HomeMy WebLinkAbout2025-01-06; Traffic Safety and Mobility Commission; MinutesTRAFFIC SAFETY & MOBILITY COMMISSION Council Chamber
Ml• nutes 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Jan . 6, 2025, 4 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Coelho, Fowler, Penseyres, Newlands, Kohl.
Absent: Proulx
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Coelho led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of Regular Meeting held on Dec. 2, 2024.
Motion by Commissioner Kohl, seconded by Commissioner Newlands, to approve the minutes of
the Regular Meeting held on Dec. 2, 2024, as presented. Motion carried, 5/0/1 (Proulx -Absent).
Lori Robins requested STOP signs at the intersection of Madison Street and Grand Avenue.
Commissioner Proulx joined the meeting at 4:03 p.m.
to the City Council to introduce an ordinance restricting overnight parking on both sides of
Garfield Street from the 2600 to 2800 blocks between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. and
provide a recommendation to the City Council. (Staff Contact: Lieutenant Alonso DeVelasco,
Police Department)
Recommended Action: Receive the presentation and provide a recommendation.
Lieutenant Alonso De Velasco reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the
City Clerk).
The Commission received the PowerPoint presentation by Lieutenant DeVelasco.
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Lori Robins spoke against restricting overnight parking on Garfield Street. She expressed her
concern that restricting overnight parking does not address the issue of sanitation on city
streets and only moves the issue to the surrounding area.
Teri Jacobs spoke in support of restricting overnight parking on Garfield Street.
Robert Lee spoke in support of restricting overnight parking on Garfield Street.
Pat Connolly spoke against restricting overnight parking on Garfield Street. He expressed
concern that there were only two options presented at the community meeting on Dec. 17,
2024. He suggested staff develop a more comprehensive program to address the issue.
Michelle spoke against restricting overnight parking on Garfield Street. She expressed her
concern regarding the sanitation. She suggested staff consider a neighborhood watch.
Eric Rickey expressed his concern regarding drugs and garbage on Garfield Street and
recommended implementing a solution that does not criminalize individuals or push them out.
David Zee spoke against restricting overnight parking on Garfield Street.
Zachary spoke against restricting overnight parking on Garfield Street.
Commissioner Kohl commented that he would be in favor of implementing a six-month trial
run for a safe overnight parking area.
In response to Commissioner Proulx's inquiry regarding the outcome of the restricted
overnight parking on Armada Drive and Surfside Lane, Lieutenant DeVelasco confirmed that
the Police Department received increased calls for service for overnight parking.
In response to Commissioner Proulx's inquiry regarding how to solve the issue citywide rather
than an individual street by street approach, Lieutenant DeVelasco responded that the Police
Department was directed to address the issue for Garfield Street specifically.
In response to Vice-Chair Fowler's concern that the issue might be outside the Commission's
scope, Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Schmidt explained that parking
management, restrictions and regulations are all within the Commission's workplan.
In response to Chair Coelho's inquiry regarding potential enforcement, Lieutenant DeVelasco
responded that a parking citation would be issued.
In response to Chair Coelho's inquiry regarding enforcement after a parking citation has been
issued, Lieutenant DeVelasco explained that standard operating procedures allows the
responding officer to educate the individual on the restricted overnight parking and allow
them to relocate and/or issue a parking citation.
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Chair Coelho expressed his concern that the proposed location is quite different than
previous locations that have been considered. He also expressed his concern that there may
be multiple issues that have been conflated.
In response to Commissioner Kohl's inquiry regarding whether the vehicle will be towed,
Lieutenant DeVelasco responded that only a parking citation would be issued and the car
would not be towed. He further explained that the vehicle is required to be moved every
three days otherwise the Police Department will attempt to contact the owner and notify
that the vehicle is marked to be towed. If the owner refuses to move the vehicle or the Police
Department is unable to contact the owner, the vehicle will be towed.
In response to Commissioner Proulx's inquiry regarding the success of restricted parking at
other locations, Lieutenant DeVelasco responded that for Surfside Lane the restrictions
appear to have moved the vehicles to neighboring streets based on the increased calls for
service in the surrounding area.
Commissioner Newlands expressed his concern that he has not seen significant response in
support of restricting overnight parking.
Motion by Chair Coelho, seconded by Commissioner Newlands, to recommend City Council
adopt Option 2 to make no changes to the municipal code and to request staff to develop a
holistic solution including consideration of a new ordinance to regulate overnight parking
citywide and an investigation into the feasibility of designated safe overnight parking area(s).
Motion carried, 5/0/1 (Penseyres -Recused).
IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 6115: Provide feedback on the Paseo Del Norte
Pedestrian and Bike Safety Improvements project, Capital Improvement Program, Project No.
6115. (Staff contact: Lindy Pham and Miriam Jim, Public Works Department)
Recommended Action: Receive the presentation and provide feedback.
Associate Engineer Lindy Pham and Senior Engineer Miriam Jim reviewed a PowerPoint
presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
The Commission received the PowerPoint presentation by Associate Engineer Pham and
Senior Engineer Jim.
David Pierce spoke in support of the proposed pedestrian and bike safety improvements on
Paseo Del Norte.
In response to Commissioner Kohl's inquiry regarding the feasibility of increasing the width
of the two-way left turn lane, City Traffic Engineer John Kim responded that the 10-foot two-
way left turn lane is a standard width and has not been changed.
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In response to Commissioner Penseyres' inquiry regarding bicycle injuries and crashes, Senior
Engineer Jim responded that she would provide more information at a later date. City Traffic
Engineer Kim added that he recalls a few pedestrian-related injuries that prompted these
improvements, but further research is needed regarding bicycle-related injuries.
In response to Commissioner Penseyres' inquiry regarding whether there was any
consideration given for a right turn only lane, City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that it was
not within the original scope of the project and utilizing funding grants limit staff from
expanding the scope of the project. He further explained that although staff cannot do
striping updates outside of the project area, staff can still consider taking suggestions and
applying them to another project.
In response to Chair Coelho's inquiry regarding the feasibility of reducing the buffer lanes to
increase the center lane, Transportation Director/City Engineer Tom Frank explained staff
have determined that 10 feet is an appropriate lane width for the different users of this road
segment. He further explained that this width increases visibility for side street users, creating
additional space for bicyclists and pedestrians, and prevents overdesigning of the roadway
which would increase costs. City Traffic Engineer Kim added that staff would not support
reducing the width of the buffer lane but could consider 10.5-foot vehicle lanes to increase
the two-way left turn lane.
In response to Commissioner Kohl's inquiry regarding the feasibility of increasing the bike
lane width to 7 feet instead of the proposed 8 feet to increase the two-way left turn lane, City
Traffic Engineer Kim explained that 8 feet is the city's standard for bike lane width and would
not support reducing the bike lane. Transportation Director/City Engineer Frank added that
staff are fully comfortable with the proposed lane widths.
Chair Coelho commented that he supports the proposed lane widths.
comments on the draft Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program 2025 Revision.
(Staff contact: Miriam Jim and John Kim, Public Works Department)
Recommended Action: Receive the presentation and provide comments.
Senior Engineer Miriam Jim and City Traffic Engineer John Kim reviewed a PowerPoint
presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
The Commission received the PowerPoint presentation by Senior Engineer Jim and City Traffic
Engineer Kim.
In response to Commissioner Newlands inquiry regarding the minimum percentages required
in the CRTMP, City Traffic Engineer Kim responded they were determined based on other
agencies' figures that were deemed reasonable.
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In response to Commissioner Kohl's inquiry regarding why STOP signs are not considered a
good traffic calming measure, City Traffic Engineer Kim explained that STOP signs are used to
establish right-of-way.
In response to Commissioner Penseyres' comment regarding standards for speed cushions,
City Traffic Engineer Kim confirmed that there is a set standard that includes slope markings
on both edges. He further explained that staff will remind city inspectors of the standards
that need to be met and will adjust older speed cushions to also meet these standards.
Commissioner Penseyres commented that some speed cushions are of a similar color as the
road, making them difficult to see for both drivers and cyclists. He also commented that he
supports removing STOP signs from the CRTMP toolbox.
4. SEMIANNUAL TRANSPORTATION REPORT: Receive the Semiannual Transportation Report.
(Staff contact: Tom Frank, Public Works Department)
Recommended Action: Receive the report.
Transportation Director/City Engineer Tom Frank reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on
file in the Office of the City Clerk).
The Commission received the PowerPoint presentation by Transportation Director/City
Engineer Frank.
In response to Commissioner Penseyres' inquiry regarding potential cons to the permissive
yellow signal, Transportation Director/City Engineer Frank responded that he is not aware of
any cons. He further explained that cost could possibly be considered a con, but the benefits
outweigh the cost.
Motion by Commissioner Newlands, seconded by Commissioner Penseyres to appoint
Commissioner Kohl to represent and Commissioner Proulx to be the backup representative
at the Jan. 28, 2025, City Council Meeting. Motion carried, 6/0.
Commissioner Proulx inquired when the roadway on southbound El Camino Real at Marja Acres
would be fixed.
Commissioner Proulx requested consideration regarding the bus stops eastbound at College
Boulevard and Faraday Avenue and westbound College Boulevard and El Camino Real.
In response to Commissioner Kohl's inquiry regarding posted speed limit signage for northbound
El Camino Real starting at city limits, City Traffic Engineer Kim responded that he would provide
information at a later date.
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In response to Chair Coelho requested to be notified of when the Police Department plans to
present the Restricting Overnight Parking on Garfield Street item to the City Council,
Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Schmidt responded that he would provide the date
once confirmed.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: This section of the Agenda is designated for announcements to advise the
community regarding events that Members of the Commission have been invited to, and may
participate in.
STAFF COMMENTS: Transportation Planning & Mobility Manager Schmidt spoke about the
special recognition that will be presented to Vice-Chair Fowler at the Feb. 25, 2025, City Council
ADJOURNMENT: 6:14 p.m.