HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE 2024-0063; CUSD LOT AMENDMENT; Admin Decision LetterJanuary 6, 2025
APN 213-050-11-00
Dear Mr. Sheldon,
{'city of
Thank you for submitting a preliminary review application a land use change proposal on a 6.53 acre parcel
located at 6225 El Camino Real. According to the application, the subject property is currently developed
with a one-story, 74,000 square foot building. The city's arial imagery and Google Maps Street View also
shows two other metal-framed out-buildings of an undisclosed area, a storage container, landscaped
areas, surface parking, and a storage yard secured behind solid masonry screen walls of greater than six-
feet in height. The Carlsbad Unified School District is listed as the owner of said property and currently
operates its district office out of approximately 36,788 square feet of the 74,000 square foot building. The
preliminary review application proposes amending the General Plan Land Use and Zoning for the site to
allow for the future development of residential, for-sale housing, at a project density range between 18
and 23 units per acre. Reuse of the existing building(s) is not a part of the proposed application; and thus
is not discussed below.
In response to your application, the Planning Division has prepared this comment letter. Please note that
the purpose of a preliminary review is to provide you with direction and comments on the overall concept
of your project. This preliminary review does not represent an in-depth analysis of your project. It is
intended to give you feedback on critical issues based upon the information provided in your submittal.
This review is based upon the plans, policies, and standards in effect as of the date of this review. Please
be aware that at the time of a formal application submittal, new plans, policies, and standards may be
in effect and additional issues of concern may be raised through a more specific and detailed review.
1. The General Plan Land Use and Zoning designations for the subject property are as follows:
a. General Plan: Planned Industrial (Pl)
Community Development Department
Planning Division I 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 I 442-339-2600 www.carlsbadca.gov
January 6, 2025
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b. Zoning: Planned Industrial (P-M)
2. The proposal requires the following permits:
a. General Plan Amendment (GPA). An application for a General Plan Amendment (GPA) would
be necessary to change the General Plan Land Use designation on the site from Planned
Industrial (Pl) to R-23 (Residential, 15-23 du/ac). R-23 is the appropriate land use designation
to accommodate residential at the proposed density between 18 and 23 du/ac as discussed
in the application.
b. Zone Change (ZC). To be consistent with the proposed General Plan Land Use designation
discussed above, an application for a Zone Change (ZC) would also be necessary. Both the R-
3, Multiple-Family Residential Zone or the RD-M, Residential Density-Multiple Zone can
implement the R-23 General Plan Land Use Designation.
3. The surrounding General Plan Land Use and Zoning designations for the subject parcel are as follows:
General Plan
.,,.,.._ ____________ ';::.
____ ;r!!-'' ~
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Pl = Planned Industrial
CF= Community Facilities
0 = Office
P-M = Planned Industrial
C-F = Community Facility
Bressi Ranch
In the above, the zoning designations for the parcels east of El Camino Real, are labeled as P-C
(Planned Community). The underlying zoning designations for each of those P-C zoned sites can be
found within each of the corresponding Master Plans. For your convenience, we have overlayed the
underlying zoning designations on the above zoning map as it corresponds with the "Bressi Ranch"
Master Plan and the Village of La Costa "(VLC}" Master Plan.
4. Proposed Land Use and Zone Change. Planning staff is preliminarily unable to take a position on the
conceptual request to change the General Plan Land Use and zoning designations on this site from
light industrial to high density residential (18-23 du/ac) for future development of for-sale multiple-
family residential housing. Please be aware the requested land use and zone change may constitute
spot zoning as there are no contiguous residential land uses in the area to support the request.
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Additionally, to satisfy state-mandated housing requirements, the City Council recently approved an
update to the city's Housing Element which included changes in the land use designations for 16 sites
throughout the city to allow for higher density residential development. Given the significant planning
efforts and environmental analysis, extensive public outreach and, ultimately, City Council's approval,
new high density residential development should be focused on the approved sites. Any action to
change the General Plan while the city remains having a compliant Housing Element is not guaranteed
and subject to the legislative discretion of the City Council.
5. McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP). The subject parcel is located within
the McClellan-Palomar Airport Influence Area (AIA). New development within the AIA must be
reviewed for consistency with the adopted land use compatibility plan for the airport, in this case the
McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP), adopted on January 25, 2010 and
later amended on March 4, 2010 and December 1, 2011.
Please be advised, Airport Land Use Commission approval is required for any proposed change in land
uses given the subject parcel's location within the AIA. Preliminary review of the proposed land use
change against the ALUCP revealed the following:
a. Exhibit 111-1-Compatibility Policy Map: Noise. The subject parcel is located outside of the 60 db
CNEL noise exposure range per Exhibit 111-1. Pursuant to the ALUCP Section 3.3.3(a) on page 3-19:
"The threshold for evaluation is the projected 60 dB CNEL contour. This contour defines the noise
impact area of the Airport. All land uses located outside of this noise contour are consistent with
the noise compatibility policies."
b. Exhibit 111-2 -Compatibility Policy Map: Safety. Pursuant to Exhibit 111-2, the subject parcel is
located in Zone 6 (Traffic Pattern Zone). Pursuant to Table .111-2 (Pgs. 3-45 through 3-52),
residential projects with a density >20.0 du/ac are considered compatible within Safety Zone 6,
depending on height of structures, which may be subject to FAA review and approval.
c. Exhibit 111-3 -Compatibility Policy Map: Part 77 Airspace Protection. The subject parcel is located
within the 7:1 Transitional Surface contour of Exhibit 111-3. Any formal submittal of a project under
the ALUCP would require compliance with the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Federal
Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 77, Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace.
d. Exhibit 111-4 -Compatibility Policy Map: Overflight. The subject parcel is located within the
Overflight Notification Area. Pursuant to the ALUCP Policy 3.6 -Overflight Compatibility Policies
for McClellan-Palomar Airport, real estate disclosures and overflight notification documents
would need to be recorded.
e. Exhibit 111-5 -Compatibility Policy Map: Airport Influence Area. The subject parcel is located within
Review Area #1 of the Airport Influence Area. Review Area #1 consists of locations where noise
and/or safety concerns may necessitate limitations on the types of land use actions. Please see
discussions above in subsection a) and b).
f. Exhibit 111-6 -Compatibility Policy Map: Avigation Easement Area and Overflight Notification
Areas. The subject parcel is located outside of the Avigation Easement Area but is located within
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the Airport Overflight Notification Area. As noted above in subsection d) above, real estate
disclosures and overflight notification documents would need to be recorded.
Please see link below for the McClellan-Palomar Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan:
https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpu blisheddocu ment/226/637 4466177 57230000
6. Noise Analysis. A formal proposal, if submitted, would need to provide a noise study consistent with
the City of Carlsbad Noise Guidelines Manual and the policies and standards for residential noise in
the General Plan. Please see link below for the Noise Guidelines Manual:
http://www.carlsbadca.gov/ civicax/file ban k/blobd load .aspx? Bio b I D=24094
7. The Housing Crisis Act of 2019 (SB 330) established a preliminary streamline application process for
housing projects. It is not mandatory unless applicants seek the vesting and processing benefits
offered under SB 330. Participation in the SB 330 streamline process would occur first, followed by
the formal development application process required under Government Code (Gov. Code)§§ 65940,
65941, 65941.5, and Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) § 21.42.050. Acceptance by the city of a
complete SB 330 Streamline Application (Form P-32) and fee will vest the project for 180 days in
accordance with the ordinances, policies and standards in effect at the time the SB 330 Application is
8. New requirements related to the city's goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will likely
impact development requirements of this project. A formal application submittal will need to include
a completed Climate Action Plan Checklist (Form P-30) to determine what requirements will apply to
the project. New GHG reduction requirements are related to energy efficiency, photovoltaic, electric
vehicle charging, water heating and traffic demand management requirements, as set forth in the
California Green Building Standards Code and in Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapters 18.21, 18.30 and
18.51 which is available on the city's website at the following address:
To the extent that new GHG reduction requirements are in effect at the time of application for grading
or building permits, the project will be required to comply with the effective requirements even if
different than what is proposed in the project's planning approvals. GHG reduction requirements may
impact, but are not limited to, site design and local building code requirements. If incorporating new
GHG reduction requirements results in substantial modifications to the project after planning
approvals are obtained, then prior to issuance of grading or building permits, the applicant may be
required to submit and receive approval of a Consistency Determination or an Amendment
application for the project through the Planning Division.
9. While not the request of this preliminary review so not reviewed or discussed in detail, there are state
laws that purport to encourage school districts to provide rental employee housing. These include AB-
2295 that amended Government Code 65914.7 in 2022 and SB-1413 in 2016. These bills could
potentially be pursued on this or other school district locations.
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All necessary application forms, submittal requirements, and fee information are available at the Planning
counter located in the Faraday Building at 1635 Faraday Avenue or online at
https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/community-development/planning. You may also access the
General Plan Land Use Element and the Zoning Ordinance online at the website address shown. Please
review all information carefully before submitting.
Land Development Engineering:
1. Multi-family developments require multiple access points; please refer to the City of Carlsbad
Engineering Standards Volume 1, Section 4 for driveway access requirements.
2. A Sewer Study for new development based on City of Carlsbad Sewer Master Plan Update 2019,
Section 4.2 Design Criteria may be required.
3. A Water Study for the new development based on City of Carlsbad Potable Water Master Plan 2019,
Section 4.2 Design Criteria may be required.
4. Public potable water and sewer mains along project frontages must meet minimum design diameter
and material as specified in City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards Vol. 2 Section 3.2.2 for water and
Volume 1 Section 6.2 for sewer. Utility replacement and/or upsizing may be required as a condition
of development.
5. Please be advised that a more in-depth. review of the proposed development will occur with the
discretionary permit application when a more complete design of the project is provided.
Fire Department:
1. California Fire Code, as adopted and amended by the City of Carlsbad (D106}, requires two points of
access to residential properties exceeding 50 dwelling units. And fire apparatus access roads shall be
remote, separated by one half the length of the diagonal of the property.
2. Fire department access lanes will be required in accordance with CFC 503. El Camino Real cannot be
used for aerial apparatus access, if required by the height of proposed buildings.
3. Private fire hydrants shall be provided to meet required fire flow and spacing requirements per CFC
Appendix Band C.
4. Change of property use to residential may have impacts on neighboring commercial properties. For
example: LPG tanks and other hazardous material use(s) or storage may require setback distances to
residential property.
Building Division:
1. No comments.
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If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this letter with the commenting departments, please
contact Jason Goff at the number below. You may also contact each department/division individually as
• Planning Division: Jason Goff, Senior Planner, at (442) 339-2643
• Land Development Engineering Division: Jose Sanchez, Project Engineer, at (442) 339-5486
• Fire Department: Darcy Davidson, Fire Inspections, at (442) 339-2662
• Building Division: Shawn Huff, Building Official, at (442) 339-5338
City Planner
c: Eric Dill, Carlsbad Unified School District, 6225 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92009
Jose Sanchez, Project Engineer
Darcy Davidson, Fire Prevention
Laserfiche/File Copy
Data Entry