HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE 2022-0059; 965-1065 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE - SB 330; Preliminary Review (PRE)0 PRELIMINARY APPLICATION FORM
!:a Preliminary Housing Development {SB-330) D Affordable Housing Streamlined Approval (SB-35)
Property Address:
Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN):
945-1065 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad CA 90028
203-320-53-00; 203-320-54-00, 203-320-55-00: 203-320-56-00
Project Data # Existing # to be Demolished If so,# Occupied
Residential Units -Number:
Residential Units -Floor Area (Sq. Ft.):
Nonresidential -Floor Area (Sq. Ft.}:
Existing Uses/Site conditions (Describe in detail existing uses/physical conditions on the site.)
The site is currently occupied by a commercial shopping center with a variety of retail uses,
as wen as a surface parking lot.
Please attach additional pages/supporting documentation that help completely answer the questions listed below.
Proposed Project (Describe in detail scope of the proposed project ond major physical alterations to the praperty}
See attached
Subdivision (any approvals under the Subdivision Map Action being requested and if so, describe) □YES 0NO
Housing Units Market-Rate lnclusionary Density Bonus' Below Market2 Project Total
Total number: 124 22 73 219
Unit size (sf min): 570
Unit size (sf max): 1,440
Affordabillty level: N/A Very Low Income N/A
TOTAL SQ. FT. 256.229
1If Density Bonus being utI hzed, include completed form P-1I H). Please refer to IB-112 for add1t1onal 1nformat1on on requested
incentives, concessions, waivers, or parking reductions; 2Affordbale units in excess of indusionary standards.
Non-Residential (does the project include non-residential uses and if so, provide use categories
under the city's zoning, floor area and square footage of all structures) 0YES □NO
The proposed proiect will inlcude three one-story commencal stuctures for restaurant and retail uses. The total ftoor area of non-resIdent1al
uses is approx1malely 13.800 square feel
Standard Parking Residential Non-Residential TOTAL
Stall Count 266 52 ]318 j Any parking reductions
requested pursuant to Section
Electric Vehicle Parking Residential Non-Residential TOTAL 65915[p] need to be included in
Stall Count 29 3 132 ] Form P-l(H). See Gov. Code§
P-32_Preliminary Housing Development Pre-Application (11/2021) Page 2 of 5
Indicate 1f any portion of the property include\ any of the' fo//ow1ng environmpntal, historic, or cultural resource,. Submittal
must include rnpportinq documentation, reports and/or analysis
Does the site contain any of the following (provide documentation for "yes" responses):
A very high fire hazard severity zone, as determined by the Department of Forestry and
Fire Protection pursuant to Gov. Code Section 51178?
Wetlands, as defined in the US Fish and Wildlife Service Manual, Part 660 FW 2?
A hazardous waste site that is listed pursuant to Section 65962.5 or a hazardous waste
site designated by the Department of Toxic Substances Control pursuant to Section
25356 of the Health and Safety Code?
A special flood hazard area subject to inundation by the 1 percent annual chance flood
(100-year flood) as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in any
official maps published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency?
A delineated earthquake fault zone as determined by the State Geologist in any official
maps published by the State Geologist, unless the development complies with applicable
seismic protection building code standards adopted by the CA Building Standards
Commission under the CA Building Standards Law (Part 2.5 (commencing with Section
18901) of Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code). and by any local building
department under Chapter 12.2 (Section 8875) of Div. 1 of Title 2?
A stream or other resource that may be subJect to a streambed alteration agreement
pursuant to Chapter 6 (Section 1600) of Division 2 of the Fish and Game Code (Attach a
biological technical report prepared by a qualified biologist?
Any proposed point sources of air or water pollutants?
Any species of special concern known to occur on the property?
Any historic or cultural resources known to exist on the property (Attach a cultural and
historic resources report prepared by a qualified professional (historian and/or
If located within the coastal zone, indicate if the site contains any of the following:
Wetlands, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 13577 of Title 14 of the California Code
of Regulations. A Wetlands Delineation Report my be required following the filing of the
application requesting approval of a discretionary action in the Coastal Zone if the site
contains a defined wetland.
Environmentally sensitive habitat areas, as defined in Section 30240 of the Public
Resources Code
A tsunami run-up zone
Use of the site for public access to or along the coast
P-32_Preliminary Housing Development Pre-Application (11/2021)
~ ~
Before the application can be accepted, the owner of each property involved must provide asignature to verify
the pre-application is being filed with their consent. Staff will confirm ownership based on the records of
the city or county assessor. In the case of partnerships, corporations, LLCs or trusts the agent for service of
process or an officer of the ownership entity so authorized may sign as stipulated below.
■ Ownership Disclosure. Include current signature authorization for the person or persons signing the
application. For a corporation, a chairman, president or vice-president AND a secretary, assistant
secretary, CFO or assistant treasurer must sign. Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution
certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s)
signing to bind the corporation. For an LLC, attach an official paper listing the individual as a Member
of the LLCwith sole authority to bind the organization. For a partnership, attach an official document
identifying the individual as a general partner with sole authority to execute documents on behalf
of the limited partnership. A letter of authorization, as described below, may be submitted provided
the signatory of the letter is included in the Ownership Disclosure. Include a copy of the current
partnershipagreement, corporate articles, or trust document as applicable.
• Letter of Authorization {LOA). A LOA from a property owner granting someone else permission to
sign the pre-application form may be provided if the property is owned by a partnership,
corporation, LLC or trust or in rare circumstances when an individual property owner is unable to
sign the pre-application form. To be considered for acceptance, the LOA must indicate the name of
the person being authorized to file, their relationship to the owner or project, the site address, a
general description of the type of application being filed and must also include the language in items
a-c below. In the case of partnerships, corporations, LLCs or trusts the LOA must be signed by the
authorized signatory as shown on the Ownership Disclosure or, in the case of private ownership, by
the property owner. Proof of Ownership for the signatory of the LOA must be submitted with said
• Grant Deed. Provide a copy of the Grant Deed if the ownership of the property does not match city or
county assessorrecords. The Deed must correspond exactly with the ownership listed on the
• Multiple Owners. If the property is owned by more than one individual (e.g. John and Jane Doe or
Mary Smith and Mark Jones) signatures are required of all owners.
a. I hereby certify that I am the owner of record of the herein previously described property
located in the City of Carlsbad which is involved in this pre-application or have been empowered
to sign as the owneron behalf of a partnership, corporation, LLC or trust as evidenced by the
documents attached hereto.
b. I hereby consent to the filing of this pre-application on my property for processing by the City
of Carlsbad Planning Division for the sole purpose of vesting the proposed housing project
subject to the zoning ordinances, policies, and standards adopted and in effect on the date
that this pre-application is deemed complete. Further, I understandthatthis pre-application will
be terminated and vesting will be forfeited if the housing development project is revised such
that the number of residential units orsquarefootage of construction increases or decreases by
20 percent or more, exclusive of any increase resulting fromthe receipt of a density bonus,
incentive, concession, waiver, or similar provision, and/or an application requesting approval
of an entitlement is not filed with the City of Carlsbad Planning Division within 180 days ofthe
date that this pre-application is deemed complete.
P-32_Preliminary Housing Development Pre-Application (11/2021) PageSofS
GRT Carlsbad Village LLC
200 I Wilshire Blvd, Suite 420
Santa Monica, CA 90403
City of Carlsbad Community Development Department
Planning Division
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 90028
Re: Ownership Disclosure
Preliminary Housing Development (SB 330) Pre-Application; 945-1065 Carlsbad Village Drive,
APN'" 203-320-53, 203-320-54, 203-320-55, 203-320-56
Dear City of Carlsbad Community Development Department:
GRT Carlsbad Village LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Owner"), hereby certifies that
Tooley Interests LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, is a member of Owner and is legally
authorized to sign and bind the organization on its behalf.
Thank you and please advise if you require additional information.
GRT Carlsbad Village LLC
a Delaware limited liability company
By: Tooley Interests LLC
a Delaware limited liability company
Date: November 9, 2022
GRT Carlsbad Village LLC
2001 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 420
Santa Monica, CA 90403
City of Carlsbad Community Development Department
Planning Division
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad. CA 90028
Re: Letter of Authorization
Preliminary Housing Development (SB 330) Pre-Application; 945-1065 Carlsbad Village Drive, APN's:
203-320-53, 203-320-54, 203-320-55, 203-320-56
Dear City of Carlsbad Community Development Department:
GRT Carlsbad Village LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Owner"), hereby certifies that Tooley
Interests LLC do Patrick Tooley ("Applicant") has been legally authorized to sign the Preliminary Housing
Development (SB 330) Pre-Application on its behalf for the project located at 945-1065 Carlsbad Village Drive,
Carlsbad, CA 90028. Applicant is the managing member of Owner.
Owner hereby certifies that it is the owner of record of the herein previously described property located
in the City of Carlsbad which is involved in this pre-application.
Owner hereby consents to the filing of this pre-application on its property for processing by the City of
Carlsbad Planmng Division for the sole purpose of vesting the proposed housing project subject to the zoning
ordinances, policies, and standards adopted and in effect on the date that this pre-application is deemed complete.
Further, Owner understands that this pre-application will be tenninilted and vesting will be forfeited if the housing
development project is revised such that the number of residential units or square footage of construction
increases or decreases by 20 percent or more, exclusive of any increase resulting from the receipt of a density
bonus, incentive, concession, waiver, or similar provision, and/or an application requesting approval of an
entitlement is not filed with the City of Carlsbad Planning Division within 180 days of the date that this pre-
application is deemed complete.
Owner declares under penalty of pequry under the State of California that the foregoing is true and
GRT Carlsbad Village LLC
a Delaware limited liability company
By: Tooley Interests LLC
a Delaware limited liability company
its Managing
Patrick y
Date: November 9, 2022
(city of
Density Bonus Supplemental
Community Development Dept.
Planning Division
1635 Faraday Avenue
(442) 339-2600
www .carlsbadca.gov
Refer to 1B-112 for information
The information listed in this checklist is required to be completed for all residential development applications
being processed under Government Code §65915 -65918 (State Density Bonus Law). Please prepare the required
materials/information described in this checklist and submit in one document entitled "Supplemental Application
-Density Bonus Program". Refer to Information Bulletin IB-112 for additional information.
Include the street address and APN(s) of the subject property.
Include information about the property and immediate area such as general location, prior uses on-site, site
characteristics (i.e., slopes, habitat, drainage), neighborhood setting, General Plan designation, zoning designation,
and maximum density allowed by zoning.
Describe the proposed project. Please make sure to include the following information.
• Total number of lots/units proposed (maximum density and density bonus units)
• Type of housing proposed and any anticipated construction phasing
• Number, location and income level of the proposed affordable units
• Project access, infrastructure, and any proposed amenities/open space
Indicate the number of lots proposed and how many are proposed to be designated as affordable. Include the
following information:
• Show all density calculations
• Income levels of the affordable units
• Number of "Concessions/Incentives" requested
• Number of "Waivers" requested
Please provide evidence demonstrating that the requested concession/incentive results in identifiable, financially
sufficient, and actual cost reductions that contribute significantly to the economic feasibility of the reserved
affordable units. Please include the following in the response.
• Provide specific information on and discussion of each concession/incentive proposed, including:
8 The City's usual development standard and the requested concession/incentive
::i Reasonable documentation to show that each requested incentive will result in identifiable and
actual cost reductions to provide for affordable housing costs or rents.
• Include discussion of why the findings to deny grant of the proposed concession/incentive are not
supportable for the proposed project:
:::, Why the concession/incentive is required to provide for affordable housing costs, or for rents to
targeted units to be set as provided under state law?
P-35 _ SB 35 Permit Streamlining Checklist Pagelof3
Wou Id the grant of the concession/incentive have a specific adverse impact upon public health and
safety or the physical environment or listed historical property? If yes, are there feasible methods to
mitigate or avoid such impacts without rendering the development unaffordable?
)( WAIVERS(S), if requested'
Please provide evidence demonstrating that the requested Waiver from a required development standard is
necessary in order for development to be physically feasible. Please include the following in the response.
• Provide specific information on and discussion of each waiver proposed, including:
-:: The City's usual development standard and requested waiver
:J Reasonable documentation to show that each development standard requested to be waived
would physically preclude the densities or incentives the project is entitled to receive.
• Provide specific information on and discussion of each waiver/reduction proposed. Include discussion of
why the findings to deny grant of the proposed waivers/reductions are not supportable for the proposed
:J How would application of the development standard proposed to be waived/reduced physically
preclude the construction of the development at the density proposed or with proposed
con cessions/incentives?
Would the waiver or reduction have a specific adverse impact upon public health and safety or the
physical environment or listed historical property? If yes, are there feasible methods to mitigate or
avoid such impacts without rendering the development unaffordable?
1 A developer may apply for concessions or incentives (referred to as concessions) 1f the developer includes affordable units in the
development. One to four concessions are available for each development depending on the percentage of affordable housing that will
be included within the development. A concession Is one of three things {Gov. Code §65915, subd. (k)(l)-(3)):
• A reduction in site development standards or a modification of zoning code requirements or architectural design requirements that
exceed minimum building standards that result in identifiable and actual cost reduction to provide for affordable housing costs or
rents. Development Standard'" includes a site or construction condition. including, but not limited to, a height limitation, a setback
requirement, a floor area ratio, an onsite open-space requirement, or a parking ratio that applies to a residential development
pursuant to any ordinance, general plan element, specific plan, charter, or other local condition, law, policy, resolution, or regulation.
(Gov. Code §65915, subd. (o)(l)).
• Approval of mixed use zoning in conjunction with the housing project if commercial, office, industrial, or other land uses will reduce
the cost of the housing development and if such uses are compatible with the housing project and the existing or planned
development in the area.
• Other regulatory concessions proposed by the developer or city that result in identifiable and actual cost reductions to provide for
affordable housing costs or rents.
The City shall grant the concession unless one or more of the following written findings can be made (Gov. Code §65915, subd. (d)(l)(A)-
• The concession does not result in identifiable and actual cost reductions to provide for affordable housing costs, or for rents for the
targeted units.
• The concession would have a "specific adverse impact upon public health and safety or the physical environment or on any real
property that is listed In the California Register of Historical Resources and for which there is no feasible method to satisfactorily
mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact without rendering the development unaffordable to low and moderate income
• The concession would be contrary to state or federal law.
2In addition to concessions, an applicant may submit a proposal for a waiver or reduction (referred to as waiver) of development standards.
(Gov. Code §65915, subd. (e)(l)). In no case may a city apply any development standard that wilt have the effect of physically precluding
the construction of a development at the density or concessions permitted. The City shall grant the waiver unless one or more of the
following written findings can be made (Gov. Code §65915, subd. (e)(l)):
• The waiver will have a specific adverse impact upon health, safety, or the physical environment and for which there is no feasible
method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific adverse impact.
• The waiver will have a specific adverse impact on any real property listed in California Register of Historical Resources.
• The waiver would be contrary to state or federal law.
P-35 _SB 35 Permit Streamlining Checklist (3/22) Page 2 of 3
Supplemental Application -Density Bonus Program
Pro;ect Location
Street Address:
Property Description
945-1065 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (the '•Site")
203-320-53-00; 203-320-54-00; 203-320-55-00; 203-320-56-00
The 4 12-acre Site is currently occupied by a retail shopping center with a total floor area of
approximately 58,735 square feet within five buildings, which are occupied by a variety of retail
uses, as well as a surface parking lot spread across four lots. The Site is surrounded by
Carlsbad Village Drive to the north, Interstate 5 (1-5) Freeway to the east, Oak Avenue to south,
and an unnamed public alley to the west. The property is substantially surrounded by urban
The Site is located approximately 0.4 miles from downtown Carlsbad and approximately 0.6
miles from the Pacific Ocean. Primary regional access to the Site is provided via the 1-5
freeway, which generally runs N/S and is adjacent to the Site. The Site has convenient access
to public transportation and is located within a transit priority area, served by the Coaster and
Amtrak, as well as numerous bus lines within walking distance. The closest major transit stop is
Carlsbad Village Station, located approximately 0.4 miles east of the Site. NCTD bus route 315
provides service between Camp Pendleton, Sprinter, and Carlsbad Village Station, with stops
immediately adjacent to the project Site.
The project Site is surrounded by a variety of uses, including an adjacent gas station, a 4-story
mixed-use building across Carlsbad Village Drive to the north, multifamily buildings to the south
across Oak Ave, and various public and commercial uses to the west across the public alley.
The Site is designated as Village (V) in the General Plan with the zoning designation of Village-
Review {V-R) and is located more specifically within the Freeway Commercial (FC) District of
the Village and Barrio Master Plan {VBMP) All the properties surrounding the Site are
designated for FC uses under the VBMP, except for properties located to the south of the Site,
across Oak Ave, which are designated Barrio Perimeter {BP).
The FC District permits a wide array of uses associated with urban freeway interchanges
including lodging, retail, restaurant. residential and mixed uses. The allowable residential base
density range in the FC District is 28-35 dwelling units per acre (du/ac).
Proiect Description:
The Site's existing commercial buildings and paved areas would be removed in order to develop
the project, which would consist of 219 multifamily residential units, including 22 units (or 15% of
base density) deed restricted to Very Low Income {VLI) households, and approximately 13,800
square feet of commercial retail/restaurant uses. The proposed commercial uses would be
contained in three, one-story buildings along Carlsbad Village Drive, and the residential units,
including the VLI units, would be spread across two buildings separated by a landscaped paseo
and courtyard. Approximately 350 vehicular parking spaces will be provided at-grade
surrounding the commercial and residential buildings and within an above-grade parking
structure. The new proposed buildings and parking structure would have a maximum height of
approximately 56 feet.
Vehicular access to the site would occur via four access points from the surrounding public
streets and alley. Two vehicular driveways would be provided on the northern boundary of the
property along Carlsbad Village Drive which lead to the project's onsite at-grade parking stalls
as well as the parking structure access point. Additional vehicular access to the parking
structure would be provided from Oak Ave for tenants. Site access would also be provided from
the public alley.
The Project's commercial space along Carlsbad Village Drive is anticipated to contain a variety
of neighborhood serving retail and restaurant uses. The residential building includes variety of
ancillary uses and open space, including landscaped courtyards, rooftop terraces, private
balconies, and extensive residential amenities such as sky decks, a swimming pool and
courtyard, indoor amenity areas, a lobby, leasing office, and mail room.
It is anticipated that the Project will be constructed in a single phase, subject to market
Density Calculations
Base Maximum Density:
Base Maximum Units:
lnclusionary Units:
Density Bonus Units:
Total proposed units:
Waivers Requested
35 du/ac
Parcel 1: 2.81 ac x 35 = 98.4 or 99 (round up per CMC Section
21.86 040(G))
Parcel 2: 0.40 ac x 35 = 14
Parcel 3: 0.39 ac x 35 = 13.7 or 14
Parcel 4: 0.52 ac x 35 = 18.2 or 19
Total Base Units: 99 + 14 + 14 + 19 = 146
15% of base units; 15% x 146 = 21.9 or 22 VL1 inclusionary units
(50% AMI)
146 x 50% = 73 density bonus units
219 dwelling units (53 du/ac)
1. Waiver of FC Supplemental District Standards building height maximum of 45 feet and 4
stories in VBMP Section 2.7.4(G)(1). The proposed project would include building
heights up to five stories, with a maximum building height of 56 feet. However, the fourth
and fifth stories of the residential buildings will include varying setbacks, plane breaks,
and articulation to minimize the appearance of the fifth floor. Imposing the 45 feet and
four story height limit would reduce the project's developable floor area and would
physically preclude construction of the proposed project at the density permitted by CMC
Chapter 21.86. A waiver of maximum building height does not result in a specific
adverse impact upon public health and safety, the physical environment, or a listed
historical property.
2. Waiver of FC Supplemental District Standards to limit the total square footage of
enclosed fourth floor space not to exceed 80% of the largest floor space below in VBMP
Section 2. 7.4(G)(2)(a). The proposed project will include building heights up to five
stories, The fourth and fifth stories of the residential building will include varying
setbacks and the enclosed fourth and fifth floor space of the residential buildings will be
less than the floors below. Requiring the project to limit its fourth floor area to BO% of the
largest floor below would reduce the amount of units able to fit within the project and
physically preclude construction of the proposed project at the density permitted by CMC
Chapter 21.86. A waiver of the requirement limiting total square footage of the enclosed
fourth floor space does not result in a specific adverse impact upon public health and
safety, the physical environment, or a listed historical property.
3. Waiver of FC Supplemental District Standards ta require a 10-faot front yard setback
along Carlsbad Village Drive in VBMP Section 2. 7.4(A)(1). The City of Carlsbad has
requested an 8-foot dedication along Carlsbad Village Drive to provide for future street
and sidewalk improvements. The proposed project would maintain a 2-foot setback from
the post-dedication property line. Requiring a 10-foot setback from to post-dedication
property line would reduce the developab1e pad area and physically preclude
construction of the project at the density and with the incentives or concessions
permitted by CMG Chapter 21.86. A waiver of the front yard setback standard does not
result in a specific adverse impact upon public health and safety, the physical
environment, or a listed historical property.