HomeMy WebLinkAbout5900 LA PLACE CT; ; FA110089; Permit5/6/24, 4:17 PM FA110089 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fire Alarm Permit Job Address: 5900 LA PLACE CT Permit Type: FALARM Parcel No: 2120620500 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: FA110089 Status: PENDING Applied 10/20/2011 Approved: Issued: PC #: Inspector: Project Title: PACIFIC WESTERN BANK-STE 250 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM-STE 250 Applicant: PROGRESSIVE TECHNOLOGY 759 W. 4TH AV ESCONDIDO, CA 800-577-2527 Owner: BOI CARLSBAD INC C/O LYNN MINNICI P0 BOX 121604 ARLINGTON TX Fees ($) Add'I. Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 259 0 259 0 about:blank 1/1 Pacific Western Bank Property Protection System 5900 La Place Court, Suite #250 Carlsbad, CA. Fire Alarm Submittal 10-18-11 -"tp Copy Submitted By; PROGRESSIVE TECHNOLOGY Security Systems, Inc. 759 WEST 41" AVE. ESCONDIDO, CA. 92025 License # 702990/Type C7/C10 PAt c)og Pacific Western Bank Fire Alarm Submittal Equipment List Model Manufacture XR-100NFC DMP 630F DAD 521B EDWARDS Description Fire Alarm Panel Fire Alarm Annunciator Smoke Detector CSFM# 7165-1157:123 7165-1157:123 7272-1657:277 Wire 18/4Cond. (Annunciator Cable) Wire 18/2Cond. (Initiation) U_ Search thipalarms SUUSNY SIGNAISIG FDNY I USTEO Proven reliability suitable for commercial and industrial installations Network ready option with on-board Ethernet connection Full range of zone expansion, communication, and relay output capability Flash Updateable DMP XR100FC/XR500FC panels deliver true flexibility and expandability to cover all your fire needs. UL listed for Fire Protective Signaling UL 864 Fire Warning Up to 562 two-wire smoke detector or fire initiating zones Up to .5 Amps 12 VDC smoke and auxiliary output with OVC protection Up to .7 Amps 12 VOC supervised belt output Up to 506 fuLly-programmable Form C relays Serial 3 Digital Dialer or dO reporting to multiple receivers Eight communication paths between the panel and Central Station Built-in 08-9 RS-232 (XR500FC/XR500NFC) or IX-Bus (Selectable) Built-in remote or on-site feature upgrade capability Flash updateable: No more firmware chips to replace 2,000 event buffer Multi-lingual menus available Multiple on-board status LEDs Up to 100 output schedules to control relays and panel outputs 32 individual reporting areas, with common areas Output Groups: Maximum functionality-Minimum programming All above listed System Features On-board Ethernet connection for Network MonitoringTM customizable check-in time and retry time Suitable for multi-site applications where the Internet or LAN/WAN is available 12or24VDC NAC 1 I Sync Module Digital SLC Loop 2 Digital SLC Any expansion device Loop 1 n operate on SLC Loop I or 2 12 or 24 VDC NAC2 Power Supply 50-12 or other 12/24VDC UL Commercial Fire Approved Power Supplies. Sync Module Digital Annunciator Bus The XR100FC/XR500FC Series provides basic fire monitoring for any single site application. The XRIOONFC/XR500NFC panels provide all the same basic fire monitoring as the XR100FC/XR500FC enhanced by the on-board Ethernet connection that allows the use of Network MonitoringTM. Both panels come fully assembled from the factory with the following components The XR100FC/XR500FC Series addressable fire panel provides complete system control for local NAC operation and DACTor NET communication to the central station. The microprocessor based panel also provides input for Class A zone expansion, conventional and addressable smoke detectors, pull stations, and heat detectors. The enclosure is comprised of cold rolled steel in Red to distinguish it for fire operation. For added security, the enclosure comes with a lock and key. The Fire Command Center mounted in the door offers a 32-character full text LCD readout that displays system events and menu prompts, making it efficient and easy-to-use. The 16 VAC. 56 VA wire-in transformer is factory installed and features a built-in PlC for power circuit protection. I 12or24VOC NAC1 Strobe Mini-Horn ,-------.- _______•\ l2or24VDC Horn Strobe "-._.____.a NAC 2 - Motor Belt C)C=M I Additional 630F Fire Command Centers 630F Fire Command Center The XR100NFC/XR500NFC has transitioned from dialer-focused communications to a true network and cellular communications approach by providing stronger, multi-Layered panel communications that ensure a constant link between the panel and Central Station. Installers have the ability to create, configure and manage up to eight communication paths. The unique DMP Serial 3 format supports 16 or 32-character user, zone and area names to decrease the central station response time and limit dependence on automation literal tables for message conversion. Built-in Ethernet Communications enhance network options and provide Standard and Encrypted Line Security. Both UDP and TCP are supported. The network option can be used as the primary or backup path to the digital dialer or cellular option. The XRSOOFC Command Processor Panel used with the 4636 Digital Cellular Communicator has earned the UL 864 listing when used as the primary path (no backup required) for commercial fire installations per NPFA 72. The check-in and fail time settings are programmed for five minutes. As the backup path. the 463G provides the security of a communication link that continues to function, even when land lines are cut or compromised. This interface works on digital cellular GSM/GPRS data networks over a variety of carriers in the USA and Canada. For XR500FC Series Fire Panels, The 463G plug-in Digital Cellular Communicator can be used as the primary path, providing installation flexibility where no Land Lines are available. Can be used as a stand-alone communicator without the need for a backup. Used as the backup path, the 463G provides the security of a communication Link that continues to function, even when Land lines are cut or compromised. This interface works on digital Cellular GSM/ GPRS data netv;orks over a variety of carriers in the USA and Canada. ()1l riC - FIGHT COMMUNICATION PATHS Create. configure. and manage up to eight communication paths between the panel and Central Station. Each path has its own panel communication programming parameters, and can be identified as either primary or backup. This enables installers to configure a reliable communication link, offering greater confidence that the panel will always be connected to the Central Station. COMMUNICATION FUNCTION DIAGNOSTICS The enhanced diagnostic menu enables technicians to check network and cellular communication status, cell signal strength. and email status from the keypad. FIRE ZONE PROGRAMMING Program zones for fire, fire verify, fire retard, presignal, cross zoning, or fire supervisory. This flexibility allows the ability to match individual zone characteristics to the needs of any area in the fire installation. ZONE EXPANSION The FC Series provides up to 562 zones, programmable for a variety of fire applications. The system provides Class 812 VL3C powered zones, two on-board and four on the 715 Module, plus eight panel burglary zones. Lip to 60 zones are available on 15 keypad addresses and up to 100 zones are available on the built-in LX_BusTM. Add up to 500 zones using Expansion Modules. FIRE VERIFY Used primarily for smoke detector circuits to verify the existence of an actual fire condition. When a Fire Verify zone initiates an alarm, the panel performs a Sensor Reset. If any Fire Verify zone initiates an alarm within 120 seconds after the reset, an alarm is indicated. If an alarm is initiated after another 120 seconds, the cycle is repeated. NOTIFICATION CIRCUIT EXPANSION Easily add NAC outputs to the XR100FC/ XR500FC system. Up to three Class B modules can be mounted within the FACP. Model 865 or 866 Class B NAC Modules may be combined with a power supply to provide additional 4 Amp NAC outputs. Use an 867 on the SIC Loop to further expand NAC circuits. FIRE DRILL AND ONE-MAN WALK TEST Users can test fire notification bells using the Fire Drill feature. A special code is also available for installers to test the system. The one-man walk test feature allows a single technician to check the panel response to fire, burglary, panic and supervisory zones. BUILT-IN PROGRAMMER AND DIAGNOSTICS No programming device is required, enabling installers and service technicians to fully program the system and run diagnostics from any DMP LCD keypad. Check the electrical state of zones, find individual zone numbers, check the LX-Bus for Missing, Overlapping and/or Extra zones, and much more, all from any DMP LCD keypad. FLASH UPDATEABLE The XR100FC1XR500FC Series panel accepts software updates from a remote location using Remote LinkTM software. When new XR100FC/XR500FC feature updates release, perform the flash update remotely. 01 IT PUTS The XR100FC/XR500FC series allows the use of two SPOT relay outputs and four open collector outputs, that may be activated by zone or system events, by schedule, through the User Menu or when a card is presented. Output Groups allow multiple outputs to activate with a single event and/or can be assigned to a particular user profile up to 500 outputs on the LX-us when optional output expanders are used. OUTPUT SCHEDULES Achieve maximum system flexibility with 100 programmable schedules that simplify planning and operations. Control any contact-activated device with schedules that automatically regulate relays and switched- ground outputs. MULTI-LINGUAL DISPLAYS For additional flexibility keypads attached to the XR100FC/XR500FC Series panels can display keypad Status List and User Menu text using multiple languages. The user has the option to select the language to use. STATUS LIST To provide maximum system ftexibitit fire zones may be programmed to display at a specific keypad. In this manner, all fire zones can be monitored in one location and other zones can be programmed to display and be monitored at different keypad locations. 2,000 EVENT MEMORY The Display Events feature allows users to view up to 2.000 stored fire events, zone events, user code and schedule changes, and supervisory events. REMOTE LINK The Remote Link programming software takes advantage of the easy-to-use simplicity of MicrosofV'> WindowstM. The XR100Fc/ XR500FC Series include an interface connection for installers to use to connect a laptop computer. - --------:.. - ;r 630F LCD Remote Fire Command 710 Bus Splitter/Repeater 711 Single Zone Expansion 714 4-zone class-B Expansion 714-8 8-zone class-B Expansion 114-16 16-zone class-B Expansion 715 4-zone 2-wire smoke Expansion 715-8 8-zone 2-wire smoke Expansion 715-) 6 16-zone 2-wire smoke Expansion 716 Output Expansion, 4 Form C relays. 4 open collector outputs 717 Graphic Annunciator: 20 open collector outputs 461 Interface Adaptor Card 462N Network Interface Card 462P Printer Interface Card 463G Cellular Communicator 481 Expansion Interface Card 860 Relay Output Module 865 Style W/X Notification Circuit Module 866 Style W Notification Circuit Module 867 LX-Bus Notification Circuit Module 869 Style D class A Initiating Circuit Module 893A Dual Phone Line Module 505-12/LX 5 Amps @ 12 VDC 505-12L 5 Amps @12VDC 505-12A 5 Amps @ 12 VDC 850 Series Pull Stations SLR-835B Smoke/Heat 521 B/BXT Conventional Smoke, CLeanMe 5211X/LXT Addressable Smoke/Heat, CleanMe 300 Four-wire Harness 303 SiLcnce/Rcsct Push-Button 305 Plug-in Output Relay 306 Tamper Harness 307-S Screw-On Tamper Switch 3012 clip-On Tamper Switch 335 Intrusion Siren 370 Lightning Suppressor 374 Surge Voltage Suppressor 431 Output Harness 861 Power Distribution Module ScS-1 R Network Enabled Receiver 1100X Receiver I100XH High Power Receiver HOUR Repeater 1103 Universal Transmitter, External Contact 1165 Commercial Smoke Detector 1165H Commercial Smoke/Heat Detector 1165HS Commercial Smoke/Heat Detector with Sounder 1181 Post Indicator Valve (UL) 1182 Outside Screw and Yoke Valve Supervisory Switch (UL) PKG-XR100FC Includes: XR1 OOFC-R, 846, 893A, 318, (2) 356-7, and (2) 358. PKG-XRIOONFC Includes; XR100NFCR, 866, 893A, 318. (2) 356-7, and (2) 358. PKG-XRSOOFC Includes: XR500FCR, 866, 893A, 318. (2) 356-7, and (2) 358 PKG-XR500NFC Includes: XR500NFC-R, 866, 893A, 318, (2) 356-7, and (2) 358 Primary Power (included) 16 VAC 56 VA transformer Secondary Power 12 VDC Battery Models 365, 366. 367. 368 or 369 Output Rating Bell Up to .7 Amps at 12 VDC Smoke and Auxiliary Up to .5 Amps at 12 VDC For UL installations, total bell smoke, and auxiliary cannot exceed 1.2 Amps using a 56 VA transformer. Current Draw 1 8OmA Enclosure: Material Cold-rolled steel (Red) Model 350 17.1"Wx13.44Hx4.8"D Refer to the XR100FC and XR500FC Series Installation Guides (LT-1087, LT-1088). XR100FC and XR500FC Series Programming Guides (LT-0896. LT-0679) and specific compliance listings for installation and programming requirements necessary to meet a particular approval. California State Fire Marshall (CSFM) FCC Part 15 FCC Part 68 Registration ID CCKALOOBXR500 New York City (FDNY COA #6055) Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Listed ANSI/UL 864 Fire Protective Signaling For additional information, access www.dmp.com and select Compliance. XR100FC-R XRI OONFC-R XR500FC-R XRSOONFC-R XR100 Fire Control Panel XR1 00 Fire Control Panel with Network XR500 Fire Control Panel XRSOO Fire Control Panel with Network 2500 North Partnership Boulevard 800.641A282 I dmp.com Springfield. Missouri 65803-8877 Made in the USA tr® flc:3 SSCIIAUNG NYC MEA Ar USTED DMP Fire Command Keypads provide a variety of fire annunciation solutions for residential and commercial fire applications. The 630F provides 32-character full text LCD display of system events and menu prompts for efficient, easy use. The keypads offer simple, one-button access to common features, including: Silence alarms Reset sensors Test the system Perform a fire drill The 692F includes a highly visible LED annunciator. IRf WS Simple harness connection to 4-wire keypad bus At-a-glance system status Powered from panel or auxiliary power supply Optional backboxes for conduit or wall mount applications Attractive non-obtrusive designs 2-button Panic keys - 32-character LCD display Flush or Surface mount Keyswitch enables single button operation Full operation with authorized code Built-in diagnostics AC Power, Trouble, Alarm LED Compatible with XR5FC/XR5SL, XRIOOIXR500 Series, or XR2500F System events display in plain English G92 Three status LEDs: Silenced, Trouble, and Power 10 zone LEDs: 5 Trouble LEDs and 5 Alarm LEDs No addressing required - use as many as you need Zone monitoring feature for all zones Four short tones indicate an unsuccessful keypad operation Quick key on keypad for changing user code Audible tone on each key press Zone LEDs: Normal, Trouble, Bypassed, and Alarm conditions 630 E©IE ACIAV© The 630F Fire Command Center offers a 32-character full text LCD readout that displays system events and menu prompts, making it efficient and easy-to-use. The backbox and trim frame provide an attractive installation. The keypad can either be flush- mounted or surface-mounted. cm jam 1E3 630F Keypad S1L~ZG1LM_I3U170N 073RAITOOCZ The 630F Fire Command center has a factory installed keyswitch that enables the four function buttons-Alarm Silence, System Reset, System Test, and Fire Drill. The user can also access these four functions and many more through the User Menu by entering a valid user code. BUILT- DIAGC3VCS An internal diagnostics program lets installers and service technicians test the operation of the keypad at any time without disabling the system. SUVIERV:SaD AND The 630F keypad can be programmed for supervised or unsupervised operation on the keypad data bus, increasing the overall number of keypads you can install to provide maximum flexibility. When supervised, the keypad occupies its own address. Unsupervised operation allows you to install multiple keypads on the bus with the same address. The 692F is always set as unsupervised. 692 L CaNNAND C11EYPAD The 692F Fire Command Keypad offers highly visible LED annunciation of alarm and trouble conditions on DMP XR5FC and XR5SL Commercial Fire Panels. It provides individual zone alarm and trouble LEDs, status LEDs, an internal buzzer, 2-button functions. The 692F is cased in a durable Red plastic housing with a removable base for easy installation. .. .t.,_, I • -: sLrArLs LS The Green Power LED lights when primary AC or DC power to the panel is at an acceptable level and flashes when its battery is Low or missing. AYellow Trouble LED turns on when either the panel has failed to communicate with the central station receiver or when phone line 1 or 2 is in a bad condition. The 692F also uses a Yellow Silenced LED to indicate when the panel Bell Output has been silenced. LS Zone LEDs indicate the status of the first five zones. Each zone has a trouble and alarm LED to indicate at-a-glance zone status. MIEVIRAED FUVZCVIOMt(EEYS There are, four clearly labeled function keys on the 692F keypad. The SILENCE, RESET, TEST, and CODE function keys allow the user to press one key to initiate operations. As an added security measure, the user must enter a valid security code after pressing one of the function keys. 692F Keypad Fire Display Panic Keyboard User Operating Operating Current Command Zones Type Keys Compatible Panels Red In Brightness Voltage Model Alarm Standby Alarm 630F None LCD Yes XR5FC/XR5SL, XR100IXR500 Series No Yes 12 VDC 63mA 92mA XR2500F ________ 692F None LED Yes XR5FC/XR5SL (First five zones only) No Yes 12 VDC 30mA 70mA OBOV 10YPAD ACCSSIS Operating Voltage 8.5 to 15 VDC 635 1.75" 630F Keypad Conduit Backbox Current Draw 63mA standby, 92mA maximum 635F 2.5" 630F Keypad Conduit Backbox Trim Frame Dimensions 10.4" W x 7.0" H x 1.7" D 695 1.5" Keypad Conduit Backbox Backbox Dimensions 8.75" W x 6.375" H x 2.5" D 696 1/2" Keypad Backbox Panel Compatibility XR500 Series, XR100 Series, 699 Keypad Deskstand XR2500F 300 4-wire Replacement Harness LED Keypad Housing Operating Voltage 8.5 to 15 VDC LSVI3GS AMD APPROVALS Current Draw 30mA standby, 70mA maximum California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) Dimensions 6.8" W x 5.0" H x 1.1" D FCC Part 15 Panel Compatibility XR5FC and XR5SL Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed ANSI/UL 864 Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling ANSI/UI 985 Household Fire Warning For additional information, access wwwdmp.com and select Compliance. - 2500 North Partnership Boulevard IftIMm.I DPIflIPP du t. Springfield, Missouri 65803-8877 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM '1PJJ4 LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-1157:0123 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7165- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT (COMMERCIAL) LISTEE: Digital Monitoring Products2500 N. Partnership Blvd, Springfield, MO 65803 Contact: Terry Shelton (417) 831-9362 Fax (417)831-1325 Email: tshelton@dmp.com DESIGN: Models XR500, XR500N, XR500E, XRIOO XRIOON, XR500FC, XR500NFC, XRIOOFC, and XR100NFC combination fire and burglary alarm control units. Local, remote station (PPU), proprietary (PPU), and central station (PPU) services. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: XR500, XR500N, XRIOO XRIOON; Main Board XR500FC, XRSOONFC, XR100FC, XRIOONFC; Main Board 349, 350, 350A, 352P, 352X; Enclosure 341; Battery Endosure 630F, 690, 690F, 693, 790, 790F, 791,793; Supervised LCD Keypads 7060, 7060A, 7063, 7063A, 7064, 7070, 7070A; LCD Keypads 7073, 7073A, 7074, 7760,7160, 71 60A; LCD Keypads 7163, 7163A, 7170, 7170A, 7173,7173A; LCD Keypads 325; Transformer Bracket 322, 327, 323; Transformer Adaptor 481, 462N, 462P, 462FM, 472; Interface Card 461; Interface Adaptor 714,714-8,714-16,715, 711, 711E; Zone Expanders 715-8,715-16, 725; Zone Expanders Output Expander Annunciator Module 860; Relay Module 865. 866.867: Indicating Modules 869; Initiating Module 893A; Dual Phone Line Module 733, 734; VVlegand Interface 736P; Interface Module 710, 710F; Bus Splitter 303; Reset/Silence Switch iCOM, iCOM-E; IntemetAlarm Router IlOOX, 1100XH; RF (Wireless) Receiver 1100R; Wireless Repeater 1103; Wireless Transmitter 463G; Digital Cellular Communicator (may be used as the stand alone primary communicator) *Rev. 12-22-10 bh This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing shou~n u verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation i d/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2011 Listing Expi es June 30, 2012 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. 7165-1157:0123 Page 2 of 2 RATING: 120 VAC, 0.5 A, 60 Hz primary, 12 VDC secondary INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as combination fire and burglary alarm control units for use with separately listed electrically compatible initiating and indicating devices. Refer to listee's Installation Instructions Manual for details. These control units can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. This control unit meets the requirements of UL Standard 864, 9th Edition. NOTE: 1. The Fire Alarm Verification Feature (delay of fire alarm signal), the maximum Retard/Reset/Restart period shall not exceed 30 seconds. 2. Burglary and other non-fire functions were not examined. *Rev. 12-22-10 bh This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2011 Listing Expires June 30, 2012 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Standby Battery Power Calculations Standby Current Alarm Current XR100FC Series Control Panel Qty 1 Qty 1 - 180mA 180 mA Relay Outputs 1-2 (ON) Qty ______ 180mA 180 mA Qty ______ _____ 30mA Switch Grounds 3-6 (ON) Qty 30mA Qty _____ 5mA Active Zones 1-8 Qty _____ x 5mA Qty x *r Active Zones 9-10 Qty 1.6mA Qty ______ 30mA 2-Wire Smoke Detectors Qty_____ 4mA Qty_____ 0.1mA Panel Bell Output 0.1mA _____ 1500mA ______mA 893A Dual Phone Line Module Qty x 12mA Qty x 50mA 1100X Wireless Receiver Qty x 46mA Qty x 46mA 1100XH Wireless High Power Receiver Qty x 160mA Qty x 160mA 1100XI Wireless In-line Receiver Qty ______ 45mA Qty x 45mA 860 Relay Output Module (one relay active) Qty_____ x 34mA Qty_____ x 34mA All four relays active 138mA 138mA 865 Style W or X Notification Module Qty x 26mA Qty x 85mA 866 Style W Notification Module Qty x 45mA Qty x 76mA 867 LX-Bus Style W Notification Module Qty x 30mA Qty x 86mA 869 Dual Style D Initiating Module Qty x 25mA Qty x 75mA 630F Remote Are Command Center Qty x 63mA Qty x 92mA 690 Security Command Keypad Qty x 77mA Qty x 84mA 693/793 Easy Entry Keypad 92mA Qty x 120mA Active Zones (EOL Installed) Qty _____ x 1.6mA Qty x *2mA 790 Security Command Keypad Qty x _____ 77mA Qty x 84rnA Active Zones (EOL Installed) 1.6mA Qty x *2mA 7060/7160 Thinhine/7060A Aqualite Keypad Qty x 72mA Qty x 80mA 7063/7163 Thinline/7063A Aqualite Keypad Qty x 85mA Qty x lOOmA 7070/7170 Thinline/7070A Aqualite Keypad Qty x 72mA Qty x 87mA Active Zones (EOL Installed) 1.6mA Qty x *2mA 7073/7173 Thinhine/7073A Aqualite Keypad Qty x 85mA Qty x lOOmA Active Zones (EOL Installed) ______ 1.6mA Qty x *2mA 7760 Clear Touch Keypad Qty x 65mA Qty x 115mA 733 Wiegand Interface Module Qty x 30mA Qty x 30mA Active Zones (EOL Installed) Qty x 1.6mA ______ Qty x ______ *2mA Annunciator (ON) _____ ____ Qty x 20mA 734 Wiegand Interface Module Qty _______ 15mA Qty x 15mA Active Zones (EOL Installed) Qty ______ 1.6mA Qty x *2mA Annunciator (ON) Qty x 20mA Copy Sub-Totals to next page Sub-Total Standby _____mA Sub-Total Alarm _____mA on 10% of active zones in atarm. XRIOQFC Series Installation Guide flgItel Monitoring Products 11 Standby Battery Power Calculations 736P POPIT Interface Module Radionics Popex, POPITs, OcPOPITs 738A Ademco Wireless Interface Module 710 Bus Splitter/Repeater Module 710F Fire Bus Splitter/Repeater Module 711 Zone Expansion Module Active Zone (EOL Installed) 714 Zone Expansion Module Active Zones (EOL Installed) 712-8 Zone Expansion Module Active Zones (EOL Installed) 714-8, 714-16 Zone Expansion Module Active Zones (EOL Installed) 715 Zone Expansion Module Active Zones (EOL Installed) 2-Wire Smokes 715-8, 715-16 Zone Expansion Modules Active Zones (EOL Installed) 2-Wire Smokes 716 Output Expansion Module Active Form C Relays 717 Graphic Annunciator Module Annunciator Outputs 521LX, 521DCr Smoke Detectors Aux. Powered Devices on Terminals 7 and 11 Other than Keypads and DC-Bus Modules This page only Sub-Totals from previous page Based on 10% of active zones in alarm Standby Current Qty x 25mA_ Qty x _mA_ Qty x 75mA_ Qty x 32mA_ Qty x 40mA_ x ilmA x 1.6mA x 7mA x 1.6mA x 17mA x 1.6mA x 20mA x 1.6mA x 7mA x 4mA x .1mA x 20mA x 4mA x .1mA x 13mA x lOmA x 8.8mA mA Sub-Total Standby _____mA Sub-Total Standby ______mA Total Standby _____mA Alarm Current Qty x 25mA Qty x_mA Qty x 75mA Qty x 32mA Qty x 40mA Qty x limA Qty_____ x *2mA Qty x 7mA Qty x *2mA Qty _____ x 17mA Qty _____ x *2mA Qty _____ x 20mA Qty x *2mA Qty x 7mA Qty x *30mA Qty x .1mA Qty x 20mA Qty ______ x *30mA Qty _____ x .1mA Qty x 13mA Qty _____ x 12mA Qty x lOmA Qty x imA ON _____ x *28mA __mA Sub-Total Alarm mA Sub-Total Alarm Total Alarm mA Total Standby _mA x number of Standby Hours needed = ______mA-hours Total Alarm _____mA +mA-hours Total ______mA-hours X .001 = ______Amp-hrs Required Refer to section 6.9 for standby battery selection. Digital Monitoring Products XRIOOFC Series Installation Guide 12 ..&sr. 69 Standby Battery Selection To choose the type and number of batteries needed for 24, 60, or 72 hours of standby power based on the Amp Hours Required calculation from section 6.8 XRIOO Series Power Requirements, perform the following: Select the desired standby hours required from the table below: 24, 60, or 72 hours Select the desired battery size: Model 368 (12 VDC 4.5 Ah), Model 369 (12 VDC 7 Ah), Model 367 (12 VDC 7.7 Ah), Model 365 (12 VDC 9Ah), Model 366 (12 VDC 18 Ah). Select a Max. Ah Available number that is just greater than the number calculated in Amp Hours Required. Install the number of batteries shown in the corresponding No. of Batteries required column. Example: If the Amp Hours Required calculation equals 22 Ah for 24 hours of standby time and 4.5 Ah batteries are desired, install six (6) Model 368 (12 VDC, 4.5 Ah) batteries. For listed installations, all batteries shall be installed in a DMP Model 341, 349, 350 or 352S enclosure and all wiring shalt run through conduit. The enclosure shall be installed to the Left of the XR100FC Series enclosure to ensure Battery and AC wire separation. 24 hours of standby power 4.5 Ah Batteries Max. Ah I No. of 16 4 20 5 24 1 6 7 Ah Batteries Max. Ah No. of Available Batteries 6 1 12 2 18 3 24 4 31 5 37 6 43 7 Max. Ah Available 7.7 Ah Batteries I No. of Batteries 6 1 13 2 20 3 27 34 JEd 41 1 9 Ah Batteries 1 Max. Ah No. of Available Batteries 8 1 16 2 24 3 32 4 40 5 I 18 Ah Batteries Max. Ah No. of Available Batteries 16 1 32 2 48 3 9 I Note: 48 hours is the typical battery recharge time for any of the Number of Batteries 60 hours of standby power 7 Ah Batteries Max. Ah No. of Available Batteries 13 2 I 27 1 4 I 33 1 5 47 54 li:~ 60 Max. Ah Available 7.7 Ah Batteries No. of Batteries 14 2 22 3 29 4 37 5 44 6 52 7 59 8 67 9 9 Ah Batteries Max. Ah No. of Available Batteries 17 2 26 3 34 4 43 5 52 6 61 7 69 8 18 Ah Batteries Max. Ah No. of Available Batteries 17 1 34 2 52 3 69 4 Note: 48 hours is the typical battery recharge time for any of the Number of Batteries shown in this section. 72 hours of standby power 9 Ah Batteries Max. Ah No. of Available I Batteries I 33 1 4 I 42 1 5 18 Ah Batteries Max. Ah No. of Available Batteries 16 1 33 2 50 3 67 4 Note: 72 hours is the typical battery recharge time required for any of the Number of Note: If the Amp Hours Required calculation is greater than any Max. Ah Available number shown on a table, then add power supply(s) to power some system devices allowing the Amp Hours Required calculation to be reduced. See the 710/710F Bus SplitterlRepeater Installation Guide (LT-0310). XRIOOFC Series Installation Guide Digital Monitoring Products 13 11,2 Compatible 2-Wire Smoke Detector Chart Manufacturer Model Detector Base Base DC # of Zone Panel ID ID Voltage Detectors Expansion Zones Range (12V/24V) Modules Detection Systems DS230, DS230F B/A MB2W, MB2WL A 8.5-33 10 725 Detection Systems DS250, DS25OTH B MB2W, MB2WL A 8.5-33 10/12 715, 715-8, 9 & 10 715-16,725 Detection Systems DS25OHD B MB2W, MB2WL A 8.5-33 10 715,715-8, 9 & 10 715-16 Detection Systems DS260 B/A MB2W, MB2WL A 8.5-33 17 725 D5282, DS282TH, 715, 715-8, Detection Systems DS282THC, B 8.5-33 10/12 715-16, 725 g & 10 DS282THS Hochiki SLR-835B-2 HD-6 N/A 8-35 14 725 SLR-835BH-2 Hochiki SLR-24, SLR-24H HD-3 NS4-220 118-3 15-33 15 725 Hochiki SLJ-24, DCD-190, HD-3 NS4-220 HB-3 15-33 15 725 DCD-135 Hochiki SLR-24, SLR-24H HD-3 NS6-220 HB-3 15-33 15 725 Hochiki SIJ-24 HD-3 NS6-220 HB-3 15-33 20 725 Hochiki DCD-190, DCD-135 HD-3 NS6-220 HB-3 15-33 16 725 429AT, 521B, 715, 715-8, Sentrol/ESL 521BX1 521N8, S09A 6.5-20 12 9 & 10 521NBXT 715-16 Sentrol/ESL 429C, 429Cr, S1QA 8.5-33 12 725 5218/8XT Sentrol/ESL 429CR1 429C51 S11A 8.5-33 12 725 429C551 521CRXT 711U, 712U, 713- 701E, 70-lu Sentrol/ESL 5U, 7136U, 721U, S10A 702E, 702U, SOD 8.5-33 12 725 721U1 701E, 701U, Sentrol/ESL 731U, 723U S11A 702E, 702U, SOO 8.5-33 12 725 702RE, 702RU System Sensor 1400 A 8.5-35 10 715,715-8, 9 & 10 715-16 System Sensor 1151, 2151 A B110PL, B401 8.5-35 10/10 715,715-8, 9 & 10 715-16,725 System Sensor 1451, 2451TH A B401, B401B 8.5-35 10 715,715-8, 9 & 10 715-16 System Sensor 1451DH A DH400 8.5-35 10 715,715-81 715-16 9 & 10 2100T, 2100B, 715, 715-8, System Sensor 2100TB, 2100D, A 8.5-35 10 715-16 9 & 10 2100TD System Sensor 2400, 2400AT, A 8.5-35 10 715,715-8, 9 & 10 2400Ar1 2400TH 715-16 System Sensor 2451 A B401, B401B, 8.5-35 10 715,715-8, 9 & 10 DH400 715-16 System Sensor 2W-B, 2W1-B A 8.5-35 10 715,715-81 9 & 10 715-16 System Sensor DH100P, DH100LP A 8.5-35 10 715, 715-8, 9& 10 715-16, 725 Compatible 2-Wire Smoke Detectors Digital Monitoring Products XRIOOFC Series installation Guide 16 (L Fire & Life Saietv Security Smoke Detection Overview GE brand 500 Series two- and four-wire conventional photoelectric smoke detectors bring together trusted technology and a full line of features that meet the demands of every type of application. The 500 offers sounders in two- and four-wire applications, specifically to meet residential code requirements. The 500 Series also offers choices for optional auxiliary relays and isolated heat sensors, not available before in the 500 Series. GE is also proud to offer proven technology like CleanMe, dust compensation, field replaceable optical chambers, and self-diag- nostics. CleonMeO is only available on the 500 2-wire models and will communicate to the GE FireworX panels when servicing is required. 500 Series detectors work on a light-scattering principle. A pulsed infrared light-emitting diode serves as the light source, and a high- speed photo diode as the sensing element. This design has superior protection against nuisance alarms caused by dust, insects, RF interference, and ambient light. The proprietary optical chamber is field replaceable. In the event of a confirmed alarm the LED will light continuously. The unit indicates trouble by flashing the LED every second. This meets the NFPA 72 field sensitivity testing requirements. Units with built-in 85dBA sounders emit a temporal 3-3-3 tone pattern when in alarm and will emit a steady tone when the input power is reversed. All wiring terminates in clamp-type screw termi- nals. The detectors mount to a standard single-gang electrical box, a four-inch octagonal, four-inch square electrical box, or WIREMOLD No. 5739 fixture box. Standard Features Remote maintenance (CIeanMe reporting (2-wire models) and built-in drift compensation reduces false alarms Self diagnostics eliminates the need for external meters Field-replaceable optical chamber makes service fast and simple Small, low profile design blends with any environment Optional auxiliary functions include: Integral sounder Fixed/Rote-of-Rise heats Auxiliary relay Single station smoke with system heat Built-in power supervision relay Smoke Detectors with Auxiliary Functions 500 Series 01 I 1 C @ - MEA * Data Sheet FX85001-0606 Issue 1 Not to be used for Installation purposes. Page 1 of 2 Color White Field wiring size 12-24 AWG (16-22 recommended) Detector packaging 10 detectors per carton Heat detector specifications Rate-of-Rise: 15° F/min and >105° F (a3 C/min and >40.6°C) Fixed Threshold: 135° F (57.2°C) UL 2-wire compatibility S10A. S11A identifiem Drift compensation adjustment 1.0% ft. max Detector head dimensions5.5 Dx2 H (14.0 x 5cm) Mounting dimensions 5.25'(13.3 cm) diameter; 0.3"(0.8 cm) height Regulations Reset time 1 second mm Listings C-UL-US, CSFM. MEA Application 500 Series detectors are ideal for both retrofit applications and new installations alike. They are particularly well-suited for installations where detector reliability is essential, but where analog devices may not be appropriate or feasible. With their replaceable optical cham- bers, these detectors are equally well-suited to dusty environments where detectors require frequent cleaning. Assembly ,,- Optional fixed temperature sensor Diagnostic LED Optional ratef-rise sensor b-• / Photoelectric sensor Replaceable optical chamber Detector cap Mounting and Installation 500N detector bases mount directly to standard single-gang electri- cal boxes, three-inch round, or four-inch octagonal boxes. Detector heads simply twist onto the base. Heads are equipped with a break- away locking tab, which prevents unauthorized removal. Terminals accept 12 to 24 AWC field wiring. Dimensions Q2' s. (12=) Typical Wiring 2-wire Initialing + Circuit Listed Alarm Control - EOL Device First Detector Detector ) ~ 65,6 Specifications E(ctt!câi, Power Supply 8.5-33VDC 112/24 V operation) polarity sensitive Maximum ripple pk-pk (6/12/24V)10% (Vpk-pk) Typical average standby current 70 pA Typical alarm current (6/12/24V) up to 60 mA max if not limited by control panel Auxiliary relay contacts 1.0 A @30 VDc: Form c Alarm contacts 500 MA @36 VOC (resistive) Photoelectric sensitivity 3.1% +0.5 - 1.0% - Environment Operating temperature 32 to 100 F (0 to 37 ci Operating humidity range 0 to 95% non-condensing RFI immunity 20 V/m mm; 0-1000 MHz Physical Data Sheet FX85001-0606 issue 1 Not to be used for installation purposes. Page 2 of 2 Ordering Information Model Description Compatibility-. Alarm Current (irA) Re 'verse, polarity (mA) 5218 2-wire, photoelectric.6-33V0C S09AIS10A 5 mm. -60 max. 5218XT 2-wire, photoelectric, 6-33VDC, fixed temp and rate-of-rise heat S09AJS10A 5 mm. -60 max. - 521NCRXT 2-wire, photoelectric, 8.5-33V0C, fixed temp and rate-of-rise heat, aux. relay S11A 15 mm. -60 max. 521NCSXT 2-wire, photoelectric, 8.5-33V0C, fixed temp and rate-of-rise heat, temporal 3 S10A 10 mm. -60 max 10 sounder 521NCSRXT 2-wire, photoelectric, 8.5-33VDC, fixed temp and rate-of-rise heat, aux. relay S11A 15 mm. -60 max 10 temooral 3 sounder 541C 4-wire photoelectric, 6-33VDC I N/A 20 5410(1 4-wire, photoelectric, 6-33VDC, fixed temp and rate-of-rise heat - N/A 20 541NCSRXI 4-wire, photoelectric, 8.5-33VDC, fixed temp and rate-of-rise heat, aux. relay. N/A -- 35 13 temporal 3 sounder 541NCSXTE 4-wire, photoelectric, 8.5-33VDC, fixed temp and rate-of-rise heat, built-in end N/A 45 28 of line relay, temporal 3 sounder 541NCSRH 4-wire, photoelectric,' 8.5-33VDC, isolated fixed temp and rate-of-rise heat. aux. N/A 35 13 relay. temporal 3 sounder, non-latching LED with auto reset 25 541NCXTE 4-wire, photoelectric, 8.5-33VDC, fixed temp and rate-of-rise heat, built-in end N/A 35 of line relay 541NCSXT 4-wire, photoelectric, 85-33VDC, fixed temp and rate-of-rise heat, temporal 3 N/A 30 13 sounder 548C 4-wire. ohotoelectric. 8.5-33VDC. ULC Listed Note: Only 500 Series Options .(add the following suffixes as appropriate) B 6-33V0C operation C 8.5-33VDC operation EEnd-of-Line relay H Isolated rate-of-rise and fixed temp sensors - R Auxiliary relay S 85dBa sounder >11 Rate-of-rise and fixed temp sensors Accessones. 405-05 Polarity reversalmodule enables sounder interconnection of all 4-wire smoke detectors,when initiating detector sounds all smokes sound. 401 Test magnet in a plastic shell for pole mounting SM200-12PKG Smoke inc Ccn!e canned smoke for functional testing SM-extlL Smoke inc Canl5 extension tube 211-10PKG Replacement optical chambers (set of 10) 500PLT-5PKG 6 trim ring for wider coverage area Data Sheet FX85001-0506 Issue 1 Not to be used for installation purposes. Page 3 of 2 Security U.S. I 888-GESECURITY F 503-691-7566 Canada T 519 376 2430 F 519 376 7258 Asia 1852 29078108 F852 2142 5063 Latin America 1305 593 4301 F305 593 4300 www.gesecurity.com/fireworx 2009 General Electric Company All Rights Reserved imagination at work Not be used for 4 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7272-1657:0277 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7272— SMOKE DETECTOR-SYSTEM TYPE-PHOTOELECTRIC LISTEE: EDWARDS, A Division of UTC Fire & Security Americas Corporation, Inc.8985 Town Center Parkway, Brandenlon, FL 34202 Contact: Jewell Micochero (941) 739-4358 Fax (941)308-8123 Email: rhonda.micochero@fs.utc.com DESIGN: Models 521 B, 511C*, 5IIAFT*, 521 BXT, 52ICRXT (2-wire) and 541C, 54ICXT, 54IAXT (4-wire) photoelectric type smoke detectors. Model 521 BXT, 521 CRXT, 541 CXT, 511 AFT*, and 541 AXT smoke detectors employ a supplemental heat sensor to assist the smoke detector in fire situation. This heat sensor is not a heat detector and is not intended for use in lieu of the required heat detectors. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 6.5-33 VOC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric type smoke detectors for use with separately listed electrically compatible fire alarm control units. NOTE: Formerly: 7300-0447:140 .4 7-29-10 ma This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Epgine staff has reviewed , the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification oy'any ,4iaims. This sting is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should ,Sot b used to vrify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation insSIuction and/or her / Date Issued: July 01, 2011 Listing Expires Juie 30, 201 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division LLI reliability suitable fo?'cdmmercial and industrial installations - (NetJork ready option with on-board EtherneJ diofl Full range of zone expansion. communication, and relay output capability Flash Updateable Powerful UL Listed addressable fire system DMPXR1 OOFC/XR500FC panels deliver true flexibility and expandability, to cover all your fire needs. XR100FC/XR500FC SERIES COMMERCIAL FIRE PANELS SYSTEM FEATURES (. UL listed for Fire Protective Signaling UL 864 Fire Warning • Multiple on-board status LEDs Up to 562 two-wire smoke detector or fire initiating zones • Up to 100 output schedules to control relays and panel outputs Up to .5 Amps 12 VDC smoke and auxiliary output with OVC protection Up to .7 Amps 12 VDC supervised bell output Up to 506 fully-programmable Form C relays Serial 3 Digital Dialer or CID reporting to multiple receivers lght communication paths betWeen the panel and Central Station) Built-in DB-9 RS-232 R500FCIXR500NFC) or LX-Bus (Selectable) Built-in remote or on-site feature upgrade capability Flash updateable: No more firmware chips to replace 32 individual reporting areas, with common areas Output Groups: Maximum functionality—Minimum programming XR100NFC/XR500NFC SYSTEM FEATURES All above liSted System Features On-board Ethernet connection for Network MonitoringJM Customizable check-in time and retry time Suitable for multi-site applications where the Internet or LAN/WAN is available Digital SLC Loop 2 Digital SLC Any expansion device Loop can operate on SLCLoop lor2 Power Supply 505-12 or other 12124VDC UL Commercial Fire Approved Power Supplies. XR100FC/XR500FC SERIES FIRE PANELS The XR100FCIXR500FC Series provides basic fire monitoring for any single site application. The XR1 00NFC/XR500NFC panels provide all the same basic fire monitoring as the XR1OOFCIXR5OOFCnhanced by the on-board Ethernet connection that allows the use of Network (onitori Both panels come fully assembled from the factory with the following components: CONTROL PANEL __________ The XR1 OOFC/XR500FC Series addressable fire panel provides complete system control for local NAC operation and DACTrrErcommunicatjp) (the central station) The microprocessor based panel also provides input for Class A zone expansion, conventional and addressable smoke detectors, pull stations, and heat detectors. ENCLOSURE The enclosure is comprised of cold rolled steel in Red to distinguish it for fire operation. For added security, the enclosure comes with a lock and key. KEYPAD ANNUNCIATOR The Fire Command Center mounted in the door offers a 32-character full text LCD readout that displays system events and menu prompts, making it efficient and easy-to-use. TRANSFORMER AND ENCLOSURE The 16 VAC. 56 VA wire-in transformer is factory installed and features a built'-in PlC for power circuit protection. XR1 OOFC/XR500FC TYPICAL NOTIFICATION/ANNUNCIATION :7 12or24VDC NAC1 12or24VDC Sync Module Strobe Mini-Horn or 24 VDC L_LJ - ul or Sync Module Horn Strobe NA Motor Bell Digital Annunciator Bus Additional 63OF Fire Command 0 Centers 630F Fire Command Center FLEXIBLE COMMUNICATION The XR1 OONFCIXR500NFC has transitionéd from dialer-focused communications to a true network and cellular communications approach by providing stronger. multi-layered panel communications that ensure a constant link between the panel and Central Station. Installers have theability to create, configure and manage up to eight communication paths. The unique DMP Serial 3 format supports 16 or 32-character user, zone and area names to decrease the central station response time and limit dependence on automation literal tables for message conversion. NETWORK OR CELLULAR COMMUNICATION Lsupported. rnet Communications enhance) ons and provide Standard and ne Security. Both UDP and TCP) The network option can be primaryjr backup path to the digital dialer or cellular option. The XR500FC Command Processor Panel used with the 4636 Digital Cellular Communicator has earned the UL 864 listing when used as the primary path (no backup required) for commercial fire installations per NPFA !The check-in and fail time settingjs (a programmed for five minutes) As the backup path. the 4636 provides the security of a communication link that continues to function, even when Land lines are cut or compromised. This interface works on digital cellular GSM/GPRS data networks over a variety of carriers in the USA and Canada. For XR500FC Series Fire Panels, The 4636 plug-in Digital Cellular Communicator can be used as the primary path, providing installation flexibility where no land lines are available. Can be used as a stand-alOne communicator without the need for a backup. Used as the backup path. the 4636 provides the security of a communication link that continues to function. even when land lines are cut or compromised. This interface works on digital Cellular GSM/ GPRS data networks over a variety of carriers in the USA and Canada. EIGHT COMMUNICATION PATHS Create, configure, and manage up to eight communication paths between the panel and Central Station. Each path has its own panel communication programming parameters, and can be identified as either primary or backup. This enables installers to configure a reliable communication link, offering greater confidence that the panel will always be connected to the Central Station. COMMUNICATION FUNCTION DIAGNOSTICS The enhanced diagnostic menu enables technicians to check network and cellular communication status, cell signal strength, and email status from the keypad. FIRE ZONE PROGRAMMING Program zones for fire, fire verik fire retard, presignal, cross zoning, or fire supervisory. This flexibility allows the ability to match individual zone characteristics to the needs of any area in the fire installation. ZONE EXPANSION The FC Series provides up to 562 zones, programmable fora variety of fire applications. The system provides Class B 12 VOC powered zones, two on-board and four on the 715 Module, plus eight panel burglary zones. Up to 60 zones are available on 15 keypad addresses and up to 100 zones are available on the built-in LX_BusTM. Add up to 500 zones using Expansion Modules. FIRE VERIFY Used primarily for smoke detector circuits to verify the existence of an actual fire condition. When a Fire Verify zone initiates an alarm. the panel performs a Sensor Reset. If any Fire Verify zone initiates an alarm within 120 seconds after the reset, an alarm is indicated. If an alarm is initiated after another 120 seconds, the cycle is repeated. NOTIFICATION CIRCUIT EXPANSION Easily add NAC outputs to the XR100FC/ XR500FC system. Up to three Class B modules can be mounted within the FACP. Model 865 or 866 Class B NAC Modules may be combined with a power supply to provide additional 4 Amp NAC outputs. Use an 867 on the SLC Loop to further expand NAC circuits. FIRE DRILL AND ONE-MAN WALK TEST Users can test fire notification bells using the Fire Drill feature. A special code is also available for installers to test the system. The one-man walk test feature allows a single technician to check the panel response to fire, burglary, panic and supervisory zones. BUILT-IN PROGRAMMER AND DIAGNOSTICS No programming device is required, enabling installers and service technicians to fully program the system and run diagnostics from any DMP LCD keypad. Check the electrical state of zones, find individual zone numbers, check the LX-Bus for Missing. Overlapping and/or Extra zones, and much more, all from any DMP LCD keypad. FLASH UPDATEABLE The XR1 OOFC/XR500FC Series panel accepts software updates from a remote location using Remote LinkTM software. When new XR1 OOFC/XR500FC feature updates release, perform the flash update remotely. The XR1 OOFC/XR500FC seriesillOwsthe. use of two SPOT relay outputs and four open collector outputs, that may be activated by zone or system events, by schedule, through the User Menu or when a card is presented. Output Groups allow multiple outputs to activate with a single event and/or can be assigned to a particular user profile up to 500 outputs on the LX-Bus when optional output expanders are used. OUTPUT SCHEDULES Achieve maximum system flexibility with 100 programmable schedules that simplify planning and operations. Control any contact-activated device with schedules that automatically regulate relays and switched- ground outputs. MULTI-LINGUAL DISPLAYS For additional flexibility, keypads attached to the XR1 00FC/XR500FC Series panels can display keypad Status List and User Menu text using multiple languages. The user has the option to select the language to use. STATUS LIST To provide maximum system flexibility fire zones may be programmed to display at a specific keypad. In this manner, all fire zones can be monitored in one location and other zones can be programmed to display and be monitored at different keypad locations. 2,000 EVENT MEMORY The Display Events feature allows users to view up to 2.000 stored fire events, zone events, user code and schedule changes, and supervisory events. REMOTE LINK The Remote Link programming software takes advantage of the easy-to-use simplicity of MicrosoftO WindowsTM. The XR100FC/ XR500FC Series include an interface connection for installers to use to connect a Laptop computer. IN a 630F LCD Remote Fire Command EXPANSION MODULES 710 Bus Splitter/Repeater 711 Single Zone Expansion 714 4-zone Class-B Expansion 714-8 8-zone Class-B Expansion 714-16 16-zone Class-B Expansion 715 4-zone 2-wire smoke Expansion 715-8 8-zone 2-wire smoke Expansion 715-16 164one 2-wire smoke Expansion 716 Output Expansion. 4 Form C relays. 4 open collector outputs 717 Graphic Annunciator: 20 open collector outputs INTERFACE CARDS 461 Interface Adaptor Card 462N Network Interface Card 462P Printer Interface Card 4630 Cellular Communicator 481 Expansion Interface Card AUXILIARY MODULES 860 Relay Output Module 865 Style W/X Notification Circuit Module 866 Style W Notification Circuit Module 867 LX-Bus Notification Circuit Module 869 Style D Class A Initiating Circuit Module 893A Dual Phone Line Module POWER SUPPLIES 505-12/LX 5 Amps @12 VDC 505-12L .5 Amps @12VDC 505-12A 5 Amps @12VDC PULL STATIONS 850 Series Pull Stations SMOKE/HEAT DETECTORS SLR-835B Smoke/Heat 521 B/BXT Conventional Smoke. CleanMe 521 L)(/LXT Addressable Smoke/Heat. CleanMe ACCESSORIES 300 Four-wire Harness 303 Silence/Reset Push-Button 305 Plug-in Output Relay 306 Tamper Harness 307-S Screw-On Tamper Switch 3012 Clip-On Tamper Switch 335 Intrusion Siren 370 Lightning Suppressor 374 Surge Voltage Suppressor 431 Output Harness 861 Power Distribution Module CENTRAL STATION RECEIVERS SS-1 R Network Enabled Receiver DMP WIRELESS 1100X Receiver 1100XH High Power Receiver 1100R Repeater 1103 Universal Transmitter. External Contact 1165 Commercial Smoke Detector 1165H Commercial Smoke/Heat Detector 1165H5 Commercial Smoke/Heat Detector with Sounder 1181 Post Indicator Valve (UL) 1182 Outside Screw and Yoke Valve Supervisory Switch (UL) XR100FC/XR500FC PACKAGES PKG-XR100FC Includes: XR1 OOFCR. 866, 893A, 318. (2) 356-7. and (2)358. PKG-XR100NFC Includes: XRI OONFCR, 866. 893A. 318. (2) 356-7. and (2) 358. PKG-XR500FC Includes: XR500FC-R. 866. 893A. 318. (2) 356-7. and (2) 358 PKG-XRSOONFC InclUdes: XR500NFCR, 866. 893A. 318. (2) 356-7. and (2) 358 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Primary Power (included) 16 VAC 56 VA transformer Secondary Power 12 VDC Battery Models 365. 366. 367, 368 or 369 Output Rating Bell Up to .7 Amps at 12 VDC Smoke and Auxiliary Up to .5 Amps at 12 VDC For UL installations, total bell, smoke, and auxiliary cannot exceed 1.2 Amps using a 56 VA transformer. Current Draw 180mA Enclosure: Material Cold-rolled steel (Red) Model 350 17.1"W x 13.44" H x 4.8" D ORDERING INFORMATION For additional information, access www.dmp.com and select Compliance. XR1 OOFC-R XR1 00 Fire Control Panel XR1 OONFC-R XR1 00 Fire Control Panel with Networ XR500FC-R XR500 Fire Control Panel XR500NFCL XR500 Fire Control Panel with 2500 North Partnership Boulevard 80041A282 I drnp.com ME! LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Refer to the XR100FC and XR500FC Series Installation Guides (LT-1087. LT-1088). XR100FC and XR500FC Series Programming Guides (LT-0896. LT-0679) and specific compliance listings for installation and programming requirements necessary to meet a particular approval. California State Fire Marshall (SFM) FCC Part 15 FCC Part 68 Registration ID CCKALOOBXR500 New York City (FDNY COA #6055) Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Listed ANSI/UL 864 Fire Protective Signaling CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. C7165-1157:0123 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7165- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT (COMMERCIAL) LISTEE: (Digital Monitoring Products2500)N. Partnership Blvd, Springfield, MO 65803 Contact: Terry Shelton (417) 831-9362 Fax (417) 831-1325 Email: tshelton@dmp.com DESIGN: Models XR500, XR500N, XR500E, XR100(R100NJ XR500FC, XR500NFC, XR100FC, and XRIOONFC combination fire and burglary alarm control units. Local, remote station (PPU), proprietary (PPU),(nd central station (PPU) seMces Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: XR500, XRSOON, XR100100N Main Board XR500FC, XR500NFC, XRIOOFC, XRIOONFC; Main Board 349, 350, 350A, 352P, 352X; Enclosure 341; Battery Enclosure 630F, 690, 690F, 693, 790, 790F, 791, 793; Supervised LCD Keypads 7060, 7060A, 7063, 7063A, 7064, 7070, 7070A; LCD Keypads 7073, 7073A, 7074, 7760, 7160, 7160A; LCD Keypads 7163,7163A, 7170,7170A, 7173,7173A; LCD Keypads 325; Transformer Bracket 322, 327, 323; Transformer Adaptor 481, 462N, 462P, 462FM, 472; Interface Card 461; Interface Adaptor 714, 714-8, 714-16, 715, 711, 711E; Zone Expanders 715-8, 715-16, 725; Zone Expanders Output Expander Annunciator Module 860; Relay Module 865, 866, 867; Indicating Modules 869; Initiating Module 893A; Dual Phone Line Module 733, 734; Wiegand Interface 736P; Interface Module 710, 710F; Bus Splitter 303; Reset/Silence Switch t! iCOM-E; Internet Alarm Route IlOOX, IIOOXH*; RF (Wireless) Receiver 1100R; Wireless Repeater 1103; Wireless Transmitter 463G; Digital Cellular Communicator (*may be used as the stand alone primary communicator) Rev. 12-22-10 bh This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but doer not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued July 01, 2011 Listing Expires (June 30, 2012) Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division J71ZWMNGI 2 EP a (7, 0 LU,L' L__4ecflnologtj gCOMTM ROUTERS SIGNALING THE FUTURE Lightning-fast, supervised secure Network Monitoring is yours with iCOM Routers from DMP - the leader in Network Monitoring. Fast, secure network communications Full supervision of LAN/WAN/Internet communication Exceeds UL requirements for UL AA High Line Security and UL 864 Fire Protective Signaling No phone lines required WHY ICON iCOM technology is quickly becoming the standard for monitoring retail chains, government facilities, financial institutions, school systems, as well as commercial and residential installations. Communicate via your Network and Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) connection for fast, high quality, low cost monitoring. ñCOM TECHNOLOGY ALARM ROUTERS COMTM I iCOM-ETM I ICOMSLTM STANDARD FEATURES FEATURES ON ALL ICOM MODELS SIGNALING FEATURES Programming via DMP LCD Keypad, laptop or PC • Supervision between premise and alarm equipment is TCP/IP addressing or DHCP for dynamic IP addressing managed by the SCS-1 R Central Station Receiver fProvides constant network communication path supervision) • Messages transmitted via UDP protocol, as required by UL, 16etween the paneL and receiverj guard against certain denial-of-service attacks Supports full DMP Serial 3 format to SCS-1 R Receivers • The SCS-1 R Receiver and iCOM Routers can accommodate Easily installs in panel enclosure using universal 2500 supervised accounts with a single network line-card edge-mounting or 3-hole pattern • Message authentication Remote panel programming over the network • Task specific panel-to-receiver communication technology Average UDP message size of 63 bytes has minimal impact eliminates the need for additional computers and servers on network bandwidth • Primary and secondary target IP addresses for backup Flash-updateable ROM central station receiver Uses the panel auxiliary power output, eliminating the need for an external power supply Designed and manufactured in the U.S.A. n rn ro u-'c EP1D EASY INSTALLATION - ICON FEATURES ICOtsIsz FEATURES Easily install any iCOM Network Router • Provides Network Monitoring • Network slave-communicator in the panel enclosure by simply capability to the XR500 Command • Com patible with DMP panels and ANY snapping into the enclosure using the Processorlm panel when using a 462N manufacturers panel 3-hole pattern or use the universal Interface Card • Six inputs/Six outputs/Nine edge-mounting option. All ICOM Routers • XR500N Series and XR250OF panels programmable Zone Types are powered by the panel, so external also provide optional on-board RS-232 • Input Mode allows iCOMsL use in • power supplies and additional batteries Network connections stand-alone applications are things of the past. ICON-E FEATURES • Keypad Mode allows full DMP Serial 3 communication from XRSuper6, XRZO SIMPLE PROGRAMMING • Adds 128-bit RijndaeL encryption to and XR40 Command Processor panels Program by using any DMP LCD keypad, the standard iCOM features • UL Listed for High Line Security (UL a laptop, or PC using the Hyperterminal • Compatible with the XR100/XR500 AA) as a slave communicator for any program already on your computer. Command Processor panels UL Listed commercial burglar alarm No additional software is needed for • Meets U.S. Government Advanced panel programming. Encryption Standards (AES) •' UL listed for Commercial Fire without) NIST validated and UL listed for ladditional phone lines) ON-BOARD STATUS LEDS encryption Multiple on-board status LEDs help users • Accepts encrypted and non- determine when the unit is transmitting encrypted signals when installed in data to and receiving data from the an SCS-1R receiver panel. Additional LEDs verify network • Use in high-security environments activity and that network communication and Sensitive Compartmentalized is in a normal condition. Information Facility (SCIF) applications ICON TECHNOLOGY ONBOARD (XR500N, XR500E, and XR2500F panels) (now ship with iCOM Technology onboard) (so your system is network ready right out (of the box.) ou LINK MULTIPLE STORES, BRANCHES OR AGENCIES Use iCOM Technology for supervised central station monitoring without the expense of leased Lines, toil charges, or radio towers. Network multiple sites via company LAN/WAN or the internet for monitoring and remote programming. iCOt'Isz CONFIGURATIONS iCOMsL-XR/AA: Provides UL AA High Line Security network communication for DMP XRSuper6M, XR20M, or XR40M Command Processor Panels. iCOMsL- 12V/AA: Provides UL AA network communication. for non-DMP 12 VDC commercial burglary panels. 1C0MsL-XR5/1NACT: Provides 12 VDC network communication for .DMP XR5FC FACP (Fire Alarm Control Panel) panels. iCOMSL- 12V/NACT: Provides 12 VDC network communication for non-DMP FACP installations. ICOMsL-24V/NACT: Provides 24 VDC network communication for non-DMP FACP installations. SOFTWARE OPTIONS Remote Link Remote Programming System Link End-User Management Link Server Remote Link Server Database Option Link Add-on Modules LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Refer to the iCOM Installation Guide (LT-0587), ICOM-E Installation Guide (LT-0587), and iCOMsL Installation Guide (LT-0631) and specific compliance listings for installation and programming requirements necessary to meet a particular approval. ICONIiCON-EIICONsL Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Listed UL AA High Line Security California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) FCC Part 15 For additional information, access www.dmp.com and select Compliance. ECON-E UL Encrypted High Line Security NIST AES Algorithm Certificate #66 for iCOM-E only. See http://csrc.nist.gov/cryptval/aes/aesvat.htmi iCONIICON-E SPECIFICATIONS Primary Power 12 VDC Current Draw 78.1 mA Dimensions 0.75 x 3" x 5.5" ICONsL SPECIFICATIONS Primary Power 12/24 VDC Current Draw 80mA Dimensions 0.75 x 3" x 5.5 ICONIiCOK-E PANEL COMPATIBILITY XR1 00/XR500 Series and XR2500F iCOI4sL PANEL COMPATIBILITY ALL DMP Command Processor panels and/or a manufacturers alarm panel. ACCESSORIES 462N Network Interface Card SCS-101 Network interface for SCS-1 R Receiver 396 PC to iCOM/iCOM-E Programming Cable 397 RS-232 DB-9 Cable (XR500 Series) 350B 3-hole pattern mounting plate (Slide-in) 350D 3-hole pattern mounting plate (Snap-in) 2500 North Partnership Boulevard Digital Monitoring Product. Springfield, Missouri 6.5803-8877 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM 47 LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. (7300-1157:0 L17) Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300— FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNITACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE: (Digital Monitoring Products2500 N. Partnership Blvd, Springfield, MO 65803 Contact: Terry Shelton (417) 831-9362 Fax (417) 831-1325 Email: tshelton@dmp.com DESIGN: (Model iCOMsI Internet Alarm Communicator. Unit allows fire alarm control units to (pmmunicate as a primary signaling path over an Ethernet or Internet connection. Unit is intended to be installed in a Model XR20 or XR40 control unit as a subassembly for combination household fire and burglary alarm systems. Unit is compatible with any listed power limited fire alarm control unit which is listed for central station or receiving station via contact closure. For commercial fire applications unit requires the use of Model 377 trouble annunciator module installed in separate listed metal enclosure. Refer to listee's data sheet. for additional detailed product description and operational considerations and listee's installation instructions for details. RATING: 12or24VCD INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as an internet alarm communicator for use with separately listed combination household fire and burglary alarm control units, Models XR20 and XR40 (CSFM Listing No. 7167-1157:103) and commercial fire applications when installed in a listed metal enclosure and used with listed Model 377 trouble annunciator module (CSFM Listing No. 7165-1157:104). Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. Burglary and other non-fire functions were not examined. NOTE: 02-21-2003KK This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2011 Listing Expires 2012] Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division