HomeMy WebLinkAbout7566 NAVIGATOR CIR; ; AS010040; Permit1 /22/25, 10:46 AM Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Lot#: Reference No.: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: 190 about:blank AS010040 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit 7566 NAVIGATOR CR SPRINK 2164202400 0 FORTH RESIDENCE Add'I Fees ($) 0 Permit No: AS010040 Status: ISSUED Applied 2/8/2001 Approved: 3/2/2001 Issued: 3/2/2001 Inspector: Owner: FORTH ANDREW J&MARYANN 1476 SAPPHIRE DR CARLSBAD CA 190 1/1 CARLSBAD FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES Permit Submittal Form A. Check or fill in pertinent information for type of permit you are submitting. AS -Automatic Sprinklers . / Commercial_____ Residential_--'V __ _ Number of Heads per System: System #_//_ Heads_4_?.-_ System# __ Heads __ System# __ Heads __ System# ___ Heads __ System# Heads __ System# ___ Heads __ Underground included for approval Underground included for reference only ____ _ Total Fees /tj!J JJ[) ~ FA -Fire Alarm 10 devices or less Over 10 devices FS -Fixed Systems (Circle One) # of devices ---- Hood & Duct, Halon, Special Chemical Agent, Standpipe, Spray Booth, or Appliance. Total Fees __ _ There may bee an additional fee of $50.00 per ½ hour for Failed Inspections. B. Address of job site 7 5(£ /2,,J•U,,. / (vl<l 'f:o R... c112.c t.L-r Suite# _____ _ Building Permit # CB 6rtA f!t,,c;d~ve (l/1;78 J toe C. Contractor Information Name (iv-&Si-o/<Jt-., St d:TVS. /0/2-6 rtfloTt,rc /YD.........__ Address / 1 V 2../ V6al) S/,'2 G-4 {/ tt: Su,,r,rf::/ B City, State, Zip JHnc-?: e: & c ,g 9 2.. 0 7/ Kind of License and number C/6 4 t8'.3S:9 Certificate of Insurance on file with Fire Oept.? Business License on filr with City? Signature 4,~ ~ (Y)>rN ~orN Date 2-Z-O / f:::i LJ nvi IMI ,(.:'!Ji ID -· IF·- ff··~ .... 11 .... :n::) n:;=• d'-:~ LI IL ... c: 11::::::: L. c:: Q....11 ~-{:'.!j, T. :I (]I 01 'Ft. Grc::i!-'A#:~ssAo FIRE DEPARTMENT n:::···· ,en _IL.,,.-·11::;: APPR©Vel3)fl ~,? u··7, n: .. <E::!' i>u.bject to field insp.ectio_!l ./1~.d required .. •.7!:;,;(-; "'h~'s'is-~ libMiolr.\'hei'tid1( cuhffitichis~ln.t sb ·:td , .• :A correspondence and conformance with •••••••• -·-••• ••• -···· •••••••••••• •••• •••• ••• ··--· ---········· 1 ··,;p-p1rcl!15t1n·egutatron-s-:ih1J-stamptng""·-· -==· ·=· •=••=•••c••'·••=••·••:=•,··''·"·~w·:·s:::,,::::•:=;~=:•:·r:~~i~ft~:::=i~· ~~t:·e··:-9~0~~---·······~··•·••--·•=•=••=•:::c.c.:,.:c.,:=:=•••=•= Design Specifications Water Supply Information Systc•2m D,•:emE,nc! o .. :1.00 o .. oo 7~.5 .. 00 p !:=.:. l. (~~ 75 .. ()0 p~~-i (f:! Water Supply Calculation 4:te 0 st Info. Available Static PSI _:J List of Fitting Abbreviations 0.00 c;.,prn 3'.5 .. 00 c;.,pm Less 10% -".) Less 1" Meter -~ :?:l .. O qpm Allowable Design PSI :::z s:: es/ E:·.-·;a.rnpl.E•:: "E:?TC" •"-ont-:? CPVC '30 , t•.Jo STL T BRCH, and one CHECK VA Code:Description Code:Description A ALARM VA H CPVC TR B BUTTFLY VA I CPVC BHT C CHECK VA J CPVC COUP. D DRY PIPE V K COP CHK E CP'./C •:JO CP'v'C: 41.:; !,:: Tl.... Ci ~;n:: V L M J\I COP lciATE V COP 4'.5 CDP 'JO Code:DescYiption 0 COP T PUN P CDP T BF:CH G1 R s T u STL 45 STL '30 STL T 1;:t.JN STL T BRCH i:·1.nw IJ\IDIC Code:Description V l,,I y 7 .... Cales By: Mark L. Hopwood Checked: ____ 02-05-00 Page: 1 BeY:*310046* Hypercalc Program by Crowley Design Group, (215)-337-7060 .,:;;;;,L r-·l d D--1 ,=• s. •E::;; F--l ,:::, '"""' ·1':c5- F o u -rt h F.:esidence L) 1.:-:-:, ·:;;:. i t~1 n cl i:::! r .. , <.::~ i t y· :: .. :I. (i Supplied flow and ptessure is based on 38.32 psi available at supply :1.c,,, no 75.00 psi is actually available) :I.E.,,. 80 I< i::··.,::1ct Ol' 0 .. 00 F"I....Dl;-J A,:: t l.li"l Mini.mum 1.6" 0 16. 0 !5 .. 0 5 .. 0 P,?·rcent E :·,.~ c ,:,.?. ~::. ~;; F:,::e f .. F't" Cales By: Mark L" Hopwood Checked: ____ _ 02·-05 .. ·-00 Pt:1.r1i::::::: R•ri*310046* Hvca-rcalc Program by Crowley Design C:i1·-oup '} ( :? 15) ·--3::37··-·7060 F1ow ~nd Press~r~ s~mm=ry Job No:65-1520 Fourth Residence El8v, REF. Flow P\ Pf Pe Pt REF, Elev, FR I CT ION LOSS CAL CUL AT IONS Velocity ft. POINT gpm psi psi psi psi POINT ft. 18.25 1 18.25 2 18. 25 .-, 18.25 3 18.25 B 'l. 50 C 9.50 Rl -2.50 UI -2.00 U2 !6.0 << 16.80 0.72 0.00 17.52 A -, :, I J j. ,l \ \ 17.65 0.25 0.0(1 17.93 3 7.3 >> 17.65 -0.13 0.00 17.52 A 7.3 ~~ 17.93 1.02 0.00 18.95 B I l \\ 8.7 << 17.52 1.43 0.00 18.95 B << 16.0 << 18.95 1.87 3.80 24.61 C << 16.0 << 24.61 3.06 0.00 27,67 Rl 16.0 <t 27.67 1.10 3.91 32.67 R2 21.(1 ,, 32.67 0.49 1.30 34.47 Ul 21.0 << 34.47 1.08 -0.22 35.33 U2 21.0 << 35.33 2.56 0.43 38.32 U3 18.25 18.25 18.25 18.25 18,25 9.50 9.50 0.50 -2.50 -2.00 -3.00 Length Fitting Length Total Pf/ft Diam C Flow fps 10.00 HI f..00 15,00 EFH 9.00 11.50 H 1. 00 73.50 2EBH2F 24.00 58. 25 3E2!8H 3"3. 00 17.50 2E2I 24.00 39,00 3E3HI 29.00 9.00 ECU3H 15.50 10.00 N 3.00 54.00 15.00 MP 6.00 16.00 0.045 1.101 150 24.00 0.010 !.IOI 150 12.50 0.010 I.IOI 150 97.50 0.010 I.IOI 150 97.25 0.015 1.101 150 41.50 0.045 1.101 150 68.00 0.045 1.101 150 24.50 0.045 1.101 150 13.00 0.038 1.265 15(1 54.00 0.020 1.442 15(1 21.1)(1 0.122 l),'3"35 151) 16. 0 7.3 7,3 7.3 8.7 16.0 16.0 16.0 21. 0 21. 0 21. (I 5.4 2.4 2,4 2.4 2. '3 5.4 5,4 5.4 5.3 4.1 8.6 Cales By: Mark L. Hopwood Checked: ____ 02-05-00 Page: 3 Ser:*310046* Hypercalc Program by Crowley Design Group, (215)-337-7060 Path SummaYy PYintout foy Fourth Residence D;-i:1'•·-' :i. n•;J :: F. :I.···· F"3 Principal path Feeds Path:2 at Pt:B =----------------------------====--==----==----====--====-=====-============================================================== Eef Elev. Pt. ft. Pressure (psi) K Flaw Pt Pv Pn Factor Added (gpml Veloc Diam. Actual Fitting Fitting Total Frict,Loss Elev. Loss Next Ref Total fps in. Length Summary Length Length per.ft Total Psi (ft.) Press Pt. -----------------------------===---=-----==----=-----===----==--=======================-====--====-=======================-=== IC=150) 18.25 16. 8(1 16.80 3. 30 16.0 16.0 5.37 I. 101 10.00 HI 6.00 16.00 0.045 0.72 17.52 A A 18.25 17.52 17.52 -8.7 ' 0 2.44 I. 101 11.50 H 1.00 12.50 (1,010 0.13 17.65 ,, I, J L .•, 18.25 17.65 17.65 7,3 2.44 1. 101 15.00 EFH 9.00 24.01) 0.010 0.25 17.n 0 .. J 0 18.25 17.'33 17,'33 7.3 2.44 1.101 73.50 2E8H2F 24.00 97.50 0.010 1.02 18.95 B J B 18.25 18 .'35 18.'35 8.7 16,0 5.37 1. 101 17.50 2E2I 24.00 41.50 0.045 1.87 3, 8(1 ( 8.75 i 24. 61 C ,-. 9. 50 24.61 24.61 16.0 5.37 !. 101 39.00 3E3HI 29.00 68.00 0.045 3.06 27.67 Rl ,_ Cd r:. i 'l, 50 27.P 27.6? 16.0 5.37 !. 101 9.00 ECU3H 15.50 24.50 0.045 1.10 3.91 ( 9.00 132,67 R2 R2 0. 50 32.57 32.67 5.0 21. 0 5.34 !. 265 10.00 N 3.00 13.00 0.038 0.49 !. 30 ( 3.00 )34.47 Ul Ul -2,50 34,47 34.47 21. 0 4. 11 !. 442 54.00 54.00 0,020 1.08 -0.22 (-0.50 )35.33 U2 U2 -2. <)(I ,,c-.,,, ,:'!J,J.j 35.33 21. 0 8.64 0.9'35 15.00 MP 6.00 21.00 0.122 2.56 0.43 ( 1.00 )38.32 U3 11') -3.00 3:3. 32 AAAA-',A -'·.J l :•.: I F::• .,:::c1: ··!::; 11··-·h F 2d by path Ne..! ============================================================================-===--==----=-----------==--------------------=--- Ref Elev, Pt. ft. Pressure (psii K Flow Pt Pv Pn Factor Added (gpml Veloc Diam. Actual Fitting Fitting Total Frict.Loss Elev. Loss Next Ref Total fps in. Length Summary Length Length per.ft Total Psi lft.i Press Pt. ===============================================================-===============----------------------------------------------- A 18,25 17.52 B 18. 25 18.'35 17.52 IC=150l 8.7 2.93 1.101 58.25 3E218H 39.00 97.25 0.015 1.43 Cales Bv:MaYk L. Hopwood Checked By: ____ Page: P-01 13.'35 B SeY:*310046* H~peYcalc Program by Crowley Design Group, (215)-337-7060 HI L.11 H ...... . c:: fl".'.:!11 11 ..... C: Lil ft. IF F-":::::, JUL lr'". it:;: U-·; •==" ,,....,.., 7566 Navigatror Circle Carlsbad CA :!:3 IL ... l ft:::; n11 Ji.. t -t;: ,io,~ en B y Western States Fire Protection 11421 Woodside Avenue Suite IB Santee CA 92071 Design Specifications [iE!n :~;. i +_: \' I:> l~·~ ~:::. i (;1 r·1 (1 ·( E:• E:'! :: (),, :!. 00 0 11 0() Water Supply Information 7~::i 11 00 p ~:::-:i. (~! 7'.~j .. 00 p~,i. @ 0 .. (l(i CJplT! :~-::;~:; .. oo gr.:im Syic;.tem DF2mdnd Jl .. O qpm '.:'.::: :8.. "" (:) ~;;;11 ;::::, rt"H'li (:§! •.::ft-Er "" ":'.:iP l. n::::J1 ~:::::i-::n_ Sy=t=m ==f=ty f=ct=Y= :;;:,: E::1: "" C> B IP• =· ::ii.. Water Supply Calculation Lastest Info. L~ 10% Available Static PSI '?1 O -, Less 1" Meter Allowable Design PSI t t:; P'>I List of Fittinq Abbreviations [:;,.:;,:1mple: ''E2TC'' == Coe!(•?:: D1;;:!::::.cy· :i.pt i(::in (01 i~L.AF:M ,.,,,:, :0 BUTTFL Y VP1 1 ... : I) CHECI< ')P, DPY PIPE 'v' c1=·vc •:::jo C:F'\)C 4:5 '.:c,TL (j(:1TE:, ') one CPVC 90 , two Code:?: !),2scr ipt ion H CF''-JC TP I CPVC BHT J f::: l... M I\I CPVC CDUP .. COP c1-w: COP GATE ',./ COP 4'.5 CDP '.30 -~ STL T BRCH, and one Code:Descripti.on 0 CDP T PUI\I p CDP T BF,:CH Cl STL.. 45 p STl... '30 G STL T l?UN T sn .. T BF,:CH lJ FLDl"l IMDIC CHECK VA Code:Description V l.J y z Cales By: Mark L .. Hopwood Checked: ____ 02-05-00 Page: 1 ;~r :*310046* Hypercalc Program by Crowley Design Group, (215)-337-7060 -o:=1t. lri ,r..::1 D····-1 ·==· '!::::,-E~ u=--·-JL ,::::, 11,, .... , ·e;,, Fouirth 1:;;:,2s.:i.dence !)c:·•:c.. :i. gn df'"'•n ·:c:. :i. t y: . l. 0 Supplied flow and pressure is based on 46.91 psi available at supply !?!'" f" r,:•t" ( 75 .. 00 psi is actually available) PPF'.3,31...IPE F-"t Pv l l .. l '::; 1:1..1'.'.~ :I. :l" :l~i f< F ,:~ct or 3 .. ·:10 :::~ .. 90 0 .. 00 13 .. 0 1.3 .. 0 5 .. 0 Minimum 1'.3 .. 0 13 .. 0 ~.1 .. 0 Pe·,rcent [7~ >-~ C t":;o~S°::i- 0 .. ()~-~ 0 .. 0'.!··:. O .. Oi'., PE!f" Pt .. Cales By: Mark L. Hopwood Checked: ____ 02-05-00 Page: 2 Ser:*310046* Hypercalc Program by Crowley Design Group, (215)-337-7060 •• --· ••• >•4• -------·~-~------·-·. g:::··· :]_ ,c:• 11 .. """ -c:.:ii.nd r"1i:-(-2 ~=s. ~~s ~ .. -'-,,...-!::::?' b L.Q. lf171 dl'll a l-y· J'ob ~•.lo: 65-· :I. 520 Fourth P<?.i,d den,: e Elev. REF. FlQW Pt Pf Pe Pt REF. Elev. F R I C T I 0 N L O S S CALCUL A T I 0 N S Velo,:ity ft. POINT gpm psi psi psi psi POINT ft. Length Fitting Length Total Pf/ft Diam C Flow fps 18.25 2 << 0.4 << I 1.15 0.00 0,00 I I. 15 3 18.25 15.00 EFH 9.00 24.00 0.000 I. 101 150 0.4 O. I !8.25 ,; .. << 12. 6 << 1 I. 15 0,36 0,00 11.50 A 18.25 11.50 H 1.00 12.50 0.029 I. 101 150 12.6 4 ,, ... 18.25 ~ 13.4 << I I. I 5 3.17 0.00 14.33 B !8.25 73.50 2E8H2F 24.00 ·n. 50 o. 033 !. IOI 150 13.4 4.5 -18.25 A 12,5 << 1 I. 50 2.82 o.oo 14.33 B 18.25 58.25 3E218H 39.00 97.25 0,029 1.101 150 12,6 4 ·1 ... 18.25 B (( 26.0 ·' , 14.33 4.60 3.80 22.72 C 9.50 17.50 2E2I 24.00 41.50 0.111 I. 101 150 26.0 8.7 \\ 9,50 (: 26.(! {( 22.72 7.54 0.00 30,26 RI 9.50 39.00 3E3HI 29.00 68.00 0. 111 I. IOI 150 26.0 8. 7 '3, 50 RI << 26.0 << :30. 26 2.71 3.91 36.88 R2 0.50 9.00 ECU3H 15.50 24.50 0.111 I. 101 150 26,(1 8.7 0.50 R'.• <'( 3i.O << 3t,,88 1.01 I. 30 39,19 UI -2.50 10.00 N 3.00 13.00 0.078 1.265 150 31. (I 7.9 -2.50 U! 31. !) (< 3'3, 19 2,23 -(1,22 41.20 U2 -2.00 54.00 54.(10 0.041 I. 442 150 31.0 6. 1 -2.00 U2 31.(l << 41.20 5.27 0.43 46,91 U3 -3.00 15.00 MP 6.00 21. 00 0.251 0.995 150 31. 0 12.8 Cales By: Mark L. Hopwood Checked: ____ 02-05-00 Page: 3 10046* Hypercalc Program by Crowley Design Group, (215)-337-7060 Path SummaYy PYintout foy FouYth Residence 02·-···0!:.;R ... oo f3ystem: :I. :;::::::" .,:c,,,,. ·t: I!·•··; 11'•,,.n ,,:::, :: Jl Principal path Feeds Path:2 at Pt:8 -----------------------------=-----==----=-----==----===---===--=============================-===--=======================-=== Rei Elev. Pt. ft, Pressure (psi) f.'. Flow Pt Pv Pn Factor Added 1gpm) Veloc Diam. Actual Fitting Fitting Total Frict,loss Elev. Loss Next Ref Total fps in, Length Summary Length Length per.ft Total Psi (ft.) Press Pt. -----------------------------===-=-====--=====-====--====--=================================================================== (C=150) 18.25 1 L50 11.50 1.101 10,00 HI 6.00 16.00 11. 50 A A 18.25 11.50 11. 50 -12.6 -12.6 4.24 1.101 11. 50 H 1.00 12.50 0.029 -0.36 1 I. 15 ,, i. 2 18.25 1 I. 15 11. 15 3.'30 13.0 0.4 0. 14 I. 101 15.00 EFH 9.00 24.00 0.000 0.00 11.15 3 ., 18.25 11. 15 11. 15 3.90 13.0 13.4 4.51 1.101 73,50 2EBH2F 24.00 97.50 0.033 3.17 14.33 B " B 18.25 14.33 14.33 12.6 26.0 8.75 I. 101 17.50 2E21 24.00 41.50 0.111 4,60 3.80 ( 8.75 )22.72 C C 9.50 22.72 .-,.-, ..,.-, 26.0 8.75 I. IOI 39.00 3E3HI 29.00 68.00 0.111 7.54 30.25 RI 1.L, I 1. Ri ·uo 30. 2s 30.25 25,0 8,75 I. 101 9.00 ECU3H 15.50 24.50 0.111 2.71 3.91 ( 9.00 )36.88 R.-, .L ;,.-, !),50 36.88 36.88 5.0 31. 0 7.90 1.265 10.00 N 3.00 13.00 0.078 1.01 1.30 ( 3.00 )39.1"3 Ul ..... U1 -2.50 3'l.1'3 3'3, 19 31. (l 5.08 1.442 54.00 54.00 0.041 2.23 -0.22 (-0.50 )41.20 U2 U2 -2.00 41.20 41.2(1 31. 0 12.77 0.995 15.00 MP 6.00 21. 00 0. 251 5.27 0.43 ( 1.(1(1 )46.91 U3 U3 -3.t)I) 46,'31 AA/\AAA .,,,\i,hi, r:::, .. ·"'"'''-··P.:::: 11·7, Fed by path No.! =-===========~================-================~=================================--==---=-----------==---------------------=-- Ref Elev. Pt. ft. Pressure (psi) K Flow Pt Pv Pn Factor Added (gpm) Veloc Diam, Actual Fitting Fitting Total Frict.Loss Elev. Loss Next Ref Total fps in. Length Summary Length Length per, ft Total Psi (ft,) Press Pt. ================================================================-===============---=--------------==----------==---===-======= A 18.25 11.50 B 18. 25 14. 33 1 !. so (C=150) 12.6 4.24 1.101 58.25 3E218H 39.00 97.25 0.029 2.82 AAA AAA 14.33 B Cales Bv:MaYk L. Hopwood Checked By: ____ Page: P-01 Ser:*310046* H~peycalc PyogYam by Cyowley Design Group, (215)-337-7060 - - •·· -------- ,• .. -Belialllf! rr rr J-fftJJ Model F1/R SfJ Concealed Resldenflal Sprinkler The Lifesaver Concealed A Concealed Resfdentfal Sprfnkler Features 1. Lowest Concealed Resfdentlal Sprfnlder Flows to 211 x 20'. 2. Two Ve,sfons: • 1~• Adjustment •5/18• Adjustment 3. flgged~msrsratmse,my.t-b ~thennalelemett 4. Simple sturdy CCNer attachment. 5~ Utilizes the Model F1ffSG Pendert Resldenlfal Sptfnkfer. 6. Aesthetic CeDlng Profile. 7. As heat sensitive as~ resldentfal sprinkfe,s. 8. Available In brass1,phr0me and bfack platect or painted nnlshes. 9. lnslafJatialdoes notrecJ.teclfps orsprlngs 10. Listed by l:lnderwrfters Laboiatcrfes, Inc. Product DescrlpUon The Reffable UeSaver Model FfAEW CCl1Ceafed ~laanauracuve, low~ccr.cealechllfdantfal a0lfnlder ~-Thia ~ISl8fftll1. Ullllzel • Model F1/RES/S . .c>endent l'Nfdanlfal aprt.,_rn a •P.1- W:: cF1..=:t~ = ===== end. ~and~-= t1bttw Iha Model RC1 Wrench. The ='81ow~et»1etplataaaiemb1Ylllllaehadll> the sprfnklercup using a 81i0ng lhreadea engagemert. Twoallracllva ~uaemblelareavallabll. theffnlt~ 1/2• of~~\\f1Rethl aaconc:fi,nwldes an even lowir prollle wllh 6/18• maxi-mun adjuslment. ..... lhaModel Pf/RES/3Concealed ResldenUal Sprbkfar lsalaatnt8PQ'l88ntsldenlfaltqlba~bulb~. This _....,,,_ Ulllfza8 a a.o nm ......... bulb. 1?1ese m hlYI damoliStlated w-ftnea which are $to 10-fastarflan~eprlnkfnd the 8111111 fa11:)eraU8 rdng. lhaModel F1JREal3ConcealadResldenlfalSixfnkle,- ~waterhan~~below--1he1he g-~~-== 8tindaR:f palf8ma. .2!!~~apeedd~_!,lldpclal UIOUIINlll,IU~uf-~ ••· IUVfln ablllly b conll0I R!Sfdenlfal 188.s evacualfonlmeb~and • I • Ives. The Model F1,flES,1 Concealed • • ,. a UL Uated realdenlfal llplfnlder I dended m be lnsfalled In Wit pipe --~ d rm and two fM'.llly dweDll:.1Qlandmobllehoirlll.rnntarc:fandal~ up.b ti.r atcrfea h halaht. ah lhe reafda 1lfal portions of any occupancy par NFPA130, 13R. or 13. • --'-• ,:~ NorthMec0uesten Patkway,Mot.ntVemon. NcrNYork 10552 AppllcaUori and lnatallaUon ~~ Model1r=r:eeFM!!l!P Concealed Resldenlfal V,.,.H_ U888 IIIV 1iN ,-muudf F'f,fiES(3 Arndant Raal- denlfal &mkler'wlh a ~a'llhaided_ ~ ModafCCPcup ~~==n• lht••-=: 1359Fra1edMoctalCCP~= tQMllo plal8~cup111amblesnarrached$ 8fi'a1g ~AchafcldtM, assembles povfdei .,,_W-ot 5118• dorNS mat. lheCCMlfplale faallacfmb 118akttuam 13 ~nr..claaalllcatfMblbla"1o'/.Whan,_ plate encl llctt ruae..rfl::. =~ 1110:: ~ 1he spinkler b ht rfq ~ ~ ~ hcraases In at~ cauae~ IAIIWope,atb\ whfch~fll~andalJowalhe. water 1o tie d1alrlbuted ., • hemJspherfcal pattem the sprinkler cfeffecb'. ~~any~ d fll CO\flllo ~~ and Qp --that lhe apmkler,. ,.,...,.,...,, positioned ntlalMt ID l'9 cei11ng. . . lhltle&Ml'ModalF1,flES(JCa1C881acf=-=nXJSt ~~.!'~~•naufntlor p,snure 11 ...... !Y"~-111_...., hifa'8tb\ ,rdplildar1b.,...fiatt.dlfltgapbet,vaen -~--:.v=,e,_cq,-.,.q)er1 and ~~:.=:="bbtModel beapr;,J:;tteept•11aaq. n:'f:a.~ :=':.:'a:=.,...,h~fl! dfarna11r,-curnrotw~ab\'I lnaWa-=!~==~~ ., -1359F rared Model r~ OMtpla(l asaamblles. ~ ~ ~ ccncealed Ol 18CBll11ecf C0Y8I" the nrillarlon d.,.a',A~~or ==~"Ix,~=:= wanantlss. ldng,. andappnwals. Model F1/RES/3 Concealed Pendent Realdentfaf Sprlnldera I ,-Ti-::ec::--h_n .... 1ca_1,_0 .... _a_ta~.;-,----.-,,;-~--Jw--11_1 -, -.. ---,, ~°C'l:'m .~ Plata Flnlahu I,.. -::----,.,.,---+-/-~-~--.-= ...... /-::::-1\..-•_·__,,·;_ .... __ :,._----4t~--;.,-............. : ::u,:,,~Va,m = Plllild ,---------~------.... RY~~~ :mi!~r::!:'tfWatlN UU Guldt Number lJwilllcMl,po• ¥,;~ YKKW paill'1pllcinbt •ji. ii;!' • f§i!J! • ;yr .. !l.!!!!l!l!l!!!!I •"==-='.a-. '------------ ----,en lnstaJlatlon Data N'MQ.UD..r•••---ll'MV.1:111..iUlll•tal ..... ...... lllnhunt . . -.... -. OIIII ....... a-. ,. ...... ,-c, .... l!la T ..... .... lllllf ..... ..... ........ .... ,.... ... . ...... ... ... w ~ "' "' ..... M .... ... ..... ... .... ... 1h11 I 11 &O I Cl 11 u 1GI f.l ~ M•M , 11 u 10 u 11 u 1GI 7.1 -/u ••• • • Ml 11 u • Ml • .. ••• • • .. 11 t1.1 • .. 11 11,t mxm 10 fl m M 111 • N M .. -n• ID ------·----~-__ .. _.. .. ...._dQCWw•.,.,..• ......... ,...., ... ,..,......,_...,..,.... .. :r.,_,10,__.., • ....,.., ..... ,.. ..... ~....,-.....- '-cl flliUlllld._, Mlnuliandby ,.. ...... ~ ........ CD. ... e • ,.,. bnli: •bid SGt-1181 Ml()jlge 14M05t ........ ........ 70 -=-.-.= ~--hblt ..... _ ... ,., ____ ... _.. • ==Types I eonventknll Vertlcal Sidewall Horizontal Sidewall I -HSW 1 Deflector Model F1FR Recessed Sprfnkfer Types Recessed Pendent Recessed Horizontal Sidewall -HSW1 Oeflectcr • Product Description . Reliable Models F1FR and F1FR Recessed Sprinklers are quick response sprfnklera which combine lhe cua- bDity of a standard sprlnklerwfth the allractiYe low profile of a decorative sprinkler. The Models F1FR and F1FR Recessed automatic sprinklers utilize a 3.<mn frangible glass bub. These sprinklers have demoostrated response times In labora- tory tests \t811ch 81'8 five to ten times faster than standard response sprinlclets. 1hls quick respa,se enables the • Model F1FR and F1FR Recessed sprinklers to.wa- ter to a fire much faster than standard sp,lnlde,8 of the same temperature rating. The glass bulb consists of an acantely controlled amcu,t of speclal fluid hermetlcally sealed Inside a pre- cisely manufaclured glass capsule. This glass bulb Is speclally constructed to pfOYlde fast lhermal response. The balance of parls are made of brass, copper and be- ryllm nickel. • At normal temperatures, the glass bulb contarns the fluid In bolt'I Iha Uquld and vapor pha.,es. 1he vapor phase can be seen as asmall bubble. Aa heat Is applied, lhe riquid expands, forcing the bubble smaller and smaller as the Dquld pressure Increases. ContnJed heating fo,ces lhe lquld to push cut against the bulb, causing the glass to shatter~ openng the W8tlJIWfl/ and allowing lhe deflector to distribute 1he discharging water. The terJ1)8r8ture rating of Iha sprinkler Is Jdentffled by the color of lhe glass blib . Model F1FR Model F1 FR Recessed Quick Response Sprln~ers Verllcll Sldtiwall Horizontal Sldawal HSW 1 Dellaclor • ~ RacessedFandent Application _ • Quick response sprinklers are used in fixed fire protec- tion systems: Wet.· Dry,_ Oeluga a Preaction. Care must be exercised lhat 1he orifice slze. ~ rating, de- . fteclor style and sprinkler type are In acc:ori:lance wffh the latest published standards of Iha National Rre Protectial • • Association a the apJ)ll:Nlng BUlhorilv having ;.irlsdiction. Quick response sprinklers are Intended for installation as specified In NFPA 13. Quick response sprinklers and standard response sprinklers should not be intermixed. TheRelfableAuJomaUcSprlnlcler~lnc.525NathMacauesten Parkway, Mount Verna,, New York 10.5.52 I I Model F1 FR Quick ResP.onse Upright, Pendent & Conventional Sprinklers lnatallatl~ Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench r------. Installation Data: . "K" FICtor -r::r Appl-DWI lllfflllllw Tne UI llletrlo -· ona &T1~ffla. '==(SSP) X'"(1Smm) StandlrdOrlllcewllhw.NPT;Ttnad 5.82 81.0 U' 1.2,3,4,U,7,8 N (2Cmm) u,geOrlllce WllhiiQ, N'T( ThrNd 8.0 115.3 u 1,2,3,4.7,8 ~ Smal Orlllca~NPT Ttnad 4.24 81.0 2.54" 1,2,8 Smel Orlftcewllb NPT (FU9 Thnlld cu 2.112 40.8 2.54" 1,2,8 10mm 0rfflce XI.H RM".'lhraad 4.10 59.1 56.1nm 4,6,7 ~ In Up,lghl 0, Pendent Pollllon i 10mm 0flflce XLH wllh RK~tad 4.10 59.1 58.1nm -15mm Standard Orlllce=v: NPT (A)91hread S.62 81.o 58.tnvn 4,8,7 20'nffl large 0lfflce I NPf (AK) ThrNd 8.0 115.3 58.4mm 4,7 11, ldenllfled by a plnlle 8lClandlng beyond lhe dallector. Model F1FR Quick Res~nse Recessed Pendent Sprinkler lnstallatlon Wrench: Model RC1 Sprinkler Wrench • Installation Data: Nomlnal Tluucl •IC" Factor ·r::: a=. OrlftGe Size us ...., .. }1{'(15nvn) JrNPT(RX) 5.82 81.0 2.2" (58.1nm) 1,2.3.4,5,7,8 '¼t(20rnm) ""NPT(~) 8.0 115.3 u 1,2,3,4,7,8 ""''' JrNPT 4.24 61.0 2.54• 1.2.8 K"") ,ri,pr 2.82 40.8 2.s◄-' 1,2,8 10nvn RK 4.10 59.1 •. 58.1mm 4,7 It) ldantllled by a plnlle 8ICl8ndlng beyond the dallector. 12' Refer to esculchean data table for approvalt and dmanalonl. Model F1 FR Quick ResP.onse Vertical Sidewall Sprinkler Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench • Installation Position: Upright or Pendent Approval Type: Light Hazard Occupancy Installation Data: Nominal ThrNd •K" Factor ·=r Appl-DWI Orifice Siu us lletrfc Orpntullona }1{'(15nvn) JrNPT(RX) 5,62 81.0 2.2" (58.1nm) 1,2.3.4!1) .&.8,8 111LPC Appfr:Nf/111 Pandenl orq. Model F1FR Quick Response Horizontal Sidewall Sprlnkler Deflector: HSW 1 Installation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench lnstallatlon Data: Upright ·Pendent Upright <11 Conventional • =c:r-= "IC" Factor Nomlnal Tllread 8L':~-~,:d ,::r Orlftce SID us Metrlo • Ya J(NPT 5.62 81.0 2.63"'. 1,2.3.S,8 1,2,5.8 ·Model F1 FR &· F1 FR Recessed Quick Response Sprinklers .lnstalladon Quick response SPririders are Intended for lnsfalfatfoo as speclfled In NR>A 13. Quick rasponse sprfnklers and standard response sprfnklera should not be lrtennfxed, 1he Mod8I F1FA Recessed Quick Response Sprfn- klens are to be Installed as shown. The Model F1 orF2 Ea- cutcheonS lblratsd are theonlv recessed escucheons to be used wilb the Model F1ffl Spr'lllldera. The use cl en/_ other recessed escutcheon will veld ii approvals anc:t negate al warranties. • When Installing Model F1FA Sprfnkln use lhe Model D ~ Wrench. When 1nsta1i1g Model F1FA Re- cessed Sldewall Sprinklers use the Model GFR1 Sp,fn- lder Wrench. Use the Model RC1 Wrench for lnstaflfng F1FR Recessed Pendent Sprfnldera. Alf'/ other type c:l wrench may damage these sprinklers. • .. : · Maintenance • • TI1e Models F1FR and F1FR Recessed Sprinklers -~: -=~~~~~a: sprinklers wllh soap and water, ammoola or arr, other clerilg fluids. Remove dust by~soft brush or aentle vacwnlng. Remove any v.hlch has 6een painted (other than factory or damaged In arr, wsy. A stock of spare sprlnkfe,s be maJn- talned to allow quick replacement of damaged or oper- ated sprinklers. Approval Organlzatlona 1. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 2. Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada • • 3. Factory Mutual Research Corporation 4. Loss Prevention COll1cll 5. NYC BS&A No. 587-75-SA 6. MeelS MIL-8-901C and MIL-srD 167-1 ·• 1. Verband der Schadenversicherer 8. NYC MfA 258-93-E UU Ustlng Category Sprinklers, Automatic & Open Quick Response Sprinkler UU Gulde Number VNIV I 3. Tll'l'lperalUnt Ratfnp .. ......... Cl1 • dH Oft • 0rdlnll1 &7 135 0Jdlrwy' • 1S5 lnlenneclla 71 175 ~ 113 ZX> 141 2118 11 Nalavallable farrlGNl8dapdnldn. • Sprinkler Types == Coownlknll· .. Sld6wal Ver1lcal Hcri:zDntal HSW1 FlacessedPendent Flacessed Horlzonlal Sidewall HSW1 • Standard Finishes Illa Calar . °'.:r Ylllclw GIN! .. fl1 Otlllr.,__MdCIIIDrl • ~ Olflp9Clillarder, aanut lhe flclalylar dlllll. !1J FMAflp,M II lmlad IDblaa llld blue. chrome rw bla plated llnllhllonly. Escutcheon Data .... ,_ -·· 111111111 F1 1.2,4 F2 1,2,3,4.S.7,8 Ordering lnfonnatlon ~Model 2. Sprinkler Type 3. Orifice Size 4. Oeflecta ~ 5.T~Rating 6. Sprlnkler Rish 7. Escutcheon Type -~ .... ....... " M " 1 8. Escutcheon Rnlsh (where applicable} ,..",.. -~-... ~-- K.·% K.·'X. Note: When Model F1FR Recessed sprinklers are ordered the sprinklers and escutcheons a,e packaged separately.