HomeMy WebLinkAbout3115 MELROSE DR; ; AS060153; PermitCity of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No:AS060153 Job Address:3115 MELROSE DR Status:ISSUED Permit Type:SPRINK Applied 6/27/2006 Parcel No:2218801300 Approved:6/26/2006 Lot #:0 Reference No.:Issued:6/26/2006 PC #:Inspector: Project Title:OPUS POINT, LOT 25 FIRE SPRINKLER INSPECTIONS @ $60/EA Applicant:Owner: OPUS WEST CORP 4350 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR #110 SAN DIEGO CA ---------- Fees ($)Add'l Fees ($)Total ($)Balance ($) 180 0 180 0 12/27/24, 11:19 AM AS060153 Permit Data about:blank 1/1 Job Name Building Location System Contract Data File P;;"(•/~: T r,,11[, (:'":\;=[.//,: • ~-''::·i-:-1 l!-!E I:'.·:!:,\:•::/.! ·.~;l C ::·1;~ '·: ,J,.': r·;';\'1!:/\CT i;,():;L~'c'..·:·,). c:·· .·,,:, ,·~c: :·; FJ,.,:';,qtS/f'f_ , • .-t ·? ;.:·.1r [ :';' .. ~-~; f·' • _., \~-i. ::-;1.i'..r;i:n .. _ Fi re Protection by Computer Design Advance Fire Protection Co. 1451 West Lambert Road La Habra CA 90631 Fax (562) 691-5482 562-691-0918 OPUS POINT -LOT 25 LOT25 3115 MELROSEDR.-CARLSBAD, CA. 2ND FLOOR 06-0118 06-0118.WXF Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Advance Fire Protection Co. OPUS POINT -LOT 25 Hydraulic Design Information Sheet Name -OPUS POINT Location -3115 MELROSE DR.-CARLSBAD, CA. Building -LOT 25 Contractor -ADVANCE FIRE PROTECTION Calculated By -MATT KRIVOLAVY Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non-Combustible Occupancy -OFFICES Date -6-5-06 System No. -2ND FLOOR Contract No. -06-0118 Drawing No. -FP-3 Ceiling Height 30' s y s T E M D E s I G N (X) NFPA 13 (X) Lt. Haz. Ord.Haz.Gp. ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) Ex.Haz. ( ) NFPA 231 ( ) NFPA 231C Other ( ) Figure Curve Specific Ruling Area of Sprinkler Operation -1500 SF Density -.10 GPM Area Per Sprinkler -168 SF Elevation at Highest Outlet -29' AFF Hose Allowance -Inside -100 GPM Rack Sprinkler Allowance -N/A Hose Allowance -Outside -N/A Made By System Type (X) Wet ( ) Dry ( ) Deluge ( ) Preaction ( ) Other Date Sprinkler/Nozzle Make RELIABLE Model FlFR Size½" ORIFICE K-Factor 5.62 Temp.Rat.155°F Note TWO HEADS CALCULATED OFF OF EVERY OUTLET FOR A TOTAL OF 18 HEADS Calculation Flow Required -330.93 Press Required -103 Summary C-Factor Used: 120 Overhead 150 At BOR Underground w A T E R s u p p Water Flow Test: Date of Test Time of Test Static Press Residual Press Flow Elevation -1-18-06 -9:18 AM -150 PSI -140 PSI -2632 GPM -GRADE Pump Data: Rated Cap.- @ Press Elev. Tank or Reservoir: Cap. - Elev.- Well Proof Flow Location -EXISTING CITY WATER MAIN IN LIONSHEAD AVE. Page Date L Source of Information -WATER FLOW TEST WITH MARK SODERGERG-CARLSBAD FIRE INS y C 0 M M s R T A 0 C R K A G E Commodity Storage Ht. Storage Method: Single Row Double Row Mult. Row Flue Spacing Longitudinal Class Location Area Aisle W. Solid Piled % Palletized % Conven. Pallet Slave Pallet ( ) Auto. Storage ( ) Solid Shelf ( ) Open Shelf Rack Encap. Non Clearance:Storage to Ceiling Transverse Horizontal Barriers Provided: Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 1 6-5-06 -DVANCE FIRE PROTECTION CO• INC. 1451 W. Lambert Road La Habra, CA 90631 (562)691-0918 voice (562) 691.,.5482 fax State License Number 259936 Witness of Flow Job Name Ofu) Po11-4f Address 31Cf o Uo~Sf.k::m> ,4/fllv8v~; City , GliZLS13{ID Location of Hydrants [LOW '-3,qo L-JQN.S ff0¾) 6rw~£.,, cfo LION7Hffi))g Btf/.£ p~. Pitot Reading JS XL Orifice Size 2i' y: .. :l Static Pressure _ ___,_(-=~~O"------------------- Residual Pressure 14(}-----<--,,c,_-=------------------ G a II on s Flowing 2G 3l. Gen Witness i11flfzl( .. 5:0DE(<f3~(;... Title (!~1;:-ltU,5/Jtzcrot?. Company CI-UZL5fJl1 v hP<£ Dc~ZOt: Date /8 :(141\} 0~ Time 0'118 Signe~ Water Supply Curve (C) Advance Fire Protection Co. OPUS POINT -LOT 25 City Water Supply: Cl -Static Pressure 135 PSI C2 -Residual Pressure: 126 PSI C2 -Residual Flow 2632 GPM 150 Page 2 Date 6-5-06 Dl -Elevation 12.560 PSI 140 D2 -System Fl 330.94 GPM 112.328 PSI 130 GPM p 120 R 110 E 100 S 90 S 80 U 70 R 60 E 50 40 30 20 10 D~ :p-0 U3 .LI.I ,I 300 600 I I 900 1200 I 1500 I 1800 FLOW ( N /\ 1.85) I 2100 D3 -System Demand 430.94 GPM Safety Margin 22.356 PSI I 2400 2700 Flow Diagram Advance Fire Protection Co. OPUS POINT -LOT 25 A <--16.80 c B <-16.96 C <--33.76 DBLE 1 ➔ 59.99 2 ➔ 25.49 3 t 59.99 7 ➔ 60.54 8 ➔ 25.83 9 t 120.52 14 <-8.24 15 -> 22.36 16 t 8.24 t 30.60 15 <-30.60 18 t 218.65 19 f-24.38 2 0 t 87.91 t 243.03 21 f-30.13 22 t 57.77 .J.. 57.77 23 <-29.01 2 4 t 28.77 .J.. 28.77 25 <-28.77 2 6 1 f-59.99 7 f-120.52 14 6 <-77.81 13 <-155.84 l 7 26 <-28.77 2 4 <-57.77 2 2 t 330.93 2 8 <-18.99 2 9 f-8.27 4 <-42.12 5 f-8.12 10 <-42.16 11 ➔ 22.36 12 <--32.21 1 7 f-112.28 19 f-87.91 21 f-188.05 18 f-218.65 2 0 <--330.93 2 7 t 126.55 <-77.81 6 t 77.81 f-78.03 13 f-57.77 2 3 f-243.03 22 <-28.77 25 Page Date 3 6-5-06 Flow Diagram .J. !8.99 t 18.99 30 ~ 19.15 31 .J. 38.14 t 38.14 2 7 ~ 166.24 32 33 ~-24.08 34 .J. 24.08 t 24.08 35 <-24.28 3 6 .J. 48.37 t 48.37 37 <-25.00 38 3 9 <-19.47 4 0 t 107.08 41 ~ 33.72 42 28 ➔ 18.99 30 t 18.99 t 19.15 29 <-18.99 31 34 ~ 24.08 3 6 t 330.93 ➔ 38.14 27 t 166.24 <-38.14 32 <-48.37 3 8 t 126.55 ~ 126.55 3 9 t 19.47 <-204.38 4 0 t 223.85 ~ 73.36 43 ~ 107.08 41 <-223.85 4 3 t 297.21 <-297.21 4 2 ~ 73.36 3 7 ~ 330.93 4 4 ~ 48.37 35 ~ 24.08 33 <-330.93 TOR2 ~ 330.93 BOR2 <-430.94 UG ~ 430.94 CITY Fittings Summary Advance Fire Protection Co. OPUS POINT -LOT 25 Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name ,A Generic Alarm Va B Generic Butterfly Valve C Roll Groove Coupling D Dry Pipe Valve E 90' Standard Elbow F 45' Elbow G Gate Valve K Detector Check Valve L Long Tum Elbow M Medium Turn Elbow Q Flow Control Valve s Swing Check Valve T 90' Flow thru Tee V Detector Check Valve w Wafer Check Valve z Flow Switch Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Page Date 4 6-5-06 Fittings Summary Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 5 OPUS POINT -LOT 25 Date 6-5-06 Unadjusted Fittings Table 1/2 3/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 21/2 3 3 1/2 4 A 7.7 21.5 17.0 B 7.0 10.0 12.0 C 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D 9.5 17.0 28.0 E 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 10.0 F 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.0 3.4 G 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 K 14.0 14.0 L 1.0 1.0 1.7 2.0 2.0 3.5 4.3 5.0 5.0 6.8 M 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 Q 18.0 29.0 35.0 s 4.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 14.0 16.0 19.0 22.0 T 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 17.0 20.0 V 14.0 14.0 w 10.3 z 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 10.0 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 A 17.0 27.0 29.0 B 9.0 10.0 12.0 19.0 21.0 C 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 D 47.0 E 12.0 14.0 18.0 22.0 27.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 61.0 F 4.2 5.0 5.0 11.0 13.0 17.0 19.0 21.0 24.0 28.0 G 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 10.0 11.0 13.0 K 36.0 55.0 45.0 L 8.5 10.0 13.0 16.0 18.0 24.0 27.0 30.0 34.0 40.0 M 10.0 12.0 16.0 19.0 22.0 Q 33.0 s 27.0 32.0 45.0 55.0 65.0 76.0 87.0 98.0 109.0 130.0 T 25.0 30.0 35.0 50.0 60.0 71.0 81.0 91.0 101.0 121.0 V 36.0 55.0 45.0 w 13.1 31.8 35.8 27.4 z 12.0 14.0 18.0 22.0 27.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 61.0 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Pressure/ Flow Summary-STANDARD Advance Fire Protection Co. Page 6 OPUS POINT -LOT 25 Date 6-5-06 Node Elevation K-Fact Pt Pn Flow Density Area Press No. Actual Actual Reg. A 27.0 5.62 8.94 na 16.8 .1 168 8.94 B 27.0 5.62 9.1 na 16.96 .1 168 8.94 C 29.0 9.87 na 1 29.0 28.68 na 2 29.0 K=K@DBLE 12.27 na 34.5 3 29.0 K=K@DBLE 11.75 na 33.76 4 29.0 K=K@DBLE 11.82 na 33.85 5 29.0 K=K@DBLE 13.13 na 35.69 7 29.0 29.11 na 8 29.0 K=K@DBLE 12.42 na 34.7 9 29.0 K=K@DBLE 11.89 na 33.95 10 29.0 K=K@DBLE 11.95 na 34.04 11 29.0 K=K@DBLE 13.27 na 35.87 14 29.0 30.66 na 15 29.0 30.87 na 16 29.0 30.74 na 12 29.0 K=K@DBLE 30.71 na 54.57 19 29.0 32.77 na 21 29.0 33.47 na 23 29.0 33.88 na 25 29.0 33.99 na 6 29.0 36.47 na 13 29.0 36.73 na 17 29.0 37.68 na 18 29.0 38.81 na 20 29.0 40.04 na 26 29.0 43.86 na 24 29.0 43.9 na 22 29.0 44.23 na 28 29.0 58.88 na 30 29.0 58.82 na 27 29.0 58.64 na 33 29.0 61.77 na 35 29.0 61.69 na 37 29.0 61.41 na 39 29.0 60.01 na 41 29.0 60.88 na 29 29.0 63.44 na 31 29.0 63.46 na 32 29.0 63.53 na 40 29.0 64.79 na 34 29.0 68.86 na 36 29.0 68.89 na 38 29.0 69.0 na 43 29.0 69.33 na 42 29.0 73.39 na 44 29.0 74.5 na TOR2 12.5 91.87 na BOR2 0.0 103.01 na 100.0 UG 0.0 103.05 na CITY 0.0 112.33 na The maximum velocity is 15.33 and it occurs in the pipe between nodes 11 and 13 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations -Standard Advance Fire Protection Co. OPUS POINT -LOT 25 Hyd. Ref. Point A to C B to C C to DBLE I to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 5 to 6 7 to 8 8 to 9 9 to 10 10 to 11 11 to 13 Qa Qt 16.80 16.8 0.0 16.80 16.96 16.96 16.80 33.76 0.0 33.76 -59.99 -59.99 34.50 -25.49 33.76 8.27 33.85 42.12 35.69 77.81 0.0 77.81 -60.54 -60.54 34.71 -25.83 33.95 8.12 34.04 42.16 35.87 78.03 0.0 78.03 Dia. "C" Pf/UL 1.049 120 0.0943 1.049 120 0.0959 1.049 120 0.3427 1.442 120 -0.2108 1.442 120 -0.0433 1.442 120 0.0054 1.442 120 0.1096 1.442 120 0.3411 1.442 120 -0.2144 1.442 120 -0.0443 1.442 120 0.0052 1.442 120 0.1098 1.442 120 0.3429 Fitting or Eqv. Ln. 2E 2.000 1T 5.000 IE 2.000 1T 5.000 IT 5.000 IT 7.432 IT 7.432 IT 7.432 IT 7.432 Pipe Ftng's Total 10.000 9.000 19.000 10.000 7.000 17.000 0.500 5.000 5.500 70.420 7.432 77.852 12.000 0.0 12.000 12.000 0.0 12.000 12.000 0.0 12.000 61.000 7.432 68.432 70.420 7.432 77.852 12.000 0.0 12.000 12.000 0.0 12.000 12.000 0.0 12.000 61.000 7.432 68.432 Pt Pe Pf 8.940 -0.866 1.791 9.865 9.102 -0.866 1.631 9.865 0.0 1.885 11.750 28.682 0.0 -16.414 12.270 0.0 -0.519 11.751 0.0 0.065 11.815 0.0 1.315 13.130 0.0 23.344 36.474 29.109 0.0 -16.693 12.418 0.0 -0.532 11.886 0.0 0.063 11.948 0.0 1.317 13.266 0.0 23.466 36.732 Page 7 Date 6-5-06 Pt Pv ******* Notes ****** Pn K Factor= 5 .62 Vel = 6.237 K Factor= 5.35 K Factor= 5.62 Vel = 6.296 Vel = 12.533 K Factor= 9.85 Vel = 11.785 K Factor @ node DBLE Vel = 5.008 K Factor @ node DBLE Vel= 1.625 K Factor @ node DBLE Vel= 8.275 K Factor @ node DBLE Vel = 15.286 K Factor= 12.88 Vel = 11.893 K Factor @ node DBLE Vel = 5.074 K Factor@ node DBLE Vel= 1.595 K Factor @ node DBLE Vel= 8.282 K Factor@ node DBLE Vel = 15.329 K Factor= 12.87 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations -Standard Advance Fire Protection Co. OPUS POINT -LOT 25 Hyd. Ref. Point 14 to 15 15 to 16 16 to 12 12 to 17 15 to 18 19 to 20 21 to 22 23 to 24 25 to 26 1 to 7 7 to 14 14 to 19 Qa Qt 8.24 8.24 -30.60 -22.36 0.0 -22.36 54.57 32.21 0.0 32.21 30.60 30.6 0.0 30.60 24.38 24.38 0.0 24.38 30.13 30.13 0.0 30.13 29.01 29.01 0.0 29.01 28.77 28.77 0.0 28.77 59.99 59.99 60.53 120.52 -8.24 112.28 Dia. "C" Pf/UL 1.682 120 0.0025 1.682 120 -0.0160 1.442 120 -0.0340 1.442 120 0.0667 1.442 120 0.0607 1.442 120 0.0399 1.442 120 0.0590 1.442 120 0.0550 1.442 120 0.0541 2.157 120 0.0297 2.157 120 0.1078 2.157 120 0.0946 Fitting or Eqv. Ln. 2T 9.900 IT 7.432 lE 3.716 IT 7.432 2T 7.432 2T 7.432 2T 7.432 2T 7.432 Pipe Ftng's Total 61.420 19.799 81.219 8.000 0.0 8.000 1.000 0.0 1.000 97.000 7.432 104.432 119.750 11.148 130.898 167.500 14.864 182.364 167.500 14.864 182.364 167.500 14.864 182.364 167.500 14.864 182.364 14.420 0.0 14.420 14.420 0.0 14.420 22.250 0.0 22.250 Page 8 Date 6-5-06 Pt Pt Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Pf Pn 30.664 0.0 0.206 Vel = 1.190 30.870 0.0 -0.128 Vel = 3.229 30.742 0.0 -0.034 Vel = 4.393 30.708 K Factor @ node DBLE 0.0 6.968 Vel = 6.328 37.676 K Factor= 5.25 30.870 0.0 7.943 Vel = 6.011 38.813 K Factor= 4.91 32.769 0.0 7.268 Vel = 4.790 40.037 K Factor= 3.85 33.471 0.0 10.754 Vel = 5.919 44.225 K Factor= 4.53 33.877 0.0 10.026 Vel = 5.699 43.903 K Factor= 4.38 33.989 0.0 9.873 Vel = 5.652 43.862 K Factor= 4.34 28.682 0.0 0.428 Vel = 5.267 29.109 0.0 1.555 Vel = 10.582 30.664 0.0 2.105 Vel = 9.858 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations -Standard Advance Fire Protection Co. OPUS POINT -LOT 25 Hyd. Ref. Point 19 to 21 21 to 23 23 to 25 6 to 13 13 to 17 17 to 18 18 to 20 20 to 22 26 to 24 24 to 22 22 to 27 28 to 29 30 to 31 Qa Qt -24.37 87.91 -30.14 57.77 -29.00 28.77 0.0 28.77 77.81 77.81 78.03 155.84 32.21 188.05 30.60 218.65 24.38 243.03 0.0 243.03 28.77 28.77 29.00 57.77 273.16 330.93 0.0 330.93 18.99 18.99 0.0 18.99 19.15 19.15 Dia. "C" Pf/UL 2.157 120 0.0602 2.157 120 0.0277 2.157 120 0.0076 2.635 120 0.0181 2.635 120 0.0655 2.635 120 0.0927 2.635 120 0.1225 2.635 120 0.1489 2.635 120 0.0029 2.635 120 0.0104 3.26 120 0.0935 1.442 120 0.0251 1.442 120 0.0255 Fitting or Eqv. Ln. IT 16.474 IT 16.474 2L 6.720 IT 20.159 2T 7.432 2T 7.432 Pipe Ftng's Total 11.670 0.0 11.670 14.670 0.0 14.670 14.670 0.0 14.670 14.420 0.0 14.420 14.420 0.0 14.420 12.250 0.0 12.250 10.000 0.0 10.000 11.670 16.474 28.144 14.670 0.0 14.670 14.670 16.474 31.144 120.500 33.599 154.099 167.000 14.864 181.864 167.000 . 14.864 181.864 Pt Pe Pf 32.769 0.0 0.702 33.471 0.0 0.406 33.877 0.0 0.112 33.989 36.472 0.0 0.261 36.733 0.0 0.944 37.677 0.0 1.135 38.812 0.0 1.225 40.037 0.0 4.191 44.228 43.860 0.0 0.042 43.902 0.0 0.325 44.227 0.0 14.408 58.635 58.875 0.0 4.566 63.441 58.824 0.0 4.637 Page 9 Date 6-5-06 Pt Pv ******* Notes Pn Vel = 7.718 Vel = 5.072 Vel = 2.526 K Factor = 4.93 Vel = 4.578 Vel = 9.169 Vel = 11.064 Vel = 12.864 Vel = 14.298 K Factor= 36.54 Vel= 1.693 Vel = 3.399 Vel = 12.720 K Factor= 43.22 Vel = 3.731 K Factor= 2.38 Vel = 3.762 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 ****** Final Calculations -Standard Advance Fire Protection Co. OPUS POINT -LOT 25 Hyd. Ref. Point 27 to 32 33 to 34 35 to 36 37 to 38 39 to 40 41 to 42 28 to 30 30 to 27 27 to 39 39 to 41 41 to 37 Qa Qt 0.0 19.15 166.24 166.24 0.0 166.24 24.08 24.08 0.0 24.08 24.28 24.28 0.0 24.28 25.00 25.0 0.0 25.00 19.47 19.47 0.0 19.47 33.72 33.72 0.0 33.72 -18.99 -18.99 -19.15 -38.14 164.69 126.55 -19.47 107.08 -33.72 73.36 Dia. "C" Pf/UL 3.26 120 0.0262 1.442 120 0.0390 1.442 120 0.0396 1.442 120 0.0418 1.442 120 0.0263 1.442 120 0.0726 2.157 120 -0.0035 2.157 120 -0.0128 2.157 120 0.1180 2.157 120 0.0866 2.157 120 0.0430 Fitting or Eqv. Ln. IT 20.159 2T 7.432 2T 7.432 2T 7.432 2T 7.432 2E 3.716 2T 7.432 Pipe Ftng's Total 167.000 • 20.159 187.159 167.000 14.864 181.864 167.000 14.864 181.864 167.000 14.864 181.864 167.000 14.864 181.864 150.000 22.296 172.296 14.670 0.0 14.670 14.670 0.0 14.670 11.670 0.0 11.670 10.000 0.0 10.000 12.250 0.0 12.250 Pt Pe Pf 63.461 58.635 0.0 4.896 63.531 61.773 0.0 7.084 68.857 61.694 0.0 7.194 68.888 61.407 0.0 7.593 69.000 60.013 0.0 4.782 64.795 60.879 0.0 12.513 73.392 58.875 0.0 -0.052 58.824 0.0 -0.188 58.635 0.0 1.377 60.013 0.0 0.866 60.879 0.0 0.527 Pt Pv Pn Page 10 Date 6-5-06 ******* Notes ****** K Factor= 2.40 Vel = 6.390 K Factor= 20.86 Vel= 4.731 K Factor= 2.90 Vel = 4.770 K Factor = 2.93 Vel = 4.911 K Factor= 3.01 Vel = 3.825 K Factor= 2.42 Vel = 6.624 K Factor= 3.94 Vel= 1.667 Vel = 3.349 Vel = 11.111 Vel = 9.402 Vel = 6.441 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations -Standard Advance Fire Protection Co. OPUS POINT -LOT 25 Hyd. Ref. Point 37 to 35 35 to 33 29 to 31 31 to 32 32 to 40 40 to 43 34 to 36 36 to 38 38 to 43 43 to 42 42 to 44 44 to TOR2 TOR2 to BOR2 BOR2 to UG Qa Qt -24.99 48.37 -24.29 24.08 0.0 24.08 18.99 18.99 19.15 38.14 166.24 204.38 19.47 223.85 0.0 223.85 24.08 24.08 24.29 48.37 24.99 73.36 223.85 297.21 33.72 330.93 0.0 330.93 0.0 330.93 100.01 430.94 Dia. "C" Pf/UL 2.157 120 0.0199 2.157 120 0.0055 2.635 120 0.0014 2.635 120 0.0048 2.635 120 0.1081 2.635 120 0.1279 2.635 120 0.0021 2.635 120 0.0075 2.635 120 0.0162 3.26 120 0.0766 3.26 120 0.0935 3.26 120 0.0935 3.26 120 0.0935 8.249 140 0.0013 Fitting or Eqv. Ln. IT 16.474 IT 16.474 IT 20.159 IL 6.720 IL 6.720 4L 6.720 IL 6.720 1B 13.440 IZ 9.408 IT 20.159 IL 19.228 Pipe Ftng's Total 14.420 0.0 14.420 14.420 0.0 14.420 14.670 0.0 14.670 14.670 0.0 14.670 11.670 0.0 11.670 19.000 16.474 35.474 14.420 0.0 14.420 14.420 0.0 14.420 4.000 16.474 20.474 26.130 26.879 53.009 5.170 6.720 11.890 82.420 26.879 109.299 11.500 49.727 61.227 15.000 19.228 34.228 Pt Pe Pf 61.407 0.0 0.287 61.694 0.0 0.079 61.773 63.441 0.0 0.020 63.461 0.0 0.071 63.532 0.0 1.261 64.793 0.0 4.537 69.330 68.860 0.0 0.030 68.889 0.0 0.108 68.998 0.0 0.332 69.330 0.0 4.063 73.393 0.0 1.112 74.505 7.146 10.219 91.870 5.414 5.725 103.008 0.0 0.043 Pt Pv Pn Page 11 Date 6-5-06 ******* Notes ****** Vel = 4.247 Vel = 2.114 K Factor= 3.06 Vel= 1.117 Vel = 2.244 Vel = 12.024 Vel = 13.170 K Factor= 26.88 Vel = 1.417 Vel = 2.846 Vel = 4.316 Vel = 11.424 Vel = 12.720 Vel = 12.720 Vel = 12.720 Qa= 100 Vel = 2.587 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Final Calculations -Standard Advance Fire Protection Co. OPUS POINT -LOT 25 Hyd. Ref. Point UG to CITY Qa Qt 0.0 430.94 .0 430.94 Dia. "C" Pf/UL 8.385 150 0.0010 Fitting or Eqv. Ln. 6L 23.657 IT 63.691 1G 7.279 Pipe Ftng's Total 60.000 ,212.900 272.900 Pt Pe Pf 103.051 9.000 0.276 112.327 Pt Pv Pn Page Date ******* 12 6-5-06 Notes ****** Fixed loss = 9 Vel = 2.504 K Factor = 40 .66 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 AutoPeaking Summary Advance Fire Protection Co. OPUS POINT -LOT 25 Auto Peaking Summary-List of Pipes for Area Calculated From 11 12 5 11 12 5 Left Side To 13 17 6 13 17 6 Length 73.000 109.000 73.000 61.000 97.000 61.000 Area Calculated Right Right 12.000 24.000 Typical Distance Between Heads Split Point Used in Worst Area Peaked From 14 7 14 7 Flow Required I 430.94 I 430.43 I 429.72 12.000 3 To 15 2 8 15 2 8 Right Side Length 49.420 58.420 58.420 61.420 70.420 70.420 Pressure Required 112.328 112.904 112.897 Pressure Differential -0.576 0.000 -0.007 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Page Date 13 6-5-06 AutoPeaking Summary Split Point Used in Area Calculated 3 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Double Check Detector Assembly/Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly • v .• ;i:: ;'.. ••• Series 709DCDA/909RPDA No. 709DCDAOSYRW~CFM Series 709DCDA and 909RPDA are designed to prevent the reverse flow of fire protection system substances, i.e., glycerin wetting agents, stagnant water and water of non-potable quality from being pumped or syphoned intothesafedrinkingwatersystem. Detects leaks ... with emphasis on the cost of unaccountable water; incorporates a meter which allows the water utility to: • Detect leaks underground that historically create great annual cost due to waste. • It provides a detection point for unauthorized use. It can help locate illegal taps. Modular check design concept facilitates maintenance and assembly access. All 709DCDA sizes are standardly equipped with AWWA epoxy coated UUFM listed OS&Y gate valves, CFM (cubic feet per minute)%" • • x ¾" meter and ball type test cocks. eries 909RPDA Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly: When applications call for maximum protection, use 909RPDA with relief vent to atmosphere. FEATURES • Resilient wedge shut-offs 9 Body construction epoxy coated cast iron • Replaceable bronze seats • Stainless steel· intemanrarts .. • • Max. flow at low pressure drop • No special tools required for servicing • Compact for economy combined with performance • Design simplicity for easy maintenance • Furnished with Recordall ¾" bronze meter, model 25, see options DIMENSIONS-WEIGHTS (are approximate) t :• C E ~ DIMENSIONS (Inches) WE ~ ~ ~~ &~ ~ & ~ C D E F F G H J 24 26 12 7½ 7 8 40 421/4 18½ 3 14 190 250 34 37 17 9 10 9 52 551/a 23¾ 6 15 403 490 41½ 44 21 11 15 10½ 62½ 651/2 32½ 8 16 727 820 52 55 26 13 19 11½ 75 783/4 39¼ 9 17 1327 1656 64 67 32 16 22 13 90 935/a 48 101/4 18 2093 2250 * UL, FM approved backflow preventers must include FM approved OS&Y gate valves. New 990RPDA Reduced Pressure Detector Assembly 4 "-8" Send for ES-990RPDA. ::.IYl~tJ~:aJ~'H;~/ ••·:,·,:, ::·• .. · .. ; :,,\:;.\::•; ........ ·· ... > .... • ..•• :·r l;~JJQXY;CQgt¢0}5~sJi~o1\b2pt;Jr?OZ,f3~eclt~np,cli5:9, , ·, .. ~§~t~;;f 11:tf lt\"B]~ttd,d~r~ble,Jigh\-s~~Unf //•.: Afl:~iZ~§:t~rni§fl:~B :wfth bronze: body bail :v~lve:test •c;•·': '.C?§s~trtf"c,,·.~,¥r1/};t~ '_'ti :it ': :.t:i)·;i:< •.• •. •. •• • F.~rr;tJ.qH tti'6~~!~td,e stem ci!]d,yok¢.(9§8tY) gate N~ftf ..... ·,,,7-~,~\:.)i;ii~·••iMi?~H1t.}BA{i~t{[of·~·n:>~il . provea :;~ 9.2fbQ~~p~:>:µ151e check valve assembly and water meter'. ', " , •~, ., , No~go~t~,~~~t}}~X~Rf1~~ line uni~f8Q~i§J5: gf B. No. op~ t~,q~~,R~t9iP~~~sure zon~_bacl<f!owpreventer }lt1d wate'r/fu~teh:f,}'\ • • Sen9·:to:,: •;:.· ?• -:~.~tfr:luusi.r~~f d:pri~~ list.i. ::iiJ~bi~~:Jft:_·:, ••••• -::, -~,-:;,' :~;-':,,~~{.{'~}'---. •" e, per'(minufe,rheter,'.' '9J1tp~r:jrw\u1e)net_~~ ut-~!t~';~?/:. ; ••• • c.·. ::. tfil!'~!&}t[H~il)t,~1,1~~:{~si~ •. pressuj-esj:iif{6!1V!iPSI and watedemperatures to;, .. ,. !ti{ ilf 1~jfs1~~~~i?~o;~~~□f J·•••··.· , :•· check{ya:lv$i$.ssen,bli,es:.f\::S:S;E, $td. No. 104a:•j{Qflif9r/~09RP:DA}, AWWA. Std~ ·•C~jp~a~}~~(G,,~}t2~9) ·.fqt 9,Q.9-BP(!A)t .... -UL .. •. cl~ssifieq;J,il~}~olE:X31?S,·JistE3dUhder'GSA··•····· /§§,125[it;All~t~~J .. :,,., > .,,.· .. ' .... ,p,x, •. ,·.·••··· ... • .• ,, •. • .. •• '.> . , .. '? :tRq~lf1JgtU1JJl1c~te;,aperoya/ :staJus/ i8~ferto~ i8'1f![!JJ;,.~j;ii{q,[t$P,{},~iti9c1i[OJl $1~~(~ ,{<?(/,~Pprqvr~. ., ; t• ::slzifsiin1?f/i/£c!i:ipttiiumbers ?< :,r., ;.: ·\{,"}~-~}: ;.: :;)'.:{~ 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 W-G.P.M. 6," 8" 10" '5ciQ':'100()15()0 20002500 ~000 350Q 4000 4500 5000 .·.FLOW~ G.P.M. • 11