HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUP 2018-0008; MACINNES DOCK IMPROVEMENT; STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS REPORT; 2018-04-10• • • STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS for NEW FLOATING DOCK, PLATFORM, GANGWAY AND STIFF ARMS Located at: 4553 COVE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ********** Prepared for: SWIFT SLIP DOCK & PIER BUILDERS, INC. 6351 INDUSTRY WAY WESTMINSTER, CA 92683 Prepared by: PMA Consulting, Inc. 28161 Casitas Ct. Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Job #22818SS April 10, 2018 Q... ~ING DIVISION APPROVAL W Date: 3 DON NEU, City Planner Date: 05pi /o:,Zo I RECOMMENDED BY: €-fe.lOa...vi. Do-vi vtcL Print Name i ~No.C 669 * c,v, OF C~LI' 4/10/18 PMA Connlttq. Inc. Project: Floating dock, platform & gangway Job: 22818SS COJl'SULTIRO STRUCTURAL Eft'OllfBBRS 4553 Cove Drive Sheet lndex 28181 CASITAS CT. P (71<4) 111 • 75<42 1-----C-""a'-rls;;;b;.;a;.;d,:., ,;.C;..A"9;.;2;.;0,;.0,;.8 ______ 4□:; .. =igccnc..: _...:..Pc:Bc.P---1 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92877 fmtex to structural Cafcu[atioas -Buoyancy Calculations ,, ........... ,,,,,,,., .. ,, ................... ,,., .... , .... 1 -Wind, Wave, Current & Impact Calculations ................................ 6 -Gangway, Platform& Guardra/1.P.ostCalculatlons ...................... 10 -Concrete PIie Embedment ...................................................... , . 17 -References •I·. • . ' Date: 04/10/18 thru 5 thru 9 thru 16 thru thru 18 30 •• • • r - pocgfUWICIPLAN FLOAT DIIIMI PLAN ---f\MJ..., f'llllt .., .. -(l) ,. . ... ~ ,.. ... a .., ... A.OAT DRUMS PLAN & OOCK FlW,ING Pl.AN I -... ,.. , .. T CAIIUUD LAGOON I ,VW.w I ~..s-l W:t: :rJ' P'.:f' !l..r COVIi DRIYII EXlST1NG DOCK & GANG!NAY LAYOUT CAJIUIBAD LAGOON _______ --!.. ______________ - {'O Wll:lll&DCCII ~~nro.c. r -p,a;Dm con DIIIVI! PROP08EO DOCK. PIER & GN¥:RHAY LAYOUT .... i l i. i i ____ L --....... en M'(1)11UC:aQ:J1' K V i i ~ 15 < i i l "'. ~ :I' d i ! ill• ~o 0 ~ I~ IL .. ~~ ~~ i5 ~ ~~ ,;J I ~~ 8 o:::&15< zfiiO· ~ ~l=o) I ~ao ! ~ I I 2 ~ ' ., a ,i;: 1· IL f,; I .... S-2 PIIA ~ttq. lac,. Project: Floating dock & gangway Job: 22818SS COlfSUl,TIJIG BTRUCTURAL BlfGDIBBRB 4553 Cove Dnve Sheet: z. 28181 CASITAS CT. P (71•) 717 • 75'2 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Design: PBP LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 FloataUon Catculatlons Oate: 04110/18 ,, floatation Calcul•Uons Dock Description• 3x16 « Typ Finger Length L= 16 ft DL• 1253 lbs « Dead Load Width B= 3 ft ULLm 1200 lbs « Uniform Live Load Area= 48 sq. ft Dl+Ull• 2453 lbs Live Load= 25 lbs/sq. ft Unlfonn Dead Load (UDL) Le..,.th or Quan--· UnltWL WtJlbs) 4X8 Walers & Splice Members 35 62 217 2x8 Stringers 32 5 160 4x8 Blocking 62 0 3 118x12 GLB Blocking 92 0 2x6 Diagonals 18 2 36 2x14 Fascia 35 5 175 1x6AZEK Movado Decking 48 5 240 Torsion Bars/Tubes 1 6 6 Torsion Tubes Plates 2 8 16 Float Drums 3'x6'x16" Type I 1 78 78 Float Drums 3'x6'x20" Type11 1 90 90 Float Drums 4'x6'x16ri Type Ill 134 0 0 Clip Angles 13 4 52 Bumper Strip 35 1 5 52.5 Cleats 4 10 40 Pile Guides 0 50 0 Fasteners 30 1 30 Misce"aneous 60 1 60 Total UDL= 1253 lbs 26 .. , Float Drum Model Width {ft) Length (ft) Depth (in) Buoyancy No. of drums Total (lbs' Buovan= #3672-16 Type I 3 6 16 1320 1 1320 #3672-20 Type II 3 6 20 1638 1 1636 #469fi-.16 Type Ill 4 8 16 2420 0 0 0 0 TB• 2958 lbs Average depth of Drums = 18.0 in Buoyancy per inch = 164 lbs/in DL Draft O • 7.6 in average DL + Ull Draft ., 14.9 in average Decking= 1 in Framing= 725 in Depth of drums for TD= 18.0 in Total Depth (TO)= 26.3 in DL Freeboard = 19 in « Total Depth -DL Draft > 14in & < 24in « ThusO.K. DL + Ull Freeboard = 11.3 in « Total Depth -DL and ULL Draft >Sin «Thus O.K DL + Ull Drums Freeboard = 3.1 in « DL + ULL Freeboard -Framing • Decking >1 in «ThusO.K. PllA eoa.lllUq, Iao. Project: Floating dock & gangway ""'' 22818S$ C0118t1LTDfG 8TROC'IVRAL DGDIBBRS 4553 Cove Drive Sheet: " 28161 CASITAS CT P (71') 717 -75'12 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Design: PBP LAGUNA NIGU!;'L, CA 926TT Fk)alation Calculations Date: 04/10/18 Dock Stabilitv check for -400 lbs Point Load Dock Description -3x16 Length L= 16 ft Width B= 3 ft Total Depth (TO)= 26.3 In DL Draft D = 7.5 In Total UDL= 1231 Ibo Meta Center=B"2/12D = 14 In Point Load= 400 Ibo Take Moments about the Meta Center EM=0 UDL x Meta Center x sin9=400 x 12 xcos8 tan9= 0.64 The drop in Freeboard due to 400 lbs point load applied 12" away from edge of dock= 9.74 In Freeboard with Dead Load and 400 lbs . point load applied 12" away from edge of dock= 9.03 lo > 10 in Thus 0.K. PIIA ComWttq, hlo. Project Floating dock & gangway Job: 22818SS COIISUL TDfG STRUCTURAL DGIIIBBRS 4553 Cove Drive Sheet ~ 28161 CASITAS CT P [714) 717 -7542 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Design: PBP LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 926TT Floatation Calculations Date: 04/10118 ' Floatation Calculation, Dock Description -4x56 « Headwalk length L= 56 ft DL• 4808 lbs « Dead load Width B= 4 ft ULL• 5600 lbs « Uniform Live Load Area= 224 sq. ft DL+ULL= 10408 lbs Live Load= 25 tbs/sq. ft UnWorm Dead Load (UDL) Len-or Quarmt Unit Wt. Wtllbs) 4X8 Walers & ::splice Members 130 6.2 808 2x8 Stringers 112 5 560 2x8 Blocking 30 5 150 3 1/8x12 GLB Blocking 92 0 2x6 Diagonals 54 2 108 2x14 Fascia 120 5 600 1x6 AZEK Movado Decking 224 5 1120 Torsion Bars/Tubes 0 6 0 Torsion Tubes Plates 0 8 0 Float Drums 3'x6'x16" Type I 0 78 0 Float Drums 3'x6'x20" Type II 0 90 0 Float Drums 4'x8'x16" Type Ill 6 134 804 0 Clip Angles 30 4 120 Bumper Strip 120 1 5 180 Cleats 6 10 60 Plle Guides 0 50 0 Fasteners 100 1 100 Miscellaneous 200 1 200 Total UDLa 4808 lbs 21 psf Float Drum Model Width (ft) Length (ft) Depth (in) Buoyancy No. of drums Total ribs) Buovan~ #3672-16 Type I 3 6 16 1320 0 0 #3672-20 Type II 3 6 20 1638 0 0 #4896-16 Type Ill 4 8 16 2420 6 14520 0 0 TB• 14520 lbs Average depth of Drums = 16.0 in Buoyancy per inch = 908 lbs/in DLOraftO = 5.3 in average DL + ULL Draft • 11.5 in average Decking= 1 io Framing= 7.25 io Depth of drums for TO= 16.0 io Total Depth {TO) ::: 24.3 in DL Freeboard = 19 io « Total Depth· DL Draft > 14in & < 24in «ThusO.K. DL + ULL Freeboard = 12.8 io << Total Depth -DL and LILL Draft >91n <<ThusO.K. DL + ULL Drums Freeboard = 4.5 io « DL + LILL Freeboard • Framing• Decking >1 in << ThusO.K. Point Load due to Gangway « 30% of Gangway reaction taken by 1 Float Drum lgang::: 24 ft Wgang::: 3 ft Buoyancy per inch for OLgang::: 15 psi Float Drum at Gangway= 150 lbs/in LLgang = 25 psi DL gang Draft .. 1.1 io (Assumed one Float Orum Type Ill LL gang Draft • 1 8 io takes 30% of Gangway reaction) PIIU. Collfllltiq. IIIG. Project: Floating dock & gangway Job: 22818S5 CO■SULTDJG STRUCTURAL DGllfB&RS 4553 Cove Drive Sheet: < 28161 CASITAS CT P(714)717-75'!2 Carlsbad. CA 92008 Design: PBP LA.GUN'°' NIGUEL, CA 92677 Floatation Calculattons Date: 04/10/18 Dock Stability check for 400 lbs Point Load Dock Description -4x56 Length L= 56 fl Width B= 4 fl Total Depth (TD)= 24.3 '" DL Draft D = 5.3 '" Total UDL= 4808 lbs Meta Center-8"2112D = 36 '" Point Load= 400 lbs Take Moments about the Meta Center IM=0 UDL x Meta Center x sin8=100 x 12 xcose tane= 0.06 The drop in Freeboard due to 400 lbs point load applied 12" 'iif'Nay from edge of dock: 1.32 '" Freeboan:I with Dead Load and 400 lbs point load applied 12" away from edge of dock= 17.63 '" > 10 in Thus O.K. PJIIA CoDS11lUaa:, Inc. Project: Floating dock pier& gangway Job: 22818SS COJISULTDfG STRUCTURAL B!IGINBERS 4553 Cove Drive Sheet: t.. 28181 CASITASCT. P (714J 111 -1542 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Design: PBP ..... __ ..;..;...;;.;..;.;.;.,;;;.;,==------i-:==--=---1 LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 Wind ~oad pw-15 psi Ho= 4.5 ft W= pw-Hb• Lboat= 74 pK Wind, Wave & Current Loads Calculations Date: 04110/18 15 ft <« Wind Pressure <« Boat Height from Graph No.1 on the next page <<< Wind load Note: Ten percent of the full wind load for an unshielded vessel shall be applied to each vessel in the tee of the unshielded vessel. No. of shielded vessels = 1 Wave Drift Force Per ASCE No.:129 Fdr= 0.125pgHr'2(1+2kd/slnh 2kd) p= 1.94 slutslft"3 g= 32.20 ft/s"2 Hr= 1 ft L= 150 ft k= 2n/L • 0.042 d• 20 ft Fdr= 13 pll Currant Load p= Cd"Vc"2 V• 1.0 ftls Cde= 0.6 Cdt,,,, 1.0 pend= 0.6 psi p broadsidem 0.8 psi <« Wave Drift Force <« Water density <« Acceleration of gravity «< Maximum wave height for this marina «<Wavelength <« The wave number «< Water depth 2kd= 1.67 sinh 2kd = 2.56 <« Average drag force per unit of exposed area normal to current which is exerted on a submerged hull «< Current velocity <« Drag coefficient for End Profile <« Drag coefficient for Broadside Profile Note: Conservatively apply current load over the entire depth of Boat Draft Db• 3 Fcumint-p*Db = Load Cgmblnatlon ft 2.4 pW Wind +Wave + Current = 90 pll <« Assumed Maximum Boat Draft «< Current Load <« Total Environmental Load (TEL) .. ...--.. 35 34 JJ 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 2 25 ..,..; 24 Q.) 2 23 .£ 22 ~ 21 o~ ·cv 20 ..c Q.J 19 ~ 18 I... C..17 Cl) g'16 I... ~ 15 o 14 Q) en 13 Cf) ~ 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 s I I Wind Load Vessel profile heights for "sail area'' (Recreat ional & Commercial Vessels) I j __ ,- I I I I . f; I ~ I 7 ~ ,r :," -l ---·-I -,_ / I I /' I I• I I /, 7 -= -/., J~ I , __ I I / --~ --· • -. -...._ -I- \ ~ fJ I l , ,_ --- J I I •• .. .... ---.. -I I •• .... ~· -· --,-. ':i._,o~ ... .,te. •' .. I .. ---- •• -· ....... , - j ./ I ..... - V / ' I -1-----,-t I / /---:/ I j / I I I L I I ·-~ - J I -----.--I . , I J I -· -I 1/ I VJ-- I - . -·~-,--,_ --/J_ -- ------_, __ ,_ ,-. I L --I_ I I 2C 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1'0 120 130 140 l!i0 160 170 '80 190 200 210 22C Vessel leng th ove,.all, in feet (ft.) PIIA Comuhing, Inc. Project Floating dock. pier & gangway Job: COlfSULTIJfG STRUCTURAL EJfOINBBRS 4553 Cove Drive Sheet: 28181 CASITASCT. P (714) 717 -7542 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Design: LAGUNA N!GUEL, CA 92677 Dock Check for Environmental Load Date: Check Dock for Total Environmental Load Note: For sinplicity, the dock will be analyzed as sympty supported beam between adjacent piles. Dock Length Ld = Maximum PIia Spacing Lp= Dock Width d = DL Freeboard = Boat Length Lb= 16 16 3 ft ft ft 20 in 15 ft 1,900,000 psi 228186S X PEP 04110/18 Ewood= Moment of Inertia of Dock I= Section Modulus of Dock S = 13,404 in4 <<< 4x8 Wailers Conservatively Total Environmental Load W= Maximum Moment Mmax= Bending Stress fb= Timber Specifications Allowable Bending Stress Fbx- Allowable Shear Stress Fvx= Load Duration Factor Cd= Wet Service Factor Cm= Temperature Factor Ct= Beam Stability Factor Cl= Size Factor Cf= Flat Use Factor Cfu= lnsizing FactorCi= Adjusted Allowable Bending Stress F'bx= 783 inJ 89.6 2866.08261 44 plf ft-lbs psi <<< w•Lp.!/8 <<< Mmax/S Douglass Fir-Larch Sellect Structural 1500 180 1.6 0.85 1 1 1.3 1.05 0.8 2228 psi psi psi > fb Thus O.K. PMA Couulthla, lac, CORSULTIPIG STRUCTURAL ElfGDfBERS Project Floating dock, pier & gangway 4553 Cove Drive Job: Sheet 28161 CASITAS CT. P (714J 111 -7542 Carlsbad, CA 92008 1----;.,.lm-p"'a"'ct"L'"oa.;.d.,-,,C.;a.;lcu.;l.;.at'"io_n_s----£-==- Design: LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 926TT Date: Check Dock for Impact Load 22818SS 9 PBP 04/10/18 For the purpose of this analysis it is assumed that Impact Load applied in the mid span between two supporting piles is the worst case. Assumed angle of strike 8= 10 Degree Assumed approach speed V= 1 ft/sec Weight of Boat W = 2700 lbs <<< W=12L ~ Component of Velocity v = 0.17 ft/sec <<<Vsin8 Kinetic Energy KE = 0.00 ft-kips «< Wi//29 Ewood= 1,900,000 psi Moment of Inertia of Dock I= 13,404 in4 Maximum Pile Spacing Lp= 192 in Assume P= 1000 lbs A= 0.006 in «< A=Plp;:i/48EI Stiffness Coefficient of Finger k= 172713 lbs/in <<< k=P/A A= 0.01 in «< A=sqrt(KE/k) Thus, Load P caused by impact of Boat = 1.62 kips <<< P=kA Applied Moment Mmax= 6.47 ft-kips <« Plp/4 Bending Streee fb• 99 pol < F'b Thus 0.K. PMA Consulting, Inc. 28161 Casitas Ct. Laguna Niguel, CA 926TT Ph: 714-717-7542 Project Title: Floating dock & gangway Engineer: PBP Project Descr. Proiect ID: #22818$S Pnnted: 10 APR 2018, 11.0TMI File: P:\SJ94J4-B\..MLTOX-L\CALCS\G40PZV-O.EC6 ENERCAI..C, INC.1983-2017, Build:, Ver. Description : Gangway Stringer CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set: IBC 2015 Material Properties Analysis Method : Allowable Stress Design Fb + Load Combination IBC 2015 Fb- Fc-Prll Wood Species : Douglas Fir -Larch Fe -Perp Wood Grade : Select structural Fv Ft Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsional buckling ~ i D\0.0225) L(0.0375) f k 2x12 Span = 24.0 ft 1,500.0psi 1,500.0 psi 1,700.0psi 625.0psi 180.0psi 1,000.0psi E : Modulus of Elasticity Ebend-xx 1,900.0ksi Eminbend-xx 690.0ksi Density 31.20 pcf Repetitive Member Stress Increase i ~ ~ A lied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Uniform Load : D = 0.0150, L = 0.0250 ksf, Tributary Width= 1.50 ft DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.950 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span 2x12 Section used for this span fb: Actual = 1,638.40psi fv : Actual FB : Allowable = 1,725.00psi Fv : Allowable Load Combination +D+L+H Load Combination Location of maximum on span = 12.000ft Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs = Span# 1 Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection 0.833 in Ratio= 345 >=240 Max Upward Transient Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0<240 Max Downward Total Deflection 1.332 in Ratio= 216>=160 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0<160 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values 5egmeo1 Lenglh Span# -M V Cd CFN Cj Cr Cm CI CL M lb +0-+H Length= 24.0 ft 0.396 0.137 0.90 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.62 614.40 +O+L-+H 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Length = 24.0 ft 0.950 0.330 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.32 1,638.40 +O+Lr-+H 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Length = 24.0 ft 1 0.285 0.099 1.25 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.62 614.40 +O+S+H 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Length = 24.0 ft 0.310 0.107 1.15 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.62 614.40 +0-+-0.750Lr-t-0.750L +H 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Length = 24.0 ft 0.641 0.222 1.25 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.65 1,382.40 = = = = = F'b 0.00 1552.50 0.00 1725.00 0.00 2156.25 0.00 1983.75 0.00 2156.25 Design OK V 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.67 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.56 0.330: 1 2x12 59.33 psi 180.00 psi +O+L+H 0.000ft Span# 1 ShearVatues Iv 0.00 F'v 0.00 22.25 162.00 0.00 0.00 59.33 180.00 0.00 0.00 22.25 225.00 0.00 0.00 22.25 207.00 0.00 0.00 50.06 225.00 10 PMA Consulting, Inc. 28161 Casitas Ct. Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Ph: 714-717-7542 Tltle Block Line 6 . Wood Beam Description : Gangway Stringer load Combination Max Stress RaliOs Segment Length Span# M V -+0+0.750L +0.750S+H Length= 24.0 ft 0.697 0,242 ..0+0.60W+H Length= 24.0 fl 1 0.223 o.on -I0+0.70E+H Length= 24.0 fl 1 0.223 0.077 -I0+0.750Lr+0.750l ...0.450W-+H Length= 24.0 fl 1 0.501 0.174 ..O+O. 750L ...0. 750S+0.450W+H length= 24,0 ft 1 0.501 0.174 ..0+0.750L +0.750S+0.5250E-+H Lenglh = 24.0 ft 1 0.501 0.174 +0.600-+0.50W+0.60H Length= 24.0 ft 0.134 0.046 +0,600..0.70E+0.60H Length= 24.0 ft 0.134 0.046 Overall Maximum Deflections c, C FN C; ----------------1.000 1.00 1.15 1.000 ,.oo 1.000 1.00 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.60 UlOO 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.60 1.000 1.00 Project Tille: Floating dock & gangway EnQineer. PBP ProJect Descr: II Project ID: #2281 BSS Print~j IQ ePR );)'8, ', l Cl Al.1 ----Flkl-;P~94J4~).4LfoNICALCSIG40PZY-0.ECf-- ENERCALC. INC. 1963-2017, lklild:10.17.1210, Ver.10.17.1210 . . . . • • Moment Values Shear Values ----------··----------------------------c, Cm Ct Cl M fu Pb V t, P, 1.15 1.or· --·------------····--------------•-' ------------- 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.65 1,382.40 1983.75 0.56 50.06 207.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.62 614.40 2760.00 0.25 22.25 288.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.62 614.40 2760.00 0.25 22.25 288.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.65 1,382.40 2760.00 0.56 50.06 268.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 ,.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.65 1,382.40 2760.00 0.56 50.06 268.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.65 1,382.40 2760.00 0.56 50.00 288.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 368.6' 2760.00 0.15 13.35 288.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 3686' 2760.00 0.15 13.35 288.00 ------------------------------------------.. ---------------------, .. ---------------... Max.."+" Dell Locaton tn Span -----. ---------Load Combination "'"-"' Vertical Reactions load Combinatioo Dvera.UMAX1mum ··---- overa11 MINimum .0->H "'"-"' ""'-''" "'"'"' +0+0.750Lr-+0.750l-+H +0..0.750L +0.750S+H +0+0.60W+H +0+0.70E-+H ..0+0.750Lr+0.750L +0.450W-+H +0..0.750L+0.750S+0,450W+H +0+0.750L +O. 750S..0.5250EiH +0.600..0.60W+0.60H +0,600..0.70E..0.60H DOnly Lr Only LOnly '°"" WOnly E Only H Coo ''" • f--- Max.·-· Dell L.ocatiOO in Span Load Combination 1.3322 ---------------. CfOOO 12.088 0.0000 Support notation Far left is #1 VeloesinKIPS ----------- Support 1 Support 2 -·-crno --··o.ntr 0.450 0.450 0.270 0.270 0.720 0.720 0.270 0.270 0.270 0.270 0.608 0.608 0.608 0.608 0.270 0.270 0.270 0.270 0.608 0.608 0.608 0.608 0.606 Q.608 0.162 0.162 0.162 0.162 0.270 0.270 0.450 0.450 IL. PMA Consulting, Inc. 28161 Casltas Ct. Project Title: Floating dock & gangway EnQineer. PBP Pr<;ect 10: #22818SS Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Ph: 714-717-7542 Title_ Block Line_6 ____ _ Wood Column , .... Description : Guardrail Post Code References ., ---------------------"··----,_.,_ -------.. ·------------ ProJect Oescr: Priare<J·tC~Pil201R tlC!Vl.l -~--;-p:15J~B\._MlfoX~icALcS',G40PlY--0.EC6-- ENERCALC,1Nc. 1983,2017, Bwd:10.17.12,10, Var. • • Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used: ASCE 7-10 General Information Analysis Method : Allowable Stress Design End Fixities Top Free, Bottom Fixed Overall Column Height 4. O ft WO<XJ Species Douglas Fir -Larch (North) Wood Grade Select structural Fb + 1,500.0 psi Fb-1,500.0psi Fc-Pr11 1,150.0psi Fc-Perp 625.0psi F, Ft Density E Modulus of Elasticity , . . x-x Bending Basic 1,600.0 Minimum 580.0 Applied Loads 170:0 psi 1,000.0 psi 30.580 pd y-y Bending 1,600.0 580.0 Column se!f weiaht included: 7.433 lbs• Dead Load Factor BENDING LOADS .. Lat. Point Load at 4.0 ft creatjnq Mx-x, L = 0.20 k DESIGN SUMMARY Bending & Shear Check Results Wood Section Name Wood Gracllng/Manuf. Wood Member Type Exact Width Exact Depth ... ,, " 3x4 Graded lumber Sawn 2.50 in Allow Stress Modification Factors 3.50 in Cfor Cv for Bending 1.50 8. 750 m~2 Cfor Cv for Compression 1.150 8.932 in'-4 Cfor Cv for Tension 1.50 4.5571n'"4 Cm:WetUseFactor 1.0 Ct;TemperatureFactof 1.0 Cfu: Flat Use Factor 1.0 Axial Kl : Built-up columns 1 . 0 1,600.0ksi UseCr:Repetilive? No Brace condition for deflection (buckling) along columns : X-X (width) axis : Fuf~ braced against buckling along x.x Axis Y-Y (depth) axis . Fully braced against buckling along Y-Y Axis __ S~0'.i~ loads enl~?!_d_._Load Factors will b_e_~p_p~:-~!~.r c~lculations. PASS Max. Axial+Bending Stress Raijo = 0.8359: 1 Maximum SERVICE Lateral Load Reactions .. TopalongY-Y 0.0 k BottomalongY-Y 0.20 k Load Combination +D+l +H GovemlngNDSForumla. Comp+ Mx:x, NOS Eq. 3.9-3 TopalongX-X 0.0 k BottomaiongX-X 0.0 k Locati)n of max.above baSe O. 0 fl Maximum SERVICE Load Latenl Delleetlont ... At maximum IOcation values are . Applied Axial Applied Mx Applied My Fe. Allowable PASS Maximum Shear Stress Ratio= Load Combination Locatioo of max.above base Applied Design Shear Allowable Shear Load Combination Results Load Combination .O•H +D+l+H +D+Lr+H +O+S+H +D..0.750Lr-+0.750L +H +0..0.750L-+0.750S+H +IMl.60W+H +0-+0.70E+H +D-t-0.750Lr-+0. 750L -t-0.450W+H +D+0.750L ..0. 750S-+-0.450W+H +0+0.750L ..0.750S-i-0.5250E+H ..0.600+-0,60W+0.60H 0.007433 k -0.80 k-fl 0.0k-fl 1,322.50 psi 0.2017: 1 .0-4. <-H 4.0ft 34.286 psi 170.0 psi AlongY-Y 0.5133 in at 4.0 fl abovebase fol' load combination : +O+L +H AlongX-X 0.0 In at 0.0 ft abovebase for load combination: nla Other Factors used to calculate allowable stresse& ••• ~ Cornpresajon Tol!lll!1 Maximum Shear Ratios _ Co__ _G_e Maximum Axial + Bending Stress Ratios Stress Ratio Status Location Stress Ratio Status Locatiori 0.900 1.000 1.250 1.150 1.250 1.150 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 J.000714 0.8359 :).000514 :l.000559 0.5016 0.5452 J.000401 J.000401 0.3918 0.3918 0.3918 J.000241 PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS 0.0ft 0.0ft 0.0ft 0.0ft 0.0ft 0.0ft 0.0ft 0.0ft 0.0ft 0.0ft 00ft 0.0ft D.D 0.2017 DO D.0 0.1210 0.1315 O.D D.D 0.09454 0.09454 0.09454 D.0 PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS 4.0ft 4.0 ft 4.0 ft 4.0 ft 4.0 ft 4.0 ft 4.0ft 4.0ft 4.0ft 4.0 ft 4.0 ft 4.0 ft PMA Consulting, Inc. 28161 Casitas Ct. Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Ph: 714-717-7542 Jill.e Block uoe 6 ______________________ _ Wood Column 1,11, Description : Guardrail Post Load Combination Results load Combination +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H Maximum Reactions Co 1.600 _C_p 1.000 Project Title: Floating dock & gangway Engineer: PBP /3 Project ID: #228l8SS Project Descr: P,1011"1 l~APR2U1B 1;QSJl,!.1 Filo= P:\SJ94.J4-B\J,l.TOX-i.lCALCS\G40PzY-0.EC6 --- ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2017, Build:, Ver. -. Maximum Axial + Bending Stress Ratios Maximum Shear Ratios Stress Ratio Status Location Stress Ratio Status Location -------------·· --------------------- J.000241 PASS 0.0ft 0.0 PASS 4.0 ft Note: Only non-zero reactions are listed ---------------... ---------------------.. My -End Moments k-ft Mx -Eiid ~ Load Combination .O<H .O<l<H .O..c<H .0-,S<!< -+0-+-0.750Lr..0.750L +ti -+0+0.750L-+-0.750S+H +0+0.60W+H -+0+0.70E+H -+0-+0. 750Lr.+0.750L-+0.450W+H -+0-+0. 750L .+0.750S-+0.450W+H -+0-+0.750L-+0.750S.+0.5250E-+H -+0,600..0.60W-+0.60H .+0.60D-+-0.70E.+0.60H 00,fy Lr Only L O,fy SO,fy WOofy E O,fy H Only X-X Axis ReadiOn @Base @Top Maximum Deflections for Load Combinations ---------·-· -------------------,, ___________ --- Load Combination --+O+H ___ ---------- <O<l<H -+04.r+H """'" -0-+0.750Lr..0. 750l-+H -+O-i-0.750L-+0.750S4i +0-+0.60W-+H +0+0.70E-+H -+0+0.750Lr.+0.750l -+0.450W-+H +0..0.750L ..0.750S..0.450W-+tl -IO..o.750L-+0.750S..0.5250E..+i -+0.60D-+0.60W-+0.60H -i-0.600-.0. 70E..0.60H D O,fy Lr Only L Ooly s O,fy W Only E O,fy H Only Max. X-X Dellection 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0,0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 In 0,0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 In 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in k Y-Y Axis Reaciion Axial Reaction @Base @Top @Base 0,007 0.007 0,007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0,007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.004 0.004 0.007 0.200 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.200 Dis1snce 0.000ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0,000 ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft 0.000ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000ft 0.000ft Max. Y-Y Deflectiof'l 0.000 in 0.513 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.385 in 0.385 in 0.000 in 0,000 in 0.385 in 0.385 In 0.385 In 0.000 In 0.000 1n 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.513 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in @Base @Top @Base @Top Distance 6,000 fl --- 4,000 ft 0.000 ft 0,000 ft 4.000 fl 4.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 4.000 ft 4.000 ft 4.000 It 0.000 fl 0.000 fl 0.000ft 0.000 It 4.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 0.800 0.600 0.600 0600 0600 0.000 0.600 !'I PMA Consulting, Inc. 28161 Casitas Ct. Project Title: Floating dock & gangway Engineer: PBP Prolect ID: #22818SS - Laguna Niguel, CA 926TT Ph: 714-717-7542 Project Descr: Title Block Line 6 Pnnled: 10 APR 201s. 11 oaAM -'W-"=-o=o=d=C=o'-"-lu_m_n _______________________ """'F1=-1e-==P:1SJ~94J,..,.,4,....,-8\.::-:-:::t.1.=ro=x-1.-:-:1CA1.-=-:-: CS\G40PZV-o.ecs ENERCALC, INC.1983-2017, Build:, Ver. Description : Guardrail Post Sketches ,-- X 3 4 2.50in PMA Consulting, Inc. 28161 Casitas Ct. Project Title: Floating dock & gangway Engineer: PBP Proiect ID: #22818SS Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Ph: 714-717-7542 Project Descr: Pnnted: 10.APR 2018, 1t 09Mt Title Block Line 6 File= P:\SJ94J4-el_MLT0X-L\CAI.CS\G4DP2Y-O.EC6 ' Wood Beam ENERCALC, INC.1~2017, Build:, Ver: 1. II• Desaiptlon : Platform Floor Joist CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NOS 2015, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set : IBC 2015 Material Properties Analysis Method : Allowable Stress Design Fb + load Combination lBC 2015 Fb. Fe· Pr11 Wood Species : Douglas Fir -Larch Fe -Perp Wood Grade : Select structural Fv Ft Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsional buckling D(0.015J L(0.05) 2x12 Span = 15.0 ft 1,500.0 psi 1,500.0psl 1,700.0 psi 625.0psi 180.0psi 1,000.0psi E: Modulus of Elasticity Ebend-xx 1,900.0ksi Eminbend-xx 690.0ksi Density 31.20pcf Repeti~ve Member Stress Increase 9 ~ lied Loads Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Uniform Load : D = 0.0150, L = 0.050 ksf, Tributary Width = 1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.402 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span 2x12 Section used for this span fb : Actual = 693.33psi fv : Actual FB : Allowable = 1,725.00psi Fv : Allowable load Combination -+D+L+H Load Combination Location of maximum on span = 7.500ft Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs = Span# 1 Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection 0.169 in Ratio= 1062>=240 Max Upward Transient Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0<240 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.220 In Ratio = 817>=160 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0<160 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Segment Length Span# M V Cd CFN C j Cr Cm C t CL M fb -+D-+H Length = 15.0 ft 0.103 0.054 0.90 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.42 160.00 -+D-+l .+-1 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Length = 15.0 ft 0.402 0.211 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.83 693.33 -+O-+tr+H 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Length = 15.0 ft 1 0.074 0.039 1.25 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.42 160.00 -+0~.+-1 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Length= 15.0 ft 1 0.081 0.042 1.15 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.42 160.00 -+0.0.750Lr-+0.750L-+H 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Leng1h = 15.0 ft 0.260 0.136 1.25 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.48 560.00 = = = = = F'b 0.00 1552.50 0.00 1725.00 0.00 2156.25 0.00 1983.75 0.00 2156.25 Design OK V 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.43 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.34 0.211 :1 2x12 37.96 psi 180.00 psi -+D+l+H 14.069ft Span# 1 Shear Values fv 0.00 F'v 0.00 8.76 162.00 0.00 0.00 37.96 180.00 0.00 0.00 8.76 225.00 0.00 0.00 8.76 207.00 0.00 0.00 30.66 225.00 15 PMA Consulting, fnc. Project Title: Floating dock & gangway 28161 Casitas Ct. Engineer: PBP Project 1D: #22818SS Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Prqect Descr: Ph: 714-717-7542 Tille Block Line 6 Pncte,I IJ4PRiC1S ll09AI.! ····-----·---------------------. ·-----------File= P:ISJS4J4-8\..MLTOX~LICALCS\G4DPZY-O.EC6 !Wood Beam ENERCALC, INC. 1983,.2017, Bulkl:, Ver:10, 17.12.10 I• II, •• Description • Platform Floor Joist Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Sllear Values •••so••.,_., ••"''-• Segment Length Span# M V c, CFN C; c, Cm --------------------------------Ct c, M • Pb V ' F'• -------------------------------------------------+0-+0.750L-+0.750S+H 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Length" 15,0 ft 0.282 0.148 1.15 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 +0-+0.60W+H 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Length" 15.0 ft 0.058 0.030 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 +0-+0.70E+H 1.000 1.00 1.15 100 1.00 1.00 length" 15.0 ft 1 0,058 0.030 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 +0-+0.750Lr-+0.750L-+-0.450W+H 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Length" 15.0 ft 1 0.203 0.106 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 +0-+0. 750L-+0.750S-+0.450Vv'+H 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Length= 15.0 It 1 0.203 0.106 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 +0-+0. 750l-+0.750S-+0.5250E-+f1 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Length= 15.0ft 1 0.203 0.106 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 -+-0.600-+0.60W-+0.60H 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lenglh=15.0ft 0.035 0.018 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 -+0.60D-+0.70E+0.60H 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Length= 15.0 ft 0.035 0.018 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 Overall Maximum Deflections -•--• ••••••-s••••• . ---------------load Combination Span Max. • -" Deft Locatioo in Span Load Combination +0+C+H-. ---------------· 1 --------T2202 -----------------7.555 Vertical Reactions load ComblMtion Overall MAXimum --- Overall MINimum "'"' "'"-"' +O+lr+H +O+S+H +0+0.750lr-+O. 750L +H +0-+0.750L-+0.750S+H +0-+0.60W+H +0-+0.70E+H +0-+0.750Lr-+0. 750l-+0.450W+H +0-+0.750L-+-0.750S-+0.450W+H -+D-+0.750L +0.750S-+0.5250E+H +0.60D-+0.60W-+0.60H -+-0.600+0.70E-+0.60H D Only Lr Only L °"" s °"" W Onl'j E Only H Only Support 1 ------·-·o.468 0.375 0.113 0.488 0.113 0.113 0.394 0.394 0.113 0.113 0.394 0.394 0.394 0.068 0,068 0.113 0.375 Support nolatiOll: Far left iS #1 Support 2 0.488 0.375 0.113 0488 0.113 0-113 0.394 0.394 0.113 0.113 0.394 0.394 0.394 0.068 0.068 0.113 0.375 1.48 560.00 0.42 160.00 0.42 160.00 1.48 560.00 1.48 560.00 1.48 560.00 0.25 9'.00 0.25 96.00 0.00 0.00 1983.75 0.34 0.00 0.00 2760.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 2760.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 2760.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 2760.00 0.34 0.00• 0.00 2760.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 2760.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 2760.00 0.06 Ma,:;. '+"Deft 0.0000 Values in KIPS ------·----" 0.00 0.00 30.66 207.00 0.00 0.00 8.76 288.00 0.00 0.00 8.76 2'8.00 0.00 0.00 30.66 288.00 0.00 000 30.66 288.00 0.00 0.00 30.66 288.00 0.00 0.00 5.26 2'800 0.00 0.00 5.26 288.00 Location in Span 0.000 - /!:, PMA Consulting, Inc. 28161 Casitas Ct. Project Title: Floating dock & gangway Engineer: PBP 17 Project ID: #22818S$ Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Ph: 714-717-7542 Project Descr: Title Block Line 6 ~ Pole Footing Embedded in Soil I, It• Description : Con Pile at Stiff Arm Code References Calculations per IBC 20151807.3, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : ASCE 7-10 General Information Pole Footing Shape Circular Pole Footing Diameter. . . . . . . . . . . 14.0 in Calculate Min. Depth for Allowable Pressures No Lateral Restraint at Ground Surface Allow Passive . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. . 320.0 pc! Max Passive . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. 1,500.0 psf • Controlling Values Governing Load Combilation : +{}+{).60W-+f1 Lateral Load Moment NO Ground Surface Restraint Pressures at 1/3 Depth 0.60 k 0.90 k-ft Actual 425.286 psf Allowable 425.536 psi Minimum Required Depth Footing Base Area Maximum Soil Pressure A lied Loads 4.0 ft 1.0691!"2 0.0 ksf Lateral Concentrated Load (k) Lateral Dlstrlbu1ed Loads (kif) D : Dead Load k Lr ; Roof Live k L: Live 0.0 k S :Snow 0.0 k W:Wind 1.0 k E : Earthquake k H : Lateral Earth k Load distance above ground surface 1.50 ft Load Combination Results Load Combination +O+H +D+L+H +D+Lr+H +D+S+H +D-+0. 750Lr-+O .750L -+f1 +D-+0.750L-+0.750S-+f1 +0-+0.60W+H +0-+0 .70E-+f1 +0-+0.750Lr-+0. 750L-+-0.450W+H TOP of Load above ground surface BOTTOM of Load above ground surface Foroes @Ground Surface Loads· (k) Momen1s -(11-k) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.600 0.900 0.000 0.000 0.450 0.675 klft klft kilt klft klft klft klft ft ft Requil8d Oeplh-(ft) 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 4.00 0.13 3.63 Printe<J 10 APR 2018, 11 23M1 File= P:\SJ94J4-Bl,MLTOX-LICALCS\G40PZY-O.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2017, Build:, Ver.10.17.1210 Soil Surface . -. No lateral r~~aint Vertical Load (k) k k k k k k k Pressure at 1/3 Depth Soll Increase Actual • (psf) Allow -(psf) Factor 0.0 0.0 1.000 0.0 0.0 1.000 0.0 0.0 1.000 0.0 0.0 1.000 0.0 0.0 1.000 0.0 0.0 1.000 425.3 425.5 1.000 0.0 0.0 1.000 374.7 376.1 1.000 PMA Consulting, Inc. 28161 Casttas Ct. ~una Niguel, CA 926n Ph: 714-717-7542 Project Title: Floating dock & gangway Engineer: PBP 18 Project ID, #2281 BSS Project Descr: ,_Tille Block Line 6 _________ ,, _______ ." ----······--·---------------Prnted '0APR20'e 1· llAM : Pole Footing Embedded in Soil -------------------------Rki-=-P:is.194.J4-B\...r.1.rox-L1CALCS\G4int'---=6.EC6--- L ENERCALC. INC. 1983,2017, Buikl:, Ver: Description : Con Pile at Stiff Arm +O-t-0.750L +-0.750S+-0.450W+H +O-t-0.750L -t-0. 750S-t-0.5250E+H ->-0.60D->-0.60W->-0 60H -t-0.60D-t-0.70E-+0.60H 0.450 0.000 0.600 0.000 0.675 0.000 0900 0.000 3.63 374.7 0.13 0.0 4.00 425.3 0.13 0.0 . .. . •• 376.1 1.000 0.0 1.000 425.5 1.000 0.0 1.000 SUPERFLOATrM Float Drums Heavy Mtg Flanges 1-114" to 1·3/4" Thick 1 Are Stronger Roto•Molded Encasement For One Piece Construction - Meets Fslling Dari/ Puncture Test Structural Ribs . Top,Bottom And Sides For Extra Strength ~ q Molded Mounting Slots 9/18" wide x 1-1/2" Long - Completely Water Tight; Easler Fastening SUPERFLOA T,,. FLOAT DRUMS (Manufactured by Ace Rotomold) Threaded Vent Plug Prevents Heat Bulld-!lp EPS Foam FIiled -Meets "Hunt" Test of 3.0 lbs.lcu.fl. Heavy Nominal Wall Thickness of .150 All units are manufactured from linear virgin polyethylene resin containing UV inhibitors and carbon black pigment to protect against ultra violet deterioration. These resins offer a balance of toughness, rigidity, environmental stress crack resistance and low temperature impact performance. Resin is also in compliance with the FDA title 12. This is a food grade material that will not contaminate the waterways. Atl float drums are rotational molded for seamless one-piece construction. The encasement meets the "Hunt" Falling Dart/Puncture and Thickness Test -resistant to damage by animals and will not sink or contaminate the water when punctured. The content of the encasement meet the "Hunt" Water Absorption Test -content is foam bead (EPS) flotation with a 1.0-1.5 lbs. Per cubic foot density with water absorption not to exceed 3 lbs. per cubic foot. Nominal wall thickness is 0.150 on all flotation encasements. Thicker walls available as special order. Resin will exhibit resilience against ice, bumps by watercraft, and contact deterioration from petroleum products. The encasement is recyclable. HENDERSON MARINE SUPPLY, INC. Page 01.1 · 800-523-1586 www.hendersonmarlne.com Last Updated: 113012000 4:58:oo PM Specifications subject to change without notice. Not responsible for rvst. Liability limited to product replacement at the option of Henderson Marine Supply. Inc. Not responsible for any Inaccuracies In specifications. 33 SUPERFLOATTM Float Drums MODEL SIZE·( !nchesl Cubic Feet fil::!!l! Buoyancy "4848-12 ' ' 2 16 56 ; '.l ... ~· . ·• _,_,'-..,~""""' .1►,.. ~• ' 3030-72ATsq 3240-144ATsq (.375 wall) 106.7 HENDERSON MARINE SUPPLY, INC. Page 01-1c 800-523-1586 www.hendersonmarlne.com Last Updated: 1/30/2008 4.58:00 PM Spocificatlons subject to change without notice. Not responsible for rust. Liability limited to product replecement at the option of Henderson Marine Supply. Jnc. Not responsible for any inaccuracies In specifications. 35 Z.I SUPERFLOATTMModels & Sizes r . r-o ,, L .... ·~ ____ ____...._ __ 'l ~ .. i l--t1M1--:-••a.--l Modtl Siu (lnctlff) Cu.FL WI. (lbt) FIOat Buoy. 6.7 28 ~.,,-...---.......,_.....,.,ir~·I· T •• . L._ J r-.-;...-_......,;;;a... ....... 8.7 3S 380 ------,, -·--- Model Sba(lnchff) Cu.FL Wt. (lbs) FIOII Buoy. "'2436-08 24' X 36' X a· .. 23 230 • #2438-12 24" X 36' IC 12• 6 26 335 • '2<136·18 24" X 36" X Hi" 8 32 440 • "24:M-20 2-4" X 3e' X 20" ,o 36 540 ·--*- J. --r ,r ... Model SIie (lnchM) Cu.Ft. Wl. (lbs) FIOa1 Buoy. n" ,.,.. ·~-oe 2-4" X 48' X 8" 53 26 310 L -1 ' '2<1-48-12 24" X 48" X 12' 8 32 450 ·~·16 24• X 44• X 18' 10,7 38 S-90 f2448-20 24' X 48" X 20" 13,3 44 72!, '2448-2.4 24' X <48" X 24' l(l 50 860 ._ ....... _ Model Slle(lnchff) Cu.F1. Wl. ,,.,,, Fio.t Buoy. •3648·12 36" X 48" X 12• 12 44 685 ~16 36" X 48" X 1&• 16 54 900 13648·20 36• X 48' X 20" 20 64 1110 1M 13648-24 36" X 48" X 24" ~ 71. 131S HENDERSON MARINE SUPPLY, INC. Pageo1-1c 800-523-1586 www.hendersonmarlne.com La5t Updated: 1130/2008 4:58:00 PM Specifications subject to change without notice. Not responsible for rust. Liability 1/mited to product repl8Cement at the option of Henclerson Marine Supply, Inc. Not responsible for any Jnaccursc/es in specmcations. 36 zz Z.3 SUPERFLOAT™Models & Sizes • 24 _r:21,1 'I1 Model Size (lnctln) Cu.Ft. Wt. (lbs) Float Buoy. #4848-12 48" X 48" X 12" 16 61 920 __L 441 #4848-16 48" X 48" X 16" 21.3 71 1215 _J #4848·20 48" X 48" X 20" 28.7 81 1500 #4848-24 48" X 48" X 24" 32 93 1775 Model Size (Inches) Cu.Fl. Wt. (Iba) Float Buoy. 24 _J_ - #4860-12 48" X 60" X 12" 20 70 1155 #4860-16 48' X 60" X 16" 26.7 84 1525 _J 114860-20 48" X 60" X 20" 33.3 98 1885 #4660-24 48" X 60" X 24• 40 114 2235 114 ~ Modal Size (Inches) Cu.Fl Wt. (lbs) Float Buoy. X _L #3672-12 35· X 72" X 12• 18 68 1035 #3672•16 36" X 72" X 16" 24 80 1365 l,-z•=i #3672-20 36" X 72' X 20" 30 92 1685 M #3672-24 36" X 72" X 24" 36 105 1995 72 n 2 _r2 l,1 Model Size (Inches) Cu.Ft. Wt. (Iba) Float Buoy. , ,T #4872•12 48" X 72" X 12" 24 85 1390 24 _l ~4872•16 48" X 72" X 16" 32 100 1835 #4872-20 48" X 72" X 20· 40 115 2270 114872•24 48" X 72" X 24" 48 132 2695 ~4872-32 48" X 72' X 32' 64 170 3615 R4 r, -f1 214 \ Model Size (lnchea) Cu.Ft. WL (lbs) Float Buoy. •,, 14 ~ I "•,t #4896-12 48' X 96" X 12" 32 112 1855 ,:,. •4896•16 48" X 96" X 16" 42.7 134 2455 114896-20 48' X 96" X 20' 53.3 156 3040 I,': a4896•24 48. X 96" X 24" 64 176 3615 ,. " 4 -,. -ra ltl HENDERSON MARINE SUPPLY, INC. Page 0t-1c 800-523-1586 www.hendersonmarlne.com Last Updated: 1/3012008 4:58:00 PM Speciflcetions subject to change without notice. Not responsible for rust. Uability limited to product replacement et the option of Henderson Merine Supply. Inc. Not responsible for eny Inaccuracies in spoclflcatlons. 37 ------------- DIVISION: 06 00 00-WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES SECTION: 06 53 00-PLASTIC DECKING REPORT HOLDER: AZEK BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 801 COREY STREET SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA 18505 EVALUATION SUBJECT: AZEK DECKING SYSTEM Look for the trusted marks of Conformity! "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Polley Council (WSSPC) Award in Excellence" ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be consfnted as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed. nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright O 2017 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. g -• aTER!WiOIW. A Subsidiary of COO£ COU!IC•r .. •" , .. I ,. ' ... ' Si .. ;:\,i [E ).( , ! ,"':"'""" Most Widely Acc<!pled and Trusted ICC-ES Evaluation Report www.lcc-es.org I (800) 423-6587 I (562) 699-0543 DIVISION: 06 00 00-WOOD, PLASTICS, ANO COMPOSITES Section: 06 53 00-Ptastlc Decking REPORT HOLDER: AZEK BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 801 COREY STREET SCRANTON, PENNSYLVANIA 18505 (570) 558-llOO0 www.azek.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: AZEK DECKING SYSTEM 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE 1.1 Compliance with the following codas: ■ 2012, 2009 and 2006 lntemational Building Codtl (IBC) ■ 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Residential Codee (IRC) Properties evaluated: ■ Structural ■ Durability ■ Surface-burning Characteristics 1.2 Evaluation to the following green code(s) and/or standards: ■ 2016 California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen), Title 24, Part 11 ■ 2015, 2012 and 2008 ICC 700 National Green Building Standard™ (ICC 700-2015, ICC 7~2012 and ICC 700- 2008) Attributes verified: ■ See Section 3. 1 2.0 USES The AZEK Decking Systems, with the exception of the nominally 5/,-inch-thick-by-31'2-inch-wide decking, are used as deck boards for exterior balconies. porches, stair treads and decks of buildings of Type V-B (IBC) construction or buildings constructed in accordance with the IRC. The nominally 5/,-inch-thick-by-31/2-inch-wide AZEK deck boards are limited to exterior use as deck boards for exterior balconies, porches and decks for buildings of Type V-B (IBC) construction or buildings constructed in accordance with the IRC. ESR-1667 Reissued August 2017 This report is subject to renews/ July 2018. A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: The AZEK Decking Systems are available in uncapped, semi-capped and fully-capped boards. The attributes of the composlte deck boards have been verified as conforming to the provisions of (i) CALGreen Section A5.406. 1.2 for reduced maintenance: (ii) ICC 7~ 2015 and ICC 700-2012 Sections 602.1.6 and 11.602.1.6 for termite-resistant materials and Sections 601. 7, 11 .601.7, and 12.1(A).601.7 for site-applied finishing materials: and (iii) ICC 700-2008 Section 602.8 for termite- resistant materials and Section 601.7 for site-applied finishing materials. Note that decisions on compliance for those areas rest with the user of this report. The user Is advised of the project-specific provisions that may be contingent upon meeting specific conditions, and the verification of those conditions is outside the scope of this report. These codes or standards often provide supplemental information as guidance. See Section 5.7 for limitations on termite-resistance use. 3.1.1 Uncapped Deck Boards (Harvest Collection): The uncapped board is produced in a mono extruded process from a solid composite material consisting of cellular vinyl and agrifibre and Is available under the Harvest Collection. The uncapped boards are manufactured In profiles of nominally 5/,-inch-thick-by- 31/2-inch-wide, 5/4-inch-thick-by-31 /rinch-wide tongue-and- groove porch board and 6/4-inch-thick-by-6-inch-wide. The uncapped deck boards are available in 12-. 16-, or 20-foot (3.7, 4.9 and 6.1 m) lengths except for the porch boards which are available in 10-, 12-or 16-foot (3.0, 3.7 or 4.9 m) lengths. The uncapped decking is manufactured in five colors: white, slate, brownstone, clay and Ivory. See Figure 1. 3.1.2 Semi-capped and Fully-capped Deck Boards (Arbor Collection, Terra Collection and Harvest Collection): The semi-capped and fully-capped deck boards are produced in a coextruded process from cellular vinyl and a mineral additive and are available in the Arbor Collection, Terra Collection and Harvest Collection. The capped boards are manufactured in 1-inch-thlck-by- 51 /2-inch-wide (25.4 mm by 140 mm) boards with a 0.02-inch-thick cap (0.5 mm) covering the top and a 0.01-inch-thickcap (0.25 mm) covering the sides of the semi-cap board and additionally covering the bottom with a 0.01-inch-thickcap (0.25 mm) on the fully-capped deck board. The semi-capped and fully-capped deck boards are available in 12-, 16-. or 20-foot (3.7, 4.9 and 6.1 m) lengths. The Arbor Collection is manufactured in five colors: Acacia, Cobra, Morado, Redland Rose and Silver Oak. The Terra JCC~ES F:w,luatu»t Reports ore ,JOI lrJ l>t rottJln,ed 01 rtprd.s'~111/ng ctt".,1ht1lr, ,,, any mlwr attrllmtes 110I .t~dflcolly nddrtt.ued. nur arv they to M C011s1n,lli a• m, e,l<k,rstmtltl c,f rht .rubjtet of 1ht n,fJ<)rt or a rt(YJmmellda/1011 fnr lr.v '"'· 1htr, I., no warranty by ICC Eva/1,a//on Service. l./.C, txpre.« ,,, Implied, 0.1 10 any Ji•tdmg ur oth<r ffUl1ler In 1/11., N!pt>r'I, or ,n w tmy product ,:ooend by 1/,e 1'11/IOfl. Copyright C 2017 ICC Evaluation Servk:e, LLC. All ligtlta reseived. Page 1 ote --------------------------------·----·--·--- z.5 ESR-1887 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Collection is manufactured in four COiors: Fa.....,,, Kona, Sedona and Tahoe. The semi-capped and fully-capped HaNest Collection boards are manufactured in the colors, Brownstone, Clay, and Slate Gray. The semi-capped HaNest Collection boards are also available in the color Modena. See Figure 1. The Azek Porch Board is available as a semi-capped or fully-capped tongue-and-groove deck board. It is produced in a coextruded process from cellular vinyl and a mineral additive. The Porch Board is manufactured in five colors (Oyster™, Morado•. Silver Oak9, Slate Gray and Brownstone). The board measures 1-inch thick by 31/ . .-inch wide (25.4 mm by 82.6 mm). See Figure 1 3.2 Durability: VI/hen subjected to weathering, insect attack and other decaying elements, the material used to manufacture the AZEK Decking Systems are equivalent in durability to preservative-treated or naturally durable lumber 'M'len used in locations described in Section 2.0 of this report. The AZEK Decking Systems have been evaluated for structural capacity when exposed to temperatures between -20"F (-29"C) and 125°F (52"C). 3.3 Surface-bumlng Characteristics: When tested in accordance with ASTM E84, the AZEK Decking Systems have a flame-spread index of no greater than 200. •.o DESIGN ANO INSTALLATION •.1 General: Installation of AZEK decking must comply with this report and the manufacturer's published installation Instructions. The manufacturer's pubtlshed installation instructions must be available at the jobsite at all times during installation. \Nhen instructions contained in the manufacturer's published Installation instructions differ from this report, this report governs. •. 2 Deck Boards: 4.2.1 Structural: The AZEK deck boards have allowable capacity when installed at a maximum center-to-center spacing of the supporting construction as prescribed in Table 1. •.2.2 lnstallatlon: The AZEK deck boards must be installed perpend!cular to the supporting construction. The AZEK deck boards that are installed end-to-end must be tight-fitted togeth8' when installed at temperatures above 32"F (O"C), and have a 1/,s-inch gap (1.6 mm) when installed below 32°F (0"C). The end of each deck board must be supported by a joist. v\lhere decking butt joints occur, double joists must be provided, and/or two screws must be installed a minimum of 1/4 inch {6.3 mm) and a maximum of ,,2 inch (12.7 mm) from ends of each abutted board. 4.2.3 O.Ck Board• Uffd H Stair Treads: The AZEK deck boards, when used as stair treads, are satisfactory to resiSt the code-prescribed concentrated load of 300 lbf {1.33 kN) when installed at a maximum, perpendicular, center-~nter spacing of the supporting construction as given in Table 2. See footnotes to Table 2 and Figure 2 for additional supports required under the deck boards. •.2.4 Fasteners: The AZEK dee!<. boards must be fastened ,,.,;th two No. 7 by 21/4-inch-long (57.2 mm) stainless steel screws at each supporting wood member having a minimum specific gravity of 0.50; as an alternate, the fastening systems listed in Table 3 may be used. The Page 2 of 6 minimum edP,e and end distance for fasteners is 1/4 inch (6.3 mm) to 12 inch (12.7 mm) from any end of deck board. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The AZEK deck boards described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the follOWing conditions: 5.1 This product is limited to exterior use as deck boards for balconies, porches, decks, stair treads and similar appendages of buildings of Type V-8 (IBC) construction and buildings constructed in accordance with the IRC. 15.2 Installation must comply with this report, the manufacturer's published instructions and the applicable code. Only those fasteners and fastener configurations described In this report have been evaluated for the installation of the AZEK deck boards. 5.3 The use of the deck boards as components ·of a fire- resistance-rated assembly is outside the scope of this report. s.• The compatibility of the fasteners with the supporting construction, lndudlng chemically treated wood, is outside the scope of this report. 5.5 Deel< boards must be directiy fastened to supporting construction. Where required by the code official, engineering calculations and construction documents consistent with this report must be submitted for approval. The calculations must verify that the supporting construction complies with the applicable building code requirements and is adequate to resist the loads imparted upon II from the products and systems described in this report. The documents must contain details of the attachment to the supporting structure consistent 'Mth the requirements of this report. The documents must be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. 15.6 Adjustment factors outlined in the AF&PA National Des1gn Standard (NDS) and applicable codes do not apply to the allowable capacity and maximum spans for the AZEK Decking System. 5.7 The AZEK uncapped deck boards have not been evaluated for use in areas subject to Formosan termite attack. 5.8 The AZEK Decking System is produced in Foley, Alabama, and Scranton, Pennsylvania, under a quality control program with inspections by ICC-ES. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with applicable portions of the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Deck Board Span Ratings and Guardrail Systems (Guards and Handrails) {AC174), dated January 2012. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION The deck boards described in this report are identified by a label, on each individual piece or on the packaging, bearing the AZEK Building Products name, the AZEK Dec:klng System name, the span rating of the deck board, the allowable span of the deck bOard when used as a stair tread. and the evaluation report number (ESR-1667). Z6 ESR-1867 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of6 TABLE 1-0ECK BOARD SPAN RATINGS DECK BOARD BRANO NAMES MAXIMUM SPAN' AllOWABLE CAPACITY2 (Inches) {lblft') •1,-inch-by-8 inch uncapped deck board Harvest Colledlon 16 100 1/,-inch-by-J117 1nc:h uncapped deck board Harvest COiiection 16 100 01,-inch-by-3'/rlnch tongue-and-groove uncapped porch board Harvest Collection 16 100 Harvest Collection, 1-inch-by-5' /z inch semi-cal)l)ed and fuUy-capped deck board Arbor Collection and 16 100 Terra Collection 1-inch-tly-i/.-indl tongue-and-groove semi-capped porch board AZEK 16 100 -For SI. 1 inch -25.4 mm, 1 tbf!fr c 47.9 Pa. 'Maximum span Is measured center-to-center of the supporting eom;trudion. 2Maximum allowable capacity is adjusted for durability. No further increases ere pennitted. TABLE 2-MAXIMUM STAIR TREAD SPANS' DECK BOARDS USED AS STAIR TREADS MAXIMUM SPAN (lnehfl) 1/,-inch-by.tl ind'\ uncapped deck board2 17,25 ¼-inch-by-8 inch uncapped deck board' 9 11,-inch-by-8 inch uncapped deck board' 24 11,•lnch-by-3'1r-lnch tongue-and.groove uncapped porch boa«t 11 1.Jnch-by-5'/z Inch Mlflli-capped and fully-capped deCk boards' 9 1-inch-by-51/2 illch semi-capped and fully-capped deck boards• ,. 1-lnch-by-3'/,-lod\ tongue-and-groove semi-capped porch board 11 For SI: 1 inch"' 25.4 mm: 1 !bflft' "47.9 Pa. 'Baaed on a minimum 2-span lnsta1!atlon. 'Maximum &pan Is meaaured oenter-lo-<:enter of the supp0rting construction. A trealed Southem pine 2-by--6 lristaHed ffstwi!II() between the abingers and directly beneath the deck board using Simpson A23 connecton attached with hot dipped galvanized 10d by 1 'l,inch joist hanger nail&. 3M aid mum span measured cenler-to-center of the supporting construction with no additional support. 4Maximum span measured center-to-center of the &Upportlng construction with a treated 2-by-4 support installed edgewise and centered under each deck board used aa a treed attached 'Mlh two 0.131-iOCl'Htlameter•by•3'1,.Jnch-long round drive framing nails. ~aximum span measured center-to-center of the supporting oonstruclion with no additional support. TABLE 3-MAXIMUM UPLIFT LOADS FOR ALTERNATE FASTENING SYSTEMS DECK BOARD FASTENER ALLOWABLE UPLIFT (lblft') 1-inch-by-51/z Inch semi-capped and futly-capped deck boards #8-by-2'12 inch Stainless Steel Trim-Head Headcote• Screw 100 1-inch-by-5'12 Inch semi-capped and #10-by-2'l2 inch Stainless Steel Flat-Head Screw 100 fully-capped deck boards 1-lnch-by-51/2 inch semi-capped and OMG FastenMaste~ Cortex Hidden Fastener System 100 fully-capped deck boards 1-lnch-by-5'11 inch semi-capped and HIDfast Hidden Fastener System 100 fully-capped d&Ck boarda 1-inch-by•5'11 inch semi-capped and fully-capped deek boards TigerClaw"' Prodip Hidden Fastener System 100 '1,-inch-by-6 Inch uncapped deek board OMG FestenMaster9 Cortex Hidden Fastener System 100 ~, •• 1nch-by-6 Inch uncapped deck board HIOfast Hidden Fastener System 100 'l,-inch-by-6 inch uncapped deck board TigerClaw• Prodip Hidden Fastener system 100 1-inch-by-3' 1.-inch iongue-and-groove #8-by 2-inch Simpson Strong Tie Wood Stainless Steel Screw 100 semi-capped porch board 1-lnch-by-3' /,-inch tongue-and-groove 16 GA x 2-inch Simpson Strong Tie L Serie1 Stainless Steel 63 semi-capped porch board Flooring Cleat For SI: 1 Inch,. 25.4 mm: 1 lbflft2"' 47.9 Pa. Z7 ESR-1667 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted HARVEST COLLECTION UNCAPPED DECK BOARDS 5.50 CAP 1.00 ARBOR COLLECTION TIO AND TERRA COLLECTIONm FULL V CAPPED DECK PROFILE CAPPED DECK BOARDS rl 1~1 ~ 1 ' ~=--= ............. 3t\---fa :; 7/16 PORCH BOA.RD FIGURE 1-AZEK DECK BOARD PROFILES z8 .. Page 4 of 6 ESR-1667 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted ..... ATTACH z,e TRfAT[O PIii£ CENTERED IJNDER ffif.,lw'; HlO ATT..-.CH WfTH SOdPSOU A:23 ,!tJCLE !FAChCTS 00 EQUAL 80~0 ,(PE I.IA.'<. SPAii 1,~-1/2 DECK '"""° 17.2~ ~.CHES L,,,._J I ~J~.000~ fASTEHltlG ATT.I.CH SUPPORT \!SING 511JP5r:JN Ai\i (QR EOLW.) E!RACl<CT W/t()d , 1-t JOIST 1-\.0IJG(R N,IJLS. -STAI~ TREAD IHSTALIATIO!I WITH "'10fflONAL :C,UPP0Rl (MW-II MUM 1Rf.AD LtNGTl-1 I'., :'.,I, 0) -- 1'-.i.ZEh DEi:,1,11-1,~ ATTAC-Hffi 10 \\ EAC.H STRIN(>E:R. ';,EE BELDVi _\,'\FOR fA$TENINO. - \ ', '1 BOAR[! T·/PE MA:,: $PAN FA$T[r-llMG i I I J -~----------- 1,5-1/:2 (>EC:f--EIOARD 9 ll·l(H('J Tu'(• ,F , 2. 1/4° C'E:·~ :',(:REW';, EACH STRit·l'~ER $TAIR TREAD IN$TN_l.ATl(JIJ WITH Ii') A['{>ITl(i/JAL ",I_IPPt)RT \Ml~IIMUM TREAD LHK,TH IS }J;'") FIGURE 2-STAIR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Page 5 of6 ESR-1667 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted \ m~ 111w, NJ'l',W.fCIH wmo in >Dtlff10lfol. $U'l"C«I ~-t.JNOn<tl,O") r,:-A!EK T & tj PORCH 80ARO ATTJICHE(I TO \ STRINGERS USING {2' i7 2" SCREWS PER '\ STRIN(,ER:, ,, ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' \--I 1,DOO-J ·,ooo_J MIN. BOARD frPE ""-"· $PAN FASTHlr-.l(, 1, 3-1 /::;> PORCH BOAAO " INCHES ONE j7 ,_-;' TRIiii HEAi) SCR[l'l E,.-,RA ~-~·---- mo OOAAOS RECE~'f AN FACE. STl'JR TR[AQ INSTALLATION WITH 1~0 AODfTIOHAl. SUPPORT (MINIMUM TREAD LENGHi IS 36") FIGURE 2-STAIR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) THRU TOl~GUE. SCREW THRU -··--· ------ JO Page 6 of& P□LYF□RCE™ SAFETY • Remember Safety is the most important Install Guideline to adhere to! • Wear proper safety clothing and eye protection just as you would when cutting, drilling and routing wood or similar products. CLEANING & MAINTENANCE One of the primary benefits of owning a PolyForce installation is that it needs virtually no maintenance. Unlike wood decks or composite decks, PolyForce never needs to be sealed, stained or painted. The surface is highly resistant to stains, and a simple cleaning is all that is normally required. Normal dirt and grime can be easily cleaned with water only and a light stiff brush. Pressure washing is not required or recommended; there is the possibility of damaging the PolyForce material if too much water pressure is applied with a power washer. LIMITED WARRANTY Tangent Technologies warrants that property Installed PolyForce plastic lumber products will not rot. splinter, decay or suffer structural damage directly from termites or fungal decay under normal use for a period of (50) years from the date of purchase (the "Warranty Period"). For full warranty information. please v!Slt our website. Tangent Technologies LLC 1001 Sullivan Road Aurora, IL 60506-1065 tel 630.264.1110 fax 630.264.6881 www.tangentusa.com ·rANGENT P□LYF□RCE™ STRUCTURAL RECYCLED PLASTIC LUMBER P□LYF□RCE™ GENERAL INFORMATION • /lJways consult local building codes prior to installing PolyForce Products for specific requirements that may apply. • This guideline is intended to provide basic instructions for properly working with and installing the PolyForce family of products. However, both the purchaser and installer of PolyForce Products are solely responsible for understanding particular job conditions and determining the suitability of using PolyForce Products. STORAGE & HANDLING • Store PolyForce Products on a flat and level surface to prevent them from conforming to uneven surfaces. • /lJlow product to acclimate to ambient temperatures after it is delivered to the job site. Separate and lay out individual boards for an hour or more before beginning installation. • Avoid laying individual boards directly on hot asphalt or concrete surfaces to avoid uneven temperature conditions prior to installation. TOOLS • PolyForce Products can be installed using the same tools you would normally use for drilling, cutting and routing wood lumber. FASTENERS • For optimum results, use a high quality stainless steel screw to match the lifetime of PolyForce Products. • Face screw two screws per joist. • Screws need to be a minimum of 3/4" from end of each deck board and off any edge. • No pre-drilling is required. • PolyForce 2" x 6" -#9 or #10 screw/3" minimum length. • PolyForce 1" x 6' -#8 or #9 screw/2.5" minimum length. SPAN & LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS • PolyForce 2 x 6 Deck Board can span up to a maximum of 24 • on center over the support joists; 1 x 6 boards can span a maximum of 16" on center. • Do not overhang PolyForce product beyond two inches from underlying support. • Be sure joists have proper solid bridging, and that the joist layout is level, to prevent visual variation of decking surface after install. USE OF FEATURE STRIP • Do not design the layout of the deck surface to incorporate "butt joints", random length patterns (end to end), or with mitered joints. Inconsistent and noticeable gapping could result with seasonal temperature variations. • In instances where the layout design is longer than an individual board, incorporate a "feature strip" perpendicular to the orientation of the deck boards to be installed. Install continuous blocking below the location where you plan to locate the feature strip. Install & secure all deck boards first, and leave them slightly long where the feature board is to be located. Let deck boards acclimate to the median ambient temperature. Snap chalk line where the feature board will be located. Trim all deck boards at the same time to ensure that the contraction and expansion will be the same for all deck boards. Leave an appropriate gap between the ends of the deck boards and the feature strip (See Gap Chart). Install feature board last and secure by face screwing in the same pattern and spacing as you have installed the deck boards. Jo<st 2 x 6 Nail&d Block BotwoonJolsts EXPANSION & CONTRACTION • PolyForce Products will expand and contract with variations in temperature. • Face screw along the entire length to each joist to minimize and control expansion & contraction. • Lay out all deck boards across joists and let acclimate to a the average temperature of the day prior to face screwing. • Consult Gap Chart below to determine the appropriate gap required at time of installation. These gaps are required on each end of every PolyForce Board to allow for expansion and contraction in seasonal temperature changes. Proper gaps are determined based on the temperature during installation and a maximum board temperature reaching 120 deg F. Gap each end to leave for expansion (inches) Board Length Install I Temp ~--1-2_ft ___ 1_6_ft ___ 2_0_ft_~-24 ft 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/8 1/8 3/16 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 5/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/16 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 7/16 7/16 1/2 Assumption the maximum board temperature of 120 degrees F. *Example -installing a 12 ft board at an install temperature of 60° F in a climate where the maximum board temperature could reach 120° F the recommend "gap" to leave on each end of the board is 3/16". 1-LL.J LL.J :c ·en ~ c:::c Cl >-1- LL.J LL. c:x: en ......J c:x: c::::: LL.J ~ ~ ~ w u a: C LL ~ C D.. Section 1: Product Identification and Emergency Information Product Description Foamed, colored polyolefin material 'PolyForce· reinforced & semi-reinforced extruded products Supplier Tangent Technologies Address 1001 Sullivan Road Aurora. Illinois 60506 Phone Number (630) 264-111 O Tangent Technologies LLC (800) 424-9300 Chemtrec Chemical Description HOPE (High Density Polyethylene) with (less than 4%) colorant and foaming agents in base HOPE resin. s 30% of overall total weight is fibrous glass, < 2.5% of organic surface binder. MSDS Number None CASNumber Date Revised 08/27/14 Section 2: Material Identification and Information Non-Hazardous Ingredients HOPE (High Density Polyethylene) with (less than 4%) colorant and foaming agents Hazardous Ingredients s 30% of overall total weight is fibrous glass with < 2.5% of organic surface binder. Note: Fiberglass may cause mechanical irritation to the skin, eye and upper respiratory tract. Section 3: Physical and Chemical Characteristics Appearance Non-Translucent, Colored Extruded product Boiling Point N/A Vapor Pressure (mm HG) NIA Solubility in Water Negligible Vapor Density (air= 1) NIA Section 4: Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point 645° F 340°C Fiberglass component will not support combustion Flammable Limits (LEL) N/A Extinguishing Media Carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemical and water spray Unusual fire and explosion hazards Exposure to fire can generate toxic fumes. High dust levels may create potential for explosion Odor Slight Melting Point 250°F 121 °c Specific Gravity (H20 = 1), (glee) 0.65-0.88 Evaporative Rate Negligible Evaporation Point NIA Auto-Ignition Temperature 645° F 340°C Flammable Limits (UEL) N/A Special Fire Fighting Instructions Use self-contained breathing apparatus. Use standard chemical fire fighting procedures. NFPA Hazard ID Health: 1, Flammability: 1, Reactivity: 0 ·rANGENT Tangent Technologies LLC 1001 Sullivan Road Aurora, lllino,s 60506-1065 tel 630.264.1110 fax 630.264.6881 www.tangentusa.com Date: 12/21/15 Rev: 1.1 1- LLJ LLJ :c C/) ~ c:::C Cl >-1- LL.J LL. c:::( C/) __J c:::( a::: LL.J ~ ~ ~ w u cc C LL ~ C D.. Section 5: Reactivity Hazard Data Stability Stable Incompatibility {Materials to Avoid) Strong Oxidizers Section 6: Health Hazard Data Primary Routes of Entry Inhalation or ingestion of dust Medical conditions aggravated by exposure Conditions to Avoid Extreme Heat Hazardous Decomposition Products® Carbon Monoxide, Aldehydes, Acetic Acid Health Hazards Dust may cause irritation of mouth. nose, throat, and eyes Some long-term breathing conditions can be aggravated by exposure to dust from this product Emergency First Aid Procedures Seek medical assistance for further treatment, observation, and support if necessary Eye Contact Do not rub eyes. Remove contact lenses Pour gentle stream of warm water through affected area. Contact physician if further treatment is necessary. Inhalation Move person to fresh air, seek medical attention If symptomatic contact physician If further treatment is necessary. Skin Contact Run a gentle stream of water over irritated area for 15 minutes. Mild soap may be used. Contact physician If further treatment is necessary Ingestion Seek medical attention Section 7: Precautions for safe handling and use In case of spills or accidental release Waste material must be disposed of in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local environmental control regulations. Use vacuuming or wet sweeping methods instead of dry sweeping. Waste disposal methods Material should be disposed of through an approved maste management facility Other Precautions and/or Special Hazards Precautions to be taken in handling and storage Store at less than 120° F 49°C Store away from heat or open flame. Store away from strong oxidants or alkalis. Store flat and supported across entire span. Use gloves to protect against physical irritation or injury if required by handling and fabricating conditions. Use standard safety glasses with side shields when handling or fabrication the product. Application of this product generates dust, use an appropriate NIOSH-approved particulate filter respirator. Section 8: Control and protective measures Respiratory Protection None, unless machining material. A properly fitting NIOSH approved dust mask must be worn when machining this material Protective Gloves Use gloves to protect against physical irritation or injury if required by handling and fabricating conditions Other Protective Clothing and Equipment Wear clean body covering clothing. Ventilation Machine this product only in well ventilated area, dust collection systems are recommended Eye Protection Wear safety glasses with side shields when nailing, cutting, or machining this product Hygienic Work Practices Wash hands before eating, drinking, or smoking ·rANGENT Tangent Technologies LLC 1001 Sullivan Road Aurora, Illinois 60506-1065 tel 630.264.1110 fax 630.264.6881 www.tangentusa.com Date: 12/21/15 Rev: 1.1 >-1-z .c::( 0::: 0::: ~ l-o => Cl 0 0::: a... Cl L.L.J 1--2: __J I w u a: C LL ~ C CL TANGENT TECHNOLOGIES LLC PolyForce TM Limited Product Warranty 1.(a) What this limited Warranty Covers, This Limited Warranty covers substantial defects directly caused by termite and fungal decay as set forth below. (b) How Long This Limited Warranty Lasts: Subject to the terms and conditions of the Limited Product Warranty, Tangent Technologies LLC (hereinafter "Manufacturer," "We" or "Us") warrants to the original consumer ("Consumer" or "You") of Polyforce TM, ("Products") that, in normal applications the Products will not rot, splinter, decay or suffer structural damage directly from termites or fungal decay under normal use lor a period of (50) years from the date of purchase (the "Warranty Period"). (c) What is Covered: If the Products are found to be defective, We, in our sole discretion will promptly repair or replace the defective Products, or refund Your full purchase price for the Products only (excluding labor). Refunds if any will only apply to that portion of Products that are actually determined to be defective, regardless of the collective amount of Products or services purchased from Us or others. d) What is Not Covered: Labor, installation and/or reinstallation, other associated costs. removal of Product, inspection, architect, contractor or engineer expenses, shipping, freight costs, fabrication and time tor on-site examination by others of proposed defects are not included with this limited warranty and shall not be paid by Us. This limited warranty only applies to Products directly manufactured by Us, which are returned to Us with transportation charges prepaid by You. Under no circumstances will We be responsible tor ancillary costs and expenses incurred such as labor. removal, installation, re-installation, storage, time, freight or any other charge incurred by You, related to defective product. You are solely responsible for determining the suitab1l1ty of use or application of any Product and whether Product meets the requirements of applicable building codes for specific applications. We do not warrant or guarantee, and You or your contractors are solely and exclusively responsible for determining n} suitab1l1ty of using Products in any particular application and/or design, and {II) structural integrity and safety of all structures of any kind whatsoever constructed in whole or in part using Products. You and your contractor must review Manufacturer"s Product Specifications and consult with an architect, engineer and other design professionals to determine suitability and applicability to local and/or national building and safety code regulations regarding all applications of Products. We will have no warranty obligation with respect to the Product if any of the following events occur: (a) the Product is subjected to abuse. misuse, negligence, improper or abnormal use. failure to maintain, fire or any accident including without limitation, acts oi God, or en;ironmental pollutants; (b} installation, storage. handling, fabrication, engineering, seNice, maintenance or use of the Product which is not in accordance with the written installatior1 requirements and/or is performed ,mproperly, negligently, or by unqualified or unauthorized personnel or without competent supeNision and as specified by Our literature, applicable laws regulations and industry standards (c) movement and/or collapse of the ground or structure on which the assemblage(s) incorporating the Product is installed (e} any variation of color, including but not limited to fading, discoloration and spotting (fj issues arising irom expansion and contraction, nor any signs of static electricity of the Product as both are inherent to the Product (g) the Product is materially altered or modified (except if prior written approval of Manufacturer Is obtained after the original installation); or (h) We have not received full payment for the invoice price of the order containing the warranted Product. (e) How to Get Service: To make a warranty claim under this Limited Product Warranty, We shall receive from You (i) proof of date of purchase and purchase price, (ii) a photograph of the Product depiclillg the defect, (iii) a written description of claimed detects with name and address and contact information of the installer, ii available. You shall send the warranty claim by mail within 30 days of discovering the claimed detect(s) to Attn: Warranty Claims Dept, Tangent Technologies LLC. 1001 Sullivan Rd, Aurora, IL 60506. No alterations or repair shall be made prior to the warranty claim. You shall give Us (or our agents) reasonable access to the property and location where the Products are located for inspection purposes and shall retain such Products for inspection. (f) Exclusive Limited Warranty: WE UNDERTAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE QUALITY OF THE PRODUCTS EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED HEREIN. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, OUR LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY AND THE REMEDIES SET FOR HEREIN ARE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND ARE OFFERED BY US IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, GUARANTEES AND/OR REMEDIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHER WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, WHICH ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. WE ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL BE FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE FOR WHICH YOU MAY BE BUYING THE PRODUCTS. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED HEREIN. TO THE EXTENT THE PRODUCTS ARE INSTALLED FOR CONSUMER APPLICATION, THE FOREGOING DISCLAIMERS MAY NOT APPLY. IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE TO PURCHASER OR THIRD PARTIES FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, ECONOMIC, EXEMPLARY OR OTHER SIMILAR DAMAGES. (g) Limitation of Liability: Purchaser agrees that Our entire liability, under any warranty, whether In contract, in tori, in negligence or otherwise shall not exceed the amount of the purchase price paid. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL TANGENT TECHNOLOGIES LLC BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS OR ANY OTHER ECONOMIC DAMAGES. The price stated for the Product is based upon and in consideration for limiting Our liability. Neither Manufacturer nor its representatives approve, recommend, or perform design review for specific applications of the Product(s). No person or entity is authorized by Us to make. and We shall not be bound by any statement or representation as to the perfonnance or Product other than what is contained in this Limited Warranty. This Limited Warranty shall not be amended or altered except in a written instrument signed by You and Us. ALL CLAIMS, CAUSES OF ACTION OR DEMANDS SHALL BE MADE WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE DEFECT IS DISCOVERED OR THE CLAIM OCCURRED. ALL CLAIMS OR CAUSES OF ACTION WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS SHALL EXCLUSIVELY BE ASSERTED IN A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION LOCATED IN CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. (h) How State Law Applies: SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS OF THE DURATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR THE EXCLUSIONS OR LIMITATIONS OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS AND YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH VAFN FROM STATE TO STATE. ·rANGENT Tangent Technologies LLC • Ci0' Sl, ii!'l Rm10 .".,irora 111111~ s b05C6-706:", teICJU.264"11G fax u:10 2C4 686 • C,"N-N.IJ.ngonL,S3 ~~'"'