HomeMy WebLinkAbout2508 EL CAMINO REAL; ; FS080020; Permit1/3/25, 3:31 PM FS080020 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Fixed Systems Permit Permit No: FS080020 2508 EL CAMINO Job Address: Status: ISSUED REAL Permit Type: FIXSYS Applied 8/21/2008 Parcel No: Approved: 8/25/2008 Lot#: 0 Reference No.: Issued: 8/25/2008 PC#: Inspector: Project Title: WING STOP HOOD & DUCT PLAN CHECK & INSPECTIONS Applicant: AIRGAS FIRE PROTECTION 9010 CLAIREMONT MESA BL SAN DEIGO, CA 858-495-2327 about:blank Fees($) 300 Add'I Fees ($) 0 Owner: Total($) 300 Balance($) 0 1/1 Airgas. AIRGAS-WEST, INC. Fire Protection Dept. 9010 CLAIREMONT MESA BLVD. SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 PHONE (858) 495-2328, FAX (858) 496-3820 SPEC SHEETS FOR AN AMU!-EX '{..f RESTAURANT FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM FORTHEKITCHENHOODANDDUCT PROJECT INFO: Wingstop 2508 El Camino Real, Suite 5C-1 Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 DESIGN BY: Dennis Buth (System Designer) 858-495-4841 DESIGN, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE & RECHARGE MANUAL NO. 12385 REV. A AMEREXKP RESTAURANT FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM TESTED AND LISTED BY UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES TO UL STANDARD 300 and UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES OF CANADA ULC/ORD 1254.6-1995 AMEREX CORPORATION Post Office Box 81 Trussville, Alabama 35173-0081 Phone: (205) 655-3271 Fax: (205) 655-5112 e-mail: sales@amerex-fire.com web page: www.amerex-fire.com No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electrical or mechanical, including photocopying or by any storage and retrieval system without the expressed permission in writing from Amerex Corporation. A Factory Trained and Authorized Distributor must perform the installation and service of any Amerex KP Restaurant Fire Suppress.ion System in strict accordance with this manual. Printed in U.S.A. October 2003 MM#12385A-10/2003 ~-----~~-fS-=-=----------:of~UJ July 2006 Section 2 System Components Page 2 -I Amerex KP Wet Chemical System (EX 4658) SYSTEM COMPONENTS AMEREX KP LIQUID AGENT is special formulated potassium acetate based solution specifically designed for use on grease and cooking oil fires. Amerex KP Wet Chemical Recharge is shipped in plastic pails with each pail marked with date and batch code. Shipping weight: PIN 16924 2.75 Gal. Pail-30 lbs. (13.6 kg) PIN 12866 3.75 Gal. Pail-42½ lbs. (19.277 kg) PIN 17450 4.80 Gal. Pail -51.24 lbs. (23.24 kg) PIN 15416 6.14 Gal. Pail -67 lbs. (29.71 kg) --KP LIQUID AGENT '\ \E ·, ;\;,: AMEREX KP WET CHEMICAL IS A STRONG ALKALINE MIXTURE, SAFETY GLASSES AND GLOVES SHOULD BE WORN WHENEVER HANDLING THE AGENT. CONTACT WITH SKIN SHOULD BE AVOIDED. IN CASE OF DISCHARGE, THE SOLUTION SHOULD BE CLEANED UP PROMPTLY TO A VOID DAMAGE TO APPLIANCES, HOOD AND DUCT, ALL FOOD IN CONTACT WITH THE AGENT MUST BE DISCARDED. REFER TO THE AGENT'S MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET. AGENT CYLINDER/ASSEMBLY -KP275 (P/N 16921) AGENT CYLINDER/ASSEMBLY -KP375 (P/N 13334) AGENT CYLINDER/ASSEMBLY -KP475 (P/N 17379) KP275 -16921 U.S. Height 23 5/8 in Diameter 9 in Weight Full 55 ¼ lb Capacity · 2.75 gal KP375 -13334 U.S. Height 24-13/16 in Diameter 10 in Weight Full 64-½ lb Capacity 3.75 gal KP475 -17379 U.S. Height 29 13/16 in. Diameter !Oin Weight Full 80 ¼ lb Capacity 4.80 gal Amerex KP275 / KP375 / KP475 have 2.72 I 3.7514.80 gallon capacity agent cylinder assemblies that are shipped factory filled with Amerex "KP" liquid agent. It is pressurized with dry nitrogen to a pressure of 240 psi (1655 kPa) at 70 'F. The nitrogen charge is the expellant gas which discharges the KP agent through the distributor network. The machined brass discharge valve is actuated pneumatically from the Mechanical Release Module. The valve assembly has a ¼ in. NPT (female) actuation port and a discharge adapter with threads to accept a flexible discharge hose. • METRIC 60.0 cm 22.9 cm 20.6 kg 10.32 L METRIC 63.02 cm 25.4 cm 29.25 kg 14.2 L METRIC 60.0 cm 22.9 cm 36.4 kg 18.17 L ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 CAP W/CHECK 2 CAP NUT 3 O-RINGS (2) 4 PISTON 5 VALVE STEM ASSY 6 SPRING (STAINLESS 7 RETAINER NUT 8 COLLAR O-RING 9 VALVE BODY 10 240 PSI GAUGE 11 [)OWNTUBE DIAMETER 6 SEE CHART 9 2 10 July 2006 Section 2 System Components Page 2 -2 Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem EX 4658 KP375 CYLINDER MOUNTING BRACKET (P/N 16085) The mounting bracket is used to secure the KP375 Agent Cylinder Assembly to the mounting surface and to connect the discharge valve to the distribution-piping network. The bracket consists of a formed steel assembly with vertical and horizontal supports and an integral pipe thread adapter with ½ " NPT threads. The pipe thread adapter may be oriented to any convenient outlet position. DISTRIBUTION HOSE (P/N 13069) The distribution hose is used to connect the agent cylinder assembly to the distributor block (P/N 13105). The supply line is connected to the distributor block (included with cylinder mounting bracket). KP275/ KP375/ KP475 CYLINDER MOUNTING BRACKET (P/N 16920) The KP275/ KP375 KP475 Mounting Bracket is used to secure the KP275/ KP375/ KP475 Agent Cylinder Assembly to the mounting surface. The Cylinder Mounting Bracket is made from 1/8" formed steel and painted red to resist corrosion. The assembly comes with a stainless steel belly strap and a Swivel Fitting for connection to the cylinder valve outlet. AGENT CYLINDER/ASSEMBLY-KP600 (P/N 15196) Amerex KP600 -6.14 Gallon Capacity -Agent Cylinder Assembly is shipped factory filled with Amerex KP Liquid Agent. It is pressurized with dry Nitrogen to a pressure of 240 psi (1655 kPa) at 70°F (20°C). The nitrogen charge is the expellant gas which discharges the KP agent through the distribution network. Cylinders are shipped from the factory with a shipping plate installed on the top of the valve to prevent accidental discharge and an anti-recoil plate on the valve outlet to redirect chemical flow should an accidental discharge occur. BOTH OF THESE PLATES MUST BE REMOVED AT INSTALLATION. KP600 Agent cylinders are DOT 4BW240, tested to 480 psi (3309 kPa) and require a hydrostatic test every twelve (12) years. The operating temperature of this and other listed components is 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). The cylinder is fitted with an attachment bracket welded to the cylinder for ease of installation. The machined, forged brass discharge valve is actuated via a pneumatic actuator. The mechanical release module supplies the N2 required for actuation of one (1) to six (6) KP600 agent cylinder assemblies. P/N 15196 Height Diameter Weight full Capacity 0 0 U.S. METRIC 27.59 in 70.08 cm 12 in 30.5 cm 114 lb 51.70 kg 6.14 gal 23.2 liter ' October 2003 Section 2 System Components Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem MECHANICAL RELEASE MODULE (MRM) (P/N 11977) The mechanical release module is used to actuate the agent cylinder/discharge valve either automatically or manually by puncturing a nitrogen cylinder. The pressure from the cylinder pneumatically opens the discharge valve(s). Automatic release of agent is accomplished when a fusible link detector separates under a fire condition and releases tension on the cable. This causes a spring-loaded plunger to perforate the cylinder seal and releases nitrogen through the actuation hose/piping network to the discharge valve(s). Manual release of agent is accomplished by pulling on a manual pull station which is connected to the mechanical release module by a cable. The mechanical release module is equipped with two microswitch (P/N 12524) for electrical signaling, power shutdown and other auxiliary functions. An additional two microswitches may be added. Operation of one or two mechanical gas valves may be accomplished by adding a piston plug/gas trip assembly (P/N 12740). The cable for the gas valves, manual pull stations and detection network may be attached to the MRM from any of three sides (top, bottom and riQht). AMEREX PART NO. 12524 () AMEREX PART NO. 12740 Page 2-4 EX 4658 August 2004 NITROGEN ACTUATION CYLINDER (PIN 12856) Section 2 System Components Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem Part No. NITRDGEN AC TUA TI□ CYLINDER 12856 Page 2-6 EX4658 The 10 in3 N2 cylinder, P/N 12856, supplies nitrogen gas pressure to the cylinder through the actuation network for the purpose of opening the agent cylinder valve. This cylinder is charged to 1800 psig (12410 KPa) at 70°F (21°C) and contains enough nitrogen to actuate up to ten KP 375/275 or six KP 600 agent cylinder assemblies at a maximum distance of 100 feet (21.3 meters) to the last control head. Pressure is retained in the N2 cylinder by a gold plated rupture disc. Replacement rupture discs are available as P/N 09958. Only genuine Amerex rupture discs may be used when recharging nitrogen cylinders. Proper charge pressure is indicated by a pressure gauge located on the cylinder bottom and protected by an impact resistant plastic gauge guard. The N2 cylinder is shipped fully charged from the Amerex factory with a Diameter 1.998 in 5.07 cm Length 6 3/8 in 16.19cm Pressure@ 1800 PSI 12411 kPa 70°F protective shipping cap installed on the outlet threads. The cap must be removed at installation but must remain in place at all other times. (Retain the shipping cap to reuse when recharging the cylinders.) Construction of the N2 cylinder is per DOT 3E. The cylinder is rechargeable by certified Amerex installers and does not require periodic hydro-testing. The 10 in3 nitrogen cylinder may be used in the MRM or PRM. ENCLOSURES -MRM (Painted -P/N 12853) (Stainless Steel -P/N 13393) Either painted (red) or stainless steel are available for secure mounting of the MRM. Knockouts P/N 12853 P/N 13393 /Al Width /B) Deoth (C) Hek1ht U.S. Metric 10 in 25.4 cm 5 in. 12.7 cm 11 ¾ In 51.5 cm are provided for installation of all external devices. View ports for system status indicator and external inspection of nitrogen actuation cylinder are provided. The enclosure cover cannot be attached if the MRM tension bar is in the "OFF" or "DOWN" position. CABINET (P/N 11978) Stainless steel cabinets are available for single cylinder systems. The cabinet will house the agent cylinder assembly, the agent P/N 11978 (A) Width /Bl Deolh /Cl Hei□ht U.S. Metric 20½" 52.07 cm 10 ¾" 27.3 cm 26¼" 66.68 cm cylinder mounting bracket and the mechanical release module. KP375 ENCLOSURE (P/N 16814) Stainless steel enclosure is available for a single KP375 or KP275 Cylinder Assembly. The enclosure will house a KP375/275 Agent Cylinder Assembly and does not require the use of a cylinder mounting bracket nor a distributor. The enclosure includes a special discharge elbow for connection of the cylinder to the discharge piping. P/N 16814 U.S. Metric Al Width 14" 35.6 cm B) Deoth 11 1/4" 28.6 cm C) Height 28" 71.1 cm C) C L ( > A ✓'v B C ~ B -,_,,/ July 2006 Section 2 System Components Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem Page2-7 EX4658 ACTUATION HOSE (P/N 12854)-16" ACTUATION HOSE (P/N 16448)-32" I 16"or32· ·-1 lllllJC. •• • r-___ . r ----c ~::Jf:TI!J'J To ald in the installation of systems, an OPTIONAL actuation hose is available. This 16" or 32" hose connects the MRM (mechanical release module) or PRM (mechanical release module) actuation port to the top of the cylinder discharge valve(s). DISCHARGE NOZZLES There are seven (7) types of nozzles listed for use with the Amerex KP System. Each has a specific amount of flow and a specific discharge pattern. Correct installation, coverage and limitations of each nozzle are listed on the ·Nozzle Application Chart" in Section 3 DESIGN of this manual. Fryer/Griddle PIN 13729 Solkl Fuel Charbroiler P/N11983 Uprigh1 Broiler PIN 11984 APPLIANCE TYPE Fryer& Griddle Appffance & Plenum Solid rue! Cham roller Upright Broiler Range (4 Burner) Duct Back Sheff Nozzle PART NO. 13729 11982 11983 11984 14178 16416 16853 !/•"-Mf'f _/ (AOtH (N!)S) FLOW POINTS MARKINGS 13729 2 2xFG 11982 1 1 X 38 11983 1.5 1x55 11984 ½ea, .05 X 71 14178 2 2xR 1 16416 1 X 0 1/3 16853 113xBS g§ AHEREX !4.<tl6 IXO 0 3/8"NPT Appliance & Plenum P/N 11982 Range (4 Sumers) PIN 14178 Duct Nozzle PIN 16416 Back shelf Nozzle PIN16853 OnePece Body& Tip Internal Filter Snap Ring NOZZLE SWIVEL ADAPTER {P/N 16440) The swivel adapter (PIN 16440) is an option offered to aid the installation and aiming of the system nozzles. The adapter Is composed of three parts -the body, swivel adapter, and retainer nut All nozzles may be used with the swivel adapter without any change in the nozzle's listing. NOZZLE CAPS Retainer Swivel Adapter Bod Nu! / y ~ mmmrrt~-· "') r,,11 / ~'-~ Two types of nozzle caps are available for the Amerex KP system. • The standard cap (P/N 12334) is provided with every nozzle assembly. This cap can be used in environments not exceeding temperatures of 350°F (176.6°C). Where exposures to temperatures exceed 350°F (176.6°C) the high temperature nozzle cap must be used (P/N 12504). ''J / ,:__ Temperature Cap PIN 12504 .Standard Cap PIN 12334 Ju.ly 2006 DETECTOR (PIN 12508) Section 2 System Components Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem 10" (25.4 cm) Page2-8 EX4658) Each detector in the Amerex KP Restaurant System is comprised of three parts. The detector bracket, detector linkage and the fusible link (ordered separately). The bracket seJVes as support for the linkage and is attached to a rigid surface. The linkage supports the fusible link and a continuous cable under tension. At a predetermined temperature the fusible link will separate, relieving tension on the cable and actuating the system. Fusible link not included with detector This manual will refer to series and terminal detectors. There is no difference in part numbers or dimensions between series and terminal detectors. A terminal detector is the last or only detector in the network and the cable must be "terminated" there. A series detector is any detector located between the terminal detector and the mechanical release modufe in the detection network. TEST LINKS (PIN 12891) Test links are available for conducting functional tests of the detection system. This device fits the detector in the same manner as the fusible link, is normally placed on the terminal detector and can be cut, simulating a fusible link separating under fire conditions. CORNER PULLEY (P/N 12309) The Amerex KP Restaurant System uses a "high temperature" comer pulley to change direction of the cable by 90'. This corner pulley may be used in environments with temperatures up to 700'F (371 "C). Mounting holes are provided for anchoring the comer pulley where allowed by local codes. CORNER PULLEY (PIN 16444) The Amerex KP Restaurant System also uses a "high tempera1ure• compression comer pulley to change direction of the cable by 90'. (This compression corner pulley [Brooks Model CPS] allows complete assembly of conduit and corner pulleys prior to installing the cable ). PULLEY TEE (P/N 12506) A pulley tee is used to change the direction of two cables by 90'. This device can be used with mechanical gas valves and manual pull stations but not fusible link detectors. II cannot be used where temperatures exceed the range of 32' -120'F (0° -49'C). CABLE (PIN 12553) r 13164" dia. Mounting HnJ,-..;; Cable is used to run from the MRM or PRM, through conduit and corner pulleys to detectors, mechanical gas valves or manual pull stations. It is 1116 inch diameter, stainless steel (7 x 7 -480# tensile strength) - available in 500 foot (152 m) spools (PIN 12553). EYE BOLT SUPPORT (PIN 17520) Eyebolt supplied with one Hex. Nut used to lock the eyet>olt into finial posttion. Eyebol! is used to support bare cat>le run in plenum of the hood in a Fusible Link Linear Detection System. July 2006 Section 2 System Components Amerex KP Wet Chemical stem JOB LINKS Four temperature ratings of the Job Links are available. They are constructed of two metal struts held intension by a small, glass bulb that ruptures at the appropriate temperature rating. The detector bracket (PIN 12508) will support either the Globe Type K fusible links or the Job links, and the same detector limitations apply for both types of detector. Response Max. Ambient Part No. T•-Link Ratlno Tern" rature 16226 Quick 2a6°F 141•c 225°F 107°C 16227 Quick 360°F 1a2·c 300°F 149•c 16445 Quick 450°F 232•c 375°F 1s1·c 16446 Quick 5oo·F 260°c 425°F 21a·c FUSIBLE LINKS EXPOSURE LIMIT Page2-9 EX4658 Part Link Max. Ambient Four temperature ratings of fusible links are available. They are of the electric solder type ttnk which will melt at a predetermined temperature allowing the two halves of the link lo No. Ralina Temru,rature 12326 212°F 100°c 150°F 66°c 12327 2ao·F 138°c 225°F 101·c 12328 360°F 1az·c 300°F 149•c 12329 450°F 232•c 375°F 1s1·c separate. Temperature and year of manufacture are stamped on each link. Globe Type •K• Load limit: Maximum Load -50 lbs. (22.68 Kg) Minimum load • 3 lbs. ( 1.37 Kg) CONDUIT OFFSET (P/N 12507) The conduit offset is used to allow a smooth transition for cable runs into or out of the mechanical release module without using pulley elbows. II may be used with the detection network. manual pull stations or mechanical gas valve actuation network. The use ofthis device does not reduce the maximum number ofcorner pulleys allowed in the system. THE CONDUIT OFFSET MAY ONLY BE ATTACHED TO THE ENCLOSURE OF EITHER THE MRM OR THE PRM. FUSIBLE LINK TERMINATION KIT (PN 17515) .,. The kit consists of four major components, their part numbers and quantities per kit are provided in the table below. The kit contains the necessary cable segments and hardware for the beginning and end termination of the linear fusible !Ink detection. MRM TO 1 ST LINK -17356 CABLE SEGMENT -LINK TO LINK (PN17354) PART NUMBER 12768 17356 17355 17532 QTY. 1 1 1 1 The Link lo Link cable segment insures that the links in the linear fuslble link detection system are spaced al the maximum 24" centers.to center distance. One cable segment is required for every 24" of hood length. DESCRIPTION EMT CONDUIT CONNECTOR 112" CABLE SEG. -MRM TO 1° LINK -30 FEET CABLE SEG. -LINK TO TERMINATION HANDY BOX -½ CONDUIT BOX l LINK TO LINK -17354 October 2003 MECHANICAL GAS VALVE Section 2 System Components Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem Page2-11 EX4658 All Amerex KP Restaurant Systems protecting gas-fired cooking appliances must use a gas shut-off valve listed for use with the system. Amerex mechanical gas valves are held open with a latching device. Upon system discharge a piston in the MRM or PRM will pull on a cable connected to the latch in the gas valve, releasing the latch and allowing the spring to close the valve. These valves are considered to be ·Normally Closed -Held Open•. The valve bodies ara made of brass and threaded with female NPT threads on both ends and are UL listed for natural gas and propane in¾', 1•, 1¼", 1½', and 2· sizes. Part No. Size A B Pressure 12790 ¾in. 10 5116 in. 3¾in, 12791 1 In. {26.194 cm) (9.525 cm) 10 PSIG (69kPa) 12792 1¼ in. Max. 11 9116 in. 4 7/8 In. 12793 1 ½ in. {29.369 cm) (12.383 cm) 12794 2 In 12½in. 6 in. (31.75cm) (15.24 cm) ELECTRIC GAS VALVES Electric gas valves operate on 110 VAC current which powers a solenoid holding the valve open against a spring. Upon system discharge current to the solenoid is interrupted by a microswitch in the MRM or PRM causing the valve to shut. A loss of electrical power Will also cause an electrical gas valve to close. A manual reset relay must be used with electric gas valves. UL listed sizes are¾", 1", 1¼", 1½", 2", 2½", 3". MANUAL RESET RELAY (P/N 12526) Part SiZe Manufacturer No. 12870 ¾in. 12871 1io, 12872 1 ¼in. 12873 1 ½ in. ASCO 12874 2 In. -""-_.., ~r::r:r:.·=~-1 _,_-J"'j I f, "--/ ~ 12875 2½ln. 12876 3 in, Anytime an electrical gas valve is connected to an Amerex KP Restaurant System, a manu_al reset relay must be used. After an electrical gas valve has closed (either because of system discharge or because of power failure), the valve cannot be opened withoul manually pressing the reset button on the manual reset relay. This operation is to guard against a momentary loss of power closing the valve, extinguishing the pilot lights and allowing gas to escape when power is restored. The manual reset relay is UL listed and has a pilot lamp to indicate its status. DESCRIPTION; MANUAL RESET RELAY CONT ACT CONFIGURATION: DOUBLE POLE. SlNGlE THROW MINIMUM CONTACT RATING: MTR LOAD:. 8 AFL, 48 ALR, 120 VAC RES LOAD• SA. 120 VAC PILOT DUTY 120 VA. 120 VAC October 2003 MICROSWITCHES (PIN 12524) Section 2 System Components Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem Page 2 -14 EX4658 Microswitches, designed to be mounted in the MRM, as well as the PRM, are used to control various output functions. These output functions may involve turning off or turning on power. Examples of output functions are sounding a visual or audible alarm, operate an electrical gas valve, send a signal to a building lire alarm system, shut off supply air fans and energize a relay to shut off electrical appliances. Two SPOT switches are pre-installed in the MRM and PRM. Up to 2 addttional SPOT switches may be added for a total of our configurations -SPOT, OPOT, 3POT and 4PDT. Red Common MICROSWITCH SINGLE POLE DOUBLE THROW PIN 12524 VENT PLUG (P/N 10173) Yellow Blad The vent plug is required in the system actuation network lo allow a means of relieving pressure in the actuation piping after a system discharge, and to prevent a slow build-up of pressure in the actuation line. N.O. N.C. Non AJann Condition October 2003 DUCT PROTECTION LIMITATIONS SINGLE NOZZLE (PIN 16416) Section 3 Design Amerex KP Wet Chemical S tern DUCT PROTECTION Page 3-1 EX4658 duct nozzle (P/N 16416) is listed to protect restaurant cooking ducts of unr • ed length up to 50 es (127 cm) or 16 diameter inches (40.6 cm) using one nozzle. Then • e has one flow point and must be ntered within the duct, placed 2 -8 inches (5.08 -20.32 cm) into th uct opening and aimed at the center o e cross section of the duct. • NOTE: In no case shall the diagonal dimension of the uct exceed 18.8 inches VfRTiCAL / HOHiZCN'!Ac L;,_1Cf TR !1NS' T:ON S Special Note: For ducts with verf transitions reference the diagram abo • wi1 to nozzle aim. TRANSITION LIMITATIONS -SINGL WDIA.MAX / A transition is a section found some exhaust syste between the hood and the duct One Amerex duct nozzle (P/N 16416) will tee! a transition at the p t where the transition is 50 perimeter Inches (127 cm) or less or a dlamet of 16 inches (40.6 cm) or les The nozzle has one flow point and must be placed In the center of the penlng at the point where the p ·meter mches are 50 (127 cm) or less or where the diameter inch are 16 (40.6 cm) or less and aimed lhe center of the cross section on the duel. Additional duct pr ction is not required when using this me d. "'!'_ '>] ,0c' ,,, ~k,.,,.,, .. ,/' -""' vw '(~; r \ ~ '-. ,.1-R~)' fr.1',/ I ' I October2003 Section 3 Design • Amerex KP Wet Chemical S tern DUCT PROTECTION LIMITATIONS - TWO NOZZLES (2 x PIN 16416) Two Amerex duct nozzles (P / N 1 641 6) will protect ducts with a perimeter of 51 inches to 82 inches (129.5 -208.3 cm) or a maximum diameter of 26 inches (66 cm). To correctly position the nozzles a rectangular duct should be divided along its longest side into four equal distances. A circular duct should be divided along a centerline into four equal distances. A nozzle should be placed at one quarter of the duct's width (or diameter) with both nozzles on the centerline, paced 2-8 inches (5.08 • 20.3 cm) into the duct opening and aimed at the cenl9f of the cross section of the duct. Each nozzle has one flow point. NOTE: In no case can the diagonal dimension of each module exceed 18.8 inches (46 cm). DUCT PROTECTION LIMITATIONS 100 IN. PERIMETER TW0-1½ FLOW POINT NOZZLES (P/N 11983) The Amerex solid fuel appliance/duct nozzle (PIN 11983) is listed to protect a restaurant cooking exhaust duct of unlimited length and up to 100 perimeter inches (254 cm) or 32 inch diameter (81.2 cm) using two nozzles. The nozzles total three flow points and lo properly position the nozzles, a rectangular duct should be divided along Its longest slde into four equal distances. A circular duct should be divided along its center line into four equal distances. The nozzles are to be placed at one quarter and three quarters position of the duct width (or diameter) w"h both nozzles on the center line, placed 2 • 8 inches (5.08 -20.3 cm) into the duct opening and aimed straight up in a vertically run duct. NOTE: In no case can the diagonal dimension of the duct exceed 37.2 inches (94.4 cm) without adding additional duct nozzles. NOTE: The use of one duct nozzle P/N 11983 is permitted for duct 50 perimeter inches or less in the same manner as duct nozzle 16416. Page 3-2 EX 4658 October 2003 Section 3 Design Page 3 -5 Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem EX 4658 PLENUM PROTECTION PLENUM PROTECTION LIMITATIONS - SINGLE FLOW POINT NOZZLE (PIN 11982) The Amerex appliance, plenum nozzle (PIN 11982) Is capable of protecting plenums up to 10 feet (3.048m) long with either a single Inclined filter bank or a "V" bank filter arrangement. The filter height cannot exceed 24 Inches (60.96 cm). Each plenum nozzle uses one flow point. The nozzle must be positioned 4 inches (10.16) maximum from the wall, aimed horizontally and positioned down 1/3 the filter height from the top of the filler. •v-Bank , tlon t "'""'""-l OOWNJIRlMffll C.--#:......Ji--TOPornt£FUl!II. CIJffl!AI!!) .. ,... ...,._ NOlZUlOIE t.OCAfED O ~ •• --_,_ CEHT!RIOINfflf ..,,.....,. PLENUM PROTECTION -MULTIPLE NOZZLES Plenums exceeding 10 feet {3.048 m) in length may be protected by using multiple plenum nozzles. Each nozzle must be protecting an area of no more than 10 feet In length. Nozzles may be positioned facing each other or facing the same direction as long as the entire plenum area is being covered. Nozzles may not face in opposite directions from a common tee. Single Bank Protection ' 1/3Al.T£A HElOHT ---r FROM THl!'Tllf'OP ml!FILTIIR. ON CENTER -EN _,.WALL ,...., PU.:nlA NOZZU!TO 9'! LOCATIEDO•♦~ FAOMEHOWAU.. CENTe'~DNTME .... ,,.,. 10 FT, . (3.05m) October 2003 FRYER PROTECTION (FULL VAT) Section 3 Design Amerex KP Wet Chemical S tern Page3-6 EX4658 TWO FLOW POINT NOZZLE (PIN 13729) MAXIMUM AREA: 19% in. (50 cm) x 25-3/ll In. (65 cm) Including drainboard interface area 19½ in. (50 cm) x 19 in. (48 cm) not Including drainboard interface area The Amerex fryer nozzle (P/N 13729) uses two flow points and will protect a full val fryer. If the fryer does not include a drainboard, the maximum fryer dimensions for single nozzle coverage are 19" x 19½" (48 x 50 cm) and the maximum protected area is 2.53 112 (2350 cm2). If the fryer does contain a drainboard the maximum fryer dimensions for single nozzle coverage are 25- 3/8" x 19½" (65 x 48 cm) and the maximum protected area is 3.44 112 (3195 cm2). However. the maximum hazard area must not exceed 19" x 19 ½" (48 x 50 cm). The nozzle must be located along or anywhere within the protected area. Nozzle heights must be within 36 to 48 inches (91.44 -121.92 cm) above the appliance surface and aimed to the center of the hazard area of the appliance. Note: Maximum & minimum heights must be measured vertically from the lip of nozzle to the top of the appliance. LOW PROXIMITY APPLICATION FRYER PROTECTION (FULL VAT) e&t m mca wt1J1 P8AINDN80 TWO (2) SINGLE FLOW POINT NOZZLE (P/N 11982) MAXIMUM AREA: 19½ In. (50 cm) X 25 3/ll In. (65 cm) (including drainboard interface area) 19½ In. (50 cm) x 19 in. (48 cm) (not including drainboard interface area) A pair of Amerex single flow point nozzles (PIN 11982) will protect a full vat fryer. The nozzles must be used in pairs located on the perimeter of the appliance, ½" back from the inside edge of the appliance and within a zone extending 6" in both directions of the center of the hazard. The nozzles are to be located 180° apart (directly across from one another). They are to be aimed at a point 3" below the top of the appliance and directly below the opposing nozzle. If the fryer does not indude a drainboard, the maximum fryer dimensions are 19½" x 19" (50 x 48 cm) and the maximum protected area is 2.53 112 (2530 cm2). If the fryer does contain a drainboard, the maximum fryer dimensions are 25 3/8" x 19 ½" (65 x 50 cm) and the maximum protected area is 3.44 112 (3195 cm2). However, the maximum hazard area must not exceed 19 1/, • x 19" (50 x 48 cm). The nozzle's height must be within 17½" to 36" ( 45 -92 cm) above the appliance surface. 25-318" MAX October 2003 Section 3 Design Page 3-1 O Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem . EX 4658 FOUR (4) BURNER RANGE PROTECTION TWO (2) FLOW POINT NOZZLE (PIN 14178) ,/ •• The Amerex 4 burner range nozzle (P/N 14178) has two (2) flow points and will protect a range surface area of 24• x 24• (61 x 61 cm). The center to center distance between burners must not exceed 12 inches. The nozzle must be located 18 -so• (46 -127 cm) above the range surface and centered between the burners. The nozzle is aimed straight down at the center of the appliance. NOTE: Maximum and minimum heights must be measured from the tip of nozzle to the surface of the appliance. RANGE PROTECTION-MULTIPLE NOZZLES (PIN 14178) For ranges that have a surface area exceeding the capabilities of a single nozzle, multiple nozzles must be used provided that the surface area of the range is divided into equally sized modules. Each module must be equal to or less than 24" x 24" (61 x 61 cm). NOTE: When using this nozzle to protect a two (2) burner range the aiming point is where an a.so· radius from the center of each burner crosses one another f WOK PROTECTION SINGLE FLOW POINT NOZZLE (PIN 11982) 0 The Amerex appliance plenum nozzle (PIN 11982) has one flow point and will protect a wok wtth dimensions between a minimum diameter of 14" (36 cm) and a maximum diameter of 24" (61 cm) inclusive. The wok must have a height dimension between a minimum of 4" (10 cm) and a maximum of 7" ( 18 cm) inclusive. The nozzle must be centered over the center of the wok and located at a haight between 40 • (102 cm) and 50" (127 cm) from the bottom of the inside of the wok and aimed at the center of the wok. Min. Size ~-~-1 '-, 2••mrn. I Aim Point Max. Size --~SO"max. I 40" max. AMEREX KP RESTAURANT SYSTEM NOZZLE APPLICATION CHART Nozzle PIN Flow Width Length Min. Annliance Points Height Deeo Fat Fryer -without Drip Pan 13729 2 19 ½in. 19 in. 36in. Deeo Fat Frver -with Orio Pan 13729 2 19 ½ in. 25 3/8 in. 36 in. Deeo Fat Frver -with Orio Pan Low Proximitv 2-11982 2 19½ in. 25 3/8 in. 17½in. Ranae -Sinale Burner 11984 ½ 18 In. 18 in. 20 in. Ranae -Two Burner 11982 1 14 in. 28 in. 44 in. Ranae -Two Burner 11982 1 12 In. 24 In. 36in. Ranae-Two Burners w/Back Shelf 11982 1 12 in. 24 in. 40 in. Low Back-Shelf/Salamander -BS Manifold 17461 1 14 in. 42in. 14 in. Ranae -Three Burners 2-11984 1 12 in. 36in. 20 in. Ranae -Four Burners 14178 2 24in. 24 in. 18 in. Wok 11982 1 14-24 dia. 4-7 depth 40 in. Griddle 11982 1 30 in. 36 in. 30 in. Griddle 13729 2 30 in. 42 in. 38 in. Griddle 14178 2 30 in. 48 in. 15 in. Uorioht Broiler I 2-11984 1 30½1n. 28½in. - Charbroiler (Lava Rock) 11983 1 ½ 24 in. 24 in. 18 in. Charbroiler (Gas Radiant & Electric Radiant) 11982 1 24 in. 24 In. 18 in. Chain Broiler -Closed Too 11982 1 24½in. 31 in. - Chain Broiler -Ooen Too 13729 2 24½in. 31 in. 12 in. Chain Broiler -Nieco Model 9025 /Catalyst (2) 4-11982 2 18 in. 24 in. 12 in. Natural & Mesauite Charcoal Charbroiler 11983 1½ 24 in. 28½in. 16 in. Mesauite Chins & Chunks Charbroiler 11983 1½ 24 in. 28½in. 16 in. Mesouite Loa Charbroiler 11983 1½ 24 in. 28½in. 19 in. Plenum Nozzle P/N Flow Width Length Points Sinale Bank/V-Bank 11982 1 4 ft. 10 ft. Duct Nozzle PIN Flow Max. Diameter Length Points Perimeter Rectanoular 16416 1 50 in. -Unlimited Circular 16416 1 -16 in. Unlimited· Rectanquiar 2-11983 3 100 in. . Unlimited Circular 2-11983 3 . 32 in. Unlimited Rectanaular ' 3-11983 4½ 150 In. . Unlimited Circular ' 3-11983 4½ -48 in. Unlimited ' Protection Is not lfmlted to the Items fisted on this chart Modullzlng larger appliances Is an acceptable practice. See your Ame"'x KP Manual for additional Information . ... Max. Height 48 in. 48in. 36 in. 421n. 48 in. 50in. 47in. 19 in. 30in. 50in. 50 in. 48 in. 50 in. 50in. - 44 in. 48 in. . 361n. 36 in. 42in. 48 in. 44 In. Max. Dlaaonal 18.8 in. - 37.2 in . . 55.9 In. - <... !:. '< ~ ![ al 0 >< ::, ;,,;"' ,, ~ Q (I) 2.~ Cl en ~(0' (fJ ::, l -"ti mo, X<O ~ a, "' 'f &l ~ -...., July 2006 Section 3 Design Page 3 -18 Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem EX 4658 AGENT QUANTITY AND CYLINDER SELECTION: After reviewing the hazards and determining the number and type of nozzles that will be required, the quantity of agent and the number and type of cylinders must be selected. Adding the number of flow points that are needed for the system will determine the agent quantity and cylinder options. ONE 2. 75 GALLON CYLINDER (PIN 16921) WILL SUPPLY SUFFICIENT AGENT FOR UP TO AND INCLUDING 8 FLOW POINTS. ONE 3.75 GALLON CYLINDER (PIN 13334) Will SUPPLY SUFFICIENT AGENT FOR UP TO AND INCLUDING 11 FLOW POINTS. ONE 4.75 GALLON CYLINDER (PIN 17379) Will SUPPLY SUFFICIENT AGENT FOR UP TO AND INCLUDING 14 FLOW POINTS. Cylinders may be used together for multiple cylinder systems with one MRM or PRM. A MAXIMUM OF 10 KP 275/375/475 AGENT CYLINDERS MAY BE USED PER MECHANICAL RELEASE MECHANISM OR PNEUMATIC RELEASE MODULE. ONE 6.14 GALLON CYLINDER (P/N 15196) Will SUPPLY SUFFICIENT AGENT FOR UP TO AND INCLUDING 18 FLOW POINTS. A MAXIMUM OF 6 KP 600 AGENT CYLINDERS MAY BE USED PER MRM or PRM. ANY COMBINATION OF CYLINDERS INVOLVING THE KP600 CYLINDER IS LIMITED TO A TOTAL OF 6 CYLINDERS PER MRM or PRM. ACTUATION NETWORK LIMITATIONS -MRM OR PRM The actuation network for the Amerex KP Restaurant Fire Suppression System consists of factory supplied hose, installer supplied copper tubing or pipe that connects the MRM or PRM to each cylinder discharge valve. A single MRM or PRM Is capable of actuating up to ten (10) 3.75/2.75 gallon agent C)'linder discharge valves or six (6) 6.14 gallon agent cylinder discharge valves by discharging a single 10 in3 nitrogen cylinder (PIN 12856) through the actuation network. If the network is a [JI combination of 2.751 3.75/ 4.75 S. 6.14 gallon cylinders, then maximum number of \ cylinders is six (6). . I • • Note: A vent plug (PIN 10173) must be placed In an accessible location anywhere in the actuation line to aid In releasing pressure after the system has discharged. See the RECHARGE Section 7. LIMITATIONS {SINGLE OR MULTIPLE CYL SYSTEMS) Copper tubing -¼" O.D. reftigeralion type with a minimum wall thickness of .049 inches. Use with brass or steel compression style fittings (with brass or steel sleeves or ferrules). Maximum length (including all fittings) 100 feet (30.48 m) High Pressure Hose -¼" 1.0. wire braid hose that is factory supplied. Maximum leng1h (including all fittings) 54 feet (16.46 m) or a maximum number of 40 hose assemblies PIN 12854, 20 hose assemblies PIN 16448, or any combination that does not exceed a total of 54 feet (16.56 m) Pipe -¼" NPT schedule 40 made of stainless steel, galvanized, chrome plated or black iron pipe. Maximum length -22.2 feet (6.77m) Maximum tees -9 Maximum elbows -9 (note: 2 -45° elbows ; 90°) Note: Different methods of constructing the actuation network may be mixed provided that the shortest limitations are followed, Example: A mix of¼" copper tubing and ¼" high pressure hose requires that the hose limitations be followed (no more than 54 feet [16.46ml) for the complete network. A mix of ¼" high pressure hose and ¼" pipe requires that the pipe limitations be followed (no more than 22.2 feet {6.77ml) for the complete work. Nitrogen Cylinder 10 cu. in. Maximum Total Length for: Feet Meters ¼" Copper tubing 100 30.48 ¼" 10 Hose 54 16.46 ¼" Schedule 40 Pipe 22.2 6.77 Possible location for Vent Plug PIN 10173 \ _______._ f '] Mechanical Release Module (w/10 in1 cyl) Mechanical Rel..,.,,C4> l,lnn.,;... (w/10 !n1 cyf) Up to ten {10) KP 2751375/475 Cylinders -maximum or up to six (6) KP 600 Cylinders -maximum July 2006 A Supply Line Is the distribution piping that runs from the distributor outlet or discharge fitting to the first splitting tee. A Supply Branch Line (including the last nozzle branch) Is the distribution piping that runs from the first tee at the hood to the last nozzle in the system Including all fittings used to exit the supply branch line. A Nozzle Branch Line is the distribution piping that runs from the supply branch tee splitting to the nozzles including all fittings used to exit the supply branch line. GENERAL PIPING REQUIREMENTS: Section 3 Design Page 3 -19 Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem EX 4658 1. All pipe used for the distribution network must be schedule 40 (black, chrome or stainless steel) pipe. 2. Piping limitations are expressed in linear length of pipe. Linear piping is the actual length of straight pipe used throughout the system. WARNING: GALVANIZED PIPE IS N.QI ALLOWED 3. Maximum flow point per cylinder; KP 275 = 8 flow points KP 375 = 11 flow points KP 475 = 14 flow points KP 600 = 18 flow points Twin KP 375 = 22 flow points NOTE: THESE ARE EXAMPLES ONLY -OTHER CONFIGURATIONS CAN BE DESIGNED October 2003 Section 3 Design Page 3 -20 Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem EX 4658 TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORK FOR SINGLE CYLINDER SYSTEM 4 Feet 10 Feet t 4 Feet Max. 10 Feet fvlax. Plenum Fryer Distributo Duct Griddle Supply Branch Nozzl Branc ~ Range STRAIGHT PIPING SYSTEM Supply Branch Supply Line Distributor SPLIT PIPING SYSTEM __ _._ .... ~ J=~ Range Griddle (Overhead} NOTE: The schematics above do not represent the only configurations possible -they are informational onl . July 2006 Section 3 Design Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem Page 3-22 EX 4658 KP DISTRIBUTION PIPING DESIGN LIMITS FOR ALL CYLINDER SIZES When designing a KP system to protect a kitchen containing a Fryer, Wok or Range, the following MINIMUM TOTAL SYSTEM PIPING must be used in accordance with the chart below: SUPPLY LINE LIMITATIONS: KP275 -8 3/8 20 1 5 0 KP375 -11 3/8 OR 1/2 25 1 5 1 KP475 -14 1/2 25 1 5 2 KP600 -18 1/2 25 1 5 2 2-KP375 -22 1/2 30 2 7 2 NOTE: 1. Use 3/8" supply line only when all piping is to be 3/8" pipe. 2. The supply line has a maximum vertical rise above the distributor of 10 feet. SUPPLY BRANCH LINE (including last nozzle branch) LIMITATIONS: All pipe and fillings leaving the first splitting tee in the system and ending with the last nozzle in the last branch line. While the last nozzle branch is included in the piping limitations for the supply branch line, the limitation (pipe size and maximum length) for nozzle branch lines apply to this portion of the supply branch line. CYLINDER MAX. FEET OF MAX. MAX. MAX. QTY. FLOW PIPE STRAIGHT MAX. FEET OF QTY. QTY. REDUCING POINTS PIPE SIZE PIPE SPLIT TEES ELBOWS BUSHINGS KP275 -8 3/8 20 25 7 8 KP375-11 3/8 OR 1/2 27 30 10 8 KP475 -14 3/8 27 30 12 8 KP600 -18 AS NOTED 35' OF 3/8" OR 1 /2" 50' 3/8" PIPE ONLY 14 8 2-KP375-22 1/2* 40 45 18 8 NOTE: 1. In a single 3.75 Gallon Straight Pipe System, 5' of pipe may be transferred from the supply line to the supply branch line. * 2. The use of 3/8" pipe with two manifold KP375s is only permitted when the SUPPLY LINE length is equal to or less than 20'. NOZZLE BRANCH LINE LIMITATIONS: All pipe and fittings leading from the supply branch tee to a system nozzle. CYLINDER TOTAL LINEAR MAX. QTY. MAX. QTY. MAX. QTY. FLOW POINTS PIPE SIZE FEET OF PIPE TEES ELBOWS BUSHINGS KP275 -8 3/8 32 5 10 0 KP375 -11 3/8 OR 1/2 32 8 12 11 KP475 -14 3/8 32 10 15 0 KP600 -18 3/8 32 11 18 15 2-KP375 -22 3/8 32 18 18 20 MAX. PER NOZZLE BRANCH 7 3 6 4 GENERAL SYSTEM LIMITATIONS: 1. No½" pipe nozzle branches shorter than 12" long. 2. Nozzle types may not be mixed on any nozzle branch line and a maximum of 4 flow points. 3. The discharge fitting, distributor and distribution hose are not to be included in any calculations. o· 2 2 2 0 4. No mixing of pipe sizes is allowed within pipe categories. Example: if one nozzle branch is to be ½" pipe then all must be½" pipe. ½" pipe for nozzle branch lines is allowed only in an 11 flow point system. 5. Duct nozzle has a maximum vertical rise above the supply branch line of 4'0". October 2003 DETECTION NETWORK LIMITATIONS: MRM Section 3 Design Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem Page 3 -23 EX4658 Optimum fire suppression system performance relies on proper detection network design. This section discusses the type of detectors used, their selection, placement and design limitations. The Amerex KP Restaurant Fire Suppression System MRM uses a continuous cable, corner pulleys, detector bracket, detector linkage, fusible links, conduit offset, terminal link connector and a temperature-measuring device. The quantity of detectors to be used in a system will depend on the number of ducts, number of appliances and the location of the appliances under the hood. DETERMINING DETECTOR LOCATION AND NUMBER OF DETECTORS In order to detect a fire in the duct, a detector is required to be placed within the duct opening or up to 12 inches into the duct. If it is mounted into the duct, the bracket cannot shield the fusible link from the hot vapors moving through the duct. Every appliance under the hood that is being protected by the suppression system must have a detector placed over it and positioned within the path of exhaust vapors. WARNING: DO NOT LOCATE DETECTORS DIRECTLY IN THE PATH OF GAS APPLIANCE EXHAUST FLUE GASES. DOING SO COULD RESULT IN UNNECESSARY DISCHARGE OF THE SYSTEM. GENERAL LIMITATIONS OF DETECTION NETWORK: Maximum of 24 corner pulleys. ( either style) Maximum of 20 detectors (any combination of temperature settings). Maximum of 120 feet of cable on the detection network. No pulley tees are allowed. Remote manual pulls are not allowed on the detection network. Maximum of 1 conduit offset (must be located at mechanical release module when chosen). 1/ ATTACH DETECTION NETWORK TO ANY ONE OF THREE SIDES 12 O'CLOC POSITION 1 CONDUIT OFFSET (OPTIONAL) MRM ' 6 O'CLOCK POSITION P/N 12508 DETECTOR BRACKET ASSEMBLY MAXIMUM QUANTITY AS SPECIFIED. ASSEMBLY. October 2003 FUSIBLE LINK SELECTION Section 3 Design Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem Page 3-24 EX4658 To assure that the appropriate temperature is selected, the temperature sensing device must be used at each detector location while the cooking line and exhaust fan is operating. Temperatures found at each detector should be recorded and placed with other documentation in the job file for future reference. Selection of fusible links should be made according to the temperature measured: Globe Type "K" Standard Response Links T emoerature Measured Link Rated Temo. Part No. 10· to 150°F 121 • to 65°C' 212°F 1oo·c 12326 151• to 225°F (66° to 107°C 2so·F 13s•c 12327 226° to 300°F 21· to s5•c 360°F 1a2·c 12328 301 • to 375°F 21· to 65°c 450°F 232•c 12329 375• 11s2·c ) & above Consult factorv Consult factorv Job Quick Response Links Job Link T emoerature Measured Link Rated Temoerature Part Number 70° to 150°F (21° to 65°Cl 200°F (93°C Quick Resoonse 16225 151° to 225°F (66° to 107"CJ 286°F <141°C Quick Resoonse 16226 226° to 300°F (108' to 149'Cl 360°F (182°C Quick Response 16227 DETECTION NETWORK LIMITATIONS: PRM Select a suitable location for the pneumatic release module (PRM) that has access for installation, service, recharge and where both the nitrogen actuation cylinder pressure gauge and the system status indicator can be viewed. The PRM has provisions for a single, continuous section of detection tubing. No splicing or "tee's" are allowed. There shall be only two tubing terminations -one at the accumulator cylinder inside the PRM and the other at the opposite end of the tubing, with the use of an End of Line fitting (P/N 16506). Install in areas where the maximum expected ambient temperature does not exceed 375'F. 5@ 1 OJ-:," SEE SECTION 4 "INSTALLATION" FOR ROUTING INFORMATION ON DETECTOR TUBING PAGE 5 October 2003 Section 3 Design Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem MANUAL PULL STATION NETWORK LIMITATIONS Page 3-25 EX4658 Every Amerex KP Restaurant Fire Suppression System installation must have at least one manual pull station. The manual pull station network consists of cable, comer pulleys, pulley tee, manual pull station(s) and optional conduit offset. GENERAL LIMITATIONS OF MANUAL PULL STATION NETWORK Maximum of 20 corner pulleys. per manual pull station Maximum of 130 feet of cable per manual pull station Maximum of 1 pulley tee per network (counts as one comer pulley for each manual pull station) Maximum of 1 conduit offset per network (must be attached to the MRM and before tee pulley when chosen) NOTE: Manual pull stations should be installed no higher than 48 inches from the floor and must be along a path of egress. Consult the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for the final approval for manual pull station quantity, locations and mounting height and other considerations prior to finalizing manual pull station mounting details. 12 O'CLOC POSITION ---"'- MRM ATTACH MANUAL PULL STATION NETWORK TO ANY Q!:!§ OF THREE SIOES (OPTIONAL) CONDUIT OFFSET ---m or I / ,,cC::--~ PRM -"-,o•ctoCK I 60'CLOCK 1 POSITION POSITION SINGLE STATION NETWORK DUAL STATION NETWORK NOTE: The manual pull station(s) are the only MANUAL means of activating the Amerex KP Restaurant Fire Suppression System. ' . October 2003 MECHANICAL GAS VALVE APPLICATIONS Section 3 Design Amerex KP Wei Chemical S stem Page 3 -26 EX 4658 The PRM or MRM closes the mechanical gas valve immediately upon system discharge. A pneumatic and mechanical action in the gas trip assembly pulls on a cable attached to the mechanical gas valve, unlatching. the valve and allowing an internal spring within the valve body to provide the closing force. Connection of the cable from the valve to the PRM or MRM under tension maintains the gas valve in an open position. MECHANICAL GAS VALVE A mechanical gas valve trip assembly must be used with any mechanical gas valve. The gas valve trip assembly (P/N 12740) is included with all Amerex manufactured gas valves but must be ordered separately for use with gas valves listed in this manual supplied by other manufacturers. See Section 3 "System Components" for all mechanical gas valves that are suitable for use with the Amerex Restaurant Fire Suppression System. The use of any other mechanical gas valves will avoid the UL listing for the system installation. All of the listed valves have female NPT threads. The location of the gas valve should be accessible and approved by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. A contractor licensed and qualified for such work should perform installation of the mechanical gas valve into the gas line. MECHANICAL GAS VALVE ACTUATION NETWORK LIMITATIONS The mechanical gas valve actuation network consists of cable, corner pulleys, pulley tee, gas valve and conduit offset. GENERAL LIMITATIONS OF MECHANICAL VALVE NETWORK Maximum of 20 corner pulleys per mechanical gas valve of any listed type in KP Manual Maximum of 130 feel (39.6m) of cable per mechanical gas valve of any listed type in KP Manual Maximum of 1 pulley tee per network (counts as one corner pulley for each mechanical gas valve) Maximum of 1 conduit offset per network (must be located at pneumatic release module and before tee pulley when chose) 1/ CONDUIT OFFSET 1 (OPTIONAL) I MRM OR PRM SINGLE GAS VALVE NETWORK MRM OR PRM PULLEY TEE DUAL GAS VALVE NETWORK October 2003 MRM or ERM MICROSWlTCH Section 3 Design Page 3~28 Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem EX4658 POWER SOURCE 0 0 INSTALLER-PROVIDED JUNCTION BOXES MANUAL RESET RELAY ELECTRIC GAS VALVE BASIC WIRING DIAGRAM POWER SOURCE MANUAL RESET RELAY RED (COMMON) L1 0--+f----+--{i}--~ l2 (_}--f----j---(l) YELLOW (N.O.) MICROS'MTCH BLACK (N.C.) 5 GAS VALVE NOTE: Q() NOT USE YELLOW WIRE ON MICROSWITCH IN NORMAL INSTALLATION. THE YELLOW 'MRE IS TO BE USED ONLY FOR EXTINGUISHER ALARM, LIGHT CIRCUITS, ETC. BASIC WIRING DIAGRAM MANUAL RESET RELAY RED (COMMON) YELLOW (N.O.) BLACK (N.C.) MICROSWITCH NOTES· 1) ____ DENOTES FIELD INSTALLATION 2) ----DENOTES FACTORY INSTALLATION PUSHBUHON SWITCH CURRENT DRAW MAX: BA RESISTIVE, BA INDUCTIVE, 120VAC GAS VALVE SEE NOTE J 3) GAS VALVE: UL LISTED ELECTRICALLY-OPERATEO SAFETY VALVE FOR NATURAL OR LP GAS AS NEEDED OF APPROPRIATE PRESSURE AND TEMPERA TUR[ RA TING, 1 lDV/50HZ OR AMER EX GAS VALVES, P /N 12870, 12871, 12872. 1287J, 12874, 12875 AND 12875. 4) Kl□ AND Klb ARE N.O. WHEN K1 IS DE-ENERGIZED ' . October 2003 MICROSWITCH APPLICATIONS Section 3 Design Page 3 -30 Amerex KP Wet Chemical S stem EX 4658 Two P/N 12524 Microswitches are installed in the mechanical release module or pneumatic release module. Up to two additional switches may be added. Part No. Contacts Rating SPOT 21 Amps 125,250 or 277 VAC 12524 Single Pole 1 HP 125, 250 or 277 VAC Double Throw 2 HP 250,277 VAC Red Common Yellow N.O. Non Alarm Condition Black N.C. Microswitches may be used to perform a variety of output functions such as surrounding an auxiliary audible or visual alarm signaling device, sending a signal to a building fire alarm system (a requirement per NFPA 96 if the building is equipped with a fire alarm system}, shutting down electric cooking appliances, or disrupting power to an electrical gas valve, WARNING: POWER TO COOKING APPLIANCES SHOULD NEVER BE RUN THROUGH THE MICROSWITCH, THE SWITCH SHOULD BE USED TO OPERATE A SEPARATE, CONTRACTOR SUPPLIED, ELECTRICAL CONTACTOR OR MAGNETIC SWITCH OF SUFFICIENT RATING TO HANDLE THE POWER REQUIREMENTS OF THE ASSOCIATED COOKING APPLIANCES. I!:, LICENSED ELECTRICIAN SHOULD PERFORM ALL ELECTRICAL FIELD WIRING. WARNING: ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS SHALL NOT BE MADE INSIDE THE MRM OR PRM ENCLOSURE. ROUTE THE LEADS FROM THE MICROSWITCH THROUGH THE APPROPRIATE KNOCK-OUT TO AN ATTACHED, LISTED ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX (DISTRIBUTOR SUPPLIED).