HomeMy WebLinkAbout1818 MARRON RD; ; FS140002; Permit112125, 7:36 AM FS 140002 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fixed Systems Permit Job Address: 1818 MARRON RD Permit Type: FIXSYS Parcel No: 1563011600 Lot#: 0 Reference No.: Permit No: FS140002 Status: APPROVED Applied 1/8/2014 Approved: 1/13/2014 Issued: 1/13/2014 PC #: Inspector: Project Title: BKKTHAI KITCHEN REC'D PLANS 12/31/13_ANSUL R-102 (6) GALLON (TWO TANK) UL300 APPROVED WET CHEMICAL SYSTEM Applicant: Owner: METRO FIRE P K I NORTH COUNTY PLAZA LP 2735 VIA ORANGE WY SPRING VALLEY, CA 619-670-3500 about:blank Fees($) 229 Add'I Fees ($) 0 C/O KIMCO REAL TY CORP 3333 NEW HYDE PARK RD #100 NEW HYDE PARK NY Total($) 229 Balance($) 0 111 • ' C {' ► \.... TANK AND CARTRIDGE REQUIREMENTS Once the hazard analysis is completed and the total nozzle flow numbers.are established,.the quanlity and size ofagent tanks and cartridges needed to-supply the nozzles l'iilh 1he proper volumes of agent at the proper flow rates oan be determined. For cartridges used in the regulated release mechanism, 11ow capacities, tank quantities and sizes, and regulated release cartridge options are given in the table below. Total .Quantity and Flow Size ·of Regulated Release Cartridge Options Numbers* IankW. Nitrogen .Carbon Dioxide 1-5 6-11 11 -16 (1) 1,5.Gallon (1) 3.0 Gallon (1) 1.6 Gallon (1) 3.0 Gallon LT-20;R 101-1.0 . LT-30-R Double 101,20 ·101-so 16-22 (2).a;o·Gallon Double 101-30 .. When one or more.•r~ulated actuat9r:s care -Used, the .following tank and cartridge combinations app.lyror each r<1gulated actuator: . .,.,,:.._,, Regulated Actuator 'Regulated Actuator Tank(s) _Ca_rtri_·d~ge ___ _ (1) 1.5 Gallon (1) 3.0 Gallon LT-20-R or 101-10 LT-30-R or 101-20 (1) 1.5 Gallon and (1) 3.0 Gallon LT•A• f 01-30 or 101-30 .. or double tank (2) 3.0 Gallon LT•M OHIO or 101-30 .. or double tank 4 For exceptions to maximum How numbers, see llstrlbulion Piping Requirements for 1.5 gaUon and 3.0 gallon systems in 1hls Section . ... The 101-30 cartridge can not b8 used when (2) lwO 3.0 gallon tanks are manifolded logether.) For higher ·total flow numbers (23 to 110), multiple cartridges and regulated actuators are required as shown in the System Selection Guide in Seclion IX -Appendix. ACTUAT10N·GAS L1NE WITH AN. LT~20-R. LT..ao-R, 10M0. QR 101-20 CARTRIDGE MAXIMUM t.Et'GTH OF' 20 FT. (6 ru), -MAXIMUM NO, 9F•F'fTT!~~•9,.,: •ANSUL AIJTOMAN'" REGULATED RELEASE , e,BSEMBLY ► SECTION IV -SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4.43 4-1-06 REV. 5 ACTUATION AND EXPELLANT GAS LINE REQUIREMENTS This section contains the guidelines for installing the actuation and expellant_gas lines between the regulated release mechanism reg- ulator, each regulated actuator regulator, and each agent tank. These limitations should be considered when ,selecting the com- ponent mounting locations. Actuation Gas Line -i6 to B*Tanks Maximum " a Tank maximum reflects the.utlUzation of .3 tank-rQgutated actuators. 1. Use only 1 /4 in. Schedule 40 black Iron, hot-dipped galva- nized, chrome.plated, or,stainless·steei: pjpe,and fittings. 2. The actuation gas line piping is installed from the regulated release mechanism to each regulated actuator connected within the !i~lem:Tl)e total'length .of _the .a~\U_ation gas line from the r~gUlated relellSB assemblyto.th11 rl)gUlated.actuator assem~IY(les) must,nQ!dlXCl!l'd,,20 ft,(6 :m) When using an LT-20iR, ·-an t:r.SO•Rc/iltl'Qgen' cartrii:!ge, or a 101-10 or a 101 ·20 carbon dioxide cartridge, See'.Figure 'BO. FIGURE 80 """" \· .......... • ' SYSTEM DESIGN The AN SUL R-102 Restaurant Fire Suppression System may be used on a number of different types of restaurant cooking appli- ances and hood and duct configurations. The design information listed in this section deals with the limitations and parameters of this pre-engineered system. Those individuals responsible for the design of the R-102 system must be trained and hold a current ANSUL certificate in an R-102 training program. The R-102 and the PIRANHA systems use compatible agents and components, therefore, they may be used together for cooking appliance, hood, and duct protection. The primary ANSUL AUTOMAN Release can be either an R-102 or a PIRANHA ANSUL AUTOMAN Release and can actuate up to two additional R-102 or PIRANHA Regulated Actuators. In systems utilizing a 101 remote release, any combination of the maximum number of regulated actuators can be used. • Both systems must actuate simultaneously. • Each system must be designed and Installed per its appropri- ate manual. • Adjacent appliances requiring protection must be protected with the same type of system, either R-102 or PIRANHA, unless the center-to-center spacing bl!!Ween the adjacent R-102 and PIRANHA nozzles is no less than 36 inches. • When appliances are protected with R-102 nozzles, the hood and connecling duct above those appliances'ilannot be pro- tected with PIRANHA nozzles. • Mixing systems in a common-plenum is not allowed. One of the key elements for restaurant fire proteclion is a correct system design. This section is divided into ten sub-sections: Noz- zle Placement Requirements, Tank Quantity Requirements, Actu- ation and Expellant Gas Line Requirements, Distribution Piping Requirements, Detection System Requirements, Manual Pull Sta- tion Requirements, Mechanical Gas Valve Requirements, Electri- cal Gas valve Requirements, Electrical Switch Requirements, and Pressure Switch Requirements. Each of these sections must be completed before attempting any installation. System design sketches should be made of all aspects of design for reference during installation. NOZZLE PLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS This section gives guidelines for nozzle type, positioning, and quantity for duct, plenum, and individual appliance protection. This section must be completed before determining tank quantity and piping requirements. Duct Protection -Single Nozzle All duct protection is UL listed Without limitation of maximum duct length (unlimited length). This includes all varieties of ductworks both horizontal and vertical Including ducts that run at angles to the horizontal and ducts with directional bends. The R-102 system uses different duct nozzles depending on the size of duct being protected. SECTION IV -SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-1 3-1-07 REV 7 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Nozzles must be located 2-8 in. (5-20 cm) into the center of the duct opening, discharging up. See Figure 1. 2-8 IN. (s-20 cm) -t FIGURE 1 2. In . Installations where a UL listed damper assembly is employed, the duct nozzla car be installed beyond the 8 in. (20 cm) maximum, to a point just beyond the damper·assem- bly that Will not inteiferewlth the damper. Exceeding the maxi- mum of 8 ,in. (20 cm) in this way will not void the UL listing ot the system. • 3. Pr~iously'listed 3 flow number and 5 flow number duct pro- te_ctlon_d!)talled in 'la[li'lr.publishedman~al, 'Part No. 418087- 06, can also still by:Ufllized. • • • • • DUCT SIZES UP TO 50 IN. (127 cm) PERIMETER/ 16 IN. (41 cm) DIAMETER • One 1 W nozzle (Part _No. 419336) = one flow number • 50 in. (127 cm) perimeter maximum • 16 in. (41 cm) diameter maximum DUCT SIZES UP TO 100 IN. (254 cm) PERIMETEF.11 32 IN. (81.3-cni).DIAMETER • One 2W Nozzie (Part No. 419337) ,; two flow numbers • 100 in. (254 cm) perimeter maximum ► • 32 in. (81.3 cm) diameter maximum _ The chart below shows the maximum protection available from each duct nozzle.. • Description 2W Nozzle 1W Nozzle Part No. 419337 419336 3.0 Gallon System Maximum 100 in. (254 cm) Perimeter Maximum 50 In. (127 cm) Perimeter 1.5 Gallon System Maximum 1 oo in. (254 cm) Perimeter Maximum 50 In. (127 cm) Perimeter l . . Plenum Protection The R-102 system uses the 1W Nozzle (Part No. 419336) or the ► 1N Nozzle (Parl No. 419335) for plenum protection. The 1W noz- zle tip is stamped with 1 W and the 1 N nozzle tip is stamped with 1 N, indicating they are one-flow nozzles and must be counted as one flow number each. When protecting a plenum chamber, the entire chamber must be protected regardless of filter length. VERTICAL PROTECTION -GENERAL ► One 1W nozzle will protect 4 linear feet (1,2 m) of plenum. The maximum distance from the end of the hood to the first and last nozzle must be no more than 2 ft. (.6 m). After the first nozzle, any additional nozzles must be positioned at a maximum of 411. (1.2 m) apart down the entire.length of the plenum. The plenum width must ► not exoeed 4 ft. (1.2 m). (The .1W nozzle can be used on single or V-bank filter arrangements,) See Figure 6. FIGURES ► When protecting. plenums with the 1 W nozzle, two options of cov- erage are available: ► Option 1: The 1 W nozzle·must be on the center line of the single or "V" .bank filter and positioned within 1-20 in. (2,5-51 cm) above the top edge of the filter. See Figure 7. 20-IN. (51 cm) MAXIMUM 1 IN. (2.5 cm) MINIMUM t 20 IN. {51 cm) MAXIMUM 1 IN. (2.5 cm) MINIMUM FIGURE7 .. , .. SECTION IV -SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-5 4-1-06 REV. 4 ► Option 2: The 1W nozzle must be placed perpendicular, 8-12 in. (20-30 cm) from the face of the filter and angled to the center of the filter. The nozzle tip must be within 2 in. (5 cm) from the perpendicular center line of the filter. See Figure 8. 12 IN. (30 cm) MAXIMUM .,......,...,....,..,..,_._...,,/8 !N. {20 cm) NOZZLE TIP MUST BE WITHIN THIS AREA HORIZONTAL PROTECTION -OPTION 1 MINIMUM FIGURE 8 ..,., 1 N NOZZLE -PART NO. 419335 -SINGLE BANK PROTECTION One 1N nozzle will protect_10 linear feet (3.1 m) of single tiller bank plenum. The nozzle(s) must.be mounted in the plenum, 2 to 4 in. (5 to 1.0 cm) from the face oi the filter, centered between the filter height dimension, and aimed down the length. The .nozzle must be ►, positioned 0-6 in. (0-15 cm) from .the end of the hood to the lip of the nozzle. See Figure 9. , ► ..,,, ~ 10FT.(3.1 m) MAXIMUM FIGURES . . C Wok Protection The R-102 system uses two different nozzles for the protection of woks. 1. A 260 nozzle, Part No. 419341, will protect a wok 14 in. (36 cm) minimum diameter up to 30 in. (76 cm) maximum diameter. The wok depth must be no less than 3. 75 in. (9.5 cm) and no greater than B in. (20 cm). The nozzle tip is stamped with 260 indicating that this is a two- flow nozzle and must be counted as two flow numbers. When using this nozzle, the nozzle must be positioned as ► shown in Figure 56. ► NOZZLE MUST BE POSITIONED WITHIN 1 IN, (2 cm) RADIUS OF THE CENTER OF THE WOK, POINTED VERTICALLY DOWN 260 NOZZLE MINIMUM DEPTH 3.75 IN. (9.6 cm) MAXIMUM DEPTH 8 IN. (20 cm) i I I r 35-45 IN. (89-114cm) L~--+-~ t 14 IN. (3S.6 cm) MINIMUM DIAMETER 30 IN. (762 cm) MAXIMUM DIAMETER FIGURE 56 """'' ► SECTION IV -SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-27 10-1-02 REV.4 2. A 1 N Nozzle, Part No.419335, will protect a wok 11 in. (28 cm) minimum diameter up to 24 in. (61 cm) maximum diameter. The wok depth must be no less than 3 in. (8 cm) and no greater lhan·6 in. (15 cm). The nozzle tip is stamped with 1 N indicating that this a one-flow nozzle and must be counted as one flow number. When.using this nozzle, the nozzle must be positioned anywhere along or within the perimeter of the wok, aimed at the ·center, ·so in:to 40 In. (76 to 102 cm) above the ► hazard surface, as shown in Figure 57. NOTICE When using this .f:Ype of wok protection, only 5 flow numbers ,are allowed on a 1 1 /2 gallon system, and only 11 flow numbers are allowed on,a 3 gallon system. MINIMUM DEPTH 3.0IN.(7,6oni) MAXIMUM DEPTH 6.0 IN. (16•cm) it 11 IN. (28 cm) MINIMUM DIAMETER 24 IN. (61 cm) MAXIMUM D:l~METEA FIGURE 57 -· l SECTION IV -SYSTEM DESIGN UL EX. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-9 4-1-06 REV. 8 Fryer -Single Nozzle Protection (Continued) Maximum Area Dimensions -Single Nozzle Fryer Protection (Continued) Max. Size Frypo!Only 19.5 in. x 19 in. (50 cm x 48 cm) 19.5 in. x 19 in. (50 cm x 48 cm) ► 18 in. x 18 in. ► (46 cm x46 cm) Max. Size Overall With Dripboard 19.5 in. x 25 3/8 in. (50 cm x 65 cm) 19.5 in. x 25 3/8 in. (50 cm x 65 cm) 18 in.x 27 3/4 in. (46 cm x 70.5 cm) Type of Nozzle 290 3N 3N FRYER WITHOUT ORIPBOAAO FRYER Willi DRIPBOARD 290 NOZZLE TIP POSITTONED OVER THE MIDPOINT OF THE HAZARD AREA± 3 IN. (7.6 cm) FROM THE MIDPOINT ALONG THE LONGEST SIDE OF THE HAZARD ANO ± 1 IN. (2.5 cm) FROM THE MIDPOINT ALONG THE SHORTEST SIDE OF THE HAZARD AND AIMED AT THE MIDPOINT OF THE COOKING AREA 34 IN. (86 cm) MAXIMUM DIAGONAL DISTANCE BETWEEN NOZZLE AND CENTER OF HAZARD AREA FIGURE 17 ,.,, .. FRYER WITHOUT DRIPBOARD FAYER WITH DRIPBOAAD 3N NOZZLE TIP POSmDNEO,ANYWHERE ALONG OA WITHIN PERIMETER OF COOK- ING SURFACE AND AIMED TO THE CENTER OFTHE COOKING AREA FIGURE 18 """" Nozzle Height Above Top of Fryer 13 in. to 16 in. (33 to 41 cm) See Figure 18 25 in. to 35 in. (64 cm to 89 cm) .. ,.... ........ -?1 I I I I I I I o I I ' I I 0 O I I I I Nozzle Location See Figure 17 See Figure 18 See Figure 19 TOP OF FRYER FRYER WITHOUT ORIPBOARD FRYER WITH DRIPBOARD NOTE: 3N NOZZLE TIP MUST-BE LOCATED WITHIN THE PERIMETER OF THE SURFACE AREA WITHIN THE FRONT HALF OF THE FAY POT ANO AIMED AT THE CENTER. FIGURE 19 SECTION IV -SYSTEM DESIGN • ),IL EX, :;470 ULC CE:x747 Peg~ 4-24 REV 6 4-1-06 ► ► Gas-Radiant/Electric Char-Broiler Protection The A-102 system usas the 1N nozzle, (Part No. 419335) for gas- ► radianl/alactrlc char-broiler protection. The nozzle tip on the 1 N nozzle Is stamped with a 1 N, indicating that this Is a one-flow nozzle and must be counted as one flow number. One IN nozzle will protect a hazard with a maximum length of 36 In. (91 cm) and a total cooking area which does not exceed 884 eq. In. (6574 1q. cm). The nozzle tip must be located 15 to 40 In. (38 to 102 cm) above the hazard surface . .When using this ► nozzle for gas•radlanl/alectrlc char-broiler protection, the nozzle must be poalttonad anywhere along or within the perimeter of the maximum cooking area and shall be aimed at the center of the cooking aurfaca. See Figure 51. \ ' ' I 40 IN (102cm) MAXIMUM . I , 11 f \ e; ~I , ! , ,,f. ... ~ .. "') I ' I MINIMUM ..,,., FIGURE51 SECTION IV -SYSTEM DESIGN , UL ex. 3470 ULC CEx747 Page 4-14 f=IEV. 5 10-1-02 Range Pl'Olllction 2•Flow Nozzle High Proximity Ap!lllaatlon (2-Flow Nozzle): 40 in. to 50 In. (102 cm to 127 cm) above the cooking surface. This high proximity application uaes the 245 nozzle, Part No. ► 419340. The nozzle Up Is stamped with 245 Indicating this is a two-flow nozzle and must be counted as two flow numbers. One 245 nozzle wtll protect a maximum cooking area of 672 sq. in. (4335 sq. cm) with a maximum longest dimension of 28 in. (71 cm). When using this nozzle for range protection, the nozzle must be pointed vertioally down and positioned as shown in Figures 29 and 30. ► ► ► ► ► ► I I I I I I MS NOZZLE TIP LOCATION ~LINE OP COOKING SURFACE t=J---r-t ttr~ 1401N. (102 cm) I I o olo o I MINIMUM I HEIGHT II ~6:;~ I I TIP ...,. NOTICE FIGURE 29 Four burner grates shown In Figure 30. For sin- gle or double burner grates, locate nozzle at center of cooking surface or 11 3/8 in. (29 cm) maximum from nozzle centerline to center of any burner grate. ► ► 245 NOZZLE TIP LOCATION CENTER OF COOKING SURFACE OR 11 3/8 IN. (29 cm) MAXIMUM PROM CENTERLINE OF NOZZLE TO CIINTIA OF ANY BUANl!A QIV.TE 246 NOZZLE TIP LOCATION CENTER OF COOKING SURFACE 0A 11 318 IN, (29 cm) MAXIMUM FROM CENTERLINE OF NOZZLE: 10 CE!NTI!A OF ANY BURNER GRATE COOKING AREA COCKING Al!BA COOKING AREA COOKING AREA FIGURE 30