HomeMy WebLinkAbout2470 FARADAY AVE; ; AS080173; Permit5/23/24,1:21 PM AS080173 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Job Address: 2470 FARADAY AV Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2090402800 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: AS080173 Status: ISSUED Applied 10/30/2008 Approved: 10/30/2008 Issued: 10/30/2008 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: BECKMAN COULTER TI FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS Applicant: WEST COAST FIRE PROTECTION 271 ROYMAR RD SUITE F OCEANSIDE, CA (760)754-8472 Owner: HAGAMAN FAMILY SURVIVORS 1990 TRUST 11-07-90 5320 EL CAM INO REAL CARLSBAD CA Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 130 0 130 0 about:blank 1/1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Models: V2703. V2704. V2707 V2708 Style: Pendent, Upright or Recessed Pendent Nominal Orifice Size: ½' (13 mm) K-Factor: 5.6 Imp. (8,1 S.LA) Nominal Thread Size: W NPT (15 mm) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (1200 kPa) Factory Hydrostatic Test: 100% @ 500 psi (3450 kP MIn Operating Pressure: 7 psi (48kPa) Temperature Rating: See chart on page 2. X,4tauIic AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS - FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS 40.101 V27, K5.6 Models V2703, V2704, V2707 and V2708 Standard Spray Upright, Pendent and Recessed Pendent Standard and Quick Response PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 4; Recessed Pendent c4w@ See Vlciwdic puWcatlon 10.01 V2707 for 419108. V2708 Pendent V2703 V2704 Uptight These Model V27 standard spray sprinklers are designed to produce a hemispherical spray pat- tern for standard commer- cial applications. They are available with either stan- dard or quick response bulbs. The design incorpo- rates state-of-the-art, heat responsive, frangible glass bulb design (standard or quick response) for prompt, precise operation. The the cast frame is more streamlined and attractive than traditional sand cast frames. It is cast with a hex-shaped wrench boss to allow easy tightening from many angles, reducing assembly effort. This sprin- kler is available in various temperature ratings (see chart on page 2) and fin- ishes to meet many design requirements. The recessed pendent should be utilized with a Model V27 recessed escutcheon which pro- vides up to VV (19 mm) of adjustments. Sprinkler Operation The operating mechanism Is a frangible glass bulb which contains a heat responsive liquid. During a fire, the ambient tempera- MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Upright Deflector. Bronze per UNS C22000 Pendent Deflector: Bronze per UNS C51000 Bulb: Glass with glycerin solu- tion. Bulb Nominal Diameter: 0 Standard: 5.0 mm 0 Quick Response: 3.0 mm Load Screw: Bronze per UNS C65100 Pip Cap: Bronze per UNS C65100 Spring: Beryllium nickel Seal: Teflon* tape Frame: Die cast brass 65-30 Lodgement Spring Stainless steel per UNS S30200 ture rises causing the liquid in the bulb to expand. When the ambient temper- ature reaches the rated temperature of the sprin- kler, the bulb shatters. As a result, the waterway is cleared of all sealing parts and water is discharged towards the deflector. The deflector is designed to dis- tribute the water in a pat- tern that is most effective In controlling the fire. Coverage For coverage area and sprinkler placement, refer to NFPA 13 standards. ACCESSORIES Installation Wrench: O Open End: V27 O Recessed: V38, V38-3 O Socket: V27 Finishes: O Plain brass O Chrome plated O White painted" O Custom painted" O Lead** 155, 200, 2865R Only: O Wax" O Wax over lead** For cabinets and other accesso-des refer to separate sheet. NOTE: Weather resistant recessed escutcheons available upon request. " For K-Factor when pressure is mea- sured in Bar, multiply S.I. units by 10.0. Teflon is a registered trademark of Dupont Co. "UL Ustcd for corrosion resistance in all configurations. VICTAULICe IS AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED COMPANY Vlctaullc Company of America Vlctaulic Company of Canada Victaullc Europe Vlctaulic America Latina Victaullc Asia Pacific Phone: 1-80PICK-VIC (1.800-742-5842) Phone: 905-884-7444 Phone: 32-9-381-1500 Phone: 610-559-3300 Phone: 65-6235-3035 Fax: 610-250.8817 Fax: 905-884-9114 Fax: 32-9-380-4438 Fax: 610-559-3608 Fax: 65-6235-0535 e-mail:pickvic@victaulic.com e-mail: viccanada@victaulic.com e-mail: viceuro@victauiic.be e-mail: vical@victaulic.com e-mail: vicap@victauiic.com 2544 FAV.D 8103 0 Reglstssd Tracienwk of Vlctaullc 0 Copyright 23 Victaulic Punted In U.S.A. APPROVALSILISTINGS Nominal Approved Temperature Ratings °FIC Orifice Slow K'Factor Inch.. imperial Deflector Modal mllllmstsrs LL Response Type UL FM ULC NYCIMEAt CSFM § ½ 5.6 135-360 135-360 135-360 135-360 135-360 V2703 13 8.1 Standard Upright 57-182 57-182 57-182 57-182 57-182 V2707 ½ 5.6 Standard Pendent 135-360 135-360 135-360 135-360 135-360 13 8.1 57.182 57-182 57-182 57-182 57-182 V2707 ½ 5.6 Standard Recessed Pendent 135-360 135-200 135-360 135-360 135 -360 13 8.1 UptowAdjustment 57-182 57-93 57-182 57-182 57-182 V2704 ½ 5.6 Quick Upright 135-286 135-286 135-286 135-286 135-286 13 811 57-141 57-141 57-141 57-141 57-141 V2708 1h 5.6 Quick Pendent 135-286 135-286 135-286 135-286 135-286 13 8.1 57-141 57.- 141 57-141 57-141 57-141 ½ 5.6 Recessed Pendent 135-200 135-200 135-200 135-200 135-200 V2708 13 8,1 Quick Up to If Adjustment 57 -93 57-93 57-93 57-93 V2708 ½ 5.6 Quick Recessed Pendent 135-200 No 135-200 135-200 135-200 13 11 UptowAdJustmcnt 5793 5793 ; Ustlngs and approval as of panting. t2 All are approved open, cxccfx tor areas acsignatca N0. A For K-Factor when pressure Is measured in Bar, multiply S.I. units by 10. t MEA #62-99-E. § CSFM #7690-0531:112 RATINGS All glass bulbs are rated for temperatures from -67°F (-55°C) up to those shown In adjacent table. Temperature - F1C Nominal Maximum Sprinkler Victaullc Glass Temperature Part Temperature Ambient Tamp. Bulb Classification Identification Rating Allowed Color Ordinary A 135 57 100 38 Orange Ordinary C 155 68 100 38 Red Intermediate E 175 79 150 65 Yellow Intermediate F 200 93 150 65 Green High J 286 141 225 - 107 Blue Extra High K 360 182 300 149 Purple - M Open : No Bulb f Standard response only. All are approved open, except for areas designated "NO". - 150/55 If wax coated. ORDERING INFORMATION Please spedllSr the following when ordering: 0 Sprinkler Model Number 0 K-Factor 0 Sprinkler Finish Cl Style U Thread Size U Escutcheon Finish 0 Temperature Rating U Quantity U Wrench Model Number Always read and understand Installation, care, and maintenance instructions, supplied with each box of sprinklers, before proceeding with installation of any sprinklers. Always wear safety glasses and foci protection. Depressurize and drain the ping system before attempting to install, remove, or adjust any Victautic piping products. . 0 • Installation rules, especially those governing obstruction, must be Strictly followed. Painting, plating, or any re-coating of sprinklers (other than that supplied by Victaulic) is not allowed. Failure to follow than instructions could result In serious personal injury and/or property damage. The owner is responsible for maintaining the fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. For minimum maintenance and inspection requirements, refer to the current National Fe Protection Association pamphlet that describes care and maintenance of sprinkler systems. to addition, the authority having jurisdiction may have additional maintenance, testing, and inspection requirements that must be followed. If you need additional copies of this publication, or if you have any questions about the safe installation of this product, contact Victaulic World Headquarters, P.O. Box 31, Easton, Pennsylvania 18044-0031, 610.559-3300. 40.10-2 DIMENSIONS 2W (60 mm) I (41 mm) 1. (25 mm) Standard Pendent - V2707, V2708 (6C Standard Upright .V2703 V2704 W (60 mm) Max. Hole 2(51 mm) Min. Hole - I He Typisal Ceiling Tile (43 mm) Finished Sinface (30 mm) MAXIMUM RECESS L 2Wi? (75 mm) MAXIMUM EXTENSION ½" Adjustment Recessed - V2707, V2708 (Drawing not to scale) 2W (60 mm) — Max. Hole 2'(51 mm) Min. Hole ,sAe ___________ 1Ws I (33 mm) Typical Ceiling Tile 114 mm) _________________ (24 mm) MAXIMUM RECESS t 'ilo (24 mm) 1'Yt& Finished Sialisce ____________________ (43mm) 2'ili (75 nun) MAXIMUM EXTENSION W Adjustment Recessed - V2707, V2708 (Drawing not to scale) AVAILABLE WRENCHES V27 Socket V38 orV384 Recessed V27 Open End V2707, V2108 Pendent / V2707,V27O8 Recessed Pendent V2703, V2704 Upright S - / / 40i0-3 DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS MODELS V2707, V2708 K5.6 STANDARD PENDENT AND RECESSED PENDENT DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS - TRAJECTORY 10' 3,0 m ON ENNONNNONNOON NNONNOMENEEMEM MMMMEWMMMMMMM MMMMMMHWHMMMMM MMMMMMMfflffiMMMMM MMMMMMMMMEMMMM mmmmmmmmmmommm NEENNEEMEENNON 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 0,8 it 1,2 m 1.8 m 2,4 it 3.0 m 3,7 it 4.3 m MODELS V2703, V2704 IC5.6 STANDARD UPRIGHT DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS - TRAJECTORY 8' 2.4m 6' 1.8m 4, 1,2 m 2' 0,6 m 0 7psi 48 We 15 psi 103 kPa 30 psi ------ 207 We uuuui....i.urn ui.......u...uu uii•ii•uuiu• uuiuu•u•uu•u•• EMMEMOMMOMMENEEN IlIII!!!I•uuflhlpl 0,6m 1,2m 1,8m 2,4m 3,0m 3,7m 4,3m 4,9m NOS: Data shown is approximate and can vary due to differences In installation. These graphs illustrate approximate trajectories, floor-wetting, and wail-wetting patterns for these specific Victaulic FireLock Automatic Sprinklers. They are provided as information for guidance in avoiding obstructions to sprinklers and should not be used as minimum sprinkler spacing rube for installation. Refer to the appropriate NFPA National Fire Code and the authority having jurisdiction for specific Information regarding obstructions, spacing limitations and area of coverage requirements. Failure to follow these guidelines could adversely affect the performance of the sprinkler and will void all Listings, Approvals and War- ranties. All patterns are symmetrical to the centerline of the waterway. WARRANTY Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic Company. All products to be Instated In accordance wth current VictaullC Installation/assembly instructions. '.tCtauliC reserves the tight to change product spedflcatiorm, designs and standard equipment aithout notice and aithout incurring obligations. 40.10-4 7ps1 48 kPa 15 psi 103 kPa 30 psi 207 kPa tqca /Fire & Building I Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 Series DS-1 - 56 K-factor Dry Type Sprinklers Standard Response, Standard Coverage General Description The Series DS-1, 5.6 K-factor, Stand- ard Response, Standard Coverage, Dry Type Sprinklers are decorative 5 mm glass bulb automatic sprinklers designed for the following typical uses: where pendent sprinklers are re- quired on dry pipe systems that are exposed to freezing tempera- tures (e.g. sprinkler drops from un- heated portions of buildings) where sprinklers and/or a portion of the connecting piping may be exposed to freezing temperatures (e.g. sprinkler drops from wet sys- tems into freezers, sprinkler sprigs from wet systems into un- heated attics, or horizontal piping extensions through a wall to pro- tect an unheated area of a build- ing) where sprinklers are used on sys- tems that are seasonably drained to avoid freezing (e.g. vacation re- sort areas) WARNINGS The Series DS- I Dry Type Sprinklers described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applica- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP 700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and in- stallation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. standards of any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may Impair the performance of these de- vices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. The Series DS-1 Dry Type Sprinklers must Only be installed in fittings that meet the requirements of the Design Criteria section. Model/Sprinkler Identification Numbers 1Y3255 - (Pendent) TY3155 - (Upright) 1Y3355 - (Horizontal Sidewall) Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. FM and NYC Approved. (Refer to Table A) Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Inlet Thread Connection 1 inch NPT (Standard Order) ISO 7-RI Discharge Coefficient K = 5.6 GPM/psi112 (80,6 LPM/bar'12) Temperature Ratings Refer to Table A Finishes Sprinkler: Natural Brass, Chrome Plated, White Polyester Escutcheon: White Coated or Chrome Plated 1$ Physical Characteristics Inlet ..............Copper Plug .............Copper Yoke .........Stainless Steel Casing . . Galvanized Carbon Steel Insert .............Bronze Bulb Seat ......Stainless Steel Bulb ..............Glass Compression Screw .....Bronze Deflector ...........Bronze Frame ............Bronze Guide Tube ......Stainless Steel Water Tube ......Stainless Steel Spring ........Stainless Steel Sealing Assembly .......... Beryllium Nickel w/Teflon* Escutcheon ......Carbon Steel *Registered Trademark of DuPont Patents U.S.A. Patent No. 5,188,185 Page 1 of 8 APRIL, 2004 TFP500 Page 2 of 8 TFPSOO TY3255 Pendent wl Standard Recessed Escutcheon (Ref. Fig. 3) wi Wide Flange Recessed Escutcheon (Ref. Fig. 4) SPRINKLER FINISH TY3255 Pendant wl Std. Escutcheon (Ref. Fig. 5) w/ Deep Escutcheon (Ref. Fig. 6) w/o Escutcheon (Ref. Fig. 7) TY3155 Upright w/o Escutcheon (Rot. Fig. 8) TY3355 Nor. Sidewall with top of Deflector-to.CeiIIng distance of 4 to 12 inches (100 to 300 mm) w/ Std. Escutcheon (Ref. Fig. 9) w/ Deep Escutcheon (Ref. Fig.10) w/o Escutcheon Temperature Bulb Natural Chrome White Natural Chrome White Natural Chrome White Rating Color Code Brass Plated Polyester Brass Plated Polyester Brass Plated Polyester 1350F/570C Orange 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 1*,2*,3**,4 1*,2*,4 1550F/680C Red 1, 2.3.4 1.2. 4 1, 2.4 1-,2-,3".4 1-,2',4 175*F/79*C Yellow 1,2,3,4 1.2,4 1,2,3.4 1,2,4 l-,2-,3",4 1% 2-.4 2006F1930C Green 1,2,3,4 1,2.4 1,2,3.4 1,2,4 1*,2*.3**,4 1*,2*,4 286°F/141°C Blue N/A 1,2.3.4 1,2, 4 1'.2'.3",4 1*, 2*, 4 360*F/182*C Mauve N/A 1,2,3,4 1,2,4 1*, 2-,4 1-,2',4 Notes: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc (Maximum order length of 48 inches). Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for use in Canada (Maximum order length of 48 inches). Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (Maximum order length 0148 inches) Approved by the City of Now York under MEA 352-01-E. * Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies Only. ** Light Hazard Occupancies Only. N/A Not Available. TABLE A SERIES OS-I, STANDARD RESPONSE - STANDARD COVERAGE, DRY TYPE SPRINKLERS LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS PLUG WITH / INLET GASKETED SPRING = PLATE SEAL - - YOKE SPRING ...- CASING WATER TUBE S INSERT GUIDE TUBE BULB SEAT FRAME— ...- 5 mm BULB VENT HOLE - COMPRESSION DEFLECTOR SCREW FIGURE 1 SERIES DS-1 STANDARD RESPONSE DRY TYPE SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WRENCH RECESS PUSH WRENCH INTO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 2 W-TYPE 7 SPRINKLER WRENCH TFP500 Page 3 of 8 SPRINKLER FITTING (REFER TO DESIGN CRITERIA SECTION) --- -------- -- FACEOF SPRINKLER Li) LU FITTING L LjJ J ___________L. I ORDER LENGTHS 3-1/2" to 48" (88,9 to 1219,2 mm) IN 1/4"(6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. INCREMENTS (57,2 mm) FACE OF CEILING c (70mm) FIGURE 3 TY3255 PENDENT WI STANDARD RECESSED ESCUTCHEON SPRINKLER FITTING (REFER TO DESIGN CRITERIASECTION) -- -------- FACE OF SPRINKLER L. FITTING ORDER LENGTHS. 3-1/2" DI& 1/2" to 46' (,9 mp) (12,7 to 1168,4 mm) 2-1/2" DIA. IN 1/4"(e.4 mm) , FACE OF CEILING SPRINKLER FITTING (REFER TO DESIGN CRITERIA SECTION) --• -------- FACE OF SPRINKLER FITTING '--, ORDER LENGTHS: 3-1/2" to 48" (88,9 to 1219,2 mm) IN 1/4"(6,4 mm) 3" DIA. INCREMENTS QP6,2 mm, FACE O t I CEILIN 1-3/8"± 1/8" (34,9 ± 3,2 mm) FIGURE 4 TY3255 PENDENT WI WIDE FLANGE RECESSED ESCUTCHEON SPRINKLER FITTING (REFER TO DESIGN FACE OF SPRINKLER ORDER LENGTh& 5" to 48" (127,0 to 1219,2 mm) IN 1/4(6.4 mm) INCREMENTS SPRINKLER FITTING (REFER TO DESIGN CRITERIA SECTION) -------- FACIE OF , SPRINKLER FITTING L ORDER LENGTHS: 2-1/2't048" 1-314'DIA. (83,5 to 1219,2 mm) (44.5 mm) IN 1/4" (6,4 mm) INCREMENTS FACE OF 01 CEILING 2S/lGT" DIA. (55,8 ± 3,2 mm) 2 m FIGURE 5 TY3255 PENDENT WI STANDARD ESCUTCHEON TOP OF DEFLECTOR ORDER LENGTHS: 5" to 48" (127,0 to 1219,2 mm) IN 1/4"(6.4 mm) INCREMENTS FACE OF SPRINKLER 4-1/4'±1/8" (108,0 ±3,2 mm) MINIMUM ,9/4"(44,5 mm) DEFLECTOR TO CEILING FIGURE 6 FIGURE? FIGURE 8 TY3255 PENDENT TY3255 PENDENT TY3155 UPRIGHT wl DEEP ESCUTCHEON W/o ESCUTCHEON wlo ESCUTCHEON Page 4 of 8 TFPSOO Operation When the Series DS-1 is in service, water is prevented from entering the assembly by the Plug & Belleville Seal- ing Assembly (Ref. Figure 1) in the Inlet of the Sprinkler. The glass Bulb contains a fluid that expands when ex- posed to heat. When the rated tem- perature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass Bulb, and the Bulb Seat is released. The compressed Spring is then able to ex- pand and push the Water Tube as well as the Guide Tube outward. This action simultaneously pulls inward on the Yoke, withdrawing the Plug & Belleville Seal from the Inlet allowing the sprin- kler to activate and flow water, Design Criteria The Series DS-1 Sprinklers are in- tended for use in fire sprinkler systems designed in accordance with the standard installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (e.g., UL Listing is based on NFPA 13 requirements). The Series DS-1 Dry Type Sprinkler is to be installed in the 1 inch NPT outlet or run of malleable or ductile iron threaded tee fittings that meet the di- mensional requirements of ANSI B16.3 (Class 150) or cast iron threaded tee fittings that meet the di- mensional requirements of ANSI B16.4 (Class 125) with the end sprin- kler fitting on a branch line to be plugged as shown in Figures 3 - 11. When installing 1 inch NPT Series DS-1 Dry Type Sprinklers on a dry pipe sprinkler system, Only use the -side outlet of maximum 2-1/2 inch size re- ducing tee's. For wet pipe sprinkler systems, the Series DS-1 Dry Type Sprinklers may also be installed in the 1 inch NPT outlet of a Central Figure 730 Me- chanical Tee. NOTE Do not install the Series OS-i into any other type fitting without first consult- ing the Technical Services Depart- ment. Failure to use the appropriate fitting may result in: failure of the sprin- kler to properly operate due to forma- tion of ice over the inlet Plug or binding of the inlet Plug; or, insufficient en- gagement of the inlet pipe threads with consequent leakage. Branch, cross, and feedmain piping ORDER LENGTHS: 2-1/2' to 48' (83,5 to 1219,2 mm) IN 1/4'(6,4 mm) INCREMENTS 4. , 1' (101,6±3,2mm) I FACE OF FACE OF 1-3/4' DIA. SLR MOUNTING (44, MM) FITTING SURFACE (76,2 MM) /3.S0I SPRINKLER FiTtiNG ---- (REFER TO DESIGN CENTERLINE 5/16' CRITERIA SECTION) OF WATERWAY (7,9 mm) FIGURE 9 TY3355 HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL wISTANDARD ESCUTCHEON ORDER LENGTHS: FACE OF 1/2' to 45-3/4' (12,7 toll 62,1 mm) MOUNTING IN 1/4' (8.4 mm) INCREMENTS SURFACE 4-13/18' ±1/8' I (122,2±3,2 mm) 2-1/2' DIA. FACE OF 1; /.2. I I SPRINKLER ______ FITTING ¶1-.J __ ___________________ 3-1/2' DIA. L[j SPRINKLER FITTING / (88,9 MM) (REFER TO DESIGN 14 CENTERLINE 5/16' CRITERIA SECTION) OF WATERWAY (7,9 mm) FIGURE 10 TY3355 HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL WI DEEP ESCUTCHEON ORDER LENGTHS: Win 48' (127,0 to 1219,2 mm) IN 1/4' (8,4 mm) INCREMENTS MINIMUM 2-1/4' (57,2 mm) FACE OF DEFLECTOR TO —SPRINKLER MOUNTING FITTING SURFACE LT-LSPRINKLER FITTING / (7,9 mm) (REFER TO DESIGN CENTERLINE CRITERIA SECTION) OF WATERWAY FIGURE 11 TY3355 HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL wlo DEEP ESCUTCHEON TFP500 Page 5 of 8 connected to Dry Sprinklers and sub- ject to freezing temperatures must be pitched for drainage in accordance with the minimum requirements of the National Fire Protection Association for dry pipe sprinkler systems. When Dry Sprinklers are to be used in wet pipe sprinkler systems protecting areas subject to freezing temperatures (e.g., sprinkler drops into freezers), consideration must be given to the ap- propriate length of the sprinkler that will prevent freezing of the water in the connecting pipes due to conduction. When the temperature surrounding the wet pipe sprinkler system is main- tained at a minimum temperature of 40017/40C, the following are the mini- mum recommended lengths between the face of the sprinkler fitting and the outside surface of the protected area (i.e., length exposed to minimum am- bient of 40°F/40C): 12 inches (300 mm) when the tem- perature within the protected area is -20°F/-29°C 18 inches (450 mm) when the tem- perature within the protected area is -400F/400C 24 inches (600 mm) when the tem- perature within the protected area is -60°F/-510C For protected area temperatures be- tween those given above, the minimum recommended length from the face of the fitting to the outside of the pro- tected area may be determined by in- terpolating between the indicated val- ues. NOTE When Dry Sprinklers penetrate a ceil- ing or wall into an area subject to freez- ing, the clearance space around The Sprinkler Casing must be completely sealed in order to prevent the leakage of moist air into the freezing area which might result in the formation of condensate around the Frame, Deflec- tor, Bulb Seat, or Bulb. Failure to pre- vent the formation of condensate could result in the build-up of ice around The releasing components. This could re- sult in inadvertent operation of the sprinkler or impaired operation due to reduced Thermal sensitivity. Installation The Series DS-1 Dry Type Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instructions: NOTES The Series DS-1 must only be installed in fittings that meet the requirements of the Design Criteria section. Refer to the Design Criteria section for other important requirements regard- ing piping design and sealing of the clearance space around the Sprinkler Casing. Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or There is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1,6 mm) for The 1350F/57*C rating to 1/8 inch (3,2 mm) for the 360 °F/182°C rating. A leak tight 1 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained with a torque of 20 to 30 ft.lbs. (26,8 to 40,2 Nm). Higher levels of torque may distort the sprin- kler inlet with consequent leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for in- sufficient adjustment in an Escutcheon Plate by under- or over-tightening the Sprinkler. Readjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. Step 1. Pendent sprinklers must be installed only in the pendent position, and upright sprinklers must be in- stalled only in the upright position. The deflector of a pendent or upright sprin- kler is to be parallel to the ceiling. Horizontal sidewall sprinklers are to be installed in the horizontal position with their centerline of waterway perpen- dicular to the back wall and parallel to the ceiling. The word "TOP" on the De- flector is to face towards the ceiling. Step 2. With pipe thread sealant ap- plied to the inlet threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3 Wrench tighten the sprinkler by wrenching on the Casing with a pipe wrench whenever the casing is readily accessible. Otherwise, use a W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 2). The wrench recess of the W-Type 7 is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats (Ref. Figure 2). Step 4. After the ceiling/wall has been installed/finished, slide on the outer piece of the Escutcheon until it comes in contact with the ceiling/wall. Do not lift the ceiling panel out of its normal position. In the case of the outer piece of the Deep Escutcheon, hold the outer piece in contact with the mounting sur- face (ceiling), and then rotate the inner piece approximately 1/4 turn with re- spect to the outer piece, to hold the Deep Escutcheon firmly together. Care and Maintenance The Series DS-1 Dry Type Sprinklers must be maintained and serviced in accordance with the following instruc- tions: NOTES Absence of The outer piece of an es- cutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, may delay the time to sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on The fire protection system that it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this action must be no- tified. A Vent Hole is provided in the Bulb Seat (Ref. Figure 1) to indicate if the Dry Sprinkler is remaining dry. Evi- dence of leakage from the Vent Hole is an indication that there may be weepage past the Inlet seal and that the sprinkler needs to be removed for determining the cause of leakage (e.g. an improperinstallation oran ice plug). The fire protection system control valve must be closed and the system drained before removing the sprinkler. Sprinklers that are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or otherwise altered after leaving the factory. Modi- fied sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be com- pletely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- age - before, during, and after instal- lation. Sprinklers damaged by drop- ping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb (Ref. Installation Section). The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- Page 6 of IS TFP500 ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted relative to any questions. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and work- manship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will ex- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war- ranty is given for products or components manufactured by compa- nies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corro- sion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in ac- cordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- tion, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither as- sumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON- TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE- ORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, RE- GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LI- ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for avail- ability, and please specify the follow- ing: 1. Sprinkler. . Model/SIN. Standard Response, Standard Coverage, Dry Type Sprinkler Deflector Style. 5.6 K-factor. Order Length. Dry Type Sprinklers are furnished based upon Order Length as measured per Figures 3 Through 11, as applicable. After the meas- urement is taken, round it to The nearest 1/4 inch increment. Inlet Connection (1 Inch NPT or ISO 7-RI) Temperature Rating. Sprinkler Finish. Escutcheon Style and Finish, as applicable. Part Number from Table B. (Part numbers are for 1 inch NPT stan- dar order sprinklers. Orders for all other sprinkler assemblies must be accompanied by a complete description.) 2. W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench. Refer to the Price List for complete listing of Part Numbers. TFPSOO Page 7 of 8 P/N 60-XXX-X-XXX I I SPRINKLER ESCUTCHEON MODEL/SIN FINISH FINISH (2) I I ORDER LENGTH (1) (EXAMPLES) 055 5.50" 082 8.25 180 18.00' 187 18.75 372 37.25" 480 48.00' 96 Pendant wl Standard 1Y3255 Escutcheon (1" NPT) (Fig. 5) 93 Pendant wl Deep 1Y3255 Escutcheon (1 NPT) (Fig. 6) 97 Pendant w/ Std. Recessed TY3255 Escutcheon (1" NPT) (Fig. 3) 92 Pendent w/o Escutcheon TY3255 (1'NPT) 1 (Fig. 7) 94 SIdewall W/ Standard 1V3355 Escutcheon (1' NPT) (Fig. 9) 53 SIdewall w/ Deep TY3355 Escutcheon (1" NPT) (Fig. 10) 54 SIdewall w/o TY3355 Escutcheon (1" NPT) (Fig. 11) 98 1 Upright w/o Escutcheon TY3155 (1" NPT) (Fig. 8) 1 NATURAL BRASS WHITE 4 WHITE POLYESTER WHITE 9 CHROME PLATED CHROME PLATED 0 CHROME PLATED WHITE 31 WHITE (RAL9010)' WHITE (RAL9010" j TEMPERATURE RATING (3) 0 135F/57C 1 155F/68C T 175F179C 3 200F/93C 4 286F/141C T 360F/182C NOTES Dry Type Sprinklers are furnished based upon "Order Length' as measured per Figures 3 through 11, as applicable, and for each individual sprinkler where it is to be installed. After the meas- urement is taken, round it to the nearest 1/4 inch increment. Escutcheon Finish applies to sprinklers provided with escutcheons. 286F/141C and 360/182C temperature ratings apply to non-recessed sprinkler assemblies. * Eastern Hemisphere sales only. TABLE B PART NUMBER SELECTION SERIES DS-I, STANDARD RESPONSE, STANDARD COVERAGE, DRY TYPE SPRINKLERS (Use Prefix "I" for ISO 7-RI Connection, e.g., 1-60-961-1-180) Page 8 of 8 TFPSOO TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446