HomeMy WebLinkAbout2055 CORTE DEL NOGAL; ; FA090007; Permit5/9/24, 2:44 PM FA090007 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fire Alarm Permit Permit No: FA090007 2055 CORTE DEL Job Address: NOGAL. Permit Type: FALARM Parcel No: 2130610800 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Status: ISSUED Applied 1/29/2009 Approved: 1/29/2009 Issued: 1/29/2009 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: TRANS WORLD OFFICE BLDG. TWO FIRE ALARM INSPECTIONS @ $65/EA Applicant: Owner: LOW VOLTAGE INTEGRATED SYSTEMS, S D C CORTE L L C INC. 7065ELCAJON BLVD 2864 RANCHO GRANADERO SAN DIEGO CA CARLSBAD, CA 760-908-5883 Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 130 0 130 0 about:blank 1/1 4*O° ULxY7 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION Name of protected property: Address: 20 4F42 e,frE )FL A104.44 6'zS4W 64 9,W-d Representative of protected property (name/phone): 1"t Su/LDS /9_f23- 5e' Authority having jurisdiction: ew4tsAw FifzF Address/telephone number: _/& ff44iMy i4'1t t?/Af.58iiP, .'4 9zaI 1. Type(s) of System or Service, PILE NFPA 72, Chapter 3—Local If alarm is transmitted to location(s) off premises, list where received: COp1 NFPA 72, Chapter 3—Emergency Voice/Alarm Service Quantity of voice/alarm channels: Single: Multiple: Quantity of speakers installed: Quantity of speaker zones: Quantity of telephones or telephone jacks included in system: NFPA 72, Chapter —Auxiliary Indicate type of connection: Local energy Shunt Parallel telephone Location of telephone number for receipt of signals: NFPA 72, Chapter 5—Remote Station - Alarm: Supervisory: NFPA 72, Chapter 5—Proprietary If alarms are retransmitted to public fire service communications centers or others, indicate location and telephone numbers of the organization receiving alarm: / Indicate.how alarm is retransmitted: !'... NFPA 72, Chapter 5—Central Station Prime contractor: _LOI't#' 1/04_26F 1M6KIb S4$'STFfl4S, t'vC Central station location: /"M! /Z'/5S/'igJ UItJZ' , Means of transmission of signals from the protected premises to the central station: McCulloh Multiplex One-way radio V' Digital alarm communicator Two-way radio Others Means of transmission of alarms to the public fiz service communications center: 10#264F t/iE ' (o #41c)) PA'nNE L/,V6 2. (e02341) System location: (NFPA Record of Completion 1 of 4) Organization name/phone Representative name/phone Installer tØ5 7C 4%c7 Supplier S4106 Service organization Location of record (as-built) drawings: i'?i) WA190V £tiAip SIc & t/fStt 61 -7241 Location of owners manuals: t2,.f 9 '1 Location of test reports: /40 £tIfl,J AIA4i i'i PAZA fin 1 27,987 A contract, dated 2 —.49 9 , for test and inspection in accordance with NFPA standard(s) No(s). 72.- , dated 2 - , is in effect. 2. Record of System Installation (Fill out after installation is complete and wiring checked for opens, shorts, ground faults, and improper branching, but prior to conducting operational acceptance tests.) This system has been installed in accordance with the NFPA standards as shown below, was inspected by Af/k 7&&wl on 2 S of , includes the devices shown below, and has been in service Sin j NFPA 72, Chapters 011.0 0 &2 7 (circle all that apply)' ±'TFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 760 j Manufacturer's instructions - Other (specify): Signed: Date: Z-''7 Organization: 4111 5' Record of System Operation All operational features and functions of this system were tested by on and found to be operating properly in accordance with the requirements of: ...Z'NFPA 72, Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (circle all that apply) ..!'NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 760 jManufacturer's instructions ...Other (specify)' Signed: /øI/L Ztizs22 Date: 2- s —i'? Organization: 4. Alarm-Initiating Devices and Circuits Quantity and class of initiating device circuits (see NFPA 72, Table 3-5) Quantity: _L_. Style: Class:. MANUAL Manual stations r" Noncoded, activating ______ Transmitters ______ Coded Combination manual fire alarm and guard's tour coded stations AUTOMATIC Coverage: Complete: Partial: I Smoke detectors Ion Photo 23 Duct detectors Ion ''Photo Heat detectors FT RR FT/RR RC (NFPA Record of Completion 2 of 4) (d)J (e) - Sprinkler waterfiow switches: Other (list): Transmitters _____ Noncoded, activating _____Coded 5. Supervisory Signal-Initiating Devices and Circuits (use blanks to indicate quantity of devices) GUARD'S TOUR _______ Coded stations ______ Noncoded stations, activating transmitters Compulsory guard tour system comprised of transmitter stations and intermediate stations Note: Combination devices are recorded under 4(b) and 5(a). SPRINKLER SYSTEM '2 Coded valve supervisory signaling attachments Value supervisory switches, activating transmitters Building temperature points Site water temperature points Site water supply level points Electric fire pump: ______ Fire pump power U) -Fire pump running _______ Phase reversal Engine-driven fire pump: Selector in auto position Engine or control panel trouble -Fire pump running Engine-driven generator: _______ Selector in auto position (1) ______ Control panel trouble _______ Transfer switches Engine running Other supervisory function(s) (specify): - 6. Alarm Notification Appliances and Circuits Quantity and class (see NFPA 72, Table 3-7) of notification appliance circuits connected to the system: Types and quantities of notification appliances installed: Quantity: I Style:______ Class: B Bells Inch Speakers / Horns 4.rJJ Chimes -. Other: (NFPA Record of Completion 3 of 4) Visual signals Type:_Yti A/ with audible w/o audible (g) 1 Local annunciator Signaling Line Circuits Quantity and class (see NFPA 72, Table 3-6) of signaling line circuits connected to system: Quantity: I Style: &/ Class: System Power Supplies Primary (main): Nominal voltage: Current rating: Overcurrent protection: Type: Current rating: Location: Secondary (standby): rl 44-t -' Storage battery: Amp-hour rating: / Calculated capacity to drive system, in hours: ____________ 24 ____________ 60 Engine-driven generator dedicated toiIre alarm system: Location of fuel storage: Emergency or standby system used as backup to primary power supply, instead of using a secondary power supply: Emergency system described in NFPA 70, Article 700 Legally required standby system described in NFPA 70, Article 701 Optional standby system described in NFPA 70, Article 702, which also meets the performance requirements of Article 700 or 701 9. System Software Operating system software revision level(s): - Application software revision 1 v l(s) ________________________ Revision completed by: )''1 i4 "l41 (name) 10. Comments: L 1115 (firm) (signed) for central station or alarm service company or installation contractor/supplier (title) (date) Frequency of routine tests and inspections, if-other than in accordance with the referenced NFPA standard(s): System deviations from the referenced NFPA standard(s) are: (signed) for central station or alarm service company or installation contractor/supplier (title) (date) Upon completion of the system(s) satisfactory test(s) witnessed (if required by the authority having jurisdiction): (signed) representative of the authority having jurisdiction (title) (date) (NFPA Record of Completion 4 of 4) 0•• D1f \7 Yll Carlsbad Fire Department Fire Alarm Inspection Checklist INSPECTION PERMIT #: DATE: PREMISES NAME: ADDRESS: CONTRAC1 CONFIRM THAT SYSTEM IS NOT OFF LINE CALL DISPATCH & TEST MONITORING COMPANY RESPONSE TIME GENERAL INSTALLATION OKy CN A STAMPED, APPROVED PLANS ON JOB SITE B NFPA 72 RECORD OF COMPLETION - INSTALLER'S CERTIFICATE• C VERIFY SYSTEM COMPLEXITY., ARE ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL NEEDED TO CONDUCT TEST (fg ad D WALK THROUGH BUILDING AND CONFIRM THAT APPROVED PLANS MATCH INSTALLATION AS TO AMOUNT AND GENERAL LOCATIONS OF ALL DEVICES E ALL SPLICE BOX COVERS PAINTED RED OR PERMANENTLY MARKED "FIRE ALARM" F DEVICE LOCATIONS MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH SYSTEM DRAWINGS / PLANS G FIRE ALARM BASIC INSTRUCTIONS AND KEY AT PANEL, KNOX BOX HAS LOCATION OF FACP, EMERGENCY NUMBERS OF OCCUPANTS H SYSTEM IN MODE TO TEST INDIVIDUAL APPLIANCES I FUNCTIONS FROM MONITORING COMPANY I NOTE TIMES OF ALL TESTS AND WHAT TEST PERFORMED FOR COMPARISON WITH CENTRAL STATION J OCCUPANCY OVER 1,000— VOICE CHIP AUDIBLE REQ K R13 STORY OR 16+ DWELLING UNITS - 20+ ROOMS LOCAL ALARM ONLY CALL 9-1-1 2 PRIMARY POWER CONNECTION A FACP AND E PANEL PROPERLY LABELED "FIRE ALARM" WITH LOCKOUT WITH RED PAINT 3 STANDBY POWER SOURCE & POWER TEST A BATTERY SIZE MEETS OR EXCEEDS BATTERY CALCULATION RESULT IN AMP HOURS B BATTERY PROVIDED ENOUGH SPACE IN CABINET AND NOT SITTING ON CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS C DISCONNECT BATTERY: SYSTEM TO SIGNAL TROUBLE D ACTIVATE FULL ALARM TO SOUND THROUGHOUT BUILDING (5 MINUTES) (VOICE CHIPS —15 MIN) - E RECONNECT BATTERY. . . F DISCONNECT PRIMARY POWER: SYSTEM TO SIGNAL TROUBLE . 4. DACT I CENTRAL STATION TRANSMITTER (Whenrequired) A CONFIRM THAT CENTRAL STATION .TRANSMITTER IS UL LISTED FOR COMMERCIAL FIRE APPLICATIONS B CONFIRM TWO TELEPHONE LINES, DERIVED CHANNEL, UL RADIO TRANSMITTER OR EQUIVALENT COMMUNICATIONS PATH(S). C DISCONNECT ONE TELEPHONE LINE: AUDIBLE TROUBLE SIGNAL FROM TRANSMITTER SHOULD OCCUR WITHIN 1 MINUTE AND SEND SIGNAL TO CENTRAL STATION. RECONNECT: SYSTEM RETURNS TO NORMAL (4 MINUTES PER NFPA SIGNAL TO CENTRAL STATION THAT WOULD SIGNAL TROUBLE) 5 . SPRINKLER CONNECTIONS A SPRINKLER VALVE TAMPER INSTALLED ON EACH VALVE, ALSO CHECK VAULT B SPRINKLER FLOW SWITCH INSTALLED IN CORRECT POSITION (NOT ON BOTTOM OF PIPE) EACH WATER FLOW SWITCH SEPARATELY ZONED AT FACP . . C CONDUCTORS TO FLOW AND TAMPER SWITCHES PROPERLY PROTECTED FROM INJURY (IN PIPE OR ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTE) D OPERATE VALVE TAMPER: SYSTEM TO SIGNAL SUPERVISORY. VERIFY APPROPRIATE INDICATOR ON FACP E SUPERVISORY SIGNAL TO BE HEARD IN SUPERVISED LOCATION F RESTORE VALVE TO NORMAL: SYSTEM TO RESTORE G OPERATE INSPECTORS TEST VALVE: SYSTEM TO SOUND ALARM NORMALLY OCCUPIED LOCATION (ACCEPTABLE DELAY BETWEEN 30-90 SECONDS) . . H VERIFY APPROPRIATE INDICATOR ON FACP (AND REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR) I RESET SYSTEM Loll J ALL PROTECTION SYSTEMS (AES ETC) TO BE TIED INTO FACP AND EACH SYSTEM ZONED SEPARATELY 6 . MANUAL PULL STATIONS (When required) A LOCATED AT EVERY EGRESS AND CHANGE OF LEVEL, AT LEAST ONE PER FLOOR H*'ct B MOUNTED WITHIN 5' OF EXIT DOOR IN PLAIN SIGHT DURING EGRESS C LOCATED APPROPRIATE HEIGHT ABOVE FLOOR LEVEL(ADA = BETWEEN 44" AND 48") D CONFIRM MANUAL STATION I BACK BOX MOUNTED SECURELY TO STRUCTURE . E ACTIVATE MANUAL STATION: SYSTEM TO SOUND THROUGHOUT BUILDING F VERIFY APPROPRIATE INDICATOR ON FACP (AND REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR) G RESET SYSTEM . 7 . GROUND DETECTION A REMOVE A MANUAL STATION FROM ITS MOUNTING BOX B SHORT ONE CIRCUIT CONDUCTOR TO GROUND SYSTEM: SYSTEM TO SIGNAL TROUBLE C i VERIFY APPROPRIATE INDICATOR ON FACP (GROUND DETECTION) . . D REMOVE GROUND SHORT: SYSTEM TO RETURN TO NORMAL . E REMOUNT THE DEVICE F ACTIVATE THE MANUAL STATION: ALARM TO SOUND THROUGHOUT BUILDING G RESET SYSTEM . . 8 INITIATING DEVICE CIRCUIT WIRING (SMOKE DETECTION) A I REMOVE A DETECTOR FROM THE MOUNTING BOX B DISCONNECT ONE CONDUCTOR FROM THE DEVICE OR REMOVE HEAD: SYSTEM TO SIGNAL TROUBLE 0 ç VERIFY APPROPRIATE INDICATOR ON FACP OK CN 0 RECONNECT THE CONDUCTOR: REMOUNT THE DETECTOR E• TEST DETECTOR FOR PROPER OPERATION: ALARM TO SOUND THROUGHOUT BUILDING F VERIFY APPROPRIATE INDICATOR ON FACP (AND REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR) G RESET SYSTEM 9 INDICATING APPLIANCE CIRCUIT WIRING (AUDIO VISUAL) A REMOVE AN APPLIANCE FROM THE MOUNTING BOX - B DISCONNECT ONE CONDUCTOR FROM THE APPLIANCE: SYSTEM TO SIGNAL TROUBLE C VERIFY APPROPRIATE INDICATOR ON FACP D RECONNECT THE CONDUCTOR: REMOUNT THE APPLIANCE E • TEST APPLIANCE FOR PROPER OPERATION BY ACTIVATING A MANUAL STATION: ALARM TO SOUND THROUGHOUT BUILDING 10 AREA SMOKE DETECTORS (When required) A PER LISTING OR CHECK SPACING: PER APPROVED PLANS- TYPICAL = 15' OFF WALL, 30' BETWEEN DETECTORS. CORRIDORS 10' OR LESS =20 Y2' FROM WALL, 41' BETWEEN DETECTORS B CHECK FOR REDUCTION OF SPACING FOR JOISTED I BEAMED CEILINGS. JOISTS 8" OR LESS: MOUNT DETECTORS ON BOTTOM OF JOIST, MORE THAN 8": MOUNT ON CEILING & REDUCE SPACING BY 1/3. BEAMS LESS THAN 12" AND LESS THAN 8' ON CENTER: MOUNT DETECTORS ON BOTTOM OF BEAMS. BEAMS MORE THAN 18" AND MORE THAN 8' ON CENTER: EACH BAY AT LEAST ONE DETECTOR . C CHECK FOR PROXIMITY OF AIR REGISTERS: MUST BE AT LEAST 3' AWAY FROM DETECTOR Ij DETECTORS MOUNTED ON SUSPENDED CEILINGS TO BE SUPPORTED BY THE GRID (BAR STYLE BOX HANGARS) E ACTIVATE ALL DETECTORS (MINIMUM OF ONE PER ZONE) TO SOUND THE EVACUATION ALARM (TEST USING SMOKE - NO MAGNET) F VERIFY ALL APPROPRIATE INDICATOR(S) ON FACP (AND REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR) G RESET ALARM H RECONNECT PRIMARY POWER: SYSTEM TO RETURN TO NORMAL CALL CENTRAL STATION AND COMPARE SIGNALS RECEIVED WITH TESTS 11 TEST DUCT SMOKE DETECTORS I HVAC SHUTDOWN > 2000 CFM A • INSPECT HOUSING INSTALLATION. UNIT TO BE GASKETED AND FIRMLY SECURED TO DUCT. CONFIRM REMOTE INDICATOR MOUNTED TO CEILING UNDER DETECTOR IF DUCT IS CONCEALED V B DUCT DETECTOR MOUNTED TO SUPPLY SIDE ON UNITS 2000 CFM TO 15,000 CFM. UNITS OVER 15,000 CFM MOUNTED ON SUPPLY. AND RETURN DUCTS / C CONFIRM FAN IS RUNNING, OPERATE THERMOSTAT IF NECESSARY . . D ACTIVATE THE DETECTOR: TROUBLE SHALL SOUND AT FACP . CONFIRM FAN SHUT DOWN FUNCTION IS OPERATING PROPERLY F VERIFY APPROPRIATE INDICATOR(S) ON FACP (AND REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR) G RESET SYSTEM AND MANUALLY RESTART FAN(S). FAN RESTART SHALL BE INDEPENDENT OF SILENCE AND RESET FUNCTIONS OF THE FACP H NOTE: FAN SHUTDOWN SHOULD OCCUR ON ACTIVATION, OF ANY PART OF THE SMOKE AND HEAT DETECTION AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEM> 2000 CFM ONLY DUCT DETECTORS I . DISCONNECT ONE CONDUCTOR FROM SUPPLY SIDE (COIL) OF RELAY: FACP TO INDICATE TROUBLE • . . Dots4bt . J RECONNECT THE CONDUCTOR: SYSTEM TO.RETURN TO NORMAL 12 . AUDIBLE I VISUAL DEVICES I A LOCATE BOTTOM OF UNIT WAC/RCW 80" TO 96" B VISUALS LOCATED AS NECESSARY C AUDIBLES TO.PROVIDE PROPER SOUND LEVEL (MEASURED AT 5' ABOVE FLOOR LEVEL) MINIMUM 75 dba / MAXIMUM-130 dba Q 10'OR 15 dba ABOVE AMBIENT NOISE LEVEL D. HORNS ARE REQUIRED TO.SOUND A "TEMPORAL 3" SIGNALING RHYTHM - NFPA-72/1993 .3-7.2. ALL SIGNALS SHALL BE SYNCHRONIZED IN ORDER THAT THE 3-3-3 SIGNAL IS CLEAR AND DISTINCTIVE 13 FIRE SAFETY FUNCTIONS! BUILDING SYSTEM CONTROLS A ACTIVATE MANUAL STATION: ALARM TO SOUND THROUGHOUT B CONFIRM CONTROL FUNCTION (DOOR CLOSES, FAN SHUTS DOWN ETC) IS OPERATING PROPERLY C RESET SYSTEM AND RESET CONTROL FUNCTIONS TO NORMAL D DISCONNECT ONE CONDUCTOR FROM SUPPLY SIDE (COIL) OF RELAY: FACP TO INDICATE TROUBLE OR THE BUILDING SYSTEM REVERTS TO EMERGENCY MODE (DOOR CLOSES, FAN SHUTS DOWN ETC) E RECONNECT THE CONDUCTOR: SYSTEM TO RETURN TO NORMAL 14 . FACP &.ANNUNCIATOR LABELING A CIRCUIT / ZONE INDICATORS TO BE LABELED BY AREA DESCRIPTION - NOT ZONE NUMBER B CONTROLS TOBE PROTECTED AGAINST OPERATION BY UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL' C FIRE DEPARTMENT TO BE ABLE TO SILENCE THE AUDIBLE ALARMS D PANEL LABELED "FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL"- INTERIOR DOOR LABELED SAME E ZONE MAPS TO BE LOCATED AT RISER, KNOX BOX, FACP, AND ANNUNCIATOR PANEL I CONFIRM SYSTEM HAS BEEN PUT BACK ON LINE S SITE INSPECTION: MATCH PLA17OR N PA S'lOR N CORRECTIONS NEEDED: Y yes, see Correction Notice) Deputy Fire Marshal Carlsbad Fire Department 4::Ao°tOôc* FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SUBMITTAL L C-P wv%olmir4w aftir oe& integrated systems FIRE ALARM S SOUND S DATA S MEDIA S SECURITY S CCTV S ACCESS CONTROL PROJECT TRANSWORLD OFFICE BUILDING 2055 CORTE DEL NOGAL CAIRLSBAD, CA 92011 FILE COPY LOW VOLTAGE INTEGRATED SYSTEMS, INC. 1930 WATSON WAY, STE C VISTA, CA 92081 (760) 598-4110 Phone (760) 598-4107 Fax info@sdlvis.com License: B, CIO, C16 # 791832 CITY OF CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT. APPROVED Subject to field inspection and required tests, notations hereon; conditions in correspondence and conformance with applicable rdgulations. The stamping of these plans shall not be held to permit or ap1rove the violation of any lan. '7f!O7 Oatet#L4Jd PHONE: (760) 598-4110 FAX: (760) 598-4107 La wVoltage in tegrated : stems SUBMITTAL PARTS INDEX FIRE ALARM Data sheets are in order (if material list below, CSFM sheets follow. PART # ITEM DESCRIPTION Fire-Lite #MS-9600 Addressable Fire Alarm Panel wl Dialer Fire-Lite #LCD-80F Remote Fire Annunciator Fire-Lite #BG-12LX Addressable Pull Station Fire-Lite #SD-355 Addressable Smoke Sensor wl Base Fire-lite #MMF-301 Addressable Mini Monitor Module Wheelock# NS-24MCW-PW Horn/Strobe, 15 CD Indoor Low Voltage Integrated Systems, Inc. 1930 Watson Way, Ste C • Vista, California 92081 FIRE • SECURITY • CCTV'* ACCESS CONTROL • SOUND • MEDIA LICENSE NO. B. CIO, C16 #791832 email: info © sdlvis.com "* MS-9600 DF-52395:A • Al -90 Rev. 210ACT1J0: Intelligent Address- () Fire LrreALarms able FACP with Optional 2nd Loop by Honeywell r General The FIreLite MS-9600 is a compact, cost-effective, Intelligent addressable fire alarm control panel with a capacity of 318 addressable FlreLlte devices on one Signaling Une Circuit (SLC) or a total of 636 addressable points with an optional second loop (SLC-2). An optional modem (DACT.IJD) Is avail- able for remote site upload/download and/or remote monitor- ing. Each Signaling Une Circuit (SLC) loop supports up to 159 addressable detectors including photoelectric, photoelectric with heat, ionization, photoelectric duct, fixed heat, fixed heat with rate-of-rise, and fixed high-heat detectors. It also supports up to 159 addressable modules Including monitor (two-wire detector, normally open devices), dual-monitor functions (two monitor circuits from one module, two addresses used), con- trol (for Notification Appliance Circuits), and relay (two Form- C) modules. The panel uses surface-mount technology and is designed for ease of installation, programming, and mainte- nance, it features the latest in advanced fire protection tech- nology, , including maintenance alert and automatic detector test functions. Remote site LpioaWdownload capblllty-'With DACT-UD). liWo-level user-programmable paswors. Custom English labels (per point) may be manually entered or selected from an internal library file. Two programmable Form-C relay outputs 99 software zones. SLC LOOP: i "1 SLC can be configured for NFPA Style 4, 6, or 7 operation. SLC supports up to 318 addressable devices per loop (159 detectors and 159 monitor, control, or relay modules), including the nel addressable dual-monitor module, heat detectors, and duct detector. SLC loop maximum length 10,000 ft. (3,048 m)O 12 AWG (3.31 mm2). Requires twisted, shielded wire (3,000 ftJ914.4 m untwisted, unqhietded wire). Notification Appliance Circuits (NACs): Four onboard NACs with additional NAC capability using output control modules (CMF-300 or CMF-300-I3). Silence inhibit and Auto Silence timer options. Continuous, March Time, Temporal or California code for main circuit boar FIACs with two-stage capability. Selectable strobe synchronization per NAC. Advanced Fire Technology: Sensitivity testing with printable results, onsite or olfsite. • Local piezo sounder. Automatic drift compensation. • Waterf low (nonslienceable) selection per monitor point. Programming and Software: • System alarm verification selection pe- detector point. Autoprogram (iern mode) reduces installation time. • PAS (Positive Alarm Sequence) and presignai delay per Fully programmable from local keypad, local PS-2 keyboard point (NFPA 72 compliant). or PC via PK-Pius Windows® utility. DF-52395A. 11 NOW —Page lotS SPECIAL FEATURES: Optional modem. Selectable strobe synchronization per NAC. Remote site upload/download. Four Class Bor two Class A NAC clrcuits. FEATURES User interface: I Optional modem (DACT-UD). Remote Ackrcwiedge, Silence, Reset srJ Drill via address- able monitor modules, ACS Series annunciators or LCD- BOF remote arnunciator. EIA-232 prinerIPC interface (variable baud rate) on main circuit board. integral 80-character LCD display with backlighting. Real-time clock/calendar with auiomatc daylight savings adjustments. History file with 1,000-event capacity ElA-485 supporting up to 32 ACS Series annunciators. EIA-485 supporting up to 32 LCD-80F annunciators. Maintenance alert warns when smoke detector dust accu- mulation is excessive. Automatic device type-code vedfiction. One person audible or silent walk test wtth walk-test log and printout. Point trouble Identification. tonal DACT-UD for Central Station reporting and remote uploadldownload (see photo detail below) SMOKE ' DETECTORS "SP355, SD355T, CP355 HEAT DETECTORS H355, H355R DUCT DETECTORS 0350PL, D35ORPL ,1 lltl MONITOR MMF-300, MDF-300, MMF-302, CMF-300, CRF-300, 1300 HlO MINI MONITOR MMF-301 ADDRESSABLE MULTi-MODULES MMF-300-10. MMF-302-6, cMF-300-6, CRF-300-6 PULL STATION BG-I2LX 52395d1.wmf ii EM-485 - INTERFACE 24 VDC 1 (DIM-485) built Into . the motherboard - _______ arm 2160@ (four wires) DAC amain LCD40F Up to 6,000 It. (1825.8 m) between each LCD-80F ____ . opftlal ifl the EiA-485 loop, and RISE between each LCD-80F - _________- and the FACP CITY BOX - OUTPUT III II II (4XTMF) 24VDC I i4 [I' Elk .485 8 FORM-C, 5-AMP RELAYS IE]iJCEJI In ACS node (optional, oiderACM-811F) EIEIEHI (two wires) [J -' NACs (Notification Appliance Circuits) ANNUNCIATORS —+ BELLS. SIGNALS, STROBES LDM, ACS/ACM EIA-232 INTERFACE (PiM-24) built into the motherboard •. PRINTER WIRING REQUIREMENTS The SLJC requires use of a specific wire type to ensure proper circuit operation. It is recommended that all SLC wiring be twisted-pair shielded to minimize the effects of electrical Inter- ference. Wire size Should be no smaller than 18 AWG (0.821 mm2) and no larger than 12 AWG (3.31 mm2). The wire size depends on the length of the SLC circuit. Use the table below to determine the specific wiring requirements for the SLO. Wire Requirements Distance in Feet (m) Typical Wire Sire I. - 2 Twisted-pair, shielded 10.000 feet 12 AWG (3.31 mm2): Belden 9583, Genesis (3,048 m) 4410, Signal 98230, WPW D999. Twisted-pair, shieldd 8,000 feet 14 AWG (2.08 mm2): Belden 9581, Genesis (2.438 m) 4408, Signal 98430, WPW D995. Twisted-pair, shlelddld4,875 feet 16 AWG (1.31 mm2): Bolden 9575, Genesis (1,486 m) 4406 and .1806. Signal 98630, WPW D991. 3,225 feet 18 AWG (0.821 mm2): Belden 9574, Genesis Twisted-pair, shielded (983 m) 4402 and .1602, Signal 98300, WPW 0975. Untwisted, unshIelded 3,000 feet (915m) 12— 18 AWG (3.31 - 0.821 mm 2). Optional 4XTMF module (conventional reverse polarity/city box transmitter). Page 2016— OF-5239&A.11/28107 Controls and Indicators LED INDICATORS I AC POWER (green) 2 FIRE ALARM (red) 3 SUPERVISORY (yellow) 4 ALARM SILENCED (yellow) 5 TROUBLE (yellow) 6 MAINTENANCE/PRESIGNAL (yellow) 7 DISABLED (yellow) 8 BATTERY (yellow) 9 1 GROUND (yellow) MEMBRANE SWffCH CONTROLS I ACKNOWLEDGEISTEP 2 ALARM SILENCE 3 DRILL 4 RESET (lamp test) 5-16 12-key pad with full alphabet 17-20 14 cursor keys 21 1 ENTER Field-Programiinlng Features OFFLINE PROGRAMMING: Create the entire program In your office using a Wlndoi®-based software package (order pro- gramming kit PK-CD, containing PlC-Plus, separatvy). Upload/ download system programming locally to the MS-9600 in less than one minute. AUT0PR0GRAMM1N13: Command the MS-9600 to program itself (takes less than 20 seconds). In the Auto-Program mode, the MS-9600 scans for all possible devices at all addresses, stores the device types, and addresses found, and then loads default values for all options (General Alarm). It also checks for two or more devices set to the same address. ONLINE EDIT: While still providing fire protection, the MS- 9600 may be programmed from the front panel. Simple menu trees displayed on the LCD allow the trained user to perform all functions without 'referring back to the programming man- ual. ENGLISH LABEL LIBRARY: Quickly select labels from a standard library of more than 50 adjectives/nouns, such as FLR 3 HALLWAY," or enter custom labels letter-by-letter. Use recall function to repeat previously used label. PROGRAM CHECK: Automatically catch common errors, such as control modulus not linked to any zone or Input point. Maintenance Alert The MS-9600 continuously monitors each smoke detector and Is capable of reporting maintenance conditions. This reduces the risk of false alarms; due to dust accumulation. Refer to the control panel Installation manual for more information. Automatic Test Operation The MS-9600 performs an automatic test of each detector every two hours. Failure to meet the test limits causes an AUTO TEST FAIL trouble type. System Reset clears this trou- ble. Specifications AC Power - TB1: 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 3.0 A. Wire size: minimum 14 AWG (2.08 mm2) with 600 V Insulation. Battery (lead acid only) - T02: Maximum charging circuit: Normal flat charge 27.6 VDC 0 1.0 A. Maximum battery charger capacity: 25 AH. MS-9600 cabinet holds maximum of two 18 AH batteries. For 25-120 AH batteries, use the CHG- 120F or CHG-75 Battery Charger and BB-55F Battery Box. NOTE: Jumper JP3, on the FACP main circuit board, must be cut to disable the FACP battery charger when using the CHG- 120F Communication Loop - (standard) TOO: 24 VOC nominal, 27.13 VDC maximum. Maximum length: 10,000 ft. (3048 m) tota.i twisted, shielded pair length. Maximum loop current: 400 mA (short circuIt) or 100 mA (normal). Maximum loop resis- tance: 40 ohms. Supervised and power-limited. The maximum available current shared between all NACe and auxiliary power outputs Is 7.0 A at 24 VDC. Notification Appliance Circuits - TB4: Power-limited cir- cuitry. Maximum voltage drop in wiring: 2.0 VDC. Nominal operating voltage: 24 VDC. Current limit: fuseless, electronic, power-limited circuitry. Maximum signaling current per circuit: 3.0 A. End-of-Line Resistor: 4.7K ohm, 1/2 watt (P/N 71252 UL listed) for NACs. Refer to Fire.Lite Device Compatibility Docu- ment for listed compatible devices. Programmable and Trouble Output Relays - T05: Contact rating: 2.0 A 0 30 VDC (resistive), 0.5 A 0 30 VAC (resistive). Form-C relays. Four-Wire Resettable Smoke Detector Power (24 VDC nominal) - TBS, Terminals 1(+) & 2(—): Maximum ripple volt- age: 10 mVrms. Up to 3.0 A for powering four-wire smoke detectors. Power-limited circuit. Refer to Fire'Lite Device Com- patibility Document for listed compatible devices. Nonresettable Power #1(24 VDC Nominal) —TBS, Termi- nals 3 (+) a 4 (-): Maximum ripple voltage: 10 mVrms. Up to 0.5 A total DC current available from each output. Power-lim- ited circuit. T03, Terminals 5 (i) & 6 (-): non-resettabie power #2. EIA-485 (ACS) - TOO: ACS annunciator connector, Terminal 1 (+) and Terminal 2 (-). EIA4185 (TERM) - T87: Terminal mode annunciator connec- tor, Terminal 1 (Out +), 2 (In +), 3 (Out—), 4 (in -). EIA-232 - TB8: PC/printer connector, Terminal 1 (Transmit), 2 (Receive), 3 (DTR), 4 (Ground). Cabinet Specifications Door: 18.67 (47.43 cm) high x 15.78' (40.08 CM) wide x 1.08' (2.74 cm) deep. Backbox: 18.50' (47.0 cm) high x 15.50' (39.37 cm) wide x 4.37' (11.1 cm) deep. Trim Ring (FC-TR): 21.132' (54.92 cm) high x 18.62' (47.3 cm) wide. Product Line Information NS-9600: 318-point addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel, one SLC loop. Includes 80-character LCD display, single printed circuit board, and cabinet. DACT-UD: Optional modem for remote site upload/download and/or remote monitoring. ACM-81RF: Optional plug-In relay module provides 8 Form-C 5.0 amp relays. PlC-CD: Contains PK-Plus programming software for Win- daws0-based PC computer (cable not included). SLC-2: Optional expander module, enables second SLC loop. DF-52395A • 11i287 - Page 3016 I BRKT4600: Bracket, mounts UDACT-F and ACM-8RF within MS-9600 cabinet. DP-9600: Dress panel for MS-9600. FC-TRi Trim Ring for semi-flush mounting. 81345F: Battery box, required to house two 25 AH batteries and one CHG-1 20F, battery charger. For batteries greater than 25 AM, consult factory for housing/mounting arrange- ments.: 00-26:' Battery backbcrx, holds up to two 25 AH batteries. CHG-120F: Remote battery charging system fOr lead-acid bat- teries With a rating Of 25 to 120 AM. CHG-120F or CHG-75 required for charging greater than 25 All batteries. CIIG-75: Battery ciàrger for lead-acid batteries with a rating of 25 to 75 AM. CHG-120F or CHG-75 required rer charging greaterthan 25 AH .batteries. BAT Series: Batterls, see data sheet 6F-52397. PRTIPK-CABLE: Cable printer4,ersonai computer interface cable. Compatible Acldrinsable Devices All feature a polling :LED and rotary switches for addressing. CP355: Addressable low-profile ionization smoke detector. SD355: Addressable low-profile photoelectric smoke detector. 5D355T: Addressable 16w-profile photoelectric smoke detector with thermal sensor. 14355: Fast-response, low-profile heat detector. H355R: Fast-response, lov,-profile heat detector with rate-of- rise option. AD355: Low-profii, Intelligent, "Adapt" multi-sensor detector (B35OLP base included). P350PL: Photoelectric, low-flow duct smoke detector. D35ORPL: Photoelectric low-flow duct smoke detector with relay option. MMF-300: Addressable Monitor Module for one zone of nor mally-open dry-qontct initiating devices. Mounts in standard 4.0 (10.16 cm) box. Includes plastic cover plate and end-of- line resistor. Module, may be configured for either a Style B (Class B) or Style I) (Class A) IDC. MDF-300: Dual Mc?nftor Module. Same as MMF-300 except It provides two Style B (Class B) only iDCs. MMF-301: Minlaturb version of MMF-300. Excludes LED and Style D option. Connects with wire pigtails. May mount in device backbox. MMF402: Similar to MMF-300, but may monitor up to 20 con- ventional two-wire I detectors. Requires resettable 24 VDC power. Consult Device Compatibility Document for compatible smoke detectors. CMF-300: Addressable Control Module for one Style Y/Z (Class B/A) zone of supervised polarized Notification Appli- ances. Mounts directly to a 4.0 (10.16 cm) electrical box. Notification Appllanpe Circuit option requires external 24 VDC to power notification 4ipliances. CRF-300: Addressable relay module 6ontaining two isolated sets of Form-C contacts, which operate as a DPDT switch. Mounts directly to a 4.0 (10.16 cm) box, surface mount using the SMB500. 00-12LX: Addressable manual pull station with Interface mod- ule mounted lnsid& 1300: This module Isolates the SLC lo,p from short circuit con- ditlons (required for Styie.7 operation). SMB500: Used to mount all modules except the MMF-301 and M301. MMF-300-10: Ten-Input monitor module. Mount one or two modules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six mod- ules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F. MMF4024: Six-zone interface module. Mount one or two modules In a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six mod- ules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-BF. I 61IF-300-6: Six-circuit supervised control module. Mount one or two modules in a BB-2F cabinet (Optional). Mount up to six modules on a CHS-6 chassis in a B13.6F. CR:F4004: Six Form-C relay control module. Mount one or two modules in a BB-2F cabinet (optional). Mount up to six modules on a CHS4 chassis In a BB-8F. NOTES: 1) Compatible with legacy FirrUte 300 Series devices. Please consult factory for further information on previ- ous 300 Series devices: CP300/CP350, SD300(T)/SD350(T), D350(R)P, M300, M301, M302, C304, and BG-10LX. 2) "A suffix should be included only when ordering ULC listed units (e.g., SD355A, MMF-300A). 3) For more information on Com- patible Addressable Devices for use with the MS-9600, see the following data sheets (document numbers): A0355 (DF-52386), 00-12LX (DF-52013), CMF-3004 (DF-52385), CRF-300-6 (DF-52374), CMFICRF Series (DF-52130), CP355 (DF-52383), D350PIJD35ORPL (DF-52398), H355 Series (DF-52385), 1300 (DF-52389), MMF-300 SerleelMDF- 30€' (DF-52121), MMF-300-10 (DF-52347), MMF-3024 (DF- 52356), SD355D355T (DF-52384). Compatible Annunciators EIA4185 interface: Built Into the motherboard. ACS/ACM Annunciator Series: Allows annunciation of loop modules and detectors. For more information, refer to data sheet DF-52378. LDIII Graphic Series: Lamp Driver Module series for use with custom graphic annunciators. For more information, refer to data sheet DF-51384. LCI)-80F (Liquid Crystal Display) point annunciator: 80- character, backlit LCD-type fire annunciators capable of dis- playing English-language text. Up to 32 LCD-80F annunciators may be connected to the EiA-485 terminal mode serial inter- face on the MS-9600 motherboard. For more information, refer to data sheet DF-52185. Temperature and Humidity Ranges This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0 - 49°C/32 - 120°F and at a relative humidity 93% ± 2% RH(non- condensing) at 32°C ± 2°C (90°F ± 30F). However, the useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic com- ponents may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidlty. Therefore, It is recommended that this system and Its peripherals be Installed In an environment with a normal room temperature of 15— 27°C/60 - 80°F. Page 401 1128d07 NFPA Standard. The MS-9800 complies with the following NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Systems requirements: LOCAL(Automatic, Manual, Waterf low and Sprinkler Supervisory). AUXILIARY (Automatic. Manual and Waterf low) (requires 4XTMF). REMOTE STATION (Automatic, Manual and Watertlow) (requires 4XTMF). PROPRIETARY (Automatic, Manual and Waterilow). CENTRAL STATION (Automatic, Manual and Waterfiow, and Sprinkler Supervised). Agency Listing. and Approvals The listings and approvals below apply to the basIc MS-9600 control panel. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be In pro- cess. Consult factory for latest listing status. UL: 5624 ULC CSSB (except DACT-UD) FM approved CSFM 7165-0075:191 MEA 72-01-E184143-E DF.52395A.11l267—Page 5018 (a Flre•LITe ALarms www.11r.ilt.com GENERAL The LCD-80F is a compact, cost-effective, 80-character, backlit LCD remote Fire Annunciator for use with the Fire-Lite MS-9200UD and MS-9600 Fire Alarm Control Pan- els (FACP8). The LCD-80F displays complete system point status information and Includes control switches for remote control of critical system functions. Up to 32 LCD-80F9 may be connected onto the EIA-485 terminal port (TB7) or each FACP. The LCD-80F requires no programming, which saves time during system commis- sioning. FEATURES 80-character Liquid Crystal Display. Mimics all display information from the host panel. Control switches for System Acknowledge, Signal Silence, Drill and Reset with enable key. System status LEDs for Power, Alarm, Trouble, Supervisory and Alarm Silenced. No programming necessary - LCD-80F con- nects to the terminal port (TB7) on the FACP. Displays device type identifiers, individual point alarm, trouble or supervisory, zone and custom alpha labels. Time-and-date display field. Aesthetically pleasing design. May be powered by 24 VDC from the host FACP or by remote power supplies (requires 24 VOC). Up to 32 LCD-80F annunciators per FACP. Plug-in terminal blacks for ease of installation and ser- vice. Can be remotely located up to 6.000 feet (18213.8 m)from the FACP. Local piezo sounder with alarm and trouble resound. Semi-flush mounts to 2.188" (5.556 cm) minimum deep, three-gang electrical box (Fire-Lite PIN 10108) or three- gangablo electrical swltchbox. Surface-mounts to Fire-Lite 900-3 surface backbox. OPERATION The LCD-80F annunciator provides the FACP with point annunciation with full display text on an 80-character LCD display. The LCD-80F also provides an array of LEDs to Indicate system status, and Includes control switches for remote control of critical system functions. January 28, 2005 14 DF-52185 B-ISO LCD-80F IO-Charactsr Liquid Crystal Display Remote Fir. Annundator Section: Annunciators California @ @ $.t- State Fire Marshal 7120-0075:190 LISTED CS635 S2424 MEA <:S> 72-01-E APPROVED . .-. r • , . ,,. ,_ -- ' eeeeeeelll LCD-80F The LCD-80F provides the FACP with up to 32 remote se- rially connected annunciators. All field-wiring terminations on the LCD-80F use removabl&, compression-type termi- nal blocks for ease of wiring and circuit testing. Communication between the FACP and the annunciators Is accomplished over an ElA-485 serial interface, which greatly reduces wire and installation cost over traditional systems. Six wires total are required: four for the EiA-485 communications (two In and two return); and two for the 24 VDC regulated power. Dip switches control local functions such as: piezo disable, control switcheslkey-switch disable, transmitlrecelve mode. INSTALLATION The LCD-80F can be semi-flush mounted to a 2.188" (5.556 cm) minimum deep, three-gang electrical box (Fire-Lite PIN 10103) or three-gangable electrical switchboxes. Alter- nately, an SBB-3 surface backbox is available for surface- mount applications. Fire-Lite@ Alarms Is a Honeywell company. _____________ W This document I not Intended to be used for Installation purposes. We try to keep I ISO 9001 i our product Information up-to-date and accurate. e cannot cover all specific I applications or anticipate all requirement.. All specifications are subject to change without notice. rammizim For more information, contact Fire-Lite Alarms, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford I UM1RIFS "P Connecticut 06472. Phone: (800) 027-3473, Toll-Free FAX: (877) 699-4105. _[ QUALITY SYSTEMS MadsmnthsU.S.A. DF-52185 01I28I05 - Page 1 of 2 Mounting Holes (4) 521$5m,*.wmf PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION LCD-1110F 80-character, backlit, LCD Fire Annunciator with 10103 Three-gang electrical box, minimum 2.188 control switches for remote control of system r (5.556 cm) deep, for semi-flush mount applies- functions, anti key-switch lock. tions. SBB-3 Three-gang surface backbox for surface-mount applications. LCD-80F TERMINAL MODE WIRING EXAMPLE Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel Notes: I ElA-485: Maximum of 6,000 feet (1828.8 m) cable length from FACP to LCD-80F annuncIators, 6.000 ft. cable length between each LCD-80F and 6,000 ft. from the last LCD-80F back to the FACP. Circuit Is power41m1ted. Up to 32 LCD-80F alunciators may be used on the EIA485 circuit. When multiple LCD-00Fs are used, the FACP will re- quire additional povr supplies (refer to panel documenta- tion). MOUNTING TO1 3ACKBOX(ES) The LCD-80F annuncators can be semi-flush mounted in a three-gang electrical bcx with a minimum depth ol'2.188 (5.556 cm) (Fire-Lite PIN 10103). The LCD-80F annunciators can be mounted in three- gangabie electrical sv'ltchboxes connected togeth3r. NOTE:Altèrnately, LCD110F annunciators can be mounted to the SBB-3 surface 'beckbox for surface-mount applica- tions. ElectricalInstalier's Note: This annunciator may not fit easily Into a standard 34eng electrical box If locking clamps are used to secure wiring entering the rear or side knock- outs. Only use the TOP or BOTTOM knockouts to bring wiring into a standard 3-gang electrical box. 5813 (14.764 era) wide x 4.0 (10.16 cm) t high x minimum 2.188 (5.556 cm) deep, three-gang electrical box (Fire-Lite PIN 10103, shown at right). Page 2 of 2 - DF-52185 -'01126106 Terminal Mode EiA485 return (2-wires) 3) Between each LCD-80F annunciator are four wires: a twisted- shielded pair for date communications and a pair for 24 VDC power. The return circuit only requires two wires (twisted) for data communication supervision, wired from the last LCD- 80F annunciator on the loop. Up to 8,000 ft. (1828.8 m) between EACH DEVICE in the EIA485 loop Terminal Made / L6111-811111F - LCD-111110F ElA-405 (2-wires) I 24 VDC (2-wires) LCD-80F Up to 8,000 ft. (1828.11 m) / back from last device to and of EiA-485 loop DF-52013:13 • E-100 BG-1 2LX Addressable Manual Pull Station (a FlreuTeAtarms by Honeywell Addressable r- i•ri•i The Flre.Llte BG-12LX Is a state-of-the-art, dual-action (i.e., requires two motions to activate the station) pull station that Includes an addressable Interface (mounted Inside) for Fire-Lite's addressable fire alarm control panels (FACP8). Because the BG-12LX Is addressable, the control panel can display the exact location of the activated manual station. This leads f Ire personnel quickly to the location of the alarm. Features Maintenance personnel can open station for Inspection and address setting without causing an alarm condition. Built-In blcolor LED, which is visible through the handle of the station, fiashep in normal operation and latches steady red when in alarm. Handle latches in down position and the word ACTIVATED appears to clearly indicate the station has been operated. Captive screw terminals wire-ready for easy connection to SLC loop (accepts tip to 12 AWG/3.25 mm2 wire). Can be surface ounted (with SS-10 or SB-110) or semi- flush mounted. 'Semi-flush mount to a standard single- gang, double-gang, or 4° (10.16 cm) square electrical box. Smooth dual-action design. Meets ADAAG controls and operating mechanisms guide- lines (Section 4.1.3(13]); meets ADA requirement for 5 lb. maximum activation force. Highly visible. Attractive shape and textured finish. Key reset. includes Braille text on station handle. Optional trim ring (8G12TR). Meets UL 38, Stèridard for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes. Construction Shell, door, and handle are molded of durable LEXAN® (or polycarbonate equivalent) with a textured finish. Specifications Normal operating voltage: 24 VOC. Maximum SLC loop voltage: 28.0 VDC. Maximum SLC loop current: 230 baA. Ambient Temperature: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Relative Humidity: 93% t 2% RH (noncondensing) at 32°C ± 2°C (90°F ± 3°F) For use indoors in a dry location Installation The BG-12LX will mount semi-flush into a single-gong, double- gang, or standard 4 (10.16 cm) square electrical outlet box, or will surface mount to the model SBA 0 or SB-I/O surface back- box. If the BG-12LX Is being semi-flush mounted, then the optional trim ring (BGI2TR) may be used. The BG12TR is usually needed for semi-flush mounting with 4 (10.16 cm) or double-gang boxes (not with single-gang boxes). Operation Pushing in, then pulling down on the handle causes It to latch In the down/activated position. Once latched, the word ACTi- VATED (in bright yellow) appears at the top of the handle, while a portion of the handle protrudes from the bottom of the station. To reset the station, simply ufliock the station with the key and pull the door open. This action resets the handle; clos- ing the door automatically resets the switch. Each manual station, on command from the control panel, sends data to the panel representing the state of the manual switch. Two rotary decimal switches allow address settings (1 -- 159 with Breakaway Tab removed for MS-9600, 1 - 99 and MS-9200UDLS, 1 —50 for MS-9050UD). Architectural/Engineering Specifications Manual Fire Alarm Stations shall be non-coded, with a key- operated reset lock in order that they may be tested, and so designed that after actual Emergency Operation, they cannot be restored to normal except by use of a key. An operated sta- tion shall automatically condition itself so as to be visually detected as activated. Manual stations shall be constructed of red-colored LEXAN (or poiycarbonate equivalent) with clearly visible operating instructions provided on the cover. The word FIRE shall appear on the front of the stations In white letters, 1.00 inches (2.54 cm) or larger. Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting on matching backbox SB-10 or SB-I/O; or semi-flush mounting on a standard single-gang, double-gang, or 4 (10.16 cm) square electrical box, and shall be installed within the limits defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or per national/local requirements. Manual Stations shall be Underwriters Laboratories listed. DF-52013:13 • 1012012008— Page 1 012 Manual stations shall connect with two wires to oneof the con- trol panel SLC loops. The manual station shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the panel reprosenting the state of the manual switch. Manual stations shall provide address setting by use of rotary decimal switches. Product LUff Information B042L.X: Dual-action addressable pull station. Includes key locking feature. 80-10: Surface backbox; metal. SO-110: Surface backbox; plastic. 11012TR: Optional trim ring. 17003: Keys, set of two. Agency Listings and Approvals In some cases, certain modules or applications may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in pro- cess. Consult factory for latest listing status. IlL Listed: 5711 PlEA: 67-02-E CSFM: 7150-0075:184 FM Approved Back of station without door Terminal Connections: 1 SLC (.); 2 SLC (+) li Do Ham --1 [®( I_10111110G.I.Itm _ Detail of BREAKA WAY TAB* ? 150 ADDRESS 0 i4j 1 1302 3 W2 3 I\_ LED Remove tab to select addresses above 99. Cover open t show easy access to miniature monitor module, rotary switch, and IUL label. Patented: U.S. Patent No. D428,351; 8,380,846; 8,314,772; 8,632,108. Flre.Ute is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc. LEXANS Is a registered trademark of GE Plastics, a subsidiary of General Electric Company. I 02008 by Honeywell international Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of thTs document Is strictly prohibited. — This documenl is not Intended to be used for Installation purposes. Is0 00i We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. Rlltflilll IMMIMUHiNI All specifications are subject to change without notice. QUALITY SYSTEMS P Made ln the U.S.A. For more information, contact Flre4Jte Alarms. Phone: (800) 627-3473, FAX: (877) 699-4105. www.firellte.com Page 2 of 2 - DF-52013:13 • 10F20008 SD355(A), SD355T(A) Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detectors General The SD355(A) and SD355T(A) addressable, low-profile plug- in photoelectric detebtors use a state-of-the-art photoelectric sensing chamber with communications to provide open area protection and are Used exclusively with FiresLite's Address- able Fire Alarm Contiol Panels (FACPs). The SD355T(A) adds thermal sensors that will alarm at a fixed temperature of 135°F (57°C). Since these detectors are addressable, they will help emergency personnel quickly locate a fire during its early stages, potentially earing precious rescue time while also reducing property damage. Two LEDs on each sensor light to provide a local, visible sensor indication. Remote LED annun- ciator capability is ivaiiabie as an optional accessory (P/N RA400Z). Features SLC loop: iWo-wire loop connection. Unit uses base for wiring. AddressIng: I Addressable by device. df-52384:A • E-160 FureLITe°ALarms by Honeywell j L 'iD3S$h e4m1.g _-T 035OLP base Direct Decade entry of address: 01 —99 with MS-9200 and SD355T with MS-9200UD and MS-9200UDLS, and 01 - 19 with MS- 63SOLP base 9600, MS-9600LS, and MS-9600UDLS. Architecture: I I Unique single-source, dual-chamber design to respond quickly and depdndabiy to a broad range of firer. Sleek, low-profii design. Applications Integral communications and built-in type identification. Built-in tamper-rlatant feature. Use photoelectric detectors in life-safety applications to pro- Removable cover and insect-resistant screen for simple vide a broad range of fire-sensing capabiiity, especially where field cieaning. i smoldering fires are anticipated, ionization detectors are often better than photoelectric detectors at sensing fast, flaming Operation: fires. Withstands air velocities up to 4,000 feet-per-minute (20 m/ sec.) without triggering a false alarm. Construction Factory preset at 1.5% nominal sensitivity for panel alarm These detectors are constructed of off-white LEXAN®. threshold level. SD355(T) plug-in, low-profile smoke detectors are designed to Visible LED blidk when the unit is addressed (communi- commercial standards and offer an attractive appearance. cating with the fire panel) and latches on in alarm. Mechanicals: i Installation Sealed against back pressure. 5D355(T) plug-In detectors use a detachable mounting bass Direct surface mounting or electrical box mounting. to simplify installation, service and maintenance. Mount base Mounts to: slngiegang box, 3.5 (8.89 cm) or 4.0 (10.16 on box which is at least 1.5 inches (3.81 cm) deep. Suitable cm) octagonal box, or 4.0 (10.16 cm) square electrical box boxes include: (using a plaster nag - Included. 4.0 (10.16 cm) square box with plaster ring. Other system features: 4.0 (10.16 cm) octagonal box. Fully coated circuit boards and superior RFltransient pro- 3.5 (8.89 cm) octagonal box. tection Single-gang box. 94-VO plastic flammability rating. NOTE. Because of the inherent supervision provided by the SLC I , Low standby current loop, end-Of-line resistors are not required. Wiring 7taps or I Options-. branches are permitted for Style 4 (Class B) wiring. Remote LED output connection (P/N RA400Z). df-52384:A.12l198—Page 1012 Operation Each SD355(T) uses one of 99 possible addresses on the MS- 9200, MS-9200UD and MS-9200UDLS and up to 318 (159 on each loop) on the MS-9200 series Signaling Line Circuit (SLC). It responds to regular polls from the system and reports Its type and status. The SD355(T) addressable photoelectric sensors unique uni- polar chamber responds quickly and uniformly to a broad range of smoke conditions and can withstand wind gusts up to 4,000 feet-per-minute (20 rn/sec.) without sending an alarm level signal. Because of its unipolar chamber, the 3D355(T) is approximately two times more responsive than most photo- electric sensors. This makes It a more stable detector. Detector S.flsitivity Test Each detector can have Its sensitivity tested (required per NFPA 72, Chapter 7 on Inspection, Testing and Maintenance) when installed/connected to a MS-9200, MS-9200UD, MS- 9200UDLS, or MS-9000, MS-9600L5 and MS-9600UDLS addressable fire alarm control panel. The results of the sensi- tivity test can be printed off the MS-9200, MS-9200DLS, MS- 9200UD, MS-9600, MS-9600LS or MS-9600UDLS for record keeping. Speclficatlofls N Voltage range: 15 - 32 VDC (peak). tandby current: 300 pA I) 24 VDC. LED current: 6.5 mA 42 24 VDC (latched 'ON*). Air velocity: 4,000 ttirnln. (20 rn/soc.) maximum. Diameter: 6.10 (15.5 cni) installed in B35OLP base. Height: 2.11 (5.33 Cm) Installed In B35OLP base. Weight: 3.6 oz. (102 g). Operating temperature range: for 5111355(A): 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 1200F); for 50355T(A): 0°C to 38°C (32°F to 100°F). Temperature: 0°C - 49°C (32°F - 120°F). Relative humidity: 10% - 93%, non-condensing. Listings Listings and approvals below apply to the SD;355(A) and 5D355T(A) detectors. in some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status. UL Listed, file S1059 ULC Listed, file 56963 CSFM approved: file 7272-0075:194 MEA approved: file 243-02-E FM approved Product Lin. information NOTE: AsuffIx Indicates ULC-Listed model. SD355: Adressable photoelectric detector; B35OLP base Included. SD355A: Samoa as SD355 with ULC Listing (B350LPA base Included). SD355T: Same as SD355 but with thermal element; B35OLP base included. SD955TA: Same as 5D355T with ULC Listing (B350LPA base Included). B3SOLP(A): Plug-in detector base. Dimensions: 6.1° (15.5 cm). Mounting: 4.0° (10.16 cm) square box with or without plaster ring, 4.01 (10.16 cm) octagonal box, 351 (8.89 cm) octagonal box, or single-gang box. All mounting boxes have a minimum depth of 1.5 (3.81 cm). 0224RB(A): Plug-in System Sensor relay detector base. Diameter: 6.2 (15.75 cm). Mounting: 4.0° (10.16 cm) square box with or without plaster ring, 40° (10.16 cm) octagonal box, or 351 (8.89 cm) octagonal box. All mounting boxes have a minimum depth of 1.5° (3.81 cm). B224B1(A): Plug-In System Sensor Isolator detector base. Maximum 25 devices between isolator bases (see DF-52389). Diameter: 6.2° (15.75 cm). Mounting: 4.0° (10.16 cm) square box with or without plaster ring, 4.0° (10.16 cm) octagonal box, or 3.5° (8.89 cm) octagonal box. All mounting boxes have a minimum depth of 1.5° (3.81 cm). B501BH-2(A): Plug-In System Sensor sounder detector base. Diameter: 6.01 (15.24 cm). Mounting: 4.0° (10.16 cm) square box with or without plaster ring. Mounting box has a minimum depth of 1.5° (3.81 cm). B5OIBHT-2(A): Plug-In System Sensor temporal tone sounder detector base. ACCESSORIES: RA400Z(A): Remote LED annunciator. 3-32 VDC. Mounts to a U.S. single-gang electrical box. For use with 8501(A) and 935OLP(A) bases only. SMMOO: Surface mounting kit provides for entry of surface wiring conduit. For use with B501(A) base only. RMK400: Recessed mounting kit. For use with 8501(A) base only. M02-04-00:Test magnet. 1111102-0900: Test magnet with telescoping handle. XR2B: Detector removal tool. Allows Installation and/or removal of detector heads from bases in high ceiling applications. XP-4: Extension pole for XR2B. Comes in three 5-foot (1.524 m) sections. Flre.Ute0 Alarms Is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc. LEXANO Is a registered trademark of GE Plastics, a subsidiary of General Electric Company. 02008 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of thia document Is strictly prohibited. This document Is not Intended to be used for Installation purposes. Is0 000i We try to keep our product Information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. umititiiti IMMIMlIRINO All specifications are subject to change without notice. SUALITY SYSTEMS For more Information, contact FirosLite Alarms. Phone: (800) 627-3473, FAX: (877) 699-4W5. www.firelite.com Page 2 of 2- df.62384:A. 12119108 I df-52121:b • E-325 MMF.300(A) Series, MDF.300(A) FireuTe/Larms Addressable Monitor Modules by Honeywell I Addressable Devi es General I: I Four different monitor modules are available for Fireslite's JT1 I Intelligent control panels to suit a variety of applications. Moni- tor modules are used to supervise a circuit of dry-contact input devices, such as conventional heat detectors and pull stations, fear [1 or monitor and powir a circuit of two-wire smoke detectors (MMF-302). MMF-300 is a standard-sized module (typically mounts to a 4 .. 110.16 cm] square box) that supervises either a Class A (Style D) or Class B (Style B) circuit of dry-contact Input devices. cm) H x 2.75° (6.985 cm) W x 0.5 (1.270 cm) D) used to MMF4O1 Is a minIature monitor module (a more 1.3 (3.302 supervise a Class B (Style B) circuit of dry-contact input mounted In a slnglegang box behind the device it monitors. supervise compatiIé two-wIre, 24 volt, smoke delectors on a MMF4O2 is a standard-sized module used to monitor and devices. Its compaCt design allows the MMF-301 to often be Class A (Style D) or Class B (Style B) circuit MDF$OO is a standard-sized dual monitor module used to monitor and supelse two independent two-wire Style B MMF400 (Type: H) (Class B) dry-contact initiating device circuits (lDCs) at two A) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-Line Resistor separate, consecutive addresses In intelugent, two-wire systems. (provided) terminates the Style B circuit. No resistor is LiteSpeedM Is a communication protocol developed by required for supervision of the Style D circuit. Flre'Llte Engineering that greatly enhances the speed of com- munication between analog Intelligent devicea Intelligent MAdJF400 OPERATION devices communicate In a grouped fashion. If one of the Each MMF-300 uses one of the available module addresses devices within the group has new information, the panel CPU on an SLC loop. it responds to regular polls from the control stops the group poll and concentrates on single points. The panel and reports its type and the status (openlnormallshort) net effect is response speed greater than five times that of of Its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). A flashing LED Indicates other designs. I that the module is In communication with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current llmlta- MMF.300 Monitor Module tions on the loop). Built-In type Identification automatically Identifies this device M?IJF-300 SPECIFICATIONS as a monitor module to the control panel. Nominal operating veltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. No addft:Ional power Maximum current draw: 5.0 mA (LED on). required. • High noise (EMF/RFi) immunity. Maximum eperatlng current: 375 ILA (LED flashing). SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. Maximum iDC wiring resistance: 1.500 ohms. Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on MS-9600 series EOL resistance: 47K ohms. panels, 01 -99 on other compatible systems. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). LED flashes during normal operation and latches on steady Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. to Indicate alarm' The MMF-300 Monitor Module Is intended for use in intelligent, Dimensions: 4.5 (11.43 cm) high x 4 (10.16 cm) wide x two-wire systems, where the indMduaiaddress ol each mod- 1.25° 3.175 cm) deep. Mounts to a4 (10.16 cm) square x ule is selected uslig the built-in rotary switches. it Provldes\2125 (5.398 cm) deep box. either a two-wire orfour-wire fault-tolerant Initiating Device Cir- cult (IDC) for normail,-open-contact fire alarm and supervisory MMF-301 Mini Monitor Module devices. The module has a panel-controlied LED Indicator. • Built-in type identification automatically identifies this device The MMF-300 can be used to replace M300 modules in as a monitor module to the panel. existing systems. Powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. No additional power MMF400 APPLICATIONS required. Use to monitor a zone of four-wire smoke detectors, manual • High noise (EMFIRFI) immunity fire alarm pull stations, waterfiow devices, or other normally- • Tinned, stripped leads for ease of wiring. open dry-contact alarm activation devices. May also be used • Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on MS-9600 series to monitor normaiIyopen supervisory devices with special panels, 01 -99 on other compatible systems. supervisory indication at the control panel. Monitored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style 0 (Class -- dt-52121:b.11113108— Page lof4 I, na 1 I_ADDRESS I 01 2' 13\2!I_________ 0)4 2 )) :I LOOP I _ I 987 6 1 87 I TENS ONES LED latches steady to Indicate alarm on command from control panel. The MMF-302 Interface Module Is Intended for use in Intelli- gent, addressable systems, where the Individual address of each module is selected using built-In rotary switches. This module allows Intelligent panels to Interface and monitor two- wire conventional smoke detectors. It transmits the status (nor- mal, open, or alarm) of one full zone of conventional detectors back to the control panel. All two-wire detectors being moni- tored must be UL compatible with the module. The MMF-302 can be used to replace M302 modules in existing systems. M1dJF402 APPLICATIONS Use the MMF-302 to monitor a zone of two-wire smoke detec- tors. The monitored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) Initiating Device Circuit. A 3.9 K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the end of the Style B or D (class B or A) circuit (maximum IDC loop resis- tance is 25 ohms). Install ELR across terminals 8 and 9 for Style D application. The MMF-301 Mifli Monitor moauie can as ins:auieu in a sin- gle-gang junction directly behind the monitored unit. Its small MIJIF-302 OPERATION size and light weight al!ow it to be Installed without rigid mount- ing. The MMF-301 is intended for use In intelligent, two-wire systems where the Individual address of each module Is selected using rotary switches. It provides a two-wire initiating device circuit for normally-open-contact fire alarm devices. The MMF-301 can bi used to replace M301 modLlee in exist- ing systems. MMF401 APPLICATiONS M1tiF-302 SPECIFICATIONS Use to monitor a single device or a zone of four-wire smoke Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterfiow devices, or other normally-open diy-contact devices. May also be used to Maximum current draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). monitor normally-open supervisory devices with special supet Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 25 ohms. visory indication at the control panel. Monitored circuit/device 74 MaxImum operating current: 270 pA (LED flashing). Is wired as an NFPA Siyle B (Class B) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) termln sites the cir- EOL resistance: 3.9K ohms. cult. External supply voltage (between Terminals T3 and T4): MMF-301 OPERATION DC voltage: 24 volts power limited. Ripple voltage: 0.1 Vans maximum. Current: 90 mA per module maximum. Each MMF-301 uses one of the available module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 499C). panel and reports Its type and the status (open/normal/short) of Its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). MMF-301 SPECIFICATIONS Nominal operatingvoltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum operatln current: 375 pA. c I I Each MMF-302 uses one of the available module addresses on an SLC loop. it responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports Its type and the status (open/normal/short) of Its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). A flashing LED Indicates that the module is in communication with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limita- tions on the loop). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 4.5 (11.43 cm) high x 4' (10.16 cm) wide x 1.25 (3.175 cm) deep. Mounts to a 4' (10.16 cm) square x 2.125' (5.398 cm) deep box. Mi)F-300 Dual Monitor Module Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 1,500 ohms. EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 1.3' (3.302 cm) high x 2.75' (6.985 cm) wide x 0.65 (1.651 cm) deep. Wire length: 6' (15.24 cm) minimum. MMF.302 interface Module Supports compatible two-wire smoke detectors. Supervises IDC wiring and connection of external power source. High noise (EMF/RFl) Immunity. SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on MS-9600 series panels, 01 —99 on other compatible systems. LED flashes durl'nil normal operation. Page 2of4—df.52121:tell/ISMS The MDF-300 Dual Monitor Module is intended for use in Intel- ligent, two-wire systems. It provides two Independent two-wire Initiating device circuits (iDCs) at two separate, consecutive addresses. It is capable of monitoring normally open contact fire alarm and supervisory devices. The module has a single panel-controlled LED. NOTE: The MDF-300 provides two Class B (Style B) IDC circuits ONLY Class A (Style D) IDC circuits are NOT supported In any application. 111OF-300 SPECIFICATIONS Normal operating voltage range: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current drew: 6.4 mA (LED on). Maximum operating current: 750 pA (LED flashing). Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 1.500 ohms. EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 320 to 120°F (00 to 490C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% (non-condensing). Dimensions: 4.5' (11.43 cm) high x 4' (10.16 cm) wide x 2.125' (5.398 cm) deep. MDF400 AUTOMATIC ADDRESSING The MDF-300 automatically assigns itself to two addressable points, starting with the original address. For example, if the MDF-300 Is set to address '26', then it will automatically assign itself to addresses '26' and 027'. NOTE: 'Ones' addrehes on the MDF-300 are 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 only. Terminals 6 and 7 use the first address, and terminals 8 and 9 use Me second address. A CAUTION: Avoid duplicating addresses on the system. Installation : MMF-300, MMF-302, and MDF-300 modules mount directly to a standard 4' (10.16 cm) square, 2.125' (5.398 cm) deep, electrical box. They may also be mounted to the SMB500 sur- face-mount box. Mounting hardware and instaliallon Instruc- tions are provided with each module. All wiring must conform to applicable local codas, ordinances, and regulations. These modules are Intended tsr power-limited wiring only. The MMF-301 module is intended to be wired and mounted without rigid connections Inside a standard electrical box. All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, and regulations. Agency Listings and Approvals In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult fac- tory for latest listing status. UL: S2424 ULC: S3705 e'A'suffix models) FM Approved CSFM: 7300-0075-185 MEA: 72-01-E Product Liuti Information NOTE: 'A'sufflxlndicatos ULC Listed model. MMF-300(A): Monitor module. MMF40I(A): Monitor module, miniature. MMF402(A): Monitor module, two-wire detectors. MDF400(A): Monitor module, dual, two Independent Class B circuits. SMBSOO: Optional suiface-mount backbox. NOTE: See Installation Instiuctions and refer to the SLC Wiring Manual, PN 51309. Archlt.cts'IEflilneers' Specifications Specifications of these devices and all FireLite products are available from FireLlte. — df.52121:b.11113108— Page 3of4 i1INotITiCatlon Series NS Horn Strobes and Series NH Horns New Series NS Series NH Description: The Series NS Horn Strobe Appliances are designed for indoor, wall and ceiling mount applications. The Series NH Horn and the horn portion of the Series NS include a selectable continuous horn tone or temporal pattern (Code 3) with selectable dBA settings Of 90 or 95 dBA. Strobe options include 1575cd or the Wheelock patented Multi-Candela strobe with field selectable candela settings of 15!30175111Cod for wall mount and 15130175195cd and 115!177cd for ceiling mount. These versatile Horn StróbeAppliances can be synchronized using the Wheelock SM, DSM Sync Modules, Wheelock Power Supplies or other manufacturers panels incorporating the Wheelock Patented Sync Protocol. Additionsilly, the audible may be silenced while maintaining strobe activation. All models áf the Series' NS and NH are designed for maximum performance, reliability and cost-effectiveness while meeting or exceeding the latest requirements of NFPA72!ANSI 117.1!UFC and UL Standards 1971 and 464 as well as meeting ADA requirements concerning photosensitive epilepsy. The Wheelock patented 2-Wire Series NS Horn Strobes and Series NH Horns offer more features with lower current draw than competitors. APFRW E5948 151.92-5 7125.0735:142 $5391 Features: Approvals include: UL Standard 1971, UL Standard 464, New York City (MEA), California State Fire Marshal (CSFM), Factory Mutual (FM) and Chicago (BFP). See approvals by model number in Specifications and Ordering Information ADAINFPA!UFC/ANSI compliant Complies with OSHA 29, Part 1910.165 Wall mount model Field Selectable Candela Setting 15/30175!110cd (24 VDC Multi-Candela models) or 1575cd in 12 or 24 VDC Ceiling mount model Field Selectable Candela Setting 15130175/95cd and 11511 77o (24 VDC Multi-Candela models) Selectable Continuous Horn or Temporal (Code 3) 2 Selectable dBA settings of 90 and 95 dBA in both tones .' Patented Universal Mounting Plate 12 and 24 VDC models with UI.. Regulated Voltage using filtered DC or unfiltered VRMS input voltage Wall and Ceiling Mount Ceiling models with same look as Wheelock round ceiling strobes and speakers NH horn is selectable 12 or 24 VDC in I appliance Synchronize using Wheelock Sync Modules or panels with built-in Wheelock Patented Sync Protocol Fast installation with INIOUt screw terminals using 012 to 0I8AWG wires NOTE: All CAUTIONS and WARNINGS are Identified by the symbol A. All warnings are printed In bold capital letter.. A WARNING: PLEASE READ THESE SPECIFICATIONS AND ASSOCIATED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING, SPECIFYING OR APPLYING THIS PRODUCT. VISIT WWW.COOPERWHEELOCK.COM OR CONTACT COOPER WHEELOCK FOR THE CURRENT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, CAUTIONS OR WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN IMPROPER APPLICATION, INSTALLATION ANDIOR OPERATION OF THESE PRODUCTS IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, WHICH COULD RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE, AND SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH TO YOU ANDIOR OTHERS. General Notes: Strobes are designed to flash at I flash per second minimum over their Regulad Voltage Range. Note that NFPA-72 specifies a flash rate of Ito 2 flashes per second and ADA Guidelines specify a flash rate of I to 3 flashes per second. All candela ratings represent minimum effective Strobe intensity based on UL Standard 1971. Series NS Strobe products an, listed under UL Standard 1971 for indoor use with a temperature range of 32F to I20F (0C to 49*C) and maximum humidity of 93% (12%). Series NH horns are listed under UL Standard 464 for audible signal appliances (Indoor use only). "Regulated Voltage Range" lithe newest terminology used by UL to Identify the voltage range. Prior to this change UL used the terminology "LIsted Voltage Range". Table 1: Ratings Per UL Standard 1971 Model Input Voltage VDC Regulated Voltage Range DC#FWR Strobe Candela (CD) NS-24MCW 24 16.0-33.0 15130!75!110 NS-241575W 24 .16.0-33.0 15 (75 on Ads) NS-121575W 12 8.0-17.5 15 (75 on Ads) NS-24MCC 24 16.0-33.0 15/30175195 NS-24MCCH 24 16.0 - 33.0 115/177 -- Table 2: dBA Ratings for Series NSINH Horn Reverberant dBA Aneeholc dBA @1OftperUL464 @loft Description Volume 12 24 12 24 VDC VDC VDC VDC Continuous High 83 87 89 95 Low 76 81 84 90 Horn Code 3 High 79 82 89 1 95 Low 1 72 76 84 1 90 Horn Table 3: UL Max Currenr I__— Series NSINH 24 VDC Audible Wall Moun Strobe Models Ceiling Mount Strobe Models NH12124 NS-241575W NS-24MCW NS-24MCC NS-24MCCH @24V13C 15175cd 15cd :30cd Thcd hOod l5cd 30cd 75cd 95cd 115cd 177cd ugh (95) dBA 24VDC 0.044 0.104 0.074 0.107 0.184 0.244 0.082 0.124 0.209 0.275 0.350 0.477 .0W (90) dBA 24VDC 0.0113 0.096 0.066 0.101 0.177 0.232 0.071 0.114 0.201 0.261 0.306 0.429 Series NSINH I2VDC Audible Wall Mount RMS current ratings are per UL average RMS method. UL max current rating is the maximum RMS current within the listed voItae range (16-33v for 24v units). For strobes the UL max current is usually at this minimum listed voltage (16v for 24v units). For audibles the max current is usually at the maximum listed voltage (33v for 24v units). For unfiltered FWR ratings, See installation iflStfliCtlOfls. NH-12f24 AudlStrobe _____- 12V NS-121575W ugh (89) dBA 12 VDC 0.021 0.220 ow (84) dBA I2VDC 0.012 0.210 Wiring oil grams NSINH APPLIANCE TO NEXT FROM -APPLIANCE PRECEDING OR EOLR APPLIANCE, SM/DSM, PS-24-8MC OR FACP + — SIGNAL NO AND NH APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH SM MODULE SINGLE CLASS aBe NAC CIRCUIT WITH AUDIBLE SILENCE FEATURE SM F + STROBE - STROBE A Strobe Circuit NAC P EOLR Audible Audib e NAC Circuit NOTE: NSINH must be not on Code 3 horn tone to achieve synchronized temporal (Code 3) tone. Refer to Installation Instruction (P83983. P83600 respectively)., For detail using SM or DSM Sync Module refer to Data Sheet 83000 or Installation Instructions P83123 for SM and P83177 for DOM. For wiring information on the power supplies refer to Installation Instructions P84662 for PS-24-8MC. NS AND NH APPLIANCES SYNCHRONIZED WITH DSII MODULE DUAL CLASS UAfl NAC CIRCUIT WITH NO AUDIBLE SILENCE FEATURE 'roUAL SYNC t1.oeui.L ØsN-. 0 SYPiC .(..OUTI - A 3IMAL AUDIBLE P : 112 I APPLIANCE APPLIANCE MINUS2 II IC 11I- C 11 CU IT RETURN PFIFIfATIflN £ 0RflFLINt3 INFORMATI1N Model Number Ord*; Cod. I Strobe Candela Sync WI 811, DSM or - PS-24-8M.. 24 VDC 12 VDC Mounting Optlonss Agency Approvals - UL - MEA CSFM - FM - BFP NS-24MCW-FR 9404 151301751110 X X - B,D,E,F,G,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X NS-24MCW-FW 9405 15I30I751110 X X - B,D,E,F,O,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X NS-241575W-FR 7806 15 (75 on Axis) X X - B,D,E,F,G.H,J,N,O,R.X X X X X X NS-241575W-FW 781; 1 15 75 on Axis) X X - B.D,E.F,G,H,J,N,O.R.X x x x x x NS-121575W-FR 7816 15(T5onAxis) X — X BD,E,F,G.H,J,N,O.R,X X X X X X NS-121575W-FW 7818 15(75onAxis) X - X B,D.E.F.G.H,J,N.O,R.X X X X X X NH-12124-9 7449 - X X X B,D,E,F,G,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X NH-12124-W 7500 - X X X B,D,E,F,G,H,J,N,O,R,X X X X X X NS-24MCC-FR 3754 15130175195 X X - E X * X X NS-24MCC-FW 3753 15130175195 X X - E X * X X NS-24MCCH-FR 3758 1151177 X X - E X • X X * NS-24MCCH-FW 3755 1151177 X X - E X • X X NH-12124R-R 3752 - X X X D&E x • x X NH-12I24R-W 3751, - X X X D & E X * X X *Pending Note: Models are available in Red or White. Contact Customer Service for Order Code and Delivery. #Refer to Data Sheet 57000 for Mounting Options NOTE: Due to continuous development of our productu, specifications and offerings are subject to change without notice In accordance with Wheelock Inc. standard terms and conditions. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS SPECIFICATIONS The audible/visual notification appliances shall be Wheelock Series NS Horn Strobe appliances and Series NH Horn appliances or proved equals. The Series NS appliances shall meet and be listed for UI Standard 1971(Emergency Dávices for the Hearing- --- paired for Indoor Fire Protection Service). The Series NH Horn shall be UL Listed under Standard 464 (Firs Protective Signaling). The horn strobe shall be listed for indoor use and shall most the requirements of FCC Part 15 Class B. All inputs shall be compatible with standard reverse polarity Supervision of circuit wiring by the Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). The audible portion of the applince shall have a minimum of two (2) field selectable settings for dBA levels (90 and 95 dBA) and shall have a choice of continuous or temporal (Code 3) audible outputs. The strobe portion of the appliance shall produce a flash rats of one (1) flash per second over the Regulated Voltage Range and shall incorporate a Xenon flashtub4 enclosed in a rugged Lexan lens. The Series NS shall be of low current design. Where wall mount. Multi-Candela appliances are specilled, the strobe intensity shall have field selectable settings and shall berated per UL Standard 1971 for 15/30/75/110 candela. Where ceiling mount, Multi-Candela appliances are specified, the strobe intensity shall have field selectable settings and shall be rated per UL Standard 1971 for 15/30/75/95 candela or 115/177 candela. The selector switch for selecting the candela setting shall be tamper resistant. The 1575 candela strobe shall be specified when 15 candela UL Standard 1971 Listing with 75 candela on-axis, is required (e.g. ADA compliance). When synchronization is required, the appliance 'shall be compatible with the Wheelock SM, DSM Sync Modules, Wheelock Power Supplies or other manufacturers panels with built-in Wheelock Patented Sync Protocol. The strobes shall not drift out of synchronization at any time during operation. If the sync module or Power Supply fails to operate, (i.e., contacts remain closed), the strobes shall revert to a non-synchronized flash-rat. The appliance Shall also be designed so that the audible signal may be silenced while maintaining strobe activation. The Series NS Horn Strobes and NH horn shall incorporate is Patented Universal Mounting Plate that shall alloi mounting to a single- gang, double-gang, 4-inch squate, 100mm European type bEickboxes, or the SHBB Surface Backbox. If required, an NATP (Notification Appliance Tnmplate) shall be Orovided. All notification appliances shall be backward compatible. - WE ENCOURAGE AND SUPPORT NICET CERTIFICATION 3 YEAR WARRANTY Made inUSA Cooper Nothlcatloflle Wheelock( J SAFEPATW IFAAV L7mi PNotification CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESThY & FIRE PROTEcrION. OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL If FIRE ENGINEERING - BUilDING MATERIALS LTSIING PROGRAM IL I LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-0075:191 page I of I CATEGORY: Control Unit (Non High-Rise) LISTEE: Fire-Lite Alarms, Inc., One Fire-Lite Place, Northfárd, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Brian Reynolds *(203) 484-7161 FAX (203) 484-7309 DESIGN: Model MS-9600 fire alarm control unit. Suitable for non-coded; local, auxiliary, proprietary (protected premises and central station (protected premises) when used with appropriate option modules and additional separate listed equipment; automatic manual, waterfiow and sprinkler supervisory service. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: MS-9600 Control Unit SLC2 Loop Expander UbACT-F DACT P:ACT-UD Digital AlarmCommunicatorTrransmftterSub-assembIy *TMF Transmission Module BRKT-9600 Module Bracket DP-9600 Dress Panel ACM-8RF Relay Control Module INSTALLATION: In accordance with llstee's Printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and In it manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Lis-tee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: ..isted as fire alarm control panel for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Manual for detailS. This control unit can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. This control unit meets the requirements of UL-864, 8th Edition Standards. 'Roy. 05-08-05 This listing is bsad upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results andlor other data but does not make an Independent verification of any claims. This lIsting is not an endorsement or reâommendatlon of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to ilstee's data sheet, Installation Instructions and/or other suitable Information èources. Dote Issued: JUNE 19, 2008 Listing Expires June; 30, 2009 Authorized By: BEN HO, Chief Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUilDiNG MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 1170-0075:220 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Control Unit (High-Rise) L1STEE: Fire-Lite Alarms, Inc., One Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Brian Róynoids (203) 48476124 Fax (203) 484-7309 BrIan.Reynolds2@honeyw9II.com DESIGN: Models MS-9600LS and MS-9600UDLS addressable fire alarm control units. Suitable for local protective, remote, auxiliary, and central station signaling when used with appropriate oplional modules and additional separate listed equipment. The panels provide one signaling line circuit for connection of up to 318 total addressable devices (159 detectors and 159 modules); two Class A or four Class B notification appliance circuits; three form C relays are provided that are default programmed for alarm, trouble, and supervisory relay outputs. The MS-9600UDLS come with the DACT-UD2 factory installed. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: MS-9600LS, MS-9600UDLS Control Unit SL,-2LS Loop Card DACT-UD2 Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter Modules 4XTMF Transmitter Module LDM-32F Lamp driver Module ACM-8RF Control Relay Module ANN-RLY • Remote Relay ANN-80, ANN-LED, LCD-80F Remote Annunciator ACM-I6ATF, ACM-32AFRumote Annunciator AEM-1 BATF, AEM-32AF Remote Annunciator ACC-25/50ZST Audio Command Center (Listing No. 6911-0075:207) RATING: : 121) VAC, 50/60 Hz. 3.0 amps INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and In a manner acceptable to the authority having Jurisdiction. MARKING: llstee's name, model number, electrical rating, and FM label. APPROVAL: Listed as High rise fire alarm control panel for use with Model *ACC25150Z5T Audio Command Center (Listing No. 6911-0075:207) and separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. Refer to manufacturer's installation Manual for details. This control unit can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. This control unit meets the requirements of UL-864, 9th Edition Standards. 04-28-08 bh This listing Is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an Independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or Installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, Installation Instructions and/or other suitable information Sources. Date Issued: J LY 1, 2008 Listing Expires June 30, 2009 Authorized By: EN HO, Chief Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM IL I LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 1150-0075:184 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Boxes/Pull Stations LISTEE: Fire-Lite Alarm Inc., One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Brian Reynolds *(203) 484-7161 FAX (203) 484-7309 DESIGN: Models BG-12, BG-125, BG-I2NC, BG-12W, BG-I2LW, BG-I2WP, BG-I2LWP, BG-12L, 6G-I2LX, BG-I2LA, BG-12:PS, BG-I2LSP, BG-I2SP, BG-I2LR, BG-I2LRA, BG-I2LAO, BG-I2LAOB, BG-12-LO, B13-I2LOB, BG-I2LPS, BG-I2LPSP, BG-I2SL,UT-PSI and UT- P82 fire alarm pull boxes. •rhe BG-12 series is a dual action pull station that has normally open switch contacts. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codeS and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority, having Jurisdiction. MARKING: : Listee's name, model number and UL label; APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm pull boxes for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Models BG-I2WP, BG-12W, BG-I2LW and BG-I2LWP are intended for outdoor use when Installed with Model WP-10 back box. Models BC-LAO B and BG-I2LOB are intended for outdoor use when installed with Model WBB or WP-10 back box. XLF: 7150-0028:199 Rev. 05-06-05 JW This listing Is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an Independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or Installation criteria. Refei to listee's data sheet, Installation Instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 19, 2008 Listing Expires June 30, 2009 Authorized By: BEN HO, Chief Fire Engineering Division a CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESThY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUIlDING MATERIALS L[SflNG PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7272-0075:194 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: ' !,htoeIectric Smoke Detector LISTEE: Fire-Lite Alarms Inc., One Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472 Contact: Brian Reynolds *(203) 484-7161 FAX (203) 484-7309 DESIGN: Models 813350, SD350T, 50355, SD355T and AD355 photoelectric type smoke detectors. Model SD350T and SD355T has a 1350F supplement integral, heat sensor which only assists in a fire situation. The purpose of this thermal circuitry is to increase the sensitivity of the detector. This thermal circuitry Is NOT approved for use as a heat detector. Refer to listee's printed data sheet for additional detailed prodiict description and operational considerations. RATING: ' 24VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed Installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric smoke detector for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. All units are suitable for Installation Inside air duct with a maximum air velocity of 4000 fpm. NOTE: The photoelectric type detectors are generally more effective at detecting slow, smoldering fires which smolder for hours before bursting into flame. Sources of these fifes may Include cigarettes burning in couches or bedding. The ionization type detectors are generally more effective at detecting fast, flaming fires which consume combustible materials rapidly and spread quickly. Sources of these fires may include paper burning in waste container or a grease fire in the kitchen. Rev. 05-06-05 BK This listing Is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other date but does not make an Independent verification of any claims. This listing Is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or Installation criteria. Refer to hates's data sheet, Installation Instructions and/or other suitable Information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 19, 2008 Listing Expires June $0, 2009 Authorized, By: BEN HO, Chief Fire Engineering Division LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESThY & FIRE PROTECTION H OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS liSTING PROGRAM T TTThJ( cPP V1[C'1P JLLJIL L JLL 'J LJLIJL V JLJIa 1300-0075:185 Page 1 of I Misc. Devices/Control Unit Accessories Fire-Lite Alarms, Inc., One Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1853 Contact: Brian Reynolds 1203)484-7161 FAX (203) 484-7309 Models MDF-300, MMF-301, MMF-300, MMF-302, MCF-300 monitor modules; Models CRF-300 and CMF-300 control modules; and MMF-302-6 six zone interface signaling device module. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 15.32 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Llstee's name, mádel designation, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with listee's separately listed electrically câmpatlble fire alarm control units. Rev. 05.08.05 JW This listing is tiasad upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the Item listed. This lisling should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or Installation criteria. Refer to iistee's data sheet, Installation instructions and/or other suitable information lources. Date issued: JUNE 19, 2008 Listing Expires June30, 2009 Authorized By: BEN HO, Chief Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM H LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7125-0785:142 Pige I of I CATEGORY: Fire Alarm Devices for the Hearing Impaired LISTEE: Wheelock Inc., 273 Branchport Ave., Long Branch NJ 07740 Contact: Luy Nguyen (732),433-6005 Fax (732) 222-5607 DESIGN: Models NH-12124, NH-12124R, and ZNH horns and Models NS-1215W, NS-121575W, NS-2415W, NS-241575W, NS-2430W, NS-2475W and NS-24110W; NS4-1215W, N84- 121575W, NS4-2415W, N34-241575W, N84-2430W, NS4-2475W and NS4-241 lOW, NS-24MCW, NS4-24MCW, NS-24MCC, NS-24MCCH, 'ZNS-MCW, *ZN5..MCCP 'ZNS.. MCWH and *ZNS.MCCH horn strobes. Model number may be followed by any two- alpha/numeric characters Indicating lens, lettering and color. Units are synchronized or non-synchronized strobes. Models NH-12/24R, NS-24MCC, NS-24MCCH, *ZNS..MCC and ZNS-MCCH are ceiling mount only. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Electrical-Strobe Horn: 8-17.5 VDC/FWR and 16-33 VDC/FWR Horn: 8-17.5 VDC/FWR and 16-33 VDC/FWR Candela: 15=15cd, 1575=15/75cd on axis, 30=30cd, 75=75cd, 110=110cd (Wall) NS-24MCW, NS4-24MCW, ZNS-MCW: Selectable 15cd, 30cd75cd, 110cd *NS.24MCC, *ZNSMCC: Selectable 15cd, 30cd, 75cd, 95cd NS..24MCCH, ZNS-MCCH: Selectable ll5cd, 177cd ZNS-MCWH: Selectable 135cd, 1135cd Flash rate: 60 Flashes/minute INSTALLATION: in accordance with Ilstee's printed Installation Instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and 11 i n a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. A11 units are for wall mount only. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical/candela rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible and audible/visual signaling devices for use with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. Models with strobe lights are suitable for tIe hearing impaired. For indoor use only except for model NH-12124 horn. All synchronization strobes shall be used with Models SM-12124, SMX-12/24, DSM-12124 or DSMX-12124 Sync Control Module (CSFM Listing No. 7300-0785:132). Refer to manufacturer's installation manual for details. NOTE: : These appliances can produce a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) In accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. Rev. 12-13-2008 jw This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This lie-ling should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or Installation criteria. Refer to llstee's data sheet, installatIon instructions and/or other suitable Information sources. Date issued: JU NE 4, 2007 Listing Expires June 30; 2008 Authorized By: MIKE TANAKA, Senior Deputy State Fire Marshal Program Manager