HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD 2022-0032; ABSTRACT ALE WORKS; Consistency Determination (CD)CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION FORM FOR CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION APPLICATION CITY USE ONLY Development Number: t'I/ I~ 2 / _ __ Orlgln■I PrvJect Numbar:....C Li r I b -o Conalatency Oetermtn■tlon Number: CJ) 2vl z-tioTI I PROJECT NAME: fl-hsft~(f A-IL I.Nar~'} AsaeHor'a Parcel Number(&) and AddreH: 2 I~> u\ O 0/pOO l '(i d sl:vvl C/2(!/( Description of propoaal (add attachment If neceasary): Cf.l~[V,~ /'1.Rfl,1rv1trri/ t}t(f ti , ~ Would you like to orally present your propoeal to your aaslgned staff planner/engineer? Yea D (_i,jJ) D Pleaae 11st the staff members you have previously spoken to regarding this project. If none, please so state. OWNER NAME (Print): l'nu,s~or:tt,, K;ffiecdn ,L.?c I MAILING ADDRESS: t:13&0 M,'amv ,Mall. "1:-a.,, • CITY,STATE,ZIP: ~4])/10,c.f g,:u;u TELEPHONE 'lS:,•'l,J-iiO Q: EMAll ADDRESS: bk@WJol-..sd,CA m ' •Own11r'• signature lndlc:atn pennll■lon to c:onduct a prellmlnary review for• development propoul. lN THE PROCESS OF REVtEWING THIS APPLICATION IT MAY BE NECESSARY FOR MEMBERS OF CITY STAFF TO INSPECT AND ENTER THE PROPERTY THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS APPLICATION. 11\1\/E CONSENT TO ENTRY FOR THIS PURPOSE. I CERTIFY THAT I Mt THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT All THE ABOVE INF TION IS TRUE~rti/ORRECT TO THE BE OF V 22.. APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE (Prtnt): MAILING ADDRESS: CllY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE: EMAIL ADDRESS: APPLICANT NAME (Prinl)c (Y}(l 1/1 g L ) 2 t (pl ,Y /, --1 MAILING ADDRESS:/., ), t;_(i ll!J( I 1 '1 ) /_)(. CITY,STATE,ZIPc c«rl~l1,;; (/1 'f2ol/ rnEeHoNE, 7 ~,D ,c, 'I ·J '{o,: EMAIL ADDRESS, fv}a lAe4.JtJ) bvuroo l'J'rt; ( Of>') I CERTIFY THAT JAM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OWNER AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE APPLICANT ANO THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE DATE FEE REQUIRED/DATE FEE PAIDc > ? / i --"-·---···------------ RECEIVED BY, __ C {/oreJ P-16 Page2of2 Rewlsed 3122 Proposed Project Revision This is a proposal for an existing mechanical yard extension. The existing mechanical yard measures 16ft x 10ft with a chain link enclosure. By extending the yard by 8ft (24ft x 10ft) we will be able to accommodate a bulk grain silo. This grain silo will be essential in the production process or our growing business. Furthermore bulk delivery will reduce transportation frequency {emissions) and plastic bag usage. ( Each silo fill is over 1,000 plastic grain bags). This piece of equipment is consistent with our previously approved project and will consist of less than 1% of the total project square feet. It will have no environmental impact, produce no waste, emit no odors, and consume no energy. The extension of the chain link enclosure will be consistent with the existing to provide to protection of the personal property. There is no line of sight to the existing yard from and street/road or public place. Exhibit A -Site map and silo location Exhibit B-Silo Location from back of building. Existing Mechanical yard fencing will extend around silo and return back to building. Exhibit C-Photos from surrounding streets. Showing no line of sight to silo from public street. Camino Vida Robles-Looking north at building • • -- North and South Driveways from Yarrow Dr. ◄ Pictures of the Rear parking lot showing full height shrubs.