HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-01-28; Municipal Water District; 02; Memorandum of Understanding between the Encina Wastewater Authority and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for Operation and Maintenance of the Carlsbad Water RecyclinCA Review GH Meeting Date: Jan. 28, 2025 To: President and Board Members From: Geoff Patnoe, Executive Manager Staff Contact: Dave Padilla, Assistant General Manager/District Engineer dave.padilla@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2356 Subject: Memorandum of Understanding between the Encina Wastewater Authority and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for Operation and Maintenance of the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility District: 3 Recommended Action Adopt a Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors resolution approving a memorandum of understanding between the Encina Wastewater Authority and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District for operation and maintenance of the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility. Executive Summary The Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility supplies about half of the recycled water used by customers of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District.1 The facility, at 6220 Avenida Encinas, has been managed and operated under a memorandum of understanding between the CMWD and the Encina Wastewater Authority since 2005. An updated agreement is now needed to reflect current practices and regulations. Both the Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the Encina Wastewater Authority want to rescind the 2005 memorandum and replace it with the new one, which is included as Attachment A to Exhibit 1. The CMWD Board’s approval of the memorandum is required under Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.040(D)(1) because the expenditures for goods and services it authorized will exceed $100,000 per agreement year. The EWA Board of Directors will consider approving the memorandum after the CMWD Board approves it. Explanation & Analysis The CMWD built the water recycling facility in 2004 on property owned by the City of Carlsbad. The city leased the property to the CMWD to build the facility, and that lease remains in effect until Jan. 30, 2055. 1 The rest of the recycled water is purchased from the Vallecitos Water District. Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 1 of 24 The shared operation of the water recycling plant is necessary because the amount of recycled water it produces must be coordinated with the amount of sewage being processed at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. The facility was constructed as part of the Encina Basin Water Reclamation Program, Phase II Project, which includes the four-million-gallon per day recycled water treatment plant, an eight- million-gallon flow equalization storage reservoir, pump stations in the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility and the recycled water pump station. The flow equalization storage reservoir, the influent pump station and the recycled water pump station were constructed as part of the EWA Effluent Equalization and CWRF Joint Use Facilities Project. Both projects were completed in 2005. The CMWD and the wastewater authority agreed on a memorandum of understanding for the operation of the recycled water facility that year. The recycled water facility was expanded in 2018, which increased the treatment capacity to seven million gallons per day and added an ultrafiltration pump station and other treatment process improvements. The updates to the 2005 memorandum of understanding are needed to reflect changes in administrative and operational practices and regulations. They do not change how the plant is operated and maintained; CMWD personnel will continue to operate and maintain the recycled water pump station as part of the district’s recycled water operations. The rest of the recycled water facility, its pump stations and related piping and electrical equipment will continue to be operated and maintained by the Encina Wastewater Authority. The memorandum of understanding requires that the wastewater authority continue to provide certified operators and other skilled personnel, conduct operations in accordance with regulatory permits, provide maintenance and repair of equipment and prepare annual operating and capital budgets. The recycled water facility’s operation and maintenance costs include the wastewater authority’s staff salaries and benefits, building and equipment maintenance, utilities, chemicals, permit compliance, monitoring, accounting and auditing, administration, overhead and insurance. Fiscal year budgets will be developed annually during the wastewater authority operating and capital budget development process in coordination with the CMWD and will be recommended by the wastewater authority for adoption in the CMWD’s recycled water operating budget. Staff recommend that the board approve the updated memorandum of understanding with the wastewater authority to ensure the continued operation and maintenance of the recycled water facility. Given how closely the facility's operations are integrated with the wastewater treatment processes at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, having another entity manage the recycled water facility would create significant administrative, security, and operational challenges. Additionally, hiring and training new staff for the CMWD to assume operation and maintenance of the recycled water facility, or contracting with a private company, to operate and maintain the facility would be more costly and are neither are considered viable alternatives. Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 2 of 24 Fiscal Analysis The recycled water facility’s operation and maintenance expenses are funded by the recycled water operating budget, which receives revenue from recycled water sales to the CMWD’s customers. The wastewater authority’s fiscal year 2024-25 operating budget estimates $1,926,000 for recycled water facility operation and maintenance. The Encina Wastewater Authority will develop future budgets in coordination with the CMWD during the authority’s annual operating and capital budget development process. The proposed memorandum of understanding continues the requirement from the 2005 memorandum for a $50,000 emergency reserve deposit, which is held by the Encina Wastewater Authority. Next Steps If the CMWD Board and the Encina Wastewater Authority Board approve the memorandum of understanding, it will become effective upon execution by both entities and the existing memorandum will be superseded and replaced. If the CMWD Board does not approve the proposed memorandum of understanding, operation and maintenance of the recycled water facility will continue under the terms of the existing 2005 memorandum of understanding until either party gives not less than 180 days prior written notice to the commencement of any fiscal year of its intent to terminate the 2005 memorandum of understanding. The CMWD would continue to negotiate the terms of a new or revised memorandum of understanding with the wastewater authority to meet the CMWD’s total recycled water demand. After negotiations, staff would present a new or revised memorandum of understanding to the CMWD Board for its approval. Environmental Evaluation This action does not require environmental review because it does not constitute a project within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Exhibits 1. Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors resolution Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 3 of 24 RESOLUTION NO.1758 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY AND THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY WHEREAS, the Encina Basin Water Reclamation Program, Phase II Project included construction of the Encina Wastewater Authority Effluent Equalization and Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility, or CWRF, Joint Use Facilities, which constructed and commissioned the CWRF in 2005; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad leased that real property to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, or CMWD, as of Nov. 1, 2003, to build the CWRF, and that lease remains in effect until Jan. 30, 2055;and WHEREAS, the CMWD owns the CWRF, granular media filter pump station, microfiltration pump station, ultrafiltration pump station and certain piping and electrical appurtenances associated with these pump stations located at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility,collectively referred to as the "CWRF"; and WHEREAS, the CMWD and the Encina Wastewater Authority entered into an memorandum of understanding for the operation and maintenance of the CWRF on May 1, 2005 ("2005 MOU"); and WHEREAS, the CMWD and the Encina Wastewater Authority desire to rescind the 2005 memorandum of understanding in its entirety and replace it with the memorandum of understanding included as Attachment A; and WHEREAS, the revised basic agreement for ownership, operation and maintenance of a joint sewerage system provides the authority for Encina Wastewater Authority to enter into this memorandum of understanding subject to the approval of the Encina Wastewater Authority's Joint Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS, the CMWD Board of Directors has determined that it is in the best interest of the CMWD to have the Encina Wastewater Authority continue to operate and maintain the CWRF; and WHEREAS, the CWRF operation and maintenance expenses are funded by the CMWD recycled water operating budget and are estimated to be $1,926,000 for fiscal year 2024-25, and subsequent annual budgets will be developed by the Encina Wastewater Authority for consideration by the CMWD for adoption in the recycled water operating budget; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has determined that the CMWD's execution of the memorandum of understanding does not constitute a "project" within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under Public Resources Code section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CMWD Board of Directors of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the President of the Board of Directors is authorized to execute the Memorandum of Understanding for Operation and Maintenance of the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility, attached hereto as Attachment A. 3. That the CMWD recycled water operating budget shall be used to pay all costs for the operation and maintenance of the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on the 28th day of January 2025, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Shin. None. None. None. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE CARLSBAD WATER RECYCLING FACILITY Attachment A Ref: Admin.24-15777 Ref: Admin.24-15777 This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") is entered into thi~ day otJ_ab. . 2025, by and between the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, a public agency organized under the Municipal Water District Law of 1911, and a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as CMWD, and the Encina Wastewater Authority, a California Joint Powers Agency organized under Government Code 6500 et seq., hereinafter referred to as EWA, with respect to the facts set forth below ("MOU"). CMWD and EWA shall be referred to herein as a party or together as the parties. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad ("City") acquired title to certain real property to build the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility ("CWRF"), and holds title to that real property in trust for the EWA member agencies; and WHEREAS, the City leased that real property to CMWD as of November 1, 2003, to build the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility, and that lease remains in effect until January 30, 2055; and WHEREAS. CMWD owns CWRF, the Granular Media Filter Pump Station ("GMFPS"), the Microfiltration Pump Station ("MPS"), the Ultrafiltration Pump Station ("UPS"), and certain appurtenances associated with these pump stations at the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility ("EWPCF"); and WHEREAS, CMWD is subject to waste discharge requirements related to the production, distribution and use of recycled water in accordance with Order No. R9-2016-0183, Master Recycling Permit for Carlsbad Municipal Water District, Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility, San Diego County, issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, or any subsequent order that amends or supersedes this order ("CMWD Order"); and WHEREAS, EWA provides secondary-treated wastewater effluent to CMWD from the EWPCF per Order R9-2018-0059 and amendments thereto; and, WHEREAS, CMWD and EWA entered into an MOU for the operation and maintenance of the Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility on May 1, 2005 ("2005 MOU"), and CMWD and EWA desire to rescind the 2005 MOU in its entirety by agreement and replace it with this MOU; and _ WHEREAS, Section 12.1.3 of the Revised Basic Agreement for Ownership, Operation and Maintenance of a Joint Sewerage System ("RBA") states that EWA "shall have the authority to operate and maintain other facilities outside the Joint System as recommended unanimously by JAC [Joint Advisory Committee] and in accordance with Operator/Administrator executed operation agreements, which may include budgeting responsibilities" providing the authority for EWA to enter into this MOU, subject to the approval of the Joint Advisory Committee; and WHEREAS, CWRF and related facilities located inside the surrounding fencing, GM FPS, MPS, UPS, and certain appurtenances associated with these pump stations at EWPCF shown and identified in Exhibits lA, 1B and lC; and -1 of 19 - Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 6 of 24 Ref: Admin.24-15777 - 2 of 19 - WHEREAS, for purposes of this MOU, the terms “Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility” and “CRWF” shall include the GMFPS, the MPS, and the UPS; and WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Recycled Water Pump Station (“CRWPS”) and the EWPCF Flow Equalization Facilities, as shown in Exhibit 1A, 2, and 3, are expressly excluded from the definition of CWRF; and WHEREAS, CMWD does not intend that EWA operate or maintain the CRWPS as shown on Exhibit 1A and 2; and WHEREAS, EWA is currently operating CWRF to the satisfaction of CMWD; and WHEREAS, CMWD desires EWA to continue to operate and maintain CWRF, and EWA is willing to provide such services, subject to written terms and conditions of this MOU. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, CMWD and EWA agree as follows: ARTICLE I: SCOPE OF WORK A. The specific services provided by EWA are detailed in Exhibit 4, “Scope of Work for Annual Operation and Maintenance Services for CWRF.” In the event of any conflict between the provisions of Exhibit 4 and this MOU, the terms of the MOU will govern. In performing these services, EWA shall follow practices consistent with a preventive and predictive maintenance level of service and EWA represents that its staff are skilled in the expertise necessary to provide these services and are duly qualified. Preventive maintenance is a time-based methodology when a piece of equipment is routinely inspected and/or taken offline for scheduled service or repairs. Predictive maintenance is a method of establishing baseline performance data, monitoring criteria over a period of time, and observing changes in performance so that failures can be predicted, and maintenance can be performed on a planned, scheduled basis. B. As a condition precedent to the operation of the CWRF, EWA will deliver to CMWD secondary treated wastewater effluent in accordance with EWA’s then-current National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit for the EWPCF and related facilities, as may be amended or replaced from time to time. C. Except as otherwise agreed by EWA and CMWD, CMWD shall be responsible for the planning, design, bidding, construction management and supervision of all capital improvements to CWRF, except as expressly requested by CMWD, and agreed to by EWA subject to the requirements of Articles II and III in this MOU. EWA will, however, coordinate the continued operation and maintenance of CWRF as necessary during such construction. CMWD will provide EWA a reasonable opportunity to provide input and the opportunity to comment at all stages of design and planning activities of capital improvements to ensure EWA has the opportunity to review projects for operability and maintenance considerations and to assess any operational impacts. Any CMWD contract will require the contractor to name EWA as additional insured for any required policies and to indemnify, defend, and hold EWA harmless to the same extent as CMWD. EWA will not be named under any CMWD bid, performance, or payment bonds. Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 7 of 24 Ref: Admin.24-15777 - 3 of 19 - ARTICLE II: BUDGETING A. CMWD shall compensate EWA for all detailed expenses associated with the operation and maintenance of CWRF in accordance with annual budgets to be developed and recommended by EWA and adopted by the CMWD Board of Directors. Expenses may include, but may not be limited to, staff salaries and benefits, building and equipment maintenance costs, utilities, chemicals, permit compliance and related costs, monitoring, accounting and auditing costs, administration costs, legal services, overhead costs, insurance, and, other agreed upon costs, as required for the operation and maintenance of CWRF in conformance with this MOU. B. The CWRF’s budgets will be based on a fiscal year beginning July 1 and extending through June 30 of the following calendar year, and will be prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, the Revised Establishment Document for the Encina Wastewater Authority (“RED”) and the RBA, as follows: 1. Concurrent with the preparation of EWA’s Capital Improvement Program Budget, EWA shall also prepare a CWRF proposed Capital Acquisitions and Planned Asset Replacement Budget (“Capital Acquisitions Budget”) as part of the annual budget process for CWRF. EWA staff shall present the draft CWRF Capital Acquisitions Budget to CMWD for review. The Capital Acquisitions Budget shall be for replacement and rehabilitation efforts, which will not affect the designed capacity or operating characteristics of CWRF, to maintain CWRF’s reliability, safety, and compliance with regulatory requirements, except as specifically authorized pursuant to Paragraph 2, below. 2. EWA shall not be responsible for preparing or executing a capital budget for the improvement, expansion and/or upgrade of CWRF. However, EWA may make suggestions and requests regarding improvements which it believes are necessary or beneficial or may respond to requests by CMWD for any improvements it deems necessary or beneficial. To the extent such improvements exceed more than $50,000, CMWD may request that such improvements be included in the capital budgets and implemented by EWA. However, EWA shall have no obligation to accept responsibility for budgeting or undertaking such improvements except as otherwise agreed upon by the parties in writing. If, before January 1 of any fiscal year, EWA makes a request in writing that CMWD make a capital improvement, expansion, or upgrade to the CWRF that EWA believes is necessary to prevent a negative operational impact to the CWRF or the EWPCF, and CMWD agrees, then CMWD shall make a good faith effort to include EWA’s requested project and estimated budget figures in accordance with CMWD’s budgeting process and fiscal capacity. If CMWD fails to include EWA’s requested project in its next fiscal year’s budget, then EWA, upon CMWD approval, may undertake such improvement, expansion, or upgrade to the CWRF and pass the costs of such project on to CMWD through the quarterly billing process described in Article III below. 3. EWA shall establish a Remote Facility Emergency Reserve (“Emergency Reserve”) for CWRF in the not-to-exceed amount of $50,000. This Emergency Reserve will only be utilized upon written request by EWA, and upon written approval by CMWD. At the end of each fiscal year quarter, on September 30, December 31, March 31, and June 30, CMWD will replenish the Emergency Reserve in the amounts necessary to bring the reserve amount back to $50,000. This Emergency Reserve will be budgeted and paid by CMWD to EWA in accordance with the EWA Financial Reserve Policy. Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 8 of 24 Ref: Admin.24-15777 - 4 of 19 - 4. In the event a proposed budget is not approved, EWA shall continue to operate and maintain CWRF using the previous fiscal year budget and shall abide by the expenditure limits specified in the previously approved budget until a new budget is approved. ARTICLE III: PAYMENT OF EXPENSES A. For the purposes of this MOU, responsibility for expenses incurred by EWA related to CWRF, and as provided for in Article II, will be allocated to and paid by CMWD. B. EWA will bill CMWD for the operating and capital acquisitions expenses incurred in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, the Revised Establishment Document for the Encina Wastewater Authority (“RED”) and the RBA. EWA may issue interim supplementary billings for any extraordinary capital expenses specifically requested for projects exceeding $50,000. CMWD will pay the expenses described in this Article within 30 days from the receipt of the invoice from EWA. ARTICLE IV: ACCOUNTING AND AUDITS EWA must maintain full financial records in an electronic format which can be shared with CMWD showing all expenses related to the work covered by this MOU in accordance with practices and requirements established by or consistent with those utilized by the Controller of the State of California for like public agencies. The minimum requirements of the audit shall be those prescribed by the State Controller for special districts under Section 26909 of the California Government Code and the audit shall conform to accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. A report of the audit shall be filed as a public record with each of the EWA member agencies, with the County of San Diego Auditor and Controller, and provided within thirty (30) days of its completion. In accordance with the laws of the State of California and the RBA, the audit report must be filed within 12 months of the end of the fiscal year. CMWD reserves the right to audit all EWA’s financial records and accounts related to this MOU at any time. ARTICLE V: PERMITTING A. CMWD retains the ultimate authority and responsibility for complying with, obtaining, or renewing regulatory permits and reporting activities related to CWRF. EWA will coordinate directly with CMWD, and with all competent permitting authorities, to ensure the timely issuance, amendment, and renewal of any required regulatory permits for the operation and maintenance of CWRF including, but not limited to the State Water Quality Control Board Region 9 and the San Diego Air Pollution Control District, and by the government of the United States of America. CMWD will be responsible for all costs related to the issuance, amendment, or renewal of any and all regulatory permit(s) required to operate and maintain CWRF. EWA shall maintain all CWRF permits in an electronic format which can be shared with CMWD. EWA must provide written renewal notices to the point of contact of regulatory permits identified in Exhibit 4, Paragraph 2.P at least 60 days before permit expiration. B. In the event of an overflow of CWRF, EWA shall make the initial contact with any regulatory agency, per any applicable permitting requirements, within the required notification time specified in the relevant permit(s), and will prepare, or cause to be prepared, a written Spill Report in conformance with all applicable permit requirements, on behalf of CMWD. EWA will also notify CMWD as soon as possible after an overflow event. Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 9 of 24 Ref: Admin.24-15777 - 5 of 19 - C. In the event of a regulatory permit violation resulting from operation or maintenance of CWRF, EWA shall, after written concurrence by CMWD, make the initial contact with the regulatory agency having jurisdiction over CWRF, as specified in the permit(s). EWA will, within the required notification time, prepare or cause to be prepared, a written report on behalf of CMWD. CMWD must receive a copy of the written report before it is submitted by EWA to any state or federal agency. D. EWA will be responsible for developing, securing CMWD acceptance of, and maintaining a Sanitary Sewer Overflow Response Plan (“SSORP”) for CWRF, as required by any applicable regulation or permit. EWA shall provide such SSORP to CMWD for approval. CMWD shall provide written confirmation to EWA that the SSORP submitted for approval is either acceptable or unacceptable. Where CMWD determines that a SSORP submitted for approval by EWA is unacceptable, CMWD shall make its best effort to specifically identify errors or omissions in the SSORP and to recommend specific amendments to address the errors or omissions identified. EWA shall comply with such SSORP on behalf of CMWD as to CWRF. EWA shall submit the SSORP to CMWD annually on or before July 15 for review and approval. EWA shall have no responsibility for maintaining or carrying out the spill response plans of CMWD for CMWD-owned distribution systems identified in Exhibit 1A and 2 that are expressly excluded from this MOU. E. EWA will comply with all regulatory requirements imposed on CMWD, including the CMWD Order, that are applicable to the CWRF. CMWD shall promptly advise EWA if or when there are new applicable requirements or when applicable requirements change. EWA shall have no obligation to seek any amendments to such requirements. ARTICLE VI: LIABILITY Notwithstanding the provisions of Government Code Section 895.2, CMWD shall, to the fullest extent allowed by law, indemnify, defend and hold EWA and its member agencies (including the City of Vista, the City of Encinitas, the Vallecitos Water District, the Buena Sanitation District, and the Leucadia Wastewater District, and excluding the City of Carlsbad), their directors, officers, engineers, agents and employees (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties") free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, liens, actions, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, based upon or arising out of or claimed to have arisen out of any act or omission by EWA related to this MOU or the subject matter of this MOU, except for actual intentional or willful misconduct of an EWA employee, officer or agent not covered by the insurance required in Article VIII. The provisions of this Article VI shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE VII: PUBLIC INFORMATION CMWD agrees that the release of public information, in situations relating to the general operations of CWRF will be the sole responsibility of CMWD, though EWA agrees to cooperate and coordinate with CMWD. EWA will forward all media requests for information to the General Manager of CMWD or designee to respond to such inquiries. EWA must also notify CMWD of any request for public records associated with CWRF and CMWD and EWA will consult and coordinate in the determination and production of responsive records, in accordance with Government Code Section 7922.535. Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 10 of 24 Ref: Admin.24-15777 - 6 of 19 - ARTICLE VIII: INSURANCE A. Throughout the term of this MOU, as part of the annual Operation and Maintenance Budget, CMWD shall pay for, and EWA shall maintain in full force and effect, insurance in connection with CWRF and related to the services provided under the authority of this MOU. This insurance shall include no less than general liability coverage in the amount of $5,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, auto liability in the amount of $2,000,000 combined single-limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage, and Workers’ Compensation coverage with limits as required by the California Labor Code. B. CMWD shall ensure that adequate property insurance, including boiler and machinery insurance, are obtained in amounts sufficient to safeguard CWRF. Any property insurance obtained by CMWD shall name the Indemnified Parties as additional insureds. C. General liability coverage obtained by EWA shall name all EWA member agencies and CMWD as additional insureds under the California Sanitation Risk Management Association (“CSRMA”) memorandum of coverage. EWA will provide CMWD evidence of insurance coverage purchased and maintained throughout the term of the MOU and noticed as per Article XII. D. CMWD acknowledges that EWA participates in and generally obtains coverage through CSRMA, and that CSRMA does not offer flood or earthquake coverage. The aforesaid insurance shall in no manner limit the indemnity provisions set forth in this MOU. E. The insurance coverages described herein shall be primary insurance. Any other insurance or self-insurance maintained by the parties shall be in excess of the insurance described herein and shall not contribute with it, provided that CMWD shall be responsible for satisfaction of any deductible or self- insured retention due under EWA’s coverage. ARTICLE IX: DISCLAIMERS A. EWA shall not be involved in setting or collecting any capacity or user fees for CWRF. B. EWA shall not be responsible for any defects, omissions or errors in the design or construction of CWRF, but only for the exercise of ordinary care in the operation and maintenance of CWRF. ARTICLE X: DURATION OF MEMORANDUM; TERMINATION A. This MOU shall remain in effect and shall continue from year to year unless either party gives not less than 180 days’ written notice to the other party prior to the commencement of any fiscal year of its intent to terminate this MOU. B. EWA has the right to terminate the MOU by providing 180 days’ written notice, if it determines that the CWRF becomes unsafe or defective, and CMWD does not make satisfactory and timely arrangements to correct any such deficiencies, except where deficiency results in ordinary operation and maintenance of CWRF within the design capacities and capabilities. Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 11 of 24 Ref: Admin.24-15777 - 7 of 19 - ARTICLE XI: WARRANTS AND REPRESENTATIONS CMWD warrants to EWA that: A. To the best of CMWD’s knowledge, there is not at present upon CWRF, or any portion thereof, or on any continuous or adjacent property owned by CMWD, any toxic or hazardous substances, materials or wastes, including, but not limited to asbestos, other than those which have been disclosed to EWA in writing or which are ordinary and customary supplies, stored in accordance with all legal requirements, for the routine and on-going operation and maintenance of CWRF. B. Except as provided in the RBA, there are no covenants, easements, licenses, leases, or any other contracts, written or oral, between CMWD, their agents or assigns, and any other person regarding the operation or maintenance of CWRF. C. To the best of CMWD’s knowledge, that CWRF is fit, without limitation, for the purpose of producing recycled water in compliance with Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations. ARTICLE XII: NOTICES A. CMWD’s point of contact for issues related to the implementation of this MOU is the CMWD General Manager. EWA’s point of contact for issues related to the implementation of this MOU is the EWA General Manager. B. All invoices or billings subject to the terms of this MOU shall be given in writing via email and US Mail and addressed to: To CMWD: Finance Department City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 A copy of all invoices or billings shall be submitted and addressed to: General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 C. All other notices, statements, demands, requests, consents, approvals, authorizations, agreements, appointments, or designations hereunder shall be given in writing by US Mail and addressed to: To CMWD: General Manager Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 12 of 24 Ref: Admin.24-15777 - 8 of 19 - With a copy to: General Counsel Carlsbad Municipal Water District 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 To EWA: General Manager Encina Wastewater Authority 6200 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92011 With a copy to: Best Best & Krieger LLP 655 W. Broadway, Floor 15 San Diego, CA 92101 Attn: Encina Wastewater Authority General Counsel The parties may from time to time change the address to which notice may be provided by providing notice of the change to the other party. ARTICLE XIII: DISPUTE RESOLUTION A. EWA and CMWD agree that the maintenance of a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship between them is an important aspect of this MOU and therefore intend to provide means for resolving any disputes, claims, or controversies that may arise during the course of this MOU in an efficient manner to avoid resorting to legal actions against one another, if feasible. B. Therefore, except for any claim or action filed by a nonparty to this MOU, any dispute, claim, or controversy arising with respect to the interpretation of this MOU or for the performance of any party shall be first submitted to a two-step dispute resolution process that includes, in sequence: (1) an informal meet and confer process between representatives designated by all the parties, and (2) non- binding mediation. C. Except for any claim or action filed by a non-party hereto, upon any dispute, claim, or controversy (“Dispute”) arising with respect to the interpretation of this MOU, or the performance of any party, which is not immediately resolved between the parties, the party asserting such Dispute may, within 30 days from the date the Dispute has arisen, serve written notice upon the others that a Dispute exists with respect to this MOU, and each Party shall then within fourteen days designate one or more representatives and shall establish a time and place at which to meet and confer in mutual good faith to resolve the Dispute. If, after a reasonable amount of time and effort have elapsed, a resolution of the Dispute has not been established to the mutual satisfaction of both parties, either party may then initiate a mediation process by serving a written notice of the election to mediate upon the other. D. In the event the election to mediate a Dispute is invoked by any party, a request for mediation must be filed within thirty (30) days in the San Diego Regional Office of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) and the mediation shall be initiated and conducted in accordance with the Commercial Rules of mediation of the AAA, or by any other method mutually agreeable to the parties. Any statements made during mediation shall remain confidential and may not be disclosed without consent of both parties in writing (Evidence Code §§ 1115-1128; 1152) and will not be used for any other purpose unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing. Any offers to compromise before or after Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 13 of 24 Ref: Admin.24-15777 - 9 of 19 - mediation proceedings will not be used to prove a party’s liability for loss or damage unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing (Evidence Code § 1152). E. In the event mediation does not resolve the Dispute, nothing in this procedure prohibits the parties from seeking remedies available to them at law or equity. F. During the course of any proceeding to resolve a Dispute, the parties will continue to perform any duties or obligations existing under the MOU. ARTICLE XIV: SEVERABILITY If any one or more of the terms, provisions, promises, covenants, or conditions hereof shall be adjudged invalid, unenforceable, void or voidable for any reason whatsoever by a court of competent jurisdiction, each and all of the remaining terms, provisions, promises, covenants and conditions hereof shall not be affected thereby and shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. ARTICLE XV: INTEGRATION; MODIFICATIONS This MOU contains all of the terms and conditions made between the parties hereto and may not be altered except by an amendment agreed to by both parties in writing. ARTICLE XVI: SUCCESSION; ASSIGNMENT The provisions hereof shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the successors of the parties. This MOU may not be assigned by any party without the written consent of the other party. ARTICLE XVII: GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE This MOU is to be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Any action at law or in equity brought by either of the parties for the purpose of enforcing a right or rights provided for by this MOU will be tried in a court of competent jurisdiction in the County of San Diego, State of California, and the parties waive all provisions of law providing for a change of venue in these proceedings to any other county. ARTICLE XVIII: COUNTERPARTS This MOU may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement. ARTICLE XIX: NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES All of the covenants contained in this MOU are for the express benefit of each of the parties. This MOU is not intended to benefit any third parties, and any such third-party beneficiaries are expressly disclaimed. [Signatures on the following page] Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 14 of 24 Ref: Admin.24-15777 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this MOU to be executed as of the day and year first above written. :R_L-SB_A_D_~~~-N-IC-IP_A_~_W_A_T_E_R_D_IS-- Keith Blackburn, President Approved as to form By:tn/4 I< ~ Cindie K. McMahon, General Counsel Jan.28,2025 ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITY By : ___________ _ Scott McClelland, General Manager Approved as to form By: ___________ _ Nicholaus Norvell, General Counsel -10 of 19 - Item #2 Page 15 of 24 Re f : A d m i n . 24 - 15 7 7 7 - 11 of 19 - Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 16 of 24 Re f : A d m i n . 24 -15 7 7 7 - 12 of 19 - Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 17 of 24 Re f : A d m i n . 24 -15 7 7 7 - 13 of 19 - Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 18 of 24 Re f : A d m i n . 24 -15 7 7 7 - 14 of 19 - Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 19 of 24 Re f : A d m i n . 24 -15 7 7 7 - 15 of 19 - Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 20 of 24 Ref: Admin.24-15777 - 16 of 19 - EXHIBIT 4 Scope of Work for Annual Operation and Maintenance Services for the CWRF 1. CWRF, as that term is defined above, includes all structures, electrical, instrumentation, and mechanical systems as identified in Exhibits 1A, 1B, 1C, and excludes the Carlsbad Recycled Water Pump Station and the EWPCF Flow Equalization Facilities, as identified in Exhibits 1A, 2, and 3, that are specifically related to the conveyance and water reclamation of secondary effluent from the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility (EWPCF). A. The CWRF includes: 1) All structures, electrical systems and mechanical systems within the boundaries of the CWRF as identified in Exhibit 1A; 2) The landscaped areas, slopes and drainage ditches within CWRF; 3) The paved access roads throughout CWRF; 4) The Granular Media Filter Pump Station within EWPCF; 5) The Microfiltration Pump Station within EWPCF; 6) The Ultrafiltration Pump Station within EWPCF; 7) All valves and appurtenances, and recycled water lines associated with this equipment and located within CWRF and EWPCF; and 8) All electrical equipment associated with the Granular Media Filter, Microfiltration, and Ultrafiltration Pump Stations located within EWPCF. 2. EWA shall be responsible for all tasks needed to operate and maintain CWRF. These tasks shall be performed within the annual operating budgets and shall include: A. Operation, maintenance, and monitoring of CWRF in accordance with (a) safe and sound operational, maintenance, engineering, and accounting practices and (b) local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Maintenance activities shall consist of preventive, predictive, and corrective maintenance to address equipment malfunctions. Operation and maintenance of CWRF shall be coordinated with the operation and maintenance of the EWPCF, such that EWA attempts to provide CMWD with as cost-effective operation as possible, while maintaining the CWRF’s reliability. B. Development and execution of contracts in connection with the operation and maintenance of CWRF, which must include indemnification and insurance provisions in favor of CMWD. Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 21 of 24 Ref: Admin.24-15777 - 17 of 19 - C. Employment of EWA agents and employees to operate, maintain, administer, and manage CWRF. D. Employment of duly qualified wastewater operators at the certified level required by Title 23 of the State Water Resources Control Board and Regional Water Quality Control Board for Classification of Wastewater Treatment Plants and Operations Certification. E. Preparation of annual Operating and Capital Acquisitions Budgets. F. Provision of financial and audit services for services as required by this MOU. G. Acquisition, holding, and disposition of such equipment as may be reasonably necessary to the operation, maintenance, administration, and management of CWRF. H. EWA will coordinate with CMWD to produce water in quantities and at times determined by CMWD. However, EWA will not operate the CWRF in excess of the design (production) capacity of the CWRF as determined by the Master Reclamation Permit, as amended for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District issued by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, or in violation of the CMWD Order or any other regulatory permits. I. EWA will assume responsibility to notify CMWD and report any regulatory violations associated with the Master Reclamation Permit Waste Discharge Requirements, the CMWD Order, Air Pollution Control District permits, or of any other relevant permits. J. EWA shall develop Standard Operating Procedures and coordinate with CMWD emergency response procedures associated with EWA’s operations of CWRF. K. EWA shall utilize a Computerized Maintenance Management System to store data on condition, utilization, and maintenance of assets. L. EWA shall maintain records of CWRF maintenance for a minimum of five years and CMWD shall have access to the O&M reports data and other records pertaining to regulatory permits. M. EWA shall develop and maintain an asset management plan (AMP) for CWRF. The AMP shall have an inventory of assets in the station and shall include name, asset identification number, functionality, age, location, size, and valuation (full replacement value). The AMP shall also consider likelihood of failure, consequence of failure, current condition, identify assets in poor condition, grading scheme, useful life, predictive maintenance strategies, recommended replacement date, and 5-year budget forecasting of repair and replacement. N. EWA shall develop and maintain a critical spare parts list documenting location, availability, and lead time. Maintenance of critical spares inventory will be determined in conjunction with CMWD. The list must be updated annually in conjunction with the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning on July 1. For critical spare parts that are not stored or readily available, EWA will prepare a contingency plan to address or mitigate risk posed by the potential failure a critical spare part, so as to ensure the continuous operation of CWRF. Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 22 of 24 Ref: Admin.24-15777 - 18 of 19 - O. EWA shall submit quarterly reports to CMWD that summarize CWRF operational and financial performance. The operational performance summary must include daily influent flows, feedwater characteristics, production rates, filtrate turbidity, UF normalized transmembrane pressure (NTMP), UF specific flux, and UF integrity testing. The financial performance summary must include all actual operating and capital fiscal year to date costs and approved budgeted costs. Quarterly reports must be submitted no later than six weeks after the end of each quarter to the CMWD General Manager and CMWD Water Operations Manager. All supporting records must be kept in an agreed location that is accessible to both parties. P. EWA shall prepare permit renewal applications for the following permits: 1. State Water Resources Control Board Contract Operator Registration Application for Wastewater Treatment Plants; 2. County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health and Quality Unified Program Facility Permit; and 3. State of California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety & Health Pressure Vessel Unit. 3. CMWD shall be responsible for: A. The Recycled Water Pump Station, as identified in Exhibit 2, including pumps, motors, electrical system, valves and appurtenances associated with the station; B. The Pressure Reducing Station and Surge Tank, as identified in Exhibit 2, including pumps, motors, electrical system, valves and appurtenances associated with these systems; C. The Recycled Water Force Main pipeline and any associated appurtenances; D. The pipelines, drains, overflows and other appurtenances as identified in Exhibits 1A and 1B; E. The roadway and paved area within the fence line of CWRF, as identified in Exhibit 1A; F. Maintenance of all facility irrigation and landscaping including the landscaping area around the administrative building and parking structure. G. Being the designated on-site recycled water site supervisor for CWRF. H. Any other structure, system or appurtenance within CWRF not specifically listed herein. 4. Operation of Equalization Basin shall be as follows: A. The West (Recycled Water) Storage Compartment of the Equalization Basin, as identified in Exhibit 3, shall be made available to CMWD for storage of recycled water during the months of January through December. Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 23 of 24 Ref: Admin.24-15777 - 19 of 19 - B. The East (Secondary Effluent) Storage Compartment of the Equalization Basin, as identified in Exhibit 3, is for use by EWA for flow equalization. It may be made available to CMWD for storage of recycled water during the months of May through October. Such storage is not guaranteed and is subject to EWA’s operational storage needs. C. EWA reserves the right to utilize either or both the East and West Storage Compartments of the Equalization Basin for EWPCF flow equalization. In the event EWA deems it necessary to utilize either or both compartments for flow equalization, EWA shall notify CMWD as soon as possible to minimize disruptions to CMWD recycled water distribution operations. Jan. 28, 2025 Item #2 Page 24 of 24