI5I Page 5 of 8 SPRINKLER FINISH K TYPE NATURAL I CHROME jPOI.YESTER* LEAD WAX WAX-OVER-LEAD BRASS PLATED COATED COATED COATED 2.8 UPRIGHT (TYII5I) lIZ and 175 psi (12,1 bar) N/A NPT PENDENT (TY1251) UPRIGHT flWZ15i 5.6 PENDEN(TY3, 251 250 psi (17,2 bar) (a) NPT 175 psi (12,1 bar) RECESSED PENDENT (TY3251) UPRIGHT (TY4151) and 175 psi (12,1 bar) 8.0 PENDENT (TY4251) 3/47 NPT RECESSED 2P ENDENT 51) 175 psi (12,1 bar) N/A 8.0 UPRIGHT (TY4851) 1/2' and 175 psi (12,1 bar) NPT PENDENT (TY4951) Notes: a. The maximum working pressure of 250 psi (17,2 bar) only applies to the Listing by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL), the Listing by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use In Canada (C-UL), and the Approval by the City of New York. * Frame and deflector only N/A - Not Applicable TABLE B SERIES TV-B UPRIGHT AND PENDENT SPRINKLERS MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed FM Approved LPCB Approved VdS Approved NYC Approved (Refer to Table A for complete ap- proval information, including corro- sion-resis-tant status.) Maximum Working Pressure Refer to Table B. Discharge Coefficient K=2.8 gpm/psi112 (40,3 1pm/bar112) K=5.6 gpm/ps1112 (80,6 1pm/bar112) K=8.0 gpm/psi112 (115,2 Ipm/bar"2) Temperature Ratings Refer to Table A. Finishes Sprinkler: Refer to Table C. Recessed Escutcheon: Signal or Pure White, Jet Black, Chrome Plated, or Natural Brass Physical Characteristics Frame.......................Bronze Button..................Brass/Copper Sealing Assembly.......Beryllium Nickel w/TEFLON Bulb .........................Glass Compression Screw............Bronze Deflector.....................Copper Bushing (K=2.8) ...............Bronze Operation The glass bulb contains a fluid which expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and water to flow. Design Criteria TYCO Series TV-B, 2.8, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright and Pendent Sprinklers are intended for fire protec- tion systems designed in accordance with the standard installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (e.g., UL Listing is based on the requirements of NFPA 13, and FM Approval is based on the requirements of the FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets). Only the Style 10 or 40 Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable, is to be used for recessed pendent installations. TFPI5I Page 6 of 8 2-7/8 DIA. 5/8±1/4" '-I (73,0 mm) I a"" (19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. I 1/4 (6,4 mm) FACE OF I MOUNTING I SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING (57,2 mm)?1 1/8" I (3,2 mm) AM MOUNTING ////Jt SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4" (31,8 mm)T TV-B 3/4" (19,1 mm) FIGURES SERIES TV-B RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT - 2-7/8" DIA. 5/8±1/4 (73,0 mm) 3/4" (19,1 mm) I (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. I 1/4' (6,4 mm) I — FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER .,) L.- PLATE I _____ -__ _ FITTING - __ I (3,2 mm) /Al MOUNTING I t SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16"(33,3 mm) TV-B 13/16" (20,6 mm) FIGURE 6 SERIES TV-B RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT WRENCH RECESS (END 'A" USED FOR 1/2" NPT MODELS) WRENCH RECESS (END "B" USED FOR 3/4" NPT MODELS) FIGURE 7 W- TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH WRENCH RECESS 41 t PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 8 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH Installation TYCO Series TV-B, 2.8, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright and Pendent Sprin- klers must be installed in accordance with this section. General Instructions Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1,6 mm) for the 135°F (57°C) to 3/32 inch (2,4 mm) for the 360°F (182°C) temperature ratings. A leak-tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained by applying a minimum-to-maximum torque of 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). Obtain a leak-tight 3/4 inch NPT sprinkler joint by applying a minimum to maximum torque of 10 to 20 ft.-lbs. (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). Higher levels of torque may distort the sprinkler inlet and cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to make-up for insuf- ficient adjustment in the escutcheon plate by under- or over-tightening the sprinkler. Readjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. TFPI5I Page 7 of 8 Upright and Pendent Sprinklers The Series TV-B Upright and Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accor- dance with the following instructions: Note: Install pendent sprinklers in the pendent position; install upright sprin- klers in the upright position. Step I With pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand-tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 2. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 7). For wax-coated sprinklers, use an 8 or 10 inch adjustable wrench. With reference to Figures 1 through 4, the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench or an adjustable wrench, as applicable, is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats. When installing wax-coated sprinklers with an adjustable wrench, exercise care to prevent damage to the wax coating on the sprinkler wrench flats or frame arms and, consequently, exposure of bare metal to the corrosive environment. Open the jaws of the wrench sufficiently wide to pass over the wrench flats without damaging the wax coating. Before wrench tightening the sprinkler, adjust the jaws of the wrench to contact only the sprinkler wrench flats. After wrench tightening the sprinkler, loosen the wrench jaws before removing the wrench. After installation, inspect the sprinkler wrench flats and frame arms and retouch (repair) the wax coating when- ever the coating has been damaged and bare metal is exposed. Retouch the wax coating on the wrench flats by gently applying a heated 1/8 inch diameter steel rod to the damaged areas of wax, to smooth it back over areas where bare metal is exposed. NOTICE Only retouching of the wax coating applied to the wrench flats and frame arms is permitted, and the retouching is to be performed only at the time of the initial sprinkler installation. The steel rod should be heated only to the point at which it can begin to melt the wax, and appropriate precau- tions need to be taken when handling the heated rod in order to prevent the installer from being burned. Recessed Pendent Sprinklers The Series TV-B Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accor- dance with the following instructions: Step A. After installing the Style 10 or 40 Mounting Plate, as applicable, over the sprinkler threads and with pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand-tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 8). With reference to Figure 3 or 4, the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats. Step C. After the ceiling is installed or the finish coat is applied, slide on the Style 10 or 40 Closure over the Series TV-B Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its flange contacts the ceiling. Care and Maintenance TYCO Series TV-B, 2.8, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright and Pendent Sprin- klers must be maintained and serviced in accordance with this section. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection system from the proper authorities and notify all personnel who may be affected by this action. The owner must assure that the sprinklers are not used for hanging any objects and that the sprinklers are only cleaned by means of gently dust- ing with a feather duster; otherwise, non-operation in the event of a fire or inadvertent operation may result. Absence of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance, may delay the time to sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Sprinklers which are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or otherwise altered after leaving the factory. Modified sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- age to the sprinklers before, during, and after installation. Sprinklers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/ slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Refer to Installation Section.) The owner is responsible for the inspec- tion, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Contact the installing contractor or product manufacturer with any questions. Automatic sprinklers are recommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. 1 I NATURAL BRASS I3 I PURE WHITE (RAL9O1O) POLYESTER SIGNAL WHITE (RAL9003) POLYESTER JET BLACK (RAL9005) POLYESTER 6 WAX COATED - 286°F (141°C) MAX 7 LEAD COATED 8 WAX-OVER-LEAD - 286°F (141°C) MAX 9 CHROME PLATED 135 135-F (57-C) 155 155°F (68°C) 175 175-F (79-C) 200 200°F (93°C) 286 360 286°F (141°C) C) 360°F (182° r00_0r_ 0PEN- TFPI5I Page 8 of 8 P/N 57 - XXX - X - XXX SIN SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE I RATING I I FINISH 530 2.8K UPRIGHT (1/2" NPT) TY1151 531 2.8K PENDENT (1/2 NPT) TY1251 570 5.6K UPRIGHT (1/2" NPT) TY3151 571 5.6K PENDENT (1/2" NPT) TY3251 590 8.0K UPRIGHT (3/4" NPT) TY4151 591 8.0K PENDENT (314" NPT) TY4251 560 8.0K UPRIGHT (1/2" NPT) TY4851 561 8.0K PENDENT (1/2" NPT) TY4951 Notes: Eastern Hemisphere sales only Available in only 8.0K, 155F (68°C) or 200°F (93°C); requires lead time to manufacture Available only for 8.0 K-factor TY4151 and TY4251 for use In deluge ayaterna ("OPEN" Indicates sprinkler assembly without glass bulb, button, and sealing assembly) TABLE C SERIES TYB UPRIGHT AND PENDENT SPRINKLERS PART NUMBER SELECTION Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyco-fire.com. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for availability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections Specify: Series TV-B (specify SIN), (specify K-factor), (specify Upright or Pendent) Sprinkler with (specify) temperature rating, (specify) finish or coating, P/N (Refer to Table C) Recessed Escutcheon Specify: Style (10 or 40) Recessed Escutcheon with (specify) finish, P/N* Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP770 Sprinkler Wrenches Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387 Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001 Wax Sticks (for retouching wrench-damaged wax coating) Specify: (specify color, below) Colored Coded Wax Stick for retouching (specify temperature rating) temperature-rated Series TV-B Sprinklers, P/N (specify) Black for 135°F (57°C) ......P/N 56-065-1-135 Red for 155°F (68°C) .......P/N 56-065-1-155 Yellow for 175°F (79°C) .....P/N 56-065-1-175 Blue for 200°F (93°C) and 286°F (141°C) .........P/N 56-065-1-286 Note: Each wax stick is suitable for retouching up to 25 sprinklers. Note: The wax used for 286°F (141°C) sprinklers is the same as for 200°F (93°C) sprinklers, and, therefore, the286°F(141°C) sprinkler is limited to the same maximum ceiling temperature as the 200°F (93°C) sprinkler (i.e., 150°F f66°CJ). GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS 11400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 194461 Telephone +1-215-362-0700 Copyright © 2014 Tyco Fire Products, LP. All rights reserved. tqco -- TEFLON Is trademark of the DuPont Corporation. Fire Protection Products PIPE AND FITTINGS / SCHEDULE- 10/40 Schedule-1O/Schedule-40® Fully Listed and FM Approved Sprinkler Pipe When you specify Schedule-1O/Schedule-40 sprinkler pipe you get a UL listed and FM approved product. Although these products do not require separate approvals, Schedule-I O/Schedule-40 gives you the extra quality assurance you demand. Our Sch-I0 (114- 8") pipe and Sch-40 (I"- 214") pipe have passed the same thorough lab testing as our other listed pipe products, and receive periodic mill inspections from both UL and FM agents to ensure consistent quality. Schedule-1O/Schedule-40 product can be "hot-dip" galvanized to meet FM requirements for dry systems in accordance with the zinc coating specifications of ASTM A-123. Our advanced formula mill coating of- fers a clean, durable surface. It is also paint-ready for custom color applications without special preparation. The internal surface of all black Allied Tube & Conduit Fire Sprinkler pipe products up to 4.5000" in diameter is coated with our new Antibacterial For- mula, "AB!"'. In scientific laboratory test, ABS proved to have superior resis- tance to microbial colonization of pipe walls, thereby delaying or possibly pre- venting the onset of Microbiologically Influenced corrosion (MIC) when the First Sprinkler System is first installed. Meets "Buy American" requirement and is available through distributors in the USA, Canada and Mexico. I'ISpecifications NPS Nominal I.D. Wt. WI. (H20 Filled) PeW WI/lift (21') WI/Lift (24') WII1.ift (25') In: mm In; mm Lbs/Fl; Kg/rn Lbs/Fl; Kg/rn Lift Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg 1.049 1.680 2.05 70 2,470 2,822 2,940 25 26.6 2.5 3.05 70 1,120 1,280 1,334 11/4° 1.380 2.270 2.93 51 2,431 2,778 2,894 32 35.1 4.36 4.36 51 1,103 1,260 1,313 11/2' 1.610 2.720 3.61 44 2,513 2,872 2,992 40 40.9 4.0 5.37 44 1,140 1,303 1,357 2.067 3.650 5.13 30 2,300 2,628 2,738 50 52.5 5.4 7.63 30 1,043 1,192 1,242 2½ 2.469 5.790 7.86 19 2,310 2,640 2,750 65 62.7 8.6 11.73 19 1,048 1,197 1,247 f [iISpecifications NPS Nominal I.D. WI. WI. (H20 Filled) PeW WI/lift (21') WI/Lift (24') WI/Lift (251) In; mm In; mm Lbs/Fl; Kg/rn Lbs/Fl; Kg/rn Lift Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg Lbs; Kg 1° 1.097 1.400 1.81 91 2,675 3,053 3,185 25 27.9 2.1 2.70 91 1,213 1,385 1,445 11/4° 1.442 1.810 2.52 61 2,319 2,664 2,760 32 36.6 2.7 3.75 61 1,052 1,208 1,252 11/2 1.682 2.080 3.04 61 2,664 3,045 3,172 40 42.7 3.1 4.52 61 1,208 1,381 1,439 2 2.157 2.640 4.22 37 2,051 2,344 2,442 50 54.8 3.9 6.28 37 930 1,063 1,108 21/2" 2.635 3.530 5.89 30 2,224 2,542 2,648 65 66.9 5.3 8.77 30 1,009 1,153 1,201 3° 3.260 4.330 7.94 19 1,728 1,975 2,057 80 82.8 6.4 11.82 19 784 896 933 4' 4.260 5.610 11.78 19 2,238 2,558 2,665 90 108.2 8.3 17.53 19 1,015 1,160 1,209 511 5.295 7.77 17.33 10 1,632 1,865 1,943 125 134.5 11.56 25.80 10 740 846 881 6' 6.357 9.290 23.03 10 1,951 2,230 2,322 150 161.5 13.8 34.27 10 885 1,012 1,053 8° 8.249 16.490 40.15 7 2,424 2,770 2,885 200 209.5 24.5 59.75 7 1,100 1,256 1,309 Schedule-I 0/Schedule-40 pipe are in compliance with the following: ASTM A- 135, and NFPA 13. Both pipe products have a working pressure rating of 300 psi maximum and also meet the stringent requirement for the following tests: Welded Outlets Hydrostatic Pressure Side Wall Rupture Vibration Test tqCO/Flow Control C;:) allied TUBE & CONDUIT 0 <~> @ - Listed Approved Listed 16100 S. Lathrop• Harvey, IL 60426 Customer Service: 11350 Norcom Rd. • Philadelphia, PA 19154 (800) 882-5543 2525 N. 27th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85009 Fax 708-339-1806 S5-3 C.I. THREADED FITTINGS FITTINGS © ® 4 Di,is!o,, ofiarPipo Pro.thcs LISTED LISTED APPROVED For fire protection services request submittal GRS 1.3 CAST IRON THREADED FITTINGS ARE UL, ULC LISTED AND FACTORY MUTUAL APPROVED FOR 300 PSI SERVICE. GRAY IRON PER ASTM A126 CLASS B. DIMEN- SIONS CONFORM TO ANSI 616.4 CLASS 125 EXCEPT PLUGS CONFORM TOASME 1316.14. THREADS ARE NPT PER ANSI/ASME BI.20.1. H CAS CAST I RON IeIs DEGREE ELBOW NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) IT Bil CODE # MAX WORKING P.S.I. DIM B4SIONS WBGIif A B EACH PIECE 1 C890033 300 1.50 1.50 0.95 11/4 CB90044 300 1.75 1.75 1.34 1 1/2 I C890055 1 300 1.94 1.94 1.80 2 1 CB90066 300 1 2.25 1 2.25 2.90 21/2 I CB900771 300 1 2.70 1 2.70 1 4.75 f .. 1_ 7-1_ 717 CASTlI RON IRED. COU J NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) ITEM CODE # MAX. WORKING P.S.I. DIM BISION WBGIrr EACH A PIECE 1X1/2 CRC031 300 1.70 0.62 1X3/4 CRC032 300 1.70 0.80 N RED. i ITEM CODE 90I .it MAX. WORKING P.S.I. ELBOW IDIMS10NS WBGIfT I EACH PIECE NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) A B 1X1/2 CB90031 300 1.26 1.36 0.64 1X3/4 CB90032 300 1.37 1.45 0.87 1 1/4X1/2 C890041 300 1.34 1.53 0.96 1 1/4X3/4 C890042 300 1.45 1.62 1.13 1 1/4X1 CB90043 300 1.58 1.67 1.16 1 112x1 1/2 CB90051 300 1.41 1.66 1.17 1 112x3/4 C890052 300 1.52 1.75 1.28 1 112X1 CB90053 300 Tiff 1.51 1 1/2X1 1/4 CB90054 300 1.82 1.88 1.62 2X1/2 C890061 300 1.49 1.88 2.00 2X3/4 C890062 300 2X1 CB90063 300 1.73 2.10 2X1 1/4 C890064 300 1.60W1.972.05 1.90 2.30 2X11/2 CB90065 300 2.02 2.60 Page 38 NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) ITEM CODE :(ISTRAIGHT MAX. P.S.I. 10MI WBGHT' PIECE WORKING EACH 1 CT333 300 J2.252.25 1.21 11/4 CT444 300 1.87 CT555 300 2.51 2 CT666 300 3.96 21/2 CT777 300 6.45 CAST IRONf45 DEGREE ELBOW NOMINAL SIZE ITEM CODE MAX. WORKING PSI. CH (INCH) IECE 1 IGIEr 7AB CB45033 300 .84 11/4 C545044 300 .40 11/2 CB45055 300 1.43 1.43 1.80 2 CB45066 300 1.68 1.68 2.79 CASTlI RON IPLUGSl I NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) I ITEM CODE U ' MAX. WORKING P.S.I. IDIMEI1SIONI WEIGI' EACH PIECE A 1/2 CPL001 300 0.94 0.10 3/4 CPLOO2 300 1.07 0.17 1 CPL003 300 1.25 1 0.28 11/4 CPL004 300 1.36 0.44 11/2 CPLOOS 300 1.45 0.62 2 CPL006 300 1.56 0.91 B - It C.I. THREADED FITTINGS FITTINGS A Dirii.,n of .itor1'qo Pdoriv A. LISTED LISTED APPROVED For fire protection services request submittal GRS 1.3 CASTIIRON NOMINAL (INCH) CROSS ITEM MAX. CODE WORKING P.S.I. BISIONSI WEIGHT SIZE EACH PIE 710A B 1 CX033 300 1.50 1.50 1.54 11/4 CX044 300 1.75 1.75 2.40 1112 CX055 300 1.94 1 1.94 3.10 2 CX066 300 2.25 2.25 4.00 1 1/4X1 CX043 300 1.58 1.87 2.05 1 112X1 CX053 300 1.65 1.80 2.40 2X1 CX063 300 1.73 202 2.75 £-s - i uP1W4II NOMINAL SIZE (INCH) ITEM CODE _____ MAX. WORKING P.P.S.I.A DIM BISIONS WEIGHT EACH PIE B C 1X1 Xl 12 _ C_T331 300 1.26 1.26 1.36 0.95 1X1X314 CT332 300 1.37 1.37 1.45 1.10 1X112X1 CT313 300 1.50 1.36 1.50 1.08 1X314X1 CT323 300 1.50 1.45 150 1.18 1 X1X1 114 CT334 300 1.57 1 1.67 1.58 1.52 1 X1X1 112 CT335 300 1.80 1.80 1.65 1.73 1 1!4X1X112 CT431 300 1.34 1.28 1.53 1.17 1 1!4X1X3l4 CT432 300 1.45 1.37 1.62 1.38 1 1I4X1X1 CT433 300 1.58 1.50 1.57 1.47 1 1I4X1X1 114 6T434 300 1.75 1.67 1.75 1.80 1 1I4X1X1 112 CT435 300 1.88 1.80 11.82 2.05 1 1I4X1 114X112 CT441 300 1.34 1.34 1.53 1.37 1 1/4X1 1I4X314 CT442 300 1.45 1.45 1.62 1.54 1 1!4X1 1/4X1 CT443 300 1.58 1.58 1.67 1.65 1 114X1 114X1 112 CT445 300 1.88 1.88 1.82 2.21 1 1/4X1 1I4X2 CT446 300 2.10 2.10 1.90 2.55 - 1 112X1X112 CT531 300 Tiff- 1.34 1.65 1.41 1 1l2X1X4 Cr532 300 1.52 1.37 1.75 1.65 1 112X1X1 CT533 300 1.65 1 1.50 1.80 1 1.65 1 r1/r- CT534 300 1.82 1 1.67 1.88 2.00 1 Mr- CT535 300 1.94 1 1.80 1.94 2.30 1 112X1 114X1I2 CT541 300 1.41 1.34 1.88 1.58 1 112X1 114X314 CT542 300 1.52 1.45 1.75 1.72 1 112X1 114X1 C543 300 1.65 1.58 1.80 1.85 I 112x1 1147f 1/4 CT544 300 1.82 1.75 1.88 2.22 1 112x1 1/4x1 1/2 CT545 300 1.94 1.88 1.94 2.45 1 1I2X1 114X2 CT546 300 2.16 2.10 2.02 2.80 1 112X1 1/2X1/2 CT551 300 1.41 1.41 1.66 1.76 1 112X1 112X314 CT552 300 1.52 1.52 1.75 1.87 1 1/2X1 112X1 CT553 300 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.94 I 1/2X1 1/2X1 1/4 CT554 300 1.82 1.82 1.88 2.29 1 1/2X1 1/2X2 CT556 300 2.16 2.16 2.02 3.28 2X1X2 CT636 300 2.25 2.02 2.25 3.40 2X1 1/4X2 CT646 300 2.25 2.10 2.25 2.80 2X1 112X1/2 CT651 300 1.49 1.41 1.88 2.09 2X1 1/2X4 CT652 300 1.60 1.52 1.97 2.40 2X1 1/2X1 CT653 300 1.73 . 1.65 2.02 2.54 2X1 112X1 114 CT654 300 1.90 1.82 2.10 2.85 2X1 1/2X1 1/2 CT655 300 1.49 1.41 1.88 2.24 2X1 1/2X2 CT656 300 2.25 1 2.16 1 2.25 1 3.75 2X2X1/2 CT661 300 1.49 1.49 1.88 2.60 2X2X3/4 CT662 300 1.60 1.60 1.97 2.71 2X2X1 CT663 300 1.73 1.73 2.02 2.97 2X2X1 1/4 CT664 300 1.90 1.90 2.10 3.32 2X2X1 1/2 C1665 300 2.02 2.02 2.16 3.72 2x2x2 1/2 C7667 300 2.60 2.60 2.39 5.10 Page 39 C to E Ctc ANVti_Star FIG. 7460* Short Pattern Tee AAML Fire Products Division of Anvil International & - .... .... GRUVLOK® FIRE-RITE TM SHORT PATTERN FITTING SYSTEM The Gruviok® Fire RiteTM short pattern fitting system incorporates 900 elbows and tees in 2" to 8" size range with a 300 psi pressure rating. FireRiteTM fittings are painted to industry specification and are available galvanized for more corrosive environments. CAD designed increased internal diameters provides superior flow capability. FireRiteTM fittings are cast from ASTM A-536 Ductile Iron to Grade 65-45-12. Fire-Rite TM - Light Weight - Heavy Value! - Available galvanized. When ordering, refer to product as FP7460. O.D. MATERIAL t CAST FITTINGS: Ductile Iron conforming to ASTM A-536 Malleable Iron conforming to ASTM A-47 APPROVED For Li Details and limitations, visit our website at ww.am,,lsior.com or canted on Anvitt/AnmlSter" Soles Representative. [FIGURE 7460l Nominal 0 D Center Approx. Size to End Wt. En. In./DN(mm) lnJ,rtrn h/mm LhijKg 2 2.315 2% 2.5 50 60.3 10 Li 21h 2.815 3 3.5 65 13.0 16 1.6 3 3.500 3% 4.8 80 88.9 86 2.2 4 4.500 4 8.1 100 114.3 102 3.1 6 6.625 51h 19.1 150 168.3 140 8.1 8 8.625 6% 35.2 200 219.1 115 16.0 COATINGS: Rust inhibiting paint Color: ORANGE (standard) or Hot Dipped Zinc Galvanized conforming to ASTM A-i 53 (optional) Other available options: Example: RAL3000 or RAL9000 Series J. ... 510 -_•t --.-t .. I.-' 2( 18 16 14 CL 12 02 10 8 &o• 6 06 4 0 -8 inch ----4 inch -3 inch 2'/2 inch 2inch Additional sizes available, see Gruvlolc Catalog or contact an AnvilStar Flow Rate (ftJsec.) Representative. IGrtMok short pattern fittings exceed the headloss iècuiréments of NFPA 13. For Fig. 7460 Tee branch use 21/2 times the value shown. For Fig. 7460 Tee run use the value shown. Note: Above values are shown for Schedule 40 pipe to be consistent with industry practices. Project: L3 Approved Address: Ll Approved as noted Contractor: J Not approved Engineer: Remarks: Submittal Date: Notes 1: Notes 2: 5/09 18 — 16 14 CL 12 10 8 06 6 4 0 —8 Inch —.-6Inch ----4 inCh 3inch 15th 2inch Flow Rate (ftJsec.) ALNALStar FIG. 7450* Short Pattern 90° Elbow ®NVIL Fire Products Division of Anvil International GRUVLOK® FIRE-RITE TM SHORT PATTERN FITTING SYSTEM The Gruvlok® Fire.RiteTM short pattern fitting system incorporates 900 elbows and tees in 2" to 8" size range with a 300 psi pressure rating. Fire RiteTM fittings are painted to industry specification and are available galvanized for more corrosive environments. CAD designed increased internal diameters provides superior flow capability. Fire RiteTM fittings are cast from ASTM A-536 Ductile Iron to Grade 65-45-12. FireRiteTM - Light Weight - Heavy Value! - Available galvanized. When ordering, refer to product asFP745O. CAST FITTINGS: Ductile Iron conforming to ASTM A-536 Malleable Iron conforming to ASTM A-47 APPROVED tar Lislin8fcppronal Details and Umilatiens, sisil cur webnile at ww.aninlstac cam er canted an Annil'/AnniISlor"' Sales Representative. —FIGURE 7450 90' ELBOW Nominal 0 D (enter Approx. Size to End W. En. ln./DN(mni),. In/nan In/mm 1ki 2 2.375 2% 1.7 50 60.3 10 0.8 21h 2.875 3 2.6 65 13.0 16 7.2 3 3.500 3% 3.5 80 88.9 86 7.6 4 4.500 4 6.5 IOU 114.3 102 3.0 6 6.625 51h 14.8 150 1 768.3 140 6.1 8 8.625 6½ 25.6 200 1 219.1 115 77.6 Additional sizes available, see Gruvlok Catalog or contact an AnvitStar Representative. COATINGS: Rust inhibiting paint Color: ORANGE (standard) or Hot Dipped Zinc Galvanized conforming to ASTM A-i 53 (optional) Other available options: Example: RAL3000 or RAL9000 Series IGruok short pattern fittings exceed the headloss requirements of NFPA 13.1 For Fig. 7450 90' grooved end elbows use the value shown. Note: Above values are shown for Schedule 40 pipe to be consistent with industry practices. Project: LI Approved Address: LI Approved as noted Contractor: U Not approved Engineer: Remarks: Submittal Date: Notes 1: Notes 2: 5/09 Clamp-T®, FPT Branch W111011AMN LOKi 0@93 A:S> 0 H Usee APPROVED For Ussngo/sppr000l Details and Lindtadono, slaS our web050 at s.onefflnLoon, or content an Ones° Sales Representabae. - Available galvanized. The Gruvlok® Clamp-I provides a quick and easy outlet at any location along the pipe. A hole drilled or cut in the pipe to receive the locating collar of the Clamp-I is all that is required. The full, smooth outlet area provides for optimum flow characteristics. ANVIL HOUSING: Ductile Iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12 ANSI BOLTS & HEAVY HEX NUTS: Heat treated, oval neck track head bolts conforming to ASTM A-i 83 Grade 2 with a minimum tensile strength of 110,000 psi and heavy hex nuts of carbon steel conforming to ASTM A-563 Grade A or Grade B, or J995 Grade 2. Bolts and nuts are provided zinc electroplated as standard. METRIC BOLTS & HEAVY HEX NUTS: Heat treated, zinc electroplated oval-neck track head bolts made of carbon steel with mechanical properties per ISO 898-1 Class 8.8. Hex nuts and bolts are zinc electroplated followed by a yellow chromate dip. U-BOLT: Cold drawn steel and zinc plated. The Clamp-I housing is specially engineered to conform to the pipe O.D. and the Clamp-I gasket providing a leak tight reliable seal in both positive pressure and vacuum conditions. Working pressure ratings shown are for reference only and are based on Schedule 40 pipe. For the latest UL/ULC listed, LPCB, VdS and FM Approved pressure ratings versus pipe schedule, see www.anvilintl.com or contact your local Anvil Representative. The Gruvlok Clamp-I provides for a branch or cross connection in light wall or standard wall steel pipe. The Fig. 7045.Clamp-I female pipe thread branch is available with NPT or ISO 7/1 connection and the Fig. 7046 Clamp-I has grooved-end branch connection. Clamp-I cross connections are available in various sizes allowing greater versatility in piping design. NOTE: Variable End Configurations are Possible - 2" x '/2" through 8" x 4" Thd x Thd and Gr. x Thd. Sizes 'I !. I IFLOW I 'lfi V Branch Size Fig. 7045 Threaded Branch C.V. Value Equiv. Pipe Length !njDN(nrm) _________________ FtJm _________________ '/3 22 1.0 15 0.3 25 2.0 20 - 0.6 1 44 2.0 25 0.6 l4 76 2.5 1/2 89 4.0 1.2 COATINGS: Rust inhibiting paint Color: ORANGE (standard) Hot Dipped Zinc Galvanized (optional) 0 Other available options: Example: RAL3000 or RAL9000 Series For other coating requirements contact an Anvil Representative. LUBRICATION: 0 Standard Gruviok OGruviok XtremeTM required for dry pipe systems and freezer applications. GASKETS: Materials Properties as designated in accordance with ASTM D-2000. 0 Grade "E" EPDM (Green color code) -40°F to 230°F (Service Temperature Range)(-40°C to 110°C) Recommended for water service, diluted acids, alkalies solutions, oil-free air and many chemical services. NOT FOR USE IN PETROLEUM APPLICATIONS. Grade "Er EPDM (Green and Red color code) -40°F to 250°F (Service Temperature Range)(-40°C to 121°C) Recommended for water service, diluted acids, alkalies solutions, oil-free air and many other chemical services. NOT FOR USE IN PETROLEUM APPLICATIONS. 'Il[uh1RESI STANCE) Fig. 7045 Threaded Branch Branch Size CV. Value Equiv. Pipe Length InjDN(mm) Alm 2 164 d 3.5 so - 1.1 21/2 152 12.5 65 - 3.8 3 1 318 8.5 80 . 2.6 4 536 8.0 tOO . 2.4 Project: LjApproved Address: E] Approved as noted Contractor: []Not approved Engineer: Remarks: Submittal Date: Notes 1: Notes 2: FP-4.12 Clamp-T®, FPT Branch ANVIL. "U Fig. 7045 (U-Bolt) I WARNING I For diy pipe sydems and freezer applications lubrication of the gasket is required, Grinrlokm Xtrem&M Lubricant is required. Fig. 7045 FIGURE FPT BRANCH Nominal ' ' Hole Dimensions Max ' Clamp-I Dimensions Bolt - - Specified Torque §' Approx. Size D V '' I U Threaded w z Size Wt. [a. . Diameter Mm Working Max. Diameter Mm. Max. InJDNj'mmj In/mm In/mm In/mm PSI/bar In/mm In/mm In/mm In/mm In/mm ln./mm hp/mm fi..lbs4i-m LbsAg 2 x ½ 2.375 x 0.840 1½ 1% 500 2%6 /16 2% ½ 51h 3 ½ V-Bolt 30 40 2.3 50x 15 60.3x 21.3 38 41 1 34.5 56 74 67 12 140 16 - 1.0 2 x % 2.375 x 1.050 1½ 1% 500 2Yit A6 2% 1½ 51h 3 ½ Holt 30 40 2.3 502 20 60.32 26.1 38 41 34.5 52 14 67 33 740 16 - 1.0 - 2 x 1 2.375 x 1.315 1½ 1% 500 1 W16 /16 21A 1½ 51h 3 1/ì U-Bolt 30 40 2.6 50x25 60.3x33.1 38 41 34.5 51 14 61 38 140 16 - 1.2 - 2 x 11/4 2.375 x 1.660 2 21A 500 2%6 A6 2% 1½ 51h 31h ½ Holt 30 40 2.7 50r32 60.3x 42.4 51 54 34.5 55 14 73 38 140 89 - 1.2 2 x 1½ 2.375 x 1.900 2 2¼ 500 236 IS6 2% 1½ 7 31h ½ U-Bolt 30 40 2.5 50r40 60.3x 48.3 51 54 34,5 55 14 73 38 113 89 11 2½x½ 2875x0.840 1½ 1% 500 2'Ab 94 21A 1% 51h 3 ½U-Bolt 30 40 3.0 65x 75 73.0x 21.3 38 47 34.5 62 14 73 44 740 16 . 1.4 2½x% 2.875x1.050 1½ 1% 500 23'i6 94 2% 1% 51/2 3 1h Halt 30 40 2.9 65r20 13.0r267 38 47 34.5 59 14 73 44 140 16 - 1.3 21h x 1 2.875 x 1.315 1½ 1% 500 23A6 A6 2% 1% 61/2 3 ½ U-Bolt 30 40 2.9 65s 25 73.0 03.1 38 41 34.5 55 14 13 44 756 16 . 1.3 2½ x 1'/4 2.875 x 1.660 2 21A 500 2A6 A6 3¼ 1V4 61A 3% ½ Holt 30 40 34 65x32 13.0x 42.4 51 54 34.5 62 14 79 44 156 86 - 1.5 2½x1½ 2J75x1.900 2 21A 500 2!116 IA6 3½ 1/i 6¼ 3% ½V-Bolt 30 40 3.4 65x40 13.0x 48.3 57 54 34.5 62 14 19 44 756 86 . 15 3 x ½ 3.500 x 0.840 11/2 1% 500 2A6 /I6 3 214 7 3% ½ U-Bolt 30 40 2.8 80x15 88.9s21.3 38 41 34.5 65 14 76 54 178 95 . 7.2 3x% 3.500 x 1.050 1½ 1% 500 2Yi6 9A6 3 21A 7 3% ½ Holt 30 40 23 80x20 88.9x 26.7 38 41 34.5 62 14 16 54 178 95 . 7.2 3 x 1 3.500 x 1.315 1½ 11/0 500 2Yi6 46 3 214 7 3% ½ V-Bolt 30 40 2.7 80x25 88.9x33,7 38 41 34.5 59 74 16 54 118 95 - 1.2 3x 11/4 3500x 1.660 2 21h 500 211/16 1½ 3% 21A 6/8 3% ½x2% 80 100 34 80232 88.9x42.4 51 54 34.5 68 38 86 54 175 95 - 1.5 3 x 1½ 3.500 x 1.900 2 21/s 500 21146 1½ 3% 21A 6% 3% ½ x 2% 80 100 4.4 80240 88.9x48.3 51 54 34.5 68 38 86 54 115 95 - 2.0 3x2 3.500x2375 21h 21A 500 2Wi 6 1½ 3% 21A 6% 41A 1hx2Vi 80 100 4.6 80150 88.9x 60.3 64 61 34.5 68 38 86 54 175 705 - 2.1 4x ½ 4.500 x 0.840 1½ 1% 500 3½ A6 31h 21A 7% 3% ½ U-Bolt 30 40 2.9 100215 714.3x21.3 38 41 34.5 76 14 89 67 191 95 . 1.3 4x% 4.500 x 1.050 1½ 1% 500 3146 9/it 31h 24 7% 3% ½ V-Bolt 30 40 2.8 100x20 114.3x26.1 38 41 34.5 18 14 89 67 797 95 . 7.3 4x 1 4500x 1.315 1½ 1% 500 21346 94 31h 24 7% 3% 1h U-Bolt 30 40 27 100x25 114.3x33.7 38 41 34.5 73 14 89 61 197 95 - 1.2 4x 1Y4 4500x 1.660 2 2¼ 500 36 1% 3% 21A 7½ 3% ½x2/4 80 100x32 114.3x42.4 51 54 34.5 81 48 98 67 191 95 - 100H 46 4x 1½ 4500x 1.900 2 2¼ 500 3~6 100 100x40 1% 3% 2% 7½ 3% ½22% 80 714.3248.3 51 54 34.5 81 48 98 61 19! 95 - NOTE: 21h', 5' and 6' Nominal size run pipe may be used on 3' O.D., 51h' O.D. and 6½' O.D. pipe. § - For additional Bait Torque information, see Technical Data Section. £ - Working Pressure Ratings are for reference only and based on Sch. 40 pipe. For the latest UIJUiC, FM, (Additional larger sizes on next page) - VdS and LPCB pressure ratings versus pipe schedule, please visit anvilinti.com or contact your local Anvil Representative. Not for use in copper systems. FP-412 Clamp-T®, FPT Branch ANVIL M. Fig. 7OA5 (U-Bolt) I IWARNINGI For dry pipe systems and beezer applications I lubrication of the gasket is required, XtremeTm Lubricant is required. Fig. 7045 FIGURE BRANCH Nominal Hole Dimensions Ma. Clamp-I Dimensions Bolt - - 'Specified Tortlue §' Approx. Size D Working - Mm. Diameter Max. Diameter pressureA I U W 'i z Size Wt. [a. Mm. Max. Threaded InJDN(mm) InJmm In,/Mm InJmm PSYbor In,/Mm InJmni InJmm InJmm In1mm Inmnim InJmm FL-tbs./N-m LbsAg 4x2 4.500x2.375 2½ 21A 500 3Yi 1% 4 2% 7½ 4½ ½x23% 80 100 7.7 100x50 114.3x 60.3 64 67 34.5 84 48 102 67 797 lOS - 3.5 4x2½ 4.500x2.875 2% 2/t 500 31146 1¼ 4 2% 71h 4% ½x2% 80 100 5.2 700365 114.3x73.0 70 73 34.5 78 48 102 67 791 III 2.4 400.1). 4.500x2.996 2 500 3 15 4 2 7~ 4',,½x2% 80 700 £2 100x80 114.3x76] 70 73 34.5 76 48 102 67 191 111 - 2.4 40 4.500x3.500 31h 3% 500 31/4 1¼ 41/4 21h 71/2 51/4 ½x3½ 80 100 6.5 100x60 114.3x88.9 89 92 343 83 48 708 61 191 133 2.9 5x1'% 5.563x1.660 2 21A 500 31146 1¼ 4% 31/4 91A 3% %x31/4 100 130 5.4 125 x 32 147.3x42.4 57 54 34.5 94 48 III 83 232 95 2.4 5x1½ 5.563x1.900 2 2½ 500 31½6 11/8 4% 31% 91A 3% %x3¼ 100 130 5.5 125 x 40 141.3x48.3 57 54 34.5 94 48 III 83 232 95 2.5 5x2 5.563x2.375 21h No 500 31346 1¼ 41h 31% 91A 41/s %x3¼ 100 130 5.7 125x50 147.3x60.3 64 67 34.5 91 48 174 83 232 105 - 2.6 5 x 21h 5.563 x 2.875 23/4 2/t 500 31346 V/a 4% 31% 91A 4% 5/ 31% 100 130 7.0 !25x65 1 141.3x73.0 70 73 34.5 91 48 121 83 232 11! - 3.2 5x30.O. 5.563,% 1996 2 2~ 500 33., 4. Ai 9~i 4! x3`4 130 780 1.0 125x80 141.3x76.1 70 73 34.5 95 48 121 83 232 111 - 3.2 5x3 5.563x3.500 31h 3% 500 4 1¼ 5 31% 91h 51/4 %x3¼ 100 130 8.7 125x80 141.3 .a 88.9 89 92 34.5 107 48 121 83 232 133 3.9 6 x 114 6.625 x 1.660 2 21/e 500 4346 2 4% 3% 10½ 3% x 41/4 100 130 7.8 150x32 168.3142.4 51 54 1 34.5 106 51 124 98 251 95 - 3.5 6 x 114 6.625 x 1.900 2 21/8 500 4346 2 4¼ 3% 10½ 3% ½ x 41/4 100 130 7.8 750140 168.3x48.3 57 54 34.5 106 1 SI 724 98 257 95 . 3.5 6 x 2 6.625 x 2.375 21h 2% 500 4346 2 47/i 31A 101/8 41/g '/a x 41/4 100 130 7.8 150x50 168.3x60.3 64 67 34.5 106 51 724 98 251 105 3.5 6 x 21h 6.625 x 2.875 2% 27/t 500 4346 2 51A 31A 101/a 4% % x 41% 100 130 8.4 150x65 !68.303.0 10 73 1 34.5 106 57 730 1 98 257 111 . 3.8 6x30.0. 6.625x2.996 2~ 2 500 4'4 2 5~ 34 70~ 4N x4~,i 100 130 8.4 150x80 168.3x76.1 70 73 34.5 105 51 130 98 257 111 - 3.8 6 a 3 6.625 a 3.500 31h 31A 500 43% 2 5% 31h 10½ 51/4 % a 41% 100 130 9.6 150x80 168.3 x88.9 89 92 34.5 III 1 57 137 98 251 133 . 44 6x4 6.625x4.500 41h 4% 500 4% 2 51h 37/a 10½ 61h Yèx41/4 100 130 10.5 150x100 1 165.3114.3 114 Ill 1 34.5 171 51 140 1 98 251 165 - 4.8 8 x 2 8.625x2.750 21h 21h 500 5346 21/4 5¼ 5 123/4 4½ Y4x41/4 130 180 11.3 200350 219.1x70.0 64 61 34.5 132 51 749 721 324 105 5.1 8x2½ 8.625x2.875 2% 2% 500 51/16 21/4 61/4 5 12% 4% %x4½ 130 180 11.1 200x65 219Jx73.0 10 73 34.5 134 1 51 759 721 324 1!! 5.0 8x30.0. 8.625x2.996 21,,i 24 500 51: 6 14 5 72~ 41,',i 3!,,x4½ 130 180 II.! 200x80 1 219.1x76.1 70 73 1 34.5 133 57 159 1 127 324 111 . 50 80 3 8.625 a 3.500 31h 3% 500 5% 21/4 6% 5 12% 51/4 % a 41h 130 180 13.0 200x80 219.13 88.9 89 92 34.5 137 51 162 721 324 133 - - - 5.9 8 a 4 8.625 a 4.500 41h 41/8 500 5% 21/4 61h 5 12% 61h % a 41h 130 180 16.2 2001100 219.13 114.3 1 114 117 34.5 1 137 1 51 165 721 1 324 1 165 1 7.3 NOTE: 21h". 5' and 6' Nominal size run oioe may be used on 3' 0.0.. 51h' O.D. and 61h' O.D. aiDe. § - For additional Bolt Torque information, see Technical Data Section. A -W rki Pressure Ratings are for reference only and based on Sch. 40 pipe. For the latest UI/ULC, FM, VdS and LPCB pressure ratings versus pipe schedule, please visit anvilintl.com or contact your local Anvil Representative. Not for use in capper systems. FP-4.12 ANVh..Star FIG. 7400* Rigidlite® Coupling Fire Products Division of Anvil International ®AN . The Gruvlok® Figure 7400 Rigidlite Coupling is specially designed to provide a rigid, locked-in pipe connection to meet the specific demands of rigid design steel pipe. Fast and easy swing-over installation of the rugged lightweight housing produces a secure, rigid pipe loint. The Figure 7400 Rigidlite Coupling is UL/ULC Listed and FM Ap- proved for fire protection service in both wet and dry systems, with roll grooved or cut grooved steel pipe prepared in accordance with Gruvlok grooving specifica- tions. Working pressure ratings shown are for reference only and are based on Schedule 40 pipe. For the latest UL/ULC listed and FM approved pressure ratings versus pipe schedule, see www.anvilstar.com or contact your local AnvilStor Representative. The Figure 7400 Rigidlite Coupling with a Pre-Lubricated Grade "E" EPDM, Type "A" gasket (coupling is easily identified by purple nuts) is intended for use in fire protection systems installed in accordance with NFPA Standard 13 "Sprinkler Systems". c®APPROVED LII] For Listing/Approval Debut and Limitations DN 50 and DN200 visit our websiie at rrsw,.a,wilstar.ccm or contact sizes ore VdS approved. an Anvfl°/AnnilStar'° Soles Representative. -Available galvanized. When ordering, refer to product as FP7400. HOUSING: Ductile Iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12 ANSI BOLTS & HEAVY HEX NUTS: Heat treated, oval-neck track head bolts conforming to ASTM A-i 83 Grade 2 with a minimum tensile strength of 110,000 psi and heavy hex nuts of carbon steel conforming to ASTM A-563 Grade A or Grade B, or J995 Grade 2. Bolts and nuts are provided zinc electroplated as standard. COATINGS: Rust inhibiting paint Color: ORANGE (standard) Hot Dipped Zinc Galvanized (optional) Other available options: Example: RAL3000 or RAL9000 Series For other coating requirements contact an AnvilStar Representative. LUBRICATION: Standard Gruvlok Gruvlok XtremeTM required for dry pipe systems and freezer applications. GASKETS: Materials Properties as designated in accordance with ASTM D-2000. Pre-Lubricated Grade "E° EPDM, Type A Gasket (Violet color code) -40°F to 150°F (Service Temperature Range)(-40°C to 66°C) Recommended for wet and dry (oil free air) pipe fire protection sprinkler systems. For dry pipe systems and freezer applications, Gruvlok XtremeTM Lubricant is required. Grade "E" EPDM (Green color cede) -40°F to 230°F (Service Temperature Range)(-40°C to 110°C) Recommended for water service, diluted acids, alkalies solutions, oil-free air and many chemical services. NOT FOR USE IN PETROLEUM APPLICATIONS. GASKET TYPE: Standard C Style Flush Gap (11/4" -8") Project: IJ Approved Address: J Approved as noted Contractor: J Not approved Engineer: Remarks: Submittal Date: I Notesi: I Notes 2: 5/09 ANVil_Star FIG. 7400* Rigidlite® Coupling Fire Products Division of Anvil International FIGURE 7400 RIGIDLITEO COUPLIIYG Nominal Pipe Max. . ' Max. Coupling Bolts Specified Torque § ' Approx. Qty. Size Mm. Max. Size 0.0. Working Pressure End Load Range of Coupling Dimensio 71~%41M Pipe End Separation X V Wt. Eo. In./IJNfrnm) In/mat PSI/liar Lbs./kN In latin IaJmni (n/ann Ia/ram F! 1¼ 1.660 300 649 0-½ 2% 4% 2 %x2/4 30 45 1.3 32 1 42.2 203 1 2.89 0-3.2 67 721 44 - Ml0x57 40 60 0.6 1½ 1.900 300 851 0-1h 2% 4% 1% 2 %x2% 30 45 1.4 40 48.3 20.7 3.78 0-3.2 73 124 44 - Ml0x57 40 60 0.6 2 2.375 300 1,329 014 31/4 51h 1% 2 %x2¼ 30 45 1.6 50* 60.3 20.7 5.97 0-3.2 83 140 44 - M10x51 40 60 03 21h 2.875 300 1,948 0.1/8 3% 6 1% 2 %x21/4 30 45 1.9 65 73.0 20.7 8.66 0-3.2 98 152 44 - M10x57 40 60 0.9 30.0. 2,996 300 2,115 0-½ 4 55 13'4 2 &8x21'4 30 45 1.9 76.1 76.1 20.7 9.41 0-3.2 102 149 44 - M10 ax 57 40 60 0.9 3 3.500 300 2,886 0.1/8 41h 6% 1% 2 %x2% 30 45 2.1 80 88.9 203 1284 0-3.2 . 174 177 44 - M10x70 40 60 7.0 4 4.500 300 4,171 0J/4 51A 7% 1% 2 %x2% 30 45 3.1 100 114.3 20.7 21.22 0-6.4 143 197 48 - M10x70 40 60 7.4 55O.0. 5.500 300 1,721 6 9Yr 2 2 1t2.3 80 100 4.5 139.7 139.7 20.7 31.70 0-6.4 171 235 51 - M12x76 110 150 2.0 5 5.563 300 7,292 0.1/4 6% 9¼ 2 2 ½x3 80 100 4.6 725 141.3 20.7 32.44 0-6.4 175 235 51 - M12x76 170 150 2.7 6½0.0. 6.500 300 9,955 0• 11 106 2 2 ½x3 80 700 5.5 165.1 165.1 20.7 44.28 0-6.4 200 264 51 - M12x76 110 150 2.5 6 6.625 300 10,341 0-A 7½ 10% 2 2 ½x3 80 100 5.5 750 168.3 20.7 46.00 0-6.4 200 264 51 - M12x76 710 750 2.5 8 8.625 300 17,528 0-Va 10¼ 12% 2% 2 1/8 x 3 80 100 8.4 200 219.1 20.7 11.97 0-3.2 260 324 60 - M12x76 1 110 150 3.8 5109 Not.: 7400 Grade "E" EPDM gasket is required for use in copper system. DN 50 and DN 200 sizes are VdS approved. § - For additional Bolt Torque information see Technical Data Section. Other sizes available, see Gruok Catalog or contact an AnvilSior Representative. là_WARNING I For dry pipe systems and freezer applications lubrication of the gasket is required, Gnivlok' XlremeTM Lubricant is required. aN1tI..Btar' FIG. 7000* Lightweight Flexible Coupling 3ANVI.i. Fire Products Division of Anvil international The Gruviok® Figure 7000 Lightweight Coupling is designed for applications where system flexibility is desired. The Figure 7000 Lightweight Coupling is approximately 30% lighter in weight than the Figure 7001 Coupling. Working pressure ratings shown are for reference only and are based on Schedule 40 pipe. For the latest UL/ULC listed and FM approved pressure ratings versus pipe schedule, see www.anvilstar.com or contact your local AnvilStar Representative. The Figure 7000 Lightweight Coupling with a Pre-Lubricated Grade "E" EPDM, Type "A" gasket (coupling is easily identified by purple nuts) is intended for use in fire protection systems installed in accordance with NFPA Standard 13 "Sprinkler Systems". c®us > APPROVED For ListinajApproval Details and Limitations, vet our websiie at wwman,ilstar.com or contad an Anvd°/Anvil5tar'° Saks Reprosenialive. - Available galvanized. When ordering, refer to product osFP7400. HOUSING: Ductile Iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12 ANSI BOLTS & HEAVY HEX NUTS: Heat treated, oval-neck track head bolts conforming to ASTM A-i 83 Grade 2 with a minimum tensile strength of 110,000 psi and heavy hex nuts of carbon steel conforming to ASTM A-563 Grade A or Grade B, or J995 Grade 2. Bolts and nuts are provided zinc electroplated as standard. COATINGS: Rust inhibiting paint Color: ORANGE (standard) Hot Dipped Zinc Galvanized (optional) Other available options: Example: RAL3000 or RAL9000 Series For other coating requirements contact an AnvilStar Representative. LUBRICATION: Standard Gruvlok Gruvlok XtremelM required for dry pipe systems and freezer applications. GASKETS: Materials Properties as designated in accordance with ASTM D-2000. Pre-Lubricated Grade "E" EPDM, Type A Gasket (Violet color code) -40°F to 150°F (Service Temperature Range)(-40°C to 66°C) Recommended for wet and dry (oil free air) pipe fire protection sprinkler systems. For dry pipe systems and freezer applications, Gruvlok XtremeTM Lubricant is required. Grade "E" EPDM (Green color cede) -40°F to 230°F (Service Temperature Range)(-40°C to 110°C) Recommended for water service, diluted acids, alkalies solutions, oil-free air and many chemical services. NOT FOR USE IN PETROLEUM APPLICATIONS. GASKET TYPE: Standard C Style Flush Gap (1 i/4"8") Project: U Approved Address: Approved as noted Contractor: U Not approved Engineer: Remarks: Submittal Date: I Notes 1: I Notes 2: 5/09 ANAi..Star' FIG. 7000* Lightweight Flexible Coupling AAML Fire Products Division of Anvil International (~l - ......... FIGURE LuI'I'ILIGHTWEIGHT COUPLING Nominal Pipe Max. Max. ' Range of Deflection From . En d . Coupling Dimensions Coupling Bolts Specified Torque § Approx. Size O.D. Working Pressure Pipe End Load Separation Per Coupling Pipe Wt. Ea. X Y Z Qty. Size Mm. Max. lnJDN(mmj InJmm PSI/!iar thsjkk In./min Degrees In/Ft. In/mm In./mm In/mm In/mm ft.bsJN-m Lbs/Kg 11/4 1.660 600 1,299 0.14 4°19 0.90 2% 4% 1V4 2 %521/4 30 45 1.4 32 1 47.2 41.4 578 0-3.2 15.3 10 III 44 4410x57 40 60 0.6 1½ 1.900 600 1,701 0-1A 3°46 0.19 3 41A 1% 2 %021/i 30 45 1.5 40 48.3 47.4 7.51 0-3.2 65.7 16 117 44 - Ml0x51 40 60 0.7 2 2.375 600 2,658 0.14 3°1' 0.63 31h 51h 1/4 2 %521/i 30 45 1.7 50 60.3 47.4 71.82 0-3.2 52.6 89 140 44 - Ml0x57 40 60 0.8 21h 2.875 600 3,895 014 2°29 0.52 4 5% 1% 2 %021/i 30 45 1.9 65 13.0 41.4 11.33 03.2 43.3 102 146 44 - 1A10x57 40 60 0.9 30.0. 2.996 600 4,230 oti r23' 0.50 4 64 2 1x2 80 700 2.3 76.1 76.1 41.4 18.82 0-3.2 41.6 102 156 44 - M10x 57 110 150 1.0 3 3.500 600 5,773 0¼ 2°3 0.43 4½ 6% 14 2 ½x2% 80 100 2.9 80 88.9 41.4 25.68 0-3.2 35.8 111 Ill 44 Ml2x70 110 750 1.3 40.0. 4.250 600 8,512 0- 3°22' 0.10 55 1-i 2 2 ½x3 80 700 40 108.0 108.0 41.4 37.86 0-6.4 58.7 140 197 51 - M12x76 110 150 1.8 4 4.500 600 9,543 016 30 11' 0.67 51A 814 2 2 ½x3 80 100 4.6 700 114.3 41.4 4245 0-6.4 55.5 149 206 51 M12x76 110 150 21 50.D. 5.236 500 10,766 0- 2'44' 0.57 6 95 2 2 4s3Y 100 130 5.1 133.0 133.0 34.5 47.89 0-6.4 47.7 165 232 51 - M16x85 135 175 2.6 5+0.U. 5.500 500 71.819 0-114 r36' 0.54 6 3,,i 96 2 2 54x3 700 130 6 139.7 139.7 34.5 52.84 0-6.4 45.4 171 1 238 51 - M16x85 135 175 2.7 5 5.563 500 12,153 0-'/ 20 35' 0.54 7 9½ 2 2 5/a x3½ 100 130 6.1 125 147.3 34.5 54.06 0-6.4 45.1 178 244 SI - M16 x85 135 175 2.8 6'0.0. 6.259 500 75,384 0-'4 2° 71 0.48 71,,1 10 2 2 '-ix3½ lOU 130 6.1 159.0 159.0 34.5 68.43 0-6.4 39.8 191 264 51 - M16x85 135 175 3.0 60.0. 6.500 500 16,592 0-'. 2' 12 0.46 1 704 2 2 5A x3½ 100 130 1.0 165.1 165.1 34.5 73.80 0-6.4 34.8 197 273 51 - M16x85 135 175 3.2 6 6.625 500 17,236 01h 20 10' 0.45 8 11 2 2 %x3½ 100 130 8.1 750 168.3 34.5 16.61 06.4 31.8 203 219 57 - M1645 135 115 3.1 8 8.625 500 29,213 0.14 1° 40' 0.35 10 131/4 21h 2 %x4½ 130 180 14.2 200 219.1 34.5 129.95 06.4 29.1 264 337 60 - M20x 110 175 245 1 6.4 5/09 Not for use in capper system. § - For additional Bolt Torque information see Technical Data Section. Other sizes available, see Gruvlok Catalog or contact an AnvilStar Representative. I WARNING I For dry pipe systems and freezer applications lubrication of the gasket is required, Gruvlok5 XtremeTM Lubricant is required. MERIT, , 1 • P • 1 ______________ • I L f t. . I WELDING BRANCH OUTLET FITTINGS FmcftcuV iUtottwil c 'IL 9®11 APPROVED LISTED MERIT MANUFACTURING CORPORATION - 319 Circle of Progress • Pottstown, Pennsylvania 19464-3811 Merit WOtd-Miser Tee-Let. Welding Branch Outlet Fittings offer the user a high streflgth, low cost forged thread- ed and grooved line of fittings specifically designed and manufactured to be installed on schedules 5 thru 10, propri- etary thin wall flow pipe and standard wall pipe. Unified DeSigIITM Series Merit's Unified DesignTM Series carries all important design considerations into its entire line of welding branch outlet fittings. Merit Weld-Miser Tee-Lets are designed and manufactured to reduce the amount of weld required to install the Tee-Lets on thin wall or proprietary flow pipe. Typically only one weld-pass completes the installation. Merit Tee-Lets Install with less weld volume than any other brand of welding outlet fittings for fire sprinkler appli- cations. To accomplish this: The contoured end of the fittings employs a reducd outside diameter. Two major advantages are Immediately apparent: The thinner wall on the contoured and permits welding temperatures to be matched to the thickness of the branch line or main thereby Insuring complete penetration without cold welds, weld roll-off, burn-through or excessive distor- 1tion. On the smaller sizes a heavier section is maintained on the threaded end of the fitting. This protects the threads from damage during shipping and handling prior to installation as well as from weld distortion. Each outlet size 1-1/2" and larger, whether male or female threaded, grooved or beveled requires the same hole size in the header pipe. This simplifies the installa- tion process. raU Specifications Let welding outlet fittings are manufactured from highly weldable steel which conforms to the chemical and physical require- Is of ASTM A-53, Grades A or B, Type E. Ease of installation Is assured when automatic welding equipment Is used to install Tee-Lets. ads are cut In accordance with the requirements of ANSI 51.20.1, 300 lb. class, national standard for tapered pipe threads. 1:1985 BSPT threads are available. Let threaded and grooved welding outlet fittings are UL/ULC Listed, and FM Approved for use in the fire sprinkler systems tiled in accordance with the requirements of NFPA Bulletin 13. They are rated for 300 PSI operation In fire sprinkler systems, higher pressures in other non-critical piping systems. Send for pressure ratings per ASME/ANSI B31. Lets ate -offered in a wide variety of header sizes. The consolidated header sizes shown in the following charts allow the fit- to be installed on more than one header size, while permitting the first size listed to fit the header perfectly, while a.smail gap g the loiigitudinal centerline of the header will appear for the second size listed. Outlet Fittings shall be Merit Weld-Misern., Tee-Let® lightweight forged steel, employing low weld volume profile to provide for stration welds with minimum burn-through and pipe distortion on schedules 5 thru 10, proprietary thin wall, and standard wail reads are to be ANSI 131.20.1, tapered 300 lb. class or BS21:1985, and the bore of the fittings calculated to improve flow. I outlets to be UL Listed, FM Approved for use conforming to NFPA, Bulletin 13 and pressure rated for 300 PSI maximum. Tee- Merit Manufacturing Corporation, Pottstown, Pennsylvania 19464 U.S.A. to order - Use either of the following methods for ordering Merit, Weld-MiserrM Tee-Lets. No. 1 - Specify quantity desired followed by the part number shown in the dimensions" chart for the type and size of outlet desired QUANTITY PART NUMBER Method No. 2 - Use the following system: x Tyx. Merit Quantity Outlet size Header Size Weight End Tee-Let I+ iway8 ceder Column A insert size Sch. 10 A - Female Thread a few more of chart consolidation Standard B - Male Thread than actually from C -Cut Groove required for Column W CIA - Rol Groove the Job. of chart Steel Material !e A Female Threads Off'. A. "4- D -)P-1 iJ.sions & Corresponding Part Numbers - "Alt TRIA"Y I iI lii' mini i'iIi iii1li1! II III i iiI Ii I . fuside 'tIMlTW 0itl5ti 5ddr i.cçgth DtanteV' up IIlE$c BST Size A Size B I si çt ze p Size M Lb I kgs 114x 1-114-8 0.080 Ox 64200 ______ 0.04 .1005012 i/ax 1-114- 1-112 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.171 iSa 32.40 27.0 17.8 12.7 0.08 1-112.2 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.171 1005015 40.50 21.0 17.6 12.7 _0 _ .J1Q5o2o 2.2.112 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.171 50-65 27.0 17.8 12.7 0.08 :.:1.005O25 2-1/2 -8 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.169 65.200 27.0 17.8 12.1 _ QOlQ12 314x 1-114-1-112 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.260 19x 32.40 28.6 22.9 12.7 0.12 :iOO7O15 . 1-112.2 1.125 0.800 0.500 0.260 40-50 28.6 22.0 12.7 ..0j2 2-2-112 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.260 50.65 . 28.6 22.9 12.7 0.12 2-112-8 1.125 0.900 0.500 0.256 - . 65,200 28.6 22.9 12.7 _Q12._ i91Ooi2 lx 1.114.1-112 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.331 25 x 32.40 31.8 20.1 12.7 0.15 11P. 1-112-2 1.250 1.145 0.600 0.331 40-60 31.8 20.1 12.1 0.15 10OP29 2-2-1/2 2-2-112 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.320 50-65 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.15 2412-3 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.314 65-80 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.14 .L10l0030 3-4 1.250 1.145 0.500 0.309 .fl4iøO 00-100 31.8 20.1 12.7 0.14 Llthôbso 5-8 1.260 1.145 LSOO 0.291 - 125-200 31.8 20.1 12.7 0.13 10t2012 1-114x 1-1/4-1412 1.315 1.480 0.500 0.432 32 a 32-40 34.9 37.8 12.7 .019 1-1/2-2 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.421 40-60 34.9 31.8 12.1 .010 2-2-112 1.376 1.490 0.500 0.421 50-65 34.9 37.8 12.7 .010 11*02 2-112-3 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.411 65-80 34.9 37.8 12.7 .019 3-4 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.389 80.100 34.9 37.8 12.7 .018 '1o12oo 5-8 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.389 125-200 34.9 - 31.8 12.7 .018 a 6-lets are manufactured to lit size-on-size, that is the contoured shape on a given Tee-Let is made to fit perfectly on the first listed header size. It installed on the eec- Ifeçcer size marked on the fitting, a slight gap of approximately 1/32' will appear along the longitudinal centerline of the header. For example, a 1. x 2- 2-1i2" Tee-Let, Is a.1ouUBt fitting manufactured to fit perfectly on the 2' header size hated, while leaving a 1/32' gap along the longitudinal centefline of the 2-1/2' size. lie perfect fit is required header pipe, than a 1' x 2-1/2-3' Tee-let would be ordered. Size consolidations are employed to reduce inventory and provide for greater flexibility. Threaded Type B 0,0 lçII Grve; 10 4iVil 164 null . ':jr I.•1 !'I!' ThlcAqs 1 Std Wi i : I WWI i Dimensions & Corresponding Part Numbers Noolnal ,Oillel fSlilA N0,Iij1M. Ilead9r. Sloe B I 94151, ,Lçnh SlieC Insli1$ .plIxeIer SIzeD O4Iso Dlnrnte(. Sine E 210012 1 a 25x 1-114.1.112 32.40 3 80 1.049 28.6 1.316 33.4 0.133 3.4 1.500 I 30 2210618 2218020 1.112-2 40 2-2.112 50..G5 3 -- 3 1.049 -!-- 1.049 1.315 -! 1.316 334 0.133 i:!_ 0.133 1.600 JL 1.600 30 Thèd Std.Wtr 7?_ f ldLWI, Grcoe Sch..10 2.112. 4 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 1.500 1326026 2025026 226025 2218025 85.150 _a!i -L .12_ 2125025 6-'0 3 1.049 1.315 0.133 1.500 2210050 1325030 2025030 2225030 - - 126-200 80 26.6 33.4 _ 30 1325035 2125030 2025040 2225035 2212012 1-114x 1.114 3 1.388 1,680 0.140 1.500 32 a 32 80 34.7 42.2 3.6 30 2125040 1.112 3 1.368 1.860 0.140 1.500 2212015 1326050 2025050 2225050 40 80 34.7 42.2 3.0 30 2125050 2212020 2-2-112 3 1.368 1.650 0.140 1.500 1325060 2026880 2225060 50-65 80 34.1 42.2 3.6 30 2125060 3.4 3 1.388 1.660 0.140 1.600 2212025 1325080 2025080 2225080 80.100 80 34.7 42.2 3.0 30 2125080 6.0 3' 1.300 flö 1ö 1.500 1330025 2030025 2230025 2212050 125.200 80 34.7 42.2 3.0 30 1330030 2030030 2230030 2215015 1-112x 1-112 3 1.610 1.800 0.146 1.500 40x 40 80 40.9 48.3 3.1 30 2 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 1.500 2215020 1330035 2030035 2230035 50 80 40.9 1 48.3 3.7 30 2.112 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 1.600 2216025 1330050 2030050 2230050 65 80 40.9 40.3 3.7 30 3.4 3 1.810 1.800 0.146 1.600 2215030 1330050 2030060 2230080 50.150 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 30 6-8 3 1.610 1.900 0.145 1.600 2215050 1330080 2030080 2230080 125-200 80 40.9 48.3 3.7 30 - 2x 2 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 1.500 1340040 2040040 2240046 60 50 80 62.5 60.3 3.0 30 2.112 3 2.067 2.375 0.154 1.500 - 1340050 2040050 2240050 05 80 62.5 00.3 3.0 30 - . 1340060 2040060 2240086 3 3 2.067 2.315 0.154 1.500 80 80 52.5 00.3 3.9 30 112x 2.112 3 2.460 2.635 12.6761 0.203 0.120 1.500 65 65 50 1 62.7 67.0 1 76.2 1 5.0 3.0 30 3 3 2.409 2.035 2.875 0.203 0.120 1.500 so no 62.7 07.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 30 4 3 2.460 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 1.500 mo no 02.7 07.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 30 5 3 2.460 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 1.500 12 1 67.0 76.2 6.0 1ii iL 6 3 2.459 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 1.500 175 00 62.7 67.0 16.2 5.0 3.0 30 0 3 2.469 2.635 2.876 0.203 0.120 1.600 200 00 02.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 50 3x 3 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 1.600 00 a 80 80 78.0 1 83.0 88.0 5.0 1 3.0 30 3-112 3 3.068 3.260 1 3.500 0.210 0.120 1.500 85 80 78.0 93.0 80.0 5.0 3.0 30 4 3 3.060 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 1.500 100 80 70.0 03.0 88.0 6.0 3.0 30 5 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.210 0.120 1.500 126_ 00 78.0 iLft 80.0 -6.0 - 6 3 3.068 3.250 3.500 0.216 0.120 1.500 150 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 30 8 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.210 0.120 1.500 200 80 78.0 183.0 80.0 5.0 1 3.0 30 4x 4 4 4.020 1 102.0 4.260 4.500 0.2371 0.120 1.600 100 100 100 108.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 30 5 4 4.028 1 102.0 4.260 4.600 0.237 0.120 1 1.500 1 125 100 100.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 30 Cut Groove Std. Wt. Male Thread Std. Wt. Roll Groove Sch.. 10 - 4 L011 2.376 0.154 1.500 1340030 2040080 2240080 8 4 4.020 4.260 4.500 0.237 0.120 1.50 100 52.5 00.3 3.9 30 200 100 102.0 108.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 30 - 5 2.067 2.376 0.154 1.600 - 2060060 2260060 60 6 4 6.065 6.357 6.625 0.280 0.134 1.500 125 La 526 00.3 3.9 30 150x J5 100 jj j3 355j jj J .3Q_ - 62.067 2.315 0.164 1.500 - 2060080 2280080 0 4 6.005 6.367 6.625 0.200 0.134 1.50 150 62.5 60.3 3.9 30 200 100 155.0 161.5 168.3 7.1 3.0 30 - 8 2.067 2.375 1 0.154 1.500 1 - 2086000 2286030 8 0 4 7.981 8.320 0.625 0.322 0.148 1.60 200 80 52.6 60.3 3.9 30 200x 200 100 203.0 212.0 213.0 8.0 3.0 30 DISTRIBUTED BY MADE IN U.S.A. MERIT MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 319 Circle of Progress Pottstown, Pennsylvania 19464-3811 (610) 327-4000 • Fax (610) 970-9282 Fax Toll Free 800-543-7013 www.merltmfg.com Manufacturing Corporation CG1I4-00 FLEXHEADF I N 0 US T R IES-Z..4) ead® Duct Spn n kler ons have been protecting exhaust ducts in semi-conductor/electronics facilities for more than fifteen years with no reported failures or leaks, and no sprin- kler related downtime. During normal operation, patented FlexHead technology contributes to productivity by allowing the process to continue even during routine maintenance. FM-Approved FlexHead Sprinklers Install in Minutes FlexHead sprinkler systems come complete with a flexible stainless-steel FLexHeads'fte)dble sprinkler hose, sprinkler head of choice, mounting systems, simplify installation and streamline block, and head-protecting polybag with gasket that prolongs the life of the sprinkler head. Mounting blocks are available for all types of exhaust ducts. Typical installations take about 10 minutes per head. Total cost is less than traditional hard-pipe installations, which take up to four hours per head, and require an expensive, separate access port for inspection. exhaust duct sprinkler system, including the mounting block. So, out of the box, installations meet insurance requirements. Traditional hard-pipe installations must be individually inspected. FABs Keep Running During Scheduled Maintenance In addition to simplifying installation, FlexHead sprin- kler design also streamlines inspection and maintenance. By simply releasing four hex nuts, the sprinkler head/ polybag can be pulled out of the duct for direct visual inspection without interrupting FAB/plant operations. Start to finish, preventive maintenance takes about ten minutes per head and costs a fraction of hard-pipe inspection. In fact, many facilities have been retrofitted with FlexHead sprinkler systems for about the cost of one hard-pipe inspection cycle—getting more reliable protection at a much lower ongoing cost. Regardless of Material, All Ducts Require Some Sprinkler Protection FM regulations require sprinkler protection in all duct- work regardless of the duct material used. Sprinklers are required if the duct rises more than the specified height for the material used, passes through a firewaU, contains combustible fumes, if the build-up of combus- tible residues is likely to exceed threshold levels, or if the tool being vented is flammable. If these conditions are ignored, and sprinklers are not installed, insurance coverage may be void. Why take that chance, especially since you have to run a sprinkler main anyway? Features and Benefits Combining patented FlexHead sprinkler systems with the best corrosion resistant duct material, costs less than half of any non-sprinkler duct materials and provides the most cost-efficient choice in exhaust duct systems. FlexHead sprinkler systems also offer: Labor-saving, simplified installation takes minutes instead of hours Patented polybag/gasket assembly creates clean mini-environment for sprinkler heads within ducts, prolonging the life of sprinkler heads, and prevent- ing production downtime caused by false alarms Wide variety of mounting blocks are available to accommodate all types of exhaust ducts FM-approved right out of the box. Meets all insurance requirements Eliminates need for costly access panel mounted on duct as is mandatory with hard-pipe sprinklers Preventive maintenance takes 10 minutes—with NO required FAB shutdown—unlike hard-pipe Flexible hoses allow for independent motion (sway) between duct and water main to compensate for duct vibration and during possible seismic activity—eliminating potential leaks, and allow for multiple design choices and flexibility during retrofit and expansion Call For More Information Planning the best fire protection requires careful consideration. If you would like more information on how FlexHead flexible sprinkler systems are the easiest, most reliable, and most cost-effective sys- tems available, please call (800) 829-6975 today! Or visit our website at www.flexhead.com. FlexHead Orifice Hose Assembly Equivalent Length of 1" Maximum Rated Model # Size Length ft(m) schedule 40 pipe ft(m) Pressure psi (kPa) X24 1/2in. 2ft (0.6m) lift (3.6m) 175 (1205) 36 1/21n. 3ft (0.9m) 19ft (5.8m) 175 (1205) 48 1/21n. 4ft (1.2m) 21ft (6.4m) 175 (1205) "XX" represents the model number. For example: 1024 is FlexHead model number for 1000 Series. 1000 Series is limited to Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) exhaust ducts. 1100 Series is limited to metal exhaust ducts. 1200 Series is limited to Polypropylene Plastic exhaust ducts. 1300 Series is limited to Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic (PVC) exhaust ducts. Each FM-approved, ready-to-instaLl sprinkler ILL system is pressure- and Leak-tested prior to rFlexHead shipping and comes complete with a flexible stainless-steel hose, reducing coupling inte- grated into top mounting flange, manufacturer rop branchtine applied wax coated sprinkler head, gasket with dual poly bag assembly and bottom mounting block. FlexHead top mounting FlexHead duct mounting block flange with integrated reducing coupling FlexHead gasket with dual - poly bag assembly and manufacturer applied wax coated sprinkler head Exhaust duct 4" drain hole HeadQuarters/Manufacturing Patent #4.964,470, #5,649.598 FLEMW 56 LowLand Street, HoLtiston, MA 01746 The FlexHead name and logo are Tel: 800-829-6975 / (508) 893-9596 trademarks of FlexHead Industries. I N DUS T R I E S . Fax: (508) 893-6020 / www.flexhead.com HANGERS AND SWAY BRACING Fig. B3205 - Threaded Rod (right-hand threads - both ends) (TOLCO Fig. 103) ®TOLCO Fig. B32051 - Threaded Rod (right & left hand threads) Size Range: /8°-16 thru 3-4 rod Speedy Length TL Material: Steel Function: Recommended for use as a hanger support in hanger assemblies. Rod is threaded on both ends with right hand threads of the length shown. Also TIL available with left and right hand threads - specify Fig. B3205L when ordering. Maximum Temperature: 750°F (399°C) Thread Size Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By Figure number, rod size, length and finish For larger sizes consult full line pipe hanger catalog. Fig. ATR - All Threaded Rod (TOLCO Fig. 99 & Fig. 100) Size Range: 3/8 -16 thru 11/2'_6 rod in 10' (3.05m) lengths Material: Steel Maximum Temperature: 750°F (399°C) Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, rod size, length and finish Note: Fig. 99 is cut to length all threaded rod. Fig. 100 is full length. Part No. :- !ATR4!L Threads 20 Recommended 240 Load (1.07) 4 fus):.YlIIIIjL 12 (5.44) 16 730 (3.24) 29 (13.15) Am1i1'E 13 1350 (6.00) 53 (24.04) 'fXfiii' 11 2160 (9.60) 89 (40.37) ATHW?TL 10 3230 (14.37) 123 (55.79) Ri 9 4480 (1993) 170 (7711) For larger sizes consult full line pipe hanger catalog. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. pp- cost B-Line Fig. 200-21I2 to 200-8 Fig. 200 Fig. 200S Fin 200 - "Trimline" Adiiighihlp Rind Hinnr lflnnnar B-Line Fin R170PJfl ®TDLCO Fl;. 200F - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Felt Lining (Cooper B..Line Fig. B3170NF9 Fig. 200C - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Plastic Coated (Cooper B-Line Fig. B317ONFC) Fig. 200S - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Non-Captured Nut Size Range: Fig. 200 - 1/2" (15mm) thru 8" (200mm) pipe Material: Steel, Pre-Galvanized to G90 specifications Function: For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. Features: (1/2" (15mm) thru 2" (50mm)) Flared edges ease installation for all pipe types and protect CPVC plastic pipe from abrasion. Captured design - - - - keeps adjusting nut from separating with hanger. Hanger is easily - installed around pipe. For hanger with non-captured nut order Fig. 200S. (21/2" (65mm) thru 8" (200mm)) Spring tension on nut holds it securely in hanger before before installation. Adjusting nut is easily removed. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories listed (1/2" (15mm) thru 8" (200mm)) in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) for steel and CPVC plastic pipe and Factory Mutual Engineering Approved (FM) (3/4" (20mm) thru 8" (200mm)). 200-1 to 200-2 Conforms to Federal Specifications WW-H-1 71 E & A-A-11l 92A, Type 10 and Manufacturers Standardization Society ANSI/MSS SP-69 & SP-58, Type 10. Maximum Temperature: 650°F (343°C) Finish: Pre-Galvanized. Stainless Steel materials will be supplied with (2) hex nuts in place of a knurl nut. V. Order By Figure number and pipe size Designed to meet or exceed requirements of FM DS 2-0 Fig. 200C Fig. 200F ilPlLrf Part No. in. f2Jjffi /2" iiii (15) I I8"-16 in. I 31/8 Iffilfi (79.4) II 2/8" 111511 I (66.7) li 11 II I (5.0) 3/4" 20) I8"-16 3/8" 79.4 21/2" (63.5) 11 (5.0) 1" (25) /e"-16 3/8" (85.7) 2/8" (66.7) 12 (5.5) O1,/4 11/4" 32) I8"-16 33/4" (94.0), 2/8" (73.0) 13 (5.9) O11/2 11/2" l40 /8"-16 - 3/8" (96.4) - 2/e" (73.0) 14 (6.4 (50) -/8"-16 41/2" (114.3) 3" (76.3) 15 (6.9) OO:2'4/I°t, 21/2" (65) /8"-16 - 5/8" 142.9 41/8" (104.7) 27 (12.3) 3" 318"-16 5/8" (149.1) 4" (101.6 29 (13.3) 31/2" (90) /8"-16 7/e" (187.3) 5/4" (133.3) 34 (15.6) 200-2_2" C21 4" (100) /8"-16 7 /8" (187.3) 5" (127.0) 35 (16.0) od5 5" (125) 1/2"..13 91/8" (231.8) 61/4" (158.7) 66 (30.2) 6" (150) I2"-13 10/8" (257.2) 63/4" (171.4) 73 (334) 8" 1 (200) 1 1/2"..13 131/8" (333.4) 8/4" (222.2) 136 (62.3) All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. FP_ le cocet B-Line Function: Recommendec ductile pipe first attach tie be used in vertical or hori Approvals: As shown in NFPA Pamph1e24 Service Maintenance 4 (100mm) - 12' (300m Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alb Order By Figure number, length and finish. Custom lengths for thicker flange available. Fig. B3213 - Coach Screw Rod (TOLCO Fig. 105) Size Range: /8"-16 rod thru 1/2..13 rod Material: Steel Function: Typically used to suspend pipe from wood joists. Machine threaded on one end and lag threaded on the other end. It is recommended that pilot holes be pre-drilled to prevent beam from splitting and to aid in starting lag threads. Approvals: Conforms to the requirements of NFPA1 3. Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By Figure number, rod size, length and finish 40e /8 x 31/2 and /2 x 31/2 will have a coach screw thread length of 2(50.8) and a rod thread length of 1' (25.4). Design Load is based on proper installation and solid wood. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. coc B-Line Part No. 55!1/j 1/4"..20 Length /8' (22.2) Design 300 Wt./100 Load (1.33) Approx. 1.9 (0.86) Is /811-16 11/8" (28.6) 730 (3.25) 3.6 (1.63) /211 13 1/4" (44.4) 1350 (6.00) 11.3 (5.12) /8"-11 21/8" (54.0) 2160 (9.61) 17.6 (7.98) p6550ii /4"-10 21/4" (57.1) 3230 (14.37) 28.1 (12.74) /8"79 21/2" (63.5) 4480 (19.93) 57.2 (25.94) B656i 1-8 2/4" (69.8) 5900 (26.24) 73.7 (33.43) B655 Fig. B655 - Steel Rod Coupling (TOLCO Fig. 70) Fig. B656 - Steel Reducing Rod Coupling (TOLCO Fig. 70R) Size Range: 1/4"..20 thru 1 "-8 rod Material: Steel Function: Used for coupling two threaded rods together of equal or reduced rod sizes, with or without inspection hole. Finish: Electro-Galvanized. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By Figure number and finish ForRod 3/"-16&1/4"-20 1" Length (25.4) Design 300 Load (1.33) Approx. 3.7 Wt./100 (1.68) 1/2"13&3/8'16 11/4" (317) 730 6.6 (2.99) /"-11 &1/2"_13 11/4" (31.7) 1350 (6.00) 11.6 (5.26) 3/"-10&5/e'-11 11/2" (38.1) 2160 (9.61) 20.6 (9.34) /8"-9&/4"-10 1/4" (44.4) 3230 1 (14.37) 39.4 (17.87) B656 1. . .1 . ... Fig. B3220 - Rod Coupling (TOLCO Fig. 71) Size a: /8"-16 thru 1 "-8 rod Material: SèeL. Function: Used fo?euping two threaded rods together Overall of equal rod sizes with in eti9n hole Finish: Electro-Galvanized. Cor..Qpoper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. .. Order By: Figure number and finish For Rod Part No. LB31J14 1/4"..20 Overall ' 13/8"' 11nlrlj (34.9) Design '00 .33) 6 I (2.7) /8 16 to 1/4"40 300 1/2".13 to /8"16 ,4178' (54.0) 730 (3.25) 20 1/2 -13 2/8" (54.0) 1350 (6.00) 20 (9.1) IB32 . /8"- 21/2" (63.5) 2160 (9.61) 32 (14.5) 4-10 2/8" (66.7) 3230 (14.37) 42 (19.0) • 33/16" (55.6) 4480 (19.93) 91 (41.3) V-8 2/4" (69.8) 5900 (26.24) 100 (45.3) All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are In millimeters unless otherwise specified. PP_ coc B-Line No pre-drilling required. Quick to install using the Sammy Nut Driver with an 18V cordless drill/driver. Saves time from traditional methods. ReducesinstallaUon2costs. 0Made0intheU.S.A. a. #14 Black Nut Driver Part # 8113910 i . #14 SW Red Nut Driver Part # 8114910 1/4" 8002957 GST 100 1/4 x 1" 210 (/16 OSB) 25 125 670 (3/4" Ply) 1?4 '-8003957 138T200 1/4x 1760(F 114" 26 ;"125,`,'- 8004957 GST300 1/4x3" 2060 (Fir) 25 125 LL 38 8/337957 GST10 1141 .................... .<Z> 3/8" 8008957 GST20 14x2 1760 (Fir) 850 1475 25 125 1/4 0F 25 125" I 3/8" 8009925 0S125-380 38 x 2-112' 2113 (Fir) 1500 25 125 1475 -'25'--'r- 3/8" 8069925 GST3O-SS 1/4x3" 2060 (Fir) 25 125 2180(FIr)........-. . ..........-. .., ... 1/2"8013925GST 2 1/4 x 2"1760(Fir) 25 125 8014925GST25-380______3/8x21/2" 2113(Rr) _25125_] 1/2" 8015925 GST3 1/4 x 3" 2275 (Fir) 25 125 VHS SPECIAL NUT DRIVER SYSTEM: The nut drivers were designed with a unique spin-off feature which provides a fast and safe installation each time. When the face of the driver comes into contact with the material you are installing into, continue drilling until nut driver spins free. Installation is then complete. Warranty requires the use of the appropriate nut driver for installations. Not less than 2 nominal width (14/2) up to 31/2* pipe; not less than 3'(2-1/2') n,minal width 4& 5 pipe I Minimum 2-1/2 from bottom for branch lines. Minimum 3 from bot- tomfortmain0inesException:ffThis requirement shall not apply to 2 or thicker nailing strips resting on top of steel beams Quick to install using the Sammy Nut Driver with an 18V cordless drill/driver. iea www.itwtuildex.com witwbuildex.comj 8019957 SWG200 114x2 1725 (Fir) 25 125 I r: 114 x 7 - 300 25 I 1I4 I 8021957 SWG 20 1725 (Fir) 1050 25 125 1 E TI aTJ s 1 TonF850 5 I 3iS 8022925 SWG 25-380 318x 2-1/7 2249 (Fir) 1500 25 125 #14 SW Red LEE:E:T3 _8o25 L I Nut Driver Pad #8114910 * M rn,*n n,ne init mnufdur VIVEL HEAD'" FOR WOOD - Swivel Application I Application Product Features -ElEliminates5l.distortionoof threaded rod. Accommodates up to 3 Wx 12 pitch roof. PJlowst17deflectionufrom5vertical. - Saves time from traditional methods. rtReduces0nstallationUcosts. ManufacturedUin0he3i.S.A. CI FM lc,~I Mill Box + SH-GST20 114x7 1257 (Fir) 1050 1475 25 125 I-GST!CST2O 5'16x 1-2'4 1406 850@45• 25 125 ass #14 Black Nut Driver Part# 8113910 i . #14 SH Orange Nut Driver Part # 8273910 3/8' 8139957 NL / Fig. 31-M -Welded Knee Bracket Size Range - 1/2" thru 8" pipe Material - Carbon Steel Function -Recommended for suspending pipe outward from mounting surface. Finish - Plain Note - Maximum "L" dimension 114h1. Available in Electro- Galvanized and HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By - Figure number, pipe size, indicate "L" dimension and finish Dimensions Pipe H Max. Rec. Size Hole Size Load Lbs. 112-2½ 9/16 1000 3 9/16 1000 3½ 9/16 1000 4 11/16 1000 5 11/16 1000 6 11/16 1000 8 11/16 1000 Fig. 31-0 - "0" Bracket Size Range - 1/2" thru 8" pipe Material - Carbon Steel Function -Recommended for suspending pipe outward from mounting surface. Finish - Plain Note - Maximum "L" dimension 1-4". Available in Electro- Galvanized and HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By - Figure number, pipe size, indicate "L" dimension and finish Dimensions Pipe H Max. Rec. Size Hole Size Load Lbs. 1/2-2½ 9/16 450 3 9/16 450 3½ 9/16 450 4 11/16 450 5 11/16 450 6 11/16 450 8 11/16 450 H H OFRCMV1ANUFACTURING FACILITY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE. • CORONA, CA 92879 • PH: 951.737.5599 • FAX: 951.737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE • 800.786.5266 www.tolco.com I000DCV 101 ODCV - 1005DCV Series 1000DCV, 100 ES-A-1000DCV-L AL DCV, 1010DCV AMES Detector Check Valves Sizes: 4" - 10" (100 - 250mm) Features Fabricated steel body provides a much lighter weight unit than cast steel or ductile iron Approved for mounting in horizontal or vertical positions Prevents backflow from fire prevention systems Used to isolate fire systems from publià main during pumper boost of fire system - Ames-Guard TM epoxy coating is rust resistant and impervious to most chemicals Available Models 1000DCV - 4-10" (100-250mm) 125# flanged end connections 1005DCV - 4"-6" (100-150mm) 125# flanged x grooved end Series 1000DCV Detector Check Valves detect any leakage or unau- connections thorized use of water from fire or automatic sprinkler systems. Series 10100CV - 4-6" (100-150mm) grooved x 1000DCV are designed to protect drinking water supplies from danger- grooved end connections ous cross-connections in accordance with national plumbing codes and with bypass specify suffix: CFM - cubic feet per minute meter water authority requirements for non-potable service applications such as irrigation, fire ling, or industrial processing. During times of minimal water GPM - gallons per minute meter flow, the valve clapper remains closed so that the water flows through a LM - without meter bypass meter (optional). When fire flow is required, the water demand will Standard units are less bypass open the clapper to allow full water flow. Job Name - Job Location Engineer - Approval - Specifications A Detector Check Valve shall be installed on fire protection or automatic sprinkler systems when connected to the potable water supply. The valve body shall be formed, welded units, in heavy steel. The valve shall be hydrostatically tested in excess of 700psi (48 bar). Valve construction shall eliminate any possibility of defects such as sand pits and blow holes which may occur in casting. All linkage parts shall be stainless steel. The remov- able clapper seat ring should be bronze. Each valve shall be individually tested before shpping. Valves shall be fusion bonded epoxy coated in accordance with AWWA C550. Valve shall be an Ames Fire & Waterworks Series 1000DCV. Contractor Approval Contractor's P.O. No. Representative Materials Body: fabricated steel Knuckle Joint Assembly: stainless steel linkage Seat: Bronze ASTM B63-82 Pressure - Temperature Maximum Working Pressure: 175p51 (12.1 bar) Temperature Range: 33°F - 110°F (0.5°C-43°C) Ames product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contact Ames Technical Service. Ames reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials without prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Ames products previously or subsequently said. amesfirewater.com I I I I I I Approvals (9 4Q> Listed Approved Flange bolt pattern and hole diameter in accor- dance with ANSI B1 6.5 Class 125/AWWA C207 Class D Body nameplate provides nominal size, direc- tion of flow, PSI rating, year of manufacture and approval marks Dimensions - Weights B kPapsl 4n (1101111m) 284 -- 21 3- _ 14 2- 7 --4----------------------------------------------------- 0 0 200 300 400 500 600 700 Rpm 760 1140 1520 1900 2280 2660 30401prn Row Rate kPa 114 8" (150mm) 21 3 14 2 - 71 - -4----------------------------------------------------- 00 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 pen 3800 4180 4550 4940 5320 5700 8080 1pm Row Rate I.pil 26 4 21 3 - 71 142-- -.---------------------------.------------- 00 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 gpm 7600 7980 8360 8740 9120 9500 9880 10260 108401pm flowRafe kpa PSI 28 4______________ 1O"25Omm) 21 3 ......................................... . ..................... 14 2 71--- 00 2500 9500 3000 3500 4000 4500 6000 pen 11400 13300 15200 17100 111111111110 IPM Row Rate SIZE ION) nisiomiisim WEIGHT In. mm A in. mm In. B mm C in. mm D in. mm E in. mm in. F mm 9 in. mm lb. kg 4 100 161h 419 9 229 12½ 318 12½ 308 1 NPT 25 4½ 114 5'8 16 60 27 6 150 22½ 559 11 279 15½ 384 17 432 11h NPT 38 5½ 140 /ie 17 96 74 8 200 26½ 665 13½ 343 17% 450 21 533 2 NPT 51 6~ 171 1l/6 17 154 70 10 250 36 914 16 406 21 533 28 711 2NPT 51 8 203 'Y16 17 179 81 Consult factory for 1005DCV and 1010DCV dimensions. A WARNING flhJItH It is illegal to use this product in any plumbing system providing Inquire with governing authorities for local installation water for human consumption, such as drinking or dishwashing, requirements in the United States. Before installing standard material product, consult your local water authority, building and plumbing codes. A A M E S FIRE & WATER WORKS A Watts Water Technologies Company USA: Backflow Tel; (978) 689-6066 • Fax: (978) 975-8350 • AmesFireWater.com USA: Control Valves Tel: (713) 943-0688 • Fax: (713) 944-9445 • AmesFireWater.com Canada: Tel: (905) 332-4090 • Fax: (905) 332-7068 • AmesFureWater.ca Lan America: Tel: (52) 81-1 001-8600 • Fax: (52)81-8000-7091 • AmesFireWater.com ES-A-1000DCV-L 1404 0 2014 Ames Fire & Waterworks MISCELLANEOUS expertise. in every Case. System advantage/Customer benefits Product description Intumescent (expands when exposed to fire) firestop sealant that helps protect combustible and non-combustible penetrations for up to 4 hours fire rating Technical Data FS-ONE Intumescent Firestop (at 73°F (23°C) and 50% relative humidity) Protects most typical firestop penetration applications Easy to work with and fast cleanup Can be repenetrated when laying new cables Can be painted lCBO Evaluation Service, Inc. Report No. 5071 CLMSIPEDBY I I UN(JRWRITERS LABORA1DRIE INC. I Approvals FILL V1DORCAVITYMATER I California State Fire Marshal Listing No. 1200:108 oRusElwTswiEMs I I AP$PI. City of New York MEA 326-96-M Vol. II SEE UL FIRE RESISTANCE. DIREC1tIWI I °°'''"° Gad Chemical basis: Water-based inturnescent acrylic dispersion Density: Approx. 1.5 g/cm Color: Red Working time: Approx. 20-30 mm Curing time: Approx. 14-21 days Shore A Hardness: Approx. 35 Movement capability: Approx. 5% Intumescent Activation: Approx 250°F (121°C) Expansion rate (unrestricted): Up to 3-5 times original volume Temperature resistance (cured): -40°F (-40°C) to 212°F (100°C) Application temperature: 35°F (2°C) to 100°F (38°C) Surface burning characteristics: (ASTM E 84-96) Flame Spread: 0 Smoke Development: 5 Sound transmission classification: 50 ASTM E 90-97 Opening Clean the opening. Surfaces to which FS-ONE will be applied should be cleaned of loose debris, dirt, oil, moisture, frost and wax. Structures supporting penetrating items must be installed in compliance with local building and electrical standards. Application of firestop sealant Install the prescribed backfilling material type and depth to obtain the desired rating (if required). Leave sufficient depth for applying FS-ONE. Application of firestop sealant: Apply FS-ONE to the required depth in order to obtain the desired fire rating. Make sure FS-ONE contacts all surfaces to provide maximum adhesion. For application of FS-ONE use a standard caulking gun, foil pack gun, bulk loader and bulk gun. With FS-ONE buckets, Graco type sealant pumps may be used. (Contact pump manufacturer for proper selection). Smoothing of firestop sealant: To complete the seal, tool immediately to give a smooth appearance. Excess sealant, prior to curing, can be cleaned away from adjacent surfaces and tools with water. Leave completed seal undisturbed for 48 hours. For maintenance reasons, a penetration seal should be permanently marked with an identification plate and fastened in a visible position next to the seal. Notice about approvals Check that the penetration has been sealed according to the specified drawing in the UL Fire Resistance Directory or the Hilti Firestop Manual. For further advice, please contact Hilti customer service. Refer to Hilti product literature and UL Fire Resistance Directory for specific application details. Netter use... High movement expansion joints Underwater On materials where oil, plasticizers or solvents may bleed i.e. impregnated wood, oil based seals, green or partially vulcanized rubber In any penetration other than those specifically described in this manual or the test reports Safety precautions Before handling, read the product and Material Safety Data Sheet for detailed use and health information Keep out of reach of children Wear suitale gloves and eye protection Storage Store only in the original packaging in a location protected from moisture at temperatures between 40°F (5°C) and 86°F (30°C) Observe expiration date on the packaging Saving Lives & Propertythrough innovation & education • Hilti U.S.: 1-800-879-8000 /www.us.hilti.com I NE