HomeMy WebLinkAbout2525 EL CAMINO REAL; ; AS000119; Permit1/3/25, 3:31 PM Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Lot#: Reference No.: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: about:blank Fees($) 90 AS000 119 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS000119 2525 EL CAMINO Status: ISSUED REAL SPRINK Applied 7/28/2000 1563020900 Approved: 7/28/2000 0 Issued: 7/28/2000 Inspector: THE PICTURE PEOPLE Add'I Fees ($) 0 Owner: PLAZA CAMINO REAL C/O WESTFIELD CORP INC 11601 WILSHIRE BLVD LOS ANGELES CA Total($) 90 Balance($) 0 1/1 ' RUSKIN® 3900 Dr. Greaves Rd. Grandview, MO 64030 (816) 761-7476 FAX (816) 765-8955 The model FSD60, which ls a combination fire smoke damper, provides point-of-origin fire containment and operational flexibility In static and dynamic smoke man- agement systems. The damper is ideal for applications where codes require a fire damper that must also oper- ate as a smoke damper !or system performance. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION FRAME s· x 16 gage (127 x 1.6) galvanized, hat-shaped steel channel. BLADES Airfoil-shaped, double-skin construction with 14 gage (2.0) equivalent thickness, maximum 6ff (152) wide. SEALS Blade edge is silicone rubber for smoke seal to 450"F (232°C) and galvanized steel tor !lame seal to 1900°F (1038°C). Jamb Is flexible metal compression type. LINKAGE Concealed in frame. AXLES ½" (13) plated steel hex. BEARINGS Stainless steel sleeve, pressed into frame. FINISH Mill galvanized. MOUNTING Vertical or horizontal. FUSIBLE LINK 165"F (74°C) standard. 212"F (100°C) available at no additional cost. MINIMUM DAMPER SIZE 5Hw x 6Hh (See Page 2). Units under 12H wide are Leakage Class II. MAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZES Single Section Vertical Installation Parallel Blade -30Hw x 49Hh (762 x 1245). Opposed Blade-32"w x 49"h (813 x 1245). Horizontal Installation Parallel or Opposed Blade -30"w x 49"h (762 X 1245). Multiple Section Assembly Vertlcat Installation Parallel Blade-go~w x 49Hh or 30Hw x 91Hh. Opposed Blade-96"w x 49"h or32"w x 91 Hh. Horizontal Installation Parallel or Opposed Blade -90"w x 49"h. ',~ A" ~, I 12" (305)-~ Max. 27/W" (73) L 2•;.· (63) Max. ·unit furnished approximately 11 .. " (6) smaller than given opening dimensions. Dimensions shown in parentheses ( ) indicate mlllimeters. DIMENSIONS FUSE MTG. SLEEVE SLEEVE ACTUATOR QTY. LINK LENGTH GAGE MODEL A*-WIDE B*-HIGH TEMP. V H JOB LOCATION CONTRACTOR FEATURES The FSD60 combination fire smoke damper offers • UL555 classification and labeling as a 1 ½ hour fire damper. Also meets NFPA90A and NFPA92A requirements for fire smoke dampers and California State Fire Marshal Classlflcation listing no. 3225~ 245:102. • UL555S classification and labeling as a Leakage Class I rated (smoke) damper qualified at 250°F, 350°F, or 450"F (121°C, 177"C, or 232°C) elevated temperature, depending upon the actuator (see Page 3). • A fusible link component, which melts in fire condi• tions to permit the damper to close and latch. • Fail-safe design, which enables the damper to automatically assume the desired position when fire interrupts operational power. VARIATIONS The following variations are available at additional cost: • The TS150 FlreStat option, which allows remote override of fire induced closure to permit controlled operation in a dynamic smoke management system. Requires an EP switch when damper is equipped with a pneumatic actuator. The T$150 FireStat must be ordered with damper and installed at time of manufacture. High Limit Temperature Sensor feature returns the damper to fire protection mode when temperatures reach the operational limit of the damper and meets all requirements of NFPA92A. • The PSF150 Pneumatic Fuse Link, which permits damper modulation using a pneumatic actuator. • The SP100 Switch Package, which provides the ability to remotely indicate damper blade position. This option is an integral part of the TS150 FireStat. • The EFL200 Electric Fuse Link option is an elec• tric, manually resettable link that eliminates fuse link replacement. Must be used with an electric or pneumatic actuator. Requires an EP switch when damper is equipped with a pneumatic actuator. • Factory supplied, 20 gage (.92) sleeve to 24H (610) in length. Sleeve and damper are caulked at factory to help assure field compliance with Underwriters Laboratories installation requirements and to meet desired leakage performance. • Two-piece Picture Frame Mounting Angles, which are factory matched and shipped with each damper. NOTE: See manufacturer's Installation instructions sheet for complete installation details. VARIATIONS 8pKFSOI0-2t3/AeplaceaFS060-1290 ALL STATEDSl'ECIFICATIONSARE SIJBJECTTOCHANGEwrTHOUTNOTICE OROBLIGATION. Cl Au akin Manufacturing 1993 . . SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION Furnish and install at locations shown on plans, or as described in schedules, combination fire smoke dampers meeting or exceeding the following specifications. Frame shall be a minimum of 16 gage (1.52) galvanized steel formed into a structural hat channel shape with tabbed corners for reinforcement. Bearings shall be stalnless steel sleeve turning in an extruded hole in the frame. The blades shall be airfoil shaped double skin construction with 14 (1.90) gage equivalent thickness. Blade edge seals shall be silicone rubber and galvanized steel mechanically locked in blade edge (adhesive or clip fastened seals not acceptable) and shall withstand 450"F. Jamb seals shall be stainless steel flexible metal compression type. Blade action must be parallel blade or opposed as shown on the schedule. Each combination fire smoke damper shall be 1 ½ hour fire rated under UL Standard 555, and shall further be classified by Underwriters Laboratories as a Leakage Rated Damper for use In smoke control systems under the latest version of UL555S, and bear a UL label attesting to same. Damper manufacturer shall have tested, and qualified with UL, a complete range of damper sizes covering all dampers required by this specification. Testing and UL qualifying a single damper size is not acceptable. The leakage rating under UL555S shall be no higher than leakage class I (4 cfm/tt. at 1" w.g. and 8 cfm/ft. at 4" w.g. or .02 m3/s/m2 at 249 Pa or .04 m3/s/m2 at 996 Pa). As part of the UL qualification, dampers shall have demonstrated a capacity to operate (to open and close) under HVAC system operating conditions, with pressures of at least 4" w.g. (996 Pa) in the closed position, and 4000 fpm (20.32 mis) air velocity in the open position. In addition to the leakage ratings already specified herein, the combination fire smoke dampers and their actuators shall be qualified under UL555S to an elevated temperature of 250°F, 350°F, or 450°F (121°C, 177°C, or 232°C) depending upon the actuator. Appropriate electric/pneumatic actuators (specifier select one) shall be installed by the damper manufacturer at time of damper fabrication. Damper and actuator shall be supplied as a single entity which meets all applicable UL555 and UL555S qualifications for both dampers and actuators. Manufacturer shall provide factory assembled sleeve of 16" (406) minimum length (contractor to verify requirement). Factory supplied caulked sleeve shall be 20 gage (.91) for dampers through 84" (2134) wide and 18 gage (1.21) above 84" (2134} wide. Damper and actuator assembly shall be factory cycled 10 times to assure operation. SPECIFIER SELECT OPTIONS FlreStat: Each combination fire smoke damper shall be equipped with a UL Classified FireStat equal to Ruskin model TS150. FireStat shall electrically and mechanically lock damper in a closed position when duct temperatures exceed 165°F or 212°F (74°C or 100°C) (specifier select one) and still allow appropriate authority to override FireStat and operate damper as may be required for smoke control functions. Damper must be operable while temperature is above 250°F (121 °C). FireStat package shall include two damper position indicator switches linked directly to damper blade to provide capability of remotely indicating damper position. One switch shall close when damper is fully open; the other switch shall close when damper is fully closed. FireStat and position indicator switches shall be capable of interfacing electrically with smoke detectors, building fire alarm systems, and remote indicating/control stations (specifier select). FireStat shall be equipped with High Limit Temperature Sensor that meets all requirements of NFPA92A by returning damper to fire protection mode when temperatures reach (specifier select one) 250°F, 350°F, or 450"F (121°C, 177°C, or 232°C), which is the operational limit of the damper and actuator assembly. Dampers shall be Ruskin model FSD60 with TS150 FireStat package. EFL200 Electric Fuse Link: Each combination fire smoke damper shall be equipped with an EFL200 Electric Fuse Link which shall activate at (specifier select one) 165°F or 212°F, (74°C or 100°C) causing damper to close and lock in a closed position. EFL 200 can be reset when damper cools to 135"F. Damper shall also be furnished with an EP switch if pneumatic actuator is specified. Pneumatic Fuse Link: Each combination fire smoke damper shall be equipped with a UL Classified Pneumatic Fuse Link equal to Model PSF150. Pneumatic Fuse Link shall permit damper modulation with a modulating pneumatic actuator during normal conditions and shall mechanically lock damper in a·closed position when duct temperatures exceed (specifier select one) 165°F or 212°F (74°C or 100°C). Blade Position Indicator (included with TS150 FireStat): Each combination fire smoke damper shall be equipped with Ruskin SP100 Switch Package or equal. The Switch Package shall include two position indicator switches linked directly to the damper blade to provide the capability of remotely indicating damper blade position. Fusible Link: Each combination fire smoke damper shall be equipped with a fusible link which shall melt at (specifier select one) 165°F or 212°F (74°C or 100°C) causing damper to close and lock in a closed position. DIMENSIONAL INFORMATION I T (1245) MAXIMUM UL CLASSIFIED SIZES Single Section Vertical Installation Parallel Blade -30"w x 49"h. Opposed Blade -32"w x 49"h. Horizontal Installation Parallel Blade -r 30''w x 49"h. Multiple Section Vertical Installation Parallel Blade -90"w x 49"h. Opposed Blade -96Hw x 49"h. Horizontal Installation Parallel a{ Opposed Blade -90"w x 49"h For dampers exceeding maximums shown, consult Ruskin for specific recommendations. Note that dampers 64H to 96" wide are three section assemblies. 'MINIMUM SIZES Class I -Nominal 12Hw x 6"h (11¾"w x 53/,"h actual) Class II -Nominal 8Hw x 6"h (7¾"w x 53/,"h actual) Dampers with heights (B dimension) less than 6" require Style B enclosure and sleeve. Nominal duct sizes down to B"w x 4"h can be furnished using Style B enclosure (shown) with 6" overall height. Dampers with heights (8 dimension) less than 9" and equipped with TS150 FireStat, SP100, EFL200, or PSF150 require Style B enclosure and sleeve with overall 9" height. FSD60s with 1 % hr. fire rating only (no leakage rating) can be furnished on special orders. D ROUND, OVAL, OR RECTANGULAR TRANSITION DUCT CONNECTION The FSD60 can be supplied with round connection (style CR), oval connection (style CO), or rectangu- lar connection (style C). Overall enclosure dimen- sions will be 2" larger than duct dimensions with minimum overall dimensions of B"w x 6Hh. Maximum transition size is 47" diameter or 94"w x 47"h. Minimum transition size is 4" diameter or 3½"w x 4"h. Overall size remains B"w x 6"h minimum. OPERATION OPTIONS Fusible Link S = Smoke detector Futlblellnk connects damper and actuator shaft. Actuator maintains damper In open position. When smoke Is present, smoke detector closes damper. After smoke response, the damper can be tested or resettroma remote board. lnflrecon• dltlona, tualble Hnkmeltsand spring action closes damper. Damper cannot be operated until reconnected to actuator shaft by replacement of link. FireStat S = Smoke Detector r F = FlreStat Damper Is equipped with electric flmtat Instead of fusible link. Actuator maintains damper In open position. Smoke detector or Fire Stat can close damper. After response to smoke or fire, the damper can be tested Of reset from a remote station. When damper la closed In response to amoke orflre, ftreflght• Ing commander can override FlreStat and/or smoke detector to operate damper u part of dynamic smoke management system. Damper 01)9ratlon capabllttln are maintained .-. gardlesa of the presence of fire condJtlona or smokt. FACTORY INSTALLED DAMPER ACTUATORS Damper size maximums for each actuator, shown in the chart below, are based on fail closed operation, in which the damper closes when power is Interrupted to the actuator. This is a Normally Closed (NC) actuator connection. Some applications may require the damper to open upon interruption of power to the actuator. This Is a Normally Open (NO) actuator connection and can only be supplied with the fusible link option. Normally Open actuator connection cannot be supplied with the FireStat option, which requires the damper to close upon Interruption of power to the actuator. Available actuators and damper size maximums for Normally Open actuator connections are shown in the chart below. Damper actuators avallable from Ruskin are listed in the table on this page. All have been tested and qualify under UL555S for smoke damper appNcatlons at elevated temperatures in excess of 250°F (121°C). Size and temperature limitations are based on UL testing. Further testing may qualify additional actuators and may expand the temperature and size ltmitations for the actuators shown. NOTE: Dampers and actuators are qualified together to elevated temperature categories. Consult Ruskin for 24 VAC two position actuators and for additional UL listed actuators and for their size and temperature limitations. Actuators are qualified out of airstream, If in airstram mounting is required, consult Ruskin. UL REQUIREMENTS FOR FIELD INSTALLED ACTUATORS Qualifled actuators (supplied by the damper manufacturer or others) shipped loose for field mounting, must bear a UL label affixed by the damper manufacturer. Actuators must be installed as tested per UL installation instructions by the damper manufacturer. Installation instructions available for actuators listed herein. Contact Ruskin for other actuator models. Normally Open:.~C)Uator Connection ACTUATOR ' ''"~'\F\: t' ... i;S.·':-:'·, . ._:._/ ,£,,MAlffMUM , TYPE MOll.EI:.'.' ·TW;i 10AMP~R SIZE /,' '"" ':, '" ' '; ·".'·. < Electric 120 VAC-MA418 350°F 30"wx49"h 60 HZ-two position control M4450 350°F 30"wx49"h Pneumatic-20 osi 03153 350°F 60"wx49"h two position 20 osi 331-2961 350°F 60"wx49"h control 20 osi 331-3060 450°F 96"wx49"h Pneumatic 20 D3153-4 350°F 60"wx49"h psig-modulating Note: Normally open actuators not available with TS150, ELF200, or PSF150 option. ;-_, _ •. , '.'.' • ,Norn1any<c1o•ecrActuitor;·eonnect10n;;:_> -·< .; .-.'-•-i·'·4'-0,<,>; I :~C)'UAJ:OR;r~r .. ;' .. "•''"i-' •• • .,,.''It ~~l...\i.... Iii!:~ •. i 'TYPE:/;, ·'i' /~~)?E,L.,; ,!EM':',, c.,:VERT•r•i,~, tt!ORIZONTA!i, MP2781 250°F 30"wor26"h 30"wor26"h 3sq. ft 3sq. ft. Electric 120 VAC -P150 250°F 64"wx49"h 60''wx49"h (or96"wx21"h') (or90"wx21"h*) 60 HZ 64"wx49"h 60"wx49"h MA418 350"F (or96"wx21"h') (or90"wx21 "h") M4450 350°F 32"wx49"h 30"wx49"h Electric 24 VAC-M945A 350°F 32"wx49"h 30"wx49"h modulatina 25 psi M693 350°F 32"wx26"h 30"wx26"h (or 30"w x 34"h") (or30"wx36"h") Pneumatic-25 psi 331-2961 350°F 64"wx49"h 60"wx49"h two position 20 psi 03153 350°F 64"wx49"h 60"wx49"h 25 psi 331-3060 450°F 96"wx49"h 90"wx49"h Pneumatic-20 psi 03153-4 350°F 64"wx49"h 60"wx49"h modulating *Available only when damper is equipped with TS150, EFL200, or PSF150 option. ....... U8TINGHo. CATEGORY: LISTII: Dl!SIGfl! RATING: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: NOTE: CALIFORNIA DIPARTMIHT OF f'Ofll!STIIY 6 flRI PAOTiilmON OFFICE OF THE STAT& FIIIE lilARSl1AL F1M PICINEIRING • BUILDING MATERIALS U5TING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE. 3240-0410:1155 Ouct Smak• Oet-HoualftQ/Ba .. Unit Hoohlkl America, 70151 Village Drive, Suite 100, Buena Park, CA 80921·2208 Contact: Oevld H .. I 17141 070.3239 Model■ DH•98-I, DH-98-P, OH-98-A, DH·98·AR, DH-98-HVI and DH·98·HVP duct ,mok■ deuictor unlta, !:.ch unit consis1a of a amok• d■-tor haacl, Modtl• SIJ•24DH !ioniution type), SLR·24DH or ALO-DH (photoelectric iypel, plastic cmclosure, pleetiC cover, relays, electrical components, and sampling and ■XMUSI tu!Me, +h• emok&-c:letactor., h•acl• ••• nat. suitable for ... uu •• open area detection. Refer to Hatee'• data ahfft for additional datallad p,odul;:t deecription and operatlonel oonsidarations. ,;i:;'l':r, ! r'-~' 120 VAC, 230 VAC, 24 VAC and 24 voe ' I ', ,I, ' . ' 11,•.\•t ..... In accordanoe with Uetae's printed instoll■tlon lnstrucllona, applicable ooda■ & ordinances and In a manner accaptabla to tha authority having Juriadiction . Llttta's nama, modal designation, alectrlcal rating and UL label. Lis~ as duct smoke detector units for use with •-•talv listed com.,.tible ~r• alarm control unit■ 10 detect an abnormal amount of smoke d..-eity .in ,~ return .ir ducts of air conditioning and ventilatlllQ system. The air valoGity in the duct llhall 1M bet-300-4000 fpm. For duct eppliaation only. Not suitable for open area protection. 02-03-2()(11) Ttis htlng la baNd uponlltehnical dlllasubmillecf by Iha 11PP4icanl CSFM FnEngin.ring 9lallh8sml!IM(I 11"-- andlor alher cMl8 b\ll doel nol rnak9 en ~ldeplndent vertllealion ct--, dalmS. This Hsting Ill not l!il •~ or _,,,,,., drlon Of tw""" lllltad. Tola lllllna ~ not be uead Ir) verify a»,wct opataUonal ~ or lnllallallorl atarlll. R8far IO tstaa'I data aheet. lnslllllatiGn inelrvcllona llftdlarolher ■ull■IMi lfttonnallon -· D.■-Issued: JUNE 5, 2000 Efledi¥e lnue data IO mcplraition <We I u.11119 bplrM June 30, 2001 j Aulllolizsd By: USTINQ .. ~~OFFCRl&?ltr.fllliPilOIECIIOH OFFICE GI',,_ SfA'i'aFHII[ M1111$1N. W El MlWIJNG,-M ~flll *llllW.S &ll1IN8 WAM LISTING SERVICE -3221-0M:102 ..... 1.,, AUlldft~r'ing, 3900 Or.~ lteed, Gra..,,,,_, MO 84030 CcNl1act ~ Robert V.. Br lure 181Cll '181•747e • ...., FSO-fOendFSD-00-3 mulll-llladetypj1&.d9mpae. -.,.,_ .,__ .. follo.,.: ~ ... -... __ Mlt!*.. · · "!A" $tg1lol} -• ¥W9 --. '. ' Pcpfldpp .... ~-• !iilD ~ .)'; J.s1~2q • so• wJW~ii: ~~:: :'8· w x118• H • lfoifiemiii RATIII&: .-rALLA1'13N: • ... -• -,_IMO--: so· w x 30• H ao· w a.., .. H venrc.i F$0-f0-3 30" W l( 41" H 1 zo• W • ta• If VerdMJ FSD-60: • • 1-1/2 Ht. 1180-80-3: 3 Hr. 't··'.: './f 1 ln-=onfanee ""'1h n-;• Pllntd 1n1u•adcin ~. ~.,... • ordillence• and Ill·•,.,_~ ta 1M allllllolki, ..,_.. Ju,indlcd1t1,, .. . • ·.:I 1.Nklterathg ~ ..,.._.,, flefer10CSPMu.11nttCei.ao,y 3230wr-. ............ .. ;: ... •. o... r-. JUNE s, 2000 Autltotfzed8r. ~ ............... ... I .....,., I , ta.,_ M,_.. I