HomeMy WebLinkAbout3172 CORTE TRADICION; ; AS040145; Permit5/9/24,2:47 PM AS040145 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS040145 3172 CORTE Job Address: Status: ISSUED TRADICION Permit Type: SPRINK Applied 10/1/2004 Parcel No: 2231704700 Approved: 11/4/2004 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 11/4/2004 PC #: inspector: Project Title: TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA PLAN CHECK & FIRE SPRINKLER INSPECTIONS Applicant: SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION SUITE R 1050 PIONEER WAY EL CAJON, CA 619-588-6364 Owner: TRADITIONS AT LA COSTA L L C 10675 SORRENTO VALLEY RD #200-13 SAN DIEGO CA Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 220 0 220 0 about:blank 1/1 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. At LICENSE : 682025 DESIGNER : CANDI CAUDILLO - DATE : 10-21-2004 FILE : 04-304 JOB NAME : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 1.6'FT FLAT PLAN # 2 LOCATION : LAVANTE @ RANCHO SANTA FE , LA COSTA , CA DESIGN DATA. DESIGN CRITERION: NFPA 13-D .< MIN SPR FLOW : 13 Gpm CD (n ..fl CD 0 — m AREA PER SPRINKLER : 256 Sq Ft m CD CD 't3 C TOTAL CALCULATED AREA : 256 Sq Ft o a' TOTAL SPRINKLERS CALCULATED : 1 Heads a — C D 10 FLOW DATA. CD co 0 B TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW : 13.0 Gpm DOMESTIC DEMAND : 5.0 Gpm . . . -. TOTAL WATER REQUIRED : 18.0 Gpm BASE:. OF RISER NODE: 8 FLOW: 18.0 Gpm PRESSURE: 20.2 Psi AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION : CARLSBAD FIRE DEPT. PHONE : 760-602-4666 ASo4oi4c ASo4oV1- AS04-0 lo A&c4c1'f?- MO4-01ST ASo4I4-1 ASo4oct HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 10-21-2004 File: C:\RESDEN43\04-304.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 2 Page 1 SOURCE I STATIC : 70.0 Psi RESIDUAL : 69.0 Psi FLOW : 31 Gpm DESIGN I SPRINKLER MANUF : TYCO MODEL : LF II RES. CONC. DOMED I SPRINKLER Q : .0 Gpm VALVE : .0 Psi I SPRINKLER P : .0 Psi .METER : 4.0 Psi NODE ELEVATION K- PRESSURE DISCHARGE NO. Feet FACTOR Psi Gpm 1 318.0 ----------------------------------------------------------- 4.9 7.0 13.0 2 318.0 7.7 3 318.0 8.2 4 318.0 8.8 5 308.0 13.4 6 308.0 13.7 7 308.0 15.0 8 298.0 20.2 5.0 DOME 9 295.0 22.3 10 294.0 23.5 11 293.0 SOURCE 30.2 18.0 SPRINKLERS FLOWING 1 AREA PER SPRINKLER 256 SqFt TOTAL DESIGN AREA 256 SqFt REQUIRED DENSITY COMPUTED DENSITY TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW TOTAL DOMESTIC FLOW TOTAL WATER REQUIRED TOTAL SPRINKLER PRESS WATER METER LOSS VALVE FIXED LOSS SUPPLY PRESS AVAILABLE DEMAND PRESS REQUIRED PRESSURE CUSHION I MAXIMUM VELOCITY GpmlSq Ft .051 Gpm/Sq Ft 13.0 Gpm 5 Gpm 18.0 Gpm 26.2 Psi 4.0 Psi .0 Psi Copyright (2002) 69.6 Psi by 30.2 Psi Hydronics Engineering 39.5 Psi 34119 Fremont Bi, Suite 609 Fremont, Ca., 94555 7.4 F/S (510) 487-9160 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 2 ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 10-21-2004 File: C:\RESDEN43\04-304.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 161 FT FLAT PLAN # 2 PIPE .BEG FLOW K-FACTOR LENGTH C-FACTOR PRESSURE NO. Gpm FITTING TYPE FTG FR- LOSS Psi END DIAMETER TOTAL (Psi/Ft) 1 q= 13.0 K= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.9 L= 10.0 Pt 7.0 Pt 7.0 1 Q= 13.0 F= 1B1L F= 12.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.4 D=1.101 TL= 22.0 .0306 Pf .7 Pn 6.9 2 Pt 7.7 2 q= .0 K= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .0 L= 6.0 Pt 7.7 Pt 7.7 2 Q= 13.0 F= 2B F= 10.0 C= 150 Fe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 16.0 .0306 Pf .5 Fri 7.6 3 Pt 8.2 3 q= .0 K= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- .0 L= 43.0 Pt 8.2 Pt 8.2 3 Q= 6.9 F= 9R2B F 19.0 C= 150 Fe .0 Pv .0 Vel= 2.3 D= 1.101 TL= 62.0 .0095 Pf .6 Pn 8.1 4 Pt 8.8 3 q= .0 K= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .0 L= 59.0 Pt 8.2 Pt 8.2 4 Q= 6.1 F= 3R3B5L F= 53.0 C= 150 Fe 4.3 Pv .0 Vel= 2.0 D= 1.101 TL= 112.0 .0075 Pf .8 Pn 8.2 5 Pt 13.4 4 q= .0 K= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .0 L= 39.0 Pt 8.8 Pt 8.8 5 Q= 6.9 F= 3R2L2B F= 27.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv .0 Vel= 2.3 D= 1.101 TL= 66.0 .0095 Pf .6 Pn 8.7 6 Pt 13.7 5 q= .0 K= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .0 L= 37.0 Pt 13.4 Pt 13.4 6 Q= 6.1 F= 3R2B F= 13.0 C= 150 Fe .0 Pv .0 Vel= 2.0 D= 1.101 TL= 50.0 .0075 Pf .4 Pn 13.3 6 Pt 13.7 6 q= .0 K= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .0 L= 13.0 Pt 13.7 Pt 13.7 7 Q= 13.0 F= 1R3L1B F= 27.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 40.0 .0306 Pf 1.2 Fri 13.6 7 Pt 15.0 7 q= .0 K= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .0 L= 10.0 Pt 15.0 Pt 15.0 8 Q= 13.0 F= 1C4R1S1L 19.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 29.0 .0306 Pf .9 Pn 14.8 8 Pt 20.2 8 q= 5.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DOME L= 5.0 Pt 20.2 Pt 20.2 9 Q= 18.0 F= 1G2L1B F= 25.0 C= 150 Fe 1.3 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.6 D= 1.265 TL= 30.0 .0284 Pf .9 Pn 20.0 9 Pt 22.3 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 3 ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 10-21-2004 File: C:\RESDEN43\04-304.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 2 PIPE BEG FLOW K-FACTOR LENGTH C-FACTOR PRESSURE NO. Gpm FITTING TYPE FTG FR- LOSS Psi END DIAMETER TOTAL (Psi/Ft) 9 q= .0 K= .0 L= 40.0 Pt 22.3 Pt 22.3. 10 Q= 18.0 F= 2C F= 2.0 C= 150 Pe .4 Pv -.1 Vel= 3.8 D= 1.394 TL= 42.0 .0177 Pf .7 Pn 22.2 10 Pt 23.5 10 q= .0 K= .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 20.0 Pt 23.5 Pt 23.5 11 Q= 18.0 F= 2C F= 4.0 C= 150 Pe .4 Pv -.4 Ve1= 7.4 D= .995 TL= 24.0 .0914 Pf 2.2 Pn 23.2 11 Pt 26.2 Meter = 4.0 12 Q= 18.0 <<< -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE >>> Pt 30.2 E=>45-E1b L=>90-Elb B=>TeeBch R=>TeeRun C=>CouPlg S=>SwgChk G=>GatVlv HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.2 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. DATE : 10-21-2004 FILE : C:\RESDEN43\04-304.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 2 PSI FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULIC GRAPH 1001: Me Mt 70 60 50 40 30 20 I 10 15 20 25 0 Supply Curve Static : 70.0 Resid : 69.0 Flow : 31.0 30 35 40 45 50 FLOW - Gpm Demand Curve Avi Pr : 69.6 @ 17 Req Pr : 30.2 @ 17 Pr Cush: 39.5 Copyright: Hydronics Engineering, 2002. 34119 Fremont Bl, Suite 609, Fremont, CA. 94555. (510) 487-9160. HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. LICENSE : 682025 DESIGNER : CANDI CAUDILLO- DATE : 10-21-2004 FILE : 04-304 JOB NAME : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16t FT FLAT LOCATION : LAVANTE @ RANCHO SANTA FE , LA COSTA , CA PLAN # 2 DESIGN DATA. DESIGN CRITERION: MIN SPR FLOW AREA PER SPRINKLER TOTAL CALCULATED AREA TOTAL SPRINKLERS CALCULATED NFPA 13-D 13 Gpm 256 Sq Ft 512 Sq Ft 2 Heads FLOW DATA. TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW DOMESTIC DEMAND TOTAL WATER REQUIRED BASE OF RISER NODE: 8 FLOW: 26.6 Gpm 5.0 Gpm 31.6 Gpm 31.6 Gpm PRESSURE: 30.9 Psi:. AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION : CARLSBAD FIRE DEPT. PHONE : 760-602-4666 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 1 ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 10-21-2004 File: C:\RESDEN43\04-304.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 2 SOURCE I STATIC : 70.0 Psi RESIDUAL : 69.0 Psi FLOW : 31 Gpm DESIGN I SPRINKLER MANUF : TYCO MODEL : LF II RES. CONC. DOMED SPRINKLER Q : .0 Gpm VALVE : .0 Psi I SPRINKLER P : .0 Psi METER : 4.0 Psi NODE ELEVATION K-• PRESSURE DISCHARGE NO. Feet ----------------------------------------------------------- FACTOR Psi Gpm 1 318.0 4.9 7.0 13.0 2 318.0 4.9 7.7 13.6 3 318.0 9.6 4 318.0 11.8 5 308.0 17.1 6 308.0 18.5 7 308.0 23.2 8 298.0 30.9 5.0 DOME 9 295.0 34.6 10 294.0 37.2 11 293.0 SOURCE 47.9 31.6 SPRINKLERS FLOWING : 2 AREA PER SPRINKLER : 256 Sq Ft TOTAL DESIGN AREA : 512 Sq Ft REQUIRED DENSITY : Gpm/Sq Ft COMPUTED DENSITY : .051 Gpm/Sq Ft TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW : 26.6 Gpm TOTAL DOMESTIC FLOW : 5 Gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED : 31.6 : Gpm TOTAL SPRINKLER PRESS : 43.9 Psi WATER METER LOSS : 4.0 Psi VALVE FIXED LOSS : .0 Psi Copyright (2002) SUPPLY PRESS AVAILABLE : 69.0 Psi by DEMAND PRESS REQUIRED : 47.9 Psi Hydronics Engineering PRESSURE CUSHION : 21.1 Psi 34119 Fremont Bi, Suite 609 Fremont, Ca., 94555 MAXIMUM VELOCITY : 13.0 F/S (510) 487-9160 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 2 ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 10-21-2004 File: C:\RESDEN43\04-304.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 161 FT FLAT PLAN t 2 PIPE BEG FLOW K-FACTOR LENGTH C-FACTOR PRESSURE NO. Gpm FITTING TYPE FTG FR- LOSS Psi END DIAMETER TOTAL (Psi/Ft) 1 q= 13.0 K= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.9 L= 10.0 Pt 7.0 Pt 7.0 1 Q= 13.0 F= 1B1L F= 12.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 22.0 .0307 Pf .7 Pn 6.9 2 Pt 7.7 2 q= 13.6 K= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.9 L= 6.0 Pt 7.7 Pt 7.7 2 : Q= 26.6 F= 2B F= 10.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.5 Vel= 9.0 D= 1.101 TL= 16.0 .1155 Pf 1.8 Pn 7.2 3 Pt 9.6 3 q= .0 K= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .0 L= 43.0 Pt 9.6 Pt 9.6 3 Q= 14.2 F= 9R2B F= 19.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.2 Vel= 4.8 0= 1.101 TL= 62.0 .0359 Pf 2.2 Pn 9.4 4 Pt 11.8 3 q= .0 K= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .0 L= 59.0 Pt 9.6 ---9.6 4 Q= 12.5 F= 3R3B5L F= 53.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.2 0= 1.101 TL= 112.0 .0284 Pf 3.2 Pn 9.5 5 Pt 17.1 4 q= .0 K= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .0 L= 39.0 Pt 11.8 Pt 11.8 5 Q= 14.2 F= 3R2L2B F= 27.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv -.2 Vel= 4.8 D= 1.101 TL= 66.0 .0359 Pf 2.4 Pn 11.7 6 Pt 18.5 5 q= .0 K= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .0 L= 37.0 Pt 17.1 Pt 17.1 6 Q= 12.5 F= 3R2B F= 13.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.2 D= 1.101 TL= 50.0 .0284 Pf 1.4 Pn 17.0 6 Pt 18.5 6 q= .0 K= -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .0 L= 13.0 Pt 18.5 Pt 18.5 7 Q= 26.6 F= 1R3L1B F= 27.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.5 Vel= 9.0 D= 1.101 TL= 40.0 .1155 Pf 4.6 Pn 18.0 7 Pt 23.2 7 q= .0 K= .0 L= 10.0 Pt 23.2 Pt 23.2 8 Q= 26.6 F= 1C4R1S1L 19.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv -.5 Vel= 9.0 D= 1.101 TL= 29.0 .1155 Pf 3.3 Pn 22.6 8 Pt 30.9 8 q= 5.0 DOME L= 5.0 Pt 30.9 Pt 30.9 9 Q= 31.6 F= 1G2L1B F= 25.0 C= 150 Pe 1.3 Pv -.4 Vel= 8.1 D= 1.265 TL= 30.0 .0808 Pf 2.4 Pn 30.4 9 Pt 34.6 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 3 ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 10-21-2004 File: C:\RESDEN43\04-304.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 2 PIPE BEG FLOW K-FACTOR LENGTH C-FACTOR• PRESSURE NO. Gpm FITTING TYPE FTG FR- LOSS Psi END DIAMETER TOTAL (Psi/Ft) 9 q= .0 K= .0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 40.0 Pt 34.6 Pt 34.6 10 Q= 31.6 F= 2C F= 2.0 C=150 Pe .4 Pv -.3 Vel= 6.6 D= 1.394 TL= 42.0 .0503 •Pf 2.1 Pn 34.3 10 Pt 37.2 10 q= .0 K= .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 20.0 Pt 37.2 Pt 37.2 11 Q= 31.6 F= 2C F= 4.0 C= 150 Pe .4 Pv-l.l Vel= 13.0 D= .995 TL= 24.0 .26 Pf 6.2 Pn 36.0 11 Pt 43.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meter = 4.0 12 Q= 31.6 <<< --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE >>> Pt 47.9 E=>45-E1b L=>90-Elb B=>TeeBch R=>TeeRun C=>CouPlg S=>SwgChk G=>GatVlv HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.2 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. DATE : 10-21-2004 FILE : C:\RESDEN43\04-304.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 2 FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULIC GRAPH 10 15 20 25 0 0 Supply Curve Static : 70.0 Resid : 69.0 Flow : 31.0 30 35 40 45 50 FLOW - Gpm Demand Curve Avi Pr : 69.0 @ 31 Req Pr : 47.9 @ 31 Pr Cush: 21.1 Copyright: Hydronics Engineering, 2002. 34119 Fremont Bi, Suite 609, Fremont, CA. 94555. (510) 487-9160. PSI 'Or 9 8 71 6' 5' 4 3' 2' 1 I Distributed by: tL,co F/re & Building I Al I)Products I 1391 N. Kraemer Blvd. I Anaheim, CA 92806 Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 (714) 632-8713 Series LFll Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinkler, Domed Plate 49 K-factor General Description The Series LFII (TY2234) Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are decorative, fast response, frangible bulb sprinklers designed for use in residential occupancies such as homes, apartments, dormitories, and hotels. The cover plate assembly conceals the sprinkler operating components above the ceiling. The domed profile of the cover plate provides aesthetically ap- pealing sprinkler design with lower flow rates than can be achieved by lower profile cover plates. The separa- ble two-piece design of the Cover Plate and Support Cup Assemblies al- lows installation of the sprinklers and pressure testing of the fire protection system prior to the installation of the ceiling or application of a finish coat- ing. Also, the separable push-on and thread-off' two-piece design of the Sprinkler provides for 112 inch (12,7 mm) of vertical adjustment. The Series LFll are to be used in wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for one- and two-family dwellings and mo- bile homes per NFPA 130; wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for resi- dential occupancies up to and includ- ing four stories In height per NFPA IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP 700 for the 'INSTALLER WARNING that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and in- stallation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate In a fire situation or cause It to operate prematurely. Page I of 4 13R; or, wet pipe sprinkler systems for the residential portions of any occu- pancy per NFPA 13. The Series LFII (TY2234) has a 4.9 (70,6) K-factor that provides the re- quired residential flow rates at reduced pressures, enabling smaller pipe sizes and water supply requirements. The Series LFII (TY2234) has been designed with heat sensitivity arid water distribution characteristics proven to help in the control of residen- tial fires and to improve the chance for occupants to escape or be evacuated. The Series LFll (TY2234) Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are shipped with a Disposable Protective Cap. The Protective Cap is temporarily removed for installation, and it must be replaced to protect the sprinkler while the ceiling is being installed or fin- ished.The tip of the Protective Cap can also be used to mark the center of the ceiling hole into plaster board, ceiling tiles, etc. by gently pushing the ceiling product against the Protective Cap. When ceiling installation is complete, the Protective Cap must be removed and the Cover Plate Assembly in- stalled. The Protective Cap must be removed to ensure proper perform- ance of the sprinklers. MAY. 2004 Sprinkler/Model Identification Number SIN TY2234 Technical Data Approvals: UL and C-UL Listed. Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Coefficient: K 4.9 GPM1psP12 (70,6 LPMtbar112) T.nperatur. Rating: 155FI6rC Sprinkler with 135F/57C Cover Plate Vertical Adjustment: 1/2 Inch (12,7 mm) Finishes: Cover Plate: Flat White, Bright White, Chrome, or Custom TFP450 WARNINGS The Series LFll (Y2234) Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinklers de- scribed herein must be Installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applica- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- ing Jurisdiction. Failure to do so may Impair the performance of these de- vices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their lire protection system and de- vices In proper operating condition. The Installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. Page 2o14 I (6,1 x6.1) I (6.1) I 16.7 psI (1.15 bar) I 18.4 psi (1,27 bar) I For coverage area dimensions less than or between those indicated, it is necessary to use the minimum required flow for the next highest coverage area for which hydraulic design criteria are stated. Requirement is based on minimum flow In GPM (1PM) from each sprinkler. The associated residual pressures are calculated using the nominal K-factor. Refer to Hydraulic Design Criteria Section for details. TABLE A NFPA 13D AND NFPA 13R HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE SERIES LFII (TY2234) RESiDENTiAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER TFP430 charge from each of the four Sprinklers is to be the greater of the fOlIOWjflg: The flow rates given in Table A for NFPA 13D and 13R as a function of temperature rating and the maxi- mum allowable coverage area. A minimum discharge of 0.1 gpmisq. ft. over the design arear comprised of the four most hydraulically de-manding sprinklers for the actual coverage areas being protected by the four sprinklers. Obstruction To Water Distribution. Locations of sprinklers are to be in accordance with the obstruction rules of NFPA 13 for residential sprinklers. Operational Sensitivity. The sprin- klers are to be installed relative to the ceiling mounting surface as shown in Figure 2. Sprinkler Spacing. The minimum spacing between sprinklers is 8 feet (2,4 m). The maximum spacing be- tween sprinklers cannot exceed the length of the coverage area (Ref. Table A) being hydraulically calculated (e.g.. maximum 12 feet for a 12 ft. x 12 ft. coverage area, or 20 feet for a 20 ft. x 20 ft. coverage area). Physical Characteristics: Frame ..............Brass Button .............Bronze Sealing Assembly .......... Beryllium Nickel w/ Teflon Bulb .........3 mm dia. Glass Compression Screw ......Brass Deflector ............Copper Button Ejection Spring ........ .......Stainless Steel Support Cup ..........Steel Cover Plate ...........Brass Retainer ............Brass Cover Plate Ejection Spring ..... ....... Stainless Steel DuPont Registered Trademark Operation When exposed to heat from a fire, the Cover Plate, which Is normally sol- dered to the Support Cup at three points, falls away to expose thetSprir. kler Assembly. The glass bulb con- tains a fluid that expands when ex- posed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid ex- pands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb allowing the sprinkler to activate and flow water. Design Criteria The Series LFiI (TY2234) Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed for installation in ac- cordance with the following criteria. NOTE When conditions exist that are outside the scope of the provided criteria, refer to the Residential Sprinkler Design Guide TFP490 for the manufacturer's recommendations that maybe accept- able to the Authority Having Jurisdic- tion. System Type. Only wet pipe systems may be utilized. Hydraulic Design. The minimum re- quired sprinkler flow rate for systems. designed to NFPA 130 or NFPA 13R are given In Table A as a function of temperature rating and the maximum allowable coverage areas. The sprin- kler flow rate is the minimum required discharge from each of the total number of 'design sprinklers' as speci- fied In NFPA 130 or NFPA 13R. For systems designed to NFPA 13. the number of design sprinklers Is to be the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers. The minimum required dis- Installation The Series LFII (TY2234) must be in- stalled in accordance with the follow- ing instructions: NOTES Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). A leak tight 112 inch NPTsprin kierjoint should be obtained with a torque of? to 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi- mum of 21 ff.lbs. (28.5 Nm) of torque is to be used to install sprinklers. Higher levels of torque may distort the sprinkler inlet with consequent leak- age or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for In- sufficient adjustment in an Escutcheon Plate by under- or over-tightening the Sprinkler. Readjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. Step t The sprinkler must only be Installed in the pendent position and with the centerline of the sprinklet per- pendicular to the mounting surface. Step 2. Remove the Protective Cap. NOTE Do not remove the Sprinkler Strap RECESS PUSH WRENCH INTO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 2 W-TYPE 7 SPRINKLER WRENCH (Fig. 1) until the sprinkler system is to be placed in service.- Stop 3. With pipe thread sealant ap- plied to the pipe threads, and using the W-Type 7 Wrench shown in Figure 2. install and tighten the Sprinkler/Sup- port Cup Assembly into the fltting:The W-Type 7 Wrench will accept a 1/2 inch ratchet drive. Step 4. Replace the Protective Cap by pushing it upwards until it bottoms out against the Support Cup. The Protec- tive Cap helps prevent damage to the Deflector and Arms during ceiling in- stallation and/or during application of the finish coaling of the ceiling. It may also be used to locate the center of the clearance hole by gently pushing the ceiling material against the center point of the Cap. NOTE As long as the Sprinkler Strap (Fig. 1) SPRINKLER- SUPPORT C"2 ASSEMBL / COVER PLATE RETAINEI 114' (6.4 mm) 314' (19.1 mm) OPERATEO SPRINKLER TFP4SO SEALING -. FRAME ASSEMBLY (112' NPT) I I WRENCH I BUTTON FLATS I I I I I SUPPORT DISPOSABLE ' ' a CUP WITH SPRINKLER ' I ROLL FORMED STRAP(SEE u THREADS INSTALLATiON . SECT) I BULB S S DEFLECTOR I COMPRESSION SPRINKLERISUPPORT CUP SCREW ASSEMBLY THREAD INTO I I RETAINER SUPPORT CUP UNTIL WITH THREAD 101 19 TABS SURFACE IS FLUSH WITH EJECTION CEIUNG\ SPRING SOLDER COVER TABS PLATE COVER PLATEIRETAINER ASSEMBLY FIGURE 1 SERIES LFII (TY2234) RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER (Shown with Disposable Sprinkler Strap) 2-1/r DIA. - ") 112' (12.7 mm) FACE OF Ire THREADED SPRINKLER NPT.J ADJUSTMENT FITTING 32' GAP 13'16'z114' 1 (2.4 mm) I—(30.2 mm ].MSOiNEG I COVER- SPRINKLER- WIG' I RETAINER SUPPORT CUP (23.8 mm) ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY IH 3-511601A. (84.1 mm) Page 3 of 4 ,- DISPOSABLE TIP PROTECTIVE CAP FIGURES SERIES LFII (TY2234) RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS/DISPOSABLE PROTECTIVE CAP or the Protective Cap. (Fig. 3) remains in place, the system IS considered to be !Out Of Service" Steps. After the ceiling has been com- pleted with the 2-1/2 Inch (83 mm) diameter clearance hole and in prepa- ration for Installing the Cover Plate/Re- tainer Assembly, remove and discard the Protective Cap and the Sprinkler Strap. NOTE Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP 700 regarding instructions for the removal of the Sprinkler Strap. Step 6. Push the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly into the Support Cup. and as necessary, make the final adjustment of the Cover Plate with respect to the ceiling by turning the Cover Plate/Re- tainer Assembly clockwise until its flange lust comes in contact with the ceiling. If it becomes necessary to remove the -Cover Plate, it can be removed by un- screwing in a counter-clockwise direc- tion. It the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly cannot be engaged with the Support Cup or the Cover Plate/Retainer As- sembly cannot be engaged sufficiently to contact the ceiling, the Sprinkler Fit- ting must be repositioned. ping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. The owner Is responsible for the In- spection, testing, and maintenance of their lire protection system and de- vices In compliance with this docu- ment. as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g.. NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted relative to any questions. NOTE The owner must assure that the sprin- klers are not used for hanging of any objects and that the sprinklers are only cleaned by means of gently dusting with a feather duster; otherwise, non- operation in the event of a fire or inad- vertent operation may result. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Limited Warranty Page 4 of 4 TFPQ PRODUCTS BE LIABLE. IN CON- TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGA,, THE- ORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, RE. GAROLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSlBlUTYOp SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LI. ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY ANO ALL OTHER WARRANTiES EXPRESS OR IMPLiED. iNCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT. NESS FOR A PARTICULAR Pun- POSE. Ordering Procedure NOTES Absence of an Escutcheon Plate may delay the sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system which it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection sys-tem must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this action must be no-tified. Sprinklers which are found to be leak- Ing or exhibiting visible signs of corro- sion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or otherwise altered after leaving the factory. Modi: fled or over heated sprinklers must be replaced. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- age before, during, and alter Instal- lation. Sprinklers damaged by drop- Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and work- manship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will ex- Spire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war- ranty is given for products or components manufactured by compa- nies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for products and : components which have been subject to misuse, Improper installation, corro-sion. or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in ac- cordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- tion, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Proddcts neiqter as- sumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation In connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products-shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or Inaccurate or Incomplete Information supplied by Buyer or Buyais representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Contact your Ioca dis- tributor for availability. Sprinkler Assembly: Series LFH (rY2234), K=4.9, Residen- tial Concealed Pendent Sprinkler with- out Cover Plate Assembly, PIN 51-873-1-155. Cover Plato Assembly: Cover Plate Assembly having a (spec- ify) finish for the Series LFll (TY2234). K=4.9, Residential Concealed Pen- dent Sprinkler, P/N (specify). Chrome ..................PIN 58473+135 on White ................. PIN 58473+135 Bright While ............... PIN 58.8734135 Set wnit ................P/N 58473+133 White (RAL. solo)' .........PIN 56.873.3.135 Custom ..................P/N 56873.X 135 Care and Maintenance The Series LFIl (TY2234) must be maintained and serviced in accord- ance with the following instructions: 'Eastern Hemisphere sates only. Sprinkler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench. P/N 56-850-4-001. TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue. Lanedale, Pennsylvania 19446 tqco /Fire & Building I Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 9A. .W Customer Service/Sales: Tel: (414) 570-5000/(800) 558-5236 Fax: (414) 570-5010 / (800) 877-1295 Series TY-B 28, 5,6, and 80 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessd ?d Pendent Sprinklers Standard ResDons ;e, Standard Coverage General Description The Series TV-B, 2.8, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright and Pendent Sprin- klers described in this data sheet are standard response - standard cover- age, decorative 5 mm glass bulb type spray sprinklers designed for use in light, ordinary, or extra hazard, com- mercial occupancies such as banks, hotels, shopping malls, factories, refin- eries, chemical plants, etc. The recessed version of the Series TV-B Pendent Sprinkler, where appli- cable, is intended for use in areas with a finished ceiling. It uses a two-piece Style 10 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 40(3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon. The Recessed Escutcheon provides 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adjust- ment or up to 3/4 inch (19,1 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pen- dent position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. Corrosion resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be ob- tained when exposed to corrosive at- mospheres. Although corrosion resis- tant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the appli- cable approval agencies, the testing is not representative of all possible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suitability of these coatings for any given corro- sive environment. The effects of ambi- ent temperature, concentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. An intermediate level version of the Series TV-B Pendent Sprinkler can be obtained by utilizing the Series TV-B Pendent Sprinkler in combination with the Model S2 Shield. WARNINGS The Series TV-B Sprinklers described herein must be installed and main- tained in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the integrity of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted relative to any questions. Model/Sprinkler Identification Numbers TY1151 - Upright 2.8K, 1/2"NPT TV1251 - Pendent 2.8K, 1/2"NPT TV3151 - Upright 5.6K, 1/2"NPT TY3251 - Pendent 5.6K, 1/2"NPT TY4151 - Upright 8.0K,3/4"NPT TY4251 - Pendent 8.0K, 3/4"NPT TV4851 - Upright 8.0K, 1/2"NPT TY4951 - Pendent 8.0K, 1/2"NPT Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved. (Refer to Table A for complete approval information including corrosion resis- tant status.) Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Coefficient K = 2.8 GPM/psi1l2 (40,3 LPM/bar"2) K = 5.6 GPM/psi'/2 (80,6 LPM/bar"2) K = 8.0 GPM/psil/2 (115,2 LPM/bar"2) Temperature Ratings Refer to Table A Finishes Sprinkler: Refer to Table A Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated, Chrome Plated, or Brass Plated Physical Characteristics Frame ............Bronze Button ........Brass/Copper Sealing Assembly .......... Beryllium Nickel w/Teflont Bulb ..............Glass Compression Screw .....Bronze Deflector ...........Copper Bushing (K=2.8) .......Bronze 4— Page 1 of 8 JANUARY, 2003 TFPI5I 7/16'(11.1 mm) NOMINAL SSU - MAKE-IN DEFLECTOR 5 2-3/16 - 4 2 WRENCH 3 FLATS FLATS 1 7 - DEFLECTOR CROSS PENDENT UPRIGHT SECTION ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE 2-3/16" (55,6 mm) f (1 1-1/2" (38.1 mm) SSP DEFLECTOR* L 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. 7/16"(11,1 mm) 1/2" ' NOMINAL MAKE-IN NPT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON WRENCH FLATS -. Page 2 of 8 TFPISI 1 - Frame 3- Sealing 4 - Bulb 6- Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression 7 - Bushing orifice seat on frame. Screw **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 1 STANDARD RESPONSE SERIES TV-B UPRIGHT (TY1151) AND PENDENT(TV1251) SPRINKLERS 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT SSu * DEFLECTOR 6* 7/16° I 4 fl''Ii\ NOMINAL I ,. : (11,1 mm) MAKE-IN - I 2-3/16" (55,6 mm) : 1/2" NPT f PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION - Frame: 3 - Sealing 4 -Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 -Button Assembly 5 Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 2 STANDARD RESPONSE SERIES TV-B UPRIGHT (TY3151) AND PENDENT (TY3251) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT WRENCI- FLATS -. SSP* DEFLECTOR TFPISI ESCUTCHEON 1/2 (12,7 mm) PLATE SEATING NOMINAL SURFACE NPT MAKE-IN Page 3 of 8 STYLE 40 RECESSED SSU* ESCUTCHEON DEFLECTOR V_1/2" (12,7 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN 2-1 u-wIv (39,7 mm) ••_ J" (57,2 mm) WRENCH FLATS SSP DEFLECTOR * 2-7/8 (73.0 mm) DIA. 3/4 NPT ** t PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION I - Frame 3. Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression 7 - Ejection orifice seat on frame. Screw Spring **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 3 STANDARD RESPONSE SERIES TV-B UPRIGHT (TY4151) AND PENDENT (TY4251) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT ESCUTCHEON 7/16k (11.1 mm) PLATE SEATING ** NOMINAL SSU SURFACE ,,. MAKE-IN DEFLECTOR 7T an~gw 6 2-3/16 (55,6 mm) 4 CROSS PENDENT UPRIGHT SECTION 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 4 STANDARD RESPONSE SERIES TV-B UPRIGHT (TY4851) AND PENDENT (TV4951) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT Page 4 of 8 TFPISI SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 7) - K - TYPE TEMP. BULB LIQUID NATURAL BRASS CHROME I PLATED IPOLYESTER WHITE LEAD COATED WAX I COATED f WAX OVER LEAD COATED 2.8 1/2 NPT PENDENT (TY1251) and UPRIGHT (TYI151) 135017/570C Orange 1,2,3 N/A 155°F/680C Red 175°F/79°C Yellow 200°F/930C Green 286°F/1 41°C Blue 360017/1821C Mauve 1,2 5.6 1/2 NPT PENDENT (TY3251) and UPRIGHT (TV3151) 1359F/570C Orange 1,2,34,5,6 1.2,3,5 1,2,3,5 1,2,3.5 1550F/68°C Red 175°F/790C Yellow 200°F/930C Green 286°F/141°C Blue 1",2°,3",5° 1*,2,3_,5** 360°F/182°C Mauve N/A 135°F/57°C Orange 1,2,3, 5 I I 1,2, 5 Green N/A RECESSED PENDENT (TY3251)° Figure 4 155°F/68°C Red 175°F/79°C Yellow 200°F/93°C 80 NPT PENDENT (TY4251) and UPRIGHT (TY4151) 135°F/57°C Orange 1.2, 3,4, 5,6 1,2,5 1.2,3.5 1,2,5 155°F/68°C Red 1750F/791C Yellow 200°F/93°C Green 286°F/1410C Blue 1",2,3", 5 1".2",5" 360°F/I 82°C Mauve N/A 135°F/570C Orange 1,2, 3, 5 N/A RECESSED PENDENT (TY4251)° Figure5 155°F/68°C Red 175°F/79°C Yellow 200°F/93°C Green 8.0 1/2 NPT PENDENT (TY4951) and UPRIGHT (TY4851) 135°F/57°C I Orange 1,2,3, 5 N/A 155°F/680C Red 175°F/79°C Yellow 200°F/930C Green 286°F/141°C 1360*F/182*Ci Blue Mauve NOTES: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL). Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL). Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM). Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB). Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. VdS Approved (For details contact Tyco Fire & Building Products, Enschede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-53-428-4444/Fax 31-53-428-3377). Where Polyester Coated, Lead Coated, Wax Coated, and Wax over Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. Where Lead Coated, Wax Coated, and Wax over Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be FM Approved, the sprinklers are FM Approved as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. Installed with Style 10 (1/2' NPT) or Style 40 (3/4 NPT) 3/4 Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. "150°F/66°C Maximum Ceiling Temperature. Frame and deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to all colors (Special Order). N/A: Not Available TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS TFPISI Page 5 of 8 2-7/8 DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73.0 mm) I 3/' (19,1 mm) I (15,9±6,4mm) 1/4"(6,4mm) FACE OF 52mm)1 MOUNTING SPRINKLER FITTING — PLATE (3,2 mm) \I MOUNTING / SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) _ TV-B 3/4" (19,1 mm) FIGURE 5 SERIES TV-B RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) -i 3/4(19,1 mm) 1/4" (6,4 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8 " (3,2 mm) -: - I MOUNTING SURFACE// CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16" (333 mm)1 TV-B 13/16" (20,6 mm) FIGURE 6 SERIES TV-B RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT WRENCH RECESS (END "A" USED FOR 1/2" NPT MODELS) WRENCH RECESS (END "B" USED FOR 3/4" NPT MODELS) FIGURE 7 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH WRENCH RECESS I PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURES W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH Operation The glass Bulb contains a fluid which expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass Bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and water to flow. Design Criteria The Series TV-B Pendent and Upright Sprinklers are intended for fire protec- tion systems designed in accordance with the standard installation rules rec- ognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (e.g., UL Listing is based on the requirements of NFPA 13, and FM Approval is based on the requirements of FM's Loss Prevention Data Sheets). Only the Style 10 or 40 Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable, is to be used for recessed pendent installations. Page 6 of 8 TFPISI Installation The Series TY-B Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the follow- ing instructions: NOTES Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1,6 mm) for the 135°F/570C to 3/32 inch (2,4 mm) for the 3600F/182°C temperature ratings. A leak tight 1/2 inch NPTsprinkler joint should be obtained with a torque of 7 to 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A max!- mum of 21 ft. lbs. (28,5 Nm) of torque may be used to install sprinklers with 1/2 NPT connections. A leak tight 3/4 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be ob- tained with a torque of 10 to 20 ft.lbs. (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). A maximum of 30 ft.lbs. (40,7 Nm) of torque is to be used to install sprinklers with 3/4 NPT con- nections. Higher levels of torque may distort the sprinkler inlet and cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to make-up for insuffi- cient adjustment in the escutcheon plate by under- or over-tightening the sprinkler. Readjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. The Series Tv-B Pendent and Up- right Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instruc- tions. Step 1. Pendent sprinklers are to be installed in the pendent position, and upright sprinklers are to be installed in the upright position. Step 2. With pipe thread sealant ap- plied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 7), except that an 8 or 10 inch adjustable Crescent wrench is to be used for wax coated sprinklers. With reference to Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 the W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench or the adjustable Crescent wrench, as applicable is to be applied to the wrench flats. When installing wax coated sprinklers with the adjustable Crescent wrench, additional care needs to be exercised to prevent damage to the wax coating on the sprinkler wrench flats or frame arms and, consequently, exposure of bare metal to the corrosive environ- ment. The jaws of the wrench should be opened sufficiently wide to pass over the wrench flats without damag- ing the wax coating. Before wrench tightening the sprinkler, the jaws of the wrench are to be adjusted to just con- tact the sprinkler wrench flats. After wrench tightening the sprinkler, loosen the wrench jaws before removing the wrench. After installation, the sprinkler wrench flats and frame arms must be in- spected and the wax coating re- touched (repaired) whenever the coat- ing has been damaged and bare metal is exposed. The wax coating on the wrench flats can be retouched by gen- tly applying a heated 1/8 inch diameter steel rod to the areas of wax that have been damaged, to smooth it back over areas where bare metal is exposed. NOTES Only retouching of the wax coating ap- plied to the wrench flats and frame arms is permitted, and the retouching is to be performed only at the time of the initial sprinkler installation. The steel rod should be heated only to the point at which it can begin to melt the wax, and appropriate precautions need to be taken, when handling the heated rod, in order to prevent the installer from being burned. If attempts to retouch the wax coating with complete coverage are unsuc- cessful, additional wax can be ordered in the form of a wax stick (the end of which is color coded). Only the correct color coded wax is to be used, and retouching of wrench flats and frame arms is only permitted at the time of initial sprinkler installation. With the steel rod heated as previously de- scribed, touch the rod to the area re- quiring additional wax with the rod an- gled downward, and then touch the wax stick to the rod approximately one-half inch away from the area re- quiring retouching. The wax will melt and run down onto the sprinkler. The Series Tv-B Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in ac- cordance with the following instruc- tions. Step A. After installing the Style 10 or 40 Mounting Plate, as applicable, over the sprinkler threads and with pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 8). With reference to Figure 3 or 4, the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats. Step C. After the ceiling has been in- stalled or the finish coat has been ap- plied, slide on the Style 10 or 40 Clo- sure over the Series TV-B Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mount- ing Plate until its flange comes in con-tact with the ceiling. TFPISI Page 7 of 8 Care and Maintenance The Series TV-B Sprinklers must be maintained and serviced in accord- ance with the following instructions: NOTES Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection system must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this action must be notified. Absence of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, may delay the time to sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Sprinklers that are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated or otherwise altered after leaving the factory. Modi- fied sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- age to the sprinklers - before, during, and after installation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be re- placed. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation Section). Frequent visual inspections are rec- ommended to be initially performed for corrosion resistant coated sprinklers, after the installation has been com- pleted, to verify the integrity of the cor- rosion resistant coating. Thereafter, annual inspections per NF-PA 25 should suffice; however, instead of in- specting from the floor level, a random sampling of close-up visual inspec- tions should be made, so as to better determine the exact sprinkler condi- tion and the long term integrity of the corrosion resistant coating, as it may be affected by the corrosive conditions present. The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted relative to any questions. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and work- manship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will ex- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war- ranty is given for products or components manufactured by compa- nies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corro- sion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in ac- cordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- tion, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither as- sumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON- TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE- ORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, RE- GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LI- ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR Page 8 of 8 TFPISI P/N57-XXX-X-XXX I MODEUSIN - 530 2.8K UPRIGHT (112'NPT) TY1I51 531 2.8K PENDENT (1/2°NPT) TV1251 570 5.6K UPRIGHT (1/2°NPT) TY3151 571 5.6K PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY3251 590 8.0K UPRIGHT (3/4'NPT) TY4151 591 8.0K PENDENT (314'NPT) TY4251 560 8.0K UPRIGHT (1/2°NPT) TY4851 561 8.0K PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY4951 I I SPRINKLER I RATING ..L... 135 135°F1570C 155 1550F/680C 175 1750F/79°C 200 200°F/930C 286 286°F/141°C 360 360°F/182°C 286°F/1410C MAX. 1 NATURAL BRASS 4 WHITE POLYESTER 9 CHROME PLATED 7 LEAD COATED 6 WAX COATED 8 1 WAX OVER LEAD 286°F/141°C MAX. TABLE B PART NUMBER SELECTION SERIES TV-B PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Refer to the Price List for complete listing of Part Numbers. Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections: Specify: (Specify Model/SIN), Stand- ard Response, (specify K-factor), (specify temperature rating), Series TV-B (specify Pendent or Upright) Sprinkler with (specify type of finish or coating), P/N (specify from Table B). Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: Style (specify) Recessed Es- cutcheon with (specify finish), P/N (specify). 1/2° (15 mm) Style 10 Chrome Plated.........P/N 56-701-9-010 1/2' (15 mm) Style 10 White Color Coated ...............P/N 56-701-4-010 1/2' (15 mm) Style 10 Brass Plated...........P/N 56-701-2-010 3/4° (20 mm) Style 40 Chrome Plated.........P/N 56-700-9-010 3/4' (20 mm) Style 40 White Color Coated ................P/N 56-700-4-010 3/4 (20 mm). Style 40 Brass Plated...........P/N 56-700-2-010 Sprinkler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387. Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001. Wax Sticks: (for retouching wrench damaged wax coating) Specify: (Specify color) color coded Wax Stick for retouching (specify tem- perature rating) temperature rated Se- ries TY-B Sprinklers, P/N (specify). Black for 135°F ............ P/N 56-065-1-135 Red for 155°F .............P/N 56-065-1-155 Yellow for 175°F .........P/N 56-065-1-175 Blue for 200°F and 286°F ................. P/N 56-065-1-286 NOTES Each wax stick is suitable for retouch- ing up to twenty-five sprinklers. The wax used for 286°F sprinklers is the same as for 200°F sprinklers, and, therefore, the 286°F sprinkler is limited to the same maximum ceiling tempera- ture as the 200°F sprinkler (i.e., 150°F). TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. LICENSE : 682025 DESIGNER : CANDI CAUDILLO DATE : 10-21-2004 FILE : 04-304-1 JOB NAME : TRADITIONS 0 LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 3 LOCATION : LAVANTE 0 RANCHO SANTA FE , LA COSTA , CA FLOW DATA. TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW DOMESTIC DEMAND TOTAL WATER REQUIRED BASE OF RISER NODE: 8 0 OR 00 col ' H! U . > yu 0. 03 CD CL a 5 g g a 0 m =.a -' ID In 3 o CDcn ago =Fff 13.0 Gpm r- -3 . CL = 5.0 Gpm 18.0 Gpm FLOW: 18.0 Gpm PRESSURE: 20.4 P.i DESIGN DATA. DESIGN CRITERION: MIN SPR FLOW AREA PER SPRINKLER TOTAL CALCULATED AREA TOTAL SPRINKLERS CALCULATED NFPA 13-D 13 Gpm 256 Sq Ft 256 Sq Ft 1 Heads AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION : CARLSBAD FIRE DEPT. PHONE : 760-602-4666 04o(4'~' Aso 4014-(o Aso+o KS Ao4-oi- ô4-o ro AS 64014-9 Ax nu 1-iYD50NICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 10-21-2004 File: C:\RESDEN43\04-304-l.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 3 Page 1 SOURCE I srvrI(. /U.0 Psi RESIDUAL : 69.0 Psi FLOW : 31 Gpm DESIGN I SPRINKLER MANUF : TYCO MODEL : LF II RES. CONC. DOMED I SPRINKLER Q : .0 Gpm VALVE : .0 Psi I SPRINKLER P :. .0 Psi METER : 4.0 Psi NODE ELEVATION K- PRESSURE DISCHARGE NO. Feet ----------------------------------------------------------- FACTOR Psi Gpm 1 318.0 4.9 7.1 13.0 2 318.0 7.6 3 318.0 7.6 4 318.0 8.4 5 318.0 8.9 6 308.0 13.9 7 308.0 15.2 8 298.0 20.4 5.0 DOME 9 295.0 22.6 10 294.0 23.7 11 293.0 SOURCE 30.4 18.0 SPRINKLERS FLOWING : 1 AREA PER SPRINKLER : 256 Sq Ft TOTAL DESIGN AREA : 256 Sq Ft REQUIRED DENSITY : Gpm/Sq Ft COMPUTED DENSITY : .051 Gpm/Sq Ft TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW : 13.0 Gpm TOTAL DOMESTIC FLOW : 5 Gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED : 18.0 Gpm TOTAL SPRINKLER PRESS : 26.4 Psi WATER METER LOSS : 4.0 Psi VALVE FIXED LOSS : .0 Psi Copyright (2002) SUPPLY PRESS AVAILABLE : 69.6 Psi by DEMAND PRESS REQUIRED : 30.4 Psi Hydronics Engineering PRESSURE CUSHION : 39.2 Psi 34119 Fremont Bi, Suite 609 Fremont, Ca., 94555 MAXIMUM VELOCITY : 7.4 F/S (510) 487-9160 1-IYD90NICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 2 ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 10-21-2004 File: C:\RESDEN43\04-304-1.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 3 PIPE BEG FLOW K-FACTOR LENGTH C-FACTOR - PRESSURE NO.- Gpm FITTING TYPE FTG FR- LOSS Psi - END DIAMETER TOTAL (Psi/Ft) 1 q= 13.0 K= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.9 L= 6.0 Pt 7.1 Pt 7.1 1 Q= 13.0 F= 1B1L F= 12.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 18.0 .0308 Pf .6 Pn 6.9 3 Pt 7.6 2 q= .0 K= .0 L= 5.0 Pt 7.6 Pt 7.6 2 Q= .0 F= 1B1L F= 12.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv .0 Vel= .0 D= 1.101 TL= 17.0 .0 Pf .0 Pn 7.6 3 Pt 7.6 3 q= .0 K= .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 14.0 Pt 7.6 Pt 7.6 3 Q= 13.0 F= 1R2B F= 11.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 25.0 .0308 Pf .8 Pn 7.5 4 Pt 8.4 4 q= .0 K= .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 98.0 Pt 8.4 Pt 8.4 4 Q= 6.1 F= 7R5L4B F= 62.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv .0 Vel= 2.0 D= 1.101 TL= 160.0 .0075 Pf 1.2 Pn 8.4 6 Pt 13.9 4 q= .0 K= .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 39.0 Pt 8.4 Pt 8.4 5 Q= 6.9 F= 8R2B F= 18.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv .0 Vel= 2.3 D= 1.101 TL= 57.0 .0096 Pf .5 Pn 8.4 5 Pt 8.9 5 q= .0 K= .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 41.0 Pt 8.9 Pt 8.9 6 Q= 6.9 F= 3R2L2B F= 27.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv .0 Vel= 2.3 D= 1.101 TL= 68.0 .0096 Pf .7 Pn 8.9 6 Pt 13.9 6 .0 K= .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 16.0 Pt 13.9 Pt 13.9 7 Q= 13.0 F= 2B2L F= 24.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 40.0 .0308 Pf 1.2 Pn 13.8 7 Pt 15.2 7 q= .0 K= .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 10.0 Pt 15.2 Pt 15.2 8 Q= 13.0 F= 1C4R1S1L 19.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 29.0 .0308 Pf .9 Pn 15.0 8 Pt 20.4 8 q= 5.0 DOME L= 5.0 Pt 20.4 Pt 20.4 9 Q= 18.0 F= 1G2L1B F= 25.0 C= 150 Pe 1.3 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.6 D= 1.265 TL= 30.0 .0285 Pf .9 Pn 20.3 9 Pt 22.6 HYDONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 3 ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 10-21-2004 File: C:\RESDEN43\04-304-1.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 3 PIPE BEG FLOW K-FACTOR LENGTH C-FACTOR PRESSURE NO. Gpm FITTING TYPE FTG FR- LOSS Psi END DIAMETER TOTAL (Psi/Ft) 9 q= .0 K= .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 40.0 Pt 22.6 Pt 22.6 10 Q= 18.0 F= 2C F= 2.0 C= 150 Pe .4 Pv -.1 Vel= 3.8 D= 1.394 TL= 42.0 .0178 Pf .7 Pn 22.5 10 Pt 23.7 10 q= .0 K= .0 L= 20.0 Pt 23.7 Pt 23.7 11 Q= 18.0 F= 2C F= 4.0 C= 150 Pe 4 Pv -.4 Vel= 7.4 D= .995 TL= 24.0 .0919 Pf 2.2 Pn 23.4 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pt 26.4 Meter = 4.0 12 Q= ----------------------------------------------- 18.0 <<< -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE >>> Pt --------------------------- 30.4 E=>45-Elb L=>90-Elb B=>TeeBch R=>TeeRun C=>CouPlg S=>SwgChk G=>GatVlv HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.2 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. DATE : 10-21-2004 FILE : C:\RESDEN43\04-304-l.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 3 FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULIC GRAPH 10 15 20 25 30 0 Supply Curve Static : 70.0 Resid : 69.0 Flow : 31.0 35 40 45 50 FLOW - Gpm Demand Curve Avi Pr : 69.6 @ 18 Req Pr : 30.4 @ 18 Pr Cush: 39.2 Copyright: Hydronics Engineering, 2002. 34119 Fremont Bi, Suite 609, Fremont, CA. 94555. (510) 487-9160. PSI 10'•' 9 8 .7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. LICENSE : 682025 DESIGNER : CANDI CAUDILLO DATE : 10-21-2004 FILE : 04-304-1 JOB NAME : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16t FT FLAT PLAN # 3 LOCATION : LAVANTE @ RANCHO SANTA FE , LA COSTA , CA DESIGN DATA. DESIGN CRITERION: MIN SPR FLOW AREA PER SPRINKLER TOTAL CALCULATED AREA TOTAL SPRINKLERS CALCULATED NFPA 13-D 13 Gpm 256 Sq Ft 512 Sq Ft 2 Heads FLOW DATA. TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW DOMESTIC DEMAND TOTAL WATER REQUIRED BASE OF RISER NODE: 8 26.0 Gpm 5.0 Gpm 31.0 Gpm FLOW: 31.0 Gpm. PRESSURE: 31.1 Psi AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION : CARLSBAD FIRE DEPT. PHONE : 760-602-4666 HYDFONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 10-21-2004 File: C:\RESDEN43\04-304-1.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 3 Page 1 SOURCE SrAri(. : 70.0 Psi RESIDUAL : 69.0 Psi FLOW : 31 Gpm DESIGN I SPRINKLER MANUF : TYCO MODEL : LF II RES. CONC. DOMED I SPRINKLER Q : .0 Gpm VALVE : .0 Psi I SPRINKLER P : .0 Psi METER : 4.0 Psi NODE ELEVATION K- PRESSURE DISCHARGE NO. Feet FACTOR Psi Gpm' 1 318.0 4.9 7.0 13.0 :2 318.0 4.9 7.1 13.0 3 318.0 7.6 4 318.0 10.4 5 318.0 12.4 6 308.0 19.1 7 308..0 23.5 8 298.0 31.1 5.0 DOME 9 295.0 34.7 10 294.0 37.2 11 293.0 SOURCE 47.7 31.0 SPRINKLERS FLOWING : 2 AREA PER SPRINKLER : 256 TOTAL DESIGN AREA : 512 REQUIRED DENSITY COMPUTED DENSITY : .051 TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW : 26.0 TOTAL DOMESTIC FLOW : 5 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED : 31.0 TOTAL SPRINKLER PRESS : 43.7 WATER METER LOSS : 4.0 VALVE FIXED LOSS : .0 SUPPLY PRESS AVAILABLE : 69.0 DEMAND PRESS REQUIRED : 47.7 PRESSURE CUSHION : 21.3 Sq Ft Sq Ft Gpm/Sq Ft Gpm/Sq Ft Gpm Gpm Gpm Psi Psi Psi Copyright (2002) Psi by Psi Hydronics Engineering Psi 34119 Fremont Bi, Suite 609 Fremont, Ca., 94555 MAXIMUM VELOCITY : 12.8 F/S (510) 487-9160 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 2 ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 10-21-2004 File: C:\RESDEN43\04-304-1.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 3 PIPE BEG FLOW K-FACTOR - LENGTH C-FACTOR PRESSURE NO. Gpm FITTING TYPE FTG FR-'LOSS Psi END DIAMETER TOTAL (Psi/Ft) 1 q= 13.0 K= 4.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 6.0 Pt 7.0 Pt 7.0 1 - Q= 13.0 F= 1B1L F= 12.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 18.0 .0306 Pf .6 Pn 6.9 3 Pt 7.6 2 q= 13.0 K= 4.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 5.0 Pt 7.1 Pt 7.1 2 Q= 13.0 F= 1B1L F= 12.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 17.0 .0308 Pf .5 Pn 6.9 3 Pt 7.6 - 3 q= .0 K= .0 L= 14.0 Pt 7.6 Pt 7.6 3 Q= 26.0 F= 1R2B F= 11.0 C= 150 Fe .0 Pv -.5 Vel= 8.8 D= 1.101 TL= 25.0 .1107 Pf 2.8 Pn 7.1 4 Pt 10.4 4 q= .0 K= .0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 98.0 Pt 10.4 Pt 10.4 4 Q= 12.1 F= 7R5L4B F= 62.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.1 D= 1.101 TL= 160.0 .027 Pf 4.3 Pn 10.3 6 Pt 19.1 4 q= .0 K= .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 39.0 Pt 10.4 Pt 10.4 5 Q= 13.9 F= 8R2B F= 18.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.7 D= 1.101 TL= 57.0 .0346 Pf 2.0 Pn 10.2 5 Pt 12.4 5 q= .0 K= .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 41.0 Pt 12.4 Pt 12.4 6 Q= 13.9 F= 3R2L2B F= 27.0 C= 150 Fe 4.3 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.7 D= 1.101 TL= 68.0 .0346 Pf 2.4 Pn 12.2 6 Pt 19.1 6 q= .0 K= .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 16.0 Pt 19.1 Pt 19..1 7 Q= 26.0 F= 2B2L F= 24.0 C= 150 Fe .0 Pv -.5 Vel= 8.8 D= 1.101 TL= 40.0 .1107 Pf 4.4 Pn 18.5 7 Pt 23.5 7 q= .0 K= .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 10.0 Pt 23.5 Pt 23.5 8 Q= 26.0 F= 1C4R1S1L F= 19.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv -.5 Vel= 8.8 D= 1.101 TL= 29.0 .1107 Pf 3.2 Pn 23.0 8 . Pt 31.1 8 q= 5.0 DOME L= 5.0 Pt 31.1 Pt 31.1 9 Q= 31.0 F= 1G2L1B F= 25.0 C= 150 Pe 1.3 Pv -.4 Vel= 7.9 D= 1.265 TL= 30.0 .0779 Pf 2.3 Pn 30.6 9 Pt 34.7 HYDEONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 3 ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 10-21-2004 File: C:\RESDEN43\04-304-l.RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16' FT FLAT PLAN # 3 PIPE BEG FLOW K-FACTOR LENGTH C-FACTOR PRESSURE NO. Gpm FITTING TYPE FTG FR- LOSS Psi END DIAMETER TOTAL (Psi/Ft) 9 q= .0 K= .0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 40.0 Pt 34.7 Pt 34.7 10 Q= 31.0 F= 2C F= 2.0 C= 150 Pe .4 Pv -.3 Ve1= 6.5 D= 1.394 TL= 42.0 .0486 Pf 2.0 Pn 34.4 10 Pt 37.2 10 q= .0 K=' .0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- L= 20.0 Pt 37.2 Pt 37.2 11 Q= 31.0 F= 2C F= 4.0 C= 150 Pe .4 Pv -1.1 Vel= 12.8 D= .995 TL= 24.0 .2508 Pf 6.0 Pn 36.1 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pt 43.7 Meter = 4.0 12 Q= 31.0 <<< -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE >>> Pt 47.7 E=>45-E1b L=>90-E1b B=>TeeBch R=>TeeRun C=>CouPlg S=>SwgChk G=>GatVlv HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.2 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. DATE : 10-21-2004 FILE : C:\RESDEN43\04-304-l..RES JOB : TRADITIONS @ LA COSTA 16'FT FLAT PLAN # 3 PSI - FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULIC GRAPH lOOi - 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 15 20 25 ° Supply Curve Static : 70.0 Resid : 69.0 Flow : 31.0 30 35 40 45 50 FLOW - Gpm Demand Curve Avi Pr : 69.0 @ 31 Req Pr : 47.7 @ 31 Pr Cush: 21.3 Copyright: Hydronics Engineering, 2002. 34119 Fremont Bi, Suite 609, Fremont, CA. 94555. (510) 487-9160. Distributed by: tqCO Fire & Building IProducts'__ 1391 N. Kraemer Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92806 Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-93t2 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 (714) 632-8713 Series LFll Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinkler, Domed Plate 4,9 K4actor General Description The Series LFII (TY2234) Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are decorative, fast response, frangible bulb sprinklers designed for use in residential occupancies such as homes, apartments, dormitories, and hotels. The cover plate assembly conceals the sprinkler operating components above the ceiling. The domed profile of the cover plate provides aesthetically ap- pealing sprinkler design with lower flow rates than can be achieved by lower profile cover plates. The separa- ble two-piece design of the Cover Plate and Support Cup Assemblies al- lows installation of the sprinklers and pressure testing of the fire protection system prior to the installation of the ceiling or application of a finish coat- ing. Also, the separable push-on and thread-off' two-piece design of the Sprinkler provides for 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of vertical adjustment. The Series LFll are to be used in wet Pipe residential sprinkler systems for one- and two-family dwellings and mo- bile homes per NFPA 130; wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for resi- dential occupancies up to and includ- ing four stories In height per NFPA IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions With respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and in- stallatlon can pes'manntty damage a sprinkler system or Its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate ma fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. 13R; or, wet pipe Sprinkler systems for the residential portions of any occu- pancy per NFPA 13. The Series LFll (TY2234) has a 4.9 (70.6) K-factor that provides the re- quired residential flow rates at reduced pressures, enabling smaller pipe sizes and water supply requirements. The Series LFIl (TY2234) has been designed with heat sensitivity and water distribution characteristics proven to help in the control of residen- tial fires and to improve the chance for occupants to escape or be evacuated. The Series LFll (TY2234) Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are shipped with a Disposable Protective Cap. The Protective Cap is temporarily removed for installation, and it must be replaced to protect the sprinkler while the ceiling is being installed or fin. ished.The tip of the Protective Cap can also be used to mark the center of the ceiling hole into plaster board, ceiling tiles, etc. by gently pushing the ceiling product against the Protective Cap. When ceiling installation is complete, the Protective Cap must be removed and the Cover Plate Assembly in- stalled. The Protective Cap must be removed to ensure proper perform- ance of the sprinklers. WARNINGS The Series LFII (TY2234) Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinklers de- scribed herein must be Installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applica- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- ing Jurisdiction. Failure to do so may Impair the performance of these de- vices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their lire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The Installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. Sprinkler/Model Identification Number SIN TY2234 Teóhnical Data Approvals: UL and C-UL Usted. Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi (12,1 bar) Dlacharq. Coefficient: K 4.9 PM/psi1/2 (70,6 LPM1bar"2) TeMperature Rating: 155F1680C Sprinkler with 135F/57C Cover Plate Vertical Adjustment: 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) Finishes: Cover Plate: Flat White. Bright White, Chrome, or Custom Peg. I of 4 MAY, 2004 TFP4SO Page 2.14 Minimum Row 03 and Minimum Flow and Maximum Maximum Residual Pressure Residual Pressure Covers s Spacing For Hoifacetsi Ceiling For Sloped Calling Area Ft. (Max. 2 Inch RI.. (Greats, Than 2 Inch Rise Ft. x Ft. (m) for 12 Inch Run) Up To Max. 4 Inch RI.. (mzm) for l2 Inch Run) 1550FrC I55'Fl6rC Spdnlder Spilnids, 12x12 12 - I3 GPM (49,2LPM) 13 GPM (49.2LPM) (3.7*3.7) (3,7) 7.0 psi (0.48 bar) 7.0 psi (0.48 bar) 14*14 14 . 13 GPM (49,2LPM) I3 GPM (49.2LPM) (4.3*4,3) (4,3) 7.0 psi (0.48 bar) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 16* 16 16 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 13 GPM (49,2 1PM) (4,9 x 4.9) (4.9) 7.0 psi (0.48 bar) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 18*18 18 17 GPM (64.3 1PM) 17 GPM (64.3 1PM) (5.5* 5.5) (5.5) 12.0 psi (0.83 bar) 12.0 p.1(0.83 bar) 20*20 20 2O GPM (75,7LPM) 2I GPM (79,5LPM) (6.1*6.1) (6.1) 16.7 psi (1,l5bar) 18.4 psi (1,27bar) For coverage area dimensions less than or between those indicated, it is necessary to use the minimum required flow for the ne)d highest coverage area for which hydraulic design criteria are stated. Requirement is based on minimum flow in GPM (1PM) from each sprinkler. The associated residual pressures are calculated using the nominal K-factor. Refer to Hydraulic Design Criteria Section for details. TABLE A NFPA 130 AND NFPA 13R HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE SERIES LFII (TY2234) RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER TFP430 charge from each of the four sprinklers is to be the greater of the following: The flow rates given In Table A for NFPA 130 and 13R as a function of temperature rating and the maxi- mum allowable coverage area. A minimum discharge of 0.1 gpmisq. ft. over the design aree comprised of the four most hydraulically de- manding sprinklers for the actual coverage areas being protected by the four sprinklers. Obstruction To Water Distribution. Locations of sprinklers are to be in accordance with the obstruction rules of NFPA 13 for residential sprinklers. Operational Sensitivity. The sprin- klers are to be installed relative to the ceiling mounting surface as shown in Figure 2. Sprinkler Spacing. The minimum spacing between sprinklers is 8 feet (2.4 m). The maximum spacing be- tween sprinklers cannot exceed the length of the coverage area (Ref. Table A) being hydraulically calculated (e.g., maximum 12 feet for a 12 ft. x 12 ft. coverage area, or 20 feet For a 20 ft. x 20 ft. coverage area). Physical Characteristics: Frame..............Brass Button .............Bronze Sealing Assembly .......... Beryllium Nickel wl Teflon Bulb .........3 mm dia. Glass Compression Screw ......Brass Deflector ............Copper Button Ejection Spring ........ .......Stainless Steel Support Cup ..........Steel Cover Plate ...........Brass Retainer ............Brass Cover Plate Ejection Spring ..... .......Stainless Steel DuPont Registered Trademark Operation When exposed to heat from a fire, the Cover Plato, which Is normally sol- dered to the Support Cup at three points, falls away to expose th&Sprir- kler Assembly. The glass bulb con- tains a fluid that expands when ex- posed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid ex- Cands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb allowing the sprinkler to activate and flow water. Design Criteria The Series LFII (TY2234) Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed for installation in ac- cordance with the following criteria. NOTE When conditions exist that are outside the scope of the provided criteria, refer to the Residential Sprinkler Design Guide TFP490 for the manufacturer's recommendations that may be accept- able to the Authority Having Jurisdic- tion. System Type. Only wet pipe systems may be utilized. Hydraulic Design. The minimum re- quired sprinkler flow rate for systems- designed to NFPA 130 or NFPA 13R are given In Table A as a function of temperature rating and the maximum allowable coverage areas. The sprin- kler flow rate Is the minimum required discharge from each of the total number ordesign sprinkiersas speci- fied in NFPA 130 or NFPA 13R. For systems designed to NFPA 13, the number of design sprinklers Is to be the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers. The minimum required dis- Installation The Series LFII (TY2234) must be in- stalled in accordance with the follow- ing instructions: NOTES Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). A leak tight 1,2 inch NPTsprinkler joint should be obtained with a torque of? to 14 ft.lbs. (9.5 to 19.0 Nm). A maxi- mum o121 ft. lbs. (28,5 Nm) of torque is to be used to install sprinklers. Higher levels of torque may distort the sprinkler inlet with consequent leak- age or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for In- sufficient adjustment in an Escutcheon Plate by under- or over-tightening the Sprinkler. Readjust the position of the sprinkler fining to Suit. Step 1. The sprinkler must only be Installed In the pendant position and with the centerline of the sprinkle? per- pendicular to the mounting surface. Step 2. Remove the Protective Cap. NOTE Do not remove the Sprinkler Strap TFP4SO -SEALING FRAME ASSEMBLY ' (112' NPT) I I WRENQH I BUTTON FLATS I I S S I S $ SUPPORT DISPOSABLE l I I I CUP WITH SPRINKLER 0 's ROLL FORMED STRAP(SEE I THREADS INSTALLATION SECT) I BULB S I DEFLECTOR I COMPRESSION SPRINKLER/SUPPORT CUP SCREW ASSEMBLY THREAD INTO I RETAINER SUPPORT CUP UNTIL MOU NTING THREAD - oI TABS SURFACE IS FLUSH WITH EJECTION CEILING SPRING SOLDER COVER TABS PLATE COVER PLATE/RETAINER ASSEMBLY FIGURE 1 SERIES LFII (TY2234) RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER (Shown with Disposable Sprinkler Strap) Page 3 o 4 RECESS ft PUSH WRENCH INTO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 2 W-TYPE 7 SPRINKLER WRENCH (Fig. 1) until the Sprinkler system is to be placed in service. Step 3. With pipe thread sealant ap- plied to the pipe threads, and using the W-Type 7 Wrench shown in Figure 2. install and tighten the Sprinkler/Sup- port Cup Assembly into the fitting:The W-Type 7 Wrench will accept a 1/2 inch ratchet drive. Step 4. Replace the Protective Cap by pushing it upwards until it bottoms out against the Support Cup. The Protec- tive Cap helps prevent damage to the Deflector and Arms during ceiling in- stallation and/or during application of the finish coating of the ceiling. It may also be used to locate the center of the clearance hole by gently pushing the ceiling material against the center point of the Cap. NOTE As long as the Sprinkler Strap (Fig. 1) 2-112' DIA. (63.5 mn) /1 112(12.7 MM) FACE OF 112' \ I I THREADED SPRINKLER NPT 1 I ADJUSTMENT FITTING !I 3132* GAP I 1.Y16±114' I (2.4 mm) (30.2 mm 6.4nvn) 9/1 SURFACE f j MOUNTIN LASSBABLY - SPRINKLER. isiw RETAINER SUPPORT CUP (23.8 mm) ASSEMBLY 35116'OIA. (84.1 mm) SPRINKLER. SUPPORT 1 ASSEMBL' / COVER PLATE RETAINEI 114 (6.4 mm) 3/4 (19.1 mm) , DISPOSABLE TIP PROTECTIVE CAP - OPERATED SPRINKLER FIGURE 3 SERIES LFII (TY2234) RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS I DISPOSABLE PROTECTIVE CAP or the Protective Cap (Fig. 3) remains in place, the system is considered to be "Out Of Service' Step S. After the ceiling has been com- pleted with the 2-1/2 Inch 163 mm) diameter clearance hole and in prepa- ration for Installing the Cover Plate/Re- tainer Assembly, remove and discard the Protective Cap and the Sprinkler Strap. NOTE Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP 700 regarding instructions for the removal of the Sprinkler Strap. Step 6. Push the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly into the Support Cup, and as necessary. make the final adjustment of the Cover Plate with respect to the ceiling by turning the Cover Plate/Re- tainer Assembly clockwise until its flange just comes in contact with the ceiling. If it becomes necessary to remove the Cover Plate, it can be removed by un- screwing in a counter-clockwise direc- tion. If the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly cannot be engaged with the Support Cup or the Cover Plate/Retainer As- sembly cannot be engaged sufficiently to contact the ceiling, the Sprinkler Fit- ting must be repositioned. ping, striking, wrench twist/slippage. or the like, must be replaced. The owner is responsible for the In- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and de-vices In compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted relative to any questions. NOTE The owner must assure that the sprin- klers are not used for hanging of any objects and that the sprinklers are only cleaned by means of gently dusting with a feather duster; otherwise, non- operation in the event of a fire or inad- vertent operation may result. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Limited Warranty Page 4o14 TFP4SO Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Contact your local dis- tributor for availability. Sprinkler Assembly: Series LFII (TY2234), K=4.9, Residen- tial Concealed Pendent Sprinkler with- out Cover Plate Assembly, P/N 51-873-1-155. Cover Plate Assembly: Cover Plate Assembly having a (spec- ify) finish for the Series LFll (TY2234). K=4.9, Residential Concealed Pen- dent Sprinkler, P/N (specify). Chiom ..................PIN 56.6734135 Oft White .................PIN 564736.135 "ht White...............PIN 56.8734135 Flat While ................PIN 56.673.5.135 White (RAL 9010) .......... PIN 56.873.3.135 Custom ..................PIN S6-873.4-135 Eastern Hemisphere sales only. Sprinkler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001. PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, I N CON. TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE-ORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, RE- GARDLESS OF WHETHER Tyco FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBIUTYOF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' U. ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANT'IJ MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTiES EIPRFSS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT- NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PuR POSE Care and Maintenance The Series LFll (TY2234) must be maintained and serviced in accord- ance with the following instructions: NOTES Absence of an Escutcheon Plate may delay the sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Before closing a lire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the lire protection system which it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection sys- tem must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this action must be no-tified. Sprinklers which are found to be leak- Ing or exhibiting visible signs of corro- sion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or otherwise altered after leaving the factoey. Modi' fled or over heated sprinklers must be replaced. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- age • before, during, and after Instal- lation. Sprinklers damaged by drop- Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and work- manship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will ex- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war- ranty is given for products or components manufactured by compa- nies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corro- sion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in ac- cordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- tion, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate-rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire ProdJcts neiqler as- sumes. nor authorizes any person to assume for it. any other obligation In connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or Inaccurate or Incomplete Information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL 'TYCO FIRE TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, L.anadale, Pennsylvania 19446 tqCa /Fire & Building I Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 M— ' Customer Service/Sales: Tel: (414) 570-5000 / (800) 558-5236 Fax: (414) 570-5010 / (800) 877-1295 Series TY-B 28, 5.6, and 80 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recess d Pendent Sprinklers Standard Respons ;e. Standard Coveraee General Description The Series TV-B, 2.8, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright and Pendent Sprin- klers described in this data sheet are standard response - standard cover- age, decorative 5 mm glass bulb type spray sprinklers designed for use in light, ordinary, or extra hazard, com- mercial occupancies such as banks, hotels, shopping malls, factories, refin- eries, chemical plants, etc. The recessed version of the Series TV-B Pendent Sprinkler, where appli- cable, is intended for use in areas with a finished ceiling. It uses a two-piece Style 10 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 40 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon. The Recessed Escutcheon provides 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed •adjust- ment or up to 3/4 inch (19,1 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pen- dent position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. Corrosion resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be ob- tained when exposed to corrosive at- mospheres. Although corrosion resis- tant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the appli- cable approval agencies, the testing is not representative of all possible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suitability of these coatings for any given corro- sive environment. The effects of ambi- ent temperature, concentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. An intermediate level version of the Series TV-B Pendent Sprinkler can be obtained by utilizing the Series TV-B Pendent Sprinkler in combination with the Model S2 Shield. WARNINGS The Series TV-B Sprinklers described herein must be installed and main- tained in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the integrity of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted relative to any questions. Model/Sprinkler Identification Numbers TY1I51 - Upright 2.8K, 1/2NPT 1Y1251 - Pendent 2.8K, 1/2'NPT TY3151 - Upright 5.6K, 1/2'NPT 1Y3251 - Pendent 5.6K, 1/2'NPT TY4151 - Upright 8.0K, 3/4NPT TY4251 - Pendent 8.0K, 3/4'NPT TY4851 - Upright 8.0K, 1/2'NPT TV4951 - Pendent 8.0K, 1/2'NPT Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved. (Refer to Table A for complete approval information including corrosion resis- tant status.) Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) i Discharge Coefficient K = 2.8 GPMIpsi1'2 (40,3 LPM/bar"2) K = 5.6 GPM/psil/2 (80,6 LPM/barll2) K = 8.0 GPM/psi1/2 (115,2 LPM/barl'2) Temperature Ratings Refer to Table A Finishes Sprinkler: Refer to Table A Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated, Chrome Plated, or Brass Plated Physical Characteristics Frame ............Bronze Button ........Brass/Copper Sealing Assembly .......... Beryllium Nickel w/Teflont Bulb ..............Glass Compression Screw .....Bronze Deflector ...........Copper Bushing (K=2.8) .......Bronze 4- Page 1 of 8 JANUARY, 2003 TFPISI 7/16"(11.1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN SSU * DEFLECTOR ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING 2" ** SURFACE NPT \-. (57,2 mm) (.1 2-3/16' (55,6 mm) J 4 WRENCH FLATS STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 7116"(11,1 mm) .* NOMINAL NPT MAKE-IN L FLATS WRENCH N 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. -""-I RECESSED PENDENT 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector 5 - Compression Screw * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to orifice seat on frame. **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE 2-3/16" (55,6 mm) 1-1/2" (38,1 mm) SSP DEFLECTOR * PENDENT I - Frame 3 - Sealing 2 - Button Assembly SSu* DEFLECTOR 6* 7/16" 5 ,1 mm) I AKE-IN Jr(NOMINAL 2-3/16" " (55.6 mm) ., 1/2" NPT f UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION Page 2 of 8 TFPISI - w ss DEFLECTOR CROSS PENDENT UPRIGHT SECTION 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 5 - Compression 7 - Bushing orifice seat on frame. Screw **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. I - Frame 3 - Sealing 2 - Button Assembly FIGURE 1 STANDARD RESPONSE SERIES TV-B UPRIGHT (TY1I51) AND PENDENT (TY1251) SPRINKLERS 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT FIGURE 2 STANDARD RESPONSE SERIES TV-B UPRIGHT (TY3151) AND PENDENT(TY3251) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON SSU* DEFLECTOR 112 t (12,7 mm) I NOMINAL I MAKE-IN 2-1/4 (57,2 mm) 3/4NPT** t - 2-718"(73,0 mm) DIA. - RECESSED PENDENT WRENCH FLATS .1 CROSS SECTION UPRIGHT ESCUTCHEON 1/2' (12,7 mm) PLATE SEATING ,, ** NOMINAL SURFACE NPT MAKE-IN . _ 1-9I16 II I I II (39,7 mm) SSP DEFLECTOR* PENDENT 6* 111 TFPI5I Page 3 of 8 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression 7 - Ejection orifice seat on frame. Screw Spring * - Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 3 STANDARD RESPONSE SERIES TV-B UPRIGHT (TV4151) AND PENDENT ('TY4251) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE 2-1I4 \ (57.2 mm) TTh 1-9/16 (39,7 mm) 7/16'(11,1 mm) ** NOMINAL NPT MAKE-IN SSU* DEFLECTOR rm- Jim WE CROSS SECTION WRENCH FLATS --- SSP* DEFLECTOR PENDENT UPRIGHT T - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2- Button Assembly 5 - Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 4 STANDARD RESPONSE SERIES TV-B UPRIGHT (TV4851) AND PENDENT (TV4951) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT Page 4 of 8 TFPI5I SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 7) K TYPE TEMP. BULB LIQUID NATURAL BRASS I' CHROME I PLATED IPOLYESTER wHiTE""" LEAD I COATED WAX I COATED WAX OVER LEAD COATED 2.8 1/2" NPT PENDENT (TY1251) and UPRIGHT (TY1151) 135"F/57"C Orange 1,2,3 N/A 155°F168"C Red 175"F179"C Yellow 200017193"C Green 286"F/141°C Blue 360"F/182"C Mauve 1.2 5.6 1/2' NPT PENDENT (1Y3251) and UPRIGHT (TY3151) 1350F/57"C Orange 1,2.3,4,5,6 1,2,3,5 1,2,3.5 1.2,3,5 155"F/68°C Red 1750F/79"C Yellow 200"F/93"C Green 286017/1410C Blue 1",2",3".5" 1".2".3".5" 360°F/182"C Mauve N/A 135"F/57°C Orange I 1,2, 3, 5 I I 1,2,5 I Green N/A RECESSED PENDENT (TY3251)" Figure 4 155"F/68°C Red 175"F/79"C Yellow 200017/93°C 80 NPT PENDENT (TY4251) and UPRIGHT (TY4151) 135°F/57"C I Orange 1,2.3,4,5,6 1,2,5 1,2,3,5 1,2,5 1550F/68°C Red 175"F/79"C Yellow 200°F/93C Green 286°F/141"C Blue 1""2'-,3'-,5" 1",2",5" 360"F/182°C Mauve N/A 135"F157°C Orange 1,2,3,5 N/A RECESSED PENDENT (TY4251)" Figure5 155"F/68'C Red 175°F179"C Yellow 200"F193"C Green 8.0 1/2" NPT PENDENT (TY4951) and UPRIGHT (TY4851) 135°F/57"C Orange 1,2,3,5 N/A 1550F/68"C Red 175"F/79°C Yellow 200°F193°C Green 286"F/141°C Blue 360°F/182"C Mauve NOTES: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL). Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL). Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM). Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB). S. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01 -E. VdS Approved (For details contact Tyco Fire & Building Products, Enschede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-53-428-4444/Fax 31-53-428-3377). Where Polyester Coated, Lead Coated, Wax Coated, and Wax over Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. Where Lead Coated, Wax Coated, and Wax over Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be FM Approved, the sprinklers are FM Approved as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. Installed with Style 10 (1/2" NPT) or Style 40 (3/4" NPT) 3/4 Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. 150°F/66"C Maximum Ceiling Temperature. Frame and deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to all colors (Special Order). N/A: Not Available TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS TFPISI Page 5 of 8 2-7/8' DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73.0 mm) I 3/4"(19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) ._ 2-1/4" DIA. I 1/4"(6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) / L..- PLATE FITTING SPRINKLER I MOUNTING 1/8" (3,2mm) J] L \ _ MOUNTING SURFACE , / CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4"(31,8 mm) I TV-B 3/4"(19,11 mm) FIGURE 5 SERIES TV-B RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) 3/4"(19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) I ._. 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) MOUNTING FACE OF (57,2 mm) PLATE SPRINKLER FITTING 1/8" (3,2 mm) E 71 lk MOUNTING SURFACE /I CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16" (33,3 mm) TV-B 13/16" (20,6 mm) FIGURE 6 SERIES TV-B RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT WRENCH RECESS (END "A" USED FOR 1/2" NPT MODELS) WRENCH RECESS (END "B" USED FOR 3/4" NPT MODELS) FIGURE 7 W- TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH WRENCH RECESS PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 8 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH Operation The glass Bulb contains a fluid which expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass Bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and water to flow. Design Criteria The Series TV-B Pendent and Upright Sprinklers are intended for fire protec- tion systems designed in accordance with the standard installation rules rec- ognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (e.g., UL Listing is based on the requirements of NFPA 13, and FM Approval is based on the requirements of FM's Loss Prevention Data Sheets). Only the Style 10 or 40 Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable, is to be used for recessed pendent installations. Page 6 of 8 TFPISI Installation. The Series TYB Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the follow- ing instructions: NOTES Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1,6 mm) for the 135°F/570C to 3/32 inch (2,4 mm) for the 360°F/1820C temperature ratings. A leak tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained with a torque of 7 to 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi- mum of 21 ft. lbs. (28,5 Nm) of torque may be used to install sprinklers with 1/2 NPT connections. A leak tight 3/4 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be ob- tained with a torque of 10 to 20 ft.lbs. (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). A maximum of 30 ft.lbs. (40,7 Nm) of torque is to be used to install sprinklers with 3/4 NPT con- nections. Higher levels of torque may distort the sprinkler inlet and cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to make-up for insuffi- cient adjustment in the escutcheon plate by under- or over-tightening the sprinkler. Readjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. The Series TV-B Pendent and Up- right Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instruc- tions. Step 1. Pendent sprinklers are to be installed in the pendent position, and upright sprinklers are to be installed in the upright position. Step 2. With pipe thread sealant ap- plied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 7), except that an 8 or 10 inch adjustable Crescent wrench is to be used for wax coated sprinklers. With reference to Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 the W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench or the adjustable Crescent wrench, as applicable is to be applied to the wrench flats. When installing wax coated sprinklers with the adjustable Crescent wrench, additional care needs to be exercised to prevent damage to the wax coating on the sprinkler wrench flats or frame arms and, consequently, exposure of bare metal to the corrosive environ- ment. The jaws of the wrench should be opened sufficiently wide to pass over the wrench flats without damag- ing the wax coating. Before wrench tightening the sprinkler, the jaws of the wrench are to be adjusted to just con- tact the sprinkler wrench flats. After wrench tightening the sprinkler, loosen the wrench jaws before removing the wrench. After installation, the sprinkler wrench flats and frame arms must be in- spected and the wax coating re- touched (repaired) whenever the coat- ing has been damaged and bare metal is exposed. The wax coating on the wrench flats can be retouched by gen- tly applying a heated 1/8 inch diameter steel rod to the areas of wax that have been damaged, to smooth it back over areas where bare metal is exposed. NOTES Only retouching of the wax coating ap- plied to the wrench flats and frame arms is permitted, and the retouching is to be performed only at the time of the initial sprinkler installation. The steel rod should be heated only to the point at which it can begin to melt the wax, and appropriate precautions need to be taken, when handling the heated rod, in order to prevent the installer from being burned. If attempts to retouch the wax coating with complete coverage are unsuc- cessful, additional wax can be ordered in the form of a wax stick (the end of which is color coded). Only the correct color coded wax is to be used, and retouching of wrench flats and frame arms is only permitted at the time of initial sprinkler installation. With the steel rod heated as previously de- scribed, touch the rod to the area re- quiring additional wax with the rod an- gled downward, and then touch the wax stick to the rod approximately one-half inch away from the area re- quiring retouching. The wax will melt :and run down onto the sprinkler. The Series TV-B Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in ac- cordance with the following instruc- tions. Step A. After installing the Style 10 or 40 Mounting Plate, as applicable, over the sprinkler threads and with pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 8). With reference to Figure 3 or 4, the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats. Step C. After the ceiling has been in- stalled or the finish coat has been ap- plied, slide on the Style 10 or-40 Clo- sure over the Series TV-B Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mount- ing Plate until its flange comes in con- tact with the ceiling. TFPI5I Page 7 of 8 Care and Maintenance The Series TV-B Sprinklers must be maintained and serviced in accord- ance with the following instructions: NOTES Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection system must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this action must be notified. Absence of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, may delay the time to sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Sprinklers that are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated or otherwise altered after leaving the factory. Modi- fied sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- age to the sprinklers - before, during, and after installation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be re- placed. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation Section). Frequent visual inspections are rec- ommended to be initially performed for corrosion resistant coated sprinklers, after the installation has been com- pleted, to verify the integrity of the cor- rosion resistant coating. Thereafter, annual inspections per NFPA 25 should suffice; however, instead of in- specting from the floor level, a random sampling of close-up visual inspec- tions should be made, so as to better determine the exact sprinkler condi- tion and the long term integrity of the corrosion resistant coating, as it may be affected by the corrosive conditions present. The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted relative to any questions. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and work- manship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will ex- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war- ranty is given for products or components manufactured by compa- nies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corro- sion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in ac- cordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- tion, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither as- sumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON- TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE- ORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, RE- GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LI- ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT- NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. Page 8 of 8 TFPI5I P/N 57- XXX - X - XXX I MODEL/SIN 530 2.8K UPRIGHT (1/2"NPT) TY1I51 531 2.8K PENDENT (112°NPT) TY1251 570 5.6K UPRIGHT (112°NPT) TY3151 571 5.6K PENDENT (1I2NPT) TY3251 590 8.0K UPRIGHT (3/4°NPT) TY4151 591 8.0K PENDENT (3/4°NPT) TY4251 560 8.0K UPRIGHT (1/2°NPT) TY4851 561 8.0K PENDENT (1/2NP1) 1Y4951 I I L 135 SPRINKLER I RATING 155 155°F/680C 175 175°F/79°C 200 200°F1930C 286 286°F11410C 360 360°F/182°C 286°F1141°C MAX. 1 NATURAL BRASS 4 WHITE POLYESTER 9 CHROME PLATED 7 LEAD COATED 6 WAX COATED 8 j WAX OVER LEAD 286°F11410C MAX. TABLE B PART NUMBER SELECTION SERIES TV-B PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Refer to the Price List for complete listing of Part Numbers. Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections: Specify: (Specify Model/SIN), Stand- ard Response, (specify K-factor). (specify temperature rating), Series TV-B (specify Pendent or Upright) Sprinkler with (specify type of finish or coating), PIN (specify from Table B). Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: Style (specify) Recessed Es- cutcheon with (specify finish), P/N (specify). 1/2" (15 mm) Style 10 Chrome Plated .........P/N 56-701-9-010 1/2" (15 mm) Style 10 White Color Coated ...............P/N 56-701-4-010 1/2" (15 mm) Style 10 Brass Plated...........P/N 56-701-2-010 3/4° (20 mm) Style 40 Chrome Plated .........P/N 56-700-9-010 3/4" (20 mm) Style 40 White Color Coated ...............P/N 56-700-4-010 3/4 (20 mm) Style 40 Brass Plated...........P/N 56-700-2-010 Sprinkler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387. Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001. Wax Sticks: (for retouching wrench damaged wax coating) Specify: (Specify color) color coded Wax Stick for retouching (specify tem- perature rating) temperature rated Se- ries TV-B Sprinklers, P/N (specify). Black for 135°F ............P/N 56-065-1-135 Red for 155°F .............P/N 56-065-1-155 Yellow for 175°F .........P/N 56-065-1-175 Blue for 200°F and 286°F .................P/N 56-065-1-286 NOTES Each wax stick is suitable for retouch- ing up to twenty-five sprinklers. The wax used for 286°F sprinklers is the same as for 200°F sprinklers, and, therefore, the 286°F sprinkler is limited to the same maximum ceiling tempera- ture as the 200°F sprinkler (i.e., 150°F). TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446