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PS 2022-0087; ELEVATE TRAINING; Sign Permits/Programs (PS)
( City of Carlsbad Certificate of Accuracy P-37 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Project Name Elevate Training Type of permit(s) applying for_S_ig_n_P_e_rm_it _____ _ P-37 CITY OF CARLSBAD -PLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF ACCURACY I certify all documents and plans clearly and accurately show all existing and all proposed buildings, structures, access roads, and utilities/utility easements. All proposed land use activities, improvements to land, and/or building modifications or additions are clearly labeled on the site plan of the approved plan set. I understand that any potentially existing detail within these plans inconsistent with the site plan are not approved and may be required to be altered or removed. The submitted documents and plans show the correct dimensions of the property, the buildings, and structures and their setbacks from property lines and from one another, access roads/easements, and utilities. The existing and proposed use of land and of each building as stated is true and correct. Further, all improvements existing on the property were completed in accordance with all regulations in existence at the time of their construction, unless otherwise noted. All easements and other encumbrances to development have been accurately shown and labeled as well as all on-site wading/site prer.i.ation. Date: Page 1 of 1 Rev. 2/2022 PS2022-0087 10/3/2022 ,,,.., 11~7~~~·• '{, ~ -;;a7°~. c~ " LA COSTA TOWN SQUARE 3.:1;,;, 0,1a \JJntebel c•, (ar5'~ 0, 9200~ l N r L.a-~~;;......-.1-!IIIU,l>i€J!l;i. C ~• ~rtrOt#'·JI ~-c1 .. ~,ra,..,j:~ 0 1.--,1r,tic.tira:• ,.,. .. r,~ l;!l"e. TJHt'!I_H.,~'6t"i~#W'll~ Nll .. r"'~* .. i 11M.~.,.,. .... l~~1.o'lf11J 'C'l"•)r•··· .... 11:n:'1:tr11-'=, ...... r ~ •c '"T):"t,,rf'':,J'f11'1" .... Ah Tr~ 11.;IN,lr r tt-t.u.l•• 6 L.:«r 'lf'-1~••--',#/rY. ..... ra~, .. t .i-,d:,,.•,:•;ali~11J.-._11 J' ►)l,.!'41 ,.,. ._.,. ...... ~· ELEVATE TRAINING Lettering: Aluminum Back Lit Channel Letters, .125" Aluminum Faces and Return, Painted Black Project Agreement c:: Returns: 3• Black Return Lettering Backs: 1/8" Clear Lexan LED: Sloan Mini White #701269-WT-MB Power Supply: Sloan Modular 60 #701507-MOD Logo Backs: .063Aluminum Letter Returns: .063"Aluminum Attachment ¼" X 2" Pan Head ScreNs WrthAnchors (4 Per Letter) min. UL:Yes LETTER SECTION L.E.D. RPCL HALO LIT HALO ILLUMINATED LETTER (D .063 Al.UM. RET1JRN (D . 12S ALUM. fAt:I (DWWIIACX ©::~~~:=~ FASTENEA TYPE P'ER WALL COHDITIOtHEE AELD OIEO: ©~=~oom1n· CONDUIT © 0,SCONHECT SWITCH (D LE.0. © ~~rJ,"~OONOEO ®""MAAY PACR::NIGICD,ClO'II l ilj _ ~ ELEVATE N ~T RA N SIG~~· APPROHll AS NOi fll 12/2R/2021 Subjc<..1 to Landlord\ Letter dated 12/28/21, Landlnn.l\ approval ofTena'lt\ sign submittal is pr4.widcd as noted Please rclcr lo l>t.'!,ign Review Commmb m,,dc herein; items noted in Landlords Ldler, 't and Gt'ncral Sign Uuu.ldincs pro,·1dl'd for adJilional informatitlll. LmdlonJ.~ approval is subJcd to wmpliance with all applicable pro\ i~iom of Lta:,e and ltmnl 1s responsible for all nei:essarr approval<,. from governing aulhontic~. Jennifer ~~~~!~;gc:!~: H. Greene ~;~~,;~~~-~s 16.08" for "ELEVATE" & 6.44" for "TRAINING" illuminated Aluminum Back L~ Channel Letters A disconnect switch is mounted to side of self contained transformer. Power line provided by 1he customer. AD signs are UL approved. co 0 co ..- Tenants \tore front 1\ 35 linear feet anJ allowed 52.5 \q ft of signage TT store front sign is approximately 16. 5 ~q ft TT rear sign i!s approximately 20 Sq H. C TT total building sign proposes approximately ~6.5 '-q It ol signage ""'" Sign Length: 7 ft 0.8 in ~ Sign Area Allowed: 25.875 Sq. Ft. Sign Area: 14.72 Sq. Ft. Front Sign, Store Front: 22.5 ft Tenants tota.l store front mcludcs:? bays and is approx 35 linear feet APPROVALS □ SEE DISCLAMIER □ SEE WAIVER □ SEE OTHERATTACHMENT(S) CUSTOMER: ELEVATE TRAINING 3457 Via Montebello Suite 162-164 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Property Manager/ Landlord: 9393 Activity Rd ., Suite A/B San Diego, CA 92126 Tel:(858) 552-8788 Fax: (858) 552-8789 sdsignarama@aol.com www.signarama.com ELEVATE lRAINING Lettering: Aluminum Back Lit Channel Letters, .125" Aluminum Faces and RebJm, Painted Black RebJms: 3" Black RebJm Lettering Backs: 1/8" Clear Lexan LED: Sloan Mini White #701269-WT-MB Power Supply: Sloan Modular60#701507-MOD Letter RebJms: .063"Aluminum Attachment ¼" x 'Z' Pan Head Saews With Anchors (4 Per Letter) min. UL:Yes LETTER SECTION L.E.D. RPCL HALO LIT HALO ILLUMINATED LETTER 0 .063 ALUM. RfTUAA (!} .125 ALUM. FAU (DW<AN!ACK ©~:~~:=~ FASTIHER TYPE fl£Jt WAU.. CONDlTION-SEE FIELD 01ECK © t:'=s~~112· CO!<tlUT © DOCO!flECT IWITCH (l) L£.D. ©~~~~ (!)""MARY Project Agreement _95.3Jn I 7 ~-EL EVAIE_ ~ T R A 18.07" for "ELEVATE" & 7 23" for "TRAINING" muminated Aluminum Back Lit Channel Letters A disconnect switch is mounted to side of self contained transfonner. Power line provided by the customer. All signs are UL approved. C l"--0 co ...... APPROVALS D SEE DISCLAMIER D SEE WAIVER CUSTOMER: ELEVATE TRAINING 3457 Via Montebello Suite 162-164 Carlsbad, CA 92009 Property Manager/ Landlord: C: CY) N I"-- TI is allow<.'{l loLJl square footage of signJl)e equaJ to 1.5 limes linear store front. Calculation for all ~igns on first page. Tl' propm,al is within lhe limits aJlowed Sign Length: 7 ft 11.3 in Sign Area Allowed: 25.875 Sq. Ft. Sign Area: 20.83 Sq. Ft. Tenants linear foot.age of store front is approximately 35' O SEE OTHER ATTACHMENT(S) 9393 Activity Rd., Suite A/B San Diego, CA 92126 Tel:(858) 552-8788 Fax: (858) 552-8789 sdsignarama@aol.com www.signarama.com