HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-01-30; San Diego Association of Governments' Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking Project Update (District 4); Gomez, PazTo the members of the:
Date l[~/fscAy°CC ✓
CM __._.2ACM ..JL'DCM (3) JL
January 30, 2025
Council Memorandum
To: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council
From: Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Public Works
Via: Sheila Cobian, Assistant City Manager ~~
{city of
Memo ID# 2025017
Re: San Diego Association of Governments' Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking Project
Update (District 4)
This memorandum provides an update to a previous Council Memorandum dated
September 5, 2024, Attachment A, on the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)'s
Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking construction project.
The background on the project is provided in the previous Council Memorandum dated
September 5, 2024 (Attachment A).
On September 26, 2024, SAN DAG submitted a letter requesting appeal of the City Engineer's
decision on construction hours for the project (Attachment B). At the October 29, 2024, City
Council meeting, an item was agendized to discuss SANDAG's appeal (Attachment C). David
Cortez, SANDAG's Director of Engineering and Construction, requested at the meeting that the
item be rescheduled to a later date, in about a month, to allow SAN DAG staff to better
coordinate with city staff (Attachment D).
The City of Encinitas also previously requested additional access for construction traffic to
Carlsbad Boulevard at the southern access location to redirect some traffic off La Costa Avenue.
Discussion and Next Steps
On December 30, 2024, SANDAG withdrew its appeal on construction hours as presented in its
letter (Attachment E).
On the request for access off Carlsbad Boulevard, SAN DAG staff presented its request to the City
of Encinitas' City Council on December 10, 2024. The City of Encinitas' City Council denied
SANDAG's request. SAN DAG will continue to access the project's southern access location via
La Costa Avenue.
Attachments: A. Council Memorandum dated September 5, 2024
B. SAN DAG letter dated September 26, 2024
C. City Council Meeting Staff Report dated October 29, 2024
D. City Council Meeting Minutes dated October 29, 2024
E. SAN DAG letter dated December 30, 2024
Public Works Branch
Transportation Department
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600 t
Council Memo -SANDAG's Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking Project Update (District 4)
January 30, 2025
Page 2
cc: Geoff Patnoe, City Manager
Cindie McMahon, City Attorney
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Gina Herrera, Assistant City Attorney
Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer
Jason Haber, Intergovernmental Affairs Director
Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director
Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director
Mike Strong, Assistant Director of Community Development
Jason Geldert, Engineering Manager
Emily Hasegawa, Engineering Manager
Eric Lardy, City Planner
To the members of the:
CM ✓ ACM ✓ocM (3) ✓
September 5, 2024
Council Memorandum
To: Honorable Mayor Blackburn and Members of the City Council
From: Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Publi~rks
{city of
Memo ID# 2024067
Via: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager ~
Re: San Diego Association of Governments: Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking Project
(District 4)
This memorandum provides information related to the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking project
proposed by the San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG), as authorized by various
federal and state agencies.
Background & Discussion
In July 2024, SAN DAG staff contacted
city staff indicating that they were
commencing with the Batiquitos
Lagoon Double Tracking project
(Attachment A). The project has
northern and southern access
Northern Access
On July 22, 2024, the contractor for
SANDAG submitted an application with
the city for a right-of-way permit,
CAl\iW.0 VD
which would allow a temporary driveway approach that would be used for access to private
property for construction staging and access to the railroad (see area in red in the image above).
The parcel in question is located along the 7400 block of Ponto Drive, and the impacts will be to
approximately four to five acres of the property on the east of the roadway. SAN DAG staff
estimated the project could take up to four years to complete, including periods where work does
not occur to avoid impacts to the breeding season.
Since July, city staff has been working with SAN DAG, their consultants, and other agencies to
understand what permits and evaluations have been completed for authorization of this project,
including the construction staging area on private property.
During multiple emails and correspondences with the city since that time, SAN DAG has shared the
following information related to approvals they had been working on with other agencies over
multiple years. To date, the city has been provided:
Community Services and Public Works Branches
Community Development and Transportation Departments
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2600 t
Council Memo -SAN DAG: Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking Project (District 4)
September 5, 2024
Page 2
• A summary of SANDAG's authorization and regulations preempting the city from exercising
discretionary review over the proposed project. (Attachment B)
• Confirmation of permits issued from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service for impact to waterways and species.
• Confirmation of concurrence provided to SAN DAG from the California Coastal Commission.
Further correspondence from the city to Coastal Commission staff to obtain clarification if
a Coastal Development Permit is needed. (Attachment C)
• Communication to SANDAG from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (Attachment D).
• Confirmation that SAN DAG is amenable to place dredged sand from the double-tracking
project (approximately 10,000 cubic yards per year, and up to 70,000 cubic yards total over
the total span) onto Carlsbad State Beach, south of the lagoon inlet (i.e., the South Ponto
area). This placement would commence during the first phase of the project, which is
anticipated to conclude in February 2025. However, as of the writing of this Council
Memorandum, the above referenced approvals shared by SAN DAG do not mention how
the dredge material will be tested or handled. As such, further review and permitting
constraints of other agencies will need to be addressed before the dredged materials can
be accepted.
Based on information presented by SAN DAG, the city's only authority to regulate this project is the
right-of-way permit for traffic control on city streets and for the construction of a driveway
approach on Ponto Drive. The right-of-way permit can be issued within one week once SAN DAG
provides written authorization from the property owner to use the property.
However, as of the date of this Council Memorandum, SAN DAG appears to have initiated
preliminary preparations to ready the property; namely, painting the city curb red where the
proposed driveway access will be located and installing barriers to further prohibit parking in that
area. This was done without prior city authorization. As such, staff will be contacting SAN DAG and
the property owner and will have the improvements removed.
Southern Access
The project's southern access is currently through an easement adjacent and west of the North
County Transit District (NCTD)'s right-of-way off La Costa Avenue in the City of Encinitas. Because
of construction activity on private development along La Costa Avenue and improvements on
North Coast Highway 101, the City of Encinitas has requested that SAN DAG modify the project
access route to provide an ingress through the southbound left-turn pocket on Carlsbad
Boulevard, across the mountable curb within the City of Encinitas and then egress onto La Costa
Avenue with a right-out only followed by a right-turn only onto northbound Carlsbad Boulevard.
The Carlsbad Boulevard access is just within the City of Encinitas boundary. The requested change
would move the project's haul route for traffic of import and export of materials currently using La
Costa Avenue in Encinitas to a route along Carlsbad coastal streets.
Council Memo -SAN DAG: Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking Project (District 4)
September 5, 2024
Page 3
City staff have asked to be involved in the review of the proposed change and have requested
additional information regarding:
• existing haul routes
• proposed revisions to the haul routes
• estimated truck and material volumes for the duration of construction
• impacts as a result of the requested change
SAN DAG staff have also offered to make a presentation to the City Council on this project, and city
staff are working to schedule it prior to a ceremony that SANDAG has tentatively scheduled for
Next Steps
Based on information presented from SANDAG, the city does not have authority to authorize, deny
or condition the proposed project. Construction is expected to begin within the next month,
assuming the property owner authorization is received soon, and the city has issued the right-of-
way permit.
Regarding the proposed changes to the southern access, SAN DAG committed to scheduling a
meeting with the city to review the proposed changes and potential impacts, which is tentatively
scheduled for the week of September 9, 2024. Staff will provide an update on the southern access
following a determination on the project's southern access points and haul routes.
SANDAG has asked that project related inquiries and complaints be sent to their construction
hotline at (844) NCC-0050 or email at Bui/dNCC@KeepSanDieqoMovinq.com.
Attachments: A. SAN DAG Map and Project Fact Sheet
B. Memorandum from SAN DAG to the City dated August 9, 2024
C. Email from California Coastal Commission dated August 19, 2024
D. Email from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service dated August 7, 2024
E. Email from SANDAG to the City dated August 29, 2024
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Cindie McMahon, City Attorney
Allegra Frost, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Gina Herrera, Assistant City Attorney
Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer
Jason Haber, Intergovernmental Affairs Director
Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director
Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director
Kristina Ray, Community & Engagement Director
Mike Strong, Assistant Director of Community Development
Jason Geldert, Engineering Manager
Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager
Council Memo-SANDAG: Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking Project (District 4)
September 5, 2024
Page 4
Jason Geldert, Engineering Manager
John l<im, City Traffic Engineer
Eric Lardy, City Planner
SA --lb/trans·
In August 2024, Caltrans and
SAN DAG crews will begin
work on the Batiquitos
Lagoon Double Track
Project, which will add 0.6
miles of second rail track
from Avenida Encinas in
Carlsbad to La Costa Avenue
in Encinitas. Work over the
next few weeks will include
landscaping, bird surveying,
and other preliminary
construction activities. Nearby
residents and businesses
can expect minimal daytime
construction noise, including
Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA)
required vehicle back-up
alarms. Crews will work to
minimize noise and impacts
to all nearby communities.
Please note construction
schedules are subject to
change. We appreciate your
patience during construction
and look forward to
delivering this project to the
In Partnership With
NORTH COUNTY iiiii:.""'111
U.S. Department of Transportatton
Nonfltoa CGttukr
.-& Construction
• • m • Bridge Replacement
,(ffi\ Proposed Grading Areas
\ill;' for Least Tern Habitat
lb/trans· SA
July 26, 2024
\ 'l,
I ,
~"""' U,S.Deportment ~411197 otTrcnsportotion A lil■,11.P
KeepSanDiegoMoving.com/BuildNCC 0 SDCaltrans A SOCaltrans 'cg\ DllCaltrans ~ CaltransDistrictll
SANDAGregion V SANDAG ~ SANOAGregion '-' SANDAGregion
About the Project
The Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track Project will add 0.6 miles of second
rail track from Avenida Encinas in Carlsbad to La Costa Avenue in Encinitas
across the Batiquitos Lagoon. The addition of the second track will allow
trains traveling in opposite directions to pass without slowing down or
stopping. The project also includes replacing the wooden trestle bridge, built
in the 1940s, with a modern, double-track concrete rail bridge designed to
improve lagoon tidal flow.
This project is a critical component of the first phase of the North Coast
Corridor (NCC) Program, known as Build NCC. Build NCC inclu.des rail double
tracking projects over the Batiquitos and San Elijo lagoons, extending
the carpool lanes on Interstate 5, and environmental protection, lagoon
restoration, and coastal access improvements.
For More Information
Email us at BuildNCC@KeepSanDiegoMoving.com
Call 844.NCC.0050
Text BuildNCC to 760.454.0077 to receive
construction alerts
July 26, 2024
Scan Here
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Assistenci a lingufstica gratuita I ~ 1-WIT~ I Assistance linguistique gratuite I t:l~UJiflMl'ili~li\\;l
e,,_je::§ ~o'.J" <0~®0 I ll'l1J~mJc@t1n'l1JW'llil'lul5 I Kaai mad a Luqadda ee Bilaashka ah I 6e3K0WT0BHa Moil Ha AonoMora
SANDAG.org/LanguageAssistance I 619.699.1900
KeepSanDiegoMoving.com/BuildNCC 0 SDCaltrans • SDCaltrans Jig\ DllCaltrans ~ CaltransDistrlctll
SANDAGreglon W SANDAG ~ SANDAGregion '-' SANDAGreglon
August 9, 2024
Memo to:
Mr. Eric Lardy, AICP
City Planner
Community Development Department
City of Carlsbad
Keith Greer, Deputy Director, Environmental Compliance and Climate
Subject: Environmental Clearance for the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track Project
Dear Mr. Lardy,
The San Diego Association of Governments (SAN DAG) is submitting this memorandum to
address questions raised by the City of Carlsbad on the environmental compliance
requirements for the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track Project (Project):
Project Description
The Project consists of the construction of a second mainline rail track along approximately l
mile of the existing LOSSAN (Los Angeles -San Diego -San Luis Obispo) rail corridor through
the Batiquitos Lagoon. The Project is part of a larger phased, multi-year effort to create a
double track configuration on the entire LOSSAN rail corridor within San Diego County to
improve commuter rail and freight rail service by increasing train capacity, improving railroad
operations, and enhancing reliability. The purpose of the Project is to increase the reliability,
operational flexibility, ahd capacity of the LOSSAN rail corridor to add passenger and freight
rail service to meet future transportation demands. The existing single track in the Project area
creates a bottleneck for trains traveling along the corridor. The Project will accommodate
increased frequency of passenger and freight trains along the LOSSAN corridor, including
through Batiquitos Lagoon, to encourage increased ridership of the train and remove vehicles
from the highways as part of the transportation and growth planning in SANDAG's 2021
Regional Plan (Regional Plan).
The Project includes replacement of the existing single-track timber rail bridge (Bridge 234.8)
with a longer double-track concrete bridge that will increase tidal flushing and improve the
overall health of the lagoon. The Project also includes the beneficial reuse of sand through
beach nourishment, and enhancement and stabilization of the existing W-2 least tern
nesting site. The nest site restoration will be designed to restore and stabilize the eroded
nesting site back to its original 4.2 acres.
Local Permits and Discretionary Review
Senate Bill 1703 (SB 1703 Peace), adopted in 2003, defineq the roles, responsibilities, and
authorities of SANDAG. Specifically, SANDAG is statutorily exempt from zoning and building
regulations of a local jurisdiction pursuant to Public Utilities Code section 132354.4 and
Government Code sections 53090 and 53091. Pursuant to Section 132354.4 of the Public
Utilities Code, SANDAG is excluded from the requirements of a "local agency" set forth in
Section 53091 of the Government Code which requires local agencies to comply with building
and zoning ordinances.
SANDAG has also been granted by statute the right to use public rights-of-way for its
facilities and projects. SANDAG, as the statutorily created regional transportation planning
agency under Section 29532.l of the Government Code, succeeded to and acquired the right
to construct works and facilities in, under, upon, over, across, or along any public streets or
rights-of-way highway. {Pub. Util. Code§§ 132353.4, 90484 &120244). These statutory rights to
use the public rights-of-way exempt SANDAG from the typical franchise requirements
applicable to other public utilities.
California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA)
The Interstate Commerce Commission Termination Act {ICCTA), codified in part at 49 U.S.C. §
l050l{b), grants the Surface Transportation Board {STB) jurisdiction over transportation by rail
carriers, defined to include construction of sidetracks or facilities (49 U.S.C. § l050l{b)). The
North County Transit District {NCTD) is a rail carrier for purposes of ICCTA. SANDAG is
undertaking the Project under the auspices of NCTD. ICCTA preempts state and local land
use and permitting requirements as to any facilities that are part of transportation by rail
carrier. In 2002, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California upheld this
position and concurred with STB when it found that NCTD was not required to obtain a
permit or other approval under state or local law in order to build a passing track.
While the project is preempted from CEQA, SANDAG determined that the Project is also
exempt from CEQA review pursuant to California Public Resources Code 21080(b){l2) and
California Code of Regulations, title 14 (CEQA Guidelines), section 15275, which provides that
CEQA does not apply to "facility extensions not to exceed four miles in length which are
required for the transfer of passengers from or to exclusive public mass transit guideway or
busway public transit services." The Project is also exempt from CEQA review under CEQA
Guidelines sections 15333, which applies to habitat restoration projects that are less than 5
A Notice of Exemption was filed by SANDAG with the State Clearinghouse on June 25, 2024
(SCH Number 2024061076).
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
The Project was included in the Final Program EIR/EIS released in September 2007, with the
Record of Decision issued by the Federal Railroad Administration in March 2009.
Subsequently, in February 2014, the Federal Transit Administration found that the Project
qualified as a Categorical Exclusion under 23 CFR 771.178(d)(2): bridge replacement, or rail
grade separation. Lastly, since the Project was subject to the requirements of the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers for work within waters of the United States, NEPA compliance
documentation and determination was approved at the time of issuance of the Clean Water
Act Section 404 permit noted below.
Federal Regulatory Permitting
The Project has received the following permits, which have previously been provided:
• Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification Number R9-2022-0173
(California Regional Quality Control Board, 2022)
• Coastal Act Consistency Certification Number CC-0002-19 (California Coastal
Commission, 2019)
• Biological Opinion Number FWS-SD-2022-0002078-S7-F (U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, 2022)
• Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit Number SPL-2016-00786 (U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, 2023)
If there are any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Tim Pesce, Senior
Environmental Planner via email at Timothy.Pesce@sandag.org or phone (619) 595-1432.
Deputy Director, Environmental Compliance and Climate
cc: Tim Pesce, Senior Environmental Planner
Tim DeWitt, Senior Engineer
Ryan Kohut, Senior Legal Council
To: ·
Carney. Kaitlin@Coastal
Eric Lardy; Jennifer Jessee; Lilly. Dlana@Coastal
Robert Efird III
RE: Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking
Monday, August 19, 2024 4:21:19 PM
image003 ona
Hi Eric, The staging area and its access point are an integral part of the double-tracking
project, which was reviewed by the Commission as a consistency certification submitted by
SANDAG. Our staff reviewed the change and believe it to be in substantial conformance
with the project with which the Commission concurred. No CDP is required from the
Do you have concerns about impacts to coastal resources associated with the staging?
From: Eric Lardy <eric.lardy@carlsbadca.gov>
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 8:44 AM
To: Carney, Kaitlin@Coastal <kaitlin.carney@coastal.ca.gov>; Jennifer Jesser
<Jennifer.Jesser@carlsbadca.gov>; Lilly, Diana@Coastal <Diana.Lilly@coastal.ca.gov>
Cc: Robert Efird Ill <robert.efird@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: RE: Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking
Good Morning, Kaitlin.
Thank you for following up. To confirm, do you agree with SAN DAG that a CDP is not required to
address any of the construction/uses given this consistency approval? And if one is required, who
would be the issuing jurisdiction.
Thank you,
Eric Lardy, AICP
City Planner
Community Development Department
City of Carlsbad
1635 Faraday Ave.
Carlsbad, CA 92008
www.carlsba dca.gov
442-339-2712 I eric.lardy@ carlsbadca.gov
FacebQQk I Tulill.er I You Tube I Pi nterest I Enews
From: Carney, Kaitlin@Coastal <kait lin.carney@coastal.ca.gov>
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2024 8:40 AM
To: Eric Lardy <eric.lardy@ ca rl sbadca.gov>; Jennifer Jesser <Jennifer.Jesser@ca r!sbadca.gov>; Lilly,
Diana@Coastal <Dj ana.Lilly@coasta l.ca.gov>
Cc: Robert Efird Ill <robert.efird@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: RE: Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking
Hi Eric, Yes, the email you attached is our staffs concurrence that the minor change to the
staging area is consistent with the Commission's action.
Thanks, Kaitlin
From: Eric Lardy <eric.lardy@carl sbadca.gov>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2024 2:49 PM
To: Carney, Kaitlin@Coastal <kaitlin .carney@coastal.ca.gov>; Jennifer Jesser
<Jen nifer.Jesser@carlsbaclca.gov>; Lilly, Diana@Coastal <Diana .Lilly@coastal.ca .gov>
Cc: Robert Efird Ill <robert.efird@ca rl sbadca.gov>
Subject: RE: Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking
Good Afternoon, Kaitlin.
Did you receive any update from your team? We did receive some information that there was
concurrence for staging. We are looking for confirmation that that concurrence includes all impacts
of the proposed construction and staging since this is in an area where CDPs would have been issued
by the City. Any additional information you could provide would be helpful.
Eric Lardy, AICP
City Planner
Community Development Department
City of Carl sbad
1635 Faraday Ave.
Carlsbad, CA 92008
442-339-2712 I eric.lardy@ca rl sbadca.gov
Facebook I Twitter I You Tube I Pinterest I Enews
From: Carney, Kaitlin@Coastal <kaitlin .carney@coastal.ca.gov>
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 12:39 PM
To: Jennifer Jesser <J ennifer.Jesser@carlsbadca.gov>; Lilly, Diana@Coastal
Cc: Eric Lardy <erjc.lardy@carlsbadca.gov>; Robert Efird Ill <robert.efird@carlsbadca.gov>
Subject: RE : Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking
Hi Jennifer, The SAN DAG double tracking project was handled by our Federal Consistency
unit staff and was approved by the Commission several years ago. I've reached out to our
staff to see if we've provided any recent correspondence and will get back to you as soon
as I have a response.
From: Jennifer Jesser <Jennifer.Jesser@carlsbadca.gov>
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2024 10:54 AM
To: Carney, Kaitlin@Coastal <kaitlin.carney@coastal.ca .gov>; Lilly, Diana@Coastal
Cc: erjc.lardy@carlsbadca.gov; Robert Efird Ill <robert eflrd@carlsbadca.go..11>
Subject: Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking
Hi Diana and Kaitlin.
Eric asl<ed me to confirm with you both that the Coastal Commission does not have any
concerns or issues with SANDAG's Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking project. Please confirm
the status and Coastal Commission's position on this project.
Thank you.
Jennifer Jesser
Senior Planner
Community Development Department
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
442-339-2637 I jennifer.jesser@carlsbadca.g,Qy
8/21/24, 8:11 AM Re: [EXTERNAL] Batiquitos Lagoon OT: proposed access change at northern staging area -Eric La
Re: [EXTERNAL] Batiquitos Lagoon OT: proposed access change at northern staging area
Kershek, Lauren <lauren_kershek@fws.gov>
Wed 8/7/2024 4:40 PM
To:Tim Pesce <Timothy.Pesce@sandag.org >
Cc:Tim DeWitt <Tim.DeWitt@sandag.org>;Bruce Smith <Bruce.Smith@sandag.org>
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of SAN DAG. Do not elide linlcs or open attachments
unless you are expecting the content.
Hi Tim,
This proposed change to the staging area entrance is fine with us. Thank you for checking!
Lauren Kershek (she, her)
Fish and Wildlife Biologist
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
2177 Salk Ave, Ste 250
Carlsbad, CA 92008
(760)431 9440 x200*
*Email is the best way to reach me if you'd like to schedule a call or meeting.
From: Tim Pesce <Timothy.Pesce@sandag.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2024 3:07 PM
To: Kershek, Lauren <lauren_kershek@fws.gov>
Cc: Tim DeWitt <Tim.DeWitt@sandag.org>; Bruce Smith <Bruce.Smith@sandag.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Batiquitos Lagoon DT: proposed access change at northern staging area
This email has been received frqm outside of DOI -Use caution before clicking on linl<s, opening
attachments, or responding.
Hi Lauren,
Thank you for your time meeting with us last week on the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track Project. I wanted to
provide additional information on the request we made related to the North Staging Area (depicted on Figure 1
on page 51 of the BO, and also related to CM 4):
As we explained, this staging area access point has changed slightly from what was originally depicted in the BO
due to a new gas line that has been installed. The proposed new access point from Ponto Drive (attached and
shown.below) has been designed to avoid CSS and only contains disturbed habitat/bare ground/ornamental,
and we would have a biologist monitoring this work to ensure any sensitive habitat is avoided.
Please let us know if you are okay with us proceeding with this change, or if you'd like additional information
prior to making a determination. The City of Carlsbad has also asked us to confirm this change is okay with
USFWS, so we'd also like to provide your response to City staff if that is okay.
about:blank?windowld=SecondaryReadingPane2 1/2
8/21/24, 8:11 AM
Re: [EXTERNAL] Batiquitos Lagoon DT: proposed access change at northern staging area -Eric Lardy -Outlook
Tim Pesce (he/11im/his)
Senior Environmental Planner
401 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92-101
I Pursuing a brighter future for all
Learn about our commitment to egui!Y.
SANDAG office hours are Tuesday-Friday and every other Monday from 8 a.m. -5 p.m.
about:blanl<?windowld=SecondaryReadingPane2 2/2
Ste□bco Fordham
Ill!n..Era!lll; ~
~ ~ Iim..JkWi1t Yenkv Gaoesan· Steohen Fordham· ~ Iim..fe.ste
Thursday, August 29, 2024 2:34:46 PM
lmaoe004 ona !maaeoos ooa lmaac006 ana
lmaoeOQZ ODO
lmaoeOOB DOA 1maaeoo1 ona
lmaaeooz ona lmaoc003 000 imaaeP09 000 lmaoe010 000 imaaeOll cna LA mSTA Fl,AGGER -CARLSBAD -8-24 Vl-Stamped (Bev 1).pd(
Pmoosed Entrance from JO 1 CSQuth Access} odf BOW2PZ4-0S18 APP -Iraffir Control Plan reduced odf
Attached are two traffic control plans and the proposed secondary access poi nt from Coast Highway.
As discussed, the Bat\quitos Lagoon Double Track project (BLOT) will be utilizing both northern and southern access point for ingress/
egress to and from the project site. Over the course of this four-year project revisions to traffic control plans will be discussed and
submitted as required depending upon the logistics of project construction and controlling project activities.
• LA COSTA FLAGGER -CARLSBAD-8-24 Vl: This document is the most recent TCP submitted to the City of Encinitas for ingress/
egress from La Costa Avenue.
Additionally, as discussed SAN DAG is working on a secondary southern access to the project site from Coast Highway. This access area
needs to be cleared by both USFW and CACC (currently in process), and then submitted as a traffic control plan revision to the City of
Encinitas for review and approval.
• Proposed Entrance from 101 (South Access): This document is a depiction of the approximate proposed second southern access
point to the project site. Due to file size, the attachment will be sent under separate email.
Lastly, the traffic control permit for the Ponto Drive project access point has been submitted to the City of Carlsbad and returned with
comments. FSSW, the BLDT Contractor is currently addressing the comments. Once a finalized agreement between SANDAG and the
property owner, Fenton, is executed, a letter of agreement with be forward to the City of Carlsbad. With the agreement executed FSSW
will revise the TCP in accordance with any new City of Carlsbad comments and resubmit.
• ROW2024-0518 APP -Traffic Control Plan: Shows the project access point for ingress and egress to the project site from Ponto
Drive moved about 100 meters south of the originally permitted entrance. This revised access point has been approved by the
USFW and CACC (please see recent email sent today from Tim Pesce).
Should you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.
Thank you.
Stephen M Fordham, PE, QSD (he/ him/ his)
Senior Transportation Engineer
619.871.9699 mobile
Carlsbad Construction Field Office -Prtma1y
5135 Avenlda Encinas, Suite B, Carlsbad, CA 92008
l<eamy Mesa Construction Field Office
4909 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 520, San Diego, CA 92123
r ill I I Pursuing a brighter future for all
jlQJ l~l[;l l~l-1~!
Learn about our commHment to equity SANDAG office ho11rs are Monday -Thursday and every other Friday from B a.m. -5 p.m.
From: Jill Bankston <jbankston@encinitasca.gov>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2024 8:45 AM
To: Stephen Fordham <Stephen.Fordham@sandag.org>
Subject: FW: BLDT
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of SAN DAG. Do not cllclc links or open attachments unless you are
Hi Stephen,
Carlsbad reached out to Bruce to get additional info on BLDT. Looping you in, as you lil<ely have more of the project specific info.
Jill Banl<ston, P.E.
Director of Engineering/City Engine.er
Engineering Department
505 South Vulcan Ave, Encinitas, CA 92024
760·633·28391 jbankston@encinitasca.gov
WW)V enclnltasca.gov
Report an Issue through MyEnclnllasl I ~ --w-~ ··1
From: Tom Frank <tom frank@car!sbadca gov>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 5:45 PM
To: Jill Bankston <ibankston@encjnitasca gov>
Cc: John Kim <John.Klm@carlsbadca gov>; Paz Gomez <Paz Gomez@carlsbadca.gov>; Nikki Matosian <Nll<ki.Matosian@carlsbadca gov>;
Lindsey Hansen <Lindsey Hansen@ca dsbadca.gov>; Mike Strong <Mike Strong@carlsbadca.0 ov>; Smith, Bruce
<bruce.smith@sandag org>: Jason Geldert <Jason.Geldert@carlsbadca gov>; Tim Carroll <Tim.Carroll@CarlsbadCA gov>
Subject: RE: BLDT
CAUTION: External Email. Do not click any links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender, verified their email
address, and know the content is safe.
HI Jill,
I'm looping Bruce Smith into the conversation to assist in answering questions. Can you or Bruce send us their latest existing
traffic control (TC) plans and project haul routes and estimated load tonnage. How does this proposed change, revise their
previous TC and planned haul routes?
Did SAN DAG received approval by the Coastal Commission for the changed access point and can you provide a copy of
correspondences to help keep our team current on the project issues?
Tom Frank, PE
Transportation Director/City Engineer
Public Works Branch
City of Carlsbad
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
www cadsbadca gov
442-339-2766 I tom frank@caclsbadca gov
.E.awill.ok I Iw.i.t1er I Yo!.Lluh.e. I .Eliili I £ln.tm:s1 I .En.ew.s
From: Jill Bankston <ibankston@encinitasca gov>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 5:23 PM
To: Tom Frank <tom frank@carl sbadca gov>
Ci:: John Kim <John Kim@caclsbadca gov>; Paz Gomez <Paz Gomez@caclsbadca gov>; Nikki Matoslan <Nil<ki Matosian@carisbadca gov>;
Lindsey Hansen <Lindsey Hansen@carlsbarlca gov>
Subject: RE: BLDT
We've rejected 2 TCPs from SAN DAG and are awaiting an updated plan-hopefully tomorrow. I've been working through Stephen
Here•~ w!J31t _1,Ye're t,!ll_!_f!late_ly_ requesting:_
We're going to temporarily have both ingress and egress from La Costa for a month or two, while SAN DAG works through the
resource agencies to clear the CSS that's along the proposed ingress.
I ..
Jill Bankston, P.E.
Director of Engineering/City Engineer
Engineering Department
505 South Vulcan Ave, Encinitas, CA 92024
760-633-2839 1 lbankston@encinitasca goy
Report an Issue through MyEnclnllasl
1_·_-j ~~--~J[~~-g =1
From: Tom Frank <tom frank@cadsbadca gov>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 10:08 AM
To: Jill Bankston <ibankston@encinjtasca.gov>
Cc: John Kim <John Klm@carlsbadca gov>; Paz Gomez <Paz Gomez@carlsbadca.filll(>; Nikki Matosian <Nikki Matosian@carlsbadca gov>;
Lindsey Hansen <Lindsey Hansen@cadsbadca gov>
Subject: RE: BLDT
CAUTION: External Email. Do not click any links or open attachments w1less you recognize the sender, verified their email
address, and know the content is safe.
Good morning Jill,
Thanks for the contact.
Are there any plans or schematics to help show the proposed changes? And who is your SAN DAG contact regarding traffic control
Tom Frank, PE
Transportation Director/City Engineer
Public Works Branch
City of Carlsbad
1635 Fa raday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA 92008
www carlsbadca gov
442-339-2766 I tom frank@car!sbadca gov
~ I Iwi!w: I ~ I Elllli I .Pinilltit I Enews
From: Jill Bankston <ibankston@enclnltasca goy>
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 8:29 AM
To: Tom Frank <tom frank@carlsbadca gov>
Subject: BLDT
Hi Tom,
I wanted to give you a heads up on the southerly access to the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking. As I shared earlier this week,
SAN DAG began their work by accessing the BLDT site off La Costa Avenue In the City of Encinitas without coordinating with us and
without an approved TCP. The City has our $24M Leucadia Streetscape project unde,way just south of La Costa Avenue on the
101 and a major private development project east on La Costa closer to 1-5. We are requesting that SAN DAG modify their access
so that they ingress through the southbound left turn pocket on Carlsbad Bouelvard across the mountable curb within the City of
Encinitas and egress onto La Costa with a right out only. This Carlsbad Boulevard access is Just within the City of Encinitas
Let me know if you have any questions.
Jill Banl<ston, P.E.
Director of Engineering/City Engineer
Engineering Department
505 South Vulcan Ave, Encinitas, CA 92024
760-613· 2839 I jbankston@enclnitasca.gov
WtYW endnitasca oov
irll I lilil I
Reper!_~ ~~~.!'2_rlo~~ MyEnclnilasl
-~ I ~ ,
!CAUTION.) Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.I
!CAUTION.) Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.I
CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on linl<s unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
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T. ~IIKlw lfldf Ni.I ~J\DN S1IJl,. ,V.TC, »IC,\D• OM/w
"KCIUQtllQAD • .,._uh....,._of■t.■,,,1,,,.,t,~hp.
Tl\WS n.\CMDU,~~IIClON ii: OWoiNQ. 1111 -LA CP,rl4 -VZ .. 14 ,._
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zm fcnini Sl, Sa\lD Ana CA m~ • n4/~1919. llll!l~IOI:
FSSW intends lo ulJllze about 10-15 lrucks (/\bout 35
loads per day of vanous nprap malanals). Ttus request 1s
lempor.iry (2·3 mcnlhs) while v.c arc f1nahzing a palonUal
access from HwY101. Signed traffic control showing
llaggors and signs shown as alt.ached Thorc will be no
work within lhe City or Encinitas aod this is jusl to enter
saroly into Batiquilos Lagoon Ooublo I rack Pro1cct.
,.,..,.,,,,..,.,,.,.,.,,,,.,., IUCOIMING VEHICLE R?JTE
.,..,..,..,,..,,..,.,,.,.,..,, OVTG01!'1G~1C2.ER.(?Ull:
Proposed Entrance from 101 HWY
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~ BLOT -North Access ~ Traffic Control Plan
September 26, 2024
City of Carlsbad
ATTN : City Clerk
1200 Carlsbad Village Dr
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Subject: Appeal of Decision Regarding Working Hours for the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track ROE
Dear Carlsbad City Clerk,
The San Diego Association of Governments ("SAN DAG") is providing written appeal for the decision related
to the plan check of ROW Permit 2024-0519 and ROW Permit 2024-0601 as it relates to the requirements
to adhere to working hours in accordance with City of Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.48.10. SAN DAG
is requesting extended working hours from 6:30am to 6:00pm for the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track
("BLOT") project. This working hours exception is a deviation of one-half hour from the City of Carlsbad's
typical working hours of 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. The exception would include SANDAG's contractor, Flatiron-
Skanska-Stacy Witbeck, ("FSSW'), providing traffic control, accessing the North County Transit District
("NCTD") Right of Way from Ponto Drive , and truck hauling on designated routes within the City of Carlsbad
including hauling for sand replenishment at South Ponto State Beach, and laydown within the Ponto Lot.
The BLOT project involves the replacement of the existing 1940s single tracked wooden trestle bridge
across the Batiquitos Lagoon with a new concrete bridge supporting increased rail capacity with double
tracks. The new bridge is designed to be resilient against future storm events while increasing tidal flushing
to improve the overall health of the Batiquitos Lagoon. The BLOT will also improve the local beaches by
replenishing 50,000+ cubic yards of sand and rebuild the eroding W-2 Least Tern Nesting site located within
the City of Carlsbad. The impacts from this deviation will not affect residents because working hours within
the Railroad Right of Way are 6:00 am to 6:00 pm .
In addition , SANDAG requests unrestricted use of the Ponto Drive access to the NCTD Right-of-Way
(ROW) for contractor vehicles including maintenance vehicles. The off-hours contractor maintenance
vehicles accessing from Ponto Drive would be performing refueling and maintaining construction equipment
located within the NCTD ROW. The working hour request for this deviation is to allow FSSW to use haul
routes and truck access starting at 6:30 am. Shifting construction operations later in the day does not have
a 1 :1 relationship with the end of the shift. The evening commuter train traffic results in more contractor
work stoppages for the train's safety resulting in 20 minutes of actual work during the peak train commuter
hour. If the working hours are to be pushed one-half hour later, the BLOT project would need to extend its
current 10.5-hour shifts to 12-hour shifts to maintain the original production and project schedule. A 12-
hour shift will push construction activities into the evening commute hours.
SANDAG is also requesting unrestricted use of driveway access from Ponto Drive, haul routes, and Ponto
Lot laydown, for its contractor FSSW, during prescheduled absolute work windows (AWWs). These are
windows when train traffic ceases from Saturday morning at 12:30 am until Monday morning at 12:30 am.
AWWs are used for critical work that cannot be performed while trains are in service. There are typically
six (6) to seven (7) AWWs prescheduled throughout the year. With four (4) or five (5) scheduled between
January and March and two (2) scheduled in October. Activities performed during AWW weekends are
scheduled to the minute and are performed around the clock. Without unrestricted access during these
weekends it will not be possible to complete this railroad project. This project anticipates using 2 AWW's
for the duration of the project. How ever others could be utilized to regain schedule. We will notify the City
in advance of any AWW work.
Extending the work hours will allow FSSW to maintain the original BLOT 44-month construction schedule.
The original substantial construction completion date was April 4th, 2028. Due to the W-2 Least Tern
Nesting Site, major construction activities that would involve trucking operations for importing Rip Rap or
exporting sand to replenish South Ponto Beach must be suspended annually between April 15th and August
1st to not interfere with the Least Tern Nesting/Breeding Season. Additionally, the BLOT project is subject
to two Absolute Work Windows ("AWW') associated with railroad outages required to shift the active
LOSSAN Corridor rail onto the new BLOT bridge. The combination of the Least Tern Nesting Seasons, the
limited AWW outages, and now potentially limited work hours pose a real risk of extending the BLOT project
6-12months including a fourth Least Tern Nesting Season shutdown and pushing the South Ponto Beach
Replenishment completion into the winter of 2028/2029.
Per Section 8.48.020 of the Municipal Code, the project meets the exceptions listed in the Municipal Code:
Conducting construction activities during early morning hours is expected to be less objectionable
to the community compared to late afternoon operations. Early start times will help mitigate noise
and traffic disturbances during late afternoon hours, which could negatively impact residents'
quality of life.
As mentioned previously, maintaining the original schedule helps to ensure that the project does
not encroach into subsequent seasons, which will carry significant economic and environmental
By allowing this deviation, we are prioritizing the public interest in achieving timely completion of
vital construction. This project will ultimately enhance community infrastructure, which benefits.all
residents and visitors in Carlsbad.
The requested hours for the BLOT project will be similar to the work hours requested for the future Carlsbad
Village Railroad Trench. Optimizing extended work hours when working within the NCTD ROW around the
heavier commuter rail traffic will also optimize the contractors construction activities minimizing the impacts
to the local community.
Should you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.
Tim DeWitt
(619) 980-0122
This item was continued to a future meeting at the request of SAN DAG Director of
Engineering and Construction David Cortez.
2) Adoption of a resolution denying the appeal filed by the San Diego Association
of Governments and affirming the City Engineer's decision to deny an exception to
the construction hour limitations in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.48.10 for
the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track Project. (Staff contact: Tom Frank, Public
Works and Gina Herrera, City Attorney)
CA Review GH
Staff Report
Meeting Date: Oct. 29, 2024
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Staff Contact: Tom Frank, Transportation Director/City Engineer
tom.frank@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2766
Gina Herrera, Assistant City Attorney
gina .herrera@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2891
Public Hearing to Consider an Appeal filed by the San Diego Association
of Governments of the City Engineer's Decision to Deny an Exception to
the Construction Hour Limitations in Carlsbad Municipal Code
Section 8.48.10 for the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track Project
Recommended Action
1. Hold a public hearing; and
2. Adopt a resolution denying the appeal filed by the San Diego Association of
Governments and affirming the City Engineer's decision to deny an exception to the
construction hour limitations in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.48.10 for the
Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track Project.
Executive Summary
The City Council is being asked to consider an appeal of the City Engineer's decision to deny a
request from the San Diego Association of Governments to deviate from the construction hour
limitations set forth in Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 8.48-Noise.
Section 8.48.010 provides that:
"It shall be unlawful to operate equipment or perform any construction in the
erection, demolition, alteration or repair of any building or structure or the
grading or excavation of land during the following hours, except as hereinafter
provided: (A) After 6:00 p.m. on any day, and before 7:00 a.m., Monday through
Friday, and before 8:00 a.m. on Saturday[.]"
SAN DAG was issued city permits related to its project for a second railroad track over the
Batiquitos Lagoon. As part of that process, SAN DAG requested an exception to the city's
construction hour limitations so that it can begin construction at 6:30 a.m., to support
construction activities in the North County Transit District, or NCTD's, right-of-way.
SAN DAG also requested exceptions for the construction hour limitations for unrestricted access
to Ponto Drive, as further detailed below. SAN DAG appealed the denial of these requested
Staff recommend the City Council deny the appeal and uphold the decisions of the City
Engineer for the reasons explained below. Only the City Council has the authority to decide
such appeals under Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1.20.310, which applies when there is no
other established specific appeals procedure.
Explanation & Analysis
Excessive noise jeopardizes the public health and welfare, and was first recognized as a public
health hazard, particularly in urban areas, in 1968. Federal, state and local governments
therefore regulate excessive noise. The City of Carlsbad, using its legislative powers, 1 first
passed a noise ordinance limiting construction hours within city limits in 1978.
The Noise Control Act of 1972 was adopted by Congress, and then amended and extended by
the Quiet Communities Act of 1978, these acts established a national policy to promote an
environment for all Americans free from noise that jeopardizes their health and welfare, in
part, establishing the Office of Noise Abatement and Control, to coordinate Federal noise
control activities. In 1981, the Office of Noise Abatement concluded that noise issues were best
handled at the state and local level, and soon after funding was terminated.
• On March 14, 1978, the City of Carlsbad adopted an ordinance, No. 3109, limiting
construction hours "after sunset on any day, and before 7:00 A.M. Monday through
Friday and before 8:00 A.M. on Saturday" and all-day Sunday and designated holidays.
• On April 30, 2013, the City Council adopted another ordinance, No . CS-211, amending
the city's Noise Ordinance in response to an increase in the number of construction
noise complaints and amended Title 8 of the Municipal Code to prohibit construction
noise "After six p.m. on any day, and before seven a.m., Monday through Friday, and
before eight a.m. on Saturday," subject to certain exceptions.
Noise ordinance
The city's Noise Ordinance, Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.48.010, governs the construction
hour limitations within the city. Section 8.48.020 provides exceptions to lengthen or shorten
the hours of construction, based on the determination of the Building Official, City Engineer, or
other designated official, based on the following factors:
1. Whether the project is an emergency repair required to protect the health and safety of
any member of the community
2. Whether the construction would be less objectionable at night than during daylight
3. The character and nature of the neighborhood in the vicinity of the work site
4. The potential for great economic hardship
5. If the work is in the interest of the general public
6. Whether there is a previously unforeseen effect on the health, safety or welfare of the
1 California Constitution, Article XI, Section 7, provides that a "city may make and enforce within its limits all local,
police, sanitary, and other ordinances and regulations not in conflict with general laws."
Oct. 29, 2024 Item #11 Page 2 of 14
7. Any history of complaints regarding compliance with the limitation on hours of
An exception to the construction hour limitations may be made based on the above factors;
however, even if the above factors are applicable, the City Engineer may still deny an exception.
Chronic noise, even at low levels, can cause annoyance, sleep disruption and stress that can
contribute to various health issues. 2 Construction equipment noise emission levels range from
76 dBA3 to upwards to 101 dBA, when SO feet from the source of the construction equipment.4
Typical noise emission levels for quiet suburban nighttime is 35 dBA.5
Project background
SAN DAG and the California Department of Transportation, are building a second set of railroad
tracks across the Batiquitos Lagoon. The double tracking will enable northbound and
southbound traveling trains to pass at the same time, and for passengertrains to pass slower
freight trains. The project also replaces a 1940s-era wooden trestle bridge with a concrete,
double-track bridge, which will provide a wider channel under the bridge that will improve tidal
The Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track project spans 0.6 miles across Batiquitos Lagoon, from La
Costa Avenue in Encinitas to north of Avenida Encinas in Carlsbad. It is a critical component of
the first phase of the North Coast Corridor, known as Build NCC, which includes a combination
of transportation improvements, environmental protection and coastal access projects.
Additionally, this project supports the objectives of the railroad operators, NCTD, Amtrak and
BNSF Railway, to increase the overall efficiency and reliability of the LOSSAN Corridor, the 351-
mile rail corridor, which that run from San Diego to Los Angeles and San Luis Obispo and is the
second-busiest intercity passenger rail corridor in the United States and the busiest state-
supported Amtrak route. The total estimated cost for the project is $166 million.
SANDAG request
Soon after SAN DAG applied for right-of-way permits from the city, city staff notified SAN DAG
staff of the construction hour limitations, consistent with the city's Noise Ordinance. SAN DAG
staff requested an exception to the construction hour limitations so that SANDAG's contractor
could begin providing traffic control and accessing the NCTD right-of-way starting at 6:30 a.m.,
Monday through Friday, which is one half-hour earlier than the city's Noise Ordinance allows.
Additionally, SANDAG requested exceptions to the construction hour limitations for:
• Unrestricted access to Ponto Drive for contractor vehicles, including maintenance
vehicles, to refuel and maintain construction equipment located within NCTD's right-of-
2 "Noise as a Public Health Hazard," American Public Health Association Policy No. 202115 (2021.)
3 Sound is measured in decibels, or dB. On the decibel scale, near absolute silence is designated as O db,while a
sound 15 times louder is labeled as 15 dB. dBA levels are weighted to approximate the way the human ear hears.
4 Typical Noise Level (dBA) 50 ft., U. S. Dept. of Transportation study, 1995.
5 California Department of Transportation Technical Noise Supplement, 2013.
Oct. 29, 2024 Item #11 Page 3 of 14
• Unrestricted access to Ponto Drive during prescheduled absolute work windows when
work is scheduled around the clock during weekends, so that construction work can
occur when train traffic ceases from Saturday at 12:30 a.m. until Monday at 12:30 a.m.
SAN DAG anticipates the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Tracking project will require two
absolute work windows for the duration of the project, possibly in January 2027 and
February 2028.
City staff sent an email on Sept. 19, 2024, notifying SAN DAG staff that the request to lengthen
the work hours by one half-hour was denied by the City Engineer and provided notice of the
process to appeal the City Engineer's decision, which is attached as Exhibit 2.
SAN DAG appealed the decision on Sept. 26, 2024, within the established period for appeals, by
providing a letter to the City Clerk, which is attached as Exhibit 3.
SAN DAG asserts that the extension will not impact Carlsbad residents because the construction
hours for the NCTD right-of-way are 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., so construction noise will already be
occurring during that time, and Carlsbad would only be limiting construction noise related to
the access roads subject to Carlsbad's jurisdiction. 6
Additionally, SAN DAG states that if the construction hours are not extended, then SAN DAG will
not be able to complete construction by April 4, 2028, as currently planned. Instead, the
construction hour limitation will delay project completion by six to 12 months.
Two exception factors in Section 8.48.020 apply to the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track Project:
• The potential for great economic hardship, e.g., a potential delay for six to 12 months, in
part due to the need to accommodate the least tern's nesting season
• The work is in the interest of the general public--e.g., rail improvements, Carlsbad
beach replenishment--and using taxpayer funds
Appeal of the City Engineer's determination
There is no appeal process provided in Chapter 8.48, so the appeals procedure provided in
Section 1.20.310 applies. Section 1.20.310 provides that
" ... [W]here no specific appeals procedure is established by this code for any
decision of ... an official that substantially affects the rights, duties or privileges
of an aggrieved person, such decision may be appealed to the City Council [.]"
The City Council must decide whether there is "substantial evidence" to justify the City
Engineer's decision to deny the exception by SAN DAG to extend the construction hours for the
Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track Project.
Courts have defined "substantial evidence" to mean evidence that, based on the whole record,
is reasonable in nature, credible of solid value. (See the 2006 California appeals court ruling JK
Enterprises, Inc. v. Dept. of Industrial Relations.) If the City Council finds that substantial
evidence supports the City Engineer's decision, staff recommend that the City Council vote to
6 Active railroad lines, including the LOSSAN Corridor, are within federal jurisdiction. Given the comprehensive
nature of federal control railroads, the city's Noise Ordinance likely does not apply to the work being performed on
the railroad lines. Under 49 U.S. Code 10501(b)(2), the Surface Transportation Board has exclusive jurisdiction over
"the construction, acquisition, operation, abandonment, or discontinuance of spur, industrial, team, switching or
side tracks and facilities, even if the tracks are located, or intended to be located entirely in one State."
Oct. 29, 2024 Item #11 Page 4 of 14
affirm the denial. If the City Council finds to the contrary, the City Council should vote to
reverse the denial.
Analysis of the appeal
The decision by the City Engineer on Sept. 19, 2024, to deny SANDAG's request for an exception
to the construction hour limitations was based on the potential negative noise impacts to
nearby residents. The current city standard and referenced code sections were in place during
the planning, design and permitting of the SAN DAG project and have not changed.
Because the City Engineer followed the requirements of the Noise Ordinance and made
decisions based on the premise that nearby residents would be negatively impacted by
construction noise before 7 a.m., Monday through Friday, given the known impact of noise to
human health, as well as by the requested unrestricted access to Ponto Drive during
prescheduled absolute work windows when work is scheduled around the clock during
weekends, staff recommend that the City Council deny the appeal and affirm the decision of
the City Engineer.
Public notification
Consistent with the requirements of Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 15.16.160(8), the City
Engineer sent the notice of the public hearing to SAN DAG, which is attached as Exhibit 4.
Fiscal Analysis
There is no direct fiscal impact from this item.
Environmental Evaluation
The recommended action to deny the appeal does not constitute a project within the meaning
of the California Environmental Quality Act under CEQA Guidelines Section 21065 in that it has
no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably
foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and therefore does not require
environmental review.
Next Steps
If the City Council denies the appeal and affirms the decisions of the City Engineer, the decision
of the City Council is final.
1. City Council resolution
2. City staff email to SAN DAG dated Sept. 19, 2024
3. SAN DAG appeal letter dated Sept. 26, 2024
4. Notice of hearing sent to SAN DAG dated Oct. 15, 2024
Oct. 29, 2024 Item #11 Page 5 of 14
Exhibit 1
WHEREAS, excessive noise jeopardizes public health and welfare, and was first
recognized as a public health hazard, particularly in urban areas, in 1968; and
WHEREAS, The Noise Control Act of 1972 was adopted by Congress, and then amended
and extended by the Quiet Communities Act of 1978 (collectively the "Acts"); and
WHEREAS, the Acts established a national policy to promote an environment, for all
Americans, free from noise that jeopardizes their health and welfare, in part, establishing the
Office of Noise Abatement and Control, or ONAC, to coordinate noise control activities; and
WHEREAS, in 1981 the ONAC concluded that noise issues were best handled at the state
and local level, and soon after funding for ONAC was terminated; and
WHEREAS, the California Constitution, Article XI, Section provides that "city may make
and enforce within its limits all local, police, sanitary, and other ordinance and regulations not in
conflict with general laws"; and
WHEREAS, according to the American Public Health Association, chronic noise, even at
low levels, can cause annoyance, sleep disruption and stress that can contribute to various health
issues; and
WHEREAS, on March 14, 1978, the City of Carlsbad adopted Ordinance No. 3109, limiting
construction hours "after sunset on any day, and before 7:00 A.M. Monday through Friday and
before 8:00 A.M. on Saturday" and all-day Sunday and designated holidays; and
WHEREAS, on April 30, 2013, City Council adopted Ordinance No. CS-211, amending the
city's Noise Ordinance, in response to an increase in the number of construction noise
complaints, and amended Title 8 to prohibit construction noise "After six p.m. on any day, and
before seven a.m., Monday through Friday, and before eight a.m. on Saturday," subject to certain
exceptions; and
Oct. 29, 2024 Item #11 Page 6 of 14
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 8.48.20 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, or CMC, the City
Engineer, Building Official and other designated officials, may make exceptions to the
construction hour limitations in CMC Section 8.48.10; and
WHEREAS, on Sept. 19, 2024, the City Engineer denied a request from the San Diego
Association of Governments, or SANDAG, for extended construction hours for the Batiquitos
Lagoon Double Track Project; and
WHEREAS, a decibel is defined by a ratio that represents a logarithmic scale in respect to
a reference pressure level, and on the decibel scale, near absolute silence is designated as O dB
while a sound 15 times louder is labeled as 15 dB; and
WHEREAS, according to a 1995 United States Department of Transportation study,
construction equipment noise emission levels range from 76 dBA to upwards to 101 dBA, when
50 feet from the source of the construction equipment; and
WHEREAS, according to a September 2013, California Department of Transportation.
Technical Noise Supplement, the typical noise emission level for quiet suburban nighttime is 35
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held a duly noticed public hearing to
consider the appeal filed by SAN DAG to begin construction at 6:30 a.m., Monday through Friday,
unrestricted access to Ponto Drive for the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track Project on Sept. 26,
2024, and unrestricted access for construction vehicles during two prescheduled absolute work
windows when work is scheduled around the clock during weekends; and
WHEREAS, at the public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and
arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, the City Council considered all factors
relating to the appeal.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California,
as follows:
1. That the above recitations are true and correct.
2. That construction hours are limited in the City of Carlsbad between 7:00 a.m. and
6:00 p.m., with limited exceptions, to safeguard residents' health.
Oct. 29, 2024 Item #11 Page 7 of 14
3. That the exceptions in Section 8.48.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code were
considered by the City Engineer but were not deemed sufficient to warrant an
exception for starting construction at 6:30 a.m., nor for prescheduled absolute
work windows, when work is scheduled around the clock during weekends, based
on the impact to residents.
4. That the City Council denies the appeal submitted by SANDAG for extended
construction hours and unrestricted access to Ponto Drive for the Batiquitos
Lagoon Double Track Project.
5. This action is final the date this resolution is adopted by the City Council. The
Provisions of Chapter 1.16 of the CMC, "Time Limits for Judicial Review" shall
The time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Code of Civil
Procedure, Section 1094.6, which has been made applicable in the City of Carlsbad by CMC
Chapter 1.16. Any petition or other paper seeking review must be filed in the appropriate court
not later than the ninetieth day following the date on which this decision becomes final; however,
if within ten days after the decision becomes final a request for the record is filed with a deposit
in an amount sufficient to cover the estimated cost or preparation of such record, the time within
which such petition may be filed in court is extended to not later than the thirtieth day following
the date on which the record is either personally delivered or mailed to the party, or his attorney
of record, if he has one. A written request for the preparation of the record of the proceedings
shall be filed with the City Clerk, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008.
Oct. 29, 2024 Item #11 Page 8 of 14
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Carlsbad on the __ day of _ _, 2024, by the following vote, to wit:
Oct. 29, 2024
Item #11 Page 9 of 14
Exhibit 2
From: Jason Geldert
To: Kifil....Ia.e
Cc: vavrosky. Adam; Bertsch. Philip: rnocon@kleinfelder com; stephen fordham@sandag org: Kelly Troy: 1iffam'.
~; Tom Frank; Emily Hasegawa: Mike Strong
Tae (and all):
RE: Ponto Dr Sidewalk Closure Plan Request; ROW2024-0519 & ROW2024-0601
Thursday, September 19, 2024 2:58:00 PM
Row2021-os19 and ROW2024-06Dl Plancheck Comments.pd{
Example driveway plan.pd{
Attached are the plan check comments for ROW2024-0519 (Driveway) and ROW2024-0601
(Temp access over curb). Also attached is an example plan for a driveway apron installation.
Please see the notes at the bottom of the plan check comments. Note that work hours for the
right-of-way and on the Fenton site shall be in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code
Section 8.48.10. Those hours are 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Mon-Fri and 8:00 am to 6:00 Saturday.
No work on Sundays or Holidays. The city engineer and engineering manager for CM&I did not
approve an exception to the work hours. The date of that decision is today, September 19,
2024. According to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1.20.310 you have 10 calendar days
from the date of the decision to appeal to the City Council by filing a written notice of appeal
with the City Clerk. Please refer to the linked code section.
Jason Geldert, P.E.
Engineering Manager
Land Development Engineering
760-814-0229 mobile
Facebook I Twitter I You Tube I .Eli.c.kr I Pioterest I Enews
From: Kim, Tae <TKim@flatironcorp.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 1:23 PM
To: Tiffany Fisher <Tiffany.Fisher@carlsbadca.gov>
Cc: Jason Geldert <Jason .Geldert@carlsbadca .gov>; Vavrosky, Adam
<AVavrosky@flatironcorp.com>; Bertsch, Philip <pbertsch@flatironcorp.com>;
rnocon@kleinfelder.com; stephen.fordham@sandag.org; Kelly, Troy <TKelly@flatironcorp.com>
Subject: Ponto Dr Sidewalk Closure Plan Request
Oct. 29, 2024 Item #11 Page 10 of 14
Please see the attached traffic control permit to close the existing sidewalk on Ponto Dr. The
purpose of this separate permit request is to avoid impacting any pedestrians when FSSW
enters the area without the driveway installed. It is FSSW's intent to install the driveway as
soon as next week once the permit (ROW2024-0519) is approved. We intend to close the
existing sidewalk in the meantime to mobilize in the equipment. At this time, FSSW does not
intend to have truck hauls or large equipment entering through this without the driveway
installed as discussed during the meeting.
Please expedite the review and let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We would
like to mobilize in through Ponto Dr as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Tae Kim I Project Engineer
mobile 619.991 .3163 I tkim@i5northcoast.com
~~~ FLATIRON CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT~~~ The information in this email is
confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access
to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If you receive this email in error, please
reply to notify me immediately. Thank you.
CAUTION. Do not o en attachments or click on links unless
know the content is safe.
Oct. 29, 2024 Item #11 Page 11 of 14
September 26, 2024
City of Carlsbad
ATTN: City Clerk
1200 Carlsbad Village Dr
Carlsbad, CA 92008
G Exhibit 3
Subject: Appeal of Decision Regarding Working Hours for the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track ROE
Dear Carlsbad City Clerk,
The San Diego Association of Governments ("SAN DAG") is providing written appeal for the decision related
to the plan check of ROW Permit 2024-0519 and ROW Permit 2024-0601 as it relates to the requirements
to adhere to working hours in accordance with City of Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.48.10. SAN DAG
is requesting extended working hours from 6:30am to 6:00pm for the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track
("BLOT") project. This working hours exception is a deviation of one-half hour from the City of Carlsbad's
typical working hours of 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. The exception would include SANDAG's contractor, Flatiron-
Skanska-Stacy Witbeck, ("FSSW"), providing traffic control, accessing the North County Transit District
("NCTD") Right of Way from Ponto Drive , and truck hauling on designated routes within the City of Carlsbad
including hauling for sand replenishment at South Ponto State Beach, and laydown within the Ponto Lot.
The BLOT project involves the replacement of the existing 1940s single tracked wooden trestle bridge
across the Batiquitos Lagoon with a new concrete bridge supporting increased rail capacity with double
tracks. The new bridge is designed to be resilient against future storm events while increasing tidal flushing
to improve the overall health of the Batiquitos Lagoon. The BLOT will also improve the local beaches by
replenishing 50 ,000+ cubic yards of sand and rebuild the eroding W-2 Least Tern Nesting site located within
the City of Ca rlsbad. The impacts from this deviation will not affect residents because working hours within
the Railroad Right of Way are 6:00 am to 6:00 pm.
In addition, SANDAG requests unrestricted use of the Ponto Drive access to the NCTD Right-of-Way
(ROW) for contractor vehicles including maintenance vehicles. The off-hours contractor maintenance
vehicles accessing from Ponto Drive would be performing refueling and maintaining construction equipment
located within the NCTD ROW. The working hour request for this deviation is to allow FSSW to use haul
routes and truck access starting at 6:30 am. Shifting construction operations later in the day does not have
a 1: 1 relationship with the end of the shift. The evening commuter train traffic results in more contractor
work stoppages for the train's safety resulting in 20 minutes of actual work during the peak train commuter
hour. If the working hours are to be pushed one-half hour later, the BLOT project would need to extend its
current 10.5-hour shifts to 12-hour shifts to maintain the original production and project schedule. A 12-
hour shift will push construction activities into the evening commute hours.
SAN DAG is also requesting unrestricted use of driveway access from Ponto Drive, haul routes, and Ponto
Lot laydown, for its contractor FSSW, during prescheduled absolute work windows (AWWs). These are
windows when train traffic ceases from Saturday morning at 12:30 am until Monday morning at 12:30 am.
AWWs are used for critical work that cannot be performed while trains are in service. There are typically
six (6) to seven (7) AWWs prescheduled throughout the year. With four (4) or five (5) scheduled between
January and March and two (2) scheduled in October. Activities performed during AWW weekends are
scheduled to the minute and are performed around the clock. Without unrestricted access during these
weekends it will not be possible to complete th is railroad project. This project anticipates using 2 AWW's
for the duration of the project. How ever others could be utilized to regain schedule. We will notify the City
in advance of any AWW work.
Extending the work hours will allow FSSW to maintain the original BLOT 44-month construction schedule.
The original substantial construction completion date was April 4th, 2028. Due to the W-2 Least Tern
Nesting Site, major construction activities that would involve trucking operations for importing Rip Rap or
exporting sand to replenish South Ponto Beach must be suspended annually between April 15th and August
Oct. 29, 2024 Item #11 Page 12 of 14
1st to not interfere with the Least Tern Nesting/Breeding Season. Additionally, the BLOT project is subject
to two Absolute Work Windows ("AWW') associated with railroad outages required to shift the active
LOSSAN Corridor rail onto the new BLOT bridge. The combination of the Least Tern Nesting Seasons, the
limited AWW outages, and now potentially limited work hours pose a real risk of extending the BLOT project
6-12months including a fourth Least Tern Nesting Season shutdown and pushing the South Ponto Beach
Replenishment completion into the winter of 2028/2029.
Per Section 8.48.020 of the Municipal Code, the project meets the exceptions listed in the Municipal Code:
Conducting construction activities during early morning hours is expected to be less objectionable
to the community compared to late afternoon operations. Early start times will help mitigate noise
and traffic disturbances during late afternoon hours, which could negatively impact residents'
quality of life.
As mentioned previously, maintaining the original schedule helps to ensure that the project does
not encroach into subsequent seasons, which will carry significant economic and environmental
By allowing this deviation, we are prioritizing the public interest in achieving timely completion of
vital construction. This project will ultimately enhance community infrastructure, which benefits all
residents and visitors in Carlsbad.
The requested hours for the BLOT project will be similar to the work hours requested for the future Carlsbad
Village Railroad Trench. Optimizing extended work hours when working within the NCTD ROW around the
heavier commuter rail traffic will also optimize the contractors construction activities minimizing the impacts
to the local community.
Should you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.
Tim DeWitt
(619) 980-0122
Oct. 29, 2024 Item #11 Page 13 of 14
OOOJsign Envelope ID: 77BAAD74-0389-4643-9546-405FEDD4346E
October 15, 2024
Attn: Tim DeWitt
401 B Street, Suite 800
San Dlego, CA 92101
Exhibit 4
{_ City of
RE: Appeal of Decision re Construction Hours for the Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track
Dear Mr. DeWitt,
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing
on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the City Council Chamber at 1200 Carlsbad
Village Drive, Carlsbad, California to hear SANDAG's Appeal of Construction Hours for the
Batiquitos Lagoon Double Track Project.
Copies of the staff report will be available on or after Friday, October 25, 2024. If you have
any questions, please contact me at tom.frank@carlsbadca .gov or at 442-339-2766. If you
would like to Include written materials, please send those to me vla email by 5:00 p.m. on
Wednesday, October 23, 2024. Otherwise, you may submit correspondence directly to the
Clty Clerk at clerk@carlsbadca.gov by no later than 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 29,
2024, for distribution to the City Council.
If you challenge the results of the appeal in court, you may be limited to only raising issues
presented at the public hearing described in this notice.
Tom Frank
City Engineer
Public Works Branch
Transportation Department
~~f9f~Lf.venue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 442-339-2746 t Item #11 Page 14 of 14
Oct. 29, 2024, 5 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder.
Absent: Luna.
Council Chamber
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tern Bhat-Patel led the Pledge of Allegiance.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF CONCURRENT MEETINGS: Mayor Blackburn announced that the City
Council is serving as the Carlsbad City Council, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of
Directors, the Public Financing Authority, the Community Development Commission and City
Council as Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency on Consent Calendar Item No. 2 and
as the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors on Consent Calendar Item No. 8 as
well as on Ordinance for Introduction Item No. 9.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held Sept. 10, 2024
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held Sept. 24, 2024
Minutes of the Special Meeting held Oct. 15, 2024
Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Bhat-Patel, seconded by Council Member Acosta, to approve the
minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously, 4/0/1 (Luna -Absent).
Retirement Proclamation in Recognition of Communications Manager Matt Pinell.
Mayor Blackburn presented the proclamation and Communications Manager Matt Pinell said a
few words.
announced there were Closed Sessions held at 12 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. and there was no reportable
action from either Closed Session.
Don Christiansen spoke regarding sustainability and building solar electric canopies with battery
storage and electric vehicle charging over city owned parking lots.
Cathy lewnhard spoke regarding the Vista City Council's vote to oppose commercial flights out of
Palomar Airport.
Vanessa Forsythe spoke regarding the Planning Commission's opposition to the proposals
involving solar panels over city owned parking lots.
Oct. 29, 2024 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 2
Michael McMahon spoke regarding the Climate Action Plan update and the United Nations
Annual Emissions GAP report.
Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Bhat-Patel, seconded by Council Member Acosta, to approve Consent
Calendar Item Nos. 2 through 8. Motion carried unanimously, 4/0/1 (Luna -Absent).
This item was returned to staff to be placed on a future agenda.
resolution declaring excess cash In the Rancho Santa Fe Road Project Fund and authorizing a
final refund of excess fees to all fair-share agreement holders. (Staff contact: Roxanne
Muhlmelster, Administrative Services)
2. 2024 CONFLICT OF INTEREST UPDATE -1) Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-237 amending
the Conflict of Interest Code of the City of Carlsbad; and
2) Adoption of Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors Resolution No. 1749
amending the Conflict of Interest Code of the District; and
3) Adoption of Community Development Commission Resolution No. 569 amending the
Conflict of Interest Code of the Commission; and
4) Adoption of Public Financing Authority Resolution No. 99 amending the Conflict of Interest
Code of the Authority; and
5) Adoption of City Council as Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Resolution No.
2024-238 amending the Conflict of Interest Code of the Agency. (Staff contact: Faviola
Medina, City Clerk and Anayeli Zavala, City Attorney)
SERVICES AND ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION -Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-239
approving a three-year agreement with Emergency Vehicle Systems, LLC for police vehicle
outfitting in an amount not to exceed $457,105 per agreement year and approving an
appropriation of $25,400 from the Fleet Vehicle Replacement Fund to the Fleet Division fiscal
year 2024-25 operating budget for outfitting five police vehicles approved for replacement in
fiscal year 2023-24. (Staff contact: Bradley Northup, Public Works)
of Resolution No. 2024-240 awarding a construction contract to Dick Miller, Inc. for the El
Camino Real Widening from' Sunny Creek Road to Jackspar Drive Project in an updated
amount not to exceed $3,993,598 and authorizing an additional appropriation of $116,050
from gas tax funds to Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6094. (Staff contact: Brandon
Miles and Hossein Ajideh, Public Works)
Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-241 authorizing execution and submittal of a Proof of
Oct. 29, 2024 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 3
Designation Form 184 letter to the California Department of Resources Recycling and
Recovery to designate Allied Waste Systems, Inc., dba Republic Services of San Diego, or its
subcontractor, E Recycling of CA -SFS, as an approved collector of electronic waste for the
City of Carlsbad. (Staff contact: James Wood, Public Works)
2024-242 authorizing an agreement with Adaptaspace Inc. in an amount not to exceed
$356,911 to provide furniture consoles for the Emergency Operations Center as part of the
Police and Fire Headquarters Renovation Project, Capital Improvement Program Project No.
4715. (Staff contact: Steven Stewart, Public Works)
4090 -Adoption of Resolution No. 2024-243 authorizing the City Manager or designee to
accept a grant of $350,000 from the California Energy Commission for the installation of
electric vehicle charging stations at the State Street Parking Lot and authorizing an
appropriation of $150,000 from the Public Facilities Fees Fund to Capital Improvement
Program Project No. 4090. (Staff contact: Shawn Gaskari, Public Works)
of Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors Resolution No. 1750 accepting bids
and awarding a contract to Creative Home dba CHI Construction, Inc. for construction of the
Valve Replacement Phase Ill Project in an amount not to exceed $3,823,800 and
appropriating $562,000 from the Water Replacement Fund to Capital Improvement Program
Project No. 5019-F. (Staff contact: Timothy Smith and Stephanie Harrison, Public Works)
This item was heard following the Consent Calendar.
-1) Hold a public hearing; and
2) Adoption of a resolution denying the appeal filed by the San Diego Association of
Governments and affirming the City Engineer's decision to deny an exception to the
construction hour limitations in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.48.10 for the Batiquitos
Lagoon Double Track Project. (Staff contact: Tom Frank, Public Works and Gina Herrera, City
City Manager's Recommendation: Take public input, close the public hearing and adopt the
Oct. 29, 2024 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page4
City Manager Scott Chadwick introduced the item.
SAN DAG Director of Engineering and Construction David Cortez made a request to reschedule
the item to a later date in order to better collaborate with city staff.
Motion by Mayor Blackburn, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Bhat-Patel, approving a request
from SAN DAG Director of Engineering and Construction David Cortez for the item be moved
to a later date. Motion carried, 4/0/1 (Luna -Absent).
DISTRICT CODE -Introduction of Ordinance No. 50 of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District
Board of Directors repealing and replacing Title 1 of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District
Code. (Staff contact: Shoshana Aguilar, Public Works and Gina Herrera, City Attorney)
City Manager's Recommendation: Introduce the ordinance.
Senior Management Analyst Shoshana Aguilar and General Manager Amanda Flesse
presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City
Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Bhat-Patel, seconded by Council Member Acosta, introducing
Carlsbad Municipal Water District Ordinance No. 50. Motion carried, 4/0/1 (Luna -Absent).
(MCA 2024-2003) -1) Hold a public hearing; and
2) Adoption of Ordinance No. CS-476, amending Carlsbad Municipal Code Sections 18.21.030
(Green Building Standards Code -Site Development) and 18.04.055 (Building Code -Board
of Appeals) with findings of fact supporting California Building Standards Code Amendments.
(Staff contact: Mike Strong, Community Services)
City Manager's Recommendation: Take public input, close the public hearing and adopt
Ordinance No. CS-476.
Assistant Director of Community Development Mike Strong gave a brief overview of the
Mayor Blackburn opened the duly noticed public hearing at 5:25 p.m.
Oct. 29, 2024 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page 5
Seeing no one wishing to speak, Mayor Blackburn closed the duly noticed public hearing at
Motion by Mayor Pro Tern Bhat-Patel, seconded by Council Member Acosta, to adopt
Ordinance No. CS-476. Motion carried, 4/0/1 (Luna -Absent).
This item was heard before Item No. 9.
-1) Hold a public hearing; and
2) Adoption of a resolution denying the appeal filed by the San Diego Association of
Governments and affirming the City Engineer's decision to deny an exception to the
construction hour limitations in Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.48.10 for the Batiquitos
Lagoon Double Track Project. (Staff contact: Tom Frank, Public Works and Gina Herrera, City
City Manager's Recommendation: Take public input, close the public hearing and adopt the
COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS: Mayor Blackburn and the City Council Members reported
on activities and meetings of some committees and subcommittees of which they are members.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: This section of the Agenda is designated for announcements to advise the
community regarding events that Members of the City Council have been invited to, and may
participate in.
11 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
Aviara East/Vista Azul Affordable Housing Community Ribbon Cutting
1380 Laurel Tree Lane
Carlsbad, CA
11 a.m. -12 p.m.
Army & Navy Academy's Veterans Day Military Review
Bliss Stadium
2600 Carlsbad Blvd.
Carlsbad, CA
Oct. 29, 2024 Carlsbad City Council Regular Meeting Page6
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Blackburn adjourned the duly noticed meeting at 5:28 p.m.
Tamara R. McMinn, CPMC, CMC
Senior Deputy City Clerk
December 30, 2024
City of Carlsbad
Sherry Freisinger, City Clerk
1200 Carlsbad Village Dr
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Subject: Withdrawal of Appeal Regarding Working Hours for the Batiquitos Lagoon Double
Track Project
Dear Ms. Freisinger,
The San Diego Association of Governments ("SANDAG") is requesting the City of Carlsbad
withdraw our appeal to the denial of a requested exception to construction working hours
limitation, in accordance with City of Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 8.48.10.
The appeal was filed with the City Clerk on September 26, 2024. It was agenda item 11 at
the October 29th City Council meeting. At that meeting, SAN DAG staff requested a continuance
of the agenda item to be heard at a later Council meeting. We have since decided to withdraw
the appeal. We would like to thank City staff for their cooperation and help with this matter.
We look forward to working with City staff in the future to find available opportunities with respect
to working hours during our project's Absolute Work Windows (AWW) occurrences where normal
train activities are suspended for a weekend to give all contractors the opportunity to advance
major work.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. I can
be reached at 619-595-5315.
David Cortez
Director of Engineering and Construction
San Diego Association of Governments