HomeMy WebLinkAboutHMP 2024-0005; LANE, ROGER M.; 2025-0011409; Notice of RestrictionRECORDING REQUESTED BY AND) WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: ) ) City Clerk ) CITY OF CARLSBAD ) 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive ) Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 ) DOC# 2025-0011409 111111111111 lllll 11111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIII 1111111111111 Jan 15, 2025 03:06 PM OFFICIAL RECORDS JORDAN Z. MARKS, SAN DIEGO COUNTY RECORDER FEES: $95.00 (S82 Atkins: $75.00) PAGES: 3 Space above this line for Recorder's use Assessor's Parcel Number 215-493-14-00 Project Number and Name HMP 2024-0005 (DEV2021 -0180) - 7335 BOLERO ST NOTICE OF RESTRICTION ON REAL PROPERTY The real property located in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California described as follows: LOT 39 OF CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 75-4 (LA COSTA ESTATES NORTH), IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 8302 , FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 5, 1976. is restricted by a Habitat Management Plan No. HMP 2024-0005 (DEV2021-0180) approved by the City of Carlsbad on September 5, 2024. A copy is on file at the City of Carlsbad Planning Division. The obligations and restrictions imposed are binding on all present or future interest holders or estate holders of the property. Rev. 02/2023 OWNER: RC,c:tef<-M Assessor's Parcel Number: 215-493-14-00 Project Number and Name: HMP 2024-0005 (DEV2021-0180)-7335 BOLERO ST APPROVED AS TO FORM: / :J. I 14 l ?-+ CITY OF CARLSBAD -----------------Owner's Name ~Iv~ Signatllr Lisq N. Fyfe, Print name and title ~ ~ ERIC LARDY City Planner Date l· d-/ l ~ I <J-0~ '1 . ~ Ll . ttlk= l'-/lq/"I Stgnat re CINDIE K. MCMAHON , City Attorney By: Print name and title \/Le/~ Date Date (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached.) (Chairman, president or vice-president and secretary, assistant secretary, CFO or assistant treasurer must sign for corporations. Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation.) (If signed by an individual partner, the partnership must attach a statement of partnership authorizing the partner to execute this instrument). SEE ATTACHED FOR OFFICIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT 2 Rev . 02/2023 A notaJ'/ pubt:h,r ~t!m !jffit:er complet!ngtil;; certlfh:at= vartfii:i oniy tha id~tyr1fth~ ir!OM.rlusl woo ~Ign~ tit! dt?et~~ to ~vhich thi~ ~rt! cate !~ att!ched, and not the truthruiness, accuracy, er '\/§i!cilty of "hat doo.nnetit "}' County of= 5.rn Di!egc . . .. oJbCoftbar I i~~ bef~fs ms,. parsona!iy app;::te Rcqij I-{_ /_a~:-=ai1_ Lrsa Gh~~!1iU1, Nnt.m,. Puhtk: -~cffiw£. ~ F~sj of sf;;f,~~J • -----~~---..JC--:..==-"-"a.~,__"-'.....,..:..._-f--'~="----~----------~~-- wh o prove,ri m n1§ @ t~e ba~!s cf satl5fsctor.w evld= ··cs to b~ ths psrao,.n(~) whc~ nam~s} s/~ra s<ahscrib~ '"t; thti\ \·Vlth!n lr.strwmf'int i:md acicricwlscr:l~$-d to m~ tliat hMs;h~/they e:,:~"i.teti me s-ame In Ii~ 1er/tr,~Jr s ·mcrtz~:i ce.~1:ciiyff~), and th~t by hi~h!f:rh hetr i lgrmti1re.{s) en the: lristriJmerrt ms perscmft}, °'rm~ irtrltlt.';1 upon b.e-hruf of whl.. ms pe,r:1; n{ } act..;,d, ~e:!.Jt~d t'it lrt;tument LISA GHAZARIAN Notary Public • California San Diego County , Commission # 2365347 My Comm. Expires Jul 13, 2025 r C~J".:.ify under PEr-~. T'f OF ?E~ .. H Fff Uri~--, • ~ li:'w~ oft'ie Stfi're of C:!ftfomla m(;i th~ roragoing j:iGEi~~rap-h is tr11;;, ~nci co,rr::;ct. ©F-i'F@~· Compf~ting this infrJrmctfcm ~n dater ottem'lion ~f the ckx:Witem or fretlXfufffnt reottcrr:::hm.ent o.f this form to o unfntemie,:j di:icum=-nt ~~ig:rn~~i2'11 @f k~~tfie@ O • Title or Typi;o or vc-i:u g ~~aa. .. ., S,igr,t r"~ N1at, ------~-=--~=---:~-:;•;!;'~~~::~;~~~~=-~=-~~=-=-~~~=-=-r---' w Ccrpcrfil'e Offire = Titl~(s): _ □ l2~= = w Llml • • ~ .,. 1 w lru:il\ndt112! Cl !f1dlvi~W.:1 o TriJSt~~ .. ,, oo~~rv~oi o Tmme □ O'tf.!er: Ci Ol:.hsr: ·- S!gn~r l!ii R~r~Miting: _________ Slgner !$ Represefltirig:·----~~=~- JjJ ¥ ; 3 i 2 ·s: : j j j j 2 j j t J j5,j ill Jj jjjJf£€::sme