HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRE 2024-0053; SANTA FE RANCH; Admin Decision Letter
Community Development Department
Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 442-339-2600
January 23, 2025
Devyn Miska
360 2nd Street, Unit 800
Los Angeles, CA 90012-4607
SUBJECT: PRE 2024-0053 (DEV2024-0098) – SANTA FE RANCH
APN: 223-360-02-00, 223-360-03-00
Thank you for submitting a preliminary review for the conversion of tennis courts into two residential
buildings containing 16 and 18 dwelling units within an existing apartment complex known as Santa Fe
Ranch Apartments. The complex currently comprises approximately 320 dwelling units across 20
residential buildings located on Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN) 223-360-01-00, 223-360-02-00, 223-
360-03-00, and 223-360-04-00, spanning four parcels. The proposed development impacts APNs 223-360-
02-00 and 223-360-03-00, located at 3330 Calle Odessa and 3405 Calle Cancuna, which are approximately
5.44 and 6.01 acres in size.
The entire site was originally approved in 1984 under CT 84-07/CP-276 as a 496-unit condominium
complex. The approval encompassed two distinct areas: 320 units constructed in phases one and two
along Calle Odessa and Calle Cancuna, and an additional 176 units (CT 84-07B) developed to the east along
Calle Timiteo extending to La Costa Avenue on APN 223-360-10-96, completing the remaining phases. The
original entitlement established shared access, parking, amenities, and recreational facilities, including
the tennis courts. The project is not located in the coastal zone and is subject to the La Costa Master Plan
149 (MP 149), specifically within neighborhoods SE-12 and SE-23 of MP 149.
In response to your application, the Planning Division has prepared this comment letter. Please note that
the purpose of a preliminary review is to provide you with direction and comments on the overall concept
of your project. This preliminary review does not represent an in-depth analysis of your project. It is
intended to give you feedback on critical issues based upon the information provided in your submittal.
This review is based upon the plans, policies, and standards in effect as of the date of this review. Please
be aware that at the time of a formal application submittal, new plans, policies, and standards may be
in effect and additional issues of concern may be raised through a more specific and detailed review.
1. General Plan and zoning designations for the property are as follows:
a. General Plan: Residential 11.5-15 dwelling units per acre (R-15).
b. Zoning: Planned Community (P-C)/Residential Density-Multiple (RD-M)
c. Master Plan: The project site is in the southeast of the La Costa Master Plan (MP 149)
community, specifically in neighborhoods SE-12 and SE-23, identified in the Master Plan as
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January 23, 2025
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Community Development Department
Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 442-339-2600
Community Core. Pursuant to MP 149, Planning Areas SE-12 and SE-13 shall be consistent with
the requirements of the RD-M zone.
2. The project requires the following permits:
a. Amendment to CT 84-07/CP-276. Please note that the amendment would need to adhere to
all development standards for approval, including parking, and would require approval from
Planning Commission. In addition, please note that an amendment to the permit will require
approval from all property owners that were a part of the original approval, including the
condominium development.
b. Site Development Plan. Pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section (CMC) 21.53.120, a Site
Development Plan is required for more than four dwelling units.
c. Building Permit
3. New requirements related to the city’s goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will likely
impact development requirements of this project. A formal application submittal will need to include
a completed Climate Action Plan Checklist (Form P-30) to determine what requirements will apply to
the project. New GHG reduction requirements are related to energy efficiency, photovoltaic, electric
vehicle charging, water heating and traffic demand management requirements, as set forth in the
California Green Building Standards Code and in Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapters 18.21, 18.30 and
18.51 which is available on the city’s website at the following address:
To the extent that new GHG reduction requirements are in effect at the time of application for grading
or building permits, the project will be required to comply with the effective requirements even if
different than what is proposed in the project’s planning approvals. GHG reduction requirements may
impact, but are not limited to, site design and local building code requirements. If incorporating new
GHG reduction requirements results in substantial modifications to the project after planning
approvals are obtained, then prior to issuance of grading or building permits, the applicant may be
required to submit and receive approval of a Consistency Determination or an Amendment
application for the project through the Planning Division.
4. Background on Original Project Approvals and Density Calculations
The original project (CT 84-07/CP-276) utilized the allowable density for the site. The existing R-15
land use designation allows a maximum of 15 dwelling units per acre. The approved project’s overall
density was approved at 14.5 dwelling units per acre, based on the full 34-acre development with all
496 units.
The 34-acre development was divided into phases:
• Phases 1 and 2: 320-unit apartment complex.
• Phases 3 through 6: 176 condominium units on 9.69 acres.
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January 23, 2025
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Community Development Department
Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 442-339-2600
The original approval treated the 496-unit development as a single cohesive project with an overall
density of 14.5 du/ac. This calculation exhausts the site’s permitted density under the General Plan
and La Costa Master Plan.
Staff does not support exceeding the R-15 density limit of 15 du/ac established by the General Plan
and La Costa Master Plan, unless it can be demonstrated that the project qualifies for a density bonus
under Government Code Section 65915 and complies with affordability and waiver requirements.
5.Inclusionary Housing and Density Bonus Requirements
The original project (CT 84-07/CP-276) included a commitment to designate 64 apartment units (20%
of the total number of apartment units) as affordable for low- and moderate-income renters. This
provision satisfied the inclusionary housing requirements for the existing apartments but did not
extend to the condominium portion of the site. The entire project site, as approved under CT 84-
07/CP-276, includes 496 units in total, comprising 320 apartments and 176 condominiums.
For the current proposal to add 34 new residential units to the apartment parcels (i.e., 176 units across
the two parcels), the required inclusionary housing and density bonus calculations are determined
pursuant to Government Code Section 65915, State Density Bonus Law. These calculations must
consider the base density for the apartment parcels, but further clarification is needed to determine
whether the density bonus should instead apply to the entire site.
Key Considerations include:
•Inclusionary Housing: The required affordability obligations for the new units must align with
the density bonus provisions and be clearly distributed across the two parcels.
•Density Bonus: The current proposal calculates the density bonus based on the NE parcel and
SW parcel, which together total 176 units. To substantiate this approach, the applicant must
provide documentation demonstrating whether the density bonus can be applied parcel-by-
parcel, or if it must instead consider the entire site’s base density (496 units) as originally
approved under CT 84-07/CP-276.
6.Proposal Details and Compliance Review
The applicant proposes to add 16 units to the NE Quadrant (5.44 acres, 80 existing units) and 18 units
to the SW Quadrant (6.01 acres, 96 existing units), leveraging a 20% density bonus. To qualify for the
bonus, at least 10% of the new units must be designated for low-income households or 5% for very
low-income households. Based on the submitted preliminary review application, the affordable
housing requirements for the new units are as follows:
•NE Quadrant (16 units): 2 units (10% for low-income households) or 1 unit (5% for very low-
income households).
•SW Quadrant (18 units): 2 units (10% for low-income households) or 1 unit (5% for very low-
income households).
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Community Development Department
Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 442-339-2600
The Housing and Homeless Services (HHS) Department has reviewed these calculations and confirmed
they are mathematically correct based on the information provided by the applicant, specifically the
acreage and units for the two apartment parcels. However, as noted in Section 5, these calculations
do not address the broader entitlement history of the site or the applicability of parcel-by-parcel
density bonus calculations. Specifically:
a. Entitlement History: Has the apartment portion of the site (320 units) been legally separated
from the condominium portion (176 units) under the original entitlement (CT 84-07/CP 276)?
b. Parcel-Specific Density Bonus Calculations: Can the applicant apply density bonus calculations
to only the apartment parcels, or must the entire project site (496 units) be considered under
State Bonus Law? Staff requires documentation to clarify this issue before determining support
for the proposed approach. Please reference any applicable framework or historical
entitlement approvals that would guide this determination.
HHS’s confirmation of the calculations is based on the applicant’s presentation of the site and does
not account for these unresolved questions. Without documentation proving a separation of the
entitlements, the methodology used could result in an undercalculation of the total affordable
housing obligation.
Additionally, the proposed removal of existing tennis courts, which serve as active recreational
amenities, must be addressed to ensure compliance with both density bonus law and the Citywide
Objective Design Standards (ODS).
7. Aggregate Density and Potential Concessions
The proposed addition of 34 residential units increases the total unit count for the 34-acre site from
496 to 530 units, resulting in an aggregate density of 15.59 dwelling units per acre. While this slightly
exceeds the R-15 General Plan density limit of 15 dwelling units per acre, the project is consistent with
the State Density Bonus Law, which allows developments to exceed local density standards to
accommodate additional affordable housing.
As part of the density bonus provisions, the applicant may also request concessions, such as
reductions in parking or recreational space requirements, if existing standards would hinder project
feasibility. These requirements must demonstrate that the proposed development cannot be
achieved without the concessions.
8. Recreational Open Space Requirements
The original approval for the 496-unit development (CT 84-07) treated the site as a cohesive project,
with shared recreational amenities serving both the apartment and condominium portions. Given this
historical context and the citywide Objective Design Standards (ODS) requirements, it is appropriate
to analyze recreational open space needs based on the total unit count for the entire development
(496 units) , as well as on an individual basis (i.e., apartment and condominium development). If a
formal application is submitted, please clarify whether the condominium development currently
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January 23, 2025
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Community Development Department
Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 442-339-2600
utilizes the recreation area that is proposed to be eliminated for the construction of the additional
a. Open Space Exhibit Requirement. To convert the tennis courts into additional residential
buildings, the project must demonstrate that it has adequate recreational open space for the
original development (i.e., apartments and condominiums) pursuant to the citywide Objective
Design Standards. Please provide an open space exhibit labeling and dimensioning each
recreational space area for the 496-acre development. The exhibit should include a table
detailing the square footage of each recreational space area, along with the overall square
footage of all recreational space areas in the project.
b. Total Recreational Space Requirement. Pursuant to the citywide Objective Design Standards
(ODS) Section 2.D, developments of 20 or more units must provide a minimum of 100 square
feet of on-site common recreational space per unit. For the 496-unit development, this results
in a requirement of 49,600 square feet of recreational space. These spaces must consist of
accessible amenities for all residents, such as play areas, courtyards, gathering and picnic
spaces, recreational courts, gyms, pools, spas, community gardens, or other recreational
features. All spaces must also meet the ODS minimum dimensional requirements, including a
minimum of 15 feet in any given direction, with pocket parks requiring a minimum width of 50
feet in one direction. Multi-use paths and trails are exempt from dimensional requirements.
c. Implications of the Proposed Development. The proposed addition of 34 residential units (16
on the NE Quadrant and 18 on the SW Quadrant) will replace existing tennis courts, which
currently function as active recreational space. To comply with the ODS requirements, the
applicant must demonstrate that the overall 49,600-square-foot recreational space
requirement is met by redistributing or adding new recreational spaces elsewhere on the site.
d. Steet-Adjacent Recreational Space. As the development exceeds 50 units, it must include at
least one on-site common recreational space that is located outdoors and adjacent to or visible
from the primary street, in compliance with the ODS. This space should encourage resident
interaction and may include features such as courtyards, picnic areas, or play areas. This
gathering space will count toward the overall recreational space requirement.
e. Visibility and Accessibility. All common recreational spaces must be designed and arranged to
ensure visibility from pedestrian walkways on the interior of the site. Any fencing or barriers
must allow transparency to maintain visibility into the space. The applicant should revise the
proposal to clearly demonstrate how the redistributed or new recreational spaces meet this
requirement while ensuring accessibility and equity for all residents.
The project must address the recreational open space requirements outlined in the Citywide ODS by
providing sufficient and appropriately designed amenities to serve all 496 units in the cohesive
development. If certain standards cannot be met as written, the applicant may pursue up to four
waivers, provided the proposed design either meets the intent of the applicable standard or provides
an equivalent alternative. Since this is a density bonus project, any requested concessions, incentives,
or waivers related to recreational space may also count toward the ODS waiver process. With the
proposed replacement of existing active recreational amenities, it is essential for the applicant to
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January 23, 2025
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Community Development Department
Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 442-339-2600
demonstrate how the revised design will maintain equitable access to open space for all residents
while aligning with the historical planning framework of the site and ensuring compliance with the
intent of the ODS.
9. Clarification Requested
Staff identified the following clarification items that would need to be addressed either in a formal
project review or through a subsequent preliminary review:
a. Entitlement History: Provide documentation confirming whether the apartment and
condominium portions have been legally separated under CT 84-07/CP-276.
b. Density Bonus Methodology: Clarify the basis for calculating the density bonus on the
apartment parcels only, rather than the entire site.
c. Recreational Open Space Exhibit: Submit an open space exhibit demonstrating compliance
with ODS requirements for all 496 units.
d. Condominium Approvals: Confirm consent from the condominium development for shared
recreational amenity changes.
e. Revised Recreational Plan: Provide a plan showing how new and redistributed amenities meet
ODS standards and ensure equitable access for all residents.
10. As previously mentioned, the project is subject to the Citywide Objective Design Standards (ODS). A
formal submittal must include all required documentation demonstrating compliance with the ODS,
as outlined in the city’s guidelines. To assist with your application, we are providing the following
resources for your reference:
City-wide ODS:
City-wide ODS checklist:
Objective Design Standards Processing Guide:
11. Show and dimension both the existing and proposed residential buildings on the site plan, clearly
labeling the former tennis court area to be demolished.
12. Confirm the total square footage and height of the proposed residential buildings intended to replace
the tennis courts. The height limit for structures in the RD-M zone is 35 feet per CMC §21.24.030.
Please ensure that the proposed buildings comply with this height limitation as well as all setback
requirements per the RD-M zone standards (CMC §21.24).
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Community Development Department
Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 442-339-2600
13. Parking spaces must meet the current requirements for residential buildings within the RD-M zone.
Provide dimensions for all proposed parking spaces on the site plan, including the required 24-foot
backup area per CMC §21.44.050. Clearly dimension the setback for each parking area as required by
the zone.
14. Provide existing and proposed floor plans and elevations for the new residential buildings, with clear
labeling and dimensions.
15. On the site plan, show the distance of each proposed residential building to the nearest property lines
to verify compliance with required setbacks.
16. Show the following setback requirements per the RD-M standards on the plans:
• Front Yard: 20 feet
• Side Yard: 5 feet for interior lots; 10 feet for corner lots adjacent to a street
• Rear Yard: 10 feet
17. Early Public Notice and Stakeholder Outreach. The project is subject to City Council Policy Statement
No. 84, Development Project Public Involvement. Please review policy 84, as early public noticing and
stakeholder outreach requirements have recently been updated.
An early public notice is required to be prepared by the applicant and mailed to all owners and a
notice sign is required to be posted onsite by the applicant within 30 days of the application submittal
In addition, the applicant is required to complete enhanced stakeholder outreach to further engage
the community on their project. Project applicants shall conduct at least one in-person public
outreach meeting with the community. Additional meetings are encouraged and recommended but
not required.
The Draft Development Project Public Involvement Package must be submitted at the time of the
application submittal.
Applicants are encouraged to begin engaging and soliciting public input prior to application submittal,
however outreach conducted prior to submittal does not satisfy the requirements of the policy.
All necessary application forms, submittal requirements, and fee information are available at the Planning
counter located in the Faraday Building at 1635 Faraday Avenue or online at
https://www.carlsbadca.gov/departments/community-development/planning. You may also access the
General Plan Land Use Element and the Zoning Ordinance online at the website address shown. Please
review all information carefully before submitting.
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Community Development Department
Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 442-339-2600
Land Development Engineering:
Prior to formal application for the project permit submittal, the following items must be adequately
resolved/addressed, unless otherwise noted:
1. Contact Nick Gorman at Nick.Gorman@carlsbadca.gov in the Transportation Planning and Mobility
group, a division of the Public Works Department to determine if a Scoping Agreement is
required. Scoping Agreements are used to determine if a Local Mobility Analysis is required and the
scope of analysis. Submit either an approved Scoping Agreement or correspondence from the Traffic
Division indicating one is not required.
2. After the scoping agreement has been approved or deemed not necessary by the Transportation
Division, submit a completed Transportation Analysis Need Statement Form P-42 to Land
Development Engineering at LandDev@carlsbadca.gov prior to discretionary application submittal.
3. If a Local Mobility Analysis (LMA) is required, submit an LMA per the Transportation Impact Analysis
Guidelines at:
4. Depending on the CEQA determination, which is determined after the application for discretionary
permits is submitted, a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) analysis may be required per the Vehicles Miles
Traveled Analysis Guidelines available at:
5. Complete a Stormwater Standards Questionnaire Form E-34. This questionnaire will guide you and
the city in determining what type of reports and storm water mitigation must be completed to satisfy
state and City storm water quality requirements. The questionnaire is located on the City of Carlsbad
6. Based on a preliminary analysis it appears that this project is a Priority Development Project (PDP). All
impervious surfaces being created or replaced shall be included for treatment. Submit a Storm Water
Quality Management Plan. Review the Hydromodification Exemption Map and Potential Critical
Coarse Sediment Yield Area Map on the City website to see if this criterion applies to your project.
The post construction stormwater treatment BMPs shall be shown on a conceptual grading plan and
drainage plan with the discretionary application.
7. Based on this project’s general land use R-15, this project is subject to the City of Carlsbad trash
capture requirements. Incorporate trash capture measures on the project plans.
8. Provide a Preliminary Title Report (current within the last six (6) months).
9. Annotate and delineate all existing easements and encumbrances listed in the Preliminary Title Report
on the site plan. If any vacations or quitclaims are planned with this development annotate on the
site plan.
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Community Development Department
Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 442-339-2600
10. Per CMC15.16.060 this project will require a grading permit and grading plan.
11. This project shall utilize City of Carlsbad Survey Control Network established on Record of Survey Map
17271, NAD83, Zone VI, 1991.35 Epoch for horizontal control and NGVD 29 datum for vertical control
per City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards.
12. Delineate and annotate the limits of grading. Include remedial grading quantities on the plan.
13. On the site plan, show and identify all existing surface improvements screened back (curb, gutter,
sidewalk, paving, manholes, inlets, streetlights, adjacent driveways, vaults, transformers, etc.) at the
project site, project frontage and within 25 feet of the boundary. Use La Costa Condominiums record
drawings available on the website, reference DWG 253-7.
14. Indicate the earthwork quantities (cut, fill, import, export, remedial) proposed for the project in cubic
15. Provide spot elevations at the corners of each pad in the proposed condition. Include finish pad and
floor elevations.
16. Provide the method of draining each residential building. Unless otherwise specified by a
geotechnical engineer, method of drainage shall comply with California Building Code (latest version)
section 1804.4.
17. Delineate all retaining walls that will be utilized on the project site and show top of wall and bottom
of wall elevations, including at the highest and lowest points. Indicate maximum height of retaining
wall measured from bottom of footing to top of wall and maximum height measured from finish
surface to top of wall.
18. Provide a cross section to show the existing and proposed ground, the proposed wall, the footing and
remedial excavation.
19. Delineate location of all existing and proposed buildings, walls, fences and permanent structures
onsite and within 25 feet of the site.
20. Show existing lot line bearing and distance.
21. Provide typical street cross sections for existing frontage streets and proposed streets. Provide
existing right-of-way width and existing improvements and proposed improvements and dedications.
22. Provide 5-foot minimum back-up clearance at the last stall of the row of parking spaces.
23. Show all existing utilities and callout size for: water, sewer, storm drain, underground dry utilities,
streetlights and laterals affecting the property.
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Community Development Department
Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 442-339-2600
24. All transformers and electrical facilities solely serving this project site shall be located on site and
outside of the public right-of-way.
25. Contact Republic Services to determine if trash enclosures are consistent with current size and
standards. Any deviation from the City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards may require approval from
Republic Services to ensure that the trash enclosure is serviceable.
26. Provide multiple cross-sections of the site to demonstrate differences in grade from adjacent
properties, existing and proposed grades on-site, fences and location of structures on-site.
27. Coordinate with Leucadia Wastewater District and Olivenhain Municipal Water District since the
proposed development is located within their district, property or easement.
28. Meet with the Fire Department to identify the necessary fire protection measures required for this
project (access, fire hydrants, sprinkler system, on-site circulation, etc.)
29. Plot stopping sight distance at all driveways and corner sight distance at all street intersections.
30. Please be advised that a more in-depth review of the proposed development will occur with the
discretionary permit application when a more complete design of the project is provided.
1. Access to Emergency Escape Rescue Openings (EEROs) will need to be provided for all sleeping rooms
in accordance with CBC 1030. Refer to CFD Fire Dept. Access Guideline for detailed size requirements.
2. Provide fire department access around the structure, min. of 5 feet wide. Width may need to be
increased to accommodate ladder pads.
3. Property currently is mapped adjacent to a VHFSZ. With the implementation of updated maps
(expected early 2025), likely this project will be in a mapped FHSZ and will need to comply with CBC
Chapter 7 and CFC Chapter 49.
No comments from the Building Division
Housing and Homeless Services:
1. Total Units & Affordability
Applicant is applying for additional units, incentives, and waivers in accordance with density
bonus provisions found in Government Code §65915 and Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.86.
Based on projected gross acreage (Planning needs to confirm acreage and density calculations)
and project as proposed, the following are HHS calculations.
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Community Development Department
Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 442-339-2600
Please be aware that these calculations are based upon the information available in this
NE Quadrant:
A Acreage 5.44
B Max Density per Acre 82
C Base Units (A x B) 5.44 x 15 = 82 units
D Requested Bonus (20% x C) 20% x Base Units 16 units
E Total Units (C + D) Base + Bonus 98 units
F Required Affordable Units
per GC 65915 (D x 15%)
16 x 15% = 3 units
G Required Affordable Units
Per CMC 21.85 (F x 15%)
16 x 15% = 3 units
H Total Affordable Unit Count
(The higher of F or G)
affordable units (F) count toward required units
(G), so total affordable unit count is 3
SE Quadrant:
A Acreage 6.01
B Max Density per Acre 15
C Base Units (A x B) 6.01 x 15 = 90 units
D Requested Bonus (20% x C) 20% x Base Units 18 units
E Total Units (C + D) Base + Bonus 98 units
F Required Affordable Units
per GC 65915 (18 x 15%)
18 x 20% = 3 units
G Required Affordable Units
Per CMC 21.85 (18 x 15%)
18 x 15% = 3 units
H Total Affordable Unit Count
(The higher of F or G)
affordable units (F) count toward required units
(G), so total affordable unit count is 3
2. Design and Quality
- Per CMC 21.85.040 (G) – inclusionary units shall be reasonably consistent or compatible with
the design of the total project in terms of appearance, materials, and finished quality.
- Per CMC 21.85.040 (H) the project should provide a mix of the number of bedrooms in the
affordable dwelling units.
- Per CMC 21.86.100 (B) – affordable units should be comparable in exterior appearance and
overall quality of construction to the market rate units in the same housing development.
- When resubmitting, please identify location of affordable units.
• Affordable Unit Distribution
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January 23, 2025
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Community Development Department
Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 442-339-2600
Applicant should be aware that State law (Health and Safety Code Section 17929 (“AB 491”))
requires the affordable units to be distributed equitability throughout the project. When
resubmitting, please identify location of affordable units.
Health and Safety Code Section 17929 (a)(2) citation:
(a)(1) For a mixed-income multifamily structure, both of the following shall apply:
(A)The occupants of the affordable housing units within the mixed-income
multifamily structure shall have the same access to the common entrances to that
structure as the occupants of the market-rate housing units.
(B)The occupants of the affordable housing units within the mixed-income
multifamily structure shall have the same access to the common areas and
amenities of that structure as the occupants of the market-rate housing units.
(2)A mixed-income multifamily structure shall not isolate the affordable housing units
within that structure to a specific floor or an area on a specific floor.
If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this letter with the commenting departments, please
contact Alex Alegre at the number below. You may also contact each department individually as follows:
•Planning Division: Alex Alegre, Assistant Planner, at (442) 339-5268
•Land Development Engineering: Linda Ontiveros, Project Engineer, at (442) 339-2773
•Fire Department: Darcy Davidson, Fire Inspections, at (442) 339-2662
•Building Division: Shawn Huff, Building Official, at (442) 339-5338
•Housing and Homeless Services: Christian Gutierrez, Housing Services Manager at (442) 339-2299
City Planner
c: Santa Fe Ranch LLC, 4675 MacArthur Ct, Newport Beach, CA 92660-8811
Linda Ontiveros, Project Engineer
Fire Prevention
Laserfiche/File Copy
Data Entry