HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE 2021-0051; AIMS 2860 HOPE 2021 - SB 330; Preliminary Review (PRE)(city of Carlsbad Preliminary Housing Development (SB-330} Pre-Application P-32 [:m SUBMITTAL INFORMATION Community Development Dept. Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue {760) 602-4600 www.carlsbadca.gov Refer to IB-132 for information All forms must be completed, signed, and submitted as a PDF attachment to your submittal. Please refer to info- bulletin _UL_P2. for additional information. APPLICATION & PAYMENT Application & Materials Provide an electronic copy of your application and required documents on a flash drive or a CD. All items, including additional pages, supporting documents, studies, plans, and reports, must be saved as individual PDFs and labeled accordingly. Fees Payment of fees is required for all pre-applications. Payment via check, electronic check, or credit card is required before project review or processing. Once the application is submitted, city staff will follow up electronically with an invoice for the total fee amount. Fees may be paid online, in-person or dropped off at 1635 Faraday Avenue for processing. ? 9 A1M.... iM...~'j' PHOTOGRAPHS Aeria I Site Photograph Provide aerial photographs showing existing site conditions of environmental site features that would be subject to regulations by a public agency, including creeks and wetlands. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Legal Description Include a legal description of the specific location. The best place to find a legal description is usually the most recent deed to the property. PLANS Condensed Site Plan Provide a site plan showing the location on the property. Show the location of any recorded public easement, such as easements for storm drains, water lines, and other public rights of way. Indicate location of any stream or other resource that may be subject to a stream bed alteration agreement pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 1600) of Division 2 of the Fish and Game Code. Please attach a separate site plan and elevations on a digital sheet size of minimum 8 ½-inches by 11-inches and maximum 11-inches by 17-inches. Condensed Elevations Provide elevations showing design, color, and material, the building height and massing, and approximate square footage of each building. P-32_Preliminary Housing Development Pre-Application (11/2021) Page 1 of 5 ; RECEIVED DEC t S 2021 0 PRELIMINARY APPLICATION FORM u TY OF CARLSBAD PLASI ING DIVISION \-D )0 Preliminary Housing Development (SB-330) D Affordable Housing Streamlined Approval (SB-35) PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address: Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN): Pro ·ect Data Residential Units -Number: Residential Units-Floor Area (Sq. Ft.): Nonresidential -floor Area (Sq. Ft.): 2860 Hope Avenue, Carlsbad. CA 92008 203-130-28-00 # Existing 900 sq 11 0 # to be Demolished 1 900 sq ft 0 Existing Uses/Site conditions (Describe in detail existing uses/physical conditions on the site.) If so,# Occupied 0 Flat site, single family residence (900 sq ft) plus two accessory buIldIngs (400 sq.ft.) PROPOSED PROJECT INFORMATION Please attach additional pages/supporting documentation that help completely answer the questions listed below, Proposed Project (Describe in detail scope of the proposed project and major physical alterations to the property) Demolition of existing single family residence and accessory buildings. Nearly zero grading of site. Build a new two unit condominium of 4048 sq ft each (total 8,096 sq ft) "plus requ1red qrouncffroorlat ~qrade parking for each un,t Subdivision (any approvals under the Subdivision Map Action being requested and if so, describe) □ YES □ NO Housing Units Market-Rate lnclusionary Density Bonus1 Below Market2 Project Total Total number: 2 2 Unit size (sf min): 4,048 so.ft 4,048 sq ft Unit size (sf max): 4,048 sq.ft 4,048 sqft Affordability level: N/A N/A TOTAL SQ.FT. " .. 1tf Densrtv Bonus being utilized, include completed form f .:.1.Uil. Please refer to !§-112 for add1t1onal 1nformat1on on requested incentives, concessions, waivers, or parking reductions; 2Affordbale units in excess of inclusionary standards. Non-Residential (does the project include non-residential uses and if so, provide use categories under the city's zoning, floor area and square footage of all structures) Standard Parking Residential Non-Residential TOTAL □YES!ilNO Stall count 2 per unit -total: 4 4 / Any parking reductions -----~--"~--~'-----J requested pursuant to Section E!ectric Vehicle Parking Residential Non-Residential TOTAL 65915[p] need to be included in -:c==-"""====c..,------'""-,---, 1 -------.,-----,, Form P-l(H). See Gov. Code§ stall count 2 c~arging stations --~ ... L __ 4 __ ~_ ss941.1(a)(l1) P-32_Preliminary Housing Development Pre-Application (11/2021) Page 2 of 5 8 SPECIFIC SITE FEATURES ind re nte 1/ W' 'I port!On of the pr ope1ty mciud1_,, any of the fo/,'ow11,g env,ronmentul, hstonc, 01 cuiturnl resources Subrn1tta,' m!.,1t .,nc/ude supporting aocumel.'tot1on, reports und/or r;r:iolvs1s. SITE CONSTRAINTS Does the site contain any of the following (provide documentation for "yesn responses): 1. 2. A very high fire hazard severity zone, as determined by the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection pursuant to Gov. Code Section 51178? Wetlands, as defined in the US Fish and Wildlife Service Manual, Part 660 FW 2? A hazardous waste site that is tisted pursuant to Section 65962.5 or a hazardous waste 3. site designated by the Department of Toxic Substances Control pursuant to Section 25356 of the Health and Safety Code? A special flood hazard area subject to inundation by the 1 percent annual chance flood 4. (100-year flood) as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in any official maps published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency? A delineated earthquake fault zone as determined by the State Geologist in any official maps published by the State Geologist. unless the development complies with applicable 5. seismic protection building code standards adopted by the CA Building Standards Commission under the CA Building Standards Law (Part 2.5 (commencing with Section 18901) of Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code), and by any local building department under Chapter 12.2 (Section 8875) of Div. 1 ofTitle 2? A stream or other resource that may be subject to a streambed alteration agreement 6. pursuant to Chapter 6 (Section 1600) of Division 2 of the Fish and Game Code (Attach a biological technical report prepared by a qualified biologist? 7. Any proposed point sources of air or water pollutants? 8. Any species of special concern known to occur on the property? Any historic or cultural resources known to exist on the property (Attach a cultural and 9. historic resources report prepared by a qualified professional (historian and/or archaeologist) COAST AL ZONE If located within the coastal zone, indicate if the site contains any of the following: Wetlands, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 13577 of Title 14 of the california Code 1. of Regulations. A Wetlands Delineation Report my be required following the filing of the application requesting approval of a discretionary action in the Coastal Zone if the site contains a defined wetland. 2. Environmentally sensitive habitat areas, as defined in Section 30240 of the Public Resources Code 3. A tsunami run-up zone 4. Use of the site for public access to or along the coast P-32_Preliminary Housing Development Pre-Application (11/2021) YES □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ c::J YES □ □ □ NO liJ .i .i .i ~ .i NO □ □ □ □ N/A □ □ □ □ □ c::J □ □ □ N/A .i .i Page 3 of 5 0 PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT AFFIDAVIT Under penalty of perjury the following declarations are made: 1. I hereby certify, that all statements contained in this pre-application and any accompanying documents are true and correct, with full knowledge that all statements made in this pre-application are subject to investigation and that any false or dishonest answer to any question may be grounds for denial or subsequent revocation of the deemed complete status. 2. I understand this pre-application is not a development application that authorizes an entitlement and is strictly for the purposes of Senate Bill 330, the Housing Crisis Act of 2019; or Senate Bill 35, the Affordable Housing Streamlined Approval Process of2017. 3. I understand and agree that any report, study, map or other information submitted to the city in furtherance of this pre- application will be treated by the city as public records which may be reviewed by any personand if requested, that a copy will be provided by the city. 4. I understand that if this pre-application cannot be submitted and deemed complete by staff at the submittal appointment, there is no refund of fees paid. 5. I understand and agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless, the City of Carlsbad, its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers (collectively "city''), from any and all legal actions, claims, or proceedings (including administrative or alternative dispute resolution and Public Records Act requests (collectively "actions"), arising out of any city process or approval prompted by this Action, either in whole or in part. Such actions include but are not limited to: actions to attack, set aside, void, or otherwise modify, an entitlement approval, environmental review, or subsequent permit decision; actions for personal or property damage; actions based on an allegation of an unlawful pattern and practice; inverse condemnation actions; and civil rights or an action based on the protected status of the petitioner or claimant under state or federal law (e.g. ADA or Unruh Act). I understand and agree to reimburse the city for any and all costs incurred in defense of such actions. This includes, but it not limited to, the payment of all costs (including litigation costs, administrative record preparation, public records act responses) and attorneys' fees, all judgments or awards, damages, and settlement costs. The indemnity language in this paragraph is intended to be interpreted to the broadest extent permitted by Jaw and shall be in addition to anyother indemnification language agreed to by the applicant. 6. If the applicant is not the Property Owner, both the Property Owner and Applicant must sign this affidavit. By signing this affidavit, the Property Owner authorizes the Applicant listed in this application to act as the Property Owner's agent on all matters in connection with this application. The city requires original signatures below-the signatures do not need to be notarized. PROPERTY OWNER Name: Address: Or--io.-\. l,0..,.-¥--OWfl'\'<v-/,>.,...--f~ 70 7 L{ C k'.:'j1'H<I l,'i.w_ L?,-/.,,-c_ APPLICANT >:' Same as above Address: Email: Phone: Phone: Signature: __________________ Date: Qty Staff Qnly App. Vesting Date: Staff Name: Staff Signature: P-32_Preliminary Housing Development Pre-Application (11/2021) fo r,'o"'~/!• -!+-@-J w,,,,;/, c,, "'- 7 b D-<-/ os--7ol.O I 2---z._3 -ZVZ..l Date: Page4of5 • C) DISCLOSURE DOCUMENTS Before the application can be accepted, the owner of each property involved must provide asignature to verify the pre-application is being filed with their consent. Staff will confirm ownership based on the records of the city or county assessor. In the case of partnerships, corporations, LLCs or trusts the agent for service of process or an officer of the ownership entity so authorized may sign as stipulated below. • Ownership Disclosure. Include current signature authorization for the person or persons signing the application. For a corporation, a chairman, president or vice-president AND a secretary, assistant secretary, CFO or assistant treasurer must sign. Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer{s) signing to bind the corporation. For an LLC, attach an official paper listing the individual as a Member of the LLCwith sole authority to bind the organization. For a partnership, attach an official document identifying the individual as a general partner with sole authority to execute documents on behalf of the limited partnership. A letter of authorization, as described below, may be submitted provided the signatory of the letter is included in the Ownership Disclosure. Include a copy of the current partnershipagreement, corporate articles, or trust document as applicable. ■ Letter of Authorization (LOA). A LOA from a property owner granting someone else permission to sign the pre-application form may be provided if the property is owned by a partnership, corporation, LLC or trust or in rare circumstances when an individual property owner is unable to sign the pre-application form. To be considered for acceptance, the LOA must indicate the name of the person being authorized to file, their relationship to the owner or project, the site address, a general description of the type of application being filed and must also include the language in items a-c below. In the case of partnerships, corporations, LLCs or trusts the LOA must be signed by the authorized signatory as shown on the Ownership Disclosure or, in the case of private ownership, by the property owner. Proof of ownership for the signatory of the LOA must be submitted with said letter. • Grant Deed. Provide a copy of the Grant Deed if the ownership of the property does not match city or county assessorrecords. The Deed must correspond exactly with the ownership listed on the application. • Multiple Owners. If the property is owned by more than one individual (e.g. John and Jane Doe or Mary Smith andMark Jones) signatures are required of all owners. a. I hereby certify that I am the owner of record of the herein previously described property located in the City of Carlsbad which is involved in this pre-application or have been empowered to sign as the owneron behalf of a partnership, corporation, LLC or trust as evidenced by the documents attached hereto. b. I hereby consent to the filing of this pre-application on my property for processing by the City of Carlsbad Planning Division for the sole purpose of vesting the proposed housing project subject to the zoning ordinances, policies, and standards adopted and in effect on the date that this pre-application is deemed complete. Further, I understand that this pre-application will be terminated and vesting will be forieited if the housing development project is revised such that the number of residential units orsquarefootage of construction increases or decreases by 20 percent or more, exclusive of any increase resulting fromthe receipt of a density bonus, incentive, concession, waiver, or similar provision, and/or an application requesting approval of an entitlement is not filed with the City of Carlsbad Planning Division within 180 days ofthe date that this pre-application is deemed complete. P-32_preliminary Housing Development Pre-Application (11/2021) Page 5 of 5 2860 Hope Avenue – Legal Description and APN SB-330 Application PROJECT LOCATION THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER(S) APN: 203-130-28-00 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE NORTHWESTERLY 55 FEET OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY 114 FEET OF LOT 27 IN SCHELL AND SITES ADDITION TO CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STA TE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 2145, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON FEBRUARY 20, 1929 OWNER AIMS 2860 Hope 2021 LLC 7074 Crystalline Drive Carlsbad, California 92011 United States TELE: 760.405. 7060 PROJECT ADDRESS 2860 HOPE AVENUE CARLSBAD CA, 92008 ZONING RD-M RESIDENTIAL DENSITY MULTIPLE 2860 Hope Avenue – Aerial Photographs and Front Façade of Existing Home SB-330 Application 2860 Hope Avenue – Aerial Photographs and Front Façade of Existing Home SB-330 Application 2860 Hope Avenue – Aerial Photographs and Front Façade of Existing Home SB-330 Application , RECORDING REQUESTED BY: First American Title When Recorded Mail Document and Tax Statement To: AIMS 2860 Hope 2021 LLC 7074 Crystalline drive Carlsbad, CA 920 I J Escrow No.: 308075MR Title No.-: 6675547 DOC# 2021-0658261 11111111111 IIIIIOll lllrnlllllllll llll 1111111111 ~Ill rn~~ll 1111 Sep 17, 2021 08:00 AM OFFICIAL RECORDS Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER FEES: $1,515.00 (SB2 Atkins: $0.00) PCOR: YES PAGES:3 APN: 203-130-28-00 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S use GRANT DEED The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s) D This transfer is exempt from the documentary transfer tax. 0 The documentary transfer tax is $1,485.00 and is computed on: li'l the full value of the interest or property conveyed. □ the full value less the liens or encumbrances remaining thereon at the time of sale. 0 The property is located in the City of Carlsbad FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Richard L. Duquette and Kim Duquette, Trustees of The Blue River Trust Dated August 14, 2007 hereby GRANT(S) to AIMS 2860 Hope 2021 LLC, A California Limited Liability Company Real property in the City of Cartsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: THE NORTHWESTERLY 55 FEET OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY 114 FEET OF LOT 27 IN SCHELL AND SITES ADDITION TO CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 2145, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON FEBRUARY 20, 1929 •• Commonly known as: 2860 Hope Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE RECORDING REQUESTED BY: First American Title When Recorded Mail Document and Tax Statement To: AIMS 2860 Hope 2021 LLC 7074 C1ystallinc drive Carlsbad, CA 920 I 1 Escrow No.: 308075MR Title No.: 6675547 APN: 203-130-28-00 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE GRANT DEED The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s) □ This transfer is exempt from the documentary transfer tax. 0 The documentary transfer tax is $1,485.00 and is computed on: 0 the full value of the interest or property conveyed. □ the full value less the liens or encumbrances remaining thereon at the time of sale. 0 The property is localed in the City of Carlsbad FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Richard L. Duquette and Kim Duquette, Trustees of The Blue River Trust Dated August 14, 2007 hereby GRANT(S) to AIMS 2860 Hope 2021 LLC, A California Limited Liability Company Real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: THE NORTHWESTERLY 55 FEET OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY 114 FEET OF LOT 27 IN SCHELL AND SITES ADDITION TO CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO, 2145, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON FEBRUARY 20, 1929 .. Commonly known as: 2860 Hope Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE APN: 203-130-28-00 Richard L. Duquette and Kim Duquette, Trustees ofThe Blue River Trust Dated August 14, 2007 BY~ /-/ /)w)l{f :~1:£44:~~~~~1 l tef).b~ A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness. accuracy, or validity of that document. I certify under PENAL TY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. Witness my hand MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE GRANT DEED GOVU{NMENT CODE 27361.7 I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY Of PERJURY THAT THE NOTARY SEAL ON THE DOC UMENT TO \VHlCT-1 THIS STATEMENT IS ATTACHED READS AS FOLLOWS: NAME OF NOTARY: 0. GlJGLF,R COMMISSION#: 2349191 DATE COMMISSION EXPIRES: MARCH 24, 2025 COUNTY \VHF.RE HONO IS FILED: SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA MANUFACTURER OR VENDOR NUMrlF.R: NNA 1 TITLE COM PANY: FIRST AMF:RfCAN TITLF, COMPANY SIGNATURE: Nancy Vih1vanh PLACE OF EXECUTION: SAN DIEGO DATE: 09/16no21 I flEREHY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THIS MATERIAi, IS A TRUE AND EXACT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL MA 1£RJAL CON1AINED IN TlllS DOCUMENT. Rich,lrd L. Duquette and Kim Duquette, Trustees of Tile l.llu(, Ri,·cr Trust Oared August 14, 2007 SAN DIEGO 9/8/21 D. GUGLER Richard L. Du<1ucttc and Kim Ouquelle WITHNF.SS MY IIANO ANO OFFICIAL SEAL DATED: ()CJ J {_p, J,{)2,. I ~ 0 1 SIGNATURE OF OECLARANT: ------Vv __ l __ fl-_-.---___ • --- Nancy Vilava11h FIRST AMF.RICAN TITLF. COMPANY SAN OIEGO, CA PRELIMINARY CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP REPORT To be eom;,c~ed ':Ff tlt-o transferee (Wyer) pno, to a fr.lr:~fcr ◊f ~bfcet prope11y, "' occor<t.>nec .ath scction 4a0.3 of Im> R.,,em,e and 1;:; Qi1on C<ide A Pt~Om;:,1q Ch.ingc: of Ownership R<Jp(Ut mu,.I be filed W'llh eaeh eonvey4noe m tht, Courey Re'1>n;S~r'~ office ror the county ,.,~ere t~ J)!Op,P.rty ~ k>C3tcd :-.A"11:_ /oND&tAUJNIJ, ~fJti: 8Ul'EMR,v,!i:TCR0: (I,~~ (O'Hidi:,,i,J Ji:> ~ sri'lMd IINM' mt R:iCIM'f;? #illatt:».) AIMS 2000 Hop• 2021 LLC, o Coliforni.:, Utni:-cd !.1:!b~y Company 707 4 Crystaliine drive Carlsbad, CA 92011 S'fREE) ~CSSOR~$CJ.t.~TIOHOF~OROPt':RlY 2860 Hl>po Av.,.;e, C..rt>!>od, CA 92008 M.'\'l P~':ATYTAA ,~~1/All(.)U •,:,17-vw.;-: Ab\1.S 2860 Hooo 2021 LLC. 21 Caifomi~ Limited L~biltv Cc.mr.cvw .M,'Sf."$:)1:.lH'~ PAACEL f~MIJLN '.203-130-23-00 -Ricl'lard L. Ou~ &nd Kim Duqi;etle. rnsecs of The etve Rr.•er Tros: 0afed Augt.d 14. ?!JO? 0U'f(R'$ OAY':IME TQ.~NUMDCR 11,c, '-f,•<--;r,,<, o -uuvrR'.::; i'MA.ll .Ai.>V«L~ brion.patt@gmait.com J.D~---ss I cnv s,~,t w~ 7074 Crystallin,0e=-=d~li~ve~-----________ _,l:~·•_rt_o_t>o_d _________ r-c-,t:;i-,A=-,~fc=0cc1_1 _ O YES ~ NO TI)J";. .m>l)Ql'ty e inten(.!Od ;,i:. ft'tf ~Ni re:.~>oe. tr YES, p~ ~~ the d;M¢, o, 00Gup31\0r I MO DAY Yr..J,R tu e.'" it::e:11d(!(I oocupancy. PARr 1. TRANSFER INFORMATION Please compJere au srJtcments. YES This scc&n oontails poSS,ible exclusiom rrom .c:.aSY-:SSment ro, ec~cn types of tra.ns:fors NO 0 Jl( A ThtS tl'iHl$fCr 1s. sole?y bc-t\•.-ccn ~pou-~:;; (addi6ort or ,e,m()va/ of 3 $/)OU$e, doafh of a .s.pou$a, t#':,f()t<.c .s, . .-tt!cmcm, Ott:.). O f,(' 8 m:s transun· l!. solely tx:tween domestic ~rtne!'.$-w«enuy reghtemd with lhe Califom!:a Secret3ry ot Siate (oddition or ro.mov:n of-., '" p-,,d'nor. dc:,th Of3 p:utnor. term/11:,fionsciff.omont. ere.). 0 )(i •c. ThS Is a tr.,0$f"w. □ bC!:tween pJren:{3) and chik.1(rcn) 0 from grandparcnt(s) to Qidndcluld{(en). 0 )!{, ·o. Th,s lransfor 1$ the result of a colenant's de•th. Dato ot death-:::::------:---- 0 J& 'E. This !13r,saeliQn is to "'Place a prir.cipalrwoonco by a l)elSCfl 55 y,,an,ol oge or oldEr, WHhin the $3mC" c.our.ty? 0 YES O NO 0 Ji" ·f Thi$ tr3nsoctt0n is to rep!.)(:(: a princip.il residence by ac per$0nwho is severel"1<fis3•n1ea 3$de.ffnedby Re1,1enue Jnd TaYaboo Code section 69 S \Jl!i.tnEn the same county? 0 YES D NO This transaa:.on rs only a correction of the l'latne($:) of tho ~~s) hot~ title to the pr,operty (i:.g e na,nt: cl:an9£• 1.Jpon mJmago). l(YES. plc3S. o"!)lain· -----,---,--------:----,---,--,:------,--------------H The fC-oordl?d document ctea!es, terminat0$., o, reconvcys a. lender's. U'ltcrott in ~ propu1y. l Tni:;, tran~ct1on 1$1eco~ed only 3S a reqoiremtnt tor f111ancll\9 pwposes.or to create. temmate, or reconVil)' a $eourity interest a Jr(n o)!f □'.Ii!' fC g . cosigner). 11 YES. pl~$!} e)Q)tain· ------------------------------- 0 '){ J. fhe recorded doeurnent substttutes i:i t~ of a tnr.J, mottgage. or other simibr dOCUltlent. K. This iso transrer of r,,o;:erty: □ p{ 1 toXrom a rt->JOCJblc tr\J:st that may be revcla:d by th~ tr:an$feror and ts'°' the bcttofl 01 0 the tran!.!cror, arn!Jor □ lhe tr.ansfo:rors spous,e O fegisfurca dom-esl,c p.ortno, 0 P.{ L □~M 0 ~N. D ~·o 2. tonrom a trus.f 1h:at m:~y be revoked by the. ete.31.ortgmritortt.ru!ltct •Nho JS abo :i joi~l te:).)rn, ai;d which names i:l')e ~ joir.t renant(s) as benefzci.:lries ..,,her, the creator:9.rantorAru!o-10( <i.-CS.. 3. !olfrom an trrevoc:.iblie tru--..,t for the benefit of the 0 ccerJtof!grnntor;trustor ;)n(Vor O !;rantor'~$!:O(G spouse O gralUD($r'lfusto(s tegis:@ted oomc-'St!C partner. Th,:. property ,s subieet to ,3 iC-.l$C wl(h a rema1n.in9 r-ea,e term of 35 yeai, or more indUding \·tri:1.en options. Th.IS 1s ~ Hanst.er ~tw>!on pi!lti!.S sn-•Nhk.h proportional irnerest:. of tl-,e ~r,1o&feror{s) and tr3nsfea:c{s,} in c;xh ~1n(;! every pa~ t>etng trans.ferrcct n,m.:,m e-xaceytne :t-3.mo aftcrttte !tnnster. Tl'KS is a tra:nSfer sl.qQOI: to ~d lo~e hou:;..og tCqu'J'em~nts w'4.h 901;·emmc1~1au,-imposed r~ons.. Thi::. tr.ms fer rs to u,* f.irst purci'~:~ ot a nev, bWtfiilg eontaaling an acbve solar energy ~~t<:m. ~ P;ease .re for tc> the 1rr...ttuct.iort$ lot Pl!rt t. ~lease prov~t' any other inf<>rtnation th~t wdl help the Assessor undtr&tand tile ruture of the h.ans1c,. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT SUBJECT TO PUBl.JC INSPECTION I I . ' PART 2. OTHER TRANSFER INFORMATION A ~• ln!t1Stor, :r olho, •~o" ,ccor<:"'lJ c!a\e: 8. I Y.: .. of ~icr Portha'tC' 0 Foreck)~IJ.-C O Gll't 0 Contr3a of !lt!!e. Date-of contract ------□ s a;e,1easeback D Cr~t,on or a ~se 0 l\f,erger, stool<. o, portno;sh,p acqu,s;tJon (fonn S0E.·100·8) D Inheritance Oat'" of death: ______ _ 0 A:sslgri,mcns of~ ieaw □ 'Te,m103ti<>t1: of ..t K'...i!'S-(; 03tc t<e~sc beg.:,ri C. c,~1 term in ;•Nro (mdudmg wrtt!en options.)·.,,-"--Rerna.lniog term ar. ye3,s {me/udn9 wtirfen options) __ _ □ Other. Pleasec)(llloil>· -------------7 ~---------------------- On'f"j a parti::i.1 ~!~rest in the pro~:ty w~s tromfe,rcd tt YES, indicate 1M 1><>reent"90 tronsfor.,d: ----= DYES PART 3. PUru:HAsE PRICE AND TERMS 0~ SALE --Oo t /1 ~ 5=D, DOD a. C ~ Ci~ down payme-nt or '/atue Cf tmt!e or ,e,xc~ cxc:tue109 cioSlili; OC>StS-Amoonll: $-------:--- First de-ed or trtJs: @ ~ 1n:c,~~ ~r ____ yoars., Monthl'f payment$,_______ AmQunt s. _______ _ 0 FHA L_D<SCOUnt Points) 0 C;,l-Vcl OVA L._0,SC<lunl Pomts) 0 Fixed roto O Variatie ml• 0 Sank!Saviri;gs e. l.o;lr\/Crcd?. Unfon D loan carried by ~lla:,- O Balloon pt:1yment $,_______ OVe d.lte: _______ _ 0 Scc.ond dccdcf ffllst@ ~-----% #We-$1. to, ____ ye;,!$. Montnty paymem $ _____ _ 0 Fix.."<! rate O V~riab:e rafo O 8anl</Savmgs & loarvCrcdrt Umon □ Loan oamed by""""' 0 8.1Jloon ~ymcnt $ Ooc d::ite. _______ _ Aroo~ s _______ _ E. Was an Improvement Bond oro!,h.er pubic ftnancmg aMf.lmt':a by 1h,e ouycn O YE.S □ NO 0~ndfng Q~IA.oec S, ________ _ F. Amovnl 1f any, of re31 es:tateieommisSKl-.n io~s paid by the buyet which ,:m:.! not Jnciudccf m th:e purdlue-pnoe S. _______ _ G. The property W3$ PLad'!.$~: hl,n.rough real cst~tt bcoker 8roker name: _________ ?hoM number.~-~------□ Owrect (tom s.e!!or □ F;.J~ ;mBy me~r-Re:Jal.l0nsh1p _________ _ OOttser. Please exp,am: _______________________________________ _ H. Pfease expbjn any~• terms. eeHer co~s. broket/agcnt tee-; wa-:vecJ. fina.nc.n,g, .,nd 3ny other infoon.1.tion {e.g., buyE!r assumed I.he cxir;t:ing toan bafanoe) that woukf assa the Assessor tn Ille vakJ.Jtion t>1 your pro~rty PAAT 4. PR0Pl:RTY INFORMATION A. ..1!ye o! property transfcn~d _,.3-s;ngle-lam.lly -nee Chee/< Md eo,np/of.e ""opplica~. • 0 Mu!tiplo~'am,ly reo:!dence Number of unlb· __ D Other. Oc'SOttptio,n~ (i.e .• tinber, mincmt, water rights. c!c > D Co-opl()wr,.your-com 0 Concomin:um 0 Tln'lt'Sh3t~ 0 'M.:mufactured home 0 Ur:irnpro,,ed lot 0 Comme-rei:.'JVlndU".Arial 8. 0YES );\'t.10 ?et!',Otl~tibusincss pn:,pcrty. Of inoen:Wc:s. provKfed by ~~l'l~r :o t>wcr a:o 1l'du-ded in the ~ p~. ExatrqUes ol person.al property aie furniture. fotm equipmo:\10 madlincry, ttc Examples ol mc-entiv<:s are dub memt>o-,ships. -eto. Attnch A$t n .:J'l8'8b:C, tf YES. enter tht? vaJve of the p,<uso:latfb1..Gine-s$ :p,-operty: $ _______ _ C O YES )f NO A m:anL'>f:lctured home is~ in the purchar..e price. Jncenwes$. ________ _ If YES. or.ter the vah.:e aftrib:.ited ~o the manafa~d home. s. _______ _ 0 YES ~O TI,,e m:mvfoetured home is subject to loca: property taL If NO, entN doc.al ,n•mbec: _______ _ 0 . 0 YES }!(No The pn,perty p,oduc,,s rent~lorollle< in«<r>e 1fYES. the income fs from: 0 W~ent □ Contrae; 0 Mineral rigtu Q Other: ________________ _ E. The con,cht,on o!thc property·:itthe tfm~ of 3:lJc w~~: 0 Gooel O .O..\·erage-~air D Poor Please desc:::r.b:•::·-======::-====~=-~===----:=========-==========:-:----:==== CERTil'ICATl0N I c.tHfJ'/y (or docJiro) :ha( t.11e fot&gomg .;me f}f! infonnct'iio..? hetoon. inoluamg tJ.ny •ccomp:iny,n9 su,rcmcnts 01 <Jocumems. t$ trve (jnd co,rocr to the bo:;1 o: my knowlDd~ and betic.f. :v.v& or O.tv(t;t,rAA~ro>.t RCAAF""...,r,NY .1:r1,.'!:.co=:e.~R,1,r t. Cf ncnt i'?I.FASL mrt.'1) nrLC, S. 3rior. Patt •,t,V,-181:A L•M>lh. N'J!)Qji,'.~$. brion,p:3t1.@grr.ai! com I SCHELL AND SITES ADDITION POR. LOT 27 HO P E A V E N U E LOT 28 POR. LOT 27 POR. LOT 27 GRAND AVENUE HOME AVENUE BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 2860 HOPE AVENUE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008HOWES WEILER LANDYPLANNING & ENGINEERING Tel. 760.929.2288 Fax. 760.929.2287 2888 LOKER AVENUE EAST SUITE 217 CARLSBAD, CA 92010 BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 2860 HOPE AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008----~---,-----~ ~6~.,_ FD GIN SPK ~;ti~.., "LS 5411" 1ll"" I t I I I I I I I I I l r I I I I . f's I 1 1ll-l" WASHER STAMPED ;;i "LS5411" 15 FD 2• IP OPEN #,ti FD GIN SPIKE & ---t-FD GIN SPIKE: & WASHfR STAMPED "LS 5411" FD LEAD' 1 .t TACK 'J EX/511NG NOUS£ FF'-64.65 N'H: 20J-IJ0-29 APN: 20J-IJ0-27 APN: 20J-IJ0--28 LEGEND BOIIMlARY DATA PRO.ECT BOONOARY RIGHT OF WAY CEN'IERUNE N42iB'59"W 40.00' RECORD LOT LINE ca/TOORS ----- EX WALL EX BUILD/HG >>>>>>>>> a a a a EX rn1C£ ('MF') EX FFIICE (aFJ EXFFIICE(IIDf:) EX CURB (BACK) EX CURB (/'ACE) --•--•- EX CONCRE1£ EX BRICK EX GRAl£L f,,.1~:-;p:i.~';;.,-;4 EX SEIIER IIANHCU: EX SEIIER Cl£AIIWT EX !RE£ EXGJJYANalOR EX POIIE!! PCl£ o!,lf .J' EX GAS IE1ER Cl EX WAIER IE1ER • EX GATE: VAL'IE e EX SIJR\£Y ll<H.IIENT (AS NOTED HER£0N) • EX AREA DRAIN • EX El£CJJIIC IE1ER El ABBRnf.A TJONS AC APN AO CB t CIF CHIIY COIIIM CONC E EG EP { FD FF' FS FG GFF' GV t5 R/11' SQFT sco SMH S/11' n: IE: m. n; r,p 111.T llllF IIIF Ml ASPHALT CONCRETE: ASSESSllR'S PARCEL NUMBER AREA DRAIN CA n:H /YoSIN CENTER UNE CHAIN-UNK FENCE CHIMNEY CONIIUNICA 110N CONCRETE: ELECTRIC EXISTING GRADE EDGE OF PA VEIIEHT Fl.OW LINE FOUND FINISHED FLOOR FINISHED SURFACE FINISHED GRADE GARAGE FINISHED FLOOR GATE: VALVE LANDSCAPED AREA PROPERTY UNE RIGHT OF WAY SQUARE FEIT S£ll£R CI.EANOUT S£ll£R IIANHOU: SIDEWALK TOP OF CURB TRASH EHCI.OSIJRE m.EPHONE TOP OF GRATE: TYPICAL VAULT ll!lOO rnlCE IIROUGHT IRON FENCE WATER METER 0 10' 2/J' SCAI.E:l"-10' 30' LEGAL DESCRIP110N THE NORTHIIEST£RL. Y 55 FEIT OF THE: SOUTIIE:ASTERL Y 114 FEIT OF LOT 27 IN SCHElL AND SIT£S ADDITION TO CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STA IE: OF CAUFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THERE:OF NO. 2145, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON FEBRUARY 20. 1929. f----------------------1 CLIENT/SIT£ ADDRESS LANDS OF: AIMS 2860 / 2860 HOPE A ',£HUE HOPE 2021 LLC CARLSBAD, CA 92008 BENCHMARK DESCRIPTION: 2.5" DISK STAMPED Cl.58-122 LS. 6215 LOCA 110N: IN NORTH CURB OF CARLSBAD \fLLAGE DRIVE. 0.1 Ml. IIEST OF HIGHLAND DRIVE OPPOSITE: PALM TREE IN CITY UBRARY PARKING LOT. ELEVATION: l29.J62 DATIJM: NA\IDIJII BASIS OF BEARINGS 8EARINGS SHOr.N HEREON ARE BASED ON C.O.R.S. MEASUREMENT OF FOUND IIONUIIEHTS. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 20J-IJ0--2B-OO SURvnnR'S NOTES I. THIS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY IS BASED UPON THE FIELD SURVEY ANO REPRESENTS THE TOPOGRAPHIC F<A TURES OF THIS Sl1E, AT THAT 1111£ IT REMAINS THE RESPONSIBIUTY OF THE Ol!NfR OR THEIR REPRESEHTA 111/ES TO FIELD VERIFY ANY CURRENT SITE: CONDITIONS ANO TO THEH NOTIFY THE SURVEYOR OF ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THIS TOPOGRAPHIC SUR'IEY. 2. SURVEY INFORMA 110N SHOIIH HEREON IS 8ASEO ON MAP NO. 2145 ANO FILED CORNfR RECORDS ROTA 1£0 TO THE BASIS OF BEARINGS- UTJUTY NOT£ UNOfRGROUNO UTIUTIES SHOIIN Hfl!EON ARE INCXJt.lPI.E!E: AND THEIR LOCATIONS SHOULD BE 'IERIFIED BY CONTACTING THE VARIOUS UTIUTY CONPANIEs. EASEMENTS THIS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BEJ,/EFIT OF A 717!£ REPORT. HOIIE',ER, EASEl,IEHTS THAT AFFECT THE SUB.ECT PROPERTY MAY NOT BE SHOr.N. SURvnnR'S ST.A TEMENT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNOER MY DIRECTION AND IS BASED UPON THE FIELD SURVEY Pfl!FORMED ON l1-l/l-2021. DEAN JOHNSON PlS 48715 DATE: VICINITY MAP I I ' I i ~ I I 1----=-=cc-=-=----r---------i I HilVL I 1 1 i-,.-----------c-.... =--cc2""7"'7'"'_0""1---t I 1 • 1