HomeMy WebLinkAboutPS 2025-0004; DISC SURGERY CENTER; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)( City of Carlsbad SIGN PERMIT P-1 1 De11e(opm.en S.eryiH.! Pl~lnc Division 161.S Far.tilay A•~nue j4-t21 U~261□ www .. ca rlsbadca,l()V S YliT ~IN THIS APPUCATIQN 1$ JO BE §UBMITJEP El.ECTRQNIGN-LY Y§IJ' OUR ONLINE PEBM!I PQRfAL Al t:UJPS {IEG CARLSBAOCA.GQY,.NO PROCESSINGWJbb BEGIN UNTikCITY HAS RECEIVEOAL.L,1'3EOOIRED SUBWIJN, [[ELIS Bae Q11 For land use • -~ and reti11ire:menls on signs., rerer Lo chapLer 21.41 of ttie Ca:rlsbad Mimic::ipal Code. indudlng an applicable specific plan, master plan or sign program. Depending on the scope ct ooristrvctnn. a b.Jlli:1~ pe,mit may also be req;Iired. Ple.ai;;e n:Qte grouoo-mounted/monumerit signs ·n ffie ~lal zone also require a minor Coastal De-velopmerrt Permit. Requirements for &lgns may be suqed: c exi:5ting sign i:>rogram 011 lite witll th& city. Have estions? I on optlons lo ,conlacl Plannir1g. Tn'I! OF~ Al'R. f'Ol't ~ Sig.fl Penn ( so ~e for T&mpoi Banners and ground mounled.frnonument $19!1'5) ~ Program 0ir Modified Sign Program? U~ P-1 UD) Name of Prqed.: OISC SURGEfiO' ce ER Re tecl PSan,wig e Number,(s). If any: ___________________ _ ERIPROPE!RTY MANAGER Ofl f'in'El APP'LICAl'ff NAME PRINrT OR TYPe} -----------t .iOffN iADIF'AOLO 1'-"''======-""----------+"M"'-:,,J""L"'l=I\IO AiDO~ESS P-11 4815 CALL Al.TO CITY CAYARIL.LO CAIJ30t2 eoe-70 -8004 I CERTIFY THAT I AM TH R PR S N'fATlrVE 0 TH L GAL OWN R ANO T AT A L TH • ABOV IN ORMATION IS TRU AND CORR CT TO TH 9 S O MY KNOWLEDGE. 12/5,124 OATe City of Carlsbad Certificate ,of Accuracy IP--37 Develo ment Services IPllanning DM s1on 1636 -arad'av /\venue ( 42) 339-2610• www .. cartsbaaca.1i:ov Pr-oject Mime. __ 0_1s_c_s_u_ru._-_ER_-_v_c_EN_T_E_R_ Type o,f permitlsl applyingf or LED WALL SIGN P--37 CITY OF CARLSBAD -PLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICAT1E OF ACCURACY I certify all doc.ume11ts a111d pla111s clear ly and accurately show a,ll ,existi111g a111d all proposed buildi111gs, structures, access ro.ads, a111d utilities/utility ea-sements.. All proposed hmd use aeativities, improveme11ts to la111d, and/or building modifica1tions or additions are d ear ly labeled on the site plan of the approved p la 111 set. I u ndersta 111d t hat any pote111ti.a I ly existing detai I with in these pla111s inconsistent with the site p a,n are not approv,ed a,nd m ay be r equired t o be altered or removed. The submitted documents and pla ms show the correct dimensions of the property, the buildings, and structures and their setbacks from property li11es and from one another, access roads/easements, arid utilities. The existirng and proposed use of la11d and of each building as stat ed is true ;md correct. f urther, all improvements exis.ting on the property were completed in acoord.a111ce w ith all regulatio11s in existence at the time of their const ruction, unless otherwise noted. All ea1sements a,nd other erncum brances to developme111t have been acc .. 1Jr,a1tely shown and labeled as well as a 11 on•sil:e grad i 111g/site prep.a,ration. Applica mt: LEID WALL Sl:GN Dat e: 215'24 N i VICINITY MAP:NTS ARTISTIC SIGN GROUP, INC. Cffl' Of' CQWll,t/D, NGO~ A RO\fl!D• I.AN PS2025-0004 Julia Moreno 1/23/2025 DISC DISC 6250 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 USA SCOPE: 1 SET HALO LETTERS COMMERCIAL BLONG 58KSQ FT I DESlGN FABRICATION INSTAUATION Q;;ii@ii§•#ii1-litl¼i•¥JMl■=M..,lii#§;M◄ (!) 2024 ARTISTIC SIGN GROUP, INC, *****CONFIDENTIAUTY NOTICE***** This message is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This communication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If YoU are not the named addressee, YoU are not authorized to read, print, retain copy or disseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please notify sender immediately either by phone (877-357-7446) or reply to this email and delete all copies of this message. Please note: All designs from Artistic Sign Group, Inc. are copyrighted. All mock ups pending review and configuration to sign program & city regulation. SCALE= 1/4" = 1 '-0" ARTISTIC SIGN GROUP, INC, DfSIGH-FABRJCATION-INSTAll.ATION DIR, (805)232-4302 john@artisticsigngroup.com www.artisticsigngroup.com Uonsad&lnsurrdSianComradln. U,511(1lil#t,45D577S 2390 LAS POSAS RD STE C-409 CAMARILLO, CA 930!0 CLIENT, DISC 6250 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 USA CLIENT APPROVAL PRINT _______ _ SIGN _______ _ DATE _______ _ LANDLORD APPROVAL, PRINT _______ _ SIGN _______ _ DATE ________ _ This is an original, unpublished drawing, submitted in connection with a project we are planning for you.It is not to be copied, reproduced, exhibited or shown to anyone outside of your organization without written permission of ARTISTIC SIGN GROUP, INC. SCALE, AS NOTED NOTE, THE COLORS DEPICTED HERE ARE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. ACTUAL COLORS MAY VARY. SEE COLOR SPECS. TO SCALE PRINTED @ 11~x1r DESlGN FABRICATION INSTAUATION (!) 2024 ARTISTIC SIGN GROUP, INC, 81" T 355' l *****CONFIDENTIAUTY NOTICE***** This message is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This communication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If YoU are not the named addressee, YoU are not authorized to read, print, retain copy or disseminate this message or any part of it. SPECIFICATIONS RETURNS 3' OEEP RETURNS ..... BRUSHED ALUMINUM FACES, ____ ........,,AME TRIMCAP. ___ ~,ONE LEDS ....................................... CLEAR BACK,~---CLEAR LEXAN DRIVERS REMOTE 19.97 SQFTTTLSIGN If you have received this message in error, please notify sender immediately either by phone (877-357-7446) or reply to this email and delete all copies of this message. Please note: All designs from Artistic Sign Group, Inc. are copyrighted. All mock ups pending review and configuration to sign program & city regulation. ARTISTIC SIGN GROUP, INC. DfSIGH-FABRJCATION-INSTAll.ATION DIR, (805)232-4302 john@artisticsigngroup.com www.artisticsigngroup.com Uonsad&lnsurrdSianComradln. U,511(1lil#t-45D577S 2390 LAS POSAS RD STE C-409 CAMARILLO, CA 930!0 CLIENT, DISC 6250 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 USA CLIENT APPROVAL PRINT _______ _ SIGN _______ _ DATE _______ _ LANDLORD APPROVAL, PRINT _______ _ SIGN _______ _ DATE ________ _ This is an original, unpublished drawing, submitted in connection with a project we are planning for you.It is not to be copied, reproduced, exhibited or shown to anyone outside of your organization without written permission of ARTISTIC SIGN GROUP, INC. SCALE, AS NOTED NOTE, THE COLORS DEPICTED HERE ARE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. ACTUAL COLORS MAY VARY. SEE COLOR SPECS. TO SCALE PRINTED @ 11~x1r DESlGN FABRICATION INSTAUATION ALL WALL PENETRATIONS TO BE SEALED WITH UL LISTED SILICONE SEALANT PREFORMED AIJMINUM CHANNEL BRUSHED ALUMINUM 3500 k WHITE L.E.DILLUMINATION 3" JACKETED LED 2NDARV WIRE THRU------<f-----+ MINIMUM (4) PER LETTER. #12 X 3" NON CORROSIVE SCREW AND ANCHOR ASSEMBLIES UL LABEL 110X3" NON CORROSIVE SCREW AND ANCHORS MIN (4)/1.ETTER ELECTRICAL PRIMARV& J-BO<BV OTHERS (WHITE WIRE COVER PER LL SPECS.) HALO LED CHANNEL LElTER SECTION / SPECIFICATIONS FACE & RETURNS TO MATCH BOTH BRUSHED ALUM. . . (!) 2024 ARTISTIC SIGN GROUP, INC, All WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH 2024 CBC/CEC & NEC ARTICLE 600 NOTES: -Al.LW!mTOCOMPLYWTIH2024BUILDINGCODES -20 AMP DEDICATED CECUff FORSIGNAGE Willi AUTOMATIC CONTROL, TIMECLOCK,PHOTOCEU.ISRESP{JNSIBlflYOFOTHERS. SIGN TO HAYI AU APPUCULI UL LUELS DISPlAYED All CONSTRUCTION AND COMPONENTS TO BE U.L. LISTED • APPROVED LED SYSTEM *****CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE***** 120 SIGN YOlTA&E THISSIGNISllffENOEOTOBEINST.W.EOlfACCORDJJICEWITIITHEIUQUIREMEHTS OFARllCLE6IOIM'THEttATIDNALELECTRICAI.COOEAMO/DROTHEIIAPl'UCABI.ELOCAI.COOE5 THISIIG.UOESPROPEIIGROUNIJINGANDBONDlfGOFTHESIGN All WAil PENETRAllllftSTO BE SEAI.EOWITII ULUSRD SILJCDNE SEALOO. This message is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This communication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If YoU are not the named addressee, YoU are not authorized to read, print, retain copy or disseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please notify sender immediately either by phone (877-357-7446) or reply to this email and delete all copies of this message. Please note: All designs from Artistic Sign Group, Inc. are copyrighted. All mock ups pending review and configuration to sign program & city regulation. ARTISTIC SIGN GROUP, INC. OESIGH-FABRJCATION-INSTALL.ATION DIR, (805)232-4302 john@artisticsigngroup.com www.artisticsigngroup.com Uonsad&lnsurrdSianComradln. U,511(1lil#t-45D577S 2390 LAS POSAS RD STE C-409 CAMARILLO, CA 93010 CLIENT, DISC 6250 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 USA CLIENT APPROVAL PRINT _______ _ SIGN _______ _ DATE _______ _ LANDLORD APPROVAL, PRINT _______ _ SIGN _______ _ DATE ________ _ This is an original, unpublished drawing, submitted in connection with a project we are planning for you.It is not to be copied, reproduced, exhibited or shown to anyone outside of your organization without written permission of ARTISTIC SIGN GROUP, INC. SCALE, AS NOTED NOTE, THE COLORS DEPICTED HERE ARE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. ACTUAL COLORS MAY VARY. SEE COLOR SPECS. TO SCALE PRINTED @ 11~x1r Office, lndus:rial and Commen:ial ses in the R-P, 0, C-M, J..M, and '1.ilonumen: MZones Direc-.ional Signs Wal per: 1 per lot 3po,drivewa-1 - Isaac. lsrael@carlsbadca.gov 60 scivare feet per sign 6 SGVME fe-Et per ~ 50 square feet per Sgn 60 sq•Jare feet per sign 6 ·eei above aven:1ge g 24 inches 36 inches ARTISTIC SIGN GROUP, INC. DfSIGH-FABRJCATION-INSTAllAJlON DIR, (805)232-4302 john@artisticsigngroup.com www.artisticsigngroup.com Uonsad&lnsurrdSianComradln. U,511(1lil#t.oCiD577S 2390 LAS POSAS RD STE C-409 CAMARILLO, CA 930!0 CLIENT, DISC 6250 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 USA CLIENT APPROVAL PRINT _______ _ SIGN _______ _ DATE _______ _ LANDLORD APPROVAL, PRINT _______ _ SIGN _______ _ DATE ________ _ This is an original, unpublished drawing, submitted in connection with a project we are planning for you.It is not to be copied, reproduced, exhibited or shown to anyone outside of your organization without written permission of ARTISTIC SIGN GROUP, INC. SCALE, AS NOTED NOTE, THE COLORS DEPICTED HERE ARE A GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. ACTUAL COLORS MAY VARY. SEE COLOR SPECS. TO SCALE PRINTED @ 11~x1r