HomeMy WebLinkAbout5803 NEWTON DR; ; AS990135; Permit1 /22/25, 10:22 AM Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Lot#: Reference No.: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: about:blank Fees($) 416.5 AS990135 Permit Data City of Carlsbad Sprinkler Permit Permit No: AS990135 5803 NEWTON DR Status: ISSUED SPRINK Applied 12/28/1999 2121301700 Approved: 0 Issued: Inspector: INSPIRED ARTS -SUITE C 0 Owner: REAL ESTATE 3 L LC 1947 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE #104 CARLSBAD CA Total($) 416.5 Balance($) 0 1/1 Carlsbad Fire Department 990450 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Fire Prevention (760) 931-2176 Plan Review Requirements Category: Auto. Sprinkler, OH Reviewed by: Date of Report: 0111112000 ------------ Name: Shasta Southwest Address: 345 N. Market Place #B City, State: Escondido CA 92029 Plan Checker: Job #: 990450 ------- Job Name: Inspired Arts Bldg #: CB994370 ------------------ Job Address: 5803 Newton Dr Ste. or Bldg. No. C ~ Approved D Approved Subject to D Incomplete Review FD Job# ------ The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and / or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes and standards. Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject to the attached conditions. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. Please resubmit to this office the necessary plans and / or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. The item you have submitted for review is incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and / or standards. Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and/ or specifications to this office for review and approval. 1st 990450 2nd FD File# 3rd Other Agency ID SHASTA SOUTHWEST 345 North Market Place SJite B Escondido Ca 92029 Desiun Specifications DE.:•n ·::~ :S. t y Des0.i.qr, PlrE•a: 0 .. 100 1:.:iOO .. 00 12~'.! .. 00 p~;J. ;j) 1 l 5. 00 psi ;j) () .. 00 q{)ffl ll.191+ .. 00 qpm D=m-~ci= 339-1 gpm Sy=t~m =-f=ty f-=to~~ ;:=;,), ::~~ .:':·, List of Fitting Abbreviations + EJ:''7 - -cc,•;;, E!39 .. J. qprr, 100 .. 0 qpm <L::::-.r ~=; J:::Ji ~:7::.i-:i. r:-:r. "!::i :i E,-:amplr~: "E2TC" = one Std. Elbo1'>I, t1-11:, C.I. TEE , and one Code:Description Check 1/a Code:Description Code:Description A Alarm Va H Vic 45 0 B: Butt'flyVa I Vic tee p CPVC C: Check Va J: Gol 0 CPVC D DryPipeVa K Wafer chk R TEE E Std. Elbow L LongTurnEl s CPVC F 45 Elbow M T C. I. G Gate Va N u CPVC Cales By: SSW Checked:_ 90 TEE ON RUN 45 TEE COUP 6/1'7/99 Code:Description V w X Y Copper-Tee Z Cc,pper 90 ·GB-20 Large Orifice Extended Coverage light Hazard Recessed Pendent and Pendeni :.-.:;1:i•,.,:,;·;I (>;:,;;··,•,;,•, __ 0 ·• • L2 n soalr:. t J ,-: n r 1 '.; '-' 1\·'Z: n 1 ~i I S_1-r • i lJ ·~..or~,;.:,.,-, --;·"· ~_;:,,,....,:i-.,i·• ~,,;_;,:.:;.';. ;.;;,. ,·.,:.--.··"·,~.,-. •• .. ,.~,-. The Central Model GB-20 Large Orifice Recessed Pendent and Pendent Automatic Sprinkler is a low cost, aesthetically pleasing unit, specifically designed for Extended Coverage/Light Hazard applications per NFPA 13 1991 Standards. The Model GB-20 Sprinkler incor- porates a specially designed deflector that provides a much greater area of coverage than most commercial sprinklers. A 2-piece recessed escutcheon assembly that provides for¾" of field adjustment is available. The Model GB-20 has a nominal K factor of 7.8, a maximum temperature rating of 200°F/93°C, and a maximum working pressure of 175 psi. The Model GB-20 is available in three standard finishes, brass, chrome plated and white painted. Its mating escutcheon plate is available in three standard finishes, brass plated, chrome plated and white painted with additional special painted finishes available. Tech n i ca!. Data Model: GB-20 Style: Recessed Pendent and Pendent Escutcheon: Model ELO Recessed (2-piece) Note: Only the Model ELO "Recessed" (2-piece) Escutcheon may be used. Substitution of other "recessed" escutcheons may impair the operating sensitivity and distribution pattern. Wrench: Combination Wrench or GB-20 Wrench Orifice Size: 17/32" (13.5 mm) K-Factor: 7.8 (113.10) Nominal Thread Size: ¾" (19.1 mm) N.P.T. Temperature Rating: 155°F/68°C 175°F/79°C 200°F/93°C Approvals: U.L.", U.L.C., M.EA 312-92-E Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psi Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: brass, chrome plated Corrosion-Resistant Coatings: (U.L. only) white, black, off- white Escutcheon: brass plated, chrome plated, white painted Operation: The glass bulb capsule operating mechanism contains a heat-sensitive liquid that expands upon application of heat. At the rated temperature, the frangible capsule ruptures, thereby releasing the orifice seal. The sprinkler then discharges water in a pre-designed spray pattern to control or extinguish the fire. Design Requirements -Extended Coverage Applications For specific listing requirements, see the appropriate lnfonnalion contained in this brochure. Coverage Area Maximum Distance Minimum Flow Minimum Pressure (ft. X ft.) Off Wall (gpm) (psi) 16 X 16 8 feet 26 11. 1 18 X 18 9 feet 33 17.9 20x20 10 feet 40 26.3 The Model GB-20 Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers are U.L. Listed for Extended Coverage applications in Light Hazard Occupancies only. 3-11.0 136.0_ 128.0_ 120.0_ 112.(}_ ' -' 1 C•½, C·. ':~ r, iC, \_I 64.0 56.U 4B.O 40.0 - 32.0 - 24.0 - 16.0 8.0 0.0 '· f .......... 'l,'I, I ... '11.'\'1, ... I "'"'"'•"-'lt.0.·'"::'I.· I a:;--..1\-'t, ............. 'I..~-I "i.·'1,'l,'l,'1,/1.'\' ...... '\•I\, I ...... 'l,1\--\,,.,,'\l\,'\o"~'l.·'lt ...... I "w ... 'l,'v ...... 'l,A ...... 'lt ... 'lt'lr ... l 'll ...... 'lr ... 'll'l,'l,.'\'\,, ... '1,1\,_.,,'l, ... "'I\, I ........................ 'l,1'11\,'l.·'l: ..... .1'1.• ........ 'I, I I I I I I I 1 (I 1200 1800 2400 3i)(l(l ,:r c, t.::, t-..J Lt ,n b f.~· r·· = 6/:17/99 3600 4200 Pressure vs. Flow 1 r....::5 .. 00 l l ~5 a 00 o .. oo l ::~9,:t., 00 4800 540() Alternate K factor for Drops and or Arm-overs Starting K --io·' x·Z-c] 7.8 GPM Pipe Size 40 1.087 Total Length Loss Per C-Factor 120 Pt Foot psi®Head 6.5 0.394 26.298 Alternate K 7.53 Nodes Fitting Equiv. Length 4 Pf Friction Loss 2.564 Drop Length Ann-Over Length 1.5 1 Pe Total Psi Elevation =Pt+Pf-Pe 0.650 28.213 Alternate K factor for Drops and or Arm-overs I Starting K M~>~ \'8-1 Nodes 7.8 GPM Pipe Size C-Factor Fitting Equiv. Length 33 1.087 120 4 Total Length Loss Per Pt Pf Foot psic@Head Friction Loss 6.5 0.276 17.899 1.796 Alternate K 7.56 Drop Length Arm-Over Length 1..5 1 Pe Total Psi Elevation =Pt+Pf-Pe 0.650 19.046 Somm.a.ry ~f Spr~rirk1~r Job No: Design density: .1 .a.r,,d Hc•s.~ F 1 c,1,,,,115, NEWTON INDUSTRIES Supplied flow and pressure is based on 87.65 psi available at supply ( 124.36 psi is actually available) Ci..'llCL1latic,ns pE•rformed by VE•lc,city pn:,,~.;sure method r;:1:•i'·. PFiF.:Sf\URF FLOW Percent Ref. Pt;. Pt Fv Actual Minimum Excess Pt. 001 29.40 l .20 ?8.20 i.:._c_," • ••h••••• O~h -•• ••••• •••••••• Cales By: SSW Checked: ______ _ J:::· <-/ ,-, ___ f .,.,, 1 ' t; 6/17/99 F1~~ ~~d Pr~~~ur-Summ~ry Job Ne,: NEWTON INDUSTRIES Elev. REF. Flow Pt Pf Pe Pt REF. Elev. FR IC TI D N LOSS CAL CUL AT IO MS Velocity ft. POINT gp1 psi psi psi psi POINT ft. 12.00 1 12.00 l 12.00 2 12.00 2 >> 48.2 )} 32.51 -1.97 o.oo 30.54 2 << 48.2 << 32.51 1.16 -0.43 33.24 A (( 5.4 (( 30.54 0.02 0.00 30.56 3 }) 53.6 )) 30.54 -1.41 -0.43 26.69 B 57.3 ({ 30.56 2.52 0,00 33.08 ~ 12.00 13.00 12.00 13.00 ]3,00 qVJ {( 65,8 (( 29.40 22.82 0.43 52.66 b 12.00 13.00 402 (( 14.4 \\ 28.4 ➔ 0.2; 0.00 28.69 3 13.00 13.00 404 >> 27.6 >> 29.1(: -1.10 0,00 23.60 405 13.00 13.00 404 {( 67.8 (( 29,70 24.14 0.43 54.27 7 12.00 13.00 405 « 12.6 « 28.60 0.19 0.00 28.79 C 13.00 13.00 406 (( 39.3 << 27.02 1.77 0.00 28.79 C 13.00 12.00 5 (( 48.2 (( 52.3l 0.33 0.00 52.66 6 12.00 12.00 5 >> 48.2 >> 52.34 -18.66 -0.43 33.24 A 13.00 12.00 6 (( 114.0 (( 52.66 1.60 0.00 54.27 7 12.00 12.00 7 ({ 181.7 {( 54.27 4.06 0.00 58.33 8 12.00 12.00 8 (( 239.! << 58.33 22.29 -6.29 74.32 9 26.SO 12.00 8 » 57.3 >> 58.33 -23.65 -0.43 34,24 D 13.00 26.50 9 << 106.2 << 74.32 0.30 -0.22 74.41 C07 27.00 26.50 9 (( 132.8 (( 74.32 0.39 -0.22 74.50 cos 27.00 27 .00 AO! (( 14.0 « 75.06 0. 00 0.00 75.06 A02 27 .00 27.00 AO! » 14.0 >> 75.06 -0.03 -0.43 74,60 BO! 28.00 27.00 A02 « 28.! (( 75.06 0.00 (t,00 75.06 A03 27.00 27.00 A02 » 14.l >> 75.06 -0.03 -0.43 74.60 B02 28.00 27.00 A03 « 42.4 « 75.06 0,01 0.00 75.07 A04 27.00 27.00 A03 » 14.3 >> 75.06 -0.03 -0.43 74.60 803 28.00 27.00 A04 << 57.! << 75.07 0.01 0.00 75.08 A05 27.00 27.00 A04 >> 14.7 >> 75.07 -0.03 -0.43 74.60 804 28.00 27.00 A05 (( 72.4 (( 75.06 0.01 0.00 75.09 A06 27,(H) 27.00 A05 >> 15.3 >> 75.08 -0.03 -0.43 74.61 BOS 26.00 27.00 A06 (( 88. 7 « 75,09 0.02 0.00 75.11 A07 27 .00 27.00 AOb » 16.3 >> 75.09 -0.03 -0.43 74.62 806 28.00 27.00 A07 (( 106.2 << 75.l! 0.03 0.00 75.14 A08 27.00 27.00 A07 >> 17.6 >> 75.11 -0.04 -0,43 74.64 807 28.00 27.00 AOB << 122.9 << 75.14 0.04 0.00 75.18 A09 27.00 27.00 AOB >> 16.7 >> 75.14 -0.04 -0.43 74.67 B08 28.00 27.00 A09 (( 138.5 << 75.18 0.05 0.00 75.22 AlO 27.00 27.00 A09 >> 15.5 >> 75.18 -0.03 -0.43 74.71 B09 28.00 27.00 AIO << 153.3 << 75.22 0.20 0.00 75.42 A17 27.00 27.00 AlO >> 14.8 >> 75.22 -0.03 -0.43 74.76 BIO 28.00 27.00 All )) 70,1 >> 75.35 -0.01 0.00 75.34 A12 27,00 27.00 All (( es.a (( 75.35 0.07 o.oo 75.42 Al7 27.00 27,00 All >> 15,7 >> 75.35 -0,03 -0.43 74.89 Bl! 28.00 27.00 A12 >> 55.2 >> 75.34 -0.01 0.00 75.33 Al3 27.00 27.00 A12 >> 14.8 >> 75.34 -0.03 -0.43 74,88 812 28.00 27.00 A13 >> 41,0 >> 75.33 -0.00 0,00 75.33 A14 27.00 27.00 Al3 >> 14.2 >> 75.33 -0.03 -0,43 74,87 Bl3 28.00 27.00 Al4 >> 27.2 >> 75.33 -0.00 0.00 75,33 Al5 27.00 27.00 A14. » 13,B » 75.33 -0.03 -0.43 74.87 8111 28.00 27,00 A15 >> 13.6 >> 75.33 -0.00 0.00 75.33 A16 27.00 --27.00 A15 » 13;6 » 75,33 -0,03 -0.43 74.87 B15 28.00 Length Fitting Length Total Pf/ft Diam C Flow fps 18.00 T 0.75 T 15.00 0.75 T B.00 T 1(1,0(1 T 20.0(! 70.00 2T e.co r 10.00 T 15.00 101.00 2E2T 15.00 !b.00 45.00 2LT 98.00 2T 7.00 T 3.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 LO(! T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 5,00 T 1.00 T 10.00 5.00 T 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 9.02 27.02 0.073 !.650 120 6.BO 7.55 0.154 1.416 120 15,000,001 !.650 120 6.80 7.55 0.187 1.416 120 7.55 0.212 l,4Jb ]20 48.2 48.2 C-""'.· ... , .l _{': 20.00 0.043 1.416 120 25.8 12.60 83.60 0.273 1.;16 120 65,8 6.80 14.80 0.016 1.416 120 14.~ 6.80 16.80 0.105 1.416 120 39,2 20.00 0.055 1.416 120 27.6 13.60 83.60 0.289 1.416 120 67.8 6.80 14.80 0.013 1,416 120 12.6 6.80 16.80 0.105 1.416 120 39.3 15.00 0.022 2.115 120 4B.2 20.41 121.41 0.154 1.416 120 48.2 15.00 0.!07 2.115 120 114.0 16.00 0.254 2.115 120 181.7 23.00 68.00 0.328 2.227 120 239.! 13.60 111.60 0.212 1.416 !20 57.3 22.69 29.69 0.010 3.340 120 106.2 22.69 25.69 0.015 3.340 120 132,8 10.00 0.000 4.328 120 14.0 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 14.0 10.00 0.000 4.328 120 28.! 14.38 15.38 0.002 2,227 120 14.1 10.00 0.001 4.328 120 42.4 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 14.3 10.00 0.001 4.328 120 57.1 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 14.7 10.00 0.001 4.328 120 72.4 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 15.3 10.00 0.002 4.328 120 88.7 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 16.3 10.00 0.003 4.328 120 106.2 14.38 15.38 0.003 2.227 120 17.6 10.00 0.004 4,328 120 122.9 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 16.7 10.00 0.005 4.328 120 138.5 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 15.5 29.87 34.87 0.006 4.328 120 153.3 14.38 15.38 0.002 2,227 120 14.8 10.00 0.001 4.328 120 70.1 29.87 34.87 0.002 4.328 120 85.8 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 15.7 10.00 0.0014.328120 55.2 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 14.8 10.00 0.000 4.328 120 41.0 14.38 15,380.002 2,227 120 14,2 10.00 0.000 4.328 120 27.2 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 13.8 10.00 0.000 4.328 120 13.6 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 13,b 7.2 9.8 0.8 10.9 8.b 8.0 r L ._I,\.• 13.8 2.6 8.0 9.8 10.4 16,6 19.6 11.7 3.9 4.9 0.3 1.2 0.6 1.2 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.6 !. 3 1.9 1.3 2.3 1.4 2.7 I. 4 3.0 1.3 3.3 1.2 1.5 1.9 1.3 1.2 1.2 0.9 1.2 O.b 1.1 0.3 1.1 Cales By: SSW Checked: ______ _ 6/17/99 ' - F1o~,~~d Pr~=~~r~ s~mm~ry Job No: NEWTON INDUSTRIES Elev. REF. F1011 Pt Pf Pe Pt REF. Elev. FR IC TI D N LOSS CAL CUL AT IONS Velocity ft. POINT gp11 psi psi psi psi POINT ft. 27.00 Alb>> 13.6 >> 75,33 -0.03 -0.43 74.87 Bib 28.00 27.00 A17 (( 239.1 (( 75.42 0,25 0.22 75.89 TOR 26.50 28,00 BOl }} 14.0 >> 74.60 -0.19 0.00 74.41 S05 28.00 26.00 B02 >> 14.1 >> 74,60 -0.19 0.00 74.41 SH} 28.0{l 28.00 BD3 >> 1½.3 }) 74.60 -0.19 0.00 74.41 515 28.00 7~,67 7it. 71 -0.57 ... '"! !', .r, co.;,_;...__, 28.00 23.00 28.00 3.00 BOR >> 239.l >> Bb.24 -0.16-10.20 75.89 TOR 26.50 28.00 B10 >> 14.8 }) 74.76 -0.45 0.00 74.31 DlO 28.00 23.00 Fil >> 15.7 >> 74.89 -0.51 0.00 74.38 DI! 28.00 28.00 Bl2 >> 14.8 » 74.88 -0.45 0.00 N.42 Dl2 28.00 28.00 B!3 » 14.2 >> 74.87 -0.42 0.00 74.45 013 28.00 28.00 Bl4 }) 13.8 » 74.87 -0.40 0.00 74.47 D14 28.00 28.00 Bl5 >> 13.b >> 74.87 -0.39 0.00 74.48 D15 28.00 28.00 B16 }) 13.6 >> 74.87 -0.39 0.00 74.48 D16 28.00 27.00 COi >> 14,0 >> 74,59 -0.00 0.00 74,59 CO2 27.00 27,00 CO! << 14.0 << 74.59 0.03 -0.43 74.19 DOI 28,00 27.00 CO2>> 28.1 >> 74.59 -0,01 0.00 74.58 C03 27.00 27.00 CO2<< 14.1 << 74.59 0.03 -0.43 74.18 D02 28.00 27.00 C03 » 42.4 )) 74.58 -0.02 0.00 74.56 C04 27.00 27.00 C03 << 14.3 << 74.58 0.03 -0.43 74.18 003 28.00 27,00 C04 >> 57.! >> 74.56 -0.03 0.00 74.53 C05 21.00 27.00 C04 << 14.7 << 74.56 0.03 -0.43 74.16 D04 28.00 27.00 C05 » 72,4 » 74.53 27.00 cos (( 15.3 (( 74.53 27.00 C06 >> 88.7 >> 74.48 27.00 C06 << 16.3 << 74.48 27.00 C07 (( 17.6 << 74.41 27.00 cos (( 116.! (( 74.50 27.00 C(f8 « 16.7 « 74.50 27.00 C09 << 100.6 (( 74.62 27.00 C09 << 15.5 << 74.62 27.00 C!O (( 85.8 << 74.71 27.00 CIO << 14.8 << 74.71 27.00 Cl! << 70.1 << 74.78 27.00 Cl! << 15.7 << 74.78 27.00 Cl2 << 55.2 << 74.83 27.00 Cl2 << 14.8 << 74.83 27.00 Cl3 << 41.0 << 74.86 27.00 Cl3 << 14,2 (( 74.86 27.00 C14 << 27.2 << 74.88 27.00 C14 << 13.8 << 74.B8 27.00 C15 << 13.6 << 74.89 27.00 C15 << 13,6 << 74.89 27.00 C16 << 13.6 (( 74.89 28.00 DO!<< 14.0 << 74.19 28.00 D02 << 14,1 << 74,18 28.00 003 (( 14.3 (( 74.18 28.00 SOI « a~o « 74.34 -0.05 0,00 74.48 C06 27.00 0.03 -0.43 74.13 D05 28,00 -0.07 0.00 74.41 C◊7 27.00 0.03 -0.43 74.0B D06 28.00 0.04 -0.43 74.01 D07 28.00 0.12 0.00 74.62 C09 27.00 0.04 -0,43 74.lO D08 28.00 0.09 0.00 74.71 ClO 27.00 0.03 -0,43 74.22 D09 28.00 0.07 0.00 74.78 Cl! 27.00 0.03 -0.43 74.31 D!O 28.00 0.05 0.00 74.83 C12 27.00 0.03 -0.43 74.38 DI! 28,00 0.03 0.00 74.86 CJ3 27.00 0.03 -0.43 74.42 Dl2 28.00 0.02 0.00 74.88 Cl4 27.00 0.03 -0.43 74.45 013 28.00 0.01 0.00 74,89 Cl5 27.00 0.03 -0.43 74.47 Dl4 28.00 0.00 0,00 74.89 Cl6 27.00 0,03 -0.43 74,48 Dl5 28,00 0.03 -0.43 74.48 Dl6 28,00 0.15 0.00 74.34 SOI 28.00 0.16 0.00 74.34 S06 2B.00 0.16 0.00 74.34 SIi 28.00 0,02 0.00 74.36 S02 28.00 Length Fitting Length Total Pf/ft Dia1 C Flow fps 1.00 T 118.00 L 94.00 T 94.00,. 209.00 1f 209. GO . , 14.38 15.38 0,002 2.227 120 13.6 11.72 129.72 0.002 6.403 120 239.1 14.38 102.38 0.002 2,227 120 14.0 14.3B iOB.33 0.002 2.227 120 14,1 14.38 !08.38 0.002 2.227 120 14,3 ES.76 237.76 0.002 2.227 12~ 14.7 22.76 28.76 28. 76 237.76 0.002 2.227 120 237.76 0,003 2.227 120 237.76 0,002 t.227 120 237.76 0.002 2,227 !2C 16, 3 t'j ' l 1 ,b 130.00 3LT2G 120.11 250.!1 0.000 7.9SO 150 239,1 26.00 L16 209 ,◊(I T1 209.00 TT 2(19 .00 TT 209.00 TT 209.00 TT 209.00 TT 209.00 TT 10.0() 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 i 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 1 .00 T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 1.00 T 10.00 !.00 T 10.00 l.00 T J0.00 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 1.00 T 10.00 I .00 T 10.00 1,00 T 1,00 T 75.00 T 75.00 T 75.00 T 10.-00 56.00 '.:r"' ..... Li:I, lb 82.00 G.0(}2 6.4G3 i20 237.76 0.0(!2 2~227 120 28.76 237.76 0.002 2.227 120 28.76 237.76 0.002 2.227 120 28.76 237.76 0.002 2,227 120 28.76 237.76 0.002 2.227 120 28.76 237.7b 0,002 2.227 120 28.76 237.76 0.002 2.227 120 10.00 0.000 3.340 120 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 10.00 0.0013.340120 14.38 15,38 0.002 2.227 120 10.00 0.002 3.340 120 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 10.00 0.003 3.340 120 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 10.00 0.005 3.340 120 14.38 15,380.002 2.227 120 10.00 0.007 3.340 120 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 14.38 15.38 0.003 2.227 120 10.00 0.012 3.340 120 14.38 15.38 0.002 2,227 120 10.00 0.009 3.340 120 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 10.00 0.007 3.340 120 14.38 15.38 0.002 2,227 120 10,000.005 3.340 120 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 10.00 0.003 3.340 120 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 10.00 0.002 3.340 120 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 10.00 0.0013.340120 14.38 15.38 0.002 2.227 120 10.00 0.000 3.340 120 14.39 15.39 0.002 2.227 120 14.38 15.38 0.002 2,227 120 14.38 89.38 0.002 2.227 120 14.38 89.38 0.002 2,227 120 14.38 99.3B 0.002 2,227 120 10.000.002 2.227 120 239.1 14.8 15.? 14.8 14.2 13.8 13.6 13.b 14.0 14.0 28. l 14. I ~2.4 14.3 57. l 14.7 72.i\ 15.3 88.7 16.3 17.6 ! 1 b. l 16,7 100.6 15.5 85.8 14.8 70. l 15.7 55.2 14.8 41.0 14.2 27.2 13.8 13.6 13.6 13.6 14.0 14.1 14.3 14.0 !.I 2.4 l.2 1.2 1. 2 1. 3 1 r l,,.J 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2 I.I l.l I.I 0.5 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.2 2.1 1.2 2.6 I. 3 3.2 1.3 1.4 4.2 1.4 3.7 l.3 3. I 1.2 2.6 1.3 2.0 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.0 I.I 0.5 I . I 1 . I 1.2 1.2 1 .2 1.2 Cales By: SSW Checked: ______ _ 6/17/99 . -. -. ,.... . ~--..... ,,... ·' , .... F1~-~~d Pr~~~~r~ S~mm-ry Job Not NEWTON INDUSTRIES Elev. REF. Flo" Pt Pf Pe Pt REF. Elev. FR l CT ION l OS S CA l CU l AT IONS Velocity ft. POINT gp11 psi psi psi psi POINT ft. length Fitting length Total Pf/ft Dia, C Fiow fps 28.00 S02 CC 14.0 (( 74.36 28.00 S03 << 14.0 << 74.38 28.00 S04 << 14.0 << 74.39 28. 00 SOC. U l;, 1 « 74. 34 2B.OO S12 (( 74.35 0.02 0.00 74.38 S03 28.00 C,,02 o.oo 74.39 504 28.00 0.02 0.00 74.41 S05 28.00 0.02 0.00 74.36 S07 28.00 0.02 0.00 ~4.35 S12 23.00 0.02 0.00 74.37 513 28.00 0.02 0.00 7~.41 S15 28.00 10.00 10,0D 10.00 Cales By: SSW Checked: ______ _ !0.00 0.002 2.227 121'.i 10.00 0.002 2.227 120 10.00 0.002 2.227 120 14.0 14.0 14 .0 14. J ]0.00 0.002 2.227 120 14.1 10.00 0.002 2,227 120 10.00 0,002 2.227 120 10.00 0.002 2.227 120 14. 3 10.00 0.0)2 2.227 120 10.00 0.002 2.227 120 6/17/99 l.2 i.2 l.2 1.2 L2 l :_ • • L i .2 : , 2 Flo11 Diagra1 fD! NEWTON INDUSTRIES • C0l((((00l((((S01(((CSD2C((CS03((C(S04(CCCS05C((((((C((((((CC((((((((CC{(((((((((((((((((C(C((C(((CC(C((((((C(C(BOIC((CAOI 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.(J 14.0 14.0 V 14,0 -'., - 28.1 28.i V 42.4 V CD4CC<<D04CC<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CC<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CC(CCB04CCC(AD4 14.7 V 57. l 14.7 14.7 57. I V C05<<<<D05CC(C<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CC(C(CC<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<((CC<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<B05<<<<A05 15.3 15.3 15.3 V 72.4 V 72.4 C06< < < CD06< « < < C < < < < < < < « < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < C < < ( < < < < < < < < « < < < < < < < < < < < (( < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < « (C < < < ( < < < < < < < « < < < < < <B06< CC</\06 16.3 \' 86.7 V !6.3 16.3 88.7 C07( ( < (D07( << C (( ( (( < < < (( < (( C ( < ((( < < < (( « < < C < (( < ((<CC<< < ( C ( ( ( ( (( ( ( < < < < C < C < C < < << < < << C < < <<< < < ( C ( < « < < « C < ( < << ( ( < < < (B07< < < (i\07 17.6 17.6 106.2 CD8((((008(((((((C((C(((((((((CC(((((((((((((C((C((((((((C((((((((((((((((((((((<<<<<<<<<<<<C(((((((((((((((((((B08(<<<A08 16.7 16.7 16.7 11 b. I 122.9 C0'1C<C(D09(((((C((((C((((((((C(<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CB0'1((((A09 15.5 15.5 15.5 100.b 138.5 CIO<<<<DIO<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<BIO((<<AIO 14.8 14.8 14.8 A 153,3 Al7=== A 85.8 A I ', Flow Diagra1 for NEWTON INDUSTRIES C11((((Dll((((((CC((C(((C(C(C(((((C(CCCC(((((((C((CC(CCCC((((((((((CC(((C(((((C(C(C(((CCC(((((C(((((((((C((CCCC(Bl1C(C(A11 15.7 15.7 15.7 V 70.1 70 .1 V !4.2 14.2 14.2 V 41. 0 ~l.O V Cl4((((D14<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<B14<<<<A14 13.8 2i.2 13.8 13.8 V 27.2 V Cl5CCCCD!5CCCC<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CC<CCCCC((C(CC<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CCCC(CC(((C(Bl5CCCCA15 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 V 13.6 " Cl6(C(CD16<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<B16((C(A16 13.b 13.6 13.6 Path Summary Printc,ut for NEWTON INDUSTRIES Job No: 6/17/99 System: P-th No:1 R~mot~ to S~pp1y Principal path Feeds Path:2 at Pt:A02, Path:3 at Pt:A03, Path:4 at Pt:A17 Drawing: -----------------------------=-----===------================================================================================== Ref Elev. Pressure (psi) K Flow (gpm) Velc,c Diam. Actual Fitting Fittir,g fotal Frict.Lc,ss Elev. Loss Next Ref Pt. ft. Pt Pv Pn Faclc,r Added fotal fp,. in. Length Sug,rnary Length Length per. ft fotal Psi Ht.) Press PL --------------------------------------------=-=-=----------==-================================================================ r-·,1 2:. (<· '"':.:, ~-7 ! ... 57 '' •c -:-.. :,--: -;,_,l_'i /'],·. . ' ; -.. '_,., ;_,•,: D01 28. \)(, /4 .19 7;, 19 1 ~. (! i ,~ 2.227 75.1)(; ;, 1 .. } SO! 28 • {l◊ .... _. ,.,r 74. 31t 1 ~. (} ! I I:" 2.227 10.00 /'i.,::.➔ .i,.i.J S02 28.0() 74 .3.S ;;.3t, 14. C· • IC 2.227 10,00 j ,ia,...I S03 28.00 '1' "'r"! 1-t,,:id ..,,. ,..,, ... 1"1,.JC-!4.0 1.15 ~ ~'.J" ... • ..... I !O.Ot S04 28.(;0 74.3'1 74.39 14 ,{i 1. 15 2.227 10.00 sos 28.00 74.41 74.41 14. 0 • t ~ 1, i J 2.227 94.00 BO! 28.00 74.60 74.60 14.0 I. !5 2.227 1.00 AO! 27.00 75.06 75.06 14, (l 0.31 4.328 10. (i(i A02 27.00 75.06 75,06 14.1 28. l 0.61 4.328 10.00 il03 27.00 75.06 75.06 14.3 42.4 0.92 4.328 10. 00 A04 27.00 75.07 75.07 14.7 57 .1 1.24 4.328 10.00 AOS 27.00 75.08 75.(18 15,3 72.4 1.57 4.328 10.00 AOb 27.00 75.09 75.09 16.3 88.7 1.93 4.328 10.00 A07 27.00 75.11 75.11 17.6 106.2 2.31 4.328 10.00 AOB 27.00 75.14 75.14 16.7 122.9 2.67 4.328 10.00 A09 27.00 75. 18 75.18 15.5 138.5 3.01 4.328 10.00 AlO 27.00 75.22 75.22 14.8 153.3 3.33 4.328 5.00 A17 27.00 75.42 75.42 / S5.8 239. I 2.38 6.403 118.00 TOR 26.50 75.89 75.89 239.1 2.38 6.403 26.00 BOR 3.00 86.24 86.24 239.1 1.53 7.980 130.0(1 SOR 87.65 I\A,-..AAA ·"'"·"'"··"- P-th No:2 G~~d L~~- Fed by path N~.1 \C= 120) ' .: r:-1~ .,,., r, .-, ,.. ;~). (13 -,q, .,-' ~ _,.,:.:::: ~-' ;.".·: .. T 14. 3t: 2·7, 38 0. i)02 o. !5 7~.34 S01 I 10.00 0.002 l),l~)C:. 74.36 S02 1(.GO e.002 O.G2 74.28 S03 10.00 (l,()02 0,(!2 74.39 S04 ii), (ii) (i.002 0.02 7; I 41 505 T 14.38 108.38 0.002 0.19 74.60 BOl T !4.3S 15.38 0.002 0.03 (l.43 ( 1.00 )75.06 AO! J0.00 0.000 0.00 75.06 /l02 10.00 0.000 o.oo 75.06 A03 10.00 0.001 0.01 75.07 l\04 10.00 (l,001 0.01 75.08 A05 10.00 0.001 0.01 75.09 A06 10.00 0.002 0.02 75.11 A07 10.00 0.003 0.03 75.14 A08 10.00 0.004 0.04 75.18 A09 10,00 0.005 0.05 75.22 AlO T 29.87 34.87 0.006 0.20 75.42 Al? L 11. 72 129.72 0.002 0.25 0.22 ( 0.50 175.89 TOR LT6 56.00 82.0(1 0.002 o. 16 10.20 (23.50 )86.24 BOP. (C=lSO) 3LT26 120.li 250.ll 0.000 0.11 1.30 ( 3.00 )87.65 SOR ====-----======---=--------============--=---==============-============-===--=-==========-===================-----==========- Ref Elev. Pt, ft. Pressure ipsil K Flow Pt Pv Pn Factc,r Added CO2 27.00 74.59 74.59 D02 28.00 74.18 74.18 S06 28.00 74.34 74.34 S07 28.00 74.36 74.36 SOB 28.00 74.38 74.38 509 28.00 74.39 74.39 S10 28.00 74.41 74.41 B02 28.00 74.60 74.60 A02 27.00 75.06 Alt.AAA igpr,i Ye!~c liiu. Actual Fitting Fitting fotal Frid.Loss Elev. Lc,ss Next Ref Total fps in. Length Summary Length Length per.ft Total Psi ift.) Press Pt. !C=1201 14.1 !.lb 2.227 1.00 T 14.38 15.38 0.002 0.03 -0.43 (-1.00 )74.18 D02 14.l 1.ib 2.227 75.00 T 14.38 89.38 0.002 0.16 74.34 SOb 14. I 1. lb 2.227 10.00 10.00 0.002 0.02 74.36 S07 14. l 1. 16 2,227 10.00 10.00 0.002 0.02 74.38 SOB 14.1 1. lb 2.227 10.00 10.00 0.002 0.02 74.39 S09 14.1 1.16 2.227 10.00 10.00 0.002 0.02 74.41 SlO 14. l 1. 16 2.227 94.00 T 14.38 108.38 0.002 0.19 74.60 802 14.1 1.16 2.227 1.00 T 14.38 15.38 0.002 0.03 0.43 ( 1,00 )75.0b A02 Alt.AAA,. Cales By:SSW Checked By:_______ , ,..... __ ...... ,... ...... ,....e-.. •.• ''··-·-•-·-•-"'-r-•--·-·-·-•-•,..• ...... ,. r-.•-,-.,.,,-~, n,-.r:-.;,-,-.-. r.!v--,-.,,,-. 1-.::.1c:;, ___ ~~....,_.--,r,.t...r, Path Summary Printout for NEWTON INDUSTRIES Jc,b No: • 6/17/99 System: Drawing: P-t~ N~:3 Gr~ci L~~- Fed by path No.I ================================================================================================------------------------------ Rtf Elev. Pressure lpsil K Flow 1gpm) Veloc Dia1. Actual Fitting Fitting Total Friel.Loss El1v. Loss Next Ref Pt. ft. Pt Pv Pn Factor Added Total fps in. Length Suimary Length Length per.ft T~tal Psi (ft.} Press Pt. .... -. ~. ,.._,., .· ,. .., ' . , VUJ ('.j,i):) !4,lt- S12 28.00 74.35 S13 2B.OO 74.37 E03 28.00 74.60 A03 27.00 75.06 F· -c:,, ·t f-, Fed by path No.l ?4. :37' 74,4} 74, b(l g·,,,, c, - Feeds Path:9 at Pt:9 i.~-1-· ,_, '] J. y ..... f--=-· •=• ,-··· 1. 17 2,227 ; '': ... , ,..,,..,,., i, ii C, CL< • l': '";· 'l'":': i, l.: C, CC i 1.17 2. 227 1.17 2.227 1.17 2,227 94.00 T 1.17 2.227 1.00 T 1''1.,c;,. :it . . --,. 1~.38 10.00 0.002 u.vc 10.00 0.002 0.02 10.00 0.002 0.02 i½,:: ,i S13 7~.41 Sl5 15.38 0.002 0,03 0.43 ( 1.00 175.06 A03 ==========================-=---=======================================================================================-======= Ref Elev. Pressure (psi) K Flow (gpm) V1lc,c Diam. Actual Fitting Fitting fotai Fri ct.Loss Elev. Loss Next Ref Pt. ft. Pt Pv Pn Factor Added Total fps in. Length Sumsary Length Length per.ft Total P5i ift.i Press Pt. ---------------------=-===-------=-=-================================================================================-======== iC=l201 CO! 27.00 74.59 74.59 -H.O (l.51 3.340 10.00 10.00 0,00(1 -0.00 74.59 CO2 CO2 27.00 74.59 74.59 -14.1 -28. I 1.03 3.340 10.00 10.00 0.001 -0.01 74.58 C03 C03 27.00 74.58 74.58 -14.3 -42.4 l.55 3,340 10.00 10.00 0.002 -0.02 74.56 C04 C04 27.00 74.56 74.56 -14.7 -57.1 2.,)9 3.340 10.00 10.00 0.003 -0.03 7~.53 cos C05 27.00 74.53 74.53 -15.3 -72.4 2.64 3.340 10.00 10.00 o.oos -0.05 74.48 C06 C06 27.00 74.48 74.48 -16.3 -88.7 3.24 3.340 10.00 10.00 0.007 -0.07 74.41 C07 C07 27.00 74.41 74.41 -17.6 -106.2 3.86 3.340 7.00 T 22.69 29.69 0.010 -0.30 0.22 i 0.50 )74.32 9 9 26.50 74.32 74.32 239.1 132.8 4.85 3.340 3.00 T 22.69 25.69 0.015 0.39 -0.22 (-0.50 )74.50 COB COB 27.00 74.50 74.50 -16.7 116.1 4.24 3.340 10.00 10.00 0.012 0.12 74.62 C09 C09 27.00 74.62 74.62 -15.5 100.6 3.67 3.340 10.00 !0.00 0.009 0.09 74.7! Cl(} ClO 27.00 74.71 74.71 -14.8 85.8 3.13 3.340 10.00 10.00 0.007 0.07 74.78 Cl l CJ! 27.00 74.78 74.78 -15.7 70. I 2.56 3.340 10.00 10.00 0.005 0.05 74.83 Cl2 Cl2 27.00 74.83 74.83 -14.8 55.2 2.02 3.340 10.00 10.00 0.003 0.03 74.86 Cl3 C!3 27.00 74.86 74.86 -14.2 41.0 1.50 3.340 10.00 10.00 0.002 0.02 74.88 Cl4 Cl4 27.00 74,88 74.88 -13.8 27.2 0.99 3.340 10.00 10.00 0.001 0.01 74.89 Cl5 C!5 27.00 74.89 74.89 -13.6 13.6 0.50 3.340 10.00 10.00 0.000 0.00 74,89 Cl6 C16 27.00 74.89 74.89 13.6 1.12 2.227 1.00 T 14.38 15.38 0.002 0.03 -0.43 1-1.00 )74.48 Dlb Dl6 28.00 74.48 74.48 13.6 1.12 2.227 209.00 TT 28.76 237.76 0.002 0.39 74.87 B16 816 28.00 74.87 74.87 13.6 I. 12 2.227 1.00 T 14.38 15.38 0.002 0.03 0.43 < 1.00 )75.33 Mb Alb 27.00 75.33 75.33 13.6 0.30 lt.328 10.00 10.00 0.000 0.00 75.33 Al5 A15 27.00 75.33 75.33 13.6 27.2 0.59 4.328 10.00 10.00 0.000 0.00 75.33 Al4 1114 27.00 75.33 75.33 13.B 41.0 0.89 4.328 10.00 10.00 0.000 o.oo 75.33 Al3 1113 27.00 75.33 75.33 llt.2 55.2 1.20 4.32B 10.00 10.00 0.001 0.01 75.34 1112 A12 27.00 75.34 75.34 llt.B 70.1 1.52 4.32B 10.00 10.00 0.001 0.01 75.35 1111 All 27.00 75.35 75.35 15.7 es.a 1.87 4.328 5,00 T 29.87 34.87 0.002 0.07 75.42 1117 1117 27.00 75.42 A.AAA.AA AAAAA Cales By:SSW Checked By: ______ _ ' ~ ~ Path Summary Printeiut fc,r NEWTON INDUSTRIES J'c,b -Nc,:,":'.:·r·". 6/17/99 .,;.;,~ ,·system: • • nr·awi ng: F·a.th f"-fc:• = 5 Grid Fed by path No. 7 ---------------------------------------------------===--=====-=========================================--=--===------------=-- R;,f Elev. Pt. ft. Pressure (psi) K Flow Pt P; Pn Fodor Added If:: ... c::::j_ ··Ye. H --h Fed bv path No.8 1gpm} UelDc Diam. Actual Fitting Fitting Total Friel.Loss Elev. Loss Next Ref Total fp5. in. Length Summary Length Length per. ft TDtal Psi ift..) Press Pt. ... ,. ,--.. \.. \C=120} 1. 76 =====------=------------------------------------------------=-----==---====-======---======-============--=====----===---====- Ref Elev. Pt. ft. Pressure !psi) K Flow Pt Pv Pn Factor Added lqp~I Yeloc Diam. Actual Fitting Fitting TDlal Friel.Loss Elev. Loss Next Ref Total fps in. Length Summary Length Length per.ft Total Psi (ft.) Press Pt. 406 13.00 27.02 C 13.00 28,79 27.02 7.56 39.3 39.3 7.98 1.416 10.00 T (C=120l 6.80 16.80 0.105 1.77 28,7'1 C P ..a -t; &·-,, f'~I C• ::: ";l' Fed by path No.9 Feeds Path:5 at Pt:B =====-======-=-====--=====--============-========================================:========================-====----===----=-=- Ref Elev. Pt. fl. Pressure (psi) K FloN Pt Fv Pn Factor Added B 13.00 28.69 28.69 (gpml Veloc Diam. kttual Fitting Fitting Total Friel.Loss Elev. Loss Ne,t Ref Total fps in. Length Su1111ary Length Length per.ft Total Psi ift.) Press Pt. -14.4 2.92 l.416 8.00 T 6.80 (C=120l 14.80 0.016 -0.24 28,44 402 402 13.00 28.44 28.44 7.53 40.2 25.8 5.24 J.416 20.00 20.00 0.048 0.96 29,40 401 401 13.00 29.40 1.20 28.20 7.53 b 12.00 52.66 P-2-lf. -t; t, t',lc• : B Fed by path No.9 Feeds Path:6 at Pt:C 40.0 65.8 13.36 1.416 70.00 2T 13.60 83.60 0.273 22.82 0.43 ( LOO 152.66 b Ref Elev. Pt. ft. Pressure (psil K Flow Pt Pv Pn Factor Added (gpal Veloc Diam. Actual Fitting Fitting Total Frict.Loss Elev. Loss Next Ref Total fps in. Length Sumaary Length Length per.ft Total Psi (ft.I Press Pt. ============================================================================================================================= (C=120l C 13.00 28.79 28.79 -12.6 2.57 l.416 8.00 T 6.80 14.80 0.013 -0.19 28.60 405 405 13.00 28.60 28.60 7.53 40.3 27.6 5.62 1,416 20.00 20.00 0.055 1.10 29.70 404 404 13.00 29.70 1.28 28.42 7.53 lt0.1 67.8 13.77 1.416 70.00 2T 13.60 83.60 0.289 24.14 0.43 ( 1.00 )54.27 7 7 12.00 54.27 /\A/\#1,AA AAAAA Cales By:SSW Checked By: ______ _ I \ Path Summary Printout for NEWTON INDUSTRIES Job No: 6/17/99 System: Drawing: F•-2,,. th l""lc:• : ..:;..;:,, Frd by path tlo.4 Fe!ds Path:7 at Pt:6 , Path:B at Pt:7 , Path:ll at Pt:8 =====================================================-=-=---=====================---------------=-=-----------------------=-== Ref Elev. Pressure lpsil K FlDw (gpm} Vel&c Diam. Actu2I Fitting Fitting Total Frict.Loss Pt Pv __ ; _________________________________________________________________ -----------------------------------------------~-----=--------- ,..-,,-, c:-..:-·-;, -_, ;5.00 0.022 0,33 12,i/.' 52.66 65.8 114.0 10.35 2.115 ]5.00 15.0G ).107 i .60 16.00 0.254 4.06 67.8 181.7 16.55 2.115 ]6,00 58.33 b t, 12.00 58.33 57.3 239.1 19.64 2.227 45.00 2L1 23.00 68.00 0.328 22.29 -6.29 (-1~.5 }?;,32 q "./ 26.50 74.32 F"" .,,,.c:;, ·t t---. t•·.J C• :;;: l. Ci Fed by path No.II ===============================================================================================-=============-=--------------- Ref Eiev. Pt. ft. Pressure (psi) K Flow Pt Pv Pr, Factor Added 3 i3.(!0 28.79 12.00 30.56 2B.79 F· ,::;; ·-t; t, f'·,1 C:• -l. :I .. Fed by path No.9 Feeds Path:10 at Pt:3 Ref Elev. Pt. ft. Pressure lpsil K Flow Pt Pv Pn Factor Added 2 12.00 30.54 30.54 3 12.00 30.56 30.56 51.9 4 12.00 33.08 33.06 D 13.00 34.24 34.24 8 12.00 58.33 f\A/1.,._A (gpfll Velor Diam. Actual Fitting Fitting Total Frid.Loss Elev. Lc,ss Ne;:t Ref Total fps in. Length Sueaary Length Length per.ft Total Psi (ft.I Press Pt. iC=l20l 51.9 i0.55 1.416 0.75 T 6.80 7.55 0.176 1.33 0.43 I I.DO 130.56 3 lgpal Velor Dia~. Actual Fitting Fitting Tc,tal Frirt.Lnss Elev. Loss Next Ref Total fps in. Length Sumaary Length Length per. ft fotal Psi (fi,) P;es" PL iC=120l 5.4 0.81 1.650 15.00 15.00 0.001 0.02 30.56 3 57.3 8.58 1.650 16.00 T 9.02 25.02 o. 101 2.52 33.08 4 57.3 11.65 1.416 0.75 T 6.80 7.55 0 . .212 1.60 -0.43 !-1.00 )34.24 D 57.3 11.65 1.416 9B.00 2T 13.60 111.60 0.212 23.65 0.43 ( 1.00 )58.33 8 AAAA.".A Cales By:SSW Checked By: ______ _ ...... , -··. Y"\ _., I ~ .f r.:-., ,-, ,-~ r-., , ••• , _.-. , ,-,