HomeMy WebLinkAbout5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS; ; AS150256; Permit5/30/24, 9:04 AM AS150256 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS150256 5600 AVEN IDA Job Address: ENCINAS Permit Type: SPRINK Parcel No: 2100905000 Lot #: 0 Reference No.: PC #: Project Title: GO PRO TI AS TI Applicant: INDUSTRIAL FIRE SPRINKLER CO INC 3845 IMPERIAL AV SAN DIEGO CA 619-266-6030 619-266-6035 Status: ISSUED Applied 9/3/2015 Approved: 9/7/2015 Issued: 9/7/2015 Inspector: Owner: MART-CARLSBAD L L C 221 15TH ST DEL MAR CA Fees ($) Add'I Fees ($) Total ($) Balance ($) 283 0 283 71 about:blank 1/1 Parsley Consulting 350 WCSt 9k Avenue, Suac 206 Escondido, California 92025-5013 Phone (760) 745..6181 eMaiL parsleyconsulfincox.ne V 1Tcbsi e htp//www.parsleyconsuIfing.com August 27, 2015 Fire Code Official City of Carlsbad Fire Department Office of Fire Protection Services 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 t1 0% éc3i Subject: Fire Sprinkler Review for GoPro Sprinkler System TI, 5600 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, CA Dear Sir: We have reviewed the submittal as prepared by Industrial Fire. Based on our review it is our opinion that the submittal is in substantial conformance with the applicable codes and standards in force at this time, including local adopted ordinances. Further submittal should not be required. Sincerely, PA EYCONSULTJING t#, Kenneth W agone , ET Office Manager End (1) Working Drawings -3 sets Hydraulic Calculations - 3 sets Review Comments Note: A copy of this letter has been transmitted via e-mail to Industrial Fire on August 27, 2015 File: c:\Users\Ken4Pyro\Documents\Rev2l 5310.1 .Docx N Parsley Consulting Plan Review Comments for GoPro Sprinkler System TI page 2 of 2 1) Field verify that any armover with a total horizontal length of 24" or longer is provided with a hanger, per NFPA- 13, 2013, section Verify that the pressure at the base of the riser does not exceed 100 psi, or verify that the maximum length of unsupported armover supplying a sprinkler below the ceiling does not exceed 12" per NFPA-13, 2013, section, and that such a hanger resists upward movement of the piping, per section In the event that the suspended ceilings are not rigidly braced per ASME E580, the sprinklers to be installed in the suspended panels will require either a 2" clearance around the penetration through the panel, or the use of a flexible drop fitting, per ASCE7-I0, section through 15.6.3. a) Suspended ceilings with areas less than or equal to 144 ft2 that are surrounded by walls or soffits that are laterally braced to the structure above are exempt from this requirement. Suspended ceilings constructed of screw- or nail-attached gypsum board on one level that are surrounded by and connected to walls or soffi ts that are laterally braced to the structure above are exempt from these requirements. As the portions of the system revision cannot be isolated from the existing, the system should not be subjected to a hydrostatic test at greater than normal system pressure. See NFPA 13, section File: C:\Users\Ken4Pyro\Documents\Rev2l53 10.1 .Docx IüIicSummary: Job Number: I Report Description: Light Hazard II.. Job Njimber Design Engineer Job Nuns: - StateCeiittcatoed.icenne Number Drawingi Address 1 AfU Address Job SilelBuildlng Address 3 Dr =del kDC AMA System Remote Area(s) Most DemonitngSpnn Sprinkler ld Occupancy Job Suffix 5.6 K-Factor 22.50 at 16.143 Light Hazard HcseM owanceMSsurca Area of Application 1 0 0.ioo/ft2 gpm 1500.00ft2 (Actual 931.02" Additional How Supplies Number Ot Sprinklers Calculated Coverage Pat Sprinkler Node FIow(aom 10 100.00ft AutoPeak Results: Pressure For Remote Area(s) Adjacent To Most Remote Area Left: 54.929 Right: 54.929 Total Hose Streams i 00.o System Flow Demand Total Water Required (Including Hone Allowonca) 242.04 342.04 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maximum Velocity Above Ground 20.61 between nodes 480 and 481 Maximum Velocity Under Ground 2.89 between nodes 16 and 18 Volume capacity of Wet Flpes Volume capacity of Dry Pipes 6973.67ga1 ,-... Suñ!ies .•. .. .. ., . Hose Flow Static Residual Flow Available © Total Demand Required Safety Margin Node Name (gpm) (Pa!~~Si) (gpm) (psi) (gpm) (psi) (psi) Water Supply 10000 1 84.000 72.000 I 107000 82.545 I 342.04 .54.929 27.615 - These plans have been tcvut:wd kjr .u)parsltt citittpliautce - with the currettu tupphcuhk codes and slajahird% in force jut the tuuidIctu(rtt. The owner or etlttlrau,tr ntas 1111(1/C (his levte\t In support Of att appliL;itilll hr a hulillllty PelIttIt V.11(1 he CIpris, tItldCrslattt(lit that this IC ttu Ill uti' "it) relic-1 life owner or CIII It actor or their P1t1tL'lmtl,II etugiutecu or iuicltitect (or sok respurutsihi (lu for till cttutplturtce with suit) cutds aitd standards. 1101tLIltu! the bUilding code or (or any responsublity ttr (le(iClettcIL'.crrulrs. OuIto.sjttuu or ncyl uuence jut these A 4ED AS SUBMITTED Plans hother or tot noted in this revievv. klC()NtMiN;) AFI'lAW..$). CARL BAD FIRE DEPARTMENT seas' RFC()MME AS NOTED 77 /cy cont - Contractor Number Contact Name Phone Name of Contractor: A,,i 0256 Address 1 E-mail Web-Ste Addresu 2 Address 3 0 M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 'IlAutoSPRINK® 12 v12.0.29.0 7/27/2015 10:35:56AM Page 1 IHd iiGràph Job Number: 1 I Report Description: Light Hazard Water Supply at Node 1. 100-: go --- Static Pressure 84.000 : ::i 72.000 242.04 @ 54 929 342.04 with hose streams 50 a. 40— Sm and cue 30 20- 10- IIIi.i.IILI.I.I.I.i.I.I11111111 IllIllIll 11.1111111 111111_Ill 111111111 111111111 111111111 0- °250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 750 2000 2250 2500 Water flow, gpm Itydraulic Graph Water Supply at Node 1 Stalt Pressure 84.000 Residual: Pressure 72.000 @ 1070.00 Available Pressure at lime of lest 82.545 @ 342.04 54.929 @ 242.04 Syrtorrr Darand fnobdng Hans PJU.rnnoe at Source) 54.929 @ 342.04 0 M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK® 12 v12.0.29.0 7/27/2015 10:35:58AM Page 2 ~jl INodeAnalysis .: I Job Number: 1 Report Description: Light Hazard Node Elevation(Foot) Fillings Pressure(psi) Discharge(gpm) 1 -3-6 S 54.929 242.04 1080 8-8 Spr(-22.170) a 22.170 26.37 1081 8-8 Spr(-22.246) 22.246 26.41 1083 10-0 Spr(-19.995) 19.995 25.04 1084 10-0 Spr(-16.981) 16.981 23.08 1085 10-0 Spr(-16.143) 16.143 22.50 1086 10-0 Spr(-16.215) 16.215 22.55 1091 10-0 Spr(-21.500) 21.500 25.97 1092 10-0 Spr(-18.607) 18.607 24.16 - 1093 10-0 6pr(-16.792) 16.792 . - 22.95 1094 . 10-0 Spr(16.904) 16.904 23.02 13 4-6 T(33-5Y2) 48.692 15 4-6 CV(55-3Y2) 48.593 16 4-6 T(51 -10) 48.507 .18 4-6 E(-17-7) 48.439 V 21 4-6 T(42'-11V2) 48.852 146 19-6 P0(15-0) . 37.920 150 19-6 tT(13-0) 37.046 153 19'-6 fT(13'-O) 36.629 .221 V 19'-6 fT(25'-O) V 38.074 453 11'-O PO(6-0) 26.218 454 11-0 T(5-0) . 22.750 455 11-0 E(2-0) 22.177 463 11-0 P0(6-0) . 26.248 464 11'-O T(5'-O) 20.745 465 11'-O T(5-0) 17.565 466 11-0 T(5-0) 16.681 467 11'-O E(2-0) 16.269 480 11-0 P0(6-0) 26.753 481 11-0 T(5-0) 22.332 482 11'-O T(5-0) 19.281 483 11'-O T(5'-O) V 17.366 484 11-0 E(2-0) 16.977 635 19-6 PO(15'-O) 35.024 824 19-6 PO(15-0) I 37.478 828 .19'-6 fT(13-0) 36.904 830 19'-6 fT(1Y-0) 36.267 0 M.E.'P.CAD, Inc. M AutoSPRINK® 12 v12.0.29.0 7/27/2015 10:35:59AM Page 3 100 (201 Job Number: 1 Report Description: Light Hazard Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary Go .....Route1•••'• DR 1.0490 22.50 8.35 120 0.161813 1,-0 Pr 0.971 1085 466 10'-0 111-0 22.50 5.6 16.143 16.681 Sprinkler, T(5L0) 5'-0 6'-0 Pe -0.434 Pv BL 1.3800 45.05 9.66 120 0.153738 5'-9 Pt 0.884 466 465 11-0 111-0 22.55 . 16.681 17.565 Flow (q) from Route 2 6-9 Pe Pv BL 1.3800 68.13 14.61 120 0.330428 9'-7Y2 Pt 3.180 465 464 111-0 111-0 23.08 17.565 20.745 . Flow (q) from Route 5 . 9-7% Pe Pv BL 1.3800 93.17 19.98 120 0.589630 . 3'-4 Pt 5.503 464 463 il'-O 111-0 25.04 20.745 26.248 Flow (q) from Route 7 PO(6'-O) 6'-0 9-4 Pe Pv CM 2.7050 145.95 8.15 120 0.051023 9-11 Pt 0.506 463 480 11-0 111-0 52.78 . 26.248 26.753 Flow (q) from Route 9 9'-11 Pe Pv CM 2.7050 242.04 13.51 120 . 0.130076 67-11 Pt 11.956 480 635 111-0 19-6 96.09 26.753 35.024 Flow (q) from Route 3 T(12'-O), 2E(6'-O) 241-0 9V-11 Pe -3.685 Pv BL 3.3340 155.66 5.72 120 0.020766 31'-10 Pt 1.243 635 830 19-6 19-6 35.024 36.267 P0(1 5-a) . fT(13'-0) 28'-0 59-10 Pc Pv BL 3.3340 134.81 4.95 120 0.015914 40'-0 Pt 0.637 830 828 19-6 19-6 36.267 36.904 40'-0 Pe Pv BL 3.3340 107.33 3.94 120 0.010438 40'-0 Pt 0.574 828 824 19'-6 19'-6 . 36.904 37.478 P0(15-0) 15-0 55-0 jPv Pc BL 4.3100 107.33- 2.36 120 0.002989 . 134'-8 Pt 0.597 824 221 19'-6 19-6 37.478 38.074 . 2P0(20'-O), fT(25'-O) 65'-0 199'-8 Pe Pv BL 6.3570 242.04 2.45 120 0.002028 58'-0V2 Pt 0.393 221 18 19'-6 4-6 134.72 38.074 48.439 Flow (q) from Route 11 2fE(12-7), 2P0(37'-8Y2), 2E(17'-7) 135'-934 193'-10 Pe 9.971 Pv UG 5.8500 242.04 2.89 140 0.002285 29-101A Pt 0.068 18 16 4-6 48.439 48.507 . . - 29'-10% Pe Pv UG 6.4000 242.04 2.41 140 0.001475 3'-4 Pt 0.087 16 15 4-6 4-6 48.507 48.593 CV(55'-334) 55-334 58'-7% Pe Pv UG 5.8500 242.04 2.89 140 0.002285 6'-2Y2 Pt 0.098 15 13 4-6 -3'-6 48.593 48.692 . PlV(3'-4), T(33'-5Y2) 36'-10 43'-0 Pe Pv UG 7.8500 135.50 0.90 140 0.000187 770-1 Pt 0.160 13 21 4-6 -3'6 . 48.692 48.852 2E(22'-1), T(42'-l11/2) 87-134 857-21/2 Pe Pv UG 7.8500 242.04 1.60 140 0.000546 78'-91/2 Pt 6.078 21 I 4-6 4-6 106.54 48.852 54.929 Flow (q) from Route 15 4LtE(15'-11Y2), BFP(-6.000), S 63'-9% 142'-7 Pe Pv 100.00 . Hose Allowance At Source 1 342.04 DR 1.0490 22.55 8.37 120 0.162482 1-0 Pt 0.487 1086 467 10-0 111-0 22.55 5.6 16.215 16.269 . Sprinkler, E(2'-O) 7-0 3'-0 Pe -0.434 Pv BL 1.3800 22.55 4.84 120 0.042734 9'-714 Pt 0.411 467 466 - 111-0 11-0 16.269 16.681 1 9-734 Pe 113v ....• Route 3•'••• DR 1.0490 22.95 8.52 120 0.167824 1'-0 Pt 1.007 1093 483 101-0 111-0 22.95 5.6 16.792 17.366 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) - 5'-0 6'-0 Pe -0.434 Pv BL 1.3800 45.97 9.86 120 0.159610 12'-0 Pt 1.915 483 482 111-0 111-0 23.02 17.366 19.281 Flow (q) from Route 12-0 Pe Pv BL 1.3800 70.13 15.04 120 0.348617 8'-9 Pt 3.050 482 481 111-0 111-0 24.16 19.281 22.332 Flow (q) from Route 6 8-9 Pe Pv BL 1.380096.09 20.61120 0.624359 1'-1 Pt 4.422 481 480 111-0 111-0 25.97 22.332 26.753 Flow (q) from Route 8 PO(6'-O) 6'-0 7'-1 Pe Pv ,© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. §jAutoSPRINKO 12 7/27/2015 10:36:00AM Page 4 IH1rau1icAysis 1 Job Number: 1 Report Description: Light Hazard Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Upstream Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary Route 4••••• DR 1.0490 23.02 8.55 120 0.168857 1'-0 Pt 0.507 1094 484 10-0 11-0 23.02 5.6 16.904 16.977 Sprinkler, E(2'-O) 2'-0 3'-0 Pe -0.434 Pv BL 1.3800 23.02 4.94 120 0.044410 8-9 Pt 0.389 484 483 111-0 . 111-0 16.977 17.366 8-9 Pe Pv DR 1.0490 23.08 8.57 120 0.169564 1-0 Pt 1.017 1084 465 101-0 111-0 23.08 5.6 16.981 17.565 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5-0 6'-0 Pe -0.434 Pv DR 1.0490 24.16 8.97 120 0.184538 1'-O Pt 1.107 1092 482 10'-O 111-0 24.16 5.6 18.607 19.281 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5'-O 6'-O Pe -0.434 Pv DR 1.0490 25.04 9.30 120 0.197232 1'-0 Pt 1.183 1083 464 10-0 11-0 25.04 5.6 19.995 20.745 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 6-0 6-0 Pe -0.434 1Pv DR 1.0490 25.97 9.64 120 0.210922 1'-0 Pt 1.266 1091 481 10-0 11-0 25.97 5.6 21.500 22.332 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5'-O 6'-0 ~Pc -0.434 Pv .... Route 9••••• DR 1.0490 26.37 9.79 120 0.216999 2-4 Pt 1.591 1080 454 81-8 111-0 26.37 5.6 22.170 22.750 Sprinkler, T(5'-O) 5-0 7-4 Pe -1.012 Pv BL 1.3800 52.78 11:32 120 0.206069 10'10 Pt 3.469 454 453 111-0 111-0 26.41 22.750 26.218 Flow (q) from Route 10 PO(6-0) . 6-0 16-10 Pe Pv CM 2.7050 52.78 2.95 120 0.007773 3'-9 Pt 0.029 453 463 111-0 111-0 26.218 26.248 3'-9 Pe 1Pv io •••" Route 1O••••• DR 1.0490 26.41 9.81 120 0.217682 2-4 Pt 0.943 1081 455 8'-8 111-0 26.41 5.6 22.246 22.177 Sprinkler, E(2'-a) 2'-0 4'-4 Pe -1.012 Pv BL 1.3800 26.41 5.67 120 0.057252 10,-0 Pt 0.573 455 454 111-0 111-0 22.177 22.750 10,-0 Pe 1Pv .....Route11••••• BL 3.3340 107.23 3.94 120 0.010421 40'-0 Pt 0.417 153 150 19'-6 19'-6 86.38 + 20.85 36.629 37.046 Flow (q) from Route 12 and 14 40-0 Pe Pv BL 3.3340 134.72 4.95 120 0.015894 40'-0 16-0 55'-O Pt 0.874 Pc Pv 150 19'-6 27.48 37.046 Flow (q) from Route 13 146 19-6 37.920 P0(15-0) BL 4.3100 134.72 2.96 120 0.004552 8'-11 Pt 0.154 146 221 19-6 19-6 37.920 38.074 fT(25'-O) 26-0 33'-11 Pe Pv Route 12..... BL 3.3340 86.38 3.17 120 0.006985- 111-9 Pt 1.605 635 153 19'-6 19'-6 35.024 36.629 PO(16-O) 6T(15'-O), tT(13'-O) 118-0 229'-9 Pe Pv io •• .. Route 13••••• BL 3.3340 27.48 1.01 120 0.000839 143'-7 Pt 0.142 828 150 19-6 19'-6 36.904 37.046 fT(13'-0) fT(13'-O) 26-0 169-7 Pe Pv ao •••" Route 14••••• BL 3.3340 20.85 0.77 120 0.000504 336'-7 Pt 0.362 830 153 19'-6 19'-6 36.267 36.629 4fT(13'-0), 16P0(15'-O), 6T(1 5'-a) 382-0 718-7 Pe Pv ia •.... Route 15••••• UG 7.8500 106.54 0.71 140 0.000120 1229-6% Pt 0.160 13 21 4-6 4-6 48.692 48.852 E(22'-1), 2T(42'-11l %) 107'-11% 1337'-6V2 Pe Pv IEquivaIentPipe'Lèngths bfVáK'ésand Fittins(C=.120 only) IC.Value MultipIiri I Actual Inside Diameter Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter 487 ) = Factor Value Of C 100 130 Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 140 150 1.33 1.51 . © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. j1jAutoSPRINK@ 12 7/27/2015 10:36:00AM Page 5 111 __________________________________________ Job Number: 1 Ii ydra.u.J.c Analysis. Report Description: Light Hazard Eq. 'ipeTypeLegend Units Legend .. Fittings Legend: AO Arm-Over Diameter Inch ALV Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot . AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main Flow gpm b Bushing DN Drain Discharge gpm BalV Ball Valve DR Drop Velocity fps BFP Backfiow Preventer DY Dynamic Pressure psi BV Butterfly Valve FM Feed Main Length Foot . C Cross Flow Turn 90° FR Feed Riser Friction Loss psi/Foot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous HWC Hazen-Williams Constant Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe CV. Check Valve RN Riser Nipple Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe DelV Deluge Valve SP Sprig Pt Pressure loss due to friction between points DPV Dry Pipe Valve ST Stand Pipe Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated points E 90° Elbow UG Underground Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe EE 450 Elbow Eel 111/4* Elbow Ee2 22W Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90° FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45° FireLock(TM) Elbow fig Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve P0 Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve - Pry Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve - Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z CaD , © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AutoSPRINK® 12 7/27/2015 10:36:00AM Page 6