HomeMy WebLinkAboutPUD 16-06; QUARRY CREEK PA R-4B WEST; CIRCULATION IMPACT REPORT; 2015-04-15• • URBAN SYSTEMS ,,,_.;soCIATES, INC. PLANNING & TRAFFIC ENGINEER/NG, MARKETING & PROJECT SUPPORT CONSULTANTS TO INDUSTRY AND GOVERNMENT ATTN: Aaron Parker, P.E. SB&O FROM: Justin P. Schlaefli, PE TE PTOE MEMO -.. --~ , •~-,...._ T • ,. •.-~ ,.-,~., ~\.. ... ~ V:~ .. J AUG I O 2016 E-Mail: l' CITY 1__,I· C1 ,i,:c...::~=>~.D . P!...,~,:<'~ , __ .---·-::~ ::::'~ aaronp@sbomc.com TOTAL PAGES /Including 2+ tta h t a c mens Cover): DATE: July 15, 2015 TIME: 2:24:40 PM JOB NUMBER: 002715 SUBJECT: Quarry Creek R-4 Circulation Impact Report Confidential Communications This transmittal is intended for the recipient named above. Unless otherwise expressly indicated, this entire communication is confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, do not disclose, copy, distribute or use this information. If you received this transmission in error, please notify us immediately by telephone, at our expense and destroy the infonnation. As requested, we have completed our review of the site plan provided for the Quarry Creek Planning Area 3 (R- 3). Compared to the approved traffic study for the Quarry Creek project, the residential unit count has increased by 20 units as discussed and approved in several previous memos and conformance reviews with the City of Carlsbad. This minor increase from 188 units to 205 units has previously been reviewed and approved and will not be discussed here. However, there is also a minor reconfiguration of access. Previous plans showed "Public Street D" connecting all the way through R-4 to a cul-de-sac at the tenninus of"Public Street A" as shown in Attachment A. The current configuration would have "Public Street D" terminating at a cul-de-sac at "Private Driveway A" within R-4. This would serve as the terminus of"Public Street D" with traffic wishing to travel to "Public Street A" having to traverse private drives. The current proposal is shown in Attachment B. We have evaluated the effect of this redistribution of traffic and have detennined that the planned configuration will function adequately without significant effects on Street A. This analysis is discussed below. Trip Generation The anticipated trip generation from R-4 is shown in the Table 1. Redistribution of Traffic As discussed above, the minor alteration in access and connection of "Public Street D" will cause a redistribution of traffic due to the removal of a direct connection to "Public Street A". However, this will primarily effect traffic from R-5 which already planned primary access from ••Public Street A". Therefore, the redistribution is anticipated to be minor with a small increase in traffic resulting at the intersection or••street B" and "Street A". This redistribution is expected to result in the volumes shown in Attachment C with peak hour volumes at the intersections at "Public Street B" being very similar to previous studies. Conclusion: Based on the volumes in this analysis, it is not anticipated that the reconfigured access will have any impacts or cause any changes to the planned roadway network for the Quarry Creek Master Plan area. Quanyl Creek R4 Memo 8451 Miralani Drive, Suite A • San Diego, CA 92123 • (858) 560-491 l Aaron Parker, P.E. SB&O, Inc. PLANNING AREA R-4 {East) R-4 !Westl Subtotal R-4 IEast) R-4 /West) Subtotal Difference AMOUNT TRIP RATE* 125DU 8/DU 63 DU 10/ DU 149 DU 8 /DU S6DU 10/DU TABLE 1 Project Trip Generation Oril!inal Pro ect AM PEAK HOUR ADT ,.. • 1/0 IN 1,000 8 80 2:8 8 630 8 50 3:7 15 1,630 130 23 Proposed Pro ,ct 1,192 8 95 2:8 19 560 8 50 3:7 15 1,752 145 34 122 15 11 '"Source: SANOAG Brief Guide Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates For the San Diego Region, April 2002. •"'Note: Trip rate adjusted to account for possible 30 child day-carefacility (Strips/ child x 30 = 150 ADTI- 1 / O =Inbound/ Outbound ratio. Quany2 OUT ,.. 72 10 35 10 107 76 10 35 10 111 • 8451 Miralani Dr., Suite A• San Diego, CA 92126 • (858) 560-491 I 0 Urban Systems Associates, Inc. July 14, 2015 PM PEAK HOUR • 1/0 IN OUT 100 7:3 70 30 63 7:3 44 19 163 114 49 119 7:3 83 36 56 7:3 39 17 175 123 53 u 9 4 Creek R4 Memo Aaron Parker, P.E. SB&O. Inc. Quany Creelr Mas/er Plan Q11any Creek lnwstors, UC 001307 Attachment A ,;., ' \ \: ' .. ; _____ _ n FIGURE 11-2 Vehicular Circulation Plan 11-3 Quany3 \ • ; ' © Urban Systems Associates. Inc. July 14, 2015 C Urban Systmis Associates, Inc. I ' October J, 1011 ~ Cl) e u ,:: ... Ill 0:: •-21 ::s ti) CJ ~ OQJ 307-Report_H.doc Creek R4 Memo 8451 Miralani Dr., Suite A • San Diego, CA 92126 • (858) 560-4911 Aaron Parker, P.E. SB&O, Inc. © Urban Systems Associates, Inc. Attachment B Quany4 ---_,, CMClf l'UIININC M£< lt-4 CAST AND WCST 8451 Miralani Dr., Suite A • San Diego, CA 92126 • (858) 560-4911 July 14, 2015 ~ 1::'E.== ---· --✓ Creek R4 Memo Aaron Parker, P. £. SB&O. Inc. / I I / I Attachment C Quany5 8451 Miralani Dr., Suite A • San Diego. CA 92 I 26 • (858) 560-4911 © Urban Systems Associates, Inc. July 14, 2015 ---- Creek R4 Memo