HomeMy WebLinkAbout2470 FARADAY AVE; ; AS070285; Permit5/23/24, 4:11 PM AS070285 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Job Address: 2470 FARADAY AV Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2090402800 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: AS070285 Status: ISSUED Applied 11/27/2007 Approved: 11/27/2007 Issued: 11/27/2007 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: BECKMAN CLEAN ROOMS TI FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION Applicant: WEST COAST FIRE PROTECTION 271 ROYMAR RD SUITE F OCEANSIDE, CA (760)754-8472 Owner: HAGAMAN FAMILY SURVIVORS 1990 TRUST 11-07-90 5320 EL CAM INO REAL CARLSBAD CA Fees ($) Add'l Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 130 0 130 0 about:blank 1/1 many angles, reducing assembly effort. This sprin- kler is available in various temperature ratings (see chart on page 2) and fin- ishes to meet many design requirements. The recessed pendent should be utilized with a Model V27 recessed escutcheon which pro- vides up to V4" (19 mm) of adjustments. Sprinkler Operation The operating mechanism is a frangible glass bulb which contains a heat responsive liquid. During a fire, the ambient tempera- Lure rises causing the liquid in the bulb to expand. When the ambient temper- ature reaches the rated temperature of the sprin- kler, the bulb shatters. As a result, the waterway is cleared of all sealing parts and water is discharged towards the deflector. The deflector is designed to dis- tribute the water in a pat- tern that is most effective in controlling the fire. Coverage For coverage area and sprinkler placement, refer to NFPA 13 standards. / ictsulicr V27, K5.6 Models V2703, V2704, V2707 and V2708 Standard Spray Upright, Pendent and Recessed Pendent Standard and Quick Response PRODUCT DESCRIPTION These Model V27 standard spray sprinklers are designed to produce a - hemispherical spray pat- - - tern for standard commer- -. clal applications. They are V2701 V2708 available with either stan- Recessed dard or quick response Pendent bulbs. The design incorpo- @M rates state-of-the-art, heat responsive, frangible glass See Victaulic Pu ::O.oIs. bulb design (standard or quick response) for prompt. V2707 V2708 precise operation. I The die cast frame is more streamlined and attractive than traditional sand cast Pendent I frames. It Is cast with a V2703 hex-shaped wrench boss to V2704 allow easy tightening from Upright TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Models: V2703. V2704, V2707. V2708 Style: Pendent. Upright or Recessed Pendent Nominal Orifice Size: /2 (13 nim) K-Factor: 5.6 Imp. (8.1 S.I.) Nominal Thread Size: W NPT (15 mm) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (1200 kPa) Factory Hydrostatic Test: 100% @ 500 psi (3450 kPa) Mm. Operating Pressure: 7 psi (48 kPa) Temperature Rating: See chart on page 2. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Upright Deflector: Bronze per UNS C22000 Pendent Deflector: Bronze per UNS CS 1000 Bulb: Glass with glycerin solu- tion. Bulb Nominal Diameter: U Standard: 5.0 mm U Quick Response: 3.0 mm Load Screw: Bronze per UNS C65100 Pip Cap: Bronze per UNS C65100 Spring: Beryllium nickel Seal: Teflon' tape Frame: Die cast brass 65-30 Lodgement Spring: Stainless steel per tiNS S30200 ACCESSORIES Installation Wrench: U Open End: V27 U Recessed: V38, V38-3 U Socket: \'27 Finishes: U Plain brass U Chronic plated U White paintcd U Custom palnted' U Lead** 155, 800, ZSSSR Only: U Wax U Wax over lead* For cabinets and other accesso- ries refer to separate sheet. NOTE: Weallier resistant recessed escutcheons available upon request. For K-Factor when pressure is mcxi- stied in Bar, multiply S.I. units by 10.0. Teflon is a registared trademark at Dupont Co. -. hi Listed for corrosion resistance in MI configurations. VICTAUuCe IS AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED COMPANY Victaulic Company of America Victaulic Company of Canada Victaulic Europe Victaulic America Latina Victaulic Asia Pacific Phone: 1-800.PICK-VIC (1-800-142-5842) Phone: 905-884.1444 Phone: 32-9.381-1500 Phone: 610-559-3300 Phone: 65-6235.3035 Fax: 610-250-8817 Fax: 905-884-9774 Fax: 32-9-380-4438 Fax: 610-559.3608 Fax: 65-6235.0535 e-mail:pickvic@vicfaulic.com e-mail: viccanada@viclaulic.com e-mail: viccurom'victaulic.be e-mail: vical@viclaulic.com e-mail; vicap@victaulic.com 2544 Rev.O a03. a Reglemed T,7IatO1VICIaLtIC W Lopyngnl w.r VUUC lm in APPROVALS/LISTINGS Nominal Approved Temperature Ratings °FIC *12 Orifice Size K-Factor Inches Imperial Deflector Model millimeters SLA Response Type UL FM ULC NYCIMEAt CSFM § ½ 5.6 135.360 135 360 135.360 135-360 135-360 V2703 13 8.1 Standard Upright 57.182 57-182 57-182 57- i 57-182 ½ 5.6 135 -360 135 .360 135.360 135-360 135 -360 V2707 13 8.1 Standard Pendent 57-182 57-182 57-182 57.182 57-182 ½ 5.6 Recessed Pendent 135 360 135-201) 135-360 135-360 135-360 V2707 13 8.1 Standard U.:)t,) "A Adulrrcxfl 57-182 57-93 57.182 57-182 57-132 ½ 5.6 135- 286 135- 266 135 - 286 135-286 135-286 V2704 13 8.1 Quick Upright 57.141 57-141 1 57.141 57-141 57-141 5.6 135.286 135-286 135-286 135-286 135-286 V2708 13 8.1 Quick Pendent 57-141 57-141 57-141 57-141 57-141 ½ 5.6 Recessed Pendent 135-206 135-200 135-200 135-200 135-200 V2708 13 8.1 UptoS6 Adjustrrrcsit 57-93 57-93 57-93 57-93 5793 ½ 5.6 Recessed Pendent 135-200 135-200 135.200 135-200 V2708 13 8.1 Quick UptoA No 5793 5793 I Ustinqs and apprcNnl as of printing. 12 All arc approved upon. exeec( (cx areas dcsiqnated Nu. For K-Factor wtwri pressure is measured in Bar. rrultiply S.I. units by 10. I MEA 062-99-E. 5 CSFM 7690-O531:112 RATINGS All glass bulbs are rated for temperatures from -67°F (-55°C) up to those shown in adjacent table. Temperature - F1C Sprinkler Victaulic Nominal Maximum Glass Temperature Part Temperature Ambient Temp. Bulb Classification Identification Rating Allowed Color Ordinary A 135 57 100 38 Orange Ordinary C 155 100 38 Red Intermediate E 175 150 79 65 YelloW Intermediate F 200 150 93 65 Green High - 286 141 225- 107 Blue Extra High 4 K 360 182 300 149 Purple - 4 M Open : No Bulb I Standard response only. All are approved open. except br areas designated No. - 150!65if wax; MAW. ORDERING INFORMATION Please specify the following - when ordering: U Sprinkler vlutJc'l Nucttb-r U K-Fa-tur U Sprinkler Finish - U Syk' - U Thread Size U Escutcheon Finish U Ti-uqa-racurn- Racing U Quacicicv U Wrench Mudel Number Always read and understand installation, care, and maintenance instructions, supplied with each box of sprinklers, before proceeding with installation of any sprinklers. Always wear safety glasses and foot protection. - Depressurize and drain the piping system before attempting to install, remove, or adjust any Victaulic piping products. . 0 • Installation rules, especially those governing obstruction, must be strictly followed. Painting, plating, or any re-coating of sprinklers (other than that supplied by Victaulic) is not allowed. Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious personal injury and/or property damage. The owner is responsible for maintaining the fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. For minimum maintenance and inspection requirements, refer t o t h e conTent National Fire Protection Association pamphlet that describes care and maintenance of sprinkler systems. In addition, the authority having jurisdiction m a y h a v e a d d i t i o n a l maintenance, testing, and inspection requirements that mast be followed. If you need additional copies of this publication, or if you have any questions about the safe installation of this product, contact Victaulic World Headquarters, P.O. Box 31, E a s t e r n , Pennsylvania 18044-0031, 610.559.3300. 40.10-2 -I DIMENSIONS (60 (60 (25 mm) Standard Pendent - V2707, V2708 Standard Upright - V2703, V2704 1W (60 mm) Max. Hole (51 mm) Mm. Hale I 1A.7 __ Typical Ceiling Tile -rinished Surface (30 nun) MAXIMUM RECESS J75 nun) MAXIMUM EXTENSION W Adjustment Recessed - V2707, V2708 (Drawing not to scale) AVAILABLE WRENCHES V27 Socket V38 or V3$-3 Recessed V21 Open End V2707. V2708 Pendent V2707. V2706 Recessed Pendent V2703. V2704 Upright 40.10-3 DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS MODELS V2707, V2708 1(5.6 STANDARD PENDENT AND RECESSED PENDENT DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS — TRAJECTORY 10'' 3Dm 8' 2.4 6' 1.8 m 4, 1,2m. 2' 0.6 A - \ \'s '\\ 2' 4' 6' 8' ICY 12' 14' 0.6m 1.2 m 1,8 m 2.4 m 3,0 m 3.7 m 4,3 m MODELS V2703, 'i12704 K5.6 STANDARD UPRIGHT DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS - TRAJECTORY I. 'IIuuu..IImmommommommmommom uaRIIIuIIuImmommommummommom uIuINI.IIuuuI uuuuiimauuuuim aaiisuasiiusmmommmommmmommom mommommommummmmm NEENNEMENNEMENNE 2' 4' 6' 81 10 12' 14' 16' 0,6m 1.2m 1.8m 2Am 3.0m 3.7m 4.3m 4.9m NOTES: I. Data shrit% n is apxImaIe and can chic In dIlTL'r'ncr's lii lniallatirui. Thi•t g:aphs ilk 1,1711t. appriixlmatr' iajicIadi ....;8- w.itini. and all v. rIItuii paIi'rns 1`07 thtsc• sptrltic Vktauh FIri'Lnk Aulamati': Spruiklirs... Sri' pravldr'cl as 1111trmaiian 1r ik1SnL' In aridIiii i;hsIrur lns In sprinkhrs aii1 shraikl nni 1w ;is'd as mhibmim sprinkkr spar hig ruks rr,r ilislallauion. i4r kr In ihi' app .pat' Ni FA Natinnal llr' Codi' and 11w auihorIl: halnjirts1k han hr spaclik tn1naiaLIahi riadin nl,stucth,ns. spiwinp Ilialisilans and c&wt'ravr'q:iIrami'nis. alla:i' ia hnlla Ih'si' giIdi'Iini' i-raikl ndwrwh, rhk'ri 11w whriaahira ih thy sp:InkIir nd will aid all LisiIii. App—nnalsand War rant Ii's. All pall erhi an' s.v I ,m'Ik al it; i hi' coverlim, r,f I ha aia: a'. WARRANTY Refer to the Warranty section 01 the current Price List or contact Vtciaulic for details. lilt. pnt:uit t.h,lI bu mai'u!auuuirJ by Vclaulic Curnpiity. 1puu,!ui.is Iubu irsIaIiut ir cwn ucuwlU' Cwnifti Vicijuik. ir.siau1aivnIast.tintly 1raiuz1krs. k.aiulk. IU'5iiVLi5 Ito ikfrt to thar.cjc pruucl spLiuficailuas tcsl ...5 arti start;v:1 uLuipnu:t wiltout isiticu imd WItI'CM lrcturihçj uh,li;fliurs. 40.10-4 7psi 48 kPa 15 psi 103 kPa 30 psi 207 kPa 10' 3.om 6 1.8 4 1.2 2 0.6 7ps1 48 kPa 15 psi 103 kPa 30 psi 207 kPa