HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; Records Destruction Authorization Form-Utilities; 2025-01-27RECORDS DESTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION FORM '-="'-"'· ---==== ..... ========:::,:,J-n!:=::ai...,,.,-,=z=======-===cc:======="""== DATE: 8/29/2024 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES REQUESTER: SHOSHANA AGUILAR------------- DESTRUCTION APPROVALS: We certify that the records listed below have been retained for the scheduled retention period, required audits have been � //. �� DATE CITY ATTORNEY DATE 1c/11./2tf r:::r:-:::r::·- BOX NO. RECORDS DESCRIPTION DATED RRS NO. RRS TAB BARCODE PERIOD (If applicable) Agreements & Contracts: ADMINISTRATIVE FILES (with Completion+ Grant 10 years of Funding) CW-025 After Funding 1 BOX (Agreements, loan disbursement 2005 Agency Audit, N/A If required, requests and correspondence and whichever Is Inspection services) longer 'If more spaces are needed, cl/ck In the last box In right hand corner of table and hit "tab". This w/11 create more fields In the table. To be filled out once records have been destroyed. RECORD DESTRUCTION COMPLETED BY: __________ _ CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION? 0 YES TAB BARCODES DELETED BY: 0 NO DATE: _____ _ DATE: This form documents the destruction of City records In accordance with the City of Carlsbad Records Management Program. {_ Cityuf Carlsbad Revised: 2021 Page /1 CORODATA 1/27/2025 ---- ✓ Project Number Project 3903-030 Encina Basin Water Reclamation Phase 2 From: To: Shoshana Aquilar pat Downie Subject: Date: FW: loan 7403903-110-document retention question Monday, September 25, 2023 9:53:23 AM Attachments: State Water Resources Control Board: 2005-06-01: 04-812-550-0.pdf Hi, Pat. I checked the agreement, attached, per below. We do not need to save the records in hard copy. The boxes at Corodata can be destroyed. Thank you again very much to you and your team for your assistance! Shoshana From: Thrasher, Travis@Waterboards <Travis.Thrasher@Waterboards.ca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2022 11:06 AM To: Shoshana Aguilar <Shoshana.Aguilar@carlsbadca.gov> Cc: Kristopher Martinez <Kristopher.Martinez@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: RE: loan 7403903-110-document retention question Hello Shoshana, You guys should be fine saving everything electronically. You may want to check the agreement to make sure there is nothing specific that may be required to be saved as a hard copy, but I would be surprised. Electronic files should suffice in most cases. Thank you, Travis Thrasher Water Resource Control Engineer State Water Resources Control Board Division of Financial Assistance Travis. Thrasher@Waterboards.ca.gov From: Shoshana Aguilar <Shoshana.Aguilar@carlsbadca.gov> Sent: Monday, February 28, 2022 4:11 PM To: Thrasher, Travis@Waterboards <Travis.Thrasher@Waterboards.ca.goy> Cc: Kristopher Martinez <Kristopher.Martjnez@car!sbadca.gov> Subject: loan 7403903-110-document retention question EXTERNAL: Hi, Travis. Here in Carlsbad we have retained dozens of boxes of hard copy files related to an earlier SRF project, which I believe was under loan 7403903-110. I think we are already making payments against this one. Do you know if we can save the files electronically only, or are we obligated to retain hard copy? Thank you. Shoshana Shoshana Aguilar CERTIFICATE OF DESTRUCTION & RECYCLING This Certificate is presented to: CITY OF CARLSBAD - RECORDS MANAGEMENT DIVISION Per the express request of Client, Corodata has received the Material referred to below and has/will destroy and then recycle said Material in accordance with its standard procedures. As the parties have agreed, Corodata will not inventory, record or track any information contained within or related to the Material. Account #(s)SD012455 Certificate #104891 Date Issued Tuesday, January 28, 2025 Service Locations 5815 EL CAMINO REAL Date Range of Service Jan-27-2025 thru Jan-27-2025 Work Ticket(s)1441119 Quantity/Item 106 -106 Boxes for Destruction (standard) * Nothing in this certificate shall be deemed to modify the terms of the parties’ Service Agreement(s) or Work Ticket(s). E•Jcorodata -tl HIPA'A GIJIJlll!affl