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City of Carlsbad
Sprinkler Permit
Job Address:
Permit Type: SPRINK
Parcel No: 2130610800
Lot #: 0
Reference No.:
Permit No: AS060291
Status: ISSUED
Applied 12/5/2006
Approved: 12/7/2006
Issued: 12/7/2006
PC #: Inspector:
Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($)
124 0 124 0
about:blank ill
A ooVU
Bulletin 111
I Hellablel Model G
Automatic Sprinkler
CD -4
The Most Compact Attractive
and Easily Installed Sprinkler
Ever Designed!
11/2" (38mm) Total adjustment provided
by adjustable inlet versions.
½" (13mm) Total adjustment provided by
economical standard inlet version.
Adjustable inlet version available with
either 1" NPT male or female threads
eliminating costly reducing coupling.
Small diameter escutcheon.
Available in brass, chrome or white finish.
Multiple orifice sizes for design flexibility.
Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
& Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada.
Approved by Factory Mutual Research
Corp. & Loss Prevention Council, NYC
BS&A No., 587-75-SA.
Product Description
Today's modern buildings demand that a sprinkler not
only provide the best fire protection but also achieve an
attractive appearance. Reliable's Model G Recessed
Sprinkler meets both criteria. It combines the fire fighting
capability of a proven sprinkler with the smallest practica-
ble recessing unit. Its small profile does not disrupt the
overhead aesthetics, and yet one vertical glance upward
gives a visual assurance of the finest in fire protection, an
automatic sprinkler system.
The Model G Recessed Sprinkler's threaded
two-piece construction makes initial field installation a
very easy task. It allows ceilings panels to be removed
without shutting down the fire protection thus facilitating
maintenance of above ceiling services. The adjustable
one inch NPT inlet versions have one and one half inches
of adjustment which eliminates both the normally re-
quired reducing coupling and the need to accurately cut
drop nipples. This sprinkler can be adjusted after the ceil-
ing is in place and even while the system is pressurized
eliminating the final corrections to pipe hangers or ceil-
ings that might otherwise be required.
The Reliable Model G Automatic Sprinkler is the heart
of the Recessed Sprinkler. This sprinkler utilizes the cen-
ter strut solder in compression principle of construction.
The fusible alloy, captured in the cylinder of a small solder
capsule by stainless steel ball, acts as the trigger of the
sprinkler. When the fusible alloy melts, the sprinkler oper-
ating parts sprinkler free from the sprinkler clearing the
waterway and allowing the deflector to distribute the dis-
charging water.
The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York10552
Technical Data
Sprinkler Inlet
I "K"
Nominal Orifice
Number (SIN) U.S. Metric.
Non-Adjustable W'(l3mm) W'(lSmm) 5.62 81.0
W'NPT(R½) 1,2,3,4,5, R1015 Non-Adjustable 1/27(13mm) '/'(11mm) 4.24 61.0 W'NPT(R½) 1,3,4 R1013 Non-Adjustable 1/2"(13mm) %"(l0mm) 2.82 40.6 W'NPT(R½) - 1,3,4 R101 Non-Adjustable W'(l3rnm) '7/32"(20mm) 7.96 114.7 W'NPT(R½) 1,3 R1016 Adjustable 1Ya"(38nhn) W'(lSmm) 5.53 . 79.7 1" NPl Male orFemale 1,2,3,4 R1118 Adjustable 1 Ile (38iTwn) 7/6"(llmm) 4.24 61.0 1" NPl Male orFemale 1,3,4 R1113 Adjustable 1½"(38mm) %"(lOmm) 2.75 39.2 1"NPl Male orFemale 1,3,4 R1117 Adjustable 1 Ile (38mm) 15mm 5.53 - 79.7 1 Ri Male orFemale 5 R1118
Sprinkler escutcheon provides ½ (13mm) of the total adjustment. Adjustable inlets, when used, provide 1 (25mm) of the total adjustment. " Identified by pintle extending above the deflector.
Temperature Ratings
Maximum Ambient
Sprinkler Rating . Temperature
OF OF [Classification
Ordinary 135 57 100 38 Ordinary 165 74 100 38 Intermediate 212 100 150 66
Approval Organizations
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Factory Mutual Research Corp.
Light Hazard Occupancies - No limitations
Ordinary Hazard Occuncies - Groups 1 & 2, Wet
Systems Only
Underwriters Laboratories of Canada
NYC BS & A No. 587-75-SA
Loss Prevention Council
XLH, OHI and OHII Occupancies Only
NYC MEA 258-93-E
Note: Unless otherwise indicated, Ordinary hazard ap-
provals are without limitations. " (11 mm) and %" (10mm) orifice sprinklers are limited to light hazard occu-
Figure 4
Ordering Information
Temperature Rating
Nominal Orifice
Sprinkler Finish
Escutcheon Finish
Sprinkler Type: Either Non-Adjustable Inlet (Fig. 1); 1"
Male Adjustable Inlet (Fig. 2); 1" Female Adjustable
Inlet (Fig.3)
Finishes (1)
'Standard Finishes
,Sprinkler Escutcheon
.Brass Chrome . Chrome
White Painted White Painted
Special Application
Sprinkler Escutcheon
Bright Brass Bright Brass
Black Plated °' Black Plated
Satin . Satin
Polyester Coated j Polyester Coated
"'Other color Finishes available upon request. Consult Factory for details.
Only frame, deflector and cap are plated
31 Only frame and deflector are painted or coated. Operating parts
are chrome plated. UL Listed and MEA Approved only.
Figure 5
October 1 2000
NJ11QW4J 8
(Sprinkler 51 a
MicrofastHP® QUICK
Viking Microfast® and MicrofastHP®
Model M Quick Response Upright and
Conventional Sprinklers
The Viking Corporation
210 N. Industrial Park Road
Hastings, Michigan 49058 U.S.A.
Telephone: (616) 945-9501
(877) 384-5464
Fax: (616) 945-9599
e-mail: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com
Viking Microfast® and MicrofastHP®
Quick Response Upright and Conven-
tional (Old Style) Sprinklers are small
thermosensitive spray sprinklers
equipped with a rugged 3 mm glass
Viking Microfast® and MicrofastHP®
Quick Response Upright and Conven-
tional Sprinklers are available with sev-
eral finishes, temperature ratings, and
orifice sizes to meet design require-
ments. The special Polyester and Tef-
lon® coating can be used in decorative
applications where colors are desired.
In addition, the Polyester and Teflon®
coatings are corrosion resistant, provid-
ing protection against many corrosive
During fire conditions, when the
temperature around the sprinkler
reaches its operating temperature, the
heat-sensitive liquid in the glass bulb
expands, causing the bulb to shatter,
releasing the pip-cap and sealing spring
assembly. Water flowing through the
sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler
Conventional Upright
deflector, forming a uniform spray
pattern to extinguish or control the fire.
Refer to Table 2 on page 51 b.
Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to
-65 "F 05 "C).
Rated Water Working Pressure:
Sprinkler Base Part No®. 066616,
067170, and 069318 are rated
for use with water working
pressures ranging from the
minimum 7 pal (48,3 kPa) up to
250 pal (1 724 kPa) for high-
pressure systems. High-pres-
sure (HP) sprinklers can be
Identified by locating the num-
ber "250" on the deflector.
All Other Part No.: Maximum 175 psi
(1 207 kPa) wwp.
Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi
(3 448 kPa).
Spring: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,167,974
Bulb: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,796,710
Testing: U.S.A. Patent No. 4,831,870
Minimum operating pressure: 7 psi
(48,3 kPa)
Frame: Brass Castings UNS-C84400
Deflector: Brass UNS-C26000
Bushing (for High-Pressure Sprinklers):
Brass UNS-C36000
Bulb: Glass, nominal 3 mm diameter
Seal: Teflon® Tape
Spring: Nickel Alloy
Screw: Brass UNS-C36000
Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper
UNS-Ci 1000 and Stainless Steel
Sprinklers with Polyester Coating
Spring: Nickel Alloy, exposed
Screw: Brass UNS-C36000
Nickel plated.
Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Cop-
per UNS-C11000 and Stainless
Steel UNS-S30400
Sprinklers with Teflon• Coating
Spring: Nickel Alloy, exposed
Screw: Brass UNS-C36000
Nickel plated.
Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Cop-
per UNS-Ci 1000 and Stainless
Steel UNS-S30400, Teflon®
Brass, Bright Brass, Chrome-EnloyiD (patents pending), White Polyester, Na-
vajo White Polyester, Black Polyester,
and Black Teflon®
Sprinkler Cabinets:
Six-head capacity: Part No. 01724A
Twelve-head capacity: Part No.
Available since 1971.
Sprinkler Wrenches:
Standard Sprinkler Wrench: Part
No. 10896W/B (available since
2000) or 05000CW/B (no longer
Wrench for coated and recessed
sprinklers: Part No.07398W'
A 1/2" ratchet is required (not available
from Viking).
Refer to the SPRINKLER
ACCESSORIES" section of the Viking Engineering and Design Data book.
Temperature Temperatur. Rating) Max. Ambient Max.Recommended out Classification I (Fuslna Point) Temp. Allowed' I Ambient Tome.2 I Color
._Ordinary .j.5j "FJLCL.... j 135 "F (57 "C) 100 "F (38 "Cl Intermediate j 175"F 79°C) ..1.'F(68 "C) 15Q"f(5°C) L 200"F(93°CLi 180'F182"Cl : 150 (65 "C) High '266 "F 1130 "C) 225 -F0117' I _.j....Blue Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Bright Brass, Chrome-Enloy® (patents pending), White Polyes-ter, Navajo White Polyester, Black Polyester, and Black Teflon® Corrosion-Resistant Cotings3: White Polyester, Navajo White Polyester, Black Poly-._.stLantlack Tellon
Footnotes Based on National Fire Prevention and Control Administration Contract No. 7-34860. 2 Based on NFPA-1 3. Other limits may apply, depending on tire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation
standards. The corrosion-resistant coatings have passed standard corrosion tests required by particu-
lar approving agencies. Refer to the approval chart on page 51 b. These tests cannot and do not represent all possible corrosive environments. Prior to installation, verify through the
end-user that the coatings are compatible with or suitable for the proposed environment.
The coatings indicated are applied to the exposed exterior surfaces only.
NOTE: The spring is exposed on sprinklers with Polyester or Teflon® coating.
Table 1
Note: Units of measure in parentheses New format replaces page 41 a-d and page 51 a-d, dated may be approximations. February 17,2000. Refer to technical data page QR1-2 for Form No. F_080488 general care, Installation, and maintenance information.
Sprinkler 51 b October 1, 2000
Approval Chart I --- Temperature KEY I
MlcrofastO and MicrofastHPO Quick Response Upright j v Finish
and Conventional Glass-Bulb Style Sprinkler. Al X 4— Escutcheon (if applicable)
Maximum 175 PSI WWP
Thread Siz.4_. Description ! Nomln!l K-factor Overall Length .lstlngs and Approvals;
Sprinklev Sp Identification! U.S.' metric' Style Part NO.
inches mm UL i ULC FM? NyC3 VdSILPCB
Noy 1/211 115mm -. _Upright 06661 B -- _VK300 j 5.6_7.9 2.3 L A2A2 Al B2
- '15 mm _Upright 1 07060 VK300 1 --
7.9 - . _.... .&. - - Al _- t Al
112... 15mm Conventional_0676GB _VK310 j 5.8 _I_7.5 _4 61 _A2. --_-IP2 ....Al
Larg Oriflc 20 mm Upright_I 06665B I VK350 T8.0 11.5 E 2.4_61 A2
A3_AlVK350_6.0 P2 A3_ -P2 nventional I067686 _VK354_80
11.5_I_2.4 Li P2 I SmailOriflc.
- 2.7_69 *2 2_ 2... - 1/2"_-Upright4
_UorIght4 08717B _VK325_2.8
- 2.7_69 *2 M
- ..AZ..
- _10m_ Upright _06931B _06719B I_VK327_4.2 VK325_- 5.8 1 2.3_58 ._L _... .-=-- —c--.1 - C1
Maximum 250 PSI WWP
Standard Orifice
.Qyprail Threrd Size Description_'NomIn K-factor Length % I.i1n and fppre1eIa! S rinkler
NPT BSP Sprinkler Sprinkler 'identIficatlon U.S.' metric' Inches mm UL CUL FM' NYC'°I VdS LPCB
Style No. _Part
1/2" _15mm_UprIght_06661B_VK300_5.8 7.9 2.3_58 *2 ....A2.. -_*2
________________ Small OrIfl& _____ 1/2"_'15 mm_Upright4 _3.9 _VK325 -- _2.8 2.7
_. 110 mm_Upright_06931B_VK325I_-_5.8
2.3_58 _69_A2_*2_
- __-- _
*2_-- _-
Approved Temperature Ratings i Approved Finishes
A - 135°F (57 "C), 155 OF (88 "C), 175 OF (79 "C), 200 "F (93 "C), and 288 "F 2: Bright Be.Enioy, White Polyester, Na- (141 J vajo White Polyester', BlackPolyesters, and BlackTelo# - 135 OF and 155 F (68 C, ¶ 3 - Brass, Bright Brass, Chrome-Enloy°, White Polyester8,
Navajo White Polyester', and Black Polyester'
Base part number is shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking's current price schedule.
2 This table shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Other approvals may be in process. Check with the manufacturer for any additional approvals.
3 Accepted for use, City of New York Board of Standards and Appeals, Calendar Number 219-76-SA.
4 The sprinkler orifice Is bushed. UL and ULC Listings, and NYC Approvals are limited to Light-Hazard occupancies with hydraulically calculated wet systems.
6UL, C Listed -UL, and ULC and NYC Approved as corrosion-resistant.
FM Approved for use in wet-pipe sprinkler systems (or reaction systems qualifying as wet systems) for protection of occupancies described in Factory Mutual the Engineering and Research Loss Prevention Data Sheets and Technical Advisory Bulletins.
8Metric K-Factor shown is for use when pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, multiply the metric K-Factor shown by 10.0. Sprinkler I.D. Nos. and nominal U.S. K-factors provided in accordance with the 1999 edition of NFPA 13, Section 3-2.2 and Section 3-2.3. '°Accepted for use, City of New York Department of Buildings, MEA 89.92-E, Vol XVI.
Table 2
New format replaces page 41 a-d and page 51 a-d, dated Form No. F_080488
February 17,2000. Refer to technical data page QR1 -2 for
general care, installation, and maintenance information.
March 24, 2006
Aso(oo 2,01( Sprinkler 14 a
For Light Hazard Occupancies Only
Viking Micromatic0 Standard Response
Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers
Sprinkler Base Part No. 09127
Sprinkler Base Part No. 10186
(Sprinkler Identification No. VK106t)
Sprinkler Base Part No. 10226
(Sprinkler Identification No. VK106t)
tme Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) is
stamped on the sprinkler deflector.
210 N. Industrial Park Road
Hastings, Michigan 49058 U.S.A.
Telephone: (269) 945-9501
(877) 384-5464
Fax: (269) 945-9599
e-mail: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com
Viking Micromatic® Standard Response
Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers are small
themiosensitive sprinklers designed for
installation in either the upright or pen-
dent position. They are available with
various finishes and temperature rat-
ings to meet design requirements. The
special Polyester and Teflon0 coatings
can be used in decorative applications
where colors are desired. In addition,
these finishes are corrosion resistant
and provide protection against many
corrosive environments.
During fire conditions, the heat-sensitive
liquid in the glass bulb expands, caus-
ing the bulb to shatter, releasing the
pip cap and sealing spring assembly.
Water flowing through the sprinkler ori-
fice strikes the sprinkler deflector, form-
ing a uniform spray pattern to extinguish
or control the fire.
Viking Micromatic® Standard Response
Sprinklers may be ordered and/or used
as open sprinklers (glass bulb and pip-cap
assembly removed) on deluge systems.
Refer to the Approval Chart on pg 14 b.
Glass-bulb fluid temperature rated to
-65° F (-55° C).
Mm. operating pressure: 7p51 (48,3 kPa)
Rated to 175 psi (1 207 kPa) water
working pressure.
Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi
(3 448 kPa).
Frame Casting: Brass UNS-C84400
Deflector Brass UNS-C26000
Bulb: Glass, nominal 5 mm diameter
Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly:
Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides
with Teflon Tape
Screw: Brass UNS-C36000
Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper
UNS-CII000 and Stainless Steel
Polyester Coated Sprinklers:
Belleville Spring: Nickel Alloy, Exposed
Teflon0 Coated Sprinklers:
Belleville Spring: Nickel Alloy, Exposed
Screw: Nickel Plated
Pip Cap: Teflon'* Coated
Brass, Chrome-Enloy°, White Polyester,
Black Polyester, and Black Teflon in all
temperature ratings; Wax-Coated Brass
or Wax Over Polyester for sprinklers
with temperature ratings through 286 OF
(141 °C).
ACCESSORIES (order separately)
Sprinkler Cabinets:
Six-head capacity: Part No. 01724A
Twelve-head capacity: Part No.
Available since 1971.
Sprinkler Wrenches:
Standard Mench: Part No. 10896W/B
(available since 2000) or Part No.
05000CW/B (no longer available).
Standard wrench is also to be used
for wax coated sprinklers.
Wrench for Polyester and Teflon0
coated and recessed sprinklers: Part
No. 07398W (available since 1990).
A IN ratchet is required (not available from
Refer to the "Sprinkler Accessories" sec-
tion of the Viking data book.
Sprinkler Temperature Sprinkler Nominal Maximum Ambient Bulb Color' Classification Temperature Rating' Ceiling Temperatu&
Ordinary 155 OF (68 °C) 100 OF (38 °C) Red
Intermediate 175 OF (79 °C) 150 OF (65 °C) Yellow
Intermediate 200 OF (93 °C) 150 OF (65 °C) Green
Intermediate 212 OF (100 °C) 150 OF (65 °C) Green
High 286 OF (141 °C) 225 OF (107 °C) Blue
Extra High 360 OF (182 °C) 300 OF (149 °C) Mauve
Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Chrome-Enloy° (patents pending), White Polyester, Black
Polyester, and Black Teflon0
Corrosion-Resistant Coatings3: White Polyester, Black Polyester, and Black Teflon0 in
all temperature ratings. Wax-Coated Brass and Wax over Polyester for sprinklers with the
following temperature ratings:
155°F (68 °C) Lt Brown Wax 200°F (93 °C) Brown Wax 286°F (141 °C) Dk. Brown VVax
175 °F (79 °C) Brown Wax 212 °F (100 °C) Brown Wax
The temperature rating is stamped on the deflector.
2 Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location,
and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation
3 The corrosion-resistant coatings have passed the standard corrosion test required by the
approving agencies indicated (refer to the Approval Chart on page 14 b). These tests can-
not and do not represent all possible corrosive environments. Prior to installation, verify
through the end-user that the coatings are compatible with or suitable for the proposed
environment. For automatic sprinklers, the coatings indicated are applied to the exposed
exterior surfaces only. Note: The spring is exposed on sprinklers with Polyester and
Teflon* coatings. For Teflon0 coated open sprinklers only, the waterway is coated.
Table I
Note: Units of measure in parentheses may be approximations. Replaces page 14 a-b, dated August 5, 2005 (updated the approval
Form No. F_072198 chart). Refer to technical data page SRI-2 for general care, in-
stallation, and maintenance information.
Sprinkler 14 b March 24, 2006
Approval Chart Temperature KEY Micromatic® Standard Response Finish
Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers AIX4— Escutcheon (if applicable)
For Light HazardOccupancies Only
Base Part SIN Sprinkler Thread Size Maximum Nominal Overall Length Listings and Approvals3
Number' Style Pressure
NPT BSP U.S. metric2 inches mm cULus FM4 VdS LPCB
Standard Orifice
10226 1 VK106 VSWUIP 112" 115mm 1 175 psi I 5.6 1 8,1 1 2-1/4 58 - AiX - - -
101865 IVK1061VSWUIPI - 1 15mml 175 psi 1 5.6 1 8,1 1 2-1/4 1 58 1 - AiX I - -
Small Orifice
09127 VK018 VSW U/P 3/8" 110 mm 175 psi 4.2 1 6,0 1 2-1/4 I 58 -
Approved Temperature Ratings Approved Escutcheons
A - 155 F (68 C). 175 F (79 C), 200 F (93 C), 286 F Approved Finishes x - Installed with standard surface-mounted
(141 C) - Brass and Chrome-Enloy° escutcheons or the Viking MicrofasP
Model F-i Adjustable Escutcheon6
1 Base part number is shown. For complete part number, refer to Viking's current price schedule.
2 Metric K-Factor shown is for use when pressure is measured in kPa. When pressure is measured in BAR, multiply the metric K-Factor
shown by 10.0.
3This chart shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Other approvals maybe in process. Check with the manufacturer
for any additional approvals.
FM Approval is limited to Ught-Hazard Occupancies where allowed by the installation standards being applied. Locate vertical sidewall
sprinklers with deflector 4" to 6" (102 mm to 152 mm) below the ceiling, and 4" to 6" (102 mm to 152 mm) from walls. Exception: Vertical
sidewall sprinklers may be installed with the deflector located less than 4"(102 mm) from the wall on which they are installed. Viking vertical
sidewall sprinklers may be installed pendent or upright.
5 Sprinkler 10186 is available on special order.
6The Viking Microfast° Model F-I Adjustable Escutcheon is considered a surface-mounted escutcheon because it does not allow the fusible
element of the sprinkler to be recessed behind the face of the wall or ceiling.
(54 mm)
(57,2 mm)
112" -/_ 1
(15 mmNPT
(50,8 mm)
Installed Pendent with a standard 1/8"
(3,1 mm) surface-mounted escutcheon.
(57,2 mm) (41,3 mm)
Maximum Minimum
Installed Pendent with a Microfast5
Model F-I Adjustable Escutcheon.
Figure 1: Micromatic° Standard Response Vertical Sidewall Sprinkler
Replaces page 14 a-b, dated August 5, 2005 (updated the approval chart). Refer to technical Form No. F_072198
data page SRI-2 for general care, installation, and maintenance information.