HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-01-09; El Camino Real Widening from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive Update (Districts - All); Gomez, PazTo the members of the: CITY COUNCIL Date~ CA V CC ✓ CM_L'ACM ✓DCM(3)~ January 9, 2025 Council Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council From: Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works Via: Sheila Cobian, Assistant City Manager ~ {city of Carlsbad Memo ID# 2025004 Re: El Camino Real Widening from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive Update (Districts -All) This memorandum provides an update to a Council Memorandum dated April 18, 2024, on the El Camino Real projects, which included the El Camino Real Widening from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive, Capital Improvement Program (CIP} Project No. 6094 (Project). Background Staff provided an update on the CIP projects along El Camino Real through a previous Council Memorandum dated April 18, 2024 (Attachment A). This memorandum provides further details on the Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive portion with a specific update on communication planning associated with the upcoming construction project. In keeping with the General Plan and the Growth Management Plan, it is necessary to widen northbound El Camino Real for approximately 2,300 feet from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive, creating a six-lane roadway. The Project includes: • Widening the road to include a third northbound vehicle lane with a buffered bike lane • Constructing new sidewalks, curbs and gutters • Adding new streetlights On October 29, 2024, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2024-240, awarding a construction contract to Dick Miller, Inc. for the Project in an amount not to exceed $3,993,598. Construction is anticipated to start in March 2025 and continue into 2026. Discussion Though this Project is physically located in District 2, it could impact residents of all four districts and regional commuters. Staff are developing a communication plan to inform the community prior to and throughout construction. Communication will include: • Advanced placement of portable changeable message signs at least two weeks prior to initial contractor mobilization to alert drivers of the coming work Public Works Branch Construction Management & Inspection Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2780 t Council Memo -ECR Widening from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive Update (Districts -All) January 9, 2025 Page 2 • Regular updates on the portable changeable message signs of the Project schedule and impacts • News releases, El Camino Real projects webpage and construction map on the city website: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/streets-traffic/traffic/el-camino-real- improvements • City email newsletters including City Manager updates • Social media updates • Text notifications: Those interested can text ECR to 760-302-5500 to sign up for text message updates (regular text messaging rates may apply) • Postcard mailer prior to construction to include the following homeowners' associations and areas which are in close proximity to the Project location: o Rancho Carlsbad and Golf Course o The Terraces at Sunny Creek o Evans Point o Letterbox Canyon o Canterbury o Sunny Creek Apartments o Camino Hills o La Marea Senior Living o Casero o Taylor Made Golf Please note that this Project included draft traffic control plans that utilize the existing lane taper on northbound El Camino Real from three lanes to two lanes north of College Boulevard. This means that the existing northbound two lanes will remain open to help limit the impacts to regular commuters. Existing travel lane widths will be maintained between Sunny Creek Road and Jackspar Drive, and the Project area will be protected with concrete barriers. Southbound El Camino Real traffic flow will not be affected. Speed limits of northbound El Camino Real through the construction zone will be temporarily reduced from 55 to 45 miles per hour. The number two lane (inside lane next to the concrete barriers) will be temporarily used as a shared lane for vehicles and bicyclists since the bike lane will be closed during construction. Openings in the concrete barriers for right turns at Sunny Creek Road and a private driveway approximately 600 feet north of Sunny Creek Road will be maintained. A similar traffic control configuration was successfully managed for a recent overlay project in 2022 between College Boulevard and Cannon Road . Next Steps In coordination with the Communication & Engagement Department, staff will continue to: • Develop mailer material and schedule distribution, currently anticipated for mid-to late February 2025 Council Memo -ECR Widening from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive Update (Districts -All) January 9, 2025 Page 3 • Update ECR project information on the city's website A preconstruction meeting will be scheduled in late January to coordinate with the contractor for placement and messaging of the portable changeable message signs. These signs will be placed along El Camino Real, pending approval of the contractor's baseline construction schedule and plan for mobilization. Attachment: A. Council Memorandum dated April 18, 2024 cc: Geoff Patnoe, City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Christie Calderwood, Police Chief Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief Gina Herrera, Assistant City Attorney Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager Emily Hasegawa, Engineering Manager John Kim, City Traffic Engineer Eric Zielke, Senior Engineer Lindy Pham, Associate Engineer To the members of the: CITY COUNCIL Date ~ CA L CC / CM ..\L'"A£11iLocM (3) V April 18, 2024 ATTACHMENT A Council Memorandum To: From: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works Via: {c ityof Carlsbad Memo ID# 2024025 Re: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager fi;;J El Camino Real Capital Improvement ~~ram Projects Status Updates (Districts 2, 3 & 4) This memorandum provides status updates on Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, projects along El Camino Real. Background Staff are currently working on three transportation-related CIP projects along El Camino Real to improve traffic flow and provide additional safety benefits for everyone driving, biking or walking. The projects are shown on the location map provided as Attachment A. Staff provided updates on these projects through a previous Council Memorandum dated December 16, 2021 (Attachment B). Since then, three projects listed in the previous memorandum have been completed. This memorandum provides further detail on the remaining three projects. Discussion The El Camino Real corridor generally runs north and south through the city. To meet the city's General Plan Mobility Element, Growth Management Plan and design standards, three transportation projects along this corridor are currently in varying phases of design. The summary below provides a brief description and status update for each of these projects: C/P Proiect No. 6094 -El Camino Real Widening from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive This project will provide complete street improvements matching adjacent, multi-modal roadway segments along northbound El Camino Real from just south of Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive including: • An additional northbound vehicular lane, creating a consistent six-lane arterial roadway for this segment • Enhanced buffered bike lanes and other striping modifications including green paint • Wider sidewalks • Additional streetlights • Storm drain improvements, retaining walls and utility relocations Public Works Branch Transportation Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2730 t Council Memo -El Camino Real CIP Projects Status Updates (District 2, 3 & 4) April 18, 2024 Page 2 On April 16, 2024, the City Council approved the plans, specifications and contract documents, authorized the City Clerk to advertise for bids for construction, and accepted the grant deeds and temporary construction easements for this project. The grant deeds will be recorded by the County of San Diego, and funds will be released to the property owners. The City Clerk will advertise a request for bids to construct the project improvements. Staff will evaluate the bids received and identify the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Staff will then return to the City Council with a recommendation to award a construction contract to the identified bidder, which is expected to be in summer 2024. The construction contract for the project provides for 18 months to complete the project improvements. Construction is targeted to begin in late 2024 and be completed by late 2025, pending weather and other potential unforeseen delays. C/P Proiect No. 6072 -El Camino Real Widening from Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble This project will provide complete street improvements including: • Additional northbound vehicular through lane from Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble • Striping modifications including green paint in conflict areas and enhanced bike lanes with buffers • A sidewalk along northbound El Camino Real to address a sidewalk gap north of Cinnabar Way • Additional streetlights • Storm drain improvements, retaining walls, median landscaping and utility relocations This project is partially funded by a federal earmarked repurposed fund program. Staff have successfully obtained the property acquisition from the private property owner and secured a new easement from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE). The final design is expected to be completed in summer 2024. Staff are currently waiting on final approval for recycled water use. Pending federal approval, staff plan to present this project to the City Council for approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid in fall 2024 with construction expected to start in early 2025. CIP Proiect No. 6051-El Camino Real Widening from Arena/ Road to La Costa Avenue This project is in the design and environmental phase and will provide complete street improvements including: • Widening southbound El Camino Real to add a third vehicular lane • Buffered bike lanes • Separated pedestrian bridges over the San Marcos Creek similar to the pedestrian bridge that was most recently installed near the intersection of El Camino Real and Cannon Road Council Memo -El Camino Real CIP Projects Status Updates (District 2, 3 & 4) April 18, 2024 Page 3 • Utility relocations, right-of-way acquisition, environmental mitigation and open space boundary adjustments Staff have also coordinated closely with the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation to include two new observation decks on the west side of El Camino Real. Staff expect completion of the final design and environmental documents for this project in early 2025. Staff plan to present this project to the City Council for approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid in spring 2025 with construction expected to start in summer 2025. Completed Projects Three CIP projects along El Camino Real have been completed since the previous Council Memorandum (Attachment B): CIP Project No. 6071 -Intersection improvements at College Boulevard • Upgraded curb ramps and crosswalks to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and current design standards • Enhanced bicycle lanes and pedestrian access • High visibility crosswalks for all legs of the intersection • Traffic signal timing modifications to improve traffic operations • Removed a pedestrian refuge island on southbound El Camino Real at the College Boulevard intersection to provide a safer pedestrian crossing • Modified the El Camino Real median to accommodate three southbound vehicular through lanes on El Camino Real, a southbound dedicated bike lane on El Camino Real with green paint approaching the intersection and a southbound right turn-only lane on El Camino Real onto westbound College Boulevard CIP Project Nos. 6042/6056 -Intersection Improvements at Cannon Road, Phases I and II • New pedestrian bridge providing safer and more inviting pedestrian access over the Agua Hedionda Creek • New, wider sidewalks • New crash barriers • Removed overhead poles owned by SDGE • Modified the El Camino Real median to accommodate three northbound vehicular travel lanes on El Camino Real, a northbound dedicated bike lane on El Camino Real with green paint approaching the intersection and both left-and right-turn only lanes onto Cannon Road CIP Project No. 6001-20OL -2020-21 Pavement Overlay Resurfacing of the following streets: • El Camino Real between Cannon Road and College Boulevard • El Camino Real between Arenal Road and Levante Street Council Memo -El Camino Real CIP Projects Status Updates (District 2, 3 & 4) April 18, 2024 Page 4 • Batiquitos Drive between Poinsettia Lane and Camino De Las Ondas Next Steps Staff plan to continue making progress on the three remaining CIP projects along El Camino Real. During the semiannual transportation reports, the Transportation Director/City Engineer will continue to provide status updates on these projects. Attachments: A. El Camino Real CIP Improvements Location Map B. Council Memorandum dated December 16, 2021 cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Gina Herrera, Assistant City Attorney Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Vicki Quiram, Utilities Director Kristina Ray, Community & Engagement Director Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager Emily Hasegawa, Engineering Manager John Kim, City Traffic Engineer Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Eric Zielke, Senior Engineer Brandon Miles, Associate Engineer CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ATTACHMENT A (City of Carlsbad El Camino Real Encinitas Vista ;iic Road widening -Sunny Creek Rd to Jackspar Dr .c:::l.. Road widening -Poinsettia .-. Lane to Camino Vida Roble ;iic Road widening -La Costa Avenue to Arenal Road To the members of the: 11Y COUNCIL Datef CA ..lL CC -!L CM ,/ A .JL. DCM (3) L Dec. 16, 2021 ATTACHMENT B Council Memorandum To: From: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works Via: {ci ty of · Carlsbad Memo ID #2021229 Re: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager @ El Camino Real Capita l Improvement Program Projects Status Updates (District 2) This memorandum provides status updates on existing Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, projects along El Camino Real that are currently in either design or construction phases. Background Staff are currently working on seven transportation-related CIP projects along El Camino Real that are in either design or construction phases, as shown on location maps provided as • Attachments A and B. Staff provided updates on some of these projects through a Council nquiry earlier this month (Council Inquiry of Nov. 15, 2021, Reference# C00lS00-111521). This memorandum provides further detail on these projects. Staff afso provided a Council Memorandum dated May 13, 2021 (Attachment C), on the El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements, CIP Project Nos. 6042 and 6056. Discussion The El Camino Real corridor generally runs north and south through the city. Seven transportation projects are currently in design or construction along this corridor. The summary below provides a brief description and status update for each of these projects: CIP Proiect Nos. 6042 and 6056, Phase I -El Camino Real Bridge Improvements at Cannon Road On Feb. 16, 2021, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-044, awarding a contract to Hazard Construction Company for construction of Phase I of the project. Phase I is currently under construction and provides improvements to enhance pedestrian mobility on El Camino Real at Cannon Road in both directions. Phase I includes construction of a new separate pedestrian bridge on northbound El Camino Real over the Agua Hedionda Creek to provide new access for pedestrians. It also includes const ruction of a new sidewalk, curb and gutter on both northbound and southbound sides of the road, and a barrier wall on northbound El Camino Real. The contractor anticipates installing the new pre-manufactured pedestrian bridge on northbound El Camino Real (east side of the road) by the end of January 2022. Public Works Branch Transportation Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 t I I I I Council Memo -El Camino Real CIP Projects Status Updates (District 2) Dec.16,2021 Page 2 The work on northbound El Camino Real included installation of micropiles1 to depths exceeding 100 feet to support the new pedestrian bridge. That portion of the work took longer than expected due to challenges related to installation of micropiles. The contractor has since recovered from those delays and is back on schedule. New railings have already been installed on both sides of the existing bridge over the Agua Hedionda Creek. A wider sidewalk has also been installed on southbound El Camino Real (west side of the existing bridge). The contractor anticipates completing the remaining work, including utility connections, landscape, irrigation and h_ardscape by March 2022. CIP Proiect No. 6042, Phase II -El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements On Aug. 31, 2021, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-198, approving the plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for Phase II of the El Camino Real and Cannon Road Improvements project. Phase II will realign the median and re-stripe northbound El Camino Real near the Cannon Road intersection. This re-striping will provide an additional northbound vehicle through lane and an enhanced northbound dedicated bike lane. In addition, the project will maintain the existing left-and right-turn only lanes onto Cannon Road. Staff have reviewed the bids received and will return to the City Council in January 2022 with a retommendation to award a construction contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. To reduce potential construction conflicts due to overlapping construction activities, construction of Phase II will begin upon completion of Phase I, which is expected to be in March 2022. CIP Proiect No. 6094 -El Camino Real Widening from Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive This widening project is in the design and land acquisition phase. The project will provide complete street improvements matching adjacent, multi-modal roadway segments along northbound El Camino Real from just south of Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive. It includes creating a complete street with buffered bike lanes, sidewalks and a consistent six-lane arterial roadway facility for this segment. Additional project improvements include installation of additional streetlights, storm drain improvements, retaining walls, striping modifications and utility relocations. Staff have been coordinating closely with adjacent property owners, including those involved in right-of-way acquisition, and keeping them apprised of the project's progress. Staff plan to present this project to the City Council for approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid in summer 2022. 1 Micropiles are part of the bridge foundation that extend deep into the ground for stability. Council Memo -El Camino Real CIP Projects Status Updates {District 2) Dec. 16,2021 Page 3 CIP Project No. 6071 -El Camino Real and College Boulevard Intersection Improvements On Oct. 13, 2020, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2020-201, awarding a contract to Blue Pacific Engineering for construction of the project. Construction for this project has recently been completed. The project was designed and constructed to improve mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists and upgrade existing curb ramps and crosswalks to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. The improvements included enhanced bike lanes and pedestrian access, high- visibility crosswalks for all legs of the intersection and traffic signal timing modifications to improve traffic flow. These improvements upgraded the existing bike lanes and pedestrian ramps to current design standards. The improvements also included modification to the El Camino Real median to accommodate a left-turn only lane on southbound El Camino Real onto eastbound College Boulevard, three southbound vehicle through lanes on El Camino Real, a southbound dedicated bike lane on El Camino Real with green paint approaching the intersection and a southbound right turn-only lane on El Camino Real onto westbound College Boulevard. C/P Project No. 6072 -El Camino Real Widening from Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble This project is in the final design and right-of-way acquisition phase. The project is partially funded by a federal earmarked repurposed fund program. The project will provide an additional northbound vehicle through lane from Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble. In addition, the project will construct a sidewalk along northbound El Camino Real to address a sidewalk gap north of Cinnabar Way. Additional project improvements will include installation of streetlights, storm drain improvements, retaining walls, striping modifications, median landscaping and utility relocations. The final design and right-of-way acquisition are expected to be completed in summer 2022. C/P Project No. 6051 -El Camino Real Widening from Arena/ Road to La Costa Avenue This project is in the design and environmental phase and addresses operational segments along El Camino Real from Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue. This project includes widening southbound El Camino Real to a six-lane arterial with buffered bike lanes and separated pedestrian bridges over San Marcos Creek. The project also involves utility relocations and right-of-way acquisition. Staff have also been coordinating closely with the Batlquitos Lagoon Foundation to include two new observation desks on the west side of El Camino Real. Staff anticipate completing final design and environmental documents in fall 2023. CIP Proiect No. 6001-20OL -2020-21 Pavement Overlay On Aug. 31, 2021, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-191, authorizing award of this construction project to All American Asphalt. This project includes resurfacing the following Council Memo -El Camino Real CIP Projects Status Updates (District 2) Dec.16,2021 Page4 streets: El Camino Real between Cannon Road and College Boulevard, El Camino Real between Arenal Road and Levante Street, and Batlqultos Drive between Poinsettia lane and Camino De Las Ondas. Challenges have arisen regarding the resurfacing methodology, so staff intend to revisit this project in early 2022 and will subsequently provide an update to the City Council. Next Steps Staff plan to continue making progress on the projects as listed below: CIP Proiect Nos. 6042 and 6056, Phase I -El Camino Real Bridge Improvements at Cannon Road The contractor anticipates completing the remaining work, including utility connections, landscape, irrigation and hardscape in March 2022. • CIP Proiect No. 6042, Phase II-El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements Staff are scheduled to present this project to the City Council for award of a construction contract to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder in January 2022. Construction of Phase II will begin upon completion of Phase I, which is expected to be in March 2022. CIP Proiect No. 6094 -El Camino Real Widening from Sunny Creek Road to Jacks par Drive Staff are currently working on acquiring additional right-of-way and coordinating utility relocation. Staff plan to present this project to the City Council for approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid in summer 2022. CIP Proiect No. 6071 -El Camino Real and College Boulevard Intersection Improvements This project has been completed. CIP Project No. 6072 -El Camino Real Widening from Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble Staff are currently working on acquiring additional right-of-way and coordinating utility relocation. Pending federal a·pproval, staff plan to present this project to the City Council for approval of plans and specifications and authorization to bid in summer 2022. CJP Project No. 6051-El Camino Real Widening from Arena/ Road to La Costa Avenue Staff expect completion of the final design and environmental documents for this project in fall 2023. Cl P Project No. 6001-20OL-2020-21 Pavement Overlay Staff plan to revisit this project in early 2022 and subsequently will provide an update to the City Council. Attachments: A. El Camino Real CIP Improvements location map B. CIP Project No. 6001-20Ol, 2020-21 Pavement Overlay, location map C. Council Memorandum dated May 13, 2021 Council Memo -El Camino Real CIP Projects Status Updates (District 2) Dec. 16, 2021 Page 5 cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Kristina Ray, Community & Engagement Director Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager John l<im, City Traffic Engineer Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Babaq Taj, Engineering Manager Scott Lyle, Senior Engineer Brandon Miles, Associate Engineer z <Ct'. u 0 Q,m\no Vic/a -l'ob/e Encinitas ATTACHMENT A CIP 6094 Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive CIP 6071 • El Camino Real & College Blvd CIP 6051 Arena! Road to La Costa Ave {city of . Carlsbad BA TIQUITOS DRIVE POINSETTIA LANE TO CAMINO DE LAS ONDAS LOCATION EL CAMINO REAL ARENAL ROAD TO LEVANTE STREET MAP ATTACHMENT B EL CAMINO REAL CANNON ROAD TO COLLEGE BOULEVARD VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NAME PROJECT EXHIBIT NUMBER 2020-21 PAVEMENT OVERLAY aoo1-20OL 2 PLOTTED BY: BENJAMIN ARP PLOT DATE: 08/0t/2020 PATH: S:IBen}amln_Arp\Locallon Map\CIP_6001120200L_LocafionMap.dwg To the members of the: ,..PTY COUNCIL Date~!/.J.l CA__y__ cc.L CM ✓ACM✓ DCM (3)_~ May 13, 2021 ATTACHMENTC Council Memorandum To; Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council From: Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works Via: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager {ij {c ityof Carlsbad Memo ID #2021101 Re: El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements Project Update (District 2) This memorandum provides an update on the El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements, Capital Improvement P_rogram {CIP) Project Nos. 6042 and 6056 (Project). Background The El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements Project (Project) involves two phases. Phase I of the Project, which is currently under construction, will provide improvements to enhance pedestrian mopility at the intersection of El Camino Real and Cannon Road. Phase I will construct a separate pedestrian bridge over the Agua Hedionda Creek to provide new access for pedestrians and bring sidewalks up to the current design standards. On Feb. 16, 2021, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 4-021-044 awarding a contract to Hazard Construction Company for construction of Phase I. Phase II of the Project will realign the median and re-stripe northbound El Camino Real near the Cannon Road inter.section to provide an additional through lane to meet the standard requirement for this arterial roadway. In addition, it will provide an enhanced dedicated bike lane in the northbound direction and maintain the existing left and right turn lanes onto Cannon Road. Phases I and II of the Project were presented to t he Traffic and Mobility Commission on April 6, 2020 and Sept. 8, 2020, respectively. Discussion Two CIP projects are currently under construction along El Camin.o Real between College Boulevard and Cannon Road. One project is the El Camino Real and College Boulevard Intersection Improvements (CIP Project No. 6071), and the other one Is Phase I of the El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements (CIP Project Nos. 6042 and 6056). These projects are expected to be completed in August 2021 and December 2021, respectively. Public Works Branch Transportation Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 I i l , l I Council Memo -El Camino Real and Cannon Road Intersection Improvements Project Update May 13, 2021 Page 2 To reduce potential construction conflicts due to overlapping construction activities, construction of Phase II of the Project will be postponed until late 2021, and after construction of Phase I is substantially completed. Next Steps Staff have prepared the final plans, specifications and cost estimate for Phase II of the Project. Upon substantial completion of the projects currently under construction, staff anticipate scheduling the following City Council agenda items: • August 2021-Approval of Phase II plans and specifications and authorization to bid • October 2021-Award of a Phase II construction contract Construction of Phase II of the Project ls anticipated to begin in late 2021 and is expected to be completed in summer 2022. cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Neil Gallucci, Police Chief Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney Tom Frank, Transportation Director Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Kristina Ray, Community & Engagement Director Babaq Taj, Engineering Manager Hossein Ajideh, Engi'neerlng Manager John Kim, City Traffic Engineer Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Jonathan Schauble, Senior Engineer Brandon Miles, Associate Engineer