HomeMy WebLinkAbout5962 LA PLACE CT; ; FA100076; Permit5/6/24, 4:34 PM FA1 00076 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fire Alarm Permit Job Address: 5962 LA PLACE CT Permit Type: FALARM Parcel No: 2120620600 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: FAI 00076 Status: ISSUED Applied 12/13/2010 Approved: 12/13/2010 Issued: 12/13/2010 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: THE CAMPUS FIRE ALARM PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS Applicant: Owner: STANDARD ELECTRONICS CAMPUS CARLSBAD L L C C/O NEWPORT NATIONAL CORP 9340 STEVENS RD 1525 FARADAY AVE #100 SANTEE CA CARLSBAD CA 619-596-9950 Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 125 0 125 0 about:blank 1/1 Underwriters Laboratories Inc® Northbmok, IL San J030, CA Molvillo, NY Applicant ID No: 731846-001 Service Center No U Expires: 31-MAR-2011 A not-for-profit organization dedicated to pubric safety and committed to quality seMce CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the Alarm Service Company indicated below is Included by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) in its Product Directories as eligible to use the UL Listing Mark in connection with Certificated Alarm Systems. The only evidence of compliance with UL's requirements is the issuance of a UL Certificate for the Alarm System and the Certificate is current under UL's Certificate Verification Service. This Certificate does not apply in any way to the communication channel between the protected property and any facility that monitors signals from the protected property unless the use of a UL listed or Classified Alarm Transport Company is specified on the Certificate. Listed Service From: POWAY,' CA Alarm Service Cornpanv, (731846.001) Service Center: (731846-001) CENTRAL MONITORING CORP CENTRAL MONITORING CORP SUITE 1-4 SUITE 1-4 14231 GARDEN RD 14231 GARDEN RD P0 WAY CA 92064 POWAY CA 92064 The Alarm Service Company is Listed in the following Certificate Service Categories: f1ie Vol No, CCN LlsflnqCateqpry S2669 -1 UUFX [Signal and Fire Alarm Equipment and Services] (Protective Signaling Services) Central Station ***THIS CERTIFICATE EXPIRES ON 31-MAR-2011 "LOOK FOR THE UL ALARM SYSTEM CERTIFICATE" 4neeringWanager- 02008 UL Form cscc 30-MAR-201 0 Uh Underwriters Laboratories Inc, ® Northbrook, IL San Jose, CA Melville, NY Applicant ID No: 863165-001 Service Center No 0 Expires: 31-MAR-2011 A not-for-profit organization dedicated to public safety and committed to quality service CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the Alarm Service Company indicated below is included by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) in its Product Directories as eligible to use the UL Listing Mark in connection with Certificated Alarm Systems. The only evidence of compliance with UL's requirements is the issuance of a UL Certificate for the Alarm System and the Certificate is current under UL's Certificate Verification Service. This Certificate does not apply in any way to the communication channel between the protected property and any facility that monitors signals from the protected property unless the use of a UL listed or Classified Alarm Transport Company is specified on the Certificate. Listed Service From: SANTEE, CA (SANTEE) Alarm Service Company: (375063-001) Service Center: (375063-001) STANDARD ELECTRONICS STANDARD ELECTRONICS 9340 STEVENS RD 9340 STEVENS RD SANTEE CA 92071 SANTEE CA 92071 The Alarm Service Company is Listed in the following Certificate Service Categories: File - Vol No. CCN Listina Cateao BPI 0455 - I CRZH [Burglar Alarm Systems] National Industrial Security Systems S3570 -1 UUJS [Signal and Fire Alarm Equipment and Services] (Protective Signaling Services) Local, Auxiliary, Remote Station and Proprietary ***THIS CERTIFICATE EXPIRES ON 31-MAR-2011 "LOOK FOR THE UL ALARM SYSTEM CERTIFICATE" 0 2008 UL Form CS-CC Standard ClElectronics 9340 Stevens R. Santee, CA 92071 Ph# 619.596-9950 Fax# 619-596-8850 November 2, 2010 SUBMITTAL SHEET PROJECT: THE CAMPUS ELEC.CONTR: SASS ELECTRIC, 11657 RIVERSIDE DR., #165, LAKESIDE, CA 92040 EQUIPMENT SPRINKLER MONITORING SYSTEM ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION MODEL NO. DATA SHEET 1 1 7100 FIRE CONTROL PANEL 71002D FCI CSFM#7165-1703:0105 2 2 12 VOLT 17AH SEALED LEAD ACID BATTERIES ES7-12 MK BATTERY 3 1 REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR LCD-7100 FCI CSFM#7165-1703:0105 4 3 ADDRESSABLE OUTPUT MODULE, FORM C RELAY AOM-2RF FCI SFM #7300-1703:0102 5 3 ANALOG SMOKE DETECTOR ASD-PL2F FCI SFM#7272-1703:0121 6 4 PLUG-IN BASE, FLANGED, 6.2 INCH DIAMETER B210-LP SYSTEM SFM #7300-1653:0109 SENSOR 7 1 ANALOG HEAT DETECTOR 135 DEGREE ATD-RL2F FCI SFM#7270-1703:0115 8 1 ADDRESSABLE PULL STATION MS-7AF FCI SFM #7150-1703:119 9 3 ADDRESSABLE MONITOR MODULE AMM-2F FCI SFM #7300-1703:102 10 . 1 MULTI CANDELA HORN STROBE CEILING MOUNT-RED PC2R SYSTEM SFM #7125-1653:188 SENSOR 16 AWG/ 2 CONDUCTOR - SOLID CONDUCTORS POWER 11 1K LIMITED - OVERALL JACKETED - FIRE PROTECTIVE D990 WEST PENN SIGNALING CABLE SFM #7161-0859:101 16 AWG/ 4 CONDUCTOR - SOLID CONDUCTORS POWER 12 .1K LIMITED - OVERALL JACKETED - FIRE PROTECTIVE 992 WEST PENN SIGNALING CABLE SFM#7161-0859:101 WET RATED —16 AWG/2 CONDUCTOR— STRANDED 13 .1K CONDUCTORS POWER LIMITED - OVERALL JACKETED AQ225 WEST PENN - FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING CABLE SFM #7161-859-101 14 .1K #14 THHN SOLID CONDUCTOR WIRE THIN I CED rGameweO l ____ FIRE CONTROL ____ INSTRUMENTS by Honeywell Description The Gamewell-FCI 7100 Series fire alarm control panel is a multi processor-based, analog addressable system. The control panel is a compact, yet expandable, platform. Intended for commercial, industrial and institutional instal- lations, the 7100 Series is ideal for life safety and property protection fire alarm applications. The basic 7100 Series control panel provides one (1) or two (2), analog addressable Signaling Line Circuits (SLCs). Each SLC supports up to ninety-nine (99) analog address- able sensors, as well as up to ninety-nine (99) addressable monitor modules and/or control points. With 198 addresses available on the 7100-1 and 396 addresses available on the 7100-2. The 7100 uses an advanced protocol that ensures an almost instant response to events while at the same time suppressing nuisance alarms. The system may be programmed with either the Win- dows®based Field Configuration Program (FCP-7100) or configured through a comprehensive set of intuitive, secure password protected front-panel programming options. This Important feature allows the system to quickly adapt to any future requirements due to changes in occupancies, build- ing remodels, or other contingencies. The sophisticated circuitry and powerful analog software enables the 7100 Series fire alarm control panel to read the specific sensitivity level of each sensor and compensate for changes due to age, dust accumulation or other environ- mental factors. The 7100 incorporates the Gameweil-FCl Listed integrated Sensitivity Testing (LIST) which meets NFPA 72 sensitivity testing and maintenance requirements. The LIST testing allows substantial savings in both mainte- nance and service while eliminating nuisance alarms. The Model 7100-1 D and 2D features an integral Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (DACT) with all popular transmission formats and a 16-digit telephone number field. It is 8-digit Carrier Information Code (CIC) compliant and also prevents "dialer-runaway" in the event of intermit- tent system faults. The 7100-1 D and 2D are UL Listed for WoidS is a registered frademark of Microsoft Corporation. 1100 Series Compact Analog Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel 7100 Series Features Listed per ANSI/UL 864 9th Edition. 120 or 240 VAC (optional) input line voltage. Front panel programming with day/night sensitivity adjustments. 80-character alpha-numeric display. Two Style 4 (Class "B") signaling line circuits. Style 6 (Class "A") with optional CAOM Module. Two Style V (Class "B") regulated notification appliance circuits rated for 1.5 amp. each. Style Z (Class "A with optional CAOM Module. Suitable for pre-action deluge applications with optional MCOM Module. Available with a metal door. Periodic trouble reminder. Individual sensor drift compensation. o Dual-stage maintenance alerts ("dirty" and "very dirty"). Multilevel sensor sensitivity adjustments (front panel programmable). An ISO 9000-2000 Company Y4~~ MEA* unise — '-- SieGe XGeSGO GAMEWELL-FCI 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 08472-1653 USA • Tel: (203) 484-7161 • Fax: (203) 484-7118 Spocificalions iso for infom1ation only, are not intended for insicitallon pup=, and are subct to change vdithoul notice. Noresponsibtiuty bassumed by Gamewell.FCI for their use. 006 Honeywell International Inc. All IIghIS reserved. www.gamewotl-fci.com 9020-0466 Rev. E page 1 of 3 Remote Station, Proprietary, and Central Station fire alarm systems. It allows ample space for wiring and room for bat- s up to 7 A/H capacity. atures (Continued) Alarm verification per individual sensor. Positive alarm sequence for sensors or monitor modules. Four levels of system access using six (6), digit pass- words with up to live (5), user passwords per Level. Duplicate and extra address indications. March time (60 or 120 BPM)Itemporal patternlcoded fours/California Code/user-defined zone coding. Cross zoning. System configuration programming and 500 event log stored in non-volatile memory. Fan restart with sequential restart deIay. Upload/download of panel configuration between panel and FCP-7100 program (password protected feature). Up to sixty-four (64), 7100 panels in the E3 Broadband network with an optional lNI-7100 Module. Optional Accessories LCD-7100 LCD-7100 remote serial display offers an 80-character ianumeric readout for the remote display of all system events. It duplicates all the information on the 7100 Series panel display and provides key switch protected functions such as System Reset, Alarm Acknowledge, Trouble Acknowledge, Signal Silence, and Drill Test. LEDs on the LCD-7100 indicate Alarm. Supervisory, Sys- tem Trouble, Power Fault, Systems Silenced, NAC#1, and NAC#2 Silenced conditions. The LCD-71 00 can be surface or semi-flush mounted on a standard four-gang electrical box. It can be installed up to 4,000 feet (1,219 m) from the main control panel. The 7100 Series fire alarm control panel supports up to five (5), remote LCD-7100 annunciators using one pair of twisted, non-shielded 18 AWG mm. wire or serial communication and uses another pair of 16 AWG mm. for operating volt- age. (For additional information, refer to the LCD-7100 data sheet, Part Number: 9020-0486). Three (3), LDM-71 00 modules may be installed in a single annunciator for a total of ninety-nine (99), LEDs per annun- ciator. This càmbination may be repeated up to five times for a total of fifteen (15), LDM-7100 panels Installed at up to five (5), different locations. Maximum distances of up to 4,000 feet (1,219 m) can be achieved using one pair of twisted, non-shielded wire for serial communication and using another pair of straight-lay wire for operating voltage. (For additional Information, refer to the LDM-7100 data sheet, Part Number: 9020-0519). AOM The Class UAn Optional Module (CAOM) allows Style Y and Z (Class and UAIS) operation for both Notification Appli- ance Circuits and allows Style 4 and 6 (Class B and uAP) for both Signaling Line Circuits. It also provides disconnect switches for each signaling line circuit and a common dis- connect switch for both notification appliance circuits. MCOM The Municipal Connection Option Module (MCOM) pro- vides three (3) choices of outputs. It can be configured as a Municipal Circuit (City Box) output. It may also be set to serve as a Reverse Polarity output with a nominal voltage output of 24 VDC at 0.012 amp maximum alarm and super- visory current. The MCOM's third option provides a releas- ing solenoid output rated at: 24 VDC nominal voltage; 0.005 amp supervisory current. 0.710 amp maximum alarm current. 2 ohms maximum line resistance. PTRM The Printer Transient Module (PTRM) provides RS-232 Isolator/Transient protection for the 7100's RS-232 port (BSM connector J2). It is used in Conjunction with a serial printer applied to the RS-232 port for permanent record keeping. 1NI-7100 The Intelligent Network interface Module allows the 7100 Series fire alarm control panel to become the platform of a peer-to-peer, token ring, self-regenerative network com- prised of up to sixty-four (64), 7100 panels. LDM-7100 The LED Driver Module (LDM-7100) is designed to mount In a UL Listed remote annunciator and provides outputs for remote panel switches and thirty-three (33), remote LEDs. GAMEWELL-FCI 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1653 USA a Tel: (203) 484-7181 • Fax: (203) 484-7118 9020-0466 Rev. E page 2013 www.gamewell-fcl.com Specifications Primary input Power Output Power Non-resettable Power: Resettabie Power Two (2) Notification Appliance Circuits: Current: 7100-1 (One SLC) 7100-ID (One SLC w/DACT) 7100-2 (Two SLC) 7100-2D (Two SLC w/DACT) 0.085 amp. LCD-71 00 0.050 amp. LDM-7100 0.035 amp. INI-7100-UTP,-FO 0.040 amp. Operating Temperature: 320 - 120° F (00 - 490 C) Relative Humidity: 85 % (non-condensing) Battery Charger Capacity: 31 A/H (Cabinet accommodates 12 A/H size batteries) Alarm & Trouble Relay Contacts: Form "C", 2 amps. @ 24 VDC (resistive) Ordering Information Ordering Information (Continued) Cabinets NS-7100B Enclosure, E3 Series Broadband, black NS-7100R Enclosure, E3 Series Broadband, red Dimensions: 193/8" H x 193/8" W x 4" D (49Hx49Wx1ODcm) Optional Modules LCD-7100 Remote Serial Annunciator, LCD Display (80-character) Dimónsions: 4.25" H x 8.25" W x 1.90° (43 H x 37W x 7.7 D cm) LDM-7100 Remote LED Driver Module Dimensions: 6" W x 4.50" (15.2 x 11.4 cm) CAOM Class A Option Combination Module with disconnect switches for both signaling line circuits and notifiCation appliance circuits MCOM Municipal Connection Option Module for local energy city box reverse polarity signaling, or releasing solenoid PTRM Printer Transient Module lNl-7100-FO Intelligent Network Interface Module, Fiber-Optic lNl-7100-UTP Intelligent Network Interface Module, Unshielded, Twisted-Pair Replacement Parts 1-7100 Transformer, 120 VAC input (replacement) 1-7100-240 Transformer, 240 VAC input (replacement) BSM-7100-1 Replacement board for 7100-1 BSM-7100-1 D Replacement board for 7100-ID 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz © 2.0 amps or 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz @ 1.0 amp. 4 amps. © 24 VDC (total) 1.0 amp. max. 1.0 amp. max. from both circuits 1.0 imp. max. 1.5 amp each @ 24 VDC Supervisory Alarm 0.065 amp. 0.085 amp. 0.085 amp.. 0.105 amp. 0.065 amp. 0.085 amp. 0.105 amp. 0.075 amp. 0.200 amp. (All LEDs [it) 0.040 amp. Systems Model Description 7100-1 7100 Addressable System, I SIC mounted In enclosure Dimensions: 19 3/8° x 19 3/8" (49 x 49 cm) Enclosure 7100-1D 7100 Addressable FACP w/DACT, 1 SLC mounted in enclosure Dimensions: 19 3/8" x 19 3/8" (49 x 49 on) Enclosure Basic Kits BK-7100-2 Basic System Kit, 2 SLC (BSM, Keypad Display, Transformer) BK-7100-2D Basic System Kit w/DACT, 2 SLC BK-7100-2-240V Basic System Kit, 2 SLC, 240 VAC BK-7100-2D-240 V Basic System Kit wJDACT, 2 SIC Cabinets EN-7100 Enclosure (replacement) CS-7100M Metal Door (replacement) 7100-ENCL-M 7100 Enclosure Dimensions: 16.9" H x 14.4"W x 3"D (43 H x 37W x 7.7 D cm) GAMEWELL-FCl 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1853 USA "Tel: (203) 484-7161 • Fax: (203) 484-7118 www.gamewell-fcLcom 9020-0466 Rev. E page 3 of 3 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-1703:0105 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7165 - FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT (COMMERCIAL) LISTEE: GAMEWELL-FCI, 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06410 Contact: Brian Reynolds (203) 484-6124 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: brian.reynolds2@honeywell.com DESIGN: Model 7100 series fire alarm control unit. Used in conjunction with NetSOLO Broadband Voice Evacuation System (CSFM Listing No. 6911-0694:257) for high rise applications. Power-limited; non-coded, manual, automatic, local, auxiliary, central station, remote station, proprietary service, releasing device service,waterfiow and sprinkler supervisory. service. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: BSM-1; 1120-0783; Basic System Module BSM-2; 1120-0781; Basic System Module BSM-1 D; 1120-0782; Basic System Module with DACT BSD-2D; 1120-0780; Basic System Module with DACT CAOM; 1120-0763; Class A Option Module MCOM; 1120-0761; Municipal Module PTRM; 1120-0762; Printer Module 7100-EN-M-Door; 1120-0779; Metal Door 7100-EN-Back Box; 1120-0787; Back Box 7100-EN; 1120-0787; Enclosure 7100-TXA; 1120-0778; Transformer Assembly 7100-EN-P-Door; 1120-0779; Plastic Door 7100-TXA-240; 1120-0801; 240V Transformer Assembly INI-7100;. INI-7100-UTP/-FO; Intelligent Network Interface RATING: INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical ratings, and UL Inc. Label APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm control unit for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. *Also suitable for high-rise applications. These control units can generate the distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal as required per NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. This control unit meets the requirements of UL-864, *9th Edition Standard NOTE: 1. For Fire Alarm Verification Feature (Delay of fire alarm), the maximum Rev. 06-23-2009 fm . This listing is based upon technical data submifted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed S . the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued:. July 01, 2010 Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Listing No. Retard/Reset/Restart period must be adjusted to 30 seconds or less. 2. Combined with 7170-1703:117 FORMERLY: 7165-0694:219 7165-1703:0105 Page 2 of 2 *Rev. 06-23-2009 fm This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Life expectancy: Cycle Use: Standby Use: Case Material Terminal 100% depth of discharge 250 cycles 80% depth of discharge 350 cycles 50% depth of discharge 550 cycles 3-5 years ABS (94-HB & 94V-0 flame retardant case) Fl SPECIFICATIONS Nominal Voltage (V) 12V Nominal Capacity 20h0ur rate (0.36A to 10.50V) 7.2Ah lOhour rate (0.12A to 10.50V) 7.2Ah 5hour rate ( 1.22A to 10.20V) 6.12Ah 1C (7.2A to 9.60V) 3.24Ah 3C (21.6A to 9.60V) 2.59Ah Weight 5.91 Lbs. (2.678 kg) Internal Resistance (at 1KHz) 19 ma Maximum Discharge Current for 30 seconds : 144A Maximum Discharge Current for 5 seconds: 288A Operating Temperature Range Charge 0°C(32°F) to 40°C (104°F) Discharge -15°C(5°F) to 50°C (122°F) Storage -15°C(5°F) to 40°C (104°F) Charge Retention (shelf life) at 20°C (68°F) 1 month 92% 3 month 90% 6 month 80% Charging Methods at 25°C (77°F) Cycle use: Charging Voltage 14.4 to 15.OV Maximum Charging Current 2.16A Standby use: Float Charging Voltage 13.50 to 13.80V No current limit required Maintenance-Free Rechargeable Sealed Lead-Acid Battery M1 . 2 a mm(inch) 6.35 Fl e (FAS!ON TAB NO. 181) 65± (2.5610.04) 151:1 (5.94±0.04) r.. i a ti: fltOIlN$flD---------------------- .ei°v Discharge Tme VS. Discharge Current (25°C) 1 MIR IIiiI1UI! UI1MIii1III•I 00111ME10011101 1 2 I 6 91 1* 4*1* 2 485*8 1* I— 10101110* - - lieu,. Discharge Time IVIK Battery 1645 South Sinclair Street ° Anaheim, California 92806 Toll Free: 800-372-9253° Fax: 714-937-0818 E-Mail: sales@mkbattery.com fGameweO 1100 Series FIRE CONTROL INSTRUMENTS LCD-1100 by Honeywell Description The LCD-7100 remote serial display provides superior flex- ibility to the 7100 or E3 SeriesTM installations. It features an 80-character display which duplicates all the information on the main display with the exception of menus. The LCD-7100 contains the following function keys: Alarm Acknowledge • System Reset/Lamp Test Trouble Acknowledge • System Drill Test Signal Silence A keylock must be placed in the "ON" position to enable the function keys with the exception of the "Trouble Acknowl- edge" key which is used to silence the trouble sounder on the LCD-7100. LEDs on the LCD-7100 are: Alarm • System Silenced Supervisory • NAC #1 Silenced System Trouble • NAC #2 Silenced Power Fault Installation The LCD-71 00 can be surface or flush-mounted on a stan- dard four-gang electrical box and installed up to 3,000 feet (914.4 m) away from the main control. The 7100 or E3 SeriesTm control panels can accommodate up to five (5), remote LCD-7100 annunciators. Specifications Operating Voltage: 24 VDC (nominal) Supervisory Current: .012 amp. Alarm Current: .023 amp. Absolute Maximum Operating Temperature: 320 to 120° F (00 to 490 C) Relative Humidity: 0 to 93% max., non-condensing at 90° F (32° C) Dimensions: 8 1/40L x 4 1/2" H x 17/8" D (21x 11 x 4.5 cm) £3 Soda" is trademark of Honeywell International Inc. Remote Serial LCD Display Features Listed under UL Standard 864, 9th Edition. 80-character alphanumeric LCD display. Full complement of function keys and LEDs. Remote location up to 3,000 feet (914.4 m) away from the control panel. 7100 and E3 SeriesTM will accommodate up to five (5), annunciators. Surface or flush-mount on a standard tour-gang, electrical box. Compact, attractive appearance. Ordering Information Model Description LCD-7100 Remote Serial LCD Display An ISO 9000-2000 Company aI- MEA i'Appmed otyci LISTEDAPFFAM ao tcluall DENVER si 350657$ .es.E soeosesasi O$ma2 Approved Mahon GAMEWELL-FCI 12 Clintonvllle Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 USA • Tel: (203) 484-7161 • Fax: (203) 484-7118 Spec6callons are for Information only, are not Intended for installation purposes, and are subject to diange without notice. Noiesponsibility is assumed by Gamewell.FCI for their use. 2007 Honeywell International Inc. NI riglite reserved. wWw.gamoWell-fCLCom 9020-0486 Rev. Hi page 1 of 1 08!!!!!::2 ~s' GameweII - FIRE CONTROL INSTRUMENTS by Honeywell Volume Series "I'* AOM=21 Description The Gamewell-FCI Velociti® Series, addressable output relay control module (AOM-2RF) allows an Gamewell-FCI analog addressable fire alarm control to switch discrete relay contacts by code command. The relay provides two (2), isolated sets of Form-C contacts which transfer simul- taneously. Circuit connections to the relay contacts are not supervised by the module. The Velociti® Series use a communication protocol that substantially increases the speed of communication between the sensors and certain Gamewell-FCI analog addressable fire alarm controls. These devices operate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices in the group has a status change, the panel's microprocessor stops the group poll and concentrates on the single device. The net effect is response speed up to five times greater than earlier designs. The AOM-2RF Module is designed for installation in the signaling line circuit of any Gamewell-FCI analog address- able fire control panel. The module contains a panel con- trolled LED. The AOM-2RF is designed to mount in a 4" square junction box.2 1/8" deep. Relay Contact Ratings Current Rating Maximum Voltage Load Description Application 3A 30 VDC Resistive Non-Coded 2A 30 VDC Resistive Coded 0.9A 110 VDC Resistive Non-Coded 0.5A 125 VAC Resistive Non-Coded 0.5A 30 VDC Inductive (UR5ms) Coded IA .30 VDC Inductive (L/R=2ms) Coded 0.5A 125 VAC Inductive (PF=.35) Non-Coded 0.7A 75 VAC Inductive Non-Coded Velociti® Series is a.registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc. Addressable Output Relay Control Module Features Two (2) sets of Form "C" contacts Visual rotary, decimal switch addressing (01-159) Bicolor LEDs flash green whenever the sensor is addressed, and light steady red on alarm* Compact size allows easy installation Note: Only the red LED is operative in panels that do not operate in Velociti® mode. Specifications Supervisory current: .000375 amps. Alarm current: .0065 amps. Operating temperature: 320 to 120° F (00 to 49° C) Relative humidity: 10 to 93% relative humidity (non-condensing) Dimensions: 4 1/2" H x 4" W x 1 1/4" (11.4 x 10.2 x 3.2 cm) Ordering Information Model Description AOM-2RF Addressable output relay control module An ISO 9001-2000 Company SIGNAUNG @<~> MEA LISTED APPROVED Approved it 61949 3023594 227.03.E Vo1.IV 07300.0694:178 11 GAMEWELL-FCI 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1653 USA • Tel: (203) 484.7161 Fax: (203) 484-7118 Specifications are for information only, are not intended for installation purposes, and are subject to change without notice. No responsibility is assumed by Gamewell-FCI for their use. 02008 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. www.gamewell.fci.com 9020-0625 Rev. Dl page 1 of 1 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1703:0102 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 - MISC. DEVICE/CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES LISTEE: GAMEWELL-FCI, 12 Clintonville.Road, NorthfordT 06410 Contact: Brian Reynolds 03) 484-6124 Faxor M-4 ) 484-7309 Email: brian.reynoIdsX F, oneyweII.com DESIGN: Models AM, *AMAMM-2 and *AMM 2F monitor modules and Models AOM, AOM-2, AOM-2R, *AOM2RF AOM-25 and *AOM 2SF control modules. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listees printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: LiStee's name, model designation, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as accessories for use with separately listed compatible control units. System Sensor Model SMB500 surface mount box (CSFM Listing No. 7300-1653:103) may be used as an enclosure for these modules NOTE: FORMERLY: 7300-0694:178 XLF: 7300-1653:0103 12-4-07 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division GameweII W'"71 ARE CONTROL INSTRUMENTS by Honeywell \• veloemose-ILS ASB=PL2F, ASI=P'FL2F and AS1=PL2F1 Description The Gamewell-FCI Velociti® Series, analog address- able plug-in smoke sensors with integral communica- tion provide features that surpass conventional sensors. Sensitivity can be programmed in the con- trol panel software, and is continuously monitored and reported to the panel. Point ID capability allows each sensor's address to be set, providing exact locations for selective maintenance when the cham- ber contamination reaches an unacceptable level. The ASD-PL2F photoelectric sensor's unique optical sensing chamber is engineered to sense smoke pro- duced by a wide range of combustion sources. Dual electronic thermistors add 135°F (57°C) fixed-tem- perature thermal sensing on the ASD-PTL2F model. The Velociti® Series use a communication protocol that substantially increases the speed of communica- tion between the sensors and certain Gamewell-FCI analog addressable fire alarm controls. These devices operate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices in the group has a status change, the panel's microprocessor stops the group poll and concen- trates on the single device. The net effect is a response speed up to five times greater than earlier designs. Ordering Information Model Description ASD-PL2F Analog, addressable photoelectronic smoke sensor ASD-PTL2F Analog, addressable photoelectronic smoke sensor with thermal sensing ASD-PL2FR Analog, addressable photoelectronic smoke sensor used with the DNR duct base when the remote test is required. VelocklSis registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc. IJL® is a registered trademark of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Analog, Addressable Photoelectronic Smoke Sensor ASD-PL2F!ASD-PTL2F ASD.PL2FR Features Sleek, low-profile design Visual rotary, decimal switch addressing (01-159) Built-in functional test switch activated by an external magnet Bicolor LEDs flash green whenever the sensor is addressed, and light steady red on alarm* Optional relay, isolator, or sounder bases Low standby current Analog addressable communication Stable communication technique with noise immunity Optional remote, single-gang LED Indicator (RA400Z) Compatible with Gamewell-FCI analog addressable panels Note:*Only the red LED is operative in panels that do not operate in Velociti® mode. An ISO 9001-2000 Company SIGNAUNG @ <8> MEA LISTED APPROVED Approved S1913 3023594 219.02.E Vol.Vl 7272.1703:121 GAMEWELL-FCI 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1653 USA • Tel: (203) 484-7161 • Fax: (203) 484-7118 Specifications are for information only, are not intended for installation purposes, and are subject to change without notice. No responsibility is assumed by Gamewell-FCI for their use. 02010 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. www.gamewell-fci.com . 9020-0617 Rev. H page 1 of 2 Installation D-PL2F plug-in sensors use a separate base to uunplify installation, service, and maintenance. A special tool allows maintenance personnel to plug-in and remove sensors without using a ladder. Mount the base on a box which is at least 1.5" (3.8 cm) deep. Suitable mounting base boxes include: 4.0" (10.2 cm) square box 3.5" (8.9 cm) or 4.0" (10.2 cm) octagonal box Single-gang box (except relay or isolator bases) With B200SR base, mounted on a 4.0" (10.2 cm) square box With B224RB or B224B1 base, mounted on a 3.5" (8.9 cm) octagonal box, or a 4.0" (10.2 cm) octagonal or square box NOTE: Because of the inherent supervision provided by the SLC, end-of-line resistors are not required. Wiñng "T-taps" or branches are permitted for Style 4 (Class "B") wiring. Sensor Spacing Gamewell-FCI recommends that the spacing sensors used in compliance with NFPA 72. Specifications Size: 2.1" (5.1 cm) high x 4.1" (10.4 cm) diameter installed in the B501 base, 6.1" (15.5 cm) diameter installed in the ADB-FL base. Shipping Weight: 5.2 oz. (147 g) Operating Temperature: ASD-PL2F: 32° F to 120° F (0° C to 49° C) ASD-PTL2F: 32° F to 100° F (0° C to 38° C) UL®-Listed Velocity Range: 0-4000 ft./min. (1,219.2 rn/mm.), suitable for installation in ducts. Relative Humidity: 10-93% (non-condensing) Thermal Ratings: Fixed-temperature setpoint 135° F (57° C) Electrical Specifications Voltage Range: 15-32 volts DC peak Standby Current: (max. avg.): .0003 A @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5. seconds with LED enabled) Maximum Alarm Current: .0065 A @ 24 VDC (LED) lit). Bases and Options ADB-FL 6.1" (15.5 cm) diameter B200SR 6.875" (17.46 cm) Base Diameter 2.0" (5.08 cm) Base Height B224RB Relay Base Screw terminals: Up to 14 AWG (2.0 mm2) Relay type: Form-C Rating: 2.OA @ 30 VDC resistive; 0.3 A @ 110 VDC inductive; 1.0 A @ 30 VDC inductive. Dimensions: 6.2" x 1.2" (15.7 x 3.0 cm) Maximum: 25 devices between isolator bases. RA400Z Remote alarm indicator, LED. BCK-200 Black detector covers (box of 10) DNR Duct smoke housing GAMEWELL-FCI 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1653 USA• Tel: (203) 484-7161 Fax: (203) 484-7118 9020-0617 Rev. H page7 2 of 2 www.gamewell-fci.com CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL GUN FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7272-1703:0121 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7272 - PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE DETECTOR LISTEE: GAMEWELL-FC11I 2 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472 Contact: Brian nolds (203) 418-6124 Fax (203)418-7309 Email: brian.reFIds@honeywelI.com DESIGN: Models ASD-PL2F, ASDPL2FR*, ASD-FILTREXF, ASD-PTL2F, and MCS-ACCLIMATE2F photoelectric smoke detector. Models ASD-PL2F and MCS-ACCLIMATE217 employ a 1350F supplement integral heat sensor which only assists in a fire situation. This thermal circuitry is NOT approved for use in lieu of a required heat detector. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric smoke detectors when used in conjunction with listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm control units and bases. All models are suitable for open areas and inside duct installations with air velocities between 0-4000 FPM. Models ASD-PL2F and ASD-PL2FR are also approved for installations inside System Sensor duct detector housing DNR (OSFM Listing No. 3242-1653:209) and DNRW (OSFM Listing. No. 32421653:210)*. NOTE: The photoelectric type detectors are generally more effective at detecting slow, smoldering fires which smolder for hours before bursting into flame. Sources of these fires may include cigarettes burning in couches or bedding. The ionization type detectors are generally more effective at detecting fast, flaming fires that consume combustible materials rapidly and spread quickly. Sources of these fires may include paper burning in a waste container or a grease fire in the kitchen. FORMERLY: 7272-1209:160 and 7272-0694:263 XLF: 7272-1653:0123 *Rev. 01-28-2010 fm This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable . information sources. Date Issued: July 01, 2010 • Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division System Sensor mounting bases and kits provide a variety of installation options for detectors in any application. Features Bases enable quick and secure detector plug-in SEMS screws provide easy wiring connection Support for 12-24 AWG (14-24 for B224RB and B224B1) provides installation flexibility Multiple accessory options provide mounting flexibility Sounder bases are compliant witK UL 464 and UL 864 Agency Listings Model Listings B501 UL UL* FM,CSFM B21OLP . ULULC, FM, CSFM B200S UL, FM B200SR UL ULC, CSFM 132241113 UL ULC, CSFM B224Bl UL ULC, FM, CSFM * For ULC-listed products, add Wto the model number (e.g., B501 A). - To meet local code and application requirements, System Sensor offers May, isolator, and sounder base options for 200 Series detectors. Relay bases provide one form C contact relay for control of auxiliary functions, such as door closure and elevator recall. Isolator bases allow loops to continue to operate under fault conditic.ns and automatically restore when the fault is removed. Sounder bases are available in a combination temporal 3 and continuous tone model or an addressablemodél :9200S) that can be Ectivated by the fire alarm control panel based or: the event. 200 Series Bases provide a variety of mountng options to meet your installation challenges. Bases come in flanged or flangless versions for mounting to a variety ofjunction boxes. See the 200 Series Junction Box Selection Guide on the next page fOr junction: box options. When aesthetics are a key concern. System Sensor provides a recessed mounting kit that delivers a clears look. In addition, for those applications wh n flush mounting isn't possible, surface nounting boxes are available. - tnsuIt your fire alarm cntrol panel manufactu:er for compatibility with the addressable model of the sounder base. Specifications, 200 Series Bases Diameter B501: 4.1° (104mm); B21OLP, B224RB, B224B1: 6.1° (155 mm); B2005R, B2005: 6.875° (175mm) Wire Gauge B224B1, B224RB: 24 to 14 AWG; B200SR, B200S: 24 to 12 AWG Temperature Range 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C); B501, B21OLP: -4°F to 150°F (-20°C to 66°C) Humidity Range Operating Voltage 10% to 93% RH non-condensing 15 to 32 VDC (powered by SLC) External Supply Voltage 16 to 33 VDC (VFWR) Standby Ratings . <500 pA maximum @ 24VDC Standby Current 500 uA max. Set Time (B224RB only) Short Delay: 55 to 90 msec Long Delay: 6 to 9 sec Reset Time (B224RB only) 20 msec max. Relay Characteristics 2 coil latching relay Sound Output Greater than 90 dBA measured in anechoic (B224RB only) 1 Form C contact UL/SA Rating: 0.9 A @ 125 VAC 0.9 A @ 110 VDC 3A@3OVDC 200 Series Junction Box Selection Guide room at 10 feet, 24 volts. 85 dBA minimum in UL reverberant room Alarm Current 35 mA max. Single 3.5° 4° 4° 4° 50 60 70 75 Model Gang Octagonal Octagonal Square Square* mm mm mm mm B501 No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No B21OLP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No B224RB No Yes Yes Yes No' No Yes Yes Yes B224B1 No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes B200SR/B200S Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No with 3.0° mud ring Note: Box depth contingent on base and wire size. Refer to National Electric Code or applicable local codes for appropriate recommendations Ordering Information, 200 Series Bases I1T1L.1i B501* Flangeless Mounting Base B210LP Flanged Mounting Base B200SR Standard Sounder Base (Compatible with 8501 BH Series) B2005 Addressable Sounder Base B200S Addressable Sounder Base Product Overview When used with compatible fire alarm control panels, the B200S sounder base provides unmatched flexibility to configure the output to various events. When combined with System Sensor SpectrAlerr' Advance notification appliances, the B2005 can serve B224RB* Relay Base as a component of the general evacuation signaling, improving B224Bl* Isolator Base aesthetics and reducing system costs. SMB600 Surface Mounting Kit (flanged) Fl 10 Retrofit flange for B501 B Features: 200 Series Accessories ° Simple addressing scheme - base adopts the same address as RA100Z Remote LED Annunciator . attached sensor M02-04-01 Detector Test Magnet M02-09-00 Test Magnet with Telescoping Handle Synch ronizable with SpectrAlert Advance notification appliances XR2B Detector Removal Tool (155-127-000 included) Four standard tone patterns at two selectable volumes XP-4 Extension Pole for XR2B (5 to 15 ft) Custom tone capability 155-127-000 Detector Removal Head BCK-200B Black Detector Kit Support for Temporal-4 CO annunciation WCK-200B White Detector Kit * Add °A°to model number for ULC-listed product (e.g., B501A) SV 02013 System Sensor. 3825 Ohio Avenue. St. Charles, IL 60174 I5EASSOI?0 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 Fax: 630-377-6495 current product infairmclito-mindwingthelatest version ofthis data sheet A05-1020.006 .4/Ø. 12354 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1653:0109 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7300 - MISC. DEVICE/CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc., 3825 Ohio Ave,, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Trish Linhart (630) 377-6580 Ext: 1185 Email: trish.linhart@systemsensor.com DESIGN: Models B401, B401 B, B401 R, B401 BR, B401 BR-750, B401 R-750, B40213, B40413, 13404BT, 13406B, B501, B501 B, 14506587-002, B501 131-1, B501 BHT, B40IBH, BIIOLP, BIIORLP, BIIORLP75O, 13II2LP, B1 1141-13, 13II4LPBT, 131 16L and B2IOLP detector bases. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes'and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, product designation and UL label. - APPROVAL: Listed as detector bases for use with separately listed compatible detectors. NOTE: Formerly 7300-1209:128 06-17-05 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires • June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division GameweII ____ - 9RE CONTROL ____ INSTRUMENTS by Honeywell Description The Gamewell-FCI Velociti® Series, addressable plug-in thermal sensors with integral communication provide fea- tures that surpass conventional sensors. Point ID capabil- ity allows each sensor's address to be set, providing exact locations for pinpointing alarm locations and for selective maintenance. ATD thermal sensors use an innovative ther- mistor sensing circuit to produce 135°F/57°C fixed-temper- ature (ATD-L2F). The ATD-RL2F provides a combination 150/minute rate-of-rise with 1350 fixed thermal detection that is included in a low-profile package. The ATD-HL2F provides fixed high-temperature detection at 190°F1880C. These thermal sensors provide cost-effective, addressable property protection in a variety of applications. The Velociti® Series uses a communication protocol that substantially increases the speed of communication between the sensors and Gamewell-FCl analog address- able fire alarm controls. These devices operate in a rouped fashion. If one of the devices in the group has a status change, the panel's microprocessor stops the group poll and concentrates on the single device. The net effect is response speed up to five times greater than earlier designs. Installation ATD plug-in sensors use a separate base to simplify instal- lation, service, and maintenance. A special tool allows maintenance personnel to plug-in and remove sensors without using a ladder. Mount the base on a box which is at least 1.5° (3.8 cm) deep. Suitable mounting base boxes include: 4.0° (10.2 cm) square box. 3.5" (8.9 cm) or 4.0° (10.2 cm) octagonal box. Single-gang box (except relay or isolator base). With B200SR base, mounted on a 4.0° (10.2 cm) square box. With B224RB or B224Bl base, mounted on a 3.5" (8.9 cm) octagonal box, or a 4.0" (10.2 cm) octagonal or square box. NOTE: Because of the inherent supervision provided by the SLC, end-of-line resistors are not required. Wiring "T- taps" or branches are permitted for Style 4 (Class "B") wiring. Ve!ociti® and E3 Series® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. UL® is registered trademark of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. ULC® is a registered trademark of Underwriters Laboratories Canada Inc. Vilociti® Series AT1=[2E AT1=1L2F Addressable Thermal Sensor ATD.L2F Features Sleek, low-profile design Visual rotary switch addressing Built-in functional test switch activated by an external magnet Bicolor LEDs flash green whenever the sensor is addressed, and light steadily red on alarm* Optional relay, isolator, or sounder bases Low standby current Addressable communication Stable communication technique with noise immunity Optional remote, single-gang LED accessory (RA-400Z) Suitable for installation in ducts Note: "Only the red LED is operative in panels that do not operate in Velociti® mode. An ISO 9000-2000 Company SIGNALING ®MEA LISTED APPROVED Approved 52332 3023594 219.02.E VoI.VI 7270.1703:115 GAMEWELL-FCI 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 USA • Tel: (203) 484-7161 • Fax: (203) 484-7118 Specifications are for information only, are not intended for installation purposes, and am subject to change without notice. No responsibility Is assumed by Gamewell-FCI for their use. by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. www.gamewell-fci.com 9020-0620 Rev. D page 1 of 2 Specifications Bases and Options. ADB-FLF 6.1" (15.5 cm) diameter standard base B501 4.1" (10.4 cm) diameterfiangeless base B200SR Standard Sounder base, UL® 864 9th Edition compliant, ULC® Listed Diameter: 6.875" (17.46 cm) 3224RB Relay Base . Up to 14 AWG (2.0 mm2) Relay type: Form-C Rating: 2.OA © 30 VDC resistive 0.3 A @ 110 VDC inductive 1.0 A @ 30 VDC inductive B224RB Relay Base Dimensions: 6.2" (15.7 cm) x 1.2" (3.0 cm) B224B1 Isolator Base Dimensions: 6.2" (15.7 cm) x 1.2" (3.0 cm) Maximum 25 devices between isolator bases RA-400Z Remote alarm indicator, LED BCK-200 Black detector covers (box of 10) Ordering Information Model Description ATD-L2F Addressable thermal sensor, fixed, 135° F ATD-RL2F Addressable thermal sensor, combination fixed,135° F and 150/minute rate-of-rise. AT1D-HL2F Addressable thermal sensor, fixed, 190° F Specifications 2.1" (5.3 cm) high x 4.1" (10.4 cm) diameter installed in B501 base, 6.1" (15.5 cm) diameter installed in the AUB-FLF base Shipping Weight: 4.8 oz. (137 g) Operating Temperature: ATD-L2F or ATD-RL2F 40 F to 100° F (-20° C to 38°C) ATD-HL2 -4° F to 150°F (-20 C to 66°C) Sensor Spacing: UL® approved for 50 ft. (15.2 m) center to center FM approved for 25 x 25 ft. (7.6 x 7.6 m) spacing Relative Humidity: 10-93% (non-condensing) ATD-L2F Fixed-temperature setpoint 135°F (57°C) ATD-RL2F Combination 135° F fixed temperature and 150 (8.3°c) per minute rate-of-rise* ATD-HL2F Fixed-temperature setpoint 190°F (88°C) Electrical Specifications "ltage Range: 15- 32 volts DC peak andby Current: 200 mA @ 24 VDC (without communication) (max. avg.) .0003 A @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 seconds with LED enabled) LED Current (max.) .0065A @ 24 VDC (LED lit) Voltage Range 15-32 volts DC peak GAMEWELL-FCI 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-1610 USA• Tel: (203) 484-7161 • Fax: (203) 484-7118 9020-0620 Rev. D page 2 of 2 www.gamewell-fci.com CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7270-1703:0115 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7270 - HEAT DETECTOR LISTEE: GAMEWELL-FCI, 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06410 Contact: Brian Reynolds (203)484-6124 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: brian.reyn01d52©honeywell.com DESIGN: Models ATD-L2, *ATD42F ATD-HL2 AND (fixed temperature) and ATD-RL2, '5ATD-RL2F (fixed temperature with Rate-of-Rise) electronic heat detectors. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: ATD-L2, *.11F ATD-RL2, *RL2F = 1350 F fixed temperature ATD-HL2, *..HUF = 1900 F fixed temperature INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical ratings, and UL Label. APPROVAL: Listed as heat detectors for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: FORMERLY: 7270-0694:256 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering. Division El FIRE CONTROL INSTRUMENTS by Honeywell Description The FCI MS-7 Style manual fire alarm stations are available in a wide variety of configurations. They meet the requirement of the Americans with Disabili- ties Act (ADA) of a 5-lb. maximum pull force to acti- vate. Operating instructions are molded into the handle along with Braille text. All stations have a key lock/reset which is keyed alike with FCI fire alarm control panels and other manual fire alarm stations. MS-7AF Velociti Addressable Station The MS-7AF Velociti Series addressable station is a double action station designed for installation in the signaling line circuit of FCI analog addressable control panels. Activation of the station causes its. assigned address to register at the control panel. The door contains an LED which flashes green In normal condition and lights steadily red when the station has been activated.* The station features screw terminals. The Velocit!Tm Series stations use a communication protocol that substantially increases the speed of communication between the sensors and certain FCI analog addressable fire alarm controls. These devices operate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices in the group has a status change, the panel's microprocessor stops the group poll and concentrates on the single device. The net effect is response speed up to five times greater than earlier designs. MS-7A Addressable Station The MS-7A Addressable Station is a double action station designed for installation in the signaling line circuit of any FCI analog addressable control panel. Activation of the station causes its assigned address to register at the control panel. The door contains an LED which flashes red in nor- mal condition and lights steadily when the station has been activated. The station features screw ter- minals. VelocftP" is a trademark of Fire Control Instruments. / MSm7nFp NSmI and MS-7$ Non-Coded Manual Fire Alarm Stations MS-7 Features Addressable stations compatible with all FCI analog addressable fire alarm controls. Conventional stations suitable for use with any UL Listed control panel. Both single and double action stations available. Tumbler lock for test and reset keyed alike with FCI controls Surface or semi-flush mounting. Shock and vibration resistant. Stations (MS-7LOB) Listed for outdoor applications. Meets ADA pull force requirements. Only the red LED operative in panels that do not operate in VelocitiTm mode. An ISO 9001-2000 Company SIGNAUNG 0<,S> USTED APPROVeD I!I * S2465 3023594 67.02E VoLVW 07150.0594:261 GAMEWELL.FCI 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472- Tel: (203) 484-7161 - Fax: (203) 484-7118 Specifications am for infomiationonly, are not Intended for instaif ation purposes, and am subject to change without notice. No responsIbIlity Is assumed by Gamewell.FCI for thefr use. Q2008 Gameweif.FCL All rights reserved. www.gamewell.fci.com 9020.0616 Rev. 8 page 1 of 2 MS-7 Double Action Station The MS-7 double action station is used with con- ventional fire alarm control panels. It features a set of single pole contacts and screw terminals for con- nection to an initiating circuit. MS-7S Single Action Station The MS-7S single action station is used with con- ventional fire alarm control panels. It features a set of single pole contacts and wire leads for connec- tion to an initiating circuit. MS-TSP Double Action Station The MS-7SP is a double action station similar to the MS-7 station, with the additional feature of both English and Spanish instructions molded into the unit. Ordering Information Model Description MS-7 Double action station. MS,7AF** VelocitiN addressable double action station. MS-78 Single action station, wire leads. MS-7SP Double action station, English and Spanish instructions. MS-71_013 Double action station, outdoor use. (Must use SB-I/O - Indoor/outdoor use backbox). SB-I/O Indoor/outdoor use backbackbox. SB-10 Surface backbox. BG-TR Trim ring for semi-flush mount. "For use with FCI analog-addressable control panels only. MS-7LOB Double Action Station (Listed for Outdoor Applications) The MS-7LOB station must be mounted on a Model SB-I/O báckbox. in retrofit applications, the station is UL Listed for use with the WP-10 back- box. It is intended for use with conventional control panels and has a set of single pole contacts and screw terminals. Mounting The MS-7 interior stations may be surface mounted (use backbox SB-I/O) or semi-flush mounted on a standard double-gang, or 4-inch (10.2 cm) square electrical box. An optional trim ring (BG-TR) may also be used for semi-flush mounting. Specifications Material: Lexan Contact Ratings: 0.25 amp © 30 VACNDC (resistive) Dimensions: 5 5/8" H x 4 1/4"W x 1 1/4" D (14 x 10.1x 3.2 cm) Operating Temperature (MS.7AF): 32' to 120 F (0' to 49' C) Relative Humidity (MS-7AF): 10 to 93% (non-condensing) Alarm Current: .0030 amp. • 0.007 for LED Supervisory Current (MS-7AF): 300 pA LEXAN• is a registered trademark of GE Plastics, a subsidiary of General Electtic Company. GAMEWELL-FCI 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472- Tel: (203) 484-7161 - Fax: (203) 484-7118 www.gamewell-fci.com 9020-0616 Rev. B page 2 of 2 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL - FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM - LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7150-1703:0119 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7150— FIRE ALARM PULL BOXES ~E LISTEE: GAMEWELL-FCI, 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06410 ontact: Brian Reynolds (203) 484-6124 Fax (203) 484-7309 mail: brian.reynolds2©honeywell.com DESIGN: Model MS-7AF dual action fire alarm pull box. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm pull boxes for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. * These manual pull boxes meet the requirements of UL Standard 38, 1999 Edition and California amendments. NOTE: Formerly: 7150-0694:261 XLF: 7150-0028:0199 Updated 09-08-2009 fm , This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed X. the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division by Honeywell Description Ale The Gamewell-FCI Velociti® Series, addressable monitor module AMM-2F is a single Style B, Class B initiating device circuit (IDC) with a 47KW end-of-line resistor. This module provides an address for any device or group of devices connected to this circuit on the signaling line circuit (PLC) of the Gamewell-FCI addressable series fire alarm control panel. Any- initiating device with normally open (N.O.) dry contacts may be made addressable when connected to the AMM-2F module. The Velociti° Series use a communication protocol that substantially increases the speed of communication between the sensors and certain Gamewell-FCI analog addressable fire alarm controls. These devices operate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices in the group has a status change, the panels microprocessor stops the group poll and concentrates on the single device. The net effect is response speed up to five times greater than earlier designs. The AMM-2F module can be programmed to provide a wide variety of input functions to the Gamewell-FCI ad- dressable series fire alarm control panels. It can be iden- tified as a manual station, heat detector, plenum detec- tor, waterfiow switch,tamper switch, N.O. contact, smoke detector, projected beam smoke detector, sub loop, remote zone, etc. It can also serve as a remote system silence, system reset, system acknowledge or drill switch. It is even possible to customize its device type to meet specific job requirements. The Initiating device circuit of the AMM-2F can support a maximum line resistance of up to 40 ohms allowing the use of linear heat detection devices. The compact size facilitates the installation of the module inside manual stations, or mounting boxes of various types of alarm initiating devices. - Ordering Information Model . Description AMM-2F Addressable monitor module, single circuit, Style B, Class B Velociti9 and E3 Series9are registered trademarks of Honeywell. lntemaonal Inc. V010 CH116 Se let ' AMM=2.F Addressable Monitor Module AMM-2F Features Compact size allows easy installation Class B, Style B, initiating circuit 40 Ohm line resistance for each initiating device circuit Connects to any normally open dry contact device Bicolor LEDs flash green whenever the module is addressed, and light steady red on alarm* *Note: Only the red LED is operative in panels that do not operate in Velociti mode. Specifications. Supervisory current: .000375 amps. Alarm current: .00060 amps. Operating temperature: 32" to 120" F (0" to 49" C) Relative humidity: 10 to 93% (non-condensing) End-of-line Resistance: 47K ohms Dimensions: 1.3" L x 2.5"W x 0.5" D (3.3x6.4x 1.3 cm) An ISO 9001-2000 Company SIGNAUNG ®<>MEA 0 LISTED APPROVED Approved $1949 3023694 227.03.E VcLIV 07300.0694:178 GAME WELL-FCl 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472-Tel: (203) 484-7161 - Fax: (203) 484-7118 Specifications are for information only, are not intended for installation puiposes, and are subject to change without notice. No responsibility is assumed by Gamewell.FCt for their use. 02008 Gamewell.FCI. All rights reserved. www.gamewell-fci.com . 9020-0626 Rev. Cl page 1 of 1 SYSTEM $ SENSOR Selectable Output Horns, Strobes, and Horn/Strobes SpectrAlert* Advance selectable-output horns, strobes, and horn/strobes are rich with features guaranteed to cut installation times and maximize profits. The SpectrAlert Advance series of notification appliances is designed to simplify installations, with features such as plug in designs, instant feedback messages to ensure correct installation of individual devices, and 11 field-selectable candela settings for wall and ceiling strobes and horn/strobes. When installing Advance products, first attach a universal mounting plate to a four-inch square, four-inch octagon or double-gang junction box. The two-wire mounting plate attaches to a single-gang junction box. Next, connect the notification appliance circuit wiring to the SEMS terminals on the mounting plate. Finally, attach the horn, strobe or horn/strobe to the mounting plate by inserting the product's tabs in the mounting plate's grooves. The device-will rotate into position, locking the product's pins into the mounting plate's terminals. The device will temporarily hold in place with a catch until it is secured with a captured mounting screw. The SpectrAlert Advance series includes outdoor notification appliances. Outdoor strobes and horn/strobes (two wire and four wire) are available for wall or ceiling. Outdoor horns are available for wall only. All System Sensor outdoor products are rated between minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 151 degrees Fahrenheit in wet or dry applications. Features Electrically compatible with existing SpectrAlert products Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operati:n at 15 and 15/75 candela Plug-in design Field selectable candela settings on wall and ceiling units: 15, 15/75, 30, 75,95,110, 115,135,150,177,185 Same mounting plate for wall- and ceiling-mount units Shorting spring on mounting plate for contin jity check before installation Tamper resistant construction Outdoor wall and ceiling products rated from -40°F to 151°F Design allows minimal intrusion into the back box Horn rated at 88+ dbA at 16 volts Rotary switch for horn tone and three volume selections Outdoor products UL listed to UL 1638 (strobe) and UL 464 (horn) outdoor requirements Outdoor products rainproof per UL 50 (NEMA 3R) Compatible with MDL sync module Aaencv Listincis SIGNALING 1653 186 hndoo, niobes) 73I 1653:187 (au1doowobeS) ®43 MEA 7125.1633188 Il,o,Wso,*jos. * USTED APPROVED approved chimeJnabes) 7135.1653:1891h('n.c66n05) 54011 30572 €A4520S-E 55512 53593 SpectrAlert Advance Specifications General - SpectrAlert Advance horns, strobes and horn/strobes shall mount to a standard 4 x 4 x 1 ½-inch back box, 4-inch octagon back box or double-gang back box.Two-wire products shall also mount to a single-gang 2 x 4 x 17/s-inch back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products.The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, SpectrAlert Advance products, when used with the Sync-Circuit' Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync-Circuit Module, 12-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between nine and 17.5 volts: 24-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 17 and 33 volts. Indoor SpectrAlert Advance products shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC, or full-wave rectified, unfiltered power supply. Strobes and horn/strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15, 15/75,30 75,95,110,115,135,150,177,185. Strobe The strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model listed to UL 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Horn/Strobe Combination The horn/strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model _______ listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The horn/strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 H over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system.The horn shall have three audibility options and an option to switch between a temporal three-pattern and a non-temporal (continuous) pattern. These options are set by a multiple position switch On four-wire products, the strobe shall be powered independently of the sounder.Thé horn on horn/strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. Outdoor Products SpectrAlert Advance outdoor horns, strobes and horn/strobes shall be listed for outdoor use by UL and shall operate between minus 40 degrees and 151 degrees Fahrenheit. The products shall be listed for use with a System Sensor outdoor/weatherproof back box with half inch and three-fourths inch conduit entries. Synchronization Module The module shall be a System Sensor Sync-Circuit model MDL listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service.The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert strobes at 1Hz and horns at temporal three. Also, while operating the strobes, the module shall silence the horns on horn/strobe models over a single pair of wires.The module shall mount to a 4"Ar, x 4"A6 x 21/8-inch back box. The module shall also control two Style Y (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class A) circuit. The module shall synchronize multiple zones. Daisy chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control, The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. ec cations Standard Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) K Series Operating Temperature -40°F to 151°F (-40°C to 66°C) Humidity Range 10 to 93% non-condensing (indoor products) Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second NominalVoltage Regulated 12DC/FWR or regulated 240C/FWR1 Operating Voltage Range2 . 8 to 175 V (12V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 nominal) Input terminal wire gauge 12to18AWG Ceiling mount dimensions (including lens) 6.8 diameter x 2.5- high (173 mm diameter x 64 mm high) Wall mount dimensions (including lens) 5.6L x 4.7W x 2.5D (142 mm Lx 119 mm W x 64mm D) Horn dimensions 51x47Wx 1.3°D(142 mm Lx 119 mmWx 33 mm D) Wall-mount back box skirt dimensions (BBS-2, BBSW-2) 5.91 x 5.0'W x 2.2°D (151 mm L x 128 mm W x 56 mm D) Ceiling-mount back box skirt dimensions (BBSC-2, BBSCW-2) 71° diameter x 2,25° high (180 mm diameter x 57 mm high) Wall-mount weatherproof back box dimensions (SA-WBB) 5.71 x 5.11V x 2.0°D (145 mm Lx 130 mm W x 51 mm D) Ceiling-mount weatherproof back box dimensions (SA-WBBC) 7,1° diameter x 2,0° high (180 mm diameter x 51 mm high) Notes: Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs. P, 5, PC, and SC products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 and 15/75 cd. AO5O395003 UL Current Draw Data Candela 8-17.5 Volts DC FWR 16-33 Volts DC FWR Standard 15* 123 128 66 71 Candela Range 15/75° 142 148 77 81 30* NA NA 94 96 75* NA NA 158 153 95* NA NA 181 176 110 NA NA 202 195 115 NA NA 210 205 High 135 NA NA 228 207 Candela Range ••150 177 NA NA 281 251 8-17.5 Volts 16-33 Volts Sound Pattern dB DC FWR DC FWR Temporal High 57 55 69 75 Temporal Medium 44 49 58 69 Temporal Low 38 44 44 48 Non-temporal High 57 56 69 75 Non-temporal Medium 42 50 60 69 Non-temporal Low 41 44 50 50 Coded High 57 55 69 75 Coded Medium 44 51 56 69 Low 40 46 52 50 NA NA 246 220 Coded 185 NA NA 286 258 IJ UMax. Currentii'] T4.171.• StandardICandela Range IPI II 8-17.5 Volts 16-33 Volts DC Input 15 15/75 15 15/75 30 75 95 ---- - - 110 115 Temporal High 137 147 79 90 107 176 194 212 218 Temporal Medium 132 144 69 80 97 157 182 201 210 Temporal Low 132 143 66 77 93 154 179 198 207 Non-temporal High 141 152 91 100 116 176 201 221 229 Non-temporal Medium 133 145 75 85 102 163 187 207 216 Non-temporal Low 131 144 68 79 96 156 182 201 210 FWR Input Temporal High 136 155 88 97 112 168 190 210 218 Temporal Medium 129 152 78 88 103 160 184 202 206 Temporal Low 129 151 76 86 101 160 184 194 201 Non-temporal High 142 161 103 112 126 181 203 221 229 Non-temporal Medium 134 155 85 95 110 166 189 208 216 Non-temporal Low UL Max. CurrentDraw (mA7RMS),2-wire 132 154 Horn/Strobe, High 80 Candela 90 Range 105 (135-185 cd) 161 184 202 211 DC Input 16-33 Volts 135 150 177 185 FWR Input 16-33 Volts 135 150 177 185 Temporal High 245 259 290 297 Temporal High 215 231 258 265 Temporal Medium 235 253 288 297 Temporal Medium 209 224 250 258 Temporal Low 232 251 282 292 Temporal Low 207 221 248 256 Non-temporal High 255 270 303 309 Non-temporal High 233 248 275 281 Non-temporal Medium 242 259 293 299 Non-temporal Medium 219 232 262 267 Non-temporal Low 238 254 291 295 Non-temporal Low 214 229 256 262 Candela Derating For K series products used at low temperatures, listed candela Horn Tones and Sound Output Data __________________________________________________ _Horn _and _Horn/Strobe Output 8-17.5 16-33 Switch Volts Volts 24 Volt Nominal Reverberant Anechoic Position Sound Pattern dB DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR Temporal High 78 78 84 84 88 88 99 98 2 Temporal Medium 74 74 80 80 86 .86 96 96 3 Temporal Low 71 73 76 76 83 80 94 89 4 Non-temporal High 82 82 88 88 93 92 100 100 5 Non-temporal Medium 78 78 85 85 90 90 98 98 6 Non-temporal Low 75 75 81 81 88 84 96 92 7' Coded High 82 82 88 88 93 92 101 101 Coded Medium 78 78 85 85 90 90 97 98 91 Coded Low 75 75 81 81 88 85 96 92 tsenings 7, 8, and 9 are not available on 2-wire horn/strobe. A05 0395003 trobe Output (cd) ratings must be reduced Phi in accordance with this table. Listed Candela Candela rating at -40°F 15 Do not use below 32°F 30 15/75 75 44 95 70 110 110 115 115 135 135 150 150 177 177 185 185 SpectrAlert Advance Dimensions Wall-mount horn/strobes Ceiling-mount horn/strobes 2.25'1 -9 o;5 5.98 , 9 - a I L2 .°'o 2. Wall back box skirt Ceiling back box skirt Wall weatherproof back box Ceiling weatherproof back box SpectrAlert Advance Ordering Information rModel ,rtp.. Model Description Wall Horn/Strobes Ceiling Horn/Strobes (contd.) P2R' 2-wire Horn/Strobe, Standard cd-, Red PC2W*t 2-wire Horn/Strobe, Standard cd, White P2RH' 2-wire Horn/Strobe, High cd, Red PC2WH 2-wire Horn/Strobe, High cd, White P2RK* 2-wire Horn/Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor PC4R 4-wire Horn/Strobe, Standard cd, Red P2RHK* 2-wire Horn/Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor PC4RH 4-wire Horn/Strobe, High cd, Red P2W 2-wire Horn/Strobe, Standard cd,White PC4RK 4-wire Horn/Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor P2WH* 2-wire Horn/Strobe. High cd, White PC4RHK 4-wire Horn/Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor P4R 4-wire Horn/Strobe, Standard cd, Red PC4W 4-wire Horn/Strobe, Standard cd, White P4RH' 4-wire Horn/Strobe, High cd, Red PC4WH 4-wire Horn/Strobe, High cd, White P4RK 4-wire Horn/Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor Ceiling Strobes P4RHI( 4-wire Horn/Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor SCR* Strobe, Standard cd, Red .P4W* 4-wire Horn/Strobe, Standard cd, White SCRW Strobe, High cd, Red P4WH' 4-wire Horn/Strobe, High cd, White SCRK Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor Wall Strobes SCRHK Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor SRt Strobe, Standard cd, Red SCW*t Strobe, Standard cd, White SRH*t Strobe, High cd, Red . SCWH*I Strobe, High cd, White SRK Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor Horns SRHK Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor HR Horn, Red SW* Strobe, Standard cd, White HRK Horn, Red, Outdoor SWH* Strobe, High cd, White . HW Horn, White Ceiling Horn/Strobes Accessories PC2R' 2-wire Horn/Strobe, Standard cd, Red BBS-2 Back Box Skirt, Wall, Red PC2RH* 2-wire Horn/Strobe, High cd, Red BBSW-2 Back Box Skirt, Wall, White PC2RK 2-wire Horn/Strobe, Standard cd, Red. Outdoor BBSC-2 Back Box Skirt, Ceiling, Red PC2RHK 2-wire Horn/Strobe, High cd, Red. Outdoor BBSCW-2 Back Box Skirt, Ceiling, White Notes: Add-Pto model number for plain housing (noFlREmarking on cover), e.g., P2R-P f Add -SPto model number forFUEGO marking on Cover, e.g., P2R-SP *'Standard cd: refers to strobes that include 15,15/75, 30,75,95, 110, and 115 candela settings. High cdrefers to strobes that include 135,15Q 177, and 185 candela settings. All outdoor units ending in K include a weatherproof back box. t"\ 5)577EjV7 ornsyswm 3825 Ohio Avenue. St. Charles, IL 60174 SENSOR' Phone: 800-SENSOR2-Fax: 630-377-6495 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FZIEf FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7125-1653:0188 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7125— FIRE ALARM DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc., 3825 Ohio Ave,, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Trish Linhart (630) 377-6580 Ext: 1185 Email: trish.linhart@systemsensor.com DESIGN: Models CHSR and CHSW Chime/Strobes. Models P211, P2W, P2RH and P2WH Horn/Strobes two-wire type, rectangular enclosure. ft Models PC2R, PC2W, PC2RH and PC2WH Horn/Strobes two-wire type, round enclosure Models P4R, P4W, P4RH and P4WH Horn/Strobes four-wire type, rectangular enclosure. Models PC4R, PC4W, PC4RH and PC4WH four-wire type, round enclosure. All models are intended for indoor use only unless other wise indicated. Models may be followed by the suffix "K° indicating indoor or outdoor use, or may be followed by suffix °P" for plain housing with no lettering. °K" suffice models are suitable for outdoor applications at temperatures from -40°F to +151°F (-40°C to +66°C) and are rated NEMA 4X* when used with the System Sensor weather proof back boxes models SA-WBB (Wall), *SA..y/BW (Wall), SA-WBBC (Ceiling) and *SA..r.JBCW (Ceiling). Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: Standard Horn/Strobes and Chime/Strobes 8- 17.5 or 16-33 VDC/FWR Hi CD Horn/Strobes 16-33 VDC/FWR INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances, and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electriôal rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as strobe lights suitable for hearing impaired applications when used with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Suitable for indoor or outdoor use, ceiling or wall mount The audible units can generate the distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. *Rev. 12-01-08 bh This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires . June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MA TEO , Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Technical Data Sheet Fire Alarm Cables- Addressable Effffiff WIRE 2833 West Chestnut Street Washington, PA 15301 Toll Free: (800) 245-4964 Fax: (724) 222-6420 www.westpenn-wpw.com PART NUMBER: D990 DESCRIPTION: 16/2 Solid bare copper conductors, unshielded with an overall jacket. NEC RATING: FPL, NEC Article 760 APPROVALS: (UL) or (ETL)us Listed APPLICATION: Indoor data fire alarm cable for (Data Circuits, Initiating Circuits, Notification Circuits, Addressable Systems) Construction Parameters: 16 AWG Bare Copper Solid Copolene 0.015" Nom. 2 None None PVC 0.030" Nom. 0.223" Nom. 29 Lbs/1M' Nom. UL 1581 Vertical Tray Flame Test Conductor Stranding Insulation Material Insulation Thickness Number of Conductors Shield Drain Jacket Material Jacket Thickness Overall Cable Diameter Approximate Cable Weight Flame Rating Electrical & Environmental Properties: Temperature Rating -20deg C to 60deg C Operating Voltage 300 V RMS Max.Capacitancç Between Conductors ® 1 KHz 18 pf/ft Nom. DC Resistance per Conductor @ 20deg C 4.2 Ohms/1M' Nom. Velocity of Propagation 71% Nom. Insulation Colors Black, Red Jacket Color Red RoHS Compliant -- Mechanical Properties: Max. Recommended Pull Tension 62.4 lbs. Mm. Bend Radius (Install) 2.25" Specification Issue Date: 7/06 This document is the property of West Penn Wire. The information contained herein is considered Proprietary and not to be reproduced by any means Without written consent of West Penn Wire Standard Lengths are 1000ff. The Jacket is sequentially footinarked. The information presented here is, to the best of our knowledge, is true and accurate. However, since conditions of use are beyond our control, all recommendations or suggestions are presented without guarantee or responsibility on our part. We disclaim all liability in connection with the use of information contained herein or otherwise. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7161-0859:0101 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: 7161 - CABLES-FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING LISTEE: WEST PENN WIRE, P.O. Box 762, Washington, PA 15301 Contact: Diane Kelley (724) 222-7060 Fax (724) 229-1151 Email: msams@westpenn-cdt.com DESIGN: Types FPL and FPLP power limited fire protective signaling cable. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NEC Article 760, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, type, NEC rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as power-limited fire protective signaling cable. NOTE: Rev. 05-23-2005 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed . f\: the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an J1: endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: July 01, 2010 Listing Expires June 30, 2011 Authorized By: FRANCIS MATEO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division Technical Data Sheet Fire Alarm Cables WESTPER WIRE 2833 West Chestnut Street Washington, PA 15301 Toll Free: (800) 245-4964 Fax: (724) 222-6420 www.westpenn-wpw.com PART NUMBER: 992 DESCRIPTION: 16/4 Solid bare copper conductors, unshielded with an overall jacket. NEC RATING: FPLR, NEC Article 760 APPROVALS: (UL) or (ETL)us Listed APPLICATION: Indoor for (Audio Circuits, Control Circuits, Initiating Circuits, Notification Circuits) Construction Parameters: Conductor 16 AWG Bare Copper Stranding Solid Insulation Material PVC Insulation Thickness 0.010" Nom. Number of Conductors 4 Shield None Drain None Jacket Material PVC Jacket Thickness 0.015" Nom. Overall Cable Diameter 0.203" Nom. Approximate Cable Weight 46 Lbs/1M' Nom. Flame Rating UL 1666 Riser Flame Test Electrical & Environmental Properties: Temperature Rating Operating Voltage Max.Capacitance Between Conductors ® 1 KHz DC Resistance per Conductor @ 20deg C Insulation Colors Jacket Color RoHS Compliant Mechanical Properties: Max. Recommended Pull Tension Mm. Bend Radius (Install) -20deg C to 60deg C 300 V RMS 32 pf/ft Nom. 3.85 Obms/LM' Nom. Black, Red, Brown, Blue Red Yes 124.8 lbs. 2" Specification Issue Date: 7/06 This document is the property of West Penn Wire. The information contained herein is considered Proprietary and not to be reproduced by any means Without written consent of West Penn Wire Standard Lengths are 1000ft. The Jacket is sequentially footmarked. The information presented here is, to the best of our knowledge, is true and accurate. However, since conditions of use are beyond our control, all recommendations or suggestions are presented without guarantee or responsibility on our part. We disclaim all liability in connection with the use of information contained herein or otherwise. Technical Data Sheet Aquaseal ® Fire-Alarm Cables WEEffiff WIRE 2833 West Chestnut Street Washington, PA 15301 Toll Free: (800) 2454964 I Fax: (724) 222-6420 www.westpenn-wpw.com PART NUMBER: AQ225 DESCRIPTION: 16/2 Stranded bare copper conductors, overall unshielded with Aquaseal tape and overall jacket. NEC RATING: FPL - PLTC, NEC Article 760 And 725 APPROVALS: (UL) or (ETL)us Listed —Direct Burial APPLICATION: Materials suitable for outdoor use (direct burial), and indoor trays, allows a variety of uses for (Low voltage industrial process control circuits, Power-Limited circuits, Power-Limited fire alarm circuits, Power-Limited tray cable PLTC) Construction Parameters: Conductor Stranding Insulation Material Insulation Thickness Number of Conductors Shield Drain Water-Blocking Tape Jacket Material Jacket Thickness Overall Cable Diameter Approximate Cable Weight Flame Rating Electrical & Environmental Properties: 16 AWG Bare Copper 7x24 PVC with Nylon PVC 0.015" Nom. Nylon .005" Nom. 2(1 Pair) None None 2 Ply water swellable tape Sunlight/ Moisture Resistant PVC 0.040" Nom. 0.295" Nom. 48 Lbs/1M' Nom. UL 1685 Vertical Tray Temperature Rating -20deg C to 60deg C Operating Voltage 300 V RMS Max.Capacitance Between Conductors ® 1 KHz 28 pf/ft Nom. DC Resistance per Conductor @ 20deg C 4.2 Ohms/lM' Nom. Insulation Colors Black, Red Jacket Color Black RoHS Compliant -- 11A455-82B Water Infiltration Test Compliant Yes UL 444 & 13 Compliant Yes Mechanical Properties: Max. Recommended Pull Tension 54 lbs. Mm. Bend Radius (Install) 2.9" Specification Issue Date: 7/06 This document is the property of West Penn Wire. The information contained herein is considered Proprietary and not to be reproduced by any means Without written consent of West Penn Wire Standard Lengths are 1000ft. The Jacket is sequentially footmarked. The information presented here is, to the best of our knowledge, is true and accurate. However, since conditions of use are beyond our control, all recommendations or suggestions are presented without guarantee or responsibility on our part. We disclaim all liability in connection with the use of information contained herein or otherwise. Copper Building Wire Miffl] 0 10 600 Volt. Copper Conductor. Thermoplastic Insulation/Nylon Sheath. Heat, Moisture, Oil, and Gasoline Resistant1. All Sizes Rated THWN.2. All Stranded Sizes Rated MTW. AWG Sizes 14 Through 6 Rated AWM (105°C). AWG Sizes 14 Through I Rated VW-1 and Larger Sizes Rated for CT Use. APPLICATIONS Southwire Type THHN or THWN-2 conductors are prlmarfly used in conduit and cable trays for services, feeders, and branch circuits in commercial or Industrial applications as specified in the National Electrical Code2. When used as Type THHN, conductor is suitable for use in dry locations at temperatures not to exceed 90°C. When used as Type THWN-2, conductor is suitable for use in wet or dry locations at temperatures not to exceed 90°C or not to exceed 75°C when exposed to oil or coolant. When used as Type MTW, conductor is suitable for use in wet locations or when exposed to oil or coolant at temperatures not to exceed 60°C or dry locations at temperatures not to exceed 90°C (with ampacity limited to that for 75°C conductor temperature per NFPA 79). Conductor temperatures not to exceed 105°C In dry locations when rated AWM and used as appliance wiring material. Voltage for all applications Is 500 volts. Southwire Type THHN or THWN-2 or MTW (also AWM) meets or exceeds all applicable ASTM specifications, UL standard 83, UL standard 1063 (MTW), Federal Specification J-C-30B, and requirements of the National Electrical Code. CONSTRUCTION Southwire Type THHN or THWN-2 or MTW copper conductors are annealed (soft) copper, insulated with a tough heat and moisture resistant polyvinyl chloride (PVC), over which a nylon (polyamide) or UL-listed equal jacket Is applied. Available in black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, brown, orange, and grey. Some colors standard, some subject to economic order quantity. Sizes I AWG through 1,000 kcmil available in black only. Of and gasoline teslstaftce Ii as defined by Unde,wdtei Laboratories, 1999 Edition. oiitIjjvfr ® SO OfIP5flY All Rtghth Reserved. 1.1 Conductor Allowable Ampaclties+ • _____ Insulation Jacket Nominal O.D. Approx. Net Weight Per Standard - - - Size Thickness Thickness (mils) 1000, Obs.) Package (AWG or (mils) (mlls) 60°C 75°C 90°C lccmil) Strands - - - - Sol. Str. Sol. Str. °14 19° 15 4 102 109 15 16 15 15 15 DNF° "12 19 15 4 119 128 23 24 20 20 20 DNF° °10 19' 20 4 150 161 37 38 30 30 30 DQFA "8 19 30 5 -- 213 -. 63 40 50 55 F "6 19 30 5 249 95 55 65 75 E 4 19 40 6 -- 318 -- 152 70 85 95 C 3 19 40 6 - 346 . 188 85 .100 110 BC 2 .19 40 6 -- 378 -- 234 95 115 130 C 1 19 50 7 - 435 -- 299 110 130 150 B 1/0 19 50 7 - 474 -- 371 125 150 170 B 2/0 19 50 7 -. 518 -. 461 145 175 195 B 3/0 19 50 7 568 -. 574 165 200 225 B 4/0 19 50 7 - 624 -- 717 195 230 260 B 250 37 60 8 . - 694 -. 850 215 255 290 B 300 37 60 8 .. 747 -- 1011 240 285 320 B 350 37 60 8 -- 796 -. 1172 260 310 350 B 400 37 60 8 -. 842 -. 1333 280 335 380 B 500 37 60 8 -- 925 . -. 1653 320 380 430 B 600 61 70 9 - 1024 -. 1985 355 420 475 C 50 61 70 9 -. 1126 -. 2462 400 475 535 C 100 1 61 1 70 1 9 1 -- 1276 - 3255 455 545 615 C __J oonsuuolon avafonte in sizes 14.12. & 10 as Types ThHN or THWN.2 or AWM only. STANDARD PACKAGE CODE: 'A150 sulcato for 105°C appeaxe wteg matedal CAW14 Fcor 500 spools per orltolL B. 1000W Real 1v.o 500 spools pat celton. C. 500 Reel .AtOwet5e Ampadlies: 0- 2500 Spool Allowable ampadiles shown are for garerel use as specified by the National Electrical Code. E. i000 Spool 1999 EdItion. section 310.15. F. 500 Spool 60°C - when terminated loequlyment lot clrcttfts mad 100 amperes or less or IIlelhed tor e14 N. 2OW Cotton Usi0U91I1 ooductozs.Mwwcedansorwhenezposcd(oollorcoclalu. . Q. 350 Carton 75°C. wharlerminendtoequipment for ditufts rated over 100 eirperesor madrad For conductors; lerger than It. ThWN.2vg1wn exposed to cli or coolant M1WdIyIQCat1OIIS. 90°C- TNMNdry locations. TI4WN.2 wetor dry locations. Ab AWG sloes 14 tlseugh 1 rated VW-1. Larger sines toted for Cr Use. RECOMMENDED SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS: (M1W OR THIIN OR TI4WN.2) Conductors shall be ULiSted Type MrWor THHW or ThWN-2 gasoline and oil resistant II, suitable for operations at 600 volts as specified in the National Electrical Code. AWG sizes 14 through I shall be rated VW-1, larger sizes shall be rated for CT use. Conductors shall be annealed copper, insulated with high-heat and moisture resistant PVC, jacketed with abrasion. moisture, gasoline, and oil resistant nylon or UL-listed equivalent, as manufactured by Southwlre Company or approved equal (AWM) Conductors shall be UL-listed Type THHN or THWN-2 or MTW orAWM, suitable for operation at 600 volts at conductor temperatures not to exceed 105°C. Southwire' a Soulowire Is a registered trademark of Southwiro Company. One Southwire Drive Carrollton, GA 30119 USA 770/832-4242 www.soulhwire.com