HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-04-15; Planning Commission; ; PS 14-158A – LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE The City of Carlsbad Planning Division A REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Item No. Application complete date: March 5, 2015 P.C. AGENDA OF: April 15, 2015 Project Planner: Van Lynch Project Engineer: Tecla Levy SUBJECT: PS 14-158(A) – LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE – A request for approval of a Modified Sign Program to exceed the standards of the sign ordinance for a cumulative increase in letter height by up to 27% and a cumulative increase in sign area up to 30% for tenants greater than 10,000 square feet of floor area within the La Costa Town Square commercial buildings located northerly and easterly of the La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection in the southeast quadrant of the City in Local Facilities Management Zone 11. The City Planner has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15311, “Accessory Structures, On-premise signs,” of the State CEQA Guidelines and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7096 APPROVING Modified Sign Program 14-158(A) based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The La Costa Town Square commercial shopping center project involves the construction and operation of a 258,417-square-foot community shopping center. Most of the center has recently been completed with the exception of Pad 3, Pad 5, the Service Station (Pad 12), and Building 15. The project was conditioned to develop a Sign Program for the commercial shopping center to establish a comprehensive design and coordinated architectural statement for the center. Through a Settlement Agreement as a result of a lawsuit filed against the project, the signs were restricted to a reverse halo design which further mitigated light impacts by restricting light from passing through the sign face. Signs at night appear black and are illuminated by a halo of light that is emitted around the back of the sign against the building façade and minimal light is projected from the sign. The original sign program was approved by the City Planner on June 18, 2013. This sign program was approved as the proposed sign heights and sign areas were consistent with the Sign Ordinance (CMC 21.41). The sign ordinance was amended by ZCA 11-03 on September 23, 2014 whereby the City Planner would be allowed to approve variations in the permitted number, area or height of signs by up to 15% through a Modified Minor Sign Program Permit and the Planning Commission could approve variations in the permitted number, area or height of signs from greater than 15% to 30% through a Modified Sign Program Permit. On January 2, 2015, the City Planner approved a Minor Modified Sign Program which allowed for the increase in sign heights and sign area by 15%. The request was approved to allow for better sign visibility as many of the stores have two visible building elevations (front and back) and requested two signs, one for the front and one for the back. With one square foot of sign area per lineal foot of suite frontage allowed, a 20 foot wide shop would be permitted 20 square feet of sign area. When this sign 2 0 0 PS 14-158(A) – LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE April 15, 2015 Page 2 area is divided in half to create two signs, the resultant sign is small (10 square feet) for a 20 foot wide shop. Signs that have been installed appeared small in comparison to the size and area of the tenant’s storefront. With the 15% increase, typical sign letter heights for the smaller tenants increased four inches, from 24 inches to 28 inches. For the largest stores, the 15% increase was six inches of sign letter height, from 48 inches to 54 inches. This application proposes a Modified Sign Program Amendment to allow for an additional increase of 10 to 12% for a total of 27% in the sign letter heights for tenants with greater than 10,000 square feet of tenant lease space. There are six potential tenants that that would qualify for the increase in sign letter height and area. The largest category of lease space, greater than 50,000 sq. ft., is requesting a cumulative 25% increase. Sign areas would be allowed a cumulative increase of 30%. Table A below shows the maximum letter heights for each size of shop tenant. Table A – SIGN LETTER HEIGHTS Tenant Size in Sq. Ft. Original Sign Program size in inches With 15% increase With 30% increase Potential Number of tenants <3,500 24 28 N/A 40 – 46 3,500 to 10,000 30 34 N/A 5 10,001 to 50,000 36 42 46 (27%) 5 >50,000 48 54 60 (25%) 1 Table b below shows the amount of signage allocated to individual stores based on the lineal frontage of tenant. Table B – SIGN AREA Tenant Size in Sq. Ft. Original Sign Program area With 15% increase With 30% increase Potential Number of tenants <3,500 1 sq. ft./lineal foot 1.15 sq. ft./LF N/A 40 – 46 3,500 to 10,000 1 sq. ft./lineal foot 1.15 sq. ft./LF N/A 5 10,001 to 50,000 1 sq. ft./lineal foot 1.15 sq. ft./LF 1.30 sq. ft./LF 5 >50,000 1 sq. ft./lineal foot 1.15 sq. ft./LF 1.30 sq. ft./LF 1 Example 1: 80 LF 80 sq. ft. 92 sq. ft. 104 sq. ft. Example 2: 170 LF *280 sq. ft. 322 sq. ft. 364 sq. ft. *Maximum size for any one sign is 150 sq. ft. The existing tenants with greater than 10,000 sq. ft. in the shopping center are Vons, Petco, Steinmart, and 24 Hour Fitness. Each of these are only allowed signs on the front or side of the buildings as the back of the buildings face the residential neighborhoods. There are two other future tenants; building 15 which is yet to be built and will be adjacent to Vons and a yet to be built building on Pad 5, located along Rancho Santa Fe Road. Pad 5 will accommodate a 14,820 sq. ft. pharmacy building and may have signs on all four elevations as it is not adjacent to residential. All signs would be subject to the existing sign ordinance and sign program requirement that no sign shall exceed 75% of the tenant lease space front or available architectural background and that the maximum sign area per sign shall not exceed 150 square feet. PS 14-158(A) – LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE April 15, 2015 Page 3 For comparative purposes, the recently approved Variance for the Lowe’s sign within the Palomar Common’s project (Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real) allowed a 5’10” (or 45% increase) for the “L” and 5’ (or 60 inches) for the remainder of the letters (owe’s) which was a 25% increase. III. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following plans, ordinances and standards as analyzed within the following section of this staff report: A. Sign Ordinance, Chapter 21.41 of the Municipal Code The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with the above regulations is discussed in detail in the section below. 1. Sign program and modified sign programs, Chapter 21.41.060 of the Municipal Code Pursuant to Chapter 21.41.060 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, approval of a modified sign program may only be granted if all the findings listed in Section 21.41.060.H. can be made. Each of the findings and the supporting analysis is described below. 1. The standards established by the modified sign program do not exceed any applicable rules or limits in the General Plan or Local Coastal Program. The General Plan does not contain any rules or limits regarding signs. The General Plan promotes economic growth and the development of compatible commercial uses to provide for the basic commercial services that are compatible with the surrounding land uses. The project site is not located within the coastal zone and is not subject to the Local Coastal Program. 2. The modified sign program is necessary to ensure that signs are proportionate to and compatible with the number, size, height, scale and/or orientation of project buildings. The cumulative increase in sign letter height by up to 27% and sign area by up to 30% is proportionate to the size of the larger commercial buildings where it is applicable. The present sign allowance appears small in relation to the building elevations and storefronts and the increase will be in scale without being excessive in size. The increase results in a ten to twelve inch increase in letter height and 84 sq. ft. of sign area for the largest of the buildings (Vons). Presently Vons is allocated 280 sq. ft. and only 94 sq. ft. of sign area has been utilized. The sign program maintains the maximum sign width to not exceed 75% of the storefront and the maximum sign area per individual sign of 150 sq. ft. which prevents signs from being too large relative to the size of the storefront. The number of signs is not presently or proposed to be restricted. 3. The modified sign program is necessary to ensure the visibility of the overall development to pedestrians and motorist. The storefronts for the larger buildings where the increase is proposed are oriented towards and are located 680 feet from Rancho Santa Fe Road. The existing signs viewed from this distance appear small in relation to the size of the building and disproportionate with the building elevations and the increase will not detract from the aesthetics of the shopping center. PS 14-158(A) – LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE April 15, 2015 Page 4 4. The modified sign program is necessary to enhance the overall project design, and the aesthetics and/or directional function of all proposed signs. The increase in the size of the signs will allow the signs to be more in proportion to the building elevations. The present signs are small in comparison to the size of the building elevations and look out of scale. Additional sign size will enhance the aesthetics of the project by providing signs more in scale with the buildings and by adding better recognition to the businesses. A better identified building will be easier to recognize and easier to find. The halo illuminated sign requirement ensures the larger signs will not significantly increase the amount of light from the increase in sign size or sign area. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Planner has determined that this project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15311(a), “Accessory Structures, On-premise signs,” of the State CEQA Guidelines and will not have any adverse significant impact on the environment. A Notice of Exemption shall be filed with the County Clerk upon approval of this project. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7096 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Statement 4. Applicant’s Explanation and Justification for Modified Sign Program 5. Exhibit “A” dated April 15, 2015 L A COSTAAV R A N C H O S A N T A F E R D ESFERA ST V I A M E R C A T O VI A M O N T E B E L L O CALLEPERA SITIO LIMA C A L L E CANCU N A C ORTEPROMENAD E D E H E S A C T SITIO SA N D IA CALLEMEJOR SITIOBAYA DOR A D O P L CAMINITOSIE R R A CORTE BRE Z O C A M IN O D E L O S C O C HES C ALLEANDAR CALLECARACAS AVEN ID A S O RI A DELRIO C T PS 14-158(A)LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE SITE MAP J SITE EL CAMINO R E A L LA COSTA AV A L G A R D C A R L S B A D B L Ccicyof Carlsbad DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P-1(A) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent} Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes ~ corporation or partnership. include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-.APPUCABLE (NIA) IN' THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names,, titles, and addresses of the corporate offi~rs. (A sep-arate pag-e may be attached 1f necessary.) Person__________ Corp/Part L,. Cns+,. ~o. C, "'-:kc, L4.~e_ Title___________ Title ____________ _ Address_________ Address -5q17.:, A-v.1.r..i i\.,..... 8""~• ~~~ PO C.o.t"C<:.:\;i,.. A.~ ~ oi z.,vo &> 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) P-1(A) Provide the COMPLETE. LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the pr,operty involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (NIA) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person,__________ Corp/Part -~ "' ~JD::,:\.. 7:2,.'>r,. C'..t o..W1. L,(...,(__ Title___________ Title ____________ _ Address_________ Address,$"-)?:, f+v,._,...t' ~ i2h.CJ64!S, S\,(.,~ o bD C o-r-~\,A-L t:91 q~ Page 1 of2 Revised 07/10 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization_ or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Nc;>n Profit/Trust._______ Non Profit/Trust __ • ________ _ Title___________ Title ____________ _ Address...,_ ________ _ Address ------------- 4. Have you had more than $500 W(>rth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes ~ No If yes, please indicate person(s): __________ _ NOTE: Attach ad.ditional sheets if necessary. rmation is true and correct to the best of m~edge. ~ -iO ~#0- -A-J, Ln)l.at~u~re~o=f~ol!:w::!an~e~r/d.:.at_e______ Slg~appllcant/date ~ LJPn$ ~ u PnS t-11\ Gn& ::r-n;:>r'.\ \LM:f-f:, Lt.. e.. Lo-Cos¼, :ro.,),,:-. ~ ~l l.. (.., C. Print or type name of owner • Print or type name of applicant Signature-of owner/applicant's agent If applipable/date Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1(A) Peg&2of2 Revised 07/1 o j MODIFIED SIGN PROGRAM EXPLANATION AND JUSTIFCATION A. Please clearly explain what the proposed sign program modifications include (use additional sheets or exhibits if necessary) The modifications to the Master Sign Program includes a 10% increase in letter height for tenants with 10,001 to 50,000 sqft and a 12% increase in letter height for tenants with more than 50,000 sqft B. A Modified Sign Program may be approved only if certain findings can be made. Please read these findings (from Section 21.41.060.H. of Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code) carefully and explain how the proposed project meets each of these findings. Use additional sheets if necessary. P-11(D) 1. Explain why the standards established by the modified sign program do not exceed any applicable rules or limits in the General Plan or Local Coastal Program. The General Plan does not contain any rules or limits regarding signs. The project is not located within a Coastal zone and is not subject to the Local Coastal Program 2. Explain why the modified sign program is necessary to ensure that signs are proportionate to and compatible with th.e number, size, height, scale and/or orientation of project buildings. The size change requested is proportionate to the letter heights of other larger commercial buildings. The existing sign allowance appears small in relation to the building elevations and storefronts. The increase will be more in scale without being too big. 3. Explain why the modified sign program is necessary to ensure the visibility of the overall development to pedestrians and motorists. Many of the large Tenants are set back quite a ways from Rancho Santa Fe Road and the signs are difficult to read from a distance and appear small in relation to the buildings and disproportionate with the building elevations and will not detract from m the aesthetics of the center. 4. Explain why the modified sign program is necessary to enhance the overall project design, and the aesthetics and/or directional function of all proposed signs. The increase in size will be more in proportion to the building elevations. The present signs are small in comparison to the building elevations and look out of scale. The additional sign sizes will enhance the esthetics of the project by providing signs more in scale with the building and allow better recognition of the businesses. Page 5 of 5 Rev. 08/14 Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 Property Development Centers 5918 Stoneridge Mall Road Pleasanton, CA 94588 T: 925-738-1207 Sign Consultants: Pacific Neon Company, Inc. 2939 Academy Way Sacramento, CA 95815 T: 916-927-0527 DATE: December 30, 2014 Revised March 10th, 2015 La Costa Town Square 3410 Via Mercato Carlsbad, California SDP 01-04 Master Sign Program La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square Property Development Centers Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 3 1.0 Site Plan 4 2.0 Guideline 2.1 Design Intent 2.2 Approvals and Permits 2.3 General Requirements 2.4 General Criteria 6 2.5 Administration 2.6 Prohibited Signs 2.7 Temporary Signs 3.0 Wall Sign Guidelines 3.1 Wall Sign Construction Restrictions and Placement 3.2 Tenant Sign Content and Color 7 3.3 General Tenant Size & Quantity Restrictions 3.4 Typical Sign Placement 3.5 Typical Sign Placement 8 3.6 Project Typography 9 4.0 Building Address Numerals 10 5.0 Entry Door and Window Signage. 11 6.0 Blade Signs 12 7.0 Tenant Sign Layout Examples 13 8.0 Letter and Logo Section Details Examples 14 9.0 Building 14, Anchor Elevations Building 15, Major Elevations Building 16, Shops Elevations 15 9.1 Building 16 & 17, Shops Elevations 16 10.0 Monument A1 Guideline & Exhibit 17 10.1 Monument A2 Guideline & Exhibit 18 10.2 Monument B Guideline & Exhibit 19 11.0 Fountain Sign Guideline 11.1 Fountain A 20 11.2 Fountain B 21 12.0 Directional Sign Guideline 12.1 Directional SignExhibit 22 13.0 Traffic Sign Guideline and Exhibits Page Page Sign Criteria Index December 30, 2014 ---- -- 3Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square Key Designates Elevation on Which Signs can be placed. Anchor Major Shops Pad Externally Flood Illuminated Sign Locations Directional Wall Mural 1.0 Site Plan A M S S P DD1 D3 D5 D9 D4 D6 D7 D8 D2 S S S SS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S A M M M M M Monument Sign A2 Monument Sign A1 Fountain A Fountain BMonument Sign B December 30, 2014 ~ y~ ' ,_J\§> ~~ ~~ 14 15 □ □ □ □ ■ ■ * 4Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 2.4 General Criteria A. All signs should meet or exceed all current applicable codes (i.e. electrical, mechanical, structural, etc). B. Signage shall meet or exceed all requirements of the State of California and the City of Carlsbad. C. Sign content shall be limited to business identification signs only. Tenants are permitted secondary signage when it forms part of a recognized corporate logo or slogan. D. All electrical signs shall meet or exceed Underwriter's Laboratories construction specifications and be fabricated and installed by licensed U.L. sign contractors. E. The choice of copy font and colors shall be at discretion of the Tenant, but design merit and content is at Landlord's discretion and will require approval prior to manufacture and installation. F. All exterior signs shall be secured by stainless steel, nickel, or cadmium plated fasteners. G. All exposed fasteners to be painted to match the background surface. H. All transformers, electrical boxes, wiring, conduit and access doors shall be concealed. I. All exterior signs exposed to the weather shall be flush mounted, unless otherwise specified. J. All tenant signs attached to building wall or fascia shall be connected to a junction box provided by Landlord, with the final electrical connections by Tenant’s sign contractor. All Tenants shall have their signs connected to their own electrical panel. K. All penetrations of the building structure by Tenant’s sign contractor required for sign installation shall be neatly sealed and watertight. L. All identification labels shall be concealed, except where required by code. An Underwriters Label is required on all electrical signage verifying certification. M. Sign contractor shall repair any damage caused by their work. Damage to structure that is not repaired by the sign contractor shall become the Tenant’s responsibility to correct. N. Tenant shall be fully responsible for the operation of their sign contractor, and shall indemnify, defend and hold the Landlord, Landlord’s representative, and all parties harmless from damages or liabilities on account thereof. O. Sign surfaces that are intended to be flat shall be without oil canning, or other visual deformities. P. All exposed welded seams and joints shall be finished smooth and painted accordingly. Q. The general location of wall signs shall be centered vertically and horizontally on fascias, unless otherwise specified. Signs shall not cover or interrupt major architectural features. 2.0 Guideline The La Costa Town Square Master Sign Criteria has been established for the purpose of assuring a functional, coordinated graphics program that will provide guidelines for unique signage integrated into the development's architectural design,maintain consistency, encour1age creativity, and enhance the project in Carlsbad, California. 2.1 Design Intent The guidelines of this program are designed to complement architectural elements/themes of the existing buildings and coordinate the type, placement, and physical dimensions of signs within the center, thereby appearing as an integral part of the center. In cases not covered by the La Costa Town Square Master Sign Criteria, the prevailing criteria will follow the City of Carlsbad sign code. 2.2 Approvals and Permits A. Each Tenant or Lessee will be provided with a copy of the Tenant sign guidelines and criteria as their first step in obtaining signs within the La Costa Town Square. Compliance with this signage program will be strictly enforced. Any non-conforming or unapproved sign installed by the tenant must be brought into compliance at the tenant’s expense. B. This criteria shall not imply that any governmental approval will be automatically granted. The tenant is solely responsible for obtaining any and all required approvals from governmental agencies and shall obtain all permits from the City of Carlsbad Planning and Building Departments. 2.3 General Requirements A. Each Tenant is required to submit to Landlord for approval before fabrication, at least two (2) copies of detailed design drawings indicating the location, size, copy layout, colors, materials, finishes, illumination and method of attachment. B. All permits for signs and their installation shall be obtained by the tenant or tenant’s representative, at the tenant’s sole expense prior to installation. C. All signs shall be designed, constructed, installed and maintained at the tenant’s sole expense. All signs shall be designed by professional design consultants (e.g. architects, design firms or sign design / sign construction firms). D. All signs shall be designed and constructed consistent with the City of Carlsbad sign code and this criteria. E. The tenant shall be responsible for fulfillment of all governmental requirements and specifications, including those of City of Carlsbad, Underwriters Laboratories (U.L.) and the Uniform Electric Code. F. All signs shall be reviewed for compliance with the above mentioned criteria. Approval or disapproval of sign submittals based on aesthetics of design shall remain the sole discretionary right of the Landlord, Landlord’s representative and City of Carlsbad G. Upon termination of the Lease, the tenant shall leave the facade wall, awning, glazing or hanging sign in good condition. Without limitation, the tenant shall be specifically required in a workman like manner to all remove installed signage, fill all holes, and terminate all electrical wiring per prevailing codes. At the Landlord discretion, the tenant is required to restore a consistent look and color to match the surrounding facade. The tenant is required at its sole cost and expense to replace all store frontage glass areas that can not be fully restored. December 30, 2014 ---- -- 5Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 2.5 Administration A. The amount of hours per day during which the signs will be illuminated shall be determined and controlled at Landlord’s sole discretion. B. Landlord reserves the right to hire an independent electrical engineer (at Tenant’s sole expense) to inspect the installation of all signs, and reserves the right to require that any discrepancies and/ or code violations be corrected at Tenant’s expense. C. The sign contractor shall carry a Workman’s Compensation and Public Liability insurance against all damage suffered or performed against any and all persons or property while engaged in the construction or erection of signs in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence. D. At the expiration or early termination of Tenant’s lease term, Tenant shall be required to remove their signs, cap off electrical connection, patch and paint the entire fascia area to match the surrounding areas at Tenant’s expense within seven (7) days. E. Sign contractors shall be advised (by Tenant) that no substitutes will be accepted whatsoever unless so indicated in specification and approved by landlord and Tenant. Any deviation from specifications outlined in this criteria may result in the rejection of the sign by Tenant and/or Landlord. F. In the event of any conflict in the interpretation of these guidelines cannot be satisfactorily resolved, the Landlord’s decision shall be final and binding upon the Tenant. G. Tenant shall maintain their sign in a clean, professional and functioning manner. Any structural damage, graffiti, electrical problems, wear and tear, and other breakage pertaining to Tenant signs shall be repaired by Tenant within 10 consecutive days from such event. If repairs are not made within the 10 day time period, the Landlord may affect repairs and hold the tenant responsible for all cost incurred. 2.6 Prohibited Signs A. No sign shall be installed, relocated or maintained so as to prevent entry or exit out of any door. No sign shall create a safety hazard by obstructing view of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. B. No sign shall be located within a required easement, unless an encroachment permit has been authorized by the affected utilities. C. No sign shall obstruct access to fire hydrants, fire department connections or fire department access roads. D. Signs, which audibly advertise, identify or provide direction to a use or activity, are prohibited. E. It is unlawful for any Tenant to exhibit, post or display or cause to be exhibited, posted or displayed anything of an obscene, indecent or of immoral nature or unlawful activity. F. Painted wall signs are prohibited. G. Any signs prohibited by the City of Carlsbad sign ordinance (21.41.030). 2.7 Temporary Signs Temporary wall signs, leasing signs, window signs, pennants, banners or flags, will be allowed if consistent with provisions in the City of Carlsbad Sign Ordinance and approval of the Landlord. All window signage to be less then 20% coverage of the window area. No signs allowed on tenant or landlords roof. No wall painted signs allowed on tenant or landlords roof. 3.0 Wall Sign Guidelines The intent of these guidelines is to provide standards necessary to achieve a visually coordinated, balanced and appealing signage environment. In support of these objectives, the following qualities were incorporated into the design and scope of work within these standards: • Creative and original designs • Integration with project architecture • High quality workmanship and materials These guidelines shall enhance existing sign code and are not intended to circumvent the sign allowances as set forth by the City of Carlsbad sign code. 3.1 Wall Sign Construction Restrictions and Placement A. Halo illuminated Letters & Logo's, aluminum construction reverse pan-channel letters. Faces to be aluminum with clear lexan backs, and have internal neon or LED illumination. B. Externally flood illuminated signs are allowed only for rear elevations facing La Costa Avenue for Shops bldg 16 &17 only. C. Non-Illuminated 1/2” minimal dimensional letters or other material compatible with building architecture. Wall painted tenant letters, graphics, logo’s etc are not allowed. Wall murals representing “La Costa Town Square” located between buildings 6,7 and 8,9, and on the SW corner of building 14, 25. Painted, tiled, etc., are to be considered architectural elements of the project and allowed per the landlords discretion. D. No exposed LEDs or Neon. No animated signs will be allowed. Transformers to be located behind wall parapet or contained inside letters or logo cabinet. No exposed raceways or wire ways will be allowed, except only when raceway is an integral architectural component of the building design or at Landlord's discretion and approval. E. Logo signs are allowed with rout push thru /opaque faces with only the return edge allowed to illuminate. F. Face illuminated cabinet signs are not allowed. G. Sign shall not overhang or be placed on top of building roof line. 3.2 Tenant Sign Content and Color A. All tenant signage shall consist solely of Tenant’s trade name, logo and recognizable trademark insignia. Landlord reserves the right to disallow designs based on obscene, indecent, immoral or unlawful content, content deemed inappropriate by community standards or designs architecturally inconsistent with building architecture, at owner's discretion. B. Sign colors and the entire display including awnings(s) shall be approved by Landlord prior to manufacturing and installation. C. Landlord reserves the right to disallow colors to be used that are inconsistent with the building colors and overall theme of the shopping center at owner’s discretion. December 30, 2014 6Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 3.3 General Tenant Sign Size & Quantity Restrictions A. Quantity is not limited provided total square footage allowance is not exceeded. B. Sign Area a. For tenants with 10,000 sqft is to be 1.15 sqft per 1 linear foot of tenant lease frontage up to 150 sqft max. b. For tenants with > 10,000 sqft is to be 1.30 sqft per 1 linear foot of tenant lease frontage up to 150 sqft max. C. Tenant sign frontage is defined as the elevation to which the main entrance exists. D. Sign width and height not to exceed 75% of the tenant lease space or available architectural background. E. Maximum Copy Height: < 3,500 sqft: 28” 3,500 - 10,000 sqft: 34” 10,001 - 50,000 sqft: 46” > 50,000 sqft: 60” SIGN SIGN March 10, 2015 A 31' llF. .,, _,..,. ''r.===========.r'7 0 r 0 I I (D , ______ _. rn II ,-~ 1::-------fl 7Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 3.5 Typical Pad Sign Placement- Single Tenant User Elevation Pad Scale 1/16”=1’-0” Elevation Pad Scale 1/16”=1’-0” Tenant Space Secondary Sign Secondary Sign Secondary Sign Tenant Space Tenant Space Tenant Space Elevation Pad Scale 1/16”=1’-0” Elevation Pad Scale 1/16”=1’-0” Elevation Pad Scale 1/16”=1’-0” Elevation Pad Scale 1/16”=1’-0” Tenant Space Secondary Sign Secondary Sign Secondary Sign Tenant Space Tenant Space Tenant Space December 30, 2014 ·1.."' . -• ...., ff! - I • l I 'j I !~ .: -------. ,,.::::~ ,:' ---I -- I ~ ... j)_r---1--l~ rr,-r 11 I, ,,= l = .~1-,--1 I C' D D ·~ ' ' = r - -- .J -FE""-'--~ . . . ,.. '-.· .. ~ J ' I i r - - -- - A I I I -F== F== I - - -J - . , ? - .J l_ - j 1 ,. J •30'a0' -T.OP. •~'-I' -F__AK -►)~-~· 5cf!'ti "'-"' 1 I - - -J r - -- - - -.J i:::--....,... ....... -.............. ------....,.20'·(!)' J, TDPT I - - -J l 8Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 3.6 Project Typography Hoefler Gotham Gotham Light Italic Gotham Light Gotham Book Italic Gotham Book Gotham Medium Italic Gotham Medium Gotham Bold Italic Gotham Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Gotham Light Gotham Book Gotham Medium Gotham Bold 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 December 30, 2014 ---- -- 9Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 4.0 Building Address Numerals A. Individual Numerals to comply in size, color with city Fire Department Regulations. a. Location to be main access side or frontage. b. Numerals to be Black to insure color contrast to the background on which they are placed. Returns to match face color. Typeface to be Hoefler Gotham Medium. c. Numerals to be a minimum of 12” tall with a minimum stroke width of 1 1/2“. d. 6 sqft max area per sign. e. Numerals to be non-illuminated with a minimum return of 1/2”. 1234 Tenant Space Tenant Space EQUAL EQ U A L 1234567890 Hoefler Gotham Medium 12341 f t - 0 i n ( M I N . ) 1 1/2” (MIN.) December 30, 2014 ~ LJ I~ -.-- - n ,. I l I LJ no I I LJ _ L r i L 10Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 5.0 Entry Door Sign and Window Signage A. Window signs may be allowed at Landlord's discretion and approval. Electric (neon) or ) L.E.D. signs may be allowed on inside of window at Landlord's discretion and approval, but must not be flashing or animated. a. Allowable signs to be restricted to suite address, company name or logo, business hours and contact phone numbers only. b. Suite address to be 6” tall with 1/2” stroke. (Per Fire Code). Address to be centered over entrance. c. Window sign area not to exceed 20% of individual glazed area. d. Project font Hoefler Gotham Medium. 420 3M 3630-20 White vinyl film applied 1st Surface. Font Hoefler Gotham Medium 3M 7725SE-324 Frosted vinyl film. Tenant Name Hours of Operation(not to exceed 20%of glazed area) Tenant Name(not to exceed 20%of glazed area) Additional Area(not to exceed 20% of glazed area) Additional Area(not to exceed 20% of glazed area) Neon Sign 1 SqFt MaxOPEN 3M 3630-20 White vinylfilm applied 1st Surface. 6 in 4 ft - 0 in Window Graphics 1234567890 Hoefler Gotham Medium 6 i n ( m i n . ) 1/2 in (min.) December 30, 2014 l c-==-====r==~===:! r===================:! r--------' ' ' ' ' ' 0- r--------r--------' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . [;:] r T •••••••• 7 [1234 JL 11Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square Exhibit A | Non-Illuminated Dimensional Blade Sign Scale 3/4"=1'-0" Welcome to Typical removable tenant panel overlay. 3/8” min. thickness panel. Surface must be painted or finished. ALL graphics must be dimensional with a min. thickness of 1/4”. Surface must be painted or finished. Vinyl film graphics are not allowed. Standard installed sign without installed removable tenant panels. 3/8” FCO Alum. Paint White, satin finish with 3M 3630-22 Black and 3M 3630-Cardinal Red vinyl film. Min. 8’-0” Above Sidewalk End View Exhibit B | Typical Location Scale 3/16"=1'-0" 6.0 Blade Signs A. Tenants are allowed one (1) pedestrian hanging sign in addition to there primary building sign. Sign content to be restricted to tenant name only, all graphics to be dimensional with painted or finished surface. Vinyl, painted or other flat material less then 3/8” is not allowed. All costs associated with the construction and installation of tenant pedestrian signs are the direct financial responsibility of tenant, unless other arrangements have been made between tenant and Landlord. 3/8” FCO Alum. Wall Plate Paint Black, satin finish. 3/8” FCO Alum. Paint Black, satin finish. 1 1/2” x 3” Alum. Rect. Tube Paint Black, satin finish. 1/4” Drilled and tapped tenant panel mounting holes. Attach tenant panels with counter sunk S.S. screws. Paint exposed fasteners Black, satin finish to match Wall Plate. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 Welcome to 8 ft - 0 in Through Out La CostaTown Square La CostaTown Square 1 f t - 8 i n 1 ft - 8 in 2 ft - 4 1/2 in 2 f t - 8 1 / 2 i n 1 ft - 10 in 1 f t - 1 0 i n 4 in 8 in max letter height 5 TENANT SPACE December 30, 2014 1· 1· ·1 ·1 I :7 I , ~ Property , ' Development ' ' Centers O : M I --o-_' + --________ -► 0 0 0 0 0 ~ J 1~ ·1 O 0 - - --► □ 12Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square LOGO 28” to 60” Height per Lease Area nor exceed 75% of allotted major tenant fascia height LETTERS 28” to 60” Height per Lease Area nor exceed 75% of allotted major tenant fascia height Descenders not included in height calculation, but overall letter size must not exceed 75% of allotted anchor tenant fascia height TOTAL SIGN LENGTH must not exceed 75% of Tenant Lease Space or Architectural Background Typical Tenant Building Sign - Single Line Logo & Copy Layout Descenders not included in height calculation, but overall letter size must not exceed 75% of allotted anchor tenant fascia height TOTAL SIGN LENGTH must not exceed 75% of Tenant Lease Space or Architectural Background TOTAL SIGN LENGTH must not exceed 75% of Tenant Lease Space or Architectural Background Typical Tenant Building Sign - Stacked Logo & Copy Line Layout Typical Tenant Building Sign - Stacked Letters & Word Cabinet Sign Layout 7.0 Tenant Sign Exhibits LOGO 28” to 60” Height per Lease Area nor exceed 75% of allotted major tenant fascia height LETTERS & LOGO 28” to 60” Height per Lease Area nor exceed 75% of allotted major tenant fascia height LETTERS 28” to 60” Height per Lease Area nor exceed 75% of allotted major tenant fascia height Descenders not included in height calculation, but overall letter size must not exceed 75% of allotted anchor tenant fascia height TOTAL SIGN LENGTH must not exceed 75% of Tenant Lease Space or Architectural Background Non illuminated shaped background Typical Retail Tenant Building Sign- Letters with Shaped Background Panel LETTERS 28” to 60” Height per Lease Area nor exceed 75% of allotted major tenant fascia height December 30, 2014 J _____ _ _j __ _ T-----Tenant Sign J _____ _ Subordinate Copy --=.,nant I I l ______ l J _____ _ _ ____ L 13Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 8.0 Typical Letter Sections 3/4 in Alum. sign face (painted) Alum. sign face (painted) 3/4” (±1/2 inVvisible) Clear acrylic with applied Opaque 3M film on face. Opaque face Edge of letter to have translucent mill finish (frosted )±1/2 inVvisible LOGO DETAIL ROUT OUT PUSH THRU LETTER DETAIL LOGO DETAIL SECTION ROUT OUT PUSH THRU LETTER DETAIL LETTER SECTION L.E.D. RPCL HALO LIT HALO ILLUMINATED LETTER 1 1/2" .063 ALUM. RETURN .125 ALUM. FACE LEXAN BACK 1/4"DIA. UP TO 36" LETTER3/8" DIA. OVER 36" LETTERFASTENER TYPE PER WALL CONDITION-SEE FIELD CHECK LOW VOLTAGE CABLE W/ 1/2" DIA. FLEXIBLE SEALTIGHT CONDUIT DISCONNECT SWITCH L.E.D. RACEWAY WITH GROUNDED12V POWER SUPPLY PRIMARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 8 9 PACIFIC NEON CO. ©2011 TOGGLER WEDGE ANCHOR 4 3” LOGO SECTION L.E.D. EDGE LIT L.E.D EDGE LIT L.E.D EDGE LIT INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LOGO / PUSH THRU EDGE LIT ONLY .040 ALUM. LETTER BACK .040 ALUM. RETURN OPAQUE FACE ACRYLIC PUSH THRUEDGE LIT ONLY. OPAQUEFACE. 1/4"DIA. UP TO 36" LETTER3/8" DIA. OVER 36" LETTERFASTENER TYPE PER WALL CONDITION-SEE FIELD CHECK LOW VOLTAGE CABLE W/ 1/2" DIA. FLEXIBLE SEALTIGHT CONDUIT DISCONNECT SWITCH L.E.D. RACEWAY WITH GROUNDED12V POWER SUPPLY PRIMARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PACIFIC NEON CO. ©2011 6 1 4 2 7 8 5 9 5 in TOGGLER WEDGE ANCHOR 5 10 3 9 4 1/2" LETTER SECTION L.E.D. RPCL HALO LIT HALO ILLUMINATED LETTERW/ BACKGROUND PANEL 1 1/2" .063 ALUM. RETURN .125 ALUM. FACE LEXAN BACK 1/4"DIA. UP TO 36" LETTER3/8" DIA. OVER 36" LETTERFASTENER TYPE PER WALL CONDITION-SEE FIELD CHECK LOW VOLTAGE CABLE W/ 1/2" DIA. FLEXIBLE SEALTIGHT CONDUIT DISCONNECT SWITCH L.E.D. RACEWAY WITH GROUNDED12V POWER SUPPLY PRIMARY ALUM. BACKER PANEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 7 4 5 6 8 PACIFIC NEON CO. ©2011 TOGGLER WEDGE ANCHOR 5 10 December 30, 2014 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 ®SION(S)TOBEMANUFACTURED ~~!~EE!~fiim NATIONAL ELECTl\lCAL CODES. ,-----0-----, r❖-' :,~ ---------- '·,,.\'·,,,._: ®810N{8)T0BEMANUFACTURED TO U.L SPECIFICATIONS AND WILLBEAHTHEU.L.LABEL(S). INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODES. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,-----0-----, i+-', :~ ' ... ___________ , ® ~~-Els~~~~~~~~ED WILLBEARTHEII.L.LABEL(S). INSTALLINACCORDANCEWllli NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODES. H J 11' ~I 11' 14Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 9.0 Major & Shop Elevations Building 17, 18 & 20 North Elevation Scale 1”=20’-0” Building 20 & 25 North Elevation Scale 1”=20’-0” MA T C H L I N E BUILDING 17 SHOP BUILDING 18 MAJOR BUILDING 20 MAJOR Tenant Space Tenant Space Tenant Space Tenant Space Tenant Space Tenant Space Tenant Space Tenant Space Tenant Space BUILDING 25 MAJOR BUILDING 20 MAJOR December 30, 2014 __Q_ ~ II I .,,.,.n_,,., • .,. ,.,,,. ,,..,.., == == ' , Iii / I -'·"", I liiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~--------......_--___ ..w....11......._....---U....-"""---1,......L......1... ........ ..liiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil = I I = I I = l ---- 11;;;;;;;;1.....l;;;;;;;;..=--L,...,/;;;;;;;;;=~.i....-.ll.....il,____,;;.....,_, -- _Q_ ~~;i;i;i;:;:;:;i;:;:;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;i;:;:;:;i;i;i;i;i;:~ -, I I 1 ~ ;a== --- -l_ ,---, I ~ 1/}, ---_J ff \\ // \\_ ..... ,.,,,..,.,, .. "" '"" '" r ~,r/ '\ ... ·---., = .. ,. ,a):t, ;:;;~ ~;:; IDD ~ 1-';"PP D~-~op ~~~ ~gr, = I ~ a ): a I h-r'rr □ □ D D _...,. ~= ,..,-...,.._-~ ~ I ll=lf=' ;o;o 5:: ;~;:;, E:::~ ~;:; ~::rn == == I ,== ~ "'"'1-. r=, 1= r!: ;,: D ~ ---1, r---~ _,, I -g ll ,.... ----- 15Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 9.1 Shop Elevations Building 16, 17 North Elevation Shops Scale 1”=20’-0” BUILDING 17 SHOP BUILDING 16 SHOP Tenant Space Tenant Space Tenant Space Tenant Space Tenant Space December 30, 2014 16Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 10.0 Monument A1 Guideline A. (1) Single faced illuminated monument signs will be allowed, located on either side of the entrance at Rancho Sante Fe Road and W. Mercato. Signs to compliment overall shopping center architecture and must utilize color palette as specified in architectural plans in some form or compliment color palette. Sign construction to meet or exceed U.L. electrical standards and have aluminum construction for main sign structure and surfaces to resist corrosion and rusting. Cabinet to be internally illuminated with H.O. fluorescent lamps with disconnect switch located on base or remotely. B. All graphics on sign structure to have rout out, texcoted aluminum faces, with 3/4” clear acrylic push-thru letters/logo and applied vinyl film on faces. Faces to be opaque per tenant color specifications. No illuminated backgrounds will be allowed, only illuminated, push-thru graphics. Exact tenant panel assignment to be per lease agreement between landlord and tenant. Graphic content to be approved by landlord in writing prior to manufacture and installation. 1. Total sign area not to exceed 50 square feet (per side). 2. Monument signs must be located behind property lines. 3. Monument signs must not exceed an average height of six (6) feet. Closest to Drive W. Mercado Alum. sign face (painted) SW 7685 White Raisin texcote satin finish. Opaque vinyl film per tenant specifications. Edge of letter to have translucent mill finish (frosted ) Rout Out Push Thru Letter Detail Retail Retail RetailRetail Alum. cabinet (painted) SW 7685 White Raisin texcote satin finish. 8 ft - 0 in 3 ft - 10 in Limstone Lipica “Dorata” Flamed finish & Bright finish 6 f t - 4 i n M a x H e i g h t 1 f t - 2 i n 1 f t - 2 i n 1 f t - 2 i n 5 f t - 7 i n M i n H e i g h t 6 f t - 0 i n A v e r a g e H e i g h t Sign A1| Single Faced Illuminated Monument Scale 3/8"=1'-0" Sign Area 50 SqFt. Side Elevation Alum. cap (painted) SW 7562 Roman Cap texcote satin finish. Back of Sign December 30, 2014 ► VONS 17Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 10.1 Monument A2 Guideline A. (1) Single faced illuminated monument signs will be allowed, located on either side of the entrance at Rancho Sante Fe Road and W. Mercato. Signs to compliment overall shopping center architecture and must utilize color palette as specified in architectural plans in some form or compliment color palette. Sign construction to meet or exceed U.L. electrical standards and have aluminum construction for main sign structure and surfaces to resist corrosion and rusting. Cabinet to be internally illuminated with H.O. fluorescent lamps with disconnect switch located on base or remotely. B. All graphics on sign structure to have rout out, texcoted aluminum faces, with 3/4” clear acrylic push-thru letters/logo and applied vinyl film on faces. Faces to be opaque per tenant color specifications. No illuminated backgrounds will be allowed, only illuminated, push-thru graphics. Exact tenant panel assignment to be per lease agreement between landlord and tenant. Graphic content to be approved by landlord in writing prior to manufacture and installation. 1. Total sign area not to exceed 50 square feet (per side). 2. Monument signs must be located behind property lines. 3. Monument signs must not exceed an average height of six (6) feet. Closest to Drive W. Mercado Alum. sign face (painted) SW 7685 White Raisin texcote satin finish. Opaque vinyl film per tenant specifications. Edge of letter to have translucent mill finish (frosted ) Rout Out Push Thru Letter Detail Retail Retail RetailRetail Alum. cabinet (painted) SW 7685 White Raisin texcote satin finish. 8 ft - 0 in 3 ft - 10 in Limstone Lipica “Dorata” Flamed finish & Bright finish 6 f t - 4 i n M a x H e i g h t 1 f t - 2 i n 1 f t - 2 i n 1 f t - 2 i n 5 f t - 7 i n M i n H e i g h t 6 f t - 0 i n A v e r a g e H e i g h t Sign A2| Single Faced Illuminated Monument Scale 3/8"=1'-0" Sign Area 50 SqFt. Side Elevation Alum. cap (painted) SW 7562 Roman Cap texcote satin finish. Back of Sign December 30, 2014 ◄ VONS -------------------------- ' -------------------------- ' 18Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 10.2 Monument B Guideline A. (1) Double faced illuminated monument signs will be allowed, located at the west entrance off of La Costa Avenue. Signs to compliment overall shopping center architecture and must utilize color palette as specified in architectural plans in some form or compliment color palette. Sign construction to meet or exceed U.L. electrical standards and have aluminum construction for main sign structure and surfaces to resist corrosion and rusting. Cabinet to be internally illuminated with H.O. fluorescent lamps with disconnect switch located on base or remotely. B. All graphics on sign structure to have rout out, texcoted aluminum faces, with 3/4” clear acrylic push-thru letters/logo and applied vinyl film on faces. Faces to be opaque per tenant color specifications. No illuminated backgrounds will be allowed, only illuminated, push-thru graphics. Exact tenant panel assignment to be per lease agreement between landlord and tenant. Graphic content to be approved by landlord in writing prior to manufacture and installation. 1. Total sign area not to exceed 50 square feet (per side). 2. Monument signs must be located behind property lines. 3. Monument signs must not exceed an average height of six (6) feet. Sign B | Double Faced Illuminated Monument (Side 1) Scale 3/8"=1'-0" Sign Area 50 SqFt. Sign B | Double Faced Illuminated Monument (Side 2) Scale 3/8"=1'-0" Sign Area 50 SqFt. Retail Retail RetailRetail Closest to Drive La Costa Ave Closest to Drive La Costa Ave Alum. sign face (painted) SW 7685 White Raisin, texcote satin finish. Opaque vinyl film per tenant specifications. Edge of letter to have translucent mill finish (frosted ) Rout Out Push Thru Letter Detail Alum. cabinet (painted) SW 7685 White Raisin texcote satin finish. Alum. cap (painted) SW 7562 Roman Cap texcote satin finish. Side Elevation 8 ft - 0 in 3 ft - 10 in Limstone Lipica “Dorata” Flamed finish & Bright finish 6 f t - 4 i n M a x H e i g h t 1 f t - 2 i n 1 f t - 2 i n 1 f t - 2 i n 5 f t - 7 i n M i n H e i g h t 6 f t - 0 i n A v e r a g e H e i g h t Retail Retail RetailRetail December 30, 2014 VONS ----------------------------------- ' : ' ' ' ► ◄ VONS ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ' ' -------------------------- ' ' ' ---------------------------------------------------- 19Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 11.0 Fountain Sign Guideline A. (1) Flood illuminated identity signs will be allowed on each of the two Fountain elevations. (1) Located at the corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue and at the entrance off of La Costa Avenue. B. Identity sign to be aluminum constructed with 3in deep returns. Paint color and finish to compliment and contrast with the Fountain background. Letters to externally flood illuminated. Font Hoefler Gotham Medium. 1. Total sign area not to exceed 50 square feet (per side). 11.1 Fountain Exhibit~ Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue Scale 1/2” =1’-0” 24'-7 1/2" 1' - 2 3/8" 1' - 4 " LETTER SECTION NON-ILLUMINATED ©2014 PACIFIC NEON COMPANY 1/2in 1/2in CMU WALL LIMESTONE PLASTERVENEER 1/2” ALUM. LETTER PAINT 313 BRONZE STUD W/ HIGHBOND ADHESIVE December 30, 2014 ILA COSTA TOWN SQUARE -------, r ~ I ,,--___________,,, ~ 20Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 11.2 Fountain Exhibit~ Entrance La Costa Avenue LETTER SECTION NON-ILLUMINATED ©2014 PACIFIC NEON COMPANY 1/2in 1/2in CMU WALL LIMESTONE PLASTERVENEER 1/2” ALUM. LETTER PAINT 313 BRONZE STUD W/ HIGHBOND ADHESIVE 21'- 6 1/2" 1' - 2 " 1' - 3/4" Scale 1/2” =1’-0” December 30, 2014 I LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE --------i r ~ I/ V ,,- ~ r'> 1:: 21Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 12.0 Directional Guideline A. Non- Illuminated directional signs to be ground mounted to improve traffic flow to and around the La Costa Town Square property as identified within this MSP. Signs to compliment overall shopping center architecture and must utilize color palette as specified in architectural plans in some form or compliment color palette. Signs to be aluminum construction with polyurethane paint finish and 3M vinyl graphics. B. All tenant names to be 3M 3630-22 Black vinyl film. Type face to be Hoefler Gotham Medium. Sign D1 thru D9 Typical Directional Sign Scale 3/4"=1'-0" Tenant Name Tenant Name Tenant Name Tenant Name Plan View Side View Elevation Material Specifications 3” Aluminum square tube paint 313 Bronze satin finish. Aluminum caps paint 313 Bronze satin finish. 1/8” aluminum panel paint 313 Bronze satin finish with 3M 3635-20B Opaque white vinyl film. Removable 1/8” aluminum panel paint to match 3M 3630-149 Lt. Beige vinyl film. (Pantone ref. 468C) . Copy and arrows to be 3M 3630-22 Black vinyl film. 1 2 3 4 5" 5" 4 3 / 4 " P a n e l 2'-5" Sign Area 2'-6" 2' - 4 " S i g n A r e a 4' - 0 " 3" Post 3" 1 23 4 5 2 3 / 4 " 2" 3" 3" 1/8” Alum. Panel Alum. Angle Countersunk Stainless Steel Screw Removable Panel Detail Caps Remove to Allow Access to Panels 2' - 6 " 5" December 30, 2014 H I ■L------■ H H 0 0 0 0 22Pacific Neon Co. © 2012 La Costa Town SquareLa Costa Town Square 13.0 Traffic Sign Guideline A. Non- Illuminated traffic signs to improve traffic flow to and around the La Costa Town Square property as identified within this MSP. Signs to compliment overall shopping center architecture and must utilize color palette as specified in architectural plans in some form or compliment color palette. Signs to be aluminum construction with polyurethane paint finish and Reflective vinyl graphics. B. Signs to meet all California vehicle and regulatory traffic codes. Stop Sign | Typical Scale 1/2"=1'-0" Stop Sign | Typical with Directional Scale 1/2"=1'-0" No Parking | Typical Scale 1/2"=1'-0" Disabled Parking | Typical Scale 1/2"=1'-0" STOP STOP2 ft - 0 in 2 ft - 0 in 2 ft - 0 in 2 ft - 0 in 2 ft - 0 in December 30, 2014 I I -----....,..... _l -------........ _l •t ]