HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-01-30; Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project Update (District 2); Gomez, PazTo the members of the: CITY COUNCIL Date \ji·;~CA~CC ✓ cMLAcM/ocM(3)L Council Memorandum January 30, 2025 To: From: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works Via: Re: Sheila Cobian, Assistant City Manager ~ Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project Update (District 2) {city of Carlsbad Memo ID# 2025015 This memorandum provides an update to a previous Council Memorandum dated October 5, 2023, (Attachment A) on the Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project, Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, Project No. 6054. Background Attachment A, which is the Council Memorandum dated October 5, 2023, provides background information on the project, which will provide road improvements in the Terramar area to address long-standing traffic and safety concerns and includes a roundabout at the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road, a traffic signal at the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Cerezo Drive, and a center turn lane from North Shore Drive to Cerezo Drive. The project area includes almost one mile of Carlsbad Boulevard from approximately 1,700 feet north of Tierra Del Oro south to approximately 200 feet south of Manzano Drive. It also includes one-quarter mile along Cannon Road from Carlsbad Boulevard east to the railroad tracks and the bluff top area across from the former Encina Power Station, which encompasses 2.8 acres of land and is currently owned by the NRG Energy, Inc., for which the city obtained an irrevocable offer of dedication to acquire this land as part of executed agreements related to the desalination plant and the new power plant. Discussion On October 11, 2022, the city awarded an agreement with Michael Baker International, Inc., or MBI, to provide engineering services for the project, which was subsequently extended through November 30, 2025, to complete the work. In December 2023, staff received the draft 100%-complete plans from the consultant, which was submitted to the Community Development Department for review on February 15, 2024. Staff then provided comments back to the consultant, MBI, to update the engineering plans. The project team continues to work on the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, documents, including the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND), in coordination Public Works Branch Transportation Department 1635 Faraday Avenue \ Carlsbad, CA 92008 \ 442-339-2730 t Council Memo -Terra mar Area Coastal Improvements Project Update (District 2) January 30, 2025 Page 2 with the Planning Division. In March 2024, the Planning Division noted additional discretionary permit requirements and requested changes to the project plans. On July 8, 2024, the city awarded a professional services agreement with another consultant, RECON, to update and finalize the environmental documents, technical reports, and provide support for a Coastal Development Permit, or CDP. On September 4, 2024, the city awarded an additional agreement to RECON to prepare concept restoration plans and restoration landscape drawings as part of the IS/MND package to be submitted to the Planning Division. Staff are currently working with RECON to address the remaining comments for an updated IS/MND submittal in early 2025. In October 2024, the consultant, MBI, provided revised draft 100%-complete plans, which were submitted for another round of staff reviews. In addition to the environmental review and permitting issues identified by the Planning Division, utility conflicts still require resolution. There are existing overhead utilities in the southern portion of the project including secondary electrical lines for streetlights and telecommunication lines. Staff have been coordinating with San Diego Gas & Electric, or SDGE, and AT&T to remove the secondary electrical and telecommunication lines. SDGE has identified potential utility conflicts within the project area, which the consultant, MBI, plans to address early this year. Water and Sewer Utilities Replacement CIP Project The original project that was approved by the City Council included water and sewer utilities replacement, which has since been separated as a stand-alone water and sewer replacement project due to the urgent need to replace these utilities. The utilities replacement project, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503-20, is currently under construction and has experienced delays due to SDGE's slurry encasement of water utilities that was discovered after start of construction and needed to be addressed before the utilities project could continue. SDGE completed this unanticipated additional work last week. Estimated construction completion of the water and sewer utilities project is early 2026. Next Steps Staff will finalize the CEQA documents review process and pursue discretionary permits. An estimated timeline for the road improvements project is as follows: • Early 2025 -Revise and resubmit the CEQA documents (IS/MND). Resubmit the application for a CDP and other discretionary permits for project components in the city's permit jurisdiction, such as road improvements • Mid-2025 -Revise and resubmit the application and related documents as needed • Late 2025 -Complete CEQA public review and comment period • Late 2025/early 2026 -Planning Commission review of a CDP and other discretionary permits for City Council approval Council Memo -Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project Update (District 2) January 30, 2025 Page 3 • Late 2025/early 2026 -Complete the full application for a CDP to the California Coastal Commission for the project components that are in the Local Coastal Program deferred certification area for road improvements • Mid-/late 2026 -Pending CDP approval from the California Coastal Commission, complete final engineering plans, specifications and cost estimates incorporating comments and any special conditions • Mid-/late 2026 -Request City Council approval of plans and specifications of road improvements and authorization to bid for construction • Late 2026/early 2027 -Estimated construction start of road improvements • 2028 -Estimated construction completion of road improvements Attachment: A. Council Memorandum dated October 5, 2023 cc: Geoff Patnoe, City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Christie Calderwood, Police Chief Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief Gina Herrera, Assistant City Attorney Amanda Flesse, Utilities Director Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Jason Haber, Intergovernmental Affairs Director Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Kristina Ray, Community & Engagement Director Mike Strong, Assistant Director of Community Development Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager Emily Hasegawa, Engineering Manager John Kim, City Traffic Engineer Eric Lardy, City Planner Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Eric Zielke, Senior Engineer To the members of the: CITY COUNCIL Date lOJswcA ✓ cc ✓ CM ./JC ~CM(3).,L' October 5, 2023 ATTACHMENT A Council Memorandum {city of Carlsbad Memo ID# 2023103 To: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council From: Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works Via: Geoff Patnoe, ~ssistant City Manager @ Re: Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project Update (District 2) This memorandum provides an update to a previous Council Memorandum dated April 7, 2022, (Attachment A) on the Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6054 (Project). Background Attachment A, which is the Council Memorandum dated April 7, 2022, provides background information on the Project. Discussion On October 11, 2022, the city awarded an agreement with Michael Baker International, Inc., or MBI, to develop final design plans and construction details and obtain Planning Commission and California Coastal Commission approvals for the Project. In May 2023, staff received the 90%-complete plans and provided comments back to the consultant to address and prepare the 100%-complete plans. There are existing overhead utilities within the southern limit of the Project that are planned to be converted to underground, per Council Policy No. 41. These overhead utilities are composed of secondary electrical lines for streetlights and telecommunication lines. Staff have been coordinating with San Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE) and AT&T to determine the next steps for this undergrounding effort. SDGE and AT&T have determined that the city will be required to pay the costs to underground the overhead utilities. Staff have provided the 90%-complete design plans to SDGE and AT&T to initiate their design of the undergrounding work. Environmental Review and Permitting On October 20, 2022, the city awarded an agreement with AECOM to update technical reports, provide a sea level rise memorandum and continue to work on the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) documents. The revised documents were submitted to the Planning Division on December 20, 2022, for processing. In February 2023, the project team received an IS/MND comment letter from the Planning Division noting additional discretionary permit requirements and requesting changes on th·e Public Works Branch Transportation Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2730 t Council Memo -Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project Update (District 2) October 5, 2023 Page 2 project plans. Upon receiving the comment letter requesting additional information, staff worked with AECOM, negotiated additional scope of services and fees, and worked with the Contract Administration team to develop and execute a new amendment to the contract. On August 17, 2023, the city amended the agreement with AECOM to extend the contract terms and provide fees to respond to the IS/MND comments and provide a supplemental visual impact analysis in support of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) document. Utility Replacement CIP Projects An update on the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) improvements in the project area will be provided to the CMWD Board of Directors separately. Next Steps Staff will finalize the CEQA review process and pursue discretionary permits. An estimated timeline for future work on the road improvements project is as follows: • Early 2024-Revise and resubmit the CEQA documents (IS/MND). Resubmit the application for a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) and other discretionary permits for project components in the city's permit jurisdiction, such as road improvements • Early/Mid-2024-Revise and resubmit the application and related documents as needed • Mid-2024 -Complete CEQA public review and comment period • Mid/Late 2024-Planning Commission approval of a CDP and other discretionary permits. Apply for a CDP from the California Coastal Commission for the Project components in the Local Coastal Program deferred certification area for road improvements • Mid/Late 2025 -Pending CDP approval from the California Coastal Commission, complete final engineering plans, specifications and cost estimates incorporating comments and conditions • Late 2025 -Request City Council approval of plans and specifications of road improvements and authorization to bid • Late 2025/Early 2026 -Request City Council award of construction contract for road improvements • Early 2026 -Estimated construction start of road improvements • Late 2026 -Estimated construction completion of road improvements Attachment: A. Council Memorandum dated April 7, 2022 cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Cindie McMahon, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief Mickey Williams, Police Chief Council Memo -Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project Update (District 2) October 5, 2023 Page 3 Gina Herrera, Deputy City Attorney David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Vicki Quiram, Utilities Director Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director John Kim, City Traffic Engineer Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager Dave Padilla, Utilities Engineering Manager Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Eric Lardy, City Planner Eric Zielke, Senior Engineer .. To the members of the: CITY COUNCIL Date 411 j~?-. CA ✓ CC ✓ CM ✓ ACM V'. DCM (3) v . April 7, 2022 Attachment A Council Memorandum To: From: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works Via: {city of Carlsbad Memo ID #2022039 Re: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manage@ • Terramar Area Coastal lmprovementiPf'oject Update (District 2) This memorandum provides an update to a previous Council Memorandum dated Oct. 7, 2021, which is ·provided as Attachment A, on the Terra mar Area Coastal Improvements Capital Improvement Program, or CIP, Project No. 6054, or Project. Background Attachment A, which is a Council Memorandum dated Oct. 7, 2021, provides background information on the Project, including a description of the Project improvements. Discussion On June 21, 2021, the city awarded an agreement with Michael Baker International, Inc., or MBI, to develop 60% complete design plans and construction details and obtain Planning Commission and California Coastal Commission approvals for the Project. Staff have received the draft 60% complete plans and are currently in the process of reviewing the plans. In addition, the Traffic Analysis Report has been revised to address new traffic analysis requirements of Senate Bill 743 for the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, and to incorporate the most recent traffic data that was collected last year. This Traffic Analysis Report has been reviewed and finalized by staff. In addition, there are existing overhead utilities within the southern limit of the Project that need to be converted to underground, per Council Policy No. 41. Initial findings indicate that these overhead utilities are telecommunication lines. Staff have been coordinating with AT&T to determine the next steps for this undergrounding effort. Currently, staff will soon meet with AT&T representatives to discuss Tariff Rule No. 32 and determine whether the city, or AT&T, will be required to pay the costs to underground the overhead utilities. Staff have provided the 60% complete design documents to AT&T to obtain an estimate of these undergroundlng costs. Staff have recently received the Early Assessment comment letter from the city's Planning Division and forwarded the assessment to the city's environmental consultant. The next submittal of the CEQA document will address the city planning comments. Public Works Branch Transportation Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2730 t Council Memo -Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project Update (District 2) April 7, 2022 Page 2 Utility Replacement CIP Projects On Jan. 19, 2022, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, or CMWD, and the city awarded an agreement to Carollo Engineers, Inc. to develop preliminary and final design plans for the water and sewer utility improvements, CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503. The preliminary design is currently in progress. These utility CIP projects were analyzed in a 2019 Addendum to the Program Environmental Impact Report, or PEIR, for the Water, Recycled Water and Sewer Master Plan Updates, which concluded that the utility projects are consistent with CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162-15164. Recently, the CMWD identified a 400-foot segment of water main running under Carlsbad Boulevard, north of Cannon Road, that was not included in the PEIR but needs to be replaced. An additional environmental study is being conducted for this 400-foot section of pipe to keep this segment part of the overall project, but still comply with CEQA. On March 24, 2022, staff presented the proposed utility work to the California Coastal Commission, which reserves permitting authority north of Cannon Road. Staff will continue discussions with the California Coastal Commission to confirm whether a coastal development permit, or CDP, will be required upon completion of the preliminary design. The design of the utility improvements will consider and conform with the design of the road improvements. Water and sewer utilities construction is estimated to commence in winter 2022-23 and be completed in late 2023 to allow for the follow-on road improvements. Next Steps Staff will finalize the CEQA review process and pursue discretionary permits. An estimated time line for future work on the road improvements project is as follows: • Mid 2022 -Revise and submit the CEQA Initial Study • Late 2022 -Submit applications for a CDP and other discretionary permits for Project components in the city's permit jurisdiction, such as road improvements • Early 2023 -Complete CEQA public review and comment period • Mid 2023 -Planning Commission approval of a CDP and other discretionary permits. Apply for a CDP from the California Coastal Commission for Project components in their jurisdiction for road improvements. Estimated construction start of water and sewer utilities work. • Mid 2024-Receive CDP from the California Coastal Commission for road improvements. Complete final engineering plans, specifications and cost estimates incorporating comments and conditions from the California Coastal Commission for road improvements. Estimated completion of water and sewer utilities construction work. 111 Late 2024-City Council approval of plans and specifications of road improvements and authorization to bid Council Memo -Terra mar Area Coastal Improvements Project Update (District 2) April 7, 2022 Page 3 • Early 2025 -City Council award of construction contract for road improvements • Mid 2025 -Estimated construction start of road Improvements • Early 2026 -Estimated construction completion of road improvements Attachments: A. Council Memorandum dated Oct. 7, 2021 B. AT&T Tariff Rule No. 32 cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Mickey Williams, Police Chief Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Vicki Quiram, Utilities Director Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager Dave Padilla, Utilities Engineering Manager John Kim, City Traffic Engineer Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Don Neu, City Planner Eric Lardy, Principal Planner Scott Lyle, Senior Engineer To the members of the: ·-CtTY, COUNCIL Date t0i1/:J1,-CA/ cc~ CM_~✓DCM(3) ✓, Oct. 7, 2021 ATTAcHMENT A ' Council Memorandum To: From: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager~ Via: {cityof Carlsbad Memo ID #2021186 Re: Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project Update (District 2) This memorandum provides an update to a previous Council Memorandum dated May 13, 2021 (Attachment A), on the Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6054 (Project). Background Attachment A, which is a Council Memorandum dated May 13, 2021, provides background information on the Project. Discussion On June 21, 2021, the city awarded an agreement with Michael Baker International, Inc. (MBI) to develop 60% complete design plans and construction details and obtain Planning Commission and California Coastal Commission approvals for the Project. In addition, the Traffic Analysis Report has been revised to address new traffic analysis requirements of Senate Bill 743 for the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, and to incorporate the most recent traffic data that was collected last year. This draft Traffic Analysis Report has recently been circulated to staff for final review and comment. In addition, there are existing overhead utilities within the southern limit of the Project that need to be converted to underground, per Council Policy 41. MBI ls researching ownership of these utilities. Initial findings indicate that these utilities may be telecommunication lines. The city's environmental consultant is revising the Project's CEQA document to address staffs comments and Include the revised traffic analysis. Utility Replacement CIP Projects Carlsbad Municipal Water District, or CMWD, and the Utilities Department staff are scheduled to implement CIP Project Nos. 5048 and 5503, which will replace aging water and sewer infrastructure, respectively, prior to construction of the road improvements. These utility CIP projects were analyzed in a 2015 Addendum to the Program Environmental Impact Report, or PEIR, for the Water, Recycled Water and Sewer Master Plan Updates, which concluded that the utility projects are consistent with CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162-15164 and no additional environmental review is required. Public Works Branch Transpc,rtation Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 t Council Memo -Terramar Area Coastal Improvements Project Update (District 2) Oct. 7, 2021 Page 2 It should be noted, however, that the proposed utility replacement extends into the California Coastal Commission's Local Coastal Program area of deferred certification, where the California Coastal Commission reserves permitting authority, and additional permitting coordination will be required. Staff will continue discussions with the California Coastal Commission to confirm the need for a coastal development permit, or CDP, upon completion of the water and sewer replacement projects' preliminary design. The utility replacement projects were previously contemplated as being "bundled" with the road improvements for the primary benefit of constructing a single project with the perceived benefit of potentially reducing temporary construction Impacts of separate projects. However, the utility replacement projects have Independent utility and logical termini; therefore, the projects may be completed as separate and distinct to meet operational needs. Due to the need to replace some of the oldest water mains in the city, staff have reconsidered the single-project approach and recommend separate projects, with the water and sewer replacement work preceding the road improvements, for the following reasons: • Unknown or differing site conditions emphasize the need to solicit prime contractors that specialize and focus on wet utility construction; specifically, pressure pipeline and deep sewer construction • Delays resulting from a separate utility project can be managed easier and at less cost by avoiding delay impacts to multiple subcontractors and trades on a much larger joint project • Design and construction of a separate utility project can be streamlined and would be less likely to conflict with future dry utility construction for gas, electric or communication lines • Follow-on road improvements can be scheduled to commence as the wet utility replacement work is nearing completion, so that there will be less risk of delays associated with unforeseen utility conflicts The CMWD and Utilities Department staff solicited proposals for engineering design services for the utility replacement projects in September 2021 and will seek the City Council/CMWD Board's approval of a professional services agreement by December 2021. Water and sewer utilities construction is estimated to commence in winter 2022/23 and be completed in late 2023 to allow for the follow-on road improvements. Next Steps Staff will compile internal city comments on the draft Traffic Analysis Report and provide them to the consultant. Staff will finalize the CEQA document and pursue discretionary permits. An estimated_timeline for future work on the road improvements project is as follows: • Late 2021-Finalize Traffic Analysis Report and revise CEQA Initial Study • Early 2022 -Submit applications for a CDP and other discretionary permits for Project components in the city's permit jurisdiction (road improvements) Council Memo -Terra mar Area Coastal Improvements Project Update (District 2) Oct. 7, 2021 Page 3 • Mid-2022 -Complete CEQA public review and comment period • Late 2022 -Planning Commission approval of a CDP and other discretionary permits. Apply for a CDP from the California Coastal Commission for Project components in their Jurisdiction for road Improvements. Estimated construction start of water and sewer utilities work. • Late 2023 -Receive CDP from the California Coastal Commission for road Improvements. Complete final engineering plans, specifications and cost estimates incorporating comments and conditions from the California Coastal Commission for road Improvements. Estimated completion of water and sewer utilities construction work. • Early 2024 -City Council approval of plans and specifications of road improvements and authorization to bid • Mid-2024 -City Council award of construction contract for road improvements • Late 2024 -Estimated construction start of road. improvements • Late 2025 -Estimated construction completion of road improvements Attachment: A. Council Memorandum dated May 13, 2021 cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Mickey Williams, Police Chief Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director Vicki Quiram, Utilities Director Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager Dave Padilla, Utilities Engineering Manager John Kim, City Traffic Engineer Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Tim Selke, Parks Services Manager Kasia Trojanowska, Parks Planning Manager Don Neu, City Planner Eric Lardy, Principal Planner Scott Lyle, Senior Engineer To the members of the; CITY COUNCIL Date st, a/JJcA ✓ cc ✓ ✓ CM..JLACM~DCM(3l- May 13, 2021 To: From: ATTACHMENT A Council Memorandum Via: Geoff Patnoe,Assistant City Manager, .•• {city of Carlsbad Memo ID #2021102 Re: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Pu~ll. orks Terramar Area Coastal lmpro\lement roject Update (District 2) This memorandum provides an update on the Terramar Area Coastal Improvement Project, Capital Improvement Progrr-1m (CIP) Project No. 6054 (Project). Background On Nov. 27, 2018, staff presented options to the City Council to address long~:standing traffic and safety concerns at the Terramar area (see Attachment A for map). At that meeting, the City Council selected a. project alternative which included a roundabout at the Intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road, and a traffic signal at the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Ce.rezo Drive. The City Council also directed that the Project include the center turn lane from North Shore Drive to Cerezo Drive. The Project area includes almost one mile of Carlsbad Boulevard from approximately 1,700 feet north ofTlerra Del Oro south to approximately 200 feet south of Manzano Drive. It also includes a one-quarter mile area along Cannon Road from Carlsbad Boulevard east to the railroad tracks. The bluff top area across from the former Encina Power Station encompasses approximately 2.8 acres of land. This area is currently owned by NRG Energy, Inc. (NRG); however, the city obtained an irreyocable offer of dedication to enable the city to acquire this • land as a part of executed agreements related to the Claude "Bud" lewis Carlsbad Desalination· Plant and the new power plant, known as the Carlsbad Energy Center. The Project goals were developed witb community input, and they are to: • Create a balanced road that is safe and attractive for cars, bikes and pedestrians • Maintain traffic flow with vehicle speeds compatible with residential roads through the Terramar neighborhood • lriiprovethe aesthetics of the area and add amenities, with an emphasis on the area's natural beauty • Protect, balance and enhance the quality of life for the neighborhood and the community • Improve access to the coast and create an enhanced connection between the beach and the community Public Works Branch , Transportation Department 1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-2730 t Council Memo -Terramar Area Coastal Improvement Project Update (District 2) May 13, 2021 Page 2 • Crec1te a special place and enhance the coastal experience for residents and users To meet the Projec;t goals and directives from the City Council, this Project will make several improvements to the Terra mar area including: • A roundabout at the Intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road • Additional on-street parking on Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road • Sidewalks on both sides of Carlsbad Boulevard between Cannon Road and Manzano Drive • On the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard, from the warm water jetties area south to Cannon Road; a 10-foot wide sidewalk and a five-foot wide loading and unloading zone • Buffered bicycle lanes on both sides of the roadways, where possible • Three small gathering areas on the bluff top across from the power plant site • A re-vegetated bluff top to reduce erosion susceptibility • Two designatei:1 and Improved pathways to the beach in the bluff top area a Bike racks and drinking fountains placed Intermittently throughout the Project area • Recycling i:'!nd tn;ish receptacles placed intermittently throughout the Project area a High-visibility crosswalks with rectangular rapid flashing beacon lights on Carlsbad Boulevard and on Cannon Road • Curb extensions on side streets to discourage cut-through traffic in the Terramar neighborhood and to create safor pedestrian crossings • Street trees or landscaped areas adjacent to the sidewalk, where possible a Two enhanced bus stops on Carlsbad Boulevard, at and across from Cannon Park Discussion The Project's preliminary engineering design and technical studies have been completedi however, the Traffic Analysis Report Is currently being revised, In order to acjdress new traffic analysis requirements of Senate Bill 743 for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA), the city's consultant collected more traffic data last year and incorporated those re.suits into the revised Traffic Analysis Report. In addition, to accurately model future traffic flow ln the Project area, the city's consultant utilized a new SANDAG regional traffic model which takes Into account a mix bf visitor-serving commercial uses and community-aci:essible open space land uses at the former NRG power plant site, consistent with the current General Plan land use designations for the NRG property. These changes will also be reflected in the Project's revised Traffic Analysis Report. The city's environmental consultant Is revising the Project's CEQA lnltlal Study to address staff's preliminary comments and to include the revised traffic analysis. 2 Council Memo -Terramar Area Coastal Improvement Project Update (District 2) May 13, 2021 Page~ Next Steps Upon completion of the n~vis~d Traffic Analysis Report, staff will finalize the CEQA Initial Study and pursue discretionary permits. An estimated timeline for futurework on the Project Is as follows: s M.ld-2021-Finalize Traffic Analysis Report and revise CEQA Initial Study • Late 2021-Submlf applications for Coastal Development Permit and other discretionary permits for project components In the city's permit jurisdiction c, Mid-2022 -Complete CEQA pupllc review and comment period o Late 2022-Plclnning Commission approval of Coastal Development Permit and other discretionary permits. Apply for Coastal Development Permit from the California Coastal Commission for Project components In their jurisdiction o Late 2023,... Receive Coastal Dev~lopment Permit from the California Coastal Commission o Late 2023-Complete final engineering plans, specifications and cost estimates incorporating comments and conditipns from the California Coastal Commission o Early 2024-City Council approvtll of plans and specifications and autho.rization to bid o Mid-2024-City Council award of construction contract ca Late 2024 -Estimated construction sta.rt o Late 2025 -Estimated construction c,ompletion Attachment: A. Location Map cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Commµnjty Services Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services Neil Gallucci, Police Chief Michael Calderwood, Fire Chief Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer l<'yle Lancaster, Parks & Recreatlon'Director Jeff Murphyj Community Development Director Vicki Quiram, Utllitl.es D.i{ector l(ristlna Ray, Communkatlon & Engagement Director Hossein Ajldeh, Engineering Manager John l<im, City Traffic Engineer Nathan Schmidt, Transportation Planning and Mobility Malli:!Ber Tim Selke, Parks Services Manager l(asia Trojanowska, Parks Planning Manager Don Neu, City Planner Eric Lardy, Principal Planne.r Jonathan Schauble, Seriiqr Engineer 3 I: i'. ! I· I: f ' I I' I j. ! I ! (City of Carlsbad Terramar Area Coastal Improvement Project ATTACHMENT B AT&T California San Francisco, California NETWORK AND EXCHANGE SERVICES A2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 RULES {Cont 1d) SCHEDULE CAL.P.U.C. NO. A2 2nd Revised Sheet 132 Cancels 1st Revised Sheet 132 2.1.32 RULE NO. 32 -FACILITIES TO PROVIDE REPLACEMENT OF AERIAL WITH UNDERGROUND FACILITIES A. REPLACEMENT OF AERIAL WITH UNDERGROUND FACILITIES 1. In Areas Affected By General Public Interest. The Company will, at its expense, replace its existing aerial facilities {T) with underground facilities along public streets and roads and on public lands and private property across which rights-of-way satisfactory to the Company have been obtained or may be obtained without cost or (T) condemnation, by the Company, provided that the governing body of the {T) city or county in which such facilities are located has:,, a. Determined after consultation with the Company and after holding public {T) hearings on the subject, that undergrounding is in the general public interest in a specified area for one or more of the following reasons: (1) Such undergrounding will avoid or eliminate an unusually heavy concentration of aerial facilities; (2) Said street, or road or right-of-way is in an area extensively used by the general public and carries a heavy volume of pedestrian or vehicular traffic; (3) Said street, road or right-of-way adjoins or passes through a civic area or public recreation area or an area of unusual scenic interest to the general public. b. Adopted an ordinance creating an underground district in the area requiring, among other things: (1) That all existing and future electric and communication distribution facilities will be placed underground, and (2) That each property owner will provide and maintain the underground supporting structure needed on their property to furnish service to them from the underground facilities of the Company when such are {T) available, except as provided in A.1. c following. Advice Letter No. 33423 Decision No. Issued by Eric Batongbacal Executive Director Continued Date Filed: August 29, 2008 Effective: July 15, 2009 Resolution No. T-17203 AT&T California San Francisco, California SCHEDULE CAL.P.U.C. NO. A2 4th Revised Sheet 133 Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 133 NETWORK AND EXCHANGE SERVICES A2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 RULES (Cont'd) 2.1.32 RULE NO. 32 -FACILITIES TO PROVIDE REPLACEMENT OF AERIAL WITH UNDERGROUND FACILITIES (Cont'd) A. REPLACEMENT OF AERIAL WITH UNDERGROUND FACILITIES (Cont'd) 1. In Areas Affected By General Public Interest (Cont'd) c. Upon request of the governing body the Company will pay for the (T) installation of no more than 100 feet of each customer's underground service connection facility occasioned by the undergrounding. The governing body may establish a smaller footage allowance or may limit the amount of money to be expended on a single customer's service, or the total amount to be expended on consumer services in a particular project. The Company will pay for the installation of each customer's (T) underground service connection facility at the time and only to the extent that the electric utility pays for the customer's underground electric service lateral. d. The Company will replace its aerial facilities at the time and only to (T) the extent that the overhead electric distribution facilities are replaced. 2. At the Request of Governmental Agencies or Groups of Applicants. In circumstances other than those covered by 1. preceding, the Company will replace its aerial facilities located in a specified area with (T) underground facilities along public streets and roads and on public lands and private property across which rights-of-way satisfactory to the Company have been obtained, or may be obtained without cost or (T) condemnation, by the Company upon request by a responsible party (T) representing a governmental agency or group of applicants where all of the following conditions are met: a. All property owners served by the aerial facilities to be replaced within a specific area designated by the governmental agency or group of applicants first agree in writing or are required by suitable legislation to pay the cost or to provide and to transfer ownership to the Company of the underground supporting structure along the public way (T) and other Company rights-of-way in the area1, and (T) b. All property owners in the area are required by ordinance or other legislation, or all agree in writing, to provide and maintain the underground supporting structure on their property, and NOTE 1: Includes Income Tax gross-up amount, as listed in ScheduleCal.P.U.C. No. A2.l.3,D. Advice Letter No. 33423 Decision No. Issued by Eric Batongbacal Executive Director Continued Date Filed: August 29, 2008 Effective: July 15, 2009 Resolution No. T-17203 AT&T California San Francisco, California SCHEDULE CAL.P.U.C. NO. A2 4th Revised Sheet 134 Cancels 3rd Revised Sheet 134 NETWORK AND EXCHANGE SERVICES A2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 RULES (Cont'd) 2.1.32 RULE NO. 32 -FACILITIES TO PROVIDE REPLACEMENT OF AERIAL WITH UNDERGROUND FACILITIES (Cont'd) A. REPLACEMENT OF AERIAL WITH UNDERGROUND FACILITIES (Cont'd) 2. At the Request of Governmental Agencies or Groups of Applicants. (Cont'd) c. The area to be undergrounded includes both sides of a street for at least one block, and D. ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE FOR THE CONCURRENT REMOVAL OF ALL ELECTRIC AND COMMUNICATION AERIAL DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES IN THE AREA. 3. At the Request of Individual Applicants. In circumstances other than those covered by 1. or 2. preceding, where mutually agreed upon by the Company and an applicant, aerial facilities (T) may be replaced with underground facilities, provided the applicant requesting the change pays, in advance, a nonrefundable sum equal to the estimated cost of construction less the estimated net salvage value of the replaced aerial facilities1 . (T) 4. At Company Initiative. (T) The Company may from time to time replace sections of its aerial (T) facilities with underground facilities at Company expense for structural (T) design considerations or its _operating convenience. NOTE 1: Includes Income Tax gross-up amount, as listed in Schedule Cal.P.U.C. No. A2.1.3,D. Advice Letter No, 33423 Decision No. Issued by Eric Balongbacal Executive Director Continued Date Flied: August 29, 2008 Effective: July 15, 2009 Resolution No. T-17203 AT&T California San Francisco, California SCHEDULE CAL.P.U.C. NO. A2 1st Revised Sheet 134.1 Cancels Original Sheet 134.1 NETWORK AND EXCHANGE SERVICES A2. GENERAL REGULATIONS 2.1 RULES (Cont'd) 2.1.32 RULE NO. 32 -FACILITIES TO PROVIDE REPLACEMENT OF AERIAL WITH UNDERGROUND FACILITIES (Cont'd) A. REPLACEMENT OF AERIAL WITH UNDERGROUND FACILITIES (Cont'd) 5. San Diego Underground Surcharge a. Description In Decision No. 06-12-039, the California Public Utilities Commission authorized AT&T California to establish a surcharge to recover the cost of moving overhead utility lines underground in accordance with the City of San Diego's Underground Utilities Procedural Ordinance. Complete details of the surcharge are contained in the cited decision. b. Applicability Ordering Paragraph 2 of D.06-12-039 states that the surcharge applies as follows: "All local telephone service provided over SBC lines in San Diego shall be subject to the Surcharge, including SBC customers that take service pursuant to Local Wholesale Complete, Individual Case Basis, Express, and Government contracts. Local telephone customers that receive service from competitive local exchange carriers over SBC lines are also subject to the Surcharge. Lifeline customers of any provider are exempt from the Surcharge." c. Rate Ordering Paragraph 5 of D.06-12-039 states that the surcharge "shall be assessed as a fixed amount per line ... [and] shall be recalculated annually via advice letter filing." Initial surcharge, effective July 1, 2007: Surcharge modified effective April 15, 2009: $0. 77 per line. $1.46 (I) per line. (N) Advice Leiter No. 34851 Decision No. Issued by Eric Balongbecal Executive Director Date Filed: March 16, 2009 Effective: July 9, 2009 Resolution No.