HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD 2022-0031; FAITH COMMUNITY CHURCH FENCE; Consistency Determination (CD)CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FORM FOR CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION APPLICATION CITY USE ONLY Development Number: Original Project Number: Consistency Oetennina on Number: -z O' ! PROJECT NAME: f,. ~ LOM-,-.,..,_""--'-i~uld'l-~C......=~~~),,..~ __ fu,'---""U.,.._-___________ _ Assessor's Parcel Number(s) and 7 Address: z2:< • •~00-D, _ DO . .,;,-~t~~~O~Dc__,R,~ .... -1.~· ~f-~~·~""",,~C..-~r<~s~W-~, ~cA=_.,_9~Z&Oll..,._,9 Description of proposal (add attachmen~ if necessary): 5..,.,_ ... +-1..,J.,.,J ,f-,c,,_,;r +.'_o_,.-, ____ _ Would you like to orally present your proposal to your assigned staff planner/engineer? Yes □ No G!-"' I Please list the staff members you have previously spoken to regarding this project. If none, please so state. U J ct. I l.. LI'« ::f ~ • L.,. -J. ....,. 4G,,I,~ . 4'.-t-£-S ,,,._ r~1 I , I ' OWNER NAME (Print): F. •J.I / • ' , ' I APPLICANT NAME (Print): f,...: .. p.._ z -~ C.'-.r. 1 •• ' MAI LI NG ADDRESS: ?'7oc, .t? , "' , MAILING ADDRESS 2"1D.> Ls ?. !: I CITY, STATE, ZIP li7~~i~~13. ~S:'iq;~b't CITY, STATE, ZIP C...A~l.6.\ C.A ~'2.~•9- TELEPHONE. TELEPHONE ~~~-~ j EMAIL ADDRESS. ~ .. •:~ P"'1 g.. :.µ, ,~ t-t7. ~·~ EMAi L ADDRESS. ;:-c.CMffl♦dry,,u, *Owner's signature indicates pennission to conduct a preliminary review for a development proposal. IN THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF TO INSPECT AND OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. APPLICATION. I/WE CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY cJQ2z ZJr;Q:2 1uz0Lz--z.. 10,20/21.. DA t DAT { APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE (Print): Ada<>:: ;;·;--7" • MAILING ADDRESS. '2-11> 'l.. f;e.o-,S '"""-l CITY, STATE, ZIP: Di-:'4wo ~ ; -'-GA: °d-l>S"°C::. ( TELEPHONE: ( /;, lC.) 1,o \ -l{~tf' EMAi L ADDRESS &.k'1:~i~ " h .. -9""""" ,.,1.,"" :" . ha t'.lt::l I I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APPLICANT AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT T THE BE OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNA URE i V /1,J) /1,o1.:1., D TE' OCT 2 0 2022 FEE REQUIRED/DATE FEE PAID: RECEIVED BY· P-16 Page2of2 Revised 3/22 I Project Description OCT 2 0 2022 Faith Community Church: 2700 Rancho Pancho, Carlsbad CA 92008 Addition of fence around large, grassy area located on the SW corner of property. Fence will be located on the inside of the landscaping that currently runs alongside Rancho Pancho & El Fuerte streets; the fence will be largely screened from view by the public by this landscaping. The fence will be wrought-iron and will match closely with the fencing already located on site and will be 5 feet tall. Faith Community is requesting the City allow the proposed fence to slightly encroach into the 30 ft building setback that runs along El Fuerte street so that the fence can run along a cement walkway located on the west side of the building and then along the landscaping around the perimeter of the grassy area, so as to fully enclose this area (see site plan for proposed fence location). The purpose of this fence is for the security of the children who are participating in the Enhanced Homeschool Program that is being facilitated by Heart Christian Academy at the church. Consistency Determination Findings Project Name: Faith Community Church -Fence Project Address: 2700 Rancho Pancho, Carlsbad, CA OCT 2 O 2022 1. No project condition, feature, facility or amenity is changed or deleted that had been considered essential to the project's design, quality, safety or function; There will be no change to the essential project components. A wrought-iron fence will be added to enclose the large lawn area in the SW portion of the property. The proposed fence would match fencing currently found on site and would be used to ensure children attending Heart Academy {Homeschool Enrichment Program) are unable to access the adjacent roads of El Fuerte and Rancho Pancho during times of outdoor activity. 2. The request represents an upgrade in overall design features and or materials and improves upon the project's compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood; The proposed wrought-iron fence would upgrade the project as it provides increased safety to the Heart Academy students, maintains consistency of design with the wrought-iron fencing currently on site, and is compatible with all neighboring properties (Open space to the north, west, and east; RV storage site directly south). Furthermore, the proposed fence would be located behind the landscaping currently on site that runs along both Rancho Pancho and El Fuerte and would essentially be screened from view of passersby. 3. The proposed revision does not change the density (i.e. the addition of units) or boundary of the subject property; There will be a proposed revision does not change density or boundary of site. 4. The proposed revision does not involve the addition of a new land use not shown on the original permit (e.g. adding a commercial use to a residential project, replacing single family units with attached residential units, vice versa for each example, etc.); This will not involve addition of a new land use not shown on the original permit. S. The proposed revision does not rearrange the major land uses within the development (e.g. it does not exchange the locations of single family units with attached units); This project does not rearrange any land uses within site. 6. The proposed revision does not create changes of greater than ten percent (10%), provided that compliance will be maintained with the applicable development standards of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. The proposed revision does not create changes of greater than ten percent. The project area is zoned as P-C (Planned Community) and is subject to the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan. The RCMP development standards do not preclude the addition of a fence in the proposed location. The RCMP does allow for "mounding and walls" within the landscape setback along arterial roads (including El Fuerte) with a fence being an addition in the same manner of these allowed features. 7. The proposed change will not result in any significant environmental impact, and/or require additional mitigation; There will be no significant environmental impacts due to addition of proposed fence. 8. The proposed change would not result in any health, safety or welfare impacts; The project does not result in any negative health, safety or welfare impacts. The proposed change would increase on site safety by ensuring that students of Heart Academy are unable to gain access to roads during times when they are outdoors. 9. There were not any major issues or controversies associated with the original project which would be exacerbated with the proposed change; and There are no major issues or controversies associated with project as originally approved. 10. The proposed change would not be readily discernible to the decision makers as being substantially different from the project as originally approved. The proposed change would not be readily discernible to decision makers or surrounding community as the proposed fence addition would be of a similar likeness to the fencing already found on site. The proposed fence would also be largely screened from public view by the substantial landscaping located along both El Fuerte and Rancho Pancho roads.