HomeMy WebLinkAbout2508 EL CAMINO REAL; ; FS050010; Permit11/21/24, 9:43 AM FS05001 0 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fixed Systems Permit Job Address: 2508 EL CAMINO REAL Permit Type: FIXSYS Parcel No: Lot#: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: FS050010 Status: ISSUED Applied 7/12/2005 Approved: 8/5/2005 Issued: 8/5/2005 PC#: Inspector: Project Title: JIMl'S RED HOTS HOOD & DUCT PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS Applicant: Owner: INTERSTATE FIRE PROTECTION 36140 JANA LANE WILDOMAR, CA 800-282-9229 about:blank Fees($) 115 Add'I Fees($) 0 Total($) 115 Balance($) 0 1/1 <~: .. --c-:: •• FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES . . -.,: --~··· General Notes: (Some notes may not be applicable depending on manufucturer of system installed.) --~-~- I. All installation procedures are in compliance with all manufacturers specifications as outlined in NFP A 17 A. 2. Remote pull station is mowited no higher than 48" from finished floor surrace and on way to egress. Pull station clearly states use on cover plate. 3. Control head also operates as a pull station and indicates system as being "set" or "discharged". 4. All app~ flozzles to be installed between minimwn distances from center point of specified cooking ha7.ards as prescnoed in most current manufucturer technical manual 5. All plenwn nozzles shall be installed at the midpoint of the area they protect and no fiuther than 3"up from base of duct. 6. All duct nozzles shall be installed at the midpoint of the area they protect and no fiuther than 3" up from base of duct. • 7. System shall be tied into and supervised by building fire alarm system and activate general alarm upon discharge (if applicable) • 8. Automatic fuel shutdown devices (s) shall shut down all sources of fuel, power and heat to protected equipment as required. • 9. Provide 2A 1 OBC rated fire extinguisher near service counter area in an easily accessible location. . . . 1::::-wt.oOf:L.. . . . . , _10. Provide4tlk: rated fire extinguisher near protected cooking~-~ .\)D'~to egn=(F~·~b:ationssubjectto.fire~apptoval}:·, .. '. , ·.:; • • " ~ l' '·':"-::. ) • --••• IL S~-to bet.est~ fired imd wifn. ssed by fire ~rities upon completion and prior to system being put into scrvice .. Tett io inchide opntion of remote pull statioll, last fusible link 0 ..... ~~.·•--· •• ,._...-.1 .. .:.., ....... _,r .. _.,___ • '·• u~UUUIIIIC'lllal -..~~ll~Y~ .•.r~i-. 12; It will~-~ soie respoDSJ"biJily ofthe resiawant owner to maintain IJll(I ~. the ~ as prescribed by Jocal and state laws. • • • 13. All ~Jy air sh!lll shut down upon activation of system. All exhaust~ ~•remain operational. . .•. . . . 14. Upon activation o( any cookioi eqdipment fire~ systeDL All soun:es of • · fuel and po\\fer to all equipment protected by the system shall be shut oft .? -• . .. • . . . • i .. 1509001 Re1P GL()llf. MOO£I. ~A•,. -a- ~ . ...--INTERSTATE lilRI: PROTECTION -c1s ~ i.-~ 04/30/2006 ,. ·.· s· I ~ FUSIBLE LINK CAUTION l ; 'ii AEAil.~Y f ____ ,am, .. ~-M'l'LICMl.e ... ....,,._DI' -1«:..AMIOIIFN:fWt'~AEIIENIQICCIIIPCM-,-. 10 lHIS~ -ITtMVft 1ltl FN:tott, CIII-OF--10 ~~IGntOR-TEDIELOWWU.VODANOIIUWFY Nfl_,..OR. UMIT IIIH.LOAD UHK Rl'TING MAX., •• i lfrlllJIP .. 31.B& 131'F S7'C -3l'C 3IJIS. ,_. 81.118. 11.a , ..... 15111.1111. :,UIS-212'F .., 1.1111. ioUI. 2IO'F 101.N-• 3LIIII. 3IIO"F 301.1111. tLBS.. - , '