HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE 2024-0059; 157 MAPLE AVE TOWNHOMES; Admin Decision LetterC cityof Carlsbad January 2, 2025 VIA EMAIL AND MAIL Kris Petrovic KNW Construction Inc. 1025 Viletta Drive Escondido, CA 92027-4313 SUBJECT: PRE 2024-0059 (DEV2024-0119)-157 MAPLE AVE TOWNHOMES APN 204-233-19-00 Thank you for submitting a preliminary review application for your conceptual development project. The application details the demolition of an existing one-story single-family residence and one-story secondary dwelling unit to construct a three-unit, two-story apartment complex on a 0.14-acre lot located on the south side of Maple Avenue. The project includes three attached apartment units: Unit A (2,036 square feet), Unit B (2,124 square feet), and Unit C (1,930 square feet). Each unit will be two floors and feature a rooftop deck accessible from within the unit. Parking for the site consists of six spaces located in a subterranean garage, arranged in three tandem pairs (each pair consisting of two spaces parked one behind the other). Vehicular access will be provided by a 12-foot-wide driveway access ramp off Maple Avenue. The project site is not located within the appealable jurisdiction of the Coastal Zone. In response to your application, the Planning Division has prepared this comment letter. Please note that the purpose of a preliminary review is to provide you with direction and comments on the overall concept of your project. This preliminary review does not represent an in-depth analysis of your project. It is intended to give you feedback on critical issues based upon the information provided in your submittal. This review is based upon the plans, policies, and standards in effect as of the date ofthis review. Please be aware that at the time of a formal application submittal, new plans, policies, and standards may be in effect and additional issues of concern may be raised through a more specific and detailed review. Planning: General 1. General Plan and zoning designations for the property are as follows: a. General Plan: Residential 15-23 dwelling units per acre (R-23) b. Zoning: Multiple-Family Residential Zone (R-3) c. Coastal Zone: The project site is not located within the appealable area of the Coastal Zone and is subject to the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). The LCP Land Use and Zoning are consistent with the City's General Plan Land Use and Zoning for the site. d. Overlay Zone. The project site is in the Beach Area Overlay Zone (BAOZ). 2. The project requires the following permits: Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442 -339-2600 PRE 2024-0059 (DEV2024-0119) -157 MAPLE AVE TOWN HOMES January 2, 2025 Pa e 2 a. Minor Site Development Plan (SDP) b. Coastal Development Permit (CDP) c. Landscape Plans d. Grading Permit e. Building Permit Planning Commission will be the decision-making authority on the Minor SDP and CDP. 3. Density. The R-23 General Plan Land Use Designation permits a density range of 15-23 dwelling units per acre. The property is approximately 0.14 acres. The proposal to demolish the existing single-family residence and secondary dwelling unit on site and develop a three-unit apartment complex will result in a density of 21.43 dwelling units per acre . This density of 21.43 dwelling units per acre falls within the permitted range of 15 to 23 dwelling units per acre. Therefore, the proposal complies with the allowed density, and no reduction in the proposed number of units is required. 4. Technical Studies/Exhibits. A formal submittal of this project shall include the following technical studies/exhibits: a. Historical Resource Report. Building records for the property are unavailable, but based on the construction dates of the adjacent properties -147 Maple Avenue to the west (built in 1951) and 167 Maple Avenue to the east (built in 1963) -it can be reasonably presumed that the existing house was built sometime between the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore, the structure may potentially qualify as a historic resource . Please provide a historical analysis prepared by a qualified historian. The report should assess the historical significance of the existing structures proposed for demolition and be consistent with the City of Carlsbad Tribal, Cultural, and Paleontological Resources Guidelines, which are available on the City of Carlsbad Planning Division website. https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/254/637425976516870000 b. Cultural and Paleontological Resources Studies (2 separate reports). The development of the proposed project will require excavation in an area of the city known to have a high sensitivity as it relates to (1) archeological, and (2) paleontological resources. Please direct your consultant to the city's Tribal, Cultural and Paleontological Resources Guidelines. Please note that any archeological pedestrian survey of the site for the cultural resources study shall also include a Native American monitor during the survey. The city's Tribal, Cultural and Paleontological Resources Guidelines may be found on the city's website at: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/254/637425976516870000 5. SB 330 Streamline Application Process. The Housing Crisis Act of 2019 (SB 330) established a preliminary streamline application process for housing projects. It is not mandatory unless applicants seek the vesting and processing benefits offered under SB 330. Participation in the SB 330 streamline process would occur first, followed by the formal development application process required under Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0059 (DEV2024-0119}-157 MAPLE AVE TOWNHOMES January 2, 2025 Pa e 3 Government Code (Gov. Code) §§ 65940, 65941, 65941.5, and Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) § 21.42.050. Acceptance by the city of a complete SB 330 Streamline Application (Form P-32) and fee will vest the project for 180 days in accordance with the ordinances, policies and standards in effect at the time the SB 330 Application is accepted. The city's SB-330 information bulletin can be found online at: https://www.carlsbadca .gov/home/showpublisheddocument/8166/637725763890630000 6. Landscaping. Prior to a formal submittal of the project, conceptual landscape exhibits shall be prepared in accordance with the General Requirements listed in Section 3 of the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. All relevant information pertaining to the landscaping requirements and physical barriers such as walls or fences must be plotted, labeled, dimensioned with the material detailed within the exhibits. The Landscape Manual may be obtained at the Planning Division front counter or found online at: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showdocument?id=7032 7. Street Tree. City GIS maps indicate an existing vacant street tree planting site along the project frontage. Please design the project to include the requisite street tree. Early coordination with and approval from the Parks Department will be required. 8. Climate Action Plan (CAP). New requirements related to the city's goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will likely impact development requirements of this project. A formal application submittal will need to include a completed Climate Action Plan Checklist (Form P-30) to determine what requirements will apply to the project. New GHG reduction requirements are related to energy efficiency, photovoltaic, electric vehicle charging, water heating and traffic demand management requirements, as set forth in the California Green Building Standards Code and in Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapters 18.21, 18.30 and 18.51 which is available on the city's website at the following address: http://www.qcode .us/codes/car1sbad/view.php?topic=18&frames=on To the extent that new GHG reduction requirements are in effect at the time of application for grading or building permits, the project will be required to comply with the effective requirements even if different than what is proposed in the project's planning approvals. GHG reduction requirements may impact, but are not limited to, site design and local building code requirements. If incorporating new GHG reduction requirements results in substantial modifications to the project after planning approvals are obtained, then prior to issuance of grading or building permits, the applicant may be required to submit and receive approval of a Consistency Determination or an Amendment application for the project through the Planning Division. 9. lnclusionary Housing. The project is subject to Council Policy Statement No. 90 (Policy 90) and the city's lnclusionary Housing Ordinance, Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC} section 21 .85 . As an alternative to constructing inclusionary units as part of the development project, applicants proposing 6 or less units may instead pay a fee. Pursuant to 21.85.030(A), "This chapter [lnclusionary Housing] shall apply to all housing development projects that result in the construction of new residential units, including mixed use projects that include residential units and the conversion of apartments to condominiums". Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0059 (DEV2024-0119)-157 MAPLE AVE TOWNHOMES January 2, 2025 Pa e 4 The current inclusionary housing fee for a residential development project is $18.00 per square feet of net building area per unit. 'Net building area' means the aggregate gross floor area of all unrestricted dwelling units within a development, excluding areas outside of the dwelling unit's habitable space such as garages, carports, parking areas, porches, patios, open space, and excluding common areas such as lobbies, common hallways, stairways, elevators and equipment spaces. Please check the city's Master fee Schedule for the most current rates. Since the project proposes to demolish a Single-Family Residence (SFR), the applicant may receive credit for the existing unit, provided the demolition occurs within two years of project approval. If building permits for the proposed three-unit apartment complex are not applied for within that two- year period, the inclusionary housing fee will be assessed for the full number of new units. For more details on the lnclusionary Housing Program, please see City of Carlsbad Information Bulletin 1B-157: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/9634/637897580094270000 10. Protected Residential Dwelling Units. In the Coastal Zone, if the existing residential units are occupied by low or moderate-income individuals or families, the application must meet the requirements of Section 65590 of the California Government Code. Each prospective and existing tenant must receive written notice of the proposed conversion in accordance with Sections 66452.8 and 66452.9 of the California Government Code. Furthermore, the city council must make all the findings required by Section 66427.1 of the California Government Code in addition to all other required subdivision findings. If an application is submitted for development, please complete Form P-38 and P-38(8), Housing Declarations and included with the submittal. Please see links below for additional information. P-38, Housing Declarations https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/13862/638475752423300000 P-38(8). Housing Declarations, Income Certification https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/15083/638309665983870000 1B-206, Demolition Requirements https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/17263/638500763364370000 11. Housing Accountability Act. Per Government Code 66300.6(2)(A) a housing development project must include at least as many residential units as the greatest number of residential dwelling units that existed on the project site within the last five years. 12 . Plans. a. Show and label all exterior site boundaries, scaled and dimensioned. b. Show the location, dimensions, and layout of all open space areas. c. Show the location and dimensions of all easements (e.g., open space, water, sewer). Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0059 (DEV2024-0119)-157 MAPLE AVE TOWNHOMES January 2, 2025 Pa e 5 d. Provide a legal description of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision, including approximate bearings, distances, and curve data. e. Show the approximate location and dimensions of existing and proposed buildings, walls, fences, and permanent structures onsite and within 100 feet of the site. Indicate extensions of rooflines beyond building walls. For additions or remodeling projects, use hatching or shading to show the relationship between existing structures and proposed improvements. f. Plot the required front, rear, and side yard setbacks for all structures. Indicate the building envelope created by the setback lines with dashed lines. g. Plot the distances between buildings and/or structures. h. Show the location and dimensions of existing and proposed ground-mounted mechanical equipment, including photovoltaic (PV) systems and electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, as required by Ordinance No. CS-437. i. Provide the location and dimensions of refuse collection areas/enclosures, indicating the height and type of construction materials, outdoor storage areas, and mechanical service areas. j. Parking: Show the location, dimensions, and layout of all off-street parking, including ADA spaces, bicycle parking, loading facilities, and EV charging stations, as required by Ordinance No. CS-437. k. Show and label the top and bottom elevations for all fences, walls, and retaining walls. Indicate these elevations at each end, in the middle, and at the worst-condition elevation. I. Show the location, dimensions, and layout of existing and proposed trash enclosures or compactors. Please refer to the P-2 Development Permits Checklist for comprehensive requirements related to development applications. The above items are summarized from the checklist for clarity and should be included in your submittal. For detailed guidance, see the checklist linked below and available on the city's website: https://www.carlsbadca .gov/home/showpublisheddocument/16155/638605208048650284 13. Parking. a. Pursuant to CMC Section 21.44.020 Table A, parking requirements are 2 spaces per unit for units with two or more bedrooms, with at least 1 space covered per unit. For the proposed three-unit apartment complex, this totals 6 residential parking spaces. Additionally, CMC Section 21.82.060 requires visitor parking at a rate of 0.30 spaces per unit, which results in 1 visitor parking space (3 units x 0.30 = 0.9, rounded up to 1). In total, the project requires 7 Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0059 (DEV2024-0119) -157 MAPLE AVE TOWNHOMES January 2, 2025 Pa e 6 parking spaces {6 residential spaces and 1 visitor space). The proposed plans show 6 parking spaces and no visitor parking, resulting in a deficiency of 1 parking space. b. As currently designed, staff cannot support the proposed parking layout in the subterranean garage. Pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.44, Parking Ordinance, tandem parking spaces are not permitted in subterranean garages. This requirement ensures safe and efficient vehicle access and maneuverability. Please redesign the parking layout to provide standard, independently accessible spaces that comply with the Parking Ordinance. c. Subterranean parking that meets the definition of a basement is not restricted by setback requirements. According to CMC Section 21.04.045, a basement is defined as a portion of a building between the floor and ceiling that is partially or completely below existing or finished grade, where the vertical distance from the exterior grade to the adjacent interior floor below is greater than the distance from the exterior grade to the adjacent interior ceiling above. This definition must apply to at least 75 percent of the basement perimeter. Please consider expanding the perimeter of the parking garage to allow for additional circulation. However, note that the basement perimeter is included in lot coverage, and the setback areas above the basement are required to be landscaped pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.44. 14. Setbacks. The proposed development is subject to the R-3 zoning regulations. The required setbacks are as follows: a. Front (north property line-Maple Avenue): The required front yard setback is 20 feet, pursuant to CMC Section 21.16.040. b. Interior Side: Each interior side yard must have a setback of 10 percent of the lot width, with a minimum of 5 feet and a maximum of 10 feet, as specified in CMC Section 21.16.050(A). Plans show 5 feet side yard setbacks. As the property is approximately 40 feet in width, the 5-foot side yard setbacks meet the minimum required. c. Rear Yard: The required rear yard setback is 10 feet, pursuant to CMC Section 21.16.060{A)(l)(b) which stipulates two times the required side yard . As shown the project complies with the required rear yard setback. 15. Building Coverage. a. Pursuant to CMC 21.16.090, the maximum building coverage is sixty percent. Building coverage means the total ground area of a site occupied by any building or structure as measured from the outside of its surrounding external walls or supporting members. If a project is submitted, it shall include an itemized lot coverage calculation for all structures contributing to the building coverage calculation including roof eaves extending thirty inches from the face of any building. Individual dwelling units should be itemized in the lot coverage calculation. Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0059 (DEV2024-0119}-157 MAPLE AVE TOWNHOMES January 2, 2025 Pa e 7 b. Please ensure the building coverage calculation provided includes the perimeter area of the subterranean parking and walls over 6' in height. 16. Building Height. a. The property is located within the Beach Area Overlay Zone (BAOZ), where building height is limited to 30 feet if a roof pitch of at least 3/12 is provided, or 24 feet if the roof pitch is less than 3/12 (CMC Section 21.82.050). Plans indicate a maximum building height of 35 feet which is incorrect and will need to be revised. b. Pursuant to CMC Section 21.04.065(1), building height is measured from the existing grade or finished grade, whichever is lower, and includes all portions of the building exposed above that grade. This includes basements, underground parking structures, or other subterranean areas that are visible above grade. However, the portion of an underground parking entrance that is minimally necessary for vehicle access and located below adjacent grade is not included in the height measurement. c. The plans currently show a finished grade that is lower than the existing grade. Please ensure that building height is measured and labeled from the finished grade, excluding the underground parking entrance where permitted. d. While the overall building height for the proposed three-unit apartment complex has not been provided, upon formal submittal, please include elevation sheets illustrating a dashed line to represent the maximum height limit. This line should be shown at each measurement point, accounting for topographic changes with a "warped plane" where applicable, as outlined in the "Guide to Measuring Building Height." Ensure that the proposed three-unit apartment complex and any accessory structures comply with the applicable height limits. Refer to the guide for additional details: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/268/637425976538130000 17. Title Report. Please provide a title report for the project site. The title report must be dated within the last 6 months. 18. City-Wide Objective Design Standards (ODS). At the time of this letter, the project is not subject to city-wide ODS. Please be advised that the proposed project could be subject to the city-wide ODS if the project is submitted after the city-wide ODS is approved by the Coastal Commission. As an advisory, we are including links below for reference to city-wide ODS. City-wide ODS: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/13768/638201047511900000 City-wide ODS checklist: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/15323/638332233693100000 Objective Design Standards Processing Guide: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/15321/638331501903600000 Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0059 (DEV2024-0119)-157 MAPLE AVE TOWN HOMES January 2, 2025 Pa e 8 19. Stakeholder Outreach. Since Planning Commission approval is required, the project will be subject to City Council Policy Statement No. 84, Development Project Public Involvement. A notice sign is required to be posted onsite by the applicant and an early public notice is required to be prepared by the applicant and mailed to all owners located within a 600-foot radius of the property and all occupants within a 100-foot radius of the property. https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/community-development/planning/planning-permits- entitlements/city-council-policy-no-84 All necessary application forms, submittal requirements, and fee information are available at the Planning counter located in the Faraday Building at 1635 Faraday Avenue or on line at www.carlsbadca .gov. You may also access the General Plan Land Use Element and the Zoning Ordinance online at the website address shown; select Department Listing; select Planning Home Page . Please review all information carefully before submitting. Land Development Engineering: 1. Contact Nick Gorman in the Transportation Division at Nick.Gorman@carlsbadca.gov , a division of the Public Works Department, to determine if a Scoping Agreement is required. Scoping Agreements are used to determine if a Local Mobility Analysis (LMA) is required and the scope of analysis. If an LMA is deemed necessary, first, work with Transportation Division staff to obtain an approved scoping agreement. After the scoping agreement has been approved, submit the approved Scoping Agreement as an appendix within the LMA that is to be prepared per the most recent Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines. 2. After the scoping agreement has been approved or deemed not necessary by the Transportation Division, submit a completed Transportation Analysis Need Statement Form P-42 to Land Development Engineering at LandDev@carlsbadca.gov prior to discretionary application submittal. If an LMA has been deemed not necessary by the Transportation Division, please provide correspondence from the Transportation Division indicating one is not required. 3. Complete a Stormwater Standards Questionnaire Form E-34. This questionnaire will guide you and the city in determining what type of reports and storm water mitigation must be completed to satisfy state and City storm water quality requirements. The questionnaire is located on the City of Carlsbad website. 4. Based on a preliminary analysis, this project might be a Standard Project if less than 5,000 square feet of impervious area is replaced or added . Plot new and replaced impervious area, including any offsite area, on the plans to verify. If the project is determined to be a standard requirement project, complete the Standard Project Requirement Checklist, Form E-36, and show all source and site design BMPs on the conceptual grading and drainage plans. Otherwise, the project will be defined as a Priority Development Project and subject to review and approval of a Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP). 5. Based on this project's general land use R-23, this project is subject to the City of Carlsbad trash capture requirements. Incorporate trash capture measures on the project plans. Prepare a Community Development Department Pla nning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0059 (DEV2024-0119}-157 MAPLE AVE TOWN HOMES January 2, 2025 Pa e 9 preliminary trash capture storm water quality management plan, form e-35a, if the project is determined to be a standard project or incorporate into the storm water quality management plan (SWQMP), form e-35, defined as a Priority Development Project (PDP). 6. Provide a Preliminary Title Report (current within the last six (6) months). 7. Annotate and delineate all existing easements and encumbrances listed in the Preliminary Title Report on the site plan. If any vacations or quitclaims are planned with this development annotate on the site plan. 8. A preliminary hydrology study including map and calculations may be required if direction of drainage flow changes between the existing and proposed condition. Additional information such as existing and finished topographical and/or spot elevations will be needed to determine if the hydrology study is necessary during discretionary review. If required, show 100-year storm hydrologic calculations before and after development for each drainage basin. 9. A preliminary geotechnical report is required to evaluate the feasibility of the project since a minimum of 8 feet of excavation is proposed for the underground garage. Guidelines for preliminary geotechnical studies are available on the City of Carlsbad Engineering website. 10. Per CMC15.16.060 this project will require a grading permit and grading plan. 11. A separate improvement plan for proposed sewer laterals, water services and new driveway and replacement of curb gutter and sidewalk at previous driveway location within the right-of-way is required for this project. 12. This project shall utilize City of Carlsbad Survey Control Network established on Record of Survey Map 17271, NAD83, Zone VI, 1991.35 Epoch for horizontal control and NGVD 29 datum for vertical control per City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards. 13. Delineate and annotate the limits of grading. Include remedial grading quantities on the plan. 14. Delineate and annotate approximate topographic contours for existing and proposed condition. Provide 1-foot contours for slopes less than 5%; 2' intervals for slopes between 5% and 10%, and 5' intervals for slopes over 10%. Extend contours a minimum 25 feet beyond the project boundary. 15. On the site plan, show and identify all existing surface improvements screened back (curb, gutter, sidewalk, paving, manholes, inlets, street lights, adjacent driveways, vaults, transformers, etc.) at the project site, project frontage and within 25 feet of the boundary. 16. Indicate the earthwork quantities (cut, fill, import, export, remedial) proposed for the project in cubic yards. 17. Provide spot elevations at the corners of each pad in the proposed condition. Include finish pad and floor elevations. Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0059 (DEV2024-0119)-157 MAPLE AVE TOWNHOMES January 2, 2025 Pa e 10 18. Provide the method of draining each lot. Unless otherwise specified by a geotechnical engineer, method of drainage shall comply with California Building Code (latest version) section 1804.4. 19. Delineate all retaining walls that will be utilized on the project site and show top of wall and bottom of wall elevations, including at the highest and lowest points. Indicate maximum height of retaining wall measured from bottom of footing to top of wall and maximum height measured from finish surface to top of wall. 20. Provide a cross section to show the existing and proposed ground and any proposed walls with the footing and remedial excavation included. When applicable, provide a temporary construction easement or permission to grade letter from the adjacent property owner to construct walls on their property or delineate and annotate proposed temporary shoring walls. Also, plot temporary excavations for construction of the proposed underground garage in accordance with the limitations recommended by the geotechnical engineer. Include excavation/recompaction (remedial) depths needed to establish the pad elevations. Plot temporary shoring walls if needed to construct underground garage. 21. Delineate location of all existing and proposed buildings, walls, fences and permanent structures onsite and within 25 feet of the site. 22 . Show existing lot line bearing in addition to the distance already plotted. 23. Provide typical street cross sections for existing frontage streets and proposed streets. Provide existing right-of-way width and existing improvements and proposed improvements and dedications. 24. Locate the driveway 3 feet from the side property line so that the three-foot wide transition does not extend beyond an extension of the side property line. See Volume 1, Section 3.15 of the Carlsbad Engineering Standards. 25. Clarify if the garage is designed with the intent that the vehicles in parking spaces 1 and 2 will back into Maple Ave. or plot turn movements to show how these drivers can make a three point turn in a standard passenger vehicle to exit the driveway in a forward position. 26. Show all existing utilities and callout size for: water (DWG 412-9A), sewer (DWG 118-9), storm drain, underground dry utilities, overhead lines, streetlights in Maple Ave . and laterals affecting the property. 27. All transformers and electrical facilities solely serving this project site shall be located on site and outside of the public right-of-way 28. Obtain a letter from SDG&E confirming their approval of the proposed transformer location and stating that no additional off-site facilities will be necessary for this project. Please also include all existing and proposed dry utilities and the services that will supply power to the proposed transformer. Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Farad ay Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600 PRE 2024-0059 (DEV2024-0119} -157 MAPLE AVE TOWN HOMES January 2, 2025 Pa e 11 29. Public potable water and sewer mains along project frontages must meet minimum design diameter and material as specified in City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards Vol. 2 Section 3.2.2 for water and Volume 1 Section 6.2 for sewer. Utility replacement and/or upsizing may be required as a condition of development. 30. Locate fire service, backflows, potable and recycled water services, meters, landscape irrigation services, and sewer laterals for the new development in compliance with City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards requirements. 31. If the project is planning to connect a storm drain to the sanitary sewer for emergency and incidental flows in the underground parking garage, the developer shall apply for a provisional source control permit with Encinas Wastewater District. 32. Provide multiple cross-sections of the site to demonstrate differences in grade from adjacent properties, existing and proposed grades on-site, fences and location of structures on-site and on adjacent properties. 33. At a minimum, a 2" AC grind and overlay is required between proposed trenches serving the property. 34. Meet with the Fire Department to identify the necessary fire protection measures required for this project (access, fire hydrants, sprinkler system, on-site circulation, emergency access, etc.} 35. Please be advised that a more in-depth review of the proposed development will occur with the discretionary permit application when a more complete design of the project is provided. 36. If separate unit ownership as condominiums is later proposed, a tentative parcel map will be required. Fire Department: 1. Provide access with ladder pads for all bedroom emergency escape and rescue openings in accordance with applicable fire code requirements. 2. Fire Department vehicle access from the street and the hose pull distance have been reviewed and are acceptable as proposed. Building Division: 1. The plans lack sufficient detail and need to be revised to provide more comprehensive information. 2. Installation of a solar energy system is required per applicable code. 3. Electric Vehicle (EV} charging infrastructure is required in compliance with current regulations. 4. It appears the project consists of two buildings of covered multi-family dwelling units. These are subject to the accessibility requirements of CBC Chapter 11A or CBC Chapter 118 if public funds are involved. Community Development Department Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600