HomeMy WebLinkAboutPS 2024-0080; POP PIE CO; Sign Permits/Programs (PS){'city of Carlsbad SIGN PERMIT P-11 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (442) 339-2610 www.carlsbadca.gov SUBMIT ONLINE THIS APPLICATION IS TO BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY. VISIT OUR ONLINE PERMIT PORTAL AT HTTPS://EG.CARLSBADCA.GOV/. NO PROCESSING WILL BEGIN UNTIL CITY HAS RECEIVED ALL REQUIRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS Background For land use permitting and requirements on signs, refer to chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including an applicable specific plan, master plan or sign program. Depending on the scope of construction, a building permit may also be required. Please note ground-mounted/monument signs within the coastal zone also require a minor Coastal Development Permit. Requirements for signs may be subject to an existing sign program on file with the city. Have questions? Please visit the city website on options to contact Planning. TYPE OF PERMIT APPL YING FOR: IZI Sign Permit (Also use for Temporary Banners and ground mounted/monument signs) Sign Program or Modified Sign Program? Use P-11 (D) Name of Project: ____ P_op_P_ie_c_o_. ____________________ _ Related Planning Case Number(s), if any: __________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER/PROPERTY MANAGER APPLICANT NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) NAME (PRINT OR TYPE) Sterling Development Corporation Stan ldeker MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS 162 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road Suite B-85 288 Pantaneiro Place CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE CITY STATE ZIP TELEPHONE Encinitas CA 92024 760-633-0006 Fallbrook CA 92028 858-735-4080 I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE LEGAL OWNER I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE REPRESENTATIVE AND THAT ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION OF THE LEGAL OWNER AND THAT ALL THE IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT MY KNOWLEDGE. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. See Stamps on Plans 12/29/2024 §tmi lrlRk!t 12/29/2024 SIGNATURE DATE SIGNATURE DATE P-11 Page 1 of 2 Rev. 3/22 {'city of Carlsbad Certificate of Accuracy P-37 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (442) 339-2610 www.carlsbadca.gov Project Name __ P_op_Pi_e_C_o_. ___ _ Type of permit(s) applying for ____ S_ig_n_P_e_rm_it ___ _ P-37 CITY OF CARLSBAD -PLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY I certify all documents and plans clearly and accurately show all existing and all proposed buildings, structures, access roads, and utilities/utility easements. All proposed land use activities, improvements to land, and/or building modifications or additions are clearly labeled on the site plan of the approved plan set. I understand that any potentially existing detail within these plans inconsistent with the site plan are not approved and may be required to be altered or removed. The submitted documents and plans show the correct dimensions of the property, the buildings, and structures and their setbacks from property lines and from one another, access roads/easements, and utilities. The existing and proposed use of land and of each building as stated is true and correct. Further, all improvements existing on the property were completed in accordance with all regulations in existence at the time of their construction, unless otherwise noted. All easements and other encumbrances to development have been accurately shown and labeled as well as all on-site grading/site preparation. Applicant: ____ §i_'tmt __ ldek!t _____ _ Date: ------12/29/2024 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 2/2022 □ COLORDIIICUallER Conceptual Package DuetothelllTitallons of desktop scanners and the reli!!w Inconsistencies otvanousdsply monitors and printers, the colOfS you see on your screen oron paper 0 maynotbeatotallyaccurater(IJl'OductlonoftheactualJl'OWct W8Sbivetomakeourcolorsasaccurateaspcsslble,bliscreenandprintedinagesarelrrtBnded Pe ·t Pa kag asaguldeoo~01dsho~dnotbef1'lardedasabsoulo~com,ct. Slecond11lonsandoosltellgl111ngcanalsoa!!ecthowl!1eproductajlj)Oarsj.alED,d~n111t rm1 C e Aorescentb~bs.NaturalUght,Bac~~H~o~Facelit) ... ,.. ... u11uo1,.,_ .. a111r...,..asCMYl((Cy01,Magenta,Yel~wandBlack)aral!1e colOB used In the priming procns, whereasRGB (Red, Green and Blue) are the colors used by scretn displays such as your monitor. Forth ls raason and due to □ P d . Pa ka variillonslntroducedbyllghtaidva1ousequlpmerrt,thecolorsonYotJrscreenorapr1ntmaynotaxacttymatchtheflnlshedprodoct. ro ucuon c ge n,.. .. 11111a11a_,...,...,..,.,1ar,,.,..""'-••-•■p1■1n■,,.,,--orl'nlloct...,..,. Wl'IIDV'I' A ·••CGLO• uau. ••n•11. rnwao• AID IFRUAJUME IDT..._. Fca DIFfEIEICfl. JIUI. GIIPEIICQfED. IEtWEEI 111: ., !'GlaPIDDICTAl'ftAII.ICIEEICll:l'APt:UIDTHEMALPIIDDUCr. l'llAl\ll\11- ,API' .OV•!O iii.AN 2024-0080 Julia Moreno 1/16/2025 Client Name (Signature) ______________ _ PLEASE INITIAL ALL PAGES KRSC Drawing 241167 Rev. #4 Rev. Date: 01/14/25 Pages: 3 (Including Cover Sheet) D Approved as Noted D Revise & Resubmit □ Rejected NORTH G) SITE PLAN SCALE: NTS KENNEY RELIC ESTO. SIGN co. 20" (UsroM MANUFACTURIKG & 'tl\l.~y':, 2560 JASON COURT OCEANSIDE, CA 92056 760-459-1119 C-45 Lie.# 1082555 Client: Project: Revisions: POP COTTAGES ON ROOSEVELT &l REV2 2956 ROOSEVELT ST. L!!h, ' CARLSABAD, CA 92008 &l co. Sign Schedual: SIGN TYPE SIGN NUMBER ILLUM DIMENSIONS QTY SQ FT Face-lit Channel Letters w/ Neon Lighting Prepared for: - POP PIE CO. Project Address: Tenant: 2956 ROOSEVELT ST. Carlsbad, CA 92008 United States POP PIE CO. Landlord/Property owner: Jeffrey C. Rasak Y 46"x44.75" 01 President and Chief Executive Officer Sterling Development Corporation Rancho Santa Fe Plaza 162 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd., Suite B-85 Encinitas, CA 92024 ph: (760) 633-0006 fax: (760) 633-0072 e-mail: Sterlingdevelopment@yahoo.com Legal Description: APN Number: 2033042700 Legal: BLK 38*LOTS 6 THRU 8\ Pro]ectNo:241167 Ila is ii trigilal •plMsllllll 4rawi111 n!ad rr, KlNWff SBS. It i1 2024-12-17 111'-!ldf1rr•1p1rsowlusellca,.-indiaad1,njactblllgplinl!ldllr Date: r-brKINN(lSIC/lS.ltisNlllb1sh1Mllan)WllatsiNyow1113filati111, 1111is~t1b1uletl, rapllllum,Cllpilll ora:liilitN inllJl•n Mdlllt Sign Type: Site Plan llitt1ni-tiissilnh■KENIEYSl5NS Sheet No: SP1 .00 14.30 12/17/24 2of 3 • SIGN A-FACELIT CHANNEL LETTERS -QTY: [01] ILLUMINATED SCALE: 1 1/2"=1' .040 aluminum returns Glass neon tube supports -------------3'-8 3/4" --------------.040 alum back----,+-.. , 3'-10" KENNEY RELIC ESTO. SIGN co. 20" (UsroM MANUFACTURIKG & Vl\l.~V':. QUANTITY: OVERALL HEIGHT: OVERALL LENGTH: TOTAL SQ.FT.: RETURNS: BACKS: ILLUMINATION: ONE(1) 3•.10· 3'-8 3/4" 14,30ft' .040 ALUMINUM • 3" PTM PMS 2757c .063" PREPAINT BLACK ALUMINUM (LETTERS) WHITE 15MM NEON TUBING 1'-0" COLOR SPECIFICATIONS, Ph □ Sm!WHRE P2: ■ GLOSS BUCK ~=:~=.::..~ ........ ,..,, ... ___ _ ..L~..!!.,-.tiaa11..llt.• Transco galvanize transformer (rated for wet'damp/dry locations) enclosure with ground connector w/removable cover ½" 0 flexible metal conduit Cut-off swijch Silicone housing cover-===t(Z-Jl:lllllllllllrnij[tl:..,...,,lJ,~30~m~•~N~•o;;n transformer 15mm neon illumination- PK Housin9 ---rt-' PRIMARY POWER WITHIN 6' (BY OTHERS) PROPOSED CONDITIONS 2560 JASON COURT 1--Cl_ien_1: __________ Pr--•l_ec_t: ________ +-Re_v_1,1_on_s: ____________ -+-------------P•..:•l_ect_N __ o:,;;;2--4_1.,,,;1,,,;;6,,,;,7 _____ _ OCEANSIDE, CA 92 056 COTTAGES ON ROOSEVELT 1-=&l=_R_E_V_2---------------i ::(~,~:,:;:;;:::~:!~!::~:;::~:!:O\~::;.:~: oate 2024-12-17 760-459-1119 2956 ROOSEVELT ST. ,,fu, :'.:~::~.~::,~;;::,:,~~::::::,:;::::;:::,~ C-45 L·,c.# 1082555 A ,mt,opn;; .... ,nnm~,., Sign Type: Sign A1 CARLSABAD, CA 92008 Lllll 12/17/24 Sheet No: A 1.00 Joi 3