HomeMy WebLinkAbout7625 VIA CAMPANILE; ; FA150037; Permit4/15/24, 3:06 PM FAI 50037 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fire Alarm Permit Permit No: FA150037 7625 VIA Job Address: Status: APPROVED CAMPANILE Permit Type: FALARM Applied 6/11/2015 Parcel No: 2230507200 Approved: 6/15/2015 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 6/15/2015 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: MENCHIE'S $306 INSTALLATION OF A NEW FIRE SPRINKLER MONITORING SYSTEM IN A SHELL BUILDING ONLY. INCLUDES: SPRINKLER SYSTEM WATERFLOW ALARM AND VALVE SUPERVISION. SMOKE DETECTOR ABOVE FIRE ALARM PANEL FIRE ALARM REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR, MANUAL PULL STATION, AND HORN/STROBE BY STE 720 FRONT ENTRANCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO BE MONITORED BYA24 HR UL APPROVED CENTRAL STATION Applicant: Owner: HUNTINGTON SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT CENTERS L L SUITE 533 C 1070-F BATAVIA STREET C/O SAFEWAY INC ORANGE, CA 5918 STONERIDGE MALL RD 800-559-1929 PLEASANTON CA Fees ($) .Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 289 0 289 0 about:blank 1/1 IIGHLIGHTED SE] UI Certificate of Compliance cut sheets and CSFM for: La Costa Town Sq uare Building 7 Menchie's #306 . Süite i26• :. 7625 Via Campanile 0 Carlsbad, CA Revision #3 Tenant Improvement Installation Company: II Huntington Security Systems, Inc. r--.!k r-_-n C-1 C=, Li 2681 Dow Avenue, Suite B Tustin, CA. 92780 (800) 559-1929 I S F4150037 - / I- U Applicant ID No: 841927-001 Seivice Center No: 3 - Expires: 31-MAR-2016 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the Alarm Service Company indicated below is included by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) in its Product Directories as eligible to use the UL Listing Mark in connection with Certificated Alarm Systems. The only evidence of compliance with UL's requirements is the issuance of a UL Certificate for the Alarm System and the Certificate is current under UL's certificate Verification Service. This Certificate does not apply in any way to the communication channel between the protected property and any facility that monitors signals from the protected property unless the use of a UL listed or Classified Alarm Transport Company is specified on the Certificate. Listed Service From: CYPRESS, CA (CYPRESS) Alarm Service Company: (100032-804) ServiceCenter: (100032-804) SECURITY MONITORING SERVICES INC, DBA SECURITY MONITORING SERVICES INC, DBA CRITICOM MONITORING SERVICES CRITICOM MONITORING SERVICES. SUITE 200 SUITE 200 11130 HOLDER ST 11130 HOLDER ST CYPRESS CA 90630 CYPRESS CA 90630 - The Alarm Service Company is Listed in the following Certificate Service Categories: File - Vol No. CCN Listina Cateaory S30722 UUFX [Signal and Fire Alarm Equipment and Services] (Protective Signaling Services) Central Station F1 ***THIS CERTIFICATE EXPIRES ON 31.MAR2016*** "LOOK FOR THE UL ALARM SYSTEM CERTIFICATE" I- UL LLC CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE COVER PAGE TONY NAVARRO Applicant Subscriber No: 841927-001 SECURITY MONITORING SERVICES INC. DBA Service Center Number: 3 CRITICOM MONITORING SERVICES Service Contract No: - Suite 200 ACTIVE LISTINGS 11130 Holder St CCN File No. Vol. No. Cypress CA 90630 tJUFX.. S3072 2 Listed Service From: CYPRESS, CA (CYPRESS) Alarm Service Comoanv: SECURITY MONITORING SERVICES INC, DBA CRITICOM MONITORING SERVICES SUITE 200 11130 HOLDER ST CYPRESS CA 90630 Service Center: SECURITY MONITORING SERVICES INC, DBA CRITICOM MONITORING SERVICES SUITE 200 11130 HOLDER ST CYPRESS CA 90630 01-APR-15 U Applicant ID No: 100223-921 - Service Center No: I Fxnirp 2016-03 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the Alarm Service Company indicated below is included by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) in its Product Directories as eligible to use the UL Listing Mark in connection with Certificated Alarm Systems. The only evidence of compliance with UL's requirements is the issuance of a UL Certificate for the Alarm System and the Certificate is current under UL's Certificate Verification Service This Certificate does not apply in any way to the communication channel between the protected property and any facility that monitors signals from the protected property unless the use of a UL listed or Classified Alarm Transport Company is specified on the Certificate. Listed Service From: ORANGE, CA Alarm Service ComDanv: (100223-921 HUNTINGTON SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 2681 DOW AVENUE, SUITE B TUSTIN CA 92780 Service Center: (100223-921) HUNTINGTON SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 2681 DOW AVENUE, SUITE B TUSTIN CA 92780 The Alarm Service Company is Listed in the following Certificate Service Categories: File - Vol No. CCN - Listing Category S244251 UUFX [Signal and Fire Alarm Equipment and Services] (Protective Signaling Services) Central Station ***THIS CERTIFICATE EXPIRES ON 2016.0331*** "LOOK FOR THE UL ALARM SYSTEM CERTIFICATE" ULLLC •• CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE COVER PAGE MR JOSHUA ZINK Applicant Subscriber No: 100223-921 HUNTINGTON SECURITY SYSTEMS INC Service Center Number: I 2681 Dow Avenue, Suite B .• Service Contract No: - Tustin CA 92780 ACTIVE LISTINGS CCN File No. Vol. No. • UUFX S24425.. 1 Listed Service From: ORANGE, CA Alarm Service Company: HUNTINGTON SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 2681 DOW AVENUE, SUITE B TUSTIN CA 92780 Service Center: HUNTINGTON SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 2681 DOW AVENUE, SUITE B TUSTIN CA 92780 LI DF-52418:B • A1-20 MS-9050UD(E) . JnreuTe'ALarms Fire Alarm Control Panel with DACT by , Honeywell Addressable General . . The FiresLite MS-9050UD(E) is a. Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) and Digital Alarm Communicator/Transmitter (DACT) combined into one circuit board. This compact, intelligent addressable control panel supports up to 50 addressable devices of any type of detectors and modules. With an exten- sive list of powerful features, the MS-9050UD programs just like Fire•Lite's larger products, yet fits into applications previously served only by conventional panels. The MS-9050UD's integral DACT transmits system status (alarms, troubles, AC loss, etc.) to a Central Station via the pub- lic switched telephone network. It also allows remote and local programming of the control panel using the PK-CD Upload! Download utility. In addition, the control panel may be pro- grammed or interrogated off-site via the public switched tele- phone network. Any personal computer with WindowsTh 95 or greater, and compatible modem with a speed of 14.4 kbps or faster and Fire.Ute Upload/Download software kit PK-CD, may serve as a Service Terminal. This allows download of the entire program or upload of the entire program, history file, walktest data, current status and system voltages. The power supply and all electronics are contained on a single circuit board supported on a new quick install chassis and housed in a metal cabinet. Available accessories include local and remote upload/download software, remote annunciators, and reverse polarity/city box transmitter. (4XTMF) New options include a UL listed printer, PRN-6F and the new IPDACT Internet Monitoring module. The FireWatch Series internet monitoring modules IPDACT-2 and IPDACT-2UD permit monitoring of alarm signals over the Internet saving the monthly cost of two telephone lines. Although not required, the second- ary telephone line may be retained providing backup communi- cation over the public switched telephone line. NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, the term MS-9050UD is used in this data sheet to refer to both the MS-9050UD and the MS- 905OUDE FACPs. For MS-9050UDC, refer to DF-60445. Features Listed to UL Standard 864, 9th edition. Auto-program (learn mode) reduces installation time. Reports two devices set to the same address. On-board DACT. Two independently programmable Style Z (Class A) or Style V (Class B) NAC circuits. Selectable strobe synchronization for System Sensor, Whee- lock, and Gentex devices. Remote Acknowledge, Silence, Reset and Drill via address- able monitor modules. Two programmable relays and one fixed trouble relay. Built-in Programmer. Telephone Una Active LEDs. EIA-232 PC interface. Integral 80-character LCD display with backlighting. Real-time clock/calendar with automatic daylight savings control. History file with 500 event capacity. Automatic detector sensitivity testing (NFPA 72 compliant). Automatic device type-code verification. Point trouble identification. Waterf low selection per module point. Alarm verification selection per detector point. Maintenance alert warns when smoke detector dust accumu- lation is excessive. One-person audible or silent walk test with walk-test log and printout. . . System alarm verification selection per detector point. PAS (Positive Alarm Sequence) and Pre-signal per point (NFPA 72 compliant). Up to eight ANN-BUS annunciators. Remote Acknowledge, Alarm Silence, Reset and Drill via addressable modules or remote annunciator. Upload/Download (local or remote) of program and data via integral DACT. SLC COMMUNICATION LOOP Single addressable SLC loop which meets NFPA Style 4, 6 and 7 requirements. 50 addressable device capacity (any combination of address- able detectors and modules). Compatible with Fire•Lite's addressable devices (refer to SLC Wiring Manual). NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUITS (NACS) Two independently programmable output circuits. Circuits can be configured for the following outputs: - Style V (Class B) - Style Z (Class A) - Door Holder Service (cannot be used for notification appliances) - Aux Power Source (cannot be used for notification appliances) Silence Inhibit and Autosilence timer options. Continuous, March Time, Temporal or California code for main circuit board NACs with two-stage capability. Selectable strobe synchronization per NAC. 2.5 A total power for NACs. NOTE: Maximum or total 24VDC system power shared between all NAC circuits and the ANN-BUS is 2.7A. DF-52418:B • 05/18/2009 - Page 1 of 4 4~_ H3551H355R1H3551fT Heat Detector MDF-300 Dual Monitor Module Multi-Modules CRF-300-6 Six-Relay Control Module CMF-300-6 Six-Circuit Supervised Control Module MMF-302-6 Six-Zone Interface Module MMF-300-10 Ten-Input Monitor Module PROGRAMMING AND SOFTWARE Autoprogram (learn mode) reduces installation time. Custom English labels (per point) may be manually entered or selected from an internal library file. Two programmable Form-C relay outputs. 20 software zones. Continuous fire protection during online programming at the front panel. Program Check automatically catches common errors not linked to any zone or input point. OFFLINE PROGRAMMING: Create the entire program in your office using a Windows®-based software package (order programming kit PK-CD, containing PK-Plus, sepa- rately). Upload/download system programming locally to the MS-9050UD in less than one minute. User interface LED INDICATORS AC Power (green) Fire Alarm (red) Supervisory (yellow) Trouble (yellow) Alarm Silenced signals (yellow) KEYPAD 16 key alpha-numeric pad Acknowledge/Step Alarm Silenced Drill (Manual Evacuate) Reset (lamp test) Product Line Information MS-90501.10(E): Combination DACT/Fire Alarm Control Panel with one SLC loop. Includes main circuit board with display, chassis with transformer, backbox with door, plastic bag contain- ing screws, cables, key, etc., manual. (For MS-905OUDC, refer to DF-60445.) PK-CD: Contains PK-Plus programming software for Win- dows®-based PC computer (cable not included). DP-51 050: Optional dress panel for the MS-9050UD. TR-CE: Trim Ring for semi-flush mounting. BB-6F: Optional cabinet for up to six modules mounted on CHS-6 chassis (below). BB-26: Battery backbox, holds up to two 25 AH batteries and CHG-75.. BB-55F: Battery box, houses two 55 AH batteries CHS-6: Chassis, mounts up to six multi-modules in a BB-6F cabinet. CHG-75: Battery charger for lead-acid batteries with a rating of 25 to 75 AH. BAT Series: Batteries, see data sheet DF-52397. PRTIPK-CABLE: Cable printer/personal computer interface cable. PRN-6F: UL listed compatible event printer. Uses tractor-fed paper. IPDACT, IPDACT-212UD Internet Monitoring Module: Mounts in bottom of enclosure with optional mounting kit (PN IPBRKT). Connects to primary and secondary DACT telephone output ports for internet communications over customer provided ether- net internet connection. Requires compatible Teldat Visoralarm Central Station Receiver. Can use DHCP or static lP. (See data sheet df-52424 for more information.) MS-9050UD ADDRESSABLE FIRE ALARM 1113-12LX Addressable CONTROL PANEL Manual Pull Station Page 2 of 4— DF-52418:B • 05/18/2009 IPBRKT: Mounting kit for IPDACT-212UD in common enclosure. IPSPLT: V-adaptor option allows connection of both panel dialer outputs to one IPDACT-2/2UD cable input. AC-TRMBLK: AC Terminal Block mounts to a metal bracket, in turn, mounts to the FACP chassis. Use AC-TRMBLK when wire nuts are not allowed for AC connections to the transformer. OPTIONAL MODULES 4XTMF Reverse Polarity Transmitter Module: Provides a supervised output for local energy municipal box transmitter, alarm andtrouble. Includes a disable switch and disable trouble LED. COMPATIBLE ANNUNCIATORS ANN-80(-W):Remote LCD annunciator mimics the information displayed on the FACP LCD display. Recommended wire type is un-shielded. (Basic model is red; order -w version for white; see DF-52417.) ANN-I/O: LED Driver Module provides connections to a user supplied graphic annunciator. (See DF-52430.) ANN-LED: Annunciator Module provides three LEDs for each zone: Alarm, Trouble, and Supervisory. Ships with red enclo- sure. (See DF-60241.) ANN-RLED: Provides alarm (red) indicators for up to 30 input zones or addressable points. (See DF-60241.) ANN-RLY: Relay Module provides 10 programmable Form-C relays. Can be mounted inside the cabinet. (See DF-52431.) ANN-SIPG: Serial/Parallel Printer Printer Gateway module pro- vides a connection for a serial or parallel printer. (See DF- 52429.) ADDRESSABLE DEVICES All feature a polling LED and rotary switches for addressing. CP355: Addressable low-profile ionization smoke detector. SD355: Addressable low-profile photoelectric smoke detector. SD355T: Addressable low-profile photoelectric smoke detector with thermal sensor. H355: Fast-response, low-profile heat detector. H355R: Fast-response, low-profile heat detector with rate-of- rise option. H355HT: Fast-response, low-profile heat detector that activates at 1900F/880C. AD355: Low-profile, intelligent, "Adapt" multi-sensor detector (133501-12 base included). BEAM355: Intelligent beam smoke detector. BEAM355S: Intelligent beam smoke detector with integral sen- sitivity test. D350PL: Photoelectric low-flow duct smoke detector. 0350RPL: Photoelectric low-flow duct smoke detector with relay option. MMF-300: Addressable Monitor Module for one zone of nor- mally-open dry-contact initiating devices. Mounts in standard 4.0" (10.16 cm.) box. includes plastic cover plate and end-of-line resistor. Module may be configured for either a Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) IDC. MDF-300: Dual Monitor Module. Same as MMF-300 except it provides two Style B (Class B) only IDCs. MMF-301: Miniature version of MMF-300. Excludes LED and Style D option. Connects with wire pigtails. May mount in device backbox. MMF-302: Similar to MMF-300, but may monitor up to 20 con- ventional two-wire detectors. Requires resettable 24 VDC power. Consult factory for compatible smoke detectors. CMF-300: Addressable Control Module for one Style V/Z (Class B/A)• zone of supervised polarized Notification Appliances. Mounts directly to a 4.0" (10.16 cm.) electrical box. Notification Appliance Circuit option requires external 24 VDC to power noti- fication appliances. CRF-300: Addressable relay module containing two isolated sets of Form-C contacts, which operate as .a DPDT switch. Mounts directly to a 4.0' (10.16 cm.) box, surface mount using the SMB500. BG-I2LX: Addressable manual pull station with interface mod- ule mounted inside. 1300: This module isolates the SLC loop from short circuit condi- tions (required for Style 6 or 7 operation). SM8500: Used to mount all modules except the MMF-301 and M301. MMF-300-10: Ten-input monitor module. Mount one or two mod- ules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six modules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F cabinet. MMF-302-6: Six-zone interface module. Mount one or two mod- ules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six modules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F cabinet. CMF-300-6: Six-circuit supervised control module. Mount one or two modules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six mod- ules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F cabinet. CRF-300-6: Six Form-C relay control module. Mount one or two modules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six modules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F cabinet. NOTE: 1) For more information on Compatible Addressable Devices for use with the MS-9050UD, see the following data sheets (document numbers): AD355 (DF-52386), BG-I2LX (DF- 52013), CMF-300-6 (DF-52365), CRF-300-6 (DF-52374), CMF/ CRF Series (DF-52130), CP355 (DF-52383), D350PL/D36ORPL (DF-52398), H355 Series (DF-52385), 1300 (DF-52389), MMF-300 Series/MDF-300 (DF-52121), MMF-300-10 (DF-52347), MMF- 302-6(DF-52356), 5D355/5D355T (DF-52384). ADDRESSABLE DEVICE ACCESSORIES End-of-Line Resistor Assembly (R-47K and R-3.9K): 47k ohm supervises the MMF-300, MDF-300, MMF-301, and CMF- 300 module circuits. 3.9k ohm End-of-Line Resistor assembly supervises the MMF-302 module circuit. These resistors are included with each module. Power Supervision Relay: Supervises the power to 4-wire smoke detectors and notification appliances. Wiring Requirements While shielded wire is not required, it is recommended that all SLC wiring be twisted-pair to minimize the effects of electrical interference. Refer to the panel manual for wiring details. DF-52418:13 • 05118/2009 - Page 3 of 4 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS System Capacity Intelligent Signalling Line Circuits.........................................1 Addressable device capacity..............................................50 Programmable software zones .................................. ......... 20 Annunciators.........................................................................8 Electrical Specifications AC Power: MS-9050UD 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 3.0 A. MS-905OUDE: 240 VAC, 50 Hz, 1.5 A. Wire size: minimum 14 AWG (2.00 mm2) with 600 V insulation. Nonpower-limited, supervised. Battery: Two 12 V 18 AH lead-acid batteries. Battery Charger Capacity: 7-18 AH (MS-9050UD cabinet holds maximum of two 18 AH batteries.) Communication Loop: Supervised and power-limited. Notification Appliance Circuits: Terminal Block provides con- nections for two NACs, Style V (Class B) or. Style Z (Class A). Special Application power. Power-limited, supervised circuitry. Maximum signaling current per circuit: 2.5 A. End-of-Line Resis- tor: 4.7 kohm, /2 watt (P/N 71252 UL listed) for Style V (Class B) NAC. Refer to the Fire•LJte Device Compatibility Document for listed compatible devices. Two Programmable Relays and One Fixed Trouble Relay: Contact rating: 2.0 A @ 30 VDC (resistive), 0.5 A'@ 30 VAC (resistive). Form-C relays, nonpower-limited, nonsupervised. Cabinet Specifications Door: 19.26" (48.92 cm.) high x 16.82" (42.73 cm.) wide x 0.72' (1.82 cm.) deep. Backbox: 19.00" (48.26 cm.) high x 16.65" (42.29 cm.) wide x 5.25" (13.34 cm.) deep. Trim Ring (TR-CE): 22.00" (55.88 cm.) high x 19.65° (49.91 cm.) wide. Shipping Specifications Weight: 26.9 lbs. (12.20 kg.) Dimensions: 20.00" (50.80 cm.) high x 22.5" (57.15 cm.) wide x 8.5" (21.59 cm.) deep. Temperature and Humidity Ranges This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0 - 490C/32 —120°F and at a relative humidity 93% ±2% RH (non- condensing) at 32°C ± 2°C (900F * 30F). However, the useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic compo- nents may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that this system and its peripherals be installed in an environment with a normal room temperature of 15— 270C/60 - 80°F. NFPA Standards The MS-9050UD(E) complies with the following NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Systems requirements: - LOCAL (Automatic, Manual, Waterflow, and Sprinkler Supervisory). - AUXILIARY (Automatic, Manual and Waterflow) (requires 4XTMF). - REMOTE STATION (Automatic, Manual and Waterflow) (Where a DACT is not accepted, the alarm, trouble and supervisory relays may be connected to UL 864 listed transmitters. For reverse polarity signaling of alarm and trouble, 4XTMF is required.) - PROPRIETARY (Automatic, Manual and Waterflow). - CENTRAL STATION (Automatic, Manual and Waterflow, .and Sprinkler Supervised). - OT, PSDN (Other Technologies, Packet-switched Data Net- work) Agency Listings and Approvals The listings and approvals below apply to the basic MS- 9050UD(E) control panel. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status. UL: S624 FM approved CSFM: 7165-0075:210 MEA: 442-06-E NOTE: See DF-60445 for ULC-listed model FlreLlts® Alarms® and System Sensor® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. C2009 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. I SO 9001 We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. - - • • We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. uiirrnt IMMIRtlUN All specifications are subject to change without notice. ISALITY SYSTEMS Made in the U.S. A. For more information, contact Fire-Lite Alarms. Phone: (800) 627-3473, FAX: (877) 699-4105. www.firelite.com Page 4 of 4— DF-52418:B • 05/1W2009 0 Notification Appliance Circuits Special Application Power Basic System onnec io MAC 91 Shown Style V (Class B) (Power.Umlted, Class 2. Supervised)__________ MAC #2 Shown Style Z (Class A) (Power-4.lmlted, Class 2, Supervised) EiA-232 to 2.5 amps max. per circuit. Total available current 2.5 amps. MAC #1 personal computer ELR 4.71€. sw NAC #2 2 Programmable Relays & personal computer with FACP 1 Fixed Trouble Relay uploadloownload Utility. + • . 50 foot maximum within same room. NonsLçe,vlsed Contact Ratings. • 2.0 amps @ 30 VDC (resistive) Power-limited (Class 2) CircuIt) 0.5 amps l 30 VAC (resistive) + + SLC Loop Contacts shown below In normal Refer to the SLCWring condition (AC power with no Manual for detailed trouble or supervisory activity). Information on WirIng addressable devices A Fall Safe Trouble NCNOC \QOJ. i Wile. 0 (P + for Style 4.6 and 7. relay switches to the 0 Red 0 NO position during 6 Dssw-. (Power. Limited. Class 2 Green trouble conditIons and ANP4SUS (ElA4B5) for 0 0 Supervised Circuit) under loss of all power. Arinunclator Black Cannectlan : 0 0 (Factcry default relay programming) (leer Umited, - • 0 • 0 CIass2 0 •0 1- information. retorts UL B A- Rquiremente on pigs 46 0 let lBs TB' TBI TOY ~,:- Removettiis Jumper to enable Cut JP to .ro Stsoiyrelay w4XTMF p7J 6 j •4XTMF module is Instarlad e: R!MO .• . • 0 JUN 0 00 I SPV . 0 RELAY 0 • J. .,P, n. LCD DISPLAY remove jumpedshunt from JPI U U ersablper Fhaa d able *P Q oonboard battery charger) 0 Transformer Comector Non tied lS1 Supervised [J0 swi SMEXIM 0 • • 0 • 0 IOSSOFF 1.50315 1.50215 1 l5LEoi PiiNARY'_-_- SSCONDARY ACTiVE • ACTiVE • • 115111* I CAUTIONI HI0H VOLTAGE JOU -P1 •!ow PH' 11PH9 let 12 A 24VDC,nonpower.limlted. Battery PS2 Keyboard Interface Line Jacks I supeMsed.18Mip Hour max. • 0 ANN-SO Text Annunciator LED Driver Doe. #151416 Doe. #52749 ANN-S/PG Printer Driver U Doe. #151417 JPDACT Internet Protocol Communicator Doe. #53109 [-000 I - -' man - - Peripheral Devices ANN-RLY ANN-(R)LED 10 Form-C Relay Card LED Display Doc. #53033 Doe. #53032 00 - A1 1I1 ANN-BUS -Telephone I 4XTMF Municipal Box fransmitter 4 MP OF I cop ' I Addressable Devices and SLC Wiring 1 Doe. #51309 RS-232 -. Local PC Battery Connector CHG-120F Charger CHG-75 Charger Doe. #50888 Doe. #51315 MS-9050UD Series PN 52413:D 12/15/08 11 I Power Supply Calculations SECTION 7 P%ower Supply Calculations 7.1 Overview This section contains instructions and tables for calculating power supply currents in alarm and standby conditions This is a four-step process, consisting of the following I Calculating the total amount of AC branch circuit current required to operate the system 2. Célculating the power supply load current for non-fire and fire alarm conditions and, calculating the secondary (battery) load 3 Calculating the size of batteries required to support the system if an AC power loss occurs : Sélectiiig the-proper batteries for your system I : 7.2 Calculating the AC Branch Circuit The control panel requires connection to a separate, dedicated AC branch circuit, which must be ••. labeled FLEE ALARM. This branch circuit must connect to the line side of the main pow er feed of the protected premises. No other non-fire alarm equipment may be powered from the fire alarm branch circuit The brimch circuit wire must run continuously, without any disconnect devices, from the power source to the control panel. Overcurrent protection for this circuit must comply with Article 760 of the National Electrical Codes as well as local codes. Use 14 AWG (2.00 mm2) wire with 600 volt insulation for this branch circuit. Use Table 7.1 ,to determine the total amount of current, in AC amperes (A), that must be supplied to the system. Table 7.1 AC Branch Circuit Requirements Device Type Numberof Current Draw Total Current Devices (AC amps) per Device MS-9050UD 3.0 or I X or = MS-905OUDE 1.5 [ ] X [] = Sum Column for AC Branch Current Required = MS-90501JD Series PN 52413:D 12l15/08 179 Power Supply Calculations 7.3 Calculating the System Current Draw 7.3.1 Overview The control panel must be able to power all internal and external devices continuously during the non-fire alarm condition. To calculate the non-fire alarm load on the system power supply when primary power is applied, use Calculation Column I in Table 7.3 on page 181. The control panel must support a larger load current during a fire alarm condition.o To calculate the fire alarm load on the power supply, use Calculation Column 2 in Table 7.3 on page 181. The secondary power source (batteries) must be able to power the system during a primary power loss. To calculate the non-fire alarm load on the secondary power source, use Calculation Column .3 in Table 7.3 on page 181. When calculating current draw and the battery size, note the following: 'Primary' refers to the main power source for the control panel 'Secondary' refers to the control panel's backup batteries All currents are given in amperes (A). Table 7.2 shows how to convert milliamperes and microamperes to full amperes. Table 7.2 Converting to Full Amperes To convert.- : Multiply Example Milliamperes (mA) to 0.001 3 mAx 0.001 = 0.003A amperes (A) Microamperes (ILA) to pA , 0.000001 300 jiA x 0.000001 = 0.0003 A amperes (A) 7.3.2 How to Use Table 7.3 on page 181 to Calculate System Current Draw Use Table 7.3 on page 181 to calculate current draws as follows: Enter the quantity of devices in all three columns Enter the current draw where required. Refer to the Fire-Lite Device Compatibility Document for compatible devices and their current draw Calculate the current draws for each in all columns Sum the total current for each column Copy the totals from Column 2 and Column 3 to Table 7.4 on page 182 Following are the types of current that can be entered into Table 7.3 on page 181: / Calculation Column 1 - The primary supply current load that the control panel must support during a non-fire alarm condition, with AC power applied. / Calculation Column 2- The primary supply current load that the control panel must support during a fire alarm condition, with AC power applied. / Calculation Column 3-The standby current drawn from the batteries in a non-fire alarm condition during a loss of AC power. 180 • MS-905OUDSenes PN52413:D 12/15/08 Power Supply Calculations Table 7.3 contains columns for calculating current draws For each column, calculate the current and enter the total (in amperes) in the boom row. When finished, copy thetotals froth Cakulàtion Column 2 and Calculation Column 3 to Table 7.4'on page 182. . . •.. . Table 7.3 System Current Draw Calculations. .. - Calculation Column I Primary, Non-Fire Alarm Current Device pe . (amps) . Calculation Column 2 : Primary, Fire Alarm Current . (amps) . Calculation Column 3 . Secondary, Non-Fire Alarm Current (amps)- . •. -r -Qty-Xlcurrentdrawj=-Total - -Qty -X (current draw). Total ' Qty. X(Currontdraw).-Total 'Main Circuit Board I X(O.i20]= 0.120 X(0.200] - 0.200 i -.. X(0.i20J= . 0.i20 4XrM.F . ( J. ;X(0.005)=- -- 1 1- ---X(0.01iJL.._ ... 4-wire Detector Heads I I x ?= . I .. XI . . •. ( I . X[ J. Power Supervision I . X(O.025]= 1 1: X(O.025J=. . .. . 1-1 .. X[0.025]= cP350 & CP355 .- li X 0.000301 . . . . . . V. - - V V . . . . . ..... . . . , -. ••: .........• .. ., . .. •-. . . -. - V . '- . . maximum alarm draw. 0400 for all devices : --: - rH.- VV.V V V V VV V . V V V• V . . - . V V . V . 1300 -(4QQ00401 -_l - X0.0U030] SD350 & SD355 .. j - . X 0.000301= - -. X(0.00030 = SD350T & 5D355T I - X Q0330 = . -. X(0.00030 = - AD350 & AD355 0.00030 . . . x(Q.o()03p = H350 & H355. j - X 0.00030 =. .• -x 0.00030 H350R&H355R l 0.00030 - - H355HT - 0.00030 = - - X ROOM 0.00030 D350P X .000301= - - . X 0.00030= . . D35ORP . 0.000301= V x 0.00030 = B50IBH&B501Bm4 I . X(0.001) .- .- .x(o(mJ B224RB Reiay Base - XIO.00050]= 1 XLO.00050 = -B224B1 Isoiator Base V - x(o.000= - . XIO.00045 = 'MMF-300 i V - X 0.0004OJ - X(0.00040 MMF-300-ip - . . X QQQ35Q} V )((cQW5p MDF300. V - V XIO.00075J - V MMF-301.- V V1 XIO.0003751= - . .xio.000mj= .. . XIO.00037SJ V V M1ff-302 . . Xo.000nj= - . Xo.uuonJ= V MMF-302-6 - XI0.U0200= .. X(0.00200J . BQ-IZLX - X(0.000Z3]= • . Xf000023J= CMF-300 - XIO.000391= - X0.00039J= O.IF-300-6 V X 0.00225) . - 1 X(0.002251= V cRF-300 X o.00027J= V V 1 XIO 00027]- CRr-300-6 - x(o.oO145j= V V XIO.001451= ANN-80 - )40.0370J_. J_Xj0.0400J .l *0.0150 MJN-i/O - XIo.03503= X(0.20001= - X0.0350 = ANN-RLY - xIO.oisoj= Xjo.0750J=_. 1- .xfp03501= ANN-(R)LED_V - X(Q.0280J= XIO.06801 1- X[U.0250 = - AN11-#i'O XtO.0450]= NAC#13 NAC#2 Sum each column6 for total. Primary Non-Alarm • V x(0.0450J= (J X( 1= IJXj_I Primary Alarm = 1 x(o.o4soj= Secondary Non-Alarn. iaoie loomote . . If using the Reverse Polarity Alarm output, add 0.005 amps; if using the Reverse Polarity Trouble output add another 0.005 amps. V V Refer to the Device Compatibility Document for standby current. V Must use compatible listed Power Supervision Relay. V Maximum alarm current for each sounder base is 0.015 amps which must be supplied by aux. 24VDC source. Cüi:ëj limitation of Terthiñãl TB circuits is 2.5 amps total in ax. Total current draw listed above cannot exceed 2.7 am S. .. MS-9050U0 Series . PN 524130 12115/08 181 Power Supply Calculations 7.4 Calculating the Battery Size Use Table 7.4 to calculate the total Standby and Alarm load in ampere hours (AN). This total load determines the battery size (in AH), required to support the control panel under the loss of AC power. Complete Table 7.4 as follows: Enter the totals from Table 7.3 on page 181, Calculation Columns 2 and 3 where shown Enter the NFPA Standby and Alarm times (refer to 'NFPA Requirements' below) Calculate the ampere hours for Standby and Alarm, then sum the Standby and Alarm ampere hours 4: Multiply the sum by the derating factor of 1.2 to calculate the proper battery size (in All) 5. Write the ampere hour requirements on the Protected Premises label located inside the cabinet door Table 7.4 Total Secondary Power Requirements at 24 VDC Secondary Standby Load Required Standby Time (total from Table 7.3 Calculation (24 hours) Column 3) ] ] AR Primary Alarm Load Required Alum Time (total from Table 7.3 Calculation (for 5 mm., enter 0.084, Column 2) for 10 mm., enter 0.168) [ ] X[ ] = All Sum of Standby and Alarm Ampere Hours = All Multiply by the Derating Factor X 1.2 Battery Size, Total Ampere Hours Required = AR 7.4.1 NFPA Battery Requirements NFPA 72 Local and Proprietary Fire Alarm Systems require 24 hours of standby power followed by 5 minutes in alarm NFPA 72 Central, Auxiliary and Remote Station Fire Alarm Systems require 60 hours of standby followed by 5 minutes in alarm. Batteries installed in a system powered by a generator need to provide at least 4 hours of standby power 7.4.2 Selecting and Locating Batteries Select batteries that meet or exceed the total ampere hours calculated in Table 7.4. The control - panel can charge batteries in the 7 AN to 18 AN range. The control panel cabinet is capable of housing batteries up to 18 AH. Batteries larger than 18 All require a UL listed external battery charger and cabinet such as the BB-26, BB-55F or other UL listed external battery cabinet. 192 MS-9050UDSenes PN52413:D 32/15/08 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No ¶7165-0075:0210 Page 1 of I CATEGORY FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT (COMMERCIAL)? LISTEE RE LITE ALARMSINC One Fire-Lite PNorthford CT 06410-1653- Contact Bnan Reynolds (203) 484-7161 Faic (203) 484-7309 Email Brian.Reynolds2@Hon6ywill.com DESIGN nit consists of one communication IibeIl circuits ài1d thWreIay contact outputsor alarm trouble and supervisory. Local auxiliary remote station central station and proprietary (protected premise) automatic manual water flow and spnnkler supervisory. service Refer to listee s data sheet for detailed product description operational considerations and required/optional accessories When required accessories shall be CSFM listed RATING 120 VAC 60 Hz 30 A Primary 24 VDC Secondary INSTALLATION In accordance with listee s printed installation instructions applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction MARKING: Listee's name, model nbe,flectricai ating and UL-label..' . .. •. ., . - APPROVAL: Listed as an addressable fire alarm control panel for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices Refer to listee s Installation Instruction Manual for details This control, unit can generate a distinctive three- pulse:Tempàral Pattern Fire Alarm ' . . . .. Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. . . - This control unit meets the requirements of UL-864, 9th Edition Standards. NOTE: For Fire Alarm Verification Feature (delay of fire alarm signal), the maximum Retard/Reset/Réstait period shall not exceed 30 seconds. 07-07-2006 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing 'should not be used to verify correct operational requirements 'or instailation criteria. Refer. to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2014 'ting Expires_ June 5 Authorized By: JAMES PARSEGIAN, Program Coordinator - . Fire Engineering Division DF52121:C • E-325 MMF-300(A) Series, MDF.300(A) Addressable Monitor Modules General Four different monitor modules are available for Fire•Lite's intelligent control panels to suit a variety of applications. Moni- tor modules are used to supervise a circuit of dry-contact input devices, such as conventional heat detectors and pull stations, or monitor and power a circuit of two-wire smoke detectors (MMF-302(A)). MMF-300(A) is a standard-sized module (typically mounts to a 4 [10.16 cm) square box) that supervises either a Style D (Class A) or Style B (Class B) circuit of dry-contact input devices. MMF-301 (A) is a miniature monitor module a mere 1.3° (3:302 cm) H x 2.75 (6.985 cm) W x 0.5° (1.270 cm) D used to super- vise a Style B (Class B) circuit of dry-contact input devices. Its compact design allows the MMF-301(A) to be mounted in a single-gang box behind the device it monitors. MMF-302(A) is a standard-sized module used to monitor and. supervise compatible two-wire, 24 volt, smoke deteàtors on a Style D (Class A) or Style B (Class B) circuit. MDF-300(A) is a standard-sized dual monitor module used to monitor and supervise two independent two-wire Style B (Class B) dry-contact initiating device circuits (lOCs) at two separate, consecutive addresses in intelligent, two-wire systems. LiteSpeedTM is a communication protocol developed by Fire'Lite Engineering that greatly enhances the speed of com- munication between analog intelligent devices. Intelligent devices communicate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices within the group has new information, the panel CPU stops the group poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect is response speed greater than five times that of other designs. designs. MMF-300(A) Monitor Module Built-in type identification automatically identifies this device as a monitor module to the control panel. Powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. No additional power required. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on MS-9600 series panels, 01 —99 on other compatible systems. LED flashes during normal operation and latches on steady to indicate alarm. The MMF-300(A) Monitor Module is intended for use in intelli- gent, two-wire systems, where the individual address of each module is selected using the built-in rotary switches. It pro- vides either a two-wire or four-wire fault-tolerant Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) for normally-open-contact fire alarm and supervisory devices. The module has a panel-controlled LED indicator. The MMF-300(A) can be used to replace M300(A) modules in existing systems. MMF-300(A) APPLICATIONS Use to monitor a zone of four-wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterfiow devices, or other normally- open dry-contact alarm activation devices. May also be used to monitor normally-open supervisory deviáes with special supervisory indication at the control panel. Monitored circuit FIre•LrreALarms by Honeywell MMF-300(A) (Type H) may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style 0 (Class A) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the Style B circuit. No resistor is required for supervision of the Style D circuit. MMF-300(A) OPERATION Each MMF-300(A) uses one of the available module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/nor- mal/short) of its Initialing Device Circuit (IDC). A flashing LED indicates that the module is in communication with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limitations on the loop). MMF-300(A) SPECIFICATIONS Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 5.0 mA (LED on). Average operating current: 350 pA (LED flashing), 1 com- munication every 5 seconds, 47k EOL. Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 40 ohms. EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 4.5° (11.43 cm) high x 4 (10.16 cm) wide x 1.25° (3.175 cm) deep. Mounts to a 4 (10.16 cm) square x 2.125 (5.398 cm) deep box. DF-52121:C • 10/06)2010 - Page 1 of 4 MMF-301 (A) Mini Monitor Module Built-in type identification automatically identifies this device as a monitor module to the panel. Powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. No additional power required. High noise (EMF/RFl) immunity. Tinned, stripped leads for ease of wiring. Direct-dial entry of address: 01 —159 on MS-9600 series panels, 01 —99 on other compatible systems 1415 0 1 ADDRESS o 1 11 76 LOOP ' 9 8 09.."" TENS ONES I— o Lu cli 0 - —J CIO 0 The MMF-301(A) Mini Monitor Module can be installed in a single-gang junction directly behind the monitored unit. Its small size and light weight allow it to be installed without rigid mounting. The MMF-301(A) is intended for use in intelligent, two-wire systems where the individual address of each module is selected using rotary switches. It provides a two-wire initiat- ing device circuit for normally-open-contact fire alarm devices. The MMF-301(A) can be used to replace M301 (A) modules in existing systems. MMF-301(A) APPLICATIONS Use to monitor a single device or a zone of four-wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, watert low devices, or other normally-open dry-contact devices. May also be used to Monitor normally-open supervisory devices with special super- visory indication at the control panel. Monitored circuit/device is wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the cir- cuit. MMF-301(A) OPERATION Each MMF-301(A) uses one of the available module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/nor- mal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). MMF-301(A) SPECIFICATIONS Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Average operating current: 350 pA, 1 communication every 5 seconds, 47k EOL; 600 pA Max. (Communicating, IDC Shorted). Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 40 ohms. Maximum IDC Voltage: 11 Volts. Maximum IDC Current: 400 pA. EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Page 2 of 4— DF-52121:43 • 10/06i2010 Dimensions: 1.3° (3.302 cm) high x 2.75" (6.985 cm) wide x 0.65" (1.651 cm) deep. Wire length: 6" (15.24 cm) minimum. MMF.302(A). Interface Module Supports compatible two-wire smoke detectors. Supervises IDC wiring and connection of external power source. High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on MS-9600 series panels, 01 —99 on other compatible systems. LED flashes during normal operation. LED latches steady to indicate alarm on command from control panel. The MMF-302(A) Interface Module is intended for use in intelli- gent, addressable systems, where the individual address of each module is selected using built-in rotary switches. This module allows intelligent panels to interface and monitor two- wire conventional smoke detectors. It transmits the status (nor- mal, open, or alarm) of one full zone of conventional detectors back to the control panel. All two-wire detectors being moni- tored must be UL compatible with the module. The MMF- 302(A) can be used to replace M302(A) modules in existing systems. MMF-302 (A) APPLICATIONS Use the MMF-302(A) to monitor a zone of two-wire smoke detectors. The monitored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) Initiating Device Circuit. A 3.9 K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the end of the Style B or D (class B or A) circuit (maximum IDC loop resistance is 25 ohms). Install ELR across terminals 8 and 9 for Style D application. MMF-302(A) OPERATION Each MMF-302(A) uses one of the available module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/nor- mal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). A flashing LED indicates that the module is in communication with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limitations on the loop). MMF-302(A) SPECIFICATIONS Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 25 ohms. Average operating current: 300 pA, 1 communication and 1 LED flash every 5 seconds, 3.9k eol. EOL resistance: 3.9K ohms. External supply voltage (between Terminals 13 and 14): DC voltage: 24 volts power limited. Ripple voltage: 0.1 Vrms maximum. Current: 90 mA per module maximum. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). Humidity range: 100/6 to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 4.5° (11.43 cm) high x 4 (10.16 cm) wide x 1.25" (3.175 cm) deep. Mounts to a 4" (10.16 cm) square x 2.125" (5.398 cm) deep box. MDF-300(A) Dual MonitOr Module The MDF-300(A) Dual Monitor Module is Intended for use in intelligent, two-wire systems. It provides two independent two- wire initiating device circuits (lDCs) at two separate, consecutive addresses. It is capable of monitoring normally open contact tire alarm and supervisory devices. The module has a single panel- controlled LED. NOTE: The MDF-300(A) provides two Style B (Class B) IDC cir- cuits ONLY. Style D (Class A) IDC circuits are NOT supported in any application. MDF400(A) SPECIFICATIONS Normal operating voltage range: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 6.4 mA (LED on). Average operating current: 750 pA (LED flashing). Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 1,500 ohms. Maximum IDC Voltage: 11 Volts. Maximum IDC Current: 240 pA ' EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Maximum SLC Wiring resistance: 40 Ohms. Temperature range: 320 to 120°F (0° to 490C). Humidity range: 100/6 to 93% (non-condensing). Dimensions: 4.5" (11.43 cm) high x 4 (10.16 cm) wide x 2.125" (5.398 cm) deep. MDF-300(A) AUTOMATIC ADDRESSING The MDF-300(A) automatically assigns itself to two address- able points, starting with the original address. For example, if the MDF-300(A) is set to address "26", then it will automati- cally assign itself to addresses "26" and "27". NOTE: "Ones" addresses on the MDF-300(A) are 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 only. Terminals 6 and 7 use the first address, and terminals 8 and 9 use the second address. CAUTION: Avoid duplicating addresses on the system. Installation MMF-300(A), MMF-302(A), and MDF-300(A) modules mount directly to a standard 4" (10.16 cm) square, 2.125" (5.398 cm) deep, electrical box. They may also be mounted to the SMB500 surface-mount box. Mounting hardware and installa- tion instructions are provided with each module. All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, and regu- lations. These modules are intended for power-limited wiring only. The MMF-301(A) module is intended to be wired and mounted without rigid connections inside a standard electrical box. All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, and regulations. Agency Listings and Approvals In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult fac- tory for latest listing status. UL: S2424 -ULC: S2424 FM Approved CSFM: 7300-0075:0185 MEA: 72-01-E Product Line Information NOTE: "A"suffix indicates ULC-listed model. MMF-300(A): Monitor module. MMF-301(A): Monitor module, miniature. MMF-302(A): Monitor module, two-wire detectors. MDF-300(A): Monitor module,, dual, two independent Class B circuits. •' SMB500: Optional surface-mount backbox. NOTE: See installation instructions and refer to the SLC Wiring Manual, PN 51309. Architects'/Engineers' Specifications '. Specifications of these devices and all FireLite products are available from FireLite. ' DF-52121:C • 10/06/2010 - Page 3014 Fire-Lite® and UteSpeedD are registered trademarks and FireWatchiM Is a trademark of Honeywell International Inc. 0201 0, by Honeywell international Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document Is strictly prohibited. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. Iso 9001 We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. MIME IMMUfCThIIltB All specifications are subject to change without notice. QUALITY SYSTEMS Made in the U.S.A. For more information, contact Fire•Ute Alarms. Phone: (800) 627-3473, FAX: (877) 699-4105. www.firelite.com Page 4 of 4— DF-52121:C' 10/06O10 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. . .. .. '. . .:' ' 11 Pge1"ofi. CATEGORY:,j0_FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORS/MISC DI LISTEE CT 06410 1653 Contact Bnan Reyñblds (203) 484-7161 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email Brian Reynolds2@Honeywell corn DESIGN Models MDF-300 MMF-301 0 MMF-302 MCF-300 monitor modules- "ModeIs CRF-300 and CMF-300 contro1.l modules and MMF-302-6 six zone interface signaling device module Refer lo. listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING 15-32V0C INSTALLATION In accordance with listee s printed installation instructions applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction MARKING Listee s name model designation electrical rating and UL label APPROVAL Listed as control unit accessories for use with listee s separately listed electrically. : compatible'fire alarm control units. . . . . . . . NOTE: *Rev. 05-06-05 JW This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing, is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This iisting should not be' used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2014 . . ' GtingiiresIiji, 2015 Authorized By: JAMES PARSEGIAN, Program Coordinator ' - '' . Fire Engineering Division - . ==tikDikt The InnovairFief Series are the only duct smoke AV detectOrs flexible ehough to fit configurations from. I . square to rectangJlar and everything in between: Feäturés H .:........... .. . . Photoelectric, integrated low-flow technology Air velocity rating from 100 ft/min to 4,000 ft/mm AS m/s to 20.32 rn/sec) Versatile mounting options square or rectangular configuration Plug-in sensor offers superb false alarm immunity and the latest sensor technology Broad ranges for operating temperature (-4°F to 158°F) and humidity (0% to 95% non-condensing) Patented sampling tube installs from front or back of the detector with no tools required Increased wiring space with a newly added Winch conduit knockout One easy-access Test/Reset button and improved LED status Patented interconnect feature for multi-fan shutdown New high contrast terminal designations Built-in short circuit protection from operator wiring errors Field selectable settings for configuring the detector - Two DPDT Form-C relay contacts .24 VAC/DC or 120 VAC - Backward compatibility with existing Innovair products, including remote accessories Agency Listings LISTED . I11Ir1UVLr . I.•. The InnovairFiex D41204-wine photoelectric duct smoke detector features a pivoting housing that fit's both sqüae and rectangular footprints and mounts to round or rectangular ductwork. This unit senses smoke in the mostchallenging conditions, operating in airflow speeds of 100 to 4,000 feet per minute, temperatures of-4°F to 158°F, and a humidity range of 0 to 95 percent (non- condensing). A plug-in sensor head offers improved false alarm immunity and simple mnstallation,testing, and maintenance. An improved cover design isolates the sensor head from the low-flow feature for simple maintenance. The lnnovairFlex housing provides ample wiring space, a Winch conduit knockout, and built-in short circuit protection to prevent damage to sensitive components during installation. High contrast terminal designations make wiring easy. With its 2:1 sensor-to-power capability, the power board of the D4120 may be used to monitor a second sensor, D4S, simultaneously (i.e., supply and return side). As many as 50 InnovairFIex detectors can be interconnected. When one unit senses smoke, all interconnected detectors will switch their relays; only the detector sensing smoke will go into alarm, thus pinpointing the fire source. An easy-access Test/Reset button makes it possible to test the unit with the cover on. Three DIP switches can be used to configure field selectable settings: cover tamper delay, number of sensors to be controlled, and shut down on trouble option. Each power board has two LEDs that can be used to indicate the status of connected sensors, and a quick reference imprinted on the cover explains the LED status indications (Standby, Maintenance, Trouble, and Alarm). The InnovairFIex duct smoke detector can be customized to meet local codes and specifications without additional wiring. The new InnovairFIex product line is compatible with all previous Innovair models, including remote test accessories. WARNING: Duct smoke detectors are NOT a substitute for open area smoke detectors; NOT a substitute for early warning detection; NOT a replacement for a building's regular fire detection system. Refer to NFPA 72 and 90A for additional information. lnflovairFlex' Duct Smoke Detector The air duct smoke detector shall be a System Sensor lnnovairFlex D4120 Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detector.The detector housing shall be UL listed per UL 268A specifically for use in air handling systems.The flexible housing of the duct smoke detector fits multiple footprints from square to rectangular.The detector shall operate at air velocities of 100 feet per minute to 4000 feet per minute (0.5 to 2032 meterilsecond).The unit shall be capable of controlling up to 50 air handling systems when interconnected with other detectors.The detector shall be capable of providing a trouble signal in the event that the front cover is removed. It shall be capable of local testing via magnetic switch, test button on the cover, or remote testing using the SSK451 Multi-Signaling Accessory or the RTS451 KEY RemoteTest Station. Terminal connections shall be of the strip and clamp method suitable for 12-18AWG wiring. Size: (Rectangular Dimensions) (Square Dimensions) 14.38 in (37 cm) Length; Sin (12.74 cm) Width; 2.5 in (636 cm) Depth 7.75 in (19.7 cm) Length; 9 i (22.9 cm) Width; 2.5 in (635 cm) Depth Weight: 2.51b5(1.l4kg) Operating Temperature Range: D4120 & 045: -4° to 1S8°F (-20° to 70°C); 04P120: -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C) Storage Temperature Range: 04120 & D4S: -22° to 158°F (-30° to 70°C); 04P120: -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C) Operating Humidity Range: 0% to 95% relative humidity non-condensing Air Duct Velocity: 100 to 4000 ft/mm (05 to 2032 rrt/sec) Power supply voltage: 20-29 VDC 24VAC 50-60 Hz 120 VAC 50-60 Hz Input capacitance: 270 p max. 270 pF max. WA Reset voltage: 3.OVDC min. 2.0VAC mm. 1OVAC mm. Reset time: (with RTS451) .03 to 03 sec. .03 to 03 sec. .03 to 03 sec. Reset time: (by power down) 0.6 sec. max. 0.6 sec. max: 0.6 sec. max. Power up time: 35 sec. max. 35 sec. max. 35s ec. max. Alarm response time: 15 sec. 15 sec. 15 sec. Sensitivity Test: See detector label See detector label See detector label Current Requirements: (Using No Accessories) Max. standby current 21 mA @ 24VDC 65 mA RMS @ 24VAC 60Hz 20 mA RMS @12OVAC 60Hz Max. alarm current 65 mA @ 24VDC 135 mA RMS @ 24VAC 60Hz 35 mA RMS @12OVAC 60Hz Alarm initiation contacts: (SPST) 2.OA @30 VDC (resistive) Alarm auxiliary contacts: (DPDT) 10A @30 VDC (resistive); 10A @250 VAC (resistive); ½ HP @240 VAC; 16 HP @12OVAC Note: Alarm auxiliary contacts shall not be connected to initiating circuits of control panels. Use the alarm initiation contact for this purpose. Supervisory contacts: (SPDT) 2.OA @30 VDC (resistive); 2.OA @125 VAC (resistive) Device Standby Trouble Alarm APA151/APA45I 125 mA n/a 30mAMax. MHRIMHW 0 mA n/a 29 mA Max. RA100Z OmA n/a 12mAMax. RTS151/RTS151KEV 0mW12mA n/a 12mAMax. RTS2/RTS2-AOS 3.0mA max 16 mA Max. with strobe: 55 mA max without strobe 30 mA max Note: Any combination of accessories may be used such that the given accessory loads are: 110 mA or less at the Aux output and 50 mA or less at the Alarm output Installing the InnovairFIex Sampling Tube The InnovairFIex sampling tube may be installed from the front or back of the detector.The tube locks securely into place and can be removed by releasing the front or rear locking tab (front locking tab shown below right). ACS-041901 Wiring for 4-wire Duct Smoke Detector and Accessories I POWER INPUTS (NOTE 1) I 4VACIOç '1 I IVAC1 I .1 910 I I OR I I AUXILIARY CONTACTS I I FOR FAN SHUTDOWN, ETC. (NOTE 2) AUXA AUXB I --T OWER PUTS (NOTE - I ry ! 9 10 OR AUXILIARY CONTACTS FOR FAN SHUTDOWN. ETC. (NOTE 2) AUXA AuXB 51 6 L*4*6 I SUPERVISORY CONTACTS ' ' SUPERVISORY CONTACTS I (NOTE 3) I I (NOTE 3) EOL RESISTOR SPECIFIED BY PANEL MANUFACTURER '1 I I FIRST DETECTOR IN ThE LOOP NOTE 1: 24V Power Inputs accept a non-polarized 24VDC or 24VAC 50-60Hz. 120VAC Power Inputs accept only 120VAC 50-60Hz. Connect power source to appropriate terminals of each detector. See specifications for additional power supply information. NOTE 2: Auxiliary contacts shown in standby position. Contacts switch during alarm as indicated by arrows. Auxiliary contacts are not to be used for connection to the control panel. See specifications for contact ratings. LAST DETECTOR IN THE LOOP NOTE 3: Supervisory contacts shown in standby position. Open contacts indicate a trouble condition to the panel. See specifications for contact ratings. NOTE 4: Alarm Initiation contacts shown in standby position. Closed contacts indicate an alarm condition to the panel. See specifications for contact ratings. Please refer to the corresponding installation manual for accessory wiring diagrams. Important Notes on 2:1 Sensor-to-Power Capability 2:1 sensor-to-power capability is not available for all InnovairFIex models. The feature is only available on the 04120 4-wire conventional models. - 2:1 sensor-to-power capability can be enabled using one 04120 and one 045, or two D4S and one 04P120. Important Interconnect Notes When using the interconnect feature, all interconnected units must be powered using the same independent supply. Polarity must be maintained throughout the interconnect wiring. Connect the INT+ terminal on unit 1 to the INT+ terminal on unit 2 and so on. Similarly, connect the.INT/AUX— terminal on unit 1 to the INT/AUX- terminal on unit 2 and so on. Up to 50 04120 units, 50 04P120 units, or 50 units of combination may be interconnected. Up to 10 DH1 OOACDC units may be interconnected. Please note that each of the 9 OH100ACDC units interconnected may be replaced by three 134P120 units. Therefore, when using the interconnect feature a single DH100ACDC can drive either 9 DH100ACDCs or 2704120 units. * NOTE: Alarm can be reset only at the initiating device and not at the devices interconnected. A4l9.G01 Accessories System Sensor provides system flexibility with a variety of accessories, including two remote test stations and several different means of visible and audible system annunciation. As with our duct smoke detectors, all duct smoke detector accessories are UL listed. S SOXE lop RTS151 UL 54011 RTS1 51 KEY UL 52522 APA1 51 UL 54011 RTS2-AOS UL 52522 Ln1ILi1 RA100Z UL 52522 MHW UL 54011 MHR UL 54011 AOS D4120 4-wire photoelectric low-flow duct smoke detector Accessories D45 4-wire photoelectric sensor component only D4P120 4-wire photoelectric power board component only, 24VAC'DC, 120 VAC 2051 4-wire conventional photoelectric sensor head DST1 Metal sampling tube duct width up to ift (03m) DSfl .5 Metal sampling tube duct widths 1 ft to 2 ft (03 to 06 m) DST3 Metal sampling tube duct widths 2ftto4 ft (06 to 12 m) DSTS Metal sampling tube duct widths 4ftto 8 f (12 to 2.4 m) DST10 Metal sampling tube duct widths 8ftto 12 ft (2.4 to 32 m) APA1 51 Remote annunciator with piezo alarm DH400 OE-1 Weatherproof enclosure ETX Metal exhaust tube duct width lft (03m) M02-04-00 Test magnet MHR Mini Horn, Red MHW Mini Horn, White P48-21-00 End cap for metal sampling tubes RA100Z Remote annunciator alarm LED R15151 Remote test station RTS1 51 KEY Remote test station with key lock RTS2 - AOS Multi-signaling accessory 1.YP'T/E)5JiI 3825 Ohio Avenue St Charles IL 60174 e2009 Syitem Seir. Phone: 800-SENSOR2 Fax: 630-377-6495 AOS-0$I940I .&39.02172 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL if FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No 6jO7 Page-1 of 1 CATEGORY DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR PHOTO (W/ LISTEE4.. ¶rn Sensor Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl Inc 3825 Ohio Ave St Charles IL 60174 7. Contact Tnsh Linhart (630) 762-5025 Fax (630) 377-7245 Email tdbh.linhart@sy.stemsensor..com. DESIGN iels D412i04240 RD4120 P270-3000PL T041203 TD41204 LD4S LD4I2OX LD4I20HD4S 04P120 C04P120 LD4PI2OX LD4PI2OH TD4C PD4120 YD4120 Y04P120 and AD413I20 our-wire conventional photoelectric duct smoke detectors ad subassemblies Unit consists of a duct detect6r housing porboard with"Iictricar' components and relays exhaust tubes and listed 2051 detector. head (CSFM Listing No 7272-1653 203) Model AD4S sensor component Models *TD4C LD4I2OX LD4I20H LD4PI20X and LD40I20H do not contain a 120 VAC transformer. Refer to listee s data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations RATING 20-29 VDC *24 VAC 120 VAC (except Models *TD4C L04120X LD4I2OH LD4PI2OX and LD4P120H,dO not have 120 VAC rating). . .. " . " . ". '. •'.' : .". .' INSTALLATION: . In accordance with listee's printed installation instruction, applicable codes and ordinances. and in a manner acceptable to the authonty having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's,name, model number, rating, air velocity and UL label. . APPROVAL: Listed as conventional photoelectric duct smoke detector for use with separately listed fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. Rev. 03-27-13 gt This' listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test : results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item: listed. This listing should not 'be used, to verify correct kiev , operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Dáte'lssued: ' July 01, 2014 Authorized By: JAMES PARSEGIAN, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Duct Smoke Detector Accessories Expand the versatility of the lnnovairFlex" line of duct smoke detectors with System Sensor notification and. test accessories. SYSTEM $ SENSOR SMOKE lip I —= . • —r 4 Available Accessories Duct smoke detector accessories add functionality to the duct APA1 51 Piezo Annunciator smoke detection system by allowing quick, convenient inspections at eye level and effective audible srid visible notification options. All MHR Mini-Horn, Red System Sensor duct smoke deteczors and accessories are UL listed. MHW Mini-Horn, White The APA1S1 piezo annunciator, which replaces the APA451 with RA100Z/RA100ZA Remote Annunciator .. .,. . _..t..i. . ...__ - I a new, III qjivvcu IUOI., IUVIU) I aUUIUIe didi III signal, d lU LCL) RTS1 51 Remote Test Station to indicate alarm status, and a green LED to indicate power status. RTS1 51 KEY Remote Test Station with Key It is intended for use with System Sensor 4-wire conventional duct smoke detector applications without a system control panel, to RTS2 Multi-Signaling Accessory comply with NFPA 90A. AOS Add-On Strobe The MHR and MHW SpectrAlert Advance mini-horns feature RTS2-AOS Multi-Signaling Accessory temporal or continuous tones at high and low volume settings. Their small footprint allows mounting to single-gang back boxes for applications where a small device is desired. The RA100Z and RA100ZA remote annunciators are designed for both conventional and intelligent applications. Their red LED provides visual indication of an alarm condition. The RTS1 51 and RTS1 51 KEY remote test stations are automatic fire detector accessories designec to test duct smoke detectors from a convenient location. For 4-wire detectors, the RTS1 51 KEY test station features a multi-colored LED that alternates between steady green and red. For 2-wire detectors, the LED illuminates red for alarm. Agency Listings & <i~> LISTED The RTS2 and RTS2-AOS multi-signaling accessories are designed to work with InnovairFIex 4-wire conventional duct smoke detectors. These accessories include a key switch that can be used to select one of two connected sensors to be tested, reset, or both by a push button switch. They also enable sensitivity measurements using the SENS-RDR sensitivity reader (sold separately). The AOS (Add-On Strobe) is an optional accessory irciuded with the RTS2-AOS model. ies Specifications, Duct Smoke Detector Accessor Voltage Regulated 24VDC Operating Voltage 16 to 33 VDC Maximum Alarm Current 30 mA Temperature Range 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 120°F) Relative Humidity 10 to 93% non-condensing Wire Gauge 12to18AWG Dimensions 4.6H x 2.9Wx .45D MHRIMHW SpectrAlert* Advance Voltage Mini-Horns Regulated 12 DC or FWR (Full Wave Rectified) or Regulated 24 VDC or FWR Operating Voltage 8 to 33 VDC (9 to 33 VDC with Sync-Circuit Module) Sounder Current Draw 22 mA RMS max. at 8 t 17.5 Volts DC 17 mA RMS max. at 8t0 17.5 Volts FWR 29 mA RMS max. at 16 to 33 Volts DC 25 mA RMS max. at 16 to 33 Volts FWR Temperature Range 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 12(°F) Humidity Range 10 to 93% non-condensing Nominal Sounder Frequency 3 kHz WireGauge 12to18AWG Dimensions RAIOOZ/RAIOOZA Remote Voltage Range 4.6H x 2.9W x 0.45D Annunciator- Conventional System: 3.1 to 32 VDC Intelligent System: 18 to 32 VDC Maximum Alarm Current 12 mA Dimensions 4.6"H x 2.8W x 13D r.i RTS151 ULS4011 RTS151KEVULS2522 - ro -. LI [7 RA100ZULS2522 MHWULS4011 Power Requirements Alarm LED: 2.8 to 32 VDC, 12 mA max. Total Current: 105 mA max. Test Switch 10VA@32VDC Reset Switch 1OVA @32 VDC Alarm Response Time 40 seconds max. Temperature Range —10°C to 60°C (14°F to 140°F) Relative Humidity 95% non-condensing Wire Gauge 14to18AWG Dimensions 4.8H x 2.90W x .4D Power Requirements Power LED (Green): 14 to 35 VDC. 12 mA max. Alarm LED (Red): 2.8 to 32 VDC, 12 mA max. Total Current: 105 mA max. Alarm ResponseTime 40 seconds max. Temperature Range —10°C to 60°C (14°F to 140°F) Relative Humidity 95% non-condensing Wire Gauge 14t0 18AWG Dimensions RTS2 and RTS2-AOS Multi Voltage 4.6H x 2.75W x 1.8D -signaling Accessory 20 to 29 VDC Power Requirements Standby: 3.0 mA max. Trouble: 16.0 mA max. Alarm without strobe: 30 mA max. Alarm with strobe: 55 mA max. Sounder 85 dBA at ten feet Temperature Range —10°C to 60°C (14°F to 140°F) Relative Humidity 95% non-condensing Wire Gauge 14 to 22AWG Dimensions 4.8"Wx 53H x1.6- D For the very latest product specifications and listing information, please visit the System Sensor Web site at www.systemsensor.com. SMOKE I -- F I I I., • APA151 UL 54011 RTS2-AOS UL 52522 MHR UL 54011 AOS SVSTEII4 3825 Ohio Avenue. St. Charle s, IL 60174 Z-4 SENSOR Phone: 800-SENSOR2 ° Fax: 630-377-6495 arm AOS.0423.000.5/0941840 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No Page 1 of I CATEGORY:Fl T --------. . - -.. . . RE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC_DEVICE LISTEE ystem or Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Intl Inc 3825 Ohio Ave St Charles IL 60174 Contact Tnsh Linhart (630) 762-5025 Fax (630) 377-7245 Email trish linhad@systemse'nsQr.com DESIGN: . 'Models RTSI5I,.RTSI5IKEY.afld RAIOOZ Duct Smoke Detector accessories. Referto . ., . listeesdatast for detailed product descnption óërtiàñaI conidératiô RATING Refer to the installation manuals INSTALLATION In accordance with listee s printed installation instructions applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction MARKING Listee s name model number electrical rating and UL label APPROVAL Listed as control unit accessories for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units Refer to listiiiiiee s Installation Instruction Manual for details 04-03-09 bh This listing is . based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or' other. data but does not make an' independent verification of any claims.. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet installation instructions and/or other : Date Issued July 01, 2014 Authorized By: JAMES PARSEGIAN, Program coordinator Fire Engineering Division No. Cond Inches Inches 4184 / 2 .014 . .. :'0.1 44/ 4186 4 . . .014 .. .. 0.168 4188: 6.....1:. •. . . .014......:. .:. •: .• 0.2021 4190 8 •. .014. .. .' • . •• 0.220 4192 .10. . O14.• :1 0.260 16 AWG Solid Bare Copper, Insulation Thickness:.009" Part No. of Jacket Thickness Nominal Diameter No. Cond Inches Inches 4234 2 .014 . .166 4236 4 .014 . .194 14 AWG Solid Bare Copper, Insulation Thickness: .013" Part No. of jacket Thickness Nominal Diameter No. Cond Inches : Inches 4240 2 .014 • . •. .208 4241 4 .014 .245 18 AWG Solid Bare Copper, Insulation Thicknes Part No. of Jacket Thickness Nominal s: .009" a Diameter. 1• t CIIAN .• APPLICATIONS: Fire Alarm, Signal MomtorlDetection Audio or Control Circuits 22 AWG Solid BaieCopper, Insulation Thickness: Part No. of Jacket Thickness Nominal Diameter No. Cond Inches • Inches 4304 2 014 0.120 . 006" T!....__ CHARACTERISTICS Operating Temperature: . . . .. • .-io°.c. t +800c . Voltage. Rating: • . _______ _______ 300 Volts Color Descnphon . . •: ChartF; Page 42.••.' Jacket ColOr:Red Product. Description: :. Solid bare copper Insulation: Semi-Rigid PVC Nylon rip cord for ease of jacket stripping Jacket: Flame Retardant PVC Specifications: UL 1'pe FPLR/CMR/CL3R C(UL)CMG (14 and 12 AWG FPLR/CL3R only) ! Passes UL 1666 Riser Flame Test ROHS Compliant 12 AWG Solid Bare Copper, Insulation Thickness: .011" Part No. of Jacket Thickness Nominal Diameter No. Cond Inches • Inches. 4511 2 .014 .242 C us a LISTED www.comtrancorp.com a 6-16-10 MA This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of. any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the • item listed. This listing should not be used to verify. correct : operational requirements or installation criteria. : Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other • Date Issued July 01, 2014 jsting Expires June 30,20157 I Authorized By: JAMES PARSEGIAN, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering DWision :