HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-01-30; Village & Barrio Master Plan Follow-Up Action Items Update (District - All); Murphy, JeffTo the members of the: CITY COUNCIL Date\ l3~~CA ✓CC ✓ CM~_VDCM{3)L January 30, 2025 To: From: Council Memorandum Via: Geoff Patnoe, City Manager ~ {city of Carlsbad Memo ID# 2025014 Re: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council Jeff Murphy, Community Dev~!£p-91ent Director Village & Barrio Master Plan ow-Up Action Items Update (District -All) This memorandum provides a final update to the various follow-up action items initially directed by City Council on August 20, 2019, as part of its approval of the comprehensive update to the Village & Barrio Master Plan. Background City Council adopted on August 20, 2019 (Attachment A), Coastal Commission modifications to the Village & Barrio Master Plan. Following the approval of the modifications, the City Council made minute motions as reflected below giving specific direction on some items (items #1 and #5) and to return with a workplan to implement others (items #2 through #4 and #6 through #8). 1. The decision-making authority for discretionary projects be only the City Council 2. Permitted uses vital to a live, work and play community 3. Parking In-Lieu Fees and public/private partnerships for a parking structure 4. Traffic impact analysis and mitigation fees and roadway conditions 5. Objective Design Standards 6. Housing In-Lieu Fee Update 7. lnclusionary Housing Ordinance Update 8. Miscellaneous Amendments Staff returned with the requested workplan on December 10, 2019, at which time the City Council directed staff to hold a Planning Commission workshop to receive input and recommendations on the draft workplan (Attachment B). Staff presented the results of the workshop on November 16, 2021, which included several Planning Commission recommended options and supplemental tasks to implement and expand upon workplan items. City Council considered the information and made a series of minute motions to implement several of the recommendations (Attachment C), the status of which are shown in the discussion section below. Discussion The following table identifies the eight workplan items as reflected above. Following each workplan item is a listing of the different minute motions that were passed by City Council at the November 16, 2021, meeting, along with the status of each minute motion. This Council Memorandum brings together into one document all related City Council actions and prior Council Memorandums since 2021 addressing one or more of the City Council directed minute motions. Community Service Branch Community Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600 t Council Memo -Village & Barrio Master Plan Follow-Up Action Items Update (District -All) January 30, 2025 Page 2 WORKPLAN ITEMS/SPECIFIC DIRECTION STATUS FOLLOW-UP MINUTE MOTIONS Item #1. The decision-making authority for discretionary projects be only the City Council Amend the VBMP to change the approval authority in the Barrio from the Planning Commission to the City Completed, February 16, 2021 (Attachment D) Council for certain discretionary permits Item #2. Permitted uses vital to a live, work and play community Expand the allowance for farmer's markets in the Barrio (specifically, the "BP" and "BC" zones), with areas reserved for arts and culture Add a policy that encourages vital uses in the Village- Center District This change requires an amendment to the city's Local Coastal Program {LCP). Given required processing time and the Coastal Commission's limit on the number of LCP amendments that the city can process each year (three), this amendment will be completed as part of a larger, future VBMP update. Scope and date yet to be determined. This change requires an amendment to the city's Local Coastal Program (LCP). Given required processing time and the Coastal Commission's limit on the number of LCP amendments that the city can process each year (three), this amendment will be completed as part of a larger, future VBMP update. Scope and date yet to be determined. Item #3. Parking In-Lieu Fees and public/private partnerships for a parking structure Evaluate/implement/prioritize strategies identified in the Parking Management Plan Investigate the feasibility in making temporary outdoor activations authorized during the COVID-19 pandemic, permanent Update the existing parking in-lieu fee program (this is in response to the passage of AB 2097, which prohibits cities from imposing parking minimums near transit centers, such as Carlsbad Station) Identify options for expenditure of previously collected funds from the parking in-lieu fee program Completed, August 22, 2024 (Attachment E) Completed, October 5, 2023 (Attachment F) Completed. While the program is currently unenforceable, maintaining the existing program language is beneficial in the off chance the state legislature amends AB 2097. If the state law changes, the city will be able to quickly reactivate the program, as opposed to processing a subsequent code amendment to resurrect the program, which will take time to process. Completed. Consistent with the Mitigation Fee Act, collected parking in-lieu fee monies will be used to lease parking from NCTD until all funds are exhausted or as directed otherwise by City Council. Finance will continue to report annually on the expenditure and balance of parking in-lieu fee funds. Council Memo -Village & Barrio Master Plan Follow-Up Action Items Update (District -All) January 30, 2025 Page 3 WORKPLAN ITEMS/SPECIFIC DIRECTION STATUS FOLLOW-UP MINUTE MOTIONS Update the Right of Way Use Permit fees for sidewalk and curb cafes The analysis and fee update will be included as part of the Finance Department's comprehensive fee study. Results are expected in June 2025. Item #4. Traffic impact analysis and mitigation fees and roadway conditions Develop a Complete Streets Plan for Tyler Street Item #5. Objective design standards Develop for City Council consideration objective design standards (citywide and for VBMP area) Item #6. Housing in-lieu fee update Update the city's inclusionary housing in-lieu fee Item #7. lnclusionary housing ordinance update Update the city's inclusionary housing regulations Item #8. Miscellaneous amendments Establish a historic district/Mills Act Program Conduct a feasibility study for the permanent installation of Grand Avenue Promenade Next Steps The plan was prepared and reviewed by the Traffic Safety & Mobility Commission, who recommended not to proceed with the recommendations. Public Works staff intends to bring the plan and commission recommendations to City Council later this year for consideration. Once that occurs, this minute motion will be complete. Completed, August 29, 2023 (Attachment G) Completed, March 22, 2022 (Attachment H) I Completed, March 22, 2022 (Attachment H) Completed, October 18, 2022 (Attachment I) This study will be initiated as Public Works staffing and funding becomes available. The project is expected to be implemented in phases, with the first phase focusing on improving Grand Avenue to meet some of the promenade's goals within the next two years. Phase two will address the complete project scope once additional funding is secured. Except as described in the table above, no further actions or follow up reporting is anticipated, unless directed otherwise by the City Manager or City Council. Council Memo -Village & Barrio Master Plan Follow-Up Action Items Update (District -All) January 30, 2025 Page 4 Attachments: cc: A. City Council Meeting Minutes, August 20, 2019 City Council Meeting Minutes, December 10, 2019 City Council Meeting Minutes, November 16, 2021 City Council Meeting Minutes, February 16, 2021 Council Memorandum, August 22, 2024 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Council Memorandum, October 5, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes, August 29, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes, March 22, 2022 City Council Meeting Minutes, October 18, 2022 Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Zach Zorach, Finance Director Tina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director Mandy Mills, Housing & Homeless Services Director Eric Lardy, City Planner Robert Efird, Principal Planner Jennifer Jesser, Senior Planner